This document provides an overview of an Internet of Things course. The course objectives are to explain the IoT vision globally, determine the IoT market perspective, and examine devices, gateways, and data management in IoT technology. The course is divided into 4 units that cover IoT and web technology, the evolution from machine-to-machine to IoT, IoT architecture, and the current state of IoT architecture. Key topics include definitions of IoT, history, characteristics, enabling technologies, and a vision for connecting all things to create IoT universes.
This document provides an overview of an Internet of Things course. The course objectives are to explain the IoT vision globally, determine the IoT market perspective, and examine devices, gateways, and data management in IoT technology. The course is divided into 4 units that cover IoT and web technology, the evolution from machine-to-machine to IoT, IoT architecture, and the current state of IoT architecture. Key topics include definitions of IoT, history, characteristics, enabling technologies, and a vision for connecting all things to create IoT universes.
This document provides an overview of an Internet of Things course. The course objectives are to explain the IoT vision globally, determine the IoT market perspective, and examine devices, gateways, and data management in IoT technology. The course is divided into 4 units that cover IoT and web technology, the evolution from machine-to-machine to IoT, IoT architecture, and the current state of IoT architecture. Key topics include definitions of IoT, history, characteristics, enabling technologies, and a vision for connecting all things to create IoT universes.
This document provides an overview of an Internet of Things course. The course objectives are to explain the IoT vision globally, determine the IoT market perspective, and examine devices, gateways, and data management in IoT technology. The course is divided into 4 units that cover IoT and web technology, the evolution from machine-to-machine to IoT, IoT architecture, and the current state of IoT architecture. Key topics include definitions of IoT, history, characteristics, enabling technologies, and a vision for connecting all things to create IoT universes.
Objectives: ✔ Explain the vision of IoT from a global context. Study Vision and Introduction to IoT. ✔ Determine the Market perspective of IoT. Understand IoT Market perspective. ✔ Examine Devices, Gateways and Data Understand Data and Management. Knowledge Management and use of Devices in IoT ✔ Describe the building Technology. state of the IoT Agenda
Syllabus UNIT I
IoT and Web Technology: The Internet of Things
Today, Time for Convergence Towards the IoT Universe, Internet of Things Vision, IoT Strategic Research and Innovation Directions, IoT Applications, Future Internet Technologies, Infrastructure, Networks and Communication, Processes, Data Management, Security, Privacy & Trust. UNIT II M2M to IoT : A Basic Perspective: Introduction, Some Definitions, M2M Value Chains, IoT Value Chains, An emerging industrial structure for IoT, The international driven global value chain and global information monopolies. UNIT III M2M to IoT: An Architectural Overview: Building an architecture, Main design principles and needed capabilities, An IoT architecture outline, standards considerations UNIT IV IoT Architecture - State of the Art: Introduction, State of the art. Architecture Reference Model: Introduction, Reference Model and architecture, IoT reference Model. Text Book: 1. Jan Holler, VlasiosTsiatsis, Catherine Mulligan, Stefan Avesand, StamatisKarnouskos, David Boyle: “From Machine-to-Machine to the Internet of Things: Introduction to a New Age of Intelligence”, 1st Edition. Reference Books: 1. Vijay Madisetti, Arshdeep Bahga : “Internet of Things (A Hands-on-Approach)”, 1st Edition, VPT, 2014. 2. 2. Francis daCosta: “Rethinking the Internet of Things: A Scalable Approach to Connecting Everything”, 1st Edition, Apress Publications, 2013. UNIT I IoT and Web Technology ✔ 1.1 The Internet of Things ✔ 1.7 Infrastructure Today ✔ 1.8 Networks and ✔ 1.2 Time for Convergence Communication Towards the IoT Universe ✔ 1.9 Processes ✔ 1.3 Internet of Things Vision ✔ 1.10 Data Management ✔ 1.4 IoT Strategic Research and Innovation Directions ✔ 1.11 Security, Privacy & Trust.
