STD 900

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ST 3000 Smart Transmitter 10/99

Series 900 Differential Pressure Models

STD924 0 to 400 inH2O 0 to 1,000 mbar

Specification and
STD930 0 to 100 psi 0 to 7,000 mbar Model Selection
STD974 0 to 3000 psi 0 to 210,000 mbar Guide

Honeywell’s ST 3000® Series 900 ST 3000

Differential Pressure Transmitters Differential Pressure Transmitter
bring proven “smart” technology to
a wide spectrum of pressure mea-
surement applications including
flow and liquid level. They transmit
an output signal proportional to the
measured variable in either an
analog 4 to 20 milliampere format
or in a digital DE protocol format for
direct digital integration with our
TDC 3000®X control system.
Additional protocol options
available for the ST 3000 Series
900 transmitters include
FOUNDATION™ Fieldbus and
HART® . See the Model Selection

Guide for help in selecting the

correct ordering code for the
desired protocol. ell
H on ...
o. I NG Models:
In the standard transmitter you TA C WO
easily select the analog or digital UN
transmission format through the CO


Smart Field Communicator (SFC®) ID UR

0% PR
10 R-R
0% T-
which is the common hand-held NU
8 6
operator interface for our DE-based 4

Smartline® Transmitters. All con-

2 -
Smart Field +/

figuration, operation, and commu- Communicator ST

. R
C L O)

nications functions are under the SP



control of the ST 3000 Smart Can be ordered NU HA

Transmitter’s microprocessor and separately see

are accessible through the SFC. specification

¹ FOUNDATION™ Fieldbus is a trademark Figure 1 —Series 900 Differential Pressure Transmitters feature proven
of the Fieldbus Foundation. “smart” technology and come in several models to meet varying application
² HART is a registered trademark of the needs.
Hart Communication Foundation

Industrial Automation and Control, 16404 N. Black Canyon Highway, Phoenix, AZ 85023
Printed in U.S.A.■ © Copyright 1998 — Honeywell Inc.
Page 2

Features Description

• Choice of linear or square root The ST 3000 transmitter can Like other Smartline Transmitters,
output conformity is a simple replace any 4 to 20 milliampere the ST 3000 features two-way
configuration selection. output transmitter in use today, communication between the opera-
and operates over a standard tor and the transmitter through our
• Direct digital integration with two-wire system. SFC. You can connect the SFC
TDC 3000X system provides anywhere that you can access the
local measurement accuracy to The measuring means is a transmitter signal lines, and it pro-
the system level without adding piezoresistive sensor which vides the capabilities of transmitter
typical A/D and D/A converter actually contains three sensors in adjustments and diagnostics from
inaccuracies. one. It contains a differential remote locations, such as the control
pressure sensor, a temperature room.
• Unique piezoresistive sensor sensor, and a static pressure
automatically compensates sensor. Microprocessor-based The transmitter’s meter body and
input for temperature and static electronics provide higher span- electronics housing resist shock,
pressure. turndown ratio, improved vibration, corrosion, and moisture.
temperature and pressure The electronics housing contains a
• Added “smart” features include compensation, and improved compartment for the single-board
configuring lower and upper accuracy. electronics, which is isolated from an
range values, simulating integral junction box. The single-
accurate analog output, and board electronics is replaceable and
selecting preprogrammed interchangeable with any other
engineering units for display. ST 3000 Series 900 or Series 100e
model transmitter.
• Smart transmitter capabilities
with local or remote interfacing
means significant manpower
efficiency improvements in
commissioning, start-up, and
ongoing maintenance functions.

