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Activate 3 Physics Chapter2 Answers

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Chapter 2

P3 2.1 Discovering the Universe 1

In-text questions A make observations, take measurements
B geocentric

Activity Strange moon

Eclipses can be demonstrated using light sources and round objects.
Demonstrate how the shadow produced when an object blocks a light source can
be cast over a celestial body, for example, the Moon.
There is no light for the moon to reflect, meaning that we will not see the Moon
during an eclipse.
Summary 1 geocentric model – Greece
questions the Earth on the back of a tortoise – India
the Sun is swallowed by a god during a solar eclipse – Thailand (3 marks)
2 The Earth is at the centre. The Sun, Moon, planets, and stars move around the Earth (on
crystal spheres that allow light to be transmitted). (2 marks)
3 QWC question (6 marks). Example answers:
Stories and scientific explanations both tried to explain what we see.
Scientists collect evidence.
Evidence can be obtained by measurements or observations.
Scientists use evidence to develop the explanation.
They use the explanation to make predictions about what will happen in the future.
If the predictions come true then it supports the explanation.
You cannot make predictions with stories.
Stories do not depend on evidence. Stories are often rooted in beliefs.

P3 2.2 Discovering the Universe 2

In-text questions A retrograde motion
B heliocentric model
Activity Geo-?
geography – relating to maps and images of the Earth
geometry – relating to measurements (of the Earth)
Words beginning with ‘helio-’ are related to the Sun, for example, heliocentric,

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Student book answers
Chapter 2

Summary 1 did not, Galileo (2 marks)

questions 2 The geocentric model has the Earth at its centre. The Sun and planets orbited the
This did not explain Galileo’s observation that objects (moons) orbited Jupiter. (2
3 The heliocentric model has the Sun at the centre. Planets orbit the Sun. (2 marks)
4 Timeline should include (6 marks):
Over 2000 years ago – Plato and Aristotle wrote books explaining the geocentric
model. This model was
hypothesised due to several observations: the ground did not seem to move, the
Sun and Moon did appear
to move, and the stars also appeared to move.
Around 200 BC – Greek astronomer Aristarchus hypothesised the heliocentric model.
This was ignored.
Around 1000 years ago – an Indian mathematician and astronomer called
Bhaskaracharya said there was a force between all objects called gravity.
140 AD – Ptolemy published his modified version of the geocentric model. This
model was made to explain retrograde motion, the apparent backward motion of
planets at various points throughout the year.
1543 – Copernicus published a book with the heliocentric model.
Around 500 years ago – Newton published his ideas about gravity, using equations
as evidence for his and Bhaskaracharya’s ideas.
1609 – Galileo used a telescope to observe the moons of Jupiter. This provided
evidence that supported the heliocentric model.

P3 2.3 The Big Bang

In-text questions A the Big Bang
B 5 billion years
Summary 1 Big Bang, formation of the Solar System, first living things, dinosaurs died out (4
questions marks)
2 Age of the Earth = 5 billion years
Age of the Universe = 14 billion years

So the Earth is of the age of the Universe. (2 marks)

3 The beginning of the Universe and expansion of space and time from something
smaller than an atom. (2 marks)
4 Timeline should include the following events (measurements given assume a
timeline that is 14 cm in length is drawn) (6 marks):
14 billion years ago (0 cm) – the Big Bang. Space and time expanded from something
smaller than an atom.
13.85 billion years ago (0.15 cm) – the first stars began to appear
5 billion years ago (9 cm) – our Solar System was formed
4 billion years ago (10 cm) – first signs of life on Earth
Between 65–200 million years ago (13.8–13.935 cm) – dinosaurs on Earth
Half a million years ago (13.9995 cm) – start of human life
Students may wish to zoom in on the sections with dinosaurs and humans for clarity.

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Student book answers
Chapter 2

P3 2.4 Spacecraft and satellites

In-text questions A force of the gases on the rocket, force of the Earth on the rocket (gravity)
B geostationary
Activity How many?
There are 24 × 60 minutes in one day = 1440 minutes The ISS orbits
1440 ÷ 90 = 16 times a day

Summary 1 geostationary orbit – satellite television

questions polar orbit – mapping the Earth’s surface
low Earth orbit – International Space Station (3 marks)
2 The satellite must be launched at the right speed, to the right height. The force of
gravity keeps the satellite in orbit. (2 marks)
3 QWC question (6 marks). Example answers:
Both types of satellites orbit the Earth.
Both types of satellites can be used to monitor the Earth.
Geostationary orbits are always above the same place on Earth.
Geostationary satellites are used for satellite television.
The orbit of a geostationary satellite is much bigger than low Earth orbit (LEO) satellites.
A geostationary satellite is about 36 000 km from the Earth.
A LEO has an orbit below 1000 km from Earth.
LEOs can be used to see the whole of the Earth’s surface.
The ISS is an example of a satellite in LEO.
Some LEO satellites go over the North and South Poles in polar orbit.
These are useful for mapping.

