Telecommunications Distribution Desgid
Telecommunications Distribution Desgid
Telecommunications Distribution Desgid
Telecommunications Distribution
Infrastructure Standards
Revision 5.2
June 15, 2005
Revision 5.3
April 30, 2008
1 PREFACE................................................................................................................. 7
1.1 LOW VOLTAGE SYSTEMS ................................................................................................ 8
1.2 DOCUMENT INTENT ......................................................................................................... 9
1.3 DOCUMENT STRUCTURE ............................................................................................... 11
1.4 HOW TO USE THIS DOCUMENT....................................................................................... 12
2 DOC TELECOMMUNICATIONS POLICIES .......................................................... 14
2.1 TEAM STRUCTURE ........................................................................................................ 15
2.1.1 DOC IT INFRASTRUCTURE SPECIALIST (DOC-ITIS) .................................................................. 15
2.1.2 DOC REGIONAL IT OPERATIONS MANAGER (DOC-RITM) ........................................................ 16
2.2 TELECOMMUNICATIONS DESIGN REQUIREMENTS ........................................................... 16
2.2.1 DESIGN REVIEW PROCESS ....................................................................................................... 17
2.2.2 ALTERNATIVE DESIGNS ............................................................................................................ 17
2.2.3 NEW CONSTRUCTION ............................................................................................................... 18
2.2.4 RENOVATION TO EXISTING STRUCTURES .................................................................................. 18
2.2.5 UPGRADING INFRASTRUCTURE TO SUPPORT NEW TECHNOLOGY................................................ 18
2.2.6 UPGRADING INFRASTRUCTURE TO MEET NEW STANDARDS ........................................................ 18
2.2.8 ENTRANCE FACILITY - DOC RESPONSIBILITIES.......................................................................... 19
2.2.9 ENTRANCE FACILITY - SERVICE PROVIDER RESPONSIBILITIES .................................................... 20
2.2.10 IT EQUIPMENT & SYSTEMS USED BY BAS/LOW VOLTAGE SYSTEMS ..................................... 20
2.3 DAMAGE TO TELECOMMUNICATIONS INFRASTRUCTURE .................................................. 21
2.4 TELECOMMUNICATIONS CONSTRUCTION & INSTALLATION .............................................. 22
2.4.1 PRIOR DOC IT APPROVAL REQUIREMENTS............................................................................... 22
2.4.2 CONTRACTORS AND CABLING INSTALLERS ................................................................................ 22
2.4.3 TELECOMMUNICATIONS WORK BY DOC PERSONNEL ................................................................. 23
2.4.4 DOC SYSTIMAX® “SELF-MAINTAINERS” ................................................................................ 24
2.5 TELECOMMUNICATIONS OPERATIONS AND MAINTENANCE .............................................. 28
2.5.1 MOVES, ADDS, AND CHANGES (MAC’S).................................................................................... 28
2.5.2 SPLITTING OF CABLE PAIRS ...................................................................................................... 28
2.5.3 ELECTRICAL OUTLETS IN TELECOMMUNICATIONS ROOMS .......................................................... 28
2.5.4 TELECOMMUNICATIONS ADMINISTRATION .................................................................................. 29
2.6 TELECOMMUNICATIONS PROCUREMENT AND INSTALLATION ........................................... 30
2.6.1 STATE IT PROCUREMENT POLICY ............................................................................................. 30 DOC HEADQUARTERS INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY APPROVAL ......................................... 31 CRITERIA AND METHODS FOR ACQUISITION ...................................................................... 31 SYSTIMAX® PRODUCTS AND APPROVED ALTERNATIVES ................................................ 31 SOLE SOURCE PROCUREMENT ........................................................................................ 32
3 PROJECT PROCEDURES..................................................................................... 33
3.1 TELECOMMUNICATIONS DISTRIBUTION DESIGNERS ........................................................ 33
3.2 DESIGN REVIEW PROCESS ............................................................................................ 34
3.2.1 RCDD REVIEW CONSULTANT .................................................................................................. 38 TYPICAL DOCUMENT REVIEW SCOPE ............................................................................... 38 OTHER SERVICES (UPON SPECIFIC DOC REQUEST) .......................................................... 39
3.3 ARCHITECT/ENGINEER TEAMS ....................................................................................... 40
3.3.1 CROSS DISCIPLINE COORDINATION ........................................................................................... 40 OUTSIDE PLANT TELECOMMUNICATIONS INFRASTRUCTURE: ............................................... 40 HORIZONTAL AND INTRA-BUILDING BACKBONE TELECOMMUNICATIONS INFRASTRUCTURE: ... 41
3.4 GENERAL PROCEDURES................................................................................................ 41
3.4.1 PROCUREMENT AND INSTALLATION ........................................................................................... 41
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FIGURE 6.1 SAMPLE DESIGN REVIEW COMMENT REPORT FORMAT ....................................... 149
FIGURE 6.6 SAMPLE FIBER OPTIC LINK-LOSS BUDGET ANALYSIS ........................................... 159
C. This edition of the TDIS has been developed from information contained in
previous versions and reflects current industry methods, materials and Standards
in effect as of this publication.
In the past, the traditional construction process has separately installed each of the
building low voltage systems disciplines (see below) under various divisions of a
mechanical or electrical specification. Each system has typically been cabled separately
using different cable types and pathways, and often using totally separate low voltage
duct banks throughout a campus.
By providing a common cabling distribution system for the voice, data, video, and BAS, it
is possible to reduce construction and operational costs, and create an intelligent
building that can provide many other benefits throughout its life.
Today, it is possible to select the telecommunications cabling as the first system, instead
of the systems equipment and active electronics, and incorporate the BAS into the
telecommunications cabling distribution system. This allows the telecommunications
infrastructure investment for the building to correspond more closely to the building’s
WSDOC TDIS, TDDG Version 5.2 8 3/12/2009
desired life-cycle, rather than corresponding to any of the individual systems. This also
corresponds to the intent of ANSI/TIA/EIA-568-B (see Chapter 4: Horizontal Distribution
Systems), which states:
To this end, telecommunications pathway and/or cabling systems designed for DOC
facilities shall support and integrate low voltage systems that convey information within
and between buildings in accordance with the requirements in this document and as
specifically identified in Section 4.21 Building Automation Systems (BAS). For IT
equipment and IT systems inherent to or required by BAS/LV systems, refer to Section
2.2.10 IT Equipment & Systems Used by BAS/Low Voltage.
B. DOC also adopted the following BICSI 2 manuals as the basis for
communications distribution design and construction practices in DOC facilities:
C. The DOC TDIS (TDDG and TCGS) is the guide to application of the
ANSI/TIA/EIA Standards and the BICSI installation practices. The DOC TDIS is
not intended to replace, detract from, or be used in lieu of the Standards and
recommended practices manuals. Rather, the TDIS is to be used in conjunction
Per statutory authority RCW 43.105.041, effective December 29, 2000, DIS mandated all Washington State Agencies
adopt the ANSI/TIA/EIA Commercial Building Telecommunications Standards as the basis for communications distribution
design and construction in State facilities (see Computing and Telecommunications Architecture Standards – Building
Wiring, ).
The BICSI manuals are the industry references for the design and construction of standards-compliant communications
distribution systems (see ). BICSI, 8610 Hidden River Pkwy, Tampa, FL 33637-1000
USA; 1-800-242-7405;
WSDOC TDIS, TDDG Version 5.2 9 3/12/2009
D. The TDDG addresses communications distribution system design for use within
a building and between buildings on a contiguous site for all telecommunications
and BAS as related to:
E. Unless otherwise stated, the requirements defined in the DOC TDIS apply to
both new construction, renovation and remodel projects, as appropriate to leased
facilities, and for telecommunications cable moves, adds, and changes.
F. Some areas within DOC facilities are described as either “secured areas” or
“non-secured areas“:
• Secured areas are defined as those areas where inmates are housed,
confined, contained, and have routine unescorted access. The secured
area is typically the entire area (and all buildings) within the fenced
security perimeter of a correctional institution. Telecommunications
cabling and equipment shall be protected from inmate access in the
secured area. Access to telecommunications cabling and equipment
could provide an inmate with an opportunity to sabotage critical
telecommunications or security monitoring systems, and could also
provide the inmate with an opportunity to use cable or equipment as a
H. The TDDG uses many terms and abbreviations that are common in the
telecommunications industry. While a glossary is included in the Appendix at the
end of this document, please refer also to the glossary of the BICSI manuals for
further, more detailed information.
A. The Preface (this section) describes this document, its intent and its relationship
to industry standards and practices. It also describes how to use this document.
1. Preface
2. DOC Telecommunications Policies
3. Project Procedures
4. Design Criteria
5. Construction Document Content
6. Appendices
D. The Design Criteria section is formatted to follow the chapters of the BICSI TDM
manual 9th Edition (the TDDG does not follow the format changes of the TDM
manual 10th Edition) and serves two purposes. The first is to describe the
general requirements for DOC telecommunications infrastructure along with the
typical features required for different categories of building spaces and
WSDOC TDIS, TDDG Version 5.2 11 3/12/2009
F. The Appendices section provides standard forms and diagrams along with
example forms and diagrams that are required for DOC telecommunications
infrastructure designs.
The following diagram depicts the relationships between the ANSI/TIA/EIA Standards, the
BICSI Design Guidelines, the DOC TDIS documents (TDDG, TCGS) and the project-
specific Construction Documents:
Drawings Specifications
Construction Guide
Specification (TCGS)
Design Process
Telecommunications Distribution Design Guide (TDDG)
(DOC Policies, Project Procedures, Design Criteria, Contract Document Content)
Industry Standards
ANSI/TIA/EIA Practice &
568-B, 569-A, 606-A, J-STD-607-A, 758 and others Experience
ISO/IEC 11801
A. Adherence to and compliance with the codes, standards, policies, and industry
practices listed below, along with the DOC TDIS requirements contained in the
TDDG and TCGS documents are mandatory, and includes:
B. All references to the following manuals within the TDDG and TCGS shall
specifically address only the editions specified below. Newer editions can
generally be used for reference, but changes from previous editions shall first be
reviewed with the DOC IT Infrastructure Specialist for authorization in writing or
through a revised edition of the DOC TDIS (TDDG and TCGS):
D. DOC regional IT personnel are responsible for installation and support of the
administrative LAN hardware, software, data communications, and certain
enterprise network hardware and software.
E. The installation and support of the inmate LANs, which includes inmate
educational systems and Correctional Industries systems, varies throughout the
F. The installation and support of voice systems for both administration and inmate
telephones vary between IT and Plant personnel throughout the state.
H. The DOC facility Superintendent or designee shall review and approve all
Alternative Design Requests that relate to security.
The Architects, Engineers and Designers shall work closely (as a team) with the following
DOC personnel throughout the entire project life cycle, starting at the preliminary design
o DOC IT Infrastructure Specialist (DOC-ITIS)
o DOC Regional Information Technology Operations Manager (DOC-RITM) and
assigned personnel
o DOC Capital Planning and Development (CPD) Project Manager (DOC-CPDPM)
o DOC Plant Manager and assigned personnel
The A/E and Designer shall bring the DOC-ITIS into the project at its earliest stage to
ensure the requirements of the DOC TDIS are incorporated at the onset to minimize
changes to the design concept.
Within their assigned state region, the DOC-RITM’s are responsible for:
o All information technology issues and support services relating to DOC facilities.
o IT liaison to the Office of Correctional Operations management.
o Reviewing all telecommunication infrastructure activities.
o Reviewing requests for alternative design solutions forwarded by the DOC-ITIS.
F. Depending on the size and scope of a small project, the DOC-ITIS will determine
whether an RCDD is required to develop a telecommunications distribution
1. For small projects or installation of additional cabling, a certified SYSTIMAX®
SCS installation contractor (VAR) may be hired for a limited scope
installation. The SYSTIMAX® VAR must be on the approved list maintained
by the DOC-ITIS, and be currently listed as a contractor on the DIS Master
Cabling Contract.
a. The only alternative to using a certified SYSTIMAX® SCS
contractor (for copper cabling installation only) is to use DOC
personnel who are certified as SYSTIMAX® SCS “self-
maintainers”. There shall be no exceptions to this requirement.
1. DOC personnel shall not install fiber optic cable.
b. Use of certified SYSTIMAX® SCS installation contractors not on
the DIS Master Cabling Contract shall be selected through a
competitive bidding process that satisfies the DIS acquisition
A. The Design Review Process will be conducted by DOC at the following points in
the design process:
o Schematic Design
o Design Development
o Review Set (99% CD)
o Construction Documents (100% CD)
o Record Drawings
C. For more information, see Section 3.2 Design Review Process of this document.
DOC will occasionally install new information technology systems at a facility where the
existing telecommunications infrastructure is inadequate for a new application. It is the
responsibility of the sponsor of the installation of the new technology to ensure that the
existing telecommunications infrastructure is capable of supporting the new technology,
or that it be upgraded to support the new technology. Any upgrades made to the
telecommunications infrastructure shall meet the requirements of the DOC TDIS.
Additional problems can occur within the telecommunications system when subsequent
installations of electrical cable and/or equipment fail to follow the telecommunications
clearances for EMI reduction identified within this document. In these situations, it may
be necessary to change the electrical cable/equipment or the telecommunications
infrastructure to alleviate the problems.
Other state agencies (such as the Department of Natural Resources or the Department
of Social and Health Services) often occupy buildings at DOC facilities or institutions.
Some private businesses have contracts with Correctional Industries (CI). The potential
exists for CI or one of their private businesses to establish a Call Center at any of their
locations. Inmate telephone service is provided on DOC property under contract with a
telephone company.
As the owner of the property, it is normally incumbent on the DOC to provide the
telecommunications infrastructure to support other agencies or tenants at DOC facilities.
The terms and conditions for reimbursement of any expenses incurred by the DOC to
provide telecommunications support to other agencies shall first be negotiated and
documented in a contract or an interagency support agreement with the tenant.
A. DOC is responsible for providing a cable pathway from the property line to the
demarcation point at the Entrance Facility (EF) for service providers, such as the
local telephone company. At DOC-leased facilities, this responsibility falls to the
building owner who may require passing on the costs as leasehold improvements
to DOC.
• The cable pathway shall be underground conduit, with telecommunications
maintenance holes and handholes as necessary.
• Close coordination with the different service providers is required to design
the entrance cable pathway. Some service providers are not willing to share
conduit or utility poles with another service provider, therefore it is important
to install an appropriate number of spare conduits within the Entrance Facility
pathway for future services.
B. The service providers’ technicians will need access to the EF and DOC is
responsible to coordinate and provide escorts as required. Service provider
technician access is simplified if the Entrance Facility and Equipment Room are
located outside of the Secured Area.
The service provider is responsible for providing and installing the entrance cable up to
the demarcation point as well as the termination hardware at the demarcation point. In
some cases, DOC contracts with the service provider to extend the demarcation point
from the EF to another location at the facility. In such cases, the service provider is also
responsible for maintenance and troubleshooting of the extended portion of the cabling
and termination hardware. The service provider may also be contracted (for an
additional charge) to provide troubleshooting and maintenance services for DOC-owned
equipment and infrastructure.
A. When building automation systems (BAS) and low voltage (LV) systems require
information technology hardware and software, DOC’s agency standards for IT
equipment, software compliance, and security policies shall be followed. All of
the IT equipment, operating systems, and application software required by the
BAS/LV systems shall be identified by A/E’s or Designers and brought to the
attention of the DOC-RITM prior to finalizing designs and ordering BAS/LV
systems. This shall include, but not be limited to:
• PC’s, printers, modems, file servers, routers, LAN hubs or switches,
operating system software, and all application software.
B. The A/E or Designer shall work with the DOC-RITM to determine the acceptable
manufacturers and appropriate models of equipment and software, including
configurations, methods of deployment, accessibility to the DOC Administrative
LAN and/or DOC inmate LAN, access to outside telephone lines and the Internet,
security procedures and protocols, etc.
1. Per IT Decision Document #29 (approved 9/23/03), if the DOC-RITM
approves non-compliant hardware or software, he/she will complete a DOC
IT Request Form and forward for agency approval/denial of an exemption.
E. All damaged infrastructure shall be restored to within the scope of the original
design/installation parameters. This shall include, but not be limited to all repair
or replacement work performed by a certified SYSTIMAX® Value Added Reseller
(VAR) of DOC’s choosing, all testing and re-certification of the infrastructure for
full compliance to DOC’s Telecommunications Standards and applicable
SYSTIMAX® SCS warranty.
F. The Designer shall insure the boiler plate sections of all DOC Contract
Documents related to outside plant construction activities shall reference the
above language.
A. Approval is required from the DOC-ITIS prior to performing work on any DOC
telecommunications infrastructure. This includes new construction, renovation of
existing structures, upgrading telecommunications infrastructure to support new
technology, upgrading telecommunications infrastructure to meet new standards,
infrastructure to support other agencies or tenants at DOC facilities, and all
moves, adds, and changes (MAC’s) at DOC facilities affecting infrastructure,
including MAC work performed by DOC personnel.
1. Requests for approval of simple MAC’s for horizontal cabling that requires no
conduit or involves only minimal conduit and no construction activity shall be
submitted to local IT by completing a “Help Desk Incident” form along with
any additional process as prescribed by the local DOC-RITM. Contact the
local Site IT Coordinator for assistance in completing the Help Desk Incident
a. Local IT shall review the request and forward to the DOC-ITIS if
2. Requests for approval of all other types of telecommunications infrastructure
work shall be submitted to local IT by completing a DOC “Information
Technology Request Form”, form number (DOC 08-058 (6/11/2003) IT), and
any additional process as prescribed by the local DOC-RITM. Contact the
local Site IT Coordinator for assistance in completing the IT Request Form.
a. Local IT shall review the request and if approved, forward to the IT
Request Gatekeeper. If approved through the Gatekeeper processes, the
request shall have a final review and approval/denial by the DOC-ITIS for
compliance to the DOC TDIS.
Contractors and cabling installers involved in projects without a formal engineering and
design process shall adhere to the requirements of the DOC TDIS (TDDG & TCGS).
Telecommunications distribution systems shall be designed per the TDDG and
requirements for telecommunications distribution system materials and installation
methods shall be constructed and installed per the TCGS.
B. Telecommunications pathway work (both inside plant and outside plant), when
performed by any DOC personnel (with or without an inmate assistant), shall
require prior approval of both the DOC-RITM and DOC-ITIS.
1. All telecommunications pathway work shall comply with DOC Policy Directive
Electrical Construction and Maintenance DOC 700.130.
2. DOC personnel installing metallic pathways shall be a licensed electrician
possessing a current valid class “EL01-General Electrical License” or “EL06-
Limited Energy Systems.”
3. Use of an inmate assistant must also comply with additional DOC policies
and state regulations.
4. All telecommunications pathway work, when performed by any DOC
personnel not under direct supervision of the DOC Plant Manager, shall also
require prior approval by the facility Plant Manager or designee.
above are still required and the DOC personnel shall work with the DOC-
ITIS to develop an approved design prior to starting work.
E. All work shall be in full compliance with all state regulations (NEC, NESC,
RCW’s, and WAC’s) and local building codes.
1. L&I electrical and/or telecommunications permits shall be obtained as
required, prior to initiating construction or installation, with a copy provided to
a. Per WAC 296-46B-900 (14), annual electrical permits cover “only”
maintenance for existing electrical systems; they do not cover
telecommunications systems work.
b. Annual permits for the inspection of telecommunications installations can
be obtained per RCW 19.28.470 (1) (c) and WAC 296-46B-900 (9)-(13).
c. New cabling shall be limited to the maximum number of outlets within a
90-day period as defined by WAC 296-46B-900 (a).
2. L&I electrical and/or telecommunications inspections shall be requested as
required per RCW’s and WAC’s.
a. Any problems found during an inspection shall immediately be corrected.
C. DOC personnel shall possess the same level of additional training and
knowledge of structured cabling systems as expected of certified SYSTIMAX®
telecommunications installation technicians who work under journeyman
telecommunications installers. DOC personnel can obtain some of this additional
training from the courses listed below.
1. SYSTIMAX® Design & Engineering course #ND3321.
a. At the preparation of this document, this course is three days in
length, priced at $1,700, and is typically offered annually in Kent,
Washington, when there are a sufficient number of students, and at
numerous other locations around the country, including the
SYSTIMAX® training center in California. For course scheduling and
available locations, contact:
• Doug Kulm,
2. The following two courses are offered at both Clover Park Technical College
in Lakewood, Washington, and at Bellevue Community College in Bellevue,
Washington. Both classes are also available through the IBEW union at a
discounted rate for IBEW members.
a. BICSI certified course “IN100: Installer, Level 1”, priced at $950 plus a
$300 exam fee (as of 2003), is six days in length with the four hour
exam (2 hour written, 2 hour hands-on) given on the sixth day.
b. BICSI certified course “IN200: Installer, Level 2”, priced at $950 plus a
$300 exam fee (as of 2003), is six days in length with the four hour
exam (2 hour written, 2 hour hands-on) given on the sixth day.
D. DOC personnel shall not perform moves, make changes to, or perform any
installations of SYSTIMAX® systems or cabling at DOC facilities unless they are
presently in compliance with the SYSTIMAX® Self-Maintainer certification
program and have been authorized as DOC SYSTIMAX® Self-Maintainers by the
DOC SYSTIMAX® Owner Administrator. DOC personnel shall be certified as
SYSTIMAX® Self-Maintainers and be authorized by DOC as follows:
1. A training request (approved through the normal channels) must be submitted
for review to the DOC SYSTIMAX® Owner Administrator, through the DOC
Plant Manager (where applicable), prior to applicants attending the
SYSTIMAX® SCS “Installation and Maintenance” course. The DOC
SYSTIMAX® Owner Administrator shall review the training request and
approve or deny.
WSDOC TDIS, TDDG Version 5.2 26 3/12/2009
A. In certain situations it may be necessary to use one or two pairs of a four (4)-pair
horizontal cable at a work area to support a second telephone device on a
temporary basis. In these situations:
1. The second telephone device shall be accommodated with a “line-splitting
module” plugged into the work area outlet jack on the outside of the
Information Outlet faceplate.
2. At the TR, if the horizontal cable from the work area outlet jack is terminated
at a modular patch panel, the horizontal cable pairs terminated at the rear of
the patch panel shall not be changed. The additional telephone service shall
be accommodated “only” by cross-connect wiring beyond the modular patch
cable connected to the patch panel.
3. At the TR, if the horizontal cable from the work area outlet jack is terminated
at a 110 Termination Field, individual cross-connect wires connected to a 110
Termination Field may be changed to cross-connect for the additional
telephone service.
B. Under no circumstances will cable pairs be split or removed from the back of a
modular Information Outlet or the back of patch panels for voice or data. All four
(4) pairs of each horizontal distribution cable must be terminated to a single eight
(8)-position, eight (8)-conductor jack at the work area.
equipment and shall not be used for general-purpose or utility devices such as
electric drills, vacuum cleaners, coffeepots, etc.
C. All DOC facilities shall maintain a system for documenting and administering the
telecommunications infrastructure. DOC personnel shall be responsible for
maintaining the telecommunications-related documentation and it is the
responsibility of the DOC-RITM to ensure that cable and equipment records are
maintained for each facility within his/her region. The administration system shall
include cable records, and equipment records for all information technology
systems. The administration system shall follow the ANSI/TIA/EIA-606-A
standard as defined later in this document under the Design Criteria section and
in the TCGS sections.
F. For more information about telecommunications records, see Section 5.2.5 Cable
Records of this document.
B. There are two general methods used for the procurement and installation of the
telecommunications infrastructure. In most construction projects, the
telecommunications substructure installation is part of the general construction
contract, but in most cases, DOC issues a separate contract for installation of
both OSP and horizontal cabling and components.
The Information Services Board (ISB) is the state authority and sets state policy for the
acquisition of all information technology (systems, software, services, equipment, and
telecommunications) through the Department of Information Services (DIS). The ISB
grants DOC a delegated level of acquisition authority based on an IT portfolio style
strategic plan submitted to and approved by the ISB and the Washington State Office of
Financial Management (OFM) on an ongoing basis. All IT projects with total acquisition
and five year operational costs of $200,000 or more require a written IT Acquisition Plan
that must have prior approval by DOC IT management. Large IT projects with total
acquisition and five-year operational costs exceeding $1,000,000 require prior approval
by the ISB.
As of this publication, the web site address is:
WSDOC TDIS, TDDG Version 5.2 30 3/12/2009
In order to achieve consistent and competent technical design in compliance with the
DOC TDIS and to ensure compliance with DIS procurement requirements, DOC
acquisitions and installations of telecommunications infrastructure or substructure must
have the prior approval of DOC IT. Requests for approval shall be submitted to the
DOC-ITIS per the requirements established by each DOC-RITM. Requests for approval
must include a description of the acquisition and installation and identify the following:
o Source of funding
o RCDD for design services
o RCDD for construction observation services
o SYSTIMAX® SCS cable installer
B. The most efficient, cost effective, and preferred method for procuring
telecommunications infrastructure installation services is through the use of the
pre-existing DIS Cabling Master Contracts for Cabling Equipment, Installation
and Maintenance. Contact the DOC Office of Administrative Support,
Information Technology for details.
D. All DOC Work Orders (not formal bids) to contractors for telecommunications
work shall have a document attached titled, “Installation of Telecommunications
Cabling @WSDOC.” This document may be obtained from the DOC-ITIS; a
sample is shown in the Appendix, Section 6.7.
• The SYSTIMAX® VAR must state in their contract documents
acknowledgement of this attachment and state they will meet the DOC
requirements. DOC projects shall not commence until this document is
attached to the Work Order and the SYSTIMAX® VAR has agreed to comply
with this requirement.
The majority of DOC facilities have an installed base of SYSTIMAX® Structured Cabling
System (SCS) products (formerly known as AT&T, or Lucent Technologies, or AVAYA).
Some manufacturers offer SCS systems, but each manufacturer’s SCS system is
engineered to provide optimum performance “only” when matched with the
manufacturer’s specified components. Standardization on the SYSTIMAX® product line
ensures performance compatibility with the installed base when additions are made to
the infrastructure, and spare parts and components from one facility can be used at
other facilities as needed. Standardization also ensures that DOC technical personnel
are familiar with the manufacturer’s components and installation requirements at all
facilities, and they are prepared to handle moves, adds, and changes to the
telecommunications infrastructure.
A. Where additions are made to existing facilities that currently use SYSTIMAX®
SCS products (including new buildings on an existing campus) the addition shall
exclusively use SYSTIMAX® products.
B. Where additions are made to existing facilities that currently do not have a
SYSTIMAX® SCS installation, products from the SYSTIMAX® SCS product line
shall be used (where performance will not be compromised) with the eventual
goal of standardizing on the SYSTIMAX® SCS products.
C. The telecommunications infrastructure design for all new facilities shall be based
upon the SYSTIMAX® SCS product line.
Standardization on the SYSTIMAX® SCS product line does not imply there is a sole
source for procurement or installation of the SYSTIMAX® products. Acquisition of
SYSTIMAX® SCS products by DOC is based on a single manufacturer, but the products
are procured through multiple supply sources, and installation can be procured through
multiple SYSTIMAX® SCS certified cable installation contractors using competitive
solicitations and existing contracts. Refer to Section Criteria and Methods for
Acquisition, above.
A. For the purposes of this document, the term “Designer” shall mean a Registered
Communications Distribution Designer (RCDD) who is currently in good standing
with BICSI.
B. A/E’s using RCDD’s on DOC projects shall first provide a copy of their
requested scope of work to the DOC-CPDPM and DOC-ITIS for review and
comment. DOC shall review the request to ensure all relevant aspects of the
telecommunications infrastructure design and construction within the scope of
the project are adequately requested by the A/E based on the requirements of
the DOC TDIS. A/E firms shall modify the requested scope of work per
comments provided by DOC. DOC may require a meeting with the A/E to further
refine the scope of work.
C. A/E’s shall only select RCDD’s from the DOC pre-qualified RCDD Pool.
F. The RCDD shall affix his/her RCDD logo stamp (showing the registration number
and expiration date) and signature to the final Construction Documents (drawings
and specifications) pertaining to the telecommunications distribution design.
As noted in Section 3.4.4 Procedures Related to Project Phases, the project documents
will pass through this design review process at the end of each design phase plus
follow-up reviews when necessary. These requirements are in addition to those
contained in the State of Washington Conditions of the Agreement and the Instructions
for Architects and Engineers.
The following steps correspond to the numbered activities shown on the Design Review
Process diagram below:
c Each time a review is required, the A/E shall provide copies of the complete project
documents set (drawings and specifications for all disciplines involved in the project)
submitted to the following people:
• DOC Plant Manager (if applicable)
• DOC-RITM or designee
• RCDD Review Consultant 4 (two sets)
The RCDD Review Consultant will have 3, 5, or 10 days (depending on the project
phase) to review the design documents and provide written RCDD Review Comments to
the DOC CPD PM and the DOC-ITIS.
def The DOC CPD PM and the DOC-ITIS will have 5, 8, or 10 days (depending on the
project phase) to review the design documents and the RCDD Review Consultant’s
comments. The DOC-ITIS will create the DOC IT Review Report, and incorporate the
RCDD Review Comments into the report. Following their review, they will distribute the
On some projects, DOC may hire an RCDD Review Consultant to act in the capacity of an
independent reviewer and consultant to DOC. The RCDD Review Consultant will be responsible
to review the overall design, paying particular attention to areas of the design that are related to
the current or future operation and maintenance of the telecommunications system including low
voltage systems other than voice and data. The RCDD Review Consultant will identify issues
that do not appear to be compliant with the requirements in the TDDG and the TCGS.
WSDOC TDIS, TDDG Version 5.2 34 3/12/2009
complete set of comments to the RCDD Review Consultant and hold brief discussions
about the comments. If there is no RCDD Review Consultant assigned to the project:
• The A/E and Designer shall meet with DOC-ITIS to initiate the review process.
• The DOC-ITIS will create the DOC IT Review Report without RCDD Review
• The DOC IT Review Report will then be sent to the DOC CPD PM for review
gh Following the meeting, the DOC CPD PM will submit the RCDD Review Report to
the Designer. The Designer will then be given five days to review the comments and
respond to them in writing. Negative responses to any comment shall include a
discussion of the reasons for non-compliance.
ij Finally, a meeting or teleconference will be held with the DOC CPD PM, the DOC-
ITIS, the RCDD Review Consultant and the Designer to discuss the review comments
and the Designer’s responses. Following the meeting, the Designer shall revise the
design in accordance with the DOC’s resolution for each comment.
The following diagram depicts a typical telecommunications design review process when
an RCDD Review Consultant is not involved in the review process. The number of days
listed for #3 and #6 may need to be adjusted based on the scope or depth of the
telecommunications infrastructure on a project.
1 1
2 1
5 Days
4 1
5 1
6 5 Days
7 1
8 ?
Business Days: 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20
1 1
2 1
3 8 Days
4 1
5 1
6 5 Days
7 1
8 ?
Business Days: 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20
1 1
3 10 Days
4 1
5 1
6 5 Days
7 1
8 ?
1. Designer ships Drawings and Specifications to D O C I T 5. DOC CPD PM issues the DOC IT Review Report to the Designer
I nf rast ruct ure Sp ecialist , and D OC Capit al Plan ning an d for response.
Development Project Manager (DOC CPD PM ) 6. The Designer reviews the DOC IT Review Report and provides a
2. DOC CPD PM reviews the drawings and the specifications. written response for each comment to the DOC IT Infrastructure
Specialist, and DOC CPD PM.
3. Architect and Designer meet with DOC IT Infrastructure
Specialist to initiate the review process. DOC IT Infrastructure 7. DOC CPD PM, DOC IT Infrastructure Specialist, and the
Specialist then reviews the drawings and specifications and then Designer meet to discuss the Designer's responses to the DOC IT
produces the DOC IT Review Report. Review Report and determine a course of action for each item.
4. DOC CPD PM, and the DOC IT Infrastructure Specialist meet to 8. The Designer shall revise the design per the direction given in
discuss and finalize the DOC IT Review Report. Step 7 (above). The Designer shall then submit a second written
response to the DOC IT Review Report, indicating how each
comment was resolved.
1 1
A 3 Days
B 1
2 1
3 5 Days
4 1
5 1
6 5 Days
7 1
8 ?
Business Days: 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30
1 1
A 5 Days
B 1
3 8 Days
4 1
5 1
6 5 Days
7 1
8 ?
Business Days: 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30
1 1
A 10 Days
B 1
2 1
3 10 Days
4 1
5 1
6 5 Days
7 1
8 ?
1. Designer ships Drawings and Specifications to RCDD Review 4. DOC CPD PM, the RCDD Review Consultant, and the DOC IT
Consultant, DOC IT Infrastructure Specialist, and DOC Capital Planning Infrastructure Specialist meet to discuss and finalize the DOC IT Review
and Development Project Manager (DOC CPD PM ) Report.
A. RCDD Review Consultant reviews the drawings & specifications and 5. DOC CPD PM issues the DOC IT Review Report to the RCDD Review
produces RCDD Review Comments. Consultant and to the Designer for response.
B. RCDD Review Consultant ships the RCDD Review Comments to DOC 6. The Designer reviews the DOC IT Review Report and provides a written
CPD PM, and DOC IT Infrastructure Specialist. response for each comment to the RCDD Review Consultant, DOC IT
Infrastructure Specialist, and DOC CPD PM.
2. DOC CPD PM reviews the RCDD Review Comments, the drawings and
the specifications. 7. DOC CPD PM, DOC IT Infrastructure Specialist, the RCDD Review
Consultant and the Designer meet to discuss the Designer's responses to
3. DOC IT Infrastructure Specialist reviews the RCDD Review Comments, the DOC IT Review Report and determine a course of action for each
drawings and specifications and then produces the DOC IT Review item.
Report, incorporating the RCDD Review Comments.
8. The Designer shall revise the design per the direction given in Step 7
(above). The Designer shall then submit a second written response to the
DOC IT Review Report, indicating how each comment was resolved.
A. The Designer for the Prime Consultant shall also be responsible for performing
QC/QA on the telecommunications design prior to releasing documents for each
phase for review. The QC/QA shall include, but not be limited to, the
components and issues listed in Table 3.3.
C. The Prime Consultant shall be responsible for ensuring the review process is
conducted in accordance with all DOC’s requirements including the DOC TDIS,
and shall participate in the review process to ensure the review comments are
satisfactorily addressed prior to issuing bid documents.
For projects where DOC hires an RCDD Review Consultant, the prime consultant
(Designer or A/E) shall provide two sets of the drawings and specifications (from all
disciplines involved in the project) for the RCDD Review Consultant. The RCDD Review
Consultant will not perform any design services. The RCDD Review Consultant could
be asked to do the following:
The RCDD Review Consultant shall review the documents according to DOC’s scope of
work and then produce a report consistent with the format shown in Appendix 6.1. All
design reviews shall include, but not be limited to the components and issues listed in
Table 3.3.
A. On some projects, DOC may also use an RCDD Review Consultant to provide
services during the construction phase. These services may include submittal
review and “big-picture” construction observation services. In these situations
however, the Designer always remains responsible for submittal review,
construction observation, punch list management, and other standard services as
indicated in the Instructions for Architects and Engineers Doing Business with
Division of Engineering and Architectural Services (published by the Washington
State Department of General Administration).
B. In these situations, the RCDD Review Consultant shall provide written comments
to DOC and to the Designer. In turn, DOC will decide how to act on the written
comments, and then direct the A/E, Designer or Contractor accordingly. The
RCDD Review Consultant shall not, under any circumstances, give direction to
the A/E, Designer or Contractor.
DOC agrees with BICSI that in order to have a building or campus successfully
designed, constructed and provisioned for telecommunications, it is imperative that the
telecommunications design be incorporated during the preliminary architectural design
B. The Prime Consultant shall notify the Design Team members of all scheduled
design and construction meetings, with agendas attached, and forward copies of
all meeting notes.
DOC agrees with BICSI that successful telecommunications projects require design
coordination between the disciplines involved in the project. The Designer shall
coordinate the telecommunications requirements and design features with the designs
produced by the other designers on the project.
A. DOC uses several methods for the procurement and installation of the
telecommunications infrastructure. Refer to Section 2.6 Telecommunications
Procurement and Installation of this document.
C. DOC generally uses the Washington State DIS Cabling Master Contract 5
whenever possible to keep costs to a minimum. When the DIS Cabling Master
Contract is not used and the cabling is not part of the general construction
contract, a competitive bid by at least three SYSTIMAX® VAR’s licensed to
perform SYSTIMAX® installations in Washington state is required to fulfill
As of this writing, more information about the Washington State DIS Cabling Master Contract is available at
WSDOC TDIS, TDDG Version 5.2 41 3/12/2009
The Designer shall coordinate with the A/E to assure the electronic CAD files used for
backgrounds for the telecommunications design are consistent with the CAD file
backgrounds used by the other disciplines on the project and those retained by DOC.
A. This document identifies specific design solutions intended to meet the technical
requirements of DOC telecommunications and information technology systems,
as well as the unique security requirements necessary at many DOC facilities.
Designs not consistent with the requirements in this document shall require prior
approval through the DOC Alternative Design Requests (ADR) process.
Requests to deviate from industry standards or DOC design solutions will be
considered on a case-by-case basis. Any request to deviate from applicable
code requirements or deviate from the requirements of the SYSTIMAX® Design
and Installation Guidelines will not be accepted.
C. The Designer shall provide written comments proving the proposed alternative
design will meet the applicable DOC system performance requirements, and
identifying any performance limitations, drawbacks and benefits from using the
alternative design.
D. The Designer shall be responsible for properly conducting the ADR process. For
projects where the Designer is not the prime consultant, the prime consultant
shall be responsible for properly conducting the ADR process, and shall
participate in the process (review, acknowledge and address issues) to
determine that DOC’s requirements are met.
with DOC- NO
CPDPM Attach Technical Info
(if gathered)
Regional IT
Return to DOC-ITIS
with reason
Design and Funding
One-time Approval
APPROVE for Alternative
Design Request
B. Prior to visiting the project site for any work at existing or new DOC facilities, the
Designer shall meet with the DOC-ITIS and review the status of all existing
telecommunications infrastructure and obtain all pertinent information regarding
existing or pending projects to determine telecommunications design,
construction, and installation limitations. This meeting shall include the DOC-
RITM and DOC Plant Manager.
C. The Designer shall visit the project site during the schematic design phase to
perform the preliminary outside plant fieldwork. The Designer shall create the
following types of documentation based on information gathered while onsite:
• Take digital photographs of existing telecommunications pathways, spaces
and cabling that affect or are affected by the new project work.
• Create butterfly diagrams of each existing maintenance hole and handhole
that is associated with the new project, identifying each cable and conduit in
each maintenance hole and handhole. A sample butterfly diagram is shown
in Appendix 6.2.
• Create a backbone schematic diagram showing the existing outside plant
cabling in the area associated with the new project and the existing cross
connection strategy. A sample backbone schematic diagram is shown in
Appendix 6.3.
D. The Designer shall visit the project site during the schematic design phase to
perform preliminary field investigation of the horizontal and intra-building
backbone telecommunications infrastructure. The Designer shall create the
following types of documentation based on information gathered while onsite:
• Take digital photographs of existing telecommunications rooms and work
areas that affect or are affected by the new project work.
• Create a riser diagram showing the existing intra-building backbone cabling
associated with the new project and the existing cross connection strategy.
• Investigate and document the routing of existing horizontal pathways and
cabling that is affected by the project.
• Create elevation diagrams of each telecommunications rack and each wall
within each TR affected by or affecting the new project work.
E. The Designer shall also conduct a needs analysis to identify and describe the
required features and functionality in the new telecommunications infrastructure.
WSDOC TDIS, TDDG Version 5.2 45 3/12/2009
This shall include the DOC-ITIS, DOC-RITM, DOC Plant Manager, and other
DOC personnel as required.
F. The information gathered during the fieldwork, combined with the results of the
needs analysis shall be the starting point for schematic design of the proposed
new work.
A. The Architect and Designer shall modify the design documents to address the IT
review comments received during the Schematic Design Phase.
B. During the Design Development phase, the Designer shall obtain the assistance
of a SYSTIMAX® product representative to review the project specification
(adapted by the Designer from the DOC Telecommunications Construction Guide
Specification) to determine that the correct part numbers have been included for
each SYSTIMAX® product in the specification. The Designer shall also verify
that the part numbers for non-SYSTIMAX® products are accurate.
A. The Architect and Designer shall modify the design documents to address the IT
review comments received during the Design Development Phase. The
Construction Documents are also expected to contain the items discussed in the
Construction Document Content section of this document.
D. The Architect and Designer shall modify the design documents to address the IT
review comments received during the Construction Documents phase. Upon
completion of the Final Construction Documents, a complete set of documents
shall be distributed to the DOC-ITIS and DOC-RITM, and the standard Design
Review Process shall be conducted. The Designer and Architect shall resolve
any issues raised by DOC-IT.
E. The Architect and Designer shall modify the Final Construction Documents to
address the IT review comments associated with the Final Construction
Documents. The Architect and Designer shall provide the DOC-ITIS with
revised/corrected Final Bid Documents that have resolved all issues raised by
DOC-IT prior to the bidding phase rather than “by addendum.” Bidding
On projects where a pre-bid walkthrough is held, the Designer shall attend the
walkthrough and shall provide the bidders with a written list of materials and practice
requirements that the bidders might find peculiar and that might affect the bids if such
requirements are overlooked. Noteworthy items would typically be requirements that are
more restrictive than practices considered acceptable for other commercial projects.
The Designer shall consider the following items for inclusion on such a list, as well as
any other items applicable to the project:
• The use of flex-conduit is prohibited.
• The installation of conduit under-slab or in-slab is prohibited.
• The existence of “rat walls”.
• The requirement for sweeps rather than bends and no more than two 90 degree
sweeps in any conduit run.
• The fact that telecommunications standards are significantly different and more
stringent than electrical installation requirements.
• The requirement to adhere to the detailed telecommunications pathway routing
designs in the drawings “as specified”.
• The clearance requirements for OSP and ISP telecommunications conduit, cable,
and equipment from sources of EMI.
A. Input from DOC IT, site operations personnel, and the designated security officer
must be incorporated in developing the initial and on-going construction
schedules. This input is especially important when an early or phased turn-up of
buildings is required, but is also vital for the initial start-up of a new prison.
Timing on the construction of the main telecommunications room and building
and the backbone cable plant connecting it to key buildings would be a vital
consideration in bringing key buildings online at required dates.
A. Unless noted in writing by the DOC-CPDPM and the DOC-ITIS, the Designer
shall perform construction administration through the Architect for DOC or as
specifically noted, directly to DOC. The scope of construction administration
shall cover all telecommunications and low voltage infrastructure as defined in
B. The Designer shall confer with the DOC-CPDPM and the DOC-ITIS prior to
proposing services for the project to determine an appropriate site-visit frequency
for the project. On average, one site visit per week will typically be required for
building projects and two site visits per week larger projects. The frequencies will
likely change during construction as the telecommunications-related activity
increases or decreases.
1. The Designer shall develop an agreed site visit schedule with the DOC-
CPDPM and DOC-ITIS for each project.
2. The Designer shall review any proposed changes to the site visit schedule
with the DOC-CPDPM and DOC-ITIS prior to changing the schedule.
C. The Designer shall hold a pre-construction meeting with the General Contractor
(GC) and electrical contractor(s) responsible for installing telecommunications
pathways. The Designer shall cover all of the typical problems related to GC and
electrical firms not understanding the differences between electrical and
telecommunications installations, and the need for coordinating the installation of
telecommunications infrastructure with the other trades.
E. The Designer shall visit the construction site frequently to observe the
construction quality and status. During the site visits, the Designer shall review all
construction activity for compliance to the Construction Documents on the
telecommunications infrastructure. This review shall include construction
activity that appears to adversely affect the telecommunications
infrastructure or violate the DOC TDIS. The Designer shall take digital
WSDOC TDIS, TDDG Version 5.2 48 3/12/2009
F. Accurate record drawings are considered critical for the efficient operation of
DOC facilities. During these site visits, the Designer shall observe and report on
the Contractor’s progress toward staying current with the record drawings
G. After each site visit, the Designer shall submit a written report describing the
observed construction progress. Observations shall be documented in the report
with annotated digital photographs and a written description of any problems, a
description of the requirements in the Construction Documents and the resolution
to the issues. For each item requiring corrective attention, the report shall
describe the following:
in the Construction
Applicable DOC
industry standards and
Corrective options available to DOC:
H. The Designer shall submit the construction observation reports via email to the
DOC-CPDPM and the DOC-ITIS as soon as possible following each site visit.
The reports shall also be reviewed at the next construction meeting. A timely
report submission will aid the Designer and DOC in identifying potential problems
early in the construction process.
I. The Prime Consultant shall ensure all “Request For Information” (RFI)
documents related to and/or having a potential impact to the telecommunications
infrastructure and the DOC TDIS are forwarded to the Designer for review and
response. All RFI responses, as defined above, shall be in accordance with the
requirements of this document, and a copy of the RFI with response shall be
forwarded to the DOC-CPDPM and DOC-ITIS.
J. The Prime Consultant shall ensure all Change Order Proposals (COP) and
Change Orders (CO) related to and/or having a potential impact to the
telecommunications infrastructure and the DOC TDIS are forwarded to the
Designer, the RCDD Review Consultant (when used), and the DOC-ITIS for
review and response before being approved by the DOC-CPDPM.
• Note that all CO’s shall only be approved by designated DOC management
staff per the construction documents, typically the DOC-CPDPM or the DOC
Plant Manager on some projects.
• Authorization for the General Contractor to implement a CO shall not occur
prior to CO approval by designated DOC management.
K. The Designer shall review the cable test reports produced by the Contractor for
each cable installed during the project. The Designer shall verify that the
following conditions are addressed in the cable test reports:
L. Towards completion of the construction process, the Designer shall review the
entire telecommunications installation for quality assurance and develop a final
closeout punch list of corrections. Post-Construction
A. The Designer shall review the Operation and Maintenance information provided
by the Contractor for the telecommunications distribution system. The Designer
shall verify that information is included for each component in the
telecommunications distribution system.
a. Upon approval of the content in the Operation and Maintenance information,
the Designer shall submit the information to DOC-RITM with written
documentation to the DOC-RITM and DOC-ITIS indicating the Designer has
reviewed the information and it appears to meet the requirements in the
Construction Documents.
B. The Designer shall provide record drawings and record documentation to DOC
(based on documents that have been “red-lined” by the Contractor).
C. The Designer shall ensure the SYSTIMAX® 20-year warranty is delivered to the
DOC-RITM with a copy to the DOC-ITIS.
E. Any request to deviate from the requirements of the National Electrical Code or
alternative designs that would adversely affect the SYSTIMAX® SCS warranty
will not be accepted. The Designer shall seek approval for designs that are not
consistent with DOC TDDG requirements through the DOC Alternative Design
Request (ADR) process. Requests to deviate from industry standards or DOC
design solutions will be considered on a case-by-case basis by the DOC-ITIS.
Designers are encouraged to contact the DOC-ITIS to discuss proposed
alternatives before spending any significant time on an alternative.
G. DOC’s prisons continually require expansion of both housing units and support
buildings to meet the need of an increasing offender population. The Architect,
Engineers, and Designer shall consider the future growth requirements for the
facility when telecommunications infrastructure is designed for a project. Within
WSDOC TDIS, TDDG Version 5.2 52 3/12/2009
the DOC campus areas affected by the current project(s), the main backbone
telecommunications infrastructure shall be designed and sized to readily
accommodate the identifiable future growth. Following are areas where this
design criterion is most significant:
• Architect
• DOC CPD Project Manager
• DOC Superintendent
• DOC Plant Manager
• Facility Master Plan (if one is available)
• DOC Capital 10-year Plan
• 2004 DOC Statewide Master Plan
H. The DOC facility Superintendent or designee shall review and approve all
telecommunications infrastructure designs and construction methods related to
facility security. This shall include, but not be limited to the following:
I. The following subsections are arranged to mirror the chapter sequence of the 9th
Edition of the BICSI TDMM published in 2000 (the subsection numbers below are
in the form of 4.x where x represents the chapter number in the BICSI TDMM).
Note: The following subsections do not follow the chapter sequence of the 10th
The General Information section of the BICSI TDMM is not applicable to this document.
Please refer to the Codes, Standards and Regulations section of the BICSI TDMM for
information regarding the codes, standards and regulations required for
telecommunications infrastructure at DOC facilities, including additional DOC regulations
as well as State of Washington RCW’s and WAC’s.
Please refer to the Definitions, Abbreviations, Acronyms, and Symbols section of the
BICSI TDMM for definitions, abbreviations, acronyms and symbols used for describing
and documenting telecommunications infrastructure at DOC facilities.
Other terms are defined in the Glossary located in Appendix 6.7 of this document.
Please refer to the Horizontal Distribution Systems section of the BICSI TDMM for
general information regarding the design of horizontal distribution pathway and cabling.
The requirements listed below take precedence over the BICSI TDMM guidelines for
WSDOC TDIS, TDDG Version 5.2 54 3/12/2009
A. Secured Areas:
Unless specifically addressed below, shall be conduit inside ceilings and walls.
D. Exposed Ceilings:
Use conduit or cable trays for construction of new buildings. In offender use areas
(such as dayrooms, gyms, Correctional Industries operations, etc.), all exposed
cable (including cable trays) shall be installed at a minimum of 16 feet high from the
finished floor; else cable shall be installed in conduit.
E. Hard-lid Ceilings:
If sufficient access space and structural support for walking exists for both cable
installation and maintenance personnel to achieve complete access, J-hooks or
Caddy Bags can be used; else use conduit with pull/junction boxes appropriately
placed in the ceiling with direct access from the floor below. Sufficient access is
defined as both pre/post-construction to easily facilitate cabling moves, adds, and
changes compliant to ANSI/TIA/EIA 568/569 Standards.
WSDOC TDIS, TDDG Version 5.2 55 3/12/2009
H. Surface Mounting:
Not allowed within high-risk secure areas. Use only where other options are limited.
Where used, preference is plastic wire mold rather than conduit. Surface mounting
requires an Alternative Design Request (ADR) with additional approval from the
Superintendent or designee of a prison or work release facility.
I. Authorization of Exceptions:
Prepare an ADR as described in Section 3.4.3 and submit to the DOCITIS. If the
DOC-ITIS approves, the request will be submitted for review and final decision to the
designated OCO Headquarters personnel.
1. All design and construction methods identified in the TDIS, ANSI/TIA/EIA
Standards, and BICSI recommended practices shall be followed.
2. D-Rings shall “not” be used to support cable horizontally and are allowed
only for vertical alignment of cables on walls and for cross-connect telephone
wiring in M-ER’s and TR’s.
3. Wide-base J-hooks can be used where less than 40 cables are supported.
4. Caddy Bags shall be required in lieu of J-hooks where more than 40 cables
are supported.
5. Designer shall specify radius cable support modules (waterfalls) wherever
raceway terminations will result in a cable elevation drop to support the cable
downward transition to eliminate stress and deformation of the outside cable
A. The cable pathway shall be sized to support the initial installation of cable, plus a
minimum of 25% growth.
B. During the Schematic Design phase, the Designer shall discuss with DOC the
future growth anticipated for the facilities affected by the project and increase
accordingly the spare capacity to be designed.
B. Conduit runs shall be designed with larger feeder conduits that transition to
multiple smaller distribution conduits at strategically located junction boxes.
E. DOC does not permit the use of any non-metallic conduit for horizontal pathways.
A. Conduits shall not be filled with multiple cables beyond 40%. The Designer shall
refer to the BICSI TDMM for general information regarding conduit capacity and
fill. The Designer shall verify the outer diameter of all cable approved for use by
DOC at the time of the design to determine the maximum number of cables that
can be placed inside a conduit without exceeding the 40% fill limitation. The
following table shows the quantity of cables that can be placed in a single EMT
conduit, based on the current dimensions of Category 3 and Category 6
horizontal cables from SYSTIMAX®:
B. In new construction, all wall outlets shall have a minimum one-inch trade size
conduit routing from the device box to an accessible cable pulling location.
Increase the conduit size as necessary for the quantity of cables to be installed.
Where new conduit is installed in existing buildings, the Designer shall notify
DOC when existing conditions prevent the use of one-inch trade size conduit as
DOC does not permit the use of the Multidrop Conduit System as identified in the BICSI
A. Pull boxes shall be sized not less than the Pull Box Table in TCGS 16131
Raceway and Boxes for Communication Circuits. Note that this DOC table is
down-sized from the TIA Standards and BICSI manuals for selection of standard
Type I Wiring Troughs and has been approved by the SYSTIMAX® Regional
Account Manager. The Designer shall review the DOC table sizes to ensure
adequate bend radius for the cables anticipated for the current project and
potential future needs.
a. For horizontal cable, pull boxes shall be sized to accommodate future fiber to
the desktop, typically using 2 – 4 strands.
b. For OSP copper cable entering through the building, the largest pair size is
typically 200 pair ANMW, and bend radius is ten (10) times the cable sheath
B. Outlet boxes shall not be used as pull boxes regardless of conduit size. Outlet
boxes do not adequately accommodate the newer, larger diameter CAT-6 cables
and are far too undersized to accommodate fiber to the desktop.
C. Pull boxes shall be designed for access doors to open from the area where the
cable installer will normally work. For ceiling installations, this is typically from
the bottom (floor) side of the box.
D. Ceiling access to the pull box shall be designed to allow full access to the pull
box cover/door and adequate working room for both the installation personnel
and proper looping of the cable during installation. In hard-lid ceilings, the
access cover (or pull box door if exposed) shall be lockable when installed in a
secured area.
distribution systems shall be designed such that all installed cable is conveniently
accessible after construction for both cable maintenance and to install
subsequent cable additions.
B. Conduit shall be used to route cabling across “hard-lid” ceilings, where ceiling
tiles are not readily removable, or where accessibility is less than recommended.
The Designer shall obtain written authorization from the DOC-ITIS to consider use of
cable trays. Lay-in Type I wiring troughs shall typically not be used for ceiling
distribution pathways, except for pull boxes in conduit distribution systems. Cable trays
shall not be shared with power cables and shall maintain the minimum separation
distances required by DOC. Each cable tray section shall be bonded. The Designer
shall ensure a minimum of 12 inch headroom access is maintained above cable trays.
DOC requires that utility columns used for both telecommunications and power
distribution be metallic and be equipped with a solid metallic barrier for a complete
separation of the electrical and telecommunications cables and outlets. Poke-Thru
Where telecommunications cables will be routed through modular furniture, the Designer
shall ensure the telecommunications cable has a separate pathway from electrical cable.
The two pathways shall be separated by a metallic barrier and the metallic barrier shall
be bonded to ground. The separation distance between telecommunications and
electrical cables shall be maintained as indicated in the table titled “ISP
Telecommunications Clearances for EMI Reduction.” General
A. The Designer shall work with DOC program personnel and IT personnel (both at
the project facility and at DOC headquarters) to identify and understand the
needs and requirements for each facility on a project-by-project basis. This
includes understanding the expected future uses of each facility. The Designer
shall design the telecommunications infrastructure accordingly.
• DOC has standardized on the SYSTIMAX® Structured Cabling System
product line for telecommunications infrastructure. Therefore,
D. Providing spare outlets in work areas and spare outlets in most rooms are
encouraged within the limitations of the project budget to meet projected future
needs – cabling installed during projects or multiple drops installed at the same
time are less expensive than one drop at a time at a later date.
H. Designer shall review areas where higher room temperatures will occur and
adjust the permanent link distance accordingly.
WSDOC TDIS, TDDG Version 5.2 61 3/12/2009
A. At DOC facilities, horizontal distribution copper cable and components for data
applications shall be rated and installed to support the IEEE 802.3ab 1000Base-
T Gigabit standard.
B. Horizontal distribution cable to support data applications (and all other low
voltage systems that are capable of operating with 22-24 AWG copper cabling)
shall be SYSTIMAX® GigaSPEED 4-pair Category 6 cable in new installations.
1. Refer to Figure 4.2 for additional information.
2. Horizontal Category 6 GigaSPEED cables shall be terminated at the work
area (WA) end with SYSTIMAX® GigaSPEED information outlets. The
outlets shall be colored yellow unless the facility has a different pre-
established color code for Category 6 outlets.
a. In all cases, Category 6 outlets shall be of a color that is different from
existing outlets with other cable categories such as CAT 3, 5, or 5e.
b. For new construction, there shall be no distinction made for voice or data
at the WA regarding cable type or color, outlet type or color, or labeling.
3. Horizontal Category 6 GigaSPEED cables shall be terminated at the
telecommunications room (TR) end onto rack-mounted SYSTIMAX®
Category 6 PATCHMAX GigaSPEED patch panels designated for reference
as “Work Area Patch Panel” (WA-PP).
a. The HC between the WA-PP and LAN equipment shall be made with a
CAT 6 patch cord.
b. Designer shall confer with the DOC-RITM or designee to determine the
color of patch cords, which may be the same or different color from that
used for HC voice cords. Green patch cords shall only be used for
inmate LAN connections.
c. The WA-PP shall be separate from, but adjacent to the Administrative
Voice horizontal cross-connect patch panel (Adm-HC-PP) – refer to the
Section for additional information.