✔ 1.5 IoT Applications
✔ 1.6 Future Internet Technologies INTRODUCTION OF IOT • The Internet of Things refers to the ever-growing network of physical objects that feature an IP address for internet connectivity, and the communication that occurs between these objects and other Internet-enabled devices and systems . • IoT extends Internet connectivity beyond traditional devices like desktop, laptop, smart phones, tablets, etc • IoT has evolved from the convergence of wireless technologies, micro electro mechanical systems (MEMS) and the Internet. What is IoT? A phenomenon which connects a variety of things – Everything that has the ability to communicate. IoT Definitions ● The Internet of things (IoT) describes the network of physical objects, so known as, "things" — that are embedded with sensors, software, and other technologies that is used for the purpose of connecting and exchanging data with other devices and systems over the Internet(Wikipedia) History of IoT • The concept of the "Internet of Things" and the term itself, first appeared in a speech by Peter T. Lewis, to the Congressional Black Caucus Foundation 15th Annual Legislative Weekend in Washington, D.C, published in September 1985. According to Lewis, "The Internet of Things, or IoT, is the integration of people, processes and technology with connectable devices and sensors to enable remote monitoring, status, manipulation and evaluation of trends of such devices." Characteristics: 1) Dynamic & Self Adapting: IoT devices and systems may have the capability to dynamically adapt with the changing contexts and take actions based on their operating conditions, user‘s context or sensed environment. Eg: the surveillance system is adapting itself based on context and changing conditions. 2) Self Configuring: allowing a large number of devices to work together to provide certain functionality. 3) Inter Operable Communication Protocols: support a number of interoperable communication protocols and can communicate with other devices and also with infrastructure. (Eg: I2C i.e inter-integrated controller) 4) Unique Identity: Each IoT device has a unique identity and a unique identifier(IP address). 5) Integrated into Information Network: that allow them to communicate and exchange data with other devices and systems. The Internet of Things Today One year after the past edition of the Clusterbook 2012 it can be clearly stated that the Internet of Things (IoT) has reached many different players and gained further recognition. IoT Today ● There are potential IoT application areas, like Smart cities (and regions) Smart car and mobility Smart home and assisted living Smart industries Public safety Energy and environmental protection Agriculture and tourism, etc. Majority of governments in Europe, in Asia and in the Americas consider now IoT as an area on innovation and research. • As the Internet of Things continues to develop, further potential is estimated by a combination with related technology approaches and concepts such as Cloud computing, Future Internet, Big Data, robotics and Semantic technologies. • However, the Internet of Things is still maturing, in particular due to a number of factors, which limit the full exploitation of the IoT. • Among those factors the following appear to be most relevant factors, which limit the full exploitation of the IoT. ✔ No clear approach for the utilisation of unique identifiers and numbering spaces for various kinds of persistent and volatile objects at a global scale. ✔ No accelerated use and further development of IoT reference architectures ✔ Less rapid advance in semantic interoperability for exchanging sensor information in heterogeneous environments. ✔ Difficulties in developing a clear approach for enabling innovation, trust and ownership of data in the IoT while at the same time respecting security and privacy in a complex environment. ✔ Difficulties in developing business which embraces the full potential of the Internet of Things. ✔ Missing large-scale testing and learning environments Time for Convergence
• Integrated environments that have been at the
origin of the successful take up of smartphone platforms and capable of running a multiplicity of user-driven applications and connecting various sensors and objects are missing today • As a quintessence the next big leap in the Internet of Things evolution will be the coherence of efforts on all levels towards innovation ✔ Coherence of object capabilities and behaviour: ✔ Coherence of application interactivity: ✔ Coherence of corresponding technology approaches: ✔ Coherence of real and virtual worlds: Enabling technologies for the Internet of Things such as sensor net- works, RFID, M2M, mobile Internet, semantic data integration, semantic search, IPv6, etc. are considered in and can be grouped into three categories: (i) technologies that enable “things” to acquire contextual information, (ii) technologies that enable “things” to process contextual information, and (iii) technologies to improve security and privacy. The first two categories can be jointly understood as functional building blocks required building “intelligence” into “things”, which are indeed the features that differentiate the IoT from the usual Internet. The third category is not a functional but rather a de facto requirement, without which the penetration of the IoT would be severely reduced. The Internet of Things is much more than M2M communication, wireless sensor networks, 2G/3G/4G, RFID, etc. These are considered as being the enabling technologies that make “Internet of Things” applications possible. Towards the IoT Universe(s) • In analogy to the definition that a universe is commonly defined as the totality of existence, an Internet of Things universe might potentially connect everything
