15. The ideal ratio on escort is ____ prison guard for every ____ number of
A. 1:2 B. 1:4
C. 1:7 D. 1:12
16. The basis of this old school of penology is the human free-will.
A. Penology School B. Classical School
C. Neo-classical D. Positivist
18. It is the primary objective of custodial and security division.
A. To prevent riots
B. To implement discipline
C. To help in reformation of prisoners
D. Security
19. How long is the duration of stay in the viewing of the deceased
relative of an inmate?
A. 2 hours B. 3 hours
C. 6 hours D. 12 hours
20. A municipal warden must have the minimum rank of.
21. A person who is detained for the violation of law or ordinance and has
not been convicted is a -
A. Detention Prisoner B. Provincial Prisoner
C. Municipal Prisoner D. City Prisoner
22. A person who is sentenced to serve a prison term of over three (3)
years is a _________________.
A. Municipal prisoner B. Detention prisoner
C. City prisoner D. National or Insular prisoner
23. Clinical services geared toward improving inmates behavior are
administered by
A. Psychiatrist B. Social Worker
C. Psychologist D. None of these
24. How many times counting of prisoner be made within 24-hours?
A. At least 3 times B. At least 4 times
C. At least 2 times D. At least 5 times
25. Ideal number of days for proper classification of newly convicted
offenders at the RDC?
A. 45 days B. 30 days
C. 55 days D. 15 days
26. Prisoners whose sentences are more than three years to capital
punishment are considered
A. municipal prisoners B. provincial prisoners
C. city prisoners D. insular prisoners
27. Refers to those who are confined in correctional facilities awaiting
verdict in their cases
A. Prisoner B. Detainees
C. Probationer D. Offender
28. The law creating the Bureau of Jail Management and Penology (BJMP) is
A. RA 8551 B. RA 9165
C. RA 6975 D. RA 4890
29. An_____ program employs prisoners in various product or good producing
A. Agricultural B. Industrial
C. Operational D. Administrative
30. Force is used only by correctional institution to:
A. exact respect B. perform assignments
C. enforce discipline D. show physical strength and power
44. Pending the submission of the investigation report, the defendant may
be allowed on temporary liberty through.
A. Release on recognizance B. Bail
C. Manifestation D. Cash bond
45. The Bureau of Corrections which is headed by the Director of
Corrections is under the
A. Department of Justice
B. Department of Interior and Local Government
C. Office of the President
D. None of these
47. If you have committed a crime and found guilty with it, then the court
decided that you will be serving a sentence of six months and one day.
According to your sentence, on what category of prisoner do you belong?
A. Municipal prisoner B. City jail prisoner
C. Provincial prisoner D. Sentenced prisoner
48. Institution for the confinement of persons who are awaiting final
disposition of their criminal cases and also for the service of those
convicted and punished with shorter sentences, usually up to three years.
A. Lock-up B. Ordinary Jail
C. Jail D. Work house
49. Introduces profit margin and religion congregate loan with efficient
discipline permitted to set up factory style working conditions and become
the first prison to achieve a profitable work program.
A. Pennsylvania B. Auburn
C. Walnut street jail D. Sins sing prison
50. A security camp that houses prisoners whose sentence are 20 years and
above, life termers or those under capital punishment, those with pending
cases, those under disciplinary punishment, those whose cases are on
appeal, and those under detention;
A. Maximum Security Camp B. Medium Security Camp
C. Minimum Security Camp D. None of these
51. A correctional institution that has the authority to detain convicted
offenders for longer or extended period of time, including those who are
waiting their death sentence.
A. Halfway house B. Farm house
C. Jail D. Prison
52. A satellite unit of NBP that houses the Mediums Security Risk prisoner
located near the Reception and Diagnostic Center (RDC) and Youth
Rehabilitation Center.
A. Camp Sampaguita B. Camp Bukang Liwayway
C. Camp Abelon D. Camp Abubakar
53. A ___, also called a 'block' or 'isolation cell', used to separate
unruly, dangerous, or vulnerable prisoners from the general population,
also sometimes used as punishment.
