Primary 6 Mathematics

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1 Whole Learners should Counting in Guide the learners to 1. Revise Charts of numbers, 1. Count in
Number be able to: Millions and revise the previous work counting up to Abacus etc. millions up to
i. Count in Billions. in counting up to one million. specified
Millions and ii. Writing and counting in millions. 2. Count in
2. Write up to
Billions. reading up to 2. Guide learners to count million up to one million.
ii. Write and one million. in millions up to nine nine hundred 3. Give the
read up to one iii. Value and hundred million. million. place value of
Million. place value of 3. Guide learners to read 3. Write each of the
iii. Give the whole up to one million. numbers up digit in a given
place value and numbers. 4. Devise other practices to one million. number.
4. Solve given
the value of a or methods to write and 4. Devise
problems on
digit in a given read up to one billion. other quantitative
whole number. 5. Guide learners to solve practices or reasoning.
iv. identify problems in quantitative methods to
numbers in reasoning. write and read
place value. 6. Guide the learners in up to one
v. solve revising the previous billion.
problems work on place value of a 5. Give the
involving digit. value and
quantitative 7. Guide learners to find place value of
reasoning. the place value and value each of the
of a number. digits in the
given number.
2 Whole Learners should 1.Value and Guide learners in revising 1. Revise Chart of numbers, Learner to:
Numbers be able to: place value of previous work on decimal previous work Relevant charts, 1Solve
(Contd) 1.Give the value decimal fractions. on decimal Abacus, Charts of problems on
factors and multiples quantitative
and place value fractions fractions.
of numbers. reasoning.

for a digit in a 2.Quantitative 2. Guide learners to find 2. Give the 2. give the
decimal fraction reasoning the place value and value value and value and place
2.Solve 3)LCM of 2- of decimal fractions. place value of value of each
digit in a give
problems on digits whole 3. Guide learners to solve the decimal
quantitative numbers. problems in quantitative fractions. fractions.
reasoning with reasoning on value and 3. Solve 3. solve
value and place place value. problems on quantitative
value 4. Guide learners to solve quantitative aptitude
3)Solve quantitative aptitude reasoning. problems on
quantitative problems related to place 4. Solve place value.
4. Find the
aptitude value. quantitative
multiples of
problems 5. Guide learners to aptitude given 2-digit
related to revise previous work on problems on numbers.
places value. LCM of 1-digit numbers. place value. 5. Find the LCM
4.Find LCM of 6. Guide learners to write 5. Revise the of given 2-digit
2-digits whole out multiples of number. previous work numbers by:
numbers. e.g. 10 and 12. on LCM of 1- a. Factor
7. Guide learners to list digit numbers.
b. multiples
the common multiples of 6. List method.
10 and 12 as 60, 120, 240 multiples of
and choose the least 10 and 12.
common multiple (LCM) 7. Find the
i.e. 60. LCM of 10 and
8. Guide learners to find 12.
LCM by factor method. 8. Find the
Example LCM of 10 and
10 = 2 x 5 12 by faction
12 = 2x2x3 method.
L.C.M 2x2x3x5 =60. 9. Compare
the two
methods of
finding LCM.

3 Whole Learners should 1. HCF of 2- Guide learners to raise Revise the Chart of factors of Learners to:
Numbers be able to: digits whole previous work on HCF of previous work numbers. 1. Find the
(Contd) 1. Find HCF of 2- numbers. 1-digit number. on HCF of 1- factors of given
digit whole 2. Quantitative 2. Guide learners to list digit numbers.
numbers. Reasoning. the factors of 2-digits 2. Using 2. Find the HCF
2.Solve numbers like 28 and 30 Common of given whole
quantitative i.e. Factors of 28 are: Factor to find numbers.
aptitude 1,2,4,7,14,28. HCF e.g. 3. Solve some
problem on Factors of 30 are: 2 28 30 quantitative
LCM and HCF. 1,2,3,5,6,15,30. 14 15 aptitude
3. Guide learners to list
involving HCF.
the common factor of 28 HCF of 28 and 4. Solve
and 30 as 1 and 2 then 30. quantitative
choose the Highest 3. List factors aptitude
Common Factor (HCF) i.e. of 28 and 30. problem on
2. 4. Find the LCM and HCF.
4. Guide learners to find HCF of 28 and
HCF by factor method as: 30 by factor
28 = 1x2x2x7 method.
30= 1x2x3x5 5. Solve
Common Factors = 1 and quantitative
2. HCF=1x2=2. aptitude
6. Guide learners to solve problem on
quantitative aptitude LCM and HCF.
problems on LCM and
4 Demography Learners should 1. Population: 1. Guide leaners to define . Define Demography of map Learners to:
be able to: -families; population. population. of Nigeria video 1. Define
1. Read, write -classes; 2. Guide learners to give 2. Give showing population, population,
World Atlas and 2. Read and
and compare -towns and the population of: population of
some published write the
populations of cities; etc. -their houses; their houses, information from population of
small and big -classes; classes, towns WHO on HIV/AIDS, big cities in
cities. -Town etc. etc. Flip charts. Nigeria.
2. Read and 2. Reading and 3. Guide learners to read 3. Read and 3. Read and
compare comparing of and write population of write compare
population of populations. some cities e.g. Lagos, populations of population.
4. read and
HIV prevalence Kano, Aba in the country some cities
in different using Map of Nigeria. e.g. Lagos, population of
countries. 4. Guide learners to read Kano, Aba in HIV prevalence
and compare population the country in some given
of HIV prevalence in using the Map countries of
different countries of the of Nigeria. the world.
world. 4. Read and
5. Guide learners to use compare
counting in thousand and population of
million in population HIV
studies. prevalence in
countries in
the world.
5. Use
counting in
and millions in
5 Fractions Learners should 1. Ordering of Guide learners to order 1. Order Charts, flash charts, Learners to:
be able to: fractions. fraction by first bringing fractions by flip charts of decimal 1. Order given
1. Order ii. Quantitative the fractions to have the first bringing fractions. fractions.
2. Solve
fractions. Reasoning. same denominator and the fractions
problems on
2. Solve iii. Decimals. consider the to have the quantitative
problems on denominators e.g. In the same aptitude
quantitative 1 3 denominator
fractions: 𝑎𝑛𝑑 involving
2 5
reasoning. 1 1 5 5 and consider fractions.
3. Express = 𝑥 = the 3. Express
2 2 5 10
decimals as denominators. given decimals

