ARCH495-R1 Research-Compilation Nuà Ez

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Architecturally Psyched: The Best Possible Architectural

Design Alternative to Support Productivity and Mental

Well-being in a Residential Home Located at Barangay

Inayawan Cebu City

Submitted by:

Eiane C. Nuñez

Submitted to:

Ar. John Jeffer Manalo

Chapter 1

1.1 Introduction

COVID-19 has concerned a vast majority of the world, most especially

impoverished nations. However, its impact is not limited to the economic

matters and physical health of the society. It silently made its way to people's

mental well-being and productivity, which explains why a number of people are

getting anxious and depressed. Since an individual's mental health affects most

of its body systems, this matter is also correlated with people who gained

weight due to stress and binge eating.

A simple, efficient, and cost-effective architectural alternative that is

suitable even to people with financial inadequacy can be an ideal option for the

government to even design simple housing projects with such layout and

representation. This move can even change the architectural image of the

locality changing the architectural design standards of simple homes upgraded

to modern, cost-effective, support mental well-being, and productivity-boosting

residences. This can be done by improving the natural ventilation systems by

applying more passive cooling techniques, and adding more fenestration. This

allows the natural wind to enter the rooms with ease and can stimulate the

feeling of refreshment. Also, houses must allow natural daylight to penetrate

each room in the area. In this way, users in each room are bound to

accumulate Vitamin D even from the simple exposure of sunlight in each space.
In addition, the appropriate placement and arrangement of the spaces and

furniture must be applied together with the appropriate selection of helpful

colors and tones that support productivity and mental well-being. This will

enable the users to relax and moderate their feelings and emotions to be able

to operate well in their daily lives.

The feeling of being at home is something that people look forward to

especially when having a long day at their workplaces. Unfortunately, due to

certain common reasons such as financial inadequacy, some homes located in

specific areas in the country are poorly planned and incompetently designed for

such purposes. The plans and designs of residential homes should be as

important as any other area of one's life. This is because these matters

influence the user's productivity and mental well-being. Hence, simple, efficient,

and cost-effective architecture must be provided to supply people even with

financial needs, a good architectural alternative.

1.2 Problem Statement

Due to the restrictions that the pandemic has brought, people are

constricted to stay inside their homes. The feeling of being locked in gives an

ironic, anxious notion to some people who are even staying in the comforts of

their home. According to the hierarchy of needs, people must be able to

socialize and experience the external environment to develop and thrive in

society. However, the current status of the world is not allowing some countries
to do so and this includes the restrictions that are currently being implemented

in the Philippines. This is why this research aims to provide a design solution

that could help people be at home and feel at home without compromising

productivity and mental well-being.

1.3 Architectural Goal

The goal of this research is to provide a design solution alternative that is

sustainable, cost-effective, and efficient to users' productivity and well-being.

1.3.1. To provide a design alternative that is suitable even to the

inadequately financed families

- Gather information on efficient and cost-friendly construction materials

- Research on recycling effective materials to support the project

1.3.2 To be able to provide a design solution that allows users to stay

at home without compromising their mental well-being and


- Reintroduce the best possible plan and design layout for residential homes

- Appropriate selection of tones and colors to encourage mental well-being and

- Implementation of technology and other design strategies related to this


1.3.3 To promote the environmental awareness of the residents in

the locality

- Introduction of the architectural strategy to users to help them understand

the concept of the design and its benefits to the community and environment

- Usage of sustainable materials to lessen the number of construction waste

1.4 Significance of the Study

As this research aims to provide a design solution mainly for residential

homes, the following are the main beneficiaries of this article:

1.4.1 Averagely-income Families

One of the common reasons why people tend to live in an incompetently

planned and designed house is due to their financial capabilities. This is why

this research aims to provide a better design alternative that could help the

users design their homes to aid in their productivity and support their mental

1.4.2 Architecture Students

This research could somehow ignite the passion of other young and

aspiring architecture students to be a part of the catalysts of the community

and environment by efficiently performing their duties and responsibilities as an

architect in the future.

1.4.3 Local Government

This research aims to support the local government in their housing

projects in the future. The design layout and representation of these

cost-friendly and user-friendly residences might be used in the forthcoming

housing projects for the inadequately-funded households.

1.4.4 Architecture

This research article aims to bring a revolution in areas that has a lesser

chance to be developed. It aims to supply a design alternative for

inadequately-financed families to obtain an extraordinary architectural

experience even in the comfort of their homes.

1.4.5 Researcher

The research itself is also an advantage to the researcher to be able to

develop and grow as an aspiring architect. This research is treated as an

instrument for the researcher's breakthrough in her career.

1.4.6 Companies who offer work-from-home job opportunities

By increasing the employees’ productivity levels, companies also benefit

from their employees’ improvement. Making the productivity levels of the

employees rise, reflects a great impact to the company’s performance.

1.5 Scope and Delimitation of the study

Due to the current pandemic situation, the study is limited to the following:

(1) In-depth site information

Due to the current restrictions caused by the pandemic, the in-depth

information of the site is not completely stated. This can cause shortcomings

and possible significant defects to the research.

(2) Benefactors of the Study

Since the research is only done in a limited amount of time, the benefactors

of this research article are only limited to families and simple household owners.

This is because if the scope is extended, the duration intended for this research

might not be enough to perform certain measures to accomplish the study.

