Elsarticle JASR Template 20220312

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Advances in Space Research xx (2022) xxx-xxx


Type the title of your paper, only capitalize first word and proper nouns⋆
Given-name1 Surname1a,∗, Given-name2 Surname2a,1 , Given-name3 Surname3b , Given-name4
a Affiliation 1, Address, City and Postal Code, Country
b Affiliation 2, Address, City and Postal Code, Country
Received 1 May 2013; Received in final form 10 May 2013; Accepted 13 May 2013;
Available online 15 May 2013

Please type your abstract here, and the rest of the text, figures, tables, equations etc. in the main body. Please do not modify LaTeX commands
unless you need to modify them and know how to do it.
© 2022 COSPAR. Published by Elsevier Ltd All rights reserved.

Keywords: Keyword1; Keyword2; Keyword3

1. Introduction \availableonline{}
Please use elsarticle.cls for typesetting your paper.
Additionally, make sure not to remove the package jasr.sty 1.1. Subsection
already included in the preamble:
This is only a LATEX template if you need one. See the de-
\usepackage{jasr} tailed guidelines for manuscript preparation and submission at:

Make sure to have the file jasr-model5-names.bst to https://ees.elsevier.com/asr

produce the references in the correct format.
Any instructions relevant to the elsarticle.cls are appli-
2. Main text of your manuscript
cable here as well. See the online instruction available at:
You like to write, don’t you?
3. How to include a figure?
Following commands are defined for this journal which are
not in elsarticle.cls. Change the file name of the figure below with your own fig-
ure. And remember to change the figure caption too!
\finalform{} \begin{figure}
\accepted{} \centering
⋆ This \caption{Write the figure caption here.}
is an example for title footnote coding.
∗ Corresponding author: Tel.: +0-000-000-0000; fax: +0-000-000-0000; \label{fig:pendulum}
Email address: author3@author.com (Given-name3 Surname3) \end{figure}
1 This is author footnote for second author.

0273-1177/ © 2022 COSPAR. Published by Elsevier Ltd All rights reserved.
2 Given-name Surname etal / Advances in Space Research xx (2022) xxx-xxx

Table 1. Title of the table should be at the top

Column Name1 Column Name2 Column Name3 Column Name4
Parameter Name1 Value Value Value
Parameter Name2 Value Value Value
Parameter Name3 Value Value Value

5. Reference style

You can include the references in the main text file in

LATEXformat. Alternately, you can include a separate bibliog-
raphy file (refs.bib in this example) and run the following set of

pdflatex myfile.tex

bibtex myfile (no extension in this line!)

pdflatex myfile.tex

pdflatex myfile.tex
Fig. 1. Write the figure caption here.

3.1. And a table?

6. A sample entry in the bibliography file
Just replace the text/values in the template table below with
your own. You can change the number of lines/rows as neces- ==================
3.2. Equations author = {Newman, M. E. J. and Girvan, M.},
title = {Finding and evaluating community
Conventionally, in mathematical equations, variables and structure in networks},
anything that represents a value appear in italics. All equations journal = {Phys. Rev. E.},
should be numbered for easy referencing. The number should volume = {69},
appear at the right margin. number = {21},
S pg − min(S pG ) year = {2004},

S pg = (1) pages = {026113}
max(S pG − min(S pG ))
In mathematical expressions in running text ”/” should be used
for division (not a horizontal line). ==================

7. Acknowledgments
4. Citations
Acknowledgments should be inserted at the end of the pa-
Citations in the text can be made using per, before the references, not as a footnote to the title. Use the
\citet{NewmanGirvan2004} unnumbered Acknowledgements Head style for the Acknowl-
edgments heading.
for citation in running text like in Newman & Girvan (2004) or
Newman, M. E. J., & Girvan, M. (2004). Finding and evaluating community
for citation within parentheses like in (Vehlow et al., 2013; structure in networks. Phys. Rev. E., 69(21), 026113.
Newman & Girvan, 2004). Vehlow, C., Reinhardt, T., & Weiskopf, D. (2013). Visualizing fuzzy overlap-
ping communities in networks. IEEE Trans. Vis. Comput. Graph., 19(1),
Please use the actual \cite command in the text. Also,
please double-check the \citep command.

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