2015 EDITION: National Design Specification® For Wood Construction
2015 EDITION: National Design Specification® For Wood Construction
2015 EDITION: National Design Specification® For Wood Construction
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National Design Specification® for Wood Construction
Approval date September 30, 2014
Updates and Errata
While every precaution has been taken to
ensure the accuracy of this document, errors
may have occurred during development.
Updates or Errata are posted to the American
Wood Council website at www.awc.org.
Technical inquiries may be addressed to
The American Wood Council (AWC) is the voice of North American traditional and engineered wood
products. From a renewable resource that absorbs and sequesters carbon, the wood products industry
makes products that are essential to everyday life. AWC’s engineers, technologists, scientists, and
building code experts develop state-of-the-art engineering data, technology, and standards on structural
wood products for use by design professionals, building officials, and wood products manufacturers to
assure the safe and efficient design and use of wood structural components.
Copyright © American Wood Council. Downloaded/printed pursuant to License Agreement. No reproduction or transfer authorized.
National Design Specification® for Wood Construction
Copyright Permission
American Wood Council
222 Catoctin Circle, SE, Suite 201
Leesburg, VA 20175
Copyright © American Wood Council. Downloaded/printed pursuant to License Agreement. No reproduction or transfer authorized.
The National Design Specification® for Wood tion 2.1.2, relating to the designer’s responsibility to
Construction (NDS®) was first issued by the Na- make adjustments for particular end uses of structures.
tional Lumber Manufacturers Association (now the Since the first edition of the NDS in 1944, the
American Wood Council) (AWC) in 1944, under the Association’s Technical Advisory Committee has
title National Design Specification for Stress-Grade continued to study and evaluate new data and devel-
Lumber and Its Fastenings. By 1971, the scope of opments in wood design. Subsequent editions of the
the Specification had broadened to include additional Specification have included appropriate revisions to
wood products. In 1977, the title was changed to provide for use of such new information. This edi-
reflect the new nature of the Specification, and the tion incorporates numerous changes considered by
content was rearranged to simplify its use. The 1991 AWC’s ANSI-accredited Wood Design Standards
edition was reorganized in an easier to use “equation Committee. The contributions of members of this
format”, and many sections were rewritten to provide Committee to improvement of the Specification as a
greater clarity. national design standard for wood construction are
In 1992, the American Forest & Paper Association especially recognized.
(AF&PA) – formerly the National Forest Products Acknowledgement is also made to the Forest
Association – was accredited as a canvass sponsor by Products Laboratory, U.S. Department of Agriculture,
the American National Standards Institute (ANSI). for data and publications generously made avail-
The Specification subsequently gained approval as an able, and to the engineers, scientists, and other users
American National Standard designated ANSI/NFoPA who have suggested changes in the content of the
NDS-1991 with an approval date of October 16, 1992. Specification. AWC invites and welcomes comments,
In 2010, AWC was separately incorporated, re- inquiries, suggestions, and new data relative to the
chartered, and accredited by ANSI as a standards provisions of this document.
developing organization. The current edition of the It is intended that this document be used in con-
Standard is designated ANSI/AWC NDS-2015 with junction with competent engineering design, accurate
an approval date of September 30, 2014. fabrication, and adequate supervision of construction.
In developing the provisions of this Specification, AWC does not assume any responsibility for errors
the most reliable data available from laboratory tests or omissions in the document, nor for engineering
and experience with structures in service have been designs, plans, or construction prepared from it.
carefully analyzed and evaluated for the purpose of Those using this standard assume all liability aris-
providing, in convenient form, a national standard ing from its use. The design of engineered structures
of practice. is within the scope of expertise of licensed engineers,
It is intended that this Specification be used in architects, or other licensed professionals for applica-
conjunction with competent engineering design, tions to a particular structure.
accurate fabrication, and adequate supervision of American Wood Council
construction. Particular attention is directed to Sec-
Copyright © American Wood Council. Downloaded/printed pursuant to License Agreement. No reproduction or transfer authorized.
Copyright © American Wood Council. Downloaded/printed pursuant to License Agreement. No reproduction or transfer authorized.
Part/Title Page Part/Title Page
1 General Requirements for 8 Structural Composite Lumber ............................51
Structural Design ............................................................................. 1 8.1 General 52
1.1 Scope 2 8.2 Reference Design Values 52
1.2 General Requirements 2 8.3 Adjustment of Reference Design Values 52
1.3 Standard as a Whole 2 8.4 Special Design Considerations 54
1.4 Design Procedures 2
1.5 Specifications and Plans 3 9 Wood Structural Panels ................................................. 55
1.6 Notation 3 9.1 General 56
9.2 Reference Design Values 56
2 Design Values for Structural 9.3 Adjustment of Reference Design Values 57
Members ............................................................................................................ 9 9.4 Design Considerations 58
2.1 General 10
2.2 Reference Design Values 10 10 Cross-Laminated Timber ............................................... 59
2.3 Adjustment of Reference Design Values 10 10.1 General 60
10.2 Reference Design Values 60
3 Design Provisions and Equations .............. 13 10.3 Adjustment of Reference Design
3.1 General 14 Values 60
3.2 Bending Members – General 15 10.4 Special Design Considerations 62
3.3 Bending Members – Flexure 15
3.4 Bending Members – Shear 17 11 Mechanical Connections ............................................. 63
3.5 Bending Members – Deflection 19 11.1 General 64
3.6 Compression Members – General 20 11.2 Reference Design Values 65
3.7 Solid Columns 21 11.3 Adjustment of Reference Design Values 65
3.8 Tension Members 22 12 Dowel-Type Fasteners ........................................................ 73
3.9 Combined Bending and Axial Loading 22 12.1 General 74
3.10 Design for Bearing 23 12.2 Reference Withdrawal Design Values 76
4 Sawn Lumber ....................................................................................... 25 12.3 Reference Lateral Design Values 80
4.1 General 26 12.4 Combined Lateral and Withdrawal
4.2 Reference Design Values 27 Loads 86
4.3 Adjustment of Reference Design Values 28 12.5 Adjustment of Reference Design Values 86
4.4 Special Design Considerations 31 12.6 Multiple Fasteners 90
6 Round Timber Poles and Piles .......................... 43 14 Timber Rivets .................................................................................. 131
6.1 General 44 14.1 General 132
6.2 Reference Design Values 44 14.2 Reference Design Values 132
6.3 Adjustment of Reference Design Values 44 14.3 Placement of Timber Rivets 134
Copyright © American Wood Council. Downloaded/printed pursuant to License Agreement. No reproduction or transfer authorized.
2.3.2 Frequently Used Load Duration 11.3.6B Group Action Factors, Cg, for 4" Split
Factors, CD .................................................. 11 Ring or Shear Plate Connectors with
2.3.3 Temperature Factor, Ct ................................ 11 Wood Side Members................................... 70
2.3.5 Format Conversion Factor, KF 11.3.6C Group Action Factors, Cg, for Bolt or
(LRFD Only)............................................... 12 Lag Screw Connections with Steel
Side Plates................................................... 71
2.3.6 Resistance Factor, φ (LRFD Only).............. 12
11.3.6D Group Action Factors, Cg, for 4" Shear
3.3.3 Effective Length, e, for Bending Plate Connectors with Steel Side Plates...... 72
Members...................................................... 16
12.2A Lag Screw Reference Withdrawal Design
3.10.4 Bearing Area Factors, Cb ............................ 24 Values, W..................................................... 77
4.3.1 Applicability of Adjustment Factors for 12.2B Cut Thread or Rolled Thread Wood Screw
Sawn Lumber.............................................. 29 Reference Withdrawal Design Values, W.... 78
4.3.8 Incising Factors, Ci ..................................... 30 12.2C Nail and Spike Reference Withdrawal
5.1.3 Net Finished Widths of Structural Glued Design Values, W........................................ 79
Laminated Timbers .................................. 34 12.2D Post-Frame Ring Shank Nail Reference
5.2.8 Radial Tension Design Factors, Frt, for Withdrawal Design Values, W..................... 80
Curved Members......................................... 36 12.3.1A Yield Limit Equations................................. 81
5.3.1 Applicability of Adjustment Factors for 12.3.1B Reduction Term, Rd ..................................... 81
Structural Glued Laminated Timber............ 37
12.3.3 Dowel Bearing Strengths, Fe, for Dowel-
6.3.1 Applicability of Adjustment Factors for Type Fasteners in Wood Members.............. 83
Round Timber Poles and Piles..................... 45
12.3.3A Assigned Specific Gravities......................... 84
6.3.5 Condition Treatment Factor, Cct.................. 45
12.3.3B Dowel Bearing Strengths for Wood
6.3.11 Load Sharing Factor, Cls, per ASTM Structural Panels.......................................... 85
D 2899......................................................... 46
12.5.1A End Distance Requirements........................ 87
7.3.1 Applicability of Adjustment Factors for
Prefabricated Wood I-Joists......................... 49 12.5.1B Spacing Requirements for Fasteners
in a Row....................................................... 87
8.3.1 Applicability of Adjustment Factors for
Structural Composite Lumber..................... 53 12.5.1C Edge Distance Requirements....................... 88
9.3.1 Applicability of Adjustment Factors for 12.5.1D Spacing Requirements Between Rows........ 88
Wood Structural Panels............................... 57 12.5.1E Edge and End Distance and Spacing
9.3.4 Panel Size Factor, Cs ................................... 58 Requirements for Lag Screws Loaded in
Withdrawal and Not Loaded Laterally........ 88
10.3.1 Applicability of Adjustment Factors for
Cross-Laminated Timber............................. 61 12.5.1F Perpendicular to Grain Distance
Requirements for Outermost Fasteners in Shear Deformation Adjustment Structural Glued Laminated Timber
Factors, Ks................................................... 62 Members...................................................... 88
11.3.1 Applicability of Adjustment Factors for 12.5.1G End Distance, Edge Distance and Fastener
Connections................................................. 66 Spacing Requirements in Narrow Edge of
11.3.3 Wet Service Factors, CM, for Connections.... 67 Cross-Laminated Timber............................. 89
11.3.4 Temperature Factors, Ct, for Connections... 67 12A BOLTS: Reference Lateral Design Values,
11.3.6A Group Action Factors, Cg, for Bolt or Z, for Single Shear (two member)
Lag Screw Connections with Wood Connections for sawn lumber or SCL
Side Members.............................................. 70 with both members of identical specific
gravity.......................................................... 92
Copyright © American Wood Council. Downloaded/printed pursuant to License Agreement. No reproduction or transfer authorized.
12B BOLTS: Reference Lateral Design Values, 12L WOOD SCREWS: Reference Lateral
Z, for Single Shear (two member) Design Values, Z, for Single Shear (two
Connections for sawn lumber or SCL member) Connections for sawn lumber or
main member with 1/4" ASTM A 36 steel SCL with both members of identical
side plate...................................................... 94 specific gravity.......................................... 107
12C BOLTS: Reference Lateral Design Values, 12M WOOD SCREWS: Reference Lateral
Z, for Single Shear (two member) Design Values, Z, for Single Shear (two
Connections for structural glued laminated member) Connections for sawn lumber or
timber main member with sawn lumber side SCL with ASTM 653, Grade 33 steel side
member of identical specific gravity........... 95 plate........................................................... 108
12D BOLTS: Reference Lateral Design Values, 12N COMMON, BOX, or SINKER STEEL
Z, for Single Shear (two member) WIRE NAILS: Reference Lateral Design
Connections for structural glued laminated Values, Z, for Single Shear (two member)
timber main member with 1/4" Connections for sawn lumber or SCL with
ASTM A 36 steel side plate......................... 96 both members of identical specific
12E BOLTS: Reference Lateral Design Values, gravity........................................................ 109
Z, for Single Shear (two member) 12P COMMON, BOX, or SINKER STEEL
Connections for sawn lumber or SCL to WIRE NAILS: Reference Lateral Design
concrete........................................................ 97 Values, Z, for Single Shear (two member)
12F BOLTS: Reference Lateral Design Values, Connections for sawn lumber or SCL with
Z, for Double Shear (three member) ASTM 653, Grade 33 steel side plate........ 110
Connections for sawn lumber or SCL with 12Q COMMON, BOX, or SINKER STEEL
all members of identical specific gravity..... 98 WIRE NAILS: Reference Lateral Design
12G BOLTS: Reference Lateral Design Values, Values (Z) for Single Shear (two member)
Z, for Double Shear (three member) Connections for sawn lumber or
Connections for sawn lumber or SCL main SCL with wood structural panel side
member with 1/4" ASTM A 36 steel members with an effective G=0.50........... 112
side plates.................................................. 100 12R COMMON, BOX, or SINKER STEEL
12H BOLTS: Reference Lateral Design Values, WIRE NAILS: Reference Lateral Design
Z, for Double Shear (three member) Values, Z, for Single Shear (two member)
Connections for structural glued laminated Connections with wood
timber main member with sawn lumber structural panel side members with an
side members of identical specific gravity..101 effective G=0.42........................................ 113
12I BOLTS: Reference Lateral Design Values, 12S POST FRAME RING SHANK NAILS:
Z, for Double Shear (three member) Reference Lateral Design Values, Z, for
Connections for structural glued laminated Single Shear (two member) Connections for
timber main member with 1/4" ASTM A 36 sawn lumber or SCL with both members
steel side plates.......................................... 102 of identical specific gravity....................... 114
Values, Z, for Single Shear (two member) Reference Lateral Design Values, Z, for
Connections for sawn lumber or SCL with Single Shear (two member) Connections for
both members of identical specific sawn lumber or SCL with ASTM A653,
gravity ....................................................... 104 Grade 33 steel side plates.......................... 115
12K LAG SCREWS: Reference Lateral Design 13A Species Groups for Split Ring and
Values, Z, for Single Shear (two member) Shear Plate Connectors.............................. 119
Connections for sawn lumber or SCL with 13.2A Split Ring Connector Unit Reference
ASTM A653, Grade 33 steel side plate (for Design Values............................................ 120
ts<1/4") or ASTM A 36 steel side plate
(for ts=1/4")................................................ 106
Copyright © American Wood Council. Downloaded/printed pursuant to License Agreement. No reproduction or transfer authorized.
13.2B Shear Plate Connector Unit Reference 14.2.1E Reference Wood Capacity Design Values
Design Values............................................ 121 Parallel to Grain, Pw, for Timber Rivets
13.2.3 Penetration Depth Factors, Cd, for Split (Rivet Length = 3-1/2" sp = 1" sq = 1").... 139
Ring and Shear Plate Connectors Used 14.2.1F Reference Wood Capacity Design Values
with Lag Screws........................................ 122 Parallel to Grain, Pw, for Timber Rivets
13.2.4 Metal Side Plate Factors, Cst, for 4" (Rivet Length = 3-1/2" sp = 1-1/2"
Shear Plate Connectors Loaded Parallel sq = 1")....................................................... 140
to Grain...................................................... 122 14.2.2A Values of qw (lbs) Perpendicular to Factors for Determining Minimum Grain for Timber Rivets............................ 141
Spacing Along Connector Axis for 14.2.2B Geometry Factor, C∆, for Timber Rivet
C∆ = 1.0...................................................... 126 Connections Loaded Perpendicular to Factors for Determining Minimum Grain.......................................................... 141
Spacing Along Axis of Cut of Sloping 15.1.1 Lateral Distribution Factors for Moment.. 144
Surfaces..................................................... 127 15.1.2 Lateral Distribution in Terms of Factors for Determining Minimum Proportion of Total Load........................... 144
Loaded Edge Distance for Connectors in 16.2.1A Effective Char Rates and Char Depths
End Grain.................................................. 127 (for βn = 1.5 in./hr.).................................... 152 Factors for Determining Minimum 16.2.1B Effective Char Depths (for CLT with
Unloaded Edge Distance Parallel to Axis βn = 1.5 in./hr.)........................................... 153
of Cut......................................................... 128
16.2.2 Adjustment Factors for Fire Design.......... 154 Factors for Determining Minimum
End Distance Parallel to Axis of Cut......... 128 F1 Coefficients of Variation in Modulus of
Elasticity (COVE) for Lumber and
13.3 Geometry Factors, C∆, for Split Ring Structural Glued Laminated Timber.......... 167
and Shear Plate Connectors....................... 129
G1 Buckling Length Coefficients, Ke ............. 169
14.2.3 Metal Side Plate Factor, Cst, for Timber
Rivet Connections..................................... 133 I1 Fastener Bending Yield Strengths, Fyb ...... 173
14.3.2 Minimum End and Edge Distances for L1 to L6 (Non-mandatory) Typical Dimensions for
Timber Rivet Joints................................... 134 Dowel-Type Fasteners and Washers:
14.2.1A Reference Wood Capacity Design Values L1 Standard Hex Bolts............................. 178
Parallel to Grain, Pw, for Timber Rivets L2 Standard Hex Lag Screws.................. 179
(Rivet Length = 1-1/2" sp = 1" sq = 1").... 135 L3 Standard Wood Screws....................... 180
14.2.1B Reference Wood Capacity Design Values L4 Standard Common, Box, and Sinker
Parallel to Grain, Pw, for Timber Rivets Steel Wire Nails.................................. 180
(Rivet Length = 1-1/2" sp = 1-1/2"
sq = 1")....................................................... 136 L5 Post-Frame Ring Shank Nails............ 181
14.2.1C Reference Wood Capacity Design Values L6 Standard Cut Washers......................... 181
Parallel to Grain, Pw, for Timber Rivets N1 Format Conversion Factor, KF
(Rivet Length = 2-1/2" sp = 1" sq = 1").... 137 (LRFD Only)............................................. 184
14.2.1D Reference Wood Capacity Design Values N2 Resistance Factor, φ (LRFD Only)............ 184
Parallel to Grain, Pw, for Timber Rivets N3 Time Effect Factor, λ (LRFD Only).......... 184
(Rivet Length = 2-1/2" sp = 1-1/2"
sq = 1")....................................................... 138
Copyright © American Wood Council. Downloaded/printed pursuant to License Agreement. No reproduction or transfer authorized.
3A Spacing of Staggered Fasteners.......................... 14 13E Axis of Cut for Asymmetrical Sloping
3B Net Cross Section at a Split Ring or Shear End Cut............................................................. 123
Plate Connection................................................. 14 13F Square End Cut................................................. 124
3C Shear at Supports................................................ 17 13G Sloping End Cut with Load Parallel to
3D Bending Member End-Notched on Axis of Cut (ϕ = 0°).......................................... 124
Compression Face............................................... 18 13H Sloping End Cut with Load Perpendicular
3E Effective Depth, de, of Members at to Axis of Cut (ϕ = 90°).................................... 124
Connections......................................................... 19 13I Sloping End Cut with Load at an Angle ϕ
3F Simple Solid Column.......................................... 20 to Axis of Cut.................................................... 124
3G Combined Bending and Axial Tension............... 22 13J Connection Geometry for Split Rings and
Shear Plates....................................................... 125
3H Combined Bending and Axial Compression....... 23
13K End Distance for Members with Sloping
3I Bearing at an Angle to Grain .............................. 24 End Cut............................................................. 125
4A Notch Limitations for Sawn Lumber Beams ..... 32 13L Connector Axis and Load Angle....................... 125
5A Axis Orientations................................................ 35 14A End and Edge Distance Requirements for
5B Depth, dy, for Flat Use Factor.............................. 38 Timber Rivet Joints .......................................... 134
5C Double-Tapered Curved Bending Member......... 40 15A Spaced Column Joined by Split Ring or
5D Tudor Arch.......................................................... 41 Shear Plate Connectors..................................... 145
Copyright © American Wood Council. Downloaded/printed pursuant to License Agreement. No reproduction or transfer authorized.
1.1 Scope 2
1.2 General Requirements 2
1.3 Standard as a Whole 2
1.4 Design Procedures 2
1.5 Specifications and Plans 3
1.6 Notation 3
Copyright © American Wood Council. Downloaded/printed pursuant to License Agreement. No reproduction or transfer authorized.
1.1 Scope
1.1.1 Practice Defined Structural assemblies utilizing metal con-
nector plates shall be designed in accordance with ac- This Specification defines the methods to be cepted engineering practice (see Reference 9).
followed in structural design with the following wood Shear walls and diaphragms shall be de-
products: signed in accordance with the Special Design Provi-
- visually graded lumber sions for Wind and Seismic (see Reference 56).
- mechanically graded lumber This Specification is not intended to pre-
- structural glued laminated timber clude the use of materials, assemblies, structures or de-
- timber piles signs not meeting the criteria herein, where it is demon-
- timber poles strated by analysis based on recognized theory, full-
- prefabricated wood I-joists scale or prototype loading tests, studies of model ana-
- structural composite lumber logues or extensive experience in use that the material,
- wood structural panels assembly, structure or design will perform satisfactorily
- cross-laminated timber in its intended end use.
It also defines the practice to be followed in the design
and fabrication of single and multiple fastener connec- 1.1.2 Competent Supervision
tions using the fasteners described herein. Structural assemblies utilizing panel prod- The reference design values, design value adjust-
ucts shall be designed in accordance with principles of ments, and structural design provisions in this Specifi-
engineering mechanics (see References 32, 33, 34, and cation are for designs made and carried out under com-
53 for design provisions for commonly used panel petent supervision.
The quality of wood products and fasteners, and the All members shall be so framed, anchored, tied, and
design of load-supporting members and connections, braced that they have the required strength and rigidity.
shall conform to the standards specified herein. Adequate bracing and bridging to resist wind and other
lateral forces shall be provided.
1.6 Notation
Except where otherwise noted, the symbols used in CI = stress interaction factor for tapered glued
this Specification have the following meanings: laminated timbers
Acritical = minimum shear area for any fastener in a CM = wet service factor
row, in.2 CP = column stability factor
Aeff = effective cross-sectional area of a cross- CT = buckling stiffness factor for dimension
laminated timber section, in.2/ft of panel lumber
CV = volume factor for structural glued laminat-
Agroup-net = critical group net section area between ed timber or structural composite lumber
first and last row of fasteners, in.2
Cb = bearing area factor
Am = gross cross-sectional area of main mem-
ber(s), in.2 Cc = curvature factor for structural glued
laminated timber
An = cross-sectional area of notched member,
in.2 Ccs = critical section factor for round timber
Anet = net section area, in.2
Cct = condition treatment factor for timber poles
Aparallel = area of cross section of cross-laminated and piles
timber layers with fibers parallel to the
load direction, in.2/ft of panel width Cd = penetration depth factor for connections
As = sum of gross cross-sectional areas of side Cdi = diaphragm factor for nailed connections
member(s), in.2 Cdt = empirical constant derived from relation-
CD = load duration factor ship of equations for deflection of tapered
straight beams and prismatic beams
CF = size factor for sawn lumber
Copyright © American Wood Council. Downloaded/printed pursuant to License Agreement. No reproduction or transfer authorized.
Ceg = end grain factor for connections (EI)app-min, (EI)app-min' = reference and adjusted apparent bending
stiffness of cross-laminated timber for
Cfu = flat use factor
panel buckling stability calculations, lbs-
Cg = group action factor for connections in.2/ft of panel width
Ci = incising factor for dimension lumber Em = modulus of elasticity of main member, psi
Cls = load sharing factor for timber piles Es = modulus of elasticity of side member, psi
Cr = repetitive member factor for dimension Ex = modulus of elasticity of structural glued
lumber, prefabricated wood I-joists, and laminated timber for deflections due to
structural composite lumber bending about the x-x axis, psi
Crs = empirical load-shape radial stress reduc- Ex min = modulus of elasticity of structural glued
tion factor for double-tapered curved laminated timber for beam and column
structural glued laminated timber bending stability calculations for buckling about
members the x-x axis, psi
Cs = wood structural panel size factor Ey = modulus of elasticity of structural glued
laminated timber for deflections due to
Cst = metal side plate factor for 4" shear plate
bending about the y-y axis, psi
Ey min = modulus of elasticity of structural glued
Ct = temperature factor
laminated timber for beam and column
Ctn = toe-nail factor for nailed connections stability calculations for buckling about
the y-y axis, psi
Cvr = shear reduction factor for structural glued
laminated timber Fb, Fb' = reference and adjusted bending design
value, psi
Cy = tapered structural glued laminated timber
beam deflection factor Fb* = reference bending design value multiplied
by all applicable adjustment factors ex-
C = geometry factor for connections
cept CL, psi
COVE = coefficient of variation for modulus of
Fb** = reference bending design value multiplied
by all applicable adjustment factors ex-
D = dowel-type fastener diameter, in. cept CV, psi
Dr = dowel-type fastener root diameter, in. Fb1' = adjusted edgewise bending design value,
E = length of tapered tip of a driven fastener,
in. Fb2' = adjusted flatwise bending design value,
E, E' = reference and adjusted modulus of
elasticity, psi FbE = critical buckling design value for bending
members, psi
Eaxial = modulus of elasticity of structural glued
laminated timber for extensional defor- Fbx+ = reference bending design value for posi-
mations, psi tive bending of structural glued laminated
timbers, psi
Emin, Emin' = reference and adjusted modulus of
elasticity for beam stability and column Fbx- = reference bending design value for nega-
stability calculations, psi tive bending of structural glued laminated
timbers, psi
(EI)min, (EI)min' = reference and adjusted EI for beam
stability and column stability calculations, Fby = reference bending design value of struc-
psi tural glued laminated timbers bent about
the y-y axis, psi
(EI)app, (EI)app' = reference and adjusted apparent bending
stiffness of cross-laminated timber includ- Fc, Fc' = reference and adjusted compression
ing shear deflection, lbs-in.2/ft of panel design value parallel to grain, psi
Copyright © American Wood Council. Downloaded/printed pursuant to License Agreement. No reproduction or transfer authorized.
Fc* = reference compression design value Fvx = reference shear design value for structural
parallel to grain multiplied by all applica-
ble adjustment factors except Cp, psi
glued laminated timber members with
loads causing bending about the x-x axis,
FcE = critical buckling design value for compres-
sion members, psi Fvy = reference shear design value for structural
Copyright © American Wood Council. Downloaded/printed pursuant to License Agreement. No reproduction or transfer authorized.
K = angle to grain coefficient for dowel-type Rr, Rr' = reference and adjusted design reaction,
fastener connections with D ≥ 0.25 in. lbs
K = empirical bending stress shape factor for S = section modulus, in.3
double-tapered curved structural glued
Seff = effective section modulus for cross-
laminated timber
laminated timber, in3/ft of panel width
L = span length of bending member, ft
T = temperature, F
L = distance between points of lateral support
V = shear force, lbs
of compression member, ft
Vr, Vr' = reference and adjusted design shear, lbs
Lc = length from tip of pile to critical section, ft
W, W' = reference and adjusted withdrawal design
M = maximum bending moment, in.-lbs
value for fastener, lbs per inch of penetra-
Mr, Mr' = reference and adjusted design moment, tion
Z, Z' = reference and adjusted lateral design
N, N' = reference and adjusted lateral design value for a single fastener connection, lbs
value at an angle to grain for a single split
ZGT' = adjusted group tear-out capacity of a
ring connector unit or shear plate con-
group of fasteners, lbs
nector unit, lbs
ZNT' = adjusted tension capacity of net section
P = total concentrated load or total axial load,
area, lbs
ZRT' = adjusted row tear-out capacity of multiple
P, P' = reference and adjusted lateral design
rows of fasteners, lbs
value parallel to grain for a single split ring
connector unit or shear plate connector ZRTi' = adjusted row tear-out capacity of a row of
unit, lbs fasteners, lbs
Pr = parallel to grain reference timber rivet Z|| = reference lateral design value for a single
capacity, lbs dowel-type fastener connection with all
wood members loaded parallel to grain,
Pw = parallel to grain reference wood capacity
for timber rivets, lbs
Zm = reference lateral design value for a single
Q = statical moment of an area about the
dowel-type fastener wood-to-wood connec-
neutral axis, in.3
tion with main member loaded perpendic-
Q, Q' = reference and adjusted lateral design ular to grain and side member loaded
value perpendicular to grain for a single parallel to grain, lbs
split ring connector unit or shear plate
Zs = reference lateral design value for a single
connector unit, lbs
dowel-type fastener wood-to-wood connec-
Qr = perpendicular to grain reference timber tion with main member loaded parallel to
rivet capacity, lbs grain and side member loaded perpendic-
ular to grain, lbs
Qw = perpendicular to grain reference wood
capacity for timber rivets, lbs Z = reference lateral design value for a single
dowel-type fastener wood-to-wood, wood-
R = radius of curvature of inside face of
to-metal, or wood-to-concrete connection
structural glued laminated timber mem-
with wood member(s) loaded perpendicu-
ber, in.
lar to grain, lbs
RB = slenderness ratio of bending member
Zα' = adjusted design value for dowel-type
Rd = reduction term for dowel-type fastener fasteners subjected to combined lateral
connections and withdrawal loading, lbs
Rm = radius of curvature at center line of a = support condition factor for tapered
structural glued laminated timber mem- columns
ber, in
achar = effective char depth, in
Copyright © American Wood Council. Downloaded/printed pursuant to License Agreement. No reproduction or transfer authorized.
ap = minimum end distance load parallel to eq = minimum edge distance loaded edge for
grain for timber rivet joints, in. timber rivet joints, in.
aq = minimum end distance load perpendicular fb = actual bending stress, psi
to grain for timber rivet joints, in.
fb1 = actual edgewise bending stress, psi
de = depth of double-tapered curved structural ha = vertical distance from the top of the
glued laminated timber bending member double-tapered curved structural glued
at ends, in. laminated timber supports to the beam
apex, in.
de = depth at the small end of a tapered
straight structural glued laminated timber hlam = lamination thickness (in.) for cross-
bending member, in. laminated timber
dequiv = depth of an equivalent prismatic structural = span length of bending member, in.
glued laminated timber member, in.
= distance between points of lateral support
dmax = the maximum dimension for that face of a of compression member, in.
tapered column, in.
b = bearing length, in.
dmin = the minimum dimension for that face of a
c = clear span, in.
tapered column, in.
c = length between tangent points for double-
dn = depth of member remaining at a notch
tapered curved structural glued laminated
measured perpendicular to the length of
timber members, in.
the member, in.
e = effective span length of bending member,
dy = depth of structural glued laminated timber
parallel to the wide face of the laminations
when loaded in bending about the y-y axis, e = effective length of compression member,
in. in.
u = laterally unsupported span length of x = distance from beam support face to load,
bending member, in. in.
3 = distance from center of spacer block to LT = immediate deflection due to the long-term
centroid of group of split ring or shear component of the design load, in.
plate connectors in end block for a spaced
ST = deflection due to the short-term or normal
column, in.
component of the design load, in.
m.c. = moisture content based on oven-dry
T = total deflection from long-term and short-
weight of wood, %
term loading, in.
n = number of fasteners in a row
c = vertical deflection at mid-span of double-
nlam = number of laminations charred (rounded tapered curved structural glued laminated
to lowest integer) for cross-laminated tim- timber members, in.
α = angle between the wood surface and the
nR = number of rivet rows direction of applied load for dowel-type
fasteners subjected to combined lateral
nc = number of rivets per row
and withdrawal loading, degrees
ni = number of fasteners in a row
eff = effective char rate (in./hr.) adjusted for
nrow = number of rows of fasteners exposure time, t
p = length of fastener penetration into wood n = nominal char rate (in./hr.), linear char rate
member, in. based on 1-hour exposure
pmin = minimum length of fastener penetration = load/slip modulus for a connection, lbs/in.
into wood member, in.
= time effect factor
pt = length of fastener penetration into wood
= angle of taper on the compression or
member for withdrawal calculations, in.
tension face of structural glued laminated
r = radius of gyration, in. timber members, degrees
s = center-to-center spacing between adjacent = angle between the direction of load and
fasteners in a row, in. the direction of grain (longitudinal axis of
member) for split ring or shear plate con-
scritical = minimum spacing taken as the lesser of
nector design, degrees
the end distance or the spacing between
fasteners in a row, in. = resistance factor
sp = spacing between rivets parallel to grain, B = angle of soffit slope at the ends of double-
in. tapered curved structural glued laminated
timber member, degrees
sq = spacing between rivets perpendicular to
grain, in. T = angle of roof slope of double-tapered
curved structural glued laminated timber
t = thickness, in.
member, degrees
t = exposure time, hrs.
= uniformly distributed load, lbs/in.
tgi = time for char front to reach glued interface
(hr.) for cross-laminated timber
tm = thickness of main member, in.
ts = thickness of side member, in.
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2.1 General 10
2.2 Reference Design Values 10
2.3 Adjustment of Reference Design Values 10
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2.1 General
2.1.1 General Requirement 2.1.2 Responsibility of Designer to Adjust
for Conditions of Use
Each wood structural member or connection shall
be of sufficient size and capacity to carry the applied Adjusted design values for wood members and con-
loads without exceeding the adjusted design values nections in particular end uses shall be appropriate for
specified herein. the conditions under which the wood is used, taking into For ASD, calculation of adjusted design val- account the differences in wood strength properties with
ues shall be determined using applicable ASD adjust- different moisture contents, load durations, and types of
ment factors specified herein. treatment. Common end use conditions are addressed in For LRFD, calculation of adjusted design this Specification. It shall be the final responsibility of
values shall be determined using applicable LRFD ad- the designer to relate design assumptions and reference
justment factors specified herein. design values, and to make design value adjustments
appropriate to the end use.
Reference design values shall be multiplied by the For LRFD, reference design values shall be multi-
temperature factors, Ct, in Table 2.3.3 for structural plied by the time effect factor, , specified in Appendix
members that will experience sustained exposure to ele- N.3.3. The time effect factor, , shall not apply for de-
vated temperatures up to 150°F (see Appendix C). signs in accordance with ASD methods specified herein.
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Application Property KF
Member Fb 2.54
Ft 2.70
Fv, Frt, Fs 2.88
Fc 2.40
Fc 1.67
Emin 1.76
All Connections (all design values) 3.32
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3.1 General 14
3.2 Bending Members – General 15
3.3 Bending Members – Flexure 15
3.4 Bending Members – Shear 17
3.5 Bending Members – Deflection 19
3.6 Compression Members – General 20
3.7 Solid Columns 21
3.8 Tension Members 22
3.9 Combined Bending and Axial Loading 22
3.10 Design for Bearing 23
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3.1 General
3.1.1 Scope critical section if the parallel to grain spacing between
connectors in adjacent rows is less than or equal to one
Chapter 3 establishes general design provisions that connector diameter (see Figure 3A).
apply to all wood structural members and connections
Figure 3B Net Cross Section at a Split Ring
covered under this Specification. Each wood structural
or Shear Plate Connection
member or connection shall be of sufficient size and
capacity to carry the applied loads without exceeding
the adjusted design values specified herein. Reference
design values and specific design provisions applicable
to particular wood products or connections are given in
other Chapters of this Specification.
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For simple, continuous and cantilevered bending Bending members shall not be notched ex-
members, the span shall be taken as the distance from cept as permitted by 4.4.3, 5.4.5, 7.4.4, and 8.4.1. A
face to face of supports, plus ½ the required bearing gradual taper cut from the reduced depth of the member
length at each end. to the full depth of the member in lieu of a square- 3
cornered notch reduces stress concentrations.
3.2.2 Lateral Distribution of Concentrated The stiffness of a bending member, as de-
Load termined from its cross section, is practically unaffected
The actual bending stress or moment shall not ex- When the depth of a bending member does
ceed the adjusted bending design value. not exceed its breadth, d b, no lateral support is re-
quired and CL = 1.0.
3.3.2 Flexural Design Equations When rectangular sawn lumber bending
members are laterally supported in accordance with The actual bending stress induced by a 4.4.1, CL = 1.0.
bending moment, M, is calculated as follows: When the compression edge of a bending
member is supported throughout its length to prevent
Mc M (3.3-1)
fb lateral displacement, and the ends at points of bearing
I S have lateral support to prevent rotation, CL = 1.0.
For a rectangular bending member of breadth, b, Where the depth of a bending member ex-
and depth, d, this becomes: ceeds its breadth, d > b, lateral support shall be provid-
ed at points of bearing to prevent rotation. When such
M 6M (3.3-2)
b lateral support is provided at points of bearing, but no
S bd2 additional lateral support is provided throughout the For solid rectangular bending members with length of the bending member, the unsupported length,
the neutral axis perpendicular to depth at center: u, is the distance between such points of end bearing,
or the length of a cantilever. When a bending member
bd3 (3.3-3)
I moment of inertia, in.4 is provided with lateral support to prevent rotation at
12 intermediate points as well as at the ends, the unsup-
I bd2 (3.3-4) ported length, u, is the distance between such points of
S section modulus, in.3
c 6 intermediate lateral support. The effective span length, e, for single span
or cantilever bending members shall be determined in
accordance with Table 3.3.3.
Copyright © American Wood Council. Downloaded/printed pursuant to License Agreement. No reproduction or transfer authorized.
1. For single span or cantilever bending members with loading conditions not specified in Table 3.3.3:
= 2.06 u where u/d < 7
= 1.63 u + 3d where 7 u/d 14.3
= 1.84 u where u/d > 14.3
2. Multiple span applications shall be based on table values or engineering analysis.
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(b) The largest single moving load shall be placed stress parallel to grain nearly to that computed
at a distance from the support equal to the for an unnotched bending member with a depth
depth of the bending member, keeping other of dn.
loads in their normal relation and neglecting (e) When a bending member is notched on the
any load within a distance from a support equal compression face at the end as shown in Figure
to the depth of the bending member. This con- 3D, the adjusted design shear, Vr', shall be cal-
dition shall be checked at each support. culated as follows:
(c) With two or more moving loads of about equal
weight and in proximity, loads shall be placed 2 d dn
in the position that produces the highest shear
Vr Fv b d e (3.4-5)
3 dn
force, V, neglecting any load within a distance
from a support equal to the depth of the bend- where:
ing member. For notched bending members, shear force, e = the distance the notch extends from the inner
V, shall be determined by principles of engineering me- edge of the support and must be less than or
chanics (except those given in equal to the depth remaining at the notch, e
(a) For bending members with rectangular cross dn. If e > dn, dn shall be used to calculate fv
section and notched on the tension face (see using Equation 3.4-2, in.
3.2.3), the adjusted design shear, Vr', shall be
calculated as follows: dn = depth of member remaining at a notch meet-
ing the provisions of 3.2.3, measured per-
2 d pendicular to length of member. If the end of
Vr Fvbdn n (3.4-3)
3 d the beam is beveled, as shown by the dashed
line in Figure 3D, dn is measured from the in-
where: ner edge of the support, in.
d = depth of unnotched bending member, in. Figure 3D Bending Member End-Notched on
dn = depth of member remaining at a notch Compression Face
measured perpendicular to length of mem-
ber, in.
= 2.0 for structural glued laminated timber = 2.0 for cross-laminated timber used in dry
used in wet service conditions as defined in service conditions as defined in 10.1.5.
LT = immediate deflection due to the long-term
= 2.0 for wood structural panels used in dry component of the design load, in.
service conditions as defined in 9.1.4.
ST = deflection due to the short-term or normal
= 2.0 for unseasoned lumber or for seasoned component of the design load, in.
lumber used in wet service conditions as de-
fined in 4.1.4.
3.7 Solid Columns
The actual tension stress or force parallel to grain Designs that induce tension stress perpendicular to
shall be based on the net section area (see 3.1.2) and grain shall be avoided whenever possible (see Refer-
shall not exceed the adjusted tension design value. ences 16 and 19). When tension stress perpendicular to
grain cannot be avoided, mechanical reinforcement suf-
ficient to resist all such stresses shall be considered (see
References 52 and 53 for additional information).
fb ft
1.0 (3.9-2)
3.9.2 Bending and Axial Compression
Members subjected to a combination of bending
Fb* = reference bending design value multiplied by about one or both principal axes and axial compression
all applicable adjustment factors except C L, (see Figure 3H) shall be so proportioned that:
psi 2
f fb1
Fb** = reference bending design value multiplied by c
all applicable adjustment factors except CV, Fc Fb1 1 fc FcE1
psi fb2
1.0 (3.9-3)
Fb2 1 fc FcE2 fb1 FbE
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1.20 E
fb1 FbE 2min for biaxial bending
(RB )
fb1 = actual edgewise bending stress (bending load
applied to narrow face of member) , psi
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3.10.3 Bearing at an Angle to Grain Equation 3.10-2 gives the following bearing area
factors, Cb, for the indicated bearing length on such
The adjusted bearing design value at an angle to small areas as plates and washers:
grain (see Figure 3I and Appendix J) shall be calculated
as follows:
Table 3.10.4 Bearing Area Factors, Cb
F Fc
F c
0.5" 1" 1.5" 2" 3" 4" 6" or more
Fc* sin2 Fc cos2 b
Cb 1.75 1.38 1.25 1.19 1.13 1.10 1.00
= angle between direction of load and direction For round bearing areas such as washers, the bear-
of grain (longitudinal axis of member), de- ing length, b, shall be equal to the diameter.
Figure 3 Bearing at an Angle to Grain
3.10.4 Bearing Area Factor, Cb
b = bearing length measured parallel to grain, in.
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4.1 General 26
4.2 Reference Design Values 27
4.3 Adjustment of Reference Design
Values 28
4.4 Special Design Considerations 31
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4.1 General
4.1.1 Scope application in the flatwise direction, with the wide face
of the decking in contact with the supporting members,
Chapter 4 applies to engineering design with sawn as normally installed.
lumber. Design procedures, reference design values,
and other information herein apply only to lumber 4.1.4 Moisture Service Condition of Lumber
complying with the requirements specified below.
The reference design values for lumber specified
4.1.2 Identification of Lumber herein are applicable to lumber that will be used under
dry service conditions such as in most covered struc- When the reference design values specified tures, where the moisture content in use will be a maxi-
herein are used, the lumber, including end-jointed or mum of 19%, regardless of the moisture content at the
edge-glued lumber, shall be identified by the grade time of manufacture. For lumber used under conditions
mark of, or certificate of inspection issued by, a lumber where the moisture content of the wood in service will
grading or inspection bureau or agency recognized as exceed 19% for an extended period of time, the design
being competent (see Reference 31). A distinct grade values shall be multiplied by the wet service factors, CM,
mark of a recognized lumber grading or inspection bu- specified in Tables 4A, 4B, 4C, 4D, 4E, and 4F.
reau or agency, indicating that joint integrity is subject
to qualification and quality control, shall be applied to 4.1.5 Lumber Sizes
glued lumber products. Lumber shall be specified by commercial Lumber sizes referred to in this Specifica-
species and grade names, or by required levels of de- tion are nominal sizes. Computations to determine the
sign values as listed in Tables 4A, 4B, 4C, 4D, 4E, and required sizes of members shall be based on the net
4F (published in the Supplement to this Specification). dimensions (actual sizes) and not the nominal sizes.
The dressed sizes specified in Reference 31 shall be
4.1.3 Definitions accepted as the minimum net sizes associated with
nominal dimensions (see Table 1A in the Supplement Structural sawn lumber consists of lumber to this Specification).
classifications known as “Dimension,” “Beams and For 4" (nominal) or thinner lumber, the net
Stringers,” “Posts and Timbers,” and “Decking,” with DRY dressed sizes shall be used in all computations of
design values assigned to each grade. structural capacity regardless of the moisture content at “Dimension” refers to lumber from 2" to 4" the time of manufacture or use.
(nominal) thick, and 2" (nominal) or more in width. For 5" (nominal) and thicker lumber, the net
Dimension lumber is further classified as Structural GREEN dressed sizes shall be used in computations of
Light Framing, Light Framing, Studs, and Joists and structural capacity regardless of the moisture content at
Planks (see References 42, 43, 44, 45, 46, 47, and 49 the time of manufacture or use.
for additional information). Where a design is based on rough sizes or “Beams and Stringers” refers to lumber of special sizes, the applicable moisture content and size
rectangular cross section, 5" (nominal) or more thick, used in design shall be clearly indicated in plans or
with width more than 2" greater than thickness, graded specifications.
with respect to its strength in bending when loaded on
the narrow face. 4.1.6 End-Jointed or Edge-Glued Lumber “Posts and Timbers” refers to lumber of
square or approximately square cross section, 5" x 5" Reference design values for sawn lumber are appli-
(nominal) and larger, with width not more than 2" cable to structural end-jointed or edge-glued lumber of
greater than thickness, graded primarily for use as posts the same species and grade. Such use shall include, but
or columns carrying longitudinal load. not be limited to light framing, studs, joists, planks, and “Decking” refers to lumber from 2" to 4" decking. When finger jointed lumber is marked “STUD
(nominal) thick, tongued and grooved, or grooved for USE ONLY” or “VERTICAL USE ONLY” such lum-
spline on the narrow face, and intended for use as a ber shall be limited to use where any bending or tension
roof, floor, or wall membrane. Decking is graded for stresses are of short duration.
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4.1.7 Resawn or Remanufactured Lumber When sawn lumber is cross cut to shorter
lengths, the requirements of shall not apply, ex- When structural lumber is resawn or re- cept for reference bending design values for those
manufactured, it shall be regraded, and reference design Beam and Stringer grades where grading provisions for
values for the regraded material shall apply (see Refer- the middle 1/3 of the length of the piece differ from
ences 16, 42, 43, 44, 45, 46, 47, and 49). grading provisions for the outer thirds.
specified in Tables 4A, 4B, 4C, 4D, 4E, and 4F (pub- species and grades of lumber listed in Tables 4A, 4B,
lished in the Supplement to this Specification). The ref- 4C, 4D, 4E, and 4F are average values which conform
erence design values in Tables 4A, 4B, 4C, 4D, 4E, and to ASTM Standards D 245 and D 1990. Adjustments in
4F are taken from the published grading rules of the modulus of elasticity have been taken to reflect increas-
agencies cited in References 42, 43, 44, 45, 46, 47, and es for seasoning, increases for density where applica-
49. ble, and, where required, reductions have been made to
account for the effect of grade upon stiffness. Refer-
4.2.2 Other Species and Grades ence modulus of elasticity design values are based upon
the species or species group average in accordance with
Reference design values for species and grades of ASTM Standards D 1990 and D 2555.
lumber not otherwise provided herein shall be estab- Special Uses. Average reference modulus of
lished in accordance with appropriate ASTM standards elasticity design values listed in Tables 4A, 4B, 4C, 4D,
and other technically sound criteria (see References 16, 4E, and 4F are to be used in design of repetitive mem-
18, 19, and 31). ber systems and in calculating the immediate deflection
of single members which carry their full design load. In
4.2.3 Basis for Reference Design Values special applications where deflection is a critical factor,
or where amount of deformation under long-term load- The reference design values in Tables 4A, ing must be limited, the need for use of a reduced mod-
4B, 4C, 4D, 4E, and 4F are for the design of structures ulus of elasticity design value shall be determined. See
where an individual member, such as a beam, girder, Appendix F for provisions on design value adjustments
post or other member, carries or is responsible for car- for special end use requirements.
rying its full design load. For repetitive member uses
see 4.3.9. 4.2.5 Bending, Fb Visually Graded Lumber. Reference design
values for visually graded lumber in Tables 4A, 4B, 4C, Dimension Grades. Adjusted bending de-
4D, 4E, and 4F are based on the provisions of ASTM sign values for Dimension grades apply to members
Standards D 245 and D 1990. with the load applied to either the narrow or wide face. Machine Stress Rated (MSR) Lumber and Decking Grades. Adjusted bending design
Machine Evaluated Lumber (MEL). Reference design values for Decking grades apply only when the load is
values for machine stress rated lumber and machine applied to the wide face.
evaluated lumber in Table 4C are determined by visual Post and Timber Grades. Adjusted bending
grading and nondestructive pretesting of individual design values for Post and Timber grades apply to
pieces. members with the load applied to either the narrow or
wide face. Beam and Stringer Grades. Adjusted bend-
ing design values for Beam and Stringer grades apply
to members with the load applied to the narrow face.
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When Post and Timber sizes of lumber are graded to vide for adequate service in typical wood frame con-
Beam and Stringer grade requirements, design values struction. The reference compression design values
for the applicable Beam and Stringer grades shall be perpendicular to grain specified in Tables 4A, 4B, 4C,
used. Such lumber shall be identified in accordance 4D, 4E, and 4F are species group average values asso-
with as conforming to Beam and Stringer ciated with a deformation level of 0.04" for a steel plate
grades. on wood member loading condition. One method for Continuous or Cantilevered Beams. When limiting deformation in special applications where it is
Beams and Stringers are used as continuous or cantile- critical, is use of a reduced compression design value
vered beams, the design shall include a requirement perpendicular to grain. The following equation shall be
that the grading provisions applicable to the middle 1/3 used to calculate the compression design value perpen-
of the length (see References 42, 43, 44, 45, 46, 47, and dicular to grain for a reduced deformation level of
49) shall be applied to at least the middle 2/3 of the 0.02":
length of pieces to be used as two span continuous
Fc0.02 = 0.73 Fc (4.2-1)
beams, and to the entire length of pieces to be used over
three or more spans or as cantilevered beams. where:
Fc0.02 = compression perpendicular to grain design
4.2.6 Compression Perpendicular to Grain,
value at 0.02" deformation limit, psi
Fc = reference compression perpendicular to grain
For sawn lumber, the reference compression design design value at 0.04" deformation limit (as
values perpendicular to grain are based on a defor- published in Tables 4A, 4B, 4C, 4D, 4E, and
mation limit that has been shown by experience to pro- 4F), psi
Reference design values (Fb, Ft, Fv, Fc, Fc, E, Emin) Reference design values for structural sawn lumber
from Tables 4A, 4B, 4C, 4D, 4E, and 4F shall be multi- are based on the moisture service conditions specified
plied by the adjustment factors specified in Table 4.3.1 in 4.1.4. When the moisture content of structural mem-
to determine adjusted design values (Fb', Ft', Fv', Fc', bers in use differs from these moisture service condi-
Fc', E', Emin'). tions, reference design values shall be multiplied by the
wet service factors, CM, specified in Tables 4A, 4B, 4C,
4.3.2 Load Duration Factor, CD (ASD Only) 4D, 4E, and 4F.
All reference design values except modulus of elas- 4.3.4 Temperature Factor, Ct
ticity, E, modulus of elasticity for beam and column
stability, Emin, and compression perpendicular to grain, When structural members will experience sustained
Fc, shall be multiplied by load duration factors, CD, as exposure to elevated temperatures up to 150F (see Ap-
specified in 2.3.2. pendix C), reference design values shall be multiplied
by the temperature factors, Ct, specified in 2.3.3.
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only only
Resistance Factor
Buckling Stiffness Factor
Column Stability Factor
Beam Stability Factor
Load Duration Factor
Incising Factor
Size Factor
Fb' = Fb x CD CM Ct CL CF Cfu Ci Cr - - - 2.54 0.85
E' = E x - CM Ct - - - Ci - - - - - - -
4.3.5 Beam Stability Factor, CL tor shall be determined in accordance with on
the basis of an equivalent conventionally loaded square
Reference bending design values, Fb, shall be mul- beam of the same cross-sectional area.
tiplied by the beam stability factor, CL, specified in Reference bending design values for all
3.3.3. species of 2" thick or 3" thick Decking, except Red-
wood, shall be multiplied by the size factors specified
4.3.6 Size Factor, CF in Table 4E. Reference bending, tension, and compres- 4.3.7 Flat Use Factor, Cfu
sion parallel to grain design values for visually graded
dimension lumber 2" to 4" thick shall be multiplied by When sawn lumber 2" to 4" thick is loaded on the
the size factors specified in Tables 4A and 4B. wide face, multiplying the reference bending design Where the depth of a rectangular sawn lum- value, Fb, by the flat use factors, Cfu, specified in Tables
ber bending member 5" or thicker exceeds 12", the ref- 4A, 4B, 4C, and 4F, shall be permitted.
erence bending design values, Fb, in Table 4D shall be
multiplied by the following size factor: 4.3.8 Incising Factor, Ci
CF (12 / d)1 9 1.0 (4.3-1) Reference design values shall be multiplied by the For beams of circular cross section with a following incising factor, Ci, when dimension lumber is
diameter greater than 13.5", or for 12" or larger square incised parallel to grain a maximum depth of 0.4", a
beams loaded in the plane of the diagonal, the size fac- maximum length of 3/8", and density of incisions up to
Copyright © American Wood Council. Downloaded/printed pursuant to License Agreement. No reproduction or transfer authorized.
1100/ft2. Incising factors shall be determined by test or 4.3.11 Buckling Stiffness Factor, CT
by calculation using reduced section properties for in-
cising patterns exceeding these limits. Reference modulus of elasticity for beam and col-
umn stability, Emin, shall be permitted to be multiplied
by the buckling stiffness factor, CT, as specified in
Table 4.3.8 Incising Factors, Ci
Design Value Ci 4.3.12 Bearing Area Factor, Cb
E, Emin 0.95
Fb, Ft, Fc, Fv 0.80 Reference compression design values perpendicular
Fc 1.00 to grain, Fc, shall be permitted to be multiplied by the
bearing area factor, Cb, as specified in 3.10.4.
4.3.9 Repetitive Member Factor, Cr
4.3.13 Pressure-Preservative Treatment
Reference bending design values, Fb, in Tables 4A,
4B, 4C, and 4F for dimension lumber 2" to 4" thick Reference design values apply to sawn lumber
shall be multiplied by the repetitive member factor, Cr pressure-treated by an approved process and preserva-
= 1.15, where such members are used as joists, truss tive (see Reference 30). Load duration factors greater
chords, rafters, studs, planks, decking, or similar mem- than 1.6 shall not apply to structural members pressure-
bers which are in contact or spaced not more than 24" treated with water-borne preservatives.
on center, are not less than three in number and are
joined by floor, roof or other load distributing elements 4.3.14 Format Conversion Factor, KF (LRFD
adequate to support the design load. (A load distrib- Only)
uting element is any adequate system that is designed
or has been proven by experience to transmit the design For LRFD, reference design values shall be multi-
load to adjacent members, spaced as described above, plied by the format conversion factor, KF, specified in
without displaying structural weakness or unacceptable Table 4.3.1.
deflection. Subflooring, flooring, sheathing, or other
covering elements and nail gluing or tongue-and- 4.3.15 Resistance Factor, (LRFD Only)
groove joints, and through nailing generally meet these
criteria.) Reference bending design values in Table 4E For LRFD, reference design values shall be multi-
for visually graded Decking have already been multi- plied by the resistance factor, , specified in Table
plied by Cr = 1.15. 4.3.1.
4.3.10 Column Stability Factor, CP 4.3.16 Time Effect Factor, (LRFD Only)
Reference compression design values parallel to For LRFD, reference design values shall be multi-
grain, Fc, shall be multiplied by the column stability plied by the time effect factor, λ, specified in Appendix
factor, CP, specified in 3.7. N.3.3.
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NATIONAL DESIGN SPECIFICATION FOR WOOD CONSTRUCTION 31 Sawn lumber bending members shall be de- Increased chord stiffness relative to axial
signed in accordance with the lateral stability calcula- loads where a 2" x 4" or smaller sawn lumber truss
tions in 3.3.3 or shall meet the lateral support require- compression chord is subjected to combined flexure
ments in and and axial compression under dry service condition and As an alternative to, rectangular has 3/8" or thicker plywood sheathing nailed to the nar-
sawn lumber beams, rafters, joists, or other bending row face of the chord in accordance with code required
members, shall be designed in accordance with the fol- roof sheathing fastener schedules (see References 32, 4
lowing provisions to provide restraint against rotation 33, and 34), shall be permitted to be accounted for by
or lateral displacement. If the depth to breadth, d/b, multiplying the reference modulus of elasticity design
based on nominal dimensions is: value for beam and column stability, Emin, by the buck-
(a) d/b 2; no lateral support shall be required. ling stiffness factor, CT, in column stability calculations
(b) 2 < d/b 4; the ends shall be held in position, (see 3.7 and Appendix H). When e < 96", CT shall be
as by full depth solid blocking, bridging, hang- calculated as follows:
ers, nailing, or bolting to other framing mem-
KM e (4.4-1)
bers, or other acceptable means. C T 1
(c) 4 < d/b 5; the compression edge of the mem- K TE
ber shall be held in line for its entire length to where:
prevent lateral displacement, as by adequate
sheathing or subflooring, and ends at point of e = effective column length of truss compression
bearing shall be held in position to prevent ro- chord (see 3.7), in.
tation and/or lateral displacement.
KM = 2300 for wood seasoned to 19% moisture
(d) 5 < d/b 6; bridging, full depth solid blocking
content or less at the time of plywood at-
or diagonal cross bracing shall be installed at
intervals not exceeding 8 feet, the compression tachment.
edge of the member shall be held in line as by = 1200 for unseasoned or partially seasoned
adequate sheathing or subflooring, and the ends wood at the time of plywood attachment.
at points of bearing shall be held in position to
prevent rotation and/or lateral displacement. KT = 1 – 1.645(COVE)
(e) 6 < d/b 7; both edges of the member shall be
= 0.59 for visually graded lumber
held in line for their entire length and ends at
points of bearing shall be held in position to = 0.75 for machine evaluated lumber (MEL)
prevent rotation and/or lateral displacement.