1.6 Assumptions

In this article, the following assumptions are described to be the basis of this


The lack of proper architectural planning and design decreases the coping

capabilities of residents who are already experiencing stress from school and


The local community is somehow ignorant of certain architectural concepts and

principles that could support productivity and mental well-being even in simple

residential homes.

1.7 Definition of Terms

The following terms are frequently used in this paper and are necessary to

be known for the readers to better comprehend the goal and aim of this

Zero Energy Design - A Zero Energy Building (ZEB), also known as a Net Zero

Energy (NZE) building, or a Zero Net Energy (ZNE) building, is a building with

net-zero energy consumption, meaning the total amount of energy used by the

building on an annual basis is equal to the amount of renewable energy created

on the site or in other definitions by renewable energy sources offsite, using

technology such as heat pumps, high-efficiency windows and insulation, and

solar panels. Wikipedia(2020)

Architectural Fenestration - the arrangement of windows and doors on the

elevations of a building. Google(2017)

Sustainable Design - (also called environmentally conscious design, eco-design,

etc.) is the philosophy of designing physical objects, the built environment, and

services to comply with the principles of ecological sustainability. Wikipedia

Chapter 2

2.1 Review of Related Literature

This research is a byproduct of being influenced by daily social media issues

about anxiety, depression, and student or work productivity with regards to

online class and work-from-home scenarios. Hence, these related literature are

the researcher’s resources to provide a better alternative in creating an efficient,

cost-effective, productivity boosting, and mental-health-friendly architectural

design solution.

2.1.1 Studies on Passive Architecture Techniques

Near-Zero-Energy Buildings in Lebanon

An online research article by Osama Omar, a faculty of Architecture, Design

and Built Environment in Beirut University highlighted the Near-Zero-Energy

buildings in Lebanon.

Building construction and the persistent use of fuel as the central source of

energy is believed to be the culprit of carbon dioxide emissions in the world

(Omar,O. 2019. Near Zero-Energy Buildings in Lebanon: The Use of Emerging

Technologies and Passive Architecture by Osama Omar. Faculty of Architecture,

Design and Built Environment. Beirut University). In line with the current
environmental status of the society, this research article aims to create a Near

Zero-Energy Solution to structures to be able to derive a design solution that is

sustainable, efficient and purposeful. It focuses on the reduction of the overall

energy consumption of the buildings and even stated three fundamental

concepts that define an environment-friendly home appliance. The three

fundamental concepts in defining an environment-friendly home appliance are

as follows:

(1) Global environmental consumption - deals with the amount of prevention it

allows pertaining to the current global warming issues including its effect to the

ozone layer.

(2) Resource recycling - encircling around the three R’s: Reuse, Reduce,


(3) Chemical Material Control - it refers to the chemical usage in

manufacturing that causes harm to the environment.

Aside from the three fundamental concepts concerning home appliances, this

research also provided a three-step approach that applies to high-performance

buildings literally referred to as follows:

(1) Reduce the demand for energy by avoiding waste and implementing

energy conservation measures (ECM’s).

(2) Use sustainable source of energy instead of using finite fossil fuels.

(3) Use the cleanest possible fossil energy as efficiently as possible.

(Omar,O. 2019. Near Zero-Energy Buildings in Lebanon: The Use of Emerging

Technologies and Passive Architecture by Osama Omar. Faculty of Architecture,

Design and Built Environment. Beirut University)

Lastly, the article also provided four principles that outlines a near-zero energy

building, as shown in the figure below:

This study is a part of this research because it is relevant to the

researcher’s goal which is to to protect the environment as much as the

productivity and mental well-being of the user is being concerned. Also, the

study is based on a country of partly similar weather conditions. Though not in

Asia, Lebanon is a country in the Middle East characterizing warm weather

patterns which is slightly similar to some areas in the Philippines.

Passive Design Strategies

Another online article on this matter is published by Marcy Marro at This article was posted on 2018 and it is about the

different passive architectural strategies to make a certain structure energy

efficient, thus allowing less electric consumption and fossil fuel extraction. To

increase the energy efficiency of a building, a variety of active and passive

design strategies can be incorporated (Marro, M. Passive Design Strategies.

sign-strategies.August 1,2018). Marro also stated that passive architecture

strategies does not only include cooling systems but also the passive heating

strategies to also accommodate readers from a different climatic pattern.

In the article Marro literally enumerated a few points in incorporating passive

design strategies in one’s structure.

(1) Building Orientation

(2) Daylighting

(3) Natural Ventilation

(4) Insulation

(5) Metal Building Products

Furthermore, as the article has been based on different people specializing

on such issues, the researcher decided that the points stated above will be the

main research checklist in making the design solution effective with regards to

incorporating passive design strategies.

2.1.2 Studies on Human Work Productivity

15 Ways to Increase One’s Productivity

An online article by John Rampton, an investor and entrepreneur in San

Francisco, California posted a briefly enumerated article entitled 15 Ways to

Increase One’s Productivity when at work. These 15 ways include allowing

someone to see and experience pleasurable things in sight. It may be indoor

plants, candles, flowers , pictures, or other elements that could help an

individual relax their mind and jazz up the place at the same time (Rampton, J.,2015.


Even not in the architectural field, Rampton is an entrepreneur making him

openly susceptible to stress and pressure when working. Considering his online

article as a valid experience of the matter, makes this research reference a

good example for the research itself.

