33 CabinUnits

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3.3 Cabin Units Products

3.3 Cabin Units
Introduction. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 HI-PRES Cabin Unit type Super Speed
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32
Description of HI-PRES Cabin Units . 2
Complementary equipment . . . . . . . . . . . . . .33
HI-PRES SINGLE-PIPE Cabin Unit type Additional equipment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .33
Materials. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .33
MS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
Complementary equipment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 HI-PRES Fan Coil Unit type IDAC Hori-
Materials . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 zontal. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34
Cabin Unit type MS25 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
Cabin Unit type MS35 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 Complementary equipment . . . . . . . . . . . . . .34
Cabin Unit type MS35-C00-08-1 . . . . . . . . . . . 8 Additional equipment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .35
Cabin Unit type MS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 Materials. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .35
Cabin Unit type MS35-L01. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 Capacities and Data. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .35
Cabin Unit type MS40-B01 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11 Fan Coil Unit type IDAC 1S and IDAC 1L . . .36
Fan Coil Unit type IDAC 2N . . . . . . . . . . . . . .36
HI-PRES RE-HEAT Cabin Unit type RS
HI-PRES Fan Coil Unit type IDAC Verti-
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12
cal . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37
Complementary equipment:. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12
Materials . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12 Complementary equipment . . . . . . . . . . . . . .37
Cabin Unit type RS25 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13 Additional equipment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .38
Cabin Unit type RS35 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14 Materials. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .38
Cabin Unit type RS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15 Capacities and Data. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .38
Cabin Unit type RS40-B02. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16 Fan Coil Unit type IDAC Vertical . . . . . . . . . .38

HI-PRES RE-HEAT Cabin Unit type RW Low-Pressure Supply Box type MBA39
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17 Additional equipment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .39
Materials . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .39
Complementary equipment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17
Low-Pressure Supply Box type MBA . . . . . . .40
Materials . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17
Low-Pressure Supply Box type MBA . . . . . . .41
Cabin Unit type RW35 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18
Low-Pressure Supply Box type MBA . . . . . . .42
Cabin Unit type RW . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19
Low-Pressure Supply Box type MBA . . . . . . .43
Cabin Unit type RW35-L02 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20
Low-Pressure Supply Box type MBA . . . . . . .44
HI-PRES TWIN-PIPE Cabin Unit type Low-Pressure Supply Box type STB
MT/AT. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21 with Linear Diffuser . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 45
Complementary equipment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21
Materials. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .45
Materials . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21
Low-Pressure Supply Box type STB with Linear
Cabin Unit type MT25 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22
Diffuser. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .46
Cabin Unit type MT35 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23
Cabin Unit type AT35 electrical . . . . . . . . . . . 24
Cabin Unit type AT35 pneumatic . . . . . . . . . . 25
Cabin Unit type MT/AT. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26
Cabin Unit type MT40-B02. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27

HI-PRES Cabin Unit type MicroVent 28

Cabin Unit type MicroVent . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29
Cabin Unit type RS35X . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30
Cabin Unit type RS40X . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30
Cabin Unit type MicroVent . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31

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3.3 Cabin Units Products

Introduction The cabin unit can be mounted in the ceiling or on

The cabin units of the Hi-Pres Air Conditioning the bulkhead. The supply air can be distributed
Systems are special designed for supply of condi- via diffusers, grilles or jet nozzles.
tioned air to ships accommodation. For each type
of Hi-Pres Air Conditioning System (Single-Pipe, HI-PRES RE-HEAT Cabin Unit type RS
Re-Heat, Twin-Pipe, MicroVent and IDAC (fan The cabin unit type RS is a Re-Heat Cabin Unit,
coil type) there is a comprehensive range of units very compact with electrical re-heating coil inside.
comprising units for bulkhead mounting or ceil- The unit is available in different types for differ-
ing suspension, units supplying the conditioned ent airflows and mounting requirements. The unit
air through a grille or a ceiling diffuser. All units has a very effective sound trap reducing the noise
are of the flat type with low height of construc- from the pipe system and throttle valve below the
tion. Hi-Pres cabin units consist of a box and a dif- requested sound level.
fuser designed for class B15 ceiling. In each cabin or space the individual climate is to
be controlled by the re-heating coil (220-230VAC
Hi-Pres cabin units are made in sizes to suit the as standard, other voltage as option) in accord-
ventilation requirements as well as the heating ance with the set point on the room thermostat.
and cooling loads. All units have an air volume The re-heating coil is designed for covering the
control device by means of which the airflow de- transmission loss from the served cabin or space.
livered can be varied from minimum to a prede- The airflow can be kept constant or with manual
termined maximum. Besides, units intended for regulation of the airflow. The electric re-heating
Re-Heat, Twin-Pipe, MicroVent and IDAC instal- coil has built-in safety switches for power cutoff if
lation provide automatic individual temperature temperature exceeds the permissible maximums.
control, by using user panels (room thermostats). Maximum capacity of the electric coil is 1200 W.
The cabin unit can be mounted in the ceiling or on
In the design of the units special attention has the bulkhead. The supply air can be distributed
been devoted to sound attenuation, and in rela- via diffusers or grilles.
tion to the ambient sound levels occurring in
ships accommodation, very satisfactory sound HI-PRES RE-HEAT Cabin Unit type RW
levels have been achieved. The cabin unit type RW is a Re-Heat Cabin Unit,
very compact with inside re-heating coil for hot
Description of HI-PRES Cabin Units water. The unit is available in different types for
different airflows and mounting requirements.
The unit has a very effective sound trap reducing
The cabin unit type MS is a Manual Single-Pipe
the noise from the pipe system and throttle valve
Cabin Unit, very compact and simple to control.
below the requested sound level.
The unit is available in different types for differ-
In each cabin or space the individual climate is to
ent airflows and mounting requirements. The unit
be controlled by the re-heating coil in accordance
has a very effective sound trap reducing the noise
with the set point on the room thermostat or by
from the pipe system and throttle valve below the
manual throttling the water flow. The re-heating
requested sound level.
coil is designed for covering the transmission loss
In each cabin or space the individual climate is
from the served cabin or space. The airflow can be
controlled manually via an airflow adjustment
kept constant or with manual regulation of the
knob directly on the cabin unit.

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3.3 Cabin Units Products

The cabin unit can be mounted in the ceiling or on HI-PRES Re-Heat Cabin Unit type MicroVent
the bulkhead. The supply air can be distributed The cabin unit type MicroVent is an Intelligent
via diffusers or grilles. Re-Heat Cabin Unit, very compact with VAV
function and an electrical re-heating coil for 220-
HI-PRES TWIN-PIPE Cabin Unit type MT 230VAC inside. Maximum capacity of the coil is
The cabin unit type MT is a Manual Twin-Pipe 1200 W. The re-heating coil is designed for cover-
Cabin Unit, very compact and simple to control. ing the transmission loss from the served cabin.
The unit is available in different types for differ- The unit has a very effective sound trap reducing
ent airflows and mounting requirements. The unit the noise from the pipe system and throttle valve
has a very effective sound trap reducing the noise below the requested sound level.
from the pipe system and throttle valve below the Temperature control in the individual space is
requested sound level. achieved automatically by chosen set point at the
In each cabin or space the individual climate is Hi-Pres User Panel. Which is a part of the dedi-
controlled manually by mixing the cold and warm cated room air Climate Control System (CCS),
air stream by the airflow adjustment knobs di- which consist of a cabin unit with a mounted Cli-
rectly on the cabin unit. The cold and warm air mate Control Unit (CCU) and the bulkhead
stream can be regulated independently of each mounted User Panel (UP).
other or by mixing the cold and warm air stream The Climate Control System is designed for safe
and keeping constant airflow. and intelligent control of the room air condition-
The cabin unit can be mounted in the ceiling or on ing. The Cabin Control Unit controls the room air
the bulkhead. The supply air can be distributed temperature, safety function, supply air measur-
via diffusers or grilles. ing device, performance modes and handle com-
munication to the User Panel.
HI-PRES TWIN-PIPE Cabin Unit type AT The cabin unit can be mounted in the ceiling. The
The cabin unit type AT is an Automatic Twin-Pipe supply air can be distributed via diffusers.
Cabin Unit; very compact with automatic control
of the cold and warm supply air. The unit is avail- HI-PRES Re-Heat Cabin Unit type Super Speed
able in two different types for either electric or The cabin unit type Super Speed is an Intelligent
pneumatic automatic control. The unit has a very VAV Re-Heat Cabin Unit where the sound attenu-
effective sound trap reducing the noise from the ation unit is separate from the Super Speed Unit
pipe system and throttle valve below the re- giving a very flexible design and easily installed
quested sound level. system.
In each cabin or space the individual climate is There are three models; covering crew cabin,
controlled automatically by mixing the cold and guest cabin and large public room sizes. Each
warm air stream by the electric or pneumatic actu- model is very compact with a VAV function and
ator on the throttle valves. The cold and warm air an electrical re-heating coil for 220-230V AC in-
stream is mixed in the attenuator box and keeping side. Coil capacity is either 800 or 1500 watts. The
re-heating coil is designed for covering the trans-
constant airflow by the set point room controller.
mission loss from the served cabin.
The cabin unit can be mounted in the ceiling. The
Temperature control in the individual space is
supply air can be distributed via diffusers.
achieved automatically by chosen set point at the
Digital User Panel (DUP). This is part of the dedi-
cated room air Climate Control System (CCS),
which consists of a cabin unit with a mounted Cli-

