Method 625-1 2016
Method 625-1 2016
Method 625-1 2016
1.1 This method is for determination of semivolatile organic pollutants in industrial discharges and
other environmental samples by gas chromatography combined with mass spectrometry (GC/MS),
as provided under 40 CFR 136.1. This revision is based on a previous protocol (Reference 1), on
the basic revision promulgated October 26, 1984 (49 FR 43234), and on an interlaboratory method
validation study (Reference 2). Although this method was validated through an interlaboratory
study conducted in the early 1980s, the fundamental chemistry principles used in this method
remain sound and continue to apply.
1.2 The analytes that may be qualitatively and quantitatively determined using this method and their
CAS Registry numbers are listed in Tables 1 and 2. The method may be extended to determine the
analytes listed in Table 3; however, extraction or gas chromatography of some of these analytes
may make quantitative determination difficult. For example, benzidine is subject to oxidative
losses during extraction and/or solvent concentration. Under the alkaline conditions of the
extraction, alpha-BHC, gamma-BHC, endosulfan I and II, and endrin are subject to decomposition.
Hexachlorocyclopentadiene is subject to thermal decomposition in the inlet of the gas
chromatograph, chemical reaction in acetone solution, and photochemical decomposition. N-
nitrosodiphenylamine and other nitrosoamines may decompose in the gas chromatographic inlet.
The sample may be extracted at neutral pH if necessary to overcome these or other decomposition
problems that could occur at alkaline or acidic pH. EPA also has provided other methods (e.g.,
Method 607 – Nitrosamines) that may be used for determination of some of these analytes. EPA
encourages use of Method 625.1 to determine additional compounds amenable to extraction and
1.3 The large number of analytes in Tables 1 - 3 of this method makes testing difficult if all analytes
are determined simultaneously. Therefore, it is necessary to determine and perform quality control
(QC) tests for the “analytes of interest” only. Analytes of interest are those required to be
determined by a regulatory/control authority or in a permit, or by a client. If a list of analytes is not
specified, the analytes in Tables 1 and 2 must be determined, at a minimum, and QC testing must
be performed for these analytes. The analytes in Tables 1 and 2, and some of the analytes in Table
3 have been identified as Toxic Pollutants (40 CFR 401.15), expanded to a list of Priority
Pollutants (40 CFR part 423, appendix A).
1.4 In this revision to Method 625, the pesticides and polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) have been
moved from Table 1 to Table 3 (Additional Analytes) to distinguish these analytes from the
analytes required in quality control tests (Tables 1 and 2). QC acceptance criteria for pesticides
and PCBs have been retained in Table 6 and may continue to be applied if desired, or if requested
or required by a regulatory/control authority or in a permit. Method 608.3 should be used for
determination of pesticides and PCBs. However, if pesticides and/or PCBs are to be determined,
an additional sample must be collected and extracted using the pH adjustment and extraction
procedures specified in Method 608.3. Method 1668C may be useful for determination of PCBs as
individual chlorinated biphenyl congeners, and Method 1699 may be useful for determination of
pesticides. At the time of writing of this revision, Methods 1668C and 1699 had not been approved
for use at 40 CFR part 136. The screening procedure for 2,3,7,8-tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin
(2,3,7,8-TCDD) contained in the version of Method 625 promulgated October 26, 1984 (49 FR
43234) has been replaced with procedures for selected ion monitoring (SIM), and 2,3,7,8-TCDD
may be determined using the SIM procedures. However, EPA Method 613 or 1613B should be
1.5 Method detection limits (MDLs; Reference 3) for the analytes in Tables 1, 2, and 3 are listed in
those tables. These MDLs were determined in reagent water (Reference 4). Advances in analytical
technology, particularly the use of capillary (open-tubular) columns, allowed laboratories to
routinely achieve MDLs for the analytes in this method that are 2 - 10 times lower than those in the
version promulgated in 1984 (49 FR 43234). The MDL for an analyte in a specific wastewater
may differ from those listed, depending upon the nature of interferences in the sample matrix.
1.5.1 EPA has promulgated this method at 40 CFR part 136 for use in wastewater compliance
monitoring under the National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES). The data
reporting practices described in Section 15.2 are focused on such monitoring needs and
may not be relevant to other uses of the method.
1.5.2 This method includes “reporting limits” based on EPA’s “minimum level” (ML) concept
(see the glossary in Section 22). Tables 1, 2, and 3 contain MDL values and ML values for
many of the analytes.
1.6 This method is performance-based. It may be modified to improve performance (e.g., to overcome
interferences or improve the accuracy of results) provided all performance requirements are met.
1.6.1 Examples of allowed method modifications are described at 40 CFR 136.6. Other
examples of allowed modifications specific to this method, including solid-phase extraction
(SPE) are described in Section 8.1.2.
1.6.2 Any modification beyond those expressly permitted at 40 CFR 136.6 or in Section 8.1.2 of
this method shall be considered a major modification subject to application and approval of
an alternate test procedure under 40 CFR 136.4 and 136.5.
1.6.3 For regulatory compliance, any modification must be demonstrated to produce results
equivalent or superior to results produced by this method when applied to relevant
wastewaters (Section 8.3).
1.7 This method is restricted to use by or under the supervision of analysts experienced in the use of a
gas chromatograph/mass spectrometer and in the interpretation of mass spectra. Each laboratory
that uses this method must demonstrate the ability to generate acceptable results using the
procedure in Section 8.2.
1.8 Terms and units of measure used in this method are given in the glossary at the end of the method.
2. Summary of Method
2.1 A measured volume of sample, sufficient to meet an MDL or reporting limit, is serially extracted
with methylene chloride at pH 11 - 13 and again at a pH less than 2 using a separatory funnel or
continuous liquid/liquid extractor.
2.2 The extract is concentrated to a volume necessary to meet the required compliance or detection
limit, and analyzed by GC/MS. Qualitative identification of an analyte in the extract is performed
using the retention time and the relative abundance of two or more characteristic masses (m/z’s).
3.1 Solvents, reagents, glassware, and other sample processing labware may yield artifacts, elevated
baselines, or matrix interferences causing misinterpretation of chromatograms and mass spectra.
All materials used in the analysis must be demonstrated to be free from contamination and
interferences by analyzing blanks initially and with each extraction batch (samples started through
the extraction process in a given 24-hour period, to a maximum of 20 samples - see Glossary for
detailed definition), as described in Section 8.5. Specific selection of reagents and purification of
solvents by distillation in all-glass systems may be required. Where possible, labware is cleaned by
extraction or solvent rinse, or baking in a kiln or oven.
3.2 Glassware must be scrupulously cleaned (Reference 5). Clean all glassware as soon as possible
after use by rinsing with the last solvent used in it. Solvent rinsing should be followed by detergent
washing with hot water, and rinses with tap water and reagent water. The glassware should then be
drained dry, and heated at 400 °C for 15 - 30 minutes. Some thermally stable materials, such as
PCBs, may require higher temperatures and longer baking times for removal. Solvent rinses with
pesticide quality acetone, hexane, or other solvents may be substituted for heating. Do not heat
volumetric labware above 90 °C. After drying and cooling, store inverted or capped with solvent-
rinsed or baked aluminum foil in a clean environment to prevent accumulation of dust or other
3.3 Matrix interferences may be caused by contaminants co-extracted from the sample. The extent of
matrix interferences will vary considerably from source to source, depending upon the nature and
diversity of the industrial complex or municipality being sampled. Interferences extracted from
samples high in total organic carbon (TOC) may result in elevated baselines, or by enhancing or
suppressing a signal at or near the retention time of an analyte of interest. Analyses of the matrix
spike and duplicate (Section 8.3) may be useful in identifying matrix interferences, and gel
permeation chromatography (GPC; Section 11.1) and sulfur removal (Section 11.2) may aid in
eliminating these interferences. EPA has provided guidance that may aid in overcoming matrix
interferences (Reference 6).
3.4 In samples that contain an inordinate number of interferences, the use of chemical ionization (CI)
or triple quadrupole (MRM) mass spectrometry may make identification easier. Tables 4 and 5
give characteristic CI and MRM m/z’s for many of the analytes covered by this method. The use
of CI or MRM mass spectrometry may be utilized to support electron ionization (EI) mass
spectrometry or as a primary method for identification and quantification. While the use of these
enhanced techniques is encouraged, it is not required.
4. Safety
4.1 Hazards associated with each reagent used in this method have not been precisely defined;
however, each chemical compound should be treated as a potential health hazard. From this
viewpoint, exposure to these chemicals must be reduced to the lowest possible level by whatever
means available. The laboratory is responsible for maintaining a current awareness file of OSHA
regulations regarding the safe handling of the chemicals specified in this method. A reference file
of safety data sheets (SDSs, OSHA, 29 CFR 1910.1200(g)) should also be made available to all
4.2 The following analytes covered by this method have been tentatively classified as known or
suspected human or mammalian carcinogens: benzo(a)anthracene, benzidine, 3,3’-
dichlorobenzidine, benzo(a)pyrene, alpha-BHC, beta-BHC, delta-BHC, gamma-BHC, Dibenz(a,h)-
anthracene, N-nitrosodimethylamine, 4,4’-DDT, and PCBs. Other compounds in Table 3 may also
be toxic. Primary standards of toxic compounds should be prepared in a chemical fume hood, and
a NIOSH/MESA approved toxic gas respirator should be worn when handling high concentrations
of these compounds.
4.3 This method allows the use of hydrogen as a carrier gas in place of helium (Section The
laboratory should take the necessary precautions in dealing with hydrogen, and should limit
hydrogen flow at the source to prevent buildup of an explosive mixture of hydrogen in air.
Note: Brand names, suppliers, and part numbers are for illustration purposes only. No
endorsement is implied. Equivalent performance may be achieved using equipment and
materials other than those specified here. Demonstrating that the equipment and supplies
used in the laboratory achieves the required performance is the responsibility of the
laboratory. Suppliers for equipment and materials in this method may be found through an
on-line search. Please do not contact EPA for supplier information.
5.1.1 Grab sample bottle – Amber glass bottle large enough to contain the necessary sample
volume, fitted with a fluoropolymer-lined screw cap. Foil may be substituted for
fluoropolymer if the sample is not corrosive. If amber bottles are not available, protect
samples from light. Unless pre-cleaned, the bottle and cap liner must be washed, rinsed
with acetone or methylene chloride, and dried before use to minimize contamination.
5.1.2 Automatic sampler (optional) – The sampler must incorporate a pre-cleaned glass sample
container. Samples must be kept refrigerated at ≤ 6 °C and protected from light during
compositing. If the sampler uses a peristaltic pump, a minimum length of compressible
silicone rubber tubing may be used. Before use, however, rinse the compressible tubing
with methanol, followed by repeated rinsing with reagent water, to minimize the potential
for sample contamination. An integrating flow meter is required to collect flow-
proportioned composites.