= 0.82 for products with COVE 0.11 (see If a bending member is subjected to both
flexure and axial compression, the depth to breadth ra- Appendix F.2)
tio shall be no more than 5 to 1 if one edge is firmly When e > 96", CT shall be calculated based on e =
held in line. If under all combinations of load, the un- 96".
braced edge of the member is in tension, the depth to For additional information concerning metal
breadth ratio shall be no more than 6 to 1. plate connected wood trusses see Reference 9.
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4.4.3 Notches
Figure 4A Notch Limitations for Sawn
Lumber Beams End notches, located at the ends of sawn
lumber bending members for bearing over a support,
shall be permitted, and shall not exceed 1/4 the beam
depth (see Figure 4A). Interior notches, located in the outer thirds
of the span of a single span sawn lumber bending
member, shall be permitted, and shall not exceed 1/6
the depth of the member. Interior notches on the tension
side of 3-½" or greater thickness (4" nominal thickness)
sawn lumber bending members are not permitted (see
Figure 4A). See 3.1.2 and 3.4.3 for effect of notches on
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5.1 General 34
5.2 Reference Design Values 35
5.3 Adjustment of Reference Design
Values 36
5.4 Special Design Considerations 39
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5.1 General
5.1.1 Scope
Table 5.1.3 Net Finished Widths of
Structural Glued Laminated Chapter 5 applies to engineering design Timbers
with structural glued laminated timber. Basic require-
ments are provided in this Specification; for additional Width of
detail, see Reference 52. 3 4 6 8 10 12 14 16
Laminations Design procedures, reference design values (in.)
and other information provided herein apply only to Western Species
structural glued laminated timber conforming to all per- Finished
2-½ 3-1/8 5-1/8 6-¾ 8-¾ 10-¾ 12-¼ 14-¼
tinent provisions of the specifications referenced in the Width (in.) Southern Pine
2-½ 3-1/8 5-1/8 6-¾ 8-½ 10-½ 12-½ 14-½
footnotes to Tables 5A, 5B, 5C, and 5D and produced
in accordance with ANSI A190.1.
5.1.4 Service Conditions
5.1.2 Definition Reference design values for dry service
The term “structural glued laminated timber” refers conditions shall apply when the moisture content in
to an engineered, stress rated product of a timber lami- service is less than 16%, as in most covered structures.
nating plant, comprising assemblies of specially select- Reference design values for glued laminated
ed and prepared wood laminations bonded together timber shall be multiplied by the wet service factors,
with adhesives. The grain of all laminations is approx- CM, specified in Tables 5A, 5B, 5C, and 5D when the
imately parallel longitudinally. The separate lamina- moisture content in service is 16% or greater, as may
tions shall not exceed 2" in net thickness and are per- occur in exterior or submerged construction, or humid
mitted to be comprised of: environments.
• one piece
• pieces joined end-to-end to form any length
• pieces placed or glued edge-to-edge to make wid-
er ones
• pieces bent to curved form during gluing.
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Reference design values for softwood and hard- The reference bending design values, Fbx+ and Fbx,
wood structural glued laminated timber are specified shall apply to members with loads causing bending
in Tables 5A, 5B, 5C, and 5D (published in a separate about the x-x axis. The reference bending design value
Supplement to this Specification). The reference de- for positive bending, Fbx+, shall apply for bending
sign values in Tables 5A, 5B, 5C, and 5D are a compi- stresses causing tension at the bottom of the beam. The
lation of the reference design values provided in the reference bending design value for negative bending,
specifications referenced in the footnotes to the tables. Fbx-, shall apply for bending stresses causing tension at
the top of the beam.
5.2.2 Orientation of Member The reference bending design value, Fby, shall ap-
ply to members with loads causing bending about the
y-y axis.
Reference design values for structural glued lami-
nated timber are dependent on the orientation of the
laminations relative to the applied loads. Subscripts 5.2.5 Compression Perpendicular to Grain,
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Resistance Factor
Stress Interaction Factor
When structural members will experience sus- When structural glued laminated timber members
tained exposure to elevated temperatures up to 150F are loaded in bending about the x-x axis, the reference
(see Appendix C), reference design values shall be bending design values, Fbx+, and Fbx-, shall be multi-
multiplied by the temperature factors, Ct, specified in plied by the following volume factor:
2.3.3. 1/x 1/x 1/x
21 12 5.125 (5.3-1)
CV = 1.0
5.3.5 Beam Stability Factor, CL L d b
Reference bending design values, Fb, shall be mul- L = length of bending member between points
tiplied by the beam stability factor, CL, specified in of zero moment, ft
3.3.3. The beam stability factor, CL, shall not apply
simultaneously with the volume factor, CV, for struc- d = depth of bending member, in.
tural glued laminated timber bending members (see b = width (breadth) of bending member.
5.3.6). Therefore, the lesser of these adjustment factors For multiple piece width layups, b = width of
shall apply. widest piece used in the layup.
Thus, b 10.75".
x = 20 for Southern Pine
x = 10 for all other species
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The volume factor, CV, shall not apply simultaneous- 5.3.9 Stress Interaction Factor, CI
ly with the beam stability factor, CL (see 3.3.3). There-
fore, the lesser of these adjustment factors shall apply. For the tapered portion of bending members ta-
pered on the compression face, the reference bending
5.3.7 Flat Use Factor, Cfu design value, Fbx, shall be multiplied by the following
stress interaction factor:
When structural glued laminated timber is loaded 1
in bending about the y-y axis and the member dimen- CI (5.3-4)
1 Fb tan FvC vr Fb tan2 Fc
2 2
CI (5.3-5)
1 Fb tan Fv C vr Fb tan2 Frt
2 2
dy (in.) = angle of taper, degrees
The curvature factor shall not apply to reference 5.3.11 Column Stability Factor, CP
design values in the straight portion of a member, re-
gardless of curvature elsewhere. Reference compression design values parallel to
grain, Fc, shall be multiplied by the column stability
factor, CP, specified in 3.7.
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The stress interaction factor from 5.3.9 shall apply The deflection of double-tapered curved
for flexural design in the straight-tapered segments of members shall be determined in accordance with 3.5,
double-tapered curved bending members. except that the mid-span deflection of a symmetrical Double-tapered curved members shall be double-tapered curved beam subject to uniform loads
designed for shear strength in accordance with 3.4, shall be permitted to be calculated by the following
except that the provisions of shall not apply. empirical formula:
The shear reduction factor from 5.3.10 shall apply. The radial stress induced by bending mo- 5 4
c (5.4-4)
32Ε'xb dequiv
ment in a double-tapered curved member shall be cal-
culated as follows:
fr KrsCrs (5.4-3) c = vertical deflection at midspan, in.
= uniformly distributed load, lbs/in.
dequiv = (de + dc)(0.5 + 0.735 tan T) -1.41dc tan B
Krs = empirical radial stress factor
de = depth at the ends of the member, in.
= 0.29(de/Rm) + 0.32 tan1.2T
dc = depth at the peaked section of the member,
Crs = empirical load-shape radial stress reduction
T = angle of roof slope, degrees
= 0.27 ln(tanT) + 0.28 ln( / c) – 0.8dc/Rm +
1 ≤ 1.0 for uniformly loaded members where B = soffit slope at the ends of the member,
dc/Rm ≤ 0.3 degrees
= 1.0 for members subject to constant mo- The horizontal deflection at the supports of sym-
ment metrical double-tapered curved beams shall be permit-
ted to be estimated as:
= span length, in.
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5.4.3 Lateral Stability for Tudor Arches the maximum deflection of a tapered straight beam
subject to uniform loads shall be permitted to be calcu-
The ratio of tangent point depth to breadth (d/b) of
lated as equivalent to the depth, dequiv, of an equivalent
tudor arches (see Figure 5D) shall not exceed 6, based
prismatic member of the same width where:
on actual dimensions, when one edge of the arch is
braced by decking fastened directly to the arch, or dequiv C dt de (5.4-6)
braced at frequent intervals as by girts or roof purlins.
Where such lateral bracing is not present, d/b shall not where:
exceed 5. Arches shall be designed for lateral stability
de = depth at the small end of the member, in.
in accordance with the provisions of 3.7 and 3.9.2.
Cdt = empirical constant derived from relationship
Figure 5D Tudor Arch of equations for deflection of tapered
straight beams and prismatic beams.
For symmetrical double-tapered beams:
Cdt = 1 + 0.66Cy when 0 < Cy 1
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6.1 General 44
6.2 Reference Design Values 44
6.3 Adjustment of Reference Design
Values 44
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6.1 General
6.1.1 Scope 6.1.3 Standard Sizes Chapter 6 applies to engineering design Standard sizes for round timber piles are
with round timber poles and piles. Design procedures given in ASTM Standard D 25.
and reference design values herein pertain to the load Standard sizes for round timber poles are
carrying capacity of poles and piles as structural wood given in ASTM Standard D 3200.
members. This Specification does not apply to the 6.1.4 Preservative Treatment
load supporting capacity of the soil. Reference design values apply to untreated,
6.1.2 Specifications air dried timber poles and piles, and shall be adjusted in
accordance with 6.3.5 when conditioned and treated by The procedures and reference design values an approved process (see Reference 30). Load duration
herein apply only to timber piles conforming to appli- factors greater than 1.6 shall not apply to structural
cable provisions of ASTM Standard D 25 and only to members pressure-treated with water-borne preserva-
poles conforming to applicable provisions of ASTM tives.
Standard D 3200. Untreated, timber poles and piles shall not Specifications for round timber poles and be used unless the cutoff is below the lowest ground
piles shall include the standard for preservative treat- water level expected during the life of the structure, but
ment, pile length, and nominal tip circumference or in no case less than 3 feet below the existing ground
nominal circumference 3 feet from the butt. Specifica- water level unless approved by the authority having
tions for piles shall state whether piles are to be used as jurisdiction.
foundation piles, land and fresh water piles, or marine
Reference design values (Fc, Fb, Fv, Fc, E, Emin) All reference design values except modulus of elas-
from Table 6A and 6B shall be multiplied by the ad- ticity, E, modulus of elasticity for column stability,
justment factors specified in Table 6.3.1 to determine Emin, and compression perpendicular to grain, Fc, shall
adjusted design values (Fc', Fb', Fv', Fc', E', Emin'). be multiplied by load duration factors, CD, as specified
in 2.3.2. Load duration factors greater than 1.6 shall not
apply to timber poles or piles pressure-treated with wa-
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only only
Resistance Factor
Column Stability Factor
Fv' = Fv
E' = E x - Ct - - - - - - - - -
6.3.4 Temperature Factor, Ct Reference bending design values, Fb, for round
timber poles or piles shall not be adjusted for beam sta-
Reference design values shall be multiplied by
temperature factors, Ct, as specified in 2.3.3.
6.3.7 Size Factor, CF
6.3.5 Condition Treatment Factor, Cct
Where pole or pile circumference exceeds 43" (di-
ameter exceeds 13.5") at the critical section in bending,
Reference design values are based on air dried con-
the reference bending design value, Fb, shall be multi-
ditioning. If kiln-drying, steam-conditioning, or boul-
plied by the size factor, CF, specified in and
tonizing is used prior to treatment (see reference 20)
then the reference design values shall be multiplied by
the condition treatment factors, Cct, in Table 6.3.5.
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6.3.8 Column Stability Factor, CP group deforms as a single element when subjected to
the load effects imposed on the element, reference
Reference compression design values parallel to bending design values, Fb, and reference compression
grain, Fc, shall be multiplied by the column stability design values parallel to the grain, Fc, shall be permit-
factor, CP, specified in 3.7 for the portion of a timber ted to be multiplied by the load sharing factors, Cls, in
pole or pile standing unbraced in air, water, or material Table 6.3.11.
not capable of providing lateral support.
Table 6.3.11 Load Sharing Factor, Cls, per
6.3.9 Critical Section Factor, Ccs ASTM D 2899
6.3.10 Bearing Area Factor, Cb For LRFD, reference design values shall be multi-
plied by the resistance factor, , specified in Table
Reference compression design values perpendicular 6.3.1.
to grain, Fc, for timber poles or piles shall be permitted
to be multiplied by the bearing area factor, Cb, specified 6.3.14 Time Effect Factor, (LRFD Only)
in 3.10.4.
For LRFD, reference design values shall be multi-
6.3.11 Load Sharing Factor (Pile Group plied by the time effect factor, , specified in Appendix
Factor), Cls N.3.3.
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7.1 General 48
7.2 Reference Design Values 48
7.3 Adjustment of Reference Design
Values 48 7
7.4 Special Design Considerations 50
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7.1 General
7.1.1 Scope 7.1.3 Identification
Chapter 7 applies to engineering design with pre- When the design procedures and other infor-
fabricated wood I-joists. Basic requirements are provid- mation provided herein are used, the prefabricated
ed in this Specification. Design procedures and other wood I-joists shall be identified with the manufactur-
information provided herein apply only to prefabricated er’s name and the quality assurance agency’s name.
wood I-joists conforming to all pertinent provisions of
ASTM D 5055. 7.1.4 Service Conditions
7.3.2 Load Duration Factor, CD (ASD Only) When structural members will experience sustained
exposure to elevated temperatures up to 150°F (see Ap-
All reference design values except stiffness, EI, pendix C), reference design values shall be multiplied
(EI)min, and K, shall be multiplied by load duration fac- by the temperature factors, Ct, specified in 2.3.3. For
tors, CD, as specified in 2.3.2. Mr, Vr, Rr, EI, (EI)min, and K use Ct for Fb, Fv, Fv, E,
Emin, and Fv, respectively.
7.3.3 Wet Service Factor, CM
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only only
Resistance Factor
Beam Stability Factor
Load Duration Factor
Temperature Factor
Wet Service Factor
Mr' = Mr x CD CM Ct CL Cr KF 0.85 λ
Vr' = Vr x CD CM Ct - - KF 0.75 λ
Rr' = Rr x CD CM Ct - - KF 0.75 λ 7
EI' = EI x - CM Ct - - - - -
K' = K x - CM Ct - - - - -
7.3.5 Beam Stability Factor, CL ricated wood I-joists shall be provided with lateral sup-
port at points of bearing to prevent rotation. Lateral stability of prefabricated wood I-
joists shall be considered. 7.3.6 Repetitive Member
Factor, Cr When the compression flange of a prefabri-
cated wood I-joist is supported throughout its length to For prefabricated wood I-joists with structural
prevent lateral displacement, and the ends at points of composite lumber flanges or sawn lumber flanges, ref-
bearing have lateral support to prevent rotation, CL=1.0. erence moment design resistances shall be multiplied
by the repetitive member factor, Cr = 1.0. When the compression flange of a prefabri-
cated wood I-joist is not supported throughout its length 7.3.7 Pressure-Preservative Treatment
to prevent lateral displacement, one acceptable method
is to design the prefabricated wood I-joist compression Adjustments to reference design values to account
flange as a column in accordance with the procedure of for the effects of pressure-preservative treatment shall
3.7.1 using the section properties of the compression be in accordance with information provided by the pre-
flange only. The compression flange shall be evaluated fabricated wood I-joist manufacturer.
as a column continuously restrained from buckling in
the plane of the web. CP of the compression flange shall
be used as CL of the prefabricated wood I-joist. Prefab-
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7.3.8 Format Conversion Factor, KF (LRFD 7.3.10 Time Effect Factor, λ (LRFD Only)
For LRFD, reference design values shall be multi-
For LRFD, reference design values shall be multi- plied by the time effect factor, λ, specified in Appendix
plied by the format conversion factor, KF, provided by N.3.3.
the prefabricated wood I-joist manufacturer.
Copyright © American Wood Council. Downloaded/printed pursuant to License Agreement. No reproduction or transfer authorized.
8.1 General 52
8.2 Reference Design Values 52
8.3 Adjustment of Reference Design
Values 52 8
8.4 Special Design Considerations 54
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8.1 General
8.1.1 Scope The term “oriented strand lumber”, refers to
a composite of wood strand elements with wood fibers
Chapter 8 applies to engineering design with struc- primarily oriented along the length of the member. The
tural composite lumber. Basic requirements are provid- least dimension of the strands shall not exceed 0.10"
ed in this Specification. Design procedures and other and the average length shall be a minimum of 75 times
information provided herein apply only to structural the least dimension.
composite lumber conforming to all pertinent provi- The term “structural composite lumber” re-
sions of ASTM D5456. fers to either laminated veneer lumber, parallel strand
lumber, laminated strand lumber, or oriented strand
8.1.2 Definitions lumber. These materials are structural members bonded
with an exterior adhesive. The term “laminated veneer lumber” refers
to a composite of wood veneer sheet elements with 8.1.3 Identification
wood fiber primarily oriented along the length of the
member. Veneer thickness shall not exceed 0.25". When the design procedures and other information The term “parallel strand lumber” refers to a provided herein are used, the structural composite lum-
composite of wood strand elements with wood fibers ber shall be identified with the manufacturer’s name
primarily oriented along the length of the member. The and the quality assurance agency’s name.
least dimension of the strands shall not exceed 0.25"
and the average length shall be a minimum of 150 times 8.1.4 Service Conditions
the least dimension. The term “laminated strand lumber”, refers Reference design values reflect dry service condi-
to a composite of wood strand elements with wood fi- tions, where the moisture content in service is less than
bers primarily oriented along the length of the member. 16%, as in most covered structures. Structural compo-
The least dimension of the strands shall not exceed site lumber shall not be used in higher moisture service
0.10" and the average length shall be a minimum of 150 conditions unless specifically permitted by the structur-
times the least dimension. al composite lumber manufacturer.
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only only
Resistance Factor
Column Stability Factor
Beam Stability Factor 1
Load Duration Factor
E' = E x - CM Ct - - - - - - - -
All reference design values except modulus of elas- When structural members will experience sustained
ticity, E, modulus of elasticity for beam and column exposure to elevated temperatures up to 150F (see Ap-
stability, Emin, and compression perpendicular to grain, pendix C), reference design values shall be multiplied
Fc, shall be multiplied by load duration factors, CD, as by the temperature factors, Ct, specified in 2.3.3.
specified in 2.3.2.
8.3.5 Beam Stability Factor, CL
8.3.3 Wet Service Factor, CM
Structural composite lumber bending members
Reference design values for structural composite shall be laterally supported in accordance with 3.3.3.
lumber are applicable to dry service conditions as spec-
ified in 8.1.4 where CM = 1.0. When the service condi- 8.3.6 Volume Factor, CV
tions differ from the specified conditions, adjustments
for high moisture shall be in accordance with infor- Reference bending design values, Fb, for structural
mation provided by the structural composite lumber composite lumber shall be multiplied by the volume
manufacturer. factor, CV, and shall be obtained from the structural
composite lumber manufacturer’s literature or code
evaluation reports. When CV 1.0, the volume factor,
Copyright © American Wood Council. Downloaded/printed pursuant to License Agreement. No reproduction or transfer authorized.
CV, shall not apply simultaneously with the beam sta- 8.3.9 Bearing Area Factor, Cb
bility factor, CL (see 3.3.3) and therefore, the lesser of
these adjustment factors shall apply. When CV > 1.0, Reference compression design values perpendicular
the volume factor, CV, shall apply simultaneously with to grain, Fc, shall be permitted to be multiplied by the
the beam stability factor, CL (see 3.3.3). bearing area factor, Cb, as specified in 3.10.4.
Reference bending design values, Fb, shall be mul- Adjustments to reference design values to account
tiplied by the repetitive member factor, Cr = 1.04, for the effects of pressure-preservative treatment shall
where such members are used as joists, studs, or similar be in accordance with information provided by the
members which are in contact or spaced not more than structural composite lumber manufacturer.
24" on center, are not less than 3 in number and are
joined by floor, roof, or other load distributing elements 8.3.11 Format Conversion Factor, KF (LRFD
adequate to support the design load. (A load distrib- Only)
uting element is any adequate system that is designed
or has been proven by experience to transmit the design For LRFD, reference design values shall be multi-
load to adjacent members, spaced as described above, plied by the format conversion factor, KF, specified in
without displaying structural weakness or unacceptable Table 8.3.1.
deflection. Subflooring, flooring, sheathing, or other
covering elements and nail gluing or tongue-and- 8.3.12 Resistance Factor, (LRFD Only)
groove joints, and through nailing generally meet these
For LRFD, reference design values shall be multi-
plied by the resistance factor, , specified in Table
8.3.8 Column Stability Factor, CP
Reference compression design values parallel to
8.3.13 Time Effect Factor, (LRFD Only)
grain, Fc, shall be multiplied by the column stability
factor, CP, specified in 3.7.
For LRFD, reference design values shall be multi-
plied by the time effect factor, λ, specified in Appendix
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9.1 General 56
9.2 Reference Design Values 56
9.3 Adjustment of Reference Design
Values 57
9.4 Design Considerations 58
Table 9.3.1 Applicability of Adjustment Factors for
Wood Structural Panels...................................... 57
Table 9.3.4 Panel Size Factor, Cs ........................................... 58
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9.1 General
9.1.1 Scope oriented strand board (OSB) and composite panels.
These panel products meet the requirements of USDOC
Chapter 9 applies to engineering design with the PS 1 or PS 2 and are intended for structural use in resi-
following wood structural panels: plywood, oriented dential, commercial, and industrial applications.
strand board, and composite panels. Basic requirements The term “composite panel” refers to a
are provided in this Specification. Design procedures wood structural panel comprised of wood veneer and
and other information provided herein apply only to reconstituted wood-based material and bonded with
wood structural panels complying with the require- waterproof adhesive.
ments specified in this Chapter. The term “oriented strand board” refers to a
mat-formed wood structural panel comprised of thin
9.1.2 Identification rectangular wood strands arranged in cross-aligned lay-
ers with surface layers normally arranged in the long When design procedures and other infor- panel direction and bonded with waterproof adhesive.
mation herein are used, the wood structural panel shall The term “plywood” refers to a wood struc-
be identified for grade and glue type by the trademarks tural panel comprised of plies of wood veneer arranged
of an approved testing and grading agency. in cross-aligned layers. The plies are bonded with an Wood structural panels shall be specified by adhesive that cures on application of heat and pressure.
span rating, nominal thickness, exposure rating, and
grade. 9.1.4 Service Conditions Reference panel stiffness and strength de- Nominal thickness shall be used in design calcula-
sign values (the product of material and section proper- tions. The relationships between span ratings and nom-
ties) shall be obtained from an approved source. inal thicknesses are provided with associated reference Due to the orthotropic nature of panels, ref- design values.
erence design values shall be provided for the primary
and secondary strength axes. The appropriate reference 9.2.4 Design Section Properties
design values shall be applied when designing for each
panel orientation. When forces act at an angle to the Design section properties shall be assigned on the
principal axes of the panel, the capacity of the panel at basis of span rating or design thickness and are provid-
the angle shall be calculated by adjusting the reference ed on a per-foot-of-panel-width basis.
design values for the principal axes using principles of
engineering mechanics.
only only
Resistance Factor
Load Duration Factor
Temperature Factor
Wet Service Factor
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Wood structural panels shall be designed for flex- The adjusted planar (rolling) shear shall be used in
ure by checking bending moment, shear, and deflection. design when the shear force is applied in the plane of
Adjusted planar shear shall be used as the shear re- wood structural panels.
sistance in checking the shear for panels in flatwise
bending. Appropriate beam equations shall be used 9.4.5 Through-the-Thickness Shear
with the design spans as defined below. The adjusted through-the-thickness shear shall be
(a) Bending moment-distance between center-line
used in design when the shear force is applied through-
of supports.
the-thickness of wood structural panels.
(b) Shear-clear span.
(c) Deflection-clear span plus the support width 9.4.6 Bearing
factor. For 2" nominal and 4" nominal framing,
the support width factor is equal to 0.25" and The adjusted bearing design value of wood struc-
0.625", respectively. tural panels shall be used in design when the load is
applied perpendicular to the panel face.
9.4.2 Tension in the Plane of the Panel
When wood structural panels are loaded in axial
tension, the orientation of the primary strength axis of
the panel with respect to the direction of loading, shall
be considered in determining adjusted tensile capacity.
9.4.3 Compression in the Plane of the
When wood structural panels are loaded in axial
compression, the orientation of the primary strength
axis of the panel with respect to the direction of load-
ing, shall be considered in determining the adjusted
compressive capacity. In addition, panels shall be de-
signed to prevent buckling.
Copyright © American Wood Council. Downloaded/printed pursuant to License Agreement. No reproduction or transfer authorized.
10.1 General 60
10.2 Reference Design Values 60
10.3 Adjustment of Reference Design
Values 60
10.4 Special Design Considerations 62
Copyright © American Wood Council. Downloaded/printed pursuant to License Agreement. No reproduction or transfer authorized.
10.1 General
10.1.1 Application 10.1.3 Standard Dimensions Chapter 10 applies to engineering design The net thickness of a lamination for all
with performance-rated cross-laminated timber. Design procedures, reference design val- layers at the time of gluing shall not be less than 5/8
ues and other information provided herein apply only to inch or more than 2 inches. The thickness of cross-laminated timber
performance-rated cross-laminated timber produced in
accordance with ANSI/APA PRG-320. shall not exceed 20 inches.
Cross-Laminated Timber (CLT) – a prefabricated All required reference design values shall be speci-
engineered wood product consisting of at least three fied in accordance with Section 10.2.
layers of solid-sawn lumber or structural composite
lumber where the adjacent layers are cross-oriented and 10.1.5 Service Conditions
bonded with structural adhesive to form a solid wood
element. Reference design values reflect dry service condi-
tions, where the moisture content in service is less than
16%, as in most covered structures. Cross-laminated
timber shall not be used in higher moisture service con-
ditions unless specifically permitted by the cross-
laminated timber manufacturer.
Reference design values: Fb(Seff), Ft(Aparallel), Fv(tv), All reference design values except stiffness, (EI)app,
Fs(Ib/Q)eff, Fc(Aparallel), Fc, (EI)app, and (EI)app-min (EI)app-min, rolling shear, Fs(Ib/Q)eff, and compression
provided in 10.2 shall be multiplied by the adjustment perpendicular to grain, Fcshall be multiplied by
factors specified in Table 10.3.1 to determine adjusted load duration factors, CD, as specified in 2.3.2.
design values: Fb(Seff)′, Ft(Aparallel)′, Fv(tv)′, Fs(Ib/Q)eff′,
Fc(Aparallel)′, Fc′, (EI)app′, and (EI)app-min′.
Copyright © American Wood Council. Downloaded/printed pursuant to License Agreement. No reproduction or transfer authorized.
only only
differ from the specified conditions, adjustments for
high moisture shall be in accordance with information 10.3.7 Column Stability Factor, CP
provided by the cross-laminated timber manufacturer.
For cross-laminated timber loaded in-plane as a
compression member, reference compression design
10.3.4 Temperature Factor, Ct
values parallel to grain, Fc(Aparallel), shall be multiplied
When structural members will experience sustained by the column stability factor, CP, specified in 3.7.
exposure to elevated temperatures up to 150F (see Ap-
pendix C), reference design values shall be multiplied 10.3.8 Bearing Area Factor, Cb
by the temperature factors, Ct, specified in 2.3.3. Reference compression design values perpendicular
to grain, Fc, shall be permitted to be multiplied by
10.3.5 Curvature Factor, Cc
the bearing area factor, Cb, as specified in 3.10.4.
The design of curved cross-laminated timber is be-
yond the scope of this standard. 10.3.9 Pressure-Preservative Treatment
Reference design values apply to cross-laminated
timber treated by an approved process and preservative
(see Reference 30). Load duration factors greater than
Copyright © American Wood Council. Downloaded/printed pursuant to License Agreement. No reproduction or transfer authorized.
1.6 shall not apply to structural members pressure- 10.3.11 Resistance Factor, (LRFD only)
treated with water-borne preservatives.
For LRFD, reference design values shall be multi-
10.3.10 Format Conversion Factor, KF (LRFD plied by the resistance factor, , specified in Table
only) 10.3.1.
For LRFD, reference design values shall be multi- 10.3.12 Time Effect Factor, (LRFD only)
plied by the format conversion factor, KF, specified in
Table 10.3.1 For LRFD, reference design values shall be multi-
plied by the time effect factor, λ, specified in Appendix
(EI)app (10.4-1)
16K s Ieff
A effL2
Copyright © American Wood Council. Downloaded/printed pursuant to License Agreement. No reproduction or transfer authorized.
11.1 General 64
11.2 Reference Design Values 65
11.3 Adjustment of Reference Design
Values 65
Copyright © American Wood Council. Downloaded/printed pursuant to License Agreement. No reproduction or transfer authorized.
11.1 General
11.1.1 Scope 11.1.3 Eccentric Connections Chapter 11 applies to the engineering de- Eccentric connections that induce tension stress
sign of connections using bolts, lag screws, split ring perpendicular to grain in the wood shall not be used
connectors, shear plate connectors, drift bolts, drift unless appropriate engineering procedures or tests are
pins, wood screws, nails, spikes, timber rivets, spike employed in the design of such connections to insure
grids, or other fasteners in sawn lumber, structural that all applied loads will be safely carried by the mem-
glued laminated timber, timber poles, timber piles, bers and connections. Connections similar to those in
structural composite lumber, prefabricated wood I- Figure 11A are examples of connections requiring ap-
joists, wood structural panels, and cross-laminated tim- propriate engineering procedures or tests.
ber. Except where specifically limited herein, the provi-
sions of Chapter 11 shall apply to all fastener types 11.1.4 Mixed Fastener Connections
covered in Chapters 12, 13, and 14. The requirements of 3.1.3, 3.1.4, and 3.1.5 Methods of analysis and test data for establishing
shall be accounted for in the design of connections. reference design values for connections made with Connection design provisions in Chapters more than one type of fastener have not been devel-
11, 12, 13, and 14 shall not preclude the use of connec- oped. Reference design values and design value ad-
tions where it is demonstrated by analysis based on justments for mixed fastener connections shall be based
generally recognized theory, full-scale or prototype on tests or other analysis (see
loading tests, studies of model analogues or extensive
experience in use that the connections will perform sat- 11.1.5 Connection Fabrication
isfactorily in their intended end uses (see
Reference lateral design values for connections in
11.1.2 Stresses in Members at Connections Chapters 12, 13, and 14 are based on:
(a) the assumption that the faces of the members
Structural members shall be checked for load carry- are brought into contact when the fasteners are
ing capacity at connections in accordance with all ap- installed, and
plicable provisions of this standard including 3.1.2, (b) allowance for member shrinkage due to sea-
3.1.3, and Local stresses in connections using sonal variations in moisture content (see
multiple fasteners shall be checked in accordance with 11.3.3).
principles of engineering mechanics. One method for
determining these stresses is provided in Appendix E.
Copyright © American Wood Council. Downloaded/printed pursuant to License Agreement. No reproduction or transfer authorized.
provided in Chapter 13. for additional information). Design provisions and reference design
values for timber rivet connections are provided in 11.2.4 Design of Concrete or Masonry Parts
Chapter 14. Wood to wood connections involving Concrete footers, walls, and other concrete or ma-
spike grids for load transfer shall be designed in ac- sonry parts shall be designed in accordance with ac-
cordance with principles of engineering mechanics (see cepted practices (see References 1 and 2). When the
Reference 50 for additional information). capacity of a connection is controlled by concrete or
masonry strength rather than wood strength, concrete or
11.2.2 Multiple Fastener Connections masonry strength shall not be multiplied by the adjust-
ment factors in this Specification. In addition, concrete
Where a connection contains two or more fasteners or masonry strength shall not be increased by wind and
of the same type and similar size, each of which exhib- earthquake factors if design loads have already been
its the same yield mode (see Appendix I), the total ad- reduced by load combination factors (see Reference 5 11
justed design value for the connection shall be the sum for additional information).
of the adjusted design values for each individual fasten-
Copyright © American Wood Council. Downloaded/printed pursuant to License Agreement. No reproduction or transfer authorized.
Only Only
Resistance Factor
Load Duration Factor 1
Diaphragm Factor 3
Wet Service Factor
Toe-Nail Factor 3
Lateral Loads
Dowel-type Fasteners
(e.g. bolts, lag screws, wood screws, Z' = Z x CD CM Ct Cg C - Ceg - Cdi Ctn 3.32 0.65
nails, spikes, drift bolts, & drift pins)
Split Ring and Shear Plate P' = P x CD CM Ct Cg C Cd - Cst - - 3.32 0.65
Connectors Q' = Q x CD CM Ct Cg C Cd - - - - 3.32 0.65
P' = P x CD CM Ct - - - - Cst4 - - 3.32 0.65
Timber Rivets
Q' = Q x CD CM Ct - C5 - - Cst4 - - 3.32 0.65
Spike Grids Z' = Z x CD CM Ct - C - - - - - 3.32 0.65
Withdrawal Loads
Nails, spikes, lag screws,
W' = W x CD CM2 Ct - - - Ceg - - Ctn 3.32 0.65
wood screws, & drift pins
1. The load duration factor, CD, shall not exceed 1.6 for connections (see 11.3.2).
2. The wet service factor, CM, shall not apply to toe-nails loaded in withdrawal (see
3. Specific information concerning geometry factors C , penetration depth factors Cd, end grain factors, Ceg, metal side plate factors, Cst, diaphragm factors, Cdi,
and toe-nail factors, Ctn, is provided in Chapters 12, 13, and 14.
4. The metal side plate factor, Cst, is only applied when rivet capacity (Pr, Qr) controls (see Chapter 14).
5. The geometry factor, C, is only applied when wood capacity, Qw, controls (see Chapter 14).
11.3.2 Load Duration Factor, CD (ASD Only) soned or partially seasoned, or when connections are
exposed to wet service conditions in use, reference de-
Reference design values shall be multiplied by the sign values shall be multiplied by the wet service fac-
load duration factors, CD 1.6, specified in 2.3.2 and tors, CM, specified in Table 11.3.3.
Appendix B, except when the capacity of the connec-
tion is controlled by metal strength or strength of con- 11.3.4 Temperature Factor, Ct
crete/masonry (see 11.2.3, 11.2.4, and Appendix B.3).
The impact load duration factor shall not apply to con- Reference design values shall be multiplied by the
nections. temperature factors, Ct, in Table 11.3.4 for connections
that will experience sustained exposure to elevated
11.3.3 Wet Service Factor, CM temperatures up to 150°F (see Appendix C).
Copyright © American Wood Council. Downloaded/printed pursuant to License Agreement. No reproduction or transfer authorized.
Moisture Content
Fastener Type
At Time of Fabrication In-Service CM
Lateral Loads
Withdrawal Loads
Lag Screws & Wood any 19% 1.0
Screws any > 19% 0.7
Copyright © American Wood Council. Downloaded/printed pursuant to License Agreement. No reproduction or transfer authorized.
11.3.6 Group Action Factors, Cg Group action factors for various connection geome-
tries are provided in Tables 11.3.6A, 11.3.6B, 11.3.6C, Reference lateral design values for split and 11.3.6D.
ring connectors, shear plate connectors, or dowel-type For determining group action factors, a
fasteners with D 1" in a row shall be multiplied by the row of fasteners is defined as any of the following:
following group action factor, Cg: (a) Two or more split rings or shear plate connect-
or units, as defined in 13.1.1, aligned with the
1 R
m(1 m2n ) EA (11.3-1) direction of load.
n 1 REAmn (1 m) 1 m2n 1 m (b) Two or more dowel-type fasteners of the same
diameter loaded in single or multiple shear and
where: aligned with the direction of load.
Cg = 1.0 for dowel type fasteners with D < 1/4" Where fasteners in adjacent rows are staggered and
the distance between adjacent rows is less than 1/4 the
n = number of fasteners in a row distance between the closest fasteners in adjacent rows
E s A s Em A m measured parallel to the rows, the adjacent rows shall
REA = the lesser of or be considered as one row for purposes of determining
Em A m E s A s
group action factors. For groups of fasteners having an
Em = modulus of elasticity of main member, psi even number of rows, this principle shall apply to each
Es = modulus of elasticity of side members, psi pair of rows. For groups of fasteners having an odd
number of rows, the most conservative interpretation
Am = gross cross-sectional area of main member, shall apply (see Figure 11B).
in.2 Gross section areas shall be used, with no
reductions for net section, when calculating Am and As
As = sum of gross cross-sectional areas of side
for determining group action factors. When a member
members, in.2
is loaded perpendicular to grain its equivalent cross-
sectional area shall be the product of the thickness of
m = u u2 1
the member and the overall width of the fastener group
s 1 1 (see Figure 11B). Where only one row of fasteners is
u = 1
2 Em A m E s A s used, the width of the fastener group shall be the mini-
s = center to center spacing between adjacent mum parallel to grain spacing of the fasteners.
fasteners in a row, in.
= load/slip modulus for a connection, lbs/in.
= 500,000 lbs/in. for 4" split ring or shear plate
= 400,000 lbs/in. for 2-1/2" split ring or
2-5/8" shear plate connectors
= (180,000)(D1.5) for dowel-type fasteners in
wood-to-wood connections
= (270,000)(D1.5) for dowel-type fasteners in
wood-to-metal connections
D = diameter of dowel-type fastener, in.
Copyright © American Wood Council. Downloaded/printed pursuant to License Agreement. No reproduction or transfer authorized.
Consider as 1 row of 5 fasteners and 1 row of 3 fasteners
11.3.7 Format Conversion Factor, KF (LRFD 11.3.9 Time Effect Factor, (LRFD Only)
For LRFD, reference design values shall be multi-
For LRFD, reference design values shall be multi- plied by the time effect factor, , specified in Appendix
plied by the format conversion factor, KF, specified in N.3.3.
Table 11.3.1.
Copyright © American Wood Council. Downloaded/printed pursuant to License Agreement. No reproduction or transfer authorized.
Table 11.3.6A Group Action Factors, Cg, for Bolt or Lag Screw Connections with
Wood Side Members2
For D = 1", s = 4", E = 1,400,000 psi
As/Am1 As 1
Number of fasteners in a row
in.2 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
0.5 5 0.98 0.92 0.84 0.75 0.68 0.61 0.55 0.50 0.45 0.41 0.38
12 0.99 0.96 0.92 0.87 0.81 0.76 0.70 0.65 0.61 0.57 0.53
20 0.99 0.98 0.95 0.91 0.87 0.83 0.78 0.74 0.70 0.66 0.62
28 1.00 0.98 0.96 0.93 0.90 0.87 0.83 0.79 0.76 0.72 0.69
40 1.00 0.99 0.97 0.95 0.93 0.90 0.87 0.84 0.81 0.78 0.75
64 1.00 0.99 0.98 0.97 0.95 0.93 0.91 0.89 0.87 0.84 0.82
1 5 1.00 0.97 0.91 0.85 0.78 0.71 0.64 0.59 0.54 0.49 0.45
12 1.00 0.99 0.96 0.93 0.88 0.84 0.79 0.74 0.70 0.65 0.61
20 1.00 0.99 0.98 0.95 0.92 0.89 0.86 0.82 0.78 0.75 0.71
28 1.00 0.99 0.98 0.97 0.94 0.92 0.89 0.86 0.83 0.80 0.77
40 1.00 1.00 0.99 0.98 0.96 0.94 0.92 0.90 0.87 0.85 0.82
64 1.00 1.00 0.99 0.98 0.97 0.96 0.95 0.93 0.91 0.90 0.88
1. Where As/Am > 1.0, use Am/As and use Am instead of As.
2. Tabulated group action factors (Cg) are conservative for D < 1", s < 4", or E > 1,400,000 psi.
Table 11.3.6B Group Action Factors, Cg, for 4" Split Ring or Shear Plate Connectors
with Wood Side Members2
s = 9", E = 1,400,000 psi
As/Am1 As1 Number of fasteners in a row
in.2 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
0.5 5 0.90 0.73 0.59 0.48 0.41 0.35 0.31 0.27 0.25 0.22 0.20
12 0.95 0.83 0.71 0.60 0.52 0.45 0.40 0.36 0.32 0.29 0.27
20 0.97 0.88 0.78 0.69 0.60 0.53 0.47 0.43 0.39 0.35 0.32
28 0.97 0.91 0.82 0.74 0.66 0.59 0.53 0.48 0.44 0.40 0.37
40 0.98 0.93 0.86 0.79 0.72 0.65 0.59 0.54 0.49 0.45 0.42
64 0.99 0.95 0.91 0.85 0.79 0.73 0.67 0.62 0.58 0.54 0.50
1 5 1.00 0.87 0.72 0.59 0.50 0.43 0.38 0.34 0.30 0.28 0.25
12 1.00 0.93 0.83 0.72 0.63 0.55 0.48 0.43 0.39 0.36 0.33
20 1.00 0.95 0.88 0.79 0.71 0.63 0.57 0.51 0.46 0.42 0.39
28 1.00 0.97 0.91 0.83 0.76 0.69 0.62 0.57 0.52 0.47 0.44
40 1.00 0.98 0.93 0.87 0.81 0.75 0.69 0.63 0.58 0.54 0.50
64 1.00 0.98 0.95 0.91 0.87 0.82 0.77 0.72 0.67 0.62 0.58
1. Where As/Am > 1.0, use Am/As and use Am instead of As.
2. Tabulated group action factors (Cg) are conservative for 2-1/2" split ring connectors, 2-5/8" shear plate connectors, s < 9", or E >
1,400,000 psi.
Copyright © American Wood Council. Downloaded/printed pursuant to License Agreement. No reproduction or transfer authorized.
Table 11.3.6C Group Action Factors, Cg, for Bolt or Lag Screw Connections with Steel
Side Plates1
For D = 1", s = 4", Ewood = 1,400,000 psi, Esteel = 30,000,000 psi
Am/As Am Number of fasteners in a row
in.2 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
12 5 0.97 0.89 0.80 0.70 0.62 0.55 0.49 0.44 0.40 0.37 0.34
8 0.98 0.93 0.85 0.77 0.70 0.63 0.57 0.52 0.47 0.43 0.40
16 0.99 0.96 0.92 0.86 0.80 0.75 0.69 0.64 0.60 0.55 0.52
24 0.99 0.97 0.94 0.90 0.85 0.81 0.76 0.71 0.67 0.63 0.59
40 1.00 0.98 0.96 0.94 0.90 0.87 0.83 0.79 0.76 0.72 0.69
64 1.00 0.99 0.98 0.96 0.94 0.91 0.88 0.86 0.83 0.80 0.77
120 1.00 0.99 0.99 0.98 0.96 0.95 0.93 0.91 0.90 0.87 0.85
200 1.00 1.00 0.99 0.99 0.98 0.97 0.96 0.95 0.93 0.92 0.90
18 5 0.99 0.93 0.85 0.76 0.68 0.61 0.54 0.49 0.44 0.41 0.37
8 0.99 0.95 0.90 0.83 0.75 0.69 0.62 0.57 0.52 0.48 0.44
16 1.00 0.98 0.94 0.90 0.85 0.79 0.74 0.69 0.65 0.60 0.56
24 1.00 0.98 0.96 0.93 0.89 0.85 0.80 0.76 0.72 0.68 0.64
40 1.00 0.99 0.97 0.95 0.93 0.90 0.87 0.83 0.80 0.77 0.73
64 1.00 0.99 0.98 0.97 0.95 0.93 0.91 0.89 0.86 0.83 0.81
120 1.00 1.00 0.99 0.98 0.97 0.96 0.95 0.93 0.92 0.90 0.88
200 1.00 1.00 0.99 0.99 0.98 0.98 0.97 0.96 0.95 0.94 0.92
24 40 1.00 0.99 0.97 0.95 0.93 0.89 0.86 0.83 0.79 0.76 0.72
64 1.00 0.99 0.98 0.97 0.95 0.93 0.91 0.88 0.85 0.83 0.80
120 1.00 1.00 0.99 0.98 0.97 0.96 0.95 0.93 0.91 0.90 0.88
200 1.00 1.00 0.99 0.99 0.98 0.98 0.97 0.96 0.95 0.93 0.92
30 40 1.00 0.98 0.96 0.93 0.89 0.85 0.81 0.77 0.73 0.69 0.65
64 1.00 0.99 0.97 0.95 0.93 0.90 0.87 0.83 0.80 0.77 0.73
120 1.00 0.99 0.99 0.97 0.96 0.94 0.92 0.90 0.88 0.85 0.83
200 1.00 1.00 0.99 0.98 0.97 0.96 0.95 0.94 0.92 0.90 0.89 11
35 40 0.99 0.97 0.94 0.91 0.86 0.82 0.77 0.73 0.68 0.64 0.60
64 1.00 0.98 0.96 0.94 0.91 0.87 0.84 0.80 0.76 0.73 0.69
120 1.00 0.99 0.98 0.97 0.95 0.92 0.90 0.88 0.85 0.82 0.79
200 1.00 0.99 0.99 0.98 0.97 0.95 0.94 0.92 0.90 0.88 0.86
42 40 0.99 0.97 0.93 0.88 0.83 0.78 0.73 0.68 0.63 0.59 0.55
64 0.99 0.98 0.95 0.92 0.88 0.84 0.80 0.76 0.72 0.68 0.64
120 1.00 0.99 0.97 0.95 0.93 0.90 0.88 0.85 0.81 0.78 0.75
200 1.00 0.99 0.98 0.97 0.96 0.94 0.92 0.90 0.88 0.85 0.83
50 40 0.99 0.96 0.91 0.85 0.79 0.74 0.68 0.63 0.58 0.54 0.51
64 0.99 0.97 0.94 0.90 0.85 0.81 0.76 0.72 0.67 0.63 0.59
120 1.00 0.98 0.97 0.94 0.91 0.88 0.85 0.81 0.78 0.74 0.71
200 1.00 0.99 0.98 0.96 0.95 0.92 0.90 0.87 0.85 0.82 0.79
1. Tabulated group action factors (Cg) are conservative for D < 1" or s < 4".
Copyright © American Wood Council. Downloaded/printed pursuant to License Agreement. No reproduction or transfer authorized.
Table 11.3.6D Group Action Factors, Cg, for 4" Shear Plate Connectors with Steel
Side Plates1
s = 9", Ewood = 1,400,000 psi, Esteel = 30,000,000 psi
Am/As Am Number of fasteners in a row
in.2 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
12 5 0.91 0.75 0.60 0.50 0.42 0.36 0.31 0.28 0.25 0.23 0.21
8 0.94 0.80 0.67 0.56 0.47 0.41 0.36 0.32 0.29 0.26 0.24
16 0.96 0.87 0.76 0.66 0.58 0.51 0.45 0.40 0.37 0.33 0.31
24 0.97 0.90 0.82 0.73 0.64 0.57 0.51 0.46 0.42 0.39 0.35
40 0.98 0.94 0.87 0.80 0.73 0.66 0.60 0.55 0.50 0.46 0.43
64 0.99 0.96 0.91 0.86 0.80 0.74 0.69 0.63 0.59 0.55 0.51
120 0.99 0.98 0.95 0.91 0.87 0.83 0.79 0.74 0.70 0.66 0.63
200 1.00 0.99 0.97 0.95 0.92 0.89 0.85 0.82 0.79 0.75 0.72
18 5 0.97 0.83 0.68 0.56 0.47 0.41 0.36 0.32 0.28 0.26 0.24
8 0.98 0.87 0.74 0.62 0.53 0.46 0.40 0.36 0.32 0.30 0.27
16 0.99 0.92 0.82 0.73 0.64 0.56 0.50 0.45 0.41 0.37 0.34
24 0.99 0.94 0.87 0.78 0.70 0.63 0.57 0.51 0.47 0.43 0.39
40 0.99 0.96 0.91 0.85 0.78 0.72 0.66 0.60 0.55 0.51 0.47
64 1.00 0.97 0.94 0.89 0.84 0.79 0.74 0.69 0.64 0.60 0.56
120 1.00 0.99 0.97 0.94 0.90 0.87 0.83 0.79 0.75 0.71 0.67
200 1.00 0.99 0.98 0.96 0.94 0.91 0.89 0.86 0.82 0.79 0.76
24 40 1.00 0.96 0.91 0.84 0.77 0.71 0.65 0.59 0.54 0.50 0.46
64 1.00 0.98 0.94 0.89 0.84 0.78 0.73 0.68 0.63 0.58 0.54
120 1.00 0.99 0.96 0.94 0.90 0.86 0.82 0.78 0.74 0.70 0.66
200 1.00 0.99 0.98 0.96 0.94 0.91 0.88 0.85 0.82 0.78 0.75
30 40 0.99 0.93 0.86 0.78 0.70 0.63 0.57 0.52 0.47 0.43 0.40
64 0.99 0.96 0.90 0.84 0.78 0.71 0.66 0.60 0.56 0.51 0.48
120 0.99 0.98 0.94 0.90 0.86 0.81 0.76 0.71 0.67 0.63 0.59
200 1.00 0.98 0.96 0.94 0.91 0.87 0.83 0.79 0.76 0.72 0.68
35 40 0.98 0.91 0.83 0.74 0.66 0.59 0.53 0.48 0.43 0.40 0.36
64 0.99 0.94 0.88 0.81 0.73 0.67 0.61 0.56 0.51 0.47 0.43
120 0.99 0.97 0.93 0.88 0.82 0.77 0.72 0.67 0.62 0.58 0.54
200 1.00 0.98 0.95 0.92 0.88 0.84 0.80 0.76 0.71 0.68 0.64
42 40 0.97 0.88 0.79 0.69 0.61 0.54 0.48 0.43 0.39 0.36 0.33
64 0.98 0.92 0.84 0.76 0.69 0.62 0.56 0.51 0.46 0.42 0.39
120 0.99 0.95 0.90 0.85 0.78 0.72 0.67 0.62 0.57 0.53 0.49
200 0.99 0.97 0.94 0.90 0.85 0.80 0.76 0.71 0.67 0.62 0.59
50 40 0.95 0.86 0.75 0.65 0.56 0.49 0.44 0.39 0.35 0.32 0.30
64 0.97 0.90 0.81 0.72 0.64 0.57 0.51 0.46 0.42 0.38 0.35
120 0.98 0.94 0.88 0.81 0.74 0.68 0.62 0.57 0.52 0.48 0.45
200 0.99 0.96 0.92 0.87 0.82 0.77 0.71 0.66 0.62 0.58 0.54
1. Tabulated group action factors (Cg) are conservative for 2-5/8" shear plate connectors or s < 9".
Copyright © American Wood Council. Downloaded/printed pursuant to License Agreement. No reproduction or transfer authorized.
12.1 General 74
12.2 Reference Withdrawal Design Values 76
12.3 Reference Lateral Design Values 80
12.4 Combined Lateral and Withdrawal
Loads 86
12.5 Adjustment of Reference Design Values 86
12.6 Multiple Fasteners 90
Table 12.2A Lag Screw Reference Withdrawal Design Values.............................77
Table 12.2B Wood Screw Reference Withdrawal Design Values...........................78
Table 12.2C Nail and Spike Reference Withdrawal Design Values.......................79
Table 12.2D Post-Frame Ring Shank Nail Reference Withdrawal
Design Values.........................................................................................80
Table 12.3.1A Yield Limit Equations...........................................................................81
Table 12.3.1B Reduction Term, Rd ..............................................................................81
Table 12.3.3 Dowel Bearing Strengths......................................................................83
Table 12.3.3A Assigned Specific Gravities..................................................................84
Table 12.3.3B Dowel Bearing Strengths for Wood Structural Panels......................85
Table 12.5.1A End Distance Requirements.................................................................87
Table 12.5.1B Spacing Requirements for Fasteners in a Row..................................87 12
Table 12.5.1C Edge Distance Requirements...............................................................88
Table 12.5.1D Spacing Requirements Between Rows................................................88
Table 12.5.1E Edge and End Distance and Spacing Requirements..........................88
Table 12.5.1F Perpendicular to Grain Distance Requirements................................88
Table 12.5.1G End Distance, Edge Distance, and Fastener Spacing.........................89
Tables 12A-I BOLTS: Reference Lateral Design Values..........................................92
Tables 12J-K LAG SCREWS: Reference Lateral Design Values .........................104
Tables 12L-M WOOD SCREWS: Reference Lateral Design Values .....................107
Tables 12N-T NAILS: Reference Lateral Values ....................................................109
Copyright © American Wood Council. Downloaded/printed pursuant to License Agreement. No reproduction or transfer authorized.
12.1 General
12.1.1 Scope Edge distances, end distances, and fastener
spacings shall not be less than the requirements in Ta-
Chapter 12 applies to the engineering design of bles 12.5.1A through 12.5.1D.
connections using bolts, lag screws, wood screws, nails,
spikes, drift bolts, drift pins, or other dowel-type fas- 12.1.4 Lag Screws
teners in sawn lumber, structural glued laminated tim-
ber, timber poles, timber piles, structural composite Installation requirements apply to lag
lumber, prefabricated wood I-joists, wood structural screws meeting requirements of ANSI/ASME Standard
panels, and cross-laminated timber. B18.2.1. See Appendix Table L2 for standard hex lag
screw dimensions.
12.1.2 Terminology Lead holes for lag screws loaded laterally
and in withdrawal shall be bored as follows to avoid “Edge distance” is the distance from the splitting of the wood member during connection fabri-
edge of a member to the center of the nearest fastener, cation:
measured perpendicular to grain. When a member is (a) The clearance hole for the shank shall have the
loaded perpendicular to grain, the loaded edge shall be same diameter as the shank, and the same depth
defined as the edge in the direction toward which the of penetration as the length of unthreaded
fastener is acting. The unloaded edge shall be defined shank.
as the edge opposite the loaded edge (see Figure 12G). (b) The lead hole for the threaded portion shall “End distance” is the distance measured have a diameter equal to 65% to 85% of the
parallel to grain from the square-cut end of a member to shank diameter in wood with G > 0.6, 60% to
the center of the nearest bolt (see Figure 12G). 75% in wood with 0.5 < G 0.6, and 40% to “Spacing” is the distance between centers 70% in wood with G 0.5 (see Table 12.3.3A)
of fasteners measured along a line joining their centers and a length equal to at least the length of the
(see Figure 12G). threaded portion. The larger percentile in each A “row of fasteners” is defined as two or range shall apply to lag screws of greater diam-
more fasteners aligned with the direction of load (see eters.
Figure 12G). Lead holes or clearance holes shall not be End distance, edge distance, and spacing required for 3/8" and smaller diameter lag screws load-
requirements herein are based on wood properties. ed primarily in withdrawal in wood with G 0.5 (see
Wood-to-metal and wood-to-concrete connections are Table 12.3.3A), provided that edge distances, end dis-
subject to placement provisions as shown in 12.5.1, tances, and spacing are sufficient to prevent unusual
however, applicable end and edge distance and spacing splitting.
requirements for metal and concrete, also apply (see The threaded portion of the lag screw shall
11.2.3 and 11.2.4). be inserted in its lead hole by turning with a wrench,
not by driving with a hammer.
12.1.3 Bolts No reduction to reference design values is
anticipated if soap or other lubricant is used on the lag Installation requirements apply to bolts meet- screw or in the lead holes to facilitate insertion and to
ing requirements of ANSI/ASME Standard B18.2.1. See prevent damage to the lag screw.
Appendix Table L1 for standard hex bolt dimensions. The minimum length of lag screw penetra- Holes shall be a minimum of 1/32" to a tion, pmin, not including the length of the tapered tip, E,
maximum of 1/16" larger than the bolt diameter. Holes of the lag screw into the main member of single shear
shall be accurately aligned in main members and side connections and the side members of double shear con-
plates. Bolts shall not be forcibly driven. nections shall be 4D. A standard cut washer (Appendix Table Edge distances, end distances, and fastener
L6), or metal plate or metal strap of equal or greater spacings shall not be less than the requirements in Ta-
dimensions shall be provided between the wood and the bles 12.5.1A through 12.5.1E.
bolt head and between the wood and the nut.
Copyright © American Wood Council. Downloaded/printed pursuant to License Agreement. No reproduction or transfer authorized.
12.1.5 Wood Screws box, and sinker nail dimensions and Appendix Table
L5 for standard post-frame ring shank nail dimensions. Installation requirements apply to wood Threaded, hardened-steel nails, and spikes
screws meeting requirements of ANSI/ASME Standard shall be made of high carbon steel wire, headed, point-
B18.6.1. See Appendix Table L3 for standard wood ed, annularly or helically threaded, and heat-treated and
screw dimensions. tempered to provide greater yield strength than for Lead holes for wood screws loaded in common wire nails of corresponding size.
withdrawal shall have a diameter equal to approximate- Reference design values herein apply to
ly 90% of the wood screw root diameter in wood with nailed and spiked connections either with or without
G > 0.6, and approximately 70% of the wood screw bored holes. When a bored hole is desired to prevent
root diameter in wood with 0.5 < G 0.6. Wood with G splitting of wood, the diameter of the bored hole shall
0.5 (see Table 12.3.3A) is not required to have a lead not exceed 90% of the nail or spike diameter for wood
hole for insertion of wood screws. with G > 0.6, nor 75% of the nail or spike diameter for Lead holes for wood screws loaded lateral- wood with G 0.6 (see Table 12.3.3A).
ly shall be bored as follows: Toe-nails shall be driven at an angle of ap-
(a) For wood with G > 0.6 (see Table 12.3.3A), the proximately 30° with the member and started approxi-
part of the lead hole receiving the shank shall mately 1/3 the length of the nail from the member end
have about the same diameter as the shank, and (see Figure 12A).
that receiving the threaded portion shall have
about the same diameter as the screw at the Figure 12A Toe-Nail Connection
root of the thread (see Reference 8).