• The overall scope is to create and foster ecosystems of
platforms for connected smart objects, integrating the future generation of devices, network technologies, software technologies, interfaces and other evolving ICT innovations, both for the society and for people to become pervasive at home, at work and while on the move. • These environments will embed effective and efficient security and privacy mechanisms into devices, architectures, platforms, and protocols, including characteristics such as openness, dynamic expandability, interoperability of objects, distributed intelligence, and cost and energy-efficiency. ● Fostering of a consistent, interoperable and accessible Internet of Things across sectors, including standardisation. ● Directing effort and attention to important societal application areas such as health and environment, including focus on low energy consumption. ● Offering orientation on security, privacy, trust and ethical aspects in the scope of current legislation and development of robust and future-proof general data protection rules. ● Providing resources like spectrum allowing pan-European service provision and removal of barriers such as roaming. ● Maintaining the Internet of Things as an important subject for international cooperation both for sharing best practises and developing coherent strategies. Internet of Things Vision • The goal of the Internet of Things is to enable things to be connected anytime, anyplace, with anything and anyone ideally using any path/network and any service. • Internet of Things is a new revolution of the Internet. Objects make themselves recognizable and they obtain intelligence by making or enabling context related decisions thanks to the fact that they can communicate information about themselves. They can access information that has been aggregated by other things, or they can be components of complex services. This transformation is concomitant with the emergence of cloud computing capabilities and the transition of the Internet towards IPv6 with an almost unlimited addressing capacity IoT Strategic Research and Innovation Directions • The development of enabling technologies such as nanoelectronics, communications, sensors, smart phones, embedded systems, cloud networking, network virtualization and software will be essential to provide to things the capability to be connected all the time everywhere. • The final report of the Key Enabling Technologies (KET), of the High- Level Expert Group identified the enabling technologies, crucial to many of the existing and future value chains of the European economy: ● Nanotechnologies ● Micro and Nano electronics ● Photonics ● Biotechnology ● Advanced Materials ● Advanced Manufacturing System IoT Enabling Technologies Today many European projects and initiatives address Internet of Things technologies and knowledge. Given the fact that these topics can be highly diverse and specialized, there is a strong need for integration of the individual results. Knowledge integration, in this context is conceptualized as the process through which disparate, specialized knowledge located in multiple projects Research challenges: • Design of open APIs on all levels of the IoT ecosystem • Design of standardized formats for description of data generated by IoT devices to allow mashups of data coming from different domains and/or providers. IoT Applications
• The major applications are smart transport, products,
cities, buildings, rural areas, energy, health, living, etc • At the city level, the integration of technology and quicker data analysis will lead to a more coordinated and effective civil response to security and safety • At the building level, security technology will be integrated into systems and deliver a return on investment to the end-user through leveraging the technology in multiple Applications. Internet of Things in the context of smart environments and applications • In the last few years the evolution of markets and applications, and therefore their economic potential and their impact in addressing societal trends and challenges for the next decades has changed dramatically. • Societal trends are grouped as: health and wellness, transport and mobility, security and safety, energy and environment, communication and e-society, as presented in below Figure. Various application areas Internet of Things and Related Future Internet Technologies Cloud Computing IoT and Semantic Technologies Autonomy ✔ Properties of Autonomic IoT Systems ∙ Self-adaptation ∙ Self-healing • Self-description • Self-discovery • Self-matchmaking • Self-energy-supplying • Self-organization • Self-optimisation • Self-configuration • Self-protection Cloud Computing • Cloud computing has been established as one of the major building blocks of the Future Internet. • New technology enablers have progressively fostered virtualisation at different levels and have allowed the various paradigms known as “Applications as a Service”, “Platforms as a Service” and “Infrastructure and Networks as a Service”. • Such trends have greatly helped to reduce cost of ownership and management of associated virtualised resources • As part of this convergence, IoT applications (such as sensor-based services) will be delivered on-demand through a cloud environment. This extends beyond the need to virtualize sensor data stores in a scalable fashion(Sensing-as-a-Service).