This article is simple and yet very applicable in this research. It mainly

supported the researcher’s goal which is to help a residential user, a student or

a work-from-home employee to utilize their space more without compromising

productivity and mental well-being in their own homes.

How Workplace Design Affects Human Behavior

One article posted by HMC Architects dealt with the effects of the interior

atmosphere to human behavior. The article stated four fundamental concepts

that the firm believed in, in order to make offices more effective and welcoming,

as stated below:

(1) Understanding that workplace design significantly affects human behavior

(2) Considering office location and amenities

(3) Creating a productive and comfortable interior atmosphere

(4) Facilitate collaboration among employees and supervisors.

(Kreuger, J. Office Architecture Concepts: How Workplace Design Affects


5/. 2019)

The article also highlighted, “Office architects are moving away from

traditional office designs in favor of more dynamic and natural built

environments. When you take the time to create an interior space that feels

more natural, you’ll likely see a sharp increase in productivity and worker

In conclusion, as the article is published by an architectural firm

experienced in the field, this research resource is suitable and credible for the

research. The concepts stated will also help the formulation of the design


2.1.3 Studies on Optimizing Space For Mental Well-being

Optimizing One’s Space for Mental Well-being

Another online article published by Wendy Rose Gould, and reviewed by

Rachel Goldman, PhD, FTOS last February 16,2021 is a composition about

optimizing one’s space for it to be efficient and conducive for the user’s mental

health. Gould stated five ways to achieve a conducive and efficient space,

including sunlight. The article stated that allowing a good amount of sunlight in

a space improves the brain’s production of serotonin which is a body chemical

that is responsible for mood-lifting. (Gould, W.R. How To Optimize Your Space,2021.https://www.veryw

It even stated simple ways to add light to an individual’s space including

the placement of workspace near a window, placing a mirror for reflection, and

pulling back curtains to allow natural lighting at daytime. According to Gould, if

natural daylight is not available, the use of artificial bright lights such as LEDs,

halogen, or fluorescent bulbs are also good as a lighting alternative. In addition,

Gould stated that incorporating art in the space is a good way for it to be

mentally conducive. The incorporation of framed photos and colors can help in

elevating one’s mood.

Finally, clutter must be avoided in any way. This is because it influences the

user’s mood by creating a heavy and down atmosphere. (Gould, W.R. How To,2021.


Organizing and Mental Health

Kate Halverson, an author from Intermountain Healthcare wrote about the

effects of organization and disorganization to mental well-being. The article

was entitled with a big question starter, “Can Organizing Impact Your Mental

Health?”. A cluttered or disorganized workspace impacts your physical health

(Halverson, K. Can Organizing Impact Your Mental Health.

/live-well/2018/04/can-organizing-impact-your-mental-health/.2018). Though

the article is not mainly focused on architecture, it highlights the effects of an

organized workspace to a user. Halverson even stated the effects of the

opposite which is the impact of disorganization to a user.

Halverson stated quite a few number of good effects of organization

including that being organized reduces depression and anxiety, and makes one

more productive. She even included a number of tips and hints to guide

someone in order to optimize and make their space efficient and effective while

working at home or even in their own workplaces.

As stated, the article mentioned about elevating the reduction of

depression and anxiety, and also to the improvement of one’s productivity. The

article is a very useful research resource that will help in the formulation of the

design solution in this research.

2.1.4 Studies on Neuro-Architecture

Neuro-architecture: How do Buildings Affect Mental Health?

Leading researchers in Auckland University, Dr. Ali Ghaffarianhoseini, Dr.

Amirhosein Ghaffarianhoseini and Dr. Zohreh Doborjeh, created a study with

regards to the effect of architecture to people’s mental health. This research is

entitled as “Neuro-architecture: How Do Buildings Affect Mental Health?”. It is

an online research article posted in and was published

last October 11,2019.

The study stated that the researchers used Electroencephalogram (EEG)

and functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging (fMRI), technologies that are both
used medically to perform their extensive experiments. In the article, Dr.

Zohreh notes that:

“Neuroscience has significant potential to be applied in architectural and urban

practices to scrutinize the design quality and performance of environments

from the lens of psychology. It is now technically feasible to measure and

analyse the brain responses of users and interpret these readings to develop

design-related solutions.”

“For instance, by simulating building interiors and subtly changing variables

such as colour, light, smell, sound, or temperature, the engagement of the

brain in positive-negative responses is identified in order to create the best

experience within that specific environment. Providing a platform for

neuroscientists and psychologists to collaborate with architects and urban

designers during early design stages of built environments is essential to

highlight users’ mental health as a major concern.” (Ghaffarianhoseini, A. et.

Al. 2019. Neuro-architecture:How Do Buildings Affect Mental Health.


In conclusion, the study also articulated that ongoing research

collaborations are being made concerning the correlation between the

environmental performance of buildings (mainly on indoor thermal comfort and

air quality) and user’s mental health. This is a positive notion that various
people in the world are really curious and intrigued in the effect of architecture

to people’s mental well-being.

Neuro-architecture: Intelligently Designed Buildings

A few resources can be found when dealing with neuro-architecture. This

architectural method is an approach where design solutions are made with the

user’s mind in mind. In fact, there is even a book entitled Neuroarchitecture:

Designing with the Mind in Mind by Ian Ritchie. Unfortunately, the book is

primarily provided as a paid resource which is why we are lead to another free

for public use resource.