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3.3 Cabin Units Products

mate Control Unit (CCU) and the bulkhead Hi-Pres Low-Pressure Supply Box type MBA
mounted DUP. The supply box type MBA is compact with a very
The CCS is designed for safe and intelligent con- effective sound trap reducing the noise from the
trol of the room air conditioning. The Cabin Con- pipe system and throttle valve below the re-
trol Unit controls the room air temperature, safety quested sound level. The unit is available in dif-
function, supply air measuring device, perform-
ferent types for different airflows and mounting
ance modes and handles communication to the
The supply box is for ceiling installation and the
The cabin unit can be mounted horizontally or
distribution is via diffuser.
vertically, concealed behind furniture, anywhere
in the cabin. From the cabin unit the air passes
through a separate sound attenuator before being Hi-Pres Low-Pressure Supply Box type STB
supplied via architectural slots or grills into the The supply box type STB is compact with a very
room. effective sound trap reducing the noise from the
pipe system and throttle valve below the re-
HI-PRES Fan Coil Unit type IDAC quested sound level. The unit is available in dif-
The IDAC box is a decentralized air treatment ferent types for different airflows and mounting
unit as well as an air supply box. It is available for requirements.
ceiling suspension. The unit is available in differ- The supply box is for ceiling or bulkhead installa-
ent types for different airflows, cooling and heat- tion and the distribution is via line diffusers.
ing capacities.
The Intelligent Decentralized Air Conditioning
unit (IDAC) consists of an insulated galvanized
casing, with built-in airflow adjusting valves, air
filter, cooling coil with stainless steel drip tray,
low noise fan with VAV-regulation, integrated ac-
tual supply airflow measuring device, electric re-
heat coil and continuously variable capacity regu-
Temperature control in the individual space is
achieved automatically by chosen set point at the
Hi-Pres User Panel. Which is a part of the dedi-
cated room air Climate Control System (CCS),
consisting of an air treatment unit with installed
Climate Control Unit (CCU) and the bulkhead
mounted User Panel (UP). The basic system is “A
Stand Alone System”.
In the cabins the treated primary outside air is
supplied to the IDAC discharge section bypassing
the fan. The IDAC fan is re-circulating room air,
which is taken in through the filter and cooled by
the cooling coil. The re-circulated air can also be
re-heated by the electric re-heating coil in the
IDAC unit.

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3.3 Cabin Units Products


Cabin unit type MS

Cabin unit type MS for Hi-Pres Single-Pipe Sys- Materials

tem supply fully conditioned air that, as a result Attenuator box: Galvanized sheet steel.
of the special design and layout of the plant, will Diffuser, upper part: Galvanized sheet steel.
create comfortable conditions in all spaces served. Diffuser, lower part: Aluminium.

The cabin unit consist basically of The diffuser is as standard painted with neutral
• Attenuator box type MS and the following light-grey enamel, code RAL 9002 STRUCTURE
components: or can as option be supplied in any colour.
• Air spigot for connection to the air duct sys-
tem, which supplies conditioned air from the The cabin unit is available in 2 sizes type MS25 for
air handling unit. 250 m3/h and type MS35 for 350m3/h for fixed
• Sound trap, made of inorganic material reduc- airflow or with manual regulation of airflow
ing the noise from the duct system and throt-
tling valve to the requested sound level. Cabin units with fixed airflow are used for spaces
• Air capacity regulating device for adjustment with no requirements for individual room tem-
of the maximum airflow required. perature control such as alleyways and store

Complementary equipment For cabin units with manual regulation of airflow

• An outlet diffuser, suspended below any kind
a variation of the temperature in a cabin is
of ceiling panels. The air is projected at an an-
achieved by changing the air quantities supplied.
gle and a velocity that eliminate any risk of
draughts and smudge of the ceiling.
• Angles or irons for suspension of the attenua-
tor box.

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3.3 Cabin Units Products

Cabin Unit type MS25





Dimension sketch MS25 Attenuator box MS25 seen from below without diffuser

Diffusers with constant airflow

Weight of attenuator box and diffuser: 9.4 kg.
Ø162 MS25-C00-08 is outlet diffuser, suspended below
any kind of ceiling panels x = 55-70 mm
MS25-C00-25 is outlet diffuser, special made for

265x265 building-in and forming an integral part of

DAMPA-300 continuous ceiling. In the DAMPA-
Ø162 ceiling a special cover plate has to be mounted
x = 63-78 mm

275x275 For regulation of the supplied airflow from nil to

Diffuser C00-08 above, diffuser C00-25 below a predetermined maximum a control lever is fit-
ted in the diffuser.
Diffusers with air airflow regulating device MS25-C01-08 is outlet diffuser, suspended below
any kind of ceiling panels x = 55-70 mm
MS25-C01-25 is outlet diffuser, special made for
building-in and forming an integral part of

DAMPA-300 continuous ceiling. In the DAMPA-

Max. Red
ceiling a special cover plate has to be mounted
Ø162 Nil
x = 63-78 mm

MS25-N01 outlet diffuser is a nozzle with a ball


275x275 which can be turned in any direction and thus di-

Diffuser C01-08 above, diffuser C01-25 below
rect the air stream to the specific area where cool-
ing or heating is required. And a push pull louver
Push-pull diffuser consisting of a ball-shaped body moveably sus-
pended in spherical seating. The regulating disc
Ø162 can be pulled out in front of the seat to spread the
air stream, or it may be pushed into seating result-
ing in a long throw. x = 80-95 mm


Diffuser N01

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3.3 Cabin Units Products

Cabin Unit type MS35



Attenuator box MS35 seen from below with diffuser
Dimension sketch MS35
Weight of attenuator box and diffuser: 13.1 kg.
Diffusers with constant airflow
MS35-C00-08 is outlet diffuser, suspended below
Ø162 any kind of ceiling panels x = 55-70 mm
MS35-C00-25 is outlet diffuser, special made for

building-in and forming an integral part of

265x265 DAMPA-300 continuous ceiling. In the DAMPA-
ceiling a special cover plate has to be mounted
x = 63-78

For regulation of the supplied airflow from nil to

a predetermined maximum a control lever is fit-
Diffuser C00-08 above, diffuser C00-25 below
ted in the diffuser.
M35-C01-08 is an outlet diffuser, suspended be-
Diffusers with air airflow regulating device low any kind of ceiling panels x = 55-70
Ø162 MS35-C01-25 is outlet diffuser, special made for
building-in and forming an integral part of

DAMPA-300 continuous ceiling. In the DAMPA-

265x265 ceiling a special cover plate has to be mounted
Max. Red
x = 63-78 mm

MS35-N01 outlet diffuser is a nozzle with a ball


which can be turned in any direction and thus di-

rect the air stream to the specific area where cool-
Diffuser C01-08 above, diffuser C01-25 below ing or heating is required. And a push pull louver
consisting of a ball-shaped body moveably sus-
Push-pull diffuser pended in spherical seating. The regulating disc
ø162 can be pulled out in front of the seat to spread the
air stream, or it may be pushed into seating result-
ing in a long throw. x = 80-95


Diffuser N01

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3.3 Cabin Units Products

Cabin Unit type MS35-C00-08-1



Attenuator box MS35-C00-08-1 seen from below with dif-


Dimension sketch MS35-C00-08-1

Diffusers with air airflow regulating device Weight of attenuator box and diffuser: 13.1 kg.

For regulation of the supplied airflow from nil to
a predetermined maximum a control lever is fit-

265x265 85 ted in the diffuser.

Diffuser C00-08-1
MS35-C00-08-1 is outlet diffuser, suspended be-
Cabin Unit type MS35-C00-25-1 low any kind of ceiling panels.





Attenuator box MS35-C00-25-1 seen from below with dif-


Dimension sketch MS35-C00-25-1

Weight of attenuator box and diffuser: 13.1 kg.

Diffusers with air airflow regulating device

Ø162 For regulation of the supplied airflow from nil to

a predetermined maximum a control lever is fit-

ted in the diffuser.


Diffuser C00-25-1 MS35-C00-25-1 is outlet diffuser, special made for

building-in and forming an integral part of
DAMPA-300 continuous ceiling. In the DAMPA-
ceiling a special cover plate has to be mounted.