• Virtual objects that will be integrated into the
fabric of future IoT services and shared and reused in different contexts, projecting an “Object as a Service” Relevant topics for the research agenda will therefore include: • The description of requests for services to a cloud/IoT infrastructure • The virtualization of objects, • Tools and techniques for optimization of cloud infrastructures • The investigation of utility metrics and learning techniques that could be used for gauging on-demand IoT services in a cloud environment, • Techniques for real-time interaction of Internet-connected objects within a cloud environment through the implementation of lightweight interactions and the adaptation of real-time operating systems. • Access control models to ensure the proper access to the data stored in the cloud. IoT and Semantic Technologies Semantic technologies will also have a key role in enabling sharing and reuse of virtual objects as a service through the cloud The semantic enrichment of virtual object descriptions will realise for IoT what semantic annotation of web pages has enabled in the Semantic Web. Associated semantic-based reasoning will assist IoT users to more independently find the relevant proven virtual objects to improve the performance or the effectiveness of the IoT applications they intend to use. Autonomy Autonomic computing inspired by biological systems, has been proposed as a grand challenge that will allow the systems to self-manage this complexity, using high-level objec- tives and policies defined by humans. The Internet of Things will exponentially increase the scale and the com plexity of existing computing and communication systems. Autonomy is thus an imperative property for IoT systems to have. However, there is still a lack of research on how to adapt and tailor existing research on autonomic computing to the specific characteristics of IoT, such as high dynamicity and distribution, real-time nature, resource constraints, and lossy environments. Properties of Autonomic IoT Systems: Self-adaptation: It is an essential property that allows the communicating nodes, as well as services using them, to react in a timely manner to the continuously changing context in accordance with, for instance, business policies or performance objectives that are defined by humans. IoT systems should be able to reason autonomously and give self-adapting decisions. Cognitive radios at physical and link layers, self-organising network protocols, automatic service discovery and (re-)bindings at the application layer are important enablers for the self-adapting IoT. Self-organization: In IoT systems — and especially in WS&ANs — it is very common to have nodes that join and leave the network spontaneously. The network should therefore be able to re-organize itself against this evolving topology. Self-organizing, energy efficient routing protocols have a considerable importance in the IoT applications in order to provide seamless data exchange through-out the highly heterogeneous networks Self-optimisation:Optimal usage of the constrained resources (such as memory, bandwidth, pro-cessor, and most importantly, power) of IoT devices is necessary for sustain- able and long-living IoT deployments. Given some high-level optimisation goals in terms of performance, energy consumption or quality of service, the system itself should perform necessary actions to attain its objectives. Self-configuration: IoT systems are potentially made of thousands of nodes and devices such as sensors and actuators. Configuration of the system is therefore very com-plex and difficult to handle by hand. The IoT system should provide remote configuration facilities so that self-management applications automatically configure necessary parameters based on the needs of the applications and users. It consists of configuring for instance device and network parameters, installing/uninstalling/upgrading software, or tuning performance parameters. Self-protection: Due to its wireless and ubiquitous nature, IoT will be vulnerable to numerous malicious attacks. As IoT is closely related to the physical world, the attacks will for instance aim at controlling the physical environments or obtaining private data. The IoT should autonomously tune itself to different levels of security and privacy, while not affecting the quality of service and quality of experience Self-healing: The objective of this property is to detect and diagnose problems as they occur and to immediately attempt to fix them in an autonomous way. IoT systems should monitor continuously the state of its different nodes and detect whenever they behave differently than expected. It can then perform actions to fix the problems encountered. Encounters