A. Horizontal distribution cable intended to support voice services at prisons for new
installations or major renovations shall follow the exact same requirements in the
previous Section titled: Horizontal Cable to Support Data Applications.
B. Typically, the work area (telephone) end of inmate telephone cables will not be
terminated by the cable installer. The inmate telephone service provider typically
terminates these cables directly into the telephone sets. The Designer shall
verify this information with the local DOC person responsible for the inmate
C. If any modular information outlets are used for Inmate Telephone terminations,
they shall be colored green.
D. The Designer shall coordinate with the DOC facility security representative to
identify locations for inmate telephones and mounting structures for each
B. The Designer/Installer shall ensure the combined length of all copper patch cords
within each channel shall not exceed 33 feet unless the “maximum” horizontal
link length is reduced accordingly.
D. Category 6 GigaSPEED patch cords shall be used with all other horizontal
cabling, regardless of the “category” of the horizontal cabling.
E. Field terminated patch cords are not acceptable and shall not be used. Any
existing field-assembled patch cord used in areas affected by a project shall be
replaced under the project with factory assembled Category 6 patch cords.
F. Patch cords shall not be used in lieu of installing horizontal cable and outlets.
Patch cords shall not be installed or routed into ceiling or plenum spaces or over
G. Where the SYSTIMAX® Visi-PATCH system is approved via the ADR process
and installed, only SYSTIMAX® factory-manufactured 110 Visi-PATCH patch
cords shall be used. Visi-PATCH cords with less than 4-pairs of wire are
available from SYSTIMAX®.
A. The Designer shall include voice and data cabling to and within CI locations in
the design documents. The Designer shall request direction from DOC and CI
management regarding the requirements for telecommunications infrastructure
serving CI locations on a case-by-case basis.
B. Low voltage systems that are capable of using a common structured cabling
system (either backbone or horizontal cabling) shall be designed to use the
SYSTIMAX® Structured Cabling System cable and termination hardware.
C. The Designer shall request from the A/E’s a list of systems that will require
telecommunications outlets for operations. The Designer shall then include
outlets in the design as necessary to meet the listed requirements.
The Designer shall ensure cables are installed and terminated properly, including proper
cable service slack at both ends, per ANSI/TIA/EIA Standards, BICSI practices, and the
requirements specified in TCGS Section 16740 - Inside Plant Communications Circuits.
Please refer to the Backbone Distribution System section of the BICSI TDMM, the
Pathways and Spaces section and the Cabling section of the BICSI CO-OSP, and the
Installing Backbone Pathways section of the BICSI TCIM for general information
regarding the design of backbone distribution pathway and cabling.
The backbone distribution system shall be designed to fully comply with both the NEC
and NESC.
Within the DOC-owned campus areas affected by the current project(s), the Designer
shall design and size the DOC telecommunications backbone distribution system to
readily accommodate the future growth requirements for the facility as determined per
Section 4.G of this document.
The requirements listed below take precedence over the BICSI TDMM, the BICSI CO-
OSP, and the BICSI TCIM guidelines for telecommunications infrastructure at DOC
installation with a minimum 10 foot service slack within the fiber termination
The diagram below shows three options for routing entrance pathways between the
outside plant maintenance holes and each telecommunications room in a building as
well as routing intra-building backbone pathways. Please note that while intermediate
pull boxes are not shown in the diagram below, they may be required in some
applications per BICSI TDMM requirements.
Lengths B C greater B C B C
up to 50 Ft.
than 50 Ft.
Please note that the cabling in conduit “B” passes through the Main TR without
terminating or being spliced. While it is permitted for the cable in the Main TR to exit
the conduit on one wall and re-enter conduit on another wall, the only termination for
the cable is in TR #2A.
WSDOC TDIS, TDDG Version 5.2 67 3/12/2009
Please note that the cable remains inside conduit “B” while it passes through the
Main TR without terminating or being spliced. The cable then terminates in TR #2A.
Option #3 applies when the most desirable route (between the nearest outside plant
telecommunications maintenance hole and a secondary TR) does not pass through the
main TR to reach a secondary TR.
1. All conduits used for cabling shall be fitted with innerducts except where one
cable results in maximizing the 40% fill limit (note that a 53% fill is allowed
when conduit contains only one cable). Conduits not initially identified for
installation of cable do not require innerduct.
2. Typically, at least one of the four conduits shall be fitted with a full set of fiber
optic innerducts. DOC’s default standard for innerducts is three 3-inch 3-cell
MaxCell® packs (totals 9 innerduct paths) or an alternative four 1 ¼” HDPE
innerducts. The actual size and quantity of innerducts shall be determined by
the Designer based on the quantity and size of cables that will be installed to
the building.
3. All conduits and innerducts shall be equipped with pull ropes.
4. In all cases, the design shall provide for sufficient quantities of trade size 4”
conduit to accommodate all low voltage services and BAS planned for
installation plus a minimum of either 25% growth capacity or one spare trade
size 4” conduit (whichever is larger), but not less than four trade size 4”
entrance conduits.
5. The Designer can recommend (via the Alternative Design Request process) a
smaller quantity of entrance conduits for very small buildings where four
conduits might not be economically justifiable. A minimum quantity for very
small buildings approved through the ADR process shall typically never be
less than two trade size 4” entrance conduits.
B. Any secondary TR’s in a building shall be provided with a minimum of one trade
size 4” conduit that runs from the OSP conduit system (typically from the nearest
OSP telecommunications maintenance hole). (See the conduits labeled “B” in
WSDOC TDIS, TDDG Version 5.2 68 3/12/2009
the diagram above, each representing one or more conduits routed between a
secondary Telecommunication Room in the building and the nearest outside
plant telecommunications maintenance hole.)
C. Any secondary TR’s in a building shall also be provided with at least two trade
size 3” conduits from the main TR. (See the conduits labeled “C” in the diagram
above, each representing two or more conduits routed between the Main
Telecommunication Room in the building and another TR in the same building.)
A. DOC requires each TR in each building be provided with non-spliced fiber optic
backbone cabling that is directly connected to the Main Equipment Room at the
site via the outside plant pathway infrastructure.
1. In some designs an ADR can be submitted for review/approval to allow
secondary TR’s in a building to connect back only to the main TR in the
building. This alternative design still does not allow splicing of the backbone
fiber optic cable, but does allow riser fiber optic cable to be installed between
the main and secondary TR’s, connected to fiber optic patch panels.
a. However, this requires an additional assessment and approval by
the DOC-RITM to determine if the LAN switch design can
accommodate one or more secondary TR’s in the building.
B. Generally, the OSP copper backbone cables from the Main Equipment Room at
the site will terminate in the main TR of a building. Copper backbone cabling for
voice applications should then be routed from the main TR in a given building to
secondary TR’s in that building. Ductbank
C. The Designer shall not assume that existing, open pathways are necessarily
available for use by the current project. The Designer shall inquire about the
potential for future buildings, building expansions or other projects that may
depend on using existing pathways as described in Sections 4.G and 4.5 of this
document. Existing pathways to buildings shall not be used for the current
project unless sufficient space is left for growth as indicated above plus an
additional 25%.
D. In addition to the requirements of the current project, where new pathways are
required, the Designer shall inquire about the potential for future buildings,
building expansions or other projects as described in Sections 4.G and 4.5 of this
document. Where future building areas would utilize the telecommunications
pathways called out for the current project, the Designer shall accommodate
those telecommunications pathway requirements within the design of the current
project by increasing the current project’s pathway sizes accordingly.
G. DOC requires 4” trade-size Schedule 40 PVC for all outside plant pathway, with
the exception of transitions to RGC or PSC where specifically stated or where
required to reduce EMI problems as defined in Table 4.2.
1. Multiple-cell conduit shall not be used.
2. DOC “prefers” to limit the number of 90 degree sweeps between pull points to
one (1), and the maximum number of pull points shall not exceed two (2).
3. Designer shall ensure construction documents identify all conduit pathway
elevations to reflect an installed slope of at least 4 inches per one hundred
(100) feet in general and ¼ inch per foot where possible.
I. Conduits shall be placed into pre-defined ducts in the wall sections of a MH/HH
and shall not be placed into the designated top or bottom sections of a MH/HH.
Where pre-defined ducts are available in the wall sections of a MH/HH and yet
core drilling is determined to be the best entrance into a MH/HH, an ADR shall be
required for approval of core drilling.
J. The Designer shall determine where construction equipment and vehicular traffic
may occur in relation to both new and existing telecommunications ductbanks for
projects, and specify appropriate action to protect the ductbanks from damage
during construction and after construction.
1. This determination shall include communications with the architectural design
team, including the DOC Plant Manager and the DOC-CPDPM.
2. Given that telecommunications ductbanks are often constructed prior to other
building and utility construction activities, careful consideration shall be given
as to their placement and design, including existing ductbanks, to properly
address any negative, destructive effects from live loads of construction
equipment and vehicular traffic both during and after construction activities
throughout the life of the ductbank.
WSDOC TDIS, TDDG Version 5.2 71 3/12/2009
K. Where conduit is placed beneath any form of vehicular traffic (i.e., drives,
roadways, parking, construction or maintenance equipment accesses, etc.) or
where a sweep is placed in the conduit system, OSP conduit shall be encased in
concrete. The Designer shall determine the required thickness of concrete
encasement based on the depth of the conduit and anticipated live loads. The
concrete encasement shall be no less than a minimum of 3 inches on all four
sides and with a minimum compressive strength of 2500 psi.
1. The Designer shall ensure the Contractor is made aware that prior to the
concrete encasement pour, the Designer and a DOC field representative
(designated by the DOC-ITIS) shall observe the OSP conduit installation to
ensure all installation requirements have been addressed.
a. Upon identifying any problems, the Designer shall take immediate steps
through the proper construction procedures to stop the concrete pour until
the problems are corrected.
M. OSP conduit shall transition from PVC to PSC (PVC-coated, rigid steel) conduit
when it enters a 10-foot zone of circumference around a building foundation and
shall route from that point to the building Entrance Facility. PVC-coated, rigid
steel conduit is intended to provide protection from the shearing effect of
excavated ground settling around the building foundation. It also provides
protection from future landscaping activities near the building.
N. The use of flexible metallic conduit and flexible non-metallic conduit is prohibited.
1 Electrical and Telecom conduits both RNC. See Notes 1, 2, 3, and 6. 48" (4 ft)
3 Electrical and Telecom conduits both RNC. See Notes 1, 2, 3, and 6. 60" (5 ft)
Electrical or Telecom conduit RGC/PSC (one must be metallic). See
4 12" (1 ft)
Notes 1-6.
Electrical and Telecom conduits both RGC/PSC (both in metallic). See
5 12" (1 ft)
Notes 1-6.
Ref Telecommunication Conduits Running Adjacent to Electrical Min.
# Transformer - Regardless of Voltage/Current Separation
requirements within the design of the current project by sizing the MH/HH
accordingly and specifying locations appropriately to accommodate the future
B. DOC’s design criteria does not allow for splices in backbone fiber and allows
splices in backbone copper only through an approved Alternative Design
Request. However, when sizing OSP telecommunications maintenance holes
and handholes, the Designer shall size MH’s with sufficient space for potential
future splice cases (for example, as a temporary, emergency repair for cable
D. The Designer shall establish the elevations of MH/HH’s and ductbank slope in
relation to finished floor elevations of TR’s and ER’s to assure no ingress of
water to buildings. The Designer shall ensure all telecommunications duct banks
have the appropriate downward slope of 4” per 100 ‘ away from the buildings
towards the MH/HH, and the MH/HH elevation is set where the highest
possible water level inside the MH/HH (at the MH/HH lid level) shall not
allow ingress of water to the TR or ER; this shall include analysis of hydraulic
pressure by the Designer.
1. Sump pumps in a MH/HH and/or water-tight duct plugs shall not eliminate the
requirements stated above and shall not be the sole means of preventing
water ingress to a building in lieu of proper conduit elevation and slope.
2. Where drains are installed in a MH/HH, appropriately-sized screening shall
be fitted to prevent total obstruction of water egress.
E. All maintenance holes or handholes at DOC facilities shall have lockable or bolt
down covers to prevent unauthorized access. The Designer shall obtain
approval on the type and style cover from the facility Superintendent or designee.
The maximum fluid temperature of steam in the main line is approximately 335° F and
212° F in the condensate line. A breach in a steam line often causes the line pressure
to reduce, but under some circumstances this does not always occur. At 125 psi, steam
can blow out 4 feet or more, cutting through and destroying many objects, including
concrete. Where telecommunications infrastructure is in close proximity to a steam line,
a breach would have an extremely damaging effect to telecommunications conduits and
cabling, both copper and fiber. Additionally, as ambient temperature increases, both
copper and fiber optic cabling incurs increased attenuation.
• Per ANSI/TIA/EIA 568-B.2-1 Annex G: Temperatures above 68° F/20° C shall
have permanent link length of 90 M de-rated.
The design and installation requirements listed within this section are based on an
engineered design developed for the 2004-05 steam line replacement project at the
Washington Corrections Center. The design criterion was developed to achieve the
following maximum temperatures at the outside of telecommunications conduits:
The Designer shall ensure the installation of telecommunications conduits and steam
lines are constructed based on the design criteria listed in this section. Any changes
shall require an engineering design that guarantees meeting the maximum temperatures
listed above.
D. Telecommunications conduits run parallel to an OSP steam utilidor shall meet the
minimum requirements listed below:
1. The steam utilidor walls shall be a minimum of four (4) inch thick concrete.
2. Vents shall be installed through the steam utilidor lids to above finished grade
every one hundred (100) feet along the parallel run to allow steam to escape
from a potential line rupture.
a. Vents shall be a minimum of four (4) inch diameter and include a 180
degree bend at the top.
3. All steam utilidor section joints shall be sealed with a water-tight sealant that
maintains integrity under extreme operation (major steam leak).
4. Telecommunications conduits shall be fully encased in a minimum of four (4)
inches of concrete and shall maintain a minimum of two (2) feet separation
from the outside utilidor wall.
WSDOC TDIS, TDDG Version 5.2 77 3/12/2009
The Designer shall review the construction of bridge and waterway crossing distribution
systems for compliance with the design. Each phase of the design and installation shall
also be reviewed, inspected, and approved by the DOC-ITIS and DOC Plant Manager. General
B. The Designer shall specifically identify the conduits that shall be used by the
cabling installation contractor. The Designer shall ensure the conduits specified
are not reserved for other projects as discussed earlier in Section, and
the cable to be installed in each shall not exceed the maximum 40% fill. OSP
cable shall be installed in the lowest available conduit in a duct bank, working up
after the maximum 40% fill has been reached in the lower conduits as additional
cables are installed.
WSDOC TDIS, TDDG Version 5.2 78 3/12/2009
D. The Designer shall observe the installation of cabling to ensure all requirements
have been adhered to. The Designer shall prepare a Punch List of outstanding
issues requiring corrections and provide to the DOC CPD Project Manager and
DOC-ITIS prior to recommending payment to the cabling contractor.
B. Outside plant copper backbone cabling for voice applications shall be Category 3
twisted pair cabling.
1. Indoor rated cabling shall not be used.
2. Inter-building data backbone applications (LAN connections) shall not be
made to this cable.
Administrative voice backbone cables (all voice backbone cabling that is not intended for
inmate voice applications) shall meet the following requirements:
1. Voice backbone cables are generally sized to support two pair per work area outlet,
plus 25% growth. When calculating size, work areas shall also include fax
machines, dial-up modems, and ancillary systems such as alarms. The Designer
shall confer with the DOC facility telephone support staff and DOC-ITIS to determine
the pair count for each voice backbone cable.
a. The Designer shall also confer with the DOC facility telephone support staff to
identify the number of older telephones for each building that require two or three
pair per outlet and increase the backbone pair counts accordingly.
2. All inter-building OSP copper voice backbone cables shall be terminated with a
primary protector panel at each cable end. The protector panels shall be equipped
with Protector Units that provide sneak-current protection.
i. If the Adm-HC-PP style with 525 connectors was chosen, then 25-pair
(Male to Unterminated) Cord shall be used; else specify CAT 3
MultiPair cable.
1 2
Silver Satin SD
Horizontal Cable
Patch Cable (HC) Avaya CAT6
7 8 9
Patch Cable
* 0
Avaya CAT6 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24
Patch Cable 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48
4 Pair Terminated to
Adm -IC-110-1
25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48
Each RJ45 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
11 20
21 30
31 40
41 50
564 G
51 60
61 70
71 80
81 90
91 100
1 5 10 15 20 25
26 30 35 40 45 50
51 55 60 65 70 75
76 80 85 90 95 100
Backbone BEP Telecom Room (TR)
Where Horizontal
Cables Terminate
41 50
within the
MH (A)
564 G
51 60
61 70
71 80
81 90
91 100
1 5 10 15 20 25
26 30 35 40 45 50
Room (ER)
51 55 60 65 70 75
76 80 85 90 95 100
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
1 10
11 20
21 30
31 40
41 50
Inm -AP-110
564 G
51 60
61 70
71 80
81 90
91 100
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
1 5 10 15 20 25
26 30 35 40 45 50
51 55 60 65 70 75
76 80 85 90 95 100
(See Inmate Telephone
AP System Cabling Figure 4.3)
Access Provider (AP) SW (PBX/Electronic Key)
Inm -MC-110
Backbone cabling to support inmate telephone service shall meet all of the same
requirements for administration voice backbone cables above, plus the following
additional requirements:
1. The Designer shall obtain site-specific design requirements from DOC IT regarding
the configuration of cabling to support the inmate telephone system.
2. Inmate telephone inter-building backbone and intra-building feed cables shall be
separate cables (separate sheath) from all other voice and data services. While it is
preferred the inmate telephone service cable enter the facility on a separate sheath
service entrance cable (separate from the cable carrying administrative telephone
services), DOC will accept both administrative and inmate telephone services
provided over a single service entrance cable.
3. Inmate telephone inter-building backbone and intra-building feed cables shall be
terminated on primary protectors and termination blocks that are separate from all
other services.
4. All termination blocks for inmate cables in the Main ER and each building TR shall
be located inside lockable cabinets. These measures are necessary to prevent
inadvertent cross-connection between inmate telephone and administrative DOC
circuits, unauthorized monitoring of inmate circuits, or unauthorized monitoring of
administrative circuits by inmates.
5. From the service entrance cable termination (directly from the separate primary
protectors) in the Main ER, the inmate telephone cables shall cross-connect to
separate, dedicated termination blocks located inside a lockable cabinet.
6. Inmate telephone backbone or feed cables shall route from the Main ER to a
termination in a physically separate inmate telephone equipment room (ITER) as
directly as possible.
7. The ITER may be located in a different building from the location of the Main ER.
8. The local DOC Intelligence & Investigations (I&I) personnel will determine whether
the termination blocks for inmate backbone and feed cables are enclosed in lockable
cabinets within the ITER.
9. The ITER houses the Inmate Telephone System Provider’s (ITSP) switching
equipment for the inmate telephones at all DOC prison facilities, both camps and
major institutions. The ITSP switch is the interface between the inmate telephones
and outside telephone connectivity. The ITSP switch provides unique call
restrictions on an individual basis for each inmate.
10. Cabling from all inmate telephones must be connected to the ITSP switch (except for
legal/attorney phones).
11. The inter-building OSP backbone cable for the inmate telephone system will
originate from either the Main ER or the ITER. If the inter-building backbone cable
originates from the Main ER, two separate sheathed intra-building feed cables (one
for the telephone station pairs and one for the service trunk pairs) will be required
from the Main ER to the ITER.
12. The ITER at the major prisons also includes recording and monitoring (R&M)
equipment attached to the inmate telephone system. The R&M equipment may be
included with the ITSP’s switching equipment, or may be separate and from a
different provider or manufacturer. The R&M equipment is connected between the
WSDOC TDIS, TDDG Version 5.2 83 3/12/2009
To Service
Inmate Telephone System Cabling
Entrance Cable from Service Provider
Building containing
Main ER
BEP/110 the MDF
Crossconnect Inmate Telephone
110 Equipment Room ( ITER )
Cutoff Switches -
Potential Locations
110 (Typical) 110 110
Trunk Ports
Recording &
ITSP Switch
& Equipment
Station Ports
Backbone 110 110
TR Feed Feed
BEP/110 Cable Cable
110 110
Horizontal Cable
Note: All BEPs and 110 Blocks used for inmate telephone system located in any ER or TR outside the ITER shall
be installed in lockable, wall-mounted metal enclosures.
A. DOC’s general strategy for the common fiber optic backbone cabling is to provide
sufficient strand quantities to support all low voltage, power limited signal
systems and Building Automated Systems. The assumptions for the potential
minimum fiber optic cable strand usage is as follows:
B. Typically, the minimum quantity and sizing for the common fiber optic backbone
cabling will be to install 12 strands of Zero-Water-Peak singlemode fiber optic
cable and 24 strands of 50/125 micron graded index multimode fiber (MMF) optic
cable to each building, originating from the main Equipment Room (ER).
1. The Designer shall check with the DOC-ITIS to determine the exact type of
SMF and MMF cable to use for all projects.
2. The fiber strand count shall be increased as required to meet the current and
future needs of specific buildings or additional applications beyond those
identified above.
3. Fiber optic backbone cables shall be designed with a minimum of 20% spare
strands beyond those identified above.
C. Where an alternative design has been approved to install fiber optic cable with a
lower quantity of strands to small buildings such as utility buildings:
1. The Designer shall have reviewed all Building Automation Systems with the
Plant Manager to determine cabling needs to the building. The ADR shall
have the Plant Managers signature per this review.
2. The conduit shall have innerduct installed with sufficient capacity to install
additional copper and fiber cable in the future per DOC Standards.
3. No less than 6-strands of singlemode and 12-strands of multimode fiber shall
be installed, however:
a. Fiber backbone cable runs exceeding 275 meters from the M-ER shall
have at least 12 strands of singlemode fiber included.
E. Prior to designing outside plant fiber optic cabling systems, the Designer shall
seek direction from the DOC-ITIS regarding the use of composite fiber optic
WSDOC TDIS, TDDG Version 5.2 86 3/12/2009
cable versus separate multimode and singlemode cabling for a particular project.
1. Using separate singlemode and multimode cables helps to identify the two
fiber types, reducing confusion at patch panels and approved splice points
during installation, maintenance, and administration. Singlemode and
multimode fiber shall be terminated on separate rows of the patch panels,
and clearly identified with labeling and the appropriate industry standard color
code (blue for singlemode, beige for 62.5 um multimode, and teal for 50.0 um
2. Composite cable containing both singlemode and multimode strands can be
useful when retrofitting an existing facility, where existing outside plant
conduit space may be limited. Also, the labor cost for pulling a single
composite cable through outside plant telecommunications ductbanks is
typically less than the labor cost for pulling two separate fiber optic cables
(one multimode and one singlemode).
F. Fiber optic cable with metallic armoring should only be used where the armor
may be required for protection against rodents. The design of fiber optic cabling
with metallic armoring requires alternative design approval.
G. In new construction and new conduit, fiber optic backbone cables shall be
installed in fiber optic innerduct. Normally, three 1¼” innerducts can be placed in
a 4-inch conduit. Where fiber optic cable is installed into existing conduits, the
use of fiber optic innerduct is required if space is available.
1. Design or installation of fiber optic cabling without the use of innerduct shall
require approval through the “Alternative Design Request” process.
H. OSP fiber optic cable installed underground shall be loose tube construction and
gel-filled or be constructed of appropriate waterproofing compounds.
I. DOC does not permit the design of any fiber optic cabling solution that is
dependent on splices.
J. The Designer shall consult with the DOC-ITIS prior to developing the fiber optic
design to determine the performance requirements for the network electronics.
1. The Designer shall provide to DOC IT the estimated cable length between the
fiber patch panels of each TR and the main ER fiber patch panel in the
design phase. DOC IT will base its design of the LAN switches on the
estimated lengths of the backbone cable runs between each
telecommunications room and the Main ER.
2. As early as possible in the construction and installation phase, the Designer
shall obtain the actual cable lengths and compare them with the estimated
lengths. Any variances shall be reported to the DOC-ITIS immediately.
K. Fiber optic cable and components shall be rated and installed to comply with the
IEEE 802.3z 1000Base-X Ethernet Gigabit Standard. DOC networks depend on
Gigabit and higher backbone speeds. Due to the distance limitations of 62.5 nm
multimode fiber (300m for SX, 550m for LX), singlemode fiber optic cable shall
be required to support Gigabit and higher applications where cable distances
exceed 275m.
L. Fiber optic backbone cables shall home-run through conduit from each individual
TR to the Main Telecommunications Equipment Room (ER), which should be the
location of the data center. Very few if any exceptions will be granted because
an alternative design will almost always result in excessive dB losses that violate
the IEEE 802.3z 1000Base-X Ethernet Gigabit Standard. It is desirable to
preserve as much dB headroom as possible to allow for splicing in the event of
future cable damage.
• The figure below represents a Secondary Equipment Room (S-ER), which
requires an approved LAN switch design by the DOC-RITM, and the fiber
strand counts approved by the DOC-ITIS. If an alternative design is
approved for a main backbone cable to interconnect to multiple branch
backbone cables, the number of strands in the main backbone cable may be
greater than the sum of all branch backbone cables, or at least greater than
the DOC minimum standard quantity. For example:
Patch Panel Patch Panel
r an
d TR
Patch Panel
M. Fiber optic cabling shall be terminated in a Fiber Optic Interconnection Unit patch
panel. SYSTIMAX® offers rack-mounted units that will mount directly into a
standard EIA 19-inch equipment rack, and wall-mounted interconnection units
that may be mounted on a plywood backboard.
1. Where equipment racks are installed, the rack-mountable Fiber Optic
Interconnection Units shall be used.
2. The standard fiber optic connector for DOC is the type 568SC Duplex or LC
units. The Designer shall check with the DOC-ITIS to determine which type
shall be specified. When fiber additions are made to existing facilities where
type 568ST connectors are in use, new 568SC Duplex or LC connectors and
new Duplex SC or LC patch panels shall be used for new fiber.
a. Installation of ST connectors shall not be acceptable.
3. For major renovations and remodeling to existing facilities where type 568ST
connectors are currently in use, the existing connectors, patch panels, and
patch cables shall be replaced with type 568SC Duplex or LC components.
4. All strands of a fiber optic cable shall be terminated using fusion-spliced
pigtail connectors. The installation of “dark fiber” is not permitted anywhere
at DOC facilities.
N. During the Design Development phase, the Designer shall contact SYSTIMAX®
fiber optic cable sources and obtain their projections of the lead-time
requirements for SYSTIMAX® fiber optic cabling. This information shall be
submitted to DOC IT to aid project-scheduling efforts and determine whether
cable should be pre-ordered.
A. DOC facilities frequently use wireless or radio systems for communications with
mobile units and personnel, both on and off of the campus. These systems
typically use one or more radio antennas connected by cabling to radio
transceiver equipment. In many cases, the radio equipment is interfaced into the
telephone system. The outside plant telecommunications substructure shall
provide adequate cable routing pathways between antenna locations, radio
transceiver locations, and the telephone backbone cabling system.
B. Radio antenna transmission cables that connect the antenna to the radio
transceiver emit radio frequency (RF) radiation. These cables may be routed
through the common telecommunications duct bank and maintenance hole
system if necessary, but shall be routed in a separate conduit from other
telecommunications cables. Cables containing RF radiation shall be shielded
Please refer to the Work Areas section of the BICSI TDMM for general information
regarding the design of work area communications infrastructure. The following
requirements take precedence over the BICSI TDMM guidelines for telecommunications
infrastructure at DOC facilities:
D. Either plastic or stainless steel outlet faceplates may be used throughout a facility
at the discretion of each facility. DOC personnel shall consider the security
implications when selecting the faceplate type. Plastic faceplates can be more
easily broken. Stainless steel faceplates are more difficult to remove. Either
type can be fashioned into a weapon.
1. The Designer shall have the prison or work release facility Superintendent or
designee determine the type of faceplates and security screws that shall be
used. Plastic faceplates can be used for all Community Corrections offices.
Section 1.2, shall be designed consistent with industry codes, standards, the
guidelines in the BICSI TDMM, and DOC’s TDIS.
Please refer to the Telecommunications Rooms section of the BICSI TDMM for general
information regarding the design of telecommunications rooms. Note that a
Telecommunications Room (TR) is not an Equipment Room (ER), see Section 4.8 for
ER. The Designer shall review the usage requirements for the TR with the DOC-RITM
and DOC-ITIS. Depending on the size and usage requirements of a TR, it may also
need some or all of the design and construction requirements of an ER.
The following requirements take precedence over the BICSI TDMM guidelines for
telecommunications infrastructure at DOC facilities:
B. The Designer shall obtain detailed information from the A/E, DOC-RITM, DOC-
ITIS, DOC Plant Manager, and other DOC personnel as necessary regarding the
equipment that will be located in the TR to perform room/rack/cabinet design and
calculate HVAC and electrical requirements. This information shall include
specific types of racks/cabinets, size (RU’s if rack/cabinet mounted), weight,
placement location requirements, voltage and Ampere requirements including
specific electrical receptacles to match equipment plugs, single or dual power
supplies, heat generated-BTU’s, UPS requirements, etc.
1. Designers - Note that file servers can not be installed in the Universal 2-post
racks and require specific 4-post frames with square mounting holes for cage
2. Designing the TR/ER to provide adequate clear working space for two people
to install the file servers into the 4-post frames DOC now uses is critical.
Each person must stand on each side of the 4-post frame. DO NOT
C. The Designer shall be responsible to inform the Architect of the sizing and
location requirements and restrictions for Telecommunications Rooms during the
Schematic Design phase of the project.
B. When planning the size and location of TR’s in existing buildings, the Designer
shall make every reasonable effort to meet the requirements for
telecommunications rooms. Where the design requirements can not be met, the
Designer shall prepare an Alternative Design Request per procedures in Section
B. Many DOC buildings are not traditional commercial or office buildings, and the
sizing Standards of ANSI/TIA/EIA-569-A shall be adjusted to accommodate
these buildings. Designer Note:
• DOC is now designing for deployment of Ethernet/IP connections to inmate
• Inmate housing shall be included in sizing TR space.
• The horizontal cabling for inmate cell systems “may” originate in either the
Security Electronics Room or the TR, or a combination of both, depending on
where the various head-end equipment serving the inmate cells is located.
• All telecommunications infrastructure Standards within this document shall be
adhered to for the Security Electronics Room. As such, the Security
Electronics room shall be designed in similar fashion to a TR, and may need
to be enlarged to accommodate clear working space requirements.
When calculating the base size required for a TR in a DOC building, the following
steps shall be followed:
1. Determine the total square footage of all office space in the area to be served
by the TR.
2. Determine all other locations in the area to be served by the TR, where voice
WSDOC TDIS, TDDG Version 5.2 93 3/12/2009
and/or data service will be provided. Other locations will include, but are not
limited to Corrections Officers duty stations, inmate phone locations, inmate
cells, and possibly BAS/LV system connection areas. Count each location as
100 square feet of usable floor space. Check with the DOC-ITIS and DOC-
RITM to determine the number of square feet to use for inmate cells.
3. Add together the total office space and total “other” usable floor space
resulting in the total area to be served by the TR.
4. Determine the “base size” of the TR per the table listed below, including
requirements for clear working space around equipment racks/cabinets (also
refer to Figure 4.5).
A. The Designer shall be responsible for informing the Architect of the architectural
provisioning requirements for Telecommunications Rooms and do this in the
Schematic Design phase of the project.
C. In most cases it is preferable to have the plywood extend from the floor to a
height of eight feet above the finished floor. In TR’s where the power conduits
are retrofitted in a surface mounted fashion, it might be convenient to mount the
plywood at a height of 6” above the finished floor, extending to 8’6” above the
finished floor. The 6” space below the backboard can then be used to route the
power conduits to the outlets without obstructing plywood backboard space.
A. When designing the layout for Telecommunications Rooms, the Designer shall
allow adequate space for both “Equipment Footprints” and “Clear Working
4 4
42" Rack Installation Field
6" Pow er Installation Field
1 3
4 4
* Vertical Cabling Manager against w all shall be mounted 2" aw ay from w all.
** CPI QuadraRacks shall not be mounted against the w all = w orking space for the server.
1. Clear Working Spaces are required at both the front and rear of Equipment
Footprints and out from walls at the end of at least one rack/cabinet row for
B. In addition to the requirements of the BICSI TDMM, the Designer shall specify
continuous cable runways from all cable ingress and egress points within the TR,
above all telecommunications racks/cabinets, and to/from any additional cabling
locations within the TR as required.
1. Designer shall specify on the Contract Documents, “alternate space cable
runways” above racks/cabinets which are specifically designed for use over
19” wide racks (spaced to simplify horizontal to vertical alignment of Cross
Member Radius Drops).
2. Designer shall ensure that cable runways shall not be secured directly to
racks/cabinets due to the potential for seismic event damage.
3. A minimum headroom access of 12 inches shall be maintained above cable
B. The Designer shall discuss with DOC the potential for future requirements for
additional racks/cabinets and identify future spaces on the plan drawings.
D. Some IT equipment requires both front and rear mounting rails. The Designer
shall discuss with DOC the network electronics that will be hosted in each TR
and shall show this equipment on the rack elevation details in the plan drawings.
See Appendix 6.4, (Sample Combination Rack/Wall Elevation Detail with Cutover
1. Note that file servers can not be installed in the Universal 2-post racks and
require specific 4-post frames with square mounting holes for cage nuts.
B. In remodel construction, very small buildings with only several staff may not
justify a separate telecommunications room. In some existing buildings,
D. The size of the rack/cabinet and conduits serving cabinets shall include space for
future growth of cables and computer network equipment.
B. All power and telecommunications cables routed to or from the cabinet shall be
contained in conduit or concealed within the adjacent wall. No exposed cables
are allowed.
1. A telecommunications main grounding Busbar (TMGB) shall be installed
inside the cabinet in accordance with the grounding requirements of the
BICSI TDMM and this document.
C. Power and telecommunications cables for equipment housed within the cabinet
are to be contained within the cabinet.
A. The Designer shall obtain detailed equipment information from the A/E’s, DOC-
RITM, and other DOC personnel as necessary to develop a detailed design
layout for each equipment rack and cabinet. The design shall identify the exact
placement of all cabling panels, each unit of equipment identified by the A/E’s
and DOC personnel, locations of electrical outlets, etc.
1. Designer shall determine the type, quantity, and length of patch cords for all
backbone and horizontal cable connections, and equipment identified for
each rack and cabinet. Designer shall ensure the lengths of patch cords
reach the intended connections without excessive length.
a. The combined length of all copper patch cords within each channel
shall not exceed 32 feet unless the horizontal link length is reduced
B. The Designer shall perform a detailed review of the electrical service panel wiring
design (for new/remodel - provided by the Electrical Engineer, or the existing
panel) to ensure compliance to the telecommunications electrical requirements
for the TR walls, all racks and cabinets, and all stand-alone equipment.
C. All electrical plans for new or altered electrical installations in DOC facilities must
be reviewed by the Washington State Department of Labor and Industries and
approved prior to construction, per WAC 296-46A-130 and WAC 296-46A-140.
WSDOC TDIS, TDDG Version 5.2 101 3/12/2009
D. The Designer shall ensure that the routing of electrical conduit and cable from
the electrical panel to all technical power and convenience electrical outlets shall
adhere to the ISP Telecommunications Clearances for EMI Reduction as
specified in this document. The Designer shall ensure the appropriate Sections
of Division 16 of the Contract Documents and Drawings clearly identify how to
route the electrical conduit accordingly.
a. Electrical conduit should be routed in the sub-floor or in the concrete floor
with stub-ups at the appropriate locations to coincide with the equipment rack
base wherever possible.
E. Each technical power and convenience electrical outlet shall be labeled with its
electrical panel and circuit number identified on the faceplate.
A. The technical power circuits shall originate from a technical power panel
dedicated to serving the TR. The technical power panel shall not be used to
supply power to sources of electromagnetic interference such as large electric
motors, arc welding, or industrial equipment. The power panel shall be located in
the TR or in close proximity to the TR.
• Some small buildings (such as guard towers) might not justify a dedicated
technical power panel. In these cases, an available general-purpose power
panel may be used.
o Designer shall ensure the electrical panel is properly grounded.
• If standby generator power is available to the facility, the TR technical power
panel shall be served by the generator. Whenever possible, the Designer
shall coordinate this with DOC on a case-by-case basis.
B. The Designer shall tabulate the connection/load requirements from each piece of
equipment identified for the TR and provide the information for review and
confirmation by DOC.
B. Outlets shall be located at the base of the rack/cabinet such that they will not
interfere with the placement of equipment (UPS, network electronics, etc.) in the
bottom elevation spaces. It is particularly important to coordinate the location of
outlets with “double-railed” equipment racks/cabinets where applicable. Each
outlet shall be equipped with a dedicated #12 AWG, insulated, solid copper,
equipment-grounding conductor.
A. At DOC facilities, some IT equipment is fitted with dual power supplies (such as
routers, large “core” LAN switches, and most file servers). The Designer shall
develop the electrical outlet design for the racks/cabinets accordingly. The
design shall indicate where such equipment is intended to reside, and those
racks/cabinets shall have separate power outlets to service the large equipment
as indicated below. The outlets for the large equipment shall be “in addition to”
the two quad outlets for technical power discussed above. Each outlet shall be
equipped with a dedicated minimum size #12 AWG, insulated, solid copper,
equipment-grounding conductor.
B. Outlets shall be located at the base of the rack/cabinet such that they will not
interfere with the placement of equipment (UPS, network electronics, etc.) in the
bottom elevation spaces.
C. The outlets described in this section shall be in addition to the two quad
Technical Power Outlets described in the previous section for each rack/cabinet.
C. Each outlet shall be equipped with a dedicated #12 AWG, insulated, solid
copper, equipment-grounding conductor. The design shall provide for not more
than one outlet per circuit.
A. In addition to the technical power outlets described above, the design shall
provide for general purpose, convenience duplex convenience outlets (120VAC,
15 Ampere) that are available for use with power tools, testing equipment, etc.
These outlets shall not be used to power telecommunications equipment. The
convenience power outlets shall be placed at 6-foot intervals along the walls in
the telecommunications room. These outlets shall be colored consistently with
other convenience outlets in the building. Outlets shall be installed just below the
bottom of the backboard (where backboards are installed at +6” AFF).
All metallic cable shields, metallic conduits, equipment racks and exposed non-current
carrying metal parts of telecommunications infrastructure and information technology
WSDOC TDIS, TDDG Version 5.2 104 3/12/2009
Please refer to the Equipment Rooms section of the BICSI TDMM for general
information regarding the design of equipment rooms. Note that Equipment Rooms are
not Telecommunications Rooms (see Section 4.7), they are distinct from TR’s because
of the nature or complexity of equipment they contain. The following requirements take
precedence over the BICSI TDMM guidelines for telecommunications infrastructure at
DOC facilities:
B. ER’s shall not be shared with electrical installations other than those necessary
for telecommunications. The ER may also serve as a BAS/LVE equipment room,
but typically does not contain security electronics.
1. Where BAS/LVE equipment is collocated with the ER, the Designer shall
increase the ER size to accommodate the additional equipment and required
additional working space. The Designer shall ensure the clearances for
equipment footprints and clear working space requirements as defined in
subsequent sections are incorporated.
2. The ER shall not be shared with electrical installations other than those
necessary for direct support of the telecommunication systems.
C. The Designer shall obtain detailed information from the A/E, DOC-RITM, DOC-
ITIS, DOC Plant Manager, and other DOC personnel as necessary regarding the
equipment that will be located in the ER to perform room/rack/cabinet design and
calculate HVAC and electrical requirements. This information shall include size
(RU’s if rack/cabinet mounted), weight, placement location requirements, voltage
and Ampere, single or dual power supplies, heat generated-BTU’s, UPS
requirements, etc.
1. Note that file servers can not be installed in the Universal 2-post racks and
require specific 4-post frames with square mounting holes for cage nuts.
D. The Designer shall be responsible to inform the Architect of the sizing and
location requirements for Equipment Rooms during the Schematic Design phase
of the project.
paint for backboards, room color, and the floor, wall, and ceiling
d. Division 13 Special Construction: raised floor.
e. Division 15 Mechanical: FM200-style fire suppression system, sprinkler
issues, floor drains, and HVAC requirements.
f. Division 16 Electrical: type, size, rating, color, location of outlets and
circuits for the room, racks, and cabinets; lighting, security, outside
notification lights, etc.
A. The first step in determining the size required for the ER is to identify the systems
that will be installed in the ER. In this process, first identify the size of the area
that will be served from the ER. The area might be an office suite at a
Community Corrections office, a single building, or an entire campus at a
corrections institution. Next, identify the quantity, size and variety of systems to
be installed to support the area and the space required for each of the systems.
B. The Designer shall confer with the DOC-ITIS and DOC-RITM to determine any
sizing requirements for the ER on a project-by-project basis. The ER sizes for
several DOC sites are listed below, and it is important to note they were not
adequately sized or designed for expansion to accommodate future growth
requirements for the facility as determined per Section 4.G of this document.
C. The Designer shall, in a functionally efficient arrangement, lay out the equipment
for the room with clear working spaces as identified in following sections. Some
equipment, such as WAN equipment, LAN servers, tape backup equipment,
hubs, switches, and patch panels will require regular access, and shall be
located where they are easily accessible.
1. The DOC-ITIS and DOC-RITM (or designee) shall both be involved in this
process, and shall approve the final space requirements and design layout
for the equipment and racks.
D. When laying out the arrangement of the ER, the following requirements and
issues shall be addressed:
1. Equipment shall be grouped together with like equipment (i.e., voice, data for
both LAN and WAN, video.)
2. Designate wall space and equipment rack space for each specific use.
Allocate specific backboard space for the service providers’ demarcation
areas and any associated equipment. The wall space allocated to the
service providers (except inmate telephone services) shall be located
adjacent to each other on a common wall and on a single aisle of equipment
racks to concentrate the activities of service technicians in areas away from
DOC-owned systems in other areas of the equipment room.
3. Provide a separate wall space area for demarcation of inmate telephone
WSDOC TDIS, TDDG Version 5.2 107 3/12/2009
E. The Architect/Engineers and Designer shall design and size the ER to readily
accommodate the future growth requirements of the DOC-owned campus as
determined per Section 4.G of this document. The ER design shall readily
accept increases to all telecommunications infrastructure for the facility, such as
(service provider pathways for entrance facilities, OSP maintenance holes and
entrance pathways for conduits, internal expansion of cables, wall fields,
racks/cabinets, etc.), and also provide the necessary architectural, mechanical,
and electrical provisioning capacity to support the future growth.
1. Where a relatively large ER expansion could occur in the future, beyond what
can be constructed initially, the ER shall be designed and constructed in such
a manner that the future building expansion can be constructed with the least
amount of expense and disruption to the (24 x 7 x 365 operation) of the ER
and the prison.
2. Placement and sizing of the future telecommunications infrastructure shall be
incorporated into the current ER design.
A. Once the size has been determined, including the design criteria identified above
to accommodate future expansions based on the maximum build-out potential of
a prison campus or DOC-owned facility, the location of the equipment room can
be selected. To minimize both conduit and cable lengths, the ER shall be
located as centralized as possible to the buildings on a DOC campus.
B. In new construction, the ER shall be sized and provisioned to contain the major
voice, data, and video equipment required to support the building or campus, and
the other computer based and networked low voltage systems. In a renovation
or remodeling project with existing facilities, every reasonable effort shall be
made to co-locate these systems in a common equipment room.
C. If the data center is in a location other than the ER, the DOC-ITIS shall be
consulted to design appropriately sized fiber optic cables to route from the ER to
the data center. All interconnections between the data center backbone and the
campus distribution fiber optic backbone shall be located in the ER.
D. The ER shall be located outside the secured area of a prison to simplify access
by service provider technicians and to provide additional security to critical
telecommunications equipment in the event of an inmate disturbance inside the
WSDOC TDIS, TDDG Version 5.2 108 3/12/2009
secured area. The building housing the main ER and the ER itself shall be
designed such that it will be monitored as a part of the overall site security
C. The design shall reflect the following important characteristics of the ER:
1. The ER shall be dedicated to the telecommunications and information
technology function. Shared use of boiler rooms, washrooms, janitor closets,
electrical closets, or storage rooms is not allowed.
2. The door to the ER shall be solid wood core or metal, no glazing, a minimum
36 inches wide and 80 inches high, hinged to open out from the ER space,
and not vented. Doors shall be located in hallways or other common areas.
In no case shall the door be located in another building occupants’
designated space.
• If the ER door is not directly to the outside of the building, all doors in
the most direct route to the outside of the building from the ER door
WSDOC TDIS, TDDG Version 5.2 109 3/12/2009
D. The walls in equipment rooms shall be covered with plywood backboards. The
plywood shall be ¾” A-C grade and painted on both sides with primer and two
coats of white, fire retardant paint. The plywood shall be mounted with the A
grade side exposed. The plywood shall not be fire retardant (paint tends to flake
off of fire retardant plywood).
E. In most cases it is preferable to have the plywood shall extend from the floor to a
height of eight feet above the finished floor. In ERs where the power conduits
are retrofitted in a surface mounted fashion, it might be convenient to mount the
plywood at a height of 6” above the finished floor, extending to 8’6” above the
finished floor. The 6” space below the backboard can then be used to route the
power conduits to the outlets without obstructing plywood backboard space.
A. When designing the layout for Equipment Rooms, the Designer shall allow
adequate space for both “Equipment Footprints” and “Clear Working Space.”
12" equipment footprint(from wall) 110 field, fire alarm panel, or other
Rear Rear
36" clearance
from end of Center of rack Standard
racks Rack
12" equipment footprint (from front front
center of rack)
front front
Note: Door
opening to be
included in Cabinet Cabinet
Rear Rear
1. Clear Working Spaces are required at both the front and rear of Equipment
WSDOC TDIS, TDDG Version 5.2 112 3/12/2009
Footprints and out from walls at the end of at least one rack/cabinet row for
maintenance access and installation of equipment. Provide a minimum of 36”
clear working space:
• Out from Equipment Footprint of wall-mounted equipment.
• Out from Equipment Footprint of racks/cabinets (both the front and rear).
• Out from cabinet doors at the open position.
• Out from at least one end of each rack/cabinet row.
a. The Designer shall coordinate with the DOC-RITM to determine if file servers
will be located in the ER, and design the rack/cabinet layouts accordingly to
ensure clear working space. The current file servers require space for two
people, one on each side of the rack/cabinet, to lift the unit for installation due
to the weight. This precludes placing the rack/cabinet against a wall or other
object where a server will be installed.
B. Other styles of equipment racks and cabinets might be used in the ER, some of
which will be proprietary to a particular system or service provider. The Designer
shall plan the ER layout to make allowances for proprietary equipment and racks,
and allow expansion room for future equipment.
A. All requirements for Equipment Rack & Cabinet Design stated in the
Telecommunications Rooms Section of this document also apply to ERs.
A. All TR Power Requirements stated in Section 4.7.6 of this document also apply
to ERs with the exceptions listed below.
A. The ER shall be equipped with a power disconnect switch located near the main
door of the ER. The switch shall disconnect power to all electronic equipment in
the ER, and is to be used in the event of electrocution or fire in the ER. There
shall also be a similar means to disconnect the power to dedicated HVAC
equipment serving the ER that shall also cause the fire/smoke dampers to close.
Refer to the National Electrical Code, NFPA 70, Article 645-10 for further
B. A separate supply circuit serving the room shall be provided and terminated in its
own electrical panel located in the ER. This electrical panel shall be designated
as “ER Technical Power.” The ER technical power panel shall be used
exclusively for supplying power to electronics equipment in the equipment room.
Sizing of electrical power supply is dependent upon the equipment types and
equipment load, and shall be calculated on a case-by-case basis, including
sufficient spare capacity for future growth.
C. The technical power circuits shall originate from a technical power panel,
dedicated to serving the ER. The technical power panel shall not be used to
supply power to sources of electromagnetic interference such as large electric
motors, arc welding, or industrial equipment.
D. If standby generator power is available to the facility, the ER technical power
panel shall be linked to the standby generator power supply.
E. At medium and large facilities, a centralized uninterruptible power supply (UPS)
is required to support the electronics equipment in the ER. For smaller facilities,
the Designer shall perform a lifecycle cost analysis to evaluate the
appropriateness of using of a centralized UPS and make a recommendation to
DOC. The Designer shall verify the status of a “medium/large” facility with the
1. A centralized UPS shall be compliant with the NEC and shall be located in a
room that is equipped to vent battery gasses. A centralized UPS shall not be
located within the ER that it serves. It shall provide a minimum of two hours
run time for the supported low voltage systems hardware identified by the
DOC-RITM. The Designer shall request direction from the DOC-RITM
regarding any specific needs for an increased UPS run time.
2. Upon installation, a qualified electrician shall test new centralized UPS units
for correct voltage prior to connecting DOC equipment. Rooms housing
centralized UPS systems shall have the same environmental provisioning as
the ER.
3. The Designer shall include a telecommunications outlet located near each
UPS system for use with a network interface card that will be provided with
the UPS. The UPS will communicate via the network with servers and other
equipment to orchestrate a coordinated safe-shutdown of the equipment in
the event of an extended power outage.
4. Some battery manufacturers claim that valve-regulated lead acid batteries do
not emit gasses and therefore might not require mechanical systems for
venting battery gasses.
a. The Designer shall evaluate such claims for applicability on each project.
b. Designs for a large UPS where the room is not equipped to vent battery
gasses shall require a review and approval by the Local Authority prior to
design approval, and additional inspection after installation.
F. In all cases, power for critical network components such as servers, routers,
switches, and telephone systems shall be provided through a UPS.
A. The circuits for the ER convenience outlets shall not originate from the separate
ER technical electrical power panel.
A. All requirements for Grounding, Bonding, and Electrical Protection stated in the
Telecommunications Rooms Section 4.7.7 of this document also apply to ERs.
The telecommunications pathways and spaces needed for supporting inmate telephone
services shall be planned into the overall architectural design of the facility. Inmate
telephone service is provided through contracts with various telecommunications
carriers. As contracts expire, different contractors may be used to provide the services.
As a result, it is generally in the best interest of DOC to plan, install, own, and maintain
the telecommunications infrastructure supporting inmate telephone services. All
telecommunications distribution infrastructure required by inmate telephone service
contractors shall comply with the DOC TDIS, and shall be installed by DOC-selected
SYSTIMAX® VARs. The Designer shall consider the following requirements when
planning the telecommunications infrastructure and substructure to support inmate
A. The inmate telephone equipment room shall be located outside of the Secured
Area if possible. It should also be located adjacent to or as close as possible to
the Intelligence and Investigations (I&I) offices, and shall contain the inmate
phone monitoring and recording equipment.
1. Some applications with limited space might require a segregation solution to
fence off or partition an area of the ER for inmate telecommunications
2. Other applications might require the inmate telephone demarcation point to
be located near the demarcation point for administrative telephone services
and then extended from that point to the inmate telephone equipment room.
B. The inmate telephone equipment room shall have sufficient backboard space for
the mounting of primary protectors, termination hardware, and cross connection
hardware for the service entrance cables and campus distribution cables
supporting inmate telephones.
C. Inmate telephone equipment rooms serving inmate telephone locations shall
have sufficient backboard space for separate cables and cable terminations to
support inmate telephones.
Please refer to the Telecommunications Entrance Facilities & Termination section of the
BICSI TDMM for general information regarding the design of telecommunications
entrance facilities. The following requirements take precedence over the BICSI TDMM
guidelines for telecommunications infrastructure at DOC facilities:
B. The service providers’ technicians will need access to the EF. Such access is
simplified if the facility Entrance Facility and Equipment Room are located
outside of the Secured Area.
C. DOC IT requires the wide area network (WAN) equipment be located in the main
ER, which is also the typical location of the LAN server farms. DOC IT requires
that installation services be obtained directly from the serving Telco (Local
Exchange Carrier) provider (such as Qwest, Verizon, Century Tel) when the
Telco demarcation point for the WAN telecommunications circuit requires an
extension to the location of the WAN equipment. Extension of the Telco
demarcation point by a cabling contractor other than the serving Telco provider
shall not be accepted.
D. The Designer shall coordinate with the various local service providers to
determine their requirements for entrance facilities. These providers can include
the Local Exchange Carrier (local telephone company), a long distance
telephone company, a cable TV company, or some other service provider.
E. At DOC facilities, the Designer shall design cable pathways (using 4” conduit)
from the property line to the EF.
1. The cable pathways shall be underground conduit, with telecommunications
maintenance holes or handholes as necessary, and shall comply with DOC’s
TDIS and those of the service providers.
2. Close coordination with each of the service providers is critical to determine
that their requirements for entrance pathways are met. Where the service
provider’s requirements are in conflict with DOC’s TDIS, the Designer shall
bring the issues to the attention of the DOC-ITIS for direction.
3. Some service providers will not share conduit or maintenance holes with
F. The use of aerial distribution for entrance facilities at DOC prisons or DOC-
owned facilities is not allowed.
Please refer to the Field Testing section of the BICSI TDMM for general information
regarding the field-testing of telecommunications cabling. The following requirements
and those specified in the DOC TCGS take precedence over the BICSI TDMM
guidelines for field-testing at DOC facilities:
A. The Designer shall note that DOC requires a more stringent test on horizontal
copper cable as specified in TCGS 16740 Inside Plant Communications Circuits.
B. The Designer shall review the cable test results submitted by the Contractor.
The test results shall be the actual native machine test results downloaded from
the test equipment.
C. The final test results shall have been verified by the Designer to be acceptable
before submission to DOC. Test results shall be submitted to DOC in both
electronic and paper forms.
Please refer to the Residential Cabling section of the BICSI TDMM for information
regarding the design of telecommunications infrastructure to support residential facilities
within DOC facilities.
While this type of facility will be uncommon at DOC facilities, the Designer shall inquire
of the DOC-ITIS whether a “residential cabling” solution is required for a particular
project. Please note that the “residential cabling” solution will not be provided for inmate
Please refer to the Special Design Considerations section of the BICSI TDMM for
information regarding the design of telecommunications infrastructure in accordance with
the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) requirements at DOC facilities.
A. The Designer shall request guidance from DOC regarding the requirements for
coin-operated telephones within DOC facilities.
1. Coin-operated telephones are typically not provided for use by the inmate
B. The Designer shall request guidance from DOC regarding the requirements for
inmate telephones within DOC facilities.
1. Inmate telephones are generally not located centrally. The Designer shall
coordinate the locations of inmate telephones with the designated security
representative at the facility.
2. Inmate telephones shall not be designed to be located within separate
3. Inmate telephone calls are monitored and recorded.
4. In some cases it might be necessary to provide TTY-type (text-based) inmate
telephones for use by deaf inmates.
5. Cabling to support inmate telephones shall be connected to a set of 110
blocks in the TR that is physically separated from the terminations for
administrative telephone and data cabling.
6. Cabling serving inmate telephones located outside shall not be routed aerially
to the telephone locations. Instead, the cable shall be routed using
underground conduit that is permanently attached to the telephones.
7. Typically, the manufacturer of the inmate telephone system will install the
inmate telephones at the locations indicated on the drawings and will connect
the Contractor-provided unterminated, UTP cable to the telephone.
C. The Designer shall request guidance from DOC regarding the particular spaces
within DOC facilities intended to include Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA)
features. The design shall comply with the requirements of the ADA, in part to
accommodate non-inmate employees and visitors.
D. Automatic Teller Machines (ATM) are typically not provided at DOC facilities.
The ANSI/TIA/EIA-606-A Standard shall be used to determine all identifiers and formats
for documenting and labeling DOC telecommunications infrastructure elements within a
building or campus, excluding equipment. The classes of administration that shall be
used for DOC facilities are Class 1, 2, or 3 as described later in this section.
Please refer to the Telecommunications Administration section of the BICSI TDMM for
basic, general information regarding the documentation and labeling of
telecommunications infrastructure. However, for a thorough understanding of the
identifier formats, please refer to the ANSI/TIA/EIA-606-A Standard.
The following requirements take precedence over the BICSI TDMM guidelines and
ANSI/TIA/EIA-606-A Standard for telecommunications administration at DOC facilities.
to proceed.
• If the Administrative strategy chosen differs from this Section, the Designer
shall prepare documentation on how it is deployed if documentation does not
exist (within the scope of the project) and modify the TCGS sections
appropriately. All requirements for preparation of relevant documentation and
application of labeling and signage within this Section shall still apply, but
using the chosen Administrative Identification Strategy.
For a new facility, the Designer shall assign the identifiers to the telecommunications
components based on the identification strategy listed below.
A. Building Identifier:
For Class 3 Administration, each building shall have a unique identifier.
different identifiers have been assigned to the same conduit in the same MH/HH
on different projects. This will reduce repeated physical inspections of MH/HH’s
to develop project documentation and eliminate confusing as-built
ITIS and DOC Plant Manager to determine how to proceed with assigning
a number.
i. The new conduits may be assigned the next sequential duct identifier
number for that specific wall, even though the numbers will appear out
of sequence on Butterfly Drawings, or the entire wall may be re-
numbered to maintain a uniform sequential duct identifier assignment.