An online article entitled Neuro-architecture: Intelligently Designed

Buildings was published via connections by Finsa. This online article deals with

intelligently planned and designed buildings via use of neuroarchitecture. It

stated the origin and explained how the concept works in general. Also, the

article literally stated the different factors that affect and influence of

architecture to human behavior, including the following:

(1) Temperature

(2) Lighting

(3) Plants

(4) Colors

(5) Scents
(6) The use of curves

(Finsa. Neuroarchitecture: Intelligently Designed Buildings.

re/?lang=en. 2020)

In line with the concepts stated in the article, the researcher has found another

resource that is helpful and suitable for the formulation of the design solution.

2.1.5 Studies on Mental Health

Mental Health by Harvard University

Taking care of one’s mental health is an essential part of one’s life.

However, in some places like the Philippines, some find it to be a taboo and an

untouched issue due to some stereotypical mindsets in the past. Although

today, the issue has been brought mainly to the spotlight because of its evident

effects to people and work performance.

An article from Harvard Health Publishing was posted concerning about

mental illnesses and its symptoms. This research resource is purely not about

architecture but is significantly related to it. The article precisely stated

common different symptoms to look for when considering someone having a

mental illness, stated as follows:

(1) Feeling down for a while

(2) Extreme swings in mood

(3) Withdrawing from families, friends, or activities

(4) Low energy or problems sleeping

(5) Often feeling angry, hostile or violent

(6) Feeling paranoid, hearing voices or having hallucinations

(7) Often thinking about death and suicide

(Harvard Health Publishing. Mental

Considering the following symptoms in this research would likely make the

design solution a lot more credible, accurate, and effective. People’s mental

health must be taken into consideration and be brought to the spotlight in order

to be solved and spark a new significant solution to the society.

What is Mental Health?

Another online article written by Adam Felman, reviewed by Timothy J.

Legg, Ph.D., CRNP last April 13,2020 was about mental health. Similar to the

previous article, this article also stated the different signs when a person is

considered to be having a mental health issue. It also defined mental health as:
“Mental health refers to cognitive, behavioral, and emotional well-being. It is all

about how people think, feel, and behave. People sometimes use the term

“mental health” to mean the absence of a mental disorder.” - Felman, Adam

The article also stated the risks for mental health conditions and its

biological factors. It even stated the different mental health disorders

accurately stated below:

(1) Anxiety disorders

(2) Mood disorders

(3) Schizophrenia disorders

(Felman, A. What is Mental Health. April 13,2020)

Another online article in consideration is from an online website where it

claimed that there are existing studies that prove that high levels of mental

health increases learning, productivity, life expectancy, social skills and overall



Similar to the previous article, considering the following disorders and its

nature presented in the online article will make the design solution of this

research a lot more accurate, credible and effective for this research’s

Chapter 3

This chapter explains the methods as to how this research is done and the

treatment used to determine the results with clarity. This section mainly

describes the data to make it comprehensible and clear to the readers of this


3.1 Research Methodology

To effectively formulate a design solution, certain measures were taken in

order to establish credibility and reliability in this study. Therefore, questioning

on few selected respondents related to this research were asked to answer a

simple survey questionnaire with regards to the main concerns of the study. In

order to formulate a good result as to how architecture influences people's

productivity and mental well-being, a survey was performed online. The data

was gathered primarily through online survey forms and were answered and

sealed with the utmost confidentiality. An experimental data was gathered

since the survey questionnaires were provided with options and respondents

were only asked to choose from the given variables.

Other instruments were also used in this research, such as secondary

sources from other research studies, online articles, and online book references.

In addition, in order to perceive the site on which this research is mainly based,

a simple walk-through and documentation of the site have been included in the
process. Furthermore, additional researches from different sites were also

included to even formulate a better solution for this research.

3.2 Flow of the Study

This research proposal was made because of the researcher's personal

experiences with regards to the decrease of productivity levels and mental

well-being deterioration to some people including students who are enrolled in

online courses and people who are currently working from home. The proposal

was submitted and approved to proceed, and further processes were made in


A simple and concise questionnaire was distributed to no more than twenty

(20) individuals and personal information unrelated to the study was secured

for confidentiality. The survey serves as a baseline for the main goal of this

research which is to formulate a design solution that is efficient yet

cost-effective to a wide range of users. Furthermore, it is also to redetermine

the current state and preferences of the selected respondents. The survey was

designed and distributed to people who would most likely be a benefactor of

this research. The following are the selected respondents for this study:

- Students who are currently enrolled in online courses

- People who are currently working from home

A simple walk-through and documentation were also made at the site in

order to analyze and reconsider potentially unrecognized variables. Researches

on current possible solutions were also included in the process. In addition,

some local and national regulations were also considered for additional


3.3 Delimitation

Due to the current restraints and limitations, the scope of the study was

quite defined. The limitations of the research include demographic features

such as the number and type of respondents, and the additional inquiries to

even make the research a lot more credible.

To make this research even more conclusive, additional means such as

other on-site observations, first-hand experience, and one-on-one interviews

could have made additional resources. However, due to the current restraints

in time and physical gatherings, such procedures were disregarded. However,

still, a total of no more than 20 people responded to the online survey

questionnaire. As enumerated in the previous section, the selected respondents

are made up of the aforementioned characteristics.