A. Segregation Unit B. Reception Unit
C. Quarantine Unit D. Cell 45
54. It is regarded as the most important program that aids in the
rehabilitation or prisoners
A. Recreational program B. Religious program
C. Educational program D. Employment of prisoners
55. Classification of an inmate as to entitlement who has served
imprisonment with good conduct for a period equivalent to 1/5 of the
maximum term or of his prison sentence or those who served 7 years in the
case of those who was meted with the penalty of life sentence.
A. First class inmates B. Second Class inmates
C. Third class inmates D. Colonist
67. The imprisonment a convicted offender may serve, at the rate of PhP8.00
a day subject to certain rules, for failure to pay a fine and if ordered to
do so by the judgment is referred to as
A. Subsidiary imprisonment B. Secondary imprisonment
C. Preventive imprisonment D. None of the above
68. The Panopticon is a type of prison building designed by English
philosopher Jeremy Bentham in 1785. The concept of the design was derived
from the word meaning of “pan” and “opticon”. “Opticon’ means:
A. To allow an observer to observe
B. Without the prisoner
C. Avoid watching
D. To walk in military manner
69. The period of deducted sentence granted to a prisoner who escaped on
the occasion of disorder arising from conflagrations, earthquakes or
catastrophe where he voluntarily surrender within 48 hours following the
issuance of a proclamation announcing the termination such disorder.
A. 1/5 period of sentence B. 1/3 period of the sentence
C. ½ period of the sentence D. 1/8 period of the sentence
70. The prisoners who cannot be trusted in open condition and maybe
allowed to work outside the fence or walls of the penal institution but
under guards or escorts are known as:
A. Medium Security Prisoners B. Maximum Security Prisoners
C. Minimum Security Prisoners D. Super Maximum Security Prisoners
71. The privilege to view the deceased relative is permitted if the wake is
in the place within a radius 30 km by road from the prison, if more than 30
km, the privilege may be extended in the inmate provided the inmate can
return to his place of confinement during_______________ hours of the same
A. Sunlight B. Morning
C. Afternoon D. Daylight
72. The procedure in admitting prisoners which purpose is to insure that
the person being committed is the same as the person being named in the
commitment order.
A. Receiving B. checking of commitment papers
C. Searching D. Identification
73. The procedure in the admission of prisoners the purpose of which is to
make sure that documents contains the signature of the judge or the
signature of the clerk of court, and the seal of the court is termed as:
A. Receiving B. Checking of commitment papers
C. Searching D. Identification
74. The putting of offenders in prison for the purpose of protecting the
public and at the same time rehabilitating them by requiring the latter to
undergo institutional treatment program is referred to as:
A. Imprisonment B. Trial
C. Conviction D. Detention
75. These refers to information concerning an inmate’s personal
circumstances, such as the offense committed, imposed sentence, criminal
case number in the trial, date of the commencement of the service of
sentence and other analogous information.
A. Prison Record B. Carpeta
C. Prisoner’s record D. Inmate’s Record
76. The society is protected from the further depredations of criminals if
they are all imprisoned immediately after committing a crime”. This
justification of penalty is known as
A. Expiation B. Reformation
C. Deterrence D. Protection.
88. A prison model which sought penitence (hence the term penitentiaries)
through total individual isolation and silence.
A. Pennsylvania Prison Model B. Auburn Prison Model
C. Work Release D. Halfway Houses
89. Except one, joined the June 1962 Alcatraz escape was a prison escape
attempt by American criminalsusing an inflatable raft.
A. Clarence Anglin, B. John Anglin
C. FrankMorris D. David Gilmour
90. How many years of service of sentence for a first time offenders meted
with life imprisonment may be classified as Medium Security.