If the existing duct identifiers are re-numbered, the Designer shall
ensure that all as-built documentation using the MH/HH Duct
Identifiers are changed accordingly.
7. For MH/HHs with a separate base and/or top section:
Where a MH/HH has a separate base or top section, conduit entering either
shall be assigned alpha-numeric Duct Identifiers with the number assignment
separate from the wall sections.
a. For the top section, the origin of the duct identifiers shall be at the lower
left corner of the top section. For each wall side, the identifier shall start
with the alpha-numeric number “T1” and increase sequentially (such as
T1, T2). The assignment scheme shall be the same as described above
for walls.
b. For the base section, the origin of the duct identifiers shall be at the lower
left corner of the base section. For each wall side, the identifier shall start
with the alpha-numeric number “B1” and increase sequentially (such as
(B1, B2). The assignment scheme shall be the same as described above
for walls.
o For example: There are six existing OSP backbone cables run
between the Main Equipment Room and the first of two Education
buildings: one Administrative copper voice backbone cable, one
Inmate copper voice backbone cable, one BAS shielded twisted
pair copper cable, one MMF cable, one SMF cable, and one
coaxial cable. The existing cables should be labeled as follows:
• [MER-1A]/[EDU1-1A]-ACA.01(225.3’,100)
• [MER-1A]/[EDU1-1A]-ICA.01(225.9’,50)
• [MER-1A]/[EDU1-1A]-BCA.01(225.7’,2)
• [MER-1A]/[EDU1-1A]-FCA.01(230.1’,24-MM-62.5)
• [MER-1A]/[EDU1-1A]-FCA.02(230.6’,12-SM-8.0)
• [MER-1A]/[EDU1-1A]-XLG.01(226.0’,1)
o The new project will add the following additional cables: one
Administrative copper voice backbone cable, two BAS shielded
twisted pair copper cables, one composite fiber cable, and three
coaxial cables. The new cables should be labeled as follows:
• [MER-1A]/[EDU1-1A]-ACA.02(225.5’,100)
• [MER-1A]/[EDU1-1A]-BCA.02(224.3’,2)
• [MER-1A]/[EDU1-1A]-BCA.03(224.3’,2)
• [MER-1A]/[EDU1-1A]-FCA.03(232.2’,36CM,24-SM-8.0,12-
• [MER-1A]/[EDU1-1A]-XLG.02(226.0’,1)
• [MER-1A]/[EDU1-1A]-XLG.03(226.5’,1)
• [MER-1A]/[EDU1-1A]-XLG.04(228.0’,1)
WSDOC TDIS, TDDG Version 5.2 126 3/12/2009
Each Inside Plant (ISP) conduit or cable tray designated for telecommunications
shall be assigned a unique identifier. All conduits/trays shall be labeled at each
end, designating the opposite end as defined below.
• 4A-B2-01
• 4A-B2-02
The only exception to the above identification strategy is that for small projects relating
to moves or changes to existing cabling, or the addition of new outlets terminated among
other existing cables in existing TR’s. In such cases, the cable identification scheme for
the new cables shall be consistent with the existing identification strategy already used
at the facility.
Please refer to the Design, Construction and Project Management section of the BICSI
TDMM for information regarding design, construction and project management of
telecommunications infrastructure at DOC facilities.
Please refer to the Fire Stopping section of the BICSI TDMM for general information
regarding the design of fire stopping for telecommunications infrastructure. The
following requirements take precedence over the BICSI TDMM guidelines for
telecommunications infrastructure at DOC facilities:
B. The Designer shall avoid design solutions calling for penetration of fire-rated
walls and floors when other reasonable cable-routing options exist.
Please refer to the Power Distribution section of the BICSI TDMM for general information
regarding the design of power distribution for telecommunications infrastructure. The
following requirements take precedence over the BICSI TDMM guidelines for
telecommunications infrastructure at DOC facilities:
A. The Designer shall be responsible to determine that the power requirements for
the work areas, TR’s, and ER’s are met as described in this document. For
projects where an electrical engineer is involved, the Designer shall coordinate
directly with the Architect and Engineer, to verify that the engineer’s design
documentation meets DOC’s requirements and is fully conveyed in the
Construction Documents. For projects without the involvement of an electrical
engineer, the Designer shall alert DOC where additional power infrastructure is
needed to meet DOC’s requirements.
1. Most, if not all DOC telecommunications equipment requires single phase
electrical service. Most buildings at DOC prisons have 3-phase electrical
2. Please refer to the Work Areas section of the BICSI TDMM and this
document for information on the power outlet requirements for work areas.
3. Please refer to the Telecommunications Rooms section of the BICSI TDMM
and this document for information on the power outlet requirements for TR’s.
4. Please refer to the Equipment Rooms section of the BICSI TDMM and this
document for information on the power outlet requirements for ERs.
B. The design shall include a rack-mountable uninterruptible power supply (UPS) for
each telecommunications rack and cabinet, unless a centralized UPS is used.
The UPS shall be appropriately sized for the electrical load expected at each
Please refer to the Grounding, Bonding and Electrical Protection section of the BICSI
TDMM for general information regarding the design of grounding, bonding and electrical
protection systems. See also the Grounding, Bonding and Electrical Protection section
of the BICSI CO-OSP for more information. The following requirements take
precedence over the BICSI TDMM guidelines for telecommunications infrastructure at
DOC facilities:
A. The Designer shall check with the A/E and DOC Plant Manager to review the
electrical design of the facility and specifically review in detail how the grounding
is derived throughout the campus and for each building affected by the
telecommunications installation activity. The Designer shall determine if the
available service ground at each building is appropriate to use for the source of
the telecommunications ground, including the ohms resistance to ground. The
Designer may require testing of the soils for the grounding system to ensure the
ohms resistance to ground is within the parameters required by the IT equipment.
The Designer shall inform the A/E, DOC Plant Manager, and DOC-ITIS if
additional electrical work will be required to establish an improved main building
ground system for the telecommunications ground to connect to for preventing
damage to IT equipment.
1. WAC 296-46B-250 (32) became effective 8/1/2003: “An equipment grounding
conductor must be installed with the circuit conductor between buildings
and/or structures. A grounded conductor (i.e., neutral) is not permitted to be
used in place of a separate equipment grounding conductor between
buildings and/or structures.”
2. It’s important to note that the electrical service at some older buildings,
sections of buildings, and structures at DOC facilities is fed from another
building or building section using the neutral conductor for the ground in lieu
of a separate equipment grounding conductor, as described in the WAC
above. Where this situation is encountered:
a. The Designer shall check with the Local Authority to determine how to
establish the source of the telecommunications ground so as not to create
While DOC does not permit telecommunications design solutions to include splices to
fiber optic cabling and also prefers that copper backbone cabling not be spliced,
occasionally it becomes necessary to splice cables. Where splices approved by the
DOC-ITIS are made to backbone cables, the metallic shields of those cables shall be
bonded to maintain shield continuity.
Please refer to the Electromagnetic Compatibility section of the BICSI TDMM for general
information regarding the electromagnetic interference with and clearance requirements
for telecommunications infrastructure. The following requirements take precedence over
the BICSI TDMM guidelines for telecommunications infrastructure at DOC facilities:
B. Allowable proximity to the various sources of EMI is defined for each of four
categories of telecommunications infrastructure:
o Cross connect locations that are shielded (such as swing racks enclosed in
metal cabinets)
o Cross connect locations that are unshielded (such as floor-standing
equipment racks)
o Telecommunications cabling that is shielded (cabling routed through metallic
conduit or a metallic raceway that completely encloses the cabling).
o Telecommunications cabling that is unshielded (cabling routed through any
raceway that does not completely enclose the cabling in metal).
C. The following table lists the required minimum separations between the different
categories of EMI sources and telecommunications infrastructure. For cross-
connect locations (unshielded), separation distances shall be measured from the
EMI source to the outside walls of the Telecommunication rooms. (To minimize
the effects of EMI, telecommunications pathways shall cross perpendicular to
electrical power cables, electrical power conduits and fluorescent lighting.)
Telecommunications Infrastructure
Cross connect Horizontal Cabling
Sources of Electromagnetic Unshielded Shielded Unshielded Shielded
Power Circuits Not in Metallic Raceway
Less than or equal to 220 Vrms 2” 2” 2” 2”
Greater than 220 Vrms but < 480 Vrms 10 ft 5 ft 5 ft 3 ft
Greater than 480 Vrms 20 ft 10 ft 10 ft 5 ft
Motors or Transformers
Less than or equal to 220 Vrms 4 ft 2 ft 4 ft 1 ft
Greater than 220 Vrms but < 480 Vrms 10 ft 5 ft 4 ft 2 ft
Greater than 480 Vrms 20 ft 15 ft 10 ft 5 ft
Please refer to the Principles of Transmission section of the BICSI TDMM for general
information regarding the design of telecommunications distribution infrastructure.
Please refer to the Local Area Networks and Internetworking section of the BICSI TDMM
for general information regarding the design of telecommunications infrastructure for
serving local area networks. The following requirements take precedence over the
BICSI TDMM guidelines for telecommunications infrastructure at DOC facilities:
A. All DOC facilities use the Ethernet LAN protocol for the Administrative LAN and
any physically-separate Inmate LANs. Telecommunications infrastructure for all
DOC facilities shall be designed, installed, and tested to support the Institute of
Electrical and Electronic Engineers (IEEE) Ethernet 802.3 standards. DOC IT is
in the process of migrating facilities to the Gigabit Ethernet protocol based on the
IEEE 802.3z standard. All newly installed cabling shall support this protocol.
The Designer shall give careful consideration to the multimode fiber optic
distance limitations and signal loss limitations (less than 2.5 dB end-to-end)
necessary to support the IEEE 802.3z protocol.
B. DOC LANs are typically based on Cisco switches. DOC LAN backbones shall be
designed to support 10 GB bandwidth and 1 GB bandwidth to the desktop (work
area). The Designer shall coordinate with the DOC-ITIS to determine the
requirements for supporting the network electronics in each space. The design
shall include the infrastructure for hosting this equipment.
Telecommunications pathway and/or cabling systems designed for DOC facilities shall
support and integrate low voltage systems that convey information within and between
buildings. Telecommunications infrastructure for low voltage systems shall be designed
in accordance with the requirements in this document to support the Ethernet
communication channels or other similar protocols of low-voltage devices. For IT
equipment and systems inherent to or required by BAS/LV systems, refer to IT
Equipment & Systems Used by BAS/Low Voltage Systems, Section 2.2.10 of this
Throughout this document, references to “low voltage systems” shall apply as discussed
in the Building Automation Systems section of the BICSI TDMM. Architects, engineers,
and designers shall refer to the BICSI TDMM for information regarding the design of
telecommunications infrastructure to support building automation systems at DOC
F. The Designer shall ensure that BAS (low-voltage systems) be designed to fully
comply with the pathway and cable requirements specified in the table below.
1. Where Pathway Compliance is designated “Yes”, the Designer shall ensure
the pathway is compliant to Ethernet cabling length limitations back to an
existing telecommunications room or security electronics room.
2. Where UTP and/or fiber could be used for the BAS cabling media, either
during the initial BAS design and construction or as a later upgrade (example
WSDOC TDIS, TDDG Version 5.2 136 3/12/2009
where coax is initially deployed), the BAS pathway shall be designed and
constructed for the type of cabling media most-likely to be utilized in the
future (UTP or fiber). The Designer shall meet with both the DOC Plant
Manager and the DOC-ITIS to make this determination.
a. If there is no clear direction on the type of cabling media that’s most-likely
to be used in the future, and both UTP and fiber are options, the Designer
shall ensure the pathway length is compliant with the shorter Ethernet
UTP length limitations.
Please refer to the Private CATV Distribution Systems section of the BICSI TDMM for
information regarding the design of telecommunications infrastructure to support private
CATV distribution systems at DOC facilities.
Please refer to the Overhead Paging Systems section of the BICSI TDMM for
information regarding the design of telecommunications infrastructure to support
overhead paging systems at DOC facilities.
Please refer to the Wireless and Microwave Systems section of the BICSI TDMM for
information regarding the design of telecommunications infrastructure to support
wireless and microwave communications systems at DOC facilities.
DOC does not allow wireless technology to be deployed at correctional settings for the
Administrative LAN.
A. This section of the TDDG describes the content requirements the Designer shall
include when creating the Construction Documents 6 . This content is in addition
to the content found in some generally accepted document sets.
C. The Designer shall include the following content in the Construction Documents:
As of this writing, the Conditions of the Agreement and the Instructions for Architects and Engineers Doing Business with
Division of Engineering and Architectural Services (both published by the Washington State Department of General
Administration) make reference to the term “Construction Documents.” However, the Manual of Practice from the
Construction Specifications Institute (CSI) defines “Construction Documents” as a subset of the “Construction Documents”
and indicates that drawings, specifications and other written documentation are contained within the Construction
Document subset. The TDDG will use the term “Construction Documents” according to CSI’s definition.
WSDOC TDIS, TDDG Version 5.2 141 3/12/2009
B. All plan sheets shall be scaled, shall indicate the scale and shall show a north
arrow. All plan sheets shall show a key plan when the building or site is too big
to fit on a single sheet.
D. The site plan shall show the cabling from the service providers (cable television,
telephone, etc.) and shall indicate the requirements for owner-provided
maintenance holes or handholes and pathway to the point of demarcation.
A. Scaled plan drawings shall be provided for each building showing the horizontal
and intra-building backbone telecommunications infrastructure. These drawings
shall show the following:
• Routing of new pathway to be constructed during the project (the information
on the drawings shall be coordinated with other disciplines and shall be
representative of the actual route the Contractor shall use, rather than a
schematic depiction).
• Approximate locations of pull boxes, junction boxes, and conduit sweeps.
• The sizes of each pull box and junction box.
• The cable quantities and the raceway size and quantities at any given point in
the system.
B. Where new cabling will be pulled into existing homerun conduits, it is desirable
but not required to show on the drawings the route of each existing homerun
conduit, unless the Contractor will encounter unusual conditions. The Designer
shall have identified such conditions during the Fieldwork phase. In all cases,
the identification of the existing homerun conduits shall be specified.
Construction drawings for DOC projects shall show scaled plan details for the
telecommunications spaces. The details shall show the footprint and location of each of
the major components in the room including, but not limited to the following:
A. Many DOC buildings are of a size and structure that requires only one TR per
building. Where there are multiple TR’s in a given building, DOC typically
requires that each TR have a dedicated fiber optic backbone cable connecting it
to the ER. Refer back to Section 4.5.2 Intra-Building Backbone Cabling of this
document for more information.
A. The Instructions for Architects and Engineers Doing Business with Division of
Engineering and Architectural Services (published by the Washington State
Department of General Administration) lists requirements for the Project Manual.
The State of Washington Conditions of the Agreement (also published by the
Washington State Department of General Administration) lists additional
requirements for the Designer.
B. In addition to these requirements, the Project Manual shall contain the following
items as described below:
• Maintenance Hole/Handhole Butterfly Diagrams
• Elevation Diagrams
WSDOC TDIS, TDDG Version 5.2 143 3/12/2009
• Cutover Plans
• Cable Records
• Fiber Link-Loss Budget Analyses.
B. The TCGS is a specification that shall be used for all DOC projects where
telecommunications infrastructure is involved. It has verbiage that identifies
issues the Designer shall consider throughout the adaptation process. The
Designer shall adapt the sections in the TCGS to the particular requirements of
the given project in producing a CSI-compliant specification. The Designer shall
not create a new specification section based on the “intent” of the TCGS, rewrite
the TCGS, or cut and paste content from the TCGS sections into other existing
specification sections.
1. The TCGS shall also be used by contractors and installers where a formal
design is not performed as it specifies DOC’s requirements for the
appropriate construction and installation methods and products of
telecommunications distribution systems at DOC owned and leased facilities.
C. The Designer shall directly edit the TCGS for use on each project. The Designer
shall notify the DOC-ITIS where changes or additions to the specifications are
desired. Edits to the TCGS documents by the Designer shall be performed with
the “Revision Tracking” features of WORD activated. At the various project
milestones when the documents are submitted to DOC for review, the TCGS
specifications shall be printed showing the revision markings with a vertical line
and different colored text when viewed electronically.
D. The Designer shall be responsible for adding any necessary content to the
specification that is applicable to the project and not already contained in the
TCGS, or removing any content that does not apply to the project that may be
E. Please refer to the more detailed instructions contained in the TCGS, both in the
Preface of that document as well as in the “hidden text” contained in the
electronic files.
C. A second set of butterfly diagrams shall be provided for each maintenance hole
or handhole that contains existing cabling intended to be demolished under the
A. The Designer shall provide scaled wall elevation detailed diagrams for each TR
and ER affected by the project. The Designer should consider (on a project-by-
project basis) whether the plan drawings are better suited for depicting the
elevation diagrams, in lieu of the Project Manual.
B. The Designer shall produce digital photographs of each wall depicting the
existing conditions where future TR’s and ER’s will be located. These photos
shall be provided with the wall elevation details in the Construction Documents.
C. The wall elevation details shall show the components that are mounted on the
walls in the room including at least the following:
D. The diagrams shall also show elevation details for the telecommunications racks
in each TR and ER. The rack elevation details shall show the racks and any
components that are mounted on or near the racks including at least the
E. The details shall depict the telecommunications materials that are listed in the
F. Where a project involves additions to existing racks, the elevation details shall
show the existing equipment in the racks and indicate which items are existing
and which items are “new, to be provided under the Contract”.
G. See Appendix 6.4 for an example of a rack and wall elevation detail.
A. The Designer shall provide a detailed cutover plan that is coordinated with other
disciplines on the project as well as with DOC data and telephone equipment
cutover requirements. Verbiage describing the sequence of work and the
cutover plan shall be provided in this section. Limitations on the permissible
downtime allowed and temporary service arrangements shall be discussed in the
cutover plans. The Designer (on a project-by-project basis) may determine that
the Plan Drawings are better suited for communicating the cutover requirements
in lieu of the Project Manual. The Designer shall submit this request via an
Alternative Design Request to the DOC-ITIS who will review with the DOC-RITM
for a final determination.
D. The cutover plan shall include allowance for DOC to make partial use of the
telecommunications infrastructure prior to substantial completion so that DOC IT
personnel can start up and configure their equipment in preparation for cutover.
The schedule for these activities shall be coordinated during the design process
with the DOC-ITIS and then revisited with the Contractor during construction.
E. See Appendix 6.4 for an example of a cutover plan (combined with the rack and
wall elevation detail).
The Designer shall prepare cabling records (included in the Construction Documents)
showing the following information for each of the cable links on the project, and
referencing the label identifiers for the project as specified below. The header of the
table will show the following fields for each record:
• Cable Identifier
• End locations of cable (ER and/or TR ID)
• Link Type (i.e. backbone, riser, horizontal)
• Media type
• Proposed usage (i.e.: voice, data, lighting control . . . paging)
• As-designed values for link length.
• As-constructed values for link length and headroom (to be recorded by
installation contractor based on final test results).
• Cable Identifier
• End locations of cable (ER and/or TR ID)
• Link Type (i.e. backbone, riser, horizontal)
• Mode and product type and (MM 62.5 OptiSPEED, MM 50.0 LazrSPEED, SM
OptiSPEED, SM TeraSPEED, etc.)
• Proposed usage (i.e.: voice, data, lighting control . . . paging)
• As-designed values for link length, link attenuation at design frequency (indicate
frequency used for design calculations), splice loss, connector loss and
calculated link loss.
• As-constructed values (to be recorded by installation contractor based on final
test results) for link length and link attenuation (measured link loss) as tested
with test frequency.
See Appendix 6.5 for an example of a cable record form. Upon request, DOC will
provide an electronic spreadsheet of this form to be used as a template.
A. The Designer shall provide (in the Construction Documents) a link-loss budget
analysis for each strand of fiber.
B. The link-loss budget analysis shall be formatted as shown in Appendix 6.6. Upon
request, DOC will provide an electronic spreadsheet file to be used as a
The Instructions for Architects and Engineers Doing Business with Division of
Engineering and Architectural Services (published by the Washington State Department
of General Administration) lists requirements for Record Drawings and submittals.
The following requirements related to Record Drawings and submittals are in addition to
the requirements listed in Instructions for Architects and Engineers Doing Business with
Division of Engineering and Architectural Services:
• The Record Drawings shall show the identifiers for the telecommunications
infrastructure components as constructed.
• Three CDROM’s containing the digital photographs taken by the Designer during
the project shall be delivered, one each to:
o DOC CPD Project Manager
The following page shows an example Review Comment Report form that will be used.
The Designer shall respond to the comments on this report in the column provided and
submit the completed report form to DOC electronically. Upon request, DOC will provide
an electronic document for this form to be used as a template.
Figure 6.1 Sample Design Review Comment Report Format
Cmt# General Reviewer’s Comments per DOC TIS Version 5.2 A/E/Designer Response
Cmt# Drawing Reviewer’s Comments per DOC TIS Version 5.2 A/E/Designer Response
The following page shows a sample maintenance hole / handhole Butterfly Diagram.
The Designer shall follow this format and produce a butterfly diagram for each existing
maintenance hole or handhole that is affected by an outside plant communications
project. The Designer shall submit the completed diagrams to DOC in both electronic
and paper forms. Upon request, DOC will provide an electronic AutoCAD file to be used
as a template. Please note that the sample does not reflect the correct MH/HH Duct
Identifiers as required in Section 4.13.
The following page shows a sample Backbone Schematic Diagram. The Designer shall
follow this format and produce backbone schematic diagram for each project that
includes new outside plant communications infrastructure.
All Cables
F21: 24 MM/12 SM F14: 24 MM/12 SM F23: 6 MM/6 SM F22: 24 MM/12 SM F15: 24 MM/12 SM
F1: 24 MM/12 SM G07A
C21: 300 Pair (Voice) C19: 12 Pair C14: 50 Pair C23: 12 Pair 2-200 Pair Telco C22: 50 Pair C15: 25 Pair
C1: 200 Pair
IR21: 200 Pair (Inmate Recording) I14: 25 Pair (Bldg S used as Pull Point) (Bldg N used as Pull Point)
IR1: 200 Pair (Inmate Cutoff)
F12: 24 MM/12 SM
L08A K11A
F13: 24 MM/12 SM
C13: 50 Pair
F25: 24 MM/12 SM F26: 24 MM/12 SM
I13: 25 Pair F18: 6 MM/6 SM F6: 24 MM/12 SM
C25: 50 Pair C26: 50 Pair
C18: 25 Pair C6: 25 Pair
I25: 25 Pair I26: 12 Pair
The following page shows a sample elevation detail combining rack and wall elevations
with a cutover plan for an existing telecommunications room.
The Designer shall provide similar information for each new or existing
telecommunications room and new or existing equipment room affected by the project.
This information shall be provided either as a portion of the Project Manual or on the
drawings, and shall be considered part of the Construction Documents.
The following page shows an example Cable Record that the Designer shall use for
recording information about each cable that is installed during a project. The Designer
shall submit the completed cable records to DOC in both electronic and paper forms.
Upon request, DOC will provide an electronic document for this form to be used as a
Pair / Link Loss Usage Description Pair / Link Loss Usage Description
Std # (Fiber) Std # (Fiber)
1 25
2 26
3 27
4 28
5 29
6 30
7 31
8 32
9 33
10 34
11 35
12 36
13 37
14 38
15 39
16 40
17 41
18 42
19 43
20 44
21 45
22 46
23 47
24 48
The following page shows an example Fiber Optic Link-Loss Budget Analysis that the
Designer shall use for each new fiber optic cable designed in the project. The Designer
shall submit the completed link-loss budget analyses to DOC in both electronic and
paper forms. Upon request, DOC will provide an electronic spreadsheet of this form to
be used as a template.
Total Passive Cable System Attenuation Total Fiber Loss 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 dB
+ Total Connector Loss + 1.00 + 1.00 + 1.00 + 1.00 dB
+ Total Splice Loss + 0.00 + 0.00 + 0.00 + 0.00 dB
+ Total Components Loss + 0.0 + 0.0 + 0.0 + 0.0 dB
= Total System Attenuation 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 dB
System Gain Average Transmitter Power -18.0 -18.0 -18.0 -18.0 dBm
- Receiver Sensitivity - -31.0 - -31.0 - -31.0 - -31.0 dBm
= System Gain = 13.00 = 13.00 = 13.00 = 13.00 dB
This worksheet is based on the Fiber Optic Link Loss Budget worksheet in the BICSI TDMM (rev 9)
All voice & data cabling work performed by vendors must fully comply with all of the requirements listed below. A
copy of this document must be attached to and referenced by the WSDOC work order. Vendor’s bid document and
invoice must acknowledge this document and shall reflect line item pricing and DIS Master Contract number.
The five TCGS sections listed below will follow the TDDG “Index” when viewing online in
PDF format.
American Institute of Architects
Analog comes from the root word “analogous,” which means “similar to.” In telecommunications, analog is a
way of sending signals—voice, data, or video—in which the transmitted signal is analogous to the original
signal. In other words, if you spoke into a microphone and saw your voice on an oscilloscope took the same
voice as was transmitted on the phone line and viewed that signal on an oscilloscope, the two signals would
look the same. See Digital.
The standard measuring gauge of the diameter of copper wires in telecommunications and electrical cables.
A plywood sheet mounted to the wall where telecommunications distribution equipment is installed. The
backboard must be three-quarter (¾)-inch thick A-C grade plywood, mounted with the “A” side exposed. The
backboard must be coated with two coats of light colored, non-conductive fire retardant paint.
Backbone cable is defined as a major service cable that is used to interconnect various buildings on a
campus, connect equipment rooms to telecommunications closets within a building, or connect one
telecommunications closet to another within the same building. Backbone cables are typically large capacity
(high pair-count) copper cables, or fiber optic cables.
The maximum radius that a cable can be bent to avoid physical or electrical damage or cause adverse
transmission performance.
BICSI was originally known as “Building Industry Consulting Service International”, but now is only
referenced as BICSI.
The permanent joining of metallic parts to form an electrically conductive path that will assure electrical
continuity and the capacity to conduct safely to ground any current likely to be imposed.
An electrical connection which allows two or more wires to be bonded together.
A copper bar, drilled and tapped, to allow the bonding together of wires or cables.
Each telecommunications circuit is made up of two copper wires, or a pair of wires. Traditional analog
telephone service uses one-pair of wires. Some modern digital telephone systems, and most computer
networks operate over two or four pairs of wires. The ANSI/TIA/EIA-568-B standard requires a four-pair
cable to each work-area information outlet.
A term which refers to the physical connection media such as optical fiber cable or copper cable. See
Telecommunications Infrastructure.
Stated by the manufacturer as the maximum limit at which the cable’s performance characteristics are
altered, experiencing electrical or mechanical degradation. Also known as maximum recommended
installation load (MRIL).
Is the limit point where the cable is pulled apart.
A formal process during the construction phase that documents the modifications to an existing contract and
reflects changes to construction from the design or method as defined in the construction documents. The
change order procedure can be initiated by the Owner, Contractor, or the A/E. The A/E will generally start
the process using the Change Order/Change Order Proposal form. The CPD Project Manager is only
authorized individual to approve the CO allowing the contractor to proceed.
An organization that develops and maintains standards for the building construction industry specifically for
design and construction specifications.
Correctional Industries (CI) buildings are facilities located at a corrections institution where certain private
companies or industries on contract to the state can utilize an inmate labor force to produce goods and
materials. The goods and materials are then made available for sale to state and local government
agencies. CI buildings have additional unique requirements for telecommunications systems.
1. The systems must be protected from unauthorized inmate access, since CI buildings are normally
within the Secured Area. See Secured Area.
2. The private companies who operate in CI buildings are on fixed duration contracts. When the
contract expires, it is likely that another company, with different telecommunications needs, will use the CI
buildings. Therefore, the telecommunications infrastructure must be designed to be flexible.
3. The private companies who operate in CI buildings will be responsible for their own
telecommunications services, including purchasing and installing telephone service and any data services
required by the company.
4. Since the DOC owns the CI buildings, the DOC will provide the basic telecommunications
infrastructure, designed and sized to support the basic function of the building.
A cross-connect, or cross-connection, is where individual cable pairs from two different cables are connected
together with jumper wires. An XC is intended to be easily reconfigured, as opposed to a cable splice which
is permanent.
Data service generally refers to the computer network. For future planning purposes, data shall be
considered to be any information that is transferred in digital form. Advances in technology are blending
together traditional voice, data, and video services. Eventually, a single telecommunications system may
process all forms of telecommunications (voice, data, and video) over a common infrastructure.
The point of demarcation between the service provider and the customer. The demarc is actually a cable
termination block with an orange cover where the service provider’s cable terminates. The services are then
cross-connected to the customer’s cable for distribution throughout the facility. See Telecommunications
Service Entrance Facility.
Direct Digital Controls. Systems can use 24 AWG UTP cable and run on Ethernet LANs.
In telecommunications or computing, digital is the use of a binary code to represent information. In binary
code, the information is represented by a series of “on” or “off” states (a signal, or an absence of a signal).
Analog signals—like a voice—are encoded digitally by sampling the voice analog signal many times a
second and assigning a number to each sample. During transmission, the signals will lose strength and
progressively pick up noise or distortion. In analog transmission, the signal (along with any noise that is
picked up) is simply amplified to maintain the proper signal strength at the distant end. In digital
transmission, the signal is regenerated, cleaning off any noise, and restoring the signal to its original form.
Then the signal is amplified, and sent to the destination. At the destination, the digital signal is again
regenerated, and restored to its original form for processing. See Analog.
A conducting connection, whether intentional or accidental, between an electrical circuit or equipment and
the earth, or to some conducting body that serves in place of the earth.
Proper grounding and bonding serves three very important purposes. First, from a life safety aspect, the
ground connection insures that voltages from a malfunctioning system are routed directly to ground to
prevent an electrocution hazard to people who may come in physical contact with the system. Secondly,
from a telecommunications standpoint, grounding and bonding of telecommunications equipment and
systems is an important measure for controlling electromagnetic interference (EMI). Ungrounded systems
can pick up energy that is radiated from another electrical source, such as a large electric motor, an arc
welder, or a large copy machine. If this energy is absorbed into the telecommunications system, it can result
in annoying interference on the signal, or at worst, corruption and loss of critical data. Thirdly, the
telecommunications ground may be used as a reference voltage for electronics equipment. The
telecommunications ground potential must be consistent to insure reliable system performance.
The metallic component that is placed in the earth to form the electrical connection with the earth. A
grounding electrode is usually a metal rod at least eight (8)-feet long driven into the earth. Refer to NFPA
70, Article 250, Part H for acceptable electrical service grounding electrodes.
WSDOC TDIS, TDDG Version 5.2 165 3/12/2009
A small cast concrete box placed in an outside plant conduit run as an access point to facilitate pulling cable
into the conduit.
In a CATV system, the head end is a term that refers to the electronics equipment that receives the
television signals from the antennas, and distributes them over the copper and/or fiber optic cables.
Horizontal distribution cable is defined as the cable that routes from the telecommunications closet to the
work area. Generally, these cables are routed horizontally on the same floor of a building, as opposed to a
backbone or “riser” cable that may route vertically in a building. Occasionally, a telecommunications closet
will also serve the floor above and/or below. In this case, the cables routing from the telecommunications
closet to a work-area on the floor above or below are still considered to be horizontal distribution cabling.
An older LAN device that is used as the core of a star distribution to work-area computers. Generally, data
service is delivered from the Equipment Room to the Telecommunications Closet over fiber optic cable. The
fiber optic cable is connected to a hub. Patch cords connect from the hub to the patch panel to distribute
data communications to the work-area computers over copper cable. DOC is migrating from LAN hubs to
LAN switches.
Insulation displacement contact (IDC) connector. This is typically some type of punch down block for copper
A unique descriptive name or number that identifies a specific telecommunications infrastructure component.
For example, telephone (voice) wall outlet number 23 would probably have a label with the identifier “V-23.”
The ISP and OSP pathways, spaces, cable plant, and associated electronic devices comprising the low
voltage signaling systems including but not limited to voice, data, building controls, security etc.
Inmate Telephone Equipment Room.
Provides the telephone switch and other specialty devices for telephone call restrictions to support the
inmate telephone systems at prisons.
Telephone service for inmate use is provided through a contract with the Local Exchange Carrier and/or
Long Distance Carrier. The telecommunications infrastructure to support inmate telephone service is
normally part of the overall facility infrastructure, and is owned by the Department of Corrections. Provisions
must be made at the Main Cross-connection point or Main Equipment Room to separate inmate telephone
services from official DOC services. Provisions are also usually made through the service provider for
monitoring and recording of inmate telephone services for security purposes.
A wiring device used to terminate horizontal distribution cable at the work-area, normally housed in an outlet
box. Commonly referred to as an outlet jack, or outlet connector. The IO jack will accept the modular eight
(8)-position, eight (8)-conductor plug that is normally installed on the end of a patch cord or equipment cord.
That part of the telecommunications infrastructure that is contained within a building.
A point where a backbone cable originating from the Main Cross-connect (MC) is cross-connected to
another backbone cable routing to the final destination. The IC is usually located in a Telecommunications
Closet (TC). The IC was previously referred to as the Intermediate Distribution Frame (IDF).
An obsolete term referring to the Intermediate Cross-connect (IC).
Inmate Telephone Equipment Room
A wiring device used to terminate horizontal distribution cable, normally housed in an outlet box. See
Information Outlet.
A short length of wire used to route a circuit by linking two cross-connect points.
The LAN is the network that interconnects all data services for a building or campus. There may be one or
more LANs in any given building or campus.
The local telephone company, usually U S WEST Communications, GTE, or PTI.
The Main Cross-connect is the point where all telecommunications services are cross-connected to the
building or campus backbone cables for distribution to other buildings, and ultimately, to the users work-area.
The MC is usually located in the Main Telecommunications Equipment Room (ER).
An obsolete term referring to the Main Cross-connect (MC).
New construction projects, either for an individual building, or a complete campus, provide an opportunity to
properly design the telecommunications substructure, infrastructure, and systems. It is critically important
that telecommunications professionals be involved in the early planning and conceptual design of any new
construction projects. Anticipating that a new DOC building or facility may have a useful life of 100 years or
more, the proper sizing and placement of equipment rooms, telecommunications closets, and
telecommunications substructure will have a major impact on the long term utility and cost effectiveness of
the building.
National Fire Protection Association
Non-secured Areas are defined as those areas where inmates do not normally have routine, unescorted
access. Non-secured Areas include buildings outside of the fenced security perimeter of a corrections
institution. Community Corrections offices and the DOC Headquarters building are Non-secured Areas.
Non-secured Areas generally do not require any unique security precautions to protect the
telecommunications systems or infrastructure beyond those that would normally be applied to a similar style
building. See Secured Areas.
An enclosure mounted in the wall, or surface mounted on a wall, floor or furniture, into which an information
outlet jack may be installed.
A wiring device used to terminate horizontal distribution cable, normally housed in an outlet box. See
Information Outlet.
The part of the telecommunications infrastructure that is outside. Usually in an underground conduit system,
direct bury cable, or aerial cable.
A short length of telecommunications cable with modular plugs on each end used to connect between an
Information Outlet and a work-area device such as a telephone or computer, or to connect between a patch
panel and an electronics device in the Telecommunications Closet or Equipment Room.
A panel mounted in an equipment rack in the Telecommunications Closet or Equipment Room containing
modular jacks. The TC or ER end of the horizontal distribution data cable is terminated at the patch panel.
Patch cords are used to connect work-area devices to hubs, routers, or switches located in the TC or ER.
A raceway, conduit, sleeve, or reserved location for the placing and routing of telecommunications cable.
Private Branch eXchange. A large, full feature telephone switching system that usually serves a large
building or campus.
Point-of-Presence. The physical location where a service provider delivers telecommunications service.
See MPOP, Demarc, and Telecommunications Service Entrance Facility.
A device interconnected to the telecommunications service providers’ access line, or to each end of an
outside plant campus distribution copper cable, to protect the connected equipment and personnel from
over-voltage and/or over-current conditions. Hazardous voltages and currents are shunted to ground
through the protector block.
WSDOC TDIS, TDDG Version 5.2 168 3/12/2009
PVC Coated Rigid Steel Conduit, also known as “Rob-Roy”
A box, located in an inside plant cable pathway, intended to serve as an access point to facilitate pulling
cable through the conduit.
A metal or plastic channel used for loosely holding telecommunications or electrical cables. See Pathway.
Radio Frequency Interference is a signal distortion directly related to a foreign radio signal being imposed
through coupling onto a transmission path that the foreign radio signal is not physically connected to.
The internationally recognized professional designation of Registered Communications Distribution Designer
(RCDD) is presented by BICSI a Telecommunications Association to its members that have proven their
ability through on the job experience and having passed a through exam.
Rigid Galvanized Steel Conduit
A formal process during the construction phase where a contractor submits a question regarding the design
or required construction method identified in the construction documents.
An obsolete term referring to backbone cable.
Rigid Non-Metallic Conduit, includes Schedule 40 PVC.
A device that connects between two networks, and routes data traffic from one network to the other.
Secured Areas are defined as those areas where inmates are housed, confined, contained, or have
unescorted access. The Secured Area is the area within the fenced security perimeter of a corrections
institution. Telecommunications systems, information processing systems and telecommunications
distribution systems must be protected from unauthorized access or tampering by inmates inside the
Secured Area. Special security precautions must be taken for equipment rooms, telecommunications
closets, and cable routing pathways inside Secured Areas. See Non-secured Areas.
Security systems such as intrusion alarms, remote door locks, and magnetic strip identification cards may be
computer controlled and networked. Some new technology employs Biometric systems that scan the retina
of the eye, or make an optical image of the fingerprint, and compare that image to a computer database as a
means of identification. Many of these systems have proprietary components, but many can be networked
on the common telecommunications infrastructure and shall be taken into consideration in any design.
The company or utility that provides telecommunications services to a customer.
All horizontal and backbone copper and fiber cables shall be installed to provide an additional length of cable
(service slack) near each end of the cable within the area where the cable terminations are made. The
service slack is to accommodate future moves or changes to the locations of the cable termination
equipment. Within a telecommunications or equipment room, the service slack shall be long enough to
reach the longest, opposite side of the room plus the distance from ceiling to floor, or whichever is longer - a
minimum of ten feet for horizontal cable or twenty-five feet for backbone cable. At the work area, a minimum
of 4-6 inches of service slack is required within the telecommunications outlet box, and 12 inches stored
within the ceiling area where conduit stub-ups end above the ceiling and the cable is not fully within conduit
to the TR. For fiber optic cable, additional service slack is required – a minimum of ten feet stored within
each fiber shelf or cabinet.
Unwanted but steady currents that seep into a communication circuit. These low-level currents are
insufficient to trigger electrical surge protectors and therefore are able to pass them undetected. They are
usually too weak to cause immediate damage, but if unchecked will create harmful heating effects. Sneak
currents may result from contact between communications lines and AC power circuits or from power
induction, and may cause equipment damage due to overheating.
A permanent joining of conductors from separate cables.
A box, located in a pathway, intended to house a cable splice.
A device used to enclose and protect a cable splice.
A topology where all phones and computers in a given area are wired directly to a central service location in
the telecommunications closet. Star topology is the standard wiring topology for the DOC.
The ISP and OSP pathways and spaces for the low voltage signaling systems including but not limited to
voice, data, building controls, security etc. Substructure does not include cable plant and electronic devices
(see infrastructure).
A conduit bend that meets ANSI/TIA/EIA-569-A bend-radius requirements forming a gentle arc rather than a
sharp bend.
A device that interconnects networked data devices through port-to-port switching.
The SYSTIMAX® Structured Cabling System (SCS) is a group of integrated communications cabling products for
voice, data, and video networks within a building or campus of buildings. The SYSTIMAX® SCS is comprised of
modular components that have been engineered and tested together as a system to deliver optimum
performance. The SCS is based on the star wiring topology, using 22-24 AWG unshielded twisted pair (UTP)
copper cable, and multimode and singlemode, graded-index fiber optic cables.
Any transmission, emission, or reception of signs, signals, writings, images, and sounds, or information of
any nature by wire, radio, visual, or other electromagnetic systems.
The grounding conductor (cable) that interconnects the Telecommunications Main Grounding Busbar
(TMGB), Telecommunications Grounding Busbars (TGB), various telecommunications equipment,
equipment racks, and cable shields to the building’s electrical service grounding electrode.
A space on the plywood telecommunications backboard where termination hardware is mounted. The
termination field is arranged into areas where different types of cables are terminated based on their purpose
and use.
Any device used on the end of a cable to connect or cross-connect cables to other cables, or to
telecommunications equipment.
Voice services supported by the telecommunications infrastructure include telephone services, either directly
from the Local Exchange Carrier (LEC), or from a DOC owned telephone system, voice mail services,
intercom and paging services, and some radio systems. Fax services and individual computer modems
usually operate over the voice system.
An electronic device that establishes or disestablishes circuits between telecommunications systems or
A WAN is a network that interconnects various geographically separated sites that share common
telecommunications requirements. A WAN usually supports a common organizational structure; e.g..,
Department of Corrections, State of Washington, all law enforcement agencies. WANs can provide separate
services for voice, data, and video, or combine all services into a common WAN.
The work area is defined as the location where telecommunications service is provided for people to use.
This is the area where a computer, telephone, or other telecommunications device is located and where
people will use these tools to do work.
110 Wiring Blocks ........................ 66, 67, 83, 122, 134 Correctional Industries ........... 19, 62, 67, 68, 108, 168
Access Floors...................................................60, 113 Cutover Plans.........................................148, 150, 159
Acquisition and Procurement ..... 15, 31, 32, 33, 43, 44 Demarcation Point.... 20, 110, 119, 120, 146, 169, 176
Administration Voice Backbone Cabling...................86 Design Development Phase.... 48, 49, 92, 98, 99, 112,
Administrative Voice Backbone Cabling...................82 114
Aerial Distribution ...............................81, 94, 112, 120 Design Review Process .........................17, 35, 48, 49
Alternative Design Request........ 11, 18, 44, 45, 50, 54 Designer 34, 36, 40, 41, 42, 44, 45, 47, 48, 49, 50, 51,
Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) ............121, 122 52, 53, 54, 56, 58, 59, 60, 61, 62, 63, 66, 67, 68,
ANSI/TIA/EIA Commercial Building 71, 72, 74, 76, 81, 86, 89, 90, 92, 93, 95, 96, 98,
Telecommunications Standards....9, 12, 13, 14, 54, 99, 102, 103, 105, 109, 110, 112, 114, 117, 118,
61, 96, 167, 175, 176 119, 120, 121, 122, 123, 124, 134, 136, 139, 145,
Architects ...... 7, 15, 16, 34, 35, 36, 40, 42, 44, 95, 98, 147, 148, 149, 150, 151, 152, 153, 155, 157, 159,
109, 112, 168 161, 163, 173
Armored Cable .........................................................90 Dictaphone Equipment .............................................87
Avaya SYSTIMAX ... 17, 26, 27, 31, 32, 33, 44, 54, 63, Direct-buried Cabling................................................82
64, 65, 66, 67, 68, 92, 93, 94 DIS Master Contract.....................................31, 32, 43
Avaya SYSTIMAX SCS "Self-maintainers" ........26, 27 Disposal of Information Technology Equipment .31, 32
Avaya SYSTIMAX Warranty...................25, 27, 44, 54 DOC IT Infrastructure Specialist 15, 16, 17, 18, 28, 31,
Backboards ... 59, 66, 91, 98, 103, 107, 108, 110, 113, 35, 36, 40, 42, 43, 44, 51, 54, 62, 63, 65, 74, 81,
119, 167, 176 90, 110, 111, 118, 139, 148, 150
BICSI..........................................................................9 DOC IT Network Operations Manager ...15, 18, 24, 44
Customer-Owned Outside Plant Design Manual 9, 10, 11, DOC Office of Correctional Operations ....................16
12, 13, 54, 68, 135 DOC Plant Manager.................................................24
Telecommunications Cabling Installation Manual9, 13, 54, DOC Project Manager .......... 16, 17, 18, 31, 40, 43, 44
DOC Regional Information Technology Manager
Telecommunications Distribution Methods Manual .. 9, 10,
11, 12, 13, 54, 56, 59, 60, 61, 69, 93, 94, 98, 99, 107, (ITM) ............................................15, 16, 27, 28, 30
114, 135, 138 DOC Superintendent ..............................62, 81, 93, 94
Bidding ...............................................................44, 49 DOC-leased Facilities ....................................7, 10, 19
Bridge and Waterway Crossing Distribution .............81 Doors ......................................... 60, 98, 112, 118, 174
Building Automation Systems.............................68, 81 Ductbank ............................................................82, 92
Building Entrance Protectors............................86, 119 Ductbanks ..................................................72, 78, 146
Butterfly Diagrams.................... 47, 147, 149, 152, 155 Duplex SC Connectors.............................................92
Cable Length................................ 70, 90, 97, 111, 112 Electrical Power .... 60, 61, 68, 72, 75, 81, 93, 98, 102,
Cable Record .........................................151, 159, 161 103, 105, 106, 107, 112, 113, 114, 118, 119, 134,
Cable Records .......................................................148 135, 137, 138, 146, 169, 170, 174
Cable Television Distribution Systems ...................144 Electromagnetic Interference (EMI).40, 42, 43, 60, 96,
Cable Test Reports ..................................52, 121, 151 103, 105, 112, 118, 136, 137, 169, 170
Cable Tray................................................................61 Engineers ............................. 7, 34, 102, 103, 134, 135
Capital Planning and Development ..................35, 152 Enterprise Network...................................................14
Carpet ..............................................................98, 113 Entrance Conduits........................................43, 70, 71
Category 3 Cable .....................................................66 Entrance Facilities. 19, 20, 74, 75, 120, 136, 169, 172,
Category 5 Cable .....................................................64 173, 176
Category 5e Cable .............................................64, 65 Equipment Room .. 20, 66, 71, 91, 108, 110, 111, 120,
Category 6 Cable .........................................63, 64, 65 136, 170, 171, 172, 173, 176
Ceiling Distribution Systems.....................................61 False Ceilings...................................................98, 113
Concrete ............................................61, 74, 170, 176 Fiber Optic Cabling ..... 70, 71, 88, 89, 90, 91, 92, 111,
Conduit Bends............................ 49, 74, 102, 146, 175 136, 139, 140, 147, 163, 167, 168, 170, 175
Conduit Fill Capacity ................................................59 Fire Alarm Systems................................................140
Conduit Trade Size ......................................60, 70, 71 Fire-stopping ..........................................................134
Construction Document Phase.................................48 Flex Conduit .......................................................49, 75
Construction Observation.............................24, 50, 51 Fluorescent Lighting...............................................137
Contractors...... 42, 50, 51, 52, 53, 121, 122, 123, 146, GigaSPEED (Avaya SYSTIMAX) ...........63, 64, 65, 67
147, 150, 168 Grounding and Bonding ................. 107, 136, 175, 176
Convenience Power Outlet.........................29, 93, 107 Guard Towers ................................................102, 105
Coordination (Cross-discipline) ... 8, 40, 42, 44, 67, 95, Handholes ... 10, 47, 49, 70, 71, 72, 77, 120, 125, 146,
102, 103, 105, 106, 109, 118, 120, 121, 134, 139, 147, 149, 155, 170, 176
145, 146, 148, 150 Horizontal Telecommunications Infrastructure ..10, 41,
WSDOC TDIS, TDDG Version 5.2 173 3/12/2009
43, 56, 57, 58, 62, 64, 65, 66, 67, 68, 93, 94, 133, Racks . 41, 99, 101, 102, 105, 115, 117, 132, 147, 149
170 Racks for Telecommunications Equipment .....60, 101,
HVAC Systems ...................... 8, 43, 99, 112, 114, 118 102, 106, 107, 110, 117, 119, 137, 150, 175, 176
Identifiers ...... 122, 123, 124, 125, 129, 131, 132, 133, Record Drawings................................51, 53, 123, 152
146, 151, 152, 171 Registered Communications Distribution Designer
Industry Standards ...................................................14 (RCDD) ... 16, 24, 31, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38, 40, 41, 42,
Inmate Telephone System .... 66, 67, 86, 87, 108, 110, 173
111, 119, 121, 122, 171 Remodel Projects........................... 10, 16, 18, 22, 111
Inmate Work Crews........................................7, 16, 23 RF Radiation ............................................................92
Innerduct ......................................................70, 71, 90 Rigid Steel Conduit ............................................60, 75
Inside Plant Telecommunications Infrastructure.....173 Schematic Design Phase ... 42, 47, 48, 49, 58, 95, 109
Installers...................................................................23 Secured Areas 10, 12, 62, 77, 94, 103, 112, 119, 120,
Instructions for Architects and Engineers Doing 168, 174
Business with Division of Engineering and Non-secured Areas.............................................10, 12, 93
Architectural Services ............ 11, 42, 145, 147, 152 Security Electronics Room .....................................140
Junction Boxes.................................................59, 146 Security Systems ...................................................174
Labeling...... 70, 71, 105, 106, 123, 124, 125, 133, 146 Service Providers .. 20, 40, 67, 74, 107, 110, 111, 112,
Leased Facilities ..................................................7, 10 117, 120, 146, 168, 169, 171, 172, 173, 176
Link-Loss Budget ............................. 52, 148, 151, 163 Singlemode Fiber Optic Cabling.................89, 90, 175
Local Area Network (LAN)....................14, 28, 29, 139 Slack Loops........................................................68, 70
loops ........................................................................70 Splicing .......... 71, 77, 82, 90, 136, 151, 169, 175, 176
Loose Tube Fiber Optic Cabling...............................90 Splitting Pairs ...............................................29, 65, 66
Low Voltage Electronics Room ..............................140 State of Washington Conditions of the Agreement..11,
low voltage systems .................................................35 34, 35, 47, 147
Low Voltage Systems 9, 64, 68, 72, 94, 111, 118, 139, Steam Piping............................................43, 112, 146
140, 147, 149, 172 Submittals ........................................................50, 152
Maintenance Holes . 10, 42, 47, 49, 69, 70, 71, 72, 77, T568B Configuration ..........................................63, 64
92, 120, 125, 146, 147, 149, 155, 176 Technical Power Outlets .......... 29, 105, 106, 107, 118
Mechanical Engineer........................................99, 114 Telecommunications Cabinets .. 62, 96, 102, 103, 105,
Mode-Conditioning Patch Cords ..............................92 106, 107, 108
Moves, Adds and Changes ..................22, 27, 28, 134 Telecommunications Construction Guide
Moves, Adds and Changes (MAC)...................22, 134 Specification ..... 7, 10, 11, 12, 13, 30, 35, 48, 123,
Multidrop Conduit System ........................................60 148
Multimode Fiber Optic Cabling ..... 89, 90, 92, 139, 175 Telecommunications Room. 29, 50, 62, 64, 69, 70, 90,
Multi-User Telecommunications Outlet Assembly ....94 102, 107, 108, 132, 133, 134, 159
National Electrical Code ............... 11, 14, 54, 118, 137 Telecommunications Rooms ....................................94
National Electrical Safety Code................................14 T-Netix Inmate Telephone System...........................86
Network Equipment63, 90, 92, 93, 102, 103, 106, 108, Under Slab or In Slab Conduit......................49, 57, 61
110, 120, 139, 169, 170, 171, 175 Undercarpet Telecommunications Cabling...............93
New Construction 10, 18, 60, 63, 71, 90, 98, 102, 111, Uninterruptible Power Supply 103, 106, 118, 119, 135,
113, 172 147, 149, 150
non-spliced...............................................................82 Utility Columns .........................................................61
Operation and Maintenance Manuals.......................53 Washington State Department of Information Services
Outside Plant Telecommunications Infrastructure...42, (DIS) ..................................................15, 31, 32, 54
47, 51, 69, 70, 71, 72, 73, 74, 75, 77, 81, 82, 86, Washington State Department of Labor and Industries
89, 90, 92, 130, 138, 140, 146, 155, 157, 170, 171, .....................................................................14, 104
173, 175, 176 Washington State Department of Natural Resources
Paging Systems .....................................................144 (DNR) ..................................................................19
Paint.........................................................98, 113, 167 Washington State Department of Social and Health
Patch Cords .......................................67, 94, 170, 173 Services (DSHS)..................................................19
Patch Panels ... 65, 90, 91, 92, 97, 110, 133, 169, 170, Washington State Office of Financial Management
173 (OFM) ..................................................................31
Photographs.......................................47, 51, 149, 152 Wet Locations ..........................................................61
Plumbing ..........................................................43, 113 Wireless or Radio System Distribution .............92, 144
Prime Consultant..........................................35, 40, 45
Pull Boxes ..........................................................60, 69
Telecommunications Construction
Guide Specification
Revision 5.3
April 30, 2008
1 PREFACE ............................................................................................................................................. 2
1.1 DOCUMENT INTENT ........................................................................................................................ 2
1.2 HOW TO USE THIS DOCUMENT ........................................................................................................ 3
The Department of Corrections has developed the TCGS with the intent that DOC
standards and practices are followed during the design and construction of
telecommunications distribution systems.
Each TCGS specification section has references, products, procedures, processes, and
work descriptions/summaries that are common to many Washington State Department
of Corrections telecommunications projects. This information is provided in specification
format to serve as a guide to the Engineer/Designer in producing a CSI-compliant
specification that will meet the unique requirements of DOC telecommunications
projects. For DOC staff performing telecommunications work, this information shall be
followed to fulfill the requirements of a fully compliant installation.
Each TCGS section includes products DOC has standardized on that are current at the
time the specification section was written. When newer products become available, or
when a different product appears to be better suited for a particular project, the
Designer, Contractor or Installer shall bring this recommendation to the attention of the
DOC-TDI Specialist for review and final approval before making changes to the TCGS
section or installing the newer or different product.
For more information on CSI and the Master Format, contact the Construction Specifications Institute at:
601 Madison Street, Alexandria, VA 22314. Phone: (800) 689-2900 Email:; Internet:
WSDOC TDIS, TCGS Version 5.3 2 April 30, 2008
In addition to having DOC standards and practices followed, the intent of the TCGS is to
reduce the time required for DOC to review telecommunications project specifications.
DOC has proven that consistently formatted and structured specifications reduces the
amount of time needed by DOC staff and RCDD Consultants to review the
telecommunications specifications for each project.
Unless otherwise stated, the information in the TCGS applies to both new construction
and remodel projects and (as appropriate) to leased facilities.
The TCGS contains ten 1995 CSI Master Format specification sections:
¾ 06101 – Rough Carpentry for IT Telecommunications Rooms
¾ 09001 – Room Finish Schedule for IT Telecommunications Rooms
¾ 09651 – Resilient Flooring for IT Telecommunications Rooms
¾ 09961 – Fire-Resistant Paints for IT Telecommunications Rooms
¾ 15301 – Sprinkler Systems for IT Telecommunications Rooms
¾ 16108 – Outside Plant Communications Site Work
¾ 16131 – Raceway and Boxes for Communications Circuits
¾ 16453 – Bonding and Grounding for Telecommunications
¾ 16711 – Inside Plant Communications Circuits
¾ 16715 – Outside Plant Communications Circuits
Note that the first five specification sections listed above, preceding the Division 16
sections, can either stand alone (with appropriate editing) or be included within the
respective sections of the Construction Document specifications. They have been
added to the TCGS solely because this information has continually been missed by the
Engineer/Designer on projects.
The ten 1995 TCGS specification sections identified above would fit into the following
2004 CSI Master Format divisions (appropriately modified for revised numbering):
¾ 06101 to 061010 – Rough Carpentry
¾ 09001 to 090600.13 – Room Finish Schedule
¾ 09651 to 096536.13 – Static-Dissipative Resilient Flooring
¾ 09961 to 099646 – Intumescent Painting
¾ 15301 to 211313.xx – Wet-Pipe Sprinkler Systems
¾ 16108 to 270543 – Underground Ducts & Raceways for Communications Systems
¾ 16131 to 270528 – Pathways for Communications Systems
¾ 16453 to 270526 – Grounding and Bonding for Communications Systems
¾ 16711 to 271500 – Communications Horizontal Cabling
¾ 16715 to 271300 – Communications Backbone Cabling
The TCGS is not a stand-alone document, but is to be used in conjunction with the
Telecommunications Distribution Design Guide (TDDG) to produce Construction
Documents for bidding or to assist DOC selected personnel in the design and
administration of small telecommunications construction projects, including installation of
telecommunications distribution systems at DOC Community Corrections offices that are
WSDOC TDIS, TCGS Version 5.3 3 April 30, 2008
DOC has standardized on the format and content of the specification sections that are
included in the TCGS. For this reason, the Engineer/Designer shall edit each electronic
specification section provided by DOC directly in Microsoft Word 2003, adding and/or
removing content where required to meet the unique needs of a given project. The
Engineer/Designer shall not create a new specification section based on the “intent” of
the TCGS or cut and paste content from TCGS sections into other existing specification
sections unless first reviewed and approved by the DOC-TDI specialist.