fractions and 3 3 2 6 2. Solve as fractions
= 𝑥 =
vice versa. 5 3 5 10 problems on and vice versa.
5 6
5 < 6 then < quantitative
10 10
3 reasoning
Hence ½ is smaller than 5
2. Guide learners to solve
problems on quantitative
3. Express
aptitude e.g. insert the
decimals as
appropriate symbol < or >
fractions and
in the diagram below:
5 vice versa e.g.
3. Guide learners to
express decimals, as
fraction and vice versa
75 3
0.75 = =
100 4
2𝑥2 + 1 5
212 = =
2 2
5𝑥5 25
= = 2.5
5𝑥2 10
6 Ratio and Learners should 1. Ratios, 1. Guide learners to 1. Revise the Source for related Learners to:
Proportions be able to: ii. Direct revise previous work previous work charts; 1. Solve given
1. Solve proportion. done on ratios. on ratios. Flash charts, Inverse problems on
proportion charts, ratio.
problems on iii. 2. Guide learners to solve 2. Solve
Inverse population 2. Solve some
ratio. Quantitative problems on population. problems on charts. quantitative
2. apply ration reasoning. For example: In a city of ratios. reasoning
to everyday life; iv. Inverse 10,000 people. 100 of 3. Apply the problems on
3. solve proportions. them are COVID-19 application of ratios;
problems in v. Quantitative positive. Find the ratio of ratios in 3. Solve given
direct Reasoning. those infected to the everyday life. problems on
proportion. total of population. 4. Solve
4. solve Total population=100,000 examples on 4. Solve
problems on problem on

inverse Infected population = direct quantitative
proportions. 100. proportion. aptitude
5. solve The ratio of infected to 5. Note that involving direct
quantitative total population is saving is in
5. Solve given
reasoning 100:10,000 or 1:100 or direct problems in
problems 1 proportion to
involving ratio; 3. Guide learners to apply the number of proportions.
6. Solve days. 6. Solve given
ratio to everyday life.
problems on 6. Solve problems in
4. Guide learners to solve
quantitative quantitative quantitative
direct proportion reasoning in
reasoning problems e.g. A man save reasoning
involving direct money every day, if he problem proportion.
proportion. saves N50 each day, how related to
7. identify some much can be saved in 4 ratios.
daily life days? 7. Solve
activities that Saving(N) day quantitative
are inversely 50 1 aptitude
related; 100 2 problems
8. Solve 150 3 involving
problems on 200 4 direct
quantitative He saves N200 in 4 days. proportion.
reasoning in 5. Guide learners to note 8. Solve given
inverse that his saving is in direct problems in
proportions. proportion to the number inverse
of days. proportion.
6. Guide learners to solve 9. identify
quantitative problems some daily life
related to ratios. activities that
7. Guide learners to solve are inversely
problems on quantitative related.
reasoning involving direct

8. Guide learners to solve
problems on inverse
9. Guide learners to
identify some activities
that are inversely related.
10. Guide learners to
solve problems on
quantitative reasoning in
the inverse proportions.
8 Ratio of family Learners should Ratio of family 1. Guide learners to solve 1. Solve given A poster depicting Learners to:
size and be able to: size and problems on ratio of problems by two families one 1. Calculate the
resources. 1. find ratio of resource. family size and resource finding the smaller and happy ratio of given
and the other larger family size to
family size and e.g. Jimoh’s family size is ratio of family
and unhappy chart their earning;
resources; 12 and he earns N36,000 size to salary with population 2. give four
2. correctly use monthly. Find the ratio of and state how figures. examples of
ratio in relating his family size to his much each everyday
proportion of salary ratio is 12:36000 or member will activities that
resources to 1:3000 = N3000. get. demand
family size. 2. Guide learners to 2. Correctly correct
application of
correctly use ratio in use ration in
relating proportion of relating
resources to family size. proportion of
resources to
family size
8 Ratio of Learners should 1. expressing 1.guides learners to the Data chart of Learners to:
prevalence of be able to: the ratio of express the prevalence of prevalence HIV/AIDS 1. find the
HIV/AIDS 1. express the prevalence of HIV/AIDS by sex in ratio Of HIV/AIDS prevalence, given ratio of
Data chart on prevalence of
between two ratio of HIV/AIDA using the chart by sexes in
prevalence of between two ratio