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3.3 Cabin Units Products

Cabin Unit type MS

Sound Data
In the diagram below is shown the sound pres- tion of 4 dB, corresponding to the attenuation in a
sure level LA(dB(A)) at static pressure 400, 800, reverberation field in a room with absorption of
1200 Pa. The sound values are for room attenua- 10 m2 Sabine.

50 50
1200 Pa
1200 Pa
800 Pa 800 Pa
46 46
400 Pa
400 Pa
42 42
Lw (dB(A))

Lw (dB(A))
38 38

34 34

30 30

150 250 350 150 250 350

q (m3/h) q (m3/h)

MS25-C00-08/-25, MS25-C01-08/-25 MS35-C00-08/-25, MS35-C01-08/-25

In the diagram below is shown the sound pres- corresponding to the attenuation in a reverbera-
sure level LA(dB(A)) at static pressure 800 Pa. The tion field in a room with absorption of 10 m2
sound values are for room attenuation of 4 dB, Sabine.

800 Pa

800 Pa
50 52

46 48
Lw (dB(A))

Lw (dB(A))

42 44

38 40

34 36

150 250 350 150 250 350

q (m3/h) q (m3/h)

MS25-N01 MS35-N01

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3.3 Cabin Units Products

Cabin Unit type MS35-L01




Dimension sketch MS35-L01 Attenuator box MS35-L01 seen from below with diffuser

The cabin unit consist of attenuator box type Weight of attenuator box and diffuser:18 kg.
MS35 and following complementary equipment,
included in supply: Sound Data
• Plenum chamber for distribution of the air In the diagram below is shown the sound pres-
along the diffuser. sure level LA(dB(A)) at static pressure 400, 800,
• An outlet diffuser with two straight air supply 1200 Pa. The sound values are for room attenua-
slots and a lighting fixture. tion of 4 dB, corresponding to the attenuation in a
• Each diffuser slot is provided with two adjust- reverberation field in a room with absorption of
able guide vanes for deflection of the air- 10 m2 Sabine.
• The diffuser, which is available for installation 50
in different ceiling constructions, may be sup- 1200 Pa

plied with lighting fixture for two 20 W or two 46

800 Pa

30 W fluorescent tubes.
400 Pa
• Control knob for the airflow-regulating device. 42
Lw (dB(A))




150 250 350

q (m3/h)


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3.3 Cabin Units Products

Cabin Unit type MS40-B01 Complementary equipment

• An outlet grille, suspended on the attenuation
545 154
152 box.
• Control knob for the airflow-regulating device.
The knob is fitted on the grille.

• Mounting fixture for suspension of the cabin

min. 780
46 min. 200
Attenuator box: Galvanized sheet steel.
Grille: Anodised aluminium.
The attenuation box is as standard painted with
Dimension sketch MS40-B01
neutral light-grey enamel, code RAL 9001 or can
The total weight of attenuator box and grille is as option be supplied in any colour.
18.8 kg.
Sound Data
Cabin unit type MS40-B01 for Hi-Pres Single-Pipe In the diagram below is shown the sound pres-
installations supply fully conditioned air that, as a sure level LA(dB(A)) at static pressure 400, 800,
result of the special design and layout of the plant, 1200 Pa. The sound values are for room attenua-
will create comfortable conditions in all spaces tion of 4 dB, corresponding to the attenuation in a
served. reverberation field in a room with absorption of
10 m2 Sabine.
A variation of the temperature in a cabin is
achieved by changing the air quantities supplied. 50

1200 Pa
The cabin unit consist basically of 46 800 Pa

• Attenuator box type MS40-B01 and the follow-

42 400 Pa
ing components:
Lw (dB(A))

• Air spigot for connection to the air duct sys-

200 Pa
tem, which supplies conditioned air from the
air handling unit.
• Sound trap, made of inorganic and non-com-
bustible material reducing the noise from the 30
duct system and throttling valve to the re-
150 250 350
quested sound level.
q (m 3/h)
• Airflow regulating device for regulation of the
supplied airflow from nil to a predetermined
• Air capacity regulating device for adjustment
of the maximum airflow required.

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3.3 Cabin Units Products

HI-PRES RE-HEAT Cabin Unit type RS

Cabin unit type RS

Cabin unit type RS for Hi-Pres Re-Heat System Complementary equipment:

supply fully conditioned air that, as a result of the • Outlet diffusers, suspended below any kind of
special design and layout of the plant, will create ceiling panels. The air is projected at an angle
comfortable conditions in all spaces served. and a velocity that eliminate any risk of
draughts and smudge of the ceiling.
The cabin unit consist basically of • Thermostat separately mounted on bulkhead
• Attenuator box type RS and the following for regulation of the electrical heating element.
components: • Angles or irons for suspension of the attenua-
• Air spigot for connection to the air duct sys- tor box.
tem, which supplies conditioned air from the
air handling unit.
• Sound trap, made of inorganic and non-com- Attenuator box: Galvanized sheet steel.
bustible material reducing the noise from the Diffuser, upper part: Galvanized sheet steel.
duct system and throttling valve to the re- Diffuser, lower part: Aluminium.
quested sound level.
• Air capacity regulating devices for adjustment The diffuser is as standard painted with neutral
of the maximum and minimum airflows re- light-grey enamel, code RAL 9002 STRUCTURE
quired. or can as option be supplied in any colour.
• Electrical heating element made of non-corro-
sive materials and normally supplied for 220 V The cabin unit is available in 2 sizes type RS25 for
AC. Heating element capacities are available in 250 m3/h and type RS35 for 350 m3/h for fixed
400, 800 or 1200 Watt. airflow or with manual regulation of airflow
• Thermostat fitted in the cabin unit and secur-
ing that the operating temperatures does not
exceed 100 ºC.
• Safety switch cutting off the electric supply, if
the temperature in the cabin unit exceeds the
permissible maximum.

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3.3 Cabin Units Products

Cabin Unit type RS25 Weight of attenuator box and diffuser: 12.0 kg.

RS25-C00-08 is outlet diffuser, suspended below
any kind of ceiling panels x = 55-70 mm


RS25-C00-25 is outlet diffuser, special made for

building-in and forming an integral part of
DAMPA-300 continuous ceiling. In the DAMPA-

Dimension sketch RS25 ceiling a special cover plate has to be mounted

x = 63-78 mm
Diffusers with constant airflow
A control lever is fitted in the diffuser for regula-
tion of the supplied airflow within a predefined

RS25-C01-08 is outlet diffuser, suspended below
Ø162 any kind of ceiling panels x = 55-70 mm

RS25-C01-25 is outlet diffuser, special made for


275x275 building-in and forming an integral part of

Diffuser C00-08 above, diffuser C00-25 below DAMPA-300 continuous ceiling. In the DAMPA-
ceiling a special cover plate has to be mounted
Diffusers with air airflow regulating device x = 63-78 mm


265x265 Max. Red



Diffuser C01-08 above, diffuser C01-25 below

Max. Red


Attenuator box RS25 seen from below with diffuser

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3.3 Cabin Units Page 13 of 46


3.3 Cabin Units Products

Cabin Unit type RS35


Max. Red


Attenuator box RS35 seen from below with diffuser

Dimension sketch RS35

Weight of attenuator box and diffuser: 16.0 kg.
Diffusers with constant airflow
RS35-C00-08 is outlet diffuser, suspended below
Ø162 any kind of ceiling panels x = 55-70

RS35-C00-25 is outlet diffuser, special made for

building-in and forming an integral part of

DAMPA-300 continuous ceiling. In the DAMPA-
ceiling a special cover plate has to be mounted
x = 63-78 mm

A control lever is fitted in the diffuser for regula-


275x275 tion of the supplied airflow within a predefined

Diffuser C00-08 above, diffuser C00-25 below

RS35-C01-08 is outlet diffuser, suspended below

Diffusers with air airflow regulating device
any kind of ceiling panels x = 55-70 mm

RS35-C01-25 is outlet diffuser, special made for

building-in and forming an integral part of
DAMPA-300 continuous ceiling. In the DAMPA-

265x265 Max. Red

ceiling a special cover plate has to be mounted
Ø160 Min.
x = 63-78 mm


Diffuser C01-08 above, diffuser C01-25 below

Owing to continued product development YORK Novenco reserves the right to introduce alterations without prior notice

Page 14 of 46 3.3 Cabin Units


3.3 Cabin Units Products

Cabin Unit type RS

Sound Data
In the diagram below is shown the sound pres- tion of 4 dB, corresponding to the attenuation in a
sure level LA(dB(A)) at static pressure 400, 800, reverberation field in a room with absorption of
1200 Pa. The sound values are for room attenua- 10 m2 Sabine.