3.4 Respondents

To even formulate a conclusive design solution, respondents of the

research must be actively related to the design problem. This is why the few

selected respondents include online students and employees who are currently

working from home. As mentioned in the previous sections, the respondents

answered a simple survey questionnaire, assuming that their responses would

make the research even more credible.

Chapter 4

4.1 Theoretical Background

This section of the research involves existing concepts from other research

studies that are significant in the development of this research. It generally

exhibits the general and specific matters of concern related in this research


Principle 1: Zero-energy establishments help in preserving

fossil-fuels used in energy power plants

Maximizing the efficiency of the design solution by applying almost zero

energy building strategies in the design project. This strategy simply decreases
the use of fossil-fueled electricity and uses passive or other sources of energy

as an alternative.

Matters of Concern:

1. Semi-solar powered home - Overall, the employment of solar energy in

an establishment is simply helpful in minimizing the establishment’s use of

electricity. However, the cost of such full-solar-powered-system is too

expensive and intangible to some people and would be in contrast to the

objectives of this research. This is why a semi-solar powered facility became a

solution in order to establish cost efficiency, smart future investment and

sustainability. In this way, the people and the environment both benefit from

each other.

2. Smart appliance selection - The selection of the correct appliance itself

affects the user’s usage of electricity. Appliances must be up to date and

manufactured for sustainability and efficiency (e.g. inverter refrigerators,

inverter air conditioners, etc.). Users must lessen the use of out of date and

conventional appliances to save electric energy.

Principle 2: Passive design houses are known to be highly energy


Passive techniques in architecture play a great role in the efficiency of the

user’s electric consumption. A smart and a comprehensive passive design in

architecture ensures a comfortable, conducive and a highly energy efficient


Matters of Concern:

1. Building Orientation - When planned comprehensibly, the orientation of a

structure can be a game changer in a design solution. Good orientation means

you get benefits like having a good amount of day lighting, and good wind

circulation thus improving the overall ventilation of the structure, just by

sharply positioning your structure in the right direction.

2. Building fenestration and other openings - The larger the openings of

a building are, the greater the amount of wind energy it accumulates. Thus,

making the whole facility energy efficient and highly effective for passive

cooling. However, such big openings can cause too much penetration of

sunlight and heat energy when other matters are not considered, such as the

building orientation or landscape/ vegetation placement.

3. Sharp landscape planning - Plants give off oxygen in general, thus

providing the environment a free cooling system. However, vegetation

elements including trees, plants and etc. must be planned accordingly to

eliminate instances where these elements block, hinder or obstruct day lighting

and wind circulation, making the structure inefficient and ineffective for the


Principle 3: Increasing the productivity of the employees increases

the performance of the company

The employees play a great role to employers, thus it has been proved that

developing and nurturing employees results to a better performance in

companies. Increasing employees’ productivity goes beyond team and

organization retreats. The design and room layout must also be considered in


Matters of concern:

1. Room layout - The process of space arrangement is at the primary stages

of design. This is no accident, because the layout of the spaces play a great role

in maneuvering the users of the facility. A comprehensive and logical way of

organizing the spaces, results to a great impact to the users in different

2. Open Planning and building height - The effect of an open planning

goes beyond the convenience of accessing one space from another. It often

affects the users psychological sphere by creating a feeling of openness. It

creates a comforting and relaxing atmosphere by being in a non-tight and open


3. Indoor Vegetation - When placed properly, landscaping affects the

overall impact of a building. In the same way, by incorporating vegetation to

the indoor environment creates a huge impact in elevating people’s mood and


Principle 4: Improving the interior atmosphere of facilities elevate

people’s mood

Interior design and furnishing has been a part of the architecture industry

for a long time and has been used to elaborate spaces distinctly from the others.

Also, interior furnishing does not just define a space but it also affects the users

in that zone, thus making such aspect vital in this research.

Matters of concern:

1. Lighting - The appropriate use of the types of lighting enhances the

productivity of people and the effectiveness of the room. The selection of the

appropriate light fixture and color may affect the atmosphere of the room.
2. Color scheme - Different colors play different roles in people’s psychology.

Each color represents a certain feeling, vibe and underlying mental command

to our brain that affects the atmosphere, our mood and our productivity in


Principle 5: Optimizing your space aids in improving your mental


Organizing things seems to be a helpful strategy in aiding to the

improvement of one’s mental health. Being organized elicits a different kind of

satisfaction that is in line to the human’s nature of wanting things to be in their


Matters of concern:

1. Clutter-free arrangement - Working or even simply staying in a

clutter-free space allows people to relax, think and be comfortable in doing

what they do, thus affecting their productivity. Thus, creating a clutter-free

design in the interiors like subtly placing things into a hidden cabinet or a

edge-free closets.

2. Minimalism - Limiting the number of one’s belongings can simply elevate

the organization of the space. Less belongings means less arrangement, and

less arrangement means less worries.

Principle 6: Disorganization also disorganizes one’s physical and

mental health

In contrast to the benefits of an organized environment, a disorganized

environment brings a vast number of drawbacks to people.

Matters of concern:

1. Regular maintenance - Facilities, inclusive of its interiors must be

maintained in order to ensure that it is functioning in good shape. Spaces must

be cleaned, maintained, reorganized regularly to preserve organization.

