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Cworld Acts Midterm

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Activity 5.

(Definition of Terms)
Direction: Using your own words, provide a brief definition for the following concepts:
1. Global governance - was bound in different types of activities at the international, transactional, and
regional levels, and also global governance pertains to the activities that were conducted by the public and
private sectors that transcend national boundaries. Besides, it is a resolute mandate that was materialized
by an agreement and informal mechanism that balances movements for the common good.
2. Multilateralism - refers to the process of making a connection or relationship with other states which
is increasingly necessary and important in the world of politics and global governance because it boosts
someone's power and influence.
3. International norms - International norms are the outcome or product of foreign policy choice and
behaviour and even after state conceptions of national interests. The international norms are also often
confessed, leading to problems due to norm violations and norm enforcement.
4. Public goods - A public good is often under-provided in a free market because its characteristics of
non-rivalry and non-excludability mean there is an incentive not to pay. In a free market, firms may not
provide the goods as they have difficulty charging people for their use. However, they also face the
problem with public goods which is the freeride problem. This means that it is not possible to prevent
anyone from enjoying a good, once it has been provided. Therefore, there is no incentive for people to
pay for the good because they can consume it without paying for it.
5. International organizations - International organizations are responsible for the maintenance of
international peace and stability, be this economic, social or political, and that they act in the interest of
the international community. According to critics of these institutions, there are greater transparency,
regulation, and control within these organizations so that they reflect more than just the interest of the
powerful States.
Activity 6.B
(Essay Type)
Essay Question: Limit your answer to a maximum of five (5) sentences only.

The international trade relations between developed and developing countries, complex problems
often arise out of trade between global north countries and global south countries. Most of the utmost
less-developed countries have agriculture-based economies, several are tropical, letting them rely
massively upon the proceeds from the export of one or two crops, such as coffee, cacao, or sugar. Sales
for such goods are highly competitive that is, costs are extremely receptive to every change in demand or
supply, conversely, the prices of produced goods, the average exports of developed countries, are
generally much more stable. Hence, as the cost of its export products fluctuates, the tropical country
endures large changes in its terms of trade, the ratio of export prices to import prices, frequently with
severe effects on the domestic economy. Concerning all-important primary commodities, efforts have
been made at cost stabilization and output control, these efforts have met with varied success.
Activity 7.B
Direction: Read the article, “Globalization and the Asia Pacific and South Asia” by Ehito Kimura.
Complete the table below by providing five (5) main arguments/ideas for each factor presented by
the author in his discussion on Asia as being an OBJECT, a SUBJECT, and an ALTERNATIVE
for globalization.


1. Globalization has had a deep 1. Growing interdependence of 1. Global powers outside of the
effect on cities all over the the world's economies, cultures, region are focused intently on
world, not the least in South and populations, brought about the Asia Pacific and South Asia.
Africa where the isolation of the by cross-border trade in goods
apartheid years has given way to and services, technology, and
a much more open society and flows of investment, people, and
economy. Businesses, cities and information.
regions that flourished in the
years of isolation are in decline.
2. Globalization has been hugely 2. A number of participants 2. A more recent and even less
beneficial to Asia. Japan, South linked the rise of new precise regional label is "Asia
Korea, Taiwan, Malaysia, "transnational" concerns to the Pacific". This refers broadly to
Singapore, Hong Kong, impact of globalization. Many the area of the world in or
Thailand, and China have of these challenges represent around Asia and the Pacific
reaped lasting benefits from long-term threats that have Ocean. Typically, it includes the
worldwide investment flows, traditionally fallen outside the states in East Asia, Southeast
knowledge exchanges, and rapid realm of foreign policy. Asia, and Oceania.
economic growth.
3. Improved travel facilitated the 3. Geography, political systems, 3. Globalization allows many
growth of globalization, as historical experience, and broad goods to be more affordable and
people moved for a better job or demographic characteristics. available to more parts of the
a better life. Migrants also fled world. It helps improve
from danger or oppression. productivity, cut back gender
People can pack up all their wage discrimination, give more
belongings and have them opportunities to women and
shipped anywhere in the world. improve working conditions and
Planes are faster, frequent, and, quality of management,
often, more affordable. especially in developing
4. Globalization is a form of 4. McDonaldization thesis the 4. Spice trade attracted the
cultural Westernization summed fast changing tastes in areas European powers to the region.
up in the term McWorld. Critics such as music, clothing, And the Circumnavigating the
argue that globalization is television, and film. MTV- globe was a means to find
leading to cultural izationor Hollywoodization. cheaper and faster ways to bring
homogenization and the The Western and particularly the goods back to Europe.
destruction of cultural diversity. American cultural trends have
spread globally and increasingly
marginalize the way in which
local cultural practices are
expressed .
5. Region a more global 5. In developing countries such 5. The better alternative lies in
economy has meant an uptick as Thailand, Indonesia, and finding means to achieve a
innon-standard employment, Vietnam, there has been an higher overall rate of
characterized by temporary and increase in informal employment creation,
part time employment a great employment such as self- strengthening the adjustment
impact to the economic employment, family workers, assistance.
globalization in the region. and informal enterprise workers.

