MSCCS - MANN - 8.5 - 03 - 02 - PRE BOARDING FAM FORM-new
MSCCS - MANN - 8.5 - 03 - 02 - PRE BOARDING FAM FORM-new
MSCCS - MANN - 8.5 - 03 - 02 - PRE BOARDING FAM FORM-new
All Ranks
Is the officer aware of his duties & responsibilities in accordance with the Company
1 QSEEMS? Officer is responsible & accountable for understanding & meeting the
standards of the MSC Code of Business Conduct of which he has received a copy.
Has the officer been informed of the company's policies, specially concerning Safety,
2 D&A, Social Media Policy, Anti Bribery Policy, Anti Fraud Policy, Conflict of interest Policy,
Whistleblower Policy, Anti-Drug declaration etc.
Has the officer been briefed about the latest additions/changes to the Fleet
Operation/QSEEMS Manual/Fleet Circulars/Notices
Is the officer aware of structure and departments in the Technical Office in Cyprus and the
names of the DPA and CSO?
Is the deck department officer aware of the importance the company lays on the proper
5 handling, lashing and care of cargo on board, care against hold flooding, and special
emphasis on hazardous & dangerous materials?
Is the Officer aware of the instructions and requirements for the care of Reefer containers
6 & the strict policy prohibiting the switching off of Reefers on board?
Is the Officer aware of the importance of strict compliance with MARPOL as well as the
7 company's Environmental Management System & Energy Management System?, ISO
14001 & ISO 50001
Officers are aware of the importance of reality based Emergency Drills and Emergency
8 preparedness as required by Company Procedures as well as the need for appraising &
improving crew awareness and performance in these drills ?
Officers understand the importance & requirements for compliance with Inspections (PSC)
and Surveys carried out on board?
Seafarer is trained & familiar with the procedures necessary for proper implementation &
compliance with the Maritime Labour Convention – MLC 2006
Is the officer aware of the Grievance Redressal /Onboard complaint procedure as per
MLC 2006/Local Administration/Flag State requirements?
Is the officer aware of Company regulations & procedures concerning completion of
contract period, family carriage etc?
Confidentiality to be maintained regarding all shipboard communications & strict
compliance with Company’s Social Media Policy & Cyber-security Handbook on board
Need to maintain discipline, need to act as a mentor and guide to juniors and to promote
harmony on board
Officers are aware that they should not be in possession of pornographic material of any
15 kind specially while travelling or in port. At no time should they be in possession of child
pornography which is illegal and punishable by law
Every Officer confirms that as per company policy, they will not make any detrimental,
16 hurtful or insulting remarks to any person on board or ashore based on race, colour,
religion, creed, or national origin.
Officers/Engineers familiar with the use and function of the Software installed on board
like AMOS?
Officers must obtain a Police Clearance certificate prior embarkation for vessels plying
USA and South America.
Officer well aware of Company’s Environmental Policy, waste stream management,
19 sealing arrangements, Colour coding, correct ORB entries (Part I & Part III of ORB) &
record keeping.
Officer familiar with requirements & recommended procedures/ record keeping as required
by regulations in force e.g. OPA-90, NPDES VGP, Ballast Water Mgmt,…..
MSCCS-MANN-8.5-03-02 09 JUL 2021 REV - 4 PAGE 1 OF 2
(continued….) California Clean Coast Act & California Vessel Emission Regulations
I have been briefed on the Coronavirus (COVID-19) Guidelines for Embarking and
21 Disembarking Seafarers, and will comply with all standard infection protection and control
precautions related to social distancing, self-isolation and hygiene.
Management Level Officers & Engineers
Have the Handing Over notes been issued to the officer & has he read and understood
the contents of the same?
Management Level officers well versed with the company's safety policy & procedures
23 and the need for toolbox meetings & risk assessment to be done prior to any work being
carried out?
Deck Management Level Officers familiar with CASP and aware of the importance of
24 confirming with the stability requirements & visibility criteria as per IMO criteria as well as
company requirements?
Management Level officers briefed on his duty towards the guidance and monitoring of the
on-board training of deck & engine cadets & trainees as required under STCW?
Officer briefed on the importance of take-over notes to be sent to Technical office within
15 days of joining ship.
Management Level Officers briefed on handling of crew and crew matters, overtime &
special payments like lashing O/T etc.?
Management Level Officers must set an example and develop Behavioral Safety Culture
amongst all officers and crew.
Master / Chief Engineer
Master/Chief Engineer briefed on the procedure to be followed in disciplining and
29 dismissal of crew members, and the importance of the 360°Appraisal Report on all
officers/crew to be sent to Mumbai office.
Is the Master/Chief Engineer aware of the procedure to be followed for the requisition of
30 spares, stores, provisions and bond stores as well as for the requisition of extra staff for
additional work on board?
31 Masters/Chief Engineers must maintain honesty & transparency on all shipboard reporting
with the Technical Office
Master must exercise utmost care in handling vessel specially during pilot age,
32 maneuvering in restricted waterways, TSS, berthing/unberthing, proceeding at minimum
speed while turning, approaching berth, anchoring etc
Master aware of the importance of food quality/quantity with regard to morale of the crew
and the need for mess committee meetings?
Is the Master familiar with the procedures to be followed regarding Accounting &
Store/Provision requisitions?
Master aware of the procedure of consulting MSCCS Doctor for medical advice in all
health matters?
Master aware of the importance of complying with ISPS requirements and maintaining
security & gangway watches in strict conformity with the requirements?
I acknowledge all above and declare that I am aware of my duties & responsibilities as required by
International & Flag State Regulations, as well as in accordance with the Safety & Quality Policy of MSC
Shipmanagement Limited.
Signed:______________________________ Date:_________________________