A. 2 years B. 3 years
C. 4 years D. 5 Years
91. If the inmate agrees to abide by the same disciplinary rules upon
convicted prisoners, he shall be asked to manifest his
A. Certification B. Certification in writing
C. Agreement in writing D. None of the above
92. In prison, it is commonly through of a procedure to prevent escapes,
riots and disorders and the punishment of those involved.
A. Preventive discipline B. Negative discipline
C. Positive discipline D. Harsh discipline
93. Is that kind of prisoners discipline applied after an offense has been
committed, in these that may cases, and punishment does not enter.
A. Negative discipline B. Positive discipline
C. Harsh discipline D. All of the above
94. The following personal effect of inmates that can be brought by him
into the prison facilities for common use with other inmates, Except:
A. Cassette B. Electric Fan
C. Television D. Air conditioners
95. The systems of prison were the confinement of the prisoners in single
cells at night and congregate work in stop during the day.
A. Pennsylvania prison B. Auburn prison
C. Elmira reformatory D. Alcatraz prison
96. This refers to the manner or practice of managing or controlling the
rehabilitation and reformation of prisoners.
A. Penal Management B. Corrections Administration
C. Penal Justification D. Corrections Justification
97. Use of telephone of inmate in prison after showing a good behavior is
earned after 90 days. In such case an inmate is entitled to:
A. 5 minutes B. 3 minutes
C. Not exceeding 5 minutes D. Not exceeding 3 minutes
98. Who is the Director of the Irish Prison who introduced the Irish system
that modified the Maconochies Mark System?
A. Manuel Montesimus B. Walter Crofton
C. Domets of France D. Zebulon Brockway
99. A prison model where incarcerated persons are allowed to work outside
the institution that houses them.
A. Pennsylvania Prison Model B. Auburn Prison Model
C. Work Release D. Halfway Houses
100. Are prisoners who cannot be trusted in open conditions and pose less
danger to society if they escape;
A. Medium security prisoner B. Minimum Security Prisoner
C. Maximum Security Prisoner D. None of the above
21. A married prisoner is visited by his wife and they are granted time for
their marital sexual obligations. This privilege is called?
A. Conjugal vacation B. Conjugal partnership
C. Conjugal privilege D. Conjugal visit
22. Instrument of restraint shall be applied only-
A. For killing co-inmate
B. For serious infraction of the rule
C. To prevent escape as way to court trial
D. When prisoners becomes behaviorally uncooperative
23. The idea that re-entry of an offender should be in the mainstream of
society rather than the usual abrupt re-entry at the end of a prison
A. Reintegration B. Deterrence
C. Incapacitation D. Rehabilitation
24. Justice according to the Supreme Court is symbolically represented by a
blindfolded woman holding a sword and with a balance, meaning it is?
A. Administered with respect to persons
B. Administered without respect to persons, equality to poor and the
C. Administered without respect to persons. Equality to poor people
D. Administered with respect to persons, Equality and Treatment
25. An agency under the Department of Justice that is charged with custody
and rehabilitation of national offenders, that is, those sentenced to serve
a term of imprisonment of more than three (3) years
A. Bureau of Jail Management and Penology
B. Bureau of Corrections
C. Provincial Government
D. Parole and Probation Administration
26. The imprisonment a convicted offender may serve, at the rate of a
certain amount per day subject to certain rules, for failure to pay a fine
and if ordered to do so by the judgment is referred to as
A. Subsidiary imprisonment B. Secondary Imprisonment
C. Preventive Imprisonment D. None of these
27. Iwahig Prison and Penal; Farm was one the world’s known Prison without
walls, which is primarily established to serve all the incorrigible inmates
in new Bilibid Prison but problems arises because the first contingent
revolted against the authority, that why the Philippine Commission
converted the prison to a colony for well-behaved inmates. This event was
made possible through the authority of:
A. Reorganization Act 1470 B. Reorganization Act 1407
C. Reorganization Act 1740 D. Reorganization Act 1704
28. Upon arrival, the prisoner is ushered in the Receiving Office of the
Inmate and Education Center at the New Bilibid Prison and other prison
authorized to admit the prisoners. The following documents shall be
presented accordingly by the escorting party of the prisoner, except one;
A. Commitment Order of the Court
B. Information filed by the City/provincial Fiscal
C. Court Decision of the Case
D. Warrant of Arrest Issued by the Court
29. The following are authorized to order or approve the release of
prisoners, except one;
A. The Supreme Court of the Philippines or lower court in cases of
acquittal of the accused prisoner or grant of bail.