To this end, and in order to assist DOC staff with the specification review process, all
edits by the Engineer/Designer to the original TCGS electronic documents provided by
DOC, shall be made using Microsoft Word with “Revision Marks” turned on. The
specification sections shall be submitted in hardcopy format when required by DOC
during the design review process with the “Show Revision Marks in Printed Document”
option selected. The Engineer/Designer shall not perform the function of “Accept
Change/Insertion” or “Accept Change/Deletion” of any text on the specification until after
the DOC-TDI Specialist has approved the specification for the project.
Text in shaded boxes in each TCGS section is formatted in Microsoft Word as “hidden
text” and can be made to not appear on screen and/or not appear in the printed
document by selecting the appropriate check boxes in the options menu. The hidden
text is included to aid the Engineer/Designer in understanding areas of the Guide
Specification that may require modification for a particular project. Although this text is
generally written in declarative form, the Engineer/Designer shall consider it guidance
The Engineer/Designer shall not assume that the content of each specification
section is suitable or sufficient for any given project in its current form and shall
remain responsible for changing, adding, and/or removing content as required to
develop a thorough and complete specification section that meets the
requirements of the project being designed.
The ten TCGS specification sections referenced above do not convey all of the
information required in the Construction Document (CD) specifications for construction of
the telecommunications distribution system. As identified in the TDDG under
Architectural Provisioning, Environmental Provisioning, and Power Requirements for
both Telecommunications Rooms and Equipment Rooms, the Designer shall be
responsible for providing the appropriate information to the Architect/Engineer for these
requirements. The Architect/Engineer is responsible for ensuring the appropriate
information is fully specified in the appropriate divisions of the CD Specifications and
The Engineer/Designer shall include the following contents of this section when appropriate
by incorporating into the Contract Document specifications either as a standalone section
or include with other rough carpentry for the project.
This specification section has references, products, procedures, processes, and work
descriptions/summaries that are common to many WSDOC telecommunications projects.
This information is provided in specification format to serve as a guide to the
Engineer/Designer in producing a CSI-compliant specification that will meet the unique
requirements of DOC Telecommunications projects. However, this document is not
intended to be a Master Specification. The information included in this section is not
intended to be all-inclusive for any given project.
The Engineer/Designer may edit this section (adding and/or removing content where
required) for use with a particular project, but shall not create a new specification section
based on the “intent” of the TCSG, or cut and paste content from TCSG sections into other
existing specification sections. Edits to the section shall be performed with WORD
“Revision Tracking” features activated. At the various project design milestones when
the documents are submitted to DOC for review, the TCGS specifications shall be printed
showing the revision markings.
Text in shaded boxes (such as this text) is included to aid the Engineer/Designer in
understanding areas of this Guide Specification that may require modification for a
particular project. Although this text is generally written in declarative form, the
Engineer/Designer shall consider it guidance only. The Engineer/Designer shall not
assume that the content of this specification section is suitable or sufficient for any given
project in its current form and shall remain responsible for developing a thorough and
complete specification that meets the requirements of the project being designed.
A. Related sections include but are not necessarily limited to the following:
Review and edit the list of sections below for relevance to this project and include only
those that are directly related to this section. Ensure that the referenced sections are
included in the project manual and that titles are accurate. Include sections that furnish
products which are installed under this section (coordinate with paragraphs below). This
paragraph should be used sparingly to avoid assuming the contractor’s responsibility for
coordinating work.
1. Division 09 Section — “Paint and Coatings”
A. Incorporate by reference the applicable portions of the following specifications, standards, codes into
this specification section.
1. Communications
A. Plywood:
1. Plywood for backing of telecommunications room walls: APA Rated Sheathing 32/16, A-C, ¾
inch thick, void free, shall not be fire-retardant.
The Engineer/Designer shall include the following information in this section when
appropriate by incorporating into the Contract Document specifications or drawings either
as a standalone Room Finish Schedule or include with other rooms in the Room Finish
Schedule for the project.
A. Incorporate by reference the applicable portions of the following specifications, standards, codes into
this specification section.
1. Communications
Walls - (N,S,E,W): GWB (Gypsum Wallboard); Concrete walls are also acceptable if sealed against water
intrusion. Walls shall be continuous to the structure above and sealed to prevent dust or dirt from entering and
ensure a clean agent fire suppression system and/or HVAC cooling and humidity control is contained within the
telecommunications space.
Walls Additional Note: A-C Plywood (non-fire retardant) backboard, onto all four walls, “A” side exposed, painted
with fire retardant primer and finish.
Ceiling Material: Exposed Steel Structure (preferred), Hard Lid - GWB (2nd choice)
The Engineer/Designer shall include the following contents of this section when appropriate
by incorporating into the Contract Document specifications either as a standalone section
or include with other floor tiles.
This specification section has references, products, procedures, processes, and work
descriptions/summaries that are common to many WSDOC telecommunications projects.
This information is provided in specification format to serve as a guide to the
Engineer/Designer in producing a CSI-compliant specification that will meet the unique
requirements of DOC Telecommunications projects. However, this document is not
intended to be a Master Specification. The information included in this section is not
intended to be all-inclusive for any given project.
The Engineer/Designer may edit this section (adding and/or removing content where
required) for use with a particular project, but shall not create a new specification section
based on the “intent” of the TCSG, or cut and paste content from TCSG sections into other
existing specification sections. Edits to the section shall be performed with WORD
“Revision Tracking” features activated. At the various project design milestones when
the documents are submitted to DOC for review, the TCGS specifications shall be printed
showing the revision markings.
Text in shaded boxes (such as this text) is included to aid the Engineer/Designer in
understanding areas of this Guide Specification that may require modification for a
particular project. Although this text is generally written in declarative form, the
Engineer/Designer shall consider it guidance only. The Engineer/Designer shall not
assume that the content of this specification section is suitable or sufficient for any given
project in its current form and shall remain responsible for developing a thorough and
complete specification that meets the requirements of the project being designed.
A. Related sections include but are not necessarily limited to the following:
Review and edit the section below for relevance to this project and include only those that
are directly related to this section. Ensure the referenced section(s) are included in the
project manual and titles are correct.
1. Division 16 Section — “Grounding and Bonding for Telecommunications”
A. Incorporate by reference the applicable portions of the following specifications, standards, codes into
this specification section.
1. Communications:
A. “TGB” shall mean Telecommunications Grounding Busbar. A predrilled UL Listed copper busbar
provided with holes for use with standard sized lugs. A TGB is the common point of grounding
connection for telecommunications systems and equipment in the area served by telecommunications
room or equipment room. There is typically one or more TGB’s per telecommunications room. The
TGB is connected both to the TMGB and to building structural steel or other permanent metallic
Review and edit the following submittals as applicable to this project. Note that the
submittals listed below are specific to this section only. Division 1, Section 01300 (or
equivalent) – Submittals should include general administrative requirements (e.g. schedule,
number of copies, distribution, etc.). Either Section 01300 or this section should include a
statement similar to the following:
“The Contractor shall apply Contractor’s stamp, sign, or initial certifying that review,
verification of required Products, and coordination of information is in accordance with the
requirements of the work and Contract Documents.
Any deviations from the Contract Documents or specified product data shall be clearly
noted, and must be approved by the Engineer/Designer prior to start of construction. The
Engineer/Designer shall obtain approval from DOC IT through the Alternative Design
Request (ADR) process prior to approving a Contractor-submitted deviation.
A. Product Data: Submit product data for Static Dissipative Vinyl Composition floor tile.
B. Related sections include but are not necessarily limited to the following:
2. Shall be installed on concrete floors only after concrete has thoroughly dried a minimum of one
(1) week per every one (1) inch of concrete thickness.
4. Coordinate the location of the grounding strips with the Electrical contractor so they will be
located along the same wall and within 3 feet of the telecommunications grounding busbar.
5. Coordinate with the Electrical contractor to bond the grounding strips to the closest
telecommunications grounding busbar with a minimum 6 AWG copper conductor, per
Conductor Size table based on conductor length from ANSI/TIA/EIA J-STD-607-A, as specified
in the Grounding and Bonding for Telecommunications section, or as specified on drawings.
The Engineer/Designer shall include the following contents of this section when appropriate
by incorporating into the Contract Document specifications either as a standalone section
or include with other paint and coatings for the project.
This specification section has references, products, procedures, processes, and work
descriptions/summaries that are common to many WSDOC telecommunications projects.
This information is provided in specification format to serve as a guide to the
Engineer/Designer in producing a CSI-compliant specification that will meet the unique
requirements of DOC Telecommunications projects. However, this document is not
intended to be a Master Specification. The information included in this section is not
intended to be all-inclusive for any given project.
The Engineer/Designer may edit this section (adding and/or removing content where
required) for use with a particular project, but shall not create a new specification section
based on the “intent” of the TCSG, or cut and paste content from TCSG sections into other
existing specification sections. Edits to the section shall be performed with WORD
“Revision Tracking” features activated. At the various project design milestones when
the documents are submitted to DOC for review, the TCGS specifications shall be printed
showing the revision markings.
Text in shaded boxes (such as this text) is included to aid the Engineer/Designer in
understanding areas of this Guide Specification that may require modification for a
particular project. Although this text is generally written in declarative form, the
Engineer/Designer shall consider it guidance only. The Engineer/Designer shall not
assume that the content of this specification section is suitable or sufficient for any given
project in its current form and shall remain responsible for developing a thorough and
complete specification that meets the requirements of the project being designed.
A. Related sections include but are not necessarily limited to the following:
Review and edit the section below for relevance to this project and include only those that
are directly related to this section. Ensure the referenced section(s) are included in the
project manual and titles are correct.
A. Incorporate by reference the applicable portions of the following specifications, standards, codes into
this specification section.
1. Communications
Review and edit the following submittals as applicable to this project. Note that the
submittals listed below are specific to this section only. Division 1, Section 01300 (or
equivalent) – Submittals should include general administrative requirements (e.g. schedule,
number of copies, distribution, etc.). Either Section 01300 or this section should include a
statement similar to the following:
“The Contractor shall apply Contractor’s stamp, sign, or initial certifying that review,
verification of required Products, and coordination of information is in accordance with the
requirements of the work and Contract Documents.
Any deviations from the Contract Documents or specified product data shall be clearly
noted, and must be approved by the Engineer/Designer prior to start of construction. The
Engineer/Designer shall obtain approval from DOC IT through the Alternative Design
Request (ADR) process prior to approving a Contractor-submitted deviation.
A. Fire Retardant paint for Telecommunications Room Backboards shall be light colored, non-conductive,
manufactured by Flame Control Coatings, LLC, or Owner approved equal.
2. Flame Control No. 20-20A Flat Latex Intumescent Fire Retardant Paint.
A. Painting of Telecommunications Room Plywood Backboards with non-conductive Fire Retardant Paint:
1. Apply a minimum of one coat of paint over primer on “C” side of plywood and allow drying prior
to installation of “A” side exposed.
2. Apply two coats of paint (over primer) on “A” side of plywood and allow drying prior to
installation of any equipment.
The Engineer/Designer shall include the following contents of this section when appropriate
by incorporating into the Contract Document specifications either as a standalone section
or include with other fire protection sprinkler system information for the project.
This specification section has references, products, procedures, processes, and work
descriptions/summaries that are common to many WSDOC telecommunications projects.
This information is provided in specification format to serve as a guide to the
Engineer/Designer in producing a CSI-compliant specification that will meet the unique
requirements of DOC Telecommunications projects. However, this document is not
intended to be a Master Specification. The information included in this section is not
intended to be all-inclusive for any given project.
The Engineer/Designer may edit this section (adding and/or removing content where
required) for use with a particular project, but shall not create a new specification section
based on the “intent” of the TCSG, or cut and paste content from TCSG sections into other
existing specification sections. Edits to the section shall be performed with WORD
“Revision Tracking” features activated. At the various project design milestones when
the documents are submitted to DOC for review, the TCGS specifications shall be printed
showing the revision markings.
Text in shaded boxes (such as this text) is included to aid the Engineer/Designer in
understanding areas of this Guide Specification that may require modification for a
particular project. Although this text is generally written in declarative form, the
Engineer/Designer shall consider it guidance only. The Engineer/Designer shall not
assume that the content of this specification section is suitable or sufficient for any given
project in its current form and shall remain responsible for developing a thorough and
complete specification that meets the requirements of the project being designed.
A. Incorporate by reference the applicable portions of the following specifications, standards, codes into
this specification section.
1. Communications
1. Contractor shall submit one set of shop drawings for the sprinkler system design, including
valve controls and head placement for each Telecommunications Room and LVSE room to the
A/E’s RCDD for review.
A. Sprinkler Guards: Hard-wire cage sprinkler guard, designed to protect sprinkler from mechanical
damage, with chrome plated finish.
B. Drainage Troughs: Troughs designed to direct any water leakage from pipe joints or heads away from
sensitive equipment or materials.
A. Provide wire cage sprinkler guard protectors for heads susceptible to damage (this includes all heads in
IT Telecommunications Rooms).
B. Coordinate with the Telecommunications and LVSE Designer(s) to position sprinkler heads to avoid
locating directly above equipment racks, enclosures, and network equipment.
1. Provide drainage troughs under sprinkler heads where installed in Telecommunications and
LVSE Rooms where heads are above floor mounted racks, cabinets, and equipment to divert
water from pipe or head leakage away from sensitive electronic equipment and
telecommunications cabling and components.
This specification section has references, products, procedures, processes, and work
descriptions/summaries that are common to many Washington State Department of
Corrections telecommunications projects. This information is provided in specification
format to serve as a guide to the Engineer/Designer in producing a CSI-compliant
specification that will meet the unique requirements of DOC Telecommunications projects.
However, this document is not intended to be a Master Specification. The information
included in this section is not intended to be all-inclusive for any given project.
The Engineer/Designer may edit this section (adding and/or removing content where
required) for use with a particular project, but shall not create a new specification section
based on the “intent” of the TCSG, or cut and paste content from TCSG sections into other
existing specification sections. Edits to the section shall be performed with WORD
“Revision Tracking” features activated. At the various project design milestones when
the documents are submitted to DOC for review, the TCGS specifications shall be printed
showing the revision markings.
Text in shaded boxes (such as this text) is included to aid the Engineer/Designer in
understanding areas of this Guide Specification that may require modification for a
particular project. Although this text is generally written in declarative form, the
Engineer/Designer shall consider it guidance only. The Engineer/Designer shall not
assume that the content of this specification section is suitable or sufficient for any given
project in its current form and shall remain responsible for developing a thorough and
complete specification that meets the requirements of the project being designed.
Review and edit the following paragraph to ensure appropriate references are included.
A. Drawings and general provisions of the Contract, including General and Supplementary Conditions
and Division 1 Specification Sections, apply to the work of this Section.
Review and edit the following list of generic type products and work for relevance to this
project. This listing should not include procedures or processes, preparatory work, or final
A. Provide all materials and labor for the installation of a pathway system for outside plant (OSP)
communications circuits fully compliant to the ANSI/TIA/EIA Commercial Building
Telecommunications Standard. Work in this section includes, but is not limited to excavation and
trenching, conduit (raceway) construction, cutting and patching, firestopping, concrete, maintenance
hole construction, electrical grounding and bonding, and landscaping.
B. Related Sections
Review and edit the list of sections below for relevance to this project and include only
those that are directly related to this section. Ensure that the referenced sections are
included in the project manual and that titles are accurate. Include sections that furnish
products which are installed under this section (coordinate with paragraphs below). This
paragraph should be used sparingly to avoid assuming the contractor’s responsibility for
coordinating work.
Include this paragraph only if products will be furnished under this section but installed
under other sections or by the Owner. DOC frequently has the Contractor furnish patch
cords, but uses their IT staff to install. When installations are “By Owner” consider
referencing the installation to Division 1 Section 01010 (or equivalent) - Summary of Work
(Owner- Installed Items). If this paragraph is required for the project, the Engineer/Designer
must take care to clearly define any product warranty issues associated with the split
D. Products installed (but not furnished) under this section:
Include this paragraph only if products will be installed under this section but furnished
under other sections or by the Owner. When products are furnished “By Owner” consider
referencing the installation to Division 1 Section 01010 (or equivalent) - Summary of Work
(Owner-Furnished Items). If this paragraph is required for the project, the
Engineer/Designer must take care to clearly define any product warranty issues associated
with the split responsibility.
Consider including busbars, grounding conductors, and any other items that are installed
under this section but not furnished under this section.
1. Busbars and grounding conductors: See Division 16 Grounding and Bonding for
Include this paragraph only if unit pricing will be required for a specific part of the project.
Include statements on how to measure the quantity. For example, unit prices may be
requested for trenching, conduit, etc. Specify technical information on the products and
installation associated with the required unit pricing in the appropriate articles of PART 2
and PART 3.
Review and edit the following list of references. Check for completeness, currency and
applicability to this project. Rarely should anything be removed from under the General or
Communications categories. The Engineer/Designer shall verify with the DOC-CPDPM
and/or the DOC-TDI Specialist assigned to the project whether the latest edition and/or
addenda of each required reference is appropriate and specify the edition and addenda
below accordingly.
A. Incorporate by reference the applicable portions of the following specifications, standards, codes
into this specification section.
1. General:
2. Communications:
Unless specifically indicated otherwise in the Construction Documents, the latest Edition and all
current Addenda’s and approved Amendments for the following publications shall be considered
Communications references. (This section of the Construction Documents is based on the
Washington State Department of Corrections (WSDOC) Telecommunications Distribution
Infrastructure Standards (TDIS) Version 5.3, 4/30/2008).
3. Concrete:
a. Reinforcement:
6) ASTM A615: Deformed and Plain Billet Steel Bars for Concrete Reinforcement
b. Cast-in-Place:
3) ACI 304: Recommended Practice for Measuring, Mixing, Transporting and Placing
7) ASTM C39: Standard Test Method for Compressive Strength of Cylindrical Concrete
10) ASTM C143: Standard Test Method for Slump of Hydraulic Cement Concrete
11) ASTM C173: Standard Test Method for Air Content of Freshly Mixed Concrete by the
Volumetric Method
12) ASTM C231: Standard Test Method for Air Content of Freshly Mixed Concrete by the
Pressure Method
14) ASTM C309: Standard Specifications for Liquid Membrane Forming Compound for
Curing Concrete
c. Pre-Cast:
2) ASTM C857: Standard Practice for Minimum Structural Design Loading for
Underground Pre-cast Utility Structures
6) ASTM D1751: Standard Specification for Preformed Expansion Joint Filler for
Concrete Paving and Structural Construction (Non-extruding and Resilient
Bituminous Types)
a. ASTM D1557: Test Method for Laboratory Compaction Characteristics Using Modified
Review and edit the following list of definitions for applicability to this project. Add and/or
remove definitions for unusual terms that are not explained in the conditions of the Contract
and that are used in ways not common to standard references.
NOTE: Furnish, provide and install are used repeatedly throughout this specification. The
Engineer/Designer shall ensure that these terms are identified in the appropriate section of
the project manual. The definitions of these terms shall be similar to the following:
Furnish - “Supply and deliver to the project site, ready for unloading, unpacking, assembly,
installation and similar operations”.
Install - “Operations at the project site including unloading, unpacking, assembly, erection,
placing, anchoring, applying, working to dimension, finishing, curing, protecting, cleaning
and similar operations”.
Provide - “To furnish and install, complete and ready for the intended operation”.
A. Aggregate: Mineral materials such as sand or stone used in making concrete
B. Backfill: Earth material used specifically for filling and grading excavations back to a finished state.
Backfill is placed on top of the bedding surrounding encased ductbanks and direct-buried conduits.
C. Base: Earth material used specifically to level and grade an excavation’s subgrade for the
subsequent placement of encased ductbanks, direct-buried conduit, maintenance holes and
handholes. Base material is placed on top of the subgrade and beneath the bedding surrounding
encased ductbanks, conduits, maintenance holes or handholes.
D. Bedding: Earth material used specifically for filling excavations. Bedding is placed around encased
ductbank, conduits, maintenance holes or handholes. Bedding is placed on top of the base and
beneath the backfill.
F. Handhole (HH): A structure similar to a small maintenance hole through which communications
cable can be pulled, but not large enough for a person to fully enter to perform work. Owner typically
does not allow installation of new HH’s or installation of telecommunications cable into/through
existing HH’s. Do not use an existing HH unless specifically identified for use on construction
document drawings.
G. Maintenance Hole (MH): A vault located in the ground or earth as part of an underground conduit
system and used to facilitate placing, connecting, and maintaining communication cables as well as
placing associated equipment, in which it is expected that a person will enter to perform work.
K. “TGB” shall mean Telecommunications Grounding Busbar. A predrilled UL Listed copper busbar
provided with holes for use with standard sized lugs. A TGB is the common point of grounding
connection for telecommunications systems and equipment in the area served by
telecommunications room or equipment room. There is typically one or more TGB’s per
telecommunications room. The TGB is connected both to the TMGB and to building structural steel
or other permanent metallic systems.
L. “TMGB” shall mean Telecommunications Main Grounding Busbar. A predrilled UL Listed copper
busbar provided with holes for use with standard sized lugs. There is typically one TMGB per
building, located in the main telecommunications room of the building. This busbar is directly
bonded to the electrical service grounding electrode system by the Bonding Conductor for
Telecommunications (BCT) and bonded to building structural steel or other permanent metallic
systems. The TMGB serves as the dedicated extension of the building’s grounding system for the
building’s telecommunications infrastructure. A TMGB may serve in lieu of a TGB in a
telecommunications room.
Review and edit the following statement(s) for applicability to this project, restricted to
describing performance, design requirements and functional tolerances of a complete
Verify for accuracy the section numbers and titles referenced below.
A. Furnish, install, and place into satisfactory and successful operation all materials, devices,
necessary appurtenances, and grounding & bonding to provide a complete Outside Plant (OSP)
pathway system as hereinafter specified and/or shown on the Construction Documents. The OSP
pathway system shall be fully compliant to the ANSI/TIA/EIA Commercial Building
Telecommunications Standards and support an ANSI/TIA/EIA and lSO/IEC fully compliant
communications Structured Cabling System (SCS) as specified in Division 16 Outside Plant
Communications Circuits, and Grounding and Bonding for Telecommunications.
B. The work shall include materials, equipment and apparatus not specifically mentioned herein or
noted on the plans but which are necessary to make a complete working ANSI/TIA/EIA and ISO/IEC
fully compliant telecommunications pathway system.
1. Examined all drawings and specifications which are a part of this project.
2. Visited the site of the work and accepted the provisions made by others or excepted specific
parts of those provisions.
3. Made proper allowances for coordination with other trades and Owner/User.
5. Considered the complexity, scheduling and all other special and unusual circumstances involved
which this contractor has determined to be connected with this project.
6. Made an affirmative statement that this Contractor has read the documents, understands their
meaning and intent, is able to install the work in the manner shown as satisfactory to the Owner,
and is willing and able to execute the work of this Division 16 Section with the requirements,
restrictions, and limitations stated or implied in these construction documents.
Review and edit the following list of submittals as applicable to this project. Note that the
submittals listed below are specific to this section only. Division 1, Section 01300 (or
equivalent) – Submittals should include general administrative requirements (e.g. schedule,
number of copies, distribution, etc.). Either Section 01300 or this section should include a
statement similar to the following:
“The Contractor shall apply Contractor’s stamp, sign, or initial certifying that review,
verification of required Products, and coordination of information is in accordance with the
requirements of the work and Construction Documents.
Any deviations from the Construction Documents or specified product data shall be clearly
noted, and must be approved by the Engineer/Designer prior to start of construction. The
Engineer/Designer shall obtain approval from DOC IT through the Alternative Design
Request (ADR) process prior to approving a Contractor-submitted deviation.
b. Identify all details not specifically identified in the Construction Documents including:
3) Conduit depth and slope including a diagram identifying elevations of conduit stub-
ups AFF within building(s) and the elevation of the top of the closest MH(s) used in
the conduit pathway to the building(s)
2. All diagrams and drawings shall be submitted for review, comment, and written approval by
Architect/Engineer/Owner prior to ordering MH and commencing fabrication and installation.
3. All submittals shall be accompanied by a transmittal letter indicating date, project name,
Contractor’s name and address, sub-contractor’s name and address, and deviations from the
Construction Documents if any.
4. Submittals in parts will not be accepted. Only a complete conduit layout will be reviewed.
5. Regardless of the action indicated, the Architect/Engineer/Owner’s review does not relieve the
Contractor of responsibility to comply with the contract documents and shall not be construed as
authorizing any deviations from the specifications or drawings or references specified in the
Construction Documents unless the Contractor attaches a letter to the submitted item clearly
listing the deviations.
B. Product Data Submittals: Provide submittal information for review before materials are delivered to
the job site. Provide product data submittals for all products at the same time.
1. Submit a letter stating that the materials will be provided as specified, and specifically listing any
items that will not be provided as specified. The letter shall also state that the Contractor has
reviewed the specified items and agrees they are applicable to this project in all respects.
2. For those items noted as allowing “or equal,” and which are not being provided as specifically
named, submit standard manufacturer's cut sheets or other descriptive information, along with a
written description detailing the reason for the substitution.
3. Provide standard manufacturer’s cut sheets and the operating and maintenance (O&M)
instructions at the time of submittal review for each device in the system, regardless of whether
it is submitted as specified or as an approved equal. These instructions shall detail how to
install and service the equipment and shall include information necessary for rough-in and
preparation of the building facilities to receive the materials.
1. Submit a copy of the delivery receipt for each concrete delivery. Include date, strength ordered,
and location used.
2. Records - Maintain at the job site a minimum of one set of Record Drawings, Specification, and
Addenda. Record Drawings shall consist of redline markups of drawings, specifications and
spreadsheets, including maintenance hole/handhole butterfly drawings.
Portions of the text below may be contained in other Sections (e.g. 16010 (or equivalent) -
General Electrical). Coordinate text for accuracy and content.
a. Document changes to the system from that originally shown on the Construction
Documents and clearly identify system component labels and identifiers on Record
b. Keep Record Drawings at the job site and make available to the Owner and
Engineer/Designer at any time.
c. Keep Record Drawings current throughout the course of construction. (“Current” is defined
as not more than one week behind actual construction).
State any requirements for coordinating work with potentially unusual or specifically
required sequencing. DOC may choose to construct a project under two bid packages -
one for OSP Site Work as described in this specification section as well as other General
Contractor specific work, and a second bid package for the Structured Cabling System.
The Engineer/Designer must coordinate with DOC to determine if two bid packages will be
used and include verbiage in the appropriate specification sections requiring the
contractors to coordinate construction phasing, schedules and the use of DOC provided
security escorts.
A. Coordinate telecommunications site work with other construction elements to ensure setback
clearances, access, and building startup requirements.
Coordinate this paragraph with the conditions of the contract and Division 1 requirements
to ensure that no statements are made that will limit or void those conditions. A thorough
understanding of the warranties applicable on this project is required. The
Engineer/Designer shall consider and account for unique warranty situations that may arise
from owner furnished equipment, owner installed equipment, or other situations that may
conflict with warranty requirements.
1. Provide labor attributable to the fulfillment of this warranty at no cost to the Owner.
2. The Contractor Warranty period shall commence upon Owner acceptance of the work.
Ensure that products listed under the PART 2 – Products paragraphs have corresponding
installation instructions in PART 3 – Execution, or in another specification section if
furnished but not installed under this section.
The following paragraphs include products that do not indicate that they allow “or equal”
substitutions. If the Engineer/Designer wishes to use other products, an alternative
product request shall be submitted in writing to the DOC IT Infrastructure Specialist.
This request shall follow the format and procedures of the Alternative Design Request
identified in the TDDG, and include detailed literature from the manufacturer of the
alternative product. If the alternative product is approved, the Engineer/Designer shall
ensure the specification is written with equal or greater detail to the following paragraphs.
The products listed throughout PART 2 - Products below are not all-inclusive for any given
project. The Engineer/Designer shall ensure that products required by their design are
specified with equal or greater detail to the following paragraphs. The Engineer/Designer
shall also verify that the most current part number of each specified product is listed in this
A. Materials shall consist of fill, topsoil, concrete formwork, concrete, raceway, maintenance holes,
handholes and other incidentals and accessories as required.
Review and edit the following products/part numbers as applicable to this project.
A. Use of on-site soils for base, bedding, and backfill is not acceptable.
1” Square 100
¼” Square 25 - 80
U.S. No. 20 20 - 80
U.S. No. 40 10 - 55
D. Backfill:
1. For Maintenance Holes and Handholes - Same as Base - For Maintenance Holes and
Handholes, above.
2. For Trenches
½” Square 100
¼” Square 65 - 100
U.S. No. 50 3 - 50
Review and edit the following products/part numbers as applicable to this project.
A. Formwork:
2. Gypsum board
B. Reinforcement:
1. Reinforcing Steel: ASTM A615, Grade 40. Uncoated, free from rust, dirt, and loose scale.
C. Concrete:
1. Cement: Different types of cement, including the same type of cement provided by more than
one manufacturer, are not acceptable: Cement shall conform to:
2. Aggregate:
4. Admixtures:
a. Air Entrainment: Conform to ASTM C260 and ASTM C173 or C231 with 5% to 7% air
5. Curing Compound: Conform to ASTM C309. Free from petroleum resins or waxes. Formulated
for sealing, surface hardening, and curing concrete.
a. UL listed, NEMA TC2 Schedule 40 rigid polyvinyl chloride (PVC) approved for direct burial
without concrete encasement
a. Rigid steel conduit hot-dipped galvanized inside and out with threaded ends meeting ANSI
b. Couplings: Un-split, NPT threaded with galvanizing equal to (and compatible with) conduit.
Running thread or set screw threaded fittings (except for three piece and watertight split
couplings) are not acceptable.
a. NEMA RN 1 rigid steel conduit coated with rigid polyvinyl chloride (PVC).
b. Fittings: NEMA RN 1.
4. Fittings:
a. Sweeps: Where less than a 40’ radius, factory manufactured with a single arc of not less
than a 15 foot radius.
1) NOTE: 15 foot radius sweep is typically a “Special Order” item, adding additional
lead time!
b. End Caps (Plugs): Pre-manufactured and water-tight. Tape is not an acceptable end cap
or cover.
5. Pull Ropes: ¼ inch polypropylene with a minimum tensile strength of 200 pounds.
6. Coatings:
B. Ductbanks:
3. Warning Tape:
4. Grounding/Bonding: Minimum #2 AWG bare copper conductor, or larger as required per NESC.
Review and edit the following products/part numbers as applicable to this project.
A. General: Underground spaces include Maintenance Holes (MH) and Handholes (HH). Installation of
new HH’s or uses of existing HH’s are prohibited unless specifically identified on construction
document drawings as available to use.
2. The Contractor shall insure the soil cover and water table depth per MH placement is within the
MH manufacturer’s design assumptions for structural and buoyancy purposes.
B. Maintenance Holes: Precast, conform to ASTM C478 and other ASTM standards and specifications
as listed in REFERENCES above. Complete with concrete floors, lockable covers, manhole steps,
hook ladders, (2) galvanized pulling iron per longitudinal side (four (4) total), complete “C” channel,
racking and cable supports, ground rod knockouts, and a closed sump.
The Engineer/Designer shall include MH sizes as required for the project. The sizes
described below are DOC Standards. Alternate sizes must be submitted as an Alternative
Design Request.
a. (Large) Utility Vault Company: 612-7-TCA 6’-8” W x 12’-8” L x 8’-3” H (exterior dimensions).
Complete with Alternate Top Section 612-T42C, Center Section 612-MTC, Base Section
612-DBT, and section gaskets. Equipped with (3) galvanized “C” imbedded channels per
longitudinal side, 2 pulling eyes – each end.
c. (Small) Utility Vault Company: 504-LA 4’-8” W x 4’8” L x 4’0” H (exterior dimensions).
Complete with base section 504-BL, Optional Top section 55-38C, and section gaskets.
Equipped with (1) galvanized “C” imbedded channel per each side, 4 pulling eyes – each
a. Manhole Step.
b. Hook Ladder (length close to vertical, not more than 25 degree angle).
c. Racking, Cable Rack Brackets, Cable Support Arms, and Corner Brackets.
4. Risers:
C. Grounding:
2. #4/0 AWG bare copper pigtail for connection to MH interior ground conductors.
A. Conform to both Flame (F) and Temperature (T) ratings as required by local building codes and as
tested by nationally accepted test agencies per ASTM E814 or UL 1479 fire test in a configuration
that is representative of the actual field conditions. Manufactured by:
Review and edit the following products/part numbers as applicable to this project.
A. Identifiers shall follow the format and definitions per ANSI/TIA/EIA-606-A Class 3 administration and
as identified in the Construction Documents.
B. Labels shall be permanent (i.e. not subject to fading or erasure), permanently affixed, typed, and
created by a hand-carried label maker or an approved equivalent software-based label making
system. Handwritten labels are not acceptable.
2. Labels applied directly to small 4-pair cable (or equal size), not for Marker Tags:
a. Panduit:
1) Clear L3PL3CL
2) White L3PL3WH
C. Marker Tags for Conduit and Cable shall be a minimum size of 3.5” W x 2.0” H, constructed of rigid
vinyl with a clear over-laminate protection (self-laminating), with slots for installing as a wrap and/or
flag with nylon cable ties with a minimum loop tensile strength of 40 pounds. Labels applied to tags
shall be typed and created by a label maker or an approved equivalent software-based label making
system (see above). Handwritten labels are not acceptable.
1. Tags:
D. Signs: Permanent plastic or metal engraved, not subject to fading or erasure, waterproof and solvent
resistant, permanently affixed.
Ensure that products incorporated into the project under PART 3 paragraphs have
corresponding Product information in PART 2 – Products, or in another specification
Section if installed but not supplied under this Section.
The following paragraphs include installation requirements written specifically for the
Products listed in Part 2 above. If it is desirable to use other products, the
Engineer/Designer shall ensure that appropriate Part 3 installation requirements are
added/removed or modified as applicable and written with equal or greater detail to the
following paragraphs.
The products listed throughout PART 2 – Products and the installation requirements below
are not all-inclusive for any given project. The Engineer/Designer shall ensure that
products required by their design are specified in Part 2 with corresponding installation
requirements specified in Part 3.
A. The Contractor is solely responsible for the safety of the public and workers in accordance with all
applicable rules, regulations, building codes and ordinances.
B. All work shall comply with applicable safety rules and regulations including OSHA and WISHA. All
work shall comply with the requirements of the National Electrical Safety Code (NESC) and the NEC
except where local codes and/or regulations are more stringent, in which case the local codes
and/or regulations shall govern.
C. All work shall comply with the standards, references and codes listed in PART 1 -- REFERENCES
above. Where questions arise regarding which standards, references, or codes apply, the more
stringent shall prevail.
D. All work shall comply with the requirements and recommendations of the product manufacturers.
Where questions arise regarding which requirements and recommendations apply, the more
stringent shall prevail.
The Engineer/Designer shall ensure the following text also appears in Division 1 General
Requirements and/or Division 2 Site Construction.
E. Replace and/or repair to original (or better) condition any existing structures, materials, equipment,
etc., inadvertently demolished or damaged by the Contractor during the course of construction at no
additional cost to the Owner.
• For Capital Projects, Owner shall be the DOC Capital Programs Project Manager
• For all other projects, Owner shall be the DOC Regional IT Manager
a. The DOC Owner shall immediately provide information of the damage to the DOC Regional
IT Manager and/or the DOC Telecommunications Distribution Infrastructure (TDI) Specialist
assigned to support the facility, and the facility manager.
b. Only the DOC TDI Specialist working in concert with DOC IT, Plant, and Capital Programs
managers shall determine the repair and/or replacement strategy. Contractor shall not
make this determination, make any temporary repairs or replace any telecommunications
infrastructure unless directed to do so in writing by the DOC TDI Specialist.
c. All damaged telecommunications infrastructure shall be restored to within the scope of the
original design, installation, operational, and warranty parameters (or better) by a
contractor of Owners choosing. Only a certified SYSTIMAX® Value Added Reseller (VAR)
shall work on the telecommunications cabling. Restoration shall include, but not be limited
to all repair and/or replacement work and materials, testing, and re-certification of the
infrastructure for full compliance to Owner’s TDI Standards and SYSTIMAX® SCS and/or
other manufacturer’s warranty requirements.
F. Owner and Engineer/Designer Observations: Contractor shall coordinate with Owner and
Engineer/Designer to schedule in advance dates for observations by Owner and Engineer/Designer
as indicated below. Owner and Engineer/Designer will determine if onsite observations are required
for all work listed below or portions thereof.
1. Contractor shall provide one week advance notice to Owner and Engineer/Designer when
work listed below is scheduled.
G. Remove surplus material and debris from the job site and dispose of legally and per contract
document requirements.
H. Where hand holes (HH’s) are allowed, all references to MH shall also apply to HH’s unless specified
Engineer/Designer shall coordinate steam line/utilidor design with the civil engineer for both existing
and new TDI based on the following specifications. Include with appropriate modifications, the
following section only where telecommunications pathways will be installed in proximity to steam lines
or a steam utilidor.
A. Telecommunications conduits crossing direct-buried OSP steam lines shall meet the minimum
requirements listed below:
1. Telecommunications conduits shall “only” route under direct-buried steam lines and shall
cross perpendicular.
2. The telecommunications conduit crossing point shall be positioned a minimum of five (5) feet
away from all steam and condensate pipe welds and connections.
3. The telecommunications conduits and steam lines shall be separated by all of the following:
a. Telecommunications conduit shall be fully encased with a minimum of four (4) inches
of concrete. Concrete shall extend a minimum of three (3) feet beyond both sides of
the telecommunications conduit and three (3) feet beyond both sides of the steam
lines of the crossing axis.
b. Six (6) inches of insulation shall be installed covering the entire concrete extension
described above:
i. One (1) inch of Unifrax Duaboard HD.
ii. Five (5) inches of Insulfoam 40.
c. A minimum of twelve (12) inches of controlled density fill (CDF) concrete shall be
placed on top of the insulation.
d. An outside sleeve of galvanized steel or class 3 ductile iron casing with a bitumastic
coating shall fully encase the steam line and a second sleeve fully encasing the
condensate line at the crossing. Both sleeves shall extend five (5) feet beyond both
sides of the telecommunications conduit. The maximum amount of insulation shall
be installed around both the steam and condensate lines (inside the two sleeves).
i. Both ends of the two sleeves shall be vented above finished grade to allow
steam to escape from a potential line rupture.
1. Vents shall be a minimum of four (4) inch diameter and include a 180
degree bend at the top.
B. Telecommunications conduits run parallel to direct-buried OSP steam lines shall meet the
minimum requirements listed below:
1. Telecommunications conduits shall have a minimum separation distance from steam lines of
five (5) feet of well-compacted soil.
2. Telecommunications conduit shall be fully encased with a minimum of four (4) inches of
C. Telecommunications conduits crossing an OSP steam utilidor shall meet the minimum
requirements listed below:
1. It is preferable for telecommunications conduits to route under a steam utilidor whenever
2. Telecommunications conduits shall cross perpendicular to the steam utilidor.
3. The telecommunications conduit crossing point shall be positioned a minimum of five (5) feet
away from all steam and condensate pipe welds and connections and in the middle of a
utilidor section (not above a joining of two utilidor sections).
4. At the point of crossing, the steam utilidor shall be constructed as follows:
a. An outside sleeve of galvanized steel or class 3 ductile iron casing with a bitumastic
coating shall fully encase the steam line and a second sleeve fully encasing the
condensate line at the crossing. Both sleeves shall extend five (5) feet beyond both
sides of the telecommunications conduit. The maximum amount of insulation shall
be installed around both the steam and condensate lines (inside the two sleeves).
i.At both ends of the sleeves, vents shall be installed through the utilidor lid to
above finished grade to allow steam to escape from a potential line rupture.
1) Vents shall be a minimum of four (4) inch diameter and include a 180 degree
bend at the top.
5. Where telecommunications conduit crosses under a steam utilidor:
a. Telecommunications conduit shall be fully encased in a minimum of four (4) inches of
b. The base below the telecommunications conduit shall be well-compacted to
structurally support the weight of the steam utilidor with no settling damage to the
telecommunications conduit.
c. The steam utilidor base shall be a minimum thickness of four (4) inches of concrete.
d. Six (6) inches of insulation shall be installed on the floor inside the utilidor under the
steam lines, extending a minimum of three (3) feet beyond both sides of the
telecommunications conduit crossing:
i. One (1) inch of Unifrax Duobond HD.
ii. Five (5) inches of Insulfoam 40.
6. Where telecommunications conduit crosses over a steam utilidor:
a. The steam utilidor lid shall be a minimum thickness of seven (7) inches of concrete.
Along the entire length of the utilidor lid where it meets the top of the utilidor walls, a
water-tight sealant shall be applied that maintains sealing integrity under extreme
operation (major steam leak).
b. Insulation shall be installed on top of the utilidor lid, extending a minimum of three (3)
feet beyond both sides of the telecommunications conduit crossing and three (3) feet
beyond the sides of the utilidor wall:
i. One (1) inch of Unifrax Duabond HD.
ii. Five (5) inches of Insulfoam 40.
c. A minimum of twelve (12) inches of controlled density fill (CDF) concrete shall be
placed on top of the entire area covered by the insulation.
d. The telecommunications conduit shall be fully encased in a minimum of three (3)
inches of concrete.
e. The top of the telecommunications ductbank shall be placed a minimum of thirty (30)
inches below finished grade.
D. Telecommunications conduits run parallel to an OSP steam utilidor shall meet the minimum
requirements listed below:
1. The steam utilidor walls shall be a minimum of four (4) inch thick concrete.
2. Vents shall be installed through the steam utilidor lids to above finished grade every one
hundred (100) feet along the parallel run to allow steam to escape from a potential line
a. Vents shall be a minimum of four (4) inch diameter and include a 180 degree bend at
the top.
3. All steam utilidor section joints shall be sealed with a water-tight sealant that maintains
integrity under extreme operation (major steam leak).
4. Telecommunications conduits shall be fully encased in a minimum of four (4) inches of
concrete and shall maintain a minimum of two (2) feet separation from the outside utilidor
5. The top of the telecommunications ductbank shall be placed a minimum of thirty (30)
inches below finished grade.
Review and edit the following installation requirements based on the products specified in
PART 2 – Products above or on the products specified in another section if installed but not
supplied under this section, and as applicable to this project.
A. Excavation:
1. Do not excavate when the outside temperature is less than 35° F or when there is standing
water or snow on the subgrade.
2. Where crossing of concrete or asphalt is required, saw cut and remove surface material prior to
excavating. Remove concrete in complete sections from control joint to control joint regardless
of the width of the excavation. Restore concrete and asphalt surfaces following excavation to
match existing depth, strength, color, and type of material.
4. Maintain adequate separation between the excavation and adjacent underground utilities.
Locate excavations such that ductbanks, maintenance holes, and handholes have a minimum
separation as specified below and as specified in the Construction Documents. Contact the
Engineer/Designer prior to proceeding if minimum separation distances listed below can not be
b. For water and sewer lines: a minimum separation of thirty-six (36) inches is required.
Telecom conduits shall not be installed:
c. For steam lines and steam utilidor: contact Engineer/Designer prior to proceeding if
separation distance is less than ten (10) feet, or telecommunications conduit will be placed
above steam line or utilidor, and detailed construction methods to mitigate the potential
adverse effects of a failed steam line are not specified in construction documents.
Outside Plant (OSP) Conduit Clearances for Electromagnetic Interference (EMI) Reduction
Re Electrical & Telecommunication Conduits Crossing Perpendicular -
f# Regardless of Voltage/Current
1 Electrical and Telecom conduits both RNC. See Notes 1, 2, 3, and 6. 48" (4 ft)
Electrical or Telecom conduit RGC/PSC (one must be metallic). Extend
2 RGC/PSC conduit a minimum of 5 ft. on both sides of intersect. See Notes 1- 12" (1 ft)
Re Electrical & Telecommunication Conduits Running Parallel - Regardless
f# of Voltage/Current
3 Electrical and Telecom conduits both RNC. See Notes 1, 2, 3, and 6. 60" (5 ft)
Electrical or Telecom conduit RGC/PSC (one must be metallic). See Notes
4 12" (1 ft)
Outside Plant (OSP) Conduit Clearances for Electromagnetic Interference (EMI) Reduction
Re Electrical & Telecommunication Conduits Crossing Perpendicular -
f# Regardless of Voltage/Current
Electrical and Telecom conduits both RGC/PSC (both in metallic). See Notes
5 12" (1 ft)
Re Telecommunication Conduits Running Adjacent to Electrical Transformer
f# - Regardless of Voltage/Current
6 Telecom conduit RNC. See Notes 1, 2, 3, and 6. 84" (7 ft)
The 20 ft. set back of NESC 2002 Corrected Edition Section 097.F supersedes above
1) distances.
2) Conduits surrounded & separated by well-tamped earth/sand per DOC TIS 16108.
3) #2 bare copper ground wire in entire length of telecom duct bank per DOC TIS 16108.
4) Grounding collars required on metallic telecom conduit & bonded per DOC TIS 16108.
5) Metallic conduit properly grounded per NEC and NESC.
6) Where conduit encased in concrete, add concrete thickness to separation distance.
5. Protect excavations at the end of the work shift. Cover with steel sheets and barricade prior to
leaving the job site, in accordance with all applicable rules, regulations, building codes,
ordinances, and security requirements as directed by DOC Superintendent or designated
security personnel.
6. Install, operate and maintain pump or dewatering equipment as necessary to prevent water from
accumulating in the excavation.
7. Excavation Depth/Width:
a. Coordinate excavation with the depth and slope requirements found later in the Conduits
and Ductbanks section.
1) Finished grade at MH lid shall be lower than conduit stub-ups at finished floor grade
of the designated building(s).
b. For MH:
1) Excavate to a sufficient depth to cover the overall assembled height of the vault plus
the added height of risers, covers and bedding material consisting of a minimum six
(6) to twelve (12) inches of base.
c. For Trenches:
2) Where less than the maximum numbers of conduits are installed in main distribution
pathways, excavate to a sufficient depth to allow future placement of additional
conduits on top of ductbank and maintain the 30 inches of cover.
3) Excavate to a sufficient width to provide a minimum of six (6) inches to each side of
the ductbank formation.
9. Run trench excavation true and as straight as possible. Clear trenches of stones and soft spots.
10. Slope trench grade to fall 4 inches per 100 feet in general and ¼” per foot where possible.
a. Slope trench toward lower MH or from high points toward MH at both ends.
B. Fill:
1. Drain and/or pump groundwater and surface water from the recipient area prior to the placement
of fill.
3. Base:
a. Scarify and moisture condition the subgrade bed to receive fill prior to placing materials.
b. Moisture condition base material to within three (3) percent of optimum moisture content
and place in loose, horizontal layers.
c. Level the subgrade bed using sand for trenches and 6” to 12” of compacted sand or gravel
for MH per manufacturer’s installation guidelines to form an even base.
4. Bedding:
5. Backfill:
b. For MH: Backfill shall be of a good compacting material such as pea gravel or sand. In no
case shall the material be saturated soil or contain large rocks or chunks. No voids shall
remain between the MH walls and native soil of excavation. Compact the backfill
progressively from the bottom to the top surface.
c. Where conduit in ductbank is encased in concrete, native soil may be allowed “only” for
backfill. Check with the Engineer and DOC CPD Project Manager before proceeding.
6. Compaction: Compact using a vibratory plate or roller or other mechanical device. Compaction
through jetting and/or pounding is not acceptable. Compact per APWA Standard Specification
Paragraph 7-10.3 (11).
a. Bedding: Compact material to a dense state equaling at least 95% of the maximum dry
density per ASTM D1557.
b. Backfill: Compact material up to two (2) feet below the finished grade with a minimum
relative compaction of 90% of the maximum dry density per ASTM D1557. Compact
material from two (2) feet below the finished grade up to the finished grade with a minimum
relative compaction of 95% of the maximum dry density per ASTM D1557.
The Engineer/Designer shall coordinate with local DOC authorities to determine whether
DOC wishes to have the fill material from the trenching deposited elsewhere on the site or
hauled away. Review and edit the following waste disposal requirements to accommodate
DOC’s fill material removal wishes as applicable to this project.
C. Waste Disposal: Remove excavation materials and other construction debris from the site in a timely
manner and dispose of legally.
Review and edit the following installation requirements based on the products specified in
PART 2 – Products above or on the products specified in another section if installed but not
supplied under this section, and as applicable to this project.
A. Construct concrete in accordance with the applicable portions of the specifications, standards,
codes and regulations (latest editions and/or amendments) listed in Section 1, References.
B. Formwork:
1. Construction:
a. Forms: Use the most advantageous panel sizes and panel joint locations. Neat patches
and minor surface imperfections will be permitted. Form surfaces in true planes within ¼
inch in 10 feet. Clean forms and remove debris prior to pouring concrete. Make braces
unyielding and tight to prevent leakage. Maintain formwork construction tolerances
complying with ACI 347. Formwork shall be readily removable without impact, shock, or
damage to concrete surfaces and adjacent materials. Use chamfer strips fabricated to
produce uniform smooth lines and tight edge joints for exposed corners and edges. Note:
chamfer strips are not required for concrete encased ductbank corners and edges.
1) Gypsum board shall not be used for forms except to form concrete encased
c. Where metal or plywood forms are used, coat the forms with a form release agent prior to
placement of concrete. Coat faces and edges of forms applied at a rate of 500 to 550
square feet per unit.
d. Curved Surfaces: Use only curved forms for constructing curved structures and surfaces.
2. Slope: For flatwork, construct forms with 1% side slope to both south and east sides.
3. Joints:
b. Expansion: Build expansion joints into form, premolded ½” thick, and conforming to ASTM
D1751. Seal the top ½” of expansion joints with an approved joint sealer.
4. Removal: Remove forms after concrete has cured (see Curing below) for 7 days or after
concrete has attained a compressive strength of 2000 psi.
a. Where gypsum board forms are used to form concrete encased ductbank they can be left
in place and backfilled after the specified curing period.
C. Concrete:
1. Transport: Comply with ACI 304. Transport concrete from the mixer to the construction location
via methods preventing separation of materials.
2. Application:
a. Prior to placement, inspect and complete formwork construction, reinforcement, and items
to be embedded or cast-in.
b. Deposit concrete in forms in layers not deeper than 24” and in a manner to avoid inclined
construction joints. Where placement consists of several layers, place each layer on the
preceding layer while the preceding layer is still plastic. Cold joints are not acceptable.
e. Once concrete work has commenced, work continuously until the work segment and/or
section has been completed.
f. Cold Weather: Protect concrete from damage caused by frost, freezing, or low
temperatures in compliance with ACI 306R. When temperature is below 40° F, heat water
and aggregates before mixing to obtain a concrete mixture of not less than 50° F and not
more than 80° F.
g. Hot Weather: Protect concrete from damage caused by hot weather in compliance with
ACI 305R. When temperature is above 90° F chill water before mixing to obtain a concrete
mixture of not more than 90° F. Cover reinforcing steel with water-soaked burlap if it
becomes too hot immediately before placement of concrete. Temperature of steel shall not
exceed the ambient air temperature.
3. Curing:
b. Protect concrete from premature drying, rain, excessive temperatures, and mechanical
injury during the curing period.
c. Cure concrete for 7 days in accordance with ACI 301 and keep continuously moist during
this time. Maintain concrete temperature between 50° and 90° F during the curing period.
d. Provide curing and sealing compound to exposed slabs, sidewalks, curbs, etc. as soon as
final finishing operations are complete (within 2 hours). Re-coat areas subjected to heavy
rainfall within 3 hours of the initial application.
4. Finish:
a. Consolidate, level and screen surfaces for evenness and uniformity. Remove excess
concrete. Fill low spots. Float the surface after water sheen has disappeared from surface.
b. Finish flatwork with a special tool to match patterned finish of adjacent existing concrete.
c. Tool edges, control, and expansion joints to make finish work straight and even.
5. Ductbanks:
a. Reinforce ductbanks along full length with formed sides. Install reinforcement at each
corner of the conduit spacers/supports.
b. Do not pour concrete against native soil trench walls (forms shall be used). Consolidate
concrete during placement using an internal concrete vibrator.
e. Concrete encased ductbanks shall dry a minimum of two days prior to covering with fill
6. Protection for exposed concrete: Cover exposed concrete (i.e. sidewalk, driveway, etc.) with
plywood, weighted with concrete blocks or similar heavy object in order to prevent surface
Review and edit the following installation requirements based on the products specified in
PART 2 – Products above or on the products specified in another section if installed but not
supplied under this section, and as applicable to this project.
A. Conduits:
b. RGC with half lapped wrap of Scotchrap No. 51 plastic tape, or a coat of Kopper’s
Bitumastic No. 505 (minimum 20 mil thickness), and grounding collar. Coating is not
required where RGC encased in concrete.
c. PSC.
3. Slope: Per NEC 800.12(C), “Raceways shall slope upward (toward the building) from the
outside.” See Ductbanks Section below for additional information.
5. Transitions:
b. Sweeps below the slab and finished grade shall be PSC or concrete encased RGC/RNC.
c. Conduit passing through the building foundation shall transition to PSC or RGC encased in
concrete the greater of:
1) Ten (10) feet out from the entry point through the outside of the building foundation
2) Beyond the outer edge of the backfill for the building foundation.
d. Where allowed by code, conduit passing through the building foundation and under the
floor slab can transition to RNC after passing a minimum of five (5) feet beyond the inside
of the building foundation wall.
e. Where allowed by code, conduit routed under the base of the foundation (not through) can
be RNC, but shall be encased in concrete:
1) The greater of ten (10) feet out from the outside of the building foundation wall or
beyond the outer edge of the backfill for the building foundation
2) Minimum of five (5) feet beyond the inside of the building foundation wall.
f. Where shown on Construction Documents and where allowed by code, conduit within the
slab shall be RGC or PSC.
1) Contractor shall ensure conduit is protected from damage of structural integrity and
loosening of waterproof joints that could occur after fabrication and installation but
prior to or during pouring of the slab.
g. All conduits located within ten (10) feet along the outside of any foundation or slab, but not
entering through or under the specified foundation or slab, shall transition to PSC or
concrete encased RGC/RNC.
h. Where conduit is installed above the slab, if more than twenty-five (25) feet of outdoor-
rated cable will be required between the cable entry point of the building and the cable
termination point, RGC must be used inside the building to at least within twenty-five (25)
feet of the cable termination point.
1) Note: This reduction in length from the fifty feet specified in the NEC allows for the
mandatory minimum 25 foot service loop (typically within the telecommunications
room) required by Owner for outside plant communications circuits.
i. Where conduits are installed under vehicular traffic (roadways, drives, parking areas), and
the minimum backfill between finished grade and top of conduits is less than thirty (30)
inches, transition to RGC.
j. All metallic conduits (RGC and PSC) shall have an attached grounding collar.
k. All metallic conduits and raceways at stub up locations, building entrances, and within
ductbanks shall be bonded to the ductbank ground conductor and electrical service ground
of buildings (do not bond to TMGB or TGB).
6. Sweeps:
a. Shallow curves comprised of continuous lengths of individual straight RNC conduit shall be
installed with a minimum sweep radius of 40 feet. Where the radius is less than 80 feet,
the conduit shall be fully encased in concrete with a minimum of 3 inch cover on top,
bottom and sides.
b. Where conditions prevent a conduit sweep radius less than 40 feet and a 15-foot radius
sweep can be achieved, a factory-manufactured PSC, RGC, or RNC conduit sweep is
permissible. For RNC, the sweep shall be concrete-encased. Bending conduit in the field
using manual or mechanical methods is not acceptable.
c. A factory-manufactured sweep with a minimum radius not less than 4 feet is allowed for
vertical turn-up into floor of a building’s telecommunications room.
d. Where pre-existing conditions demand a sweep radius less than 15 feet, all of the following
conditions shall be met:
1) Contractor shall verify in writing with A/E to ensure the pathway will not be used as a
service provider entrance pathway.
2) Contractor shall verify in writing with A/E and Owner to ensure the pathway will not
be used for OSP copper backbone cable above 300 pair.
3) The distance between pull points shall be less than 600 feet.
4) The number of sweeps between pull points shall be two or less with no more than a
total of 180 degrees.
5) Bending conduit in the field using manual or mechanical methods is not acceptable.
f. A conduit section shall have not more than the equivalent of two 90-degree sweeps (a total
of 180 degrees) between pull points. The 180-degree maximum shall include all kicks and
offsets. Where it is not possible to construct a section of conduit within the 180-degree
sweep maximum, an intermediate MH shall be installed.
h. Construct sweeps for conduits within a common ductbank parallel, measured from the
same center-point.
7. Fittings:
a. Cut conduit ends square and ream to remove burrs and sharp ends. Extend conduits the
maximum distance into fittings, couplings, and/or connectors. Tighten fittings securely and
seal watertight (see below).
b. End Caps (Plugs): Provide end caps on conduit ends throughout construction to prevent
the intrusion of water or debris. Install end caps on conduit that is not directly being worked
on during the work day and on conduits at night. Leave end caps in place upon final
completion of the work.
c. End Bells: Provide end bells for terminating conduit in maintenance holes where Term-A-
Duct was not used. Install protective end bells on conduits flush with MH walls.
