Chapter 1 Quiz

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Ryan L.

Salipsip 1-BS Crim-A

Chapter Quiz:

Quiz 1: Design Thinking Process

Brainstorm yourself with the working concept of globalization and come up with a design
using the different materials on hand such as pencil, bags or other things. Make a
design relating to the different working concepts. You can use those materials as your
sign or symbols for globalization.

Place your design inside the space provided and write your discussion below.

The design I chose is the logo of OFW or the Overseas Filipino Worker. An OFW
is a person from the Philippines who is living and working in other country, typically on a
temporary basis. I pick this design because it is one of the benefits of globalization
especially in a country’s economy.

Read about the concepts of globalization and fill in some missing facts below.


Globalization in Economics

Is about the liberalization and

global integration of markets.

Globalization in Technology

A range of technological developments

in transportation and communication
have enabled far greater global
movement of what was previously solid.
Globalization in Religion further provides
fertile ground for a variety of
noninstitutionalized religious
manifestations and for the development
of religion as a political and cultural

Globalization in politics

the spread of democracy in the


Globalization in Culture is reshaping how

we have traditionally gone about
studying the social world and human
culture and a field of globalization studies
is now emerging across the disciplines
Quiz 3: Write the answer in a concise and legible manner. (20pts.)

QUESTION : How does globalization affects the society in general?


The overall evidence of the effect of globalization on macroeconomic

performance volatility suggests that, while direct effects are unclear in theoretical
models, financial integration tends to diversify the supply base of a nation and
contributes to an increase in supply specialization. However, based on the principle of
comparative advantage, the specialization of output can also contribute to higher
volatility in particular industries within a nation's economy and society. As time
progresses, effective enterprises will be the ones that are part of the global economy,
regardless of scale.

Quiz 4


1. How can these people survive in the midst of globalization?

Those people survive in the midst of globalization because globalization it made their
lives easier to live.

2. Can globalization help improve their lives?

Yes, can globalization help improve their lives because globalization have a lot of
benefits to help their lives easier in the midst of globalization.
Quiz 5: Essay Questions

1. How does Globalization encourage global awareness and community?

Globalization encourage global awareness and community because globalization

it is the word used to describe the increasing interdependence between the economies ,
cultures, and populations of the world caused by cross-border trade in products and
services, technology, investment flows, people, and knowledge. Throughout several
decades, countries have established economic alliances to promote these movements.
Also globalization is the engagement and integration mechanism between individuals,
corporations, and governments worldwide. From the definition of globalization it need to
encourage global awareness because globalization is the connection of one country to
another country that’s why you need to care and respect their culture to have a better
connection or relation.

2. What are the chief Concerns about the impacts of Globalization?

The chief or major concerns about the impacts of Globalization it is contributes to

a more unequal distribution of income between countries and within nations. There is
not any good empirical evidence as to the effect of globalization on inequality. The
share of developing countries' combined world exports and world production has been
rising. Developing countries' share of global aggregate exports rose from 20.6 per cent
in 1988-90 to 29.9 per cent in 2000. In fact, when comparing the proportion of
developed countries over time , it is important to take care to compare the proportion of
the same set of countries over the whole time frame. Four of the countries that were
developing countries are now known as newly industrialized economies in Asia.
Similarly, the share of developed countries' gross world production rose from 17.9 per
cent in 1988-90 to 40.4 per cent in 2000. Developing countries' growth rates in terms of
both GDP and GDP per capita have been higher than those of developed countries.
Such rates of growth were also higher in the 1990s than in the 1980s. All these statistics
do not suggest that the developing countries as a group have suffered in the process of
globalization. There were considerable gains, in fact. But Africa has not performed well
in developing countries and some of the South Asian countries only did better in the
1990s. While the per capita income growth rate of developing countries in the 1990s
was almost twice as high as that of developed countries, the per capita income gap
widened in absolute terms due to the broad gap in the base year.

Multiple Choice:

1. An investment by a firm in one nation - state in a firm in another

nation - state with the intention of controlling it.

a. Colonialism c. Foreign direct investment

b. Transnational d. Multinational Corporation

2. The methods employed by one nation- state to gain power over an

area(s) and then to exercise control over it.

a. Imperialism c. Liberalism

b. Colonialism d. Conservatism

3. A theory that emphasizes the fact that the kinds of programs discussed
above led not so much to the development of the nation - states of the
South, but more to a decline in their independence in specially in US.

a. Dependency c. Neo-liberalism

b. Colonialism d. World System

4. Development of the nation- states of the South contributed to

a decline in their independence; to an increase in their
dependence on the North.

a. World System Theory c. Dependency Theory

b. Marxist Theory d. System Theory

5. The process that interconnect individuals and social groups across

specific geo - political borders.

a. Transnationality c. Imperialism

b. Globalization d. Transnationalism
III. Identification
1. Identify two words that explain what globalization is. (10pts)

The two words that explain what globalization is Sociable and technological.

2. Identify at least 2 global issues and relate to your actual

observation in your own community. (20pts)

The 2 global issues that relate to my actual observation in my own community are
Covid-19 Pandemic and Corruption.
IV. Essay Questions

1.How does Globalization encourage global awareness and community?

Globalization encourage global awareness and community because globalization

it is the word used to describe the increasing interdependence between the economies ,
cultures, and populations of the world caused by cross-border trade in products and
services, technology, investment flows, people, and knowledge. Throughout several
decades, countries have established economic alliances to promote these movements.
Also globalization is the engagement and integration mechanism between individuals,
corporations, and governments worldwide. From the definition of globalization it need to
encourage global awareness because globalization is the connection of one country to
another country that’s why you need to care and respect their culture to have a better
connection or relation.

2.What are the chief Concerns about the impacts of Globalization?

The chief or major concerns about the impacts of Globalization it is contributes to

a more unequal distribution of income between countries and within nations. There is
not any good empirical evidence as to the effect of globalization on inequality. The
share of developing countries' combined world exports and world production has been
rising. Developing countries' share of global aggregate exports rose from 20.6 per cent
in 1988-90 to 29.9 per cent in 2000. In fact, when comparing the proportion of
developed countries over time , it is important to take care to compare the proportion of
the same set of countries over the whole time frame. Four of the countries that were
developing countries are now known as newly industrialized economies in Asia.
Similarly, the share of developed countries' gross world production rose from 17.9 per
cent in 1988-90 to 40.4 per cent in 2000. Developing countries' growth rates in terms of
both GDP and GDP per capita have been higher than those of developed countries.
Such rates of growth were also higher in the 1990s than in the 1980s. All these statistics
do not suggest that the developing countries as a group have suffered in the process of
globalization. There were considerable gains, in fact. But Africa has not performed well
in developing countries and some of the South Asian countries only did better in the
1990s. While the per capita income growth rate of developing countries in the 1990s
was almost twice as high as that of developed countries, the per capita income gap
widened in absolute terms due to the broad gap in the base year.

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