could include re-configuration parameters or installing a software update. Self-description: Things and resources (sensors and actuators) should be able to describe their characteristics and capabilities in an expressive manner in order to allow other communicating objects to interact with them. Adequate device and service description formats and languages should be defined, possibly at the semantic level. Self-discovery: Together with the self-description, the self-discovery feature plays an essential role for successful IoT deployments. IoT devices/services should be dynamically discovered and used by the others in a seamless and transparent way. Self-matchmaking: To fully unlock the IoT potential, virtual objects will have to: • Be reusable outside the context for which they were originally deployed and • Be reliable in the service they provide. Self-energy-supplying: And finally, self-energy-supplying is a tremendously important (and very IoT specific) feature to realize and deploy sustainable IoT solutions. Energy harvesting techniques (solar, thermal, vibration, etc.) should be preferred as a main power supply, rather than batteries that need to be replaced regularly, and that have a negative effect on the environment. Infrastructure The Internet of Things will become part of the fabric of everyday life. It will become part of our overall infrastructure just like water, electricity, telephone,TV and most recently the Internet. Whereas the current Internet typically connects full-scale computers, the Internet of Things (as part of the Future Inter-net) will connect everyday objects with a strong integration into the physical world. Plug and Play Integration plug and play functionality requires an infrastructure that supports it, starting from the networking level and going beyond it to the application level. This is closely related to the aspects discussed in the section on autonomy. On the networking level, the plug & play functionality has to enable the communication, features like the ones provided by IPv6 are in the directions to help in this process. Suitable infrastructure components have then to be discovered to enable the integration into the Internet of Things. This includes announcing the functionalities provided, such as what can be sensed or what can be actuated. Infrastructure Functionality The infrastructure needs to support applications in finding the things required. An application may run anywhere, including on the things themselves. Finding things is not limited to the startup time of an application. Automatic adaptation is needed whenever relevant new things become available, things become unavailable or the status of things changes. The infrastructure has to support the monitoring of such changes and the adaptation that is required as a result of the changes. Semantic Modelling of Things
To reach the full potential of the Internet of
Things, semantic information regarding the things, the information they can provide or the actuations they can perform need to be available. It is not sufficient to know that there is a temperature sensor or an electric motor, but it is important to know which temperature the sensor measures: the indoor temperature of a room or the temperature of the fridge Physical Location and Position
As the Internet of Things is strongly rooted in the
physical world, the notion of physical location and position are very important, especially for finding things, but also for deriving knowledge. Therefore, the infrastructure has to support finding things according to location (e.g. geo-location based discovery). Taking mobility into account, localization technologies will play an important role for the Internet of Things. Security and Privacy
In addition, an infrastructure needs to provide
support for security and privacy functions including identification, confidentiality, integrity, non-repudiation authentication and authorization. Here the heterogeneity and the need for inter- operability among different ICT systems deployed in the infrastructure and the resource limitations of IoT devices (e.g., Nano sensors) have to be taken into account. Networks and Communication Networking Technology Communication Technology ✔ Complexity of the Networks of ✔ Unfolding the Potential of the Future Communication Technologies ✔ Growth of Wireless Networks ✔ Correctness of Construction ✔ Mobile Networks ✔ An Unified Theoretical Framework for ✔ Expanding Current Networks Communication to Future Networks ✔ Energy-Limited Internet of ✔ Overlay Networks Things Devices and their ✔ Network Self-organization Communication ✔ IPv6, IoT and Scalability ✔ Challenge the Trend to Complexity ✔ Green Networking Technology ✔ Disruptive Approaches Networks and Communication Present communication technologies span the globe in wireless and wired networks and support global communication by globally-accepted communication standards