8. Sealing:
b. Seal and grout conduit entrances through maintenance holes and handholes to ensure all
voids in the joints are filled.
d. At the end of each days work shift, cap the ends of all exposed conduits not completely
installed to keep debris out.
9. Cleaning:
a. After installation, and within five days prior to releasing conduit for cabling installation,
clean each conduit with a wire brush and swab. Clean each conduit a minimum of two
times in the same direction and swab with clean rags until the rag comes out of the conduit
clean and dry. Pull swab away from buildings for conduit sections connected to buildings.
a. Prove out each conduit with a minimum 16 inch long test mandrel that is ¼ inch smaller
than the inside diameter of the conduit.
b. Pull the test mandrel after backfilling but prior to the replacement of landscaping.
c. Repair or replace any conduit that does not prove out at no cost to the Owner.
b. MH: Conduit entrances at opposite ends of a maintenance hole or handhole shall be at the
same level and in the same position with respect to the side walls. Ensure that each
conduit leaving a MH in any position enters the next MH in the same relative position where
a. Where conduit enters a space through the floor or ceiling, the conduit shall enter the space
within 4-inches of a wall unless noted otherwise on drawings.
b. Where conduit enters a space through the floor and terminates in that space, terminate the
conduit 4-inches above the finished floor unless noted otherwise on drawings.
d. Where conduit exits from grade or concrete, provide rigid steel (RGC/PSC).
13. Labels:
14. Length:
a. Install in each conduit immediately after the conduit has been cleaned and a mandrel
passed through. Leave a minimum of 10 feet looped and tied off at each end of the
16. Protection:
a. Insure that after installation the conduit coatings and finishes are without damage. Repair
as follows:
1) PVC Coated Rigid Steel Conduit (PSC): Patch nicks and scrapes in PVC coating
after installing conduits with coating recommended by manufacturer.
B. Ductbanks:
1. Contractor has option to concrete encase the entire ductbank in lieu of sand and compaction for
bedding unless otherwise noted on the Construction Documents. Concrete encasement
required for RNC sweep radius.
a. Unless otherwise noted on the Construction Documents, where shown as concrete encased,
use concrete encased RNC (see CAST-IN-PLACE CONCRETE, above).
2. Encased in Concrete:
b. Place vertical stabilization hold down bars, per manufacturer’s installation instructions, over
the tops of conduit to prevent duct floating during the concrete pour.
c. Concrete encased ductbanks shall remain uncovered until concrete is dry, no less than a
minimum of two days.
d. Where ductbank is placed under vehicular traffic (roadways, drives, parking areas), fully
encase on all four (4) sides with a minimum of three (3) inches of concrete.
3. Conduit Spacers/Supports:
a. Along the length of the duct run spacers shall be stagger at least six (6) inches vertically
and shall be placed at an interval of two (2) spacers per ten (10) feet. Spacers shall be
interlock horizontally only.
4. Warning Tape:
a. Install metallic warning tape half the distance between the top of the ductbank and finished
5. Grounding/Bonding:
a. Install ground conductor along length of ductbank. Bond to grounding electrodes of MH,
grounding collar of all metallic conduit (NEC 2002 800.12(C)), and to service ground of
buildings (do not bond to TMGB or TGB).
b. Per WAC 296-46B-250 (32): Where a grounded conductor (i.e., neutral) is used in place of
a separate equipment grounding conductor for electrical service between buildings or
structures, check with the Local Authority to determine how to establish the termination of
the ductbank ground wire to this specific building or structure’s service ground.
6. Slope:
a. Slope ductbank grade to fall a minimum of 4 inches per 100 feet in general and ¼” per foot
where possible.
b. Slope ductbank toward lower MH or from high points toward MH at both ends.
c. Slope ductbank downwards away from building entrances (upwards towards building
entrances from MH) per NEC 2005 800.50(C).
d. Conduit shall not have a concave section (no section lower than the elevation of the lowest
conduit opening).
Review and edit the following installation requirements based on the products specified in
PART 2 – Products above or on the products specified in another section if installed but not
supplied under this section, and as applicable to this project.
A. Precast maintenance holes shall be free from damaged joint surfaces, cracks, or other damage that
would permit infiltration. Repair of defects is not acceptable. MH and incidental and miscellaneous
equipment (such as cable racking brackets and supports) shall be supplied by a single
1. Use 30” wide x 10” high circular frames/covers and provide with minimum 4” and maximum 12”
high circular maintenance hole entrance riser sections as required.
2. Use the riser sections to maintain the top of the maintenance hole cover 1” above the existing
ground line or finished grade.
4. Provide covers embossed in the lid casting with minimum 2” high letters stating
“COMMUNICATIONS”, and conform to AASHTO H20 loading.
5. Cover frames shall be cast ductile iron, conforming to the same AASHTO requirements as the
6. Covers and frames shall be of uniform quality, free from blowholes, porosity, shrinkage,
distortion, cracks and other defects. Repair of defects is not acceptable. Mating surfaces
between covers and frames shall be machine finished to ensure a non-rocking fit.
C. Setting and Placement: Remove water from excavation and properly install and compact bedding
material prior to setting the MH. Clean MH section seal surfaces so that they are free from dirt or
other material.
1. Set MH in place by lowering each section into the excavation, ensuring that the section is level,
plumb, and firmly positioned, and ensuring that the section gasket/seal is properly installed and
watertight prior to setting the next section.
a. The excavation hole must not contain water when setting vaults. This is a Utility
Vault Company requirement.
2. Carefully set the MH to ensure that the rim or lid elevation is set one inch above finished grade.
For vaults located in paved areas, taper pavement up to the MH rim.
D. Knockouts: Remove knockouts striking the knockout with a single moderately heavy blow with a
hammer or similar tool.
E. Grouting: Apply grout in a manner to insure filling of all voids in the joints being sealed. Apply
grouting to conduit entrances, risers, and covers in addition to any other voids.
1. Utility Vault Company recommends a cement grout consisting of two parts sand and one part
cement and sufficient water to form a plastic slurry.
F. Racking and Hardware: Install racking and hardware and incidental materials. Provide three (3)
cable racks per longitudinal side (six (6) racks total) per maintenance hole. Provide eight (8) 7-½”
cable support arms per manhole. Provide additional incidental hardware for mounting racks and
cable support arms.
G. Risers: Provide riser sections that are a minimum of 4” high and a maximum 12” high, sized for the
MH entrance. Provide riser sections in quantities sufficient to meet the minimum and maximum
height requirements discussed above.
H. Grounding/Bonding: Provide a minimum of one ¾” x 10’ copper clad steel ground rods, and one
#4/0 pigtail for connection to interior ground conductors. Bond metallic hardware in the vault to the
pre-cast bonding tabs. Bond the bonding tabs to the ground rod and to the ductbank ground wire.
I. Cleaning: Clean and dry the MH after construction activity is complete and prior to releasing the MH
to the Owner for the Owner’s use.
**************************************** NOTE
Review and edit the following Labeling & Administration requirements based on the
products specified in Part 2 above or on the products specified in another section if
installed but not supplied under this section, and as applicable to this project. Labeling
format shall be reviewed and agreed to with the DOC-TDI Specialist and DOC Plant
Labeling and administration of OSP communications components shall follow the format and definitions
of Owner’s telecommunications administration plan based on the form of ANSI/TIA/EIA-606-A Class 3
Standard and as defined in the construction documents.
A. MH’s.
2. A sign shall be attached to the North wall of each MH stating “North Wall” direction and stating
the “MH Identifier” per construction documents. The sign shall be permanent, permanently
attached, waterproof, and solvent resistant.
3. Provide new labeling and identification to existing maintenance holes or hand holes where
indicated on the construction documents.
B. Identify and label all conduits at the entrance to each building, typically within the
Telecommunications Room (TR) or where specified by Drawings using Marker Tags or signage.
Conduit Marker Tags/signage shall reflect the conduit identifier information per the construction
drawings at the locations and in the formats defined below. Provide new labeling and identification to
existing conduits where indicated on the construction documents.
a. Where conduit ends are not flush with walls: Attach Marker Tags using one-piece nylon
cable ties to conduit entering into the room within four inches of stub-up entry from floors or
most visible and accessible area within the room. Marker Tags shall be attached for the
most visible position.
b. Where conduit ends are flush with walls: attach a sign to the room wall next to each conduit
entering the room. Signs shall be permanently attached.
2. Conduit from building to building without passing through a MH shall have labeling identifiers at
both ends in the form of:
Example: Four conduits between the “IT” building, 1st floor room “1A”, and the “Adm”
building, 1st floor room “1A”. “PCN” represents “Pathway” and “Conduit.” A unique
sequential number is assigned to each of the four conduits.
3. Conduit from building to MH shall have a labeling identifier at the building end in the form of:
“PMH” represents “Pathway” and “Maintenance Hole.” Example: Four conduits from the
IT building to the east wall of telecommunications maintenance hole “A01B”, entering into
MH Duct Identifier’s 1 through 4:
Review and edit the following installation requirements based on the products specified in
PART 2 – Products above or on the products specified in another section if installed but not
supplied under this section, and as applicable to this project.
A. Topsoil: Provide imported topsoil for excavations in grass and/or landscaped areas. Provide
loosely compacted topsoil to a depth of 4” or depth of excavation for excavations less than 12”.
Restore existing grades where disturbed. Rake and smooth topsoil following proper placement.
Installation shall be approved by the Owner prior to placing sod. Place topsoil per APWA Paragraph
B. Provide sod for grass areas disturbed by construction activity and replace shrubbery and trees
damaged, removed or disturbed by construction activity. The use of seed/hydro-seed shall be
approved by the Owner and the Engineer/Designer prior to installation.
This specification should also be used in Division 17 for Security Electronics/Low Voltage Electronic
This specification section has references, products, procedures, processes, and work
descriptions/summaries that are common to many Washington State Department of Corrections
telecommunications projects. This information is provided in specification format to serve as a guide to
the Engineer/Designer in producing a CSI-compliant specification that will meet the unique requirements
of DOC Telecommunications projects. However, this document is not intended to be a Master
Specification. The information included in this section is not intended to be all-inclusive for any given
The Engineer/Designer may edit this section (adding and/or removing content where
required) for use with a project, but shall not create a new specification section based on
the “intent” of the TCSG, or cut and paste content from TCSG sections into other existing
specification sections. Edits to the section shall be performed with WORD “Revision
Tracking” features activated. At the various project design milestones when the
documents are submitted to DOC for review, the TCGS specifications shall be printed
showing the revision markings.
Text in shaded boxes (such as this text) is included to aid the Engineer/Designer in
understanding areas of this Guide Specification that may require modification for a
particular project. Although this text is generally written in declarative form, the
Engineer/Designer shall consider it guidance only. The Engineer/Designer shall not
assume that the content of this specification section is suitable or sufficient for any given
project in its current form and shall remain responsible for developing a thorough and
complete specification that meets the requirements of the project being designed.
Review and edit the following paragraph to ensure appropriate references are included.
A. Drawings and general provisions of the Contract, including General and Supplementary Conditions
and Division 1 Specification Sections, apply to this Section.
Review and edit the following list of generic type products and work for relevance to this
project. This listing should not include procedures, processes, preparatory work, or final
Note that this section is specific to the communications system and shall be included in the
Project Manual in addition to 16130 (or equivalent) - Raceway and Boxes for Electrical
Circuits. When an Electrical Circuits section and a Telecommunications Circuits section
are both in the Project Manual, a statement shall be added to the Raceway and Boxes for
Electrical Circuits section similar to the following:
“For Telecommunications Raceway and Boxes, the requirements in Section 16131 (or
equivalent) - Raceway and Boxes for Telecommunications Circuits shall supersede the
requirements in this section where they differ.”
A. Provide all materials and labor for the installation of a pathway system for inside plant and horizontal
communications circuits fully compliant to the ANSI/TIA/EIA Commercial Building
Telecommunications Standard. Work in this section includes, but is not limited to extensions of
OSP backbone raceways, horizontal and building backbone raceways, fittings, boxes specific to
communications circuits (cabling) for voice, data, and building automation systems, electrical
grounding and bonding, firestopping, and any cutting and patching as required.
B. Related Sections:
Review and edit the list of sections below for relevance to this project and include only
those that are directly related to this section. Ensure the referenced sections are included
in the project manual and the titles are accurate. Include sections that furnish products
which are installed under this section (coordinate with paragraphs below). This paragraph
should be used sparingly to avoid assuming the Contractor’s responsibility for coordinating
1. Division 16 Section — "Basic Electrical Materials and Methods"
Include this paragraph only if products will be furnished under this section but installed
under other sections or by the Owner. When installations are “By Owner” consider
referencing the installation to Division 1 Section 01010 (or equivalent) - Summary of Work
(Owner Installed Items). If this paragraph is required for the project, the Engineer/Designer
must take care to clearly define any product warranty issues associated with the split
D. Products installed (but not furnished) under this section:
Include this paragraph only if products will be installed under this section but furnished
under other sections or by the Owner. When products are furnished “By Owner” consider
referencing the installation to Division 1 Section 01010 (or equivalent) - Summary of Work
(Owner-Furnished Items). If this paragraph is required for the project, the
Engineer/Designer must take care to clearly define any product warranty issues associated
with the split responsibility.
1. Busbars and Grounding Conductors: See Division 16 Grounding and Bonding for
Include this paragraph only if unit pricing will be required for a specific part of the project.
Include statements on how to measure the quantity. Specify technical information on the
products and installation associated with the required unit pricing in the appropriate articles
of PART 2 and PART 3.
Review and edit the following list of references. Check for completeness, currency and
applicability to this project. Rarely should anything be removed from under the General or
Communications sections. The Engineer/Designer shall verify with the DOC-CPDPM
and/or the DOC-TDI Specialist assigned to the project whether the latest edition and/or
addenda of each required reference is appropriate and shall specify the edition and
addenda below accordingly.
A. Incorporate by reference the applicable portions of the following specifications, standards, codes
into this specification section.
1. General:
2. Communications:
Unless specifically indicated otherwise in the Construction Documents, the latest Edition and all
current Addenda’s and approved Amendments for the following publications shall be considered
Communications references. (This section of the Construction Documents is based on the
Washington State Department of Corrections (WSDOC) Telecommunications Distribution
Infrastructure Standards (TDIS) Version 5.3, 4/30/2008.)
Review and edit the following list of definitions for with applicability to this project. Add
definitions for unusual terms that are not explained in the Conditions of the Contract and
that are used in ways not common to standard references.
NOTE: Furnish, provide and install are used repeatedly throughout this specification. The
Engineer/Designer shall ensure that these terms are identified in the appropriate section of
the project manual. The definitions of these terms shall be similar to the following:
Furnish - “Supply and deliver to the project site, ready for unloading, unpacking, assembly,
installation and similar operations”.
Install - “Operations at the project site including unloading, unpacking, assembly, erection,
placing, anchoring, applying, working to dimension, finishing, curing, protecting, cleaning
and similar operations”.
Provide - “To furnish and install, complete and ready for the intended operation”.
B. “Junction box”: a metallic box with a removable cover wherein a conduit run transitions from a
feeder conduit to multiple distribution conduits, and is used to facilitate pulling cable through the
conduits. Conduits entering and exiting the box shall be at opposite ends.
D. “Pullbox”: a metallic box with a removable cover having no more than two conduits attached that is
used to facilitate pulling cable through conduit runs longer than 100’ or in which there are more than
180 degrees of bends. Conduit entering and exiting the box shall be at opposite ends.
H. “TBB” shall mean Telecommunications Bonding Backbone. A conductor that interconnects all
TGBs with the TMGB. The intended function of a TBB is to reduce or equalize potential differences
between telecommunications systems. The TBB originates at the TMGB and extends throughout
the building using the telecommunications backbone pathways, and connects to the TGBs in all
telecommunications rooms and equipment rooms. Whenever two or more TBBs are used within a
building, the TBBs shall be bonded together with a TBBIBC. Size of TBB conductor is based on
length from the TMGB to the electrical service grounding point.
I. “TGB” shall mean Telecommunications Grounding Busbar. A predrilled UL Listed copper busbar
provided with holes for use with standard sized lugs. A TGB is the common point of grounding
connection for telecommunications systems and equipment in the area served by
telecommunications room or equipment room. There is typically one or more TGB’s per
telecommunications room. The TGB is connected both to the TMGB and to building structural steel
or other permanent metallic systems.
J. “TMGB” shall mean Telecommunications Main Grounding Busbar. A predrilled UL Listed copper
busbar provided with holes for use with standard sized lugs. There is typically one TMGB per
building, located in the main telecommunications room of the building. This busbar is directly
bonded to the electrical service grounding electrode system by the Bonding Conductor for
Telecommunications (BCT) and bonded to building structural steel or other permanent metallic
systems. The TMGB serves as the dedicated extension of the building’s grounding system for the
building’s telecommunications infrastructure. A TMGB may serve in lieu of a TGB in a
telecommunications room.
Review and edit the following statement(s) for applicability to this project, restricted to
describing performance, design requirements and functional tolerances of a complete
system. Verify for accuracy the section numbers and titles referenced below.
A. Furnish, install, and place into satisfactory and successful operation all materials, devices,
necessary appurtenances, and grounding & bonding to provide a complete Raceway system as
hereinafter specified and/or shown on the Construction Documents. The Raceway system shall be
fully compliant to the ANSI/TIA/EIA Commercial Building Telecommunications Standards and
support an ANSI/TIA/EIA and lSO/IEC fully compliant communications Structured Cabling System
(SCS) as specified in Division 16 Inside Plant Communications Circuits, and Grounding and
Bonding for Telecommunications.
B. The work shall include materials, equipment and apparatus not specifically mentioned herein or
noted on the plans but which are necessary to make a complete working ANSI/TIA/EIA fully
compliant telecommunications pathway system.
1. Examined all drawings and specifications which are part of this project.
2. Visited the site of the work and accepted the provisions made by others or excepted specific
parts of those provisions.
3. Made proper allowances for coordination with other trades and Owner/User.
5. Considered the complexity, scheduling and all other special and unusual circumstances involved
which this contractor has determined to be connected with this project.
6. Made an affirmative statement that this Contractor has read the documents, understands their
meaning and intent, is able to install the work in the manner shown as satisfactory to the Owner,
and is willing and able to execute the work of this Division 16 Section with the requirements,
restrictions, and limitations stated or implied in these construction documents.
Review and edit the following list of submittals as applicable to this project. Note that the
submittals listed below are specific to this section only. Division 1, Section 01300 (or
equivalent) – Submittals should include general administrative requirements (e.g. schedule,
number of copies, distribution, etc.). Either Section 01300 or this section should include a
statement similar to the following:
“The Contractor shall apply Contractor’s stamp, sign, or initial certifying that review,
verification of required Products, and coordination of information is in accordance with the
requirements of the work and Construction Documents.
Any deviations from the Construction Documents or specified product data shall be clearly
noted, and must be approved by the Engineer/Designer prior to start of construction. The
Engineer/Designer shall obtain approval from DOC IT through the Alternative Design
Request (ADR) process prior to approving a Contractor-submitted deviation.
b. Identify all details not specifically identified in the Construction Documents including:
2. All diagrams and drawings shall be submitted for review, comment, and written approval by
Architect/Engineer/Owner prior to ordering materials and commencing fabrication and installation.
3. All submittals shall be accompanied by a transmittal letter indicating date, project name,
Contractor’s name and address, sub-contractor’s name and address, and deviations from the
Construction Documents if any.
4. Submittals in parts will not be accepted. Only a complete conduit layout will be reviewed.
5. Regardless of the action indicated, the Architect/Engineer/Owner’s review does not relieve the
Contractor of responsibility to comply with the contract documents and shall not be construed as
authorizing any deviations from the specifications or drawings or references specified in the
Construction Documents unless the Contractor attaches a letter to the submitted item clearly
listing the deviations.
B. Product Data Submittals: Provide submittal information for review before materials are delivered to
the job site. Provide product data submittals for all products at the same time.
1. Submit a letter stating that the materials will be provided as specified, and specifically listing any
items that will not be provided as specified. The letter shall also state that the Contractor has
reviewed the specified items and agrees they are applicable to this project in all respects.
2. For those items noted as allowing “or equal,” and which are not being provided as specifically
named, submit standard manufacturer's cut sheets or other descriptive information, along with a
written description detailing the reason for the substitution.
3. Provide standard manufacturer’s cut sheets and the operating and maintenance (O&M)
instructions at the time of submittal review for each device in the system, regardless of whether it
is submitted as specified or as an approved equal. These instructions shall detail how to install
and service the equipment and shall include information necessary for rough-in and preparation
of the building facilities to receive the materials.
2. Records - Maintain at the job site a minimum of one set of Record Drawings, Specification, and
Addenda. Record Drawings shall consist of redline markups of drawings, specifications and
spreadsheets, including maintenance hole/handhole butterfly drawings.
Portions of the text below may be contained in other Sections (e.g. 16010 (or equivalent) -
General Electrical). Coordinate text for accuracy and content.
a. Document changes to the system from that originally shown on the Construction
Documents and clearly identify system component labels and identifiers on Record
b. Keep Record Drawings at the job site and make available to the Owner and
Engineer/Designer at any time.
c. Keep Record Drawings current throughout the course of construction. (“Current” is defined
as not more than one week behind actual construction).
Sate any requirements for coordinating work with potentially unusual or specifically
required sequencing. DOC may choose to construct a project under two bid packages -
one for OSP Site Work as described in this specification section as well as other General
Contractor specific work, and a second bid package for the Structured Cabling System.
The Engineer/Designer must coordinate with DOC to determine if two bid packages will be
used and include verbiage in the appropriate specification sections requiring the
contractors to coordinate construction phasing, schedules and the use of DOC provided
security escorts.
A. Coordinate layout and installation of raceways and boxes with other construction elements to
ensure adequate headroom, working clearance, setback clearances, access, and building startup
A. Listing and Labeling: Provide raceways and boxes specified in this Section that are listed and
Coordinate this paragraph with the conditions of the contract and Division 1 requirements
to ensure that no statements are made that will limit or void those conditions. The
Engineer/Designer is required to have a thorough understanding of the manufacturer
warranties applicable on this project. The Engineer/Designer shall consider, account for,
and advise DOC regarding any unique warranty situations that may arise from Owner-
furnished equipment, Owner-installed equipment, or other situations that may conflict with
warranty requirements.
A. Provide a Contractor-endorsed two-year service warranty against defects in materials and
1. Provide labor attributable to the fulfillment of this warranty at no cost to the Owner.
2. The Contractor Warranty period shall commence upon Owner acceptance of the work.
Ensure that products listed under the PART 2 Products paragraphs have corresponding
installation instructions in PART 3 – Execution, or in another specification section if
furnished but not installed under this section.
The products listed in this Guide Specification throughout Part 2 - Products below are not
all-inclusive for any given project. The Engineer/Designer shall ensure that products
required by the design are specified with equal or greater detail to the following
paragraphs. The Engineer/Designer shall also verify that the most current part number of
each specified product is used.
A. Materials shall consist of conduit, outlet boxes, fittings, enclosures, pull boxes, and other raceway
incidentals and accessories as required for inside plant communications circuits.
Review and edit the following list of products/part numbers as applicable to this project.
A. Conduit:
1. Electrical Metallic Tubing (EMT), 1” minimum conduit size. Flexible metal conduit (FMC) is not
b. Couplings: Steel, cast iron, or malleable iron compression type employing a split,
corrugated ring and tightening nut, with integral bushings and locknuts. Indent-type and
setscrew-type couplings are not permitted.
c. Insulating bushings.
d. 90° Elbows: only special large radius elbows, minimum 10” radius. Note: Standard radius
electrical elbows are not allowed.
a. Conduit: Hot dipped galvanized steel with threaded ends meeting ANSI C80.1.
b. Couplings: Unsplit, NPT threaded steel cylinders with galvanizing equal to the conduit.
a. Rigid steel conduit hot-dipped galvanized inside and out with threaded ends meeting ANSI
b. Couplings: Un-split, NPT threaded with galvanizing equal to (and compatible with) conduit.
Running thread or set screw threaded fittings (except for three piece and watertight split
couplings) are not acceptable.
4. Lay-in wire ways or wiring troughs are not acceptable for CAT3, CAT6, and fiber optic cable
except for pull boxes below.
B. Outlet boxes: Large size, minimum 4 11/16”x4 11/16” size, 2 1/8” minimum depth, with extension
rings (if needed) and single gang covers (i.e. mud rings or industrial covers), with knockouts for 1”
trade size conduit or connector entrance, unless otherwise noted on the Construction Documents.
Combined interior depth of outlet box, extension ring and cover shall be a minimum 2-1/2”.
C. Junction Boxes and Pull Boxes: Galvanized with knockouts for conduit or connector entrance.
Boxes may be code gauge fabricated steel continuously welded at seams. Fabricated boxes shall
be painted after fabrication.
1. Manufacturer:
a. Hoffman or equal.
4. Junction box covers shall be hinged on one side and fully accessible if the weight of the cover is
equal to or greater than 15 pounds.
5. Secured areas: Junction and Pull Boxes shall have locking covers.
6. Pull boxes: Can be Hoffman “Lay-in Type I Wireway” or “Wire Troughs”, or equal.
D. Miscellaneous Fittings:
E. Pull Strings: Plastic or nylon with a minimum test rating of 200 lb.
Additional products shall be added to the above list as applicable to this project.
A. Material: Conform to both Flame (F) and Temperature (T) ratings as required by local building codes
and as tested by nationally accepted test agencies per ASTM E814 or UL 1479 fire test in a
configuration that is representative of the actual field conditions. Manufactured by:
Review and edit the following products/part numbers as applicable to this project.
A. Identifiers shall follow the format and definitions per ANSI/TIA/EIA-606-A Class 3 administration and
as identified in the Construction Documents.
B. Labels shall be permanent (i.e. not subject to fading or erasure), permanently affixed, typed, and
created by a hand-carried label maker or an approved equivalent software-based label making
system. Handwritten labels are not acceptable.
2. Labels for Junction & Pull Boxes, etc. shall be sized to accommodate a 19 Font size and 72 Point
a. Panduit:
1) Clear L3PL3CL
2) White L3PL3WH
C. Marker Tags for Conduit shall be a minimum size of 3.5” W x 2.0” H, constructed of rigid vinyl with a
clear over-laminate protection (self-laminating), with slots for installing as a wrap and/or flag with nylon
cable ties with a minimum loop tensile strength of 40 pounds. Labels applied to tags shall be typed and
created by a label maker or an approved equivalent software-based label making system (see above).
Handwritten labels are not acceptable.
1. Tags:
D. Signs: Permanent plastic or metal engraved, not subject to fading or erasure, waterproof and solvent
resistant, permanently affixed.
Additional products shall be added to the above list as applicable to this project.
Ensure that products listed under PART 2 – Products paragraphs have corresponding
installation instructions in PART 3 – Execution, or in another specification section if
furnished but not installed under this section.
The following paragraphs include installation requirements written specifically for the
Products listed in Part 2 above. If it is desirable to use other products, the
Engineer/Designer shall ensure that appropriate Part 3 installation requirements are
added/removed or modified as applicable and written with equal or greater detail to the
following paragraphs.
The products listed throughout PART 2 – Products and the installation requirements below
are not all-inclusive for any given project. The Engineer/Designer shall ensure that
products required by the design are specified in Part 2 with corresponding installation
requirements specified in Part 3.
A. The Contractor is solely responsible for the safety of the public and workers in accordance with all
applicable rules, regulations, building codes and ordinances.
B. All work shall comply with applicable safety rules and regulations including OSHA and WISHA. All
work shall comply with the requirements of the National Electrical Safety Code (NESC) and the NEC
except where local codes and/or regulations are more stringent, in which case the local codes
and/or regulations shall govern.
C. All work shall comply with the standards, references and codes listed in PART 1 -- REFERENCES
above. Where questions arise regarding which standards, references, or codes apply, the more
stringent shall prevail.
D. All work shall comply with the requirements and recommendations of the product manufacturers.
Where questions arise regarding which requirements and recommendations apply, the more
stringent shall prevail.
E. Install the raceway system in a manner ensuring that communications circuits, when installed, are
able to fully comply with the ANSI/TIA/EIA and other references listed in Part 1 — References,
The Engineer/Designer shall ensure the following text also appears in Division 1
General Requirements and/or Division 2 Site Construction.
F. Replace and/or repair to original (or better) condition any existing structures, materials, equipment,
etc., inadvertently demolished or damaged by the Contractor during the course of construction at no
additional cost to the Owner.
• For Capital Projects, Owner shall be the DOC Capital Programs Project Manager.
• For all other projects, Owner shall be the DOC Regional IT Manager.
a. The DOC Owner shall immediately provide information of the damage to the DOC Regional
IT Manager and/or the DOC Telecommunications Distribution Infrastructure (TDI) Specialist
assigned to support the facility, and facility manager.
b. Only the DOC TDI Specialist working in concert with DOC IT, Plant, and Capital Programs
managers shall determine the repair and/or replacement strategy. Contractor shall not
make this determination, make any temporary repairs or replace any telecommunications
infrastructure unless directed to do so in writing by the DOC TDI Specialist.
c. All damaged telecommunications infrastructure shall be restored to within the scope of the
original design, installation, operational, and warranty parameters (or better) by a
contractor of Owner’s choosing. Only a certified SYSTIMAX® Value Added Reseller (VAR)
shall work on the telecommunications cabling. Restoration shall include, but not be limited
to all repair and/or replacement work and materials, testing, and re-certification of the
infrastructure for full compliance to Owner’s TDI Standards and SYSTIMAX® SCS and/or
other manufacturer’s warranty requirements.
G. Remove surplus material and debris from the job site and dispose of legally and per contract
document requirements.
A. Examine surfaces and spaces to receive raceways, boxes, enclosures, and cabinets for compliance
with installation tolerances and other conditions affecting performance of raceway installation. Do
not proceed with installation until unsatisfactory conditions have been corrected.
Review and edit the following to determine if any additional construction, installation, or materials must
be observed.
B. Owner and Engineer/Designer Observations: Contractor shall coordinate with Owner and
Engineer/Designer to schedule in advance, dates for observations by Owner and Engineer/Designer
as indicated below. Owner and Engineer/Designer will determine if onsite observations are required
for all work listed below or portions thereof.
1. Contractor shall provide one week advance notice to Owner and Engineer/Designer when
work listed below is scheduled:
b. Labeling.
b. Labeling. Observations shall occur prior to covering with wall or ceiling material.
Review and edit the following installation requirements based on the products specified in
Part 2 above or on the products specified in another section if installed but not supplied
under this section, and as applicable to this project.
A. Provide raceways, boxes, enclosures, and cabinets as indicated and install according to
manufacturer's written instructions. Do not gang raceway into wireways, pullboxes, junction boxes,
etc., without specific approval from the Engineer/Designer. Do not group home runs or circuits
without approval from the Engineer/Designer.
B. Conduit:
1. Install EMT unless other conduit is shown on the Construction Documents, is required by Code,
or is permitted under these specifications. Where conduit size is not shown on Construction
Documents, the conduit shall be sized so the quantity of cable placed inside the conduit shall not
exceed the 40% fill limitation as identified by the table below. For cable types not identified in the
table below, other types of conduit, or questions, Contractor shall contact the Engineer/Designer
for instructions before proceeding.
2. Install conduit as a complete, continuous system without wires, mechanically secured and
electrically connected to metal boxes, fittings and equipment. Blank off unused openings using
factory-made knockout seals.
3. Run conduit in the most direct route possible, parallel to building lines. Do not route conduit
through areas in which flammable material may be stored.
4. Keep conduit at least 6 inches away from parallel runs of flues and hot-water pipes or other heat
sources operating at temperatures above one-hundred degrees Fahrenheit.
6. Keep conduit away from sources of electromagnetic interference per the table below:
Telecommunications Infrastructure
Crossconnect Horizontal Cabling
Sources of Electromagnetic Unshielded Shielded Unshielded Shielded
Power Circuits Not in Metallic Raceway
Less than 220 Vrms 2” 2” 2” 2”
Greater than 220 Vrms but < 480 Vrms 10 ft 5 ft 5 ft 3 ft
Greater than 480 Vrms 20 ft 10 ft 10 ft 5 ft
Power Circuits in Metallic Raceway
Less than 220 Vrms 2” 2” 2” 2”
Greater than 220 Vrms but < 480 Vrms 5 ft 5 ft 3 ft 2 ft
Greater than 480 Vrms 10 ft 10 ft 5 ft 3 ft
Lightning Protection System Conductors 6 ft 6 ft 6 ft 6 ft
Ballasted Light Fixtures 1 ft 1 ft 1 ft 6”
Motors or Transformers
Less than 220 Vrms 4 ft 2 ft 4 ft 1 ft
Greater than 220 Vrms but < 480 Vrms 10 ft 5 ft 4 ft 2 ft
Greater than 480 Vrms 20 ft 15 ft 10 ft 5 ft
Metal Enclosed Electrical Panelboards,
Motor Controls and Switchboards
Less than 220 Vrms 4 ft 2 ft 2 ft 1 ft
Greater than 220 Vrms but < 480 Vrms 10 ft 4 ft 4 ft 2 ft
Greater than 480 Vrms 20 ft 20 ft 10 ft 5 ft
7. Install conduit so the maximum lineal cabling distance from the cable termination points at the
outlet box in the work area and the rear of the patch panel in the telecommunications room is 295
feet (90 meters) or less.
a. The maximum conduit length shall be reduced by the following lineal cable distances:
1) Up to twelve (12) inches of cable service slack at the outlet box, and
b. No section of conduit shall be longer than 100 feet (30M) between pull points.
c. The maximum length of a given conduit run shall be equal to or less than the criteria
described above, including intermediate conduits and junction boxes. If this distance can
not be achieved, immediately contact the Engineer/Designer.
8. Install conduit exposed, except in finished areas or unless shown otherwise on the drawings. Do
not install conduit below grade/slab unless specifically shown on the Construction Documents as
being installed below grade/slab (previously authorized by Owner).
a. Below grade or slab is a NEC designated “wet location” , shall require RGC/PSC conduit,
and shall require cable suited for outside plant “wet locations”.
9. Install exposed conduit in lines parallel or perpendicular to the building or structural member’s
lines except where the structure is not level. Follow the surface contours as much as practical.
Do not install crossovers or offsets that can be avoided by installing the conduit in a different
sequence or a uniform line.
b. Make sweeps in parallel or banked runs from same centerline to make sweeps parallel.
10. Conduits concealed above ceilings, furred spaces, etc., which are normally inaccessible may be
run at angles not parallel to the building lines.
11. Wherever practical, route conduit with adjacent ductwork or piping and support on common
racks, maintaining EMI setback clearances identified within this document. Base required
strength of racks, hangers, and anchors on combined weights of conduit and piping.
12. Where conduits cross building expansion joints, use suitable sliding or offsetting expansion
fittings. Unless specifically approved for bonding, use a suitable bonding jumper.
Verify for accuracy the section number and title referenced below.
13. Support conduits as specified in Section 16050 "Basic Electrical Materials and Methods."
a. Provide anchors, hangers, supports, clamps, etc. to support the conduits from the
structures in or on which they are installed. Do not space supports farther apart than five
b. Provide sufficient clearance to allow conduit to be added to racks, hangers, etc., in the
c. Support conduit within three feet of each outlet box, junction box, gutter, panel, fitting, etc.
14. Ream conduits to eliminate sharp edges and terminate with metallic insulated grounded throat
bushings to protect cable from abrasion.
15. Seal each conduit after installation (until cable is installed) with a removable mechanical-type
seal to keep conduits clean, dry and prevent foreign matter from entering conduits.
17. Where conduit enters a space through the floor or ceiling, the conduit shall enter the space within
4-inches of a wall unless noted otherwise on drawings.
18. Where conduit enters a space through the floor and terminates in that space, terminate the
conduit within 4-inches above the finished floor unless noted otherwise on drawings.
19. Do not install communications conduits in wet, hazardous, or corrosive locations unless
specifically shown on the Construction Documents as being installed in wet, hazardous, or
corrosive location.
20. Where conduit is shown embedded in masonry, embed conduit in the hollow core of the
masonry. Horizontal runs in the joint between masonry units are not permitted.
21. Where conduit is shown embedded in concrete, embed conduit a minimum of two inches from
the exterior of the concrete. Do not place conduit in concrete less than five inches thick.
a. One inch trade size RGC conduit shall be used. Conduits sized larger or smaller than one
inch trade size conduit are not permitted embedded in concrete.
22. Where conduit exits from grade or concrete, provide RGC or PSC conduit.
23. Where several circuits follow a common route, stagger pullboxes or fittings.
24. Where several circuits are shown grouped in one box, individually fireproof each conduit.
25. Bend and offset metal conduit with large radius sweeps. Keep legs of sweeps in the same plane
and straight legs of offsets parallel, unless otherwise indicated.
a. Conduit sweeps:
2) Do not exceed 180 degrees for the sum total of conduit sweeps for a section of
conduit (between conduit termination points).
3) Sweep radius shall be at least 10 times the internal diameter of the conduit.
4) 90-degree condulets (LB’s) and standard electrical elbows (radius less than 10 times
the conduit internal diameter) are not acceptable.
b. Factory-manufactured large radius sweeps are required in conduit larger than 1 inch trade
c. For sweeps in 1 inch trade size conduit, the minimum radius shall be 10 inch. Field-
manufactured sweeps shall only be made using a hydraulic bender with a 1” boot, shall be
without crimping or flattening, and permitted only when factory-manufactured sweeps are
not suitable for the conditions. “Hickey-bender” use is prohibited. In all other cases,
factory-manufactured sweeps are required.
26. Connect conduit to hub-less enclosures, cabinets, and boxes with double locknuts and with
insulating type bushings.
b. Make conduit connections to enclosures at the nearest practicable point of entry to the
enclosure area, where the devices are located, to which the circuits contained in the
conduit will connect.
b. Penetrate finished walls and finished surfaces with a PVC, metallic, or sheet metal sleeve
with an interior diameter (ID) at least 1/4" greater than the outer diameter (OD) of the
conduit, set flush with walls, pack with fiberglass, seal with silicone sealant and cover with
escutcheon plate.
c. Penetrate poured-in-place walls and free slabs with a cast iron sleeve (or Schedule 40
PVC black pipe sleeve for above-grade only) with retaining ring or washer. Set sleeves
flush with forms or edges of slab. Pack around conduit with fiberglass and seal with
silicone sealant.
a. Join conduits with fittings designed and approved for the purpose and make joints tight. Do
not use set indent-type or screw-type couplings.
c. Make conduit terminations tight. Use bonding bushings or wedges at connections subject
to vibration. Use bonding jumpers where joints cannot be made tight.
d. Cut ends of conduit square using a hand saw, power saw or pipe cutter. Ream cut ends to
remove burrs and sharp ends. Where conduit threads are cut in the field, cut threads to
have same effective length, same thread dimensions and same taper as specified for
factory-cut threads.
e. Provide double locknuts and insulating bushings at conduit connections to boxes and
cabinets. Align raceways to enter squarely and install locknuts with dished part against the
box. Use grounding type bushings where connecting to concentric or eccentric knockouts.
f. Where conduits are terminated with threaded hubs, screw raceways or fittings tightly into
the hub so the end bears against the wire protection shoulder. Where chase nipples are
used, align raceways so the coupling is square to the box and tighten the chase nipple so
no threads are exposed.
g. Where raceway terminations will result in a cable elevation drop, radius cable support
modules (waterfalls) shall be installed to support the cables downward transition to
eliminate stress and deformation of the outside cable sheath.
h. Where available for type of raceway used, provide Bell Ends at both ends of a riser
raceway unless noted otherwise.
29. Install conduit sealing fittings according to manufacturer's written instructions. Locate fittings at
suitable, approved, and accessible locations and fill them with UL-listed sealing compound. For
concealed conduits, install each fitting in a flush steel box with a blank cover plate having a finish
similar to that of adjacent plates or surfaces. Install raceway sealing fittings at the following
a. Where conduits pass from warm to cold locations, such as the boundaries of air
conditioned or refrigerated spaces and where conduits enter or exit buildings from outdoor
areas, including underground ducts or conduit runs.
30. Prove out each conduit with a minimum 16 inch long test mandrel that is ¼ inch smaller than the
inside diameter of the conduit. Repair or replace any conduit that does not prove out at no cost
to the Owner.
31. After installation, and within five days of releasing conduit for cabling installation, clean each
conduit with a wire brush and swab. Clean each conduit a minimum of two times in the same
direction and swab with clean rags until the rag comes out of the conduit clean and dry. Swab
away from buildings for conduit sections connected to buildings.
Add conduit product installation requirements to the above information as applicable to this
C. Outlet Boxes:
Review and edit the following installation requirements based on the products specified in
Part 2 above or on the products specified in another section if installed but not supplied
under this section, and as applicable to this project.
1. Provide outlet boxes and covers as shown on the Construction Documents and as needed.
Verify that the appropriate cover type and depth is provided for each type of wall and finish.
Provide extension rings as needed.
a. Outlet boxes at or smaller than 4 11/16” x 4 11/16” shall have no more than four (4)
horizontal cables terminated (no more than four information outlets or jacks inside the
outlet box).
2. Coordinate box locations with building surfaces and finishes to avoid bridging wainscots, joints,
finish changes, etc.
4. Attach boxes securely to building structure with a minimum of two fasteners. Provide
attachments to withstand a force of one hundred pounds minimum, applied vertically or
5. Install boxes at the following heights to the bottom of the box, except where noted otherwise:
1) Install box to maintain a minimum 12 inch radius clearance from any other wall mount
device. Coordinate clearance with other trades.
c. Place boxes for outlets on cabinets, countertops, shelves, and similar boxes located above
countertops two inches above the finished surface or two inches above the back splash.
Verify size, style, and location with the supplier or installer of these items prior to outlet box
6. Wall mounted devices shall attach “only” to an outlet box or similar mounting device which is
secured to a solid building component. Dry wall mounting brackets, like the Caddy MP1P, are
not acceptable.
a. Recess boxes in the wall, floor, and ceiling surfaces in finished areas. Set boxes plumb,
level, square and flush with finished building surfaces within one-sixteenth inch for each
condition. Set boxes so that box openings in building surfaces are within one-eighth inch of
edge of material cut-out and fill tight to box with building materials. Single gang opening
shall extend at least to the finished wall surface and extend not more than 1/8 inch beyond
the finished wall surface. Provide backing for boxes using structural material to prevent
rotation on studs or joists.
c. Outlet boxes for wall mounted telephones shall be recessed unless noted otherwise on
a. For boxes surface mounted on finished walls, provide Wiremold outlet box. Cut box as
necessary to accept conduit.
b. For boxes surface mounted on unfinished walls (i.e. electrical rooms, mechanical rooms),
provide 4 11/16”x4 11/16” (minimum) outlet box with single gang cover, or industrial cover
with appropriate holes or squares cut out for SYSTIMAX® Flush Mounted Modular
Mounting Frames where specified.
Add outlet box product installation requirements to the above information as applicable to
this project.
D. Junction Boxes:
Review and edit the following installation requirements based on the products specified in
Part 2 above or on the products specified in another section if installed but not supplied
under this section, and as applicable to this project.
1. Provide junction boxes as shown on the Construction Documents and as required.
c. Where sizing is not shown on the Construction Documents, junction box sizes shall be
sized as listed below.
d. Junction box sizes shall not be oversized more than 2 inches in any direction beyond the
table below without prior approval by the Owner.
For Each
Maximum Trade Junction Junction Junction Additional Conduit
Size of Conduit Box Width Box Length Box Depth Increase Width
1” 4” 16” 3” 2”
1-¼” 6” 20” 3” 3”
1-½” 8” 27” 4” 4”
2” 8” 36” 4” 5”
3 12” 48” 5” 6”
4” 15” 60” 8” 8”
2. A junction box may not be substituted for a 90-degree bend. 90 degree condulets (LB’s) are not
3. Install junction boxes in an accessible location, readily accessible both at time of construction and
after building occupation. Do not install junction boxes in inaccessible interstitial building space.
4. Where junction boxes are to be mounted on ceiling structure above ceiling grid, do not mount
higher than 4’ above grid (mount on wall instead).
6. Install junction boxes so that the access door opens from the side where the cable installer will
normally work (typically from the bottom, or floor side, of the box).
a. Where a junction box is installed in a ceiling space, provide full access to the junction box
door and adequate working room for both the installation personnel and for proper looping
of cable during installation.
b. Provide a lockable access cover (or junction box door if exposed) in hard pan ceilings.
7. Install junction boxes such that conduit enters and exits at opposite ends of the box as follows:
Add junction product installation requirements to the above information as applicable to this
E. Pull Boxes:
Review and edit the following installation requirements based on the products specified in
Part 2 above or on the products specified in another section if installed but not supplied
under this section, and as applicable to this project.
1. Provide pull boxes as shown on the Construction Documents and as required.
b. Do not confuse pull boxes with junction boxes. Pull boxes shall not be used as
junction boxes.
c. Where sizing is not shown on the Construction Documents, minimum pull box sizes are
as follows:
Maximum Trade
Size of Conduit Pull Box Width Pull Box Length Pull Box Depth
1” 4” 12” 4”
1-¼” 4” 12” 4”
1-½” 4” 12” 4”
2” 4” 24” 4”
2-½” 6” 24” 6”
3 6” 36” 6”
3-½” 6” 48” 6”
4” 6” 60” 6”
2. A pull box may not be substituted for a 90-degree bend. “90 degree condulets (LB’s”) are not
3. Install pull boxes in an accessible location, readily accessible both at time of construction and
after building occupation. Do not install pull boxes in inaccessible interstitial building space.
4. Where pull boxes are to be mounted on ceiling structure above ceiling grid, do not mount higher
than 4’ above grid (mount on wall instead).
6. Install pull boxes so that the access door opens from the side where the cable installer will
normally work (typically from the bottom, or floor side of the box).
a. Where a pull box is installed in a ceiling space, provide full access to the junction box door
and adequate working room for both the installation personnel and for proper looping of
cable during installation.
b. Provide a lockable access cover (or pull box door if exposed) in hard pan ceilings.
7. Pull boxes shall have “only” two conduits, one entering and one exiting. Install pull boxes such
that “only” one conduit enters and “only” one conduit exits at opposite ends of the box as shown
Add pullbox product installation requirements to the above information as applicable to this
F. Firestopping:
Review and edit the following installation requirements based on the products specified in
Part 2 above or on the products specified in another section if installed but not supplied
under this section, and as applicable to this project.
1. Only employees trained/certified by the firestopping manufacturer shall apply firestopping
2. Maintain fire rating of penetrated fire walls and floors. Firestop and seal each penetration made
during construction.
a. Provide firestopping material for through and membrane penetrations of fire-rated barriers.
c. Install firestops in accordance with fire test reports, fire resistance requirements,
acceptable sample installations, manufacturer’s recommendations, local fire and building
authorities, and applicable codes and standards referenced in PART 1 – REFERENCES.
Apply sealing material in a manner acceptable to the local fire and building authorities.
3. Label each penetration upon completion of Firestop installation using label compliant with the
most-current ANSI/TIA/EIA-606-A format. After labeling, take digital photo of each penetration
including label within photo, and submit to both Owner and Engineer/Designer.
Add firestop product installation requirements to the above information as applicable to this
Review and edit the following installation requirements based on the products specified in
Part 2 above or on the products specified in another section if installed but not supplied
under this section, and as applicable to this project.
Verify for accuracy the section number and title referenced below.
G. Grounding/Bonding: Grounding and bonding work shall comply with the Uniform Building Code,
Uniform Fire Code, WAC, National Electrical Code, UL 467, ANSI/TIA/EIA standards, and the
references listed in PART 1 – REFERENCES above, as well as local codes which may specify
additional grounding and/or bonding requirements.
1. Bond metallic raceway together, including all conduit ground bushings, and to the nearest TGB
(as provided under Division 16 Section “Grounding and Bonding for Telecommunications”).
Ensure that bonding breaks through paint to bare metallic surface of painted metallic hardware.
2. Contractor shall provide TGB and/or TMGB and grounding conductors required to complete the
grounding/bonding installation as indicated above. Bonding telecommunications conduit and
metallic raceways for horizontal telecommunications cabling to other than a TGB or TMGB in a
telecommunications room or equipment room is not allowed.
Add grounding/bonding product installation requirements to the above information as applicable to this project.
**************************************** NOTE
Review and edit the following Labeling & Administration requirements based on the
products specified in Part 2 above or on the products specified in another section if
installed but not supplied under this section, and as applicable to this project. Labeling
format shall be reviewed and agreed to with the DOC-TDI Specialist and DOC Plant
Labeling and administration of raceways, boxes, and communications components shall follow the
format and definitions of Owner’s telecommunications administration plan based on the form of
ANSI/TIA/EIA-606-A Class 3 Standard and as defined in the construction documents.
A. Conduits: Identify and label each conduit end with a Marker Tag/signage in a clear manner by
designating the location of the other end of the conduit (i.e. room name, telecommunications room
name, pull box identifier, outlet identifier (use the label of the first port of the outlet as the outlet
identifier), etc.). Indicate conduit length on the label. Provide new labeling and identification to
existing conduits where indicated on the construction documents.
1. Where a conduit is intended for future cabling use outside of this Contract, the conduit shall be
labeled in a clear manner by designating the location of the other end of the conduit (i.e. room
name, telecommunications room name, pull box identifier, etc.) along with a sequential number
for each spare conduit terminated into a single room. Indicate conduit length on the label.
a. Suggestion: The second spare conduit (whether spare or in use) between Room 100 and
telecommunications room 1A might be labeled in the telecommunications room as “Room
100 - #2, __ feet.” In Room 100 the same conduit might be labeled “1A - #2, __ feet.”
B. Pull and Junction Boxes: Label each box with a unique identifier. Identifiers shall be of the form
“RN-Y” where “RN” is the room name of the room closest to (or containing) the box, and “Y” is the
sequential number of the box for each “RN”.
1. Example: The second box in the vicinity of room “100” would have the label “100-2”.
C. Pull Strings: Label each pull string in a clear manner by designating the location of the other end of
the pull string (i.e. room name, telecommunications room name, pull/junction box identifier, outlet
identifier (use the label of the first port of the outlet as the outlet identifier), etc.).
1. Where a pull string is installed in a conduit intended for future cabling use outside of this
Contract, the pull string shall be labeled similar to the spare conduit in which it is installed.
D. Firestopping: Label each fire rated penetration using label compliant with the most-current
ANSI/TIA/EIA-606-A format.
Add label product installation requirements to the above information as applicable to this
A. Provide final protection and maintain conditions, in a manner acceptable to manufacturer and in
accordance with accepted industry practice, that ensure coatings, finishes, and cabinets are without
damage or deterioration at the time of Substantial Completion.
2. Repair damage to PVC or paint finishes with matching touchup coating recommended by
1. On completion of installation, including outlet fittings and devices, inspect exposed finish.
Remove burrs, dirt, and construction debris and repair damaged finish, including chips,
scratches, and abrasions.
This specification should also be used in Division 17 for Security Electronics Low Voltage
Electronic systems.
This specification section has references, products, procedures, processes, and work
descriptions/summaries that are common to many Washington State Department of
Corrections telecommunications projects. This information is provided in specification
format to serve as a guide to the Engineer/Designer in producing a CSI-compliant
specification that will meet the unique requirements of DOC Telecommunications projects.
However, this document is not intended to be a Master Specification. The information
included in this section is not intended to be all-inclusive for any given project.
The Engineer/Designer may edit this section (adding and/or removing content where
required) for use with a project, but shall not create a new specification section based on
the “intent” of the TCSG, or cut and paste content from TCSG sections into other existing
specification sections. Edits to the section shall be performed with WORD “Revision
Tracking” features activated. At the various project design milestones when the
documents are submitted to DOC for review, the TCGS specifications shall be printed
showing the revision markings.
Text in shaded boxes (such as this text) is included to aid the Engineer/Designer in
understanding areas of this Guide Specification that may require modification for a
particular project. Although this text is generally written in declarative form, the
Engineer/Designer shall consider it guidance only. The Engineer/Designer shall not
assume that the content of this specification section is suitable or sufficient for any given
project in its current form and shall remain responsible for developing a thorough and
complete specification that meets the requirements of the project being designed.
Review and edit the following paragraph to ensure appropriate references are included.
A. Drawings and general provisions of the Contract, including General and Supplementary Conditions
and Division 1 Specification Sections, apply to the work of this Section.
Review and edit the following list of generic type products and work for relevance to this
project. This listing should not include procedures, processes, preparatory work, or final
Note that this section is specific to the communications system and shall be included in the
Project Manual in addition to 16060 (or equivalent) - Grounding and Bonding for Electrical.
When an Electrical Circuits section and a Telecommunications Circuits section are both in
the Project Manual, a statement shall be added to the Grounding and Bonding for Electrical
section similar to the following:
B. Related Sections
Review and edit the list of sections below for relevance to this project and include only
those that are directly related to this section. Ensure that the referenced sections are
included in the project manual and that titles are accurate. Include sections that furnish
products which are installed under this section (coordinate with paragraphs below). This
paragraph should be used sparingly to avoid assuming the contractor’s responsibility for
coordinating work.
Include this paragraph only if products will be furnished under this section but installed
under other sections or by the Owner. When installations are “By Owner” consider
referencing the installation to Division 1 Section 01010 (or equivalent) - Summary of Work
(Owner- Installed Items). If this paragraph is required for the project, the Engineer/Designer
must take care to clearly define any product warranty issues associated with the split
D. Products installed (but not furnished) under this section -
Include this paragraph only if products will be installed under this section but furnished
under other sections or by the Owner. For example, DOC may pre-purchase fiber, but
have the Contractor install. When products are furnished “By Owner” consider referencing
the installation to Division 1 Section 01010 (or equivalent) - Summary of Work (Owner-
Furnished Items). If this paragraph is required for the project, the Engineer/Designer must
take care to clearly define any product warranty issues associated with the split
E. Provide Unit Prices for:
Include this paragraph only if unit pricing will be required for a specific part of the project.
Include statements on how to measure the quantity. For example, unit prices may be
requested for grounding busbars, grounding conductors, etc. Specify technical information
on the products and installation associated with the required unit pricing in the appropriate
articles of PART 2 and PART 3.
Review and edit the following list of references. Check for completeness, currency and
applicability to this project. Rarely should anything be removed from under the General or
Communications categories. The Engineer/Designer shall verify with the DOC-CPDPM
and/or the DOC-TDI Specialist assigned to the project whether the latest edition and/or
addenda of each required reference is appropriate and specify the edition and addenda
below accordingly.
A. The applicable portions of the following specifications, standards, codes and regulations shall be
incorporated by reference into these specifications.
1. General:
2. Communications:
Unless specifically indicated otherwise in the Construction Documents, the latest Edition and all
current Addenda’s and approved Amendments for the following publications shall be considered
Communications references. (This section of the Construction Documents is based on the
Washington State Department of Corrections (WSDOC) Telecommunications Distribution
Infrastructure Standards (TDIS) Version 5.3, 4/30/2008.)
Review and edit the following list of definitions for applicability to this project. Add and/or
remove definitions for unusual terms that are not explained in the conditions of the Contract
and that are used in ways not common to standard references.
NOTE: Furnish, provide and install are used repeatedly throughout this specification. The
Engineer/Designer shall ensure that these terms are identified in the appropriate section of
the project manual. The definitions of these terms shall be similar to the following:
Furnish - “Supply and deliver to the project site, ready for unloading, unpacking, assembly,
installation and similar operations”.
Install - “Operations at the project site including unloading, unpacking, assembly, erection,
placing, anchoring, applying, working to dimension, finishing, curing, protecting, cleaning
and similar operations”.
Provide - “To furnish and install, complete and ready for the intended operation”.
A. “BCT” shall mean Bonding Conductor for Telecommunications. The conductor that interconnects the
telecommunications bonding infrastructure at the TMGB to the building’s electrical service
grounding electrode system. Size of conductor is based on length from the TMGB to the electrical
service grounding point. The BCT should be as short and straight as possible.
B. “CBC” shall mean Coupled Bonding Conductor. A #6 AWG conductor attached to the length of an
unshielded riser cable or to a shielded riser cable where the integrity of the shield is not assured.
The CBC is bonded to a TGB at both end locations of the riser cable.
C. “TBB” shall mean Telecommunications Bonding Backbone. A conductor that interconnects all TGBs
with the TMGB. The intended function of a TBB is to reduce or equalize potential differences
between telecommunications systems. The TBB originates at the TMGB and extends throughout
the building using the telecommunications backbone pathways, and connects to the TGBs in all
telecommunications rooms and equipment rooms. Whenever two or more TBBs are used within a
building, the TBBs shall be bonded together with a TBBIBC. Size of TBB conductor is based on
length from the TMGB to the electrical service grounding point.
E. “TGB” shall mean Telecommunications Grounding Busbar. A predrilled UL Listed copper busbar
provided with holes for use with standard sized lugs. A TGB is the common point of grounding
connection for telecommunications systems and equipment in the area served by
telecommunications room or equipment room. There is typically one or more TGB’s per
telecommunications room. The TGB is connected both to the TMGB and to building structural steel
or other permanent metallic systems.