(b) For G 0.6 (see Table 12.3.3A), the part of the
lead hole receiving the shank shall be about 7/8
the diameter of the shank and that receiving the
threaded portion shall be about 7/8 the diameter
of the screw at the root of the thread (see Ref-
erence 8). The wood screw shall be inserted in its
lead hole by turning with a screw driver or other tool,
not by driving with a hammer. No reduction to reference design values is
anticipated if soap or other lubricant is used on the
wood screw or in the lead holes to facilitate insertion
and to prevent damage to the wood screw. The minimum length of wood screw pene-
tration, pmin, including the length of the tapered tip The minimum length of nail or spike pene-
where part of the penetration into the main member for
single shear connections and the side members for dou-
tration, pmin, including the length of the tapered tip 12
where part of the penetration into the main member for
ble shear connections shall be 6D. single shear connections and the side members of dou- Edge distances, end distances, and fastener ble shear connections shall be 6D.
spacings shall be sufficient to prevent splitting of the
wood. Exception: The minimum length of penetration,
pmin, need not be 6D for symmetric double shear
12.1.6 Nails and Spikes connections where nails with diameter of 0.148”
or smaller extend at least three diameters beyond Installation requirements apply to common the side member and are clinched, and side
steel wire nails and spikes, box nails, threaded hard- members are at least 3/8" thick.
ened-steel nails, and post-frame ring shank nails meet-
ing requirements in ASTM F1667. Nail specifications Edge distances, end distances, and fastener
for engineered construction shall include the minimum spacings shall be sufficient to prevent splitting of the
lengths and diameters for the nails and spikes to be wood.
used. See Appendix Table L4 for standard common,
Copyright © American Wood Council. Downloaded/printed pursuant to License Agreement. No reproduction or transfer authorized.
12.1.7 Drift Bolts and Drift Pins 12.1.8 Other Dowel-Type Fasteners Lead holes shall be drilled 0" to 1/32" Where fastener type or installation requirements
smaller than the actual pin diameter. vary from those specified in 12.1.3, 12.1.4, 12.1.5, Additional penetration of pin into mem- 12.1.6, and 12.1.7, provisions of 12.2 and 12.3 shall be
bers shall be provided in lieu of the washer, head, and permitted to be used in the determination of reference
nut on a common bolt (see Reference 53 for additional withdrawal and lateral design values, respectively, pro-
information). vided allowance is made to account for such variation Edge distances, end distances, and fastener (see Edge distances, end distances, and spac-
spacings shall not be less than the requirements in Ta- ings shall be sufficient to prevent splitting of the wood.
bles 12.5.1A through 12.5.1D.
0.40 161 190 218 245 271 320 367 412 455 497 538
0.39 155 183 210 236 261 308 353 397 438 479 518
0.38 149 176 202 227 251 296 340 381 422 461 498
0.37 143 169 194 218 241 285 326 367 405 443 479
0.36 137 163 186 209 231 273 313 352 389 425 460
0.35 132 156 179 200 222 262 300 337 373 407 441
0.31 110 130 149 167 185 218 250 281 311 339 367
1. Tabulated withdrawal design values, W, for lag screw connections shall be multiplied by all applicable adjustment factors (see Table 11.3.1).
2. Specific gravity, G, shall be determined in accordance with Table 12.3.3A.
Table 12.2B Cut Thread or Rolled Thread Wood Screw Reference Withdrawal Design Values, W1
Tabulated withdrawal design values, W, are in pounds per inch of thread penetration into side grain of wood
member (see
Specific Wood Screw Number
Gravity, 6 7 8 9 10 12 14 16 18 20 24
0.73 209 229 249 268 288 327 367 406 446 485 564
0.71 198 216 235 254 272 310 347 384 421 459 533
0.68 181 199 216 233 250 284 318 352 387 421 489
0.67 176 193 209 226 243 276 309 342 375 409 475
0.58 132 144 157 169 182 207 232 256 281 306 356
0.55 119 130 141 152 163 186 208 231 253 275 320
0.51 102 112 121 131 141 160 179 198 217 237 275
0.50 98 107 117 126 135 154 172 191 209 228 264
0.49 94 103 112 121 130 147 165 183 201 219 254
0.47 87 95 103 111 119 136 152 168 185 201 234
0.46 83 91 99 107 114 130 146 161 177 193 224
0.44 76 83 90 97 105 119 133 148 162 176 205
0.43 73 79 86 93 100 114 127 141 155 168 196
0.42 69 76 82 89 95 108 121 134 147 161 187
0.41 66 72 78 85 91 103 116 128 141 153 178
0.40 63 69 75 81 86 98 110 122 134 146 169
0.39 60 65 71 77 82 93 105 116 127 138 161
0.38 57 62 67 73 78 89 99 110 121 131 153
0.37 54 59 64 69 74 84 94 104 114 125 145
0.36 51 56 60 65 70 80 89 99 108 118 137
0.35 48 53 57 62 66 75 84 93 102 111 130
0.31 38 41 45 48 52 59 66 73 80 87 102
1. Tabulated withdrawal design values, W, for wood screw connections shall be multiplied by all applicable adjustment factors (see Table 11.3.1).
2. Specific gravity, G, shall be determined in accordance with Table 12.3.3A.
Copyright © American Wood Council. Downloaded/printed pursuant to License Agreement. No reproduction or transfer authorized.
Table 12.2C Nail and Spike Reference Withdrawal Design Values, W1
Tabulated withdrawal design values, W, are in pounds per inch of fastenerpenetration into side grain of wood member (see
Specific Plain Shank Nail and Spike Threaded Nail
Gravity, Diameter, D Diameter, D
G2 0.099" 0.113" 0.128" 0.131" 0.135" 0.148" 0.162" 0.192" 0.207" 0.225" 0.244" 0.263" 0.283" 0.312" 0.375" 0.120" 0.135" 0.148" 0.177" 0.207"
0.73 62 71 80 82 85 93 102 121 130 141 153 165 178 196 236 82 93 102 121 141
0.71 58 66 75 77 79 87 95 113 121 132 143 154 166 183 220 77 87 95 113 132
0.68 52 59 67 69 71 78 85 101 109 118 128 138 149 164 197 69 78 85 101 118
0.67 50 57 65 66 68 75 82 97 105 114 124 133 144 158 190 66 75 82 97 114
0.58 35 40 45 46 48 52 57 68 73 80 86 93 100 110 133 46 52 57 68 80
0.55 31 35 40 41 42 46 50 59 64 70 76 81 88 97 116 41 46 50 59 70
0.51 25 29 33 34 35 38 42 49 53 58 63 67 73 80 96 34 38 42 49 58
0.50 24 28 31 32 33 36 40 47 50 55 60 64 69 76 91 32 36 40 47 55
0.49 23 26 30 30 31 34 38 45 48 52 57 61 66 72 87 30 34 38 45 52
0.47 21 24 27 27 28 31 34 40 43 47 51 55 59 65 78 27 31 34 40 47
0.46 20 22 25 26 27 29 32 38 41 45 48 52 56 62 74 26 29 32 38 45
0.44 18 20 23 23 24 26 29 34 37 40 43 47 50 55 66 23 26 29 34 40
0.43 17 19 21 22 23 25 27 32 35 38 41 44 47 52 63 22 25 27 32 38
0.42 16 18 20 21 21 23 26 30 33 35 38 41 45 49 59 21 23 26 30 35
0.41 15 17 19 19 20 22 24 29 31 33 36 39 42 46 56 19 22 24 29 33
0.40 14 16 18 18 19 21 23 27 29 31 34 37 40 44 52 18 21 23 27 31
1. Tabulated withdrawal design values, W, for nail or spike connections shall be multiplied by all applicable adjustment factors (see Table 11.3.1).
2. Specific gravity, G, shall be determined in accordance with Table 12.3.3A.
Copyright © American Wood Council. Downloaded/printed pursuant to License Agreement. No reproduction or transfer authorized.
Table 12.2D Post-Frame Ring Shank Nail Reference Withdrawal Design Values, W1
Tabulated withdrawal design values, W, are in pounds per inch of ring shank penetration into side grain of
wood member (see Appendix Table L5).
Specific Diameter, D (in.)
G2 0.135 0.148 0.177 0.200 0.207
0.73 129 142 170 192 199
0.71 122 134 161 181 188
0.68 112 123 147 166 172
0.67 109 120 143 162 167
0.58 82 90 107 121 125
0.55 74 81 96 109 113
0.51 63 69 83 94 97
0.50 61 67 80 90 93
0.49 58 64 76 86 89
0.47 54 59 70 80 82
0.46 51 56 67 76 79
0.44 47 52 62 70 72
0.43 45 49 59 67 69
0.42 43 47 56 64 66
0.41 41 45 54 61 63
0.40 39 43 51 58 60
0.39 37 41 48 55 57
0.38 35 38 46 52 54
0.37 33 36 44 49 51
0.36 31 35 41 47 48
0.35 30 33 39 44 46
0.31 23 26 31 35 36
1. Tabulated withdrawal design values, W, for post-frame ring shank nails shall be
multiplied by all applicable adjustment factors (see Table 11.3.1).
2. Specific gravity, G, shall be determined in accordance with Table 12.3.3A.
Copyright © American Wood Council. Downloaded/printed pursuant to License Agreement. No reproduction or transfer authorized.
Re = Fem/Fes
2Fyb (1 2Re )D Rt = m/ s
k 2 1 2(1 R e )
3Fem m
2 m = main member dowel bearing length, in.
s = side member dowel bearing length, in.
2(1 Re ) 2Fyb (2 Re )D
2 Fem = main member dowel bearing strength, psi (see Table
k 3 1 2 12.3.3)
Re 3Fem s
Fes = side member dowel bearing strength, psi (see Table
loading with respect to the grain orientation of the Figure 12C Double Shear Bolted
cross-laminated timber ply at the shear plane. Connections Where dowel-type fasteners are installed
in the narrow edge of cross-laminated timber panels,
the dowel bearing strength shall be Fefor D1/4" and
Fe for D<1/4".
Copyright © American Wood Council. Downloaded/printed pursuant to License Agreement. No reproduction or transfer authorized.
Table 12.3.3 Dowel Bearing Strengths, Fe, for Dowel-Type Fasteners in Wood Members
Specific1 Dowel bearing strength in pounds per square inch (psi) 2
Gravity, Fe Fe|| Fe
G D<1/4" 1/4" ≤ D ≤ 1" D=1/4" D=5/16" D=3/8" D=7/16" D=1/2" D=5/8" D=3/4" D=7/8" D=1"
0.73 9300 8200 7750 6900 6300 5850 5450 4900 4450 4150 3850
0.72 9050 8050 7600 6800 6200 5750 5350 4800 4350 4050 3800
0.71 8850 7950 7400 6650 6050 5600 5250 4700 4300 3950 3700
0.70 8600 7850 7250 6500 5950 5500 5150 4600 4200 3900 3650
0.69 8400 7750 7100 6350 5800 5400 5050 4500 4100 3800 3550
0.68 8150 7600 6950 6250 5700 5250 4950 4400 4050 3750 3500
0.67 7950 7500 6850 6100 5550 5150 4850 4300 3950 3650 3400
0.66 7750 7400 6700 5950 5450 5050 4700 4200 3850 3550 3350
0.65 7500 7300 6550 5850 5350 4950 4600 4150 3750 3500 3250
0.64 7300 7150 6400 5700 5200 4850 4500 4050 3700 3400 3200
0.63 7100 7050 6250 5600 5100 4700 4400 3950 3600 3350 3100
0.62 6900 6950 6100 5450 5000 4600 4300 3850 3500 3250 3050
0.61 6700 6850 5950 5350 4850 4500 4200 3750 3450 3200 3000
0.60 6500 6700 5800 5200 4750 4400 4100 3700 3350 3100 2900
0.59 6300 6600 5700 5100 4650 4300 4000 3600 3300 3050 2850
0.58 6100 6500 5550 4950 4500 4200 3900 3500 3200 2950 2750
0.57 5900 6400 5400 4850 4400 4100 3800 3400 3100 2900 2700
0.56 5700 6250 5250 4700 4300 4000 3700 3350 3050 2800 2650
0.55 5550 6150 5150 4600 4200 3900 3650 3250 2950 2750 2550
0.54 5350 6050 5000 4450 4100 3750 3550 3150 2900 2650 2500
0.53 5150 5950 4850 4350 3950 3650 3450 3050 2800 2600 2450
0.52 5000 5800 4750 4250 3850 3550 3350 3000 2750 2550 2350
0.51 4800 5700 4600 4100 3750 3450 3250 2900 2650 2450 2300
0.50 4650 5600 4450 4000 3650 3400 3150 2800 2600 2400 2250
0.49 4450 5500 4350 3900 3550 3300 3050 2750 2500 2300 2150
0.48 4300 5400 4200 3750 3450 3200 3000 2650 2450 2250 2100
0.47 4150 5250 4100 3650 3350 3100 2900 2600 2350 2200 2050
0.46 4000 5150 3950 3550 3250 3000 2800 2500 2300 2100 2000
0.45 3800 5050 3850 3450 3150 2900 2700 2400 2200 2050 1900
0.44 3650 4950 3700 3300 3050 2800 2600 2350 2150 2000 1850
0.43 3500 4800 3600 3200 2950 2700 2550 2250 2050 1900 1800
0.42 3350 4700 3450 3100 2850 2600 2450 2200 2000 1850 1750 12
0.41 3200 4600 3350 3000 2750 2550 2350 2100 1950 1800 1650
0.40 3100 4500 3250 2900 2650 2450 2300 2050 1850 1750 1600
0.39 2950 4350 3100 2800 2550 2350 2200 1950 1800 1650 1550
0.38 2800 4250 3000 2700 2450 2250 2100 1900 1750 1600 1500
0.37 2650 4150 2900 2600 2350 2200 2050 1850 1650 1550 1450
0.36 2550 4050 2750 2500 2250 2100 1950 1750 1600 1500 1400
0.35 2400 3900 2650 2400 2150 2000 1900 1700 1550 1400 1350
0.34 2300 3800 2550 2300 2100 1950 1800 1600 1450 1350 1300
0.33 2150 3700 2450 2200 2000 1850 1750 1550 1400 1300 1200
0.32 2050 3600 2350 2100 1900 1750 1650 1500 1350 1250 1150
0.31 1900 3450 2250 2000 1800 1700 1600 1400 1300 1200 1100
1. Specific gravity, G, shall be determined in accordance with Table 12.3.3A.
2. Fe|| = 11200G; Fe = 6100G1.45/ D ; Fe for D < 1/4" = 16600 G1.84; Tabulated values are rounded to the nearest 50 psi.
Copyright © American Wood Council. Downloaded/printed pursuant to License Agreement. No reproduction or transfer authorized.
Specific1 Specific1
Species Combination Gravity, G Species Combinations of MSR and MEL Lumber Gravity, G
Alaska Cedar 0.47 Douglas Fir-Larch
Alaska Hemlock 0.46 E=1,900,000 psi and lower grades of MSR 0.50
Alaska Spruce 0.41 E=2,000,000 psi grades of MSR 0.51
Alaska Yellow Cedar 0.46 E=2,100,000 psi grades of MSR 0.52
Aspen 0.39 E=2,200,000 psi grades of MSR 0.53
Balsam Fir 0.36 E=2,300,000 psi grades of MSR 0.54
Beech-Birch-Hickory 0.71 E=2,400,000 psi grades of MSR 0.55
Coast Sitka Spruce 0.39 Douglas Fir-Larch (North)
Cottonwood 0.41 E=1,900,000 psi and lower grades of MSR and MEL 0.49
Douglas Fir-Larch 0.50 E=2,000,000 psi to 2,200,000 psi grades of MSR and MEL 0.53
Douglas Fir-Larch (North) 0.49 E=2,300,000 psi and higher grades of MSR and MEL 0.57
Douglas Fir-South 0.46 Douglas Fir-Larch (South)
Eastern Hemlock 0.41 E=1,000,000 psi and higher grades of MSR 0.46
Eastern Hemlock-Balsam Fir 0.36 Engelmann Spruce-Lodgepole Pine
Eastern Hemlock-Tamarack 0.41 E=1,400,000 psi and lower grades of MSR 0.38
Eastern Hemlock-Tamarack (North) 0.47 E=1,500,000 psi and higher grades of MSR 0.46
Eastern Softwoods 0.36 Hem-Fir
Eastern Spruce 0.41 E=1,500,000 psi and lower grades of MSR 0.43
Eastern White Pine 0.36 E=1,600,000 psi grades of MSR 0.44
Engelmann Spruce-Lodgepole Pine 0.38 E=1,700,000 psi grades of MSR 0.45
Hem-Fir 0.43 E=1,800,000 psi grades of MSR 0.46
Hem-Fir (North) 0.46 E=1,900,000 psi grades of MSR 0.47
Mixed Maple 0.55 E=2,000,000 psi grades of MSR 0.48
Mixed Oak 0.68 E=2,100,000 psi grades of MSR 0.49
Mixed Southern Pine 0.51 E=2,200,000 psi grades of MSR 0.50
Mountain Hemlock 0.47 E=2,300,000 psi grades of MSR 0.51
Northern Pine 0.42 E=2,400,000 psi grades of MSR 0.52
Northern Red Oak 0.68 Hem-Fir (North)
Northern Species 0.35 E=1,000,000 psi and higher grades of MSR and MEL 0.46
Northern White Cedar 0.31 Southern Pine
Ponderosa Pine 0.43 E=1,700,000 psi and lower grades of MSR and MEL 0.55
Red Maple 0.58 E=1,800,000 psi and higher grades of MSR and MEL 0.57
Red Oak 0.67 Spruce-Pine-Fir
Red Pine 0.44 E=1,700,000 psi and lower grades of MSR and MEL 0.42
Redwood, close grain 0.44 E=1,800,000 psi and 1,900,000 grades of MSR and MEL 0.46
Redwood, open grain 0.37 E=2,000,000 psi and higher grades of MSR and MEL 0.50
1. Specific gravity, G, based on weight and volume when oven-dry. Different specific gravities, G, are possible for different grades of MSR and MEL lumber
(see Table 4C, Footnote 2).
Copyright © American Wood Council. Downloaded/printed pursuant to License Agreement. No reproduction or transfer authorized.
the side member as s and the minimum dowel diame- Connections
ter, D, occurring in either of the connection shear
Copyright © American Wood Council. Downloaded/printed pursuant to License Agreement. No reproduction or transfer authorized.
Copyright © American Wood Council. Downloaded/printed pursuant to License Agreement. No reproduction or transfer authorized.
(fastener bearing away
from member end) 2D 4D Where D 1/4", edge distance and spac-
Parallel to Grain, ing between rows of fasteners shall be in accordance
with Table 12.5.1C and Table 12.5.1D and applicable
(fastener bearing to-
ward member end) requirements of 12.1. The perpendicular to grain dis-
for softwoods 3.5D 7D tance between the outermost fasteners shall not exceed
for hardwoods 2.5D 5D 5" (see Figure 12H) unless special detailing is provid-
ed to accommodate cross-grain shrinkage of the wood
(b) For loading at an angle to the fastener, where member. For structural glued laminated timber mem-
dowel-type fasteners are used, the minimum bers, the perpendicular to grain distance between the
shear area for C∆ = 1.0 shall be equivalent to outermost fasteners shall not exceed the limits in Table
the shear area for a parallel member connec- 12.5.1F, unless special detailing is provided to ac-
tion with minimum end distance for C∆ = 1.0 commodate cross-grain shrinkage of the member.
(see Table 12.5.1A and Figure 12E). The min- Where fasteners are installed in the nar- 12
imum shear area for C∆ = 0.5 shall be equiva- row edge of cross-laminated timber panels and D ≥
lent to ½ the minimum shear area for C∆ = 1.0. 1/4", end distances, edge distances, and fastener spac-
Where the actual shear area is greater than or ing in a row shall not be less than the minimum values
equal to the minimum shear area for C∆ = 0.5, in Table 12.5.1G.
but less than the minimum shear area for C∆ =
1.0, the geometry factor, C, shall be deter-
mined as follows: Table 12.5.1B Spacing Requirements for
Fasteners in a Row
actual shear area
C =
minimum shear area for C = 1.0 Spacing
Direction of Minimum Minimum spacing
Loading spacing for C∆ = 1.0
Parallel to Grain 3D 4D
Perpendicular to 3D Required spacing for
Grain attached members
Copyright © American Wood Council. Downloaded/printed pursuant to License Agreement. No reproduction or transfer authorized.
88 DOWEL-TYPE FASTENERS Where lag screws are loaded in with- Where nails or spikes are used in diaphragm con-
drawal from end grain, the reference withdrawal de- struction, reference lateral design values, Z, are per-
sign values, W, shall be multiplied by the end grain mitted to be multiplied by the diaphragm factor, Cdi =
factor, Ceg = 0.75. 1.1. Where dowel-type fasteners are inserted
in the end grain of the main member, with the fastener 12.5.4 Toe-Nail Factor, Ctn
axis parallel to the wood fibers, reference lateral de-
sign values, Z, shall be multiplied by the end grain Reference withdrawal design values, W,
factor, Ceg = 0.67. for toe-nailed connections shall be multiplied by the Where dowel-type fasteners with D1/4" toe-nail factor, Ctn = 0.67. The wet service factor, CM,
are loaded laterally in the narrow edge of cross- shall not apply.
laminated timber, the reference lateral design value, Z, Reference lateral design values, Z, for
shall be multiplied by the end grain factor, Ceg=0.67, toe-nailed connections shall be multiplied by the toe-
regardless of grain orientation. nail factor, Ctn = 0.83.
Table 12.5.1C Edge Distance Table 12.5.1E Edge and End Distance and
Requirements1,2 Spacing Requirements for Lag
Screws Loaded in Withdrawal
Direction of Loading Minimum Edge Distance and Not Loaded Laterally
Parallel to Grain:
where /D ≤ 6 1.5D Orientation Minimum Distance/Spacing
where /D > 6 1.5D or ½ the spacing between
Edge Distance 1.5D
rows, whichever is greater
Perpendicular to Grain:2
End Distance 4D
loaded edge 4D Spacing 4D
unloaded edge 1.5D
1. The /D ratio used to determine the minimum edge distance shall be
the lesser of: Table 12.5.1F Perpendicular to Grain
(a) length of fastener in wood main member/D = m/D Distance Requirements for
(b) total length of fastener in wood side member(s)/D = s/D Outermost Fasteners in
2. Heavy or medium concentrated loads shall not be suspended below the
neutral axis of a single sawn lumber or structural glued laminated tim- Structural Glued Laminated
ber beam except where mechanical or equivalent reinforcement is Timber Members
provided to resist tension stresses perpendicular to grain (see 3.8.2 and
Moisture Content
Table 12.5.1D Spacing Requirements Between Between
Rows1 Fastener At Time of In- Outer
Type Fabrication Service Rows
Direction of Loading Minimum Spacing All Fasteners >16% <16% 5"
Parallel to Grain 1.5D Any >16% 5"
Perpendicular to Grain: Bolts <16% <16% 10"
where /D ≤ 2 2.5D Lag Screws <16% <16% 6"
where 2 < /D < 6 (5 + 10D) / 8
Drift Pins <16% <16% 6"
where /D ≥ 6 5D
1. The /D ratio used to determine the minimum edge distance shall be
the lesser of:
(a) length of fastener in wood main member/D = m/D
(b) total length of fastener in wood side member(s)/D = s/D
Copyright © American Wood Council. Downloaded/printed pursuant to License Agreement. No reproduction or transfer authorized.
Table 12.5.1G End Distance, Edge Distance Figure 12 End Distance, Edge Distance
and Fastener Spacing and Fastener Spacing
Requirements in Narrow Edge Requirements in Narrow Edge
of Cross-Laminated Timber of Cross-Laminated Timber
(see Figure 12 )
Minimum Minimum for
End Edge Fasteners
Direction of Loading Distance Distance in a Row
Perpendicular to Plane
of CLT 4D
Parallel to Plane of
CLT, Compression:
4D 3D 4D
(fastener bearing away
from member end)
Parallel to Plane of
CLT, Tension: (fas-
tener bearing toward
member end)
Figure 12H Spacing Between Outer Rows
of Bolts
Copyright © American Wood Council. Downloaded/printed pursuant to License Agreement. No reproduction or transfer authorized.
Where a connection contains multiple fasteners, Local stresses in connections using multiple fas-
fasteners shall be staggered symmetrically in members teners shall be evaluated in accordance with principles
loaded perpendicular to grain whenever possible (see of engineering mechanics (see 11.1.2). for special design provisions where bolts, lag
screws, or drift pins are staggered).
Copyright © American Wood Council. Downloaded/printed pursuant to License Agreement. No reproduction or transfer authorized.
This page left blank intentionally.
Copyright © American Wood Council. Downloaded/printed pursuant to License Agreement. No reproduction or transfer authorized.
Table 12A BOLTS: Reference Lateral Design Values, Z, for Single Shear
(two member) Connections1,2
for sawn lumber or SCL with both members of identical specific gravity
G=0.55 G=0.46
G=0.67 Mixed Maple G=0.50 G=0.49 Douglas Fir(S)
tm ts D Zll Zs⊥ Zm⊥ Z⊥ Zll Zs⊥ Zm⊥ Z⊥ Zll Zs⊥ Zm⊥ Z⊥ Zll Zs⊥ Zm⊥ Z⊥ Zll Zs⊥ Zm⊥ Z⊥
in. in. in. lbs. lbs. lbs. lbs. lbs. lbs. lbs. lbs. lbs. lbs. lbs. lbs. lbs. lbs. lbs. lbs. lbs. lbs. lbs. lbs.
1/2 650 420 420 330 530 330 330 250 480 300 300 220 470 290 290 210 440 270 270 190
5/8 810 500 500 370 660 400 400 280 600 360 360 240 590 350 350 240 560 320 320 220
1-1/2 1-1/2 3/4 970 580 580 410 800 460 460 310 720 420 420 270 710 400 400 260 670 380 380 240
7/8 1130 660 660 440 930 520 520 330 850 470 470 290 830 460 460 280 780 420 420 250
1 1290 740 740 470 1060 580 580 350 970 530 530 310 950 510 510 300 890 480 480 280
1/2 760 490 490 390 620 390 390 290 560 350 350 250 550 340 340 250 520 320 320 230
5/8 940 590 590 430 770 470 470 330 700 420 420 280 690 410 410 280 650 380 380 250
1-3/4 1-3/4 3/4 1130 680 680 480 930 540 540 360 850 480 480 310 830 470 470 300 780 440 440 280
7/8 1320 770 770 510 1080 610 610 390 990 550 550 340 970 530 530 320 910 500 500 300
1 1510 860 860 550 1240 680 680 410 1130 610 610 360 1110 600 600 350 1040 560 560 320
1/2 770 480 540 440 660 400 420 350 610 370 370 310 610 360 360 300 580 340 330 270
5/8 1070 660 630 520 930 560 490 390 850 520 430 340 830 520 420 330 780 470 390 300
2-1/2 1-1/2 3/4 1360 890 720 570 1120 660 560 430 1020 590 500 380 1000 560 480 360 940 520 450 330
7/8 1590 960 800 620 1300 720 620 470 1190 630 550 410 1170 600 540 390 1090 550 500 360
1 1820 1020 870 660 1490 770 680 490 1360 680 610 440 1330 650 590 420 1250 600 550 390
1/2 770 480 560 440 660 400 470 360 610 370 430 330 610 360 420 320 580 340 400 310
5/8 1070 660 760 590 940 560 620 500 880 520 540 460 870 520 530 450 830 470 490 410
1-1/2 3/4 1450 890 900 770 1270 660 690 580 1200 590 610 510 1190 560 590 490 1140 520 550 450
7/8 1890 960 990 830 1680 720 770 630 1590 630 680 550 1570 600 650 530 1470 550 600 480
1 2410 1020 1080 890 2010 770 830 670 1830 680 740 590 1790 650 710 560 1680 600 660 520
1/2 830 510 590 480 720 420 510 390 670 380 470 350 660 380 460 340 620 360 440 320
5/8 1160 680 820 620 1000 580 640 520 930 530 560 460 920 530 550 450 880 500 510 410
3-1/2 1-3/4 3/4 1530 900 940 780 1330 770 720 580 1250 680 640 520 1240 660 620 500 1190 600 580 460
7/8 1970 1120 1040 840 1730 840 810 640 1620 740 710 550 1590 700 690 530 1490 640 640 490
1 2480 1190 1130 900 2030 890 880 670 1850 790 780 590 1820 750 760 570 1700 700 700 530
1/2 830 590 590 530 750 520 520 460 720 490 490 430 710 480 480 420 690 460 460 410
5/8 1290 880 880 780 1170 780 780 650 1120 700 700 560 1110 690 690 550 1070 650 650 500
3-1/2 3/4 1860 1190 1190 950 1690 960 960 710 1610 870 870 630 1600 850 850 600 1540 800 800 560
7/8 2540 1410 1410 1030 2170 1160 1160 780 1970 1060 1060 680 1940 1040 1040 650 1810 980 980 590
1 3020 1670 1670 1100 2480 1360 1360 820 2260 1230 1230 720 2210 1190 1190 690 2070 1110 1110 640
5/8 1070 660 760 590 940 560 640 500 880 520 590 460 870 520 590 450 830 470 560 430
3/4 1450 890 990 780 1270 660 850 660 1200 590 790 590 1190 560 780 560 1140 520 740 520
7/8 1890 960 1260 960 1680 720 1060 720 1590 630 940 630 1570 600 900 600 1520 550 830 550
1 2410 1020 1500 1020 2150 770 1140 770 2050 680 1010 680 2030 650 970 650 1930 600 910 600
5/8 1160 680 820 620 1000 580 690 520 930 530 630 470 920 530 630 470 880 500 590 440
3/4 1530 900 1050 800 1330 770 890 680 1250 680 830 630 1240 660 810 620 1190 600 780 590
5-1/4 1-3/4
7/8 1970 1120 1320 1020 1730 840 1090 840 1640 740 960 740 1620 700 920 700 1550 640 850 640
1 2480 1190 1530 1190 2200 890 1170 890 2080 790 1040 790 2060 750 1000 750 1990 700 930 700
5/8 1290 880 880 780 1170 780 780 680 1120 700 730 630 1110 690 720 620 1070 650 690 580
3/4 1860 1190 1240 1080 1690 960 1090 850 1610 870 1030 780 1600 850 1010 750 1540 800 970 710
7/8 2540 1410 1640 1260 2300 1160 1380 1000 2190 1060 1230 870 2170 1040 1190 840 2060 980 1100 770
1 3310 1670 1940 1420 2870 1390 1520 1060 2660 1290 1360 940 2630 1260 1320 900 2500 1210 1230 830
5/8 1070 660 760 590 940 560 640 500 880 520 590 460 870 520 590 450 830 470 560 430
3/4 1450 890 990 780 1270 660 850 660 1200 590 790 590 1190 560 780 560 1140 520 740 520
7/8 1890 960 1260 960 1680 720 1090 720 1590 630 980 630 1570 600 940 600 1520 550 860 550
5-1/2 1 2410 1020 1560 1020 2150 770 1190 770 2050 680 1060 680 2030 650 1010 650 1930 600 940 600
5/8 1290 880 880 780 1170 780 780 680 1120 700 730 630 1110 690 720 620 1070 650 690 580
3/4 1860 1190 1240 1080 1690 960 1090 850 1610 870 1030 780 1600 850 1010 750 1540 800 970 710
7/8 2540 1410 1640 1260 2300 1160 1410 1020 2190 1060 1260 910 2170 1040 1220 870 2060 980 1130 790
1 3310 1670 1980 1470 2870 1390 1550 1100 2660 1290 1390 970 2630 1260 1340 930 2500 1210 1250 860
5/8 1070 660 760 590 940 560 640 500 880 520 590 460 870 520 590 450 830 470 560 430
3/4 1450 890 990 780 1270 660 850 660 1200 590 790 590 1190 560 780 560 1140 520 740 520
7/8 1890 960 1260 960 1680 720 1090 720 1590 630 1010 630 1570 600 990 600 1520 550 950 550
7-1/2 1 2410 1020 1560 1020 2150 770 1350 770 2050 680 1270 680 2030 650 1240 650 1930 600 1190 600
5/8 1290 880 880 780 1170 780 780 680 1120 700 730 630 1110 690 720 620 1070 650 690 580
3/4 1860 1190 1240 1080 1690 960 1090 850 1610 870 1030 780 1600 850 1010 750 1540 800 970 710
7/8 2540 1410 1640 1260 2300 1160 1450 1020 2190 1060 1360 930 2170 1040 1340 900 2060 980 1280 850
1 3310 1670 2090 1470 2870 1390 1830 1210 2660 1290 1630 1110 2630 1260 1570 1080 2500 1210 1470 1030
1. Tabulated lateral design values, Z, for bolted connections shall be multiplied by all applicable adjustment factors (see Table 11.3.1).
2. Tabulated lateral design values, Z, are for “full-body diameter” bolts (see Appendix Table L1) with bolt bending yield strength, Fyb, of 45,000 psi.
Copyright © American Wood Council. Downloaded/printed pursuant to License Agreement. No reproduction or transfer authorized.
Table 12A BOLTS: Reference Lateral Design Values, Z, for Single Shear
(Cont.) (two member) Connections1,2
for sawn lumber or SCL with both members of identical specific gravity
Eastern Softwoods
G=0.43 G=0.42 G=0.37 Western Cedars, G=0.35
tm ts D Zll Zs⊥ Zm⊥ Z⊥ Zll Zs⊥ Zm⊥ Z⊥ Zll Zs⊥ Zm⊥ Z⊥ Zll Zs⊥ Zm⊥ Z⊥ Zll Zs⊥ Zm⊥ Z⊥
in. in. in. lbs. lbs. lbs. lbs. lbs. lbs. lbs. lbs. lbs. lbs. lbs. lbs. lbs. lbs. lbs. lbs. lbs. lbs. lbs. lbs.
1/2 410 250 250 180 410 240 240 170 360 210 210 140 350 200 200 130 340 200 200 130
5/8 520 300 300 190 510 290 290 190 450 250 250 160 440 240 240 150 420 240 240 150
1-1/2 1-1/2 3/4 620 350 350 210 610 340 340 210 540 290 290 170 520 280 280 170 500 270 270 160
7/8 720 390 390 230 710 380 380 220 630 330 330 190 610 320 320 180 590 310 310 170
1 830 440 440 250 810 430 430 240 720 370 370 200 700 360 360 190 670 350 350 190
1/2 480 290 290 210 470 280 280 200 420 250 250 170 410 240 240 160 390 230 230 150
5/8 600 350 350 230 590 340 340 220 520 290 290 190 510 280 280 180 490 270 270 170
1-3/4 1-3/4 3/4 720 400 400 250 710 390 390 240 630 340 340 200 610 330 330 190 590 320 320 190
7/8 850 460 460 270 830 450 450 260 730 390 390 220 710 380 380 210 690 360 360 200
1 970 510 510 290 950 500 500 280 840 430 430 230 820 420 420 230 790 410 410 220
1/2 550 320 310 250 540 320 300 240 500 290 250 200 490 280 240 190 470 280 240 180
5/8 730 420 360 270 710 410 350 270 630 350 300 220 610 330 290 210 590 320 280 210
2-1/2 1-1/2 3/4 870 460 410 300 850 450 400 290 750 370 340 240 740 360 330 230 710 350 320 230
7/8 1020 500 450 320 1000 490 440 310 880 410 380 260 860 390 370 250 830 370 350 240
1 1160 540 500 350 1140 530 490 340 1010 440 420 280 980 420 410 270 940 410 390 260
1/2 550 320 380 290 540 320 370 280 500 290 320 250 490 280 300 250 480 280 290 240
5/8 790 420 440 370 780 410 430 360 720 350 370 300 710 330 350 290 700 320 340 280
1-1/2 3/4 1100 460 500 400 1080 450 480 390 1010 370 410 320 990 360 400 310 950 350 380 300
7/8 1370 500 550 430 1340 490 540 420 1180 410 460 350 1160 390 440 340 1110 370 420 320
1 1570 540 600 470 1530 530 590 460 1350 440 500 380 1320 420 480 370 1270 410 470 350
1/2 590 340 400 300 580 330 390 290 530 300 330 260 520 290 320 250 510 280 310 250
5/8 840 480 460 370 820 470 450 360 760 400 390 310 740 380 370 290 730 370 360 280
3-1/2 1-3/4 3/4 1130 540 520 410 1120 530 510 400 1030 430 430 330 1000 420 420 320 970 410 410 310
7/8 1390 580 580 440 1360 570 570 430 1200 470 480 360 1170 460 470 350 1130 430 440 320
1 1590 630 640 480 1550 610 630 460 1370 510 530 380 1340 490 520 370 1290 470 500 360
1/2 660 440 440 390 660 430 430 380 620 400 400 330 610 390 390 310 600 380 380 310
5/8 1040 600 600 450 1020 590 590 440 960 520 520 370 950 500 500 350 930 490 490 340
3-1/2 3/4 1450 740 740 500 1420 730 730 480 1250 650 650 400 1220 630 630 390 1180 620 620 370
7/8 1690 910 910 540 1660 890 890 520 1460 770 770 440 1430 750 750 420 1370 720 720 390
1 1930 1030 1030 580 1890 1000 1000 560 1670 870 870 470 1630 840 840 450 1570 810 810 430
5/8 790 420 530 410 780 410 520 400 720 350 470 350 710 330 460 330 700 320 450 320
3/4 1100 460 690 460 1080 450 670 450 1010 370 560 370 990 360 540 360 970 350 530 350
7/8 1460 500 750 500 1440 490 730 490 1350 410 620 410 1330 390 600 390 1280 370 560 370
1 1800 540 820 540 1760 530 800 530 1560 440 670 440 1520 420 650 420 1460 410 630 410
5/8 840 480 560 410 820 470 550 410 760 400 500 370 740 380 480 360 730 370 470 350
3/4 1130 540 700 540 1120 530 680 530 1040 430 570 430 1020 420 560 420 1000 410 540 410
5-1/4 1-3/4
7/8 1490 580 770 580 1470 570 750 570 1370 470 640 470 1350 460 620 460 1320 430 580 430
850 630
660 530
820 610
650 520
690 510
610 460
1740 490 670 490
950 500 590 440
1700 470 650 470
930 490 580 430 12
3/4 1490 740 900 640 1480 730 880 620 1390 650 750 520 1370 630 730 500 1330 620 710 480
7/8 1950 920 1010 690 1920 910 990 670 1740 820 850 560 1710 800 830 550 1660 770 780 510
1 2370 1140 1130 750 2330 1120 1100 730 2120 1020 940 600 2080 980 910 580 2030 950 880 560
5/8 790 420 530 410 780 410 520 400 720 350 470 350 710 330 460 330 700 320 450 320
3/4 1100 460 700 460 1080 450 690 450 1010 370 580 370 990 360 570 360 970 350 550 350
7/8 1460 500 780 500 1440 490 760 490 1350 410 650 410 1330 390 630 390 1280 370 590 370
5-1/2 1 1800 540 860 540 1760 530 830 530 1560 440 700 440 1520 420 680 420 1460 410 650 410
5/8 1040 600 660 530 1020 590 650 520 960 520 610 460 950 500 590 440 930 490 580 430
3/4 1490 740 920 650 1480 730 900 640 1390 650 770 530 1370 630 750 520 1330 620 720 500
7/8 1950 920 1030 720 1920 910 1010 700 1740 820 870 590 1710 800 840 570 1660 770 800 530
1 2370 1140 1150 780 2330 1120 1120 760 2120 1020 960 630 2080 980 930 600 2030 950 890 580
5/8 790 420 530 410 780 410 520 400 720 350 470 350 710 330 460 330 700 320 450 320
3/4 1100 460 700 460 1080 450 690 450 1010 370 630 370 990 360 620 360 970 350 600 350
7/8 1460 500 900 500 1440 490 890 490 1350 410 810 410 1330 390 800 390 1280 370 770 370
7-1/2 1 1800 540 1130 540 1760 530 1110 530 1560 440 920 440 1520 420 890 420 1460 410 860 410
5/8 1040 600 660 530 1020 590 650 520 960 520 610 460 950 500 590 440 930 490 580 430
3/4 1490 740 920 650 1480 730 910 640 1390 650 840 560 1370 630 820 550 1330 620 810 540
7/8 1950 920 1210 790 1920 910 1180 780 1740 820 1010 700 1710 800 980 680 1660 770 920 650
1 2370 1140 1340 970 2330 1120 1300 950 2120 1020 1100 820 2080 980 1070 790 2030 950 1030 760
1. Tabulated lateral design values, Z, for bolted connections shall be multiplied by all applicable adjustment factors (see Table 11.3.1).
2. Tabulated lateral design values, Z, are for “full-body diameter” bolts (see Appendix Table L1) with bolt bending yield strength, Fyb, of 45,000 psi.
Copyright © American Wood Council. Downloaded/printed pursuant to License Agreement. No reproduction or transfer authorized.
Table 12B BOLTS: Reference Lateral Design Values, Z, for Single Shear
(two member) Connections1,2
for sawn lumber or SCL main member with 1/4" ASTM A 36 steel side plate
Douglas Fir-Larch(N)
Douglas Fir-Larch
Northern Species
Eastern Softwoods
Douglas Fir(S)
Southern Pine
Western Cedars
Western Woods
Main Member
Bolt Diameter
Side Member
Mixed Maple
(open grain)
Red Oak
tm ts D Zll Z⊥ Zll Z⊥ Zll Z⊥ Zll Z⊥ Zll Z⊥ Zll Z⊥ Zll Z⊥ Zll Z⊥ Zll Z⊥ Zll Z⊥
in. in. in. lbs. lbs. lbs. lbs. lbs. lbs. lbs. lbs. lbs. lbs. lbs. lbs. lbs. lbs. lbs. lbs. lbs. lbs. lbs. lbs.
1/2 730 420 620 350 580 310 580 310 550 290 520 280 510 270 470 240 460 240 450 230
5/8 910 480 780 400 730 360 720 360 690 340 650 320 640 320 590 290 580 280 560 270
1-1/2 1/4 3/4 1090 550 940 450 870 420 860 410 820 390 780 360 770 360 710 320 690 320 680 310
7/8 1270 600 1090 510 1020 470 1010 450 960 430 910 410 900 400 820 370 810 360 790 350
1 1460 660 1250 550 1170 510 1150 500 1100 480 1040 450 1030 450 940 400 930 400 900 390
1/2 810 460 690 370 640 340 630 330 600 310 570 290 560 280 510 250 500 250 490 240
5/8 1020 520 870 430 800 390 790 380 750 360 710 340 700 330 640 300 630 290 610 280
1-3/4 1/4 3/4 1220 590 1040 480 960 440 950 430 900 410 860 380 840 370 770 330 750 330 730 320
7/8 1420 650 1210 540 1130 490 1110 480 1050 450 1000 420 980 420 890 380 880 370 850 360
1 1630 710 1380 580 1290 540 1270 520 1200 500 1140 470 1120 460 1020 410 1000 410 980 400
1/2 930 600 860 470 830 410 820 400 780 380 740 350 720 340 650 300 640 290 620 280
5/8 1370 670 1150 530 1050 470 1040 470 980 430 920 400 910 390 810 340 800 330 770 320
2-1/2 1/4 3/4 1640 750 1370 590 1270 530 1250 520 1180 490 1110 450 1090 440 980 380 960 370 930 360
7/8 1910 820 1600 650 1480 590 1450 570 1370 530 1290 490 1270 480 1140 420 1120 410 1080 400
1 2190 880 1830 700 1690 640 1660 620 1570 580 1480 540 1450 530 1300 460 1280 450 1240 440
1/2 930 620 860 550 830 510 820 510 800 480 770 450 770 430 720 370 720 360 710 350
5/8 1370 860 1260 690 1210 610 1200 600 1160 550 1130 500 1120 490 1060 420 1050 410 1020 400
3-1/2 1/4 3/4 1900 990 1740 760 1670 680 1660 660 1580 610 1480 560 1450 540 1290 460 1260 450 1220 440
7/8 2530 1070 2170 840 1990 740 1950 710 1840 660 1720 610 1690 590 1510 510 1480 500 1430 470
1 2980 1150 2480 890 2270 800 2230 770 2100 730 1970 660 1930 650 1720 560 1690 540 1630 530
5/8 1370 860 1260 760 1210 710 1200 700 1160 670 1130 640 1120 630 1060 580 1050 560 1030 540
3/4 1900 1140 1740 1000 1670 940 1660 930 1610 860 1560 770 1550 760 1460 640 1450 620 1420 600
5-1/4 1/4
7/8 2530 1460 2320 1190 2220 1050 2200 1010 2140 920 2070 840 2050 820 1940 700 1920 680 1890 640
1 3260 1660 2980 1270 2860 1130 2840 1080 2750 1010 2670 920 2640 890 2490 750 2450 730 2360 710
5/8 1370 860 1260 760 1210 710 1200 700 1160 670 1130 640 1120 630 1060 580 1050 570 1030 560
3/4 1900 1140 1740 1000 1670 940 1660 930 1610 890 1560 810 1550 790 1460 660 1450 640 1420 620
5-1/2 1/4
7/8 2530 1460 2320 1240 2220 1090 2200 1050 2140 960 2070 880 2050 860 1940 730 1920 710 1890 660
1 3260 1730 2980 1320 2860 1170 2840 1130 2750 1050 2670 950 2640 930 2490 780 2470 760 2420 740
5/8 1370 860 1260 760 1210 710 1200 700 1160 670 1130 640 1120 630 1060 580 1050 570 1030 560
3/4 1900 1140 1740 1000 1670 940 1660 930 1610 890 1560 850 1550 840 1460 760 1450 750 1420 740
7-1/2 1/4
7/8 2530 1460 2320 1280 2220 1210 2200 1180 2140 1130 2070 1080 2050 1070 1940 960 1920 930 1890 870
1 3260 1820 2980 1590 2860 1500 2840 1470 2750 1400 2670 1270 2640 1230 2490 1030 2470 1000 2420 960
3/4 1900 1140 1740 1000 1670 940 1660 930 1610 890 1560 850 1550 840 1460 760 1450 750 1420 740
9-1/2 1/4 7/8 2530 1460 2320 1280 2220 1210 2200 1180 2140 1130 2070 1080 2050 1070 1940 980 1920 970 1890 930
1 3260 1820 2980 1590 2860 1500 2840 1470 2750 1420 2670 1350 2640 1330 2490 1220 2470 1200 2420 1180
7/8 2530 1460 2320 1280 2220 1210 2200 1180 2140 1130 2070 1080 2050 1070 1940 980 1920 970 1890 930
11-1/2 1/4
1 3260 1820 2980 1590 2860 1500 2840 1470 2750 1420 2670 1350 2640 1330 2490 1220 2470 1200 2420 1180
13-1/2 1/4 1 3260 1820 2980 1590 2860 1500 2840 1470 2750 1420 2670 1350 2640 1330 2490 1220 2470 1200 2420 1180
1. Tabulated lateral design values, Z, for bolted connections shall be multiplied by all applicable adjustment factors (see Table 11.3.1).
2. Tabulated lateral design values, Z, are for “full-body diameter” bolts (see Appendix Table L1) with bolt bending yield strength, Fyb, of 45,000 psi and dowel bearing
strength, Fe, of 87,000 psi for ASTM A36 steel.
Copyright © American Wood Council. Downloaded/printed pursuant to License Agreement. No reproduction or transfer authorized.
Table 12C BOLTS: Reference Lateral Design Values, Z, for Single Shear (two member) Connections1,2
for structural glued laminated timber main member with sawn lumber side member of identical specific gravity
G=0.55 G=0.50 G=0.46 G=0.43 G=0.42 Spruce-Pine-Fir(S)
Bolt Diameter
Southern Pine Douglas Fir-Larch Douglas Fir(S) Hem-Fir Spruce-Pine-Fir Western Woods
tm ts D Zll Zs⊥ Zm⊥ Z⊥ Zll Zs⊥ Zm⊥ Z⊥ Zll Zs⊥ Zm⊥ Z⊥ Zll Zs⊥ Zm⊥ Z⊥ Zll Zs⊥ Zm⊥ Z⊥ Zll Zs⊥ Zm⊥ Z⊥
in. in. in. lbs. lbs. lbs. lbs. lbs. lbs. lbs. lbs. lbs. lbs. lbs. lbs. lbs. lbs. lbs. lbs. lbs. lbs. lbs. lbs. lbs. lbs. lbs. lbs.
1/2 - - - - 610 370 370 310 580 340 330 270 550 320 310 250 540 320 300 240 490 280 240 190
5/8 - - - - 850 520 430 340 780 470 390 300 730 420 360 270 710 410 350 270 610 330 290 210
2-1/2 1-1/2 3/4 - - - - 1020 590 500 380 940 520 450 330 870 460 410 300 850 450 400 290 740 360 330 230
7/8 - - - - 1190 630 550 410 1090 550 500 360 1020 500 450 320 1000 490 440 310 860 390 370 250
1 - - - - 1360 680 610 440 1250 600 550 390 1160 540 500 350 1140 530 490 340 980 420 410 270
1/2 660 400 470 360 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
5/8 940 560 550 460 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
3 1-1/2 3/4 1270 660 620 500 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
7/8 1520 720 690 540 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
1 1740 770 750 580 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
1/2 - - - - 610 370 430 330 580 340 390 310 550 320 360 290 540 320 340 280 490 280 280 230
5/8 - - - - 880 520 500 410 830 470 450 370 790 420 410 330 780 410 400 320 710 330 330 260
3-1/8 1-1/2 3/4 - - - - 1200 590 570 460 1130 520 510 410 1060 460 460 360 1040 450 450 350 890 360 370 280
7/8 - - - - 1440 630 630 490 1320 550 560 430 1230 500 510 390 1210 490 500 380 1040 390 410 310
1 - - - - 1640 680 690 530 1510 600 620 470 1410 540 560 420 1380 530 550 410 1190 420 450 330
5/8 940 560 640 500 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
6-3/4 1-1/2
7/8 1680 720 1090 720 1590 630 1010 630 1520 550 950 550 1460 500 900 500 1440 490 890 490 1330 390 750 390
1 2150 770 1350 770 2050 680 1270 680 1930 600 1140 600 1800 540 1030 540 1760 530 1000 530 1520 420 810 420
1. Tabulated lateral design values, Z, for bolted connections shall be multiplied by all applicable adjustment factors (see Table 11.3.1).
2. Tabulated lateral design values, Z, are for “full-body diameter” bolts (see Appendix Table L1) with bolt bending yield strength , Fyb, of 45,000 psi.
Copyright © American Wood Council. Downloaded/printed pursuant to License Agreement. No reproduction or transfer authorized.
Table 12D BOLTS: Reference Lateral Design Values, Z, for Single Shear
(two member) Connections1,2
for structural glued laminated timber main member with 1/4" ASTM A 36 steel side plate
Douglas Fir-Larch
Western Woods
Douglas Fir(S)
Southern Pine
Bolt Diameter
Main Member
Side Member
tm ts D Zll Z⊥ Zll Z⊥ Zll Z⊥ Zll Z⊥ Zll Z⊥ Zll Z⊥
in. in. in. lbs. lbs. lbs. lbs. lbs. lbs. lbs. lbs. lbs. lbs. lbs. lbs.
1/2 - - 830 410 780 380 740 350 720 340 640 290
5/8 - - 1050 470 980 430 920 400 910 390 800 330
2-1/2 1/4 3/4 - - 1270 530 1180 490 1110 450 1090 440 960 370
7/8 - - 1480 590 1370 530 1290 490 1270 480 1120 410
1 - - 1690 640 1570 580 1480 540 1450 530 1280 450
1/2 860 540 - - - - - - - - - -
5/8 1260 610 - - - - - - - - - -
3 1/4 3/4 1610 670 - - - - - - - - - -
7/8 1880 740 - - - - - - - - - -
1 2150 790 - - - - - - - - - -
1/2 - - 830 490 800 440 770 410 770 400 720 330
5/8 - - 1210 550 1160 500 1110 460 1090 450 960 380
3-1/8 1/4 3/4 - - 1540 620 1420 560 1340 510 1310 500 1150 420
7/8 - - 1790 680 1660 610 1560 560 1530 550 1340 470
1 - - 2050 740 1900 670 1780 610 1750 600 1530 510
5/8 1260 760 - - - - - - - - - -
3/4 1740 1000 - - - - - - - - - -
5 1/4
7/8 2320 1140 - - - - - - - - - -
1 2980 1210 - - - - - - - - - -
5/8 - - 1210 710 1160 670 1130 640 1120 630 1050 550
3/4 - - 1670 940 1610 840 1560 760 1550 740 1450 610
5-1/8 1/4
7/8 - - 2220 1020 2140 900 2070 830 2050 810 1920 670
1 - - 2860 1100 2750 990 2670 900 2640 880 2390 720
5/8 1260 760 1210 710 1160 670 1130 640 1120 630 1050 570
3/4 1740 1000 1670 940 1610 890 1560 850 1550 840 1450 750
6-3/4 1/4
7/8 2320 1280 2220 1210 2140 1130 2070 1060 2050 1030 1920 850
1 2980 1590 2860 1420 2750 1270 2670 1150 2640 1120 2470 910
3/4 1740 1000 - - - - - - - - - -
8-1/2 1/4 7/8 2320 1280 - - - - - - - - - -
1 2980 1590 - - - - - - - - - -
3/4 - - 1670 940 1610 890 1560 850 1550 840 1450 750
8-3/4 1/4 7/8 - - 2220 1210 2140 1130 2070 1080 2050 1070 1920 970
1 - - 2860 1500 2750 1420 2670 1350 2640 1330 2470 1150
7/8 2320 1280 - - - - - - - - - -
10-1/2 1/4
1 2980 1590 - - - - - - - - - -
7/8 - - 2220 1210 2140 1130 2070 1080 2050 1070 1920 970
10-3/4 1/4
1 - - 2860 1500 2750 1420 2670 1350 2640 1330 2470 1200
7/8 - - 2220 1210 2140 1130 2070 1080 2050 1070 1920 970
12-1/4 1/4
1 - - 2860 1500 2750 1420 2670 1350 2640 1330 2470 1200
14-1/4 1/4 1 - - 2860 1500 2750 1420 2670 1350 2640 1330 2470 1200
1. Tabulated lateral design values, Z, for bolted connections shall be multiplied by all applicable adjustment factors (see Table 11.3.1).
2. Tabulated lateral design values, Z, are for “full-body diameter” bolts (see Appendix Table L1) with bolt bending yield strength, Fyb, of 45,000 psi and dowel
bearing strength, Fe, of 87,000 psi for ASTM A36 steel.
Copyright © American Wood Council. Downloaded/printed pursuant to License Agreement. No reproduction or transfer authorized.
Table 12E BOLTS: Reference Lateral Design Values, Z, for Single Shear
(two member) Connections1,2,3,4
for sawn lumber or SCL to concrete
Douglas Fir-Larch(N)
Douglas Fir-Larch
Douglas Fir(S)
Southern Pine
Bolt Diameter
Side Member
Mixed Maple
Red Oak
Depth in
tm ts D Zll Z⊥ Zll Z⊥ Zll Z⊥ Zll Z⊥ Zll Z⊥
in. in. in. lbs. lbs. lbs. lbs. lbs. lbs. lbs. lbs. lbs. lbs.
1/2 770 480 680 410 650 380 640 380 620 360
5/8 1070 660 970 580 930 530 920 520 890 470
1-1/2 3/4 1450 890 1330 660 1270 590 1260 560 1230 520
7/8 1890 960 1750 720 1690 630 1680 600 1640 550
1 2410 1020 2250 770 2100 680 2060 650 1930 600
1/2 830 510 740 430 700 400 690 390 670 370
5/8 1160 680 1030 600 980 550 970 550 940 530
1-3/4 3/4 1530 900 1390 770 1330 680 1310 660 1270 600
7/8 1970 1120 1800 840 1730 740 1720 700 1680 640
1 2480 1190 2290 890 2210 790 2200 750 2150 700
1/2 830 590 790 520 770 470 760 460 750 440
5/8 1290 800 1230 670 1180 610 1170 610 1120 570
2-1/2 3/4 1840 1000 1630 850 1540 800 1520 780 1460 750
7/8 2290 1240 2050 1080 1940 1020 1920 1000 1860 920
1 2800 1520 2530 1280 2410 1130 2390 1080 2310 1000
1/2 830 590 790 540 770 510 760 500 750 490
5/8 1290 880 1230 810 1200 730 1190 720 1170 670
3-1/2 3/4 1860 1190 1770 980 1720 900 1720 880 1680 830
7/8 2540 1410 2410 1190 2320 1100 2290 1070 2200 1020
1 3310 1670 2970 1420 2800 1330 2770 1300 2660 1260
Eastern Softwoods
Northern Species
Western Cedars
Western Woods
Bolt Diameter
Side Member
(open grain)
Depth in
tm ts D Zll Z⊥ Zll Z⊥ Zll Z⊥ Zll Z⊥ Zll Z⊥
in. in. in. lbs. lbs. lbs. lbs. lbs. lbs. lbs. lbs. lbs. lbs.