Changes will first be embedded in given
communication standards and networks and subsequently in the communication and network structures defined by these standards. Networking Technology The evolution and pervasiveness of present communication technologies has the potential to grow to unprecedented levels in the near future by including the world of things into the developing Internet of Things. Network users will be humans, machines, things and groups of them. Complexity of the Networks of the Future: A key research topic will be to understand the complexity of these future networks and the expected growth of complexity due to the growth of Internet of Things. The research results of this topic will give guidelines and timelines for defining the requirements for network functions, for network management, for network growth and network composition and variability Wireless networks cannot grow without such side effects as interference. Growth of Wireless Networks: Wireless networks especially will grow largely by adding vast amounts of small Internet of Things devices with minimum hardware, software and inteligence, limiting their resilience to any imperfections in all their functions. Based on the research of the growing network complexity, caused by the Internet of Things, predictions of traffic and load models will have to guide further research on unfolding the predicted complexity to real networks, their standards and on-going implementations Mobile Network: Applications such as body area networks may develop into an autonomous world of small, mobile networks being attached to their bearers and being connected to the Internet by using a common point of contact. The mobile phone of the future could provide this function. Analysing worldwide industrial processes will be required to find limiting set sizes for the number of machines and all things being implied or used within their range in order to develop an understanding of the evolution steps to the Internet of Things in industrial environments Expanding Current Networks to Future Networks: Generalizing the examples given above, the trend may be to expand current end user network nodes into networks of their own or even a hierarchy of networks. In this way networks will grow on their current access side by unfolding these outermost nodes into even smaller, attached networks, spanning the Internet of Things in the future. In this context networks or even networks of networks will be mobile by themselves. Overlay Networks: Even if network construction principles should best be unified for the world-wide Internet of Things and the networks bearing it, there will not be one unified network, but several. In some locations even multiple networks over- laying one another physically and logically. Network Self-organization” Wireless networks being built for the Internet of Things will show a large degree of ad-hoc growth, structure, organization, and significant change in time, including mobility. These constituent features will have to be reflected in setting them up and during their operation IPv6, IoT and Scalability: The current transition of the global Internet to IPv6 will provide a virtually unlimited number of public IP addresses able to provide bidirectional and symmetric (true M2M) access to Billions of smart things. It will pave the way to new models of IoT interconnection and integration Green Networking Technology: Network technology has traditionally developed along the line of predictable progress of implementation technologies in all their facets. Given the enormous expected growth of network usage and the number of user nodes in the future, driven by the Internet of Things, there is a real need to minimize the resources for implementing all network elements and the energy being used for their operation Research done by Bell Labs in recent years shows that networks can achieve an energy efficiency increase of a factor of 1,000 compared to current technologies. The results of the research done by the GreenTouch consortium should be integrated into the development of the network technologies of the future. These network technologies have to be appropriate to realise the Internet of Things and the Future Internet in their most expanded state to be anticipated by the imagination of the experts. Communication Technology Unfolding the Potential of Communication Technologies Based on this research the anticipated bottlenecks in communications and in networks and services will have to be quantified using appropriate theoretical methods and simulation approaches.