• Local zero and span

adjustments are available for
alternate adjustment method, if
Page 3


Operating Conditions – All Models

Parameter Reference Rated Condition Operative Limits Transportation and
Condition Storage
(at zero static)

°C °F °C °F °C °F °C °F

Ambient Temperature 25 ±1 77 ±2 -40 to 85 -40 to 185 -40 to 85 -40 to 185 -55 to 125 -67 to 257

Meter Body Temperature 25 ±1 77 ±2 -40 to 110* -40 to 230* -40 to 125 -40 to 257 -55 to 125 -67 to 257

Humidity %RH 10 to 55 0 to 100 0 to 100 0 to 100

Overpressure psi 0 3000** 3000**

bar 0 210** 210**

Vacuum Region - Minimum

mmHg absolute Atmospheric 25 2 (short term†)
inH2O absolute Atmospheric 13 1 (short term†

Supply Voltage, Current, Voltage Range: 10.8 to 42.4 Vdc at terminals

and Load Resistance Current Range: 3.0 to 21.8 mA
Load Resistance: 0 to 1440 ohms (as shown in Figure 2)
* For CTFE fill fluid, the rating is –15 to 70°C (5 to 158°F)
** For models STD924 and STD930, static limit is 2000 psi (140 bar) for temperatures below –15°C (5°F). Overpressure is 3K.
† Short term equals 2 hours at 70°C (158°F)


1200 = Operating

Loop NOTE: A minimum of 250

800 0hms of loop resistance is
necessary to support
communications. Loop
resistance equals barrier
resistance plus wire
450 resistance plus receiver
resistance. Also 45 volt
operation is permitted if
250 not an intrinsically safe

0 10.8 16.28 20.63 25 28.3 37.0 42.4

Operating Voltage (Vdc) 21012

Figure 2—Supply voltage and loop resistance chart

Page 4

Performance Under Rated Conditions* - Model STD924 (0 to 400 inH2O/1000 mbar)

Parameter Description
Upper Range Limit inH2O 400 (39.2°F/4°C is standard reference temperature for inH2O range.)
mbar 1000
Minimum Span inH2O 10 Note: Recommended minimum span in square root mode is 20 inH2O (50 mbar).
mbar 25
Turndown Ratio 40 to 1
Zero Elevation and Suppression –5 to +100% URL.
Accuracy (Reference – Includes In Analog Mode: ±0.10% of calibrated span or upper range value (URV), whichever is
combined effects of linearity, greater, terminal based.
hysteresis, and repeatability) For URV below reference point (25 inH 2O), accuracy equals:

±0.05 + 0.05  span inH O or ±0.05 + 0.05  span mbar in % span

• Accuracy includes residual error 25 inH2O 62 mbar
after averaging successive
 2   
In Digital Mode: ±0.075% of calibrated span or upper range value (URV), whichever
• For FOUNDATION Fieldbus use is greater, terminal based.
Digital Mode specifications. For For URV below reference point (25 inH2O), accuracy equals:
HART use Analog Mode
±0.025 + 0.05  span inH O or ±0.025 + 0.05  span mbar in % span
specifications. 25 inH2O 62 mbar
 2   
Zero Temperature Effect per In Analog Mode: ±0.1625% of span.
28°C (50°F) For URV below reference point (50 inH 2O), effect equals:

±0.0125 + 0.15  span inH O or ±0.0125 + 0.15  span mbar in % span

50 inH2O 125 mbar
 2   
In Digital Mode: ±0.15% of span.
For URV below reference point (50 inH 2O), effect equals:

±0.15  span inH O or ±0.15  span mbar in % span

50 inH2O 125 mbar
 2   
Combined Zero and Span In Analog Mode: ±0.25% of span.
Temperature Effect per 28°C For URV below reference point (50 inH2O), effect equals:
±0.10 + 0.15  span inH O or ±0.10 + 0.15  span mbar in % span
50 inH2O 125 mbar
 2   
In Digital Mode: ±0.225% of span.
For URV below reference point (50 inH2O), effect equals:

±0.075 + 0.15  span inH O or ±0.075 + 0.15  span mbar in % span

50 inH2O 125 mbar
 2   
Zero Static Pressure Effect per ±0.1625% of span.
1000 psi (70 bar) For URV below reference point (50 inH2O), effect equals:

±0.0125 + 0.15  span inH O or ±0.0125 + 0.15  span mbar in % span

50 inH2O 125 mbar
 2   
Combined Zero and Span Static ±0.30% of span.
Pressure Effect per 1000 psi (70 For URV below reference point (50 inH2O), effect equals:
±0.15 + 0.15  span inH O or ±0.15 + 0.15  span mbar in % span
50 inH2O 125 mbar
 2   
Stability ±0.03% of URL per year
* Performance specifications are based on reference conditions of 25°C (77°F), zero (0) static pressure, 10 to 55% RH, and
316L Stainless Steel barrier diaphragm.
Page 5