1/2 590 340 590 340 550 310 540 290 530 290
5/8 860 420 850 410 810 350 800 330 780 320
1-1/2 3/4 1200 460 1190 450 1130 370 1120 360 1100 350
7/8 1580 500 1540 490 1360 410 1330 390 1280 370
1 1800 540 1760 530 1560 440 1520 420 1460 410
1/2 640 360 630 350 580 320 580 310 560 310
410 12
7/8 1630 580 1610 570 1540 470 1520 460 1490 430
1 2090 630 2060 610 1820 510 1770 490 1710 470
1/2 730 410 730 400 700 360 690 340 680 340
5/8 1070 540 1060 530 980 480 960 470 940 460
2-1/2 3/4 1400 710 1380 700 1290 620 1270 600 1240 580
7/8 1790 830 1770 810 1660 680 1640 660 1600 610
1 2230 900 2210 880 2080 730 2060 700 2030 680
1/2 730 470 730 470 700 430 690 410 690 400
5/8 1140 620 1140 610 1090 550 1080 530 1070 520
3-1/2 3/4 1650 780 1640 770 1540 680 1510 670 1470 660
7/8 2100 960 2070 950 1910 870 1880 850 1840 820
1 2550 1190 2520 1180 2340 1020 2310 980 2260 950
1. Tabulated lateral design values, Z, for bolted connections shall be multiplied by all applicable adjustment factors (see Table 11.3.1).
2. Tabulated lateral design values, Z, are for “full-body diameter” bolts (see Appendix Table L1) with bolt bending yield strength,
Fyb, of 45,000 psi.
3. Tabulated lateral design values, Z, are based on dowel bearing strength, Fe, of 7,500 psi for concrete with minimum fc'=2,500 psi.
4. Six inch anchor embedment assumed.
Copyright © American Wood Council. Downloaded/printed pursuant to License Agreement. No reproduction or transfer authorized.
Table 12F BOLTS: Reference Lateral Design Values, Z, for Double Shear
(three member) Connections1,2
for sawn lumber or SCL with all members of identical specific gravity
G=0.55 G=0.46
G=0.67 Mixed Maple G=0.50 G=0.49 Douglas Fir(S)
tm ts D Zll Zs⊥ Zm⊥ Zll Zs⊥ Zm⊥ Zll Zs⊥ Zm⊥ Zll Zs⊥ Zm⊥ Zll Zs⊥ Zm⊥
in. in. in. lbs. lbs. lbs. lbs. lbs. lbs. lbs. lbs. lbs. lbs. lbs. lbs. lbs. lbs. lbs.
1/2 1410 960 730 1150 800 550 1050 730 470 1030 720 460 970 680 420
5/8 1760 1310 810 1440 1130 610 1310 1040 530 1290 1030 520 1210 940 470
1-1/2 1-1/2 3/4 2110 1690 890 1730 1330 660 1580 1170 590 1550 1130 560 1450 1040 520
7/8 2460 1920 960 2020 1440 720 1840 1260 630 1800 1210 600 1690 1100 550
1 2810 2040 1020 2310 1530 770 2100 1350 680 2060 1290 650 1930 1200 600
1/2 1640 1030 850 1350 850 640 1230 770 550 1200 750 530 1130 710 490
5/8 2050 1370 940 1680 1160 710 1530 1070 610 1500 1060 600 1410 1000 550
1-3/4 1-3/4 3/4 2460 1810 1040 2020 1550 770 1840 1370 680 1800 1310 660 1690 1210 600
7/8 2870 2240 1120 2350 1680 840 2140 1470 740 2110 1410 700 1970 1290 640
1 3280 2380 1190 2690 1790 890 2450 1580 790 2410 1510 750 2250 1400 700
1/2 1530 960 1120 1320 800 910 1230 730 790 1210 720 760 1160 680 700
5/8 2150 1310 1340 1870 1130 1020 1760 1040 880 1740 1030 860 1660 940 780
2-1/2 1-1/2 3/4 2890 1770 1480 2550 1330 1110 2400 1170 980 2380 1130 940 2280 1040 860
7/8 3780 1920 1600 3360 1440 1200 3060 1260 1050 3010 1210 1010 2820 1100 920
1 4690 2040 1700 3840 1530 1280 3500 1350 1130 3440 1290 1080 3220 1200 1000
1/2 1530 960 1120 1320 800 940 1230 730 860 1210 720 850 1160 680 810
5/8 2150 1310 1510 1870 1130 1290 1760 1040 1190 1740 1030 1170 1660 940 1090
1-1/2 3/4 2890 1770 1980 2550 1330 1550 2400 1170 1370 2380 1130 1310 2280 1040 1210
7/8 3780 1920 2240 3360 1440 1680 3180 1260 1470 3150 1210 1410 3030 1100 1290
1 4820 2040 2380 4310 1530 1790 4090 1350 1580 4050 1290 1510 3860 1200 1400
1/2 1660 1030 1180 1430 850 1030 1330 770 940 1310 750 920 1250 710 870
5/8 2310 1370 1630 1990 1160 1380 1860 1070 1230 1840 1060 1200 1760 1000 1090
3-1/2 1-3/4 3/4 3060 1810 2070 2670 1550 1550 2510 1370 1370 2480 1310 1310 2370 1210 1210
7/8 3940 2240 2240 3470 1680 1680 3270 1470 1470 3240 1410 1410 3110 1290 1290
1 4960 2380 2380 4400 1790 1790 4170 1580 1580 4120 1510 1510 3970 1400 1400
1/2 1660 1180 1180 1500 1040 1040 1430 970 970 1420 960 960 1370 920 920
5/8 2590 1770 1770 2340 1560 1420 2240 1410 1230 2220 1390 1200 2150 1290 1090
3-1/2 3/4 3730 2380 2070 3380 1910 1550 3220 1750 1370 3190 1700 1310 3090 1610 1210
7/8 5080 2820 2240 4600 2330 1680 4290 2130 1470 4210 2070 1410 3940 1960 1290
1 6560 3340 2380 5380 2780 1790 4900 2580 1580 4810 2520 1510 4510 2410 1400
5/8 2150 1310 1510 1870 1130 1290 1760 1040 1190 1740 1030 1170 1660 940 1110
3/4 2890 1770 1980 2550 1330 1690 2400 1170 1580 2380 1130 1550 2280 1040 1480
7/8 3780 1920 2520 3360 1440 2170 3180 1260 2030 3150 1210 1990 3030 1100 1900
1 4820 2040 3120 4310 1530 2680 4090 1350 2360 4050 1290 2260 3860 1200 2100
5/8 2310 1370 1630 1990 1160 1380 1860 1070 1270 1840 1060 1250 1760 1000 1180
3/4 3060 1810 2110 2670 1550 1790 2510 1370 1660 2480 1310 1630 2370 1210 1550
5-1/4 1-3/4
7/8 3940 2240 2640 3470 1680 2260 3270 1470 2100 3240 1410 2060 3110 1290 1930
1 4960 2380 3240 4400 1790 2680 4170 1580 2360 4120 1510 2260 3970 1400 2100
5/8 2590 1770 1770 2340 1560 1560 2240 1410 1460 2220 1390 1450 2150 1290 1390
3/4 3730 2380 2480 3380 1910 2180 3220 1750 2050 3190 1700 1970 3090 1610 1810
7/8 5080 2820 3290 4600 2330 2530 4390 2130 2210 4350 2070 2110 4130 1960 1930
1 6630 3340 3570 5740 2780 2680 5330 2580 2360 5250 2520 2260 4990 2410 2100
5/8 2150 1310 1510 1870 1130 1290 1760 1040 1190 1740 1030 1170 1660 940 1110
3/4 2890 1770 1980 2550 1330 1690 2400 1170 1580 2380 1130 1550 2280 1040 1480
7/8 3780 1920 2520 3360 1440 2170 3180 1260 2030 3150 1210 1990 3030 1100 1900
5-1/2 1 4820 2040 3120 4310 1530 2700 4090 1350 2480 4050 1290 2370 3860 1200 2200
5/8 2590 1770 1770 2340 1560 1560 2240 1410 1460 2220 1390 1450 2150 1290 1390
3/4 3730 2380 2480 3380 1910 2180 3220 1750 2050 3190 1700 2020 3090 1610 1900
7/8 5080 2820 3290 4600 2330 2650 4390 2130 2310 4350 2070 2210 4130 1960 2020
1 6630 3340 3740 5740 2780 2810 5330 2580 2480 5250 2520 2370 4990 2410 2200
5/8 2150 1310 1510 1870 1130 1290 1760 1040 1190 1740 1030 1170 1660 940 1110
3/4 2890 1770 1980 2550 1330 1690 2400 1170 1580 2380 1130 1550 2280 1040 1480
7/8 3780 1920 2520 3360 1440 2170 3180 1260 2030 3150 1210 1990 3030 1100 1900
7-1/2 1 4820 2040 3120 4310 1530 2700 4090 1350 2530 4050 1290 2480 3860 1200 2390
5/8 2590 1770 1770 2340 1560 1560 2240 1410 1460 2220 1390 1450 2150 1290 1390
3/4 3730 2380 2480 3380 1910 2180 3220 1750 2050 3190 1700 2020 3090 1610 1940
7/8 5080 2820 3290 4600 2330 2890 4390 2130 2720 4350 2070 2670 4130 1960 2560
1 6630 3340 4190 5740 2780 3680 5330 2580 3380 5250 2520 3230 4990 2410 3000
1. Tabulated lateral design values, Z, for bolted connections shall be multiplied by all applicable adjustment factors (see Table 11.3.1).
2. Tabulated lateral design values, Z, are for “full-body diameter” bolts (see Appendix Table L1) with bolt bending yield strength, Fyb, of
45,000 psi.
Copyright © American Wood Council. Downloaded/printed pursuant to License Agreement. No reproduction or transfer authorized.
Table 12F BOLTS: Reference Lateral Design Values, Z, for Double Shear
(Cont.) (three member) Connections1,2
for sawn lumber or SCL with all members of identical specific gravity
Thickness G=0.36
Eastern Softwoods
G=0.43 G=0.42 G=0.37 Western Cedars G=0.35
tm ts D Zll Zs⊥ Zm⊥ Zll Zs⊥ Zm⊥ Zll Zs⊥ Zm⊥ Zll Zs⊥ Zm⊥ Zll Zs⊥ Zm⊥
in. in. in. lbs. lbs. lbs. lbs. lbs. lbs. lbs. lbs. lbs. lbs. lbs. lbs. lbs. lbs. lbs.
1/2 900 650 380 880 640 370 780 580 310 760 560 290 730 550 290
5/8 1130 840 420 1100 830 410 970 690 350 950 660 330 910 640 320
1-1/2 1-1/2 3/4 1350 920 460 1320 900 450 1170 740 370 1140 720 360 1100 700 350
7/8 1580 1000 500 1540 970 490 1360 810 410 1330 790 390 1280 740 370
1 1800 1080 540 1760 1050 530 1560 870 440 1520 840 420 1460 810 410
1/2 1050 670 450 1030 660 430 910 590 360 890 580 340 850 570 330
5/8 1310 950 490 1290 940 480 1130 810 400 1110 770 380 1070 740 370
1-3/4 1-3/4 3/4 1580 1080 540 1540 1050 530 1360 870 430 1330 840 420 1280 810 410
7/8 1840 1160 580 1800 1130 570 1590 950 470 1550 920 460 1490 860 430
1 2100 1260 630 2060 1230 610 1820 1020 510 1770 980 490 1710 950 470
1/2 1100 650 640 1080 640 610 990 580 510 980 560 490 950 550 480
5/8 1590 840 700 1570 830 690 1450 690 580 1430 660 550 1390 640 530
2-1/2 1-1/2 3/4 2190 920 770 2160 900 750 1950 740 620 1900 720 600 1830 700 580
7/8 2630 1000 830 2570 970 810 2270 810 680 2210 790 660 2130 740 610
1 3000 1080 900 2940 1050 880 2590 870 730 2530 840 700 2440 810 680
1/2 1100 650 760 1080 640 740 990 580 670 980 560 660 950 550 640
5/8 1590 840 980 1570 830 960 1450 690 810 1430 660 770 1390 640 740
1-1/2 3/4 2190 920 1080 2160 900 1050 2010 740 870 1990 720 840 1940 700 810
7/8 2920 1000 1160 2880 970 1130 2690 810 950 2660 790 920 2560 740 860
1 3600 1080 1260 3530 1050 1230 3110 870 1020 3040 840 980 2930 810 950
1/2 1180 670 820 1160 660 800 1060 590 720 1040 580 680 1010 570 670
5/8 1670 950 980 1650 940 960 1510 810 810 1490 770 770 1450 740 740
3-1/2 1-3/4 3/4 2270 1080 1080 2240 1050 1050 2070 870 870 2040 840 840 1990 810 810
7/8 2980 1160 1160 2950 1130 1130 2740 950 950 2700 920 920 2640 860 860
1 3820 1260 1260 3770 1230 1230 3520 1020 1020 3480 980 980 3410 950 950
1/2 1330 880 880 1310 870 860 1230 800 720 1220 780 680 1200 760 670
5/8 2070 1190 980 2050 1170 960 1930 1030 810 1900 1000 770 1870 970 740
3-1/2 3/4 2980 1490 1080 2950 1460 1050 2720 1290 870 2660 1270 840 2560 1240 810
7/8 3680 1840 1160 3600 1810 1130 3180 1640 950 3100 1610 920 2990 1550 860
1 4200 2280 1260 4110 2240 1230 3630 2030 1020 3540 1960 980 3410 1890 950
5/8 1590 840 1050 1570 830 1040 1450 690 940 1430 660 920 1390 640 900
3/4 2190 920 1400 2160 900 1380 2010 740 1250 1990 720 1230 1940 700 1210
7/8 2920 1000 1750 2880 970 1700 2690 810 1420 2660 790 1380 2560 740 1290
1 3600 1080 1890 3530 1050 1840 3110 870 1520 3040 840 1470 2930 810 1420
5/8 1670 950 1110 1650 940 1100 1510 810 990 1490 770 970 1450 740 940
3/4 2270 1080 1460 2240 1050 1440 2070 870 1300 2040 840 1260 1990 810 1220
5-1/4 1-3/4
7/8 2980 1160 1750 2950 1130 1700 2740 950 1420 2700 920 1380 2640 860 1290
1 3820 1260 1890 3770 1230 1840 3520 1020 1520 3480 980 1470 3410 950 1420
5/8 2070 1190 1320 2050 1170 1310 1930 1030 1210 1900 1000 1150 1870 970 1120
3/4 2980 1490 1610 2950 1460 1580 2770 1290 1300 2740 1270 1260 2660 1240 1220
7/8 3900 1840 1750 3840 1810 1700 3480 1640 1420 3410 1610 1380 3320 1550 1290
1 4730 2280 1890 4660 2240 1840 4240 2030 1520 4170 1960 1470 4050 1890 1420
5/8 1590 840 1050 1570 830 1040 1450 690 940 1430 660 920 1390 640 900
3/4 2190 920 1400 2160 900 1380 2010 740 1250 1990 720 1230 1940 700 1210
7/8 2920 1000 1800 2880 970 1780 2690 810 1490 2660 790 1440 2560 740 1350
5-1/2 1 3600 1080 1980 3530 1050 1930 3110 870 1600 3040 840 1540 2930 810 1490
5/8 2070 1190 1320 2050 1170 1310 1930 1030 1210 1900 1000 1180 1870 970 1160
3/4 2980 1490 1690 2950 1460 1650 2770 1290 1360 2740 1270 1320 2660 1240 1280
7/8 3900 1840 1830 3840 1810 1780 3480 1640 1490 3410 1610 1440 3320 1550 1350
1 4730 2280 1980 4660 2240 1930 4240 2030 1600 4170 1960 1540 4050 1890 1490
5/8 1590 840 1050 1570 830 1040 1450 690 940 1430 660 920 1390 640 900
3/4 2190 920 1400 2160 900 1380 2010 740 1250 1990 720 1230 1940 700 1210
7/8 2920 1000 1800 2880 970 1780 2690 810 1630 2660 790 1600 2560 740 1550
7-1/2 1 3600 1080 2270 3530 1050 2240 3110 870 2040 3040 840 2010 2930 810 1970
5/8 2070 1190 1320 2050 1170 1310 1930 1030 1210 1900 1000 1180 1870 970 1160
3/4 2980 1490 1850 2950 1460 1820 2770 1290 1670 2740 1270 1650 2660 1240 1620
7/8 3900 1840 2450 3840 1810 2420 3480 1640 2030 3410 1610 1970 3320 1550 1840
1 4730 2280 2700 4660 2240 2630 4240 2030 2180 4170 1960 2100 4050 1890 2030
1. Tabulated lateral design values, Z, for bolted connections shall be multiplied by all applicable adjustment factors (see Table 11.3.1).
2. Tabulated lateral design values, Z, are for “full-body diameter” bolts (see Appendix Table L1) with bolt bending yield strength, Fyb, of
45,000 psi.
Copyright © American Wood Council. Downloaded/printed pursuant to License Agreement. No reproduction or transfer authorized.
Table 12G BOLTS: Reference Lateral Design Values, Z, for Double Shear
(three member) Connections1,2
for sawn lumber or SCL main member with 1/4" ASTM A 36 steel side plates
Douglas Fir-Larch
Douglas Fir-Larch
Northern Species
Eastern Softwoods
Douglas Fir(S)
Southern Pine
Western Cedars
Western Woods
Main Member
Bolt Diameter
Side Member
Mixed Maple
(open grain)
Red Oak
tm ts D Zll Z Zll Z Zll Z Zll Z Zll Z Zll Z Zll Z Zll Z Zll Z Zll Z
in. in. in. lbs. lbs. lbs. lbs. lbs. lbs. lbs. lbs. lbs. lbs. lbs. lbs. lbs. lbs. lbs. lbs. lbs. lbs. lbs. lbs.
1/2 1410 730 1150 550 1050 470 1030 460 970 420 900 380 880 370 780 310 760 290 730 290
5/8 1760 810 1440 610 1310 530 1290 520 1210 470 1130 420 1100 410 970 350 950 330 910 320
1-1/2 1/4 3/4 2110 890 1730 660 1580 590 1550 560 1450 520 1350 460 1320 450 1170 370 1140 360 1100 350
7/8 2460 960 2020 720 1840 630 1800 600 1690 550 1580 500 1540 490 1360 410 1330 390 1280 370
1 2810 1020 2310 770 2100 680 2060 650 1930 600 1800 540 1760 530 1560 440 1520 420 1460 410
1/2 1640 850 1350 640 1230 550 1200 530 1130 490 1050 450 1030 430 910 360 890 340 850 330
5/8 2050 940 1680 710 1530 610 1500 600 1410 550 1310 490 1290 480 1130 400 1110 380 1070 370
1-3/4 1/4 3/4 2460 1040 2020 770 1840 680 1800 660 1690 600 1580 540 1540 530 1360 430 1330 420 1280 410
7/8 2870 1120 2350 840 2140 740 2110 700 1970 640 1840 580 1800 570 1590 470 1550 460 1490 430
1 3280 1190 2690 890 2450 790 2410 750 2250 700 2100 630 2060 610 1820 510 1770 490 1710 470
1/2 1870 1210 1720 910 1650 790 1640 760 1590 700 1500 640 1470 610 1300 510 1270 490 1220 480
5/8 2740 1340 2400 1020 2190 880 2150 860 2010 780 1880 700 1840 690 1620 580 1580 550 1520 530
2-1/2 1/4 3/4 3520 1480 2880 1110 2630 980 2580 940 2410 860 2250 770 2200 750 1950 620 1900 600 1830 580
7/8 4100 1600 3360 1200 3060 1050 3010 1010 2820 920 2630 830 2570 810 2270 680 2210 660 2130 610
1 4690 1700 3840 1280 3500 1130 3440 1080 3220 1000 3000 900 2940 880 2590 730 2530 700 2440 680
1/2 1870 1240 1720 1100 1650 1030 1640 1010 1590 970 1540 890 1530 860 1450 720 1430 680 1410 670
5/8 2740 1720 2510 1420 2410 1230 2390 1200 2330 1090 2260 980 2230 960 2110 810 2090 770 2060 740
3-1/2 1/4 3/4 3800 2070 3480 1550 3340 1370 3320 1310 3220 1210 3120 1080 3080 1050 2720 870 2660 840 2560 810
7/8 5060 2240 4630 1680 4290 1470 4210 1410 3940 1290 3680 1160 3600 1130 3180 950 3100 920 2990 860
1 6520 2380 5380 1790 4900 1580 4810 1510 4510 1400 4200 1260 4110 1230 3630 1020 3540 980 3410 950
5/8 2740 1720 2510 1510 2410 1420 2390 1400 2330 1340 2260 1280 2230 1270 2110 1170 2090 1140 2060 1120
3/4 3800 2290 3480 2000 3340 1890 3320 1850 3220 1780 3120 1610 3090 1580 2920 1300 2890 1260 2840 1220
5-1/4 1/4
7/8 5060 2930 4630 2530 4440 2210 4410 2110 4280 1930 4150 1750 4110 1700 3880 1420 3840 1380 3770 1290
1 6520 3570 5960 2680 5720 2360 5670 2260 5510 2100 5330 1890 5280 1840 4990 1520 4930 1470 4850 1420
5/8 2740 1720 2510 1510 2410 1420 2390 1400 2330 1340 2260 1280 2230 1270 2110 1170 2090 1140 2060 1120
3/4 3800 2290 3480 2000 3340 1890 3320 1850 3220 1780 3120 1690 3090 1650 2920 1360 2890 1320 2840 1280
5-1/2 1/4
7/8 5060 2930 4630 2570 4440 2310 4410 2210 4280 2020 4150 1830 4110 1780 3880 1490 3840 1440 3770 1350
1 6520 3640 5960 2810 5720 2480 5670 2370 5510 2200 5330 1980 5280 1930 4990 1600 4930 1540 4850 1490
5/8 2740 1720 2510 1510 2410 1420 2390 1400 2330 1340 2260 1280 2230 1270 2110 1170 2090 1140 2060 1120
3/4 3800 2290 3480 2000 3340 1890 3320 1850 3220 1780 3120 1690 3090 1670 2920 1530 2890 1500 2840 1480
7-1/2 1/4
7/8 5060 2930 4630 2570 4440 2410 4410 2360 4280 2260 4150 2160 4110 2130 3880 1960 3840 1930 3770 1840
1 6520 3640 5960 3180 5720 3000 5670 2940 5510 2840 5330 2700 5280 2630 4990 2180 4930 2100 4850 2030
3/4 3800 2290 3480 2000 3340 1890 3320 1850 3220 1780 3120 1690 3090 1670 2920 1530 2890 1500 2840 1480
9-1/2 1/4 7/8 5060 2930 4630 2570 4440 2410 4410 2360 4280 2260 4150 2160 4110 2130 3880 1960 3840 1930 3770 1870
1 6520 3640 5960 3180 5720 3000 5670 2940 5510 2840 5330 2700 5280 2660 4990 2440 4930 2400 4850 2350
7/8 5060 2930 4630 2570 4440 2410 4410 2360 4280 2260 4150 2160 4110 2130 3880 1960 3840 1930 3770 1870
11-1/2 1/4
1 6520 3640 5960 3180 5720 3000 5670 2940 5510 2840 5330 2700 5280 2660 4990 2440 4930 2400 4850 2350
13-1/2 1/4 1 6520 3640 5960 3180 5720 3000 5670 2940 5510 2840 5330 2700 5280 2660 4990 2440 4930 2400 4850 2350
1. Tabulated lateral design values, Z, for bolted connections shall be multiplied by all applicable adjustment factors (see Table 11.3.1).
2. Tabulated lateral design values, Z, are for “full-body diameter” bolts (see Appendix Table L1) with bolt bending yield strength, Fyb, of 45,000 psi and dowel bearing
strength, Fe, of 87,000 psi for ASTM A36 steel.
Copyright © American Wood Council. Downloaded/printed pursuant to License Agreement. No reproduction or transfer authorized.
Table 12H BOLTS: Reference Lateral Design Values, Z, for Double Shear
(three member) Connections1,2
for structural glued laminated timber main member with sawn lumber side members
of identical specific gravity
tm ts D Zll Zs Zm Zll Zs Zm Zll Zs Zm Zll Zs Zm Zll Zs Zm Zll Zs Zm
in. in. in. lbs. lbs. lbs. lbs. lbs. lbs. lbs. lbs. lbs. lbs. lbs. lbs. lbs. lbs. lbs. lbs. lbs. lbs.
1/2 - - - 1230 730 790 1160 680 700 1100 650 640 1080 640 610 980 560 490
5/8 - - - 1760 1040 880 1660 940 780 1590 840 700 1570 830 690 1430 660 550
2-1/2 1-1/2 3/4 - - - 2400 1170 980 2280 1040 860 2190 920 770 2160 900 750 1900 720 600
7/8 - - - 3060 1260 1050 2820 1100 920 2630 1000 830 2570 970 810 2210 790 660
1 - - - 3500 1350 1130 3220 1200 1000 3000 1080 900 2940 1050 880 2530 840 700
1/2 1320 800 940 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
5/8 1870 1130 1220 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
3 1-1/2 3/4 2550 1330 1330 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
7/8 3360 1440 1440 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
1 4310 1530 1530 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
1/2 - - - 1230 730 860 1160 680 810 1100 650 760 1080 640 740 980 560 610
5/8 - - - 1760 1040 1090 1660 940 980 1590 840 880 1570 830 860 1430 660 680
3-1/8 1-1/2 3/4 - - - 2400 1170 1220 2280 1040 1080 2190 920 960 2160 900 940 1990 720 750
7/8 - - - 3180 1260 1310 3030 1100 1150 2920 1000 1040 2880 970 1010 2660 790 820
1 - - - 4090 1350 1410 3860 1200 1250 3600 1080 1130 3530 1050 1090 3040 840 880
5/8 1870 1130 1290 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
3/4 2550 1330 1690 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
5 1-1/2
7/8 3360 1440 2170 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
1 4310 1530 2550 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
5/8 - - - 1760 1040 1190 1660 940 1110 1590 840 1050 1570 830 1040 1430 660 920
3/4 - - - 2400 1170 1580 2280 1040 1480 2190 920 1400 2160 900 1380 1990 720 1230
5-1/8 1-1/2
7/8 - - - 3180 1260 2030 3030 1100 1880 2920 1000 1700 2880 970 1660 2660 790 1350
1 - - - 4090 1350 2310 3860 1200 2050 3600 1080 1850 3530 1050 1790 3040 840 1440
5/8 1870 1130 1290 1760 1040 1190 1660 940 1110 1590 840 1050 1570 830 1040 1430 660 920
3/4 2550 1330 1690 2400 1170 1580 2280 1040 1480 2190 920 1400 2160 900 1380 1990 720 1230
6-3/4 1-1/2
7/8 3360 1440 2170 3180 1260 2030 3030 1100 1900 2920 1000 1800 2880 970 1780 2660 790 1600
1 4310 1530 2700 4090 1350 2530 3860 1200 2390 3600 1080 2270 3530 1050 2240 3040 840 1890
1. Tabulated lateral design values, Z, for bolted connections shall be multiplied by all applicable adjustment factors (see Table 11.3.1).
2. Tabulated lateral design values, Z, are for “full-body diameter” bolts (see Appendix Table L1) with bolt bending yield strength, Fyb, of 45,000 psi.
Copyright © American Wood Council. Downloaded/printed pursuant to License Agreement. No reproduction or transfer authorized.
Table 12I BOLTS: Reference Lateral Design Values, Z, for Double Shear
(three member) Connections1,2
for structural glued laminated timber main member with 1/4" ASTM A 36 steel
side plates
Douglas Fir-Larch
Western Woods
Douglas Fir(S)
Southern Pine
Bolt Diameter
Main Member
Side Member
tm ts D Zll Z⊥ Zll Z⊥ Zll Z⊥ Zll Z⊥ Zll Z⊥ Zll Z⊥
in. in. in. lbs. lbs. lbs. lbs. lbs. lbs. lbs. lbs. lbs. lbs. lbs. lbs.
1/2 - - 1650 790 1590 700 1500 640 1470 610 1270 490
5/8 - - 2190 880 2010 780 1880 700 1840 690 1580 550
2-1/2 1/4 3/4 - - 2630 980 2410 860 2250 770 2200 750 1900 600
7/8 - - 3060 1050 2820 920 2630 830 2570 810 2210 660
1 - - 3500 1130 3220 1000 3000 900 2940 880 2530 700
1/2 1720 1100 - - - - - - - - - -
5/8 2510 1220 - - - - - - - - - -
3 1/4 3/4 3460 1330 - - - - - - - - - -
7/8 4040 1440 - - - - - - - - - -
1 4610 1530 - - - - - - - - - -
1/2 - - 1650 980 1590 880 1540 800 1530 770 1430 610
5/8 - - 2410 1090 2330 980 2260 880 2230 860 1980 680
3-1/8 1/4 3/4 - - 3280 1220 3020 1080 2810 960 2750 940 2370 750
7/8 - - 3830 1310 3520 1150 3280 1040 3210 1010 2770 820
1 - - 4380 1410 4020 1250 3750 1130 3670 1090 3160 880
5/8 2510 1510 - - - - - - - - - -
3/4 3480 2000 - - - - - - - - - -
5 1/4
7/8 4630 2410 - - - - - - - - - -
1 5960 2550 - - - - - - - - - -
5/8 - - 2410 1420 2330 1340 2260 1280 2230 1270 2090 1120
3/4 - - 3340 1890 3220 1770 3120 1580 3090 1540 2890 1230
5-1/8 1/4
7/8 - - 4440 2150 4280 1880 4150 1700 4110 1660 3840 1350
1 - - 5720 2310 5510 2050 5330 1850 5280 1790 4930 1440
5/8 2510 1510 2410 1420 2330 1340 2260 1280 2230 1270 2090 1140
3/4 3480 2000 3340 1890 3220 1780 3120 1690 3090 1670 2890 1500
6-3/4 1/4
7/8 4630 2570 4440 2410 4280 2260 4150 2160 4110 2130 3840 1770
1 5960 3180 5720 3000 5510 2700 5330 2430 5280 2360 4930 1890
3/4 3480 2000 - - - - - - - - - -
8-1/2 1/4 7/8 4630 2570 - - - - - - - - - -
1 5960 3180 - - - - - - - - - -
3/4 - - 3340 1890 3220 1780 3120 1690 3090 1670 2890 1500
8-3/4 1/4 7/8 - - 4440 2410 4280 2260 4150 2160 4110 2130 3840 1930
1 - - 5720 3000 5510 2840 5330 2700 5280 2660 4930 2400
7/8 4630 2570 - - - - - - - - - -
10-1/2 1/4
1 5960 3180 - - - - - - - - - -
7/8 - - 4440 2410 4280 2260 4150 2160 4110 2130 3840 1930
10-3/4 1/4
1 - - 5720 3000 5510 2840 5330 2700 5280 2660 4930 2400
7/8 - - 4440 2410 4280 2260 4150 2160 4110 2130 3840 1930
12-1/4 1/4
1 - - 5720 3000 5510 2840 5330 2700 5280 2660 4930 2400
14-1/4 1/4 1 - - 5720 3000 5510 2840 5330 2700 5280 2660 4930 2400
1. Tabulated lateral design values, Z, for bolted connections shall be multiplied by all applicable adjustment factors (see Table 11.3.1).
2. Tabulated lateral design values, Z, are for “full-body diameter” bolts (see Appendix Table L1) with bolt bending yield strength, Fyb, of 45,000 psi and dowel
bearing strength, Fe, of 87,000 psi for ASTM A36 steel.
Copyright © American Wood Council. Downloaded/printed pursuant to License Agreement. No reproduction or transfer authorized.
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Copyright © American Wood Council. Downloaded/printed pursuant to License Agreement. No reproduction or transfer authorized.
Table 12J LAG SCREWS: Reference Lateral Design Values, Z, for Single Shear
(two member) Connections1,2,3,4
for sawn lumber or SCL with both members of identical specific gravity
(tabulated lateral design values are calculated based on an assumed length of
lag screw penetration, p, into the main member equal to 8D)
Side Member
Lag Screw
G=0.55 G=0.46
G=0.67 Mixed Maple G=0.50 G=0.49 Douglas Fir(S)
Red Oak Southern Pine Douglas Fir-Larch Douglas Fir-Larch(N) Hem-Fir(N)
ts D Zll Zs⊥ Zm⊥ Z⊥ Zll Zs⊥ Zm⊥ Z⊥ Zll Zs⊥ Zm⊥ Z⊥ Zll Zs⊥ Zm⊥ Z⊥ Zll Zs⊥ Zm⊥ Z⊥
in. in. lbs. lbs. lbs. lbs. lbs. lbs. lbs. lbs. lbs. lbs. lbs. lbs. lbs. lbs. lbs. lbs. lbs. lbs. lbs. lbs.
1/2 1/4 150 110 110 110 130 90 100 90 120 90 90 80 120 90 90 80 110 80 90 80
5/16 170 130 130 120 150 110 120 100 150 100 110 100 140 100 110 90 140 100 100 90
3/8 180 130 130 120 160 110 110 100 150 100 110 90 150 90 110 90 140 90 100 90
5/8 1/4 160 120 130 120 140 100 110 100 130 90 100 90 130 90 100 90 120 90 90 80
5/16 190 140 140 130 160 110 120 110 150 110 110 100 150 100 110 100 150 100 110 90
3/8 190 130 140 120 170 110 120 100 160 100 110 100 160 100 110 90 150 100 110 90
3/4 1/4 180 140 140 130 150 110 120 110 140 100 110 100 140 100 110 90 130 90 100 90
5/16 210 150 160 140 180 120 130 120 170 110 120 100 160 110 120 100 160 100 110 100
3/8 210 140 160 130 180 120 130 110 170 110 120 100 170 110 120 100 160 100 110 90
1 1/4 180 140 140 140 160 120 120 120 150 120 120 110 150 110 110 110 150 110 110 100
5/16 230 170 170 160 210 140 150 130 190 130 140 120 190 120 140 120 180 120 130 110
3/8 230 160 170 160 210 130 150 120 200 120 140 110 190 120 140 110 180 110 130 100
1-1/4 1/4 180 140 140 140 160 120 120 120 150 120 120 110 150 110 110 110 150 110 110 100
5/16 230 170 170 160 210 150 150 140 200 140 140 130 200 140 140 130 190 130 140 120
3/8 230 170 170 160 210 150 150 140 200 140 140 130 200 130 140 120 190 120 140 120
1-1/2 1/4 180 140 140 140 160 120 120 120 150 120 120 110 150 110 110 110 150 110 110 100
5/16 230 170 170 160 210 150 150 140 200 140 140 130 200 140 140 130 190 140 140 130
3/8 230 170 170 160 210 150 150 140 200 140 140 130 200 140 140 130 190 140 140 120
7/16 360 260 260 240 320 220 230 200 310 200 210 180 310 190 210 180 300 180 200 160
1/2 460 310 320 280 410 250 290 230 390 220 270 200 390 220 260 200 370 210 250 190
5/8 700 410 500 370 600 340 420 310 560 310 380 280 550 310 380 270 530 290 360 260
3/4 950 550 660 490 830 470 560 410 770 440 510 380 760 430 510 370 730 400 480 360
7/8 1240 720 830 630 1080 560 710 540 1020 490 660 490 1010 470 650 470 970 430 610 430
1 1550 800 1010 780 1360 600 870 600 1290 530 810 530 1280 500 790 500 1230 470 760 470
1-3/4 1/4 180 140 140 140 160 120 120 120 150 120 120 110 150 110 110 110 150 110 110 100
5/16 230 170 170 160 210 150 150 140 200 140 140 130 200 140 140 130 190 140 140 130
3/8 230 170 170 160 210 150 150 140 200 140 140 130 200 140 140 130 190 140 140 120
7/16 360 260 260 240 320 230 230 210 310 210 210 190 310 210 210 190 300 200 200 180
1/2 460 320 320 290 410 270 290 250 390 240 270 220 390 240 260 220 380 220 250 200
5/8 740 440 500 400 660 360 440 320 610 330 420 290 600 320 410 290 570 300 390 270
3/4 1030 580 720 520 890 480 600 430 830 450 550 390 820 440 540 380 780 420 510 360
7/8 1320 740 890 650 1150 630 750 550 1070 570 700 510 1060 550 680 490 1010 500 650 470
1 1630 910 1070 790 1420 700 910 670 1340 610 850 610 1320 590 830 590 1270 550 790 550
2-1/2 1/4 180 140 140 140 160 120 120 120 150 120 120 110 150 110 110 110 150 110 110 100
5/16 230 170 170 160 210 150 150 140 200 140 140 130 200 140 140 130 190 140 140 130
3/8 230 170 170 160 210 150 150 140 200 140 140 130 200 140 140 130 190 140 140 120
7/16 360 260 260 240 320 230 230 210 310 210 210 190 310 210 210 190 300 200 200 180
1/2 460 320 320 290 410 290 290 250 390 270 270 240 390 260 260 230 380 250 250 220
5/8 740 500 500 450 670 430 440 390 640 390 420 350 630 380 410 340 610 360 390 320
3/4 1110 680 740 610 1010 550 650 490 960 500 610 450 950 490 600 430 920 460 580 410
7/8 1550 830 1000 740 1370 690 880 600 1280 630 830 550 1260 620 810 530 1190 580 770 500
1 1940 980 1270 860 1660 830 1080 720 1550 770 990 660 1520 750 970 640 1450 720 920 620
3-1/2 1/4 180 140 140 140 160 120 120 120 150 120 120 110 150 110 110 110 150 110 110 100
5/16 230 170 170 160 210 150 150 140 200 140 140 130 200 140 140 130 190 140 140 130
3/8 230 170 170 160 210 150 150 140 200 140 140 130 200 140 140 130 190 140 140 120
7/16 360 260 260 240 320 230 230 210 310 210 210 190 310 210 210 190 300 200 200 180
1/2 460 320 320 290 410 290 290 250 390 270 270 240 390 260 260 230 380 250 250 220
5/8 740 500 500 450 670 440 440 390 640 420 420 360 630 410 410 360 610 390 390 340
3/4 1110 740 740 650 1010 650 650 560 960 600 610 520 950 580 600 510 920 550 580 490
7/8 1550 990 1000 860 1400 800 880 710 1340 720 830 640 1320 700 810 620 1280 660 780 570
1 2020 1140 1270 1010 1830 930 1120 810 1740 850 1060 740 1730 830 1040 720 1670 790 1000 680
1. Tabulated lateral design values, Z, shall be multiplied by all applicable adjustment factors (see Table 11.3.1).
2. Tabulated lateral design values, Z, are for “reduced body diameter” lag screws (see Appendix Table L2) inserted in side grain with screw axis perpendicular to
wood fibers; screw penetration, p, into the main member equal to 8D; screw bending yield strengths, Fyb,of 70,000 psi for D = 1/4", 60,000 psi for D = 5/16", and
45,000 psi for D ≥3/8".
3. Where the lag screw penetration, p, is less than 8D but not less than 4D, tabulated lateral design values, Z, shall be multiplied by p/8D or lateral design values
shall be calculated using the provisions of 12.3 for the reduced penetration.
4. The length of lag screw penetration, p, not including the length of the tapered tip, E (see Appendix Table L2), of the lag screw into the main member shall not be
less than 4D. See for minimum length of penetration, pmin.
Copyright © American Wood Council. Downloaded/printed pursuant to License Agreement. No reproduction or transfer authorized.
Table 12J LAG SCREWS: Reference Lateral Design Values (Z) for Single Shear
(Cont.) (two member) Connections1,2,3,4
for sawn lumber or SCL with both members of identical specific gravity
(tabulated lateral design values are calculated based on an assumed length of
lag screw penetration, p, into the main member equal to 8D)
Side Member
Eastern Softwoods
Lag Screw
G=0.43 G=0.42 G=0.37 Western Cedars G=0.35
Hem-Fir Spruce-Pine-Fir Redwood (open grain) Western Woods Northern Species
ts D Zll Zs⊥ Zm⊥ Z⊥ Zll Zs⊥ Zm⊥ Z⊥ Zll Zs⊥ Zm⊥ Z⊥ Zll Zs⊥ Zm⊥ Z⊥ Zll Zs⊥ Zm⊥ Z⊥
in. in. lbs. lbs. lbs. lbs. lbs. lbs. lbs. lbs. lbs. lbs. lbs. lbs. lbs. lbs. lbs. lbs. lbs. lbs. lbs. lbs.
1/2 1/4 110 80 80 70 110 80 80 70 100 70 70 60 100 70 70 60 90 70 70 60
5/16 130 90 100 80 130 90 90 80 120 80 90 80 120 80 90 70 120 80 80 70
3/8 140 80 100 80 130 80 90 80 120 60 90 60 120 60 80 60 120 60 80 60
5/8 1/4 120 80 90 80 110 80 90 70 110 70 80 70 100 70 80 60 100 70 70 60
5/16 140 90 100 90 140 90 100 90 130 80 90 80 130 80 90 80 120 80 90 70
3/8 140 90 100 80 140 90 100 80 130 80 90 70 130 70 90 70 120 70 90 70
3/4 1/4 130 90 100 80 120 80 90 80 110 80 80 70 110 70 80 70 110 70 80 70
5/16 150 100 110 90 150 100 110 90 130 90 100 80 130 90 90 80 130 80 90 80
3/8 150 100 110 90 150 90 110 90 140 90 100 80 130 80 90 70 130 80 90 70
1 1/4 140 100 110 90 140 100 100 90 130 90 100 80 130 80 90 80 130 80 90 70
5/16 170 110 130 100 170 110 120 100 150 90 110 90 150 90 110 80 150 90 100 80
3/8 170 100 120 100 170 100 120 90 150 90 110 80 150 90 110 80 150 90 100 80
1-1/4 1/4 140 110 110 100 140 100 100 100 130 100 100 90 130 90 90 90 130 90 90 80
5/16 180 120 130 110 180 120 130 110 170 100 120 100 170 100 120 90 160 100 110 90
3/8 190 120 130 110 180 110 130 100 170 100 120 90 170 100 120 90 170 90 110 80
1-1/2 1/4 140 110 110 100 140 100 100 100 130 100 100 90 130 90 90 90 130 90 90 80
5/16 180 130 130 120 180 130 130 120 170 110 120 110 170 110 120 100 160 110 110 100
3/8 190 130 130 120 180 130 130 110 170 110 120 100 170 110 120 100 170 100 110 90
7/16 290 170 190 150 280 160 190 150 260 140 180 130 260 140 170 130 250 140 170 120
1/2 350 190 240 180 350 190 240 170 310 170 210 150 310 160 210 150 300 160 200 140
5/8 500 280 340 240 490 270 330 240 450 250 300 210 440 240 290 210 430 240 280 200
3/4 700 360 450 330 690 350 440 330 630 290 400 290 620 280 390 280 610 270 380 270
7/8 930 390 580 390 910 380 570 380 850 320 520 320 840 310 510 310 820 290 490 290
1 1180 420 720 420 1160 410 710 410 1080 340 640 340 1070 330 630 330 1050 320 620 320
1-3/4 1/4 140 110 110 100 140 100 100 100 130 100 100 90 130 90 90 90 130 90 90 80
5/16 180 130 130 120 180 130 130 120 170 120 120 110 170 120 120 110 160 110 110 100
3/8 190 130 130 120 180 130 130 110 170 120 120 100 170 120 120 100 170 110 110 100
7/16 290 180 190 160 280 180 190 160 270 160 180 140 260 150 170 140 260 140 170 130
1/2 360 210 240 190 360 200 240 180 340 180 220 160 340 170 220 150 330 170 210 150
5/8 540 290 360 250 530 280 360 250 480 250 320 220 480 250 310 210 460 240 300 210
3/4 740 400 480 340 730 390 470 340 670 330 420 300 660 320 420 300 640 310 410 290
7/8 970 450 610 440 950 440 600 440 880 370 540 370 870 360 530 360 850 330 520 330
1 1210 490 750 490 1200 480 740 480 1110 400 670 400 1090 380 650 380 1070 370 640 370
2-1/2 1/4 140 110 110 100 140 100 100 100 130 100 100 90 130 90 90 90 130 90 90 80
5/16 180 130 130 120 180 130 130 120 170 120 120 110 170 120 120 110 160 110 110 100
3/8 190 130 130 120 180 130 130 110 170 120 120 100 170 120 120 100 170 110 110 100
7/16 290 190 190 170 280 190 190 170 270 180 180 150 260 170 170 150 260 170 170 150
1/2 360 240 240 210 360 240 240 210 340 220 220 190 340 210 220 190 330 200 210 180
5/8 590 330 380 290 580 320 370 290 550 290 340 250 540 280 340 240 530 270 330 240
3/4 890 430 550 380 880 420 540 370 800 380 500 320 780 370 490 320 760 360 480 310
7/8 1130 550 730 470 1110 540 710 460 1010 490 640 420 990 480 620 410 970 470 600 390
1 1380 680 870 580 1360 670 850 570 1240 570 760 510 1220 550 750 500 1190 530 730 490
3-1/2 1/4 140 110 110 100 140 100 100 100 130 100 100 90 130 90 90 90 130 90 90 80
5/16 180 130 130 120 180 130 130 120 170 120 120 110 170 120 120 110 160 110 110 100
3/8 190 130 130 120 180 130 130 110 170 120 120 100 170 120 120 100 170 110 110 100
7/16 290 190 190 170 280 190 190 170 270 180 180 150 260 170 170 150 260 170 170 150
1/2 360 240 240 210 360 240 240 210 340 220 220 190 340 220 220 190 330 210 210 180
5/8 590 380 380 320 580 370 370 320 550 340 340 290 540 330 340 280 530 320 330 280
3/4 890 500 550 440 880 490 540 430 830 430 500 370 820 420 490 370 800 410 480 360
7/8 1240 610 750 530 1220 600 740 520 1150 530 680 460 1140 520 670 450 1110 500 650 430
1 1610 740 950 630 1600 720 940 620 1480 650 860 550 1450 630 850 540 1410 620 830 520
1. Tabulated lateral design values, Z, shall be multiplied by all applicable adjustment factors (see Table 11.3.1).
2. Tabulated lateral design values, Z, are for “reduced body diameter” lag screws (see Appendix Table L2) inserted in side grain with screw axis perpendicular to
wood fibers; screw penetration, p, into the main member equal to 8D; screw bending yield strengths, Fyb,of 70,000 psi for D = 1/4", 60,000 psi for D = 5/16", and
45,000 psi for D ≥3/8".
3. Where the lag screw penetration, p, is less than 8D but not less than 4D, tabulated lateral design values, Z, shall be multiplied by p/8D or lateral design values shall
be calculated using the provisions of 12.3 for the reduced penetration.
4. The length of lag screw penetration, p, not including the length of the tapered tip, E (see Appendix Table L2), of the lag screw into the main member shall not be
less than 4D. See for minimum length of penetration, pmin.
Copyright © American Wood Council. Downloaded/printed pursuant to License Agreement. No reproduction or transfer authorized.
Table 12K LAG SCREWS: Reference Lateral Design Values, Z, for Single Shear
(two member) Connections1,2,3,4
for sawn lumber or SCL with ASTM A653, Grade 33 steel side plate (for ts<1/4") or
ASTM A 36 steel side plate (for ts=1/4")
(tabulated lateral design values are calculated based on an assumed length of lag
screw penetration, p, into the main member equal to 8D)
Eastern Softwoods
Douglas Fir-Larch
Douglas Fir-Larch
Northern Species
Western Cedars
Western Woods
Douglas Fir(S)
Southern Pine
Side Member
Mixed Maple
(open grain)
Lag Screw
Red Oak
ts D Zll Z⊥ Zll Z⊥ Zll Z⊥ Zll Z⊥ Zll Z⊥ Zll Z⊥ Zll Z⊥ Zll Z⊥ Zll Z⊥ Zll Z⊥
in. in. lbs. lbs. lbs. lbs. lbs. lbs. lbs. lbs. lbs. lbs. lbs. lbs. lbs. lbs. lbs. lbs. lbs. lbs. lbs. lbs.
0.075 1/4 170 130 160 120 150 110 150 110 150 100 140 100 140 100 130 90 130 90 130 90
(14 gage) 5/16 220 160 200 140 190 130 190 130 190 130 180 120 180 120 170 110 170 110 160 100
3/8 220 160 200 140 200 130 190 130 190 120 180 120 180 120 170 110 170 100 170 100
0.105 1/4 180 140 170 130 160 120 160 120 160 110 150 110 150 110 140 100 140 100 140 90
(12 gage) 5/16 230 170 210 150 200 140 200 140 190 130 190 130 190 120 180 110 170 110 170 110
3/8 230 160 210 140 200 140 200 130 200 130 190 120 190 120 180 110 180 110 170 110
0.120 1/4 190 150 180 130 170 120 170 120 160 120 160 110 160 110 150 100 150 100 140 100
(11 gage) 5/16 230 170 210 150 210 140 200 140 200 140 190 130 190 130 180 120 180 120 180 110
3/8 240 170 220 150 210 140 210 140 200 130 200 130 190 120 180 110 180 110 180 110
0.134 1/4 200 150 180 140 180 130 170 130 170 120 160 120 160 110 150 110 150 100 150 100
(10 gage) 5/16 240 180 220 160 210 150 210 140 200 140 200 130 200 130 190 120 180 120 180 120
3/8 240 170 220 150 220 140 210 140 210 140 200 130 200 130 190 120 190 120 180 110
0.179 1/4 220 170 210 150 200 150 200 140 190 140 190 130 190 130 180 120 170 120 170 120
(7 gage) 5/16 260 190 240 170 230 160 230 160 230 150 220 150 220 150 210 130 200 130 200 130
3/8 270 190 250 170 240 160 240 160 230 150 220 140 220 140 210 130 210 130 200 130
0.239 1/4 240 180 220 160 210 150 210 150 200 140 190 140 190 130 180 120 180 120 180 120
(3 gage) 5/16 300 220 280 190 270 180 260 180 260 170 250 160 250 160 230 150 230 150 230 140
3/8 310 220 280 190 270 180 270 180 260 170 250 160 250 160 240 140 230 140 230 140
7/16 420 290 390 260 380 240 370 240 360 230 350 220 350 220 330 200 330 200 320 190
1/2 510 340 470 300 460 290 450 280 440 270 430 260 420 260 400 240 400 230 390 230
5/8 770 490 710 430 680 400 680 400 660 380 640 370 630 360 600 330 590 330 580 320
3/4 1110 670 1020 590 980 560 970 550 950 530 920 500 910 500 860 450 850 450 840 440
7/8 1510 880 1390 780 1330 730 1320 710 1280 690 1250 650 1230 650 1170 590 1160 590 1140 570
1 1940 1100 1780 960 1710 910 1700 890 1650 860 1600 820 1590 810 1500 740 1480 730 1460 710
1/4 1/4 240 180 220 160 210 150 210 150 200 140 200 140 190 130 180 120 180 120 180 120
5/16 310 220 280 200 270 180 270 180 260 170 250 170 250 160 230 150 230 150 230 140
3/8 320 220 290 190 280 180 270 180 270 170 260 160 250 160 240 150 240 140 230 140
7/16 480 320 440 280 420 270 420 260 410 250 390 240 390 230 370 220 360 210 360 210
1/2 580 390 540 340 520 320 510 320 500 310 480 290 480 290 460 270 450 260 440 260
5/8 850 530 780 470 750 440 740 440 720 420 700 400 690 400 660 370 650 360 640 350
3/4 1200 730 1100 640 1060 600 1050 590 1020 570 990 540 980 530 930 490 920 480 900 470
7/8 1600 930 1470 820 1410 770 1400 750 1360 720 1320 690 1310 680 1240 630 1220 620 1200 600
1 2040 1150 1870 1000 1800 950 1780 930 1730 900 1680 850 1660 840 1570 770 1550 760 1530 740
1. Tabulated lateral design values, Z, shall be multiplied by all applicable adjustment factors (see Table 11.3.1).
2. Tabulated lateral design values, Z, are for “reduced body diameter” lag screws (see Appendix Table L2) inserted in side grain with screw axis perpendicular to
wood fibers; screw penetration, p, into the main member equal to 8D; dowel bearing strengths, Fe, of 61,850 psi for ASTM A653, Grade 33 steel and 87,000 psi
for ASTM A36 steel and screw bending yield strengths, Fyb, of 70,000 psi for D = 1/4", 60,000 psi for D = 5/16", and 45,000 psi for D ≥3/8".
3. Where the lag screw penetration, p, is less than 8D but not less than 4D, tabulated lateral design values, Z, shall be multiplied by p/8D or lateral design values
shall be calculated using the provisions of 12.3 for the reduced penetration.
4. The length of lag screw penetration, p, not including the length of the tapered tip, E (see Appendix Table L2), of the lag screw into the main member shall not be
less than 4D. See for minimum length of penetration, pmin.
Copyright © American Wood Council. Downloaded/printed pursuant to License Agreement. No reproduction or transfer authorized.
Table 12L WOOD SCREWS: Reference Lateral Design Values, Z, for Single Shear
(two member) Connections1,2,3
for sawn lumber or SCL with both members of identical specific gravity
(tabulated lateral design values are calculated based on an assumed length of
wood screw penetration, p, into the main member equal to 10D)
Douglas Fir-Larch(N)
Eastern Softwoods
Douglas Fir-Larch
Northern Species
Western Cedars
Western Woods
Douglas Fir(S)
Southern Pine
Side Member
Mixed Maple
Wood Screw
Wood Screw
(open grain)
Red Oak
ts D
in. in. lbs. lbs. lbs. lbs. lbs. lbs. lbs. lbs. lbs. lbs.
1/2 0.138 6 88 67 59 57 53 49 47 41 40 38
0.151 7 96 74 65 63 59 54 52 45 44 42
0.164 8 107 82 73 71 66 61 59 51 50 48
0.177 9 121 94 83 81 76 70 68 59 58 56
0.190 10 130 101 90 87 82 75 73 64 63 60
0.216 12 156 123 110 107 100 93 91 79 78 75
0.242 14 168 133 120 117 110 102 99 87 86 83
5/8 0.138 6 94 76 66 64 59 53 52 44 43 41
0.151 7 104 83 72 70 64 58 56 48 47 45
0.164 8 120 92 80 77 72 65 63 54 53 51
0.177 9 136 103 91 88 81 74 72 62 61 58
0.190 10 146 111 97 94 88 80 78 67 65 63
0.216 12 173 133 117 114 106 97 95 82 80 77
0.242 14 184 142 126 123 115 106 103 89 87 84
3/4 0.138 6 94 79 72 71 65 58 57 47 46 44
0.151 7 104 87 80 77 71 64 62 52 50 48
0.164 8 120 101 88 85 78 71 69 58 56 54
0.177 9 142 114 99 96 88 80 78 66 64 61
0.190 10 153 122 107 103 95 86 83 71 69 66
0.216 12 192 144 126 122 113 103 100 86 84 80
0.242 14 203 154 135 131 122 111 108 93 91 87
1 0.138 6 94 79 72 71 67 63 61 55 54 51
0.151 7 104 87 80 78 74 69 68 60 59 56
0.164 8 120 101 92 90 85 80 78 67 65 62
0.177 9 142 118 108 106 100 94 90 75 73 70
0.190 10 153 128 117 114 108 101 97 81 78 75
0.216 12 193 161 147 143 131 118 114 96 93 89
0.242 14 213 178 157 152 139 126 122 102 100 95
1-1/4 0.138 6 94 79 72 71 67 63 61 55 54 52
0.151 7 104 87 80 78 74 69 68 60 59 57
0.164 8 120 101 92 90 85 80 78 70 68 66
0.177 9 142 118 108 106 100 94 92 82 80 78
0.190 10 153 128 117 114 108 101 99 88 87 84
0.216 12 193 161 147 144 137 128 125 108 105 100
0.242 14 213 178 163 159 151 141 138 115 111 106
1-1/2 0.138 6 94 79 72 71 67 63 61 55 54 52
0.151 7 104 87 80 78 74 69 68 60 59 57
0.164 8 120 101 92 90 85 80 78 70 68 66
0.177 9 142 118 108 106 100 94 92 82 80 78
0.190 10 153 128 117 114 108 101 99 88 87 84
0.216 12 193 161 147 144 137 128 125 111 109 106
0.242 14 213 178 163 159 151 141 138 123 120 117
1-3/4 0.138 6 94 79 72 71 67 63 61 55 54 52
0.151 7 104 87 80 78 74 69 68 60 59 57
0.164 8 120 101 92 90 85 80 78 70 68 66
0.177 9 142 118 108 106 100 94 92 82 80 78
0.190 10 153 128 117 114 108 101 99 88 87 84
0.216 12 193 161 147 144 137 128 125 111 109 106
0.242 14 213 178 163 159 151 141 138 123 120 117
1. Tabulated lateral design values, Z, shall be multiplied by all applicable adjustment factors (see Table 11.3.1).
2. Tabulated lateral design values, Z, are for rolled thread wood screws (see Appendix Table L3) inserted in side grain with screw axis perpendicular to wood fibers;
screw penetration, p, into the main member equal to 10D; and screw bending yield strengths, Fyb, of 100,000 psi for 0.099" ≤ D ≤ 0.142", 90,000 psi for 0.142" <
D ≤ 0.177", 80,000 psi for 0.177" < D ≤ 0.236", and 70,000 psi for 0.236" < D ≤ 0.273".
