1.1.3 Statement of The Problem

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As the population of the country increases, so does the ratio for the growth of old agedpopulatio
n. Since the elderly group is still a part of the society, they are still one of the concerns
of thegovernment in providing a decent healthcare and assistance to their special needs such
as retirementhomes. In the Philippine setting, most of the existing retirement homes are generally
unsuitable for itstarget market and are lacking in some architectural aspects. Most of these
facilities are also located in

Architectural Design 9

Reimagined Community

Centered TUAZONEco-Therapeutic Retirement Home Complex
remote areas, which has negative psychological effects to the elderly by making them feel
isolatedfrom the community. With such problems, hence calls for a new and reimagined design
of a residentialcare facility that is more sustainable, therapeutic, adaptive and interactive to its
users and theenvironment. More specifically, the proposal shall aim to answer the following sub
problems:1. What is the significance of the design of retirement homes to the users?2. How can
architecture address the needs of the users especially the senior citizens onretirement homes?3.
What architectural solutions can be used to improve the conditions of the elderly onretirement
homes?4. What innovations can be applied and added to the development of retirement homes?
Howwill these innovations benefit the living of the senior citizens?5. Does the design and
environment of retirement home have a psychological influence to theelderly and other users?
Project Goal:
The main goal of this study is to provide a community-centered, self-sustainable environmentand
living for the elderly through a reimagined retirement home complex to accommodate the
seniorcitizens of the province of Bulacan.
The goal of the proposal can be achieved through the following objectives:-To identify the needs
and wants of the users that will be essential to the development of thedesign of the facility.-To
develop the design of the usual retirement home through reinventing spaces within thestructure
and supplying other functional areas.-To encourage community interdependence through
application of the concept of communityoriented design.

Architectural Design 9

Reimagined Community

Centered TUAZONEco-Therapeutic Retirement Home Complex
-To apply the concept of an eco-therapeutic environment that will enhance the physical,
mentaland emotional well-being of the elderly who are vulnerable and sensitive.-To promote
green living to its users through environment friendly and productive activities bysupplementing
innovations to a residential care facility such as small scale farming, and gardening etc.
-To provide a therapeutic environment within the interior and exterior of the facility usingnature
as the basic element-To enhance the resiliency of the structure through natural disasters by
providing-To provide supplementary spaces to encourage productivity and recreation among
the elderlywhich may involve livelihood and education-To bring the retirement home closer and
more interactive with the outside community-To use passive design throughout the complex that
will support the concept of green livingamong the users-To enhance the mobility and
accessibility of the complex to encourage independent living andminimal assistance for the
senior citizens-To provide a more integrated healthcare and nursing assistance to those senior
citizens whohave significant difficulty in daily activities
In Philippines where there is a little concern for such facilities, this proposal shall provide anew
concept and innovation in the design of retirement homes that will recognize and adhere more
tothe needs of the elderly. This shall be significant through a number of people by proper
application ofthe innovations presented; it shall develop into a more sustainable and effective
structure that will
benefit the users’ physical, emotional and mental well
-being. It can also provide a useful data to thegovernment or respective authority for more
appropriate response to user-friendly design of this kindof facilities. Moreover, this proposal
shall also serve as a guide to future research endeavors, as it willgive them information for the
development of the proposal.

Architectural Design 9

Reimagined Community

Centered TUAZONEco-Therapeutic Retirement Home Complex
Reimagined CommunityCentered Eco-TherapeuticRetirement ComplexSelf sustainable and Eco-
therapeutic environmentCommunityinterdependence andGreen livingResilient and adaptiveto
environmentDesign Innovations


The proposal shall include purely the architectural aspects of reimagining the design ofretirement
community and application of different innovations that will address the needs of the users.It
shall cover, but not limited to, providing new concepts such as sustainability and eco-therapy to
thestructure, and redesigning the interior spaces of such facility. It shall focus largely on the
senior citizenresidents of retirement homes in Bulacan.On the other hand, the proposal shall
mainly focus on the development of architectural designand it will not further discuss other focus
such as finances and estimates of the proposal.


Determine the present and future needs and capacity of the hospital withregards to the population of the city

Design and plan the hospital that meets the DOH classification byincorporating spaces to the services added by
the hospital to meet therequirements.

Planning the hospital on the premise of new circulation due to the therapeuticbased design of the facilities.
I.1.5 Significance of the Study
One of the functions of this research is to provide creative and technicalassistance to public hospitals particularly to
the Ospital ng Tagaytay. Determining thecurrent status of the general hospital can help identify the facilities needed
to increase

the service capability and improve the quality of health care of the hospital. The resultsof this study can be
beneficial in providing recommendations for the redevelopment ofthe hospital as a primary health care provider in
the city of Tagaytay. It will also serve asbasis for future designs of public hospitals for innovative therapeutic
I.1.6 Scope and limitation
The scope of the research shall be with the bounds of the design of the hospitaland integrating therapeutic
environments in the planning and designing of the facilities.The scope of the study shall also explore new
architectural designs, planning of spacesand study of behavioral circulation of the users in the hospital.The
assessment of the study was limited to 5 years of secondary data. Thelimitations of this research are the available
applicable designs and technology availableto aid in the healing process. The research is limited to architectural
solutions ofintegrating therapeutic environments in the design of the hospital. It aims to create andenhance the
design of spaces for therapeutic environments and not meddle withmanagement and procedural processes in the

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