5.2 Glassware
5.2.1 Separatory funnel – Size appropriate to hold sample volume and extraction solvent volume,
and equipped with fluoropolymer stopcock.
Note: Use of a solvent recovery system with the K-D or other solvent evaporation
apparatus is strongly recommended.
5.2.7 Vials – 10-15 mL, amber glass, with Teflon-lined screw cap.
5.2.9 In addition to the glassware listed above, the laboratory should be equipped with all
necessary pipets, volumetric flasks, beakers, and other glassware listed in this method and
necessary to perform analyses successfully.
5.3 Boiling chips – Approximately 10/40 mesh, glass, silicon carbide, or equivalent. Heat to 400 °C
for 30 minutes, or solvent rinse or Soxhlet extract with methylene chloride.
5.4 Water bath – Heated, with concentric ring cover, capable of temperature control (±2 °C). The bath
should be used in a hood.
5.5 Balances Carrier gas – Helium or hydrogen. Data in the tables in this method were
obtained using helium carrier gas. If hydrogen is used, analytical conditions may
need to be adjusted for optimum performance, and calibration and all QC tests
must be performed with hydrogen carrier gas. See Section 4.3 for precautions
regarding the use of hydrogen as a carrier gas.
5.6.2 GC column – See the footnotes to Tables 4 and 5. Other columns or column systems may
be used provided all requirements in this method are met.
5.6.4 GC/MS interface – Any GC to MS interface that meets all performance requirements in this
method may be used.
5.6.5 Data system – A computer system must be interfaced to the mass spectrometer that allows
the continuous acquisition and storage of mass spectra acquired throughout the
chromatographic program. The computer must have software that allows searching any
GC/MS data file for specific m/z’s (masses) and plotting m/z abundances versus time or
scan number. This type of plot is defined as an extracted ion current profile (EICP).
Software must also be available that allows integrating the abundance at any EICP between
specified time or scan number limits.
5.7.1 GPC column – 150 - 700 mm long x 21 - 25 mm ID, packed with 70 g of SX-3 Biobeads;
Bio-Rad Labs, or equivalent
5.7.2 Pump, injection valve, UV detector, and other apparatus necessary to meet the requirements
in this method.
5.8 Nitrogen evaporation device – Equipped with a water bath than can be maintained at 30 - 45 °C;
N-Evap, Organomation Associates, or equivalent.
5.9 Muffle furnace or kiln – Capable of baking glassware or sodium sulfate in the range of
400 - 450 °C.
6. Reagents
6.1 Reagent water – Reagent water is defined as water in which the analytes of interest and interfering
compounds are not detected at the MDLs of the analytes of interest.
6.2 Sodium hydroxide solution (10 N) – Dissolve 40 g of NaOH (ACS) in reagent water and dilute to
100 mL.
6.4 Sulfuric acid (1+1) – Slowly add 50 mL of H2SO4 (ACS, sp. gr. 1.84) to 50 mL of reagent water.
6.5 Acetone, methanol, methylene chloride, 2-propanol – High purity pesticide quality, or equivalent,
demonstrated to be free of the analytes of interest and interferences (Section 3). Purification of
solvents by distillation in all-glass systems may be required.
6.6 Sodium sulfate – (ACS) granular, anhydrous, rinsed or Soxhlet extracted with methylene chloride
(20 mL/g), baked in a shallow tray at 450 °C for one hour minimum, cooled in a desiccator, and
stored in a pre-cleaned glass bottle with screw cap that prevents moisture from entering.
6.7.1 Prepare stock standard solutions by accurately weighing about 0.0100 g of pure material.
Dissolve the material in pesticide quality methanol or other suitable solvent and dilute to
volume in a 10-mL volumetric flask. Larger volumes may be used at the convenience of
the laboratory. When compound purity is assayed to be 96% or greater, the weight may be
used without correction to calculate the concentration of the stock standard. Commercially
prepared stock standards may be used at any concentration if they are certified by the
manufacturer or by an independent source.
6.7.2 Unless stated otherwise in this method, store non-aqueous standards in fluoropolymer-lined
screw-cap, or heat-sealed, glass containers, in the dark at -20 to -10 °C. Store aqueous
standards; e.g., the aqueous LCS (Section 8.4.1), in the dark at ≤ 6 °C, but do not freeze.
Standards prepared by the laboratory may be stored for up to one year, except when
comparison with QC check standards indicates that a standard has degraded or become
more concentrated due to evaporation, or unless the laboratory has data on file to prove
stability for a longer period. Commercially prepared standards may be stored until the
expiration date provided by the vendor, except when comparison with QC check standards
indicates that a standard has degraded or become more concentrated due to evaporation, or
unless the laboratory has data from the vendor on file to prove stability for a longer period.
6.8.1 Select a minimum of three surrogate compounds from Table 8 that most closely match the
recovery of the analytes of interest. For example, if all analytes tested are considered acids,
use surrogates that have similar chemical attributes. Other compounds may be used as
surrogates so long as they do not interfere in the analysis. If only one or two analytes are
determined, one or two surrogates may be used.
6.8.2 Prepare a solution containing each selected surrogate such that the concentration in the
sample would match the concentration in the mid-point calibration standard. For example,
if the midpoint of the calibration is 100 μg/L, prepare the spiking solution at a
concentration of 100 μg/mL in methanol. Addition of 1.00 mL of this solution to 1000 mL
of sample will produce a concentration of 100 μg/L of the surrogate. Alternate volumes
and concentrations appropriate to the response of the GC/MS instrument or for selective ion
monitoring (SIM) may be used, if desired. Store per Section 6.7.2.
6.9.1 Select three or more internal standards similar in chromatographic behavior to the analytes
of interest. Internal standards are listed in Table 8. Suggested internal standards are:
1,4-dichlorobenzene-d4; naphthalene-d8; acenaphthene-d10; phenanthrene-d10; chrysene-d12;
and perylene-d12. The laboratory must demonstrate that measurement of the internal
standards is not affected by method or matrix interferences (see also Section 7.3.4).
6.9.3 To assure accurate analyte identification, particularly when SIM is used, it may be
advantageous to include more internal standards than those suggested in Section 6.9.1. An
analyte will be located most accurately if its retention time relative to an internal standard is
in the range of 0.8 to 1.2.
6.10 DFTPP standard – Prepare a solution of DFTPP in methanol or other suitable solvent such that 50
ng or less will be injected (see Section 13.2). An alternative concentration may be used to
compensate for specific injection volumes or to assure that the operating range of the instrument is
not exceeded, so long as the total injected is 50 ng or less. Include benzidine and pentachloro-
phenol in this solution such that ≤ 100 ng of benzidine and ≤ 50 ng of pentachlorophenol will be
6.12.1 Prepare a methylene chloride solution to contain corn oil, bis(2-ethylhexyl) phthalate
(BEHP), perylene, and sulfur at the concentrations in Section 6.12.2, or at concentrations
appropriate to the response of the detector.
Note: Sulfur does not readily dissolve in methylene chloride, but is soluble in warm corn oil. The
following procedure is suggested for preparation of the solution:
6.12.2 Weigh 8 mg sulfur and 2.5 g corn oil into a 100-mL volumetric flask and warm to dissolve
the sulfur. Separately weigh 100 mg BEHP, 20 mg pentachlorophenol, and 2 mg perylene
and add to flask. Bring to volume with methylene chloride and mix thoroughly.
6.12.3 Store the solution in an amber glass bottle with a fluoropolymer-lined screw cap at 0 - 6 ºC.
Protect from light. Refrigeration may cause the corn oil to precipitate. Before use, allow
the solution to stand at room temperature until the corn oil dissolves, or warm slightly to
aid in dissolution. Replace the solution every year, or more frequently if the response of a
component changes.
6.13 Sulfur removal – Copper foil or powder (bright, non-oxidized), or tetrabutylammonium sulfite
(TBA sulfite).
6.13.1 Copper foil, or powder – Fisher, Alfa Aesar 42455-18, 625 mesh, or equivalent. Cut
copper foil into approximately 1-cm squares. Copper must be activated before it may be
used, as described below: Place the quantity of copper needed for sulfur removal (Section in a
ground-glass-stoppered Erlenmeyer flask or bottle. Cover the foil or powder
with methanol. Add HCl dropwise (0.5 - 1.0 mL) while swirling, until the copper brightens. For copper foil, cover with hexane after the final rinse. Store in a stoppered flask
under nitrogen until used. For the powder, dry on a rotary evaporator or under a
stream of nitrogen. Store in a stoppered flask under nitrogen until used. Inspect
the copper foil or powder before each use. It must have a bright, non-oxidized
appearance to be effective. Copper foil or powder that has oxidized may be
reactivated using the procedure described above.
6.14 DDT and endrin decomposition (breakdown) solution – Prepare a solution containing endrin at a
concentration of 1 µg/mL and 4,4'-DDT at a concentration of 2 µg/mL, in isooctane or hexane. A
1-µL injection of this standard will contain 1 nanogram (ng) of endrin and 2 ng of DDT. The
concentration of the solution may be adjusted by the laboratory to accommodate other injection
volumes such that the same masses of the two analytes are introduced into the instrument.
7. Calibration
7.1 Establish operating conditions equivalent to those in the footnote to Table 4 or 5 for the
base/neutral or acid fraction, respectively. If a combined base/neutral/acid fraction will be
analyzed, use the conditions in the footnote to Table 4. Alternative temperature program and flow
rate conditions may be used. It is necessary to calibrate the GC/MS for the analytes of interest
(Section 1.3) only.
7.2.1 Prepare calibration standards for the analytes of interest and surrogates at a minimum of
five concentration levels by adding appropriate volumes of one or more stock standards to
volumetric flasks. One of the calibration standards should be at a concentration at or below
the ML specified in Table 1, 2, or 3, or as specified by a regulatory/control authority or in a
permit. The ML value may be rounded to a whole number that is more convenient for
preparing the standard, but must not exceed the ML in Table 1, 2, or 3 for those analytes
which list ML values. Alternatively, the laboratory may establish a laboratory ML for each
analyte based on the concentration in a nominal whole-volume sample that is equivalent to
the concentration of the lowest calibration standard in a series of standards produced in the
laboratory or obtained from a commercial vendor. The laboratory’s ML must not exceed
the ML in Table 1, 2, or 3, and the resulting calibration must meet the acceptance criteria in
Section 7.2.3, based on the RSD, RSE, or R2. The concentrations of the other calibration
Note: The large number of analytes in Tables 1 through 3 may not be soluble or stable in
a single solution; multiple solutions may be required if a large number of analytes
are to be determined simultaneously. Prior to analysis of the calibration standards, inject the DFTPP standard (Section
6.10) and adjust the scan rate of the mass spectrometer to produce a minimum of
5 mass spectra across the DFTPP GC peak. Adjust instrument conditions until
the DFTPP criteria in Table 9A or 9B are met. Calculate peak tailing factors for
benzidine and pentachlorophenol. Calculation of the tailing factor is illustrated
in Figure 1. The tailing factor for benzidine and pentachlorophenol must be <2;
otherwise, adjust instrument conditions and either replace the column or break
off a short section of the front end of the column, and repeat the test. Once the
scan conditions are established, they must be used for analyses of all standards,
blanks, and samples.
