CHN Lec S16

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ARLANZA, Princess Erika S.

2BSN -7


Cues and Data First Level Second Level

1. 37 years old mother of 1. BP of 140/90 1 Inability to recognize
seven at 21 weeks AOG, (Hypertension) the presence of
with BP of 140/90 and - Presence of Health condition or problem
slight pedal edema; wt: Deficit due to : Lack
118 lbs. 2. Verbalization of of/inadequate
 Mother verbalized “…I Mother about having knowledge
did not have problems no problems on 2 Inability to recognize
during my previous previous pregnancies the presence of
pregnancies and even but having signs of condition or problem
with my present pedal edema and due to : Denial about
pregnancy. It just happen health center being far its existence or
that I passes by the health - Presence of Health severity as a result of
center on my way to my Threat fear of consequences
in-laws so I thought of of diagnosis of
dropping by the clinic. problems especially:
But actually I feel alright. Economic/cost
I don’t think I have to implication
worry because I have had
seven pregnancies and
they were all normal
 Busy with work as fish
vendor, hardly has to go
to the health center to
 Health center is 3km from
the house
 Laboratory urinalysis is
10 lm away, not situated
within the community
2. Rina, three year old, 1. Undernourished 1 & 2. Inability to provide
weighs 10 kgs, look pale, - Presence of Health adequate nursing care to the
lethargic and apathetic, Deficit sick, disabled, dependent or
markedly underweight 2. Verbalization of vulnerable/at risk member of
and undernourished Mother about Rina the family due to: lack
 Mother verbalized “rina is not fond of eating of/inadequate knowledge
really small built since - Presence of Health about child development and
she was a baby. She is not Threat care
fond of eating too.”

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3. Three preschooler have 1. Scabies 1 & 2. Inability to provide
scabies - Presence of Health adequate nursing care to the
 Mother verbalized “I have Deficit sick, disabled, dependent or
such a lot things to attend 2. Family income is low vulnerable/at risk member of
to as a fish vendor that I - Presence of Health the family due to: Inadequate
could hardly see the needs Threat family resources of care
of the children. specifically
 Family income is P500.00 i. Absence of
a day responsible
 Water supply is taken member
from a public well ½ km ii. Financial
from the house constraint
 Three preschooler iii. Lack of physical
members usually are left resources
to care of eight year old
sister when parents are
working and other
children are in school

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