50 50

1200 Pa 1200 Pa
46 46
800 Pa
800 Pa
400 Pa 400 Pa
42 42
Lw (dB(A))

Lw (dB(A))
38 38

34 34

30 30

150 250 350 150 250 350

q (m3/h) q (m3/h)

RS25-C00-08, RS25-C00-25, RS25-C01-08 RS35-C00-08, RS35-C00-35, RS35-C01-08

and RS25-C01-25 and RS35-C01-25

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3.3 Cabin Units Page 15 of 46


3.3 Cabin Units Products

Cabin Unit type RS40-B02 Materials

Attenuator box: Galvanized sheet steel.
Outlet grille: Galvanized sheet steel.

The attenuator box is as standard painted with

neutral light-grey enamel, code RAL 9001 or can
as option be supplied in any colour.
Min. 882


The outlet grille is as standard painted with platin

grey, code RAL 7036 or can as option is supplied
in any colour.

Min. 55
The cabin unit is available for manual regulation
of the airflow up to 400m3/h.

Dimension sketch RS40-B02

Sound Data
In the diagram below is shown the sound pres-
The weight of attenuator box and grille is 30.0 kg.
sure level LA(dB(A)) at static pressure 400, 800,
1200 Pa. The sound values are for room attenua-
The cabin unit consist of attenuator box type RS40
tion of 4 dB, corresponding to the attenuation in a
where the unit is provided with a 3-steep switch
reverberation field in a room with absorption of
with control knob for regulation of the electrical
10 m2 Sabine.
heating element made of non-corrosive materials
and normally supplied for 220 V AC (other volt- 1200 Pa
ages as option). heating capacities are available in 50
800 Pa
400 Pa
600, 900, 1200, 1500 and 1800 Watt. And following
complementary equipment included in supply: 46

• An outlet grille, which has a slopping upper

surface. 42
Lw (dB(A))

200 Pa
• Control knob for the airflow regulating device
and the 3-steep switch. The knobs are fitted on
the outlet grille.
• Mounting fixture for suspension of the cabin

150 250 350

q (m3/h)


Owing to continued product development YORK Novenco reserves the right to introduce alterations without prior notice

Page 16 of 46 3.3 Cabin Units


3.3 Cabin Units Products

HI-PRES RE-HEAT Cabin Unit Materials

type RW Attenuator box: Galvanized sheet steel.
Cabin unit type RW for Hi-Pres Re-Heat installa- Diffuser, upper part: Galvanized sheet steel.
tions supply fully conditioned air that, as a result Diffuser, lower part: Aluminium.
of the special design and layout of the plant, will
create comfortable conditions in all spaces served. The diffuser is as standard painted with neutral
light-grey enamel, code RAL 9002 STRUCTURE
The cabin unit consist basically of or can as option be supplied in any colour.
• Attenuator box type RW and the following
components: The cabin unit is available in type RW35 for
• Air spigot for connection to the air duct sys- 310 m3/h for manual regulation of airflow
tem, which supplies conditioned air from the
air handling unit.
• Sound trap, made of inorganic and non-com-
bustible material reducing the noise from the
duct system and throttling valve to the re-
quested sound level.
• Air capacity regulating device for adjustment
of the maximum airflow required.
• Heating coil made of copper tubes with alu-
minium fins for hot water. The heat output is
regulated by means of a manually or thermo-
static operated valve. Capacity of the heating
coil is 1750 Watt with hot water of 80/60 ºC.

Complementary equipment
• Outlet diffusers, suspended below any kind of
ceiling panels. The air is projected at an angle
and a velocity that eliminate any risk of
draughts and smudge of the ceiling.
• Manual control knobs for the air and Manual
control knobs or thermostat regulating the hot
water flow.
• Angles or irons for suspension of the attenua-
tor box.

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3.3 Cabin Units Page 17 of 46


3.3 Cabin Units Products

Cabin Unit type RW35





Dimension sketch RW35

Attenuator box RW35 including diffuser seen from below
Weight of attenuator box and diffuser: 14.0 kg.

Control knobs for regulating the air flow and hot

water is fitted below the ceiling in a panel next to
the diffuser.


RW35-C00-08-2 is outlet diffuser, suspended be-

low any kind of ceiling panels x = 55-70mm

RW35-C00-25-2 is outlet diffuser, special made for
Diffuser C00-08 above, diffuser C00-25 below
building-in and forming an integral part of
DAMPA-300 continuous ceiling. In the DAMPA-
ceiling a special cover plate including regulating
A knobs has to be mounted x = 63-78mm

RW35-S02 is outlet grille with extension frame


connecting grille and outlet opening. Control

70 75 knobs for regulating the airflow and hot water is
~ 60

fitted in the ceiling.

RW35-G02 is outlet grille with extension frame


connecting grille and outlet opening. Control

knobs for regulating the airflow and hot water is
fitted in the outlet grille.

Grille S02 above, grille G02 below

Owing to continued product development YORK Novenco reserves the right to introduce alterations without prior notice

Page 18 of 46 3.3 Cabin Units


3.3 Cabin Units Products

Cabin Unit type RW

Sound Data
In the diagram below is shown the sound pres- tion of 4 dB, corresponding to the attenuation in a
sure level LA(dB(A)) at static pressure 400, 800, reverberation field in a room with absorption of
1200 Pa. The sound values are for room attenua- 10 m2 Sabine.

50 54
1200 Pa

1200 Pa 800 Pa
46 800 Pa 50 400 Pa
400 Pa

42 46
Lw (dB(A))

Lw (dB(A))
38 42

34 38

30 34

150 250 350 150 250 350

q (m3/h) q (m3/h)

RW35-C00-08-2 and RW35-C00-25-2 RW35-S02 and RW35-G02

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3.3 Cabin Units Page 19 of 46


3.3 Cabin Units Products

Cabin Unit type RW35-L02



655 Attenuator box RW35-L02 seen from below with diffuser



Dimension sketch RW35-L02 Weight of attenuator box and grille: 21.5 kg.

The cabin unit consist of attenuator box type

RW35-L-2 and following complementary equip-
Attenuator box: Galvanized sheet steel.
ment included in supply:
Outlet grille: Galvanized sheet steel.
• Air spigot for connection to the air duct sys-
The attenuator box is as standard painted with
tem, which supplies conditioned air from the
neutral light-grey enamel, code RAL 9002 STRUC-
air handling unit.
TURE or can as option be supplied in any colour.
• Sound trap, made of inorganic and non-com-
The cabin unit is available for manual regulation
bustibles material reducing the noise from the
of the airflow up to 310 m3/h.
duct system and throttling valve to the re-
quested sound level.
Sound Data
• Air capacity regulating device for adjustment
In the diagram below is shown the sound pres-
of the maximum airflow required.
sure level LA(dB(A)) at static pressure 400, 800,
• Heating coil made of copper tubes with alu-
1200 Pa. The sound values are for room attenua-
minium fins for hot water. The heat output is
tion of 4 dB, corresponding to the attenuation in a
regulated by means of a manually or thermo-
reverberation field in a room with absorption of
static operated valve. Capacity of the heating
10 m2 Sabine.
coil is 1750 Watt with hot water of 80/60 ºC.

Complementary equipment 1200 Pa

• Plenum chamber for distribution of the air 46

800 Pa

along the diffuser. 400 Pa

• An outlet diffuser with two straight air supply 42

Lw (dB(A))

slots and a lighting fixture. Each diffuser slot is

provided with two adjustment guide vanes for
deflection of the air stream. The diffuser, 34
which is available for installation in different
ceiling constructions, may be supplied with 30

ligting fixture for two 20 W or two 30 W fluo-

150 250 350
rescent tubes. q (m3/h)
• Control knob for the air and water flow regu- RW35-L02
lating device.
• Angles for suspension of the attenuator box.

Owing to continued product development YORK Novenco reserves the right to introduce alterations without prior notice

Page 20 of 46 3.3 Cabin Units


3.3 Cabin Units Products


Cabin unit type MT

Cabin unit type MT/AT for Hi-Pres Twin-Pipe Complementary equipment

Systems supply fully conditioned air that, as a re- • An outlet diffuser, suspended below any kind
sult of the special design and layout of the plant, of ceiling panels.
will create comfortable conditions in all spaces • The air is projected at an angle and a velocity
served. that eliminate any risk of draughts and
From the twin pipe system the cabin unit receive smudge of the ceiling.
air of different temperatures. By means of two • Manual control lever (MT) or automatic actua-
valves controlled either by manual control lever tor set (AT) for individual regulation of the
(MT) or automatic actuator (AT) the air coming room temperature.
from the two pipes can be mixed in such propor- • Angles or irons for suspension of the attenua-
tions that the design temperatures required can be tor box.

The cabin unit consist basically of Attenuator box: Galvanized sheet steel.
• Attenuator box type MT/AT and the following Diffuser, upper part: Galvanized sheet steel.
components: Diffuser, lower part: Aluminium.
• Two air spigot for connection to the twin-pipe
system, which supplies conditioned air from The diffuser is as standard painted with neutral
the air handling unit. light-grey enamel, code RAL 9002 STRUCTURE
• Sound trap, made of inorganic and non-com- or can as option be supplied in any colour.
bustible material reducing the noise from the
duct system and throttling valve to the re- The cabin unit is available in different sizes type
quested sound level. MT25 for 250 m3/h, type MT35 for 350 m3/h and
• Airflow regulating device for adjustment of type AT35 for 350 m3/h for manual or automatic
the air flows. regulation of the airflow.