sexes, two HIV/AIDS sexes, two 2.guides learners to 2.correctly sex of a
states. between two states etc. correctly express and express and population.
sexes in a town 2.quantitative apply ratio in every apply ratio in 2. give five
examples of
or country. reasoning. activity such as HIV/AIDS everyday
issues of
2. Correctly for the purpose of having activities HIV/AIDS that
express the a clear picture of trend such as require correct
ratios in learners to solve HIV/AIDS for expression of
monitoring the quantitative aptitudes the purpose ratios.
trend of problems on ratio of of having a 3. solve
infection of HIV/AIDS prevalence picture of the quantitative
HIV/AIDS in trend
problems on
different sexes 3.solve ratio of given
and among quantitative HIV/AIDS
states. aptitude prevalence.
3. Solve problems on
quantitative ratio of
aptitude HIV/AIDS
problems on prevalence
ratio of
9 Percentages Learners should 1. Expressing a 1. Guide learners to Express Charts with Learners to:
be able to: number as a express numbers as a numbers as a population figures, i. express given
i. express one percentage of percentage of another percentage of ii. Source for correct numbers as a
data on HIV/AIDS. percentage of
number as a another. e.g. find the percentage another e.g.
iii. Data chart on another.
percentage of ii. Percentage of boys and girls in a find the HIV/AIDS. ii. Calculate
another; increase class. percentage of given numbers
ii. Calculate iii. Percentage 2. Guide learners to boys and girls expressed as
numbers decrease; calculate numbers in a class. 2. percentage of
expressed as a iv. expressed as a Calculate another.
percentage of Quantitative percentage of another. numbers iii. Calculate
another. Reasoning. expressed as a
increase of a
iii. express one 3. Guide learners to percentage of population
population as a calculate percentage another. growth.
percentage of increase as 3. Solve iv. solve
problems in
another 𝑃𝑒𝑟𝑐𝑒𝑛𝑡𝑎𝑔𝑒 𝑖𝑛𝑐𝑟𝑒𝑎𝑠𝑒 problems on
population. 𝑖𝑛𝑐𝑟𝑒𝑎𝑠𝑒 100 percentage
= 𝑥 increase
iv. solve 𝑖𝑛𝑖𝑡𝑖𝑎𝑙 𝑣𝑎𝑙𝑢𝑒 1 increase. involving
problems on 4. Guide learners to 4. Calculate HIV/AIDS
increase correctly calculate percentage infection and
percent and percentage increase in increase of a other related
correctly everyday activities such given problems.
as in population growth. v. Calculate
calculate population
percentage 5. Guide learners to solve growth. decrease of a
increase such as problems on percentage 5. Calculate given
in population increase e.g. in 2005, the percentage population
growth; decrease of a growth.
number of Nigerians
v. Solve given vi. Solve
infected with HIV/AIDS quantitative
problems on was 100,000 and in 2009, population
aptitude on
percentage the number was 250,000. growth.
decrease. Calculate the percentage 6. Give increase and
increase. examples of decrease.
6. Guide learners to give activities that
more examples of requires
everyday activities where percentage
percentage increase is increase.

7. Guide learners to
calculate percentage
decrease as follow:

𝑃𝑒𝑟𝑐𝑒𝑛𝑡𝑎𝑔𝑒 𝑑𝑒𝑐𝑟𝑒𝑎𝑠𝑒
𝑑𝑒𝑐𝑟𝑒𝑎𝑠𝑒 100
= 𝑥
𝑖𝑛𝑖𝑡𝑖𝑎𝑙 𝑣𝑎𝑙𝑢𝑒 1
E.g. calculate the
decrease in infection of
HIV/AIDS since 2004
given the following figure
of infected persons.

2004 3500

2007 2800

𝑃𝑒𝑟𝑐𝑒𝑛𝑡𝑎𝑔𝑒 =
700 100
𝑥 = 20%
3500 1


10 Addition and Learners should i. Addition of Guide learners to solve 1. Solve Flash cards numbers. Learners to:
Subtraction be able to: whole problems involving problems 1. Solve given
1. add any set numbers; addition of whole involving problems on
addition of
of numbers; ii. Subtraction numbers. addition of
2. solve of numbers; ii. Guide learners to solve whole numbers.
problems on iii. Addition problems on subtraction numbers. 2. Solve given
subtraction of and of whole numbers. 2. Solve problems on
whole numbers; subtraction 3. Guide learners to solve problems on subtraction of
3. solve word (Word word problems in subtraction of whole
problems problems) addition and subtraction whole numbers.
3. Solve given
involving of whole. numbers.
word problems
addition and 3. Solve word involving
subtraction of problems addition and
whole numbers. involving subtractions.
addition and
11 Revision

