AR Config
AR Config
AR Config
what do u configure in accounts receivable module? Answers: Account Receivable (AR) Generally it is a Customer Account We configure AR in Three Types 1. General Data Segment-Details of Cusomters 2. Company Code Segment-Reconciliation 3. Sales Area Segment ---- another answer--In Account Receivable module, we configure the following: - Document number ranges (FBN1) - Define tolerance limit for customers - Create account group (e.g. domestic customer, foreign customer) - Create Sundry debtors/ Accounts Receivable account in FS00 - Maintain master records (details of customers) e.g. General Data Segment-Details of Cusomters, Company Code Segment-Reconciliation, Sales Area Segment After this, one can pass and billing entries, recevie amount and settle accounts of the customers.
In Accounts Receivable module we configure the following: - Define customer master data. - Create Customer account group. - Document Number ranges. - Document type. - Define Tolerance limits for customers.
Contact Chinna In AR Module we cofigure the settings for 1) Master Data 2) Invoice processing 3) Dunning Procedure 4) payment Collections
Contact Reshma difine custemer account assing number renge set tollerans creat custumer intigret with reconslation a/c
Contact ramkrushna chavan This a/c is for Customer. We configure in Accounts Receivable : * Creation of Customer a/c group * Creation of no. ranges for Customer a/c * Assign no. ranges to customer a/c group * Creation of G/L masters ( FS00 ) * Creation of Customer masters. ( XD01 ) * Document types and no. ranges ( OBA7 )
Contact Amarnath Sulake Configure for AR module 1) create/define accounts groups 2) create no ranges 3) assign no ranges to accounts group 4) create sales GL 5) create customer 6) posting invoice Question : what is the impartence of secondary cost element in controling, if it is needed give reasons Answers: Secondary cost element create for internal purpose of controlling area. This is for service provide to one cost center to others cost centers. Expamle:In your office you make the CANTEEN is cost center. Canteen is provides the service to other cost centers like TEA, Coffee, etc. You allocated the TEA, Coffee Amount to others cost center that thru secondary cost element.
Secandory Cost Element are used for the internal reporinng. Secondary cost elements are like production costs, material overheads, production overheads, they can be created and administered in only CO. These are used in internal cost allocation, overhead calculation, settlement transactions., it does not flow to FI
What is business process? BUSINESS PROCESS IS A CHAIN OF EVENTS OF INPUT AND OUT TRANSACTIONS IN A BUSINESS Business process is a collection of related, structured activities--a chain of events-that produce a specific service or product for a particular customer or customers.A business process is a recipe for achieving a commercial result. Each business process has inputs, method and outputs. The inputs are a pre-requisite that must be in place before the method can be put into practice. When the method is applied to the inputs then certain outputs will be created. Where we have to create VAT registration number? In Vendor Master XK02 and FK02, in Vendor Control. That is in Tax Information area. In vendor master XK02, in tax information area In APP If we want to Create cheques. One Standard variant name avaiable in SAP. What is Name? The Standard Print Variant in APP is RFFOUS the app standard form is RFFO
What is mean by Cost Center? It mean which is the real cost posting that is cost carrier for example whenever create the Internal order as a real order then when we use this real order to book the general entry for expences side real cost posted to internal order and static post the cost center. And also using cost carying object for distribution and assessment purpose. It mean which is the real cost posting that is cost carrier for example whenever create the Internal order as a real order then when we use this real order to book the general entry for expences side real cost posted to internal order and static post the cost center. And also using cost carying object for distribution and assessment purpose. What do you mean by Goods Clearing ? What are the journal entries for Clearing of Goods ?
Goods Clearing is related to Inventary Management. Whenever Goods received against purshage order throught MIGO T.code then GR/IR A/c Dr and Party A/c Cr. So Goods clearing account automatically clear
Whenever Goods received through purchase order through T.code : MIGO then Accounting Entry is Stock A/c Dr and GR/IR A/c Cr and whenever Original Invoice copy is recieved we Post Invoice Through T.code: MIRO then accounting entry is Party A/c Cr and GR/IR A/c Dr Like this GR/IR account Get Nullify and we have to Clear this account using T.code : F.13 (GR/IR Clearing). What is the T Code for Uploading the Bulk Vendor master data ? 1.we can upload the data through lsmw 2.we can create through fs00 Bulk Vendor master data can create through LSMW (Legacy System Migration Work Bench).