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3.3 Cabin Units Page 21 of 46


3.3 Cabin Units Products

Cabin Unit type MT25 Weight of attenuator box and diffuser: 10.2 kg.

Airflow regulation device for each of the two
pipes are coupled together in such a way that the
total airflow supplied always meets the require-
ments for air changes (constant air flow) irrespec-

tive of the position of the control lever and for in-

dividual regulation of the temperature. The lever
is fitted in the diffuser.

Dimension sketch MT25

MT25-C03-08 is outlet diffuser, suspended below
Diffusers with constant airflow any kind of ceiling panels x = 55-70 mm

MT25-C03-25 is outlet diffuser, special made for

building-in and forming an integral part of

265x265 Max. Heating

DAMPA-300 continuous ceiling. In the DAMPA-
Blue ceiling a special cover plate has to be mounted
Max. Cooling
x = 63-78 mm

Airflow regulation device for each of the two

pipes and with two hand operated control levers.
Diffuser C03-08 above, diffuser C03-25 below The control lever operates independently of each
other for individual regulation of the tempera-
Diffusers with air airflow regulating device ture. The lever is fitted in the diffuser.

MT25-C02-08 is outlet diffuser, suspended below

any kind of ceiling panels x = 55-70 mm

265x265 Max. Heating

Blue Red

MT25-C02-25 is outlet diffuser, special made for

Max. Cooling
building-in and forming an integral part of
DAMPA-300 continuous ceiling. In the DAMPA-

ceiling a special cover plate has to be mounted.

x = 63-78 mm
Diffuser C02-08 above, diffuser C02-25 below

Max. Heating

Max. Cooling

Attenuator box MT25 seen from below with diffuser

Owing to continued product development YORK Novenco reserves the right to introduce alterations without prior notice

Page 22 of 46 3.3 Cabin Units


3.3 Cabin Units Products

Cabin Unit type MT35 Weight of attenuator box and diffuser: 13.2 kg

Airflow regulation device for each of the two
pipes and coupled together in such a way that the
total airflow supplied always meets the require-

ments for air changes (constant air flow) irrespec-

tive of the position of the control lever and for in-
Ø160 dividual regulation of the temperature. The lever

is fitted in the diffuser.

Dimension sketch MT35

Diffusers with constant airflow MT35-C03-08 is outlet diffuser, suspended below

any kind of ceiling panels x = 55-70 mm

MT35-C03-25 is outlet diffuser, special made for


building-in and forming an integral part of

265x265 Max. Heating Red
DAMPA-300 continuous ceiling. In the DAMPA-
Max. Cooling
ceiling a special cover plate has to be mounted
x = 63-78 mm

275x275 Airflow regulation device for each of the two

pipes and with two hand operated control levers.
Diffuser C03-08 above, diffuser C03-25 below
The control lever operates independently of each
other for individual regulation of the tempera-
Diffusers with air airflow regulating device
ture. The lever is fitted in the diffuser.

MT35-C02-08 is outlet diffuser, suspended below


any kind of ceiling panels x = 55-70 mm

265x265 Blue Max. Heating Red

Max. Cooling
MT35-C02-25 is outlet diffuser, special made for
building-in and forming an integral part of
DAMPA-300 continuous ceiling. In the DAMPA-

ceiling a special cover plate has to be mounted.

x = 63-78 mm
Diffuser C02-08 above, diffuser C02-25 below

Max. Heating Red

Max. Cooling

Attenuator box MT35 seen from below with diffuser

Owing to continued product development YORK Novenco reserves the right to introduce alterations without prior notice

3.3 Cabin Units Page 23 of 46


3.3 Cabin Units Products

Cabin Unit type AT35 electrical




Actuator Transformer

Dimension sketch AT35 electrical Attenuator box AT35 electrical seen from below with diffuser

Diffusers with constant airflow Weight of attenuator box and diffuser: 15.2 kg.

Air flow regulation device for each of the two
pipes and coupled together in such a way that the

total air flow supplied always meets the require-

ments for air changes (constant air flow), irrespec-
tive of the position of the actuator. The actuator is
for 24V AC, and is powered by the built-in trans-
former for 220/24C AC. A controller separately

mounted on the bulkhead will give individual

temperature regulation by adjustment of the actu-
Diffuser C00-08 above, diffuser C00-25 below

AT35-C00-08-E is outlet diffuser, suspended be-

low any kind of ceiling panels x = 55-70mm

AT35-C00-25-E is outlet diffuser, special made for

building-in and forming an integral part of
DAMPA-300 continuous ceiling. In the DAMPA-
ceiling a special cover plate has to be mounted.
x = 63-78mm

Owing to continued product development YORK Novenco reserves the right to introduce alterations without prior notice

Page 24 of 46 3.3 Cabin Units


3.3 Cabin Units Products

Cabin Unit type AT35 pneumatic

160 600


Ø160 Attenuator box AT35 pneumatic seen from below with dif-

Actuator fuser
Dimension sketch AT35 pneumatic
Weight of attenuator box and diffuser: 13.5 kg.
Diffusers with constant airflow

Airflow regulation device for each of the two
pipes and coupled together in such a way that the
total airflow supplied always meets the require-

265x265 ments for air changes (constant air flow), irrespec-

tive of the position of the actuator. The actuator is
162 pneumatic. A controller separately mounted on
the bulkhead will give individual temperature

regulation by adjustment of the actuator.


Diffuser C00-08 above, diffuser C00-25 below AT35-C00-08-P is outlet diffuser, suspended be-
low any kind of ceiling panels x = 55-70 mm

AT35-C00-25-P is outlet diffuser, special made for

building-in and forming an integral part of
DAMPA-300 continuous ceiling. In the DAMPA-
ceiling a special cover plate has to be mounted
x = 63-78 mm

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3.3 Cabin Units Page 25 of 46


3.3 Cabin Units Products

Cabin Unit type MT/AT 1200 Pa. The sound values are for room attenua-
Sound Data tion of 4 dB, corresponding to the attenuation in a
In the diagram below is shown the sound pres- reverberation field in a room with absorption of
sure level LA(dB(A)) at static pressure 400, 800, 10 m2 Sabine.

1200 Pa
800 Pa
50 50
1200 Pa
400 Pa 800 Pa
46 46
400 Pa


Lw (dB(A))
Lw (dB(A))

38 38

34 34


150 250 350 150 250 350

q (m3/h) q (m3/h)

MT25-C03-08, MT25-C03-25, MT25-C02-08, MT35-C03-08, MT35-C03-25, MT35-C02-08,

and MT25-C02-25 MT35-C02-25, AT35-C00-08-E, AT35-C00-25-E,
AT35-C00-08-P and AT35-C00-25-P

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Page 26 of 46 3.3 Cabin Units


3.3 Cabin Units Products

Cabin Unit type MT40-B02 Materials

Attenuator box: Galvanized sheet steel.
545 154

152 Grille, Anodized aluminium.

The attenuator box is as standard painted with

neutral light-grey enamel, code RAL 9001 or can

as option be supplied in any colour.

min. 830

The cabin unit is for airflow up to 350 m3/h.

min. 200

Ø100 Ø100

Sound Data
In the diagram below is shown the sound pres-
sure level LA(dB(A)) at static pressure 400, 800,
1200 Pa. The sound values are for room attenua-
tion of 4 dB, corresponding to the attenuation in a
Dimension sketch MT40-B02
reverberation field in a room with absorption of
The weight of attenuator box and grille is 19 kg. 10 m2 Sabine.

The cabin unit consist of attenuator box type 50

1200 Pa
MT40-B-2 and following complementary equip-
800 Pa
ment included in supply: 46
400 Pa
• Two air spigot for connection to the twin-pipe
Lw (dB(A))

system, which supplies conditioned air from

the air handling unit. 38
• Sound trap, made of inorganic and non-com-
bustible material reducing the noise from the 34

duct system and throttling valve to the re-

quested sound level. 30

• Airflow regulating device for each of the two 150 250 350

pipes and with two hand operated control q (m3/h)

knobs. The control knobs operate independ- MT40-B02

ently of each other.
• Airflow regulation device for adjustment of
the airflow.