12 & Examination


2 Multiplication Learners should i. i. Drill learners on 1. Solve Sum cards Learners to:
be able to: Multiplication multiplication. problems on containing i. solve given
1. multiply a 3- by 3-digit ii. Guide learners to solve multiplication multiplication facts problems
and charts of solved involving
digit number by numbers. multiplication problems of 3 by 3-digit
problems. multiplication
a 3-digit ii. on 3 by 3-digits numbers. numbers. ii. Charts of decimal by 3-digit
number. Multiplication e.g. 413 x 256. 2. Apply numbers. number.
2. apply of decimal by b. solve problems on the multiplication iii. Charts of 2. solve
multiplication decimal. multiplication of decimal to daily life fractions, perfect problems on
to the daily life iii. by decimal. activities. square charts. multiplication
activities. Multiplication 3. Guide learners to solve 3. Solve of decimals by
3. solve of fraction by problems on problems on
3. Solve
problems on fraction. multiplication of fractions the exercise on
quantitative iv. squares of 3 8 3𝑥8 multiplication
by fractions.4 𝑥 9 = 4𝑥9 = multiplication
aptitude on numbers up to 2 of decimals by of fractions by
multiplication. 500. 3 a decimal. fraction.
4. multiply v. Square roots 4. Solve 4. Calculate
4 9 squares of
decimal by of perfect 113 𝑥 214 = 𝑥 = 3 problems on
3 4 given numbers
decimal (to one square 4, 9, 25, multiplication
5. Guide learners to solve up to 500.
decimal place) 100, 900. of fraction by 5. Find the
problems on square of
fraction. square roots of
numbers e.g. square of 5
5. Solve given perfect
is 52 = 5 𝑥 5 = 25
problems on squares.
square of 6. Solve
square of 15 is 152 = problems on
15 𝑥 15 = 225 quantitative
6. Solving aptitude
6. Guide learners to solve
problems on involving
problems on square roots
square roots multiplication.
using factorization factorization
method. method.
7. solve problems on 7. Solve
quantitative aptitude on problems on
multiplication. quantitative
aptitude on
3 Division Learner should Division of 1. Guide the learners to 1. Solve Flash cards and Learners to:
be able to: whole divide whole number by problems on charts. 1. Solve given
i. divide whole numbers and 2-digit numbers. division of problems on
divisions by 2-
number and decimal by 2- 2. Guide learners to solve whole
digit and 3-
decimal by 2- digit and 3- problems on division of numbers and digit number.
digit and 2-digit digit numbers. whole numbers and decimal by 2- 2. Solve
number. decimal by 2-digit and 3- digit and 3- problems on
digit numbers. digit numbers. quantitative
3.Guide learners to solve 2. Solve aptitude
quantitative problems on quantitative involving
division of whole problems on
numbers and decimals by whole
2-digit and 3-digit numbers and
numbers. decimals by 2-
digit and 3-
digit numbers.
4 Order of Learner should 1. Order of 1. Explain BODMAS as 1. Note and Flip charts of Learner to:
Operation be able to: Operation showing the order of write the operation involving 1. Solve
i. Use basic (BODMAS). operation i.e. meaning of BODMAS. problems suing
operations in ii. Quantitative B (Bracket) is done first BODMAS.
2. Solve
the right order. reasoning O (Of) is done next to 2. Solve quantitative
2. Solve bracket problems aptitude
quantitative D (Division) follows using order of exercise
aptitude M (multiplication) is next operations. involving
problems to division BODMAS.

involving A (Addition) is next to
BODMAS. multiplication
S (Subtraction) is taken