F. “TMGB” shall mean Telecommunications Main Grounding Busbar. A predrilled UL Listed copper
busbar provided with holes for use with standard sized lugs. There is typically one TMGB per
building, located in the main telecommunications room of the building. This busbar is directly
bonded to the electrical service grounding electrode system by the Bonding Conductor for
Telecommunications (BCT) and bonded to building structural steel or other permanent metallic
systems. The TMGB serves as the dedicated extension of the building’s grounding system for the
building’s telecommunications infrastructure. A TMGB may serve in lieu of a TGB in a
telecommunications room.
Review and edit the following statement(s) for applicability to this project, restricted to
describing performance, design requirements and functional tolerances of a complete
A. Furnish, install, and place into satisfactory and successful operation all materials, devices, and
necessary appurtenances to provide a complete, permanent Grounding and Bonding infrastructure
for communications circuits, pathways, metallic raceways, cable trays, equipment racks/cabinets,
static dissipative floor tile grounding strips, and OSP pathways as hereinafter specified and/or
shown on the Construction Documents. The Grounding and Bonding system shall be fully
compliant to the ANSI/TIA/EIA Commercial Building Telecommunications Standards and support an
ANSI/TIA/EIA and lSO/IEC fully compliant communications Structured Cabling System (SCS) as
specified in Division 16 Outside Plant Communications Site Work, Raceways and Boxes for
Communications Circuits, Inside Plant Communications Circuits, Outside Plant Communications
Circuits and other areas of the Construction Documents where specified.
B. The work shall include materials, equipment and apparatus not specifically mentioned herein or
noted on the plans but which are necessary to make a complete working ANSI/TIA/EIA and ISO/IEC
fully compliant Grounding and Bonding system.
Review and edit the following list of submittals as applicable to this project. Note that the
submittals listed below are specific to this section only. Division 1, Section 01300 (or
equivalent) – Submittals should include general administrative requirements (e.g. schedule,
number of copies, distribution, etc.). Either Section 01300 or this section should include a
statement similar to the following:
“The Contractor shall apply Contractor’s stamp, sign, or initial certifying that review,
verification of required Products, and coordination of information is in accordance with the
requirements of the work and Construction Documents.
Any deviations from the Construction Documents or specified product data shall be clearly
noted, and must be approved by the Engineer/Designer prior to start of construction. The
Engineer/Designer shall obtain approval from DOC IT through the Alternative Design
Request (ADR) process prior to approving a Contractor-submitted deviation.
b. Identify all details not specifically identified in the Construction Documents including:
2. All such diagrams and drawings shall be submitted for review, comment, and written approval by
Architect/Engineer/Owner prior to ordering materials and commencing fabrication and installation.
3. All submittals shall be accompanied by a transmittal letter indicating date, project name,
Contractor’s name and address, sub-contractor’s name and address, and deviations from the
Construction documents if any.
4. Submittals in part will not be accepted. Only a complete grounding/bonding diagram will be
5. Regardless of the action indicated, the Architect/Engineer/Owner’s review does not relieve the
Contractor of responsibility to comply with the contract documents and shall not be construed as
authorizing any deviations from the specifications or drawings or references specified in the
Construction Documents unless the Contractor attaches a letter to the submitted item clearly
listing the deviations.
B. Product Data Submittals: Provide submittal information for review before materials are delivered to
the job site. Provide product data submittals for all products at the same time.
1. Submit a letter stating that the materials will be provided as specified, and specifically listing any
items that will not be provided as specified. The letter shall also state that the Contractor has
reviewed the specified items and agrees that they are applicable to this project in all respects.
2. For those items noted as allowing “or equal,” and which are not being provided as specifically
named, submit standard manufacturer's cut sheets or other descriptive information, along with a
written description detailing the reason for the substitution.
3. Provide standard manufacturer’s cut sheets and the operating and maintenance (O&M)
instructions at the time of submittal review for each device in the system, regardless of whether it
is submitted as specified or as an approved equal. These instructions shall detail how to install
and service the equipment and shall include information necessary for rough-in and preparation
of the building facilities to receive the materials.
1. O&M Manual for Communications - At the completion of the project, submit O&M information
from product data submittals (above), updated to reflect any changes during the course of
2. Records - Maintain at the job site a minimum of one set of Record Drawings, Specification, and
Addenda. Record Drawings shall consist of redline markups of drawings, specifications and
Portions of the text below may be contained in other Sections (e.g. 16010 (or equivalent) -
General Electrical). Coordinate text for accuracy and content.
a. Document changes to the system from that originally shown on the Construction
Documents and clearly identify system component labels and identifiers on Record
b. Keep Record Drawings at the job site and make available to the Owner and
Engineer/Designer at any time.
c. Keep Record Drawings current throughout the course of construction. (“Current” is defined
as not more than one week behind actual construction).
Include any requirements for coordinating work with potentially unusual or specifically
required sequencing. DOC may choose to construct a project under two bid packages -
one for OSP Site Work as described in this specification section as well as other General
Contractor specific work, and a second bid package for the Structured Cabling System.
The Engineer/Designer must coordinate with DOC to determine if two bid packages will be
used and include verbiage in the appropriate specification sections requiring the
contractors to coordinate construction phasing, schedules and the use of DOC provided
security escorts.
A. Coordinate telecommunications grounding and bonding with other construction elements to ensure
building startup requirements.
Coordinate this paragraph with the conditions of the contract and Division 1 requirements
to ensure that no statements are made that will limit or void those conditions. The
Engineer/Designer is required to have a thorough understanding of the manufacturer
warranties applicable on this project. The Engineer/Designer shall consider, account for,
and advise DOC regarding any unique warranty situations that may arise from Owner-
furnished equipment, Owner-installed equipment, or other situations that may conflict with
warranty requirements.
1. Provide labor attributable to the fulfillment of this warranty at no cost to the Owner.
2. The Contractor Warranty period shall commence upon Owner acceptance of the work.
Ensure that products listed under the PART 2 – Products paragraphs have corresponding
installation instructions in PART 3 – Execution, or in another specification section if
furnished but not installed under this section.
The following paragraphs include products that do not indicate that they allow “or equal”
substitutions. If the Engineer/Designer wishes to use other products, an alternative product
request shall be submitted in writing to the DOC IT Infrastructure Specialist. This request
shall follow the format and procedures of the Alternative Design Request identified in the
TDDG, and include detailed literature from the manufacturer of the alternative product. If
the alternative product is approved, the Engineer/Designer shall ensure that the
specification is written with equal or greater detail to the following paragraphs.
The products listed throughout PART 2 - Products below are not all-inclusive for any given
project. The Engineer/Designer shall ensure that products required by the design are
specified with equal or greater detail to the following paragraphs. The Engineer/Designer
shall also verify that the most current part number of each specified product is listed in this
A. Materials shall consist of busbars, supports, bonding conductors and other incidentals and
accessories as required.
A. Grounding/Bonding:
3. Telecommunications Bonding Backbone (TBB): Size a copper conductor per table under Section
3.2 Installation. Use a larger conductor if required per NEC. The conductor shall be green or
marked with a distinctive green color.
4. Bonding Conductor for Telecommunications (BCT): Minimum size of the conductor shall be the
same size as calculated for the TBB. Use a larger conductor if required per NEC. The conductor
shall be green or marked with a distinctive green color stranded or solid copper.
5. Coupled Bonding Conductor (CBC): Minimum of #6 AWG conductor, insulated (green in color)
stranded copper conductor.
6. Connectors:
a. For BCT and TBB: Shall be a listed 2-hole irreversible compression type, or exothermic
Review and edit the following products/part numbers as applicable to this project. If
firestopping material is specified in another section, the Engineer/Designer shall ensure
that that section is listed in Part 1 - General above as a related section, and delete this
paragraph in its entirety.
B. Firestopping material: Conform to both Flame (F) and Temperature (T) ratings as required by local
building codes and as tested by nationally accepted test agencies per ASTM E814 or UL 1479 fire
test in a configuration that is representative of the actual field conditions. Manufactured by:
Review and edit the following products/part numbers as applicable to this project.
C. Labels: As recommended in ANSI/TIA/EIA 606. Permanent (i.e. not subject to fading or erasure),
permanently affixed, and created by a hand-carried label maker or a computer/software-based label
making system. Handwritten labels are not acceptable.
2. Labels:
Ensure that products incorporated into the project under PART 3 paragraphs have
corresponding Product information in PART 2 – Products, or in another specification
Section if installed but not supplied under this Section.
The following paragraphs include installation requirements written specifically for the
Products listed in Part 2 above. If it is desirable to use other products, the
Engineer/Designer shall ensure that appropriate Part 3 installation requirements are
added/removed or modified as applicable and written with equal or greater detail to the
following paragraphs.
The products listed throughout PART 2 – Products and the installation requirements below
are not all-inclusive for any given project. The Engineer/Designer shall ensure that
products required by their design are specified in Part 2 with corresponding installation
requirements specified in Part 3.
A. The Contractor is solely responsible for the safety of the public and workers in accordance with all
applicable rules, regulations, building codes and ordinances.
B. All work shall comply with applicable safety rules and regulations including OSHA and WISHA. All
work shall comply with the requirements of the National Electrical Safety Code (NESC) and the NEC
except where local codes and/or regulations are more stringent, in which case the local codes
and/or regulations shall govern.
C. All work shall comply with the standards, references and codes listed in PART 1 -- REFERENCES
above. Where questions arise regarding which standards, references, or codes apply, the more
stringent shall prevail.
D. All work shall comply with the requirements and recommendations of the product manufacturers.
Where questions arise regarding which requirements and recommendations apply, the more
stringent shall prevail.
E. Replace and/or repair to original (or better) condition any existing structures, materials, equipment,
etc. inadvertently demolished or damaged by the Contractor during the course of construction at no
additional cost to the Owner.
F. Install the grounding and bonding system in a manner ensuring that communications circuits, when
installed, are able to fully comply with the ANSI/TIA/EIA and other references listed in Part 1 —
References, above.
G. Remove surplus material and debris from the job site and dispose of legally.
Review and edit the following installation requirements based on the products specified in
PART 2 – Products above or on the products specified in another section if installed but not
supplied under this section, and as applicable to this project.
A. Coordinate the installation of the telecommunications grounding and bonding system with the
electrical power distribution system grounding infrastructure.
1. The telecommunications grounding and bonding infrastructure systems shall not make use of the
building plumbing system.
B. Ground/Bonding:
1. TMGB: Provide a TMGB in the main telecommunications room of each building and as shown on
the Construction Documents. Install TMGB and directly bond to the building’s electrical service
grounding system via the BCT and to associated TBB(s) within the building. Group protector,
busbar bonding, and approved building grounding conductors toward one end of the TMGB and
leave space for equipment grounding conductors to the opposite end.
a. Where an electrical power panel (panelboard) is located in the same room or space as the
TMGB, that panelboard’s alternating current equipment ground (ACEG) bus (when
equipped) or the panelboard’s enclosure shall be bonded to the TMGB.
b. The TMGB shall be as close to the panelboard as practicable and shall be installed to
maintain clearances required by applicable electrical codes.
2. TGB: Provide TGB as shown on the Construction Documents and as required. Directly bond
each TGB to it’s associated TBB and to the nearest building structural steel or other permanent
metallic system. Group protector, busbar bonding, and approved building grounding conductors
toward the left one end of the TGB and leave space for equipment grounding conductors to the
opposite end.
b. The TGB shall be as close to the panelboard as practicable and shall be installed to
maintain clearances required by applicable electrical codes.
3. TBB(s), TBBIBC, and BCT Grounding Conductors: Provide TBB(s), TBBIBC(s), and BCT as
shown on the Construction Documents and as required per TIA/EIA Standard J-STD-607-A to
bond all non-current carrying metal telecommunications equipment and materials to the nearest
Route along the shortest and straightest path possible with minimal bends. Bends shall be
sweeping. Insulate grounding conductors from their support. Grounding conductors shall be
continuous (without splices). Use TBB(s) to connect each TGB to the TMGB. Whenever two or
more TBBs are used within a multi-story building, the TBBs shall be bonded together with a
TBBIBC at the top floor and at a minimum of every third floor in between.
b. Any splicing shall be Owner-approved in writing, and only allowed under special
circumstances. Where allowed, splice shall be made by using two-hole irrevisble
compression-type connectors or exothermic welding, and shall be located in a designated
telecommunications space.
c. Size TBB, TBBIBC, and BCT conductors as shown on the Construction Documents or per
table below.
Length (Feet) (AWG)
Less than 13 6
13 thru 19 4
20 thru 25 3
26 thru 32 2
33 thru 40 1
41 thru 51 1/0
52 thru 66 2/0
Greater than 66 3/0
4. The Busbar (TMGB/TGB) designated for protectors must safely carry lightning and electrical
power fault currents. It shall be positioned adjacent to the protectors.
5. Coupled Bonding Conductor (CBC): For unshielded riser cables or where ARMM cable shield
continuity is not assured, install a Coupled Bonding Conductor (CBC) with riser cable. Run a #6
AWG copper ground riser conductor, tie-wrapped at regular intervals to the cable or cables in
each unshielded Backbone/Riser cable route, per SYSTIMAX® installation requirements. Ensure
that only a minimal separation distance is allowed between the conductor and the riser cables.
Bond the CBC in the same manner as a cable shield.
6. Ground conductor along length of outside plant telecommunications ductbank shall be bonded to
grounding electrodes of MH/HH, grounding collar of all metallic conduits within the ductbank, and
to building’s electrical service ground.
b. Per NEC 2002 800.12(C) Entering Buildings: “Conduits or other metal raceways located
ahead of the primary protector shall be grounded.”
7. Bond all horizontal metallic raceways for telecommunications cabling and components together,
including all horizontal conduit ground bushings, and to the nearest TMGB/TGB.
8. Bond grounding strips installed below static dissipative vinyl composition floor tile to the nearest
a. Coordinate the location of the floor tile grounding strips with the Flooring contractor so they
will be located along the same wall and within 3 feet of the TMGB/TGB.
b. Bonding conductor shall be a minimum 6 AWG copper conductor and sized according to
length from table listed above.
c. Maintain bonding conductor close to wall at point of bond with floor grounding strip by using
cable tie mounts securely attached to wall.
d. Attach small metal D-rings to wall surrounding bonding connection to floor grounding strip
for protection.
10. Bond all telecommunications backbone cable shields to the nearest TMGB/TGB at both ends of
the cable.
11. Ensure that all bonding breaks through paint to bare metallic surface of all painted metallic
Review and edit the following installation requirements based on the products specified in
PART 2 – Products above or on the products specified in another section if installed but not
supplied under this section, and as applicable to this project.
C. Firestopping
Review and edit the following installation requirements based on the products specified in
PART 2 – Products above or on the products specified in another section if installed but not
supplied under this section, and as applicable to this project.
1. Only employees trained/certified by the firestopping manufacturer shall apply firestopping
2. Maintain the fire rating of all penetrated fire barriers. Fire stop and seal all penetrations made
during construction.
a. Provide firestopping material for through and membrane penetrations of fire-rated barriers.
c. Install firestops in accordance with fire test reports, fire resistance requirements,
acceptable sample installations, manufacturer’s recommendations, local fire and building
authorities, and applicable codes and standards referenced in PART 1 – REFERENCES.
Apply of sealing material in a manner acceptable to the local fire and building authorities.
d. For demolition work, apply firestopping to open penetrations in fire rated barriers where
cable is removed. Apply firestopping regardless of whether or not the penetrations are
used for new cable or left empty after construction is complete.
e. Firestopping material used to seal open penetrations through which cable passes shall be
3. Label TBB(s), BCT, TBBIBC(s), and static dissipative floor tile bonding conductors:
This specification should also be used in Division 17 for LVE systems using UTP copper
and/or fiber.
This specification section has references, products, procedures, processes, and work
descriptions/summaries that are common to many Washington State Department of
Corrections telecommunications projects. This information is provided in specification
format to serve as a guide to the Engineer/Designer in producing a CSI-compliant
specification that will meet the unique requirements of DOC Telecommunications projects.
However, this document is not intended to be a Master Specification. The information
included in this section is not intended to be all-inclusive for any given project.
The Engineer/Designer may edit this section (adding and/or removing content where
required for use with a specific project, but shall not create a new specification section
based on the “intent” of the TCGS, or cut and paste content from TCGS sections into other
existing specification sections. Edits to the section shall be performed with WORD
“Revision Tracking” features activated. At the various project design milestones when
the documents are submitted to DOC for review, the TCGS specifications shall be printed
showing the revision markings.
Text in shaded boxes (such as this text) is included to aid the Engineer/Designer in
understanding areas of this Guide Specification that may require modification for a
particular project. Although this text is generally written in declarative form, the
Engineer/Designer shall consider it guidance only. The Engineer/Designer shall not
assume that the content of this specification section is suitable or sufficient for any given
project in its current form and shall remain responsible for developing a thorough and
complete specification that meets the requirements of the project being designed.
Review and edit the following paragraph to ensure appropriate references are included.
A. Drawings and general provisions of the Contract, including General and Supplementary Conditions and
Division 1 Specification Sections, apply to the work of this Section.
Review and edit the following list of generic type products and work for relevance to this
project. This listing should not include procedures or processes, preparatory work, or final
A. Provide all materials and labor for the installation of an inside plant telecommunication system fully
compliant to the ANSI/TIA/EIA Commercial Building Telecommunications Standard. Work in this
section includes, but is not limited to installation and termination of Inside Plant Communications
cabling and components including administration equipment, raceway construction, cutting and
patching, firestopping, and grounding and bonding for the specified Structured Cabling System (SCS -
See Definition Below).
B. Related sections include but are not necessarily limited to the following:
Review and edit the list of sections below for relevance to this project and include only
those that are directly related to this section. Ensure that the referenced sections are
included in the project manual and that titles are accurate. Include sections that furnish
products which are installed under this section (coordinate with paragraphs below). This
paragraph should be used sparingly to avoid assuming the contractor’s responsibility for
coordinating work.
Include this paragraph only if products will be furnished under this section but installed
under other sections or by the Owner. DOC frequently has the Contractor furnish patch
cords, but uses their IT staff to install. When installations are “By Owner” consider
referencing the installation to Division 1 Section 01010 (or equivalent) - Summary of Work
(Owner- Installed Items). If this paragraph is required for the project, the Engineer/Designer
must take care to clearly define any product warranty issues associated with the split
1. Furnish voice and data patch cords specified in Part 2 and Part 3 for installation by DOC
Include this paragraph only if products will be installed under this section but furnished
under other sections or by the Owner. When products are furnished “By Owner” consider
referencing the installation to Division 1 Section 01010 (or equivalent) - Summary of Work
(Owner-Furnished Items). If this paragraph is required for the project, the
Engineer/Designer must take care to clearly define any product warranty issues associated
with the split responsibility.
Consider including grounding and bonding conductors, busbars, and any other items that
are installed under this section but not furnished under this section.
Engineer/Designer shall coordinate with the A/E to ensure that the paint and plywood for
the backboards are specified under Divisions 06 and 09 as indicated above, else include
appropriately within this division.
Include this paragraph only if unit pricing will be required for a specific part of the project.
Include statements on how to measure the quantity. For example, unit prices may be
requested for duplex outlets, quadruplex outlets, etc. Specify technical information on the
products and installation associated with the required unit pricing in the appropriate articles
of PART 2 and PART 3.
Review and edit the following list of references. Check for completeness, currency and
applicability to this project. Rarely should anything be removed from under the General or
Communications categories. The Engineer/Designer shall verify with the DOC-CPDPM
and/or the DOC-TDI Specialist assigned to the project whether the latest edition and/or
addenda of each required reference is appropriate and specify the edition and addenda
below accordingly.
A. Incorporate by reference the applicable portions of the following specifications, standards, codes into
this specification section.
1. General:
2. Communications:
Unless specifically indicated otherwise in the Construction Documents, the latest Edition and all
current Addenda’s and approved Amendments for the following publications shall be considered
Communications references. (This section of the Construction Documents is based on the
Washington State Department of Corrections (WSDOC) Telecommunications Distribution
Infrastructure Standards (TDIS) Version 5.3, 4/30/2008.)
g. IEEE 802.3 (series): Local Area Network Ethernet Standard, including the IEEE 802.3z
Gigabit Ethernet Standard and 802.3an Link Segment specifications
h. ISO/IEC IS 11801: Generic Cabling for Customer Premises, including Class EA channel
specifications amendment
Review and edit the following list of definitions for applicability to this project. Add and/or
remove definitions for unusual terms that are not explained in the conditions of the Contract
and that are used in ways not common to standard references.
NOTE: Furnish, provide and install are used repeatedly throughout this specification. The
Engineer/Designer shall ensure that these terms are identified in the appropriate section of
the project manual. The definitions of these terms shall be similar to the following:
Furnish - “Supply and deliver to the project site, ready for unloading, unpacking, assembly,
installation and similar operations”.
Install - “Operations at the project site including unloading, unpacking, assembly, erection,
placing, anchoring, applying, working to dimension, finishing, curing, protecting, cleaning
and similar operations”.
Provide - “To furnish and install, complete and ready for the intended operation”.
A. “BCT” shall mean Bonding Conductor for Telecommunications. The conductor that interconnects the
telecommunications bonding infrastructure at the TMGB to the building’s electrical service grounding
electrode system.
B. “OSP-SCS” shall mean Outside Plant - Structured Cabling System. The OSP-SCS is defined as all
required equipment and materials including, but not limited to, ANSI/TIA/EIA and ISO/IEC compliant
copper and fiber optic cable (multimode and singlemode), connectors, splices, splice enclosures,
grounding and bonding, and other incidental and miscellaneous equipment and materials as required
for a fully operational, tested, certified, and warranted system, compliant with all applicable codes and
C. “SCS” shall mean Structured Cabling System. The SCS is defined as all required equipment and
materials including (but not limited to) ANSI/TIA/EIA 568-B and ISO/IEC 11801 compliant copper
station cable (Category 3, Category 6, Gigaspeed, etc.) and fiber optic cable (multimode and
singlemode), patch cables, stations and station connectors, termination blocks, patch panels,
racks/enclosures (such as EIA standard equipment racks, enclosures, and vertical and horizontal cable
management hardware), pathway/raceway materials (such as conduit, sleeves, D-rings, surface
raceway, ladder rack, cable tray, etc.), grounding and bonding, and other incidental and miscellaneous
equipment and materials as required for a fully operational, tested, certified, and warranted system,
compliant with all applicable codes and standards.
D. “SERVICE SLACK” shall mean all horizontal and backbone copper and fiber cables shall be installed to
provide an additional length of cable (service slack) near each end of the cable within the area where
the cable terminations are made. The service slack is to accommodate future moves or changes to the
locations of the cable termination equipment. Within a telecommunications or equipment room, the
service slack shall be long enough to reach the longest, opposite side of the room plus the distance
from ceiling to floor, or whichever is longer - a minimum of ten feet for horizontal cable or twenty-five
feet for backbone cable. At the work area, a minimum of 4-6 inches of service slack is required within
the telecommunications outlet box, and 12 inches stored within the ceiling area where conduit stub-ups
end above the ceiling and the cable is not fully contained within conduit to the TR. For fiber optic cable,
additional service slack is required – a minimum of ten feet stored within each fiber shelf or cabinet.
E. “TBB” shall mean Telecommunications Bonding Backbone. A conductor that interconnects all TGBs
with the TMGB. The intended function of a TBB is to reduce or equalize potential differences between
telecommunications systems. The TBB originates at the TMGB and extends throughout the building
using the telecommunications backbone pathways, and connects to the TGBs in all
telecommunications rooms and equipment rooms. Whenever two or more TBBs are used within a
building, the TBBs shall be bonded together with a TBBIBC. Size of TBB conductor is based on length
from the TMGB to the electrical service grounding point.
F. “TGB” shall mean Telecommunications Grounding Busbar. A predrilled UL Listed copper busbar
provided with holes for use with standard sized lugs. A TGB is the common point of grounding
connection for telecommunications systems and equipment in the area served by telecommunications
room or equipment room. There is typically one or more TGB’s per telecommunications room. The
TGB is connected both to the TMGB and to building structural steel or other permanent metallic
G. “TMGB” shall mean Telecommunications Main Grounding Busbar. A predrilled UL Listed copper
busbar provided with holes for use with standard sized lugs. There is typically one TMGB per building,
located in the main telecommunications room of the building. This busbar is directly bonded to the
electrical service grounding electrode system by the Bonding Conductor for Telecommunications (BCT)
and bonded to building structural steel or other permanent metallic systems. The TMGB serves as the
dedicated extension of the building’s grounding system for the building’s telecommunications
infrastructure. A TMGB may serve in lieu of a TGB in a telecommunications room.
Review and edit the following statement(s) for applicability to this project, restricted to
describing performance, design requirements and functional tolerances of a complete
A. Furnish, install, test and place into satisfactory and successful operation all equipment, materials,
devices, and necessary appurtenances to provide a complete ANSI/TIA/EIA and lSO/IEC fully
compliant communications Structured Cabling System (SCS) as hereinafter specified and/or shown on
the Construction Documents and with TIA/EIA compliant grounding and bonding as specified in Division
16 Grounding and Bonding for Telecommunications. The system is intended to be capable of
integrating voice, data, and video signals onto a common media. The data portion shall be tested for
and be capable of Gigabit Ethernet operation as specified in IEEE 802.3z and 10GBase-T where
Category 6A cable is specified. The GigaSPEED X10D solution shall meet or exceed IEEE 802.3an
link segment specifications in addition to the TIA/EIA Category 6A channel specifications to 500 MHz
and support 10GBase-T.
B. The work shall include all materials, equipment and apparatus not specifically mentioned herein or
noted on the plans but which are necessary to make a complete working ANSI/TIA/EIA and ISO/IEC
fully compliant SCS.
Review and edit the following list of submittals as applicable to this project. Note that the
submittals listed below are specific to this section only. Division 1, Section 01300 (or
equivalent) – Submittals should include general administrative requirements (e.g. schedule,
number of copies, distribution, etc.). Either Section 01300 or this section should include a
statement similar to the following:
“The Contractor shall apply Contractor’s stamp, sign, or initial certifying that review,
verification of required Products, and coordination of information is in accordance with the
requirements of the work and Construction Documents.
Any deviations from the Construction Documents or specified product data shall be clearly
noted, and must be approved by the Engineer/Designer prior to start of construction. The
Engineer/Designer shall obtain approval from DOC through the Alternative Design Request
(ADR) process prior to approving a Contractor-submitted deviation.
A. Product Data Submittals: Provide submittal information for review before materials are delivered to the
job site. Provide product data submittals for all products at the same time.
1. Submit a letter stating that the materials will be provided as specified, and specifically listing any
items that will not be provided as specified. The letter shall also state that the Contractor has
reviewed the specified items and agrees that they are applicable to this project in all respects.
2. For those items noted as allowing “or equal,” and which are not being provided as specifically
named, submit standard manufacturer's cut sheets or other descriptive information, along with a
written description detailing the reason for the substitution.
3. Provide standard manufacturer’s cut sheets and the operating and maintenance (O&M)
instructions at the time of submittal review for each device in the system, regardless of whether it
is submitted as specified or as an approved equal. These instructions shall detail how to install
and service the equipment and shall include information necessary for rough-in and preparation
of the building facilities to receive the materials.
a. Where the cable routing, grouping, grounding and bonding is to be provided as shown on
the Construction Documents, do not provide a cable routing and grouping plan. Submit
written documentation stating that the cable routing and grouping will be provided as shown
on the Construction Documents, that the Contractor has reviewed the routing and grouping
on the Construction Documents with applicable Subcontractors and suppliers and agrees
that it does not create conflicts between trades, and the routing and grouping meets
applicable codes, regulations and standards.
b. Where changes in cable routing, grouping, grounding and bonding are proposed, submit
complete floor plan(s) and/or detail drawing(s) showing the proposed routing, grouping,
raceway sizes and locations, cabling, grounding and bonding in a manner equal to that of
the Construction Documents. Ensure that any cabling changes are coordinated with
2. Submit wall field termination block and wire management elevations as follows:
a. Where wall field termination blocks and wire management are to be provided as shown on
the Construction Documents, do not submit elevations. Submit written documentation
stating that the wall field termination blocks and wire management will be provided as
shown on the Construction Documents, that the Contractor has reviewed the elevations on
the Construction Documents with applicable Subcontractors and suppliers and agrees that
it does not create conflicts between trades, and that the elevations meet applicable codes,
regulations and standards.
b. Where changes to the wall field termination blocks and wire management are proposed,
submit wall field termination block and wire management elevations along with written
documentation detailing the reason for the change. The change request must be approved
in writing by the Engineer/Designer and Owner prior to proceeding with the change.
3. Submit a list of proposed test equipment for use in verifying the installation of the SCS. Proposed
test equipment shall meet the criteria as stated in PART 3 – TESTING and the SCS
Manufacturer’s recommended test parameters.
2) Documentation from the manufacturer showing date and outcome of the last re-
calibration. Testing device shall have been re-calibrated within the last twelve (12)
months or within the manufacturer’s recommended calibration period, whichever is
shorter, encompassing the period of time when the testing device will be used on this
3) Documentation stating date, time, and employee name performing field calibration of
test equipment within thirty (30) days of time when the testing device will be used on
this project.
4) Documentation from the manufacturer showing current software revision and the
software’s capabilities to successfully perform the current industry standard test for
the Category of SCS cable being installed. Software revision shall be most current
revision available for the testing device and shall be based upon the most current
ANSI/TIA/EIA testing guidelines.
5) Failure to provide calibration data or where calibration data is not within the
parameters specified above shall render all tests performed null and void and require
re-testing of all cable within the project or work order at no expense to the Owner.
b. Submit proposed copper and fiber cable test forms (see PART 3 – TESTING for more
4. Submit a list of the personnel who will be assigned to the project, the type of work they will be
performing per QUALITY ASSURANCE below, copies of the manufacturer’s training certification
for each, and copies of BICSI or equivalent SCS training certifications. If personnel changes are
made during the project, submit the above information for any new personnel prior to their
commencement of work on the project.
1. O&M Manual for Communications - At the completion of the project, submit O&M information
from product data submittals (above), updated to reflect any changes during the course of
construction, to the Engineer/Designer in the telecommunications-specific O&M Manual for
Communications binder labeled with the project name and description. This is a separate manual
in addition to and independent of any general O&M Manual for the construction project. If the
project includes Outside Plant Communications Circuits, incorporate into one manual.
2. Records - Maintain at the job site a minimum of one set of Record Drawings, Specification, and
Addenda. Record Drawings shall consist of redline markups of drawings, specifications and
spreadsheets, including maintenance hole/handhole butterfly drawings.
Portions of the text below may be contained in other Sections (e.g. 16010 (or equivalent) -
General Electrical). Coordinate text for accuracy and content.
a. Document changes to the system from that originally shown on the Construction
Documents and clearly identify system component labels and identifiers on Record
b. Keep Record Drawings at the job site and make available to the Owner and
Engineer/Designer at any time.
c. Keep Record Drawings current throughout the course of construction. (“Current” is defined
as not more than one week behind actual construction).
Refer to the DOC Telecommunications Distribution Design Guide for format and content of
the cable records described below.
Note that the Engineer/Designer is responsible for developing items 1-6 and 8 below
and specifying in the Construction Documents.
e. Provide a table/schedule showing the following information for each cable link in the project
on the Record Drawings. Base the table/schedule on the schedule provided by the
Engineer/Designer in the Project Manual. Items 1 through 6 and item 8 have already been
completed by the Engineer/Designer and are included in the table/schedule. Complete
items 7 and 9. Include the following items in the table/schedule:
3) Media type (fiber type & core size, Cat 6A, CAT 6, Cat 3, etc.)
5) Cable Identifier
8) For fiber optic cabling, as-designed maximum link attenuation at design frequency
(indicating frequency used for design calculations) including as-designed maximum
splice loss and as-designed maximum connector loss
9) For fiber optic cabling, actual measured link attenuation as tested with test frequency
(from test results)
10) For copper cabling, actual measured headroom (from test results)
Include any requirements for coordinating work with potentially unusual or specifically
required sequencing, such as having cable installed to test and commission other building
automation systems (BAS).
A. Provide coordination with SYSTIMAX® to ensure that SYSTIMAX® inspectors are available to
schedule site visits, inspections, and certification of the system. Provide and coordinate any
SYSTIMAX®-required modifications and have SYSTIMAX® re-inspect and certify the system prior to
the scheduled use of the system by the Owner.
1. The Contractor is solely responsible for all costs associated with scheduling the SYSTIMAX®
inspection, the inspection itself and any SYSTIMAX® required re-inspections, and for any
modifications to the installation as required by SYSTIMAX®.
B. Schedule installation of cable and components that may be required for use by equipment and systems
from other trades to ensure cabling connectivity for their testing and commissioning.
A. Coordinate installation of cabling and components with other construction elements to ensure adequate
headroom, working clearances, setback clearances, access, and building startup requirements.
For projects where the telecommunications cabling falls under the responsibility of the GC,
consider establishing a deadline prior to the bid date for the General Contractors to have
submitted prequalification documentation demonstrating that their telecommunications sub-
contractor meets the qualification requirements. Also, consider publishing the list of pre-
qualified telecommunications Contractors as an addendum prior to the bid deadline.
Washington and is certified by the SCS Manufacturer to provide the SCS Manufacturer’s
Warranty in the state of Washington (see PART 1 - WARRANTY).
4. List of references for no less than five similar projects (in terms of size and construction cost)
performed by the telecommunications Contractor under the telecommunications Contractor’s
current business name within the past three years. Detail the following for each project:
b. Construction cost.
c. A brief description of the project, the components involved, and the SCS manufacturer
used on the project.
DOC generally includes the cabling under the responsibility of the GC which alleviates
many problems. Include the paragraph listed at the bottom of this hidden text (or one
similar) “only” if the cabling and components within this section of the project are to be
constructed using a Facility Contract (FC) and a contractor selected under the State of
Washington Department of Information Services (DIS) Master Contract.
Use of the DIS Master Contract may be discussed with the DOC project manager and the
DOC-TDI Specialist prior to the completion of Design Development if events arise in the
project that warrants using a FC.
When a FC is used along with the DIS Master Contract, this entire section is pulled out of
the construction documents that go out to bid and is included in a separate construction
document specifically written for the contractor from the DIS Master Contract. One or more
pre-qualified Contractors from the DIS Master Contract shall be recommended by the
DOC-TDI Specialist and approved by the DOC project manager. Review and edit the
section numbers and titles below and coordinate content as applicable to this project.
“Documentation demonstrating that the Contractor has a current Master Contract with the
State of Washington Department of Information Services (DIS) per the requirements in
Section 01010, and shall be on the DOC pre-qualified DIS contractor list shown in Section
B. Telecommunications Contractor’s employees directly involved with the supervision, installation, testing,
and certification of the SCS shall be trained and certified by the selected SCS’ manufacturer. Training
and certifications by employee type are required as shown below:
2. Test Technicians: All (100%) shall be trained/certified for installation and testing of all
manufacturers’ cabling and components to be installed as required by manufacturer. Requires
current certification of:
a. Fluke Networks Certified Cabling Test Technician (CCTT) course or approved equal for
other approved manufacturer’s test equipment:
1) For DTX (Copper and/or fiber): “CCTT for the DTX Series CableAnalyzer”.
3. Installation Technicians: All (100%) shall be trained/certified for installation of all manufacturers’
cabling and components to be installed as required by the manufacturer and trained/certified on
Structured Cabling Systems by BICSI (or an equivalent telecommunications training organization)
at the Installer Level 2. Requires current certification of:
4. Other personnel: Personnel not directly responsible for installation supervision, installation,
testing or certifying the SCS (i.e. cleanup crew, no hands-on cable assistants, etc.) are not
required to be manufacturer or BICSI trained and certified. Other personnel shall not be allowed
to directly assist the installation technicians or test technicians.
Coordinate this paragraph with the conditions of the contract and Division 1 requirements
to ensure that no statements are made that will limit or void those conditions. The
Engineer/Designer is required to have a thorough understanding of the manufacturer
warranties applicable on this project. The Engineer/Designer shall consider, account for,
and advise DOC regarding any unique warranty situations that may arise from Owner-
furnished equipment, Owner-installed equipment, or other situations that may conflict with
warranty requirements.
A. Contractor Warranty:
a. Provide all labor attributable to the fulfillment of this warranty at no cost to the Owner.
1) The Contractor Warranty period shall commence upon Owner acceptance of the
1. Provide a SCS Manufacturer extended product, performance, application, and labor warranty that
shall warrant all passive components used in the SCS. Additionally, this warranty shall cover
components not manufactured by the SCS Manufacturer, but approved by the SCS Manufacturer
for use in the SCS (i.e. “Approved Alternative Products”). The SCS Manufacturer warranty shall
a. That the products will be free from manufacturing defects in materials and workmanship.
b. That the cabling products of the installed system shall exceed the specification of
ANSI/TIA/EIA 568-B and exceed ISO/IEC 11801 standards.
c. That the installation shall exceed the specification of ANSI/TIA/EIA 568-B and exceed
ISO/IEC 11801 standards.
d. That the system shall be application independent and shall support both current and future
applications that use the ANSI/TIA/EIA 568-B and ISO/IEC 11801 component and
link/channel specifications for cabling.
2. Provide materials and labor attributable to the fulfillment of this warranty at no cost to the Owner.
3. The SCS Manufacturer Warranty shall be provided by the selected SCS Manufacturer and shall
1) Provide a copy of the SYSTIMAX® Registration Document to the Owner at the time
of submittal to SYSTIMAX®.
4. The SCS Manufacturer Warranty period shall commence upon a Warranty Certificate being
issued by the manufacturer. The Warranty Certificate shall be issued no later than three months
after Owner acceptance of the work.
Ensure that products listed under the PART 2 – Products paragraphs have corresponding
installation instructions in PART 3 – Execution, or in another specification section if
furnished but not installed under this section.
DOC has standardized on SYSTIMAX® for all new Structured Cabling Systems in DOC
facilities. Products shall be specified accordingly. The Engineer/Designer shall ensure that
the latest SYSTIMAX®a part numbers are used for specified products. Note that “Or-
Equal” substitutions for core products available from SYSTIMAX® are not permitted.
Any product substituted for a SYSTIMAX® warranted product other than those already
listed within this document shall require the same or better 20 year product and
performance warranty. If the substituted product is to be covered under the SYSTIMAX®
warrantee, written authorization from the SYSTIMAX® Account representative must first be
obtained and subsequently become part of the warranty documentation,
Some of the following paragraphs include ancillary products (such as racks, cable
supports, etc.) manufactured by companies other than SYSTIMAX®, but do not indicate
that they allow “or equal” substitutions. If the Engineer/Designer wishes to use other
products in lieu of non-SYSTIMAX® ancillary products, an alternative product request shall
be submitted in writing to the DOC-TDI Specialist. This request shall follow the format and
procedures of the Alternative Design Request identified in the TDDG, and include detailed
literature from the manufacturer of the alternative product. If the alternative product is
approved, the Engineer/Designer shall ensure that the specification for the alternative
product is written with equal or greater detail to the following product specifications.
The products listed throughout Part 2 - Products below are not all-inclusive for any given
project. The Engineer/Designer shall ensure that products required by their design are
specified with equal or greater detail to the following paragraphs. The Engineer/Designer
shall also verify that the most current part number of each specified product is listed in this
section. Cautiously remove all product information that does not apply to a specific project.
Where one or more “x” is embedded within a product number listed in this section, the “x”
portion typically is a place holder for quantity, color, length, etc. for the product. It is the
Engineer/Designer’s responsibility (not the Contractor) to work with the Owner and
Design Team to obtain the specific information for the project components and
modify the product codes accordingly, replacing the “x” information within the
Construction Documents.
A. Unless specifically stated as “Or equal”, equivalent items are not acceptable, provide items as
B. Physically verify existing site conditions prior to purchase and delivery of the materials, including but not
limited to lengths of conduit and/or pathway to be used for routing backbone cabling. Pre-cut materials
of insufficient length are the sole responsibility of the Contractor.
C. SCS components shall be manufactured by a single manufacturer. Components shall not be intermixed
between different manufacturers unless the manufacturer of the SCS has listed (in writing) another
manufacturer’s component as an “Approved Alternative Product” and will warrant the “Approved
Alternative Product” as part of the SCS Manufacturer Warranty (see PART 1 - WARRANTY).
1. Bid only one SCS Manufacturer and only bid a manufacturer for which the Contractor is certified.
The SCS Manufacturer shall be the following. Substitution is not acceptable:
2. Contractor shall verify SCS Manufacturer’s Product Codes and Material Identifiers listed below
prior to ordering.
For prison new construction and total remodel of buildings, specify the CAT 6A X10D
products. The CAT 6 XL products shall be used when adding drops to an existing building
with the XL or older products.
Review and edit the following products/part numbers as applicable to this project.
D. For a given manufacturer, all components shall be part of a single SCS product line – components shall
not be intermixed between a manufacturer’s SCS product lines. The SCS product line shall be
engineered “end-to-end” – the system and all of its components shall be engineered to function
together as a single, continuous transmission path.
1. The SCS Product Line shall be the following, per manufacturer. Substitution is not acceptable:
1. Distribution Equipment:
b. Wright Line
b. Amco
c. Great Lakes
d. Wright Line
e. Rittal Corporation
f. Hubbell
F. Provide all incidental and/or miscellaneous hardware not explicitly specified or shown on the
Construction Documents that is required for a fully compliant, operational, tested, certified and
warranted SCS system.
Engineer/Designer shall review and edit the following products/part numbers as applicable
to this project. If section numbers and titles are referenced, verify for accuracy.
A. Installation and materials for the raceway and boxes including supports for wall mounted devices for the
SCS shall be as specified under Division 16 Section — “Raceways and Boxes for Communications
Circuits” except where noted below.
B. Surface Metal Raceway (SMR): UL listed under Section 5 with fittings including (but not limited to)
mounting clips and straps, couplings, internal and external elbows, cover clips, bushings, end fittings,
outlet boxes and other incidental and miscellaneous hardware required for a complete Surface
Raceway system.
a. Device Boxes: Shall be ANSI/TIA/EIA-569 compliant; with a minimum inside depth of 2.5
inches behind faceplate providing adequate depth for outlet jack and cable bend radii.
C. Telecommunications/Power Poles:
1. Wiremold, Steel Tele-Power pole, #30TP-4V (no substitutions including aluminum poles)
D. Backboards:
1. Plywood:
a. Shall be ¾ inch thick A-C grade or better plywood, 2.4m (8-ft) high unless otherwise noted.
Plywood shall be void free, painted on both sides with fire-resistant paint. Plywood shall
not be rated “fire-retardant.”
2. Paint shall be light colored, non-conductive, manufactured by Flame Control Coatings, LLC, or
Owner approved equal.
b. Flame Control No. 20-20A Flat Latex Intumescent Fire Retardant Paint.
E. C-Rings:
F. D-Rings:
G. Cable Supports (J-Hooks, Straps): Complete with incidental materials and assemblies required for
mounting. Note: Maximum quantities stated are for all categories of horizontal copper cable from CAT
3 through CAT 6, and are less than manufacturer’s quoted CAT 6 ratings. DOC has down-sized the
maximum capacity as stated by the manufacturer. The number of cables supported shall not exceed
the maximum numbers listed below.
H. Cable Runway: Complete with fittings and mounting hardware including (but not limited to) butt and
junction splice kits, corner brackets, cable runway radius drops for cross members and stringers, cable
runway radius bends, protective end caps, retaining posts, support brackets, foot kits, vertical wall
brackets, wall angles, grounding hardware and other incidental and miscellaneous hardware required
for a complete ladder rack system. Ladder rack components shall be manufactured by the selected
Rack/Distribution Equipment manufacturer.
1. Unless otherwise indicated, all cable runway and incidental equipment color shall be of the same
color at a DOC location:
a. Gray
b. Black
Designer shall specify on the Construction Documents to transition to the “Alternate Space
Cable Runway” above 19” racks/frames with vertical cabling sections for appropriate
alignment of radius drops into vertical cabling sections.
2. Cable Runway:
Verify the size of innerduct required for the project and modify paragraph below
I. Innerduct:
2. Intrabuilding Corrugated: bright orange, UL Listed, rated for indoor installation with UL Listed pull
J. Pull Strings: Plastic or nylon with a minimum test rating of 200 lb., UL Listed
K. Cable Manager and Wire Ties: Hook and loop style cable straps. Use of standard “hard notch-style”
plastic wire ties is not acceptable.
L. Pulling Compound or Lubricant: “Only non-water based, non-damaging to indoor-rated cable sheathing
Review and edit the following products/part numbers as applicable to this project. If
firestopping material is specified in another section, the Engineer/Designer shall ensure
that that section is listed in Part 1 - General above as a related section, and delete this
paragraph in its entirety.
A. Firestopping material: Conform to both Flame (F) and Temperature (T) ratings as required by local
building codes and as tested by nationally accepted test agencies per ASTM E814 or UL 1479 fire test
in a configuration that is representative of the actual field conditions. Manufactured by:
The Engineer/Designer shall work closely with the DOC-TDI Specialist to design the rack
layouts utilizing the DOC rack bay-face templates. DOC developed a rack design that
positions the horizontal cable patch panels in a specific relationship to the LAN switches
and voice cable patch panels that minimizes choke points for patch cables.
Note that certain TRs require installation of rack-mounted file servers. The two-post racks
can not accommodate the larger servers and the hole patterns are not acceptable. The 4-
Post Server Frames shall be used where servers are required. Where two or more racks
are required, the two-post racks can be used for non-server type equipment. Note that
servers now require two-person installation into racks/cabinets – ensure clear
working space available on each side of server for each person to support when
installing into rack/cabinet!!!
Review and edit the following products/part numbers as applicable to this project. The
Engineer/Designer shall confer with the DOC Regional IT staff to determine if racks or
cabinets are required, identify all of the equipment planned for the rack/cabinets, then work
with the DOC-TDI Specialist to determine the types of racks/cabinets and quantities of
each needed for each TR and ER, and how each should be configured for shelves, doors,
etc. Note that most ERs require cabinets of specific manufacturer and type that may not be
specified below.
Check with the DOC-TDI Specialist for samples of the Owner’s rack designs that
incorporate the following:
1. For single rack design, horizontal cable panels shall be located in the middle of the rack
with LAN switch(s) and voice patch panels on opposing ends. Example: switches above
and horizontal cable panels below.
2. For two rack design, horizontal cable panels shall be located on a rack separate from the
voice patch panels. The LAN switch(s) shall be located on the same rack as the horizontal
3. Where more than two racks, racks with LAN switch(s) shall be on one side and racks
with voice patch panels shall be on the opposite side of rack(s) with horizontal cable
A. Unless otherwise indicated, equipment racks/enclosures and incidental equipment color shall be:
1. Clear aluminum
The Engineer/Designer shall take care to coordinate the locations of floor-mounted power
outlets with the space between the base plates of adjoining racks to avoid superimposing
the base plates over the power outlets.
C. Provide each equipment rack, equipment frame, cabinet, and wall-mount bracket (set) with the
1. 2-Channel Free Standing Equipment Racks – “not for installation of servers:” EIA-standard 19-
inch wide racks with universal alternating hole pattern, weight capacity of 1,000 lbs, complete
with top angles, self-supporting bases, and mounting holes on both sides of the rails.
a. Racks:
1) For CPI: 7’0” high Universal Rack 463-5-3-x-03 (or owner approved equal)
2) For Leased offices where ceiling height is an issue for 7 foot racks:
a) For CPI: 6’6” high Universal Rack 463-5-3-x-02 (or owner approved equal)
b) For CPI: 6’0” high Universal Rack 463-5-3-x-01 (or owner approved equal)
The Engineer/Designer shall determine both the quantity and length of all patch cords
required for all Owner equipment and telecommunications components within the
racks/cabinets and also for the work area outlets. The length of the patch cords for the
racks/cabinets shall be determined by the Engineer/Designer based on optimum routing;
cords of excessive length shall not be specified.
The vertical and horizontal cable managers specified for the racks/cabinets shall be of the
size and quantity to accommodate all of the anticipated patch cords. Vertical cable
managers shall be sized by using cable quantities “at a minimum of 15% below” the
manufacturer’s “50% fill level” table for each product.
1. For 2-post racks, dual-sided vertical cable managers should always be specified.
2. For 4-post racks, depending on what is placed in the rack, dual-sided vertical cable
managers may also be needed (like for horizontal cables into rear of patch panels).
3. Narrow vertical cable managers, like CPI’s “VCS”, should not be used.
4. A double-sided vertical cable manager should typically be specified for each side of a
rack. An exception allowing only one vertical cable manager on one side of a single
rack may be allowed where the horizontal cable count will never go beyond 96.
5. Where racks are side by side, a vertical cable manager shall be in-between each rack
and on each end rack. Example: two racks shall typically have three vertical cable
6. Patch cords should never route across the center line of equipment or panels. Specify
horizontal jumper trays to transition cords across racks.
7. Where the horizontal cable count is above 192, the deeper and wider (10 or 12 inch
wide) vertical cable managers shall be specified.
8. Horizontal cable managers shall be placed both above and below each small LAN
switch (typically 12- 48 port switch).
9. Core switches (blade types like Cisco 65xx models) should be mounted in racks using
vertical cable managers with extended fingers or extended finger brackets (like CPI
12891-70x) shall be specified to support the switch end of the patch cords.
b. Vertical Cable Management for 7-foot high rack channels:
1) For CPI:
a) 6 Inch Wide:
b) 10 Inch Wide:
c) 12 Inch Wide:
c. Guard rail:
1) For routing ARMM tie cables along the outside of the rear rail of equipment racks to
SYSTIMAX® 1100PSCAT5E rack-mounted voice patch panels:
2. 4-Channel Free Standing Server Frames: EIA-standard 7-foot high x 19-inch wide x 29-inch
deep, “designed specifically for rack-mounted servers” (channels with alternating square hole
pattern for cage nuts to adapt to M6, 10-32, or 12-24 server mounting screws), weight capacity of
1,000 lbs, complete with two top angles, two base angles, two horizontal braces, self-supporting
bases, top and bottom extension pans, top pan shall have cable access ports.
a. Server Frames:
1) For CPI:
2) Amco
3) Great Lakes
Designer shall obtain cage nut thread size from DOC Regional IT staff – based on type(s)
of servers to be installed, and modify text below accordingly
c. Single-sided 6-inch wide, 7-foot high cable channels for vertical cable management:
1) For CPI:
d. Guard rail:
3. Wall-mount Swing Gate Equipment Racks: Open EIA-standard 19-inch wide, hinged, wall-mount
swing gate rack with universal alternating hole pattern.
1) For all buildings requiring wall mount racks, racks shall be a minimum of 35 inches
high (20U), minimum 24 inches deep:
4. Wall-mount Cabinets: EIA-standard 19-inch wide (interior rack dimension), dual locking hinge (for
front and back access), wall-mount cabinets with universal alternating hole pattern. Complete
with fan/filter kit for cooling, with mounting holes on both sides of the rails, and a metallic,
lockable door.
a. For CPI:
Engineer/Designer shall work directly with the DOC Regional IT staff and IT management
to determine if power distribution units, power strips, and/or surge protectors are needed
and if so, determine the correct size and model.
*-Consideration shall be given to placing a “stand-by” surge protector in the rack to be
used to bring equipment back online using direct AC power in the event of a UPS unit or
battery failure. It may take several weeks to obtain a replacement UPS or battery.
TDI Design Criteria for UPS, Power Strips and Surge Protector:
-Specify a UPS with sufficient outlet receptacles for direct plug-in of all equipment mounted
on the rack.
-UPS shall plug directly into a dedicated technical outlet.
-If UPS has two power supplies, then each should plug directly into a separate dedicated
technical outlet.
-Per APC recommendations, power strips and surge protectors should not be used; only a
PDU should be connected to a UPS to supply additional outlets; use of any non-APC
components with an APC UPS could void the APC Equipment Protection Policy (EPP).
-If a PDU is desired, consider specifying a metered unit.
-If for any reason additional outlets are required beyond those available on the UPS, a
larger UPS or second UPS should be acquired.
-Any power strips or surge protectors allowed shall be mounted towards the bottom of
racks above any rack-mounted UPS; they shall not be mounted within or out from the
vertical cable managers where the highest potential exists for EMI into the patch cords.
-Based on the selected components, the Engineer/Designer shall identify any affect to the
electrical outlet requirements dedicated for the rack and convey that information to the
Architect for coordination in the electrical specifications including the power panel.
a. Horizontal mount for 19” Equipment Racks: Complete strip (19” in length) with mounting
hardware to install toward the bottom rack RU’s.
6. 120 VAC / 20 Ampere Power Distribution Unit (PDU) basic units, not metered:
1) For APC, Switched, 1RU, (8)5-20R outlets, L5-20P (locking) 12’ cord: AP7901
Coordinate with DOC personnel to determine if shelves, drawers or other rack accessories
are desired/required.
7. Grounding kit and #6 AWG insulated copper conductor grounded to the nearest TGB.
Review and edit the following products/part numbers as applicable to this project.
List additional Grounding and Bonding products above as applicable to this project.
For prison new construction and total remodel of buildings, specify the CAT 6A X10D
products. The CAT 6 XL products shall be used when adding drops to an existing building
with the XL or older products.
Review and edit the following products/part numbers as applicable to this project.
A. Copper Patch Panels: Complete with pre-manufactured cable management for supporting station cable
behind the patch panel, cable strain relief wire management for complete support of patch cables in
front, and with incidental materials necessary for mounting. Unless otherwise indicated, copper patch
panels shall be manufactured by the selected SCS Manufacturer.
2) For CAT 5 modular with 25 pair female 525 connectors on the back (wired for
B. Fiber Patch Panels: Pre-assembled enclosures with connector panels, blank connector panels (for
unused connector panel slots), and cable strain relief wire management – minimum of one per patch
panel, complete with fiber connectors and fiber optic receptacle adapters (see CONNECTORS below),
and with incidental materials necessary for mounting. Fiber patch panels shall be manufactured by the
selected SCS Manufacturer:
DOC prefers to not use wall-mounted patch panels. Use of them shall first be approved by
the DOC-TDI Specialist.
2) Wall-mounted patch panels (6 to 24 duplex ports), (allowed only where shown on
Construction Documents, requires D-181707 Fusion Splice Adapter Kits
(105289664) for splices & pigtails).
3) G2 Modules (MODG2-xxx-xx-xx-x):
The Engineer/Designer shall refer to hidden text notes earlier under racks above Vertical
Cable Management regarding rack design and cable management.
C. Patch Panel Horizontal Wire Management:
a. For CPI:
Any additional Patch Panel products beyond those listed above will require approval by the
DOC-TDI Specialist.
Review and edit the following products/part numbers as applicable to this project.
A. Copper Outlets (modular jacks): 8-position/8-conductor, insulation displacement connection (IDC), non-
keyed, and shall accept modular 8-position/8-conductor plugs, complete with multicolored identification
labels/icons for identification, and with a universally color-coded wiring pattern for both T568A and
T568B. Copper connectors shall be manufactured by the selected SCS Manufacturer.
1. Horizontal Distribution:
Include connector information for each type of connector to be used on the project. Review
the type of inmate phone system termination and coordinate with the correct connector
type (green in color) if any.
For prison new construction and total remodel of buildings, specify the CAT 6A X10D
products. The CAT 6 XL products shall be used when adding drops to an existing building
with the XL or older products.
B. Fiber Pigtails: Use for fusion splicing to Indoor Riser or Outdoor Plant fibers for termination in a fiber
distribution shelf or LIU.
C. Fiber Connectors: Requires special DOC approval – allowed only where shown on Construction
Documents. Complete with fiber optic receptacle adapters where required for mounting.
Review and edit the following products/part numbers as applicable to this project.
A. Copper Termination Blocks: UL listed and exceed ANSI/TIA/EIA 568-B Gigaspeed specifications for
performance. Include connecting blocks, designation strips, and labels for each 25-pair strip. Label
colors per ANSI/TIA/EIA standards. Termination blocks shall be manufactured by the selected SCS
1. 110 Blocks:
1) With Legs:
2) Without Legs:
c. Labels: 110xxx-4500L
List additional Copper Termination Block products above as applicable to this project.
Review and edit the following products/part numbers asapplicable to this project.
A. Faceplates: Complete with port identification labels and blank inserts/fillers for covering unused
connector openings:
1. Stations to be used for wall-mount telephones: Brushed stainless steel with stainless steel
mounting lugs suitable for supporting wall-mount telephones:
b. For HUBBLE: SWP8 (single gang) or SWP82 (double gang) and associated mounting strap
B. Faceplate Mounting Brackets: Suitable for mounting faceplates over wall cutouts (i.e. flush-mount
faceplates with no in-wall outlet box). Not acceptable for wall mounted devices including wall phones.
Wall mounted devices shall attach “only” to an outlet box or similar mounting device which is secured to
a solid building component.
1. For CADDY:
2.10 CABLE
Review and edit the following products/part numbers as applicable to this project.