Complementary equipment
• An outlet grille, suspended on the attenuator
• Control knobs for individual regulation of the
room temperature. The control knobs are fitted
in the grille.
• Mounting fixture for suspension of the cabin

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3.3 Cabin Units Page 27 of 46


3.3 Cabin Units Products

HI-PRES Cabin Unit type MicroVent

Cabin unit type MicroVent

The MicroVent Cabin units are used for the Hi- actuator and triac for re-heater. Electric supply
Pres MircoVent system, a single-pipe VAV air for CCU is 230 VAC, 50/60 Hz.
conditioning system with electrical reheating coils • Overheat switch with automatic reset. Cut off
in the cabin unit. The system will deliver maxi- temperature 65 ºC. Can be changed in the CCU
mum comfort to spaces served with low energy program.
consumption and accurate temperature control. • Overheat safety switch with manual reset. Cut
off temperature 110 ºC.
The cabin unit consist basically of: • Pressure transmitter and probe for accurate
Attenuator box type RSX and the following com- measuring of the airflow rate in the unit. Also
ponents: used as flow guard, with electrical switch off
• Air spigot for connection to the air duct sys- in case of no air flow.
tem, which supplies conditioned air from the • Temperature sensor for measuring the supply
air handling unit. air temperature from the cabin unit.
• Sound trap, made of inorganic and non-com-
bustible material reducing the noise from the
duct system and throttling valve to the re-
quested sound level.
• Automatic airflow regulation valve with actu-
ator for 24 V AC. Internal powered by trans-
former 230/24 V built-in the CCU.
• Electrical heating element made of non-corro-
sive materials for 230 V AC. Double insulated.
Heating element capacity 400, 800 or 1200 Watt
can be selected on the switches mounted in the
unit. Internal powered from the built-in Triac
in the CCU.
• Climate Control Unit, CCU, with software pro-
gram for control, energy optimising, alarm
handling etc. Built-in transformer 230/24 V for

Owing to continued product development YORK Novenco reserves the right to introduce alterations without prior notice

Page 28 of 46 3.3 Cabin Units


3.3 Cabin Units Products

Cabin Unit type MicroVent Materials

Complementary equipment Attenuator box: Galvanized sheet steel.
• Outlet diffusers, suspended below any kind of Diffuser: Galvanized sheet steel.
ceiling panels. The air is projected at an angle
and a velocity that eliminate any risk of The diffuser is as standard painted with neutral
draughts and smudge of the ceiling. white enamel, code RAL 9010 STRUCTURE or can
• User Panel, UP, for mounting on the bulkhead. as option be supplied in any colour.
With setting of required room temperature,
LED indication for setting One UP can control The cabin unit is available in 2 sizes type RS35X
3 pcs. MicroVent units. for 350 m3/h and type RS40X for 400m3/h.
• Communication cable between CCU and UP.
Max. length is 8 m.
• Suspension brackets at the attenuator box.

Additional equipment
• User Panel, UP, to include LED indication for
balcony door open, service mode, energy sav-
ing etc., connection of Laptop via cable, for
reading, setting and plotting of more than 53
• Central monitoring and control.
• 6 pcs. MicroVent controlled by one UP.

Owing to continued product development YORK Novenco reserves the right to introduce alterations without prior notice

3.3 Cabin Units Page 29 of 46


3.3 Cabin Units Products

Cabin Unit type RS35X



Attenuator box RS35X inclusive of diffuser seen from below

Dimension sketch RS35X Weight of attenuator box and diffuser: 18.0 kg

PKA-200 is outlet diffuser, suspended below any

kind of ceiling panels


Diffuser PKA-200

Cabin Unit type RS40X

Attenuator box RS40X seen from below

Weight of attenuator box and diffuser: 20.0 kg.



RS40X is for distribution of supply air via a ple-

num with open ceiling or distributed by air ducts
into diffusers.
min. 640x460

Dimension sketch RS40X

Owing to continued product development YORK Novenco reserves the right to introduce alterations without prior notice

Page 30 of 46 3.3 Cabin Units


3.3 Cabin Units Products

Cabin Unit type MicroVent

Sound Data
In the diagram below is shown the sound pres- tion of 4 dB, corresponding to the attenuation in a
sure level LA(dB(A)) at static pressure 400, 800, reverberation field in a room with absorption of
1200 Pa. The sound values are for room attenua- 10 m2 Sabine.

400 Pa
50 1200 Pa 40
800 Pa

400 Pa
46 36

42 32
Lw (dB(A))

Lw (dB(A))
38 28

34 24

30 20

150 250 350 150 250 350

q (m3/h) q (m3/h)


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3.3 Cabin Units Page 31 of 46


3.3 Cabin Units Products

HI-PRES Cabin Unit type Super Speed

Cabin Unit Type Super Speed

The Super Speed Cabin units are used for the Hi- • Automatic airflow regulation valve with actu-
Pres Super Speed system; a single-pipe VAV air ator for 24 VAC. Internal powered by trans-
conditioning system with electrical reheating coils former 230/24 V built-in the CCU.
in the cabin unit. The system will deliver maxi- • Electrical heating element made of non-corro-
mum comfort to spaces served with low energy sive materials for 230 VAC. Double insulated.
consumption and accurate temperature control. Heating element capacity is 800 W for the SS27
The unit is separate from the sound attenuator unit or 1500 W for the SS69 and SS108 units. In-
unit to give maximum flexibility in the design and ternal powered from the built-in Triac in the
installation of the unit. It is easily installed in the CCU.
Super Speed system, either horizontally or verti- • Climate Control Unit, CCU, with software pro-
cally, concealed behind furniture anywhere in the gram for control, energy optimising, alarm
room. handling etc. Built-in transformer 230/24 V for
actuator and triac for re-heater. Electric supply
The cabin unit is made in three models; SS27, SS69 for CCU is 230 VAC, 50/60 Hz.
and SS108 where the model number indicates the • Overheat switch with automatic reset. Cut off
maximum airflow. temperature 65 °C. Can be changed in the CCU
Models Airflows Comments program.
SS27 100 – 270 m3/hr Serving crew cabins • Overheat safety switch with manual reset. Cut
SS69 3
270 – 690 m /hr Serving guest cabins off temperature 110 °C.
SS108 450 – 1080 m3/hr Serving large public rooms • Pressure transmitter and probe for accurate
measuring of the airflow rate in the unit. Also
Each unit consists of the following components.
used as flow guard, with electrical switch off
in case of no air flow.
• Air spigot for connections to the air duct sys-
• Temperature sensor for measuring the supply
tem, which supplies conditioned air from the
air temperature from the cabin unit.
air handling unit and further connecting to the
sound attenuator.

Owing to continued product development YORK Novenco reserves the right to introduce alterations without prior notice

Page 32 of 46 3.3 Cabin Units


3.3 Cabin Units Products

Complementary equipment

• Digital User Panel, DUP, for mounting on the

bulkhead. With setting of required room tem-
perature shown in digital °F/°C and heating
cooling mode.
• Facility to download photos to the DUP (not
sure we really have this as York are still work-
ing on it!)
• One DUP can control 3 Super Speed units
(same model).
• Communication cable between CCU and DUP.
Max. length is 8 m.
• Suspension brackets
• A separate sound attenuator is chosen to meet
the noise level requirements and space availa-
ble, case by case.

Additional equipment

• Central monitoring and control.

• Display of outside climatic conditions such as
air and seawater temperature via the network.
• Diffusers can be included where architectural
slots/grills are not used.

The Super Speed unit is made of galvanized sheet

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3.3 Cabin Units Page 33 of 46


3.3 Cabin Units Products

HI-PRES Fan Coil Unit type IDAC Horizontal

Fan Coil Unit type IDAC 1

The Hi-Pres IDAC unit is a decentralized air treat- • Cooling coil for chilled water with ½” int.
ment unit as well as an air supply box. The system thread and stainless steel insulated drip tray
is designed for passenger ships such as cruise with ¾” drain pipe.
ships and yachts. • Climate Control Unit, CCU, with software pro-
gram for control, energy optimising, alarm
The IDAC unit consist basically of handling etc. Built-in transformer 230/24 V for
• Insulated and attenuating galvanized casing actuator and triac for re-heater. Electric supply
and the following components: for CCU is 230 VAC, 50/60 Hz.
• Air spigot for connection to the fresh air duct • Overheat switch function with automatic reset.
system, which supplies fully conditioned out- Cut off temperature 65 ºC. Can be changed in
side air from the air handling unit. the CCU program.
• Air spigot for treated supply airflow to the • Overheat safety switch with manual reset. Cut
room. off temperature 110 ºC.
• Inlet telescopic duct from the room. • Temperature sensor for measuring the supply
• Flat dry type filter air temperature from the cabin unit.
• Sound trap, made of inorganic non-combusti-
ble material reducing the noise from the in-
stalled fan and throttling valve to the re- Complementary equipment
• User Panel, UP, for mounting on the bulkhead.
quested sound level.
With setting of required room temperature,
• Low noise fan with continuously VAV regula-
LED indication for setting. One UP can control
tion device. Internal powered from the CCU.
3 IDAC units.
• Electrical heating element made of non-corro-
• Communication cable between CCU and UP,
sive materials for 230 V AC. Double insulated.
and between CCU and CCU. Max. length be-
Internal powered from the built-in Triac in the
tween two units is 8 m.