3. Where the wood screw penetration, p, is less than 10D but not less than 6D, tabulated lateral design values, Z, shall be multiplied by p/10D or lateral design values
shall be calculated using the provisions of 12.3 for the reduced penetration.
Copyright © American Wood Council. Downloaded/printed pursuant to License Agreement. No reproduction or transfer authorized.
Table 12M WOOD SCREWS: Reference Lateral Design Values, Z, for Single Shear
(two member) Connections1,2,3
for sawn lumber or SCL with ASTM 653, Grade 33 steel side plate
(tabulated lateral design values are calculated based on an assumed length of
wood screw penetration, p, into the main member equal to 10D)
Wood Screw Number
Douglas Fir-Larch(N)
Eastern Softwoods
Douglas Fir-Larch
Northern Species
Western Cedars
Western Woods
Douglas Fir(S)
Southern Pine
Side Member
Wood Screw
Mixed Maple
(open grain)
Red Oak
ts D
in. in. lbs. lbs. lbs. lbs. lbs. lbs. lbs. lbs. lbs. lbs.
0.036 0.138 6 89 76 70 69 66 62 60 54 53 52
(20 gage) 0.151 7 99 84 78 76 72 68 67 60 59 57
0.164 8 113 97 89 87 83 78 77 69 67 66
0.048 0.138 6 90 77 71 70 67 63 61 55 54 53
(18 gage) 0.151 7 100 85 79 77 74 69 68 61 60 58
0.164 8 114 98 90 89 84 79 78 70 69 67
0.060 0.138 6 92 79 73 72 68 64 63 57 56 54
(16 gage) 0.151 7 101 87 81 79 75 71 70 63 61 60
0.164 8 116 100 92 90 86 81 79 71 70 68
0.177 9 136 116 107 105 100 94 93 83 82 79
0.190 10 146 125 116 114 108 102 100 90 88 86
0.075 0.138 6 95 82 76 75 71 67 66 59 58 57
(14 gage) 0.151 7 105 90 84 82 78 74 72 65 64 62
0.164 8 119 103 95 93 89 84 82 74 73 71
0.177 9 139 119 110 108 103 97 95 86 84 82
0.190 10 150 128 119 117 111 105 103 92 91 88
0.216 12 186 159 147 145 138 130 127 114 112 109
0.242 14 204 175 162 158 151 142 139 125 123 120
0.105 0.138 6 104 90 84 82 79 74 73 66 65 63
(12 gage) 0.151 7 114 99 92 90 86 81 80 72 71 69
0.164 8 129 111 103 102 97 92 90 81 80 77
0.177 9 148 128 119 116 111 105 103 93 91 89
0.190 10 160 138 128 125 120 113 111 100 98 96
0.216 12 196 168 156 153 146 138 135 122 120 116
0.242 14 213 183 170 167 159 150 147 132 130 126
0.120 0.138 6 110 95 89 87 83 79 77 70 68 67
(11 gage) 0.151 7 120 104 97 95 91 86 84 76 75 73
0.164 8 135 117 109 107 102 96 94 85 84 82
0.177 9 154 133 124 121 116 110 107 97 95 93
0.190 10 166 144 133 131 125 118 116 104 103 100
0.216 12 202 174 162 159 152 143 140 126 124 121
0.242 14 219 189 175 172 164 155 152 137 134 131
0.134 0.138 6 116 100 93 92 88 83 81 73 72 70
(10 gage) 0.151 7 126 110 102 100 96 91 89 80 79 77
0.164 8 141 122 114 112 107 101 99 89 88 86
0.177 9 160 139 129 127 121 114 112 101 100 97
0.190 10 173 149 139 136 130 123 121 109 107 104
0.216 12 209 180 167 164 157 148 145 131 129 126
0.242 14 226 195 181 177 169 160 157 141 139 135
0.179 0.138 6 126 107 99 97 92 86 84 76 74 72
(7 gage) 0.151 7 139 118 109 107 102 95 93 84 82 80
0.164 8 160 136 126 123 117 110 108 96 95 92
0.177 9 184 160 148 145 138 129 127 113 111 108
0.190 10 198 172 159 156 149 140 137 122 120 117
0.216 12 234 203 189 186 178 168 165 149 146 143
0.242 14 251 217 202 198 190 179 176 159 156 152
0.239 0.138 6 126 107 99 97 92 86 84 76 74 72
(3 gage) 0.151 7 139 118 109 107 102 95 93 84 82 80
0.164 8 160 136 126 123 117 110 108 96 95 92
0.177 9 188 160 148 145 138 129 127 113 111 108
0.190 10 204 173 159 156 149 140 137 122 120 117
0.216 12 256 218 201 197 187 176 172 154 151 147
0.242 14 283 241 222 217 207 194 190 170 167 162
1. Tabulated lateral design values, Z, shall be multiplied by all applicable adjustment factors (see Table 11.3.1).
2. Tabulated lateral design values, Z, are for rolled thread wood screws (see Appendix L) inserted in side grain with screw axis perpendicular to wood fibers; screw
penetration, p, into the main member equal to 10D; dowel bearing strength, Fe, of 61,850 psi for ASTM A653, Grade 33 steel and screw bending yield strengths,
Fyb, of 100,000 psi for 0.099" ≤ D ≤ 0.142", 90,000 psi for 0.142" < D ≤ 0.177", 80,000 psi for 0.177"< D ≤ 0.236", 70,000 psi for 0.236" < D ≤ 0.273".
3. Where the wood screw penetration, p, is less than 10D but not less than 6D, tabulated lateral design values, Z, shall be multiplied by p/10D or lateral design values
shall be calculated using the provisions of 12.3 for the reduced penetration.
Copyright © American Wood Council. Downloaded/printed pursuant to License Agreement. No reproduction or transfer authorized.
Table 12N COMMON, BOX, or SINKER STEEL WIRE NAILS: Reference Lateral Design
Values, Z, for Single Shear (two member) Connections1,2,3
for sawn lumber or SCL with both members of identical specific gravity (tabulated lateral design values
are calculated based on an assumed length of nail penetration, p, into the main member equal to 10D)
Eastern Softwoods
Common Wire Nail
Douglas Fir-Larch
Douglas Fir-Larch
Northern Species
Western Cedars
Western Woods
Douglas Fir(S)
Southern Pine
Nail Diameter
Side Member
Mixed Maple
(open grain)
Sinker Nail
Red Oak
Box Nail
ts D
in. in. Pennyweight lbs. lbs. lbs. lbs. lbs. lbs. lbs. lbs. lbs. lbs.
3/4 0.099 6d 7d 73 61 55 54 51 48 47 39 38 36
0.113 6d 8d 8d 94 79 72 71 65 58 57 47 46 44
0.120 10d 107 89 80 77 71 64 62 52 50 48
0.128 10d 121 101 87 84 78 70 68 57 56 54
0.131 8d 127 104 90 87 80 73 70 60 58 56
0.135 16d 12d 135 108 94 91 84 76 74 63 61 58
0.148 10d 20d 16d 154 121 105 102 94 85 83 70 69 66
0.162 16d 40d 183 138 121 117 108 99 96 82 80 77
0.177 20d 200 153 134 130 121 111 107 92 90 87
0.192 20d 30d 206 157 138 134 125 114 111 96 93 90
0.207 30d 40d 216 166 147 143 133 122 119 103 101 97
0.225 40d 229 178 158 154 144 132 129 112 110 106
0.244 50d 60d 234 182 162 158 147 136 132 115 113 109
1 0.099 6d 7d 73 61 55 54 51 48 47 42 41 40
0.113 6d 8d 8d 94 79 72 71 67 63 61 55 54 51
0.120 10d 107 89 81 80 76 71 69 60 59 56
0.128 10d 121 101 93 91 86 80 79 66 64 61
0.131 8d 127 106 97 95 90 84 82 68 66 63
0.135 16d 12d 135 113 103 101 96 89 86 71 69 66
0.148 10d 20d 16d 154 128 118 115 109 99 96 80 77 74
0.162 16d 40d 184 154 141 137 125 113 109 91 89 85
0.177 20d 213 178 155 150 138 125 121 102 99 95
0.192 20d 30d 222 183 159 154 142 128 124 105 102 98
0.207 30d 40d 243 192 167 162 149 135 131 111 109 104
0.225 40d 268 202 177 171 159 144 140 120 117 112
0.244 50d 60d 274 207 181 175 162 148 143 123 120 115
1-1/4 0.099 6d 4 7d 4 73 61 55 54 51 48 47 42 41 40
4 4
0.113 6d 8d 8d 94 79 72 71 67 63 61 55 54 52
0.120 10d 107 89 81 80 76 71 69 62 60 59
0.128 10d 121 101 93 91 86 80 79 70 69 67
0.131 8d 4 127 106 97 95 90 84 82 73 72 70
0.135 16d 12d 135 113 103 101 96 89 88 78 76 74
0.148 10d 20d 16d 154 128 118 115 109 102 100 89 87 84
0.162 16d 40d 184 154 141 138 131 122 120 103 100 95
0.177 20d 213 178 163 159 151 141 136 113 110 105
0.192 20d 30d 222 185 170 166 157 145 140 116 113 108
0.207 30d 40d 243 203 186 182 169 152 147 123 119 114
0.225 40d 268 224 200 193 177 160 155 130 127 121
0.244 50d 60d 276 230 204 197 181 163 158 133 129 124
1-1/2 0.099 7d 4 73 61 55 54 51 48 47 42 41 40
4 4
0.113 8d 8d 94 79 72 71 67 63 61 55 54 52
0.120 10d 107 89 81 80 76 71 69 62 60 59
0.128 10d 121 101 93 91 86 80 79 70 69 67
0.131 8d 4 127 106 97 95 90 84 82 73 72 70
0.135 16d 12d 135 113 103 101 96 89 88 78 76 74
0.148 10d 20d 16d 154 128 118 115 109 102 100 89 87 84
0.162 16d 40d 184 154 141 138 131 122 120 106 104 101
0.177 20d 213 178 163 159 151 141 138 123 121 117
0.192 20d 30d 222 185 170 166 157 147 144 128 126 120
0.207 30d 40d 243 203 186 182 172 161 158 135 131 125
0.225 40d 268 224 205 201 190 178 172 143 138 132
0.244 50d 60d 276 230 211 206 196 181 175 146 141 135
1-3/4 0.113 8d 4 94 79 72 71 67 63 61 55 54 52
0.120 10d 107 89 81 80 76 71 69 62 60 59
0.128 10d 121 101 93 91 86 80 79 70 69 67
0.135 16d 12d 135 113 103 101 96 89 88 78 76 74
0.148 10d4 20d 16d 154 128 118 115 109 102 100 89 87 84
0.162 16d 40d 184 154 141 138 131 122 120 106 104 101
0.177 20d 213 178 163 159 151 141 138 123 121 117
0.192 20d 30d 222 185 170 166 157 147 144 128 126 122
0.207 30d 40d 243 203 186 182 172 161 158 140 137 133
0.225 40d 268 224 205 201 190 178 174 155 151 144
0.244 50d 60d 276 230 211 206 196 183 179 159 154 147
1. Tabulated lateral design values, Z, shall be multiplied by all applicable adjustment factors (see Table 11.3.1).
2. Tabulated lateral design values, Z, are for common, box, or sinker steel wire nails (see Appendix Table L4) inserted in side grain with nail axis perpendicular to wood fibers;
nail penetration, p, into the main member equal to 10D; and nail bending yield strengths, Fyb, of 100,000 psi for 0.099" ≤ D ≤ 0.142", 90,000 psi for 0.142" < D ≤ 0.177",
80,000 psi for 0.177" < D ≤ 0.236", and 70,000 psi for 0.236" < D ≤ 0.273".
3. Where the nail or spike penetration, p, is less than 10D but not less than 6D, tabulated lateral design values, Z, shall be multiplied by p/10D or lateral design values shall be
calculated using the provisions of 12.3 for the reduced penetration.
4. Nail length is insufficient to provide 10D penetration. Tabulated lateral design values, Z, shall be adjusted per footnote 3.
Copyright © American Wood Council. Downloaded/printed pursuant to License Agreement. No reproduction or transfer authorized.
Table 12P COMMON, BOX, or SINKER STEEL WIRE NAILS: Reference Lateral Design
Values, Z, for Single Shear (two member) Connections1,2,3
for sawn lumber or SCL with ASTM 653, Grade 33 steel side plate
(tabulated lateral design values are calculated based on an assumed length of nail
penetration, p, into the main member equal to 10D)
Common Wire Nail
Eastern Softwoods
Douglas Fir-Larch
Douglas Fir-Larch
Northern Species
Western Cedars
Western Woods
Douglas Fir(S)
Southern Pine
Nail Diameter
Side Member
Mixed Maple
(open grain)
Sinker Nail
Red Oak
Box Nail
ts D
in. in. Pennyweight lbs. lbs. lbs. lbs. lbs. lbs. lbs. lbs. lbs. lbs.
0.036 0.099 6d 7d 69 59 54 53 51 48 47 42 41 40
(20 gage) 0.113 6d 8d 8d 89 76 70 69 66 62 60 54 53 52
0.120 10d 100 86 79 77 74 69 68 61 60 58
0.128 10d 114 97 90 88 84 79 77 69 68 66
0.131 8d 120 102 94 92 88 82 81 72 71 69
0.135 16d 12d 127 108 100 98 93 87 86 77 75 73
0.148 10d 20d 16d 145 123 114 111 106 100 98 87 86 83
0.048 0.099 6d 7d 70 60 55 54 52 49 48 43 42 41
(18 gage) 0.113 6d 8d 8d 90 77 71 70 67 63 61 55 54 53
0.120 10d 101 87 80 78 75 70 69 62 61 59
0.128 10d 115 98 91 89 85 80 78 70 69 67
0.131 8d 120 103 95 93 89 83 82 73 72 70
0.135 16d 12d 128 109 101 99 94 88 87 78 76 74
0.148 10d 20d 16d 145 124 115 112 107 101 99 88 87 84
0.162 16d 40d 174 148 137 134 128 120 118 105 104 101
0.177 20d 201 171 158 155 147 138 136 122 119 116
0.192 20d 30d 209 178 164 161 153 144 141 126 124 121
0.207 30d 40d 229 195 179 176 167 157 154 138 136 132
0.060 0.099 6d 7d 72 62 57 56 54 51 50 45 44 43
(16 gage) 0.113 6d 8d 8d 92 79 73 72 68 64 63 57 56 54
0.120 10d 103 88 82 80 76 72 71 63 62 61
0.128 10d 117 100 92 91 86 81 80 72 70 68
0.131 8d 122 104 97 95 90 85 83 75 73 71
0.135 16d 12d 129 111 102 100 96 90 88 79 78 76
0.148 10d 20d 16d 147 126 116 114 109 102 100 90 88 86
0.162 16d 40d 175 150 138 135 129 121 119 107 105 102
0.177 20d 202 172 159 156 149 140 137 123 121 117
0.192 20d 30d 210 179 165 162 154 145 142 128 125 122
0.207 30d 40d 229 195 180 177 168 158 155 139 137 133
0.225 40d 253 215 199 195 185 174 171 153 150 146
0.244 50d 60d 260 221 204 200 191 179 176 157 155 150
0.075 0.099 6d 7d 75 65 60 59 56 53 52 47 46 45
(14 gage) 0.113 6d 8d 8d 95 82 76 75 71 67 66 59 58 57
0.120 10d 106 91 85 83 79 75 73 66 65 63
0.128 10d 120 103 95 93 89 84 82 74 73 71
0.131 8d 125 107 99 97 93 88 86 77 76 74
0.135 16d 12d 132 113 105 103 98 93 91 82 80 78
0.148 10d 20d 16d 150 129 119 117 111 105 103 92 91 88
0.162 16d 40d 178 152 141 138 132 124 122 109 107 104
0.177 20d 204 175 162 158 151 142 139 125 123 120
0.192 20d 30d 212 182 168 165 157 148 145 130 128 124
0.207 30d 40d 231 198 183 179 171 161 157 141 139 135
0.225 40d 254 217 201 197 187 176 173 155 152 148
0.244 50d 60d 261 223 206 202 193 181 178 159 156 152
0.105 0.099 6d 7d 84 73 68 67 64 60 59 53 53 51
(12 gage) 0.113 6d 8d 8d 104 90 84 82 79 74 73 66 65 63
0.120 10d 115 100 93 91 87 82 80 73 71 69
0.128 10d 129 111 103 101 97 91 90 81 79 77
0.131 8d 134 116 107 105 101 95 93 84 82 80
0.135 16d 12d 141 122 113 111 106 100 98 88 87 84
0.148 10d 20d 16d 159 137 127 125 119 113 110 99 98 95
0.162 16d 40d 187 161 149 146 140 132 129 116 114 111
0.177 20d 213 183 169 166 159 149 147 132 130 126
0.192 20d 30d 220 189 175 172 164 155 152 137 134 131
0.207 30d 40d 238 205 190 186 177 167 164 147 145 141
0.225 40d 260 223 207 203 193 182 179 161 158 153
0.244 50d 60d 268 230 212 208 199 187 183 165 162 158
1. Tabulated lateral design values, Z, shall be multiplied by all applicable adjustment factors (see Table 11.3.1).
2. Tabulated lateral design values, Z, are for common, box, or sinker steel wire nails (see Appendix Table L4) inserted in side grain with nail axis perpendicular to wood
fibers; nail penetration, p, into the main member equal to 10D; dowel bearing strength, Fe, of 61,850 psi for ASTM A653, Grade 33 steel and nail bending yield
strengths, Fyb, of 100,000 psi for 0.099" ≤ D ≤ 0.142", 90,000 psi for 0.142" < D ≤ 0.177", 80,000 psi for 0.177" < D ≤ 0.236", 70,000 psi for 0.236" < D ≤ 0.273".
3. Where the nail or spike penetration, p, is less than 10D but not less than 6D, tabulated lateral design values, Z, shall be multiplied by p/10D or lateral design values
shall be calculated using the provisions of 12.3 for the reduced penetration.
Copyright © American Wood Council. Downloaded/printed pursuant to License Agreement. No reproduction or transfer authorized.
Table 12P COMMON, BOX, or SINKER STEEL WIRE NAILS: Reference Lateral Design
(Cont.) Values, Z, for Single Shear (two member) Connections1,2,3
for sawn lumber or SCL with ASTM 653, Grade 33 steel side plate
(tabulated lateral design values are calculated based on an assumed length of nail
penetration, p, into the main member equal to 10D)
Common Wire Nail
Eastern Softwoods
Douglas Fir-Larch
Douglas Fir-Larch
Northern Species
Western Cedars
Western Woods
Douglas Fir(S)
Southern Pine
Nail Diameter
Side Member
Mixed Maple
(open grain)
Sinker Nail
Red Oak
Box Nail
ts D
in. in. Pennyweight lbs. lbs. lbs. lbs. lbs. lbs. lbs. lbs. lbs. lbs.
0.120 0.099 6d 7d 90 78 72 71 68 64 63 57 56 53
(11 gage) 0.113 6d 8d 8d 110 95 89 87 83 79 77 70 68 66
0.120 10d 121 105 97 96 91 86 85 76 75 73
0.128 10d 134 116 108 106 101 96 94 85 83 81
0.131 8d 140 121 112 110 105 99 97 88 86 84
0.135 16d 12d 147 127 118 116 110 104 102 92 91 88
0.148 10d 20d 16d 165 143 133 130 124 117 115 104 102 99
0.162 16d 40d 193 166 154 152 145 137 134 121 119 115
0.177 20d 218 188 174 171 163 154 151 136 134 130
0.192 20d 30d 226 195 181 177 169 159 156 141 138 135
0.207 30d 40d 244 210 194 191 182 172 168 151 149 145
0.225 40d 265 228 211 207 198 186 183 164 161 157
0.244 50d 60d 272 234 217 213 203 191 187 169 166 161
0.134 0.099 6d 7d 95 82 76 74 71 66 65 58 56 54
(10 gage) 0.113 6d 8d 8d 116 100 93 92 88 83 81 73 72 69
0.120 10d 127 110 102 100 96 91 89 80 79 76
0.128 10d 140 122 113 111 106 100 98 89 87 85
0.131 8d 146 126 117 115 110 104 102 92 90 88
0.135 16d 12d 153 132 123 121 115 109 107 96 95 92
0.148 10d 20d 16d 172 148 138 135 129 122 120 108 106 104
0.162 16d 40d 199 172 160 157 150 142 139 125 123 120
0.177 20d 224 194 180 176 169 159 156 141 138 135
0.192 20d 30d 232 200 186 182 174 164 161 145 143 139
0.207 30d 40d 249 215 199 196 187 176 173 156 153 149
0.225 40d 270 233 216 212 202 191 187 168 165 161
0.244 50d 60d 277 239 221 217 207 195 192 173 170 165
0.179 0.099 6d 7d 97 82 76 74 71 66 65 58 56 54
(7 gage) 0.113 6d 8d 8d 126 107 99 97 92 86 84 76 74 70
0.120 10d 142 121 111 109 104 97 95 85 83 79
0.128 10d 161 137 126 124 118 111 108 97 94 90
0.131 8d 168 144 132 130 123 116 114 102 99 94
0.135 16d 12d 175 152 141 138 131 123 121 108 105 100
0.148 10d 20d 16d 195 170 158 155 148 140 137 123 121 117
0.162 16d 40d 224 194 180 177 169 160 157 142 140 136
0.177 20d 249 215 200 197 188 178 174 157 155 151
0.225 40d 292 252 234 230 220 207 203 184 180 176
0.244 50d 60d 299 258 240 235 225 212 208 188 185 180
0.239 0.099 6d 7d 97 82 76 74 71 66 65 58 56 54
(3 gage) 0.113 6d 8d 8d 126 107 99 97 92 86 84 76 74 70
0.120 10d 142 121 111 109 104 97 95 85 83 79
0.128 10d 161 137 126 124 118 111 108 97 94 90
0.131 8d 169 144 132 130 123 116 114 102 99 94
0.135 16d 12d 180 153 141 138 131 123 121 108 105 100
0.148 10d 20d 16d 205 174 160 157 149 140 137 123 121 117
0.162 16d 40d 245 209 192 188 179 168 165 147 145 140
0.177 20d 284 241 222 218 207 195 191 170 167 162
0.192 20d 30d 295 251 231 227 216 202 198 177 174 169
0.207 30d 40d 310 270 251 246 236 222 217 194 191 185
0.225 40d 328 285 265 260 249 235 231 209 205 200
0.244 50d 60d 336 291 271 266 254 240 236 213 210 204
1. Tabulated lateral design values, Z, shall be multiplied by all applicable adjustment factors (see Table 11.3.1).
2. Tabulated lateral design values, Z, are for common, box, or sinker steel wire nails (see Appendix Table L4) inserted in side grain with nail axis perpendicular to wood
fibers; nail penetration, p, into the main member equal to 10D; dowel bearing strength, Fe, of 61,850 psi for ASTM A653, Grade 33 steel and nail bending yield
strengths, Fyb, of 100,000 psi for 0.099" ≤ D ≤ 0.142", 90,000 psi for 0.142" < D ≤ 0.177", 80,000 psi for 0.177" < D ≤ 0.236", 70,000 psi for 0.236" < D ≤ 0.273".
3. Where the nail or spike penetration, p, is less than 10D but not less than 6D, tabulated lateral design values, Z, shall be multiplied by p/10D or lateral design values
shall be calculated using the provisions of 12.3 for the reduced penetration.
Copyright © American Wood Council. Downloaded/printed pursuant to License Agreement. No reproduction or transfer authorized.
Table 12Q COMMON, BOX, or SINKER STEEL WIRE NAILS: Reference Lateral Design
Values, Z, for Single Shear (two member) Connections1,2,3
for sawn lumber or SCL with wood structural panel side members with an effective G=0.50
(tabulated lateral design values are calculated based on an assumed length of nail
penetration, p, into the main member equal to 10D)
Common Wire Nail
Eastern Softwoods
Douglas Fir-Larch
Douglas Fir-Larch
Northern Species
Western Cedars
Western Woods
Douglas Fir(S)
Southern Pine
Nail Diameter
Side Member
Mixed Maple
(open grain)
Sinker Nail
Red Oak
Box Nail
ts D
in. in. Pennyweight lbs. lbs. lbs. lbs. lbs. lbs. lbs. lbs. lbs. lbs.
3/8 0.099 6d 7d 47 45 43 43 42 40 40 38 37 37
0.113 6d 8d 8d 60 56 54 54 52 51 50 47 47 46
0.120 10d 67 62 60 60 58 56 56 52 52 51
0.128 10d 75 70 68 67 65 63 63 59 58 57
0.131 8d 78 73 71 70 68 66 65 61 61 60
0.135 16d 12d 83 78 75 74 72 70 69 65 64 63
0.148 10d 20d 16d 94 88 85 84 82 79 78 73 72 71
7/16 0.099 6d 7d 50 47 45 45 44 43 42 40 40 39
0.113 6d 8d 8d 62 58 56 56 55 53 52 49 49 48
0.120 10d 69 65 63 62 60 59 58 55 54 53
0.128 10d 77 72 70 69 68 66 65 61 60 59
0.131 8d 80 75 73 72 70 68 67 63 63 62
0.135 16d 12d 85 80 77 76 74 72 71 67 66 65
0.148 10d 20d 16d 96 90 87 86 84 81 80 76 75 73
0.162 16d 40d 114 106 102 101 99 96 95 89 88 86
15/32 0.099 6d 7d 51 48 47 46 45 44 44 41 41 40
0.113 6d 8d 8d 64 60 58 57 56 54 54 51 50 49
0.120 10d 70 66 64 63 62 60 59 56 55 54
0.128 10d 78 74 71 71 69 67 66 62 62 61
0.131 8d 82 77 74 73 72 70 69 65 64 63
0.135 16d 12d 86 81 78 77 76 73 72 68 67 66
0.148 10d 20d 16d 97 91 88 87 85 83 82 77 76 75
0.162 16d 40d 115 108 104 103 100 97 96 90 89 88
19/32 0.099 6d 7d 58 55 53 53 51 50 50 47 46 46
0.113 6d 8d 8d 70 66 64 64 62 61 60 57 56 55
0.120 10d 77 73 70 70 68 66 66 62 61 60
0.128 10d 85 80 78 77 75 73 72 68 68 67
0.131 8d 88 83 80 80 78 76 75 71 70 69
0.135 16d 12d 93 87 84 84 82 79 79 74 73 72
0.148 10d 20d 16d 104 98 95 94 92 89 88 83 82 81
0.162 16d 40d 121 114 110 109 107 103 102 96 95 94
0.177 20d 137 128 124 123 120 116 115 108 107 105
0.192 20d 30d 142 133 128 127 124 120 119 112 111 109
23/32 0.099 6d 7d 62 58 55 55 53 51 51 47 47 46
0.113 6d 8d 8d 78 74 72 71 69 67 66 62 61 60
0.120 10d 85 80 78 77 76 73 73 69 68 67
0.128 10d 93 88 85 85 83 80 80 75 75 74
0.131 8d 96 91 88 87 86 83 82 78 77 76
0.135 16d 12d 101 95 92 91 89 87 86 81 81 79
0.148 10d 20d 16d 113 106 103 102 100 97 96 91 90 89
0.162 16d 40d 130 122 118 117 115 111 110 104 103 102
0.177 20d 145 137 132 131 128 124 123 116 115 113
0.192 20d 30d 150 141 136 135 132 128 127 120 118 116
1 0.099 5 6d 7d 62 58 55 55 53 51 51 47 47 46
5 4
0.113 6d 8d 8d 81 75 72 71 69 67 66 62 61 60
0.1205 10d 92 85 81 81 78 76 75 69 69 67
0.128 10d 104 97 93 92 89 86 85 79 78 77
0.131 8d 109 101 97 96 93 90 89 83 82 80
0.135 16d 12d 116 108 103 102 99 96 94 88 87 85
0.148 10d 20d 16d 132 123 118 116 113 109 108 100 99 97
0.162 16d 40d 154 146 141 139 135 131 129 120 119 116
0.177 20d 169 160 155 154 151 146 145 137 136 134
0.192 20d 30d 174 164 159 158 155 150 149 141 140 138
1-1/8 0.1285 10d 104 97 93 92 89 86 85 79 78 77
0.1315 8d 109 101 97 96 93 90 89 83 82 80
0.1355 16d 12d 116 108 103 102 99 96 94 88 87 85
0.1485 10d 20d 16d 132 123 118 116 113 109 108 100 99 97
0.162 16d 40d 158 147 141 139 135 131 129 120 119 116
0.177 20d 181 170 163 161 157 151 149 139 137 135
0.192 20d 30d 186 176 170 168 163 157 155 145 143 140
1-1/4 0.148 10d 20d 16d 132 123 118 116 113 109 108 100 99 97
0.162 16d 40d 158 147 141 139 135 131 129 120 119 116
0.177 20d 183 170 163 161 157 151 149 139 137 135
0.192 20d 30d 191 177 170 168 163 157 155 145 143 140
1. Tabulated lateral design values, Z, shall be multiplied by all applicable adjustment factors (see Table 11.3.1).
2. Tabulated lateral design values, Z, are for common, box, or sinker steel wire nails (see Appendix Table L4) inserted in side grain with nail axis perpendicular to wood fibers; nail
penetration, p, into the main member equal to 10D and nail bending yield strengths, Fyb, of 100,000 psi for 0.099" ≤ D ≤ 0.142", 90,000 psi for 0.142" < D ≤ 0.177", 80,000 psi
for 0.177" < D ≤ 0.236", and 70,000 psi for 0.236" < D ≤ 0.273".
3. Where the nail or spike penetration, p, is less than 10D but not less than 6D, tabulated lateral design values, Z, shall be multiplied by p/10D or lateral design values shall be
calculated using the provisions of 12.3 for the reduced penetration.
4. Nail length is insufficient to provide 10D penetration. Tabulated lateral design values, Z, shall be adjusted per footnote 3.
5. Tabulated lateral design values, Z, shall be permitted to apply for greater side member thickness when adjusted per footnote 3.
Copyright © American Wood Council. Downloaded/printed pursuant to License Agreement. No reproduction or transfer authorized.
Table 12R COMMON, BOX, or SINKER STEEL WIRE NAILS: Reference Lateral Design
Values, Z, for Single Shear (two member) Connections1,2,3
with wood structural panel side members with an effective G=0.42
(tabulated lateral design values are calculated based on an assumed nail penetration, p,
into the main member equal to 10D)
Common Wire Nail
Eastern Softwoods
Douglas Fir-Larch
Douglas Fir-Larch
Northern Species
Western Cedars
Western Woods
Douglas Fir(S)
Southern Pine
Nail Diameter
Side Member
Mixed Maple
(open grain)
Sinker Nail
Red Oak
Box Nail
ts D
in. in. Pennyweight lbs. lbs. lbs. lbs. lbs. lbs. lbs. lbs. lbs. lbs.
3/8 0.099 6d 7d 41 39 37 37 36 35 35 33 33 32
0.113 6d 8d 8d 52 49 48 47 46 45 45 42 42 41
0.120 10d 58 55 53 53 52 50 50 47 47 46
0.128 10d 66 62 60 60 59 57 56 53 53 52
0.131 8d 69 65 63 63 61 59 59 56 55 54
0.135 16d 12d 73 69 67 66 65 63 62 59 58 57
0.148 10d 20d 16d 84 79 76 76 74 72 71 67 66 65
7/16 0.099 6d 7d 42 40 39 38 38 37 36 35 34 34
0.113 6d 8d 8d 53 50 49 48 48 46 46 43 43 42
0.120 10d 59 56 54 54 53 51 51 48 48 47
0.128 10d 67 63 61 61 60 58 57 54 54 53
0.131 8d 70 66 64 64 62 60 60 57 56 55
0.135 16d 12d 74 70 68 67 66 64 63 60 59 58
0.148 10d 20d 16d 84 80 77 76 75 73 72 68 67 66
0.162 16d 40d 100 95 92 91 89 86 85 81 80 78
15/32 0.099 6d 7d 43 41 40 39 39 38 37 35 35 35
0.113 6d 8d 8d 54 51 50 49 48 47 47 44 44 43
0.120 10d 60 57 55 55 54 52 52 49 49 48
0.128 10d 68 64 62 62 60 59 58 55 55 54
0.131 8d 70 67 65 64 63 61 61 57 57 56
0.135 16d 12d 75 71 68 68 66 65 64 61 60 59
0.148 10d 20d 16d 85 80 78 77 75 73 72 69 68 67
0.162 16d 40d 101 95 92 91 89 87 86 81 80 79
19/32 0.099 6d 7d 47 45 44 43 43 41 41 39 39 38
0.113 6d 8d 8d 58 55 54 53 52 51 50 48 48 47
0.120 10d 64 61 59 59 58 56 56 53 52 52
0.128 10d 71 68 66 65 64 62 62 59 58 57
0.131 8d 74 70 68 68 67 65 64 61 61 60
0.135 16d 12d 78 74 72 71 70 68 68 64 64 63
0.148 10d 20d 16d 88 84 81 81 79 77 76 72 72 71
0.162 16d 40d 103 98 95 94 93 90 89 85 84 83
0.177 20d 118 112 108 108 105 102 101 96 95 94
0.192 20d 30d 123 116 112 112 109 106 105 100 99 97
23/32 0.099 6d 7d 52 50 48 48 47 46 46 44 43 43
0.113 6d 8d 8d 63 60 58 58 57 56 55 53 52 52
0.120 10d 69 66 64 64 62 61 60 58 57 56
0.128 10d 76 73 71 70 69 67 67 63 63 62
0.131 8d 79 75 73 73 71 70 69 66 65 64
0.135 16d 12d 83 79 77 76 75 73 72 69 68 67
0.148 10d 20d 16d 93 89 86 86 84 82 81 77 77 76
0.162 16d 40d 108 103 100 99 98 95 94 90 89 87
0.177 20d 122 116 113 112 110 107 106 101 100 98
0.192 20d 30d 127 120 117 116 114 111 110 104 103 102
1 0.099 5 6d 7d 56 53 51 50 49 48 47 44 44 43
6d 4 8d 8d 73 68 66 66 64 62 61 58 57 56
0.1205 10d 82 77 75 74 72 70 69 65 64 63
0.128 10d 91 87 85 84 82 80 79 74 73 72
0.131 8d 93 89 87 87 85 83 82 77 77 75
0.135 16d 12d 97 93 91 90 89 87 86 82 81 80
0.148 10d 20d 16d 109 104 101 101 99 97 96 91 91 90
0.162 16d 40d 124 118 115 115 113 110 109 104 103 102
0.177 20d 137 131 128 127 125 122 121 115 114 112
0.192 20d 30d 141 135 131 131 128 125 124 118 117 116
1-1/8 0.128 5 10d 93 88 85 84 82 80 79 74 73 72
0.1315 8d 98 92 89 88 86 83 82 77 77 75
0.1355 16d 12d 104 98 94 94 91 88 88 82 81 80
0.1485 10d 20d 16d 117 111 108 107 104 101 100 94 93 91
0.162 16d 40d 132 127 123 123 120 118 117 111 110 109
0.177 20d 146 139 136 135 132 129 128 122 121 120
0.192 20d 30d 150 143 139 138 136 133 132 126 125 123
1-1/4 0.148 10d 20d 16d 118 111 108 107 104 101 100 94 93 91
0.162 16d 40d 141 134 129 128 125 121 120 112 111 109
0.177 20d 155 148 144 143 141 138 136 130 129 126
0.192 20d 30d 159 152 148 147 144 141 140 134 133 131
1. Tabulated lateral design values, Z, shall be multiplied by all applicable adjustment factors (see Table 11.3.1).
2. Tabulated lateral design values, Z, are for common, box, or sinker steel wire nails (see Appendix Table L4) inserted in side grain with nail axis perpendicular
to wood fibers; nail penetration, p, into the main member equal to 10D and nail bending yield strengths, Fyb, of 100,000 psi for 0.099" ≤ D ≤ 0.142", 90,000
psi for 0.142" < D ≤ 0.177", 80,000 psi for 0.177" < D ≤ 0.236", and 70,000 psi for 0.236" < D ≤ 0.273".
3. Where the nail or spike penetration, p, is less than 10D but not less than 6D, tabulated lateral design values, Z, shall be multiplied by p/10D or lateral design
values shall be calculated using the provisions of 12.3 for the reduced penetration.
4. Nail length is insufficient to provide 10D penetration. Tabulated lateral design values, Z, shall be adjusted per footnote 3.
5. Tabulated lateral design values, Z, shall be permitted to apply for greater side member thickness when adjusted per footnote 3.
Copyright © American Wood Council. Downloaded/printed pursuant to License Agreement. No reproduction or transfer authorized.
Table 12S POST FRAME RING SHANK NAILS: Reference Lateral Design Values, Z, for
Single Shear (two member) Connections1,2,3
for sawn lumber or SCL with both members of identical specific gravity
(tabulated lateral design values are calculated based on an assumed length of
nail penetration, p, into the main member equal to 10D)
Douglas Fir-Larch
Douglas Fir-Larch
Northern Species
Spruce-Pine-Fir (S)
Eastern Softwoods
Douglas Fir(S)
Southern Pine
Western Cedars
Western Woods
Nail Diameter
Side Member
Mixed Maple
(open grain)
Nail Length
Red Oak
ts D L
in. in. in. lbs. lbs. lbs. lbs. lbs. lbs. lbs. lbs. lbs. lbs.
1/2 0.135 3, 3.5 114 89 80 78 73 67 65 57 56 54
0.148 3 - 4.5 127 100 89 87 81 75 73 64 63 61
0.177 3-8 173 139 125 122 115 107 105 93 91 88
0.200 3.5 - 8 188 151 137 134 126 118 115 102 100 95
0.207 4-8 193 156 142 138 131 122 119 106 102 96
3/4 0.135 3, 3.5 138 106 93 90 83 75 73 62 61 58
0.148 3 - 4.5 156 118 103 100 92 84 81 70 68 65
0.177 3-8 204 157 139 134 125 115 112 97 94 91
0.200 3.5 - 8 218 168 149 145 135 124 121 105 103 99
0.207 4-8 223 173 153 149 139 128 125 109 106 103
1 0.135 3, 3.5 138 115 106 103 97 87 84 70 68 65
0.148 3 - 4.5 156 130 119 116 107 96 93 78 76 73
0.177 3-8 227 181 158 153 141 128 124 105 102 98
0.200 3.5 - 8 250 193 168 163 151 137 133 113 110 106
0.207 4-8 259 197 172 166 154 140 136 116 113 109
1 1/4 0.135 3, 3.5 138 115 106 103 98 92 90 80 77 74
0.148 3 - 4.5 156 130 119 116 110 103 101 88 86 82
0.177 3-8 227 189 173 170 160 143 139 116 112 107
0.200 3.5 - 8 250 208 191 184 169 152 147 123 120 115
0.207 4-8 259 216 195 188 172 155 150 126 123 118
1 1/2 0.135 3, 3.5 138 115 106 103 98 92 90 80 78 76
0.148 3 - 4.5 156 130 119 116 110 103 101 90 88 85
0.177 3-8 227 189 173 170 161 150 147 128 124 118
0.200 3.5 - 8 250 208 191 187 177 166 162 136 132 126
0.207 4-8 259 216 198 194 184 172 167 139 134 128
1 3/4 0.135 3, 3.5 138 115 106 103 98 92 90 80 78 76
0.148 3 - 4.5 156 130 119 116 110 103 101 90 88 85
4 4
0.177 3 , 3.5 ,4 - 8 227 189 173 170 161 150 147 131 128 125
0.200 3.5 , 4 - 8 250 208 191 187 177 166 162 144 141 137
0.207 4-8 259 216 198 194 184 172 168 149 147 140
2 1/2 0.135 3.54 138 115 106 103 98 92 90 80 78 76
0.148 3.5 , 4, 4.5 156 130 119 116 110 103 101 90 88 85
0.177 4 , 4.5, 5, 6, 8 227 189 173 170 161 150 147 131 128 125
0.200 4 , 4.5, 5, 6, 8 250 208 191 187 177 166 162 144 141 137
4 4
0.207 4 , 4.5 , 5, 6, 8 259 216 198 194 184 172 168 149 147 142
3 1/2 0.148 4.54 156 130 119 116 110 103 101 90 88 85
0.177 54, 6, 8 227 189 173 170 161 150 147 131 128 125
0.200 54, 6, 8 250 208 191 187 177 166 162 144 141 137
0.207 54, 6, 8 259 216 198 194 184 172 168 149 147 142
1. Tabulated lateral design values, Z, shall be multiplied by all applicable adjustment factors (see Table 11.3.1).
2. Tabulated lateral design values, Z, are for post frame ring shank nails (see Appendix Table L5) inserted in side grain with nail axis perpendicular to wood fibers;
nail penetration, p, into the main member equal to 10D; and nail bending yield strengths, Fyb, of 130,000 psi for 0.120"< D ≤0.142", 115,000 psi for 0.142"< D
≤0.192", and 100,000 psi for 0.192"< D ≤0.207".
3. Where the post-frame ring shank nail penetration, p, is less than 10D but not less than 6D, tabulated lateral design values, Z, shall be multiplied by p/10D or lateral
design values shall be calculated using the provisions of 12.3 for the reduced penetration.
4. Nail length is insufficient to provide 10D penetration. Tabulated lateral design values, Z, shall be adjusted per footnote 3.
Copyright © American Wood Council. Downloaded/printed pursuant to License Agreement. No reproduction or transfer authorized.
Table 12T POST FRAME RING SHANK NAILS: Reference Lateral Design Values, Z, for
Single Shear (two member) Connections1,2,3
for sawn lumber or SCL with ASTM A653, Grade 33 steel side plates
(tabulated lateral design values are calculated based on an assumed nail
penetration, p, into the main member equal to 10D)
Douglas Fir-Larch
Douglas Fir-Larch
Northern Species
Spruce-Pine-Fir (S)
Eastern Softwoods
Douglas Fir(S)
Western Cedars
Southern Pine
Western Woods
Nail Diameter
Side Member
Mixed Maple
(open grain)
Nail Length
Red Oak
ts D L
in. in. in. lbs. lbs. lbs. lbs. lbs. lbs. lbs. lbs. lbs. lbs.
0.036 0.135 3, 3.5 130 111 102 100 95 89 88 78 77 75
(20 gage) 0.148 3 - 4.5 142 125 115 113 107 101 99 88 87 84
0.177 3-8 171 171 167 164 156 146 143 128 126 122
0.200 3.5 - 8 177 177 177 177 172 161 158 141 139 135
0.207 4-8 178 178 178 178 178 167 164 146 144 140
0.048 0.135 3, 3.5 131 111 103 101 96 90 88 79 78 76
(18 gage) 0.148 3 - 4.5 147 125 116 113 108 101 99 89 87 85
0.177 3-8 213 182 168 164 156 147 144 129 127 123
0.200 3.5 - 8 235 200 184 181 172 162 158 142 139 135
0.207 4-8 237 207 191 187 178 168 164 147 144 140
0.060 0.135 3, 3.5 132 113 104 102 97 92 90 81 79 77
(16 gage) 0.148 3 - 4.5 148 126 117 115 109 103 101 90 89 86
0.177 3-8 214 183 169 165 157 148 145 130 128 124
0.200 3.5 - 8 235 201 185 182 173 163 159 143 140 136
0.207 4-8 244 208 192 188 179 168 165 148 145 141
0.075 0.135 3, 3.5 134 115 106 104 100 94 92 83 81 79
(14 gage) 0.148 3 - 4.5 150 129 119 117 112 105 103 93 91 88
0.177 3-8 216 185 171 167 160 150 147 132 130 126
0.200 3.5 - 8 237 203 187 183 175 164 161 145 142 138
0.207 4-8 246 210 194 190 181 170 167 150 147 143
0.105 0.135 3, 3.5 142 122 113 111 106 100 98 88 87 83
(12 gage) 0.148 3 - 4.5 159 137 127 124 119 112 110 99 97 94
0.177 3-8 223 192 178 174 166 157 154 138 136 132
0.200 3.5 - 8 244 209 194 190 181 171 167 150 148 144
0.207 4-8 252 216 200 196 187 176 173 155 153 148
0.120 0.135 3, 3.5 147 127 118 115 110 104 102 92 90 86
(11 gage) 0.148 3 - 4.5 164 141 131 129 123 116 114 103 101 98
0.177 3-8 228 197 182 179 171 161 158 142 140 136
0.200 3.5 - 8 249 214 198 194 185 175 171 154 152 147
0.207 4-8 257 221 204 200 191 180 177 159 156 152
0.134 0.135 3, 3.5 152 132 122 120 115 108 106 96 93 88
(10 gage) 0.148 3 - 4.5 169 147 136 134 128 120 118 107 105 102
3.5 - 8
0.207 4-8 262 225 209 205 196 185 181 163 160 156
0.179 0.135 3, 3.5 172 149 139 136 131 123 121 105 102 98
(7 gage) 0.148 3 - 4.5 191 166 154 151 145 137 134 121 118 113
0.177 3-8 256 222 206 202 193 183 179 162 159 153
0.200 3.5 - 8 276 238 221 217 208 196 192 174 171 166
0.207 4-8 283 245 227 223 213 201 197 178 175 170
0.239 0.135 3, 3.5 184 156 144 141 134 126 124 106 102 98
(3 gage) 0.148 3 - 4.5 207 176 162 159 151 142 139 124 120 114
0.177 3-8 293 255 236 232 220 207 203 179 174 165
0.200 3.5 - 8 312 271 252 248 237 224 220 199 195 189
0.207 4-8 319 277 258 253 242 229 224 203 199 194
1. Tabulated lateral design values, Z, shall be multiplied by all applicable adjustment factors (see Table 11.3.1).
2. Tabulated lateral design values, Z, are for post frame ring shank nails (see Appendix Table L5) inserted in side grain with nail axis perpendicular to wood fibers;
nail penetration, p, into the main member equal to 10D; and nail bending yield strengths, Fyb, of 130,000 psi for 0.120"< D ≤0.142" 115,000 psi for 0.142"< D
≤0.192", and 100,000 psi for 0.192"< D ≤0.207".
3. Where the post-frame ring shank nail penetration, p, is less than 10D but not less than 6D, tabulated lateral design values, Z, shall be multiplied by p/10D or lateral
design values shall be calculated using the provisions of 12.3 for the reduced penetration.
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Table 13A Species Groups for Split Ring and Shear Plate
Table 13.2A Split Ring Connector Unit Reference Design Values.......120
Table 13.2B Shear Plate Connector Unit Reference Design Values.....121
Table 13.2.3 Penetration Depth Factors, Cd, for Split Ring and
Shear Plate Connectors Used with Lag Screws................122
Table 13.2.4 Metal Side Plate Factors, Cst, for 4" Shear Plate
Connectors Loaded Parallel to Grain...............................122
Table Factors for Determining Minimum Spacing Along
Connector Axis for C∆ = 1.0................................................126
Table Factors for Determining Minimum
Spacing Along Axis of Cut of Sloping Surfaces................127
Table Factors for Determining Minimum Loaded Edge
Distance for Connectors in End Grain..............................127
Table Factors for Determining Minimum Unloaded Edge
Distance Parallel to Axis of Cut.........................................128
Table Factors for Determining Minimum End Distance
Parallel to Axis of Cut.........................................................128
Table 13.3 Geometry Factors, C∆, for Split Ring and Shear Plate
Connectors ..........................................................................129
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13.1 General
13.1.1 Scope
Figure 13C Malleable Iron Shear Plate
Chapter 13 applies to the engineering design of
connections using split ring connectors or shear plate
connectors in sawn lumber, structural glued laminated
timber, and structural composite lumber. Design of split
ring and shear plate connections in cross-laminated
timber is beyond the scope of these provisions.
13.1.2 Terminology
the edge extending at right angles to the shall be designed to produce daps and grooves con-
face of the plate and projecting from one forming accurately to the dimensions and shape of the
face only, the plate portion having a central particular split ring or shear plate connectors used.
bolt hole with an integral hub extending Where lag screws are used in place of
from the same face as the flange (see Fig- bolts, the hole for the unthreaded shank shall be the
ure 13C). same diameter as the shank. The diameter of the hole Dimensions for typical split ring and shear for the threaded portion of the lag screw shall be ap-
plate connectors are provided in Appendix K. Dimen- proximately 70% of the shank diameter, or as specified
sional tolerances of split ring and shear plate connectors in
shall not be greater than those conforming to standard In installation of split ring or shear plate
practices for the machine operations involved in manu- connectors and bolts or lag screws, a nut shall be placed
facturing the connectors. on each bolt, and washers, not smaller than the size Bolts used with split ring and shear plate specified in Appendix K, shall be placed between the
connectors shall conform to 12.1.3. The bolt shall have outside wood member and the bolt or lag screw head
an unreduced nominal or shank (body) diameter in ac- and between the outside wood member and nut. Where
cordance with ANSI/ASME Standard B18.2.1 (Refer- an outside member of a shear plate connection is a steel
ence 7). strap or shape, the washer is not required, except where Where lag screws are used in place of a longer bolt or lag screw is used, in which case, the
bolts, the lag screws shall conform to 12.1.3 and the washer prevents the metal plate or shape from bearing
shank of the lag screw shall have the same diameter as on the threaded portion of the bolt or lag screw.
the bolt specified for the split ring or shear plate con- Reference design values for split ring and
nector (see Tables 13.2A and 13.2B). The lag screw shear plate connectors are based on the assumption that
Copyright © American Wood Council. Downloaded/printed pursuant to License Agreement. No reproduction or transfer authorized.
Table 13.2A Split Ring Connector Unit Reference Design Values
Tabulated design values1 apply to ONE split ring and bolt in single shear.
Split Bolt Number of faces Net Loaded parallel to grain (0°) Loaded perpendicular to grain (90°)
ring diameter of member with thickness Design value, P, per connector unit Design value, Q, per connector unit
diameter connectors on of member and bolt, lbs. and bolt, lbs.
same bolt Group Group Group Group Group Group Group Group
in. in. in. species species species species species species species species
1" 2630 2270 1900 1640 1900 1620 1350 1160
1-1/2" or 3160 2730 2290 1960 2280 1940 1620 1390
2-1/2 1/2
1-1/2" 2430 2100 1760 1510 1750 1500 1250 1070
1" 4090 3510 2920 2520 2840 2440 2040 1760
1 1-1/2" 6020 5160 4280 3710 4180 3590 2990 2580
4 3/4
1-1/2" 4110 3520 2940 2540 2980 2450 2040 1760
2" 4950 4250 3540 3050 3440 2960 2460 2120
2-1/2" 5830 5000 4160 3600 4050 3480 2890 2500
3" or 6140 5260 4380 3790 4270 3660 3050 2630
1. Tabulated lateral design values (P,Q) for split ring connector units shall be multiplied to all applicable adjustment factors (see Table 11.3.1).
Copyright © American Wood Council. Downloaded/printed pursuant to License Agreement. No reproduction or transfer authorized.
Table 13.2B Shear Plate Connector Unit Reference Design Values
Tabulated design values1,2,3 apply to ONE shear plate and bolt in single shear.
Shear Bolt Number of faces Net Loaded parallel to grain (0°) Loaded perpendicular to grain (90°)
plate diameter of member with thickness Design value, P, per connector unit Design value, Q, per connector unit
diameter connectors on of member and bolt, lbs. and bolt, lbs.
same bolt Group Group Group Group Group Group Group Group
in. in. in. species species species species species species species species
1-1/2" 4370 3750 3130 2700 3040 2620 2170 1860
1-3/4" or 5090* 4360 3640 3140 3540 3040 2530 2200
3/4 thicker
1-3/4" 3390 2910 2420 2090 2360 2020 1680 1410
4 or minimum
2" 3790 3240 2700 2330 2640 2260 1880 1630
7/8 2 2-1/2" 4310 3690 3080 2660 3000 2550 2140 1850
3" 4830* 4140 3450 2980 3360 2880 2400 2060
3-1/2" or 5030* 4320 3600 3110 3500 3000 2510 2160
1. Tabulated lateral design values (P,Q) for shear plate connector units shall be multiplied to all applicable adjustment factors (see Table 11.3.1).
2. Allowable design values for shear plate connector units shall not exceed the following:
(a) 2-5/8" shear plate ............................... 2900 pounds
(b) 4" shear plate with 3/4" bolt ............... 4400 pounds
(c) 4" shear plate with 7/8" bolt ............... 6000 pounds
The design values in Footnote 2 shall be permitted to be increased in accordance with the American Institute of Steel Construction (AISC) Manual of Steel Construction, 9th edition, Section A5.2 “Wind and
Seismic Stresses”, except when design loads have already been reduced by load combination factors (see 11.2.3).
3. Loads followed by an asterisk (*) exceed those permitted by Footnote 2, but are needed for determination of design values for other angles of load to grain. Footnote 2 limitations apply in all cases.
Copyright © American Wood Council. Downloaded/printed pursuant to License Agreement. No reproduction or transfer authorized.
Table 13.2.3 Penetration Depth Factors, Cd, for Split Ring and Shear Plate Connectors Used
with Lag Screws
Penetration of Lag Screw into Main
Member (number of shank diameters) Penetration
Side Species Group (see Table 13A) Depth
Member Penetration Group A Group B Group C Group D Factor, Cd
Minimum for
2-1/2" Split Ring Wood 7 8 10 11 1.0
Cd = 1.0
4" Split Ring or
Minimum for
4" Shear Plate Metal 3 3-1/2 4 4-1/2 0.75
Cd = 0.75
Minimum for
4 5 7 8 1.0
Cd = 1.0
Minimum for
2-5/8" Shear Plate 3 3-1/2 4 4-1/2 0.75
Cd = 0.75
Minimum for
Metal 3 3-1/2 4 4-1/2 1.0
Cd = 1.0
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13.2.6 Split Ring and Shear Plate Q'90 = adjusted design value for a split ring or shear
Connectors in End Grain plate connector unit in a square-cut surface,
loaded in any direction in the plane of the Where split ring or shear plate connectors surface ( = 90).
are installed in a surface that is not parallel to the general
direction of the grain of the member, such as the end of a P' = adjusted design value for a split ring or shear
square-cut member, or the sloping surface of a member plate connector unit in a sloping surface,
cut at an angle to its axis, or the surface of a structural loaded in a direction parallel to the axis of cut
glued laminated timber cut at an angle to the direction of (0 < < 90, = 0).
the laminations, the following terminology shall apply:
Q' = adjusted design value for a split ring or shear
- “Side grain surface” means a surface parallel to the
plate connector unit in a sloping surface,
general direction of the wood fibers ( = 0°), such
as the top, bottom, and sides of a straight beam. loaded in a direction perpendicular to the axis
- “Sloping surface” means a surface cut at an angle, of cut (0 < < 90, = 90).
, other than 0° or 90° to the general direction of N' = adjusted design value for a split ring or shear
the wood fibers. plate connector unit in a sloping surface,
- “Square-cut surface” means a surface perpendicular
where direction of load is at an angle from
to the general direction of the wood fibers ( = 90°).
the axis of cut.
- “Axis of cut” defines the direction of a sloping sur-
face relative to the general direction of the wood fi- Figure 13D Axis of Cut for Symmetrical Sloping
bers. For a sloping cut symmetrical about one of End Cut
the major axes of the member, as in Figures 13D,
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124 SPLIT RING AND SHEAR PLATE CONNECTORS Where split ring or shear plate connectors (c) Sloping surface; loaded perpendicular to axis of
are installed in square-cut end grain or sloping surfaces, cut (0° < < 90°, = 90°, see Figure 13H).
adjusted design values shall be determined as follows
(see 11.2.2): QQ90
(a) Square-cut surface; loaded in any direction
Q (13.2-4)
Q sin2 Q90 cos2
( = 90°, see Figure 13F).
Q90 = 0.60Q (13.2-2) Figure 13H Sloping End Cut with Load
Perpendicular to Axis of Cut
( = 90)
Figure 13F Square End Cut
Figure 13G Sloping End Cut with Load Figure 13 Sloping End Cut with Load at an
Parallel to Axis of Cut ( = 0) Angle to Axis of Cut
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Copyright © American Wood Council. Downloaded/printed pursuant to License Agreement. No reproduction or transfer authorized.