Performance Under Rated Conditions* - Model STD930 (0 to 100 psi/7000 mbar)

Parameter Description
Upper Range Limit psi 100
bar 7
Minimum Span psi 5
bar 0.35
Turndown Ratio 20 to 1
Zero Elevation and Suppression –5 to +100% URL.
Accuracy (Reference – Includes In Analog Mode: ±0.10% of calibrated span or upper range value (URV), whichever
combined effects of linearity, is greater, terminal based.
hysteresis, and repeatability) For URV below reference point (20 psi), accuracy equals:

±0.05 + 0.05  span psi or ±0.05 + 0.05  span bar in % span

• 20 psi 1.4 bar

   
In Digital Mode: ±0.075% of calibrated span or upper range value (URV), whichever
is greater, terminal based.
For URV below reference point (20 psi), accuracy equals:

±0.025 + 0.05  span psi or ±0.025 + 0.05  span bar in % span

20 psi 1.4 bar
   

Zero Temperature Effect per In Analog Mode: ±0.1625% of span.

28°C (50°F) For URV below reference point (30 psi), effect equals:

±0.0125 + 0.15  span psi or ±0.0125 + 0.15  span bar in % span

30 psi 2 bar
   
In Digital Mode: ±0.15% of span.
For URV below reference point (30 psi), effect equals:

±0.15  span psi or ±0.15  span bar in % span

30 psi 2 bar
   

Combined Zero and Span In Analog Mode: ±0.25% of span.

Temperature Effect per 28°C For URV below reference point (30 psi), effect equals:
±0.10 + 0.15  span psi or ±0.10 + 0.15  span bar in % span
30 psi 2 bar
   
In Digital Mode: ±0.225% of span.
For URV below reference point (30 psi), effect equals:

±0.075 + 0.15  span psi or ±0.075 + 0.15  span bar in % span

30 psi 2 bar
   

Zero Static Pressure Effect per ±0.1625% of span.

1000 psi (70 bar) For URV below reference point (30 psi), effect equals:

±0.0125 + 0.15  span psi or ±0.0125 + 0.15  span bar in % span

30 psi 2 bar
   
Combined Zero and Span Static ±0.30% of span.
Pressure Effect per 1000 psi (70 For URV below reference point (30 psi), effect equals:
±0.15 + 0.15  span psi or ±0.15 + 0.15  span bar in % span
30 psi 2 bar
   
Stability ±0.04% of URL per year
* Performance specifications are based on reference conditions of 25°C (77°F), zero (0) static pressure, 10 to 55% RH, and
316L Stainless Steel barrier diaphragm.
Page 6

Performance Under Rated Conditions* - Model STD974 (0 to 3000 psi/210 bar)

Parameter Description
Upper Range Limit psi 3000
bar 210
Minimum Span psi 100
bar 7
Turndown Ratio 30 to 1
Zero Elevation and Suppression –0.6 and +100% URL.
Accuracy (Reference – Includes In Analog Mode: ±0.2% of calibrated span or upper range value (URV), whichever is
combined effects of linearity, greater, terminal based.
hysteresis, and repeatability) For URV below reference point (300 psi), accuracy equals:

±0.05 + 0.15  span psi or ±0.05+ 0.15  span bar in % span

• Accuracy includes residual error 300 psi 21 bar
after averaging successive    
readings. In Digital Mode: ±0.175% of calibrated span or upper range value (URV), whichever
• For FOUNDATION Fieldbus use is greater, terminal based.
Digital Mode specifications. For For URV below reference point (300 psi), accuracy equals:
HART use Analog Mode
±0.025 + 0.15  span psi or ±0.025+ 0.15 span bar in % span
300 psi 21 bar
specifications.    
Zero Temperature Effect per In Analog Mode: ±0.2125% of span.
28°C (50°F) For URV below reference point (500 psi), effect equals:

±0.0125 + 0.20  span psi or ±0.0125 + 0.20  span bar in % span

500 psi 35 bar
   
In Digital Mode: ±0.20% of span.
For URV below reference point (500 psi), effect equals:

±0.20  span psi or ±0.20  span bar in % span

500 psi 35 bar
   

Combined Zero and Span In Analog Mode: ±0.325% of span.