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3.3 Cabin Units Products

Additional equipment
• User Panel, UP, to include LED indication for
balcony door open, service mode, energy sav-
ing etc., connection of Laptop via cable, for
reading, setting and plotting of more than 53
• Central monitoring and control.
• 6 pcs. IDAC controlled by one UP.
• Integrated damper and flow measuring device
for fresh air.
• Water level sensor in the drip tray for alarm
before overflow.

IDAC unit casing: Galvanized sheet steel.

The IDAC unit is available in 3 sizes type IDAC 1S

for 200 m3/h, type IDAC 1L for 200 m3/h and
type IDAC 2N/suite for 425 m3/h.

Capacities and Data

1S 1L 2N
Primary airflow [m3/h] 50 - 120 50 - 120 75 - 180
Secondary airflow [m3/h] 50 - 200 50 - 200 140 - 425
Cooling at 6°C inlet water [W] 1 550 1280 2470
Cooling at 12°C inlet water [W] 1 460 720 1180
Electric heating [W] 600 900 1500
Weight [kg] 29 31 40
IDAC Cabin Unit Capacities and Data
1. Capacities are at 24°C room temperature and max-
imum airflow.

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3.3 Cabin Units Products

Fan Coil Unit type IDAC 1S and IDAC 1L

Duct for primary air intake
Total weight of IDAC 1S is 29 kg.
Ø80 130
Total weight of IDAC 1L is 31 kg.

IDAC type 1S and 1L have connection for fresh

airflow from 50 m3/h to 120 m3/h. Room airflow

from 50 m3/h to 200 m3/h.

311 The IDAC have connection Ø160 for supply air

Cooling water out, 1/2" int. tread
Cooling water in, 1/2" int. tread
duct to be connected to diffuser box, and connec-
Water from drippan,
3/4" ext. tread
tion for return air grille.

Air intake sealed with

fire proof expansion tape
min. 60

Bottom lid

Dimension sketch IDAC1

Fan Coil Unit type IDAC 2N

Duct for primary air intake Total weight of IDAC 2N is 40 kg.
IDAC type 2N have connection for fresh airflow
from 75 m3/h to 180 m3/h. Room airflow from
140 m3/h to 425 m3/h.


The IDAC have connection Ø180 for supply air


duct to be connected to diffuser box, and connec-

tion for return air grille.
417 93
Cooling water out, 1/2" int. tread

Cooling water in, 1/2" int. tread

Water from drippan,
3/4" ext. tread

Air intake sealed with

fire proof expansion tape

Bottom lid
min. 60

Dimension sketch IDAC2

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3.3 Cabin Units Products

HI-PRES Fan Coil Unit type IDAC Vertical

Fan Coil Unit type IDAC Vertical

The Hi-Pres IDAC unit is a decentralized air treat- • Climate Control Unit, CCU, with software pro-
ment unit as well as an air supply box. The system gram for control, energy optimising, alarm
is designed for passenger ships such as cruise handling etc. Built-in transformer 230/24 V for
ships and yachts. actuator and triac for re-heater. Electric supply
for CCU is 230 VAC, 50/60 Hz.
The IDAC unit consists basically of • Overheat switch function with automatic reset.
• Insulated and attenuating galvanized casing Cut off temperature 65 ºC. Can be changed in
and the following components: the CCU program.
• Air spigot for connection to the fresh air duct • Overheat safety switch with manual reset. Cut
system, which supplies fully conditioned out- off temperature 110 ºC.
side air from the air handling unit. • Temperature sensor for measuring the supply
• Air spigot for treated supply airflow to the air temperature from the cabin unit.
• An inlet from the room.
• Flat dry type filter Complementary equipment
• User Panel, UP, for mounting on the bulkhead.
• Sound trap, made of inorganic non-combusti-
With setting of required room temperature,
ble material reducing the noise from the in-
LED indication for setting. One UP can control
stalled fan to the requested sound level.
3 IDAC units.
• Low noise fan with continuously VAV regula-
• Communication cable between CCU and UP,
tion device. Internal powered from the CCU.
and between CCU and CCU. Max. length be-
• Electrical heating element made of non-corro-
tween two units is 8 m.
sive materials for 230 V AC. Double insulated.
Internal powered from the built-in Triac in the
• Cooling coil for chilled water with 10 mm
compression fitting and stainless steel insu-
lated drip tray with ¾” drain pipe.

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3.3 Cabin Units Products

Additional equipment Materials

• User Panel, UP, to include LED indication for IDAC unit casing: Galvanized sheet steel
balcony door open, service mode, energy sav-
ing etc., connection of Laptop via cable, for
reading, setting and plotting of more than 53 Capacities and Data
parameters. Primary airflow 75 - 180 m3/h
• Central monitoring and control Secondary airflow 140 - 425 m3/h

• 6 pcs. IDAC vertical controlled by one UP Chilled water inlet 12 °C

Cooling capacity 1 1180 W at 425 m3/h
• Integrated damper and flow measuring device
Chilled water inlet 6 °C
for fresh air
Cooling capacity 1 2470 W at 425 m3/h
• Water level sensor in the drip tray for alarm Electric heating 1500 W
before overflow Max. external pressure drop 70 Pa
IDAC Vertical Cabin Unit Capacities and Data
1. Cooling capacities are calculated at 24 °C room

Fan Coil Unit type IDAC Vertical

IDAC type has connection for fresh airflow from
75 m3/h to 180 m3/h. Room airflow from 140 m3/
h to 425 m3/h.

The IDAC vertical has connection Ø200 for sup-

ply air duct to be connected to diffuser box, and
connection for return air grille.

Dimension sketch IDAC Vertical

Owing to continued product development YORK Novenco reserves the right to introduce alterations without prior notice

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3.3 Cabin Units Products

Low-Pressure Supply Box type MBA

Supply box type MBA

Supply box type MBA for Hi-Pres Low Pressure Materials

System is suitable for supply and exhaust, and en- Attenuator box: Galvanized sheet steel.
sures even distribution for all ceiling diffusers Diffuser: sheet steel.
with round connection.
The diffusers are as standard painted with neutral
The cabin unit consist basically of white colour, code RAL 9010 or can as option be
• Attenuator box type MBA and the following supplied in any colour.
• Air spigot for connection to the air duct sys- The cabin units are as standard available in 2 sizes
tem. type MBA-160 for 350 m3/h and type MBA-200
• Sound insulation, made of inorganic material for 600 m3/h for fixed airflow or with manual reg-
reducing the noise from the duct system and ulation of airflow. Other sizes are available upon
throttling valve to the requested sound level. request.
• Air capacity regulating device for adjustment
of the maximum airflow required.

Additional equipment
• An outlet diffuser, suspended below any kind
of ceiling panels, when used as supply box
• An inlet diffuser, suspended below any kind of
ceiling panels, when used as exhaust box

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3.3 Cabin Units Products

Low-Pressure Supply Box type MBA

Inward spigot



Outward spigot


Dimension sketch MBA Attenuation box MBA seen from below without diffuser

Changing from inward to outward execution is

done with a screwdriver.

Dimensions in mm Weight
Type Ød1 Ød2 B C E F L kg
MBA-2-100-160 100 160 250 150 435 110 450 3.5
MBA-2-125-200 125 200 320 175 450 110 500 4.5
MBA-2-200-315 200 315 520 250 550 110 700 9
MBA-2-250-400 250 400 620 300 630 90 800 12

Diffusers type PKA, PCA, LKA and LCA Type LKA square diffuser and LCA circular dif-
Diffusers are available as square or circular diffus- fuser is suitable for supply of under cooled air
ers with perforated or closed front panel. The also for installations without ceiling.
small overall height and the discreet design make
it easy to incorporate the diffusers in modern ceil-
ing systems

Type PKA square diffuser and PCA circular dif-

fuser with perforated front panel is particular
suitable for supply of under cooled air for systems
with high requirements for inside conditions, and
available for systems with constant or variable
airflow (VAV).