Activity 8.B
(Essay Type)
Essay Question: Limit your answer to a maximum of five (5) sentences only.
In what ways do global media serve as guardians of free speech, democracy, and justice?
Media plays a significant purpose in forming a healthy democracy. It is the backbone of a
democracy. Media makes us aware of various social, political, and industrial activities happening around
the world. It is like a mirror, which shows us or strives to reveal to us the uncovered truth and rigid
realities of life. Media reveals loopholes in the democratic system, which eventually helps the
government in filling the voids of loopholes and making a system more accountable, responsive, and

Activity 9.B
(Essay Type)
1. Make a reaction paper on the issue of same sex marriage. Your paper must be based on the views
and arguments of the different religions. In the end, make a conclusion on whether or not same sex
marriage should be recognized in this globalized environment. Limit your answer to 10 sentences
- In specific countries, by far most of Christian gatherings have become candid and freely occupied with
their resistance to same-sex marriage arrangements. Protectors of same-sex marriage contend that giving
same-sex couples marriage freedoms will debilitate the marriage's conventional aim. As indicated by
Roman Catholic allies of monogamous conjugal couples, same-sex associations can't be called
relationships since marriage, by regulation, requires the association of two individuals from the same sex.
Christian issue with same-sex marriage gets from the conviction that same-sex marriage standardizes and
advances gay movement, rather than elevating protection from same-sex want. Other strict contentions for
an opposite sex meaning of marriage hold that equivalent sex connections ought not be perceived as
relationships since same-orientation sexual movement is without wanting to, is dishonest, what's more,
undermines God's innovative reason for human sexuality. Many backers of same sex relationships
contend that by laying out marriage as between one man and one lady, the state consequently abuses the
essential right to strict opportunity. They fight that simply because most of strict gatherings concur that
gay marriage ought not be permitted by the state doesn't commit the state to regard their perspectives on
the issue.

2. Watch the link given below and make a synthesis on the war against terrorism. Is the war against
the ISIS a religious persecution?
- Demonstrations of war or illegal intimidation put the common freedoms framework under tension,
nearly to the weak spot. Whenever human existence is deliberately focused on or is viewed as "collateral
damage" amidst mass besieging efforts that straightforwardly or in a roundabout way bring about disease,
injury, wretchedness, home misfortune, and passing, it is challenging to track down a spot for basic
freedoms. Each common liberty gives off an impression of being hurt during seasons of war, especially
wars that keep going for quite a long time a long time. Wellbeing frameworks come up short, training
endures, and home, work, food and water supplies, the general set of laws, opportunity of the press and
free discourse, and responsibility for maltreatments by the state or by the "adversary" express all face
limitations, in the event that not complete vanishing. Notwithstanding how terrible the privileges of
youngsters, ladies, ethnic networks, and evacuees were in peacetime, they would be most awful in the
midst of contention. Fight and fanaticism are activities that will generally compromise and sideline the
standards at the center of basic liberties and the equity structure that safeguards them. Indeed, even amidst
such a breakdown, be that as it may, basic liberties keep on working, but in a debilitated state, and
keeping in mind that they can't fix everything ills, they can give a few insignificant insurance and some
expect equity. Truth be told, Christians in Iraq and Syria have been mistreated for their religion during the
last ten years and a half, however they and their neighbors have likewise endured because of the area's
partisan conflict, common conflict, and unsteadiness. Christians were continually threatened with chapel
bombings, designated illegal conflagration of Christian organizations, bomb and mortar attacks on
Christian homes, and kidnapping and assault. Christians were killed in their lofts, on their way to school,
and keeping in mind that utilized in their organizations.

Activity 10. B
(Essay Type)
Answer the questions in not more than 5 sentences each:

1. In what ways are global cities “global? That is, in what ways do they reflect and represent global
phenomena and processes?
- There are multiple manners by which a city can be viewed as a worldwide city. Initially, a city ought to
have a mix of strong, solid, and special culture, style, and history, this is on the grounds that culture is one
of the significant organizations in a city that gives numerous vacation spots. Also, for a city to become
worldwide, it ought to have a presence of significant and lively social economy with a high level of
interconnectedness in the worldwide social organization. Also, a worldwide city is a city of segment and
financial change, it contains worldwide associations, various firms, for example, law offices, base camp
for worldwide nations as well as stock trades that impact the world's economy. Additionally, in a
worldwide city, the expense of living is better compared to in different urban areas and there are a few
very rich people.

2. Apart from being “control centers" and “focal points" of global capitalism, global cities also
harbor challenges to its logic and its global domination. Can you provide some contemporary
Global cities are facing various issues:
● Environmental pressures
● Strained properties
● The problem of technology.
Quicker urbanization, which requires the annihilation of trees to make space for human
settlement, presents a threat to the environment sooner rather than later. Regular supplies of water have
evaporated because of insufficient land use and getting free from timberlands, as well as killing living
regions for wild creatures, coming about in waste and environmental change, making more individuals
depend on contaminated water. Because of the rustic metropolitan movement of most people including
adolescents, the urban areas have a many individuals. The populace is rising when the assets are
remaining steady with the end goal that they can’t support the populace found in towns, due to this
reality, many individuals have involved themselves in violations to track down occupation in urban areas
expanding uncertainty, instances of crisis sicknesses like cholera have been accounted for among the huge
towns. A few urban communities still can't seem to give a satisfactory supply of power, bringing about
sluggish city improvement. Others have been presented to lacking foundation, bringing about severely
constructed streets; unfortunate streets add to slow city development by beating numerous exercises down
like business also, industries who just started their businesses near the towns are more likely to be lacking
in capital and lacking in market demand.

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