Temperature Effect per 28°C For URV below reference point (500 psi), effect equals:
±0.125 + 0.20  span psi or ±0.125 + 0.20  span bar in % span
500 psi 35 bar
   
In Digital Mode: ±0.30% of span.
For URV below reference point (500 psi), effect equals:

±0.10 + 0.20  span psi or ±0.10 + 0.20  span bar in % span

500 psi 35 bar
   

Zero Static Pressure Effect per ±0.1625% of span.

1000 psi (70 bar) For URV below reference point (500 psi), effect equals:

±0.0125 + 0.15  span psi or ±0.0125 + 0.15  span bar in % span

500 psi 35 bar
   
Combined Zero and Span Static ±0.30% of span.
Pressure Effect per 1000 psi (70 For URV below reference point (500 psi), effect equals:
±0.15 + 0.15  span psi or ±0.15 + 0.15  span bar in % span
500 psi 35 bar
   
Stability ±0.03% of URL per year
* Performance specifications are based on reference conditions of 25°C (77°F), zero (0) static pressure, 10 to 55% RH, and
316L Stainless Steel barrier diaphragm.
Page 7

Performance Under Rated Conditions - General for all Models

Parameter Description
Output (two-wire) Analog 4 to 20 mA or DE digital communications mode. Options available for
FOUNDATION Fieldbus and HART protocol.
Supply Voltage Effect 0.005% span per volt.
Damping Time Constant Adjustable from 0 to 32 seconds digital damping.
CE Conformity (Europe) 89/336/EEC, Electromagnetic Compatibility (EMC) Directive.
Lightning Protection Option Leakage Current: 10 microamps max. @ 42.4 VDC, 93°C
(Code “LP”) Impulse Rating: 10/20 µ sec. 5,000 Amps (50 strikes) 10,000 Amps (20 strikes)
(rise/decay) 10/1000 µ sec. 250 Amps (1000 strikes) 500 Amps (400 strikes)

Physical and Approval Bodies

Parameter Description
Barrier Diaphragms Material
STD924, STD930 316L SS, Hastelloy C-276, Monel, Tantalum
STD974 316L SS, Hastelloy C-276

Process Head Material

STD924, STD930 316 SS, Carbon Steel (zinc-plated), Monel, Hastelloy
STD974 316 SS, Carbon Steel (zinc-plated), Hastelloy

Head Gaskets Teflon, Viton (Only with 316L SS or Monel barrier diaphragms)

Meter Body Bolting Carbon Steel (Zinc plated, standard) or A286 SS (NACE) bolts and 302/304 SS
(NACE) nuts for heads and 316 SS (NACE) bolts for adapters (standard option).

Mounting Bracket Carbon Steel (Zinc-plated) or Stainless Steel angle bracket or Carbon Steel flat
bracket available (standard options).

Fill Fluid Silicone DC 200 oil or CTFE (Chlorotrifluoroethylene)

Electronic Housing Epoxy-Polyester hybrid paint. Low Copper-Aluminum. Meets NEMA 4X (watertight)
and NEMA 7 (explosionproof). Stainless steel optional.

Process Connections 1/4-inch NPT; 1/2-inch NPT with adapter, standard option; DIN.

Wiring Accepts up to 16 AWG (1.5 mm diameter).

Mounting Can be mounted in virtually any position using the standard mounting bracket. Bracket
is designed to mount on 2-inch (50 mm) vertical or horizontal pipe. See Figure 3.

Dimensions See Figures 4 and 5.