2. Filtered selection of design elements - Being selective and careful to

the selection of design elements helps in creating a less cluttered arrangement

and view. Consider a minimum number of decent and sufficient design

elements and keep the color scheme and design theme consistent.

Principle 7: Design solutions as a stimulant to mental health and


Design solution goes beyond aesthetics, proxemics and ergonomics. It also

affects people’s mental well-being and productivity through effective and

comprehensive design.
Matters of concern:

1. Mental health friendly design - The selection of appropriate design

elements benefit the mental well-being of the users, as these elements trigger

the nerves to send certain signals to the brain. This includes the appropriate

lighting, color scheme and furniture arrangement.

2. External facility resource - The consideration and inclusion of other

similar facilities that proved the effectiveness of a certain set of standards in

maintaining the productivity and effectiveness of people through design


Principle 8: Neuroscience incorporated as a new approach to


Quite a few number of related researches discuss the relationship of

neurology to Architecture. Studies claim that simple design elements and

approaches send trigger signals to the brain resulting to the different responses

given by the spectator.

Matters of concern:

1. Neuroarchitecture for socialization - This is the consideration of a more

elaborate and careful design to facilities relating to socialization. In this concept,

the proximity and relationship of spaces play a great role in users development

in productivity and socialization.

2. Neuroarchitecture to children’s development - Children are not

excluded in this project since they will also be a future beneficiary of the

research project. Their effectiveness and mental-well being should be

considered even at such an early age, because good mental development starts

from a a good foundation and nourishment during childhood years.

Principle 9: Mental health is an essential part of an individual’s life

The brain is the central command system of the body. It controls

everything including emotions and other physical activities in the body. Thus, it

is important to create a healthy environment that is beneficial for brain

development and relaxation.

Matters of concern:

1. Day lighting - An efficient use of sunlight enables a person to be

productive and effective all throughout the day. The body’s production of

certain hormones when exposed to sunlight enables the rise of productivity and

high mental health levels.

2. Ventilation - An efficient and comprehensive ventilation system is a must

in keeping the atmosphere cool and comfortable. A good air circulation inside
an establishment allows the users to breathe more oxygen, thus helping the

brain process and function well.

3. Design concept - The design concept must be clear,efficient and

comprehensive to avoid complications and misinterpretations to the spectator.

The design concept itself must be consistent in terms of design element such as

lines and curves, color schemes and furniture layout.

Principle 10: High levels of mental health elevates one’s productivity,

learning, social skills, life expectancy and overall behavior

Studies show that a healthy mind empowers a person to be more quick in

learning, social skills and overall daily performance. As mentioned over the

previous sections, mental health care goes beyond common external strategies

such as meditation and etc. Somehow, architecture also plays a significant role

in this process.

Matters of concern:

1. Space planning - Spaces must be planned accordingly and

comprehensibly in order to cater the brain’s need for organization. Spaces must

be of appropriate dimension in order to elicit a feeling of ease and comfort

which is very helpful to the mind itself.

2. Material selection - Being selective and careful in the process of material

selection is a great way to give off a certain atmosphere to certain zones in a

facility. Material composition must be considered to give off the appropriate

and correct material. For example, to elicit warmness and comfort, one can use

wood in every single element within the facility (e.g wooden floors, wooden

frames, wooden chairs, wooden tables, etc.)

Chapter 5

5.1 Desired Behavior

This section of the research displays the desired behavior, laws and

guidelines, and the related interventions in order to achieve the main objectives.

These programs and approaches are hereby presented by conceptual

frameworks, to show comprehensiveness and clarity to the readers.

5.2 The Site

5.2.1 Location and Description

The site is situated in Barangay Inayawan Cebu City. It is accessible

through national roads like the N. Bacalso Avenue Highway and from the Cebu

South Road Properties. Behind it, is a sports complex used by the locals in most

of their community activities. It is surrounded by neighboring house complexes

and common needs like food, water and recreation stalls and establishments

are located within the area. As for its topographical elevation, no significant

levels of elevation were presented as to the land belongs to a flat plain back in


5.2.2 Modes of Transportation

The site is typically a roadway connecting the Cebu South Road Properties

(SRP) and the city. In the locality, Public Utility Jeeps (PUJ) and Public Utility

Buses (PUB) are circulating in order to transport people to the city. For common

people, the site is practically accessed by PUJ’s and can also be accessed

through Private Vehicles. Public Utility Vehicles such as taxi’s and motorcycles

can also be a good alternative in reaching the area. Furthermore, there is a

specific roadway that connects the site to Tabunok, Talisay City which is also an

area for business and mercantile.

5.2.3 Weather and Climate

The site is typically a part of Cebu City. Generally, the city’s climate is

tropical dry and wet climate, which means that the city undergoes on wet and

dry seasons within the year. These conditions in the site is not a major

challenge in making the intervention. Due that the site is locally situated,

weather patterns are not that different and new to the researcher. However,
using this kind of weather pattern in the given site problems is expected to

draw a challenge in the formulation of the design solution.