P3 2.5 Mission to the moon

In-text questions A The probability that something will happen and the consequences if it should.

Activity What’s the risk?

For example:
A cyclist can reduce the probability of being in an accident by watching other
traffic carefully, by travelling at a safe speed, or by obeying traffic rules.
If a cyclist is involved in an accident, the severity of consequences can be reduced
by wearing a helmet or protective clothing.

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Chapter 2

Summary 1 Risks: rocket exploding, radiation

questions Benefits: smart-phone technology, baby milk (4 marks)
2 Credit sensible suggestions, for example, the Moon landings accelerated the
development of computers, modern hospitals use computers for imaging and
diagnosing disease. (2 marks)
3 QWC question (6 marks). Students should offer at least three risks and three
benefits of the space programme. Examples answers:
Any three risks from:
During take-off the astronauts lie on top of an enormous rocket that can explode.
The spacecraft can combust as it re-enters the atmosphere due to intense friction
between the body of the spacecraft and the atmosphere.
If the parachute fails to open in time the spacecraft would land on Earth at higher
speeds than anticipated, causing a crash.
Solar flares can stop all on-board computers working while the spacecraft is in
Any three benefits from:
Without the Apollo missions and the space programme we would not have many of
the technological devices that we take for granted today.
In 1963 half the computers in the world were developed for the Moon missions.
The liquid-cooled suits used by racing car drivers and fire-fighters are based on
the Apollo astronauts’ spacesuits.
The shock-absorbing materials used in sports shoes were developed for
Baby-milk formulas are based on protein-rich drinks developed for astronauts.
Computer programs for swiping credit cards use software designed for the Apollo
Water filters use technology designed to recycle astronauts’ urine.

P3 2.6 Radioactivity 1
In-text questions A radioactive
B alpha, beta, and gamma
Activity Half-life
After two days:
radiation emitted per second = 2000 ÷ 2 = 1000 alpha particles per second
After four days:
radiation emitted per second = 1000 ÷ 2 = 500 alpha particles per second

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Student book answers
Chapter 2

Summary 1 radioactive, less (2 marks)

questions 2 radiation – waves or particles emitted by radioactive materials
radioactive – (a description of) a material that gives out radiation (2 marks)
3 QWC question (6 marks). Example answers:
The graph shows a general decrease in the number of waves/particles emitted per
For example, from 1000 waves/particles emitted per second at 0 s to 60
waves/particles emitted per second at 80 s.
The graph is in the shape of a downward curve.
This curve is known as exponential decay.
The decrease in the number of particles emitted is fast at first, and then slows
For example, at 20 s, 500 particles are emitted per second.
At 40 s, 500 ÷ 2 = 250 particles are emitted per second.
Credit alternative examples given with numerical data.

P3 2.7 Radioactivity 2
In-text questions A cancer
B In sterilising medical equipment and food, and to diagnose and treat diseases.
Activity Confusing?
Credit sensible suggestions, for example, doctors use radioactive materials that give
out radiation in a cancer treatment called radiotherapy.
Summary 1 cure, cause, radiotherapy (3 marks)
questions 2 Long half-life means that the radioactive material remains highly radioactive for
a long time. This increases the time the radioactive material has to damage body
cells and cause diseases such as cancer. (2 marks)
3 QWC question (6 marks). Example answers:
Radioactive materials emit radiation. Radiation can damage cells. It can also cause
mutations in cells. This can cause cancer.
However, radiation can also be used to kill cells, for example, harmful bacteria.
Radiation is used to sterilise medical equipment and food. Doctors can use
radiation to destroy cancer cells during radiotherapy.

P3 2.8 Electromagnetism 1
In-text questions A electromagnetic induction

Activity Peer review

Students must include the importance of publishing in journals for communication of
scientific ideas, and the importance of peer review to verify if results are correct and

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Chapter 2

Summary 1 moving, stationary (2 marks)

questions 2 As you wind up the torch, the coil of wire moves.
This means that the coil of wire is moving relative to the stationary magnet inside
the torch.
A potential difference is produced, causing a current to flow in a complete circuit.
(3 marks)
3 QWC question (6 marks). Example answers:
You need a magnet and a (coil of) wire to generate electricity.
A potential difference, and hence current in a complete circuit, is induced when a
magnet is moved inside a coil of wire.
Alternatively, the (coil of) wire can be moved inside a magnetic field. This is called
electromagnetic induction.
Electricity is generated in power stations using this method.
The direction of magnetic movement determines the direction of the current. If the
magnet spins, or is moved in two directions, an alternating current is induced.