B. The President of the Philippines in cases of executive clemency or
C. The Director of the Bureau of Corrections upon the expiration of
the sentence of the prisoner.
D. None of these
59. Prisoners sentenced from one day to three years or a fine of not more
than one thousand pesos are categorized as-
A. Insular Prisoner B. City Prisoner
C. Provincial Prisoner D. None of these
60. The Custodial Division is charged with the security of prisoners, which
of the following is considered as the commanding officers?
A. Security officers B. Senior prison guards
C. Supervisor prison guards D. Prison guards
61. The principle of separating homogeneous type of prisoners that requires
special treatment and custody is called:
A. Classification B. Distinction
C. Diversification D. Differentiation
62. The staff member in the RDC who is responsible for the evaluation of
the character and behavior of the prisoner is:
A. Chaplain B. Psychiatrist
C. Psychologist D. Custodial-correctional officer
63. What law renamed the Bureau of Prison to Bureau of Correction during
the Aquino administration in the Philippines?
A. E.O 727 B. E.O 292
C. E.O 645 D. E.O 104
64. A satellite unit of the New Bilibid Prisons (NBP) that houses minimum
security risk prisoners.
A. Camp Sampaguita B. Camp Bukang Liwayway
C. Camp Abelon D. Camp Abubakar
65. He wrote his book “State of the Prisons” and he was also considered as
the great prison reformer.
A. John Howard B. John Augustus
C. William Penn D. Domets of France
66. Prisoners whose sentences are more than three years to capital
punishment are considered
A. Municipal prisoners B. Provincial prisoners
C. City prisoners D. Insular prisoners
67. What is the name of the prison institution situated in Zamboanga, named
after Capt. Blanco of the Spanish Royal Army?
A. Old Bilibid Prison B. Sablayan Prisons and Penal Farm
C. Iwahig Penal Farm D. San Ramon Prison & Penal Farm
68. A place of confinement for persons awaiting trial or court action and
where the convicted offenders serve short sentences or penalty of
imprisonment is known as
A. Jail B. Lock-up
C. Penitentiary D. Detention Cells
69. A procedure that is conducted in jail and in prison where an inmate
upon arrival at the place of confinement will be stripped out for search of
A. Operation Shakedown B. Operation Bakal
C. Operation Greyhound D. Operation Shakedown.
70. A warrant issued by the court bearing its seal and signature of the
judge directing the jail or prison authorities to receive the convicted
offender for service of sentence or detention is known as –
A. Mittimus B. Detention Mittimus
C. Sentence Mittimus D. Detention Warrant
71. The entrusting for confinement or an offender to a jail by competent
court or authority for investigation, trial and or service of sentence is
referred to as
A. Commitment B. Detention
C. Imprisonment D. Recognizance
72. This is a procedure which permits a jail prisoner to pursue his normal
job during the week and return to the jail to serve his sentence during the
weekend or non-working hours.
A. Amnesty B. Good conduct time allowance
C. Probation D. Delayed sentence
73. Which is a place of confinement for persons awaiting trial or court
action and where the convicted offenders serve short sentences or penalty
of imprisonment?
A. Jail B. Lock-up
C. Penitentiary D. Detention Cells
74. What is the type of Jails under the Supervision of the BJMP?
A. Lock up Jails B. Provincial and sub-Provincial Jails
C. City and Municipal Jails D. Insular Jails
75. Provincial Jails were first established in 1910 under the American
Regime. At present, who supervises and controls the said jails?