2. Guide learners to solve

problems using BODMAS.
3. Guide the learners to
solve problems in
quantitative aptitude
involving BODMAS.
5 Indices Learners should 1. Numbers in i. Introduce powers by i. solve 1. Sum cards Learners to:
(Power) be able to: index form using the idea of square problems in containing problems 1. write given
1. write (power not e.g. 2x2 = 22 index form. on indices. squares in
2. Charts of solved index form.
numbers in exceeding 5). 3x3 =32 . 2. Express
problems. 2. express
index form; ii. Indices. 2. Guide the learners to numbers in 3. Charts on given numbers
2. Solve express numbers in index index form. quantitative in index form.
problems form e.g. Express 48 in 3. Multiply aptitudes. 3. Multiply
involving index form numbers given numbers
powers 48 = 2x2x2x2x3 = 24 x 3 using index using index
(indices). 3. Guide the learners to form. form;
4. Solve
3. Solve multiply numbers using 4. Solve
problems on
problems on the index form e.g. 20 x problems on quantitative
qualitative 63 = quantitative reasoning
reasoning (22 x 5) x (32 x7) aptitude related to
involving related to indices.
indices. 4. Guide learners to solve indices.
problems on quantitative
reasoning in index form.
6 Open Learners should 1.give learners revision 1.participate 1.charts of worked Learners to
Sentences be able to: sentence on open sentence in the revision examples 1.solve
exercise of open 2.flash cards on exercise on
open sentence open sentence
1. solve 2. quantitative 2.explian that in the box sentences 3.chart on worked 2.interprete
problems aptitudes in the example bellow with the example of words
expressed and can be replaced by a teacher quantitative problems with
aptitudes test open
open sentences letter Solve
sentences and
2.interpret e.g. 6+ ___ = 9 exercises on solve them
words in open becomes open 3.solve
sentences and 6+x=9 sentence with quantitative
solve them 3.give exercise to learners the boxes aptitudes
3.solve related e. g an equal number of replaced by exercises
problems on oranges are in three letters involving at
least three
quantitative baskets if the total 3.interpret
aptitudes number of oranges in the word operation In a
three baskets is 240, how problems sample
many oranges are in one using symbols
basket? and solve
explain that the numbers them
of oranges in a basket can 4.solve
be denoted by x, so that quantitative
x + x + x = 240 aptitudes
3x = 240 exercises
x= 240/3 involving
x = 80 three leaner to solve arithmetic
quantitative aptitudes operation in a
related problems sample
involving three or more
arithmetic operation in a
8 MONEY learners should 1. Taxes and 1. Collect charts 1. Participate 1. Chart on market Learner to:
a. Population be able to: rates, buying containing explanation on in the pricing index. 1. find out
Economics and selling, taxes, rates and discussion on 2. Cards showing tax from their
deduction formula, parents’
consequence dividends.
b. Conversion 1.solve exercise shares and 2. Give reasons for some taxes and sum cards on tax various forms
of currencies on taxes and dividends. levies. rates. calculations, chart of taxes and
rates. 2. Use of the 3. Explain the 2. Give showing people rates and their
buying and selling on usefulness.
2. solve ready reckoner transactions involved in examples of
a market day. 2. find our
exercises and conversion buying and selling of items that are 3. Ready reckoner conditions
involving buying of currencies. shares. taxable. and calculator. under which
and selling of 4. Give the population of 3. Solve share could be
shares and men in a questions bought and
dividends. village/community and involving sold.
3. use the ready ask learners to calculate buying and 3.Solve
exercises on
reckoner. the tax due to the selling of
rates and taxes
4. use a government, if each man shares and buying and
calculator to pays N20. dividends. selling,
convert from 5. Give more exercises on 4. Calculate dividends and
one currency to buying and selling, taxes, tax due to the rents.
another. rates, dividends and government. 4. Prepare a
5. solve rents. 5. Solve many ready reckoner
of their choice
quantitative 6. Design a ready questions on
and use it to
aptitude reckoner and discuss its buying and solve given
exercises on uses. selling of exercise.
money: taxes 7. Demonstrate the use shares, taxes, 5. Use a
and rates; of a calculator in rates, calculator to
selling of shares conversion of currencies. dividends and convert
and dividends. Give questions like; if one rents.
6. solve
6. relate share Dollar is equivalent to 6. Practice exercise on
and dividends N97.50, how much will a designing a quantitative
to daily person who changes 50 ready aptitude.
activities. Dollars receive in Naira. reckoner.
7. state the If 1 Dollar =N97.50. 2. Use a
advantages of a Therefore, 50 Dollar = calculator to
ready reckoner 97.50 x 50 = N4875. solve
and a calculator 8. Lead learners to solve exercises on
for the exercise quantitatively on

conversion of money, based on conversion of
currencies. conversion of currencies. currencies.
8. solve 8. Convert
exercises on money from
quantitative one currency
aptitude based to another.
on converting 9. copy
from one samples on
currency to quantitative
another. aptitude
exercises into
their exercise
9 Length Learners should Length and 1. Lead learners to draw a 1. Draw the 1. Charts of solved Leaners to:
be able to: Pythagoras right-angled triangle with triangle as examples. 1. Find the
1. use rule. sides 3cm, 4cm and 5cm. instructed. 2. Charts on solved unknown
quantitative length of a
Pythagoras rule i.e. 2. Construct
aptitude examples. right-angled
to find the the squares in triangle using
unknown length each of the Pythagoras.
of a right- three sides. 2. Solve the
angled triangle. 3. Copy quantitative
2. solve money Pythagoras aptitude
quantitative 5cm rule stated by problems on
3cm Pythagoras
aptitude the teachers.
problems 4. Participate
involving in finding the
Pythagoras rule. lengths of the
2. Lead learners to sides of the
identify the hypotenuse, given right-
opposite and the angled

adjacent sides of the right 5. solve
angled triangle. exercises
3. Guide the learners to using
use Pythagoras rule to Pythagoras.
calculate the unknown 6. Solve
side i.e. quantitative
c exercises on

a2 + b2 = c2 where a and b
are adjacent and
opposite sides of
triangles and c the
hypotenuse side.