Net Weight 9 pounds (4.1 Kg)

Approval Bodies Approved as explosionproof and intrinsically safe for use in Class I, Division 1, Groups
A, B, C, D locations, and nonincendive for Class I, Division 2, Groups A, B, C, D
locations. Approved EEx ia IIC T5 and EEx d IIC T6 per CENELEC standards; and Ex
N II T5 per BS 6941.

Series 900 with HC (HART) compatibility is self-certified for Zone 2, T5, maximum
42V/22 mA.
Page 8


Figure 3—Examples of typical mounting positions

Page 9

Reference Dimensions: inches

With 82.9 94.9

Smart 3.26 3.74
Removal 3.6
Clearance 53.1 65.1 0.14 Plug
for All Caps 2.09 2.56
45.7 Without Without
1.8 meter meter 5.32



214 Meters
Rotational 4.93


Optional Adapter 2.12
for 1/2-inch NPT 32.5 93.6 129
See Detail "A" 1.28 3.69 5.08

Detail A

High Pressure Low Pressure

Connection Connection
1/2-inch NPT 53.9 1/2-inch NPT
0.06 24258

Figure 4—Typical models STD924 and STD930-A, B, E, F, J (SS, Hastelloy C) mounting dimensions for
Page 10

Reference Dimensions: inches

82.9 94.9
With Smart meter With
3.26 3.74
53.1 65.1
Removal 2.09 2.56
45.7 3.6
Clearance Without Without 135
1.8 Plug
for All Caps meter meter 5.32 0.14


external Rotational lock
266.6 168.8
10.5 6.65

3.35 SQ

Optional Adapter for Plug 53.9

1/2-inch NPT 2.12
See Detail "A"
32.5 100 121.4
1.28 3.94 4.78
Detail A

High Pressure Low Pressure

Connection Connection
1/2-inch NPT 53.9 1/2-inch NPT
0.06 24259

Figure 5—Typical models STD924 and STD930-C, D, G, H, K, L (Monel, Tantalum), and model STD974
mounting dimensions for reference
Page 11

Options Ordering Information

Mounting Bracket Tagging (Option TG) Contact your nearest Honeywell

The angle mounting bracket is Up to 30 characters can be added sales office, or
available in either zinc-plated on the stainless steel nameplate
carbon steel or stainless steel and mounted on the transmitter’s In the U.S.:
is suitable for horizontal or vertical electronics housing at no extra cost. Honeywell
mounting on a two inch (50 Note that a separate nameplate on Industrial Automation & Control
millimeter) pipe, as well as wall the meter body contains the serial 16404 N. Black Canyon Highway
mounting. An optional flat number and body-related data. A Phoenix, AZ 85023
mounting bracket is also available stainless steel wired on tag with 1-800-288-7491
in carbon steel for two inch (50 additional data of up to 4 lines of 28
millimeter) pipe mounting. characters is also available. The In Canada:
number of characters for tagging The Honeywell Centre
Indicating Meter includes spaces. 155 Gordon Baker Rd.
Two integral meter options are North York, Ontario
available. An analog meter (option Transmitter Configuration M2H 3N7
ME) is available with a 0 to 100% (Option TC) 1-800-461-0013
linear scale. The Smart Meter The factory can configure the
(option SM) provides an LCD transmitter linear/square root In Latin America:
display for both analog and digital extraction, damping time, LRV, Honeywell Inc.
output and can be configured to URV and mode (analog/digital) and 480 Sawgrass Corporate Parkway,
display pressure in pre-selected enter an ID tag of up to eight Suite 200
engineering units. characters and scratchpad Sunrise, FL 33325
information as specified. (954) 845-2600
Lightning Protection
A terminal block is available with Custom Calibration and ID in In Europe:
circuitry that protects the Memory (Option CC) Honeywell PACE
transmitter from transient surges The factory can calibrate any range 1, Avenue du Bourget
induced by nearby lightning within the scope of the transmitter’s B-1140 Brussels, Belgium
strikes. range and enter an ID tag of up to [32-2] 728-2111
eight characters in the transmitter’s
HART Protocol Compatibility memory. In Asia:
(Option HC) Honeywell Asia Pacific Inc.
An optional electronics module is Room 3213-25
available for the Series 900 that Sun Hung Kai Centre
(Option FF) No. 30 Harbour Road
provides HART Protocol Equips transmitter with FF
compatibility. Transmitters with the Wanchai, Hong Kong
protocol for use in 31.25 kbit/s 2829-8298
HART Option are compatible with FF networks. See document
the AMS System. (Contact your 34-ST-03-72 for additional
AMS Supplier if an upgrade is In the Pacific:
information on ST 3000 Honeywell Limited
required.) Fieldbus transmitters. 5 Thomas Holt Drive
North Ryde NSW 2113
Configuration of the HART Option
transmitter is accomplished using a
(61 2) 9353 7000
Universal HART Communicator. For
full functionality the communicator
Or, visit Honeywell on the World
must contain the Honeywell Device Wide Web at:
Description (DD). Contact your
nearest Honeywell office or
distributor for further information
regarding this option.