C. Provincial Government D. LGU
76. What government agency that supervises the administration and operation
of the Bureau of Jail Management and Penology?
C. DND D. All of the above
77. What is the privilege of the visiting husband or wife that the jail
will allow for sexual intercourse?
A. Conjugal visit B. Parental Visit
C. Marital Visit D. Privilege visit
78. What kind of program employs prisoners in various product or good
producing tasks?
A. Agricultural B. Operational
C. Industrial D. Administrative
79. Which among the following is not one of the stages of Irish System
A. A new prisoner was classified as second grade
B. Solitary confinement of prisoners for 9 mos., receiving reduced
diet and monotony work, that gradually progressing to a better
treatment toward the end of the first stage.
C. Assignment to public works in association with other convicts.
D. Sending to a place which was a sort of preparation for release,
where the prisoner worked without custodial supervision and exposing
him to ordinary temptations of freedom; and
80. What prison established on Nov. 16, 1904?
A. The Correctional Institution for Woman
B. The Davao Prison and Penal Farm
C. The Sablayan Prison and Penal Farm
D. The Iwahig Prison and Penal Farm
81. Which among the following is The Reorganization Act of 1907:
A. Law creating the Bureau of Corrections
B. Law creating the Department of Commerce and Police (Act No. 1407
of 1905 placing Bureau of Prisons under its control
C. Law creating the New Bilibid Prisons
D. Prison law of the Philippines creating the Bureau of Prisons
82. Which of the following prison facility of the BuCorr comprising of an
estimated total land area of 1,546 hectares?
A. Iwahig Penal Colony
B. Davao Prison and Penal Farm
C. San Ramon Prison and Penal Farm
D. Sablayan Prison and Penal Farm
83. It detains minimum custody offenders serving short sentence with
constructive work programs. It provides full employment of prisoners,
remedial services and constructive leisure time activities.
Pennsylvania and Auburn Prison System. Inmate worked for an 8-10 hours a
day in their cells, and they were paid for their work.
A. The Walnut Street Jail B. The Cherry Hill
C. The Auburn System D. Auburn Prison System
94. Which is a warrant issued by the court bearing its seal and signature
of the judge directing the jail or prison authorities to receive the
convicted offender for service of sentence or detention?
A. Mittimus B. Detention Mittimus
C. Sentence Mittimus D. Detention Warrant
95. Who is tasked with the gathering and collecting of information and
other data of every prisoner into a case study to determine the work
assignment, the type supervision and degree of custody and restriction
under which an offender must live in jail?
A. Classification Board B. Board of Custody
C. Diagnostic Board D. Treatment Board
96. After meals, what is done with the utensils of the prisoners?
A. Utensils will be collected by the jail guard personnel.
B. The jail guard should Wash the utensils
C. The jail guard should not allow the prisoners to use utensils
D. Utensils must be secured before meals
97. A standard minimum qualification of a Jail officer to be appointed as a
District Jail Warden?
A. Have a rank of at least Jail Superintendent
B. Have an initial rank of Chief Inspector
C. Have a mandatory supervisory training
D. None of these
98. Inmates who commit suicide are considered as in any of the following:
A. Liability of the jail administration.
B. Responsibility of the relative of the victim
C. Liability of the relatives of the victim
D. All of the above
99. Which agency exercise supervision and direction over jail management
training institute.
A. Philippine Public Safety College
B. BJMP Training facilities
C. National Defense
D. Philippine National Police
100. Which among the following statement is wrong?
A. Jail is managed by BJMP while Prison is managed by BuCor;
B. Jail is created under RA 6975 or The DILG Act of 1990, while
Prison was created under the Reorganization Act of 1907 otherwise
known as The Prison Law;
C. Jail shall be headed by the Director of BJMP, while Prison is
headed by Dir. of Prison;
D. District Jail is headed by a Warden, while Penal farm is headed by
a Penal Director