B. Copper Cable:
1. For Horizontal Distribution: 4-pair, UTP, 24 AWG, with solid copper conductors.
a. Category 3:
a) Plenum: 2010
b) Non-plenum: 1010
The Engineer/Designer shall work with the Owner to select a cable sheath color that is
unique for each specific Category of cable within the facility. A different color shall be used
for CAT 3, CAT 5, CAT 5e, CAT 6, and CAT 6A. 4CAT 6A shall be different color from
CAT 6.
Note that the Outside Diameter of 1091/2091 is greater than 1081/2081 cable, which is
greater than 1071/2071, which is greater than 1061/2061 due to the strength member.
Calculate fill and size raceways accordingly.
For prison new construction and total remodel of buildings, specify the CAT 6A X10D 91-
series cable and all components including patch cords.
The XL 1081/2081 cable shall be used when adding drops to an existing building with the
81 or older series cable.
For “most” leased offices, the 1071/2071 shall be used for lower costs unless there is a
stated need for higher bandwidth.
Take note on conduit fill due to the larger outside diameter of the X10D 91-series cable!
b. For Gigaspeed 1000BASE-T, shall exceed Category 6 transmission requirements for
connecting hardware as specified in ANSI/TIA/EIA 568-B and ISO/IEC 11801.
i. Product:
i. Product:
i. Product:
i. Product:
DOC does not generally allow the use of OSP rated cable in the horizontal data
environment. If a design solution (approved by DOC-TDI Specialist) requires the use of
OSP rated Category 6, then include the following paragraph. The Entrance Protector for
this application is specified in the Outside Plant Communications Circuits section.
d. OSP Rated Category 6: Outdoor rated, shall exceed Category 6 transmission requirements
as specified in ANSI/TIA/EIA 568-B and ISO/IEC 11801:
a. Copper Backbone Cable: Shielded, 24-AWG solid copper conductor, and insulated with
color coded PVC, UL Verified to ANSI/TIA/EIA 568-B for Category 3 performance. The
selected SCS Cable Manufacturer shall manufacture the cable or specify another cable
c. Multi-pair Copper Cable: 24-AWG, solid copper conductor, and insulated with color coded
PVC, UL Verified to ANSI/TIA/EIA 568-B for Category 3 performance. Cable shall be
manufactured by the selected SCS Manufacturer:
Engineer/Designer shall discuss with the DOC TDI Specialist which MMF shall be deployed
on each project. Where new construction occurs at an existing campus that has 62.5 um
fiber deployed, then 62.5 um MMF typically needs to be deployed within new buildings
because numerous low voltage BAS systems utilize the MMF and daisy-chain through
patch panels, rather than active electronics, which requires a uniformly sized MMF
throughout the campus and buildings. For construction of a totally new prison campus or
stand-alone buildings, 50 um MMF shall be used.
C. Fiber Cable:
1) For 62.5/125 µm: Extended/high grade with a maximum attenuation of 3.0 dB/km @
850 nm and 1.0 dB/km @ 1300 nm, and a minimum cable OFL bandwidth of 220
MHz/km @ 850 nm and 500 MHz/km @ 1300 nm, 1 Gbps Ethernet distance of 300
m @ 850 nm and 550 m @ 1300 nm. Cable shall be manufactured by the selected
SCS Manufacturer:
2) For 50.0/125 µm: A maximum attenuation of 3.0 dB/km @ 850 nm and 1.0 dB/km @
1300 nm, and a minimum cable OFL bandwidth of 1500 MHz/km @ 850 nm and 500
MHz/km @ 1300 nm, and laser bandwidth of 2,000 MHz/km @ 850 nm and 500
MHz/Km, 1 Gbps Ethernet distance of 1,000 m @ 850 nm and 600 m @ 1300 nm, 10
Gbps Ethernet distance of 300 m @ 850 nm. Cable shall be manufactured by the
selected SCS Manufacturer:
b. For Singlemode: Loose tube zero water peak with a maximum attenuation of 0.34 dB/km @
1310 nm and 0.31 dB/km @ 1385 nm and 0.22 dB/km @ 1550 nm. Cable shall be
manufactured by the selected SCS Manufacturer and shall be:
Review and edit the following products/part numbers as applicable to this project.
A. Hook and Loop Style Cable Managers: Reusable (Velcro based) hook-&-loop style, adjustable tension,
roll or spool dispensed. Plastic wire ties are not acceptable & shall not be used except as
specifically directed.
Patch cables will generally be furnished by the Contractor and delivered to DOC IT
personnel at the facility for installation. DOC personnel shall determine lengths of patch
cables and colors. Note that patch cable color for inmate LANs shall be green, no other
patch cables shall be green in color.
B. Copper Patch Cables: Pre-manufactured (factory-terminated), stranded unshielded twisted pair (UTP),
with 8-pin modular plugs and/or termination block-style patch plugs. Patch cables shall be
manufactured by the selected SCS Manufacturer.
C. Fiber Patch Cables: Pre-manufactured (factory-terminated) with a UL rating of OFNR. Fiber patch
cables shall be manufactured by the selected SCS Manufacturer.
D. Copper Jumper Wire: Category 3 (for cross connects), manufactured by the selected SCS
a. Replacement Blade:
Review and edit the following products/part numbers as applicable to this project. Any
additional labels or changes to size or formatting shall be reviewed and approved by the
DOC TDI Specialist.
1. Identifiers shall follow the format and definitions per ANSI/TIA/EIA 606-A Class 3 administration
and as identified in the Construction Documents. Labels shall be permanent (i.e. not subject to
fading or erasure), permanently affixed, typed, and created by a hand-carried label maker or a
computer/software-based label making system. Handwritten labels are not acceptable.
1) Panduit:
a) Clear L3PL3CL
b) White L3PL3WH
c. Marker Tags for Conduit and Cable shall be a minimum size of 3.5” W x 2.0” H, constructed
of rigid vinyl with a clear over-laminate protection (self-laminating), with slots for installing
as a wrap and/or flag with nylon cable ties with a minimum loop tensile strength of 40
pounds. Labels applied to tags shall be typed and created by a label maker or an approved
equivalent software-based label making system (see above). Handwritten labels are not
1) Tags:
3. Signs: Permanent plastic or metal engraved, not subject to fading or erasure, waterproof and
solvent resistant, permanently affixed.
Ensure that products incorporated into the project under PART 3 paragraphs have
corresponding Product information in PART 2 – Products, or in another specification
Section if installed but not supplied under this Section.
DOC has standardized on SYSTIMAX® Communication for all new Structured Cabling
Systems in DOC facilities. Installation requirements shall be specified accordingly.
The following paragraphs include installation requirements written specifically for the
Products listed in Part 2 above. If other products are approved, the Engineer/Designer
shall ensure that appropriate Part 3 installation requirements are added/removed or
modified as applicable and written with equal or greater detail to the following paragraphs.
The products listed throughout PART 2 – Products and the installation requirements below
are not all-inclusive for any given project. The Engineer/Designer shall ensure that
products required by the design are specified in Part 2 with corresponding installation
requirements specified in Part 3.
A. The Contractor is solely responsible for the safety of the public and workers in accordance with all
applicable rules, regulations, building codes and ordinances.
B. All work shall comply with applicable safety rules and regulations including OSHA and WISHA. All work
shall comply with the requirements of the National Electrical Safety Code (NESC) and the NEC except
where local codes and/or regulations are more stringent, in which case the local codes and/or
regulations shall govern.
C. All work shall comply with the standards, references and codes listed in PART 1 -- REFERENCES
above. Where questions arise regarding which standards, references, or codes apply, the more
stringent shall prevail.
D. All work shall comply with the requirements and recommendations of the product manufacturers.
Where questions arise regarding which requirements and recommendations apply, the more stringent
shall prevail.
E. Replace and/or repair to original (or better) condition any existing structures, materials, equipment, etc.
inadvertently demolished or damaged by the Contractor during the course of construction at no
additional cost to the Owner.
• For Capital Projects, Owner shall be the DOC Capital Programs Project Manager
• For all other projects, Owner shall be the DOC Regional IT Manager
a. The DOC Owner shall immediately provide information of the damage to the DOC Regional
IT Manager and/or the DOC Telecommunications Distribution Infrastructure (TDI) Specialist
assigned to support the facility, and the facility manager.
b. Only the DOC TDI Specialist working in concert with DOC IT, Plant, and Capital Programs
managers shall determine the repair and/or replacement strategy. Contractor shall not
make this determination, make any temporary repairs or replace any telecommunications
infrastructure unless directed to do so in writing by the DOC TDI Specialist.
c. All damaged telecommunications infrastructure shall be restored to within the scope of the
original design, installation, operational, and warranty parameters (or better) by a
contractor of Owners choosing. Only a certified SYSTIMAX® Value Added Reseller (VAR)
shall work on the telecommunications cabling. Restoration shall include, but not be limited
to all repair and/or replacement work and materials, testing, and re-certification of the
infrastructure for full compliance to Owner’s TDI Standards and SYSTIMAX® SCS and/or
other manufacturer’s warranty requirements.
F. Remove surplus material and debris from the job site and dispose of legally and per Contract
Document requirements.
G. Owner and Engineer/Designer Inspections: Contractor shall coordinate with Owner and
Engineer/Designer to schedule in advance, dates for observations as indicated below. Owner and
Engineer/Designer will determine if onsite observations are required for all work listed below or portions
1. Contractor shall provide one week advance notice to Owner and Engineer/Designer when work
listed below is scheduled.
2. Contractor shall provide a minimum of 2 days advance notice to Owner and Engineer/Designer of
dates when work listed below will be ready for observation.
a. Placement of racks and cabinets, rack cable distribution hardware, cable runways.
Observations shall occur during initial placement and finished placement prior to installing
cables and equipment.
b. Placement of backboards (see Division 09). Observations shall occur after painting of
plywood but prior to placement on walls and prior to attachment of any hardware or cable
c. Pulling cable through conduit. Observations shall occur during initial pulling and
periodically throughout the installation project.
d. Installation of cable terminations onto Work Area outlets and at patch panels.
Observations shall occur during initial terminations and periodically throughout the
installation process.
e. Testing of cables. Observations shall occur, at a minimum, during initial cable testing.
g. On-site visits by SYSTIMAX® inspectors for inspecting and certification of the cabling
system. Owner and Engineer/Designer shall be notified of scheduled visit dates.
The Engineer/Designer shall coordinate with local DOC IT Manager and DOC Plant
Manager to determine whether DOC wishes to retain certain demolished material or wishes
to have it hauled away. Review any demolition requirements for this project with the DOC
project manager and edit the following paragraph or create a similar paragraph as
A. Demolish existing telecommunications equipment, cable, materials, and incidentals no longer in use
after installation of and cutover to the new SCS.
1. When removing cable(s) from conduit where other cables are left in place, do not exceed the
maximum pulling tension of any cable left within the conduit (this shall be the cable left in the
conduit with the lowest maximum pulling tension). This shall typically be 25 pounds/ft. maximum
pulling tension.
2. Properly and legally dispose of all materials demolished by the Contractor per Contract
Document requirements.
B. When demolishing existing surface plastic/metal raceway, patch and/or paint wall to match existing
undisturbed wall finish after raceway is removed.
Review and edit the following installation requirements based on the products specified in
PART 2 – Products above or on the products specified in another section if installed but not
supplied under this section, and as applicable to this project.
A. Surface Raceway: Provide for all surface mounted stations as shown in the Construction Documents.
1. Size surface raceway according to the quantity of cable to be routed through it according to
ANSI/TIA/EIA-569 cable capacity standards, plus an additional 100% for future expansion. Size
fittings/bends to accommodate Category 6 and fiber optic bend radii as specified in
2. Match surface raceway finish as close as possible to the finish of the wall it is to be mounted on
but do not paint surface raceway. Surface raceway shall be:
a. Installed per Article 352 of the NEC. Surface raceway shall be installed as mechanically
and electrically continuous and bonded in accordance with NEC and ANSI/TIA/EIA 607
codes and standards.
b. Installed according to ANSI/TIA/EIA standards for fiber optic and Category 5/6 bend radii.
Bend points shall have a minimum two inch radius control.
c. Securely supported using screws or other anchor-type devices (tape or glue is not an
acceptable support medium) at intervals not exceeding 5 feet and with no less than two
supports per straight raceway section. Surface raceway shall be supported in accordance
with the manufacturer’s installation requirements.
B. Backboards: Backboards of non-treated A-C Plywood and painted with fire retardant paint shall be
provided per Division 06 and 09 as shown on Construction Documents. Backboards shall be capable
of supporting attached equipment.
C. Sleeves: Provide sleeves where required for cable pass-thru through building structures and/or fire
rated barriers. Provide roto-hammering or core drilling where required for sleeve installation. Seal
between sleeve and building structure and/or barrier or provide firestop material for fire-rated
1. Size sleeves:
b. Where not noted, size sleeves a minimum of 2 inches in diameter or by the type and
quantity of cable to be routed through the sleeve per ANSI/TIA/EIA 569 cable capacity
standards plus an additional 100% for future expansion - whichever is greater.
The Engineer/Designer shall include cable runway radius bends on the drawings to support
cables where they pass through sleeves then transition in elevation.
2. Where cable passing through sleeves transitions in elevation, additional means of support shall
be constructed to prevent distortion to the outer jacket of bottom-layer cables:
a. Provide cable runway radius bends attached to the wall at the immediate bottom edge of
sleeve for cable transition to a higher or lower elevation. For lower elevation, requires (90-
degree runway outside bend -to- vertical cable runway section -to- 90-degree runway
inside bend).
b. If a cable runway radius bend or other appropriate means is not immediately adjacent to
the outside bottom edge of sleeves and distortion to the outer jacket of bottom-layer cables
is still possible, a cushion edge support, such as a slit innerduct attached to the end of the
sleeve or other appropriate means shall be constructed.
D. C-Rings: Provide C-Rings mounted on walls or backboards at 6 inch intervals and as shown in the
Construction Documents. C-Rings shall not be used as a direct support for horizontal voice or data
cables in ceiling spaces (see Cable Supports) or as a substitute for a ladder rack.
F. Cable Supports (J-Hooks, Bags): Provide cable supports for routing cable in non-exposed open access
environments as shown in the Construction Documents. Cable supports may be affixed to wall/ceiling
structures or other supports, but not attached to a ceiling support system. Mount cable supports at 4
foot intervals unless otherwise specified in the Construction Documents.
1. Determine the quantity and size of cable supports according to the type, size, and quantity of
cable to be routed through the support plus an additional 25% for future expansion.
2. Do not use cable supports for more cables than the DOC down-sized rating capacity as stated in
Part 2 Products. Provide alternative supports (bags) or additional pathway(s) where the total
cable count exceeds the largest size cable support per the DOC rating capacity.
3. Do not use cable supports to directly support fiber optic cable without additional pathway, such as
innerduct or conduit.
G. Cable Runway: Install cable runway per manufacturer’s instructions with flat (rung) side up (side rail
protrusions shall point downward toward floor). Size and install as shown in the Construction
Documents, to include:
1. Provide cable runway to route cable from entrance points of room to racks/cabinets within
telecommunications/equipment rooms, pass-thru locations, all elevation changes of cabling, and in
locations shown in the Construction Documents. Cut ends of cable runway square. Ream cut
ends to remove burrs and sharp edges. Cap open ends of runway with manufacturer’s
recommended protective end caps.
2. Where cable runway direction routes into a 90-degree change, an L-shape, or around a wall corner,
transition runway to a Cable Runway E-Bend.
3. Where cable runway intersects into a T or X-shape, Cable Runway Corner Brackets shall be
4. Cable runway (regular and/or alternate space styles) shall be installed above equipment racks and
cabinets at an elevation sufficiently high enough to provide clearance above racks/cabinets for
installation of Cable Radius Drops and allow cables to be installed in compliance to the “ISP
Telecommunications Clearances for EMI Reduction” table in Section 3.11 of this document.
a. A minimum headroom access of twelve (12) inches shall be maintained above cable
b. A combination of alternate space and/or regular space Cable Runway sections may be
required to properly align the Cable Radius Drop modules.
5. Cable runway shall not be secured directly to floor standing equipment racks/cabinets.
a. Any exceptions granted shall only be approved by Owner in writing and shall require:
1. Runway mounting plate shall attach to the rack so the top rack management unit
(RMU) is useable.
6. Provide Cable Runway Radius Bend or Radius Drops wherever cable changes elevation,
transitions from through-wall sleeves, drops from one section of runway to another lower section of
runway or into racks/cabinets or vertical cable management locations.
7. Install cable radius drops above racks/cabinets in positions that allow cable to flow over radius drop
directly into vertical cable management locations between or into racks/cabinets. Transitioning to
an “alternative space cable runway” may be necessary to achieve appropriate cable runway rung
a. A combination of alternate space and/or regular space Cable Runway sections may be
required to properly align the Cable Radius Drop modules.
8. Provide Cable Retaining Posts for all sides of cable runway not directly adjacent to a wall. Affix
posts at 2 foot centers and at corners and/or junctions.
9. Provide a continuous bond from the TGB across all cable runways, including all runway sections,
with Cable Runway Grounding kits. Each rack/cabinet shall be individually bonded to the TGB.
Do not bond racks/cabinets to the cable runway due to potential seismic events.
H. Innerduct: Provide bright orange UL Listed innerduct as pathway for fiber optic cables and as shown in
the Construction Documents. Provide UL Listed flexible textile innerduct as shown in the Construction
Documents for other cables.
1. Innerduct installed in plenum-rated environments shall be plenum-rated. All other innerduct shall
be riser-rated.
I. Pull Strings: Provide a pull string in existing conduits and innerducts that are to remain vacant after
existing cable is demolished and in existing and new conduits and innerducts that have new cable
installed under this project.
Review and edit the following installation requirements based on the products specified in
PART 2 – Products above or on the products specified in another section if installed but not
supplied under this section, and as applicable to this project.
A. Only employees trained/certified by the firestopping manufacturer shall apply firestopping materials.
B. Maintain fire rating of penetrated fire barriers. Fire stop and seal penetrations made during
1. Provide firestopping material for through and membrane penetrations of fire-rated barriers.
3. Install firestops in accordance with fire test reports, fire resistance requirements, acceptable
sample installations, manufacturer’s recommendations, local fire and building authorities, and
applicable codes and standards referenced in PART 1 – REFERENCES. Apply sealing material
in a manner acceptable to the local fire and building authorities.
4. For demolition work, apply firestopping to open penetrations in fire rated barriers where cable is
removed. Apply firestopping regardless of whether or not the penetrations are used for new
cable or left empty after construction is complete.
5. Firestopping material used to seal open penetrations through which cable passes shall be re-
C. Label each penetration upon firestop installation completion using label compliant with most-current
ANSI/TIA/EIA-606-A format. After labeling, take digital photo of each penetration including label within
photo, and submit to both Owner and Engineer/Designer.
See the DOC Telecommunications Distribution Design Guide for information on required
drawing content, including telecommunications room Plan Views discussed below. Verify
with DOC facility IT personnel whether vented shelves are to be provided for Owner
Review and edit the following installation requirements based on the products specified in
PART 2 – Products above or on the products specified in another section if installed but not
supplied under this section, and as applicable to this project.
Provide special attention to vertical cable managers within cabinets, specifying appropriate
manufacturer’s materials to provide adequate cable management.
A. Provide EIA racks/cabinets and all associated hardware according to locations, elevations, and plan
views as shown in the Construction Documents and furnish shelves directly to the Owner (not installed
in the rack) for future Owner installation.
1. Where shelves are furnished, provide earthquake tie-down straps and mounting hardware.
2. The CPI Universal Rack Model 46353-x03 is permitted for use in both Telecommunications
Rooms and Equipment Rooms.
2. Per Telcordia-GR-63-CORE, the framework base of racks and cabinets shall be attached to the
floor without auxiliary support or bracing from the building walls or ceilings. Do not secure
racks/cabinets to cable runways due to potential seismic events.
3. Bolt rack/cabinet to floor using ½ inch or larger Grade 8 bolts. For raised floors, equipment
racks/cabinets shall be securely anchored to the sub-floor. For concrete floors and sub-floors,
concrete floor expansion anchors shall be used at an embedment depth of 3.5 inches. Expansion
anchors shall be suitable for earthquake (dynamic) applications, as specified by the
1. Provide six (6) cable support bars per rack to be used for additional cable support and routing
control in the rear of the rack.
2. Provide one Double-Sided Vertical Cabling Section per each side of each rack. Where multiple
side by side racks are provided, provide one Double-Sided Vertical Cabling Section between
each rack.
1. Provide six (6) cable support bars per frame/cabinet to be used to provide additional cable
support and routing control in the rear of the frame/cabinet.
2. Provide four Single-Sided Vertical Cabling Sections per 4-post frame, positioned on the left front,
right front, left rear, and right rear of each frame channel. Where multiple side by side 4-post
frames are provided, provide two Single-Sided Vertical Cabling Sections between each frame,
one in front and one at the rear.
3. Cabinets shall have four internal Vertical Cabling Sections equal to 4-post frames; else provide
Vertical Cabling Sections external to cabinets as identified for 4-post frames above.
E. Wall Mount Swing Gate Equipment Racks: Provide racks, sized and located as shown on the
Construction Documents.
1. Provide Jumper rings/loops mounted at 8” intervals along each vertical rack rail.
2. Mount Wall-Mounted racks on unistrut rails in order to provide the 24” deep wall-mount rack with
a minimum 26” depth.
3. Provide up to six (6) cable support bars per rack to be used to provide additional cable support
and routing control in the rear of the rack.
F. Wall-Mount Rack Enclosures/Cabinets: Provide in sizes and locations as shown on the Construction
G. Hinged Wall-Mounted Brackets: Provide in sizes and locations as shown on the Construction
H. Flush Mounted Wall Brackets: Provide in sizes and locations as shown on the Construction
Review and edit the following installation requirements based on the products specified in
PART 2 – Products above or on the products specified in another section if installed but not
supplied under this section, and as applicable to this project.
A. Grounding and bonding work shall comply with the Uniform Building Code, Uniform Fire Code, WAC,
National Electrical Code, and UL 467, ANSI/TIA/EIA standards and the references listed in PART 1 –
REFERENCES above, as well as local codes which may specify additional grounding and/or bonding
2. Bonding conductor shall be installed to bond all non-current carrying metal telecommunications
equipment and materials to the nearest TMGB or TGB (as provided under Division 16 Section —
“Grounding for Communications Circuits and Raceway”).
a. Ensure that bonding breaks through paint to bare metallic surface of all painted metallic
b. Provide a continuous bond from the TGB across all cable runways, including all runway
section butts with Cable Runway Grounding kits.
c. Each rack/cabinet shall be individually bonded to the TGB. Do not bond racks/cabinets to
cable runways.
Review and edit the following installation requirements based on the products specified in
PART 2 – Products above or on the products specified in another section if installed but not
supplied under this section, and as applicable to this project.
A. Provide patch panels and horizontal wire management according to locations, elevations, and plan
views as shown on the Construction Documents.
1. Copper: Size and install rack-mountable patch panels as shown on the Construction Documents.
Use copper patch panels to terminate copper station cables. Install horizontal patch cable
management supports below each patch panel without integrated cable supports or as shown on
Construction Documents.
2. Fiber: Size and install rack-mountable patch panels as shown on the Construction Documents.
Use fiber patch panels to terminate multimode and/or singlemode fiber riser and OSP backbone
cables. Except for PATCHMAX GS3 panels, separate fiber patch panel rows shall be used to
terminate different fiber optic cabling types (multimode, multimode of different types, and
singlemode) where practical. Install horizontal patch cable management supports below each
patch panel without integrated cable supports or as shown on Construction Documents.
Additional Patch Panel product installation requirements shall be added to the above list as
applicable to this project.
Review and edit the following installation requirements based on the products specified in
PART 2 – Products above or on the products specified in another section if installed but not
supplied under this section, and as applicable to this project.
b. Mount outlets at 90-degrees (i.e. straight, not angled) at the patch panel.
c. Mount outlets at 45-degree angle at the work area behind the faceplate.
Additional Connector product installation requirements shall be added to the above list as
applicable to this project.
Review and edit the following installation requirements based on the products specified in
PART 2 – Products above or on the products specified in another section if installed but not
supplied under this section, and as applicable to this project.
A. Provide termination blocks and (jumper troughs) with or without legs based on the following mounting
1. Mounting on Backboards:
a. Provide termination blocks, jumper troughs, and backboards with legs, and retainer clips as
shown on the Construction Documents.
b. Locate jumper troughs above and below each termination block in a column.
c. Locate a backboard in place of jumper troughs in the vertical middle of each column of 600
pair or more.
d. Provide a 2-inch gap between the leg-base of multiple columns of termination blocks.
Mount 2-inch distribution rings vertically along the 2-inch gap between the termination block
2. Mounting on Racks: Provide termination blocks and jumper troughs without legs. Use rack mount
brackets to mount termination blocks on EIA standard 19” floor and wall-mount racks.
B. Route cable horizontally along base of backboard until it reaches the termination block column on
which it is to terminate and then route vertically to the termination block.
D. Punch down cable using only the selected SCS Manufacturer approved impact tool set to “high” and
approved blade (110M).
Review and edit the following installation requirements based on the products specified in
PART 2 – Products above or on the products specified in another section if installed but not
supplied under this section, and as applicable to this project.
A. Faceplates: Shall provide a snug and sure fit for connectors – loose connectors are not acceptable.
1. Provide faceplates for stations in the locations and gang counts shown on the Construction
Documents. In Secured Areas, provide Security Faceplates with associated mounting straps.
Faceplates shall completely conceal outlet boxes, reducer plates, etc.
2. Unless otherwise noted in the Construction Documents, mount voice ports on top or left and
mount data ports on bottom or right.
Coordinate with DOC facility personnel to determine the location of secured areas.
Consider identifying these locations to the Contractors during the pre-bid walk through.
List additional Station product installation requirements above as applicable to this project.
3.11 CABLE
Review and edit the following installation requirements based on the products specified in
PART 2 – Products above or on the products specified in another section if installed but not
supplied under this section, and as applicable to this project.
A. General (applicable to all cable types): Provide non-plenum (CM/CMR, OFNR) rated cable for locations
where cable is to be installed in conduit. For cable not installed in conduit, provide plenum (CMP,
OFNP) rated cable if cable is installed in a plenum air space environment, non-plenum rated otherwise.
Cabling shall bear plenum or non-plenum markings for the environment in which it is installed.
1. For Horizontal Distribution: Provide station cable in types, sizes, and quantities as defined by the
Symbol Schedule and as shown on the Construction Documents. Install cable between the
station and its associated telecommunications room. Provide one cable per each connector at
each station. Provide cables of the same type in the same color – multiple colors of the same
cable type are not acceptable.
a. For 10GBASE-T cable, install cable using only 10GBASE-T components and terminations,
including patch cords.
b. For 1000BASE-T cable, termination of 1000Base-T cable to a CAT-5e patch panel allowed
only when a few cables are added.
2. For Intrabuilding Backbone Distribution: Provide intrabuilding backbone cable in types, sizes,
and quantities as shown on the Construction Documents. Install intrabuilding backbone cables
between telecommunications rooms within the same building. Provide cables of the same type in
the same color – multiple colors of the same cable type are not acceptable.
3. Contractor shall install cables in compliance with ANSI/TIA/EIA Standards, BICSI practices, and
manufacturer’s design and installation guidelines, which shall include, but not be limited to:
bending radius, pulling tension, other mechanical stresses, pulling speed, bundle sizing, cable
supports, cable depth within trays, service slack, dressing at outlets and panels, terminations,
5. Do not distort the outer jacket of the cable. Where this occurs, Contractor shall replace cable at
no cost to Owner.
6. Adhere to the bending radius and pull strength requirements as detailed in the ANSI/TIA/EIA
standards and the manufacturer’s installation recommendations during cable handling and
a. Pull all cables simultaneously where more than one cable is being installed in the same
c. Use pulling means, including fish tape, cable, rope, and basket-weave wire/cable grips that
will not damage media or raceway. Repair or replace conduit bushings that become
damaged during cabling installation.
7. Install exposed cable parallel to and perpendicular to surfaces on exposed structural members
and follow surface contours where possible.
8. Secure cabling. Attaching cables to pipes, electrical conduit, mechanical items, existing cables,
or the ceiling support system (grids, hanger wires, etc. – with the exception of ceiling support
anchors), or any other violation of the NEC is not acceptable. Install hook and loop cable
managers in conformance with the SCS manufacturer’s installation recommendations. Do not
over-tighten cable managers or cause any cross-sectional deformation of cabling. Use of hard
notch plastic wire ties is not acceptable.
a. Horizontal cable bundles should be no more than 24 cables and shall not exceed a quantity
of 48 cables.
c. Route telecommunications cable into and through a separate vertical channel from the
electrical conductors. Under no conditions shall the telecommunications cable share the
same channel with the electrical conductors.
d. Each vertical channel of the Wiremold Steel Tele-Power pole is 1.5” deep. The metallic
separation barrier stops short before the bottom of the pole, just before the
telecommunications outlet port, allowing full use of the 3” depth inside the pole for the cable
bend radius.
a. The quantity of cable placed in conduit shall not exceed a 40% fill limitation per TIA
Standards. The table listed below represents a 40% fill for EMT conduit with the current
types of SYSTIMAX® cables used by Owner. To determine the 40% fill limitation for cable
types not listed below or other types of conduit, contractor shall contact the
Engineer/Designer before proceeding.
a. Provide spacing of J-hooks/bags at 4 feet intervals with visible cable sag between supports
per SYSTIMAX installation requirements.
b. Provide one additional J-hook/bag within 2 feet of cable routing direction change, such as a
90 degree turn from north to east.
c. The quantity of cables placed onto J-hooks/bags shall not exceed the DOC down-sized
rating capacity as stated in Part 2 Products.
a. Lay and dress cables to allow other cables to enter raceway (conduit or otherwise) without
difficulty at a later time by maintaining a working distance from these openings.
b. Route cable as close as possible to the ceiling, floor, sides, or corners to insure that
adequate wall or backboard space is available for current and future equipment and for
cable terminations.
c. Lay cables via the shortest route directly to the nearest edge of the backboard from
mounted equipment or blocks. Support cables so as not to create a load on the equipment
upon which the cables are terminated. Use hook and loop cable managers to bundle
similarly routed and similar cables together and attach to approved vertical support
components (D-rings “only” for vertical support) and approved J-hooks or bags for
horizontal support, then route over a path that will offer minimum obstruction to future
installations of equipment, backboards or other cables.
d. See COPPER TERMINATION BLOCKS above for details on routing copper cabling to
termination blocks.
a. For telecommunications rooms with horizontal cable runways, lay cable neatly in the
runway in even bundles and loosely secure cabling to the runway at regular intervals with
hook and loop cable managers.
b. All cables routed “down” from the horizontal runway shall be supported with a cable runway
radius drop or cable runway radius bend.
14. Cable terminating on patch panels located on racks/cabinets (except CAT 3 Tie Cables to racks):
a. CAT 3 or ARMM cables connected to wall-mounted 110 blocks shall route across
horizontal cable runway above the top of racks, then down a cable runway stringer radius
drop, parallel along the outside of the rear rack C-channel, affixed to Vertical Wire
Management Loops attached to the rear rack C-channel.
b. For multiple CAT 3/ARMM cables to patch panels on the same rack, alternate cable routing
to the left and right rear rack rails.
c. Attach CAT 3/ARMM cables to vertical wire management loops using cable straps.
16. The vertical weight of cables shall be sufficiently and appropriately supported so that cross-
sectional deformation of cabling does not occur.
B. Copper Cable: Terminate all pairs within a cable. Un-terminated cable pairs are not acceptable.
1. For horizontal distribution: Provide station cable in the locations shown on the Construction
a. A maximum of four (4) horizontal cables are permitted to be installed within a 4 11/16” x 4
11/16” (or smaller) outlet/device box.
b. Provide Category 3 cable for inmate telephone system stations and for administrative
telephones “only” where specified by Owner for leased facilities. Provide Category 6 cable
for all other stations.
c. Where cable is routed into or through modular furniture, cable shall have a separate path
from electrical cable separated by a metallic barrier. The metallic barrier separation shall be
maintained as indicated in the table below titled “ISP Telecommunications Clearances for
EMI Reduction.”
Exclude the following statement if OSP Rated CAT 6 is not required on the project.
d. Provide OSP rated Category 6 cable only in locations shown on the Construction
1) Where OSP rated Category 6 cable is required by code and not shown on
Construction Documents, submit RFI to Architect for Owner review.
2. Provide service slack at both ends of horizontal distribution cables typically located in Equipment
Rooms (ER), Telecommunications Rooms (TR), Work Areas (WA), and at Building Entrance
Protectors (BEPs).
1) Relocation of cabling termination equipment to the farthest away position from the
cables point of entry into the ER/TR, including floor to ceiling height, or a minimum
service slack of no less than 10 feet, whichever is greater.
2) The service slack for copper cable shall not be coiled, but properly formed per
ANSI/TIA/EIA Standards, BICSI practices, and manufacturer’s recommendations.
b. Installations where cable is exposed above the ceiling plate at the WA, leave 12 inches of
service slack in the ceiling area above the WA, properly supported.
c. Installations where cable is not exposed above the ceiling plate at the WA outlet (typically
where the cable run is entirely within conduit), the TR location shall have one additional
foot of cable length added to the TR-end service slack to compensate for the lack of
service slack in the ceiling area above the WA location.
d. Where horizontal cable connects to a BEP, leave a minimum of 12 inch service slack on
the wall area adjacent to the BEP.
e. Do not store cable service slack inside pull boxes or junction boxes.
1) The cable slack shall be properly stored in the outlet box by following the BICSI and
SYSTIMAX® Installation Guidelines that specify the following:
a) “Prior to engaging the jack to the faceplate, coil the cable service slack into the
outlet box. Install the jack to the faceplate after the cable service slack has
been coiled into the outlet box.”
b) Coil the service slack for storage into the outlet box in a direction that
minimizes the angle where the cable meets the rear of the outlet jack.
2) Insert the outlet jack into the faceplate at a 45-degree angled position in lieu of the
90-degree straight position to help reduce strain on the outer cable jacket of the
service slack.
g. Cable service slack that has been placed inside the outlet box that shows lack of proper
coiling technique, has been deformed, or is evident of having exceeded the minimum bend
radius, shall be replaced by Contractor at no expense to the Owner.
3. The cable pairs shall be pulled tight into the jack so the cable jacket/sheath ends at the
immediate back of the jack with no more than 1/16 inch gap from the rear of the jack. The
Contractor shall re-terminate, at no cost to the Owner, installations where the gap exceeds 1/16
inch. Where cable re-terminations result in less than 4-6 inches of service slack in the outlet box,
Contractor shall replace existing cable at no expense to the Owner.
4. Route cable to comply with ANSI/TIA/EIA-569 rules for avoiding potential EMI sources and as
indicated in the following table:
Telecommunications Infrastructure
Motors or Transformers
Less than 220 Vrms 4 ft 2 ft 4 ft 1 ft
Greater than 220 Vrms but < 480 Vrms 10 ft 5 ft 4 ft 2 ft
Greater than 480 Vrms 20 ft 15 ft 10 ft 5 ft
5. For intrabuilding backbone distribution: Install intrabuilding backbone cable in the locations
shown on the Construction Documents.
a. Use unshielded, non-plenum multi-pair copper cable for connecting the back side of
termination blocks to entrance protectors, telephone systems, and voice grade active
b. For shielded cable, bond both ends of the metallic shield (or metallic strength) member to
the nearest TGB (as furnished under Division 16 Section — “Grounding and Bonding for
c. For unshielded riser cables or if ARMM cable shield continuity is not assured: Install riser
cable with a Coupled Bonding Conductor (CBC). Run a #6 AWG copper ground riser
conductor, tie-wrapped at regular intervals to the cable or cables in each unshielded
Backbone/Riser cable route, per SYSTIMAX® installation requirements. Ensure that only a
minimal separation distance is allowed between the conductor and the riser cables. Bond
the CBC in the same manner as a cable shield.
d. Provide sufficient service slack at both ends of the backbone cable to accommodate:
1) Relocation of cabling termination equipment to the farthest away position from the
cables point of entry into the area of the termination (typically the ER/TR), including
floor to ceiling height, or a minimum service slack of no less than 25 feet, whichever
is greater.
2) The service slack for copper cable shall not be coiled, but properly formed per
ANSI/TIA/EIA Standards, BICSI practices, and manufacturer’s requirements.
C. Fiber Cable:
1. Terminate all fiber strands within a fiber cable. The installation of “dark fiber” is not acceptable.
2. All horizontal and backbone fiber optic cable shall be installed within innerduct.
3. Fiber optic cable shall be supported per cable manufacturer’s recommendations. Direct support
of fiber optic cable or fiber optic patch cords by J-Hooks is not acceptable.
4. Fiber optic patch cords shall be continuously supported by horizontal and vertical cable
managers within and between each rack and cabinet.
a. Where patch cords route along horizontal cable runways or span any distance with no
support, the patch cord shall be installed within a compliant UL Listed innerduct.
5. Test fiber optic cable on the reel upon delivery to the job site, and again prior to installation.
Permanently affix the test results to the reel and submit a copy to the Owner prior to installation.
Do not install cables that fail the on-reel test. Replace any cables that fail the on-reel test at no
additional expense to the Owner.
1) Test shall conform to the procedures as outlined in the paragraph entitled TESTING
at the end of this specification section.
2) Demonstrate that the test results are in harmony with the factory test results as
shipped with the reel.
6. Where shielded cable is called for in the Construction Documents or used, bond both ends of the
metallic shield (or metallic strength) member to the nearest TGB (as furnished under Division 16
Section - “Grounding for Communications Circuits and Raceway”).
7. Provide cable service slack of the same lengths and in the same manner as indicated above for
Copper Cable and intrabuilding backbone distribution.
a. Additional fiber cable service slack shall be provided inside the fiber patch panel
cabinet/shelf of a minimum of 3 m (10 ft).
b. Terminate all fiber strands in the fiber cabinet/shelf using a fusion splice onto a fiber pigtail
with a factory-terminated connector of the type specified under Section 2 Products.
List additional Cable product installation requirements above as applicable to this project.
Review and edit the following installation requirements based on the products specified in
PART 2 – Products above or on the products specified in another section if installed but not
supplied under this section, and as applicable to this project.
Patch cables will generally be furnished by the Contractor and delivered to DOC IT
personnel at the facility for installation. Include specific requirements for patch cables on
the project, including quantity, color and length. DOC personnel shall determine lengths of
patch cables and colors. Note that patch cable color for inmate LANs shall be green, no
other patch cables shall be green in color.
Note: Where the combined length of two copper patch cords of a channel exceeds 10 m (33 feet), the
length of the horizontal link portion of the channel shall be reduced accordingly from the maximum
(90 m/295 feet) per ANSI/TIA/EIA-568-B.1. Lengths differing from the 568 Standard, even when based
on a formula stipulated by the cabling manufacturer, shall only be allowed when the DOC
Infrastructure Specialist has approved the length in writing.
A. Furnish copper patch cables for modular copper connections. Deliver patch cables to Owner in the
sizes, colors and quantities below:
B. Furnish fiber patch cables for fiber connections. Deliver patch cables to Owner in the fiber type,
lengths, and quantities below:
C. Furnish one (1) spool of Category 3 jumper wire per each telecommunications/equipment room for
cross connects and deliver unopened to Owner.
D. Furnish hook and loop style cable managers for managing patch cords in the telecommunications
rooms. Provide in colors, sizes and quantities as indicated below.
Include specific requirements for cable managers on the project, including quantity, color
and size. Review and edit the information below as required for this project.
1. Furnish eight (8) cable managers, each 6 inches in length, for every two fiber cables installed.
Review and edit the following installation requirements based on the products specified in
PART 2 – Products above or on the products specified in another section if installed but not
supplied under this section, and as applicable to this project.
A. General: Labeling and administration of ISP communications components shall follow the format and
definitions of Owner’s telecommunications administration plan based on the format of ANSI/TIA/EIA-
606-A Class 3 Standard and as defined in the Construction Documents.
B. Color Coding: Apply industry standard color coded labels to cable termination hardware. Always apply
the same color label at both ends of any given cable. Cross-connections are generally made between
termination fields of different colors. The color may be applied to the backboard behind the termination
equipment, may be the color of a cover on the termination equipment, or may be the actual color of the
insert label on the termination equipment. Use the following color code:
3. White: Identification of first-level backbone cables in the building containing the main cross-
connect (MC) and a horizontal cross-connect (HC), or between the MC and an intermediary
cross-connect (IC).
4. Gray: Identification of the second-level backbone (tie) cables in the building between HCs, cables
between MCs, or between an IC and a HC.
5. Blue: Identification of the horizontal distribution (station) cables between the HC and
telecommunications outlet (TO). A blue color coded label is only required at the
telecommunications room end of the cable, not at the station end of the cable.
7. Yellow: Identification of inmate phone termination fields, auxiliary circuits, alarms, maintenance,
security, bridging blocks, and other miscellaneous circuits.
1. In non-secured areas, affix a permanent sign to the door of each telecommunications room or
rack/cabinet per Construction Document prints. Where telecommunications room names are
required in other labels, use the telecommunication room name shown on the Construction
a. For racks/cabinets, affix sign centered across top cross-member of outside front and to the
left of the rack/cabinet identifier.
2. In secured areas, affix a permanent sign to the inside of the space, such as above the entrance
door or to the inside of a cabinet door per Construction Document prints. Do not affix a sign to
the outside of the telecommunications room entrance door or cabinet door.
D. Racks/Cabinets: Label racks and cabinets as shown on the Construction Documents. Affix “large
print” label centered across top cross-member on outside of rack/cabinet on both the front and rear
E. Grounding/Bonding Conductors:
F. Cables:
2. Station Cables: Label station cables with the same label as the station connector (see STATION
CONNECTORS (PORTS) below) that terminates the cable at the station location within 4-6” of
termination point. Include a clear vinyl adhesive wrapping applied over the label in order to
permanently affix the label to the cable. Using transparent tape to affix labels to cables is not
b. fs1/fs2: The two telecommunication spaces (TR or ER) where the cable ends are
4. Identify and label all backbone cables at each end of cable within 24” of telecommunications
room entrance and again within 24” of termination point or as specified by Drawings. Use Marker
Tags for backbone cables larger than 1 inch diameter and where multiple cables bundled
together would make direct stick-on labels difficult to read.
a. Label/Tag shall reflect the cable identifier information above or as specified per the
Construction Documents.
b. Provide new labels/tags to existing cables where indicated on the Construction Documents.
G. Termination Blocks:
1. General:
a. Label termination block ports/pairs sequentially beginning on the first row of each
termination block column. Begin with “001” for the first port/pair.
2. For Horizontal Distribution: Label termination blocks used for voice horizontal distribution with a
single label affixed above the entire termination block column which reads “Adm Voice Stations”.
Label termination blocks used for inmate phone system horizontal distribution with a single label
affixed above the entire termination block column that reads “Inmate Stations”.
3. For Backbone Distribution: Label termination blocks used for backbone distribution with a single
label affixed above the entire termination block wall field which reads “Backbone”. Additionally,
label each termination block column within the termination block wall field as follows:
a. Label columns in the form “TR”, where “TR” is the telecommunications room where the
backbone cable originates (see TELECOMMUNICATIONS ROOMS above). Use a new
column for each telecommunications room. Do not intermix cables from multiple
telecommunications rooms in a single termination block column.
H. Patch Panels:
b. Panels: Label patch panels on the outside with a minimum of ½ inch high lettering that
clearly indicates the patch panel number.
c. Ports: Ports are typically pre-labeled by the manufacturer with sequential numbers (i.e. 1 to
96). For ports which are not pre-labeled, label port in the form “##” where “##” is the
sequential port number within the panel. Each patch panel shall start at port number “01”.
1) For example: The ports on a patch panel terminating horizontal fiber optic cabling in
duplex SC ports would be labeled starting with “01” for the first duplex port (one label
per pair of fiber strands) and continue sequentially through the remainder of the
duplex ports.
Refer to the Telecommunications Distribution Design Guide for information on the Port
Designation labels shown on the Construction Documents.
a. Label connectors in the form “TR-PP#-##” where “TR” is the telecommunications room
where the station cable terminates (see TELECOMMUNICATIONS ROOMS above), “PP#”
is the sequential patch panel number within the telecommunications or equipment room at
which the station cable terminates (see, PATCH PANELS above) and “##” is the port
number within the patch panel where the station cable terminates. Cross reference
connector labels with the Port Designation label on the Construction Documents.
Refer to the Telecommunications Distribution Design Guide for information on the Port
Designation labels shown on the Construction Documents.
a. Label connectors in the form “TR-110-###” where “TR” is the telecommunications room
identifier at which the station cable terminates (see TELECOMMUNICATIONS ROOMS
above), “110” represents the 110 termination block, and “###” is the sequential termination
block port number, within a given termination block column, where the station cable
terminates. Cross reference connector labels with the Port Designation label on the
Construction Documents.
J. Conduits Labels:
1. Identify and label/tag all conduits at each end or where specified by Drawings. Attach Marker
Tags to conduits larger than 2 inch diameter and where multiple conduits bundled together would
make direct stick-on labels difficult to read.
2. Verify the accuracy of existing conduit labels based on the information identified below, and
correct as necessary.
3. If conduits are without labels, label each conduit end (existing or new) in a clear manner, with the
information specified below.
a. Identify the location of the other end of the conduit (i.e. room name, telecommunications
room identifier, pull box identifier, outlet identifier, (use the label of the first port of the outlet
as the outlet identifier)).
K. Pull Strings: Label each pull string in a clear manner by designating the location of the other end of the
pull string (i.e. room name, telecommunications room name, pull box identifier, outlet identifier (use the
label of the first port of the outlet as the outlet identifier), etc.).
L. Firestopping:
Review and edit the following installation requirements based on the products specified in
PART 2 – Products above or on the products specified in another section if installed but not
supplied under this section, and as applicable to this project.
A. It is Imperative for the Contractor to properly setup and configure the test equipment to ensure that
proper testing is conducted based on the type of cable installed, the manufacturer’s recommended test
criteria, and the test requirements within this specification. Examples of problem test results include
incorrect NPV for the type of cable sheath, testing for channel instead of link, etc. Testing performed by
Contractor with an improper setup or configuration or improperly calibrated test equipment will not be
accepted and all tests shall be re-done at no additional expense to Owner.
1. Contractor should consider providing a sampling of the tests for review by the A/E’s RCDD.
B. All cable provided to the Owner shall be tested prior to acceptance. Where spare cable is provided to
Owner, cable shall be tested upon delivery at no additional expense to Owner, and shall meet
manufacturer’s test criteria. Where spare cable is provided to Owner from ends of reels or other
sources, or has incurred handling or been in subsequent transit since initial testing upon delivery, or in
any way is suspect for potential damage since initial testing upon delivery, cable shall be re-tested at no
additional expense to the Owner, and shall meet manufacturer’s test criteria.
C. Provide electronic copies of original cable test machine results in both electronic format and in printed
format as approved by the Owner and Engineer/Designer. Include the test results for each cable in the
system. Submit the test results for each cable tested with identification as discussed under LABELING
AND ADMINISTRATION above. Include the details of the test criteria, testing date, cable identifier,
outcome of test, indication of errors found, cable length, retest results, and name and signature of
technician completing the tests. Provide complete test records and results to both the Owner and
Engineer/Designer for review and acceptance within two weeks of Substantial Completion.
1. Copy original test machine test files to a CD directly from the machine tester.
2. Print test records in color for each cable within the system directly from the tester and submit in
paper form (in a binder) and in electronic form (on CDROM) to both the Owner and
Engineer/Designer for review. Handwritten test results will not be accepted.
b. For additions of only several cables, electronic form can be via e-mail attachment when
approved by Owner.
D. Test the SCS after installation for compliance to all applicable standards as follows:
1. Copper:
a. Where a higher rated category cable is installed onto a lower rated category patch panel,
perform two tests - one at each rating category.
b. For Horizontal Distribution: Test all pairs of each copper station cable for conformance to
ANSI/TIA/EIA 568-B.2-1 and 568-B.2-2 (or latest editions) Category 6 or TIA/EIA-568-B.2-
10 for augmented Category 6A standards. To the extent possible, perform tests with
building electrical systems fully powered on (i.e. Lights, HVAC, etc.).
1) Test each end-to-end permanent link (from the connector at the station (work area)
to the connector or termination in the telecommunications room) utilizing sweep
tests for Installed Length, Insertion Loss (IL), Near End Crosstalk (NEXT), Power
Sum Near End Crosstalk (PSNEXT), Attenuation to Crosstalk Ratio (ACR) - Near
End (ACRN), Power Sum Attenuation to Crosstalk Ratio (PSACR) - Near End
(PSACR-N), Far End Cross Talk (FEXT), Equal Level Far End Crosstalk (ELFEXT)
or Attenuation to Crosstalk Ration - Far End (ACRF), Power Sum Equal Level Far
End Crosstalk (PSELFEXT) or Power Sum Attenuation to Crosstalk Ration - Far End
(PSACRF), Return Loss (RL), Wire Map, Propagation Delay, Delay Skew, continuity,
shorts, polarity, and presence of AC voltage. Test each cable in both directions at
250 MHz for Category 6 cable and 500 MHz for Category 6A cable.
ii. Power Sum Alien Attenuation to Crosstalk Ratio from the Far-end
2) NOTE: Owner requires cable tests using test parameters higher than minimum pass
criteria for Category 6 cables. Contractor shall set up tester for “Custom” test criteria
to revise “PASS/FAIL” results accordingly.
and re-installed with the testing procedure re-started with the Permanent
Link test indicated above.
3) Use a TIA/EIA Level IV testing instrument, certified re-calibration within the last
twelve months by the manufacturer or more frequent if recommended by
manufacturer, field re-calibration occurring at the start of testing, with the most
current manufacturer’s software revision, capable of storing and printing test records
for each cable within the system and equipped with the current and appropriate
"SYSTIMAX® Gigaspeed test adapters".
a) Testing Device: Fluke DTX-1800 with latest software and hardware releases
for SYSTIMAX® GigaSpeed CAT-6 XL and/or CAT-6A X10D horizontal
distribution cables.
i. For CAT 6 link testing, use CAT 6 Permanent Link Adapters only.
ii. For CAT 6A link testing, use CAT 6A Permanent Link Adapters only.
5) Test results shall be test machine-produced in Fluke (most-recent version) cable test
management software format:
c. For Intra-building Backbone Distribution: Test all cable pairs for length, shorts, opens,
continuity, polarity reversals, transposition (wire map), and the presence of AC voltage. All
pairs shall demonstrate compliance to TIA/EIA 568-B Category 3 standards.
1) Test copper cable on the reel upon delivery to the job site, again prior to installation,
and again after installation.
3) Use a TIA/EIA Level IV testing instrument, certified re-calibration within the last
twelve months by the manufacturer or more frequent if recommended by the
manufacturer, field re-calibration occurring within thirty (30) days, with the most
current software revision based upon the most current TIA/EIA testing guidelines,
capable of storing and printing test records for each cable within the system.
a) Fluke DTX-1800 with latest software and hardware releases for SYSTIMAX®,
or approved equal.
2. Fiber: Test fiber optic cable on the reel upon delivery to the job site prior to installation, and again
after installation.
a. Prior to testing, calculate the cable loss budget for each fiber optic cable and clearly show
the result on the test documentation. Calculate maximum loss using the following formula,
assuming no splices:
c) A given fiber strand shall not exceed its calculated maximum loss (per the
above formula).
b. Test all strands using a power meter test performed per ANSI/TIA/EIA 455-53A, and
ANSI/TIA/EIA 568-B, or latest ANSI/TIA/EIA Standards and the SYSTIMAX® SCS Field
Testing Guideline for Fiber-Optic Cabling Systems, Issue 3, August 2003 or latest edition.
2) Calculate loss numbers by taking the sum of the two bi-directional measurements
and dividing that sum by two.
4) Both the optional and recommended criteria specified in SYSTIMAX® SCS Field
Testing Guideline for Fiber-Optic Cabling Systems, Issue 3, August 2003 or latest
E. Identify cables and equipment that do not pass to the Owner and Engineer/Designer. Determine the
source of the non-compliance and replace or correct the cable or the connection materials, and retest
the cable or connection materials at no additional expense to the Owner. Provide new test results to
the Owner and Engineer/Designer in the same manner as above.
1. In addition to the above, if it is determined that the cable is at fault, remove the damaged cable
and replace it with a new cable. Cable “repairs” are not acceptable. The procedure for removing
the cable shall be as follows:
1) Inform the Owner and Engineer/Designer of the schedule for the removal and
3) Test cables that occupy the same innerduct or conduit (if not in innerduct) as the
damaged cable per paragraph B, above, regardless of whether or not they are new
cables installed as part of this project or existing cables installed prior to this project.
4) Provide test results to the Owner and Engineer/Designer for approval by the Owner
and Engineer/Designer.
c. After the removal of the damaged cable and installation of the new cable:
2) Test cables that occupy the same innerduct or conduit (if not in innerduct) as the
damaged cable per paragraph B, above, regardless of whether they are new cables
installed as part of this project or existing cables installed prior to this project.
a) If any of the cables requiring testing are in use, coordinate with the Owner to
schedule an outage opportunity during which the testing can be performed.
3) Provide test results to the Owner and Engineer/Designer for approval by the Owner
and Engineer/Designer.
d. If a cable(s) residing in the same conduit or innerduct is damaged by the Contractor during
installation of other cable, Contractor shall replace damaged cable(s) at no additional
expense to owner.
1) Replacement cables shall be subject to the testing procedures of the paragraph titled
Review any contractor follow-up requirements with the DOC project manager and clearly
state these requirements in the following paragraph(s). The 40 hours of assistance listed
below should probably only be included when a PBX installation is part of the contract
since the SYSTIMAX ® warranty should cover most other follow-up requirements.
A. For the first four weeks that the system is in full operation, provide technical assistance for trouble
shooting, training, and problem solving by phone and (within 24 hours of notice) on site. Provide up to
40 hours of assistance (in addition to any warranty-related work), including phone, travel, and on site
time during this period.
This specification should also be used in Division 17 for LVE systems using 22-24 AWG
OSP copper or OSP fiber.
This specification section has references, products, procedures, processes, and work
descriptions/summaries that are common to many Washington State Department of
Corrections telecommunications projects. This information is provided in specification
format to serve as a guide to the Engineer/Designer in producing a CSI-compliant
specification that will meet the unique requirements of DOC Telecommunications projects.
However, this document is not intended to be a Master Specification. The information
included in this section is not intended to be all-inclusive for any given project.
The Engineer/Designer may edit this section (adding and/or removing content where
required) for use with a specific project, but shall not create a new specification section
based on the “intent” of the TCGS, or cut and paste content from the TCGS sections into
other existing specification sections. Edits to the section shall be performed with
WORD “Revision Tracking” features activated. At the various project design milestones
when the documents are submitted to DOC for review, the TCGS specifications shall be
printed showing the revision markings.
Text in shaded boxes (such as this text) is included to aid the Engineer/Designer in
understanding areas of this Guide Specification that may require modification for a
particular project. Although this text is generally written in declarative form, the
Engineer/Designer shall consider it guidance only. The Engineer/Designer shall not
assume that the content of this specification section is suitable or sufficient for any given
project in its current form and shall remain responsible for developing a thorough and
complete specification that meets the requirements of the project being designed.
Review and edit the following paragraph to ensure appropriate references are included.
A. Drawings and general provisions of the Contract, including General and Supplementary Conditions and
Division 1 Specification Sections, apply to the work of this Section.
Review and edit the following list of generic type products and work for relevance to this
project. This listing should not include procedures or processes, preparatory work, or final
A. Provide all materials and labor for the installation of a customer-owned outside plant telecommunication
system fully compliant to the ANSI/TIA/EIA Commercial Building Telecommunications Standard. Work
in this section includes, but is not limited to installation and termination of Customer-Owned Outside
Plant Communications cabling and components including administration equipment, cutting and
patching, firestopping, and grounding and bonding for the specified Outside Plant Structured Cabling
System (OSP-SCS - See Definition Below).
B. Related sections include but are not necessarily limited to the following:
Review and edit the list of sections below for relevance to this project and include only
those that are directly related to this section. Ensure that the referenced sections are
included in the project manual and that titles are accurate. Include sections that furnish
products which are installed under this section (coordinate with paragraphs below). This
paragraph should be used sparingly to avoid assuming the contractor’s responsibility for
coordinating work.
1. Division 16 Section — "Basic Electrical Materials and Methods"
Include this paragraph only if products will be furnished under this section but installed
under other sections or by the Owner. When installations are “By Owner” consider
referencing the installation to Division 1 Section 01010 (or equivalent) - Summary of Work
(Owner- Installed Items). If this paragraph is required for the project, the Engineer/Designer
must take care to clearly define any product warranty issues associated with the split
D. Products installed (but not furnished) under this section -
Include this paragraph only if products will be installed under this section but furnished
under other sections or by the Owner. When products are furnished “By Owner” consider
referencing the installation to Division 1 Section 01010 (or equivalent) - Summary of Work
(Owner-Furnished Items). If this paragraph is required for the project, the
Engineer/Designer must take care to clearly define any product warranty issues associated
with the split responsibility.