Note: The DFTPP spectrum may be evaluated by summing the intensities of the
m/z’s across the GC peak, subtracting the background at each m/z in a
region of the chromatogram within 20 scans of but not including any
part of, the DFTPP peak. The DFTPP spectrum may also be evaluated
by fitting a Gaussian to each m/z and using the intensity at the maximum
for each Gaussian or by integrating the area at each m/z and using the
integrated areas. Other means may be used for evaluation of the DFTPP
spectrum so long as the spectrum is not distorted to meet the criteria in
Table 9A or 9B. Analyze the mid-point combined base/neutral and acid calibration standard and
enter or review the retention time, relative retention time, mass spectrum, and
quantitation m/z in the data system for each analyte of interest, surrogate, and
internal standard. If additional analytes (Table 3) are to be quantified, include
these analytes in the standard. The mass spectrum for each analyte must be
comprised of a minimum of 2 m/z’s (Tables 4 and 5); 3 to 5 m/z’s assure more
reliable analyte identification. Suggested quantitation m/z’s are shown in Tables
4 and 5 as the primary m/z. If an interference occurs at the primary m/z, use one
of the secondary m/z’s or an alternate m/z. A single m/z only is required for
quantitation. For SIM operation, determine the analytes in each descriptor, the quantitation
m/z for each analyte (the quantitation m/z can be the same as for full-scan
operation; Section, the dwell time on each m/z for each analyte, and the
beginning and ending retention time for each descriptor. Analyze the verification
standard in scan mode to verify m/z’s and establish retention times for the
analytes. There must be a minimum of two m/z’s for each analyte to assure
analyte identification. To maintain sensitivity, the number of m/z’s in a
descriptor should be limited. For example, for a descriptor with 10 m/z’s and a For combined scan and SIM operation, set up the scan segments and descriptors
to meet requirements in Sections - Analyze unfamiliar samples
in the scan mode to assure that the analytes of interest are determined.
7.2.2 Analyze each calibration standard according to Section 12 and tabulate the area at the
quantitation m/z against concentration for each analyte of interest, surrogate, and internal
standard. If an interference is encountered, use a secondary m/z (Table 4 or 5) for
quantitation. Calculate a response factor (RF) for each analyte of interest at each
concentration using Equation 1.
Equation 1
(As xCis )
RF =
(Ais xCs )
As = Area of the characteristic m/z for the analyte of interest or surrogate.
Ais = Area of the characteristic m/z for the internal standard.
Cis = Concentration of the internal standard (μg/mL).
Cs = Concentration of the analyte of interest or surrogate (μg/mL).
7.2.3 Calculate the mean (average) and relative standard deviation (RSD) of the responses
factors. If the RSD is less than 35%, the RF can be assumed to be invariant and the average
RF can be used for calculations. Alternatively, the results can be used to fit a linear or
quadratic regression of response ratios, As/Ais, vs. concentration ratios Cs/Cis. If used, the
regression must be weighted inversely proportional to concentration. The coefficient of
determination (R2; Reference 10) of the weighted regression must be greater than 0.920
(this value roughly corresponds to the RSD limit of 35%). Alternatively, the relative
standard error (Reference 11) may be used as an acceptance criterion. As with the RSD,
the RSE must be less than 35%. If an RSE less than 35% cannot be achieved for a
quadratic regression, system performance is unacceptable and the system must be adjusted
and re-calibrated.
Note: Using capillary columns and current instrumentation, it is quite likely that a
laboratory can calibrate the target analytes in this method and achieve a linearity
metric (either RSD or RSE) well below 35%. Therefore, laboratories are permitted
to use more stringent acceptance criteria for calibration than described here, for
example, to harmonize their application of this method with those from other
7.3 Calibration verification – The RF or calibration curve must be verified immediately after
calibration and at the beginning of each 12-hour shift, by analysis of a standard at or near the
concentration of the mid-point calibration standard (Section 7.2.1). The standard(s) must be
obtained from a second manufacturer or a manufacturer’s batch prepared independently from the
batch used for calibration. Traceability must be to a national standard, when available. Include the
Note: The 12-hour shift begins after the DFTPP (Section 13.1) and DDT/endrin tests (if DDT and
endrin are to be determined), and after analysis of the calibration verification standard.
The 12-hour shift ends 12 hours later. The DFTPP, DDT/endrin, and calibration
verification tests are outside of the 12-hour shift.
7.3.1 Analyze the calibration verification standard(s) beginning in Section 12. Calculate the
percent recovery of each analyte. Compare the recoveries for the analytes of interest
against the acceptance criteria for recovery (Q) in Table 6, and the recoveries for the
surrogates against the acceptance criteria in Table 8. If recovery of the analytes of interest
and surrogates meet acceptance criteria, system performance is acceptable and analysis of
samples may continue. If any individual recovery is outside its limit, system performance
is unacceptable for that analyte.
Note: The large number of analytes in Tables 6 and 8 present a substantial probability
that one or more will fail acceptance criteria when all analytes are tested
7.3.2 When one or more analytes fail acceptance criteria, analyze a second aliquot of the
calibration verification standard and compare ONLY those analytes that failed the first test
(Section 7.3.1) with their respective acceptance criteria. If these analytes now pass, system
performance is acceptable and analysis of samples may continue. A repeat failure of any
analyte that failed the first test, however, will confirm a general problem with the
measurement system. If this occurs, repair the system (Section and repeat the test
(Section 7.3.1), or prepare a fresh calibration standard and repeat the test. If calibration
cannot be verified after maintenance or injection of the fresh calibration standard, re-
calibrate the instrument.
Note: If it is necessary to perform a repeat verification test frequently; i.e., perform two
tests in order to pass, it may be prudent to perform two injections in succession and
review the results, rather than perform one injection, review the results, then
perform the second injection if results from the first injection fail. To maintain the
validity of the test and re-test, system maintenance and/or adjustment is not
permitted between the injections.
7.3.3 Many of the analytes in Table 3 do not have QC acceptance criteria in Table 6, and some of
the surrogates in Table 8 do not have acceptance criteria. If calibration is to be verified and
other QC tests are to be performed for these analytes, acceptance criteria must be developed
and applied. EPA has provided guidance for development of QC acceptance criteria
(References 12 and 13). Alternatively, analytes that do not have acceptance criteria in
Table 6 or Table 8 may be based on laboratory control charts, or 60 to 140% may be used.
7.3.4 Internal standard responses – Verify that detector sensitivity has not changed by comparing
the response of each internal standard in the calibration verification standard (Section 7.3)
to the response of the respective internal standard in the midpoint calibration standard
(Section 7.2.1). The peak areas or heights of the internal standards in the calibration
verification standard must be within 50% to 200% (1/2 to 2x) of their respective peak areas
or heights in the mid-point calibration standard. If not, repeat the calibration verification
test using a fresh calibration verification standard (7.3), or perform and document system
repair. Subsequent to repair, repeat the calibration verification test (Section 7.3.1). If the
8. Quality Control
8.1 Each laboratory that uses this method is required to operate a formal quality assurance program.
The minimum requirements of this program consist of an initial demonstration of laboratory
capability and ongoing analysis of spiked samples and blanks to evaluate and document data quality
(40 CFR 136.7). The laboratory must maintain records to document the quality of data generated.
Results of ongoing performance tests are compared with established QC acceptance criteria to
determine if the results of analyses meet performance requirements of this method. When results of
spiked samples do not meet the QC acceptance criteria in this method, a quality control check
sample (laboratory control sample; LCS) must be analyzed to confirm that the measurements were
performed in an in-control mode of operation. A laboratory may develop its own performance
criteria (as QC acceptance criteria), provided such criteria are as or more restrictive than the criteria
in this method.
8.1.1 The laboratory must make an initial demonstration of capability (DOC) to generate
acceptable precision and recovery with this method. This demonstration is detailed in
Section 8.2.
8.1.2 In recognition of advances that are occurring in analytical technology, and to overcome
matrix interferences, the laboratory is permitted certain options (Section 1.6 and 40 CFR
136.6(b)) to improve separations or lower the costs of measurements. These options may
include alternate extraction, concentration, and cleanup procedures (e.g., solid-phase
extraction; rotary-evaporator concentration; column chromatography cleanup), changes in
column and type of mass spectrometer (40 CFR 136.6(b)(4)(xvi)). Alternate determinative
techniques, such as substitution of spectroscopic or immunoassay techniques, and changes
that degrade method performance, are not allowed. If an analytical technique other than
GC/MS is used, that technique must have a specificity equal to or greater than the
specificity of GC/MS for the analytes of interest. The laboratory is also encouraged to
participate in inter-comparison and performance evaluation studies (see Section 8.10). Each time a modification is made to this method, the laboratory is required to
repeat the procedure in Section 8.2. If the detection limit of the method will be
affected by the change, the laboratory must demonstrate that the MDLs (40 CFR
part 136, appendix B) are lower than one-third the regulatory compliance limit or
the MDLs in this method, whichever are greater. If calibration will be affected
by the change, the instrument must be recalibrated per Section 7. Once the
modification is demonstrated to produce results equivalent or superior to results
produced by this method, that modification may be used routinely thereafter, so
long as the other requirements in this method are met (e.g., matrix spike/matrix
spike duplicate recovery and relative percent difference).
At least one of the above wastewater matrix types must have at least
one of the following characteristics:
(i) Total suspended solids greater than 40 mg/L
(ii) Total dissolved solids greater than 100 mg/L
(iii) Oil and grease greater than 20 mg/L
(iv) NaCl greater than 120 mg/L
(v) CaCO3 greater than 140 mg/L The names, titles, and business street addresses, telephone numbers,
and e-mail addresses, of the analyst(s) that performed the analyses and
modification, and of the quality control officer that witnessed and will
verify the analyses and modifications. Results from all quality control (QC) tests comparing the modified
method to this method, including:
a) Calibration (Section 7).
b) Calibration verification (Section 7).
8.1.3 Before analyzing samples, the laboratory must analyze a blank to demonstrate that
interferences from the analytical system, labware, and reagents, are under control. Each
time a batch of samples is extracted or reagents are changed, a blank must be extracted and
analyzed as a safeguard against laboratory contamination. Requirements for the blank are
given in Section 8.5.