5.2.4 Electrical Power

The whole barangay is relatively scheduled with their dues to the Visayan

Electric Company (VECO), since it is the main electrical supply store in Cebu

City where most of the locals entrust their electricity supply. By history, the

number of blackouts were reasonable since power interruptions only occur

when disasters happen, or when there is a scheduled power interruption


5.2.5 Water Supply and Distribution

The whole barangay is still relatively scheduled with their dues to common

water supply distributors such as the Metropolitan Cebu Water District (MCWD)

and the Adala Water Distribution Company. In the area, most of the

neighboring sites’ dues are relatively scheduled to the MCWD. The site is also

near a community river and surround by poso negros. However, due to safety

reasons, such water supplies are only used for other purposes except drinking.
5.2.6 Storm Drainage System

The site’s storm drainage system is fairly well-defined. Since the population

in the area is different from how it used to be ten years ago, the current system

is not as effective to the current needs of the community. In fact, a recent

outburst of the river in the barangay was experienced by the locals.

5.2.7 Solid Waste Management

As per the local regulations for waste management, the barangay is still

under the National Solid Waste Management Law (RA 9003) utilising the

CCAC-MSWI framework. This regulation is also imposed by the Local

Government Unit (LGU) of Cebu City. Locally, the barangay is dispersing huge

garabage bins around the area to accommodate garbage collection within the


5.3 Conceptual Framework and Details

To be able to present a comprehensible detail with regards to the approach

in in achieving the desired characteristics in each component, frameworks are

presented in this section.

5.3.1 Concept as to Architectural Experience

With the users in mind, the number one concern in this design project is to

elevate the Architectural Experience of every single user by achieving the main

objective stated in the introduction of this research study. User’s Overall Experience

To elicit the best possible architectural design solution, the users must be

able to perceive the effects and results of the solution itself. These elements

include the user’s overall experience encompassing the users’ level of

participation and inter-activeness to the provided facility in the establishment.

This can be determined by the direct relationship of the design

comprehensiveness, and interior furnishing and furniture layout to the level of

satisfaction from the user. The plan and the solution must be comprehensive

enough to suffice the needs of the users. Safety

Another is the safety of the users of the establishment that must also be

prioritized, to provide safety to the users while they spend most of their hours

in the zone. To satisfy this concept, interior wind circulation and the sizes of the

fenestration which should be adequately proportional to its room area. To be

able to satisfy this concept, standard calculation for window areas must be

considered. Functionality

In addition, the users must also be able to identify the general

functionalities of the establishment. The objectives must be delivered to them

through their personal experience. It must not be hard for them to identify

the spaces and they must be able to differentiate one space from another. In

relation to the functionality of the plan, the users must also be able to circulate

within and outside the facility freely and with ease. The facility must be

accessible, and convenient for the users with all the ergonomic elements

needed and its facilities and spaces must all be of proper placement and

correlation. Most importantly, its efficiency and effectiveness with regards to

productivity factors and mental well-being support must be clear and evident. Technology

Another concept under the architectural experience is concerning the

different technologies in mind for application in the design solution.

Technologies such as the use of passive architecture techniques namely,

passive ventilation and passive lighting solutions. Moreover, the use of

neuroarchitecture in order to satisfy the main objectives of this research. This

approach is critical in this research because it is the most relevant factor that

affects the objectives in this study.

5.3.2 Concept as to Design

Every designer must be able to give a design solution with a purpose and

with a great sense of effectiveness. This is why Design, as a whole is

considered as a framework because they play a major role in achieving the

objectives of this research. The effectiveness of each design element must be

prioritized in order to save time and effort.

5.3.1 Material Selection

The materials in the design solution should be carefully chosen in. Different

materials such as glass, steel and wood, expresses different atmospheres and

statement. Glass and steel directs sharpness and edginess, while wood

expresses warmth and comfort. In this research, having the right selection and

balance with regards to the materials is a critical aspect in attaining the main


5.3.2 Color Psychology

Different colors play different roles and express different characteristics.

There are certain colors used to boost productivity and effectiveness, and there

are also colors which help ease the stress in the brain, thus relaxing the mind.

Choosing the right color scheme and color palette is also considered crucial and

essential in the design solution because it is directly correlated to the brain.

5.3.3 Ergonomics

The knowledge as to how people move in a certain facility is an essential

part in planning. This is why, in this design solution, basic movements and
activity in a residential house and working place must be considered. It is

because the objective itself aims to incorporate both aspects which is beneficial

to work-from-home employees and even to students enrolled to online classes.

5.3.4 Proxemics

In order to establish clarify, definition and comfort, appropriate

measurements between furnishings and other design elements must be

considered. This is to give users ample space to move around and be

comfortable in certain activities. For example, the measurements for

workplaces at home must be appropriate for effectiveness and must be fit for

other activities at home as well. One element must not hinder each others’


5.3.5 Accommodation

This concept is slightly related to the concepts correlated to interior design

and furnishing. This refers to the atmosphere that must be expressed in order

to satisfy the objectives of this research. This can be achieved through the

proper use of colors, furniture, materials, and the proper layout of spaces and

5.3.6 Socialization

Socialization is good for the mental health and is also beneficial for

increasing productivity levels. Thus, social interventions in design must be

incorporated. This can be done by proper positioning of furniture and design

elements to encourage socialization between the users of the facility. Also, the

establishment’s overall socialization to the environment must also be

incorporated. This can be done by securing the whole perimeter for safety but

still expressing a warm and welcoming atmosphere to its exteriors.