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3.3 Cabin Units Products

Low-Pressure Supply Box type MBA

Diffuser type PKA



Diffuser type PKA Dimension sketch diffuser type PKA

d1 A U Free area Weight

mm mm mm m2 kg
PKA-160 160 295 260 0.028 1.8
PKA-200 200 395 360 0.037 2.8
PKA-315 315 595 560 0.059 5.7
PKA-400 400 595 560 0.072 5.7

Sound Data
In the diagrams below is shown the sound pres- tenuation in a reverberation field in a room with
sure level LWA(dB(A)). The sound values are for absorption of 10 m2 Sabine.
room attenuation of 4 dB, corresponding to the at-

Ppt [Pa] Pt [Pa]

200 1 2 200
150 45 150 45
100 40 100 40
70 35 70 35
50 50
30 30
40 40
30 25 30 25
LWA [dB(A)] 20
LWA [dB(A)]
20 20 20
15 15

10 10

7 MBA-2-100-160 7 MBA-2-125-200
5 5
l/s l/s
15 20 30 40 50 70 100 15 20 30 40 50 70 100
m 3/h m 3/h
40 50 70 100 150 200 300 400 50 70 100 150 200 300 400 500

PKA 160 + MBA-2-100-160 PKA 200 + MBA-2-125-200

Pt [Pa] Pt [Pa]
200 200
150 150 45

100 45 100
70 40 70
50 35 50 35
40 40
30 30 30
25 LWA LWA [dB(A)]
20 25
15 15

10 10 20
7 MBA-2-200-315 7 MBA-2-250-400
5 5
l/s l/s
50 70 100 150 200 300 400 70 100 150 200 300 400 500
m 3/h m 3/h
150 200 300 400 500 700 1000 1500 200 300 400 500 700 1000 1500 2000

PKA 315 + MBA-2-200-315 PKA 400 + MBA-2-250-400

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3.3 Cabin Units Products

Low-Pressure Supply Box type MBA

Diffuser type PCA




Diffuser type PCA Dimension sketch diffuser type PCA

d1 A U Free are Weight

mm mm mm m2 kg
PCA-160 160 300 260 0.028 1.5
PCA-200 200 360 360 0.037 2.3
PCA-315 315 540 500 0.059 4.6
PCA-400 400 540 500 0.072 4.6

Sound Data
In the diagrams below is shown the sound pres- tenuation in a reverberation field in a room with
sure level LWA(dB(A)). The sound values are for absorption of 10 m2 Sabine.
room attenuation of 4 dB, corresponding to the at-

Pt [Pa] Pt [Pa]
200 200

150 45 150 45

40 100 40
70 35 70 35
50 50
30 40 30
30 25 30 25
LWA [dB(A)] 20
LWA [dB(A)]
20 20 20

15 15

7 MBA-2-100-160 7 MBA-2-125-200
5 l/s
l/s 15 20 30 40 50 70 100
15 20 30 40 50 70 100 m3 /h
m 3/h
40 50 70 100 150 200 300 400 50 70 100 150 200 300 400 500

PCA 160 + MBA-2-100-160 PCA 200 + MBA-2-125-200

Pt [Pa] Pt [Pa]
150 150 45
100 45 100
70 40 70
50 35 50 35
40 40
30 30 30
25 LWA [DB(A)] LWA [dB(A)]
20 25
15 15
10 10 20
7 MBA-2-200-315 7 MBA-2-250-400
5 5
l/s l/s
50 70 100 150 200 300 400 70 100 150 200 300 400 500
m 3/h m3/h
150 200 300 400 500 700 1000 1500 200 300 400 500 700 1000 1500 2000

PCA 315 + MBA-2-200-315 PCA 400 + MBA-2-250-400

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3.3 Cabin Units Products

Low-Pressure Supply Box type MBA

Diffuser type LKA





Diffuser type LKA Dimension sketch diffuser type LKA

d1 A U Free are Weight

mm mm mm m2 kg
LKA-160 160 295 260 0.015 1.8
LKA-200 200 395 360 0.021 2.8
LKA-315 315 595 560 0.036 5.7
LKA-400 400 595 560 0.045 5.7

Sound Data
In the diagrams below is shown the sound pres- tenuation in a reverberation field in a room with
sure level LWA(dB(A)). The sound values are for absorption of 10 m2 Sabine.
room attenuation of 4 dB, corresponding to the at-

Pt [Pa] Pt [Pa]
200 200
150 45 150 45
100 40 100 40
70 35 70 35
50 30 50
40 40 30
30 25 30 25
LWA [dB(A)] LWA [dB(A)]
20 20 20
15 15
10 10
7 MBA-2-100-160 7 MBA-2-125-200
5 5
l/s l/s
15 20 30 40 50 70 100
m3 15 20 30 40 50 70 100
40 50 70 100 150 200 300 400 m 3/h
50 70 100 150 200 300 400 500

LKA 160 + MBA-2-100-160 LKA 200 + MBA-2-125-200

Pt [Pa] Pt [Pa]
150 45
100 45 100
70 40 40
50 35
40 50 35
30 40
25 LWA [dB(A)] 30 30
20 LWA [dB(A)]
15 20
10 20
7 MBA-2-200-315
7 MBA-2-250-400
50 70 100 150 200 300 400 5
m3/h l/s
150 200 300 400 500 700 1000 1500 70 100 150 200 300 400 500
m 3/h
200 300 400 500 700 1000 1500 2000
LKA 315 + MBA-2-200-315
LKA 400 + MBA-2-250-400

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3.3 Cabin Units Products

Low-Pressure Supply Box type MBA

Diffuser type LCA



Diffuser type LCA Dimension sketch diffuser type LCA

d1 A U Free are Weight

mm mm mm m2 kg
LCA-160 160 300 260 0.013 1.5
LCA-200 200 360 360 0.018 2.3
LCA-315 315 540 500 0.030 4.6
LCA-400 400 540 500 0.039 4.6

Sound Data
In the diagrams below is shown the sound pres- tenuation in a reverberation field in a room with
sure level LWA(dB(A)). The sound values are for absorption of 10 m2 Sabine.
room attenuation of 4 dB, corresponding to the at-

Pt [Pa]
Pt [Pa]
45 200
150 45
100 40 40
70 35 35
50 30 50 30
40 40
30 25 30
20 20 20
15 LWA [dB(A)] 15 LWA [dB(A)]
10 10

7 MBA-2-100-160 7

5 5
l/s l/s
15 20 30 40 50 70 100 20 30 40 50 70 100 150
m 3/h m 3/h
70 100 150 200 300 400 500 700
50 70 100 150 200 300 400 500

LCA 160 + MBA-2-100-160 LCA 200 + MBA-2-125-200

Pt [Pa] Pt [Pa]
200 200
150 150
100 100
45 45
70 40 70 40
50 35 50
40 35
30 40
30 30 30
20 20 20 25
15 LWA [dB(A)] 15 20 LWA [dB(A)]
10 10
7 7
5 5
l/s l/s
40 50 70 100 150 200 300 70 100 150 200 300 400 500
m 3/h m 3/h
150 200 300 400 500 700 1000 200 300 400 500 700 1000 1500 2000

LCA 315 + MBA-2-200-315 LCA 400 + MBA-2-250-400

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3.3 Cabin Units Products

Low-Pressure Supply Box type STB with Linear Diffuser

Linear diffuser type MTL with two slots

The Supply box type STB is for use together with Materials
linear diffuser MTL. The STB ensures that the dif- Attenuator box: Galvanized sheet steel
fuser gives an even pattern. Linear diffuser: Natural anodised
Guide vanes black
The STB unit comprises the following:
• Air spigot for connection to the air duct sys- The diffusers are as option supplied in any colour.
• Sound insulation, made of inorganic material The supply box is as standard available in 2 sizes
reducing the noise from the duct system and type STB for 2 slot diffuser and STB for 4 slot dif-
throttling valve to the requested sound level. fuser.
• Air capacity regulating device for adjustment
of the maximum airflow required. The diffusers are as standard available with 2 or 4
slots of 19 mm width. In the diagrams overleaf the
The MTL diffuser is used for: airflow is indicated each metre of diffuser length.
• Installation in any kind of ceiling.
• Vertical or horizontal air supply, the pattern
are changed easily by turning the guide vanes.
• Normally supplied in length of up to 2 metres.

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3.3 Cabin Units Page 45 of 46


3.3 Cabin Units Products

Low-Pressure Supply Box type STB with Linear Diffuser

Supply Box type STB




L + 56


Dimension sketch supply box type STB Dimension sketch linear diffuser type MTL

Slot Length L Slots A B C D


19 mm 0-1199 1200-1799 1800-2000 2 79 113 38 56

A B Ød No. Ød No. Ød No. 4 157 189 38 56
2 80 130 160 1 200 1 160 2
4 158 208 200 1 200 2 200 2

Sound Data
In the diagrams below is shown the sound pres- tenuation in a reverberation field in a room with
sure level LWA(dB(A)). The sound values are for absorption of 10 m2 Sabine.
room attenuation of 4 dB, corresponding to the at-

Horizontal supply Vertical supply

Pressure loss p t (Pa) Pressure loss p t (Pa)
200 200
150 150
100 100
Horizontal Vertical
70 70
50 50
40 40
30 30

20 20
15 15

10 10
7 7
5 5

MTL diffuser with 2 slots horizontal supply MTL diffuser with 2 slots vertical supply
Pressure loss p t (Pa) Pressure loss p t (Pa)
200 200
150 150
100 100
Horizontal Vertical
70 70
50 50
40 40
30 30

20 20
15 15

10 10
7 7
5 5

MTL diffuser with 4 slots horizontal supply MTL diffuser with 4 slots vertical supply

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