Specifications are subject to change without notice.

(Note that specifications may differ slightly for transmitters manufactured before
October 30, 1995.)
Page 12

Model Selection Guide 34-ST-16-24

Select the desired Key Number. The arrow to the right marks the selection available.
Make one selection from each table, I and II, using the column below the proper arrow.
Select as many Table III options as desired (if no options are desired, specify 00).
A dot denotes unrestricted availability. A letter denotes restricted availability.
Restrictions follow Table IV.

Key Number I II III (Optional) IV

______ - ___ - _____ - _ _, _ _ _ _ + XXXX

KEY NUMBER Selection Availability

0-10" to 0-400" H2O/0-25 to 0-1000 mbar STD924
Body Rating: 3000 psi (210 bar)
0-5 to 0-100 psi/0-0.34 to 0-7 bar STD930
Body Rating: 3000 psi (210 bar)
0-100 to 0-3000 psi/0-7 to 0-210 bar STD974
Body Rating: 3000 psi (210 bar)


Wetted Vent/Drain
Process Heads Valves ** Barrier
and Plugs Diaphragms
Carbon Steel * 316 St. St. 316 LSS A__
Carbon Steel * 316 St. St. Hastelloy C B__
Carbon Steel * 316 St. St. Monel C__
Material Carbon Steel * 316 St. St. Tantalum D__
of 316 St. St. 316 St. St. 316 LSS E__
Construction 316 St. St. 316 St. St. Hastelloy C F__
316 St. St. 316 St. St. Monel G__
316 St. St. 316 St. St. Tantalum H__
Hastelloy C Hastelloy C Hastelloy C J__ v
Hastelloy C Hastelloy C Tantalum K__ v v
Monel Monel Monel L__ v v
Fill Fluid Silicone _1_
CTFE _2_
Process Head 1/4" NPT __A
Configuration 1/2" NPT with Adapter (on 1/4" NPT Head) __H t t t

No Selection 00000

* Carbon Steel heads are zinc-plated. Not recommended for water service due to hydrogen migration.
Use Stainless Steel heads.
** Vent/Drains are Teflon coated for lubricity.
Page 13