5.3.7 Weather Conditions

The design solution must not be oblivious to the weather patterns and

climatic conditions of the locality. If such elements are pushed aside, the design

solution might be incompatible to the users and might cause them too much

damage in the long run. Before deciding on the sizes and placement of the

fenestration such as windows, orienting them in the proper orientation is a

good starting point.

5.3.8 Users Compatibility

The users feedback are considered when determining the effectiveness of

the design solution as a whole. The users must be considered in order to

establish compatibility and relevance. The background of the users is a good

component in determining the right spaces,colors, and other options to be

considered in the design.

5.3.9 Design Elements

Lastly, overall design elements must be definite, efficient and defined in for

specific purposes. Having a limited number of furniture and other design

elements does not crowd the area, thus giving the place less clutter. Moreover,

the theme for the design elements must be consistent or highly correlated, in

order to establish overall harmony and design unison.

5.4 Concept as to Socio-Economic Impact

5.4.1 Significance

Overall, the facility must be considered as a need and not just a leisure

option. It must carry a sense of importance for it to be considered important

and essential to work-from-home employees and online class students. To do

this, the design solution itself must hold significant factors like high

effectiveness and total efficiency with regards to the objectives presented.

Moreover, the benefit must not just be limited to the users but to the society as

well, this can be done by dispersing the information after proven effective.

5.4.2 Cost-Effectiveness

This concept is evidently included as one of the project’s objectives. This is

why this concept must be then evident to the formulated design solution. To do

this, options such as material selection and durability can be considered.

5.5 Concept as to Environmental Friendliness

5.5.1 Sustainability

One of the most important factor in this research is sustainability. The

materials and the overall construction of the facility itself must be done

sustainably for it to elicit a significant impact in the society. The solution itself

must be good for the users in the long run and not just a mere temporary

solution for the specific situations.

5.3 Laws and Parameters

To ensure that the facility is presented to the public rightfully, the project

must be based on certain bills and regulations. Below this paragraph are the

rules and regulations that are significant and necessary in the process of this


5.3.1 PD 1096 (National Building Code of the Philippines)

The law that states the minimum and maximum standards in constructing

or renovating any establishments in the Philippines. This law is only applicable

in the Philippines and is very important in this project. Specifically, the rules VII

and VIII are at an utmost potential of use.

5.3.2 RA 9514 (Fire Code of the Philippines)

The project prioritizes the safety and security of its users. This is why the

Fire Code of the Philippines is taken into consideration. This law encompasses

different rules and regulations that are related to the fire safety in building an

establishment. This also assures that the users in a future facility are well taken

care of even at the most dangerous times.

5.3.3 BP344 (Accessibility Law)

This law is taken into account due to its effect and outcomes on the public.

This law promotes the range or scale that the facility can accommodate.

Basically, the Accessibility Law promotes the diverse use of a certain facility or

an establishment. It allows all kinds of people able or with disabilities to use the

facilities with ease.

5.3.4 CLUP (Comprehensive Land Use Plan)

A regulation promulgated by the Local Government Units that encourages

planners to make the best use of any land or area. This document provides

guidelines and pointers that must be considered in order to allocate a certain

land to its proper spatial use. In this project, the location of the site must

adhere to the guidelines in order to provide an efficient facility in a properly

used parcel of land.

5.3.5 Zoning

In connection to the Land Use Document, this is a legal order that

mandates the proper use of land and the proper zoning of spaces in a certain

town or civilization. This is to ensure that residential zones are kept at a proper

distance from the industrial zones which may pose a certain amount of risk to

civilians and may also cause health issues. In addition it also helps in the proper

planning of the community to enable the best possible circulation and access all

throughout the area.

5.3.6 Ordinances and Restrictions

These regulations are orders from the Local Government Units in each area.

They may differ from one place to another and may or may not be applicable to

any other areas. This is because each place is bound with their own unique

assets of land, water and natural resources.

Chapter 6

6.1 Client Profile

This chapter presents essential information and detail with regards to the

clients or users involved in this research study.

6.1.1 Average-Income Family in Barangay Inayawan, Cebu City

The family involved in this research study is an average-income family who

can’t spend more than a million in the reconstruction of their current residence.

The family is currently composed of two academic students, one in Senior High

School and one in College. In addition, there are a total of four individuals who

are working to sustain the family’s needs. Two of them are professionals and

the other two are freelancers. Due to the restrictions caused by the sudden

pandemic, all of them had to stay at home and experience the decrease of

productivity levels and the deterioration of their mental health. Due to this, a

specific suggestion about home renovation by one of their family members and

was brought up. The suggestion included the factors that should be included in

the design process that aids with work productivity and mental health.

6.2 User Profile

This section presents the essential information and detail with regards to

the possible users of the facility.

6.2.1 Work-from-home employees

Due to the limits and restraints by the sudden pandemic, most people had

to work online. These are the employees who are bound to work partially or

fully at home as a safe alternative rather than often travels and working on site.
This group is one of the main concerns in the research, for they are bound to

work stress and sedentary lifestyle. Thus, the formulation of the design solution

with regards to productivity and mental health is an advantage for them.

6.2.2 Online Class Students

Similar to work-from-home employees, students were also restrained to

attend physical classes. This is why this design solution is still considered

advantageous to this group of users.

6.2.3 Averagely-Income Families

The client in the first place receives an average income to sustain their daily

needs. If this design solution is proven effective, the information will be

dispersed and replicated to some other similar-like familiies.

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