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4/26/22, 10:59 AM SIS 2.

2020/12/03 Service Brake Accumulator Is Frequently Charging (M0122672-00)

SMCS - 4263 i07757048 

Personal injury or death can result from sudden machine


Sudden movement of the machine or release of air pressure or

oil pressure can cause injury to persons on or near the machine.

To help prevent possible injury before testing and adjusting any

air system or hydraulic system, perform the procedure in the
Testing and Adjusting, "General Information" section.

Do not check for leaks with your hands. Pin hole (very small)
leaks can result in a high velocity oil stream that will be invisible
close to the hose. This oil can penetrate the skin and cause
personal injury. Use cardboard or paper to locate pin hole leaks.

Care must be taken to ensure that fluids are contained during
performance of inspection, maintenance, testing, adjusting, and
repair of the product. Be prepared to collect the fluid with
suitable containers before opening any compartment or
disassembling any component containing fluids.

Refer to Special Publication, PERJ1017, "Dealer Service Tool

Catalog" for tools and supplies suitable to collect and contain
fluids on Cat® products.

Dispose of all fluids according to local regulations and


Troubleshooting The Accumulator


Illustration 1 g03485153

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® ®
Typical Cat Electronic Technician (Cat ET) data log

(A) Time between charges is the time from cut out pressure (3) to cut in pressure (1), usually 25 to 45 seconds

(1) Cut-In Pressure of 14479 kPa (2100 psi) is the minimum accumulator pressure while the system is cycling

(2) Stand by Pressure of 1034 kPa (150 psi) is the lowest pressure that the pump will produce during the cycle

(B) Charge time is the time the pump is charging the accumulator, typically less than 10 seconds

(3) Cut-Out Pressure of 20684 kPa (3000 psi) is the maximum accumulator pressure while the system
is cycling
The information in Illustration (1) is a data trace from a Cat® Electronic Technician (Cat® ET) data log. The data trace includes service brake
accumulator pressure, secondary brake accumulator pressure, and brake pump pressure. The combined information is a typical brake charge
cycle. The terminology in the caption helps diagnose brake system issues.

Using Cat® ET

Illustration 2 g02327913
Parameter setting screen in Cat® ET

1. Install Cat® ET to the machine. Select the following channels to record data on:

Brake pump pressure

Secondary brake accumulator pressure

Service brake accumulator pressure

2. Take a Cat® ET data log file of the system. Sample the system at 240 samples per minute.

3. Start the machine. Run the machine at LOW idle and record data for 5 minutes.

4. Open the data log file and select the channels. Select the "OK" button.

Illustration 3 g06462629
Typical view
A Cat® ET data
log file

5. Click the settings button (4) in the lower left-hand corner.

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Illustration 4 g06462631
A view of the setting using the data log viewer

6. Type zeros in the "Y min" column (5). Type 3200.00 in the "Y max" column (6). Select "OK" button (7).

Symptom/Fault Code: Frequent Brake Charging for the Parking and Secondary
Brake Accumulators
Problem: Time From Cutout to Cut-in Shorter Than Normal (Less Than 60 Seconds). Measured With Machine in Park
and without the Application of the Retarder or Service Brakes With Machine at Operating Temperature. 

Possible Non-
Component Component How to Diagnose  Corrective Action 
Root Causes  Root Causes 
Service with new diverter valve for
Diverter Valve for Apply and release the parking brake. Brake pressure should be
the parking and secondary brake.

the Parking and Contamination  within tolerance. If the pressure is unstable, ensure that the
Make sure that oil is ISO 18/15 or

Secondary Brake  system cleanliness is ISO 18/15 or better. 

Service with new parking brake
Apply and release the parking brake. Brake pressure should be
Parking Brake solenoid valve.

Contamination  within tolerance. If the pressure is unstable, ensure that the

is ISO 18/15 or
Solenoid Valve  Make sure that oil
system cleanliness is ISO 18/15 or better. 
Service with new solenoid valve for
Solenoid Valve for
Check to see if both primary and secondary accumulator purging the brake accumulators.

Purging the Brake Contamination 

pressures are dropping rapidly.  Make sure that oil is ISO 18/15 or

If pressure is high, replace defective
parking brake solenoid valve or
diverter valve for the parking and
Brake Pack (Seal Apply parking brake and measure the pressure at the brake secondary brake.


Damage)  packs. All four pressures should be within tolerance.  Replace if one or more brake packs
are significantly lower than the

for seal damage. 
Check to see if the AETA self test is working properly. Ensure that
Service with new TCS/AETA valve.

the left and right rear parking brake pressure increases and
TCS/AETA Valve  Contamination  Make sure that oil is ISO 18/15 or

decreases smoothly. If one side does not cycle, then inspect and
repair the AETA valve. 
Service with new check valve
Check Valve
Clean around the check valve.
(parking brake accumulator).