Model Selection Guide, continued


TABLE III - OPTIONS Selection 24 30 74

None 00
Adapter Flange - 1/2" NPT St. Steel S2 c c c
Adapter Flange - 1/2" NPT Hastelloy-C T2 c c c b
Adapter Flange - 1/2" NPT Monel V2 c c c
Modified DIN Process Heads - 316SS DN w w w
Viton Head Gaskets (1/2" adapter gaskets are special) VT z z z
Mounting Bracket - Carbon Steel MB
Mounting Bracket - ST. ST. SB b
Flat Mounting Bracket - Carbon Steel FB
316 ST.ST. Electronics Housing with M20 Conduit Connections SH m m m
1/2" NPT to M20 316SS Conduit Adapter (BASEEFA EEx d IIC) A1 n n n b
1/2" NPT to 3/4" NPT 316 SS Conduit Adapter A2 u u u
Lightning Protection LP
Analog Meter (0-100 Even 0-10 Square Root) ME b
Smart Meter SM
Local Zero LZ x x x
Local Zero and Span ZS s s s
A286SS (NACE) Bolts and 302/304SS (NACE) Nuts for Heads and CR
316SS (NACE) Bolts for Adapters
Stainless Steel Customer Wired-On Tag TG
(4 lines, 28 characters per line, customer supplied information)
Stainless Steel Customer Wired-On Tag (blank) TB
Custom Calibration and I.D. in Memory CC
Transmitter Configuration TC
Write Protection WP
Additional Warranty - 1 year W1
Additional Warranty - 2 years W2 b
Additional Warranty - 3 years W3
Additional Warranty - 4 years W4
Clean Transmitter for Oxygen or Chlorine Service with Certificate 0X j j j
Over-Pressure Leak Test with F3392 Certificate TP
Side Vent/Drain (End Vent Drain is standard) SV g g y
SS Center Vent Drain and Bushing CV g g b
Blind DIN SS Flanges Mounted with NACE Bolts B2 d d d
Low Temperature - -50oC Ambient Limit LT
Calibration Test Report and Certificate of Conformance (F3399) F1 b
Certificate of Conformance (F3391) F3
Certificate of Origin (F0195) F5
NACE Certificate (F0198) F7 o o o
HART® Protocol Compatible Electronics HC e e e b
FOUNDATION Fieldbus Communications FF r r r
Page 14

Model Selection Guide, continued


TABLE III - OPTIONS (continued) Selection 24 30 74

Body Approval Type Location or Classification
No hazardous location approvals 9X
Explosion Proof Class I, Div. 1, Groups A,B,C,D
Factory Dust Ignition Proof Class II, III Div. 1, Groups E,F,G
Mutual Non-Incendive Class I, Div. 2, Groups A,B,C,D 1C
Intrinsically Safe Class I, II, III, Div. 1, Groups
A,B,C,D,E,F,G b
Explosion Proof Class I, Div. 1, Groups B,C,D
CSA Dust Ignition Proof Class II, III, Div. 1, Groups E,F,G 2J
Intrinsically Safe Class I, II, III, Div. 1, Groups
Zone 2 Self-Declared Ex II 3 GD T (1) X
(Europe) per 94/9/EC (1) T4 at Tamb. 93oC, T5 at Tamb. 3N
(ATEX4) 80oC, T6 at Tamb. 65oC
SA Intrinsically Safe Ex ia IIC T4 4H a a a
(Australia) Non-Incendive Ex n IIC T6 (T4 with SM option)
Flame Proof Ex d IIC T6
Flame Proof EEx d IIC T6 3A f f f
LCIE Intrinsically Safe EEx ia IIC T5
CENELEC Flame Proof EEx d IIC T6 3D h
Intrinsically Safe EEx ia IIC T5 3S k

Factory Identification XXXX
Page 15

Model Selection Guide, continued

Restriction Available Only With Not Available With
Letter Table Selection Table Selection
a Approval Body pending
b Select only one option from this group
c I __H
d I E _ A, F _ A, G _ A, H _ A
e lll 1C, 2J, 3D, 3N, 9X
f III HC I STD930-C _ _, G _ _, L _ _
g I K _ _, L _ _
includes side vent
no price add
h I C _ _, G _ _, L _ _
j I _2_
k I C _ _, G _ _, L _ _
m III ZS, 1C, 2J
n III 1C, 2J
o III CR or B2
t III Select from Table III S2, T2, V2
u III 1C, 2J
v Includes side vent drain - no price add
w I E _ A, F _ A, G _ A, H _ A III SV
y I J_ _, includes
side vent, no price add
z I B _ _, D _ _, F _ _, H _ _,
J _ _, K _ _

Note: See 13:ST-27 for Published Specials with pricing.

See 13:ST-29 and User’s Manual for part numbers.
See 13:ST-OE-9 for OMS Order Entry Information including TC, manuals,
certificates, drawings and SPINS.
See 13:ST-OD-1 for tagging, ID, Transmitter Configuration (TC) and
calibration including factory default values.
To request a quotation for a non-published "special", fax RFQ to Marketing
Page 16

Industrial Automation and Control

Honeywell Inc.
16404 North Black Canyon Highway
Phoenix, Arizona 85023-3099

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