Marketing Final Test
Marketing Final Test
Marketing Final Test
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- First, I'll meet with each individual to chat. I'd want to hear A's point of view before
sharing it with B. Before the three of them communicate, I'll hear B's point of view
and share it with A. As a result, everyone will understand each other's difficulties: A's
difficulty is not communicating well, thereby creating communication barriers, and
B's difficulty is not being good at expertise, thereby creating inefficiencies. And they
will be able to discuss and provide solutions.
- Second, I encourage the two employees to put themselves and the others in each
other's shoes to understand each other's feelings. There is no right or wrong person,
but each employee is responsible for adapting himself to the work of the team.
- Third, if both employees refused to reconcile, I was forced to discipline both of them
and set up a forum where people could advise them and discuss how to resolve similar
Question III (30 %): Present three main themes that strategic human resource
management covers? (30%)
There are three main themes that strategic human resource management covers, which
are finding, developing, and maintaining an effective workforce:
1. Find the Right People
- HRM planning: Finding the right people is extremely necessary for the company and
is also considered a difficult problem that the human resources department has to face.
The first step towards the goal of finding the right people is human resource planning,
which refers to the forecasting of human resource needs and the projected matching of
individuals with anticipated job vacancies. By using the matching model,
understanding the company's goals, analyzing and evaluating the important factors
affecting the company's performance, which the company needs now and in the
future, the company can understand your existing employees and how they contribute
to accomplishing the company's goals and mission, and estimate future human
resource needs … From there, it is possible to devise a strategy that is suitable for the
needs and goals of the company, as well as the employees in the company.
- Job analysis: Job analysis is also one of the duties of HR, job analysis, job
description and job specific information. Job analysis is a systematic process of
collecting and interpreting information about tasks, essential duties, and
responsibilities about the jobs, work processes, job criteria as well as the values that
jobs bring. . From there, the manager will issue a summary of the job, stating the
needs and benefits of the job. This helps organizations recruit the right people, at the
right jobs, according to their abilities.
- Forecasting
- Recruiting: After completing the analysis and forecasting of the company's staffing
requirements, it's time to begin the process of expanding the workforce and
developing current employees to equip the future. At this point, HR professionals start
looking for qualified candidates that fit the HR strategy as analyzed and evaluated.
Today, organizations recruit not only through intermediaries, direct channels, but also
using social media such as Facebook, LinkedIn, e.t.c.
- Selecting: After the applications are collected, interviews are followed and other
forms of selection such as tests are used to assess whether the candidate's
characteristics are suitable for the job. The most frequently used selection devices are
the application form, interview, employment test, and assessment center. Finally,
when all the proper checks have been done, the company will give the candidate a job
2. Manage Talent
The next goal of HRM is to develop employees into an effective work force.
Training and development is a function of human resource management concerned
with organizational activity aimed at lettering the performance of individuals and
groups in organizational settings
- Training: Training refers to short-term training courses for one or more new
employees to make them knowledgeable about a particular field or task of a particular
job. Enterprises will provide instruction and guidance on basic to advanced
knowledge and skills for the purpose of training and completing the assigned work for
- Development: Development refers to teaching people broader career skills. It is
sometimes distinguished from the term training as it helps them qualify for future job
There are two methods of training and development: On-the-Job Training and Off-
the-Job Training (social learning, corporate universities, promotion from within)
- Performance Appraisal: Performance Appraisal is a periodic assessment of an
employee's job performance and their overall contribution to a company, which can be
conducted at any point in time but is most commonly annually, semi-annually, or
quarterly. Performance appraisals assess an employee's skills, achievements, and
progress, or vice versa, for deficiencies in these factors. Companies use performance
appraisals to provide employees with overall feedback on their performance, on which
to base salary and bonus decisions, as well as termination decisions. It also helps
employees and managers have an employee development plan, through additional
training and increased accountability, as well as identifying gaps that employees can