4. Use the formula to

solve some examples e.g.
find the unknown side in
each of the triangles

1. 62 + 82 = x2
36 + 64 = x2
100 = x2
X = 10


ii. 52 + x2 = 132
x2 =132 -52
x2 = 169 – 25
x2 = 144
x2 = 12

5. Guide learners to solve

quantitative aptitude
problems involving
Pythagoras rule.
10 Weight Learners should Word 1. Guide learners in Practise Samples of different Leaners to:
be able to: problems on obtaining measurement converting objects, weighing 1. Convert
1. Express the weight. of their weights, rock weights in scales and spring weights
balance. expressed in
same weight in 3.solve word samples, etc using tonNes to
tonnes to
different units; problems on weighing scales. kilogrammes kilogram and
grammes, weight and vice vice versa.
Kilograms and Learner 2. Explain that the weight versa. 2. Solve word
tones. 4.learner of small objects are 2. identify problems
2. Solve word should draw expressed in grammes, objects whose involving
problems on the medium sized objects in weights could weights.
weight relationship Kilogrammes while heavy be expressed
kilograms whole between objects are expressed in in tonnes,
heavy object different unit tonnes: kilogrammes
and grammes.

are expressed in of 1 tonne = 1000kg 3. Solve word
tones measurement. problems on
I tone=100kg 1000g = 1kg weight.
100g=1kg 3. Lead learners to 4. Learners
3.lead learner appreciate the should draw
to appreciate relationship between the
the relationship different unit of relationship
n different unit measurement. between
of different units
measurement of
i.e. grammes,
11 Perimeter Learners should Perimeter of a 1. Draw two rectangles of 1.Find the Cardboard showing Learners to:
be able to rectangle. dimensions 20cm by area of the rectangle of equal 1. Calculate
discover that 10cm and 25cm by 8cm. two areas but different perimeter of
perimeters. rectangles with
difference 2.Lead learners to show rectangles.
equal areas but
rectangle with that they have equal area 2. Find the with different
same area have but different perimeters. perimeter of lengths and
different 3. Solve more examples. the two breadths.
perimeters. rectangles.
3. Compare
their results.
12 Revision
13 Examination


1 Area Learners should 1. Area of 1. Bring cut out shapes 1. Participate in 1. Cut out shapes Learners to:
be able to: trapezium and from cardboards. class to derive from cardboards. 1. Find the area
1. Calculate the other figures. 2. Present a trapezium the formula. 2. Urban and of figures
regional plans of which can be
areas of figures 2. Land areas. with the dimensions 2. Use the
land showing divided into
which can be indicated into two parts formula to dimension. rectangles and
divided into (rectangle and triangle) solve questions triangles.
rectangles and e.g on Area of 2. Find the area
rectangles. trapezium. of a trapezium.
2. Calculate 3. Find areas in 3. Solve word
land areas in hectares. problems on
Area involving
hectares. L b 4. Convert area
cities and
The area of the in square farms.
trapezium is (Area of metres to 4. Calculate
rectangle) + (Area of hectares. area in
triangle) i.e. (L x H) + (H x hectares and
𝐵 square metres.
3. Lead leaners to
factorize the above
expression to arrive at
the formula. A = ½ h
4. Lead learners to find
the area of figures.
5. Show learners that
10000cm3 = 1hectare
which can be used to
calculate the area of
6. Give learners exercise.
2 Volume Learners should Volumes of 1. Present the formulae 1. Use the Balls, cylindrical tins Learners to:
be able to: prisms, for calculating volumes formulae to and triangular 1. Find the
1. Calculate he cylinder and of prisms (triangular) calculate prisms. capacities of
volume of spheres. cylinder and spheres to volumes of
container in
prisms, learners. prisms their
cylinders and 2. Show learners how to cylinders and respective
spheres. solve questions involving spheres. home. Record
2. Solve some the volumes of plane 2. Solve the results and
quantities shapes. quantities bring them to
aptitude 3. Lead learners to solve aptitude the class for
exercise on quantitative aptitude exercises on
2. Calculate
volumes of exercise on volumes of volume. volumes of
prisms, prisms, cylinders and triangular
cylinders and spheres. prisms,
spheres. cylinders and
3. Solve
exercises on
volumes of
prisms, spheres
and cylinders.
3 Capacity Leaners should Word 1. Guide leaners to work 1. Compare the 1. Standard bottles Leaners to:
be able to: problems on in groups to compare the capacities of or containers of Find the
1. solve word capacity. capacities of the the containers different sizes. capacities of
2. Charts containing common
problems containers given to them given to them.
word problems on containers in
involving e.g. different sizes of 2. Solve capacity. their
capacity. graduated containers. exercises. respective
homes and
record the