126 SPLIT RING AND SHEAR PLATE CONNECTORS Connectors Loaded Parallel or Perpendicu- The minimum spacing shall be 3.50" for 2-1/2"
lar to Grain. For split ring and shear plate connectors split rings and 2-5/8" shear plates and shall be 5.0" for
loaded parallel or perpendicular to grain, minimum val- 4" split ring or shear plate connectors. For this mini-
ues for edge distance, end distance, and spacing are mum spacing, C = 0.5.
provided in Table 13.3 with their associated geometry Where the actual spacing between split ring or
factors, C. shear plate connectors is greater than the minimum
Where the actual value is greater than or equal to spacing but less than the minimum spacing for C =
the minimum value, but less than the minimum value 1.0, the geometry factor, C, shall be determined by
for C= 1.0, the geometry factor, C, shall be deter- linear interpolation. The geometry factor calculated for
mined by linear interpolation. spacing shall be applied to reference design values for Connectors Loaded at an Angle to Grain. both parallel and perpendicular-to-grain components of
For split rings and shear plate connectors where the the resistance.
angle between the direction of load and the direction of
grain, , is other than 0° or 90°, separate geometry fac- 13.3.3 Geometry Factor, C, for Split Ring
tors for edge distance and end distance shall be deter- and Shear Plate Connectors in End Grain
mined for the parallel and perpendicular to grain com-
ponents of the resistance. For split ring and shear plate connectors installed in
For split ring and shear plate connectors loaded at end grain, a single geometry factor shall be determined
an angle to grain, , other than 0° or 90°, the minimum and applied to reference design values for both parallel
spacing for C= 1.0 shall be determined in accordance and perpendicular to grain components of the re-
with Equation 13.3-1. sistance. Edge distance, end distance, and spacing shall
SA SB not be less than the minimum values specified in
S (13.3-1) and
S sin SB2 cos2
2 The provisions for geometry factors, C,
for split ring and shear plate connectors installed in
where: square-cut surfaces and sloping surfaces shall be as fol-
S = minimum spacing along connector axis lows (see 13.2.6 for definitions and terminology):
(a) Square-cut surface, loaded in any direction (see
SA = factor from Table Figure 13F) - provisions for perpendicular to
SB = factor from Table grain loading for connectors installed in side
grain shall apply except for end distance provi-
= angle of connector axis to the grain sions.
(b) Sloping surface loaded parallel to axis of cut
Table Factors for Determining (see Figure 13G).
Minimum Spacing Along (b.1) Spacing. The minimum spacing paral-
Connector Axis for lel to the axis of cut for C = 1.0 shall be
C = 1.0 determined in accordance with Equation
Connector Angle of Load to SA SB 13.3-2.
Grain1 (degrees) in. in. The minimum spacing parallel to the
0 6.75 3.50 axis of cut shall be 3.5" for 2-1/2" split
2-1/2" split ring 15 6.00 3.75 rings and 2-5/8" shear plates and shall be
or 2-5/8" shear 30 5.13 3.88 5.0" for 4" split ring or shear plate con-
plate 45 4.25 4.13 nectors. For this minimum spacing, C =
60-90 3.5 4.25 0.5.
Where the actual spacing parallel to the
0 9.00 5.00
axis of cut between split ring or shear plate
15 8.00 5.25
4" split ring or connectors is greater than the minimum
30 7.00 5.50
4" shear plate spacing for C = 0.5, but less than the min-
45 6.00 5.75
imum spacing for C = 1.0, the geometry
60-90 5.00 6.00
1. Interpolation shall be permitted for intermediate angles of load to grain.
factor, C shall be determined by linear in-
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Sα (13.3-2) Eα (13.3-3)
S2 sin2 α S2 cos2 α E2 sin2 α E2 cos 2 α
where: where:
S = minimum spacing parallel to axis of cut E = minimum loaded edge distance parallel to
axis of cut
SII = factor from Table
EII = factor from Table
S = factor from Table
E = factor from Table
= angle of sloped cut (see Figure 13G)
= angle of sloped cut (see Figure 13G)
Table Factors for Determining
Minimum Spacing Along Axis Table Factors for Determining
of Cut of Sloping Surfaces Minimum Loaded Edge
SII Distance for Connectors in
Connector Geometry S
End Grain
Factor in. in.
2-1/2" split ring or Connector Geometry EII E
C = 1.0 6.75 4.25 Factor in. in.
2-5/8" shear plate
4" split ring or C∆ = 1.00 5.50 2.75
C = 1.0 9.00 6.00 2-1/2"
4" shear plate
split ring C∆ = 0.70 3.30 1.50
(b.2) Loaded Edge Distance. The minimum
loaded edge distance parallel to the axis of
C∆ = 1.00 5.50 2.75
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UU eα (13.3-5)
Uα (13.3-4)
E2 sin2 α U2 cos 2 α
U sin α U cos α
2 2
e = minimum end distance parallel to axis of cut
U = minimum unloaded edge distance parallel to
axis of cut EII = factor from Table
UII = factor from Table U = factor from Table
U = factor from Table α = angle of sloped cut (see Figure 13G)
α = angle of sloped cut (see Figure 13G) Table Factors for Determining
Minimum End Distance
Table Factors for Determining
Parallel to Axis of Cut
Minimum Unloaded Edge
Distance Parallel to Axis of Connector Geometry EII U
Cut Factor in. in.
UII 2-1/2" split ring or C∆ = 1.00 5.50 1.75
Connector Geometry U
Factor in. 2-5/8" shear plate C∆ = 0.63 2.75 1.50
C = 1.00 4.00 1.75 4" split ring or 4" C∆ = 1.00 7.00 2.75
2-1/2" split ring or ∆
2-5/8" shear plate C∆ = 0.63 2.50 1.50 shear plate C∆ = 0.63 3.50 2.50
4" split ring or 4" C∆ = 1.00 5.50 2.75 (d) Sloping surface loaded at angle to axis of cut
shear plate C∆ = 0.63 3.25 2.50 (see Figure 13I) - separate geometry factors,
C, shall be determined for the components of
(b.4) Geometry factors for unloaded edge resistance parallel and perpendicular to the axis
distance perpendicular to the axis of cut of cut prior to applying Equation 13.2-5.
and for spacing perpendicular to the axis of Where split ring or shear plate connectors are
cut shall be determined following the pro- installed in end grain, the members shall be designed for
visions for unloaded edge distance and shear parallel to grain in accordance with
perpendicular-to-grain spacing for con- 13.3.4 Multiple Split Ring or Shear Plate
nectors installed in side grain and loaded Connectors
parallel to grain.
(c) Sloping surface loaded perpendicular to axis of Where a connection contains two or more
cut (see Figure 13H) - provisions for perpen- split ring or shear plate connector units which are in the
dicular to grain loading for connectors installed same shear plane, are aligned in the direction of load,
in end grain shall apply, except that: and on separate bolts or lag screws, the group action
(1) The minimum end distance parallel to the factor, Cg, shall be as specified in 11.3.6 and the total
axis of cut for C = 1.0 shall be determined adjusted design value for the connection shall be as
in accordance with Equation 13.3-5. specified in 11.2.2.
(2) The minimum end distance parallel to the If grooves for two sizes of split rings are
axis of cut for C = 0.63 shall be deter- cut concentric in the same wood surface, split ring con-
mined in accordance with Equation 13.3-5. nectors shall be installed in both grooves and the refer-
ence design value shall be taken as the reference design
(3) Where the actual end distance parallel to the value for the larger split ring connector.
axis of cut is greater than the minimum end Local stresses in connections using multi-
distance for C = 0.63, but less than the ple fasteners shall be evaluated in accordance with
minimum unloaded edge distance for C = principles of engineering mechanics (see 11.1.2).
1.0, the geometry factor, C, shall be de-
termined by linear interpolation.
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Table 13.3 Geometry Factors, C, for Split Ring and Shear Plate Connectors
2-1/2" Split Ring Connectors 4" Split Ring Connectors
& &
2-5/8" Shear Plate Connectors 4" Shear Plate Connectors
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14.1 General
14.1.1 Scope 14.1.3 Fabrication and Assembly
Chapter 14 applies to the engineering design of tim- Each rivet shall, in all cases, be placed
ber rivet connections with steel side plates on Douglas with its major cross-sectional dimension aligned paral-
Fir-Larch or Southern Pine structural glued laminated lel to the grain. Design criteria are based on rivets driv-
timber complying with Chapter 5 and loaded in single en through circular holes in the side plates until the
shear. Design of timber rivet connections in cross- conical heads are firmly seated, but rivets shall not be
laminated timber is beyond the scope of these provi- driven flush. (Timber rivets at the perimeter of the
sions. group shall be driven first. Successive timber rivets
shall be driven in a spiral pattern from the outside to the
14.1.2 Quality of Rivets and Steel Side center of the group.)
Plates The maximum penetration of any rivet
shall be 70% of the thickness of the wood member. Ex- Design provisions and reference design cept as permitted by, for joints with rivets
values herein apply to timber rivets that are hot-dip driven from opposite faces of a wood member, the rivet
galvanized in accordance with ASTM A 153 and manu- length shall be such that the points do not overlap.
factured from AISI 1035 steel to have the following For joints where rivets are driven from op-
properties tested in accordance with ASTM A 370: posite faces of a wood member such that their points
overlap, the minimum spacing requirements of 14.3.1
Hardness Ultimate tensile strength, Fu shall apply to the distance between the rivets at their
Rockwell C32-39 145,000 psi, minimum points and the maximum penetration requirement of shall apply. The reference lateral design value
See Appendix M for rivet dimensions. of the connection shall be calculated in accordance with Steel side plates shall conform to ASTM 14.2 considering the connection to be a one sided tim-
Standard A 36 with a minimum 1/8" thickness. See ber rivet joint, with:
Appendix M for steel side plate dimensions. (a) the number of rivets associated with the one For wet service conditions, steel side plate equalling the total number of rivets at the
plates shall be hot-dip galvanized in accordance with joint, and
ASTM A 153. (b) sp and sq determined as the distances between
the rivets at their points.
For timber rivet connections (one plate and rivets Pw = reference wood capacity design values paral-
associated with it) where: lel to grain (Tables 14.2.1A through 14.2.1F)
(a) the load acts perpendicular to the axis of the using wood member thickness for the mem-
timber rivets ber dimension in Tables 14.2.1A through
(b) member thicknesses, edge distances, end dis-
14.2.1F for connections with steel plates on
tances, and spacing are sufficient to develop
opposite sides; and twice the wood member
full adjusted design values (see 14.3)
(c) timber rivets are installed in the side grain of thickness for the member dimension in Ta-
wood members the reference design value per bles 14.2.1A through 14.2.1F for connections
rivet joint parallel to grain, P, shall be calculat- having only one plate, lbs.
ed as the lesser of reference rivet capacity, Pr,
and reference wood capacity, Pw:
Pr = 188 p0.32 nR nC (14.2-1)
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where: tored lateral resistance of the joint shall be 50% of that
p = depth of penetration of rivet in wood member for perpendicular to side grain applications where the
slope of cut is 90° to the side grain. For sloping end
(see Appendix M), in.
cuts, these values can be increased linearly to 100% of
= rivet length – plate thickness – 1/8" the applicable parallel or perpendicular to side grain
nR = number of rows of rivets parallel to direction
of load
14.2.6 Design of Metal Parts 14
nC = number of rivets per row
Metal parts shall be designed in accordance with
qw = value determined from Table 14.2.2A, lbs.
applicable metal design procedures (see 11.2.3).
C = geometry factor determined from Table
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Table 14.3.2 Minimum End and Edge Distances for Timber Rivet Joints
Figure 14A End and Edge Distance Requirements for Timber Rivet Joints
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Table 14.2.1A Reference Wood Capacity Design Values Parallel to Grain, Pw, for Timber Rivets
Rivet Length = 1-1/2" sp = 1" sq = 1"
Member Rivets Pw (lbs.)
Thickness per
in. row No. of rows per side
2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20
2 2050 4900 7650 10770 14100 17050 19760 22660 25690 28990
4 3010 6460 9700 13530 17450 20840 23870 27020 30530 34460
6 4040 8010 11770 16320 20870 24770 27950 31450 35710 40300
8 5110 9480 13970 18840 23910 28230 31990 35760 40130 45290
10 5900 10930 15880 21390 26940 32020 35660 40080 44830 50590
12 6670 12100 17760 23980 29980 35010 39780 44480 49570 55940
14 7310 13540 19400 26380 32740 38610 43090 48640 54720 61750
16 7670 14960 21380 28260 35470 41670 46310 52870 59350 66970
18 8520 16250 23290 30440 38010 44500 50050 56120 63840 70970
20 9030 17770 24950 32300 40160 46880 52590 59800 66880 74300
2 2680 5160 5980 7250 9280 10860 12470 15150 19410 24260
4 3930 6610 7610 9050 11460 13390 15110 17890 22090 26280
6 5280 8190 9290 10890 13770 15870 18080 21120 25640 29870
8 6690 9700 10940 12740 15950 18230 20580 23780 28450 32570
10 7720 11160 12550 14550 18120 20600 23140 26550 31500 36850
12 8730 12680 14170 16240 20100 23100 25410 29610 35000 40730
14 9560 14160 15720 17980 22210 25460 27940 32450 38220 44250
16 10030 15610 17330 19650 24200 27680 30320 35100 42230 48910
18 11150 17020 18770 21450 26110 29780 33140 38370 46160 51900
20 11800 18410 20310 23000 28270 32260 35900 41570 50030 56260
2 2930 4810 5550 6740 8630 10110 11610 14120 18080 22630
4 4300 6170 7080 8420 10680 12490 14100 16700 20630 24570
6 5780 7650 8640 10150 12840 14820 16890 19740 23980 27960
8 7320 9060 10190 11880 14890 17040 19250 22240 26630 30510
10 8440 10420 11690 13580 16920 19260 21640 24850 29500 34540
12 9540 11850 13210 15150 18780 21610 23780 27730 32800 38200
14 10450 13230 14650 16790 20760 23820 26170 30410 35830 41520
16 10970 14590 16160 18350 22630 25910 28410 32900 39610 45910
18 12190 15910 17510 20040 24420 27890 31050 35980 43310 48740
20 12910 17210 18950 21490 26450 30210 33650 38990 46950 52860
2 2930 4740 5460 6630 8500 9950 11440 13900 17810 22290
4 4300 6080 6970 8290 10520 12300 13890 16450 20330 24210
6 5780 7530 8510 10000 12650 14600 16640 19460 23630 27560
8 7320 8920 10030 11700 14670 16790 18970 21930 26250 30080
10 8440 10270 11520 13370 16680 18980 21330 24500 29090 34060
12 9540 11670 13010 14930 18510 21300 23450 27340 32340 37670
14 10450 13040 14430 16540 20460 23480 25800 29980 35340 40960
20 12910 16950 18670 21180 26070 29790 33190 38460 46310 52150
Note: Member dimension is identified as “b” in Figure 14A for connections with steel side plates on opposite sides. For connections having only one plate, member
dimension is twice the thickness of the wood member. Linear interpolation for intermediate values shall be permitted.
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Table 14.2.1B Reference Wood Capacity Design Values Parallel to Grain, Pw, for Timber Rivets
Rivet Length = 1-1/2" sp = 1-1/2" sq = 1"
Member Rivets Pw (lbs.)
Thickness per
in. row No. of rows per side
2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20
2 2320 5650 8790 12270 16000 19800 23200 26100 29360 33180
4 3420 7450 11150 15420 19810 24200 28020 31130 34900 39430
6 4580 9230 13530 18600 23690 28760 32810 36230 40810 46120
8 5810 10920 16060 21480 27150 32780 37550 41200 45860 51830
10 6700 12600 18250 24380 30590 37180 41870 46180 51230 57890
12 7570 13940 20420 27340 34040 40650 46700 51250 56650 64020
14 8290 15600 22310 30070 37180 44840 50590 56040 62540 70670
16 8710 17250 24580 32220 40280 48400 54360 60910 67820 76650
18 9680 18720 26770 34700 43150 51680 58750 64660 72960 81220
20 10250 20480 28680 36820 45600 54450 61740 68900 76440 85030
2 3040 5360 6740 8600 11930 14870 18310 23450 32100 42850
4 4470 7660 9560 11970 16430 20450 24740 30870 40740 51580
6 5990 9910 12180 15050 20610 25320 30910 38070 49400 60320
8 7590 12000 14680 18020 24440 29760 36020 43870 56110 67790
10 8760 14010 17090 20880 28170 34120 41080 49700 63030 75720
12 9900 16080 19480 23530 31570 38650 45570 55990 70740 83740
14 10850 18080 21770 26240 35120 42890 50480 61810 77820 92440
16 11390 20040 24140 28830 38490 46900 55080 67230 86450 100250
18 12660 21950 26250 31620 41690 50680 60450 73800 94910 106230
20 13400 23810 28500 34010 45310 55090 65720 80250 99970 111210
2 3320 5000 6260 8000 11110 13850 17060 21870 29940 39990
4 4890 7150 8900 11150 15330 19090 23110 28850 38090 48440
6 6560 9250 11340 14040 19240 23660 28900 35620 46240 57570
8 8310 11210 13680 16810 22840 27840 33710 41080 52570 64320
10 9580 13090 15930 19500 26330 31930 38470 46570 59100 73900
12 10830 15020 18170 21980 29520 36180 42700 52490 66360 82550
14 11860 16900 20310 24520 32860 40180 47320 57980 73030 90400
16 12460 18730 22520 26950 36030 43940 51650 63090 81170 100510
18 13840 20520 24500 29560 39040 47500 56710 69290 89150 107180
20 14660 22270 26610 31810 42440 51650 61680 75360 96980 116640
2 3320 4930 6160 7880 10930 13640 16810 21540 29490 39400
4 4890 7050 8760 10990 15100 18800 22770 28430 37540 47750
6 6560 9110 11170 13830 18960 23310 28490 35110 45590 56770
8 8310 11040 13480 16560 22510 27440 33230 40510 51840 63430
10 9580 12890 15690 19210 25960 31480 37930 45920 58280 72900
12 10830 14800 17900 21660 29100 35670 42110 51770 65450 81440
14 11860 16650 20000 24170 32390 39610 46670 57190 72040 89190
16 12460 18450 22190 26560 35520 43330 50940 62240 80080 99190
18 13840 20220 24140 29140 38490 46850 55940 68350 87960 105780
20 14660 21940 26220 31360 41840 50940 60840 74350 95690 115120
Note: Member dimension is identified as “b” in Figure 14A for connections with steel side plates on opposite sides. For connections having only one plate, member
dimension is twice the thickness of the wood member. Linear interpolation for intermediate values shall be permitted.
Copyright © American Wood Council. Downloaded/printed pursuant to License Agreement. No reproduction or transfer authorized.
Table 14.2.1C Reference Wood Capacity Design Values Parallel to Grain, Pw, for Timber Rivets
Rivet Length = 2-1/2" sp = 1" sq = 1"
Member Rivets Pw (lbs.)
Thickness per
in. row No. of rows per side
2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20
2 2340 5610 8750 12310 16120 19500 22600 25910 29380 33160
4 3440 7390 11100 15470 19950 23830 27290 30900 34920 39400
6 4620 9160 13460 18660 23860 28320 31970 35960 40830 46080
8 5850 10840 15980 21550 27350 32280 36580 40900 45890 51790
10 6750 12500 18160 24460 30810 36610 40780 45840 51260 57850
5 12 7630 13830 20310 27420 34280 40030 45490 50870 56690 63970
14 8360 15480 22190 30170 37450 44150 49280 55620 62580 70620
16 8770 17110 24450 32320 40570 47660 52960 60450 67870 76590
18 9750 18580 26630 34810 43460 50890 57230 64170 73010 81160
20 10320 20320 28530 36940 45920 53610 60140 68380 76480 84960
2 2710 6490 10130 14260 18660 22570 26170 30000 34020 38390
4 3980 8550 12850 17910 22580 26120 29190 34220 40420 45620
6 5350 10600 15590 20390 25510 29030 32670 37760 45400 52330
8 6770 12550 18500 22880 28260 31840 35470 40500 47980 54310
10 7810 14480 21020 25280 30980 34680 38400 43540 51130 59140
12 8830 16020 23510 27430 33360 37720 40900 47070 55050 63330
14 9670 17920 25690 29640 35930 40500 43810 50240 58540 67000
16 10160 19810 28310 31700 38300 43040 46460 53110 63200 72360
18 11290 21510 30160 33950 40490 45390 49750 56870 67670 75240
20 11950 23530 32140 35770 43070 48280 52920 60500 72000 80080
2 3070 7350 10580 13060 16620 19300 21990 26530 33760 41900
4 4510 9690 12400 14710 18410 21240 23720 27810 34060 40180
6 6060 12000 14390 16700 20790 23640 26610 30780 37040 42750
8 7670 13920 16320 18720 23050 25970 28960 33100 39250 44510
10 8850 15730 18150 20680 25290 28330 31420 35660 41930 48600
12 10010 17590 19970 22430 27270 30870 33520 38630 45240 52180
14 10960 19360 21660 24250 29400 33190 35960 41310 48200 55320
16 11510 21050 23410 25950 31370 35320 38200 43740 52130 59860
18 12790 22670 24900 27810 33200 37290 40960 46920 55920 62350
20 13540 24220 26510 29310 35350 39720 43640 49990 59580 66480
2 3400 7730 9830 11980 15210 17650 20110 24260 30870 38340
4 5000 9490 11460 13490 16860 19460 21740 25500 31230 36880
6 6710 11400 13250 15310 19060 21690 24430 28270 34030 39320
8 8490 13150 15020 17170 21150 23850 26610 30440 36110 41000
10 9800 14810 16700 18980 23230 26040 28900 32840 38630 44830
12 11080 16520 18360 20600 25060 28400 30870 35610 41730 48190
14 12130 18140 19910 22280 27040 30560 33150 38110 44500 51140
16 12740 19680 21520 23850 28870 32550 35240 40390 48170 55390
18 14160 21160 22900 25570 30570 34390 37820 43350 51710 57750
20 14990 22580 24380 26970 32570 36640 40310 46220 55140 61620
2 3540 7610 9540 11590 14710 17060 19440 23450 29840 37060
38100 14
8 8860 12840 14540 16620 20470 23090 25780 29490 35000 39750
10 10220 14440 16160 18370 22490 25230 28010 31830 37450 43490
12 11550 16090 17770 19940 24270 27520 29920 34530 40470 46760
14 12650 17650 19270 21580 26190 29620 32150 36970 43180 49650
16 13290 19140 20840 23100 27970 31560 34180 39190 46760 53800
18 14760 20570 22170 24770 29630 33350 36690 42080 50210 56110
20 15630 21940 23600 26130 31570 35550 39120 44880 53560 59880
Note: Member dimension is identified as “b” in Figure 14A for connections with steel side plates on opposite sides. For connections having only one plate,
member dimension is twice the thickness of the wood member. Linear interpolation for intermediate values shall be permitted.
Copyright © American Wood Council. Downloaded/printed pursuant to License Agreement. No reproduction or transfer authorized.
Table 14.2.1D Reference Wood Capacity Design Values Parallel to Grain, Pw, for Timber Rivets
Rivet Length = 2-1/2" sp = 1-1/2" sq = 1"
Member Rivets Pw (lbs.)
Thickness per
in. row No. of rows per side
2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20
2 2660 6460 10050 14040 18300 22640 26530 29850 33580 37950
4 3910 8520 12750 17640 22650 27670 32040 35600 39900 45090
6 5240 10560 15480 21270 27090 32890 37530 41430 46670 52740
8 6640 12490 18370 24560 31050 37490 42940 47120 52450 59270
10 7660 14410 20870 27880 34980 42520 47880 52810 58580 66200
5 12 8660 15950 23350 31260 38920 46490 53400 58610 64790 73210
14 9480 17840 25510 34390 42520 51270 57850 64080 71520 80820
16 9960 19720 28110 36850 46060 55340 62170 69650 77560 87650
18 11070 21410 30610 39680 49350 59090 67180 73940 83440 92880
20 11720 23420 32800 42110 52140 62260 70600 78790 87410 97230
2 3070 7480 11640 16250 21190 26210 30720 34560 38880 43930
4 4520 9860 14770 20420 26230 32040 37100 41220 46200 52210
6 6070 12220 17920 24630 31370 38080 43450 47970 54030 61060
8 7690 14460 21260 28440 35950 43400 49720 54550 60720 68620
10 8870 16690 24160 32280 40500 49230 55430 61150 67820 76650
12 10030 18460 27030 36200 45060 53820 61830 67860 75010 84760
14 10980 20660 29530 39820 49220 59360 66980 74190 82800 93570
16 11530 22830 32550 42660 53320 64070 71980 80640 89800 101480
18 12810 24790 35440 45940 57130 68420 77780 85600 96600 107530
20 13560 27110 37970 48750 60370 72080 81740 91220 101200 112570
2 3480 8230 11610 14990 20600 25440 31030 39170 44060 49790
4 5120 11170 14980 18590 25140 30870 36920 45610 52360 59170
6 6880 13850 18020 21920 29500 35710 43060 52490 61230 69190
8 8710 16390 20820 25060 33380 40030 47840 57640 68810 77760
10 10050 18910 23430 28020 37080 44230 52570 62910 76860 86860
12 11360 20920 25960 30640 40320 48610 56590 68770 85000 96060
14 12440 23410 28300 33320 43740 52600 61110 74030 92320 106040
16 13070 25860 30710 35810 46880 56250 65240 78780 100360 115000
18 14520 27900 32770 38510 49810 59620 70230 84840 108100 121860
20 15370 29860 34970 40700 53190 63690 75060 90690 114690 127580
2 3860 7930 10760 13740 18860 23280 28400 36090 48770 55110
4 5670 10740 13810 17050 23050 28310 33880 41870 54800 65490
6 7610 13360 16580 20110 27080 32800 39590 48290 62110 76590
8 9640 15700 19140 23010 30670 36830 44050 53110 67340 81680
10 11130 17870 21540 25740 34110 40740 48470 58060 72990 90530
12 12580 20050 23860 28170 37130 44820 52230 63540 79580 98220
14 13770 22110 26020 30660 40300 48540 56460 68470 85450 104980
16 14460 24060 28240 32970 43240 51950 60330 72930 92990 114320
18 16070 25920 30140 35470 45960 55110 65010 78610 100260 119710
20 17020 27710 32170 37520 49120 58920 69530 84110 107290 128200
2 4020 7800 10440 13290 18230 22500 27450 34890 47430 57470
4 5920 10500 13370 16490 22300 27390 32790 40540 53060 66920
6 7940 13040 16050 19460 26210 31770 38350 46780 60200 74320
8 10060 15300 18530 22270 29710 35680 42690 51500 65300 79260
10 11600 17390 20850 24930 33050 39490 47000 56320 70830 87900
12 13120 19490 23110 27290 35980 43460 50680 61670 77270 95420
14 14370 21480 25200 29700 39080 47090 54800 66480 83000 102030
16 15080 23370 27350 31950 41930 50420 58580 70850 90360 111160
18 16760 25170 29200 34380 44590 53500 63140 76390 97460 116450
20 17750 26900 31170 36380 47660 57220 67550 81760 104330 124740
Note: Member dimension is identified as “b” in Figure 14A for connections with steel side plates on opposite sides. For connections having only one plate,
member dimension is twice the thickness of the wood member. Linear interpolation for intermediate values shall be permitted.
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Table 14.2.1E Reference Wood Capacity Design Values Parallel to Grain, Pw, for Timber Rivets
Rivet Length = 3-1/2" sp = 1" sq = 1"
Member Rivets Pw (lbs.)
Thickness per
in. row No. of rows per side
2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20
2 2440 5850 9130 12850 16820 20350 23590 27040 30670 34610
4 3590 7710 11580 16150 20820 24870 28490 32250 36450 41130
6 4820 9560 14050 19480 24910 29560 33370 37540 42620 48100
8 6100 11310 16680 22490 28550 33700 38180 42690 47900 54060
10 7040 13050 18950 25530 32160 38220 42570 47850 53510 60380
6.75 12 7960 14440 21200 28630 35780 41780 47480 53100 59170 66770
14 8720 16160 23160 31490 39090 46090 51440 58050 65320 73710
16 9160 17860 25530 33740 42340 49740 55280 63100 70840 79940
18 10170 19390 27790 36330 45370 53120 59740 66990 76210 84710
20 10770 21210 29780 38560 47930 55960 62770 71380 79830 88680
2 2710 6490 10130 14250 18660 22570 26160 29990 34010 38380
4 3980 8550 12840 17910 23090 27580 31600 35770 40420 45610
6 5350 10600 15590 21600 27620 32790 37000 41630 47270 53350
8 6770 12550 18500 24940 31660 37370 42350 47340 53120 59950
10 7810 14480 21020 28320 35670 42390 47210 53060 59340 66970
12 8830 16020 23510 31750 39680 46340 52660 58890 65620 74060
14 9670 17920 25690 34920 43350 51110 57050 64390 72440 81750
16 10160 19810 28310 37420 46960 55170 61310 69980 78560 88660
18 11280 21510 30830 40300 50310 58910 66250 74290 84510 93950
20 11950 23520 33030 42760 53160 62060 69620 79160 88540 98360
2 3020 7240 11300 15900 20820 25180 29190 33460 37940 42820
4 4440 9540 14330 19980 25760 30770 35250 39900 45090 50890
6 5960 11830 17390 24100 30820 36580 41280 46440 52740 59510
8 7550 14000 20630 27830 35320 40570 44460 49980 58370 65230
10 8720 16150 23450 31420 38000 41760 45450 50740 58770 67160
12 9850 17870 26230 32850 39220 43470 46330 52530 60650 68990
14 10790 19990 28660 34370 40770 45050 47920 54190 62370 70660
16 11330 22100 31580 35730 42190 46510 49400 55710 65540 74330
18 12590 23990 33750 37340 43510 47850 51650 58300 68630 75640
20 13330 26240 35340 38490 45290 49850 53850 60830 71650 79050
2 3320 7960 12420 17490 22890 27690 32090 36790 41720 47090
4 4890 10490 15760 21970 28330 33840 38760 43880 49590 55960
6 6560 13010 19120 25230 31370 35100 38780 44070 52180 59340
8 8310 15390 22350 26580 32170 35480 38780 43560 50870 56880
10 9580 17760 24250 27850 33280 36450 39640 44260 51300 58690
12 10830 19650 25950 28920 34280 37940 40440 45890 53030 60430
14 11870 21990 27400 30150 35610 39340 41890 47420 54640 62020
16 12460 24300 28890 31290 36860 40660 43240 48840 57520 65380
18 13840 26360 30040 32670 38030 41880 45280 51190 60340 66660
20 14660 28020 31320 33670 39620 43680 47270 53490 63100 69790
2 3580 8580 13390 18850 24670 29840 34590 39650 44970 50750
55490 14
8 8950 15930 21540 25060 30160 33200 36280 40760 47610 53260
10 10330 18090 23150 26150 31160 34110 37110 41450 48060 55040
12 11680 20230 24620 27120 32090 35530 37890 43020 49740 56740
14 12790 22170 25890 28250 33350 36870 39280 44500 51310 58300
16 13430 23950 27220 29310 34540 38120 40580 45870 54070 61530
18 14920 25580 28250 30610 35650 39300 42530 48120 56770 62800
20 15800 27070 29430 31550 37160 41020 44440 50330 59420 65810
Note: Member dimension is identified as “b” in Figure 14A for connections with steel side plates on opposite sides. For connections having only one plate,
member dimension is twice the thickness of the wood member. Linear interpolation for intermediate values shall be permitted.
Copyright © American Wood Council. Downloaded/printed pursuant to License Agreement. No reproduction or transfer authorized.
Table 14.2.1F Reference Wood Capacity Design Values Parallel to Grain, Pw, for Timber Rivets
Rivet Length = 3-1/2" sp = 1-1/2" sq = 1"
Member Rivets Pw (lbs.)
Thickness per
in. row No. of rows per side
2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20
2 2770 6740 10490 14650 19100 23630 27690 31160 35050 39610
4 4080 8890 13310 18410 23640 28880 33440 37160 41650 47070
6 5470 11020 16160 22200 28280 34330 39170 43250 48710 55050
8 6930 13040 19170 25640 32410 39130 44820 49180 54740 61860
10 8000 15040 21780 29110 36510 44380 49970 55130 61150 69100
6.75 12 9040 16640 24370 32630 40630 48520 55740 61180 67620 76420
14 9900 18630 26630 35900 44380 53520 60390 66890 74650 84360
16 10390 20590 29340 38460 48080 57770 64890 72710 80960 91490
18 11550 22350 31950 41420 51510 61680 70130 77180 87090 96950
20 12230 24450 34230 43960 54430 64990 73690 82240 91240 101490
2 3070 7480 11640 16250 21190 26210 30710 34560 38870 43930
4 4520 9860 14760 20420 26220 32030 37090 41210 46190 52200
6 6070 12220 17920 24630 31360 38080 43440 47960 54020 61050
8 7690 14460 21260 28440 35950 43400 49710 54550 60710 68610
10 8870 16680 24160 32280 40500 49220 55420 61140 67820 76640
12 10020 18460 27030 36190 45060 53820 61820 67850 75000 84750
14 10980 20660 29530 39810 49220 59360 66970 74180 82790 93560
16 11530 22830 32540 42660 53320 64070 71970 80630 89790 101460
18 12810 24790 35440 45940 57130 68410 77770 85600 96590 107520
20 13560 27110 37970 48750 60360 72070 81730 91210 101190 112560
2 3430 8340 12980 18130 23640 29240 34260 38550 43360 49000
4 5040 11000 16470 22780 29250 35740 41380 45980 51530 58240
6 6770 13630 19990 27470 34990 42480 48460 53510 60270 68110
8 8570 16130 23720 31720 40100 48420 55460 60850 67730 76540
10 9890 18610 26950 36010 45180 54910 61830 68210 75660 85500
12 11180 20590 30150 40380 50270 60040 68970 75690 83670 94550
14 12250 23040 32940 43530 54910 65690 74710 82760 92360 104370
16 12860 25470 36300 45490 58120 68370 78030 89950 100170 113190
18 14290 27650 39530 47750 60310 70840 82200 95490 107750 119950
20 15130 30250 42360 49450 63130 74240 86230 101750 112880 125570
2 3770 8940 14280 19930 25990 32150 37680 42390 47680 53890
4 5550 12090 18110 25050 32170 39300 45500 50560 56670 64040
6 7440 14990 21980 30210 38480 46710 53290 58840 66270 74890
8 9430 17740 26080 32640 42400 49720 58300 66910 74480 84170
10 10880 20470 29450 34550 44560 52030 60770 71680 83190 94020
12 12300 22640 31480 36220 46470 54910 62900 75440 92000 103970
14 13470 25340 33270 38080 48780 57570 65900 78860 97350 114770
16 14140 28010 35150 39800 50920 60030 68660 81990 103470 124470
18 15710 30410 36640 41810 52910 62310 72460 86620 109420 129590
20 16640 33260 38300 43320 55450 65400 76150 91130 115220 136640
2 4060 8940 15370 21480 28010 34650 40610 45690 51390 58080
4 5980 12730 19520 26990 34670 42350 49040 54490 61080 69020
6 8020 16160 23590 28890 37960 44900 53060 63410 71430 80720
8 10160 19120 25880 30610 39690 46550 54610 64800 80270 90710
10 11720 21820 27800 32370 41740 48760 56990 67280 83550 101330
12 13250 24280 29620 33930 43560 51520 59070 70900 87820 107340
14 14520 26450 31250 35680 45760 54070 61960 74220 91690 111670
16 15240 28390 32980 37310 47800 56430 64630 77250 97570 119050
18 16940 30160 34370 39220 49710 58630 68270 81700 103290 122520
20 17930 31770 35920 40670 52140 61590 71820 86040 108880 129320
Note: Member dimension is identified as “b” in Figure 14A for connections with steel side plates on opposite sides. For connections having only one plate,
member dimension is twice the thickness of the wood member. Linear interpolation for intermediate values shall be permitted.
Copyright © American Wood Council. Downloaded/printed pursuant to License Agreement. No reproduction or transfer authorized.
Table 14.2.2A Values of qw (lbs) Perpendicular Table 14.2.2B Geometry Factor, CD, for Timber
to Grain for Timber Rivets Rivet Connections Loaded Per-
sp = 1" pendicular to Grain
Rivets ep ep
( n c -1) Sq
C∆ ( n c -1) Sq C∆
per Number of rows
in. 2 4 6 8 10
row 0.1 5.76 3.2 0.79
2 776 809 927 1089 1255 0.2 3.19 3.6 0.77
3 768 806 910 1056 1202
0.3 2.36 4.0 0.76
4 821 870 963 1098 1232
0.4 2.00 5.0 0.72
5 874 923 1013 1147 1284
6 959 1007 1094 1228 1371
0.5 1.77 6.0 0.70
7 1048 1082 1163 1297 1436 0.6 1.61 7.0 0.68
8 1173 1184 1256 1391 1525 0.7 1.47 8.0 0.66
9 1237 1277 1345 1467 1624 0.8 1.36 9.0 0.64
10 1318 1397 1460 1563 1752 0.9 1.28 10.0 0.63
1 11 1420 1486 1536 1663 1850 1.0 1.20 12.0 0.61
12 1548 1597 1628 1786 1970 1.2 1.10 14.0 0.59
13 1711 1690 1741 1882 2062 1.4 1.02 16.0 0.57
14 1924 1802 1878 1997 2170 0.96 0.56
1.6 18.0
15 2042 1937 1963 2099 2298
1.8 0.92 20.0 0.55
16 2182 2102 2063 2218 2449
2.0 0.89 25.0 0.53
17 2350 2223 2178 2313 2541
18 2553 2365 2313 2422 2644 2.4 0.85 30.0 0.51
19 2524 2432 2407 2548 2762 2.8 0.81
20 2497 2506 2514 2692 2897
2 1136 1097 1221 1414 1630
3 1124 1093 1199 1371 1561
4 1202 1180 1268 1426 1601
5 1280 1251 1334 1490 1668
6 1404 1366 1442 1595 1780
7 1534 1467 1532 1685 1865
8 1717 1606 1654 1806 1980
9 1811 1731 1772 1905 2110
10 1929 1894 1923 2030 2275
1-1/2 11 2078 2016 2023 2159 2403
12 2265 2166 2145 2319 2559
13 2504 2292 2293 2444 2678
14 2817 2444 2473 2593 2818
15 2989 2627 2586 2725 2984
16 3193 2850 2717 2880 3181
17 3439 3014 2869 3004 3300
18 3737 3207 3047 3146 3434
19 3695 3298 3171 3309 3588
20 3655 3398 3311 3496 3762
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Figure 15A Spaced Column Joined by Split ½ the distance between centers of split ring or shear
plate connectors in the end blocks.
Ring or Shear Plate Connectors For spaced columns used as compression
members of a truss, a panel point which is stayed later-
ally shall be considered as the end of the spaced col-
umn, and the portion of the web members, between the
individual pieces making up a spaced column, shall be
permitted to be considered as the end blocks. Thickness of spacer and end blocks shall
not be less than that of individual members of the
spaced column nor shall thickness, width, and length of
spacer and end blocks be less than required for split
ring or shear plate connectors of a size and number ca-
pable of carrying the load computed in To obtain spaced column action the split
ring or shear plate connectors in each mutually contact-
ing surface of end block and individual member at each
end of a spaced column shall be of a size and number to
provide a load capacity in pounds equal to the required
cross-sectional area in square inches of one of the indi-
vidual members times the appropriate end spacer block
constant, KS, determined from the following equations:
Condition "a": end distance 1/20
Species Group End Spacer Block Constant, KS
1 and 2 = distances between points of lateral support in planes 1 and 2,
measured from center to center of lateral supports for continuous spaced
columns, and measured from end to end for simple spaced columns, inch-
A KS = 9.55 ( 1/d1 – 11) 468
B KS = 8.14 ( 1/d1 – 11) 399
3 = Distance from center of spacer block to centroid of the group of split
ring or shear plate connectors in end blocks, inches.
d1 and d2 = cross-sectional dimensions of individual rectangular compres- C KS = 6.73 ( 1/d1 – 11) 330
sion members in planes of lateral support, inches.
Condition "b": 1/20 < end distance 1/10
D KS = 5.32 ( 1/d1 – 11) 261
If spaced columns are a part of a truss system or
15.2.2 Spacer and End Block Provisions other similar framing, the split ring or shear plate con-
nectors required by the connection provisions in Chap-
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tance between lateral supports that provide re- = 3.0 for fixity condition “b”
straint perpendicular to the wide faces of the
individual members. c = 0.8 for sawn lumber
(b) 2/d2 shall not exceed 50, where 2 is the dis- = 0.9 for structural glued laminated timber or
tance between lateral supports that provide re- structural composite lumber
straint in a direction parallel to the wide faces
of the individual members. Where individual members of a spaced
(c) 3/d1 shall not exceed 40, where 3 is the dis- column are of different species, grades, or thicknesses,
tance between the center of the spacer block the lesser adjusted compression parallel to grain design
and the centroid of the group of split ring or value, Fc', for the weaker member shall apply to both
shear plate connectors in an end block. members. The column stability factor shall be calcu- The adjusted compression parallel to grain
lated as follows: design value, Fc', for a spaced column shall not exceed
the adjusted compression parallel to grain design value,
1 FcE Fc* 1 FcE Fc*
F F* Fc', for the individual members evaluated as solid col-
CP cE c (15.2-1)
2c 2c c umns without regard to fixity in accordance with 3.7
using the column slenderness ratio 2/d2 (see Figure
where: 15A). For especially severe service conditions
Fc* = reference compression design value parallel and/or extraordinary hazard, use of lower adjusted de-
to grain multiplied by all applicable adjust- sign values may be necessary. See Appendix H for
ment factors except CP (see 2.3) background information concerning column stability
0.822 K x Emin
calculations and Appendix F for information concern-
FcE = ing coefficient of variation in modulus of elasticity
/ d
Kx = 2.5 for fixity condition “a” The equations in 3.9 for combined flexure
and axial loading apply to spaced columns only for uni-
axial bending in a direction parallel to the wide face of
the individual member (dimension d2 in Figure 15A).
Copyright © American Wood Council. Downloaded/printed pursuant to License Agreement. No reproduction or transfer authorized.
the adjusted compression design value parallel to grain, Figure 15B Mechanically Laminated Built-
Fc' , for the column. Fc' for built-up columns need not be
Up Columns
less than Fc' for the individual laminations designed as
individual solid columns per section 3.7. The slenderness ratio, e/d, for built-up
columns shall not exceed 50, except that during con-
struction e/d shall not exceed 75. The column stability factor shall be calcu-
lated as follows:
1 FcE Fc* F F*
1 FcE Fc
CP K f cE c (15.3-1)
2c 2c c
Fc* = reference compression design value parallel
to grain multiplied by all applicable modifica-
tion factors except CP (see 2.3)
0.822 Emin
FcE =
/ d
Kf = 0.6 for built-up columns where e2/d2 is used
to calculate FcE and the built-up columns are
nailed in accordance with 15.3.3
15.3.3 Nailed Built-Up Columns
Kf = 0.75 for built-up columns where e2/d2 is
used to calculate FcE and the built-up col- The provisions in 15.3.1 and 15.3.2 apply
umns are bolted in accordance with 15.3.4 to nailed built-up columns (see Figure 15C) in which:
(a) adjacent nails are driven from opposite sides of
Kf = 1.0 for built-up columns where e1/d1 is used
the column
to calculate FcE and the built-up columns are (b) all nails penetrate all laminations and at least
either nailed or bolted in accordance with 3/4 of the thickness of the outermost lamination
15.3.3 or 15.3.4, respectively (c) 15D end distance 18D
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15.3.4 Bolted Built-Up Columns Figure 15D provides an example of a bolt-
ing schedule which meets the preceding connection The provisions in 15.3.1 and 15.3.2 apply requirements.
to bolted built-up columns in which:
(a) a metal plate or washer is provided between the Figure 15D Typical Bolting Schedules for
wood and the bolt head, and between the wood Built-Up Columns
and the nut
(b) nuts are tightened to insure that faces of adja-
cent laminations are in contact
(c) for softwoods: 7D end distance 8.4D
for hardwoods: 5D end distance 6D
(d) 4D spacing between adjacent bolts in a
row 6t min
(e) 1.5D spacing between rows of bolts 10D
(f) 1.5D edge distance 10D
(g) 2 or more longitudinal rows of bolts are pro-
vided where d > 3tmin
D = bolt diameter
d = depth (face width) of individual lamination Four 2" x 8" laminations (softwoods)
with two rows of ½" diameter bolts.
tmin = thickness of thinnest lamination
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0.822 Emin
fc < FcE2 = for uniaxial flatwise bending or
/ d2
e2 biaxial bending
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15.4.2 Columns with Side Brackets Figure 15E Eccentrically Loaded Column
P = actual load on bracket, lbs.
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16.1 General
Chapter 16 establishes general fire design provi- specified herein. Reference design values and specific
sions that apply to all wood structural members and design provisions applicable to particular wood prod-
connections covered under this Specification, unless ucts or connections to be used with the provisions of
otherwise noted. Each wood member or connection this Chapter are given in other Chapters of this Specifi-
shall be of sufficient size and capacity to carry the ap- cation.
plied loads without exceeding the design provisions
achar 1.2 nlam hlam n t nlam t gi
time, t
n = nominal char rate (in./hr.), linear char rate based
on 1-hour exposure 1.23
t gi lam
t = exposure time (hr.)
A nominal char rate, n, of 1.5 in./hr. is commonly
assumed for solid sawn, structural glued laminated where:
softwood members, laminated veneer lumber, parallel
tgi = time for char front to reach glued interface (hr.)
strand lumber, laminated strand lumber, and cross-
laminated timber. hlam = lamination thickness (in.) For solid sawn, structural glued laminated
softwood, laminated veneer lumber, parallel strand
lumber, and laminated strand lumber members with a t
nominal char rate, n = 1.5 in./hr., the effective char t gi
rates, eff, and effective char depths, achar, for each ex-
posed surface are shown in Table 16.2.1A. nlam = number of laminations charred (rounded to lowest
Section properties shall be calculated using stand- integer)
ard equations for area, section modulus, and moment of t = exposure time (hr.)
inertia using the reduced cross-sectional dimensions.
The dimensions are reduced by the effective char layer For cross-laminated timber manufactured with lam-
thickness, achar, for each surface exposed to fire. inations of equal thickness and assuming a nominal
char rate,n, of 1.5 in./hr., the effective char depths for
each exposed surface are shown in Table 16.2.1B.
Copyright © American Wood Council. Downloaded/printed pursuant to License Agreement. No reproduction or transfer authorized.
16.2.2 Member Strength Timber decks consist of planks that are at least 2"
(actual) thick. The planks shall span the distance be-
For solid sawn wood, structural glued laminated tween supporting beams. Single and double tongue-
timber, structural composite lumber, and cross- and-groove (T&G) decking shall be designed as an as-
laminated timber members, the average member sembly of wood beams fully exposed on one face. Butt-
strength can be approximated by multiplying reference jointed decking shall be designed as an assembly of
design values (Fb, Ft, Fc, FbE, FcE) by the adjustment wood beams partially exposed on the sides and fully
factors specified in Table 16.2.2. exposed on one face. To compute the effects of partial
The Fb, Fc, FbE, and FcE values and cross-sectional exposure of the decking on its sides, the char rate for
properties shall be adjusted prior to use of Equations this limited exposure shall be reduced to 33% of the
3.3-6, 3.7-1, 3.9-1, 3.9-2, 3.9-3, 3.9-4, 15.2-1, 15.3-1, effective char rate. These calculation procedures do not
15.4-1, 15.4-2, 15.4-3, or 15.4-4. address thermal separation.
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Member Strength
Column Stability
Flat Use Factor 2
Volume Factor 2
Design Stress to
Beam Stability
Size Factor 2
Factor 3
Factor 3
Bending Strength Fb x 2.85 CF CV Cfu CL -
Beam Buckling Strength FbE x 2.03 - - - - -
Tensile Strength Ft x 2.85 CF - - - -
Compressive Strength Fc x 2.58 CF - - - CP
Column Buckling Strength FcE x 2.03 - - - - -
1. See 4.3, 5.3, 8.3, and 10.3 for applicability of adjustment factors for specific products.
2. Factor shall be based on initial cross-section dimensions.
3. Factor shall be based on reduced cross-section dimensions.
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Copyright © American Wood Council. Downloaded/printed pursuant to License Agreement. No reproduction or transfer authorized.
the provisions of Appendix A.11 are followed A.11.2 When planks are placed on top of an arch or
or when the roof joists rest on and are securely
fastened to the top chords of the trusses and are
compression chord, and securely fastened to the arch or A
compression chord, or when sheathing is nailed proper-
covered with wood sheathing. Where sheathing ly to the top chord of trussed rafters, the depth rather
other than wood is applied, top chord diagonal than the breadth of the arch, compression chord, or
lateral bracing should be installed. trussed rafter shall be permitted to be used as the least
(b) In all cases, vertical sway bracing should be in- dimension in determining e/d.
stalled in each third or fourth bay at intervals of A.11.3 When stud walls in light frame construction
approximately 35 feet measured parallel to are adequately sheathed on at least one side, the depth,
trusses. Also, bottom chord lateral bracing rather than breadth of the stud, shall be permitted to be
should be installed in the same bays as the ver- taken as the least dimension in calculating the e/d ra-
tical sway bracing, where practical, and should tio. The sheathing shall be shown by experience to pro-
extend from side wall to side wall. In addition, vide lateral support and shall be adequately fastened.
struts should be installed between bottom
chords at the same truss panels as vertical sway
bracing and should extend continuously from
end wall to end wall. If the roof construction
does not provide proper top chord strut action,
separate additional members should be provid-
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L = live load established by applicable building combination factors specified by the applicable build-
code or standard ing code or standard should be included in the above A
S = snow load established by applicable building equations, as specified in B.2(a).
code or standard
W = wind load established by applicable building B.3 Mechanical Connections
code or standard
The actual stress due to any combination of the above Load duration factors, CD 1.6, apply to reference
loads shall be less than or equal to the adjusted design design values for connections, except when connection
value modified by the load duration factor, CD, for the capacity is based on design of metal parts (see 11.2.3).
shortest duration load in that combination of loads:
B.4 Load Combination Reduction Factors
Actual stress due to (CD) x (Design value)
D (0.9) x (design value) Reductions in total design load for certain combina-
D+L (1.0) x (design value) tions of loads account for the reduced probability of
D+W (1.6) x (design value) simultaneous occurrence of the various design loads.
D+L+S (1.15) x (design value) Load duration factors, CD, account for the relationship
D+L+W (1.6) x (design value) between wood strength and time under load. Load dura-
D+S+W (1.6) x (design value) tion factors, CD, are independent of load combination
D+L+S+W (1.6) x (design value) reduction factors, and both may be used in design cal-
culations (see 1.4.4).
The equations above may be specified by the applicable
building code and shall be checked as required. Load
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As wood is cooled below normal temperatures, its When wood structural members are heated to tem-
strength increases. When heated, its strength decreases. peratures up to 150°F for extended periods of time, ad-
This temperature effect is immediate and its magnitude justment of the reference design values in this Specifi-
varies depending on the moisture content of the wood. cation may be necessary (see 2.3.3 and 11.3.4). See
Up to 150°F, the immediate effect is reversible. The Reference 53 for additional information concerning the
member will recover essentially all its strength when effect of temperature on wood strength.
the temperature is reduced to normal. Prolonged heat-
ing to temperatures above 150°F can cause a permanent
loss of strength.
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Slenderness ratios and related equations for adjust- Reference modulus of elasticity for beam and col-
ing reference bending design values for lateral buckling umn stability, Emin, in Equation D-3 is based on the fol-
in 3.3.3 are based on theoretical analyses and beam ver- lowing equation:
ification tests.
Emin = E [1 – 1.645 COVE](1.03)/1.66 (D-4)
D.2 where:
E = reference modulus of elasticity
Treatment of lateral buckling in beams parallels
that for columns given in 3.7.1 and Appendix H. Beam 1.03 = adjustment factor to convert E values to a
stability calculations are based on slenderness ratio, RB, pure bending basis except that the factor is
defined as: 1.05 for structural glued laminated timber
Copyright © American Wood Council. Downloaded/printed pursuant to License Agreement. No reproduction or transfer authorized.
E.4 Group Tear-Out Capacity of critical group area should be checked for group tear-
out in combination with row tear-out to determine the A
The adjusted tear-out capacity of a group of “n” adjusted capacity of the critical section.
rows of fasteners can be estimated as:
E.5 Effects of Fastener Placement
ZGT RT 1 RT n FtA groupnet (E.4-1)
2 2 E.5.1 Modification of fastener placement within a
fastener group can be used to increase row tear-out and
where: group tear-out capacity limited by local stresses around
ZGT = adjusted group tear-out capacity the fastener group. Increased spacing between fasteners
in a row is one way to increase row tear-out capacity.
ZRT-1 = adjusted row tear-out capacity of row 1 of Increased spacing between rows of fasteners is one way
fasteners bounding the critical group area to increase group tear-out capacity.
ZRT-n = adjusted row tear-out capacity of row n of E.5.2 Section limits the spacing between
fasteners bounding the critical group area outer rows of fasteners paralleling the member on a
single splice plate to 5 inches. This requirement is im-
Agroup-net = critical group net section area between row 1 posed to limit local stresses resulting from shrinkage of
and row n wood members. Where special detailing is used to ad-
dress shrinkage, such as the use of slotted holes, the 5-
E.4.1 For groups of fasteners with non-uniform
inch limit can be adjusted.
spacing between rows of fasteners various definitions
Side Member:
A36 steel plates on each side
Side plate thickness, ts: 0.25 in.
Connection Details:
Bolt diameter, D: 1 inch
Bolt hole diameter, Dh: 1.0625 in.
Adjusted ASD bolt design value, Z||: 4380 lbs (see Ta-
ble 12I. For this trial design, the group action factor, Cg,
is taken as 1.0).
Spacing between rows: srow = 2.5D
Copyright © American Wood Council. Downloaded/printed pursuant to License Agreement. No reproduction or transfer authorized.
Adjusted ASD Net Section Area Tension Capacity, Adjusted ASD Group Tear-Out Capacity, ZGT:
ZNT Ft t w nrowDh
ZGT RT 1 RT 3 Ftt nrow 1 srow Dh
2 2
ZNT = (1,250 psi)(3.125")[12" – 3(1.0625")] ZGT = (7,163 lbs)/2 + (7,163 lbs)/2 +
= 34,424 lbs (1,250 psi) (3.125'')[(3 – 1)(2.5'' – 1.0625'')]
= 18,393 lbs
Adjusted ASD Row Tear-Out Capacity, ZRT:
In this sample calculation, the adjusted ASD connec-
i v ts critical tion capacity is limited to 18,393 pounds by group tear-
out, ZGT.
ZRT-1 = 3(191 psi)(3.125'')(4'') = 7,163 lbs
ZRT-2 = 2(191 psi)(3.125'')(4'') = 4,775 lbs
ZRT-3 = 3(191 psi)(3.125'')(4'') = 7,163 lbs
ZRT ZRTi = 7,163 + 4,775 + 7,163 = 19,101 lbs
Copyright © American Wood Council. Downloaded/printed pursuant to License Agreement. No reproduction or transfer authorized.
ZRTi ni v critical
Main and Side Members:
#2 grade Southern Pine 2x4 lumber. See NDS Supple- ZRT1 = [(2 connectors)(175 psi)/2](21.735 in.2)
ment Table 4B – Visually Graded Southern Pine Di- = 3,804 lbs
mension Lumber for reference design values. Adjust-
ment factors CD, CT, CM, and Ci are assumed to equal where:
1.0 in this example for calculation of adjusted design
values. Acritical = 21.735 in.2 (See Figures E4 and E5)
Ft = 825 psi
Fv = 175 psi In this sample calculation, the adjusted ASD con-
Main member thickness, tm: 1.5 in. nection capacity is limited to 2,728 pounds by net sec-
Side member thickness, ts: 1.5 in. tion area tension capacity, ZNT
Main and side member width, w: 3.5 in.
Figure E4 Acritical for Split Ring Connection
Connection Details: (based on distance from end of
Split ring diameter, D: 2.5 in. (see Appendix K for con- member)
nector dimensions)
Adjusted ASD split ring design value, P: 2,730 lbs (see
Table 13.2A. For this trial design, the group action fac-
tor, Cg, is taken as 1.0).
Adjusted ASD Connection Capacity, nP:
nP = (2 split rings)(2,730 lbs) = 5,460 lbs
Adjusted ASD Net Section Area Tension Capacity,
= 21.735 in.2
Copyright © American Wood Council. Downloaded/printed pursuant to License Agreement. No reproduction or transfer authorized.
= 17.91 in.2
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84% and 95%, respectively, of the individual pieces, as
F.1.1 Reference modulus of elasticity design val- specified in the following formulas:
ues, E, in this Specification are intended for the calcula-
tion of immediate deformation under load. Under sus- E 1 1.0 COVE
E0.16 (F-1)
tained loading, wood members exhibit additional time
dependent deformation (creep) which usually develops E 1 1.645 COVE
E0.05 (F-2)
at a slow but persistent rate over long periods of time.