8.1.4 The laboratory must, on an ongoing basis, spike and analyze to monitor and evaluate
method and laboratory performance on the sample matrix. The procedure for spiking and
analysis is given in Section 8.3.
8.1.5 The laboratory must, on an ongoing basis, demonstrate through analysis of a quality control
check sample (laboratory control sample, LCS; on-going precision and recovery sample,
OPR) that the measurement system is in control. This procedure is given in Section 8.4.
8.1.6 The laboratory must maintain performance records to document the quality of data that is
generated. This procedure is given in Section 8.9.
8.2 Initial demonstration of capability (DOC) – To establish the ability to generate acceptable recovery
and precision, the laboratory must perform the DOC in Sections 8.2.1 through 8.2.6 for the analytes
of interest. The laboratory must also establish MDLs for the analytes of interest using the MDL
procedure at 40 CFR part 136, appendix B. The laboratory’s MDLs must be equal to or lower than
those listed in Tables 1, 2, or 3 or lower than one third the regulatory compliance limit, whichever
is greater. For MDLs not listed in Tables 4 and 5, the laboratory must determine the MDLs using
the MDL procedure at 40 CFR 136, Appendix B under the same conditions used to determine the
MDLs for the analytes listed in Tables 1, 2, and 3. All procedures used in the analysis, including
cleanup procedures, must be included in the DOC.
8.2.1 For the DOC, a QC check sample concentrate (LCS concentrate) containing each analyte of
interest (Section 1.3) is prepared in a water-miscible solvent. The QC check sample
concentrate must be prepared independently from those used for calibration, but may be
from the same source as the second-source standard used for calibration verification
(Section 7.3). The concentrate should produce concentrations of the analytes of interest in
water at the mid-point of the calibration range, and may be at the same concentration as the
LCS (Section 8.4). Multiple solutions may be required.
8.2.2 Using a pipet or micro-syringe, prepare four LCSs by adding an appropriate volume of the
concentrate to each of four aliquots of reagent water, and mix well. The volume of reagent
water must be the same as the volume that will be used for the sample, blank (Section 8.5),
and MS/MSD (Section 8.3). A volume of 1-L and a concentration of 100 μg/L were used
to develop the QC acceptance criteria in Table 6. Also add an aliquot of the surrogate
spiking solution (Section 6.8) to the reagent-water aliquots.
8.2.3 Extract and analyze the four LCSs according to the method beginning in Section 10.
8.2.4 Calculate the average percent recovery (X�) and the standard deviation of the percent
recovery (s) for each analyte using the four results.
8.2.5 For each analyte, compare s and (X �) with the corresponding acceptance criteria for
precision and recovery in Table 6. For analytes in Table 3 not listed in Table 6, DOC QC
acceptance criteria must be developed by the laboratory. EPA has provided guidance for
development of QC acceptance criteria (References 12 and 13). Alternatively, acceptance
criteria for analytes not listed in Table 6 may be based on laboratory control charts. If s and
�) for all analytes of interest meet the acceptance criteria, system performance is
acceptable and analysis of blanks and samples may begin. If any individual s exceeds the
precision limit or any individual (X �) falls outside the range for recovery, system
performance is unacceptable for that analyte.
8.2.6 When one or more of the analytes tested fail at least one of the acceptance criteria, repeat
the test for only the analytes that failed. If results for these analytes pass, system
performance is acceptable and analysis of samples and blanks may proceed. If one or more
of the analytes again fail, system performance is unacceptable for the analytes that failed
the acceptance criteria. Correct the problem and repeat the test (Section 8.2). See Section
8.1.7 for disposition of repeated failures.
Note: To maintain the validity of the test and re-test, system maintenance and/or
adjustment is not permitted between this pair of tests.
8.3 Matrix spike and matrix spike duplicate (MS/MSD) – The purpose of the MS/MSD requirement is
to provide data that demonstrate the effectiveness of the method as applied to the samples in
question by a given laboratory, and both the data user (discharger, permittee, regulated entity,
regulatory/control authority, customer, other) and the laboratory share responsibility for provision
of such data. The data user should identify the sample and the analytes of interest (Section 1.3) to
be spiked and provide sufficient sample volume to perform MS/MSD analyses. The laboratory
must, on an ongoing basis, spike at least 5% of the samples in duplicate from each discharge being
monitored to assess accuracy (recovery and precision). If direction cannot be obtained from the
data user, the laboratory must spike at least one sample in duplicate per extraction batch of up to 20
samples with the analytes in Table 1. Spiked sample results should be reported only to the data
user whose sample was spiked, or as requested or required by a regulatory/control authority, or in a
8.3.1 If, as in compliance monitoring, the concentration of a specific analyte will be checked
against a regulatory concentration limit, the concentration of the spike should be at that
limit; otherwise, the concentration of the spike should be one to five times higher than the
background concentration determined in Section 8.3.2, at or near the midpoint of the
calibration range, or at the concentration in the LCS (Section 8.4) whichever concentration
would be larger.
8.3.2 Analyze one sample aliquot to determine the background concentration (B) of the each
analyte of interest. If necessary, prepare a new check sample concentrate (Section 8.2.1)
appropriate for the background concentration. Spike and analyze two additional sample
aliquots, and determine the concentration after spiking (A1 and A2) of each analyte.
Calculate the percent recoveries (P1 and P2) as 100 (A1 - B) / T and 100 (A2 - B) / T,
where T is the known true value of the spike. Also calculate the relative percent difference
(RPD) between the concentrations (A1 and A2) as 200 |A1 - A2| / (A1 + A2). If necessary,
adjust the concentrations used to calculate the RPD to account for differences in the
volumes of the spiked aliquots.
8.3.3 Compare the percent recoveries (P1 and P2) and the RPD for each analyte in the MS/MSD
aliquots with the corresponding QC acceptance criteria in Table 6. A laboratory may
develop and apply QC acceptance criteria more restrictive than the criteria in Table 6, if
desired. The acceptance criteria in Table 6 were calculated to include an allowance for
error in measurement of both the background and spike concentrations, assuming
a spike to background ratio of 5:1. This error will be accounted for to the extent
that the spike to background ratio approaches 5:1 (Reference 14) and is applied
to spike concentrations of 100 μg/L and higher. If spiking is performed at a
concentration lower than 100 μg/L, the laboratory must use the QC acceptance
criteria in Table 6, the optional QC acceptance criteria calculated for the specific
spike concentration in Table 7, or optional in-house criteria (Section 8.3.4). To
use the acceptance criteria in Table 7: (1) Calculate recovery (X’) using the
equation in Table 7, substituting the spike concentration (T) for C; (2) Calculate
�; (3)
overall precision (S') using the equation in Table 7, substituting X' for X
Calculate the range for recovery at the spike concentration as (100 X’/T) ±
2.44(100 S'/T)% (Reference 14). For analytes in Table 3 not listed in Table 6,
QC acceptance criteria must be developed by the laboratory. EPA has provided
guidance for development of QC acceptance criteria (References 12 and 13).
Alternatively, acceptance criteria may be based on laboratory control charts.
8.3.4 After analysis of a minimum of 20 MS/MSD samples for each target analyte and surrogate,
and if the laboratory chooses to develop and apply the optional in-house QC limits (Section
8.3.3), the laboratory should calculate and apply the optional in-house QC limits for
recovery and RPD of future MS/MSD samples (Section 8.3). The QC limits for recovery
are calculated as the mean observed recovery ± 3 standard deviations, and the upper QC
limit for RPD is calculated as the mean RPD plus 3 standard deviations of the RPDs. The
in-house QC limits must be updated at least every two years and re-established after any
major change in the analytical instrumentation or process. If in-house QC limits are
developed, at least 80% of the analytes tested in the MS/MSD must have in-house QC
acceptance criteria that are tighter than those in Table 6, and the remaining analytes (those
other than the analytes included in the 80%) must meet the acceptance criteria in Table 6.
If an in-house QC limit for the RPD is greater than the limit in Table 6, then the limit in
Table 6 must be used. Similarly, if an in-house lower limit for recovery is below the lower
limit in Table 6, then the lower limit in Table 6 must be used, and if an in-house upper limit
for recovery is above the upper limit in Table 6, then the upper limit in Table 6 must be
8.4 Laboratory control sample (LCS) – A QC check sample (laboratory control sample, LCS; on-going
precision and recovery sample, OPR) containing each analyte of interest (Section 1.3) and surrogate
must be prepared and analyzed with each extraction batch of up to 20 samples to demonstrate
acceptable recovery of the analytes of interest from a clean sample matrix.
8.4.1 Prepare the LCS by adding QC check sample concentrate (Section 8.2.1) to reagent water.
Include all analytes of interest (Section 1.3) in the LCS. The LCS may be the same sample
prepared for the DOC (Section 8.2.1). The volume of reagent water must be the same as
the volume used for the sample, blank (Section 8.5), and MS/MSD (Section 8.3). Also add
an aliquot of the surrogate spiking solution (Section 6.8). The concentration of the analytes
in reagent water should be the same as the concentration in the DOC (Section 8.2.2).
8.4.3 Compare the percent recovery (PS) for each analyte with its corresponding QC acceptance
criterion in Table 6. For analytes of interest in Table 3 not listed in Table 6, use the QC
acceptance criteria developed for the LCS (Section 8.4.5), or limits based on laboratory
control charts. If the recoveries for all analytes of interest fall within their respective QC
acceptance criteria, analysis of blanks and field samples may proceed. If any individual PS
falls outside the range, proceed according to Section 8.4.4.
Note: The large number of analytes in Tables 1 - 3 present a substantial probability that
one or more will fail the acceptance criteria when all analytes are tested
simultaneously. Because a re-test is allowed in event of failure (Sections 8.1.7 and
8.4.3), it may be prudent to extract and analyze two LCSs together and evaluate
results of the second analysis against the QC acceptance criteria only if an analyte
fails the first test.
8.4.4 Repeat the test only for those analytes that failed to meet the acceptance criteria (PS). If
these analytes now pass, system performance is acceptable and analysis of blanks and
samples may proceed. Repeated failure, however, will confirm a general problem with the
measurement system. If this occurs, repeat the test using a fresh LCS (Section 8.2.2) or an
LCS prepared with a fresh QC check sample concentrate (Section 8.2.1), or perform and
document system repair. Subsequent to analysis of the LCS prepared with a fresh sample
concentrate, or to system repair, repeat the LCS test (Section 8.4). If failure of the LCS
indicates a systemic problem with samples in the batch, re-extract and re-analyze the
samples in the batch. See Section 8.1.7 for disposition of repeated failures.
Note: To maintain the validity of the test and re-test, system maintenance and/or
adjustment is not permitted between the pair of tests.
8.4.5 After analysis of 20 LCS samples, and if the laboratory chooses to develop and apply in-
house QC limits, the laboratory should calculate and apply in-house QC limits for recovery
to future LCS samples (Section 8.4). Limits for recovery in the LCS should be calculated
as the mean recovery ±3 standard deviations. A minimum of 80% of the analytes tested for
in the LCS must have QC acceptance criteria tighter than those in Table 6, and the
remaining analytes (those other than the analytes included in the 80%) must meet the
acceptance criteria in Table 6. If an in-house lower limit for recovery is lower than the
lower limit in Table 6, the lower limit in Table 6 must be used, and if an in-house upper
limit for recovery is higher than the upper limit in Table 6, the upper limit in Table 6 must
be used. Many of the analytes and surrogates do not contain acceptance criteria. The
laboratory should use 60 - 140% as interim acceptance criteria for recoveries of spiked
analytes and surrogates that do not have recovery limits specified in Table 8, and at least
80% of the surrogates must meet the 60 - 140% interim criteria until in-house LCS and
surrogate limits are developed. Alternatively, acceptance criteria for analytes that do not
have recovery limits in Table 6 may be based on laboratory control charts. In-house QC
acceptance criteria must be updated at least every two years.
8.5 Blank – A blank must be extracted and analyzed with each extraction batch to demonstrate that the
reagents and equipment used for preparation and analysis are free from contamination.
8.5.2 If an analyte of interest is found in the blank: 1) at a concentration greater than the MDL
for the analyte, 2) at a concentration greater than one-third the regulatory compliance limit,
or 3) at a concentration greater than one-tenth the concentration in a sample in the
extraction batch, whichever is greater, analysis of samples must be halted, and the problem
corrected. If the contamination is traceable to the extraction batch, samples affected by the
blank must be re-extracted and the extracts re-analyzed. If, however, continued re-testing
results in repeated blank contamination, the laboratory must document and report the
failures (e.g., as qualifiers on results), unless the failures are not required to be reported as
determined by the regulatory/control authority. Results associated with blank
contamination for an analyte regulated in a discharge cannot be used to demonstrate
regulatory compliance. QC failures do not relieve a discharger or permittee of reporting
timely results.
8.6.1 Calibration verification – The responses (GC peak heights or areas) of the internal
standards in the calibration verification must be within 50% to 200% (1/2 to 2x) of their
respective responses in the mid-point calibration standard. If they are not, repeat the
calibration verification (Section 7.4) test or perform and document system repair.
Subsequent to repair, repeat the calibration verification. If the responses are still not within
50% to 200%, re-calibrate the instrument (Section 7) and repeat the calibration verification
8.6.2 Samples, blanks, LCSs, and MS/MSDs – The responses (GC peak heights or areas) of each
internal standard in each sample, blank, and MS/MSD must be within 50% to 200% (1/2 to
2x) of its respective response in the LCS for the extraction batch. If, as a group, all internal
standards are not within this range, perform and document system repair, repeat the
calibration verification (Section 8.4), and re-analyze the affected samples. If a single
internal standard is not within the 50% to 200% range, use an alternate internal standard for
quantitation of the analyte referenced to the affected internal standard. It may be necessary
to use the data system to calculate a new response factor from calibration data for the
alternate internal standard/analyte pair. If an internal standard fails the 50 - 200% criteria
and no analytes are detected in the sample, ignore the failure or report it if required by the
regulatory/control authority.
8.7 Surrogate recoveries – The laboratory must evaluate surrogate recovery data in each sample against
its in-house surrogate recovery limits. The laboratory may use 60 -140% as interim acceptance
criteria for recoveries for surrogates not listed in Table 8. At least 80% of the surrogates must meet
the 60 - 140% interim criteria until in-house limits are developed. Alternatively, surrogate recovery
limits may be developed from laboratory control charts, but such limits must be at least as
restrictive as those in Table 8. Spike the surrogates into all samples, blanks, LCSs, and MS/MSDs.
Compare surrogate recoveries against the QC acceptance criteria in Table 8 and/or those developed
in Section 7.3.3 or 8.4.5. If any recovery fails its criteria, attempt to find and correct the cause of
the failure. See Section 8.1.7 for disposition of failures.
8.9 As part of the QC program for the laboratory, control charts or statements of accuracy for
wastewater samples must be assessed and records maintained (40 CFR 136.7(c)(1)(viii)). After
analysis of five or more spiked wastewater samples as in Section 8.3, calculate the average percent
recovery (Px) and the standard deviation of the percent recovery (sp). Express the accuracy
assessment as a percent interval from Px -2sp to Px +2sp. For example, if Px = 90% and sp = 10%,
the accuracy interval is expressed as 70 - 110%. Update the accuracy assessment for each analyte
on a regular basis (e.g., after each 5 - 10 new accuracy measurements). If desired, statements of
accuracy for laboratory performance, independent of performance on samples, may be developed
using LCSs.
8.10 It is recommended that the laboratory adopt additional quality assurance practices for use with this
method. The specific practices that are most productive depend upon the needs of the laboratory
and the nature of the samples. Field duplicates may be analyzed to assess the precision of
environmental measurements. Whenever possible, the laboratory should analyze standard reference
materials and participate in relevant performance evaluation studies.
9.1 Collect samples as grab samples in amber or clear glass bottles, or in refrigerated bottles using
automatic sampling equipment. If clear glass is used, protect samples from light. Collect 1-L of
ambient waters, effluents, and other aqueous samples. If the sensitivity of the analytical system is
sufficient, a smaller volume (e.g., 250 mL), but no less than 100 mL, may be used. Conventional
sampling practices (Reference 15) should be followed, except that the bottle must not be pre-rinsed
with sample before collection. Automatic sampling equipment must be as free as possible of
polyvinyl chloride or other tubing or other potential sources of contamination. If needed, collect
additional sample(s) for the MS/MSD (Section 8.3).
9.2 Ice or refrigerate samples at ≤6 °C from the time of collection until extraction, but do not freeze. If
residual chlorine is present, add 80 mg of sodium thiosulfate per liter of sample and mix well. Any
method suitable for field use may be employed to test for residual chlorine (Reference 16). Add
more sodium sulfate if 80 mg/L is insufficient but do not add excess sodium thiosulfate. If sodium
thiosulfate interferes in the determination of the analytes, an alternate preservative (e.g., ascorbic
acid or sodium sulfite) may be used. If preservative has been added, shake the sample vigorously
for one minute. Maintain the hermetic seal on the sample bottle until time of analysis.
9.3 All samples must be extracted within 7 days of collection and sample extracts must be analyzed
within 40 days of extraction.
10. Extraction
10.1 This section contains procedures for separatory funnel liquid-liquid extraction (SFLLE) and
continuous liquid-liquid extraction (CLLE). SFLLE is faster, but may not be as effective as CLLE
for recovery of polar analytes such as phenol. SFLLE is labor intensive and may result in
formation of emulsions that are difficult to break. CLLE is less labor intensive, avoids emulsion
formation, but requires more time (18-24 hours) and more hood space, and may require more
solvent. The procedures assume base-neutral extraction followed by acid extraction. For some
10.2.1 The SFLLE procedure below assumes a sample volume of 1 L. When a different sample
volume is extracted, adjust the volume of methylene chloride accordingly.
10.2.2 Mark the water meniscus on the side of the sample bottle for later determination of sample
volume. Pour the entire sample into the separatory funnel. Pipet the surrogate standard
spiking solution (Section 6.8) into the separatory funnel. If the sample will be used for the
LCS or MS or MSD, pipet the appropriate check sample concentrate (Section 8.2.1 or
8.3.2) into the separatory funnel. Mix well. Check the pH of the sample with wide-range
pH paper and adjust to pH 11 - 13 with sodium hydroxide solution.
10.2.3 Add 60 mL of methylene chloride to the sample bottle, seal, and shake for approximately
30 seconds to rinse the inner surface. Transfer the solvent to the separatory funnel and
extract the sample by shaking the funnel for two minutes with periodic venting to release
excess pressure. Allow the organic layer to separate from the water phase for a minimum
of 10 minutes. If the emulsion interface between layers is more than one-third the volume
of the solvent layer, the analyst must employ mechanical techniques to complete the phase
separation. The optimum technique depends upon the sample, but may include stirring,
filtration of the emulsion through glass wool or phase-separation paper, salting,
centrifugation, or other physical methods. Collect the methylene chloride extract in a flask.
If the emulsion cannot be broken (recovery of <80% of the methylene chloride), transfer
the sample, solvent, and emulsion into a continuous extractor and proceed as described in
Section 10.3.
10.2.4 Add a second 60-mL volume of methylene chloride to the sample bottle and repeat the
extraction procedure a second time, combining the extracts in the Erlenmeyer flask.
Perform a third extraction in the same manner.
10.2.5 Adjust the pH of the aqueous phase to less than 2 using sulfuric acid. Serially extract the
acidified aqueous phase three times with 60 mL aliquots of methylene chloride. Collect
and combine the extracts in a flask in the same manner as the base/neutral extracts.
Note: Base/neutral and acid extracts may be combined for concentration and analysis
provided all QC tests are performed and all QC acceptance criteria met for the
analytes of interest with the combined extract as an integral part of this method,
and provided that the analytes of interest are as reliably identified and quantified
as when the extracts are analyzed separately. If doubt exists as to whether
identification and quantitation will be affected by use of a combined extract, the
fractions must be analyzed separately.
10.2.6 For each fraction or the combined fractions, assemble a Kuderna-Danish (K-D)
concentrator by attaching a 10-mL concentrator tube to a 500-mL evaporative flask. Other
concentration devices or techniques may be used in place of the K-D concentrator so long
as the requirements in Section 8.2 are met.
10.2.8 Add one or two clean boiling chips and attach a three-ball Snyder column to the
evaporative flask for each fraction (Section 10.2.7). Pre-wet the Snyder column by adding
about 1 mL of methylene chloride to the top. Place the K-D apparatus on a hot water bath
(60-65 °C) so that the concentrator tube is partially immersed in the hot water, and the
entire lower rounded surface of the flask is bathed with hot vapor. Adjust the vertical
position of the apparatus and the water temperature as required to complete the
concentration in 15-20 minutes. At the proper rate of distillation, the balls of the column
will actively chatter but the chambers will not flood with condensed solvent. When the
apparent volume of liquid reaches 1 mL or other determined amount, remove the K-D
apparatus from the water bath and allow to drain and cool for at least 10 minutes. Remove
the Snyder column and rinse the flask and its lower joint into the concentrator tube with 1 -
2 mL of methylene chloride. A 5-mL syringe is recommended for this operation. If the
sample will be cleaned up, reserve the K-D apparatus for concentration of the cleaned up
extract. Adjust the volume to 5 mL with methylene chloride and proceed to Section 11 for
cleanup; otherwise, further concentrate the extract for GC/MS analysis per Section 10.2.9
or 10.2.10.
10.2.9 Micro Kuderna-Danish concentration – Add another one or two clean boiling chips to the
concentrator tube for each fraction and attach a two-ball micro-Snyder column. Pre-wet the
Snyder column by adding about 0.5 mL of methylene chloride to the top. Place the K-D
apparatus on a hot water bath (60-65 °C) so that the concentrator tube is partially immersed
in hot water. Adjust the vertical position of the apparatus and the water temperature as
required to complete the concentration in 5-10 minutes. At the proper rate of distillation
the balls of the column will actively chatter but the chambers will not flood with condensed
solvent. When the apparent volume of liquid reaches about 1 mL or other determined
amount, remove the K-D apparatus from the water bath and allow it to drain and cool for at
least 10 minutes. Remove the Snyder column and rinse the flask and its lower joint into the
concentrator tube with approximately 0.2 mL of or methylene chloride. Adjust the final
volume to 1.0 mL or a volume appropriate to the sensitivity desired (e.g., to meet lower
MDLs or for selected ion monitoring). Record the volume, stopper the concentrator tube
and store refrigerated if further processing will not be performed immediately. If the
extracts will be stored longer than two days, they should be transferred to fluoropolymer-
lined screw-cap vials and labeled base/neutral or acid fraction as appropriate. Mark the
level of the extract on the vial so that solvent loss can be detected.
10.2.10 Nitrogen evaporation and solvent exchange – Extracts may be concentrated for analysis
using nitrogen evaporation in place of micro K-D concentration (Section 10.2.9). Extracts
that have been cleaned up using sulfur removal (Section 11.2) and are ready for analysis are
exchanged into methylene chloride. Transfer the vial containing the sample extract to the nitrogen evaporation
(blowdown) device (Section 5.8). Lower the vial into the water bath and begin
concentrating. If the more volatile analytes (Section 1.2) are to be concentrated,
use room temperature for concentration; otherwise, a slightly elevated (e.g., 30 - 45
°C) may be used. During the solvent evaporation process, keep the solvent level
below the water level of the bath and do not allow the extract to become dry. Extracts to be solvent exchanged – When the volume of the liquid is approximately
200 μL, add 2 to 3 mL of methylene chloride and continue concentrating to
approximately 100 μL. Repeat the addition of solvent and concentrate once more.
Adjust the final extract volume to be consistent with the volume extracted and the
sensitivity desired. For extracts that have been cleaned up by GPC and that are to be concentrated to
a nominal volume of 1 mL, adjust the final volume to compensate the GPC loss.
For a 50% GPC loss, concentrate the extract to 1/2000 of the volume extracted.
For example, if the volume extracted is 950 mL, adjust the final volume to 0.48
mL. For extracts that have not been cleaned up by GPC and are to be
concentrated to a nominal volume of 1.0 mL, adjust the final extract volume to
1/1000 of the volume extracted. For example, if the volume extracted is 950 mL,
adjust the final extract volume to 0.95 mL. Alternative means of compensating
the loss during GPC are acceptable so long as they produce results as accurate as
results produced using the procedure detailed in this Section. An alternative final
volume may be used, if desired, and the calculations adjusted accordingly.
Note: The difference in the volume fraction for an extract cleaned up by GPC
accounts for the loss in GPC cleanup. Also, by preserving the ratio
between the volume extracted and the final extract volume, the
concentrations and detection limits do not need to be adjusted for
differences in the volume extracted and the extract volume.
10.2.11 Transfer the concentrated extract to a vial with fluoropolymer-lined cap. Seal the vial and
label with the sample number. Store in the dark at room temperature until ready for GC
analysis. If GC analysis will not be performed on the same day, store the vial in the dark at
≤6 °C. Analyze the extract by GC/MS per the procedure in Section 12.
10.2.12 Determine the original sample volume by refilling the sample bottle to the mark and
transferring the liquid to an appropriately sized graduated cylinder. For sample volumes on
the order of 1000 mL, record the sample volume to the nearest 10 mL; for sample volumes
on the order of 100 mL, record the volume to the nearest 1 mL. Sample volumes may also
be determined by weighing the container before and after filling to the mark with water.
Note: With CLLE, phenol, 2,4-dimethyl phenol, and some other analytes may be preferentially
extracted into the base-neutral fraction. Determine an analyte in the fraction in which it is
identified and quantified most reliably. Also, the short-chain phthalate esters (e.g.,
dimethyl phthalate, diethyl phthalate) and some other compounds may hydrolyze during
prolonged exposure to basic conditions required for continuous extraction, resulting in low
recovery of these analytes. When these analytes are of interest, their recovery may be
improved by performing the acid extraction first.
10.3.1 Use CLLE when experience with a sample from a given source indicates an emulsion
problem, or when an emulsion is encountered during SFLLE. CLLE may be used for all
samples, if desired.
10.3.3 Repeat the sample bottle rinse with an additional 50-100 mL portion of methylene chloride
and add the rinse to the extractor.
10.3.4 Add a suitable volume of methylene chloride to the distilling flask (generally 200 - 500
mL), add sufficient reagent water to ensure proper operation, and extract for 18 - 24 hours.
A shorter or longer extraction time may be used if all QC acceptance criteria are met. Test
and, if necessary, adjust the pH of the water during the second or third hour of the
extraction. After extraction, allow the apparatus to cool, then detach the distilling flask.
Dry, concentrate, and seal the extract per Sections 10.2.6 through 10.2.11. See the note at
Section 10.2.5 regarding combining extracts of the base/neutral and acid fractions.
10.3.5 Charge the distilling flask with methylene chloride and attach it to the continuous extractor.
Carefully, while stirring, adjust the pH of the aqueous phase to less than 2 using sulfuric
acid. Extract for 18 - 24 hours. A shorter or longer extraction time may be used if all QC
acceptance criteria are met. Test and, if necessary, adjust the pH of the water during the
second or third hour of the extraction. After extraction, allow the apparatus to cool, then
detach the distilling flask. Dry, concentrate, and seal the extract per Sections 10.2.6
through 10.2.11. Determine the sample volume per Section 10.2.12.
Note: Cleanup may not be necessary for relatively clean samples (e.g., treated effluents,
groundwater, drinking water). If particular circumstances require the use of a cleanup
procedure, the laboratory may use any or all of the procedures below or any other
appropriate procedure. Before using a cleanup procedure, the laboratory must
demonstrate that the requirements of Section 8.1.2 can be met using the cleanup procedure
as an integral part of this method.
11.1.1 Calibration Load the calibration solution (Section 6.12) into the sample loop Inject the calibration solution and record the signal from the detector. The
elution pattern will be corn oil, bis(2-ethylhexyl) phthalate, pentachlorophenol,
perylene, and sulfur. Set the “dump time” to allow >85% removal of the corn oil and >85% collection
of the phthalate. Set the “collect time” to the peak minimum between perylene and sulfur.
11.1.2 Extract cleanup – GPC requires that the column not be overloaded. The column specified
in this method is designed to handle a maximum of 0.5 g of high molecular weight material
in a 5-mL extract. If the extract is known or expected to contain more than 0.5 g, the
extract is split into fractions for GPC and the fractions are combined after elution from the
column. The solids content of the extract may be obtained gravimetrically by evaporating
the solvent from a 50-µL aliquot. Filter the extract or load through the filter holder to remove particulates. Load
the extract into the sample loop. The maximum capacity of the column is
0.5 - 1.0 g. If necessary, split the extract into multiple aliquots to prevent column
overload. Elute the extract using the calibration data determined in Section 11.1.1. Collect
the eluate in the K-D apparatus reserved in Section 10.2.8.
11.1.3 Concentrate the cleaned up extract per Sections 10.2.8 and 10.2.9 or 10.2.10.
11.1.4 Rinse the sample loading tube thoroughly with methylene chloride between extracts to
prepare for the next sample.
11.1.5 If a particularly dirty extract is encountered, run a methylene chloride blank through the
system to check for carry-over.
Note: Separate procedures using copper or TBA sulfite are provided in this section for sulfur
removal. They may be used separately or in combination, if desired. Quantitatively transfer the extract from Section 10.2.8 to a 40- to 50-mL flask or
bottle. If there is evidence of water in the concentrator tube after the transfer,
rinse the tube with small portions of hexane:acetone (40:60) and add to the flask
or bottle. Mark and set aside the concentrator tube for use in re-concentrating the
extract. Add 10 - 20 g of granular anhydrous sodium sulfate to the flask. Swirl to dry the
extract. After drying and sulfur removal, quantitatively transfer the extract to a nitrogen-
evaporation vial or tube and proceed to Section 10.2.10 for nitrogen evaporation
and solvent exchange, taking care to leave the sodium sulfate and copper in the
flask. Using small volumes of hexane, quantitatively transfer the extract to a 40- to 50-
mL centrifuge tube with fluoropolymer-lined screw cap. Add 5 - 10 mL of reagent water and shake for 1 - 2 minutes. Centrifuge to settle
the solids. Quantitatively transfer the hexane (top) layer through a small funnel containing a
few grams of granular anhydrous sodium sulfate to a nitrogen-evaporation vial or
tube and proceed to Section 10.2.10 for nitrogen evaporation and solvent
12.1 Establish the operating conditions in Table 4 or 5 for analysis of a base/neutral or acid extract,
respectively. For analysis of a combined extract (Section 10.2.5, note), use the operating conditions
in Table 4 MDLs and MLs for the analytes are given in Tables 1, 2, and 3. Retention times for
many of the analytes are given in Tables 4 and 5. Examples of the separations achieved are shown
in Figure 2 for the combined extract. Alternative columns or chromatographic conditions may be
used if the requirements of Section 8.2 are met. Verify system performance per Section 13.
12.2.1 Bring the standard or concentrated extract (Section 10.2.9 or 10.2.11) to room temperature
and verify that any precipitate has redissolved. Verify the level on the extract and bring to
the mark with solvent if required.
12.2.2 Add the internal standard solution (Section 6.9) to the extract. Mix thoroughly.
12.2.3 Inject an appropriate volume of the sample extract or standard solution using split, splitless,
solvent purge, large-volume, or on-column injection. If the sample is injected manually the
solvent-flush technique should be used. The injection volume depends upon the technique
used and the ability to meet MDLs or reporting limits for regulatory compliance. Injected Start the GC column oven program upon injection. Start MS data collection after
the solvent peak elutes. Stop data collection after benzo(ghi)perylene elutes for
the base/neutral or combined fractions, or after pentachlorophenol elutes for the
acid fraction. Return the column to the initial temperature for analysis of the
next standard solution or extract. If the concentration of any analyte of interest exceeds the calibration range, either
extract and analyze a smaller sample volume, or dilute and analyze the diluted
extract after bringing the concentrations of the internal standards to the levels in
the undiluted extract.
12.2.4 Perform all qualitative and quantitative measurements as described in Sections 14 and 15.
When standards and extracts are not being used for analyses, store them refrigerated at
≤6 °C protected from light in screw-cap vials equipped with un-pierced fluoropolymer-
lined septa.
13.1 At the beginning of each 12-hour shift during which standards or extracts will be analyzed, perform
the tests in Sections 13.2 - 13.4 to verify system performance. If an extract is concentrated for
greater sensitivity (e.g., by SIM), all tests must be performed at levels consistent with the reduced
extract volume.
13.2 DFTPP – Inject the DFTPP standard (Section 6.10) and verify that the criteria for DFTPP in
Section and Table 9A (Reference 18) for a quadrupole MS, or Table 9B (Reference 19) for
a time-of-flight MS, are met.
13.3 GC resolution – The resolution should be verified on the mid-point concentration of the initial
calibration as well as the laboratory designated continuing calibration verification level if closely
eluting isomers are to be reported (e.g., benzo(b)fluoranthene and benzo(k)fluoranthene).
Sufficient gas chromatographic resolution is achieved if the height of the valley between two
isomer peaks is less than 50% of the average of the two peak heights.
13.4 Calibration verification – Verify calibration per Sections 7.3 and Table 6.
13.5 Peak tailing – Verify the tailing factor specifications are met per Section
13.6 Laboratory control sample and blank – Analyze the extracts of the LCS and blank at the beginning
of analyses of samples in the extraction batch (Section 3.1). The LCS must meet the requirements
in Section 8.4, and the blank must meet the requirements in Section 8.5 before sample extracts may
be analyzed.
13.7 Analysis of DFTPP, the DDT/Endrin decomposition test (if used), the LCS, and the blank are
outside of the 12-hour analysis shift (Section 3.1). The total time for DFTPP, DDT/Endrin, the
LCS, the blank, and the 12-hour shift must not exceed 15 hours.
13.8 Decomposition of DDT and endrin – If DDT and/or endrin are to be determined, this test must be
performed prior to calibration verification (Section 13.4). The QC acceptance criteria (Section
13.8.1 Inject 1 µL of the DDT and endrin decomposition solution (Section 6.14). As noted in
Section 6.14, other injection volumes may be used as long as the concentrations of DDT
and endrin in the solution are adjusted to introduce the masses of the two analytes into the
instrument that are listed in Section 6.14.
13.8.2 Measure the areas of the peaks for DDT, DDE, DDD, Endrin, Endrin aldehyde, and Endrin
ketone. Calculate the percent breakdown as shown in the equations below:
13.8.3 Both the % breakdown of DDT and of Endrin must be less than 20%, otherwise the system
is not performing acceptably for DDT and endrin. In this case, repair the GC column
system that failed and repeat the performance tests (Sections 13.2 to 13.6) until the
specification is met.
Note: DDT and endrin decomposition are usually caused by accumulation of particulates
in the injector and in the front end of the column. Cleaning and silanizing the
injection port liner, and breaking off a short section of the front end of the column
will usually eliminate the decomposition problem. Either of these corrective
actions may affect retention times, GC resolution, and calibration linearity.
14.1 Identification is accomplished by comparison of data from analysis of a sample or blank with data
stored in the GC/MS data system (Sections 5.6.5 and Identification of an analyte is
confirmed per Sections 14.1.1 through 14.1.4.
14.1.1 The signals for the quantitation and secondary m/z’s stored in the data system for each
analyte of interest must be present and must maximize within the same two consecutive
14.1.2 The retention time for the analyte should be within ± 10 seconds of the analyte in the
calibration verification run at the beginning of the shift (Section 7.3 or 13.4).
Note: Retention time windows other than ± 10 seconds may be appropriate depending on
the performance of the gas chromatograph or observed retention time drifts due to
certain types of matrix effects.. Relative retention time (RRT) may be used as an
alternative to absolute retention times if retention time drift is a concern. RRT is a
unitless quantity (see Section 22.2), although some procedures refer to “RRT
units” in providing the specification for the agreement between the RRT values in
the sample and the calibration verification or other standard. When significant
retention time drifts are observed, dilutions or spiked samples may help the analyst
determine the effects of the matrix on elution of the target analytes and to assist in
qualitative identification.
14.2 Structural isomers that produce very similar mass spectra should be identified as individual isomers
if they have sufficiently different gas chromatographic retention times. Sufficient gas
chromatographic resolution is achieved if the height of the valley between two isomer peaks is less
than 50% of the average of the two peak heights. Otherwise, structural isomers are identified as
isomeric pairs.
15. Calculations
15.1 When an analyte has been identified, quantitation of that analyte is based on the integrated
abundance from the EICP of the primary characteristic m/z in Table 4 or 5. Calculate the
concentration in the extract using the response factor (RF) determined in Section 7.2.2 and
Equation 2. If the concentration of an analyte exceeds the calibration range, dilute the extract by
the minimum amount to bring the concentration into the calibration range, and re-analyze the
extract. Determine a dilution factor (DF) from the amount of the dilution. For example, if the
extract is diluted by a factor of 2, DF = 2.
Equation 2
As x Cis
Cex (µg/mL)=
Ais x RF
Cex = Concentration of the analyte in the extract, in µg/mL, and the other terms are as defined in
Section 7.2.2.
Calculate the concentration of the analyte in the sample using the concentration in the extract, the
extract volume, the sample volume, and the dilution factor, per Equation 3:
Equation 3
Cex x Vex x DF
Csamp (µg/L) =
Csamp = Concentration of the analyte in the sample
Cex = Concentration of the analyte in the extract, in µg/mL
Vex = Volume of extract (mL)
Vs = Volume of sample (L)
DF = Dilution factor
As noted in Section 1.4.1, EPA has promulgated this method at 40 CFR part 136 for use in
wastewater compliance monitoring under the National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System
(NPDES). The data reporting practices described here are focused on such monitoring needs and
may not be relevant to other uses of the method. Report a result for each analyte in each field sample or QC standard at or above
the ML to 3 significant figures. Report a result for each analyte found in each
field sample or QC standard below the ML as “<ML,” where ML is the
concentration of the analyte at the ML, or as required by the regulatory/control
authority or permit. Report a result for each analyte in a blank at or above the
MDL to 2 significant figures. Report a result for each analyte found in a blank
below the MDL as “<MDL,” where MDL is the concentration of the analyte at
the MDL, or as required by the regulatory/control authority or permit. In addition to reporting results for samples and blanks separately, the
concentration of each analyte in a blank associated with the sample may be
subtracted from the result for that sample, but only if requested or required by a
regulatory authority or in a permit. In this case, both the sample result and the
blank results must be reported together. Report a result for an analyte found in a sample or extract that has been diluted at
the least dilute level at which the area at the quantitation m/z is within the
calibration range (i.e., above the ML for the analyte) and the MS/MSD recovery
and RPD are within their respective QC acceptance criteria (Table 6). This may
require reporting results for some analytes from different analyses.
15.2.3 Results from tests performed with an analytical system that is not in control (i.e., that does
not meet acceptance criteria for any QC tests in this method) must be documented and
reported (e.g., as a qualifier on results), unless the failure is not required to be reported as
determined by the regulatory/control authority. Results associated with a QC failure cannot
be used to demonstrate regulatory compliance. QC failures do not relieve a discharger or
permittee of reporting timely results. If the holding time would be exceeded for a re-
analysis of the sample, the regulatory/control authority should be consulted for disposition.
16.1 The basic version of this method was tested by 15 laboratories using reagent water, drinking water,
surface water, and industrial wastewaters spiked at six concentrations over the range 5-1300 μg/L
(Reference 2). Single operator precision, overall precision, and method accuracy were found to be
directly related to the concentration of the analyte and essentially independent of the sample matrix.
Linear equations to describe these relationships are presented in Table 7.
16.2 As noted in Section 1.1, this method was validated through an interlaboratory study in the early
1980s. However, the fundamental chemistry principles used in this method remain sound and
continue to apply.
17.1 Pollution prevention encompasses any technique that reduces or eliminates the quantity or toxicity
of waste at the point of generation. Many opportunities for pollution prevention exist in laboratory
operations. EPA has established a preferred hierarchy of environmental management techniques
that places pollution prevention as the management option of first choice. Whenever feasible, the
laboratory should use pollution prevention techniques to address waste generation. When wastes
cannot be reduced at the source, the Agency recommends recycling as the next best option.
17.2 The analytes in this method are used in extremely small amounts and pose little threat to the
environment when managed properly. Standards should be prepared in volumes consistent with
laboratory use to minimize the disposal of excess volumes of expired standards. This method
utilizes significant quantities of methylene chloride. Laboratories are encouraged to recover and
recycle this and other solvents during extract concentration.
17.3 For information about pollution prevention that may be applied to laboratories and research
institutions, consult Less is Better: Laboratory Chemical Management for Waste Reduction,
available from the American Chemical Society’s Department of Governmental Relations and
Science Policy, 1155 16th Street NW, Washington DC 20036, 202-872-4477.
18.1 The laboratory is responsible for complying with all Federal, State, and local regulations governing
waste management, particularly the hazardous waste identification rules and land disposal
restrictions, and to protect the air, water, and land by minimizing and controlling all releases from
fume hoods and bench operations. Compliance is also required with any sewage discharge permits
and regulations. An overview of requirements can be found in Environmental Management Guide
for Small Laboratories (EPA 233-B-98-001).
18.2 Samples at pH <2, or pH >12, are hazardous and must be handled and disposed of as hazardous
waste, or neutralized and disposed of in accordance with all federal, state, and local regulations. It
is the laboratory's responsibility to comply with all federal, state, and local regulations governing
waste management, particularly the hazardous waste identification rules and land disposal
restrictions. The laboratory using this method has the responsibility to protect the air, water, and
land by minimizing and controlling all releases from fume hoods and bench operations.
Compliance is also required with any sewage discharge permits and regulations. For further
information on waste management, see “The Waste Management Manual for Laboratory
Personnel,” also available from the American Chemical Society at the address in Section 17.3.
18.3 Many analytes in this method decompose above 500 ºC. Low-level waste such as absorbent paper,
tissues, and plastic gloves may be burned in an appropriate incinerator. Gross quantities of neat or
highly concentrated solutions of toxic or hazardous chemicals should be packaged securely and
disposed of through commercial or governmental channels that are capable of handling these types
of wastes.
18.4 For further information on waste management, consult The Waste Management Manual for
Laboratory Personnel and Less is Better-Laboratory Chemical Management for Waste Reduction,
19. References
1. “Sampling and Analysis Procedures for Screening of Industrial Effluents for Priority Pollutants,” U.S.
Environmental Protection Agency, Environmental Monitoring and Support Laboratory, Cincinnati,
Ohio 45268, March 1977, Revised April 1977.
2. “EPA Method Study 30, Method 625, Base/Neutrals, Acids, and Pesticides,” EPA 600/4-84-053,
National Technical Information Service, PB84-206572, Springfield, Virginia 22161, June 1984.
4. Olynyk, P., Budde, W.L. and Eichelberger, J.W. “Method Detection Limit for Methods 624 and
625,” Unpublished report, May 14, 1980.
5. Annual Book of ASTM Standards, Volume 11.02, D3694-96, “Standard Practices for Preparation of
Sample Containers and for Preservation of Organic Constituents,” American Society for Testing and
Materials, Philadelphia.
6. Solutions to Analytical Chemistry Problems with Clean Water Act Methods, EPA 821-R-07-002,
March 2007.
8. “OSHA Safety and Health Standards, General Industry,” (29 CFR part 1910), Occupational Safety
and Health Administration, OSHA 2206 (Revised, January 1976).
10. Johnson, R. A., and Wichern, D. W., “Applied Multivariate Statistical Analysis,” 3rd edition, Prentice
Hall, Englewood Cliffs, NJ, 1992.
13. Protocol for EPA Approval of New Methods for Organic and Inorganic Analytes in Wastewater and
Drinking Water (EPA-821-B-98-003) March 1999.
14. Provost, L.P. and Elder, R.S. “Interpretation of Percent Recovery Data,” American Laboratory, 15,
58-63 (1983). (The value 2.44 used in the equation in Section 8.3.3 is two times the value 1.22
derived in this report.)
15. ASTM Annual Book of Standards, Part 31, D3370-76. “Standard Practices for Sampling Water,”
American Society for Testing and Materials, Philadelphia.
17. “Manual of Analytical Methods for the Analysis of Pesticides in Human and Environmental
Samples,” EPA-600/8-80-038, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Health Effects Research
Laboratory, Research Triangle Park, North Carolina.
18. Eichelberger, J.W., Harris, L.E., and Budde, W.L. “Reference Compound to Calibrate Ion
Abundance Measurement in Gas Chromatography-Mass Spectrometry,” Analytical Chemistry, 47,
995 (1975).
19. Letter of approval of acceptance criteria for DFTPP for time-of-flight mass spectrometers from
William A. Telliard and Herb Brass of EPA to Jack Cochran of LECO Corporation, February 9, 2005.
Table 9B – DFTPP Key m/z’s and Abundance Criteria for Time-of-flight Instruments 1
m/z Abundance criteria
51 10 - 85 percent of the base peak
68 Less than 2 percent of m/z 69
70 Less than 2 percent of m/z 69
127 10 - 80 percent of the base peak
197 Less than 2 percent of Mass 198
198 Base peak, or greater than 50% of m/z 442
199 5 - 9 percent of m/z 198
275 10 - 60 percent of the base peak
365 Greater than 0.5 percent of m/z 198
441 Less than 150 percent of m/z 443
442 Base peak or greater than 30 percent of m/z 198
443 15 - 24 percent of m/z 442
Criteria in these tables are for quadrupole and time-of-flight instruments. Alternative tuning criteria from other
published EPA reference methods may be used provided method performance is not adversely affected.
Alternative tuning criteria specified by an instrument manufacturer may also be used for another type of mass
spectrometer, or for an alternative carrier gas, provided method performance is not adversely affected.
These definitions and purposes are specific to this method but have been conformed to common
usage to the extent possible.
22.1.1 Symbols
ºC degrees Celsius
µg microgram
μL microliter
< less than
≤ less than or equal to
> greater than
% percent
cm centimeter
g gram
h hour
ID inside diameter
in. inch
L liter
m mass or meter
mg milligram
min minute
mL milliliter
mm millimeter
ms millisecond
m/z mass-to-charge ratio
N normal; gram molecular weight of solute divided by hydrogen equivalent of solute,
per liter of solution
ng nanogram
pg picogram
ppb part-per-billion
ppm part-per-million
ppt part-per-trillion
psig pounds-per-square inch gauge
Analyte – A compound or mixture of compounds (e.g., PCBs) tested for by this method. The
analytes are listed in Tables 1 - 3.
Blank – An aliquot of reagent water that is treated exactly as a sample including exposure to all
glassware, equipment, solvents, reagents, internal standards, and surrogates that are used with
Calibration – The process of determining the relationship between the output or response of a
measuring instrument and the value of an input standard. Historically, EPA has referred to a multi-
point calibration as the “initial calibration,” to differentiate it from a single-point calibration
Calibration standard – A solution prepared from stock solutions and/or a secondary standards and
containing the analytes of interest, surrogates, and internal standards. The calibration standard is
used to calibrate the response of the GC/MS instrument against analyte concentration.
Calibration verification standard – The mid-point calibration standard used to verify calibration.
See Sections 7.3 and 13.4.
Descriptor – In SIM, the beginning and ending retention times for the RT window, the m/z’s
sampled in the RT window, and the dwell time at each m/z.
Extracted ion current profile (EICP) – The line described by the signal at a given m/z.
Extraction Batch – A set of up to 20 field samples (not including QC samples) started through the
extraction process on a given 24-hour shift (Section 3.1). Each extraction batch must be
accompanied by a blank (Section 8.5), a laboratory control sample (LCS, Section 8.4), and a matrix
spike and duplicate (MS/MSD; Section 8.3), resulting in a minimum of five analyses (1 sample, 1
blank, 1 LCS, 1 MS, and 1 MSD) and a maximum of 24 analyses (20 field samples, 1 blank, 1 LCS,
1 MS, and 1 MSD) for the batch. If greater than 20 samples are to be extracted in a 24-hour shift,
the samples must be separated into extraction batches of 20 or fewer samples.
Field Duplicates – Two samples collected at the same time and place under identical conditions, and
treated identically throughout field and laboratory procedures. Results of analyses of the field
duplicates provide an estimate of the precision associated with sample collection, preservation, and
storage, as well as with laboratory procedures.
Field blank – An aliquot of reagent water or other reference matrix that is placed in a sample
container in the field, and treated as a sample in all respects, including exposure to sampling site
conditions, storage, preservation, and all analytical procedures. The purpose of the field blank is to
determine if the field or sample transporting procedures and environments have contaminated the
Internal standard – A compound added to an extract or standard solution in a known amount and
used as a reference for quantitation of the analytes of interest and surrogates. In this method the
internal standards are stable isotopically labeled analogs of selected method analytes (Table 8).
Also see Internal standard quantitation.
DOC – Initial demonstration of capability (Section 8.2); four aliquots of reagent water spiked with
the analytes of interest and analyzed to establish the ability of the laboratory to generate acceptable
Laboratory Control Sample (LCS; laboratory fortified blank; Section 8.4) – An aliquot of reagent
water spiked with known quantities of the analytes of interest and surrogates. The LCS is analyzed
exactly like a sample. Its purpose is to assure that the results produced by the laboratory remain
within the limits specified in this method for precision and recovery.
Laboratory reagent blank – A blank run on laboratory reagents; e.g., methylene chloride (Section
Matrix spike (MS) and matrix spike duplicate (MSD) (laboratory fortified sample matrix and
duplicate) – Two aliquots of an environmental sample to which known quantities of the analytes of
interest and surrogates are added in the laboratory. The MS/MSD are prepared and analyzed
exactly like a field sample. Their purpose is to quantify any additional bias and imprecision caused
by the sample matrix. The background concentrations of the analytes in the sample matrix must be
determined in a separate aliquot and the measured values in the MS/MSD corrected for background
May – This action, activity, or procedural step is neither required nor prohibited.
Method detection limit (MDL) – A detection limit determined by the procedure at 40 CFR part 136,
appendix B. The MDLs determined by EPA in the original version of the method are listed in
Tables 1, 2 and 3. As noted in Section 1.5, use the MDLs in Tables 1, 2, and 3 in conjunction with
current MDL data from the laboratory actually analyzing samples to assess the sensitivity of this
procedure relative to project objectives and regulatory requirements (where applicable).
Minimum level (ML) – The term “minimum level” refers to either the sample concentration
equivalent to the lowest calibration point in a method or a multiple of the method detection limit
(MDL), whichever is higher. Minimum levels may be obtained in several ways: They may be
published in a method; they may be based on the lowest acceptable calibration point used by a
laboratory; or they may be calculated by multiplying the MDL in a method, or the MDL determined
by a laboratory, by a factor of 3. For the purposes of NPDES compliance monitoring, EPA
considers the following terms to be synonymous: “quantitation limit,” “reporting limit,” and
“minimum level.”
m/z – The ratio of the mass of an ion (m) detected in the mass spectrometer to the charge (z) of that
Reagent water – Water demonstrated to be free from the analytes of interest and potentially
interfering substances at the MDLs for the analytes in this method.
Regulatory compliance limit (or regulatory concentration limit) – A limit on the concentration or
amount of a pollutant or contaminant specified in a nationwide standard, in a permit, or otherwise
established by a regulatory/control authority.
Relative retention time (RRT) – The ratio of the retention time of an analyte to the retention time of
its associated internal standard. RRT compensates for small changes in the GC temperature
program that can affect the absolute retention times of the analyte and internal standard. RRT is a
unitless quantity.
Relative standard deviation (RSD) – The standard deviation times 100 divided by the mean. Also
termed “coefficient of variation.”
Safety Data Sheet (SDS) – Written information on a chemical’s toxicity, health hazards, physical
properties, fire, and reactivity, including storage, spill, and handling precautions that meet the
requirements of OSHA, 29 CFR 1910.1200(g) and appendix D to §1910.1200. United Nations
Globally Harmonized System of Classification and Labelling of Chemicals (GHS), third revised
edition, United Nations, 2009.
Selected Ion Monitoring (SIM) - An MS technique in which a few m/z’s are monitored. When used
with gas chromatography, the m/z’s monitored are usually changed periodically throughout the
chromatographic run, to correlate with the characteristic m/z’s of the analytes, surrogates, and
internal standards as they elute from the chromatographic column. The technique is often used to
increase sensitivity and minimize interferences.
Signal-to-noise ratio (S/N) – The height of the signal as measured from the mean (average) of the
noise to the peak maximum divided by the width of the noise.
Should – This action, activity, or procedural step is suggested but not required.
Stock solution – A solution containing an analyte that is prepared using a reference material
traceable to EPA, the National Institute of Science and Technology (NIST), or a source that will
attest to the purity, authenticity, and concentration of the standard.
Surrogate – A compound unlikely to be found in a sample, and which is spiked into sample in a
known amount before extraction or other processing, and is quantitated with the same procedures
used to quantify other sample components. The purpose of the surrogate is to monitor method
performance with each sample.