P3 2.9 Electromagnetism 2
In-text questions A aerial

Activity Just a minute. . .

There are 16 words in a verse of Happy Birthday.
It would take 16 ÷ 8 = 2 minutes to send this verse by Morse code.

Summary 1 carrier, wireless, transmitter, aerial (4 marks)

questions 2 A transmitter in a circuit with an alternating current produces radio waves.
A detector in the form of a loop of wire (an aerial) can be used to receive the radio
signal, feeding this to the electronic device to provide an output.
For example, radio waves are used in radio broadcasting.
Other types of EM waves can also be used, for example, IR in remote controls, or
microwaves in satellite communications. (4 marks)
3 Poster should be informative and eye-catching. It should contain information
about how EM waves are used in a selection of the following (6 marks):
avalanche beacons
microwave ovens
time signals
heart rate monitors
mobile phones
radio broadcasting
communication satellites.

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Student book answers
Chapter 2

P3 Chapter 2 summary
End-of-chapter 1 geocentric model – the Earth is at the centre of the Universe.
questions heliocentric model – the Sun is at the centre of the Universe.
Big Bang theory – the Universe began when all of space and time expanded. (3 marks)
2 14 billion years (1 mark)
3 alpha, beta, gamma (1 mark)
4a geocentric (1 mark)
b polar (1 mark)
c low Earth (1 mark)
5a The needle on the ammeter moves to the right. (1 mark)
b The needle on the ammeter will not move. (1 mark)
c Any two from: size of bar magnet, strength of bar magnet, metal used for the coils of
d Bar chart – because the number of turns in a coil is a discrete variable. (2 marks)
6a Radiation can cause mutations in cells of microorganisms that cause them to die.
Because of this we can use radiation to kill bacteria and sterilise medical equipment. (2
b Patients drink a radioactive material as a medical tracer. These must have short half-
lives to reduce the risk of cell damage or mutation that can lead to cancer. (2 marks)
7 Communication with submarines underwater can be carried out using waves of
frequencies 30–300 Hz. Signals are added to the carrier wave that represent sound or
images and an aerial detects the wave, transforming the signals back to sound or
images. (2 marks)
8 The Universe is expanding, with the distance between galaxies increasing. This means
that the Universe originated from one point billions of years ago.
Credit alternative evidence, for example, cosmic microwave background radiation, which
is radiation left over in the Universe from the time of the Big Bang. (1 mark)
9 The radiation emitted per second will decrease for both samples. This decrease will be
much quicker for Sample A than Sample B.
After 10 days the radiation emitted per second will be 12.5 waves/particles per second
for Sample A, and 100 waves/particles per second for Sample B. (4 marks)
10 This is a QWC question. Students should be marked on the use of good English,
organisation of information, spelling and grammar, and correct use of specialist scientific
terms. The best answers will fully explain why doctors need to balance risk and benefit
when they use a gamma camera (maximum of 6 marks).
Examples of correct scientific points:
For doctors to use this technique, patients are required to swallow radioactive material.
The radioactive tracer emits radiation.
This is picked up by the gamma camera so an image can be formed on a screen.
On the one hand, this technique can be used to diagnose disease, saving many lives.
However, radiation can also damage cells.
Mutations in cells can lead to cancer.
The risks can be reduced by using material that has a short half-life.
Risks can also be reduced by using small quantities of radioactive material.

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Student book answers
Chapter 2

Answer guide for Big Write

Developing Secure Extending
1–2 marks 3–4 marks 5–6 marks
● Timeline identifies two or ● Timeline identifies the ● Timeline describes in detail the
three of the discoveries in the discovery of the Big Bang, impact of the discoveries of the
20th century. radioactivity, electromagnetic Big Bang, radioactivity,
● Includes descriptions of some of induction, and electromagnetic electromagnetic induction, and
the ways these discoveries waves. electromagnetic waves, and
changed how people lived, ● Includes descriptions of the how these discoveries have
although the description is ways these discoveries changed changed our lives. Examples
limited. how people lived, for example, include the use of
● Little or no attempt has been radiotherapy and electricity electromagnetic waves in
made to write an illustrated generation. communication, the
story. ● A brief illustrated story has been development of new materials
written. as a result of the space
programme, and the use of
radioactive materials in
● A detailed story has been
written with appropriate
illustrations to accompany the

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