Creep rates are greater for members drying under load Table F1 Coefficients of Variation in
or exposed to varying temperature and relative humidi- Modulus of Elasticity (COVE) for
ty conditions than for members in a stable environment Lumber and Structural Glued
and at constant moisture content. Laminated Timber
F.1.2 In certain bending applications, it may be
necessary to limit deflection under long-term loading to COVE
specified levels. This can be done by applying an in- Visually graded sawn lumber 0.25
crease factor to the deflection due to long-term load. (Tables 4A, 4B, 4D, 4E, and 4F)
Total deflection is thus calculated as the immediate de- Machine Evaluated Lumber (MEL) 0.15
flection due to the long-term component of the design (Table 4C)
load times the appropriate increase factor, plus the de- Machine Stress Rated (MSR) lumber 0.11
flection due to the short-term or normal component of (Table 4C)
the design load. Structural glued laminated timber 0.10
(Tables 5A, 5B, 5C, and 5D)
F.2 Variation in Modulus of Elasticity
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The effective column length of a compression In lieu of calculating the effective column length
member is the distance between two points along its from available engineering experience and methodolo-
length at which the member is assumed to buckle in the gy, the buckling length coefficients, Ke, given in Table
shape of a sine wave. G1 shall be permitted to be multiplied by the actual
column length, , or by the length of column between
G.2 lateral supports to calculate the effective column length,
The effective column length is dependent on the
values of end fixity and lateral translation (deflection) G.4
associated with the ends of columns and points of lat-
eral support between the ends of column. It is recom- Where the bending stiffness of the frame itself pro-
mended that the effective length of columns be deter- vides support against buckling, the buckling length co-
mined in accordance with good engineering practice. efficient, Ke, for an unbraced length of column, , is
Lower values of effective length will be associated with dependent upon the amount of bending stiffness pro-
more end fixity and less lateral translation while higher vided by the other in-plane members entering the con-
values will be associated with less end fixity and more nection at each end of the unbraced segment. If the
lateral translation. combined stiffness from these members is sufficiently
small relative to that of the unbraced column segments,
Ke could exceed the values given in Table G1.
Copyright © American Wood Council. Downloaded/printed pursuant to License Agreement. No reproduction or transfer authorized.
Solid wood columns can be classified into three The equation for adjusted compression design val-
length classes, characterized by mode of failure at ultimate ue, Fc', in this Specification is for columns having rec-
load. For short, rectangular columns with a small ratio of tangular cross sections. It may be used for other column
length to least cross-sectional dimension, e/d, failure is shapes by substituting r 12 for d in the equations,
by crushing. When there is an intermediate e/d ratio, where r is the applicable radius of gyration of the col-
failure is generally a combination of crushing and buck- umn cross section.
ling. At large e/d ratios, long wood columns behave
essentially as Euler columns and fail by lateral deflec- H.4
tion or buckling. Design of these three length classes
are represented by the single column Equation H-1. The 0.822 factor in Equation H-2 represents the Eu-
ler buckling coefficient for rectangular columns calcu-
H.2 lated as 2/12. Modulus of elasticity for beam and col-
umn stability, Emin, in Equation H-2 represents an ap-
For solid columns of rectangular cross section proximate 5% lower exclusion value on pure bending
where the slenderness ratio, e/d, does not exceed 50, modulus of elasticity, plus a 1.66 factor of safety (see
adjusted compression design values parallel to grain are Appendix D.4).
obtained by the equation:
1 FcE Fc* 1 FcE Fc*
* FcE Fc* (H-1) Adjusted design values based on Equations H-1 and
Fc Fc
2c 2c c H-2 are customarily used for most sawn lumber column
designs. Where unusual hazard exists, a larger reduc-
tion factor may be appropriate. Alternatively, in less
critical end use, the designer may elect to use a smaller
0.822 Emin
FcE = (H-2) factor of safety.
/ d
Fc* = reference compression design value parallel H.6
to grain multiplied by all applicable
adjustment factors except CP (see 2.3) For products with less E variability than visually
graded sawn lumber, higher critical buckling design
c = 0.8 for sawn lumber
values may be calculated. For a product having a lower
c = 0.85 for round timber poles and piles coefficient of variation (COVE), use of Equation H-2
will provide a 1.66 factor of safety at the 5% lower ex-
c = 0.9 for structural glued laminated timber, clusion value.
cross-laminated timber, or structural
composite lumber
Equation H-2 is derived from the standard Euler
equation, with radius of gyration, r, converted to the
more convenient least cross-sectional dimension, d, of a
rectangular column.
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The yield limit equations specified in 12.3.1 for In the absence of published standards which specify
dowel-type fasteners such as bolts, lag screws, wood fastener strength properties, the designer should contact
screws, nails, and spikes represent four primary con- fastener manufacturers to determine fastener bending
nection yield modes (see Figure I1). Modes Im and Is yield strength for connection design. ASTM F 1575
represent bearing-dominated yield of the wood fibers in provides a standard method for testing bending yield
contact with the fastener in either the main or side strength of nails.
member(s), respectively. Mode II represents pivoting of Fastener bending yield strength (Fyb) shall be de-
the fastener at the shear plane of a single shear connec- termined by the 5% diameter (0.05D) offset method of
tion with localized crushing of wood fibers near the analyzing load-displacement curves developed from
faces of the wood member(s). Modes IIIm and IIIs rep- fastener bending tests. However, for short, large diame-
resent fastener yield in bending at one plastic hinge ter fasteners for which direct bending tests are imprac-
point per shear plane, and bearing-dominated yield of tical, test data from tension tests such as those specified
wood fibers in contact with the fastener in either the in ASTM F 606 shall be evaluated to estimate Fyb.
main or side member(s), respectively. Mode IV repre- Research indicates that Fyb for bolts is approximate-
sents fastener yield in bending at two plastic hinge ly equivalent to the average of bolt tensile yield
points per shear plane, with limited localized crushing strength and bolt tensile ultimate strength, Fyb = Fy/2 +
of wood fibers near the shear plane(s). Fu/2. Based on this approximation, 48,000 psi Fyb
140,000 psi for various grades of SAE J429 bolts. Thus,
.2 Dowel Bearing Strength for Steel the aforementioned research indicates that Fyb = 45,000
Members psi is reasonable for many commonly available bolts.
Tests of limited samples of lag screws indicate that Fyb
Dowel bearing strength, Fe, for steel members shall = 45,000 psi is also reasonable for many commonly
be based on accepted steel design practices (see Refer- available lag screws with D 3/8".
ences 39, 40 and 41). Design values in Tables 12B, Tests of a limited sample of box nails and common
12D, 12G, 12I, 12J, 12M, and 12N are for 1/4" ASTM wire nails from twelve U.S. nail manufacturers indicate
A 36 steel plate or 3 gage and thinner ASTM A 653, that Fyb increases with decreasing nail diameter, and
Grade 33 steel plate with dowel bearing strength pro- may exceed 100,000 psi for very small diameter nails.
portional to ultimate tensile strength. Bearing strengths These tests indicate that the Fyb values used in Tables
used to calculate connection yield load represent nomi- 12N through 12R are reasonable for many commonly
nal bearing strengths of 2.4 Fu and 2.2 Fu, respectively available box nails and small diameter common wire
(based on design provisions in References 39, 40, and nails (D < 0.2"). Design values for large diameter
41 for bearing strength of steel members at connec- common wire nails (D > 0.2") are based on extrapolat-
tions). To allow proper application of the load duration ed estimates of Fyb from the aforementioned limited
factor for these connections, the bearing strengths have study. For hardened-steel nails, Fyb is assumed to be
been divided by 1.6. approximately 30% higher than for the same diameter
common wire nails. Design values in Tables 12J
.3 Dowel Bearing Strength for Wood through 12M for wood screws and small diameter lag
screws (D < 3/8") are based on estimates of Fyb for
common wire nails of the same diameter. Table I1 pro-
vides values of Fyb based on fastener type and diameter.
Dowel bearing strength, Fe, for wood members may
be determined in accordance with ASTM D 5764.
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Copyright © American Wood Council. Downloaded/printed pursuant to License Agreement. No reproduction or transfer authorized.
eral design values. Use of diameter, D, is permitted and/or the thread bearing length based on typical di-
when the threaded portion of the fastener is sufficiently mensions exceeds 1/4 the total bearing length in the
far away from the connection shear plane(s). For exam- member holding the threads. For bolted connections,
ple, diameter, D, may be used when the length of thread reference tabulated lateral design values are based on
bearing in the main member of a two member connec- diameter, D.
tion does not exceed 1/4 of the total bearing length in One alternate method of accounting for the moment
the main member (member holding the threads). For a and bearing resistance of the threaded portion of the
connection with three or more members, diameter, D, fastener and moment acting along the length of the fas-
may be used when the length of thread bearing in the tener is provided in AF&PA’s Technical Report 12 -
outermost member does not exceed 1/4 of the total General Dowel Equations for Calculating Lateral Con-
bearing length in the outermost member (member hold- nection Values (see Reference 51). A general set of
ing the threads). equations permits use of different fastener diameters for
Reference lateral design values for reduced body bearing resistance and moment resistance in each
diameter lag screw and rolled thread wood screw con- member.
Copyright © American Wood Council. Downloaded/printed pursuant to License Agreement. No reproduction or transfer authorized.
J.3 where:
Fe ll = dowel bearing strength parallel to grain
When the resultant force is not perpendicular to the
surface under consideration, the angle is the angle Fe = dowel bearing strength perpendicular to grain
between the direction of grain and the direction of the
Fe = dowel bearing strength at an angle to grain
force component which is perpendicular to the surface.
When determining adjusted design values for bolt
J.4 or lag screw wood-to-metal connections or wood-to-
wood connections with the main or side member(s)
The bearing surface for a split ring or shear plate loaded parallel to grain, the following form of the
connector, bolt or lag screw is assumed perpendicular Hankinson formula provides an alternate solution:
to the applied lateral load.
J.5 Z (J-3)
Z sin2 Z cos 2
The bearing strength of wood depends upon the di-
rection of grain with respect to the direction of the ap- For wood-to-wood connections with side mem-
plied load. Wood is stronger in compression parallel to ber(s) loaded parallel to grain,
grain than in compression perpendicular to grain. The Zll = adjusted lateral design value for a single bolt
variation in strength at various angles to grain between or lag screw connection with the main and
0° and 90° shall be determined by the Hankinson for- side wood members loaded parallel to grain,
mula as follows: Zll
Fc*Fc Z = adjusted lateral design value for a single bolt
F (J-1)
F sin Fc cos
2 2 or lag screw connection with the side
member(s) loaded parallel to grain and main
member loaded perpendicular to grain, Zm
Fc* = adjusted compression design value parallel
to grain multiplied by all applicable
adjustment factors except the column
stability factor
Copyright © American Wood Council. Downloaded/printed pursuant to License Agreement. No reproduction or transfer authorized.
For wood-to-wood connections with the main member When determining adjusted design values for split
loaded parallel to grain, ring or shear plate connectors or timber rivets, the A
Hankinson formula takes the following form:
Zll = adjusted lateral design value for a single bolt
or lag screw connection with the main and N (J-4)
side wood members loaded parallel to grain, P sin2 Q cos2
Z = adjusted lateral design value for a single bolt
P = adjusted lateral design value parallel to grain
or lag screw connection with the main
for a single split ring connector unit or shear
member loaded parallel to grain and side
plate connector unit
member(s) loaded perpendicular to grain, Zs
Q = adjusted lateral design value perpendicular
For wood-to-metal connections,
to grain for a single split ring connector unit
Zll = adjusted lateral design value for a single bolt or shear plate connector unit
or lag screw connection with the wood
N = adjusted lateral design value at an angle to
member loaded parallel to grain, Zll
grain for a single split ring connector unit or
Z = adjusted lateral design value for a single bolt shear plate connector unit
or lag screw connection with the wood
The nomographs presented in Figure J1 provide a
member loaded perpendicular to grain, Z
graphical solution of the Hankinson formula.
Copyright © American Wood Council. Downloaded/printed pursuant to License Agreement. No reproduction or transfer authorized.
Figure J2 Connection Loaded at an Angle Sample Solution for Split Ring or Shear Plate Con-
to Grain nection:
Assume that P' = 5,030 lbs, Q' = 2,620 lbs, and = 35°
in Figure J2. On line A-B in Figure J1, locate 5,030 lbs
at point n. On the same line A-B, locate 2,620 lbs and
project to point m on line A-C. Where line m-n inter-
sects the radial line for 35°, project to line A-B and
read the ASD adjusted design value, N' = 3,870 lbs.
Copyright © American Wood Council. Downloaded/printed pursuant to License Agreement. No reproduction or transfer authorized.
Split Ring
Inside diameter at center when closed 2.500" 4.000"
Thickness of metal at center 0.163" 0.193"
Depth of metal (width of ring) 0.750" 1.000"
Inside diameter 2.56" 4.08"
Width 0.18" 0.21"
Depth 0.375" 0.50"
Bolt hole diameter in timber members 9/16" 13/16"
Washers, standard
Round, cast or malleable iron, diameter 2-1/8" 3"
Round, wrought iron (minimum)
Diameter 1-3/8" 2"
Thickness 3/32" 5/32"
Square plate
Length of side 2" 3"
Thickness 1/8" 3/16"
Projected area: portion of one split ring within
1.10 in.2 2.24 in.2
1. Courtesy of Cleveland Steel Specialty Co.
Copyright © American Wood Council. Downloaded/printed pursuant to License Agreement. No reproduction or transfer authorized.
D = diameter
Dr = root diameter
T = thread length
L = bolt length
F = width of head across flats
H = height of head
Body Diameter
Diameter, D
1/4" 5/16" 3/8" 1/2" 5/8" 3/4" 7/8" 1"
Dr 0.189" 0.245" 0.298" 0.406" 0.514" 0.627" 0.739" 0.847"
F 7/16" 1/2" 9/16" 3/4" 15/16" 1-1/8" 1-5/16" 1-1/2"
H 11/64" 7/32" 1/4" 11/32" 27/64" 1/2" 37/64" 43/64"
L 6 in. 3/4" 7/8" 1" 1-1/4" 1-1/2" 1-3/4" 2" 2-1/4"
L > 6 in. 1" 1-1/8" 1-1/4" 1-1/2" 1-3/4" 2" 2-1/4" 2-1/2"
1. Tolerances are specified in ANSI/ASME B18.2.1. Full-body diameter bolt is shown. Root diameter based on UNC thread series (see ANSI/ASME B1.1).
Copyright © American Wood Council. Downloaded/printed pursuant to License Agreement. No reproduction or transfer authorized.
S = unthreaded body length F = width of head across flats
T = minimum thread length2 H = height of head
Reduced Full-Body
Body Diameter Diameter
Length, Diameter, D
L 1/4" 5/16" 3/8" 7/16" 1/2" 5/8" 3/4" 7/8" 1" 1-1/8" 1-1/4"
Dr 0.173" 0.227" 0.265" 0.328" 0.371" 0.471" 0.579" 0.683" 0.780" 0.887" 1.012"
E 5/32" 3/16" 7/32" 9/32" 5/16" 13/32" 1/2" 19/32" 11/16" 25/32" 7/8"
H 11/64" 7/32" 1/4" 19/64" 11/32" 27/64" 1/2" 37/64" 43/64" 3/4" 27/32"
F 7/16" 1/2" 9/16" 5/8" 3/4" 15/16" 1-1/8" 1-5/16" 1-1/2" 1-11/16" 1-7/8"
N 10 9 7 7 6 5 4-1/2 4 3-1/2 3-1/4 3-1/4
S 1/4" 1/4" 1/4" 1/4" 1/4"
1" T 3/4" 3/4" 3/4" 3/4" 3/4"
T-E 19/32" 9/16" 17/32" 15/32" 7/16"
S 1/4" 1/4" 1/4" 1/4" 1/4"
1-1/2" T 1-1/4" 1-1/4" 1-1/4" 1-1/4" 1-1/4"
T-E 1-3/32" 1-1/16" 1-1/32" 31/32" 15/16"
S 1/2" 1/2" 1/2" 1/2" 1/2" 1/2"
2" T 1-1/2" 1-1/2" 1-1/2" 1-1/2" 1-1/2" 1-1/2"
T-E 1-11/32" 1-5/16" 1-9/32" 1-7/32" 1-3/16" 1-3/32"
S 3/4" 3/4" 3/4" 3/4" 3/4" 3/4"
2-1/2" T 1-3/4" 1-3/4" 1-3/4" 1-3/4" 1-3/4" 1-3/4"
T-E 1-19/32" 1-9/16" 1-17/32" 1-15/32" 1-7/16" 1-11/32"
S 1" 1" 1" 1" 1" 1" 1" 1" 1"
3 T 2" 2" 2" 2" 2" 2" 2" 2" 2"
T-E 1-27/32" 1-13/16" 1-25/32" 1-23/32" 1-11/16" 1-19/32" 1-1/2" 1-13/32" 1-5/16"
S 1-1/2" 1-1/2" 1-1/2" 1-1/2" 1-1/2" 1-1/2" 1-1/2" 1-1/2" 1-1/2" 1-1/2" 1-1/2"
4" T 2-1/2" 2-1/2" 2-1/2" 2-1/2" 2-1/2" 2-1/2" 2-1/2" 2-1/2" 2-1/2" 2-1/2" 2-1/2"
T-E 2-11/32" 2-5/16" 2-9/32" 2-7/32" 2-3/16" 2-3/32" 2" 1-29/32" 1-13/16" 1-23/32" 1-5/8"
S 2" 2" 2" 2" 2" 2" 2" 2" 2" 2" 2"
5" T 3" 3" 3" 3" 3" 3" 3" 3" 3" 3" 3"
T-E 2-27/32" 2-13/16" 2-25/32" 2-23/32" 2-11/16" 2-19/32" 2-1/2" 2-13/32" 2-5/16" 2-7/32" 2-1/8"
S 2-1/2" 2-1/2" 2-1/2" 2-1/2" 2-1/2" 2-1/2" 2-1/2" 2-1/2" 2-1/2" 2-1/2" 2-1/2"
6" T 3-1/2" 3-1/2" 3-1/2" 3-1/2" 3-1/2" 3-1/2" 3-1/2" 3-1/2" 3-1/2" 3-1/2" 3-1/2"
T-E 3-11/32" 3-5/16" 3-9/32" 3-7/32" 3-3/16" 3-3/32" 3" 2-29/32" 2-13/16" 2-23/32" 2-5/8"
S 3" 3" 3" 3" 3" 3" 3" 3" 3" 3" 3"
7" T 4" 4" 4" 4" 4" 4" 4" 4" 4" 4" 4"
T-E 3-27/32" 3-13/16" 3-25/32" 3-23/32" 3-11/16" 3-19/32" 3-1/2" 3-13/32" 3-5/16" 3-7/32" 3-1/8"
S 3-1/2" 3-1/2" 3-1/2" 3-1/2" 3-1/2" 3-1/2" 3-1/2" 3-1/2" 3-1/2" 3-1/2" 3-1/2"
8" T 4-1/2" 4-1/2" 4-1/2" 4-1/2" 4-1/2" 4-1/2" 4-1/2" 4-1/2" 4-1/2" 4-1/2" 4-1/2"
T-E 4-11/32" 4-5/16" 4-9/32" 4-7/32" 4-3/16" 4-3/32" 4" 3-29/32" 3-13/16" 3-23/32" 3-5/8"
S 4" 4" 4" 4" 4" 4" 4" 4" 4" 4" 4"
9" T 5" 5" 5" 5" 5" 5" 5" 5" 5" 5" 5"
T-E 4-27/32" 4-13/16" 4-25/32" 4-23/32" 4-11/16" 4-19/32" 4-1/2" 4-13/32" 4-5/16" 4-7/32" 4-1/8"
S 4-1/2" 4-1/2" 4-1/2" 4-1/2" 4-1/2" 4-1/2" 4-1/2" 4-1/2" 4-1/2" 4-1/2" 4-1/2"
10" T 5-1/2" 5-1/2" 5-1/2" 5-1/2" 5-1/2" 5-1/2" 5-1/2" 5-1/2" 5-1/2" 5-1/2" 5-1/2"
T-E 5-11/32" 5-5/16" 5-9/32" 5-7/32" 5-3/16" 5-3/32" 5" 4-29/32" 4-13/16" 4-23/32" 4-5/8"
S 5" 5" 5" 5" 5" 5" 5" 5" 5" 5" 5"
11" T 6" 6" 6" 6" 6" 6" 6" 6" 6" 6" 6"
T-E 5-27/32" 5-13/16" 5-25/32" 5-23/32" 5-11/16" 5-19/32" 5-1/2" 5-13/32" 5-5/16" 5-7/32" 5-1/8"
S 6" 6" 6" 6" 6" 6" 6" 6" 6" 6" 6"
12" T 6" 6" 6" 6" 6" 6" 6" 6" 6" 6" 6"
T-E 5-27/32" 5-13/16" 5-25/32" 5-23/32" 5-11/16" 5-19/32" 5-1/2" 5-13/32" 5-5/16" 5-7/32" 5-1/8"
1. Tolerances are specified in ANSI/ASME B18.2.1. Full-body diameter and reduced body diameter lag screws are shown. For reduced body diameter lag screws,
the unthreaded body diameter may be reduced to approximately the root diameter, Dr.
2. Minimum thread length (T) for lag screw lengths (L) is 6" or 1/2 the lag screw length plus 0.5", whichever is less. Thread lengths may exceed these minimums
up to the full lag screw length (L).
Copyright © American Wood Council. Downloaded/printed pursuant to License Agreement. No reproduction or transfer authorized.
D = diameter
Dr = root diameter
L = wood screw length
T = thread length
Cut Thread2 Rolled Thread3
Wood Screw Number
6 7 8 9 10 12 14 16 18 20 24
D 0.138" 0.151" 0.164" 0.177" 0.19" 0.216" 0.242" 0.268" 0.294" 0.32" 0.372"
D r4 0.113" 0.122" 0.131" 0.142" 0.152" 0.171" 0.196" 0.209" 0.232" 0.255" 0.298"
1. Tolerances are specified in ANSI/ASME B18.6.1
2. Thread length on cut thread wood screws is approximately 2/3 of the wood screw length, L.
3. Single lead thread shown. Thread length is at least four times the screw diameter or 2/3 of the wood screw length, L, whichever is greater. Wood screws which
are too short to accommodate the minimum thread length, have threads extending as close to the underside of the head as practicable.
4. Taken as the average of the specified maximum and minimum limits for body diameter of rolled thread wood screws.
5. It is permitted to assume the length of the tapered tip is 2D.
D = diameter
L = length
H = head diameter
Common or Box Sinker
Type 6d 7d 8d 10d 12d 16d 20d 30d 40d 50d 60d
L 2" 2-1/4" 2-1/2" 3" 3-1/4" 3-1/2" 4" 4-1/2" 5" 5-1/2" 6"
Common D 0.113" 0.113" 0.131" 0.148" 0.148" 0.162" 0.192" 0.207" 0.225" 0.244" 0.263"
H 0.266" 0.266" 0.281" 0.312" 0.312" 0.344" 0.406" 0.438" 0.469" 0.5" 0.531"
L 2" 2-1/4" 2-1/2" 3" 3-1/4" 3-1/2" 4" 4-1/2" 5"
Box D 0.099" 0.099" 0.113" 0.128" 0.128" 0.135" 0.148" 0.148" 0.162"
H 0.266" 0.266" 0.297" 0.312" 0.312" 0.344" 0.375" 0.375" 0.406"
L 1-7/8" 2-1/8" 2-3/8" 2-7/8" 3-1/8" 3-1/4" 3-3/4" 4-1/4" 4-3/4" 5-3/4"
Sinker D 0.092" 0.099" 0.113" 0.12" 0.135" 0.148" 0.177" 0.192" 0.207" 0.244"
H 0.234" 0.250" 0.266" 0.281" 0.312" 0.344" 0.375" 0.406" 0.438" 0.5"
1. Tolerances are specified in ASTM F1667. Typical shape of common, box, and sinker steel wire nails shown. See ASTM F 1667 for other nail types.
2. It is permitted to assume the length of the tapered tip is 2D.
Copyright © American Wood Council. Downloaded/printed pursuant to License Agreement. No reproduction or transfer authorized.
TL H = head diameter
D T1 TL = minimum length of threaded shank
H T1 = crest diameter
D + 0.005 in. < T1 < D + 0.010 in.
P P= pitch or spacing of threads
0.05 in. < P < 0.077 in.
D L TL H Root Diameter2, Dr
0.135" 3", 3.5" 2.25" 5/16" 0.128"
3", 3.5", 4" 2.25"
0.148" 5/16" 0.140"
4.5" 3"
3", 3.5", 4" 2.25"
0.177" 3/8" 0.169"
4.5", 5", 6", 8" 3"
3.5", 4" 2.25"
0.200" 15/32" 0.193"
4.5", 5", 6", 8" 3"
4" 2.25"
0.207" 15/32" 0.199"
4.5", 5", 6", 8" 3"
1. Tolerances are specified in ASTM F1667.
2. Root diameter is a calculated value and is not specified as a dimension to be measured.
A = inside diameter
B = outside diameter
C = thickness
Nominal Inside Diameter Outside Diameter Thickness
Washer Size Basic Basic Basic
3/8" 0.438" 1.000" 0.083"
1/2" 0.562" 1.375" 0.109"
5/8" 0.688" 1.750" 0.134"
3/4" 0.812" 2.000" 0.148"
7/8" 0.938" 2.250" 0.165"
1" 1.062" 2.500" 0.165"
1. Tolerances are provided in ANSI/ASME B18.22.1. For other standard cut washers, see ANSI/ASME B18.22.1.
Copyright © American Wood Council. Downloaded/printed pursuant to License Agreement. No reproduction or transfer authorized.
Rivet Dimensions
1. Hole diameter: 17/64" minimum to 18/64" maximum.
2. Tolerances in location of holes: 1/8" maximum in any direction.
3. All dimensions are prior to galvanizing in inches.
4. sp and sq are defined in 14.3.
5. es is the end and edge distance as defined by the steel.
6. Orient wide face of rivets parallel to grain, regardless of plate orientation.
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N.1 General
N.1.1 Application N.1.2 Loads and Load Combinations
LRFD designs shall be made in accordance with Nominal loads and load combinations shall be
Appendix N and all applicable provisions of this Speci- those required by the applicable building code. In the
fication. Applicable loads and load combinations, and absence of a governing building code, the nominal
adjustment of design values unique to LRFD are speci- loads and associated load combinations shall be those
fied herein. specified in ASCE 7.
Copyright © American Wood Council. Downloaded/printed pursuant to License Agreement. No reproduction or transfer authorized.
Application Property KF
Member Fb 2.54
Ft 2.70
Fv, Frt Fs 2.88
Fc, 2.40
Fc 1.67
Emin 1.76
All Connections (all design values) 3.32
Load Combination2
1.4D 0.6
1.2D + 1.6L + 0.5(Lr or S or R) 0.7 when L is from storage
0.8 when L is from occupancy
1.25 when L is from impact1
1.2D + 1.6(Lr or S or R) + (L or 0.5W) 0.8
1.2D + 1.0W + L + 0.5(Lr or S or R) 1.0
1.2D + 1.0E + L + 0.2S 1.0
0.9D + 1.0W 1.0
0.9D + 1.0E 1.0
1. Time effect factors, , greater than 1.0 shall not apply to connections or to structural members pressure-
treated with water-borne preservatives (see Reference 30) or fire retardant chemicals.
2 Load combinations and load factors consistent with ASCE 7-10 are listed for ease of reference. Nominal
loads shall be in accordance with N.1.2. D = dead load; L = live load; Lr = roof live load; S = snow load; R =
rain load; W = wind load; and E = earthquake load.
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Copyright © American Wood Council. Downloaded/printed pursuant to License Agreement. No reproduction or transfer authorized.
1. ACI 318-14 Building Code Requirements for Struc- 14. ASTM Standard A653-10, Standard Specification
tural Concrete, American Concrete Institute, Farm- for Steel Sheet, Zinc-Coated (Galvanized) or
ington Hills, MI, 2014. Zinc-Iron Alloy-Coated (Galvannealed) by the
Hot-Dip Process, ASTM, West Conshohocken, PA,
2. ACI 530/530.1-13 Building Code Requirements
and Specification for Masonry Structures and
Companion Commentaries, American Concrete In- 15. ASTM Standard D 25-12 (2012), Standard Specifi-
stitute, Farmington Hills, MI, 2013. cation for Round Timber Piles, ASTM, West Con-
shohocken, PA, 2012.
3. AISI 1035 Standard Steels, American Iron and
Steel Institute, Washington, DC, 1985. 16. ASTM Standard D 245-06 (2011), Standard Prac-
tice for Establishing Structural Grades and Related
4. ANSI Standard A190.1-2012, Structural Glued
Allowable Properties for Visually Graded Lumber,
Laminated Timber, APA-The Engineered Wood
ASTM, West Conshohocken, PA, 2011.
Association, Tacoma, WA 2012.
17. ASTM Standard D 1760-01, Pressure Treatment of
5. ASCE/SEI Standard 7-10, Minimum Design Loads
Timber Products, ASTM, West Conshohocken, PA,
for Buildings and Other Structures, American Soci-
ety of Civil Engineers, Reston, VA, 2010.
18. ASTM Standard D 1990-14, Standard Practice for
6. ANSI/ASME Standard B1.1-2003, Unified Inch
Establishing Allowable Properties for Visually
Screw Threads UN and UNR Thread Form, Ameri-
Graded Dimension Lumber from In-Grade Tests of
can Society of Mechanical Engineers, New York,
Full-Size Specimens, ASTM, West Conshohocken,
NY, 2003.
PA, 2014.
7. ANSI/ASME Standard B18.2.1-2012, Square, Hex,
19. ASTM Standard D 2555-06 (2011), Standard Prac-
Heavy Hex, and Askew Head Bolts and Hex,
tice for Establishing Clear Wood Strength Values,
Heavy Hex, Hex Flange, Lobed Head, and Lag
ASTM, West Conshohocken, PA, 2011.
Screws (Inch Series), American Society of Me-
chanical Engineers, New York, NY, 2012. 20. ASTM Standard D 2899-12, Standard Practice for
Establishing Allowable Stresses for Round Timber
8. ANSI/ASME Standard B18.6.1-1981 (Reaffirmed
Piles, ASTM, West Conshohocken, PA, 2012.
1997), Wood Screws (Inch Series), American Soci-
ety of Mechanical Engineers, New York, NY, 21. ASTM Standard D 3200-74 (2012), Standard Spec-
1982. ification and Test Method for Establishing Recom-
mended Design Stresses for Round Timber Con-
9. ANSI/TPI 1-2007 National Design Standard for
struction Poles, ASTM, West Conshohocken, PA,
Metal Plate Connected Wood Truss Construction,
Truss Plate Institute, 2007.
22. ASTM Standard D 3737-12, Standard Practice for
10. ASTM Standard A 36-08, Standard Specification
Establishing Stresses for Structural Glued Laminat-
for Carbon Structural Steel, ASTM, West Con-
ed Timber (Glulam), ASTM, West Conshohocken,
shohocken, PA, 2008.
PA, 2012.
11. ASTM Standard A 47-99 (2009), Standard Specifi-
23. ASTM Standard D 5055-13, Standard Specification
cation for Ferritic Malleable Iron Castings, ASTM,
for Establishing and Monitoring Structural Capaci-
West Conshohocken, PA, 2009.
ties of Prefabricated Wood I-Joists, ASTM, West
12. ASTM A 153-09, Standard Specification for Zinc Conshohocken, PA, 2013.
Coating (Hot-Dip) on Iron and Steel Hardware,
24. ASTM Standard D 5456-14, Standard Specification
ASTM, West Conshohocken, PA, 2009.
for Evaluation of Structural Composite Lumber
13. ASTM A 370-11, Standard Test Methods and Defi- Products, ASTM, West Conshohocken, PA, 2014.
nitions for Mechanical Testing of Steel Products,
25. ASTM Standard D 5764-97a (2013), Standard Test
ASTM, West Conshohocken, PA, 2011.
Method for Evaluating Dowel Bearing Strength of
Wood and Wood Based Products, ASTM, West
Conshohocken, PA, 2013.
Copyright © American Wood Council. Downloaded/printed pursuant to License Agreement. No reproduction or transfer authorized.
26. ASTM Standard D 5933-96 (2013), Standard Spec- 39. Specification for Structural Joints Using High-
ification for 2-5/8 in. and 4 in. Diameter Metal Strength Bolts, Research Council on Structural
Shear Plates for Use in Wood Construction, ASTM, Connections, Chicago, IL, 2009.
West Conshohocken, PA, 2013.
40. Specification for Structural Steel Buildings
27. ASTM Standard F 606-13, Standard Test Methods (ANSI/AISC 360-10), American Institute of Steel R
for Determining the Mechanical Properties of Ex- Construction (AISC), Chicago, IL, 2010.
ternally and Internally Threaded Fasteners, Wash-
41. North American Standard for Cold-Formed Steel
ers, Direct Tension Indicators, and Rivets, ASTM,
Framing, American Iron and Steel Institute (AISI),
West Conshohocken, PA, 2013.
Washington, DC, 2007.
28. ASTM Standard F 1575-03 (2013), Standard Test
42. Standard Grading Rules for Canadian Lumber, Na-
Method for Determining Bending Yield Moment of
tional Lumber Grades Authority (NLGA), Surrey,
Nails, ASTM, West Conshohocken, PA, 2013.
BC, Canada, 2014.
29. ASTM Standard F 1667-13, Standard Specification
43. Standard Grading Rules for Northeastern Lumber,
for Driven Fasteners: Nails, Spikes, and Staples,
Northeastern Lumber Manufacturers Association
ASTM, West Conshohocken, PA, 2013.
(NELMA), Cumberland Center, ME, 2013.
30. AWPA Book of Standards, American Wood Pre-
44. Standard Grading Rules, Northern Softwood Lum-
servers’ Association, Selma, AL, 2011.
ber Bureau (NSLB), Cumberland Center, ME,
31. American Softwood Lumber Standard, Voluntary 2007.
Product Standard PS 20-10, National Institute of
45. Standard Grading Rules for Southern Pine Lumber,
Standards and Technology, U.S. Department of
Southern Pine Inspection Bureau (SPIB), Pensaco-
Commerce, 2010.
la, FL, 2014.
32. Design/Construction Guide-Diaphragms and Shear
46. Standard Grading Rules for West Coast Lumber,
Walls, Form L350, APA-The Engineered Wood
West Coast Lumber Inspection Bureau (WCLIB),
Association, Tacoma, WA, 2007.
Portland, OR, 2004.
33. Engineered Wood Construction Guide, Form E30,
47. Standard Specifications for Grades of California
APA-The Engineered Wood Association, Tacoma,
Redwood Lumber, Redwood Inspection Service
WA, 2007.
(RIS), Novato, CA, 2000.
34. Plywood Design Specification and Supplements,
48. Standard Specifications for Highway Bridges,
Form Y510, APA-The Engineered Wood Associa-
American Association of State Highway and
tion, Tacoma, WA, 1998.
Transportation Officials (AASHTO), Washington,
35. PS1-09, Structural Plywood, United States Depart- DC, 2002.
ment of Commerce, National Institute of Standards
49. Western Lumber Grading Rules, Western Wood
and Technology, Gaithersburg, MD, 2009.
Products Association (WWPA), Portland, OR,
36. PS2-10, Performance Standard for Wood-Based 2011.
Structural-Use Panels, U.S. Department of Com-
50. Design Manual for TECO Timber Connectors Con-
merce, National Institute of Standards and Tech-
struction, TECO/Lumberlok, Colliers, WV, 1973.
nology, Gaithersburg, MD, 2011.
51. Technical Report 12 General Dowel Equations for
37. SAE J412, General Characteristics and Heat
Calculating Lateral Connection Values, American
Treatment of Steels, Society of Automotive Engi-
Wood Council (AWC), Washington, DC, 2014.
neers, Warrendale, PA, 1995.
52. Timber Construction Manual, American Institute of
38. SAE J429, Mechanical and Material Requirements
Timber Construction (AITC), John Wiley & Sons,
for Externally Threaded Fasteners, Society of Au-
tomotive Engineers, Warrendale, PA, 1999.
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Copyright © American Wood Council. Downloaded/printed pursuant to License Agreement. No reproduction or transfer authorized.
American Wood Council
AWC Mission Statement
To increase the use of wood by assuring the broad
regulatory acceptance of wood products, developing
design tools and guidelines for wood construction,
and influencing the development of public policies
affecting the use and manufacture of wood products.
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ISBN 978-1-940383-05-7
9 781940 383057
ISBN 978-1-940383-05-7
National Design Specification®
Design Values for Wood Construction
November 2014
Updates and Errata
While every precaution has been taken to
ensure the accuracy of this document, errors
may have occurred during development.
Updates or Errata are posted to the American
Wood Council website at www.awc.org.
Technical inquiries may be addressed to
The American Wood Council (AWC) is the voice of North American traditional and engineered wood
products. From a renewable resource that absorbs and sequesters carbon, the wood products industry
makes products that are essential to everyday life. AWC’s engineers, technologists, scientists, and
building code experts develop state-of-the-art engineering data, technology, and standards on structural
wood products for use by design professionals, building officials, and wood products manufacturers to
assure the safe and efficient design and use of wood structural components.
Copyright © American Wood Council. Downloaded/printed pursuant to License Agreement. No reproduction or transfer authorized.
National Design Specification®
Design Values for Wood Construction
Copyright © 2014
November 2014
American Wood Council
National Design Specification (NDS) Supplement: Design Values for Wood Construction 2015 Edition
ISBN 978-1-940383-06-4
Copyright Permission
American Wood Council
222 Catoctin Circle, SE, Suite 201
Leesburg, VA 20175
Copyright © American Wood Council. Downloaded/printed pursuant to License Agreement. No reproduction or transfer authorized.
This Supplement is a compendium of reference de- for conformance to established certification and quality
sign values for structural sawn lumber, structural glued control procedures.
laminated timber, and round timber piles and poles. These For additional information on development and appli-
reference design values have been obtained from the or- cability of lumber reference design values, grading rules
ganizations responsible for establishing design values for published by individual agencies and referenced ASTM
these products. Reference design values in this Supple- Standards should be consulted.
ment are provided as a courtesy for use with the design Structural Glued Laminated Timber
provisions of the National Design Specification® (NDS®) Reference design values in this Supplement for struc-
for Wood Construction, 2015 Edition. tural glued laminated timber are developed and published
Lumber by the American Institute of Timber Construction (AITC)
Reference design values for lumber in this Supple- and APA–The Engineered Wood Association (APA) in
ment are obtained from grading rules published by seven accordance with principles originally established by the
agencies: National Lumber Grades Authority (a Canadian U.S. Forest Products Laboratory in the early 1950s. These
agency), Northeastern Lumber Manufacturers Association, principles involve adjusting strength properties of clear
Northern Softwood Lumber Bureau, Redwood Inspection straight grained lumber to account for knots, slope of grain,
Service, Southern Pine Inspection Bureau, West Coast density, size of member, number of laminations, and other
Lumber Inspection Bureau, and Western Wood Products factors unique to laminated timber.
Association. Grading rules promulgated by these agencies, Specific methods used to establish reference design
including reference design values therein, have been ap- values have been periodically revised and improved to
proved by the Board of Review of the American Lumber reflect results of tests of large structural glued laminated
Standard Committee and certified for conformance with timber members conducted by the U.S. Forest Products
U.S. Department of Commerce Voluntary Product Stan- Laboratory and other accredited testing agencies. The
dard PS 20-10 (American Softwood Lumber Standard). performance history of structures made with structural
Reference design values for most species and grades of glued laminated timber conforming to AITC or APA speci-
visually graded dimension lumber are based on provisions fications and manufactured in accordance with American
of ASTM Standard D 1990-14 (Establishing Allowable National Standard ANSI A190.1-2012 (Structural Glued
Properties for Visually Graded Dimension Lumber from Laminated Timber) has demonstrated the validity of meth-
In-Grade Tests of Full-Size Specimens). Reference design ods used to establish structural glued laminated timber
values for visually graded timbers, decking, and some reference design values.
species and grades of dimension lumber are based on pro- Round Timber Piles and Poles
visions of ASTM Standard D 245-06 (2011) (Establishing Reference design values in this Supplement for round
Structural Grades and Related Allowable Properties for timber piles and poles are developed by the Timber Piling
Visually Graded Lumber). Methods in ASTM Standard Council of the Southern Pressure Treaters’ Association in
D 245 involve adjusting strength properties of small clear accordance with principles originally established by the
specimens of wood, as given in ASTM Standard D 2555- U.S. Forest Products Laboratory in the early 1950s and
06 (2011) (Establishing Clear Wood Strength Values), for contained in ASTM D 2899-12 (Standard Practice for
effects of knots, slope of grain, splits, checks, size, duration Establishing Allowable Stresses for Round Timber Piles)
of load, moisture content, and other influencing factors, and ASTM D 3200-74 (2012) (Standard Practice for Estab-
to obtain reference design values applicable to normal lishing Allowable Stresses for Round Timber Construction
conditions of service. Lumber structures designed on the Poles), respectively. These principles involve adjusting
basis of working stresses derived from ASTM Standard D strength properties of clear straight grained poles to ac-
245 procedures and standard design criteria have a long count for knots, slope of grain, density, size of member,
history of satisfactory performance. and other factors unique to timber poles.
Reference design values for machine stress rated Specific methods used to establish reference design
(MSR) lumber and machine evaluated lumber (MEL) are values are contained in D 2899 and are used by D 3200.
based on nondestructive testing of individual pieces. Cer- These methods have been revised to reflect results of full-
tain visual grade requirements also apply to such lumber. size tests of timber piles.
The stress rating system used for MSR and MEL lumber Conditions of Use
is regularly checked by the responsible grading agency Reference design values presented in this Supplement
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Copyright © American Wood Council. Downloaded/printed pursuant to License Agreement. No reproduction or transfer authorized.
Chapter/Title Page Chapter/Title Page
1A Nominal and Minimum Dressed Sizes of 4F Reference Design Values for Non-North
Sawn Lumber........................................................ 13 American Visually Graded Dimension
Lumber (2" - 4" thick).......................................... 57
1B Section Properties of Standard Dressed
(S4S) Sawn Lumber.............................................. 14 5A Reference Design Values for Structural Glued
Laminated Softwood Timber (Members stressed
1C Section Properties of Western Species Structural
primarily in bending)............................................ 62
Glued Laminated Timber...................................... 16
5B Reference Design Values for Structural Glued
1D Section Properties of Southern Pine Structural
Laminated Softwood Timber (Members stressed
Glued Laminated Timber...................................... 23
primarily in axial tension or compression)........... 66
4A Reference Design Values for Visually Graded
5C Reference Design Values for Structural Glued
Dimension Lumber (2" - 4" thick) (All species
Laminated Hardwood Timber (Members stressed
except Southern Pine)........................................... 32
primarily in bending)............................................ 68
4B Reference Design Values for Visually Graded
5D Reference Design Values for Structural Glued
Southern Pine Dimension Lumber
Laminated Hardwood Timber (Members stressed
(2" - 4" thick) ....................................................... 39
primarily in axial tension or compression)........... 71
4C Reference Design Values for Mechanically
6A Reference Design Values for Treated Round
Graded Dimension Lumber.................................. 42
Timber Piles Graded per ASTM D25................... 74
4D Reference Design Values for Visually Graded
6B Reference Design Values for Round Timber
Timbers (5" x 5" and larger) ................................ 46
Construction Poles Graded per ASTM D3200..... 74
4E Reference Design Values for Visually Graded
Decking................................................................. 53
Copyright © American Wood Council. Downloaded/printed pursuant to License Agreement. No reproduction or transfer authorized.
Copyright © American Wood Council. Downloaded/printed pursuant to License Agreement. No reproduction or transfer authorized.
Copyright © American Wood Council. Downloaded/printed pursuant to License Agreement. No reproduction or transfer authorized.
Northeastern Lumber Manufacturers Association (NELMA).............. NELMA, NLGA, NSLB, SPIB, WCLIB, WWPA
272 Tuttle Road, P.O. Box 87A, Cumberland Center, Maine 04021
Northern Softwood Lumber Bureau (NSLB).................................................................. NLGA, NSLB, WCLIB, WWPA
272 Tuttle Road, P.O. Box 87A, Cumberland Center, Maine 04021
Redwood Inspection Service (RIS)................................................................................................... RIS, WCLIB, WWPA
818 Grayson Road, Suite 201, Pleasant Hill, California 94523
Southern Pine Inspection Bureau (SPIB).............................................. NELMA, NLGA, NSLB, SPIB, WCLIB, WWPA
4709 Scenic Highway, Pensacola, Florida 32504
West Coast Lumber Inspection Bureau (WCLIB).....................................................NLGA, RIS, SPIB, WCLIB, WWPA
6980 SW Varnes Road, P.O. Box 23145, Tigard, Oregon 97223
Western Wood Products Association (WWPA)......................................... NELMA, NLGA, RIS, SPIB, WCLIB, WWPA
522 SW Fifth Avenue, Suite 500, Portland, Oregon 97204
National Lumber Grades Authority (NLGA)
13401-108th Avenue, Suite 105, Surrey, BC, Canada V3T 5T3
Copyright © American Wood Council. Downloaded/printed pursuant to License Agreement. No reproduction or transfer authorized.
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Copyright © American Wood Council. Downloaded/printed pursuant to License Agreement. No reproduction or transfer authorized.
Jack Pine
Norway (Red) Pine
Pitch Pine
Red Spruce
White Spruce
Eastern Spruce Black Spruce NELMA 4D, 4E
Red Spruce NSLB
White Spruce
Eastern White Pine NELMA 4A, 4D, 4E
Eastern White Pine (North) NLGA 4E
Hem-Fir California Red Fir WCLIB 4A, 4C, 4D, 4E
Grand Fir WWPA
Noble Fir
Pacific Silver Fir
Western Hemlock
White Fir
Hem-Fir (North) Amabilis Fir NLGA 4A, 4C, 4D, 4E
Western Hemlock
Mixed Maple Black Maple NELMA 4A, 4D
Red Maple
Silver Maple
Sugar Maple
Mixed Oak All Oak Species NELMA 4A, 4D
graded under NELMA rules
Mixed Southern Pine Any species in the Southern SPIB 4B, 4C, 4D
Pine species combination, plus
either or both of the following:
Pond Pine
Virginia Pine
Mountain Hemlock WWPA, WCLIB 4D
Northern Pine Jack Pine NELMA 4D, 4E
Norway (Red) Pine NSLB
Pitch Pine
Northern Red Oak Black Oak NELMA 4A, 4D
Northern Red Oak
Pin Oak
Scarlet Oak
Northern Species Any species graded NLGA 4A, 4C, 4E
under NLGA rules except
Red Alder, White Birch,
and Norway Spruce
Northern White Cedar NELMA 4A, 4D, 4E
Ponderosa Pine NLGA 4D, 4E
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plus any or all of the
Alpine Fir
Idaho White Pine
Mountain Hemlock
Ponderosa Pine
Sugar Pine
White Oak Bur Oak NELMA 4A, 4D
Chestnut Oak
Live Oak
Overcup Oak 6
Post Oak
Swamp Chestnut Oak
Swamp White Oak
White Oak
Yellow Cedar NLGA 4A
Yellow Poplar NSLB 4A
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Copyright © American Wood Council. Downloaded/printed pursuant to License Agreement. No reproduction or transfer authorized.
White Spruce
Hem-Fir HF California Red Fir 5A, 5B
Grand Fir
Noble Fir
Pacific Silver Fir
Western Hemlock
White Fir
Softwood Species SW Alpine Fir 5A, 5B
Balsam Fir
Black Spruce
Douglas Fir 6
Douglas Fir South
Engelmann Spruce
Idaho White Pine
Jack Pine
Lodgepole Pine
Mountain Hemlock
Ponderosa Pine
Red Spruce
Sugar Pine
Western Larch
Western Red Cedar
White Spruce
Southern Pine SP Loblolly Pine 5A, 5B
Longleaf Pine
Shortleaf Pine
Slash Pine
Spruce-Pine-Fir SPF Alpine Fir 5A
Balsam Fir
Black Spruce
Engelmann Spruce
Jack Pine
Lodgepole Pine
Norway Pine
Red Spruce
Sitka Spruce
White Spruce
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Copyright © American Wood Council. Downloaded/printed pursuant to License Agreement. No reproduction or transfer authorized.
Certain mathematical expressions of the properties d = depth (width) of rectangular bending member, in.
or elements of sections are used in design calculations A = bd = area of cross section, in.2
for various member shapes and loading conditions. The
c = distance from neutral axis to extreme fiber of
section properties for selected standard sizes of boards,
cross section, in.
dimension lumber, and timbers are given in Table 1B.
Section properties for selected standard sizes of structural Ix = bd3/12 = moment of inertia about the X-X axis,
glued laminated timber are given in Tables 1C and 1D. in.4
G m.c.
density = 62.4 1+
)( ) 100
X X 1 + G ( 0.009 m.c.
G = specific gravity of wood
Structural Glued Laminated Timber Sawn Lumber m.c. = moisture content of wood, %
Copyright © American Wood Council. Downloaded/printed pursuant to License Agreement. No reproduction or transfer authorized.
8 7-1/4 7-1/2
9 8-1/4 8-1/2
10 9-1/4 9-1/2
11 10-1/4 10-1/2
12 11-1/4 11-1/2
14 13-1/4 13-1/2
16 15-1/4 15-1/2
Dimension 2 1-1/2 1-9/16 2 1-1/2 1-9/16
Lumber 2-1/2 2 2-1/16 3 2-1/2 2-9/16
3 2-1/2 2-9/16 4 3-1/2 3-9/16
3-1/2 3 3-1/16 5 4-1/2 4-5/8
4 3-1/2 3-9/16 6 5-1/2 5-5/8
4-1/2 4 4-1/16 8 7-1/4 7-1/2
10 9-1/4 9-1/2
12 11-1/4 11-1/2
14 13-1/4 13-1/2
16 15-1/4 15-1/2
Timbers 5 & 6 thick 1/2 off 1/2 off 5 & 6 wide 1/2 off 1/2 off
7-15 thick 3/4 off 1/2 off 7-15 wide 3/4 off 1/2 off
≥16 thick 1 off 1/2 off ≥16 wide 1 off 1/2 off
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Copyright © American Wood Council. Downloaded/printed pursuant to License Agreement. No reproduction or transfer authorized.
6 x 18 5-1/2 x 17-1/2 96.25 280.7 2456 88.23 242.6 16.71 20.05 23.39 26.74 30.08 33.42
6 x 20 5-1/2 x 19-1/2 107.3 348.6 3398 98.31 270.4 18.62 22.34 26.07 29.79 33.52 37.24
6 x 22 5-1/2 x 21-1/2 118.3 423.7 4555 108.4 298.1 20.53 24.64 28.74 32.85 36.95 41.06
6 x 24 5-1/2 x 23-1/2 129.3 506.2 5948 118.5 325.8 22.44 26.93 31.41 35.90 40.39 44.88
8 x 12 7-1/2 x 11-1/2 86.3 165.3 950.5 107.8 404.3 14.97 17.97 20.96 23.96 26.95 29.95
8 x 14 7-1/2 x 13-1/2 101.3 227.8 1538 126.6 474.6 17.58 21.09 24.61 28.13 31.64 35.16
8 x 16 7-1/2 x 15-1/2 116.3 300.3 2327 145.3 544.9 20.18 24.22 28.26 32.29 36.33 40.36
8 x 18 7-1/2 x 17-1/2 131.3 382.8 3350 164.1 615.2 22.79 27.34 31.90 36.46 41.02 45.57
8 x 20 7-1/2 x 19-1/2 146.3 475.3 4634 182.8 685.5 25.39 30.47 35.55 40.63 45.70 50.78
8 x 22 7-1/2 x 21-1/2 161.3 577.8 6211 201.6 755.9 27.99 33.59 39.19 44.79 50.39 55.99
8 x 24 7-1/2 x 23-1/2 176.3 690.3 8111 220.3 826.2 30.60 36.72 42.84 48.96 55.08 61.20
10 x 14 9-1/2 x 13-1/2 128.3 288.6 1948 203.1 964.5 22.27 26.72 31.17 35.63 40.08 44.53
10 x 16 9-1/2 x 15-1/2 147.3 380.4 2948 233.1 1107 25.56 30.68 35.79 40.90 46.02 51.13
10 x 18 9-1/2 x 17-1/2 166.3 484.9 4243 263.2 1250 28.86 34.64 40.41 46.18 51.95 57.73
10 x 20 9-1/2 x 19-1/2 185.3 602.1 5870 293.3 1393 32.16 38.59 45.03 51.46 57.89 64.32
10 x 22 9-1/2 x 21-1/2 204.3 731.9 7868 323.4 1536 35.46 42.55 49.64 56.74 63.83 70.92
10 x 24 9-1/2 x 23-1/2 223.3 874.4 10274 353.5 1679 38.76 46.51 54.26 62.01 69.77 77.52
12 x 16 11-1/2 x 15-1/2 178.3 460.5 3569 341.6 1964 30.95 37.14 43.32 49.51 55.70 61.89
12 x 18 11-1/2 x 17-1/2 201.3 587.0 5136 385.7 2218 34.94 41.93 48.91 55.90 62.89 69.88
12 x 20 11-1/2 x 19-1/2 224.3 728.8 7106 429.8 2471 38.93 46.72 54.51 62.29 70.08 77.86
12 x 22 11-1/2 x 21-1/2 247.3 886.0 9524 473.9 2725 42.93 51.51 60.10 68.68 77.27 85.85
12 x 24 11-1/2 x 23-1/2 270.3 1058 12437 518.0 2978 46.92 56.30 65.69 75.07 84.45 93.84
14 x 18 13-1/2 x 17-1/2 236.3 689.1 6029 531.6 3588 41.02 49.22 57.42 65.63 73.83 82.03
14 x 20 13-1/2 x 19-1/2 263.3 855.6 8342 592.3 3998 45.70 54.84 63.98 73.13 82.27 91.41
14 x 22 13-1/2 x 21-1/2 290.3 1040 11181 653.1 4408 50.39 60.47 70.55 80.63 90.70 100.8
14 x 24 13-1/2 x 23-1/2 317.3 1243 14600 713.8 4818 55.08 66.09 77.11 88.13 99.14 110.2
16 x 20 15-1/2 x 19-1/2 302.3 982.3 9578 780.8 6051 52.47 62.97 73.46 83.96 94.45 104.9
16 x 22 15-1/2 x 21-1/2 333.3 1194 12837 860.9 6672 57.86 69.43 81.00 92.57 104.1 115.7
16 x 24 15-1/2 x 23-1/2 364.3 1427 16763 941.0 7293 63.24 75.89 88.53 101.2 113.8 126.5
18 x 22 17-1/2 x 21-1/2 376.3 1348 14493 1097 9602 65.32 78.39 91.45 104.5 117.6 130.6
18 x 24 17-1/2 x 23-1/2 411.3 1611 18926 1199 10495 71.40 85.68 99.96 114.2 128.5 142.8
20 x 24 19-1/2 x 23-1/2 458.3 1795 21089 1489 14521 79.56 95.47 111.4 127.3 143.2 159.1
1. According to the Southern Pine Inspection Bureau’s (SPIB) Standard Grading Rules for Southern Pine Lumber: Section 265 stress rated boards:
Industrial 55 (IND 55) shall be graded as per No. 1 dimension
Industrial 45 (IND 45) shall be graded as per No. 2 dimension
Industrial 26 (IND 26) shall be graded as per No. 3 dimension
See Table 4B for Southern Pine dimension lumber design values.
2. Neither Redwood nor Southern Pine are classified as Beams and Stringers or Posts and Timbers.
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Table 1C Section Properties of Western Species Structural Glued Laminated Timber (Cont.)
9-1/2 33.25 250.1 52.65 2.742 33.94 19.40
10-1/2 36.75 337.6 64.31 3.031 37.52 21.44
11-1/4 39.38 415.3 73.83 3.248 40.20 22.97
11-7/8 41.56 488.4 82.26 3.428 42.43 24.24
12 42.00 504.0 84.00 3.464 42.88 24.50
13-1/2 47.25 717.6 106.3 3.897 48.23 27.56
14 49.00 800.3 114.3 4.041 50.02 28.58
15 52.50 984.4 131.3 4.330 53.59 30.63
16 56.00 1195 149.3 4.619 57.17 32.67
16-1/2 57.75 1310 158.8 4.763 58.95 33.69
18 63.00 1701 189.0 5.196 64.31 36.75
19-1/2 68.25 2163 221.8 5.629 69.67 39.81
20 70.00 2333 233.3 5.774 71.46 40.83
21 73.50 2701 257.3 6.062 75.03 42.88
22 77.00 3106 282.3 6.351 78.60 44.92
22-1/2 78.75 3322 295.3 6.495 80.39 45.94
24 84.00 4032 336.0 6.928 85.75 49.00
5-1/8 in. Width (ry = 1.479 in.)