Communications technologies for the Future Internet and the
Internet of Things will have to avoid such bottlenecks by construction not only for a given status of development, but for the whole path to fully developed and still growing nets. Correctness of Construction Correctness of construction of the whole system is a systematic process that starts from the small systems running on the devices up to network and distributed applications. Methods to prove the correctness of structures and of transformations of structures will be required, including protocols of communication between all levels of communication stacks used in the Internet of Things and the Future Internet. An Unified Theoretical Framework for Communication Communication between processes running within an operating system on a single or multicore processor, communication between processes running in a distributed computer system , and the communication between devices and structures in the Internet of Things and the Future Internet using wired and wireless channels shall be merged into a unified minimum theoretical framework covering and including formalized communication within protocols. Energy-Limited Internet of Things Devices and their Communication
Many types of Internet of Things devices will be
connected to the energy grid all the time; on the other hand a significant subset of Internet of Things devices will have to rely on their own limited energy resources or energy harvesting throughout their lifetime. Given this spread of possible implementations and the expected importance of minimum-energy Internet of Things devices and applications, an important topic of research will have to be the search for minimum energy, minimum computation, slim and lightweight solutions through all layers of Internet of Things communication and applications. Disruptive Approaches Given these special restrictions, non-standard, but already existing ideas should be carefully checked again and be integrated into existing solutions, and disruptive approaches shall be searched and researched with high priority. This very special domain of the Internet of Things may well develop into its most challenging and most rewarding domain from a research point of view and, hopefully, from an economical point of view as well. Processes The deployment of IoT technologies will significantly impact and change the way enterprises do business as well as interactions between different parts of the society, affecting many processes. Adaptive and Event-driven Processes Processes Dealing with Unreliable Data Processes Dealing with Unreliable Resources Highly Distributed Processes Adaptive and Event-driven Processes Research on adaptive and event-driven processes could consider the extension and exploitation of EDA (Event Driven Architectures) for activity monitoring and complex event processing (CEP) in IoT systems. EDA could be combined with business process execution languages in order to trigger specific steps or parts of a business process Processes Dealing with Unreliable Data When dealing with events coming from the physical world (e.g., via sensors or signal processing algorithms), a degree of unreliability and uncertainty is introduced into the processes. If decisions in a business process are to be taken based on events that have some uncertainty attached, it makes sense to associate each of these events with some value for the quality of information (QoI). In simple cases, this allows the process modeller to define thresholds: e.g., if the degree of certainty is more than 90%, then it is assumed that the event really happened. If it is between 50% and 90%, some other activities will be triggered to determine if the event occurred or not. If it is below50%, the event is ignored Processes Dealing with Unreliable Resources Not only is the data from resources inherently unreliable, but also the resources providing the data themselves, e.g., due to the failure of the hosting device. Processes relying on such resources need to be able to adapt to such situations. The first issue is to detect such a failure. Highly Distributed Processes When interaction with real-world objects and devices is required, it can make sense to execute a process in a decentralized fashion. As stated in, the decomposition and decentralization of existing business processes increases scalability and performance, allows better decision making and could even lead to new business models and revenue streams through entitlement management of software products deployed on smart items. Relevant research issues include tools and techniques for the synthesis, the verification and the adaptation of distributed processes, in the scope of a volatile environment Data Management Data management is a crucial aspect in the Internet of Things. When considering a world of objects interconnected and constantly exchanging all types of information, the volume of the generated data and the processes involved in the handling of those data become critical. There are many technologies and factors involved in the “data management” within the IoT context. Some of the most relevant concepts which enable us to understand the challenges and opportunities of data management are: ✔ Data Collection and Analysis ✔ Big Data ✔ Semantic Sensor Networking ✔ Virtual Sensors ✔ Complex Event Processing. Data Collection and Analysis (DCA) Data Collection and Analysis modules or capabilities are the essential components of any IoT platform or system, and they are constantly evolving in order to support more features and provide more capacity to external components.The DCA module is part of the core layer of any IoT platform. Some of the main functions of a DCA module are: ■ User/customer data storing: ■ Customer task automation: ■ Customer workflows: ■ User data & operation modelling: ■ Multitenant structure: ■ On demand data access: ■ Customer rