Common ownership
Marxism Neo Marxism
o Classical Marxism Complex form of Marxism developed in western
o Orthodox Marxism Europe by with the mechanistic and avowedly
o Neo-Marxism scientific notions of Soviet Marxism
Social Democracy Human beings were seen as makers of history,
New Social Democracy and not simply as puppets controlled by
impersonal material forces
MARXISM Georg Lukács (1885–1971) was one of the first
As a political force, in the form of the to present Marxism as a humanistic philosophy
international communist movement, Marxism
Social Democracy
has also been seen as the major enemy of
western capitalism Social democracy lacks the theoretical
Marxism, now divorced from the vestiges of coherence of, say, classical liberalism or
Leninism and Stalinism, a fresh lease of life. fundamentalist socialism
A form of orthodox Marxism, usually termed social democracy stands for a balance between
the market and the state
‘dialectical materialism’ (a term coined by
Plekhanov, not Marx) a balance between the individual and the
Classical Marxism
This highlights the importance of economic life ‘New’ social democracy
and the conditions under which people produce ‘New’ social democracy (sometimes called ‘neo-
and reproduce their means of subsistence revisionism’ or the ‘third way’)
is a term that refers to a variety of attempts by
Orthodox Communism social-democratic parties, in countries ranging
Marxism in practice is inextricably linked to the from Germany, Italy and the Netherlands to
experience of Soviet communism, and the UK and New Zealand
especially, V. I. Lenin and Joseph Stalin the state came to be seen not as a vehicle for
That is, as orthodox Marxism modified by a set wholesale social restructuring
of Leninist theories and doctrines. ‘traditional’ social-democratic commitment to
Stalin created a model of orthodox communism ‘cradle to grave’ welfare in favour of an
that was followed in the post-1945 period by essentially modern liberal belief in ‘helping
states such as China, North Korea and Cuba, people to help themselves’,
and throughout Eastern Europe. ‘new’ social democracy, on the other hand,
State Planning Committee (Gosplan) was argue either that it is contra dictory, in that it
established simultaneously endorses the dynamism of the
Orthodox communism did not survive Stalin’s market and warns against its tendency to social
death in 1953. disintegration, or that, far from being a centre-
Political Stalinism survives in China and North left project, it amounts to a shift to the right.
Korea remains an orthodox communist regime
Third Way; The term the third way the idea of an
alternative to both capitalism and socialism.
Generally uses by fascist, but now linked to “new”
social democracy
Chapter 2 political ideas and ideologies
Eduard Bernstein
His attempt to revise and modernize orthodox
Marxism, Bernstein is often seen as one of the
founding figures of modern social democracy
John Rawls
His major work, A Theory of Justice, the most
important work of political philosophy written in
English since World War II, It has influenced
modern liberals and social democrats alike. Rawls’
other works include Political Liberalism and The
Laws of People
Adolf Hitler
He was appointed Chancellor of Germany in 1933,
and declared himself Führer (leader), Hitler’s
policies contributed decisively to both the outbreak
of World War II and the Holocaust.
Mary Wollstonecraft
UK social theorist and feminist .Wollstonecraft
developed the first systematic feminist critique some
50 years before the emergence of the female-
suffrage movement. Her most important work, A
Vindication of the Rights of Women, Wollstonecraft
was married to the anarchist William Godwin, and
she was the mother of Mary Shelley, the author of