(Parking Brake Contamination 

Remove and inspect for damage.  Make sure that oil is ISO 18/15
Tow Motor Check The pressure at the hoist pilot pressure tap will be equal to
Contamination  Replace Check Valve. 
Valve Stuck Open  secondary Accumulator pressure. 
Service Brake
Low pre-charge or
Accumulator or Measure the pre-charge.
If pre-charge does not hold a
oil on gas side of

Parking Brake Watch to see which accumulator is cycling rapidly.  charge, replace the accumulator. 

Table 1

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Symptom/Fault Code: Frequent Brake Charging for the Service Brake Accumulator
EID 1443 (2)

Illustration 5 g02328135
A Cat® ET data log file showing poor time between charges.
(C) 3 seconds between charges

Illustration 6 g02328157
A Cat® ET data log file showing good time between charges.
(D) 38 seconds between charges

Illustration 7 g06462635
(8) Secondary pressure does not fall off
Look at the data trace shown in Illustration 7 to determine which system the leakage is coming from. Illustration 7 shows that the leak is
somewhere in the service brake side of the system. The secondary pressure does not fall off and primary is the one triggering cut in. Look for leaks
in the primary accumulator side of the system.

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Problem: EID 1443 Time From Cutout to Cut-in is Shorter Than Normal (Less Than 25 Seconds). Measured With
Machine in Park Without the Application of Retarder or Service Brakes With Machine at Operating Temperature. 

Component Root How to Diagnose  Corrective Action 
Diverter Valve (Front Apply retarder and service brakes independently, measure that Service with kit for diverter
Service Brake) (Seal pressure at the brake packs, all four pressures should be within valve (service brakes).

Damage or Stuck tolerance. Pressure should fall to less than 103 kPa (15 psi). If Make sure that oil is ISO 18/15
Open)  pressure does not fall, then the valve may be stuck open.  or better. 
Solenoid Valve (Front Apply retarder and service brakes independently, measure that Service with new ARC solenoid
Automatic Retarder pressure at the brake packs, all four pressures should be within valve.

Control) (Seal Damage tolerance. Pressure should fall to less than 103 kPa (15 psi). If the Make sure that oil is ISO 18/15
or Stuck open)  pressure does not, then the valve may be stuck open.  or better. 
Solenoid Valve (Rear Apply retarder and service brakes independently, measure that Service with new ARC solenoid
Automatic Retarder pressure at the brake packs, all four pressures should be within valve

Control) (Seal Damage tolerance. Pressure should fall to less than 103 kPa (15 psi). If the Make sure that oil is ISO 18/15
or Stuck open)  pressure does not, then the valve may be stuck open.  or better 
Solenoid Valve for Service with new solenoid
Purging the Brake valve for purging the brake
Check to see if both primary and secondary accumulator pressures
Accumulators (Seal Contamination  accumulators.

are dropping rapidly. 

Damage or Stuck Make sure that oil is ISO 18/15
open)  or better. 
Hoist Pressure
Service with new hoist
Reducing Valve (Seal Measure the hoist pilot pressure and verify that the pressure is to
pressure reducing valve.

Damage, Seat Wear, Contamination  specification and is stable. If the valve is unstable, verify system
Make sure that oil is ISO 18/15
Unstable pressure cleanliness. 
or better. 
Service with new BCD
Solenoid Valve for the
Clean around the solenoid valve.

Brake Cooling Diverter Contamination 

Remove solenoid valve and inspect for damage.  Make sure that oil is ISO 18/15
(If equipped) 
or better. 
Service with new TCS pilot
TCS Pilot Diverter (Seal Clean around the diverter valve.

Damage)  Remove diverter valve and inspect for damage.  Make sure that oil is ISO 18/15
or better. 
Check Valve for the
Service Brake Service with new check valve.

Clean around the check valve.

Accumulator (Seal Contamination  Make sure that oil is ISO 18/15

Remove check valve and inspect for damage. 
Damage or Stuck or better. 
Apply retarder and service brakes independently. Measure the
Replace pedal valve.

Brake Pedal Valve pressure that goes into the control valve (brake). Pressure should fall
Contamination  Make sure that oil is ISO 18/15
(Stuck open)  to 0 kPa (0 psi). If the pressure does not, then the valve may be stuck
or better. 
If pressure is high, replace
defective pilot valve, if one or
Apply retarder and service brakes independently and measure the
Brake Pack (Seal Over- more brake packs are
pressure at the brake packs. All four pressures should be within
Damage)  pressurization  significantly lower than the

Inspect for seal damage. 

Low pre-
Service Brake If pre-charge does not hold a
charge or oil Measure the precharge.

Accumulator or Parking charge, replace the

on gas side of Watch to see which accumulator is cycling rapidly. 
Brake Accumulators  accumulator. 

Table 2

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