Consider including grounding and bonding conductors and any other items that are
installed under this section but not furnished under this section.
1. Grounding and bonding Conductors
Include this paragraph only if unit pricing will be required for a specific part of the project.
Include statements on how to measure the quantity. For example, unit prices may be
requested for cable, patch panels, etc. Specify technical information on the products and
installation associated with the required unit pricing in the appropriate articles of PART 2
and PART 3.
Review and edit the following list of references. Check for completeness, currency and
applicability to this project. Rarely should anything be removed from under the General or
Communications categories. The Engineer/Designer shall verify with the DOC-CPDPM
and/or the DOC-TDI Specialist assigned to the project whether the latest edition and/or
addenda of each required reference is appropriate and specify the edition and addenda
below accordingly.
A. Incorporate by reference the applicable portions of the following specifications, standards, codes into
this specification section.
1. General:
2. Communications:
Unless specifically indicated otherwise in the Construction Documents, the latest Edition and all
current Addenda’s and approved Amendments for the following publications shall be
considered Communications references. (This section of the Construction Documents is based
on the Washington State Department of Corrections (WSDOC) Telecommunications
Distribution Infrastructure Standards (TDIS) Version 5.3, 4/30/2008)
h. IEEE 802.3 (series): Local Area Network Ethernet Standard, including the IEEE 802.3z
Gigabit Ethernet Standard
Review and edit the following list of definitions for applicability to this project. Add and/or
remove definitions for unusual terms that are not explained in the conditions of the Contract
and that are used in ways not common to standard references.
NOTE: Furnish, provide and install are used repeatedly throughout this specification. The
Engineer/Designer shall ensure that these terms are identified in the appropriate section of
the project manual. The definitions of these terms shall be similar to the following:
Furnish - “Supply and deliver to the project site, ready for unloading, unpacking, assembly,
installation and similar operations”.
Install - “Operations at the project site including unloading, unpacking, assembly, erection,
placing, anchoring, applying, working to dimension, finishing, curing, protecting, cleaning
and similar operations”.
Provide - “To furnish and install, complete and ready for the intended operation”.
A. “BCT” shall mean Bonding Conductor for Telecommunications. The conductor that interconnects the
telecommunications bonding infrastructure at the TMGB to the building’s electrical service grounding
electrode system.
B. “HH” shall mean Handhole. A structure similar to a small maintenance hole through which
communications cable can be pulled, but not large enough for a splice case or for a person to fully
enter to perform work. DOC typically does not allow installation of new HHs or installation of
telecommunications cable into/through existing HHs. Do not use an existing HH unless specifically
identified for use on construction document drawings.
C. “MH” shall mean Maintenance Hole. A vault located in the ground or earth as part of an underground
conduit system and used to facilitate placing, connecting, and maintaining communications cables as
well as placing associated equipment. It is expected that a person will enter the MH to perform work.
D. “OSP-SCS” shall mean Outside Plant - Structured Cabling System. The OSP-SCS is defined as all
required equipment and materials including, but not limited to, ANSI/TIA/EIA compliant copper and fiber
optic cable (multimode and singlemode), connectors, splices, splice enclosures, grounding and
bonding, and other incidental and miscellaneous equipment and materials as required for a fully
operational, tested, certified, and warranted system, compliant with all applicable codes and standards.
E. “SERVICE SLACK” shall mean all horizontal and backbone copper and fiber cables shall be installed to
provide an additional length of cable (service slack) near each end of the cable within the area where
the cable terminations are made. The service slack is to accommodate future moves or changes to the
locations of the cable termination equipment. Within a telecommunications or equipment room, the
service slack shall be long enough to reach the longest, opposite side of the room plus the distance
from ceiling to floor, or whichever is longer - a minimum of ten feet for horizontal cable or twenty-five
feet for backbone cable. For fiber optic cable, additional service slack is required – a minimum of ten
feet stored within each fiber shelf or cabinet.
F. “TBB” shall mean Telecommunications Bonding Backbone. A conductor that interconnects all TGBs
with the TMGB. The intended function of a TBB is to reduce or equalize potential differences between
telecommunications systems. The TBB originates at the TMGB and extends throughout the building
using the telecommunications backbone pathways, and connects to the TGBs in all
telecommunications rooms and equipment rooms. Whenever two or more TBBs are used within a
building, the TBBs shall be bonded together with a TBBIBC. Size of TBB conductor is based on length
from the TMGB to the electrical service grounding point.
G. “TGB” shall mean Telecommunications Grounding Busbar. A predrilled UL Listed copper busbar
provided with holes for use with standard sized lugs. A TGB is the common point of grounding
connection for telecommunications systems and equipment in the area served by telecommunications
room or equipment room. There is typically one or more TGB’s per telecommunications room. The
TGB is connected both to the TMGB and to building structural steel or other permanent metallic
H. “TMGB” shall mean Telecommunications Main Grounding Busbar. A predrilled UL Listed copper
busbar provided with holes for use with standard sized lugs. There is typically one TMGB per building,
located in the main telecommunications room of the building. This busbar is directly bonded to the
electrical service grounding electrode system by the Bonding Conductor for Telecommunications (BCT)
and bonded to building structural steel or other permanent metallic systems. The TMGB serves as the
dedicated extension of the building’s grounding system for the building’s telecommunications
infrastructure. A TMGB may serve in lieu of a TGB in a telecommunications room.
Review and edit the following statement(s) for applicability to this project, restricted to
describing performance, design requirements and functional tolerances of a complete
A. Furnish, install, test and place into satisfactory and successful operation all equipment, materials,
devices, and necessary appurtenances to provide a complete ANSI/TIA/EIA and lSO/IEC fully
compliant communications Outside Plant Structured Cabling System (OSP-SCS) as hereinafter
specified and/or shown on the Construction Documents and with fully compliant TIA/EIA grounding and
bonding as specified in Division 16 section Grounding and Bonding for Telecommunications. The
system is intended to be capable of integrating voice, data, and video signals onto a common media.
The data portion shall be tested for and be capable of Gigabit Ethernet operation as specified in IEEE
B. The work shall include all materials, equipment and apparatus not specifically mentioned herein or
noted on the plans but which are necessary to make a complete working ANSI/TIA/EIA and ISO/IEC
fully compliant OSP-SCS.
Review and edit the following list of submittals as applicable to this project. Note that the
submittals listed below are specific to this section only. Division 1, Section 01300 (or
equivalent) – Submittals should include general administrative requirements (e.g. schedule,
number of copies, distribution, etc.). Either Section 01300 or this section should include a
statement similar to the following:
“The Contractor shall apply Contractor’s stamp, sign, or initial certifying that review,
verification of required Products, and coordination of information is in accordance with the
requirements of the work and Contract Documents.
Any deviations from the Construction Documents or specified product data shall be clearly
noted, and must be approved by the Engineer/Designer prior to start of construction. The
Engineer/Designer shall obtain approval from DOC through the Alternative Design Request
(ADR) process prior to approving a Contractor-submitted deviation.
A. Product Data Submittals: Provide submittal information for review before materials are delivered to the
job site. Provide product data submittals for all products at the same time.
1. Submit a letter stating that the materials will be provided as specified, and specifically listing
any items that will not be provided as specified. The letter shall also state that the Contractor
has reviewed the specified items and agrees that they are applicable to this project in all
2. For those items noted as allowing “or equal,” and which are not being provided as specifically
named, submit standard manufacturer's cut sheets or other descriptive information, along with
a written description detailing the reason for the substitution.
3. Provide standard manufacturer’s cut sheets and the operating and maintenance (O&M)
instructions at the time of submittal review for each device in the system, regardless of whether
it is submitted as specified or as an approved equal. These instructions shall detail how to
install and service the equipment and shall include information necessary for rough-in and
preparation of the building facilities to receive the materials.
a. Where the cable routing, grouping, grounding, and bonding is to be provided as shown on
the Construction Documents, do not provide a cable routing and grouping plan. Submit
written documentation stating that the cable routing and grouping will be provided as shown
on the Construction Documents, that the Contractor has reviewed the routing and grouping
on the Construction Documents with applicable Subcontractors and suppliers and agrees it
does not create conflicts between trades, and that the routing and grouping meets
applicable codes, regulations and standards.
b. Where changes in cable routing, grouping, grounding and bonding are proposed, submit
complete floor plan(s) and/or detail drawing(s) showing the proposed routing, grouping,
raceway sizes and locations, cabling, grounding and bonding in a manner equal to that of
the Construction Documents. Ensure that any cabling changes are coordinated with
comparable accommodating changes to the raceway routing and grouping. Specifically
note each location where the proposed routing and grouping is different from the
Construction Documents. Submit written documentation detailing the reason for each
change request. Each change request must be approved in writing by the
Engineer/Designer and Owner prior to proceeding with the change.
2. Submit wall field termination block and wire management elevations as follows:
a. Where wall field termination blocks and wire management are to be provided as shown on
the Construction Documents, do not submit elevations. Submit written documentation
stating that the wall field termination blocks and wire management will be provided as
shown on the Construction Documents, that the Contractor has reviewed the elevations on
the Construction Documents with applicable Subcontractors and suppliers and agrees that
it does not create conflicts between trades, and that the elevations meet applicable codes,
regulations and standards.
b. Where changes to the wall field termination blocks and wire management are proposed, or
where elevations have not been included on the Construction Documents, submit wall field
termination block and wire management elevations along with written documentation
detailing the reason for the change. The change request must be approved in writing by the
Engineer/Designer and Owner prior to proceeding with the change.
3. Submit a list of proposed test equipment for use in verifying the installation of the SCS.
Proposed test equipment shall meet the criteria as stated in PART 3 – TESTING and the SCS
Manufacturer’s recommended test parameters.
2) Documentation from the manufacturer showing date and outcome of the last re-
calibration. Testing device shall have been re-calibrated within the last twelve (12)
months or within the manufacturer’s recommended calibration period, whichever is
shorter, encompassing the period of time when the testing device will be used on this
3) Documentation stating date, time, and employee name performing field calibration of
test equipment within thirty (30) days of time when the testing device will be used on
this project.
4) Documentation from the manufacturer showing current software revision and the
software’s capabilities to successfully perform the current industry standard test for
the Category of SCS cable being installed. Software revision shall be most current
revision available for the testing device and shall be based upon the most current
ANSI/TIA/EIA testing guidelines.
5) Failure to provide calibration data or where calibration data is not within the
parameters specified above shall render all tests performed null and void and require
re-testing of all cable within the project or work order at no expense to the Owner.
b. Submit proposed copper and fiber cable test forms (see PART 3 – TESTING for more
4. Submit a list of the personnel who will be assigned to the project, the type of work they will be
performing per QUALITY ASSURANCE below, copies of the manufacturer’s training
certification for each, and copies of BICSI or equivalent SCS training certifications. If personnel
changes are made during the project, submit the above information for any new personnel prior
to them beginning work on the project.
2. Records - Maintain at the job site a minimum of one set of Record Drawings, Specification, and
Addenda. Record Drawings shall consist of redline markups of drawings, specifications and
spreadsheets, including maintenance hole/handhole butterfly drawings.
Portions of the text below may be contained in other Sections (e.g. 16010 (or equivalent) -
General Electrical). Coordinate text for accuracy and content.
a. Document changes to the system from that originally shown on the Construction
Documents and clearly identify system component labels and identifiers on Record
b. Keep Record Drawings at the job site and make available to the Owner and
Engineer/Designer at any time.
c. Keep Record Drawings current throughout the course of construction. (“Current” is defined
as not more than one week behind actual construction).
Refer to the DOC Telecommunications Distribution Design Guide for format and content of
the cable records described below.
Note that the Engineer/Designer is responsible for developing items 1-6 and 8 below
and specifying in the Construction Documents.
e. Provide a table/schedule showing the following information for each cable link in the project
on the Record Drawings. Base the table/schedule on the schedule provided by the
Engineer/Designer in the Project Manual. Items 1 through 6 and item 8 have already been
completed by the Engineer/Designer and are included in the table/schedule. Complete
items 7 and 9. Include the following items in the table/schedule:
3) Media type (fiber type and core size, Cat 6A, CAT 6, Cat 3, etc.)
5) Cable Identifier
8) For fiber optic cabling, as-designed maximum link attenuation at design frequency
(indicating frequency used for design calculations) including as-designed maximum
splice loss and as-designed maximum connector loss
9) For fiber optic cabling, actual measured link attenuation as tested with test frequency
(from test results)
10) For copper cabling, actual measured headroom (from test results)
Include any requirements for coordinating work with potentially unusual or specifically
required sequencing, such as having cable installed to test and commission other building
automation systems (BAS).
A. Provide coordination with SYSTIMAX® to ensure that SYSTIMAX® inspectors are available to
schedule site visits, inspections, and certification of the system. Provide and coordinate any
SYSTIMAX®-required modifications and have SYSTIMAX® re-inspect and certify the system prior to
the scheduled use of the system by the Owner.
1. The Contractor is solely responsible for all costs associated with scheduling the SYSTIMAX®
inspection, the inspection itself and any SYSTIMAX® required re-inspections, and for any
modifications to the installation as required by SYSTIMAX®.
B. Schedule installation of cable and components that may be required for use by equipment and systems
from other trades to ensure cabling connectivity for their testing and commissioning.
A. Coordinate installation of cabling and components with other construction elements to ensure adequate
headroom, working clearances, setback clearances, access, and building startup requirements.
For projects where the telecommunications cabling falls under the responsibility of the GC,
consider establishing a deadline prior to the bid date for the General Contractors to have
submitted prequalification documentation demonstrating that their telecommunications sub-
contractor meets the qualification requirements. Also, consider publishing the list of pre-
qualified telecommunications Contractors as an addendum prior to the bid deadline.
A. Telecommunications Contractor Qualifications: Prior to bidding the project, submit:
4. List of references for no less than five similar projects (in terms of size and construction cost)
performed by the telecommunications Contractor under the telecommunications Contractor’s
current business name within the past three years. Detail the following for each project:
b. Construction cost
c. A brief description of the project, the components involved, and the OSP-SCS
manufacturer used on the project
DOC generally includes the cabling under the responsibility of the GC which alleviates
many problems. Include the paragraph listed at the bottom of this hidden text (or one
similar) “only” if the cabling and components within this section of the project are to be
constructed using a Facility Contract (FC) and a contractor selected under the State of
Washington Department of Information Services (DIS) Master Contract.
Use of the DIS Master Contract may be discussed with the DOC project manager and the
DOC-TDI Specialist prior to the completion of Design Development if events arise in the
project that warrants using a FC.
When a FC is used along with the DIS Master Contract, this entire section is pulled out of
the construction documents that go out to bid and is included in a separate construction
document specifically written for the contractor from the DIS Master Contract. One or more
pre-qualified Contractors from the DIS Master Contract shall be recommended by the
DOC-TDI Specialist and approved by the DOC project manager. Review and edit the
section numbers and titles below and coordinate content as applicable to this project.
“Documentation demonstrating that the Contractor has a current Master Contract with the
State of Washington Department of Information Services (DIS) per the requirements in
Section 01010, and shall be on the DOC pre-qualified DIS contractor list shown in Section
B. Telecommunications Contractor’s employees directly involved with the supervision, installation, testing,
and certification of the SCS shall be trained and certified by the selected SCS’ manufacturer. Training
and certifications by employee type are required as shown below:
2. Test Technicians: All (100%) shall be trained/certified for installation and testing of all
manufacturers’ cabling and components to be installed as required by the manufacturer.
Requires current certification of:
a. Fluke Networks Certified Cabling Test Technician (CCTT) course or approved equal for
other approved manufacturer’s test equipment:
1) For DTX (Copper and/or fiber): “CCTT for the DTX Series CableAnalyzer”.
3. Installation Technicians: All (100%) shall be trained/certified for installation of all manufacturers’
cabling and components to be installed as required by the manufacturer and trained/certified on
4. Other personnel: Personnel not directly responsible for installation supervision, installation,
testing or certifying the SCS (i.e. cleanup crew, no hands-on cable assistants, etc.) are not
required to be manufacturer or BICSI trained and certified. Other personnel shall not be
allowed to directly assist the installation technicians or test technicians.
Coordinate this paragraph with the conditions of the contract and Division 1 requirements
to ensure that no statements are made that will limit or void those conditions. The
Engineer/Designer is required to have a thorough understanding of the manufacturer
warranties applicable on this project. The Engineer/Designer shall consider, account for,
and advise DOC regarding any unique warranty situations that may arise from Owner-
furnished equipment, Owner-installed equipment, or other situations that may conflict with
warranty requirements.
A. Contractor Warranty:
a. Provide labor attributable to the fulfillment of this warranty at no cost to the Owner.
1) The Contractor Warranty period shall commence upon Owner acceptance of the
a. That the products will be free from manufacturing defects in materials and workmanship.
b. That the cabling products of the installed system shall exceed the specification of
ANSI/TIA/EIA 568-B and ISO/IEC 11801 Standards.
c. That the installation shall exceed the specification of ANSI/TIA/EIA 568-B and exceed
ISO/IEC 11801 standards.
d. That the system shall be application independent and shall support both current and future
applications that use the ANSI/TIA/EIA 568-B and ISO/IEC 11801 component and
link/channel specifications for cabling.
2. Provide materials and labor attributable to the fulfillment of this warranty at no cost to the
1) Provide a copy of the SYSTIMAX® Registration Document to the Owner at the time
of submittal to SYSTIMAX®.
4. The OSP-SCS Manufacturer Warranty period shall commence upon a Warranty Certificate
being issued by the manufacturer. The Warranty Certificate shall be issued no later than three
months after Owner acceptance of the work.
Ensure that products listed under the PART 2 – Products paragraphs have corresponding
installation instructions in PART 3 – Execution, or in another specification section if
furnished but not installed under this section.
DOC has standardized on SYSTIMAX® for all new Structured Cabling Systems in DOC
facilities. Products shall be specified accordingly. The Engineer/Designer shall ensure that
the latest SYSTIMAX® part numbers are used for specified products. Note that “Or-Equal”
substitutions for core products available from SYSTIMAX® are not permitted.
Any product substituted for a SYSTIMAX® warranted product other than those already
listed within this document shall require the same or better 20 year product and
performance warranty. If the substituted product is to be covered under the SYSTIMAX®
warrantee, written authorization from the SYSTIMAX® Account representative must first be
obtained and subsequently become part of the warranty documentation.
The products listed throughout PART 2 – Products below are not all-inclusive for any given
project. The Engineer/Designer shall ensure that products required by their design are
specified with equal or greater detail to the following paragraphs. The Engineer/Designer
shall also verify that the most current part number of each specified product is listed in this
section. Cautiously remove all product information that does not apply to a specific project.
Where one or more “x” is embedded within a product number listed in this section, the “x”
portion typically is a place holder for quantity, color, length, etc. for the product. It is the
Engineer/Designer’s responsibility (not the Contractor) to work with the Owner and
Design Team to obtain the specific information for the project components and
modify the product codes accordingly, replacing the “x” information within the
Construction Documents.
A. Unless specifically stated as “Or equal”, equivalent items are not acceptable, provide items as
B. Physically verify existing site conditions prior to purchase and delivery of the materials, including but not
limited to lengths and condition of conduit and/or pathway (including maintenance holes and
handholes) to be used for routing backbone cabling. Pre-cut materials of insufficient length are the sole
responsibility of the Contractor.
1. Bid only one OSP-SCS Manufacturer and only bid a manufacturer for which the Contractor is
certified. The OSP-SCS Manufacturer shall be the following. Substitution is not acceptable:
2. Contractor shall verify SCS Manufacturer’s Product Codes and Material Identifiers listed below
prior to ordering.
D. For a given manufacturer, all components shall be part of a single OSP-SCS product line – components
shall not be intermixed between a manufacturer’s OSP-SCS product lines. The OSP-SCS product line
shall be engineered “end-to-end” – the system and all of its components shall be engineered to function
together as a single, continuous transmission path.
1. The OSP-SCS Product Line shall be the following, per manufacturer. Substitution is not
E. Provide all incidental and/or miscellaneous hardware not explicitly specified or shown on the
Construction Documents that is required for a fully compliant, operational, tested, certified and
warranted OSP-SCS system.
Engineer/Designer shall review and edit the following products/part numbers as applicable
to this project. If section numbers and titles are referenced, verify for accuracy.
A. As specified under Division 16 Section – “Outside Plant Communications Site Work”, Division 16
Section – “Raceway and Boxes for Communications Circuits” and Division 16 Section – “Inside Plant
Communications Circuits” except where noted below.
1. Innerduct:
b. Outside Plant: Corrugated, bright orange, with pull tape and rated for outdoor duct
1) 1” Diameter
2) 1-1/4” Diameter
c. Intrabuilding: Corrugated, white, with pull tape, UL Listed for indoor installation.
B. Pull Rope: Plastic or nylon with a minimum test rating of 200 lb.
Review and edit the following products/part numbers as applicable to this project. If section
numbers and titles are referenced below, verify for accuracy.
A. Firestopping material: Conform to both Flame (F) and Temperature (T) ratings as required by local
building codes and as tested by nationally accepted test agencies per ASTM E814 or UL 1479 fire test
in a configuration that is representative of the actual field conditions. Manufactured by:
Review and edit the following products/part numbers as applicable to this project.
A. As specified under Division 16 Section – “Grounding and Bonding for Telecommunications”
Review and edit the following products/part numbers asapplicable to this project. If section
numbers and titles are referenced below, verify for accuracy.
Review and edit the following products/part numbers as applicable to this project. If section
numbers and titles are referenced below, verify for accuracy.
A. Voice Backbone Copper Building Entrance Protectors (BEPs). Complete with lockable covers and
plug-in protector modules for each pair terminated on the chassis. Protector modules shall provide
over-voltage and sneak current protection. BEPs and protectors shall be manufactured by the selected
OSP-SCS Manufacturer:
2) Protector units/modules: SYSTIMAX® 4B1-EW (includes heat coils for sneak current
DOC does not generally allow the use of OSP rated 4-pair copper cable in the horizontal
data environment, or in the OSP backbone environment. If a design solution (ADR
approved by DOC-TDI Specialist requires the use of OSP rated Category 6, then include
the following paragraph. Note that a voice circuit connected to a PoE or Data protector will
B. OSP Copper 4-pair CAT 6 Station Entrance Protectors. Protectors shall be manufactured by the
selected OSP-SCS Manufacturer:
Verify whether Outdoor or Indoor/Outdoor cable will be required for the project. Consult the
DOC TDI Specialist as well as maintaining compliance with the NEC 50-ft rule. Note that
the type of cables shall be specified in the CD - DOC does not want the choice left up to
the Contractor!!!
Engineer/Designer shall discuss with the DOC TDI Specialist which MMF shall be deployed
on each project. Where new construction occurs at an existing campus that has 62.5 um
fiber deployed, then 62.5 um MMF typically needs to be deployed to new buildings because
numerous low voltage BAS systems utilize the MMF and daisy-chain through patch panels,
rather than active electronics, which requires a uniformly sized MMF throughout the
campus and buildings. For construction of a totally new prison campus or stand-alone
buildings, 50 um MMF shall be used.
A. Outdoor Cable: Rated for outdoor use, duct installation, and/or direct burial installation as dictated by
the application.
1. Fiber Optic Cable: All-dielectric, meeting or exceeding ANSI/TIA/EIA and industry standards
including Bellcore GR-20-CORE specifications. Cables and fan-out kits shall be manufactured
by the selected OSP-SCS Manufacturer:
a. Multimode Fiber - 62.5 Micron: All-dielectric, MDPE jacket, gel filled, buffer tubes, dry water
blocking cable core, multimode graded index, 62.5/125 multimode, with a maximum
attenuation of 3.4 dB/km at 850 nm and 1.0 dB/km at 1300 nm and bandwidth of 200
MHz/km at 850 nm and 500 MHz/km at 1300 nm.
b. Multimode Fiber – 50.0 Micron: All-dielectric, MDPE jacket, gel filled, buffer tubes, dry
blocking cable core.
c. Singlemode 8.0 Micron: All-dielectric Loose Tube with a maximum attenuation of 0.4
dB/km at 1300 nm and 0.3 dB/km at 1550 nm.
DOC prefers to have separate cables for SMF and MMF, except where pathway space is
an issue. If composite is needed, the Designer/Engineer shall discuss whether the DOC-
preferred Loose Tube or the Central Tube Composite Outdoor fiber should be specified
1) For SYSTIMAX® (SMF TeraSPEED 8.0 Micron & MMF LazrSPEED 300 50.0
Micron, Dielectric):
2) For SYSTIMAX® (SMF TeraSPEED 8.0 Micron & MMF OptiSPEED 62.5 Micron):
Note that OSP copper backbone and riser cables are no longer manufactured by
SYSTIMAX®. SYSTIMAX® has directed DOC to specify Superior Essex cable which they
will include within their SYSTIMAX® 20 year warranty.
2. Copper Cable:
a. For Backbone Category-3: Shielded, with 24-AWG solid copper conductors insulated with
color coded PVC. UL Verified to ANSI/TIA/EIA 568-B for Category 3 performance.
Insulated with filled foam skin-DEPIC and conform to RUS 7 CFR 1755.890 (REA PE-89).
Cable shall be manufactured by or listed as an “approved alternative product” by the
selected OSP-SCS Manufacturer:
Product: 10100xxAGY
Review and edit the following products/part numbers as applicable to this project.
A. Labels and Tags
1. Shall follow the format and definitions of DOC’s administration plan based on the ANSI/TIA/EIA
606-A Class 3 and as identified in the Construction Documents.
2. Labels shall be permanent (i.e. not subject to fading or erasure), permanently affixed, typed,
and created by a hand-carried label maker or an approved equivalent software-based label
making system. Handwritten labels are not acceptable.
a. Labels applied directly to small 4-pair cable (or equal diameter cable), not for Marker Tags:
1) Panduit:
a) Clear L3PL3CL
b) White L3PL3WH
4. Marker Tags for Conduit and Cable shall be a minimum size of 3.5” W x 2.0” H, constructed of
rigid vinyl with a clear over-laminate protection (self-laminating), with slots for installing as a
wrap and/or flag with nylon cable ties with a minimum loop tensile strength of 40 pounds.
Labels applied to tags shall be typed and created by a label maker or an approved equivalent
software-based label making system (see above). Handwritten labels are not acceptable.
a. Tags:
5. Signs: Permanent plastic or metal engraved, not subject to fading or erasure, waterproof and
solvent resistant, permanently affixed.
Ensure that products incorporated into the project under PART 3 paragraphs have
corresponding Product information in PART 2 – Products, or in another specification
Section if installed but not supplied under this Section.
DOC has standardized on SYSTIMAX® for all new Structured Cabling Systems in DOC
facilities. Installation requirements shall be specified accordingly.
The following paragraphs include installation requirements written specifically for the
Products listed in Part 2 above. If other products are approved, the Engineer/Designer
shall ensure that appropriate Part 3 installation requirements are added/removed or
modified as applicable and written with equal or greater detail to the following paragraphs.
The products listed throughout PART 2 – Products and the installation requirements below
are not all-inclusive for any given project. The Engineer/Designer shall ensure that
products required by their design are specified in Part 2 with corresponding installation
requirements specified in Part 3.
A. The Contractor is solely responsible for the safety of the public and workers in accordance with all
applicable rules, regulations, building codes and ordinances.
B. All work shall comply with applicable safety rules and regulations including OSHA and WISHA. All work
shall comply with the requirements of the National Electrical Safety Code (NESC) and the NEC except
where local codes and/or regulations are more stringent, in which case the local codes and/or
regulations shall govern.
C. All work shall comply with the standards, references and codes listed in PART 1 -- REFERENCES
above. Where questions arise regarding which standards, references, or codes apply, the more
stringent shall prevail.
D. All work shall comply with the requirements and recommendations of the product manufacturers.
Where questions arise regarding which requirements and recommendations apply, the more stringent
shall prevail.
E. Replace and/or repair to original (or better) condition any existing structures, materials, equipment, etc.
inadvertently demolished or damaged by the Contractor during the course of construction at no
additional cost to the Owner.
• For Capital Projects, Owner shall be the DOC Capital Programs Project Manager
• For all other projects, Owner shall be the DOC Regional IT Manager
a. The DOC Owner shall immediately provide information of the damage to the DOC Regional
IT Manager and/or the DOC Telecommunications Distribution Infrastructure (TDI) Specialist
assigned to support the facility, and the facility manager.
b. Only the DOC TDI Specialist working in concert with DOC IT, Plant, and Capital Programs
managers shall determine the repair and/or replacement strategy. Contractor shall not
make this determination, make any temporary repairs or replace any telecommunications
infrastructure unless directed to do so in writing by the DOC TDI Specialist.
c. All damaged telecommunications infrastructure shall be restored to within the scope of the
original design, installation, operational, and warranty parameters (or better) by a
contractor of Owners choosing. Only a certified SYSTIMAX® Value Added Reseller (VAR)
shall work on the telecommunications cabling. Restoration shall include, but not be limited
to all repair and/or replacement work and materials, testing, and re-certification of the
infrastructure for full compliance to Owner’s TDI Standards and SYSTIMAX® SCS and/or
other manufacturer’s warranty requirements.
F. Store all materials so as to be protected from the elements. Pathway materials (conduit, fittings,
maintenance holes, etc.) are permitted to be stored outdoors if stacked on boards to avoid direct
contact with the ground. The Contractor shall be responsible for any deteriorating effects on the
materials due to improper storage (or outdoor storage) prior to installation including damage caused by
prevailing weather conditions.
G. Remove surplus material and debris from the job site and dispose of legally and per Contract
Document requirements.
H. Owner and Engineer/Designer Inspections: Contractor shall coordinate with Owner and
Engineer/Designer to schedule in advance, dates for observations as indicated below. Owner and
Engineer/Designer will determine if onsite observations are required for all work listed below or portions
1. Contractor shall provide one week advance notice to Owner and Engineer/Designer when work
listed below is scheduled.
2. Contractor shall provide a minimum of 2 days advance notice to Owner and Engineer/Designer of
dates when work listed below will be ready for observation.
a. Pulling of cable. Observations shall occur during initial pulling and periodically throughout
the installation process and include forming and placement of cable service slack.
b. Installation of cable terminations onto patch panels. Observations shall occur during initial
terminations and periodically throughout the installation process.
c. Testing of cables. Observations shall occur, at a minimum, during initial cable testing.
e. On-site visits by SYSTIMAX® inspectors for inspecting and certification of the cabling
system. Owner and Engineer/Designer shall be notified of scheduled visit dates.
The Engineer/Designer shall coordinate with local DOC IT Manager and DOC Plant
Manager to determine whether DOC wishes to retain certain demolished material or wishes
to have it hauled away. Review any demolition requirements for this project with the DOC
project manager and edit the following paragraph or create a similar paragraph as
A. Demolish existing telecommunications equipment, cable, materials, and incidentals no longer in use
after installation of the new OSP-SCS.
1. When removing cable(s) from conduit where other cables are left in place, do not exceed the
maximum pulling tension of any cable left within the conduit (this shall be the cable with the
lowest maximum pulling tension).
2. Mandrel, clean, install pull rope, and cap outside plant conduits left empty after demolition of
outside plant cables.
a. Clean each conduit with a wire brush, swab, and prove out with a minimum 16 inch long
test mandrel that is ¼ inch smaller than the inside diameter of the duct. Clean conduit a
minimum of two times in the same direction. Swab with clean rags until the rag comes out
of the conduit clean and dry. Swab away from buildings for duct sections connected to
3. Properly and legally dispose of all materials demolished by the Contractor per Contract
Document requirements.
B. Coordinate the demolition schedule with the Owner. Do not proceed with demolition prior to approval
from the Owner.
Review and edit the following installation requirements based on the products specified in
PART 2 – Products above or on the products specified in another section if installed but not
supplied under this section, and as applicable to this project.
A. Provide and install as specified under Division 16 Section – “Outside Plant Communications Site Work”,
Division 16 Section – Raceway and Boxes for Communications Circuits, and Division 16 Section –
“Inside Plant Communications Circuits” except where noted below:
1. Provide in quantities and sizes as required and as shown on the Construction Documents.
2. Provide sufficient innerduct slack to allow for innerduct shrinkage after stretching during
3. Avoid excessive pulling tension. Replace corrugated innerduct showing evidence of excessive
pulling tension at no cost to the Owner.
4. Rack and secure innerduct inside maintenance holes and handholes. If existing maintenance
holes and handholes have insufficient racking to support new cabling, provide racking.
5. Cap innerduct immediately after placement in order to prevent debris from entering. Uncap
only when cable is to be installed.
1. Provide innerduct for outside plant fiber optic cables from termination points within buildings to
outside conduit entrances and in the sizes and locations shown on the Construction
Documents. Provide plenum-rated innerduct within plenum rated spaces.
Review and edit the list of sections below for relevance to this project and include only
those that are directly related to this section. Ensure that the referenced sections are
included in the project manual and that titles are accurate.
A. Only employees trained/certified by the firestopping manufacturer shall apply firestopping materials.
B. Maintain fire rating of penetrated fire barriers. Fire stop and seal penetrations made during
1. Provide firestopping material for through and membrane penetrations of fire-rated barriers.
3. Install firestops in accordance with fire test reports, fire resistance requirements, acceptable
sample installations, manufacturer’s recommendations, local fire and building authorities, and
applicable codes and standards referenced in PART 1 – REFERENCES. Apply of sealing
material in a manner acceptable to the local fire and building authorities.
4. For demolition work, apply firestopping to open penetrations in fire rated barriers where cable is
removed. Apply firestopping regardless of whether or not the penetrations are used for new
cable or left empty after construction is complete.
5. Firestopping material used to seal open penetrations through which cable passes shall be re-
C. Label each penetration upon Firestop installation completion using label compliant with the most-
current ANSI/TIA/EIA-606-A format. After labeling, take digital photo of each penetration including label
within photo and submit to both Owner and Engineer/Designer.
List additional firestop product installation requirements above as applicable to this project.
Review and edit the following installation requirements based on the products specified in
PART 2 – Products above or on the products specified in another section if installed but not
supplied under this section, and as applicable to this project.
A. Copper Building Entrance Protectors (BEPs): Provide BEPs in sizes and quantities as shown on the
Construction Documents and as required for protection of building-to-building copper circuits. Provide
protector’s in sufficient quantity to protect each pair of each cable plus an additional 10% for future use.
Install BEPs per manufacturer’s instructions. Route outside plant copper cables through a BEP.
1. Connect each BEPs protector ground lug to the nearest TGB with a #6 AWG copper grounding
B. OSP Copper Data Station Entrance Protectors: Provide Protectors in quantities as shown on the
Construction Documents and as required for protection of OSP copper data circuits. Install Protectors
per manufacturer’s instructions. Route outside plant copper cables through a Protector.
1. Connect each Protector’s ground lug to the nearest TGB with a #10 AWG copper grounding
Review and edit the following installation requirements based on the products specified in
PART 2 – Products above or on the products specified in another section if installed but not
supplied under this section, and as applicable to this project.
A. All grounding and bonding work shall comply with the Uniform Building Code, Uniform Fire Code, WAC,
National Electrical Code, and UL 467, ANSI/TIA/EIA standards and the references listed in PART 1 –
REFERENCES above, as well as local codes which may specify additional grounding and/or bonding
1. Ensure that bonding breaks through paint to bare metallic surface of painted metallic hardware.
Review and edit the following installation requirements based on the products specified in
PART 2 – Products above or on the products specified in another section if installed but not
supplied under this section, and as applicable to this project.
A. Fiber Splices (Pigtails): Provide fusion-type fiber splices for connector pigtails (at the patch panels).
Fiber splices are not permissible anywhere else in the system. Protect each fusion splice in a splice
tray or similar protective device that is designed to mount within the fiber patch panel. Protect
bare/stripped optical fiber strands with a heat shrink or silicon adhesive sleeve to prevent exposure to
1. Test Mandrels: Clean each conduit with a wire brush and swab with clean rags a minimum of
two times in the same direction until the rag comes out of the conduit clean and dry. Swab
away from buildings for duct sections connected to buildings. Prove out each conduit with a
minimum 16 inch long test mandrel that is ¼ inch smaller than the inside diameter of the duct.
Review and edit the following installation requirements based on the products specified in
PART 2 – Products above or on the products specified in another section if installed but not
supplied under this section, and as applicable to this project.
1. Test cable on the reel upon delivery to the job site, prior to installation. Re-test the cable on the
reel prior to installation if the reel has been stored for any significant period of time, moved
multiple times, or if there is any question as to possible cable damage. “End of reel” cable
provided to Owner for spare or future use shall be tested prior to Owner’s acceptance at no
additional expense to the Owner. If “end of reel” cable is transferred to a smaller reel for
delivery to Owner, on reel testing shall be performed after the cable transfer onto the smaller
a. Permanently affix the test results to the reel and submit a copy to the Owner prior to
installation or acceptance of spare cable.
b. Test shall conform to the procedures as outlined in the paragraph entitled TESTING at the
end of this specification section.
c. Demonstrate that the test results are similar to the factory test results as shipped with the
d. Do not install cables or provide spare cable to Owner that fails the on-reel test or are
significantly different from the factory test results. Replace any cables that fail the on-reel
test at no additional expense to the Owner.
2. Contractor shall install cables in compliance with ANSI/TIA/EIA Standards, BICSI practices,
and manufacturer’s design and installation guidelines. Contractor shall adhere to the
requirements detailed in the manufacturer’s recommendations and ANSI/TIA/EIA Standards
relating to bending radius, pulling tension, other mechanical stresses, and pulling speed.
a. Monitor pulling tension on runs of 300 feet or longer. Acceptable monitoring devices are:
3) In-line tensiometer
3. A new pull rope shall be installed in each pathway along with the cable where the remaining fill
ratio is less than forty percent (40%). Leave a minimum of 10 feet of pull rope looped and tied
off at each end of the conduit.
4. Where conduit fill will result in less than 40% after installation of cable, innerduct shall be
installed in the conduit to allow for subsequent cable installation.
5. Set up cable reels on the same sides of maintenance holes and hand holes as the conduit
sections in which cables are to be placed. Level and align reels with conduit sections to prevent
twisting of cables during installation into conduits. Pull cables into conduits from tops of reels in
long smooth bends. Do not pull cables into conduits from bottoms of reels. Use a cable feeder
guide (shoe) of suitable dimensions between the cable reel and the face of the duct to protect
the cable and to guide it into the duct. Carefully inspect the cables for sheath defects as the
cables are payed off the reel. If defects are found during the pulling operation or if the cable on
the reel binds, twists, or does not pay off freely, stop the pulling operation immediately and
notify the Owner’s representative.
6. Cables of 1-¼ inch diameter or larger shall be equipped with factory installed pulling eyes, or
install a core hitch on site. Use pulling grips for cables smaller than 1-¼ inches in diameter.
Do not pound grips into the cable sheath to prevent the grips from slipping. Use a ball-bearing
based swivel between the pulling-eyes or grips and the pulling strand.
7. Once pulling begins, and tension is applied to the cable, continue the pull at a steady rate. If it
is necessary to stop the pull at any point, the tension shall not be released unless it is
necessary to do so.
9. For new ductbank, install cables in the lowest available conduit in a duct bank, working up as
additional cables are installed. For existing ductbanks, do not place cables in ducts other than
those indicated on the Construction Documents.
10. Where cables are pulled through maintenance holes or handholes, select the same duct at
both sides of maintenance holes or handholes unless specifically noted on the Construction
Documents. Avoid changes in duct selections, especially in elevations, to ensure that no
damage occurs to the cable sheaths and that pulling tensions are kept as low as possible.
a. Where the specified outgoing duct is not useable, or the ducts are not specified,
Contractor shall contact the Engineer/Designer for direction on duct selection before
11. Maintain a sufficient length of cable in each maintenance hole or handhole to properly rack the
cable. Rack cables in maintenance holes and handholes as soon as practicable, but within one
week after cable installation. Route cables in maintenance holes and handholes to avoid
blocking duct access.
12. When more than one cable is being installed in a conduit, pull all cables through the conduit
13. Where practicable, feed cables into ducts from the end of the duct that creates the least
sidewall pressure on a bend during installation (i.e. feed cable from the end closest to the
14. Use pulling compound or lubricant where necessary. Use lubricants that are compatible with
the cable jacket material and in accordance with the manufacturer’s recommendations. Do not
use soap-based lubricants. Where cable is pulled through a maintenance hole or handhole, re-
lubricate the cable prior to feeding into the next duct. Immediately after cables have been
installed, clean lubricant from exposed cables in maintenance holes and handholes and at
termination points using dry rags.
15. Seal cable ends with end caps immediately after installation and until terminated in a
termination enclosure to prevent moisture entry into the core of filled cables and to prevent
damage during installation.
16. Provide a service loop long enough in the ER/TR’s to reach termination equipment if moved to
the farthest side of the room away from the entrance point of the cable plus the height from
ceiling to finished floor, but no less than a minimum of 25 feet at each end.
17. Comply with the NEC 50-ft rule when installing outdoor-rated cable (i.e. do not exceed 50 feet
of exposed outdoor-rated cable length within a building).
a. Lay and dress cables to allow future cabling to enter raceway (conduit or otherwise)
without obstruction by maintaining a working distance from these openings.
b. Route cable as close as possible to the ceiling, floor or other corners to insure that
adequate wall or backboard space is available for current and future equipment and for
cable terminations.
c. Lay cables via the shortest route directly to the nearest edge of the backboard from
mounted equipment or blocks. Support cables so as not to create a load on the equipment
upon which the cables are terminated. Tie-wrap together similarly routed and similar cables
and attach to D-rings vertically and/or horizontally, then route over a path that will offer
minimum obstruction to future installations of equipment, backboards or other cables.
a. For rooms with ladder rack, lay cable neatly in ladder rack in even bundles and loosely
secure cabling to the ladder rack at regular intervals.
20. Building Entrances: Seal conduits (both in-use and spare) that enter the building from the
outside plant to prevent intrusion of water, gases, and rodents.
21. Maintenance Hole/Handhole: Seal conduits and innerduct (both in-use and spare) that attach
to the MH/HH to prevent water, gases, and rodents from entering the conduit.
C. Copper Cable:
Review and edit the following installation requirements based on the products specified in
PART 2 – Products above or on the products specified in another section if installed but not
supplied under this section, and as applicable to this project.
1. Provide copper cable in quantities and pair counts as shown on the Construction Documents.
3. Terminate all pairs within a cable; un-terminated cable pairs are not acceptable. Termination
shall be as specified in Division 16 Section – “Inside Plant Communications Circuits” except as
noted in this section.
4. For shielded cable, bond the shield at both ends to the ground lug on the Building Entrance
5. Copper splices are not acceptable except at patch panels for connector pigtails.
D. Fiber Cable:
Review and edit the following installation requirements based on the products specified in
PART 2 – Products above or on the products specified in another section if installed but not
supplied under this section, and as applicable to this project.
1. Provide fiber optic cable in quantities, strand counts, and types (singlemode, multimode, or
composite multimode/singlemode (hybrid)), as shown on the Construction Documents. Provide
cable with fan-out kits for both ends.
3. Terminate all fiber strands within a fiber cable; installation of “dark fiber” is not acceptable.
Termination shall be as specified in Division 16 Section – “Inside Plant Communications
Circuits” except as noted in this section.
4. Where shielded cable is called for in Construction Documents, bond both ends of the metallic
shield (or metallic strength) member to the nearest TGB (as furnished under Division 16
Section –“Grounding and Bonding for Telecommunications”).
5. Fiber splices are not acceptable except where terminating OSP or Riser fiber onto Pigtails with
factory-attached connectors at a fiber distribution shelf or LIU.
6. The service slack stored inside the fiber patch panel shall be a minimum of 3m (10 ft) in length.
List additional cable product installation requirements above as applicable to this project.
Review and edit the following installation requirements based on the products specified in
PART 2 – Products above or on the products specified in another section if installed but not
supplied under this section, and as applicable to this project.
A. General: Labeling and administration shall comply with ANSI/TIA/EIA-606-A and standard industry
B. Color Coding: Apply industry standard color coded labels to cable termination fields and hardware.
Always apply the same color label to both ends of any given cable. Cross-connections are generally
made between termination fields of different colors. The color may be applied to the backboard behind
the termination equipment, may be the color of a cover on the termination equipment, or may be the
actual color of the insert label on the termination equipment. Use the following color code:
3. White: Identification of first-level backbone cables in the building containing the main cross-
connect (MC) and a horizontal cross-connect (HC), or between the MC and an intermediary
cross-connect (IC).
4. Gray: Identification of the second-level backbone (tie) cables in the building between HCs,
cables between MCs, or between an IC and a HC.
5. Blue: Identification of the horizontal distribution (station) cables between the HC and
telecommunications outlet (TO). A blue color coded label is only required at the
telecommunications room end of the cable, not at the station end of the cable.
C. Termination Equipment:
a. Label each BEP on the outside with a minimum of ½ inch high lettering that clearly
indicates the building at the opposite end of the cable. Label each BEP on the inside with
details for each cable terminating in the panel: the cable identifier, the cable pair-count and
the building at the opposite end of the cable.
1) Example: A BEP used to terminate a 100-PR cable identified as “C12” from Building
“A” would have the following label on the outside of the BEP: “Building A”. Another
label would be located inside the BEP and would read “C12, 100-PR, Building A.”
a. Outside the panel: Label fiber patch panels on the outside with a minimum of ½ inch high
lettering that clearly indicates the building at the opposite end of each cable. In addition,
label patch panels with a patch panel designation label as follows:
1) General: Label patch panels sequentially within a given closet. Labels shall be of
the form “R#-PP#” where “R” stands for “Rack”, “#” is the sequential rack number
within a given closet, “PP” stands for “Patch Panel” and “#” is the sequential fiber
patch panel number within that rack.
a) Example: The second campus fiber patch panel within Rack 1 would have the
label “R1-PP2”.
1) General: Label patch panels with a single label which details the following
information for cables terminating in the panel: The cable identifier, the building at
the opposite end of the cable, the telecommunications room at the opposite end of
the cable, the fiber type (62.5/125μm multimode, 50/125μm multimode, singlemode,
composite) and the strand counts.
2) Connector Panels: Label each connector panel with the cable identifier (“F#”) of the
fiber cable terminating in that connector panel.
a) Example: Connector panel “B” terminates the first twelve strands of campus
backbone fiber cable “F4”. The label would be “F4.”
3) Ports: Label each duplex port with the tube and strand color/number nomenclature in
the form of “tube:strand/strand”.
a) Example: The duplex port terminating the rose-colored strand and the aqua-
colored strand in the blue tube within fiber F22, would be labeled
E. Cable:
1. Copper Cables: Labels shall include the cable identifier in the form of “M#” where “M” is the
cable media type (“C” for “administrative copper” media or “I” for “inmate copper” media) and
“#” is the sequential cable number for that cable type (as assigned on the Construction
Documents), the origination and destination building names and telecommunications room
identifiers, the pair count and cut length.
a. Example: The 350 foot long, 100-PR campus copper backbone cable identified on the
Construction Documents as “C2”, terminating in telecommunications room “1A” within
Building “G” and in telecommunications room “2A” within Building “H”, would be labeled
with the following information: “C2”, 100-PR, 350-FT, BUILDING “H” - “1A”, BUILDING “G”
- “2A”.
2. Fiber Cables: Labels shall include the cable identifier in the form of “F#” where “F” indicates
“fiber” media, and “#” is the sequential cable number for that cable type (as assigned on the
Construction Documents), the origination and destination building names and
telecommunications room identifiers, the fiber type(s), strand count(s), and cut length.
a. Example: The 250 foot long, 12-strand, 62.5/125μm campus fiber backbone cable identified
on the Construction Documents as “F4”, terminating in telecommunications room “1A”
within Building “R” and in telecommunications room “2A” within Building “T”, would be
labeled with the following information: “F4”, 12-ST, 62.5/125μm, 250-FT, BUILDING “R” -
“1A”, BUILDING “T” - “2A”.
3. Provide labels at each end of each cable within 24” of building entrance and again within 24” of
termination point. Provide labels in each maintenance hole and handhole through which a
cable passes. Label each cable immediately as it enters a maintenance hole or handhole and
again just prior to exiting the maintenance hole or handhole. Where cabling is routed
unexposed via innerduct through maintenance holes or handholes, provide labels on exterior of
innerduct indicating contents of innerduct.
a. Attach Wire Marking labels directly to small diameter cables such as 4-pair “only” inside
buildings and non-outdoor environments.
b. Attach Marker Tags to all larger diameter cables and to all cables in an outdoor
environment preferably as a wrap or flag with nylon cable ties. The Marker Tag shall be
placed onto the cable in an area such that it can easily be viewed.
F. Conduit Labels:
1. Verify the accuracy of existing conduit labels based on the information identified below, and
correct as necessary.
2. If conduits are without labels, label each conduit end (existing or new) in a clear manner, with
the information specified below.
a. Location of the other end of the conduit (i.e. building name, telecommunications room
identifier, or MH/HH identifier, MH wall direction of N, S, E, W), and MH duct identifier.
4. Attach labels to conduit in buildings where conduit ends are not flush with walls, or attach to
walls adjacent to each conduit where conduit ends are flush with walls.
a. Labels attached to walls shall be permanently attached and labels placed in MH/HH’s shall
be water-proof.
G. Firestop Labels:
List additional label product installation requirements above as applicable to this project.
Review and edit the following installation requirements based on the products specified in
PART 2 – Products above or on the products specified in another section if installed but not
supplied under this section, and as applicable to this project.
A. Installation shall be as specified in Division 16 Section – “Inside Plant Communications Circuits.”
List additional patch cable product installation requirements above as applicable to this
Review and edit the following installation requirements based on the products specified in
PART 2 – Products above or on the products specified in another section if installed but not
supplied under this section, and as applicable to this project.
A. It is Imperative for the Contractor to properly setup and configure the test equipment to ensure that
proper testing is conducted based on the type of cable installed, the manufacturer’s recommended test
criteria, and the test requirements within this specification. Testing performed by Contractor with an
improper setup or configuration or improperly calibrated test equipment will not be accepted and all
tests shall be re-done at no additional expense to Owner.
1. Contractor should consider providing a sampling of the tests for review by the A/E’s RCDD.
B. All cable provided to the Owner shall be tested prior to acceptance. Where spare cable is provided to
Owner, cable shall be tested upon delivery at no additional expense to the Owner, and shall meet
manufacturer’s test criteria. Where spare cable is provided to Owner from ends of reels or other
sources, or has incurred handling or been in subsequent transit since initial testing upon delivery, or in
any way is suspect for potential damage since initial testing upon delivery, cable shall be re-tested at no
additional expense to the Owner, and shall meet manufacturer’s test criteria.
C. Provide electronic copies of original cable test machine results in both electronic format and in printed
format as approved by the Owner and Engineer/Designer. Include the test results for each cable in the
system. Submit the test results for each cable tested with identification as discussed under LABELING
AND ADMINISTRATION above. Include the details of the test criteria, testing date, cable identifier,
outcome of test, indication of errors found, cable length, retest results, and name and signature of
technician completing the tests. Provide complete test records and results to both the Owner and
Engineer/Designer for review and acceptance within two weeks of Substantial Completion.
1. Copy original test machine test files to a CD directly from the machine tester.
2. Print test records in color for each cable within the system directly from the tester and submit in
paper form (in a binder) and in electronic form (on CDROM) to both the Owner and
Engineer/Designer for review. Handwritten test results will not be accepted.
a. For additions of only several cables, electronic form can be via e-mail attachment when
approved by Owner.
D. Test the SCS after installation for compliance to all applicable standards as follows:
1. Copper Backbone Distribution: Test copper cable on the reel upon delivery to the job site,
again prior to installation, and again after installation.
a. Test all cable pairs for length, shorts, opens, continuity, polarity reversals, transposition
(wire map), and the presence of AC voltage. All pairs shall demonstrate compliance to
TIA/EIA 568-B Category 3 standards.
c. Use a TIA/EIA Level IV testing instrument, certified re-calibration within the last twelve
months by the manufacturer or more frequent if recommended by the manufacturer, field
re-calibration occurring within thirty (30) days, with the most current software revision
based upon the most current TIA/EIA testing guidelines, capable of storing and printing test
records for each cable within the system.
1) Fluke DTX-1800 with latest software and hardware releases for SYSTIMAX®, or
approved equal.
2. Fiber: Test fiber cable on the reel upon delivery to the job site, again prior to installation, and
again after installation.
a. Prior to testing, calculate the cable loss budget for each fiber optic cable and clearly show
the result on the test documentation. Calculate maximum loss using the following formula,
assuming no splices:
c) A given fiber strand shall not exceed its calculated maximum loss (per the
above formula).
b. Test all strands using a power meter test performed per ANSI/TIA/EIA-455-53A, and
ANSI/TIA/EIA-568-B, or latest ANSI/TIA/EIA Standards and the SYSTIMAX® SCS Field
Testing Guideline for Fiber-Optic Cabling Systems, Issue 3, August 2003 or latest edition.
2) Calculate loss numbers by taking the sum of the two bi-directional measurements
and dividing that sum by two.
4) Both the optional and recommended criteria specified in SYSTIMAX® SCS Field
Testing Guideline for Fiber-Optic Cabling Systems, Issue 3, August 2003 or latest
a. Where a higher rated category cable is installed onto a lower rated category patch panel,
perform two tests - one at each rating category.
b. Test all pairs of each copper station cable for conformance to ANSI/TIA/EIA 568-B.2-1 and
568-B.2-2 (or latest editions) Category 6 standards. To the extent possible, perform tests
with building electrical systems fully powered on (i.e. Lights, HVAC, etc.).
1) Test each end-to-end permanent link (from the connector at the station (work area)
to the connector or termination in the telecommunications room) utilizing sweep tests
for Installed Length, Insertion Loss (IL), Near End Crosstalk (NEXT), Power Sum
Near End Crosstalk (PSNEXT), Attenuation to Crosstalk Ratio (ACR), Power Sum
Attenuation to Crosstalk Ratio (PSACR), Far End Cross Talk (FEXT), Equal Level
Far End Crosstalk (ELFEXT), Power Sum Equal Level Far End Crosstalk
(PSELFEXT), Return Loss (RL), Wire Map, Propagation Delay, Delay Skew,
continuity, shorts, polarity, and presence of AC voltage. Test each cable in both
directions at 250 MHz.
2) NOTE: Owner requires cable tests using test parameters higher than minimum pass
criteria for Category 6 cables. Contractor shall set up tester for “Custom” test criteria
to revise “PASS/FAIL” results accordingly.
3) Use a TIA/EIA Level IV testing instrument, certified re-calibration within the last
twelve months by the manufacturer or more frequent if recommended by
manufacturer, field re-calibration occurring at the start of testing, with the most
current manufacturer’s software revision, capable of storing and printing test records
for each cable within the system and equipped with the current and appropriate
"SYSTIMAX® Gigaspeed test adapters".
a) Testing Device: Fluke Fluke DTX-1800 with latest software and hardware
releases for SYSTIMAX® GigaSpeed CAT-6 XL horizontal distribution cables.
5) Test results shall be test machine-produced in Fluke (most-recent version) cable test
management software format:
E. Identify cables and equipment that do not pass to the Owner and Engineer/Designer. Determine the
source of the non-compliance and replace or correct the cable or the connection materials, and retest
the cable or connection materials at no additional expense to the Owner. Provide new test results to
the Owner and Engineer/Designer in the same manner as above.
1. In addition to the above, if it is determined that the cable is at fault, remove the damaged cable
and replace it with a new cable. Cable “repairs” are not acceptable. The procedure for
removing the cable shall be as follows:
1) Inform the Owner and Engineer/Designer of the schedule for the removal and
3) Test cables that occupy the same innerduct or conduit (if not in innerduct) as the
damaged cable per paragraph B, above, regardless of whether or not they are new
cables installed as part of this project or existing cables installed prior to this project.
4) Provide test results to the Owner and Engineer/Designer for approval by the Owner
and Engineer/Designer.
c. After the removal of the damaged cable and installation of the new cable:
2) Test cables that occupy the same innerduct or conduit (if not in innerduct) as the
damaged cable per paragraph B, above, regardless of whether they are new cables
installed as part of this project or existing cables installed prior to this project.
a) If any of the cables requiring testing are in use, coordinate with the Owner to
schedule an outage opportunity during which the testing can be performed.
3) Provide test results to the Owner and Engineer/Designer for approval by the Owner
and Engineer/Designer.
d. If a cable(s) residing in the same innerduct or conduit is damaged by the Contractor during
installation of other cable, Contractor shall replace damaged cable(s) no additional
expense to Owner.
1) Replacement cables shall be subject to the testing procedures of the paragraph titled
Review any contractor follow-up requirements with the DOC project manager and clearly
state these requirements in the following paragraph(s).
A. For the first four weeks that the system is in full operation, provide technical assistance for trouble
shooting, training, and problem solving by phone and (within 24 hours of notice) on site. Provide up to
40 hours of assistance (in addition to any warranty-related work), including phone, travel, and on site
time during this period.