2. State the 2. Guide leaners to solve 3. State the results and
importance of word problems on uses of bring them to
standard units. capacity e.g. standard units. the class for
a. A drum contains 1500
2. Solve word
litres of petrol. How long problems on
will it last a driver capacity.
consuming 50 litres a
b. Find the capacity of a
cylinder whose base
radius is 20cm and height
60cm. Express the
answer in litres ((𝜋 =
3. Guide leaners to state
the importance of using
standard units.
4 Time Athletics Leaners should 1. Time in Guide leaners to find the 1. Work in 1. Seconds Learners to:
and Speed. be able to: minutes and time it will take the class groups when pendulum and stop- 1. measure
1. Tell the time seconds. captain/monitor to carrying out watch. time on tasks.
2. Time table 2. time certain
in seconds and 2. Reading trekthe width of the class the activity.
Journeys by trains events in
minutes. time table of in seconds or minutes, 2. Time and aeroplanes from seconds and
2. Estimate time Journey. using the seconds – themselves on different locations. minutes.
to complete 3. Average pendulum and stopwatch how long it will 8. Clock face. 3. using the
races. speed. and then compare the take them to time schedule
3. Rad the 4. Standard result. complete of flights,
timetable of time for races. 2. Give more assignment various estimate the
time it takes on
journeys 5. Quantitative on time. activities.
aeroplane to
especially by aptitude. 3. Get a time table of 3. Solve get to specific
trains and journey’s by trains or exercises. destination.
aeroplanes. aeroplanes. 4. Use the 4. Determine
4. Guide learners to use timetable to how long it
these timetables to estimate the takes to travel
4. Solve estimate the time- time it will take by bus, train or
problems on interval it will take a train a aeroplane from
speed. or aeroplane to get a train/aeroplane one town to
the other.
5. Solve specific destination. to get its
5. Solve more
quantitative 5. Explain average speed destination. exercise on the
aptitude to Learners. 5. Give the topic.
exercises on 6. Explain that the ratio distance 6. Solve
time and speed. of the distance covered covered within exercises on
6.State the and the time taken is towns by train, quantitative
need for time in called speed. but or aptitude.
life. Speed is expressed in aeroplane.
7. State the use Km/hr etc. 6. Calculate the
of time 7. Give the formular for speed for the
athletics. 𝐷𝑖𝑠𝑡𝑎𝑛𝑐𝑒 train, but or
average speed as 𝑇𝑖𝑚𝑒
aeroplane from
8. Lead learners to
one town to
discuss the quantitative
the other.
aptitude exercise
7. Copy
involving time and
average speed.
samples into
their exercise
5 Polygon and Leaners should *1). 2- 1. Guide the leaners to 1. identify a 1. Models and paper 1. Learners to
Scale Drawing be able to: dimensional recall the names and given plane cuttings of different complete a
1. solve more figures not features of given shapes. shape in terms types of shapes e.g. chart of shapes
triangles, by indicating:
problems on 2 exceeding the 2. Lead learners to solve of its name and
quadrilaterals and -the number of
and 3 octagon and 3- exercise involving simple essential regular polygon. lines of
dimensional dimensional plane shape. features e.g. 2. Scissors, glue, symmetry and
shapes. shapes. 3. Show learners how to square, cardboard etc. number of
2. make models make 3-dimensional rectangle, 3. Protractors, nets sides.
of 3- shapes with a cardboard. triangle, of polygons,

dimensional 2. Models of 3- 4. Ask learners to rhombus, adhesive tapes, -the number of
shapes. dimensional indicate the edges parallelogram, graph sheets and angles
3. Measure shapes. vertices and faces of any etc. clinometers. contained in
4. Different scale the shapes.
angles in a 3. given 3-dimensional 2. Using paper
types, rulers and 2. solve
plane. Measurement shapes. cutouts to tapes. problems on 2
4. Draw plans of 3-angles 5. Lead learners to determine the and 3
according to a dimensional measures the sizes of number of lines dimensional
given scale. shapes. angles and indicate line of symmetry, shapes.
5. Convert the 4. Scale that are parallel and number of 3. make 3-
length of any drawing. perpendicular in each of angles and dimensional
shapes with a
object in their the given shapes. number of
environment to 6. show learners how to sides. 4. Identify the
any scale. convert given lengths 3. Examine the edges, vertices
and distances to their shapes to and faces of
corresponding scale determine the given 3-
value. number of dimesionals
7. Take learners out to edges, number shapes.
5. Measure the
measure the dimensions of plane
sixes of angles
of school farms, garden, surfaces and in 3-
play ground etc. and number of dimensional
reduce it to a given scale. vertices. shapes.
4. make 3- 6. Prepare nets
dimensional and models of
identified 3-
shapes with a
cardboard. shapes.
5. identify the 7. convert
number of given length
edges, vertices and distance to
and faces of 3- scale.
dimensional 8. Draw to
scale school
forms, play
6.Use ground etc
protractors to with scale
determine the dimensions
sizes of angles given.
in a given
shape and
confirm the
result of these
7. identify line
that are
parallel and
in 3-
8. Practice
given lengths
and distances
using a defined
9. Practice
given lengths
and distances
using a defined
10. Draw the
floor plan of
their school
farm, garden
and playground
using a given

scale in their
exercise books.
6 Plane figures Leaners should 1. Basic 1. Bring teaching 1. Observe the Ruler, rape, Learners to:
be able to: properties of a materials to the class: materials protractor, 1. State the
1. list the basic rectangle and 2. Lead learners to brought by the isosceles, properties of a
equilateral, right- square and a
properties of a square. identify square and teacher.
angled and scalene rectangle.
rectangles and a 2. Revision of rectangular shapes 2. identify triangular shape, 2. identify
square. basic withing the classroom. square and circular shapes, various square
2. identify properties of: 3. Lead learners to state rectangular demonstration and
various square a. Isosceles. properties such as equal shapes in the board pencil, charts rectangular
and rectangular b. Equilateral sides, parallel sides, classroom. on quantitative objects in the
objects in their c. Right-angles rights angles, line of 3. State the aptitude. environment.
3. Draw
environments. triangles. symmetry, diagonals of a properties of a
3. review basic 3 Properties of square and a rectangle. square and a triangular
properties of: a circle. 4. Lead learners to rectangle. shapes.
a. isosceles 4. Qualitative identify isosceles, 4. Identify 4. State THE
b. Equilateral aptitude. equilateral, right-angled isosceles, properties of
c. Right-angled and scalene triangular equilateral, different types
d. Scalene shapes. right-angled of triangular
triangles 5. Lead learners to draw and scalene
5. Draw given
4. Review the the different triangular triangular circular shapes.
basic properties shapes. shapes. 6. State the
of circle. 6. Lead learners to 5. State the properties of a
5. Solve review the basic properties of circle.
quantitative properties of triangular triangular 7. Solve
reasoning shapes such as equal shapes such as
exercise relating sides, equal base angles, equal sides, exercises on
to plane figures. right angle, unequal sides equal base plane shapes.
of triangles. angles, right
7. Lead learners to angle, unequal
identify a circle. sides of

8. Lead learners to draw 6. identify a
and label different pars circle.
of a circle e.g. 7. Draw and
-diameter label the
-sector different part
-radius of circle.
-segment 8. Solve
-circumference quantitative
-centre exercises on
-chord plane shapes.
9, Lead learners to solve
quantitative aptitude
8 Statistics 1. learners 1. Collection of 1. Guide learners to 1. Collect data. Dice, marks and Learners to:
should be able data. collect data. 2. Produce scores. 1. use tally
to: 2. Preparation 2. Produce tables from tables from marks for
1. Collect data of tables for data. data.
2. Use bar
required for the graphs works. 3. Draw graphs and 3. Draw graphs graphs for
preparation of 3. Tally and its interpret tables with to interpret interpretation.
graphs. uses. leaners. tables.
2. Prepare tally 4. Drawing bar 4. Read bar graphs with 4. Read bar
where graphs based learners. graphs.
necessary. on tables.
3. Use tables to 5. Reading bar
prepare bar graphs.
4. Read and
interpret bar

9 Pictogram, Bar Leaners should Pictograms 1. Present a bar graph of 1. Examine the 2B exercise book, Learners to:
Graph and be able to: and bar the population of a town bar graph and Cardboard, 1. Prepare
Population i. Interpret graphs. showing men, women, deduce the population data. pictograms and
2. Charts showing bar graph of
pictograms and boys and girls. population of
pictograms and bar given data.
bar graphs. 2. Present the population men, women. graphs. 2. Define
2. define of a town thus: Boys and girls. population.
population. Men:40,000 Use to 3. State the
3. State the use Women:45,000 represent 5000 uses of
of pictograms Boys:80,000 people and pictogram and
and bar graphs Girls: 85,000 prepare the bar graph in
in representing And guide learners to pictogram of
population of
population of represent the data on a the people or any
people or data. bar graph. information. data.
3. Display the population 2. Prepare the
of a village thus: pictogram of
Men: 20,000 cows needed
Women: 30,000 by the
Boys: 40,000 population
Girls: 35, 000 and guile where: 100
learners to represent the men need 2
data on a pictogram. cows. 1000
4. Lead learners to define women need 1
population. cow, 4000 boys
5. Lead learners to state need 1 cow.
the uses of pictogram 4000 girls need
and bar graph in 2 cows.
representing population 3. Define
of people or any data. population.
4. State the
uses of
pictogram and
bar graph in

population of
people or any
10. Central Leaners should 1. Mode and 1. Give colours or 2000 1. Represent 1. Statistical Data Learners to:
Tendency be able to: media. cars as follows: the 2. Coins and Dice. 1. Find the
1. Find the 2. Mean information on mode of the
Green 448 test results.
mode and 3. Bar graphs a bar graph and
2. Find the
median of data. of Red 452 find the mode. mode of their
2. Calculate the experiments. 2. Solve more shoe sizes.
mean of given White 562 exercise with 3. Calculate the
data. different sets mean of a set
Blue 538 of given data.
3. Prepare bar of data.
graphs of data 3. Calculate the 4. Prepare a
And lead learners to find
bar graph of
from the modal colour. mean age of
the result of
experiments. the class. the
2. Present ages of
4. State the use 4. Find the experiments.
learners in months and
of mode in lead them to find the mean of
analyzing mean age in months. different sets
population of of data given
3. Give many exercises
people or data by the teacher.
involving mean.
and in daily 5. Toss two
activities. 4. Lead learners to toss coins 100 times
two coins 100 times. and record the
number of
5. Lead learners to
repeat the experiment times a head or
using a die. tail appears
and prepare a
6. Lead learners to bar graph.
prepare bar graphs to
6. Prepare data
represent the result from
the two experiments. for the second
7. Lead learners to state and prepare a
the use of mode in

analyzing the population bard graph of
of people or Data. the result.
11 Revision
12 Examination


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