6 30.75 92.25 30.75 1.732 67.31 26.27
7-1/2 38.44 180.2 48.05 2.165 84.13 32.83
9 46.13 311.3 69.19 2.598 101.0 39.40
10-1/2 53.81 494.4 94.17 3.031 117.8 45.96
12 61.50 738.0 123.0 3.464 134.6 52.53
13-1/2 69.19 1051 155.7 3.897 151.4 59.10
15 76.88 1441 192.2 4.330 168.3 65.66
16-1/2 84.56 1919 232.5 4.763 185.1 72.23
18 92.25 2491 276.8 5.196 201.9 78.80
19-1/2 99.94 3167 324.8 5.629 218.7 85.36
21 107.6 3955 376.7 6.062 235.6 91.93
22-1/2 115.3 4865 432.4 6.495 252.4 98.50
24 123.0 5904 492.0 6.928 269.2 105.1
25-1/2 130.7 7082 555.4 7.361 286.0 111.6
27 138.4 8406 622.7 7.794 302.9 118.2
28-1/2 146.1 9887 693.8 8.227 319.7 124.8
30 153.8 11530 768.8 8.660 336.5 131.3
31-1/2 161.4 13350 847.5 9.093 353.4 137.9
33 169.1 15350 930.2 9.526 370.2 144.5
34-1/2 176.8 17540 1017 9.959 387.0 151.0
36 184.5 19930 1107 10.39 403.8 157.6
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Table 1C Section Properties of Western Species Structural Glued Laminated Timber (Cont.)
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Table 1C Section Properties of Western Species Structural Glued Laminated Timber (Cont.)
13-1/2 91.13 1384 205.0 3.897 346.0 102.5
15 101.3 1898 253.1 4.330 384.4 113.9
16-1/2 111.4 2527 306.3 4.763 422.9 125.3
18 121.5 3281 364.5 5.196 461.3 136.7
19-1/2 131.6 4171 427.8 5.629 499.8 148.1
21 141.8 5209 496.1 6.062 538.2 159.5
22-1/2 151.9 6407 569.5 6.495 576.7 170.9
24 162.0 7776 648.0 6.928 615.1 182.3
25-1/2 172.1 9327 731.5 7.361 653.5 193.6
27 182.3 11070 820.1 7.794 692.0 205.0
28-1/2 192.4 13020 913.8 8.227 730.4 216.4
30 202.5 15190 1013 8.660 768.9 227.8
31-1/2 212.6 17580 1116 9.093 807.3 239.2
33 222.8 20210 1225 9.526 845.8 250.6
34-1/2 232.9 23100 1339 9.959 884.2 262.0
36 243.0 26240 1458 10.39 922.6 273.4
37-1/2 253.1 29660 1582 10.83 961.1 284.8
39 263.3 33370 1711 11.26 999.5 296.2
40-1/2 273.4 37370 1845 11.69 1038 307.5
42 283.5 41670 1985 12.12 1076 318.9
43-1/2 293.6 46300 2129 12.56 1115 330.3
45 303.8 51260 2278 12.99 1153 341.7
46-1/2 313.9 56560 2433 13.42 1192 353.1
48 324.0 62210 2592 13.86 1230 364.5
49-1/2 334.1 68220 2757 14.29 1269 375.9
51 344.3 74620 2926 14.72 1307 387.3
52-1/2 354.4 81400 3101 15.16 1346 398.7
54 364.5 88570 3281 15.59 1384 410.1
55-1/2 374.6 96160 3465 16.02 1422 421.5
57 384.8 104200 3655 16.45 1461 432.8
58-1/2 394.9 112600 3850 16.89 1499 444.2
60 405.0 121500 4050 17.32 1538 455.6
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Table 1C Section Properties of Western Species Structural Glued Laminated Timber (Cont.)
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Table 1C Section Properties of Western Species Structural Glued Laminated Timber (Cont.)
18 193.5 5225 580.5 5.196 1863 346.7
19-1/2 209.6 6642 681.3 5.629 2019 375.6
21 225.8 8296 790.1 6.062 2174 404.5
22-1/2 241.9 10200 907.0 6.495 2329 433.4
24 258.0 12380 1032 6.928 2485 462.3
25-1/2 274.1 14850 1165 7.361 2640 491.1
27 290.3 17630 1306 7.794 2795 520.0
28-1/2 306.4 20740 1455 8.227 2950 548.9
30 322.5 24190 1613 8.660 3106 577.8
31-1/2 338.6 28000 1778 9.093 3261 606.7
33 354.8 32190 1951 9.526 3416 635.6
34-1/2 370.9 36790 2133 9.959 3572 664.5
36 387.0 41800 2322 10.39 3727 693.4
37-1/2 403.1 47240 2520 10.83 3882 722.3
39 419.3 53140 2725 11.26 4037 751.2
40-1/2 435.4 59510 2939 11.69 4193 780.0
42 451.5 66370 3161 12.12 4348 808.9
43-1/2 467.6 73740 3390 12.56 4503 837.8
45 483.8 81630 3628 12.99 4659 866.7
46-1/2 499.9 90070 3874 13.42 4814 895.6
48 516.0 99070 4128 13.86 4969 924.5
49-1/2 532.1 108700 4390 14.29 5124 953.4
51 548.3 118800 4660 14.72 5280 982.3
52-1/2 564.4 129600 4938 15.16 5435 1011
54 580.5 141100 5225 15.59 5590 1040
55-1/2 596.6 153100 5519 16.02 5746 1069
57 612.8 165900 5821 16.45 5901 1098
58-1/2 628.9 179300 6132 16.89 6056 1127
60 645.0 193500 6450 17.32 6211 1156
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Table 1C Section Properties of Western Species Structural Glued Laminated Timber (Cont.)
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12-3/8 30.94 394.8 63.81 3.572 16.11 12.89
13-3/4 34.38 541.6 78.78 3.969 17.90 14.32
15-1/8 37.81 720.9 95.32 4.366 19.69 15.76
16-1/2 41.25 935.9 113.4 4.763 21.48 17.19
17-7/8 44.69 1190 133.1 5.160 23.27 18.62
19-1/4 48.13 1486 154.4 5.557 25.07 20.05
20-5/8 51.56 1828 177.2 5.954 26.86 21.48
22 55.00 2218 201.7 6.351 28.65 22.92
23-3/8 58.44 2661 227.7 6.748 30.44 24.35
3 in. Width (ry = 0.866 in.)
5-1/2 16.50 41.59 15.13 1.588 12.38 8.250
6-7/8 20.63 81.24 23.63 1.985 15.47 10.31
8-1/4 24.75 140.4 34.03 2.382 18.56 12.38
9-5/8 28.88 222.9 46.32 2.778 21.66 14.44
11 33.00 332.8 60.50 3.175 24.75 16.50
12-3/8 37.13 473.8 76.57 3.572 27.84 18.56
13-3/4 41.25 649.9 94.53 3.969 30.94 20.63
15-1/8 45.38 865.0 114.4 4.366 34.03 22.69
16-1/2 49.50 1123 136.1 4.763 37.13 24.75
17-7/8 53.63 1428 159.8 5.160 40.22 26.81
19-1/4 57.75 1783 185.3 5.557 43.31 28.88
20-5/8 61.88 2193 212.7 5.954 46.41 30.94
22 66.00 2662 242.0 6.351 49.50 33.00
23-3/8 70.13 3193 273.2 6.748 52.59 35.06
3-1/8 in. Width (ry = 0.902 in.)
5-1/2 17.19 43.33 15.76 1.588 13.99 8.952
6-7/8 21.48 84.62 24.62 1.985 17.48 11.19
8-1/4 25.78 146.2 35.45 2.382 20.98 13.43
9-5/8 30.08 232.2 48.25 2.778 24.48 15.67
11 34.38 346.6 63.02 3.175 27.97 17.90
12-3/8 38.67 493.5 79.76 3.572 31.47 20.14
13-3/4 42.97 677.0 98.47 3.969 34.97 22.38
15-1/8 47.27 901.1 119.1 4.366 38.46 24.62
16-1/2 51.56 1170 141.8 4.763 41.96 26.86
17-7/8 55.86 1487 166.4 5.160 45.46 29.09
19-1/4 60.16 1858 193.0 5.557 48.96 31.33
20-5/8 64.45 2285 221.6 5.954 52.45 33.57
22 68.75 2773 252.1 6.351 55.95 35.81
23-3/8 73.05 3326 284.6 6.748 59.45 38.05
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Table 1D Section Properties of Southern Pine Structural Glued Laminated Timber (Cont.)
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Table 1D Section Properties of Southern Pine Structural Glued Laminated Timber (Cont.)
12-3/8 61.88 789.6 127.6 3.572 128.9 51.56
13-3/4 68.75 1083 157.6 3.969 143.2 57.29
15-1/8 75.63 1442 190.6 4.366 157.6 63.02
16-1/2 82.50 1872 226.9 4.763 171.9 68.75
17-7/8 89.38 2380 266.3 5.160 186.2 74.48
19-1/4 96.25 2972 308.8 5.557 200.5 80.21
20-5/8 103.1 3656 354.5 5.954 214.8 85.94
22 110.0 4437 403.3 6.351 229.2 91.67
23-3/8 116.9 5322 455.3 6.748 243.5 97.40
24-3/4 123.8 6317 510.5 7.145 257.8 103.1
26-1/8 130.6 7429 568.8 7.542 272.1 108.9
27-1/2 137.5 8665 630.2 7.939 286.5 114.6
28-7/8 144.4 10030 694.8 8.335 300.8 120.3
30-1/4 151.3 11530 762.6 8.732 315.1 126.0
31-5/8 158.1 13180 833.5 9.129 329.4 131.8
33 165.0 14970 907.5 9.526 343.8 137.5
34-3/8 171.9 16920 984.7 9.923 358.1 143.2
35-3/4 178.8 19040 1065 10.32 372.4 149.0
Copyright © American Wood Council. Downloaded/printed pursuant to License Agreement. No reproduction or transfer authorized.
Table 1D Section Properties of Southern Pine Structural Glued Laminated Timber (Cont.)
Copyright © American Wood Council. Downloaded/printed pursuant to License Agreement. No reproduction or transfer authorized.
Table 1D Section Properties of Southern Pine Structural Glued Laminated Timber (Cont.)
9-5/8 52.94 408.7 84.92 2.778 133.4 48.53
11 60.50 610.0 110.9 3.175 152.5 55.46
11-1/4 61.88 652.6 116.0 3.248 156.0 56.72
11-7/8 65.31 767.5 129.3 3.428 164.6 59.87
12-3/8 68.06 868.6 140.4 3.572 171.6 62.39
13-3/4 75.63 1191 173.3 3.969 190.6 69.32
14 77.00 1258 179.7 4.041 194.1 70.58
15-1/8 83.19 1586 209.7 4.366 209.7 76.26
16 88.00 1877 234.7 4.619 221.8 80.67
16-1/2 90.75 2059 249.6 4.763 228.8 83.19
17-7/8 98.31 2618 292.9 5.160 247.8 90.12
18 99.00 2673 297.0 5.196 249.6 90.75
19-1/4 105.9 3269 339.7 5.557 266.9 97.05
20 110.0 3667 366.7 5.774 277.3 100.8
20-5/8 113.4 4021 389.9 5.954 286.0 104.0
22 121.0 4880 443.7 6.351 305.0 110.9
23-3/8 128.6 5854 500.9 6.748 324.1 117.8
24 132.0 6336 528.0 6.928 332.8 121.0
24-3/4 136.1 6949 561.5 7.145 343.1 124.8
26-1/8 143.7 8172 625.6 7.542 362.2 131.7
27-1/2 151.3 9532 693.2 7.939 381.3 138.6
28-7/8 158.8 11030 764.3 8.335 400.3 145.6
30-1/4 166.4 12690 838.8 8.732 419.4 152.5
31-5/8 173.9 14500 916.8 9.129 438.5 159.4
33 181.5 16470 998.3 9.526 457.5 166.4
34-3/8 189.1 18620 1083 9.923 476.6 173.3
35-3/4 196.6 20940 1172 10.32 495.7 180.2
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Table 1D Section Properties of Southern Pine Structural Glued Laminated Timber (Cont.)
Copyright © American Wood Council. Downloaded/printed pursuant to License Agreement. No reproduction or transfer authorized.
Table 1D Section Properties of Southern Pine Structural Glued Laminated Timber (Cont.)
15-1/8 128.6 2451 324.1 4.366 774.1 182.1
16-1/2 140.3 3182 385.7 4.763 844.4 198.7
17-7/8 151.9 4046 452.6 5.160 914.8 215.2
19-1/4 163.6 5053 525.0 5.557 985.2 231.8
20-5/8 175.3 6215 602.6 5.954 1056 248.4
22 187.0 7542 685.7 6.351 1126 264.9
23-3/8 198.7 9047 774.1 6.748 1196 281.5
24-3/4 210.4 10740 867.8 7.145 1267 298.0
26-1/8 222.1 12630 966.9 7.542 1337 314.6
27-1/2 233.8 14730 1071 7.939 1407 331.1
28-7/8 245.4 17050 1181 8.335 1478 347.7
30-1/4 257.1 19610 1296 8.732 1548 364.3
31-5/8 268.8 22400 1417 9.129 1618 380.8
33 280.5 25460 1543 9.526 1689 397.4
34-3/8 292.2 28770 1674 9.923 1759 413.9
35-3/4 303.9 32360 1811 10.32 1830 430.5
37-1/8 315.6 36240 1953 10.72 1900 447.0
38-1/2 327.3 40420 2100 11.11 1970 463.6
39-7/8 338.9 44910 2253 11.51 2041 480.2
41-1/4 350.6 49720 2411 11.91 2111 496.7
42-5/8 362.3 54860 2574 12.30 2181 513.3
44 374.0 60340 2743 12.70 2252 529.8
45-3/8 385.7 66170 2917 13.10 2322 546.4
46-3/4 397.4 72370 3096 13.50 2393 562.9
48-1/8 409.1 78950 3281 13.89 2463 579.5
49-1/2 420.8 85910 3471 14.29 2533 596.1
50-7/8 432.4 93270 3667 14.69 2604 612.6
52-1/4 444.1 101000 3868 15.08 2674 629.2
53-5/8 455.8 109200 4074 15.48 2744 645.7
55 467.5 117800 4285 15.88 2815 662.3
56-3/8 479.2 126900 4502 16.27 2885 678.8
57-3/4 490.9 136400 4725 16.67 2955 695.4
59-1/8 502.6 146400 4952 17.07 3026 712.0
60-1/2 514.3 156900 5185 17.46 3096 728.5
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Table 1D Section Properties of Southern Pine Structural Glued Laminated Timber (Cont.)
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Size Factor, CF
Tabulated bending, tension, and compression parallel to grain design values for dimension lumber 2" to 4" thick shall
be multiplied by the following size factors:
Size Factors, CF
Fb Ft Fc
Thickness (breadth)
Fb Ft Fv Fc Fc E Emin G
Select Structural 1,150 625 165 525 1,000 1,400,000 510,000
No. 1 975 525 165 525 900 1,300,000 470,000
2" & wider
No. 2 800 425 165 525 750 1,200,000 440,000
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Fb Ft Fv Fc Fc E Emin G
Select Structural 1,150 675 170 820 1,000 1,400,000 510,000
No. 1 825 500 170 820 825 1,300,000 470,000
2" & wider
No. 2 800 475 170 820 625 1,200,000 440,000
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1. LUMBER DIMENSIONS. Tabulated design values are applicable to lumber that will be used under dry conditions such as in most covered structures. For 2"
to 4" thick lumber the DRY dressed sizes shall be used (see Table 1A) regardless of the moisture content at the time of manufacture or use. In calculating design
values, the natural gain in strength and stiffness that occurs as lumber dries has been taken into consideration as well as the reduction in size that occurs when
unseasoned lumber shrinks. The gain in load carrying capacity due to increased strength and stiffness resulting from drying more than offsets the design effect of
size reductions due to shrinkage.
2. STRESS-RATED BOARDS. Stress-rated boards of nominal 1", 1-¼" and 1-½" thickness, 2" and wider, of most species, are permitted to use the design values
shown for Select Structural, No.1 & Btr, No.1, No.2, No.3, Stud, Construction, Standard, Utility, and Clear Structural grades as shown in the 2" to 4" thick catego-
ries herein, when graded in accordance with the stress-rated board provisions in the applicable grading rules. Information on stress-rated board grades applicable
to the various species is available from the respective grading rules agencies. Information on additional design values may also be available from the respective
grading rules agencies.
3. When individual species or species groups are combined, the design values to be used for the combination shall be the lowest design values for each individual
species or species group for each design property.
4. Specific gravity, G, based on weight and volume when oven-dry.
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Table 4B Reference Design Values for Visually Graded Southern Pine Dimension Lumber
(2" - 4" thick)1,2,3,4,5
(Tabulated design values are for normal load duration and dry service conditions, unless specified
otherwise. See NDS 4.3 for a comprehensive description of design value adjustment factors.)
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Table 4B Reference Design Values for Visually Graded Southern Pine Dimension Lumber
(Cont.) (2" - 4" thick)1,2,3,4,5
(Tabulated design values are for normal load duration and dry service conditions, unless specified
otherwise. See NDS 4.3 for a comprehensive description of design value adjustment factors.)
1. LUMBER DIMENSIONS. Tabulated design values are applicable to lumber that will be used under dry conditions such as in most covered structures. For 2"
to 4" thick lumber the DRY dressed sizes shall be used (see Table 1A) regardless of the moisture content at the time of manufacture or use. In calculating design
values, the natural gain in strength and stiffness that occurs as lumber dries has been taken into consideration as well as the reduction in size that occurs when
unseasoned lumber shrinks. The gain in load carrying capacity due to increased strength and stiffness resulting from drying more than offsets the design effect of
size reductions due to shrinkage.
2. STRESS-RATED BOARDS. Information for various grades of Southern Pine stress-rated boards of nominal 1", 1-¼", and 1-½" thickness, 2" and wider is avail-
able from the Southern Pine Inspection Bureau (SPIB) in the Standard Grading Rules for Southern Pine Lumber.
3. SPRUCE PINE. To obtain recommended design values for Spruce Pine graded to SPIB rules, multiply the appropriate design values for Mixed Southern Pine by
the corresponding conversion factor shown below and round to the nearest 100,000 psi for E; to the nearest 10,000 psi for E; to the next lower multiple of 5 psi
for Fv and Fc⊥; to the next lower multiple of 50 psi for Fb, Ft, and Fc if 1,000 psi or greater, 25 psi otherwise.
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750f-1.4E 750 425 925 1,400,000 710,000 SPIB
850f-1.4E 850 475 975 1,400,000 710,000 SPIB
900f-1.0E 900 350 1,050 1,000,000 510,000 WCLIB, WWPA, NELMA, NSLB
975f-1.6E 975 550 1,450 1,600,000 810,000 SPIB
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Table 4C Footnotes
1. LUMBER DIMENSIONS. Tabulated design values are applicable to lumber that will be used under dry conditions such as in most covered structures. For 2"
to 4" thick lumber the DRY dressed sizes shall be used (see Table 1A) regardless of the moisture content at the time of manufacture or use. In calculating design
values, the natural gain in strength and stiffness that occurs as lumber dries has been taken into consideration as well as the reduction in size that occurs when
unseasoned lumber shrinks. The gain in load carrying capacity due to increased strength and stiffness resulting from drying more than offsets the design effect of
size reductions due to shrinkage.
G, shear parallel to grain, Fv, and compression perpendicular to grain, Fc⊥, are provided below for MSR and MEL lumber. For species or species groups not shown
below, the G, Fv, and Fc⊥ values for visually graded lumber may be used. Higher G values may be claimed when (a) specifically assigned by the rules writing agency
or (b) when qualified by test, quality controlled for G and provided for on the grade stamp. When a different G value is provided on the grade stamp, higher Fv
and Fc⊥ design values may be calculated in accordance with the grading rule requirements.
* 1.8E southern pine marked with a specific gravity of 0.55 on the grade stamp has a shear parallel to grain, Fv, of 175 psi and compression perpendicular to grain,
Fc⊥, of 565 psi.
3. MODULUS OF ELASTICITY, E, AND TENSION PARALLEL TO GRAIN, Ft. For any given bending design value, Fb, the modulus of elasticity, E, and
tension parallel to grain, Ft, design value may vary depending upon species, timber source, or other variables. The “E” and “Ft” values included in the “Fb-E”
grade designations in Table 4C are those usually associated with each “Fb” level. Grade stamps may show higher or lower values if machine rating indicates the
assignment is appropriate. Where the “E” or “Ft” values shown on a grade stamp differ from Table 4C values associated with the “Fb” on the grade stamp, the
values on the stamp shall be used in design, and the “Fc” value associated with the “Fb” value in Table 4C shall be used.
4. COMPRESSION PARALLEL TO GRAIN, Fc. This grade requires “Fc” qualification and quality control.
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Table 4D Reference Design Values for Visually Graded Timbers (5" x 5" and larger)1,3
(Tabulated design values are for normal load duration and dry service conditions, unless specified
otherwise. See NDS 4.3 for a comprehensive description of design value adjustment factors.)
Beams and
No.1 1,150 475 155 525 775 1,200,000 440,000
No.2 750 300 155 525 500 1,000,000 370,000
0.47 WCLIB
Select Structural 1,300 700 155 525 975 1,200,000 440,000
Posts and
No.1 1,050 575 155 525 850 1,200,000 440,000
No.2 625 350 155 525 600 1,000,000 370,000
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Table 4D Reference Design Values for Visually Graded Timbers (5" x 5" and larger)1,3
(Cont.) (Tabulated design values are for normal load duration and dry service conditions, unless specified
otherwise. See NDS 4.3 for a comprehensive description of design value adjustment factors.)
Copyright © American Wood Council. Downloaded/printed pursuant to License Agreement. No reproduction or transfer authorized.
Table 4D Reference Design Values for Visually Graded Timbers (5" x 5" and larger)1,3
(Tabulated design values are for normal load duration and dry service conditions, unless specified
otherwise. See NDS 4.3 for a comprehensive description of design value adjustment factors.)
Select Structural
Beams and
No.1 1,000 500 135 405 750 1,300,000 470,000
No.2 675 325 135 405 475 1,100,000 400,000
0.46 NLGA
Select Structural 1,150 775 135 405 950 1,300,000 470,000
Posts and
No.1 925 625 135 405 850 1,300,000 470,000
No.2 550 375 135 405 575 1,100,000 400,000
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Table 4D Reference Design Values for Visually Graded Timbers (5" x 5" and larger)1,3
(Cont.) (Tabulated design values are for normal load duration and dry service conditions, unless specified
otherwise. See NDS 4.3 for a comprehensive description of design value adjustment factors.)
Copyright © American Wood Council. Downloaded/printed pursuant to License Agreement. No reproduction or transfer authorized.
Table 4D Reference Design Values for Visually Graded Timbers (5" x 5" and larger)1,3
(Tabulated design values are for normal load duration and dry service conditions, unless specified
otherwise. See NDS 4.3 for a comprehensive description of design value adjustment factors.)
Select Structural
Beams and
No.1 900 450 125 425 625 1,300,000 470,000
No.2 600 300 125 425 425 1,000,000 370,000
0.42 NLGA
Select Structural 1,050 700 125 425 800 1,300,000 470,000
Posts and
No.1 850 550 125 425 700 1,300,000 470,000
No.2 500 325 125 425 500 1,000,000 370,000
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Table 4D Reference Design Values for Visually Graded Timbers (5" x 5" and larger)1,3
(Cont.) (Tabulated design values are for normal load duration and dry service conditions, unless specified
otherwise. See NDS 4.3 for a comprehensive description of design value adjustment factors.)
Footnotes to Table 4D
1. LUMBER DIMENSIONS. Tabulated design values are applicable to lumber that will be used under dry conditions such as in most covered structures. For 5"
and thicker lumber, the GREEN dressed sizes shall be permitted to be used (see Table 1A) because design values have been adjusted to compensate for any loss
in size by shrinkage which may occur.
2. SPRUCE PINE. To obtain recommended design values for Spruce Pine graded to Southern Pine Inspection Bureau (SPIB) rules, multiply the appropriate design
values for Mixed Southern Pine by the corresponding conversion factor shown below and round to the nearest 100,000 psi for E; to the nearest 10,000 psi for E;
to the next lower multiple of 5 psi for Fv and Fc⊥; to the next lower multiple of 50 psi for Fb, Ft, and Fc if 1,000 psi or greater, 25 psi otherwise.
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Species and commercial grade Size classification Compression Grading Rules Agency
Single Repetitive perpendicular Specific
Member Member to grain Modulus of Elasticity Gravity
Fb (Fb)(Cr) Fc E Emin G
Select 2"-4" thick — 1,100 — 800,000 290,000
0.31 NELMA
Commercial 4"-12"wide — 950 — 700,000 260,000
Select Dex 2"-4" thick 1,250 1,450 425 1,100,000 400,000
0.36 WCLIB
Commercial Dex 6"-8"wide 1,050 1,200 425 1,000,000 370,000
Selected 2"-4" thick 1,250 1,450 425 1,100,000 400,000
0.36 WWPA
Commercial 4"-12"wide 1,050 1,200 425 1,000,000 370,000
Select 2"-4" thick 1,200 1,400 425 1,100,000 400,000
0.35 NLGA
Commercial 4"& wider 1,050 1,200 425 1,000,000 370,000
Copyright © American Wood Council. Downloaded/printed pursuant to License Agreement. No reproduction or transfer authorized.
Species and commercial grade Size classification Compression Grading Rules Agency
Single Repetitive perpendicular Specific
Member Member to grain Modulus of Elasticity Gravity
Fb (Fb)(Cr) Fc E Emin G
Select Dex 2"-4" thick 1,500 1,750 410 1,600,000 580,000
0.47 WCLIB
Commercial Dex 6"& wider 1,300 1,450 410 1,400,000 510,000
Select 2"-4" thick 1,500 1,750 410 1,600,000 580,000
0.46 NLGA
Commercial 4"& wider 1,300 1,450 410 1,400,000 510,000
Select 2"-4" thick 1,100 1,300 375 1,400,000 510,000
0.40 NLGA
Commercial 4"& wider 925 1,050 375 1,300,000 470,000
Selected 2"-4" thick 1,150 1,300 335 1,200,000 440,000
0.36 WWPA
Commercial 4"-12"wide 950 1,100 335 1,100,000 400,000
1. LUMBER DIMENSIONS. Tabulated design values are applicable to lumber that will be used under dry conditions such as in most covered structures. For 2"
to 4" thick lumber the DRY dressed sizes shall be used (see Table 1A) regardless of the moisture content at the time of manufacture or use. In calculating design
values, the natural gain in strength and stiffness that occurs as lumber dries has been taken into consideration as well as the reduction in size that occurs when
unseasoned lumber shrinks. The gain in load carrying capacity due to increased strength and stiffness resulting from drying more than offsets the design effect of
size reductions due to shrinkage.
2. When individual species or species groups are combined, the design values to be used for the combination shall be the lowest design values for each individual
species or species group for each design property.
3. Specific gravity, G, based on weight and volume when oven-dry.
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Size Factor, CF
Tabulated bending, tension, and compression parallel to grain design values for dimension lumber 2" to 4" thick shall
be multiplied by the following size factors:
Size Factors, CF
Fb Ft Fc
Thickness (breadth)
Table 4F Reference Design Values for Non-North American Visually Graded Dimension
Lumber (2" - 4" thick)1,3
(Tabulated design values are for normal load duration and dry service conditions. See NDS 4.3 for a
comprehensive description of design value adjustment factors.)
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Table 4F Reference Design Values for Non-North American Visually Graded Dimension
(Cont.) Lumber (2" - 4" thick)1,3
(Tabulated design values are for normal load duration and dry service conditions. See NDS 4.3 for a
comprehensive description of design value adjustment factors.)
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Table 4F Reference Design Values for Non-North American Visually Graded Dimension
(Cont.) Lumber (2" - 4" thick)1,3
(Tabulated design values are for normal load duration and dry service conditions. See NDS 4.3 for a
comprehensive description of design value adjustment factors.)
1. LUMBER DIMENSIONS. Reference design values are applicable to lumber that will be used under dry conditions such as in most covered structures. For 2"
to 4" thick lumber the DRY dressed sizes shall be used (see Table 1A) regardless of the moisture content at the time of manufacture or use. In calculating design
values, the natural gain in strength and stiffness that occurs as lumber dries has been taken into consideration as well as the reduction in size that occurs when
unseasoned lumber shrinks. The gain in the load carrying capacity due to increased strength and stiffness resulting from drying more than offsets the design effect
of size reductions due to shrinkage.
2. Reference design values are applicable only for 2x4 dimensional lumber and shall not be multiplied by the size factor adjustment.
3. When individual species or species groups are combined, the design values to be used for the combination shall be the lowest design values for each individual
species or species group for each design property.
4. Does not include states of Baden-Wurttemburg and Saarland.
5. Specific gravity, G, based on weight and volume when oven-dry.
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L = length of bending member between points of 0.8 0.8 0.875 0.53 0.73 0.833
zero moment, ft
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Table 5A Reference Design Values for Structural Glued Laminated Softwood Timber
(Members stressed primarily in bending) (Tabulated design values are for normal load duration and dry service conditions. See NDS
5.3 for a comprehensive description of design value adjustment factors.)
Bending About X-X Axis Bending About Y-Y Axis Axially Loaded Fasteners
Loaded Perpendicular to Wide Loaded Parallel to Wide
Faces of Laminations Faces of Laminations
Bending Compression Shear Modulus Bending Compression Shear Modulus Tension Compression Specific Gravity
Perpendicular Parallel of Perpendicular Parallel of Parallel to Parallel to for
to Grain to Grain Elasticity to Grain to Grain Elasticity Grain Grain Fastener Design
Bottom of Beam Top of Beam For For For For
Stressed Stressed Deflection Stability Deflection Stability
in Tension in Tension Calculations Calculations Calculations Calculations
(Positive Bending) (Negative Bending)
Fbx+ Fbx- Fcx Fvx (4) Ex Ex min Fby Fcy Fvy (4)(5) Ey Ey min Ft Fc
Stress Class 6 6
(psi) (psi) (psi) (psi) (10 psi) (10 psi) (psi) (psi) (psi) (106 psi) (106 psi) (psi) (psi)
16F-1.3E 1600 925 315 195 1.3 0.69 800 315 170 1.1 0.58 675 925 0.41
20F-1.5E 2000 1100 425 195 1.5 0.79 800 315 170 1.2 0.63 725 925 0.41
24F-1.7E 2400 1450 500 210 1.7 0.90 1050 315 185 1.3 0.69 775 1000 0.42
(2) (3) (3) (10)
24F-1.8E 2400 1450 650 265 1.8 0.95 1450 560 230 1.6 0.85 1100 1600 0.50
(7) (3) (3) (10)
26F-1.9E 2600 1950 650 265 1.9 1.00 1600 560 230 1.6 0.85 1150 1600 0.50
(7) (9) (9)
28F-2.1E SP 2800 2300 805 300 2.1 1.11 1600 650 260 1.7 0.90 1250 1750 0.55
(7)(8) (9) (9)
30F-2.1E SP 3000 2400 805 300 2.1 1.11 1750 650 260 1.7 0.90 1250 1750 0.55
1. For balanced layups, Fbx- shall be equal to Fbx+ for the stress class. Designer shall specify when balanced layup is required.
2. The negative reference bending design value, Fbx-, is permitted to be increased to 1850 psi for Douglas Fir and to 1950 psi for Southern Pine for specific combinations. Designer shall specify when these increased
10. For structural glued laminated timber of Southern Pine, specific gravity for fastener design is permitted to be increased to 0.55.
Stress classes represent groups of similar glued laminated timber combinations. Values for individual combinations are included in Table 5A - Expanded. Reference design values are for members
with 4 or more laminations. For 2 and 3 lamination members, see Table 5B. Some stress classes are not available in all species. Contact manufacturer for availability.
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Table 5A Expanded - Reference Design Values for Structural Glued Laminated Softwood Timber Combinations1
(Members stressed primarily in bending) (Tabulated design values are for normal load duration and dry service conditions. See NDS
5.3 for a comprehensive description of design value adjustment factors.)
Combination Species Fbx+ Fbx- Fcx Fvx (2) Ex Ex min Fby Fcy Fvy (2)(3) Ey Ey min Ft Fc
6 6
Symbol Outer/ Core (psi) (psi) (psi) (psi) (10 psi) (10 psi) (psi) (psi) (psi) (106 psi) (106 psi) (psi) (psi)
16F-1.3E 1600 925 315 195 1.3 0.69 800 315 170 1.1 0.58 675 925 0.41
16F-V3 DF/DF 1600 1250 560 560 265 1.5 0.79 1450 560 230 1.5 0.79 975 1500 0.50 0.50
16F-V6 DF/DF 1600 1600 560 560 265 1.6 0.85 1450 560 230 1.5 0.79 1000 1600 0.50 0.50
16F-E2 HF/HF 1600 1050 375 375 215 1.4 0.74 1200 375 190 1.3 0.69 825 1150 0.43 0.43
16F-E3 DF/DF 1600 1200 560 560 265 1.6 0.85 1400 560 230 1.5 0.79 975 1600 0.50 0.50
16F-E6 DF/DF 1600 1600 560 560 265 1.6 0.85 1550 560 230 1.5 0.79 1000 1600 0.50 0.50
16F-E7 HF/HF 1600 1600 375 375 215 1.4 0.74 1350 375 190 1.3 0.74 875 1250 0.43 0.43
16F-V2 SP/SP 1600 1400 740 650 300 1.5 0.79 1450 650 260 1.4 0.74 1000 1300 0.55 0.55
16F-V3 SP/SP 1600 1450 740 740 300 1.4 0.74 1450 650 260 1.4 0.74 975 1400 0.55 0.55
16F-V5 SP/SP 1600 1600 650 650 300 1.6 0.85 1600 650 260 1.5 0.79 1000 1550 0.55 0.55
16F-E1 SP/SP 1600 1250 650 650 300 1.6 0.85 1400 650 260 1.6 0.85 1050 1550 0.55 0.55
16F-E3 SP/SP 1600 1600 650 650 300 1.7 0.90 1650 650 260 1.6 0.85 1100 1550 0.55 0.55
20F-V7 DF/DF 2000 2000 650 650 265 1.6 0.85 1450 560 230 1.6 0.85 1050 1600 0.50 0.50
20F-V12 AC/AC 2000 1400 560 560 265 1.5 0.79 1250 470 230 1.4 0.74 925 1500 0.46 0.46
20F-V13 AC/AC 2000 2000 560 560 265 1.5 0.79 1250 470 230 1.4 0.74 950 1550 0.46 0.46
20F-V14 POC/POC 2000 1450 560 560 265 1.5 0.79 1300 470 230 1.4 0.74 900 1600 0.46 0.46
20F-V15 POC/POC 2000 2000 560 560 265 1.5 0.79 1300 470 230 1.4 0.74 900 1600 0.46 0.46
20F-E2 HF/HF 2000 1400 500 500 215 1.6 0.85 1200 375 190 1.4 0.74 925 1350 0.43 0.43
20F-E3 DF/DF 2000 1200 560 560 265 1.7 0.90 1400 560 230 1.6 0.85 1050 1600 0.50 0.50
20F-E6 DF/DF 2000 2000 560 560 265 1.7 0.90 1550 560 230 1.6 0.85 1150 1650 0.50 0.50
20F-E7 HF/HF 2000 2000 500 500 215 1.6 0.85 1450 375 190 1.4 0.74 1050 1450 0.43 0.43
20F-E8 ES/ES 2000 1300 450 450 200 1.5 0.79 1000 315 175 1.4 0.74 825 1100 0.41 0.41
24F-E/SPF1 SPF/SPF 2400 2400 560 560 215 1.6 0.85 1150 470 190 1.6 0.85 1150 2000 0.42 0.42
24F-E/SPF3 SPF/SPF 2400 1550 560 650 215 1.6 0.85 1200 470 195 1.5 0.79 900 1750 0.42 0.42
20F-V2 SP/SP 2000 1550 740 650 300 1.5 0.79 1450 650 260 1.4 0.74 1000 1400 0.55 0.55
20F-V3 SP/SP 2000 1450 650 650 300 1.5 0.79 1600 650 260 1.5 0.79 1000 1400 0.55 0.55
20F-V5 SP/SP 2000 2000 740 740 300 1.6 0.85 1450 650 260 1.4 0.74 1050 1500 0.55 0.55
20F-E1 SP/SP 2000 1300 650 650 300 1.7 0.90 1400 650 260 1.6 0.85 1050 1550 0.55 0.55
20F-E3 SP/SP 2000 2000 650 650 300 1.7 0.90 1700 650 260 1.6 0.85 1150 1600 0.55 0.55
24F-1.7E 2400 1450 500 210 1.7 0.90 1050 315 185 1.3 0.69 775 1000 0.42
24F-V5 DF/HF 2400 1600 650 650 215 1.7 0.90 1350 375 200 1.5 0.79 1100 1450 0.50 0.43
24F-V10 DF/HF 2400 2400 650 650 215 1.8 0.95 1450 375 200 1.5 0.79 1150 1550 0.50 0.43
24F-E11 HF/HF 2400 2400 500 500 215 1.8 0.95 1550 375 190 1.5 0.79 1150 1550 0.43 0.43
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24F-E15 HF/HF 2400 1600 500 500 215 1.7 0.95 1200 375 190 1.5 0.79 975 1500 0.43 0.43
24F-V1 SP/SP 2400 1750 740 650 300 1.7 0.90 1450 650 260 1.5 0.79 1100 1500 0.55 0.55
24F-V4 SP/SP 2400 1650 740 650 210 1.7 0.90 1350 470 230 1.5 0.79 975 1350 0.55 0.43
24F-V5 SP/SP 2400 2400 740 740 300 1.7 0.90 1700 650 260 1.6 0.85 1150 1600 0.55 0.55
Table 5A Expanded - Reference Design Values for Structural Glued Laminated Softwood Timber Combinations1
(Cont.) (Members stressed primarily in bending) (Tabulated design values are for normal load duration and dry service conditions. See NDS
5.3 for a comprehensive description of design value adjustment factors.)
Combination Species Fbx+ Fbx- Fcx Fvx (2) Ex Ex min Fby Fcy Fvy (2)(3) Ey Ey min Ft Fc
6 6
Symbol Outer/ Core (psi) (psi) (psi) (psi) (10 psi) (10 psi) (psi) (psi) (psi) (106 psi) (106 psi) (psi) (psi)
24F-1.8E 2400 1450 650 265 1.8 0.95 1450 560 230 1.6 0.85 1100 1600 0.50
24F-V4 DF/DF 2400 1850 650 650 265 1.8 0.95 1450 560 230 1.6 0.85 1100 1650 0.50 0.50
24F-V8 DF/DF 2400 2400 650 650 265 1.8 0.95 1550 560 230 1.6 0.85 1100 1650 0.50 0.50
24F-E4 DF/DF 2400 1450 650 650 265 1.8 0.95 1400 560 230 1.7 0.90 1100 1700 0.50 0.50
24F-E13 DF/DF 2400 2400 650 650 265 1.8 0.95 1750 560 230 1.7 0.90 1250 1700 0.50 0.50
24F-E18 DF/DF 2400 2400 650 650 265 1.8 0.95 1550 560 230 1.7 0.90 975 1700 0.50 0.50
24F-V3 SP/SP 2400 2000 740 740 300 1.8 0.95 1700 650 260 1.6 0.85 1150 1650 0.55 0.55
24F-V8 SP/SP 2400 2400 740 740 300 1.8 0.95 1700 650 260 1.6 0.85 1150 1650 0.55 0.55
24F-E1 SP/SP 2400 1450 805 650 300 1.8 0.95 1550 650 260 1.7 0.90 1150 1600 0.55 0.55
24F-E4 SP/SP 2400 2400 805 805 300 1.9 1.00 1850 650 260 1.8 0.95 1450 1750 0.55 0.55
26F-1.9E 2600 1950 650 265 1.9 1.00 1600 560 230 1.6 0.85 1150 1600 0.50
26F-V1 DF/DF 2600 1950 650 650 265 2.0 1.06 1850 560 230 1.8 0.95 1350 1850 0.50 0.50
30F-E1 SP/SP 3000 2400 805 805 300 2.1 1.11(7) 1750 650 260 1.7 0.90 1250 1750 0.55 0.55
30F-E2 SP/SP 3000 3000 805 805 300 2.1 (7) 1.11(7) 1750 650 260 1.7 0.90 1350 1750 0.55 0.55
1. The combinations in this table are applicable to members consisting of 4 or more laminations and are intended primarily for members stressed in bending due to loads applied perpendicular to the wide faces
of the laminations. However, reference design values are tabulated for loading both perpendicular and parallel to the wide faces of the laminations. For combinations and reference design values applicable to
members loaded primarily axially or parallel to the wide faces of the laminations, see Table 5B. For members of 2 or 3 laminations, see Table 5B.
2. The reference design values for shear, Fvx and Fvy, shall be multiplied by the shear reduction factor, Cvr, for the conditions defined in NDS 5.3.10.
3. Reference design values are for structural glued laminated timbers with laminations made from a single piece of lumber across the width or multiple pieces that have been edge bonded. For structural glued
laminated timber manufactured from multiple piece laminations (across width) that are not edge-bonded, value shall be multiplied by 0.4 for members with 5, 7, or 9 laminations or by 0.5 for all other members.
This reduction shall be cumulative with the adjustment in footnote 2.
4. This combination may contain lumber with wane. If lumber with wane is used, the reference design value for shear parallel to grain, Fvx, shall be multiplied by 0.67 if wane is allowed on both sides. If wane is
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limited to one side, Fvx shall be multiplied by 0.83. This reduction shall be cumulative with the adjustment in footnote 2.
5. 26F, 28F, and 30F beams are not produced by all manufacturers, therefore, availability may be limited. Contact supplier or manufacturer for details.
6. 30F combinations are restricted to a maximum 6 in. nominal width unless the manufacturer has qualified for wider widths based on full-scale tests subject to approval by an accredited inspection agency.
7. For 28F and 30F members with more than 15 laminations, Ex = 2.0 million psi and Exmin = 1.06 million psi.
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Table 5B Reference Design Values for Structural Glued Laminated Softwood Timber
(Members stressed primarily in axial tension or compression) (Tabulated design values are for normal load duration and dry service conditions. See
NDS 5.3 for a comprehensive description of design value adjustment factors.)
49 1:12 SP N1M12 1.7 0.90 650 1300 1900 1450 1950 1750 1500 260 1800 300 0.55
49 1:10 SP N1M 1.7 0.90 650 1150 1700 1450 1850 1750 1500 260 1800 300 0.55
50 SP N1D14 1.9 1.00 740 1550 2300 1700 2300 2100 1750 260 2100 300 0.55
50 1:12 SP N1D12 1.9 1.00 740 1500 2200 1700 2300 2100 1750 260 2100 300 0.55
50 1:10 SP N1D 1.9 1.00 740 1350 2000 1700 2100 2100 1750 260 2100 300 0.55
1. For members with 2 or 3 laminations, the reference shear design value for transverse loads parallel to the wide faces of the laminations, Fvy, shall be reduced by multiplying by a factor of 0.84 or 0.95, respectively.
2. The reference shear design value for transverse loads applied parallel to the wide faces of the laminations, Fvy, shall be multiplied by 0.4 for members with 5, 7, or 9 laminations manufactured from multiple piece
laminations (across width) that are not edge bonded. The reference shear design value, Fvy, shall be multiplied by 0.5 for all other members manufactured from multiple piece laminations with unbonded edge
joints. This reduction shall be cumulative with the adjustments in footnotes 1 and 3.
3. The reference design values for shear, Fvx and Fvy, shall be multiplied by the shear reduction factor, Cvr, for the conditions defined in NDS 5.3.10.
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4. For members greater than 15 in. deep, the reference bending design value, Fbx, shall be reduced by multiplying by a factor of 0.88.
5. When Western Cedars, Western Cedars (North), Western Woods, and Redwood (open grain) are used in combinations for Softwood Species (SW), the reference design value for modulus of elasticity, E, shall
be reduced by 100,000 psi and Emin shall be reduced by 52,800 psi. When Coast Sitka Spruce, Coast Species, Western White Pine, and Eastern White Pine are used in combinations for Softwood Species (SW)
reference design values for shear parallel to grain, Fvx and Fvy, shall be reduced by 10 psi, before applying any other adjustments.
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Table 5C Reference Design Values for Structural Glued Laminated Hardwood Timber(1)
(Members stressed primarily in bending) (Tabulated design values are for normal load duration and dry service conditions. See NDS
5.3 for a comprehensive description of design value adjustment factors.)
Bending About X-X Axis Bending About Y-Y Axis Axially Loaded Fasteners
Loaded Perpendicular to Wide Loaded Parallel to Wide
Faces of Laminations Faces of Laminations
Compression Shear Modulus Compression Shear Modulus Tension Compression Specific Gravity
Perpendicular Parallel of Perpendicular Parallel of Parallel to Parallel to for
Bending to Grain to Grain Elasticity Bending to Grain to Grain Elasticity Grain Grain Fastener Design
(Horizontal) For For (Horizontal) For For
Deflection Stability Deflection Stability
Bottom of Beam Top of Beam Calculations Calculations Calculations Calculations
Stressed Stressed
in Tension in Tension
(Positive Bending) (Negative Bending)
Combination Fbx+ Fbx- Fcx Fvx Ex Ex min Fby Fcy Fvy(2) Ey Ey min Ft Fc
6 6
Symbol (psi) (psi) (psi) (psi) (10 psi) (10 psi) (psi) (psi) (psi) (106 psi) (106 psi) (psi) (psi)
Visually Graded Hardwoods
12F-V1 1200 600 285 125 1.2 0.63 1050 285 110 1.0 0.53 600 800 0.39
12F-V2 1200 1200 285 125 1.2 0.63 1050 285 110 1.1 0.58 625 860 0.39
14F-V1 1400 700 405 155 1.3 0.69 1250 405 135 1.1 0.58 700 950 0.45
14F-V2 1400 700 590 180 1.3 0.69 1450 590 160 1.1 0.58 750 1200 0.53
14F-V3 1400 1400 405 155 1.3 0.69 1250 405 135 1.1 0.58 725 950 0.45
14F-V4 1400 1400 590 180 1.3 0.69 1450 590 160 1.1 0.58 775 1200 0.53
16F-V1 1600 800 590 180 1.4 0.74 1400 590 160 1.2 0.63 800 1200 0.53
20F-E2 2000 2000 590 155 1.6 0.85 1600 405 135 1.3 0.69 1050 1100 0.45
24F-E1 2400 1200 770 180 1.8 0.95 1550 590 160 1.5 0.79 1050 1400 0.53
24F-E2 2400 2400 770 180 1.8 0.95 1650 590 160 1.5 0.79 1050 1400 0.53
24F-E3 YP 2400 1200 590 155 1.8 0.95 1450 405 135 1.5 0.79 975 1200 0.45
24F-E4 RM 2400 1200 895 220 1.8 0.95 1650 710 195 1.6 0.85 1050 1350 0.53
24F-E5 RO 2400 1200 1075 235 1.8 0.95 1700 900 205 1.5 0.79 1100 1450 0.63
1. The combinations in this table are applicable to members consisting of 4 or more laminations and are intended primarily for members stressed in bending due to loads applied perpendicular to the wide faces
of the laminations. However, reference design values are tabulated for loading both perpendicular and parallel to the wide faces of the laminations. For combinations and reference design values for members
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loaded primarily axially or parallel to the wide faces of the laminations, see Table 5D. For members with 2 or 3 laminations, see Table 5D.
2. Reference design values are for timbers with laminations made from a single piece of lumber across the width or multiple pieces that have been edge bonded. For timbers manufactured from multiple piece lami-
nations (across width) that are not edge bonded, value shall be multiplied by 0.4 for members with 5, 7, or 9 laminations or by 0.5 for all other members.
3. Fastener values are for groups of hardwood species permitted in each combination. If actual species is known, values for that species are permitted to be used.
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Table 5D Reference Design Values for Structural Glued Laminated Hardwood Timber
(Members stressed primarily in axial tension or compression) (Tabulated design values are for normal load duration and dry
service conditions. See NDS 5.3 for a comprehensive description of design value adjustment factors.)
All Loading Axially Loaded Bending about Y-Y Axis Bending About X-X Axis Fasteners
Modulus Loaded Parallel to Wide Loaded Perpendicular to Wide
of Tension Compression Faces of Laminations Faces of Laminations
Elasticity Parallel Parallel Bending Shear Parallel Bending Shear Parallel
For For to Grain to Grain to Grain to Grain
Deflection Stability
Calculations Calculations Compression 2 or More 4 or More 2 or 3 4 or More 3 2 4 or More 2 Lami- Specific Gravity
Combination Species Grade Perpendicular Lami- Lami- Lami- Lami- Lami- Lami- Lami- nations to for
Symbol Group to Grain nations nations nations nations nations nations nations 15 in. Deep Fastener Design
E Emin Fc Ft Fc Fc Fby Fby Fby Fvy Fbx Fvx G
(10 psi) (106 psi) (psi) (psi) (psi) (psi) (psi) (psi) (psi) (psi) (psi) (psi)
Visually Graded Hardwoods
H1 A N3 1.3 0.67 835 425 900 900 1250 1100 875 175 925 200 0.63
H2 A N2 1.5 0.78 835 875 1300 1300 1700 1550 1300 175 1200 200 0.63
H3 A N1 1.7 0.88 835 1000 1450 1450 2000 1800 1550 175 1600 200 0.63
H4 A SS 1.7 0.88 835 1150 1600 1600 2000 1850 1600 175 1700 200 0.63
H5 B N3 1.2 0.62 590 350 800 800 1050 900 750 160 750 180 0.53
H6 B N2 1.3 0.67 590 750 1150 1150 1450 1300 1050 160 1000 180 0.53
H7 B N1 1.5 0.78 590 850 1300 1300 1650 1500 1300 160 1350 180 0.53
H8 B SS 1.5 0.78 590 950 1450 1450 1700 1550 1350 160 1400 180 0.53
H9 C N3 1.0 0.52 405 300 625 625 900 800 625 135 675 155 0.45
H10 C N2 1.2 0.62 405 625 900 900 1200 1100 925 135 875 155 0.45
H11 C N1 1.3 0.67 405 725 1000 1000 1400 1300 1100 135 1150 155 0.45
H12 C SS 1.3 0.67 405 825 1100 1100 1450 1350 1150 135 1200 155 0.45
H13 D N3 0.9 0.47 285 250 575 575 775 675 550 110 575 125 0.39
H16 D SS 1.2 0.62 285 700 1050 1050 1250 1150 1000 110 1050 125 0.39
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Table 5D Reference Design Values for Structural Glued Laminated Hardwood Timber
(Cont.) (Members stressed primarily in axial tension or compression) (Tabulated design values are for normal load duration and dry
service conditions. See NDS 5.3 for a comprehensive description of design value adjustment factors.)
All Loading Axially Loaded Bending about Y-Y Axis Bending About X-X Axis Fasteners
Modulus Loaded Parallel to Wide Loaded Perpendicular to Wide
of Tension Compression Faces of Laminations Faces of Laminations
Elasticity Parallel Parallel Bending Shear Parallel Bending Shear Parallel
For For to Grain to Grain to Grain to Grain
Deflection Stability
Calculations Calculations Compression 2 or More 4 or More 2 or 3 4 or More 3 2 4 or More 2 Lami- Specific Gravity
Combination Species Grade Perpendicular Lami- Lami- Lami- Lami- Lami- Lami- Lami- nations to for
Symbol Group to Grain nations nations nations nations nations nations nations 15 in. Deep Fastener Design
E Emin Fc Ft Fc Fc Fby Fby Fby Fvy Fbx Fvx G
(10 psi) (106 psi) (psi) (psi) (psi) (psi) (psi) (psi) (psi) (psi) (psi) (psi)
E-Rated Hardwoods
H17 A 1.5E3 1.4 0.73 1015 1000 1500 1350 1850 1750 1550 175 1200 200 0.63
H18 A 1.8E3 1.7 0.88 1015 1150 1950 1850 2100 2000 1750 175 1450 200 0.63
H19 A 1.8E6 1.7 0.88 1015 1450 2000 1900 2300 2200 1950 175 1650 200 0.63
H20 A 2.0E3 1.9 0.98 1015 1350 2600 2200 2400 2300 2100 175 1700 200 0.63
H21 A 2.0E6 1.9 0.98 1015 1700 2430 2300 2400 2400 2300 175 2100 200 0.63
H22 B 1.5E3 1.4 0.73 770 1000 1500 1350 1850 1750 1550 160 1200 180 0.53
H23 B 1.8E3 1.7 0.88 770 1150 1950 1850 2100 2000 1750 160 1450 180 0.53
H24 B 1.8E6 1.7 0.88 770 1450 2000 1900 2300 2200 1950 160 1650 180 0.53
H25 B 2.0E3 1.9 0.98 770 1350 2300 2200 2400 2300 2100 160 1700 180 0.53
H26 B 2.0E6 1.9 0.98 770 1700 2400 2300 2400 2400 2300 160 2100 180 0.53
H27 C 1.5E3 1.4 0.73 590 1000 1500 1350 1850 1750 1550 135 1200 155 0.45
H28 C 1.8E3 1.7 0.88 590 1150 1950 1850 2100 2000 1750 135 1450 155 0.45
1. For members with 2 or 3 laminations, the reference shear design value for transverse loads parallel to the wide faces of the laminations, Fvy, shall be reduced by multiplying by a factor of 0.84 or 0.95, respectively.
2. The reference shear design value for transverse loads applied parallel to the wide faces of the laminations, Fvy, shall be multiplied by 0.4 for members with 5, 7, or 9 laminations manufactured from multiple piece
laminations (across width) that are not edge bonded. The reference shear design value, Fvy, shall be multiplied by 0.5 for all other members manufactured from multiple piece laminations with unbonded edge
joints. This reduction shall be cumulative with the adjustment in footnote (1).
3. For members greater than 15 in. deep, the reference bending design value, Fbx, shall be reduced by multiplying by a factor of 0.88.
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Condition Treatment Factor, Cct Load Sharing Factor (Pile Group Factor), Cls
Reference design values are based on air dried condi- For piles, reference design values are based on single
tioning. If kiln-drying, steam-conditioning, or boultonizing piles. If multiple piles are connected by concrete caps or
is used prior to treatment then the reference design values equivalent force distributing elements so that the pile group
shall be multiplied by the condition treatment factors, Cct. deforms as a single element when subjected to the load
effects imposed on the element, reference bending design
Condition Treatment Factor, Cct values, Fb, and reference compression design values paral-
Air Kiln Boulton Steaming Steaming lel to the grain, Fc, shall be permitted to be multiplied by
Dried Dried Drying (Normal) (Marine) the load sharing factors, Cls.
1.0 0.90 0.95 0.80 0.74
Load Sharing Factor, Cls
Critical Section Factor, Ccs Reference Number of Cls
Reference compression design values parallel to Design Value Piles in Group
grain, Fc, for round timber piles and poles are based on 2 1.06
the strength at the tip of the pile. Reference compression Fc 3 1.09
design values parallel to grain, Fc, in Table 6A and Table
6B shall be permitted to be multiplied by the critical section
4 or more 1.11
factor. The critical section factor, Ccs, shall be determined 2 1.05
as follows: Fb 3 1.07
Ccs = 1.0 + 0.004Lc
4 or more 1.08
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Table 6A Reference Design Values for Treated Round Timber Piles Graded per ASTM D25
(Tabulated design values are for normal load duration and wet service conditions. See NDS 6.3 for a
comprehensive description of design value adjustment factors.)
Table 6B Reference Design Values for Round Timber Construction Poles Graded per ASTM
Table 6B Reference Design
(Tabulated Values
design for Construction
values are for normalPoles Graded per
load duration ASTM
and wet D3200
service conditions. See NDS 6.3 for a
(Tabulated design values are fordescription
normal loadofduration
design and
value adjustment factors.)
service conditions. See NDS 6.3 for a comprehensive description of design value adjustment factors.)
Design values in pounds per square inch (psi)
Shear Compression Compression
parallel perpendicular parallel to Specific
Bending to grain to grain grain Modulus of elasticity Gravity4
Species Fb Fv Fc Fc E Emin G
Pacific Coast Douglas Fir 2,050 160 490 1,300 1,700,000 690,000 0.50
Lodgepole Pine 1,275 125 265 825 1,100,000 430,000 0.42
Ponderosa Pine 1,200 175 295 775 1,000,000 400,000 0.43
Red Pine 1,350 125 270 850 1,300,000 520,000 0.42
Southern Pine (Grouped)3 1,950 160 440 1,250 1,500,000 600,000 0.55
Western Hemlock 1,550 165 275 1,050 1,300,000 560,000 0.47
Western Larch 1,900 170 405 1,250 1,500,000 660,000 0.49
Western Red Cedar 1,250 140 260 875 1,000,000 360,000 0.34
1. Pacific Coast Douglas Fir reference design values apply to this species as defined in ASTM Standard D 1760.
2. Red Pine reference design values apply to Red Pine grown in the United States.
3. Southern Pine reference design values apply to Loblolly, Longleaf, Shortleaf, and Slash Pines.
4. Specific gravity, G, based on weight and volume when oven-dry.
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American Wood Council
AWC Mission Statement
To increase the use of wood by assuring the broad
regulatory acceptance of wood products, developing
design tools and guidelines for wood construction,
and influencing the development of public policies
affecting the use and manufacture of wood products.
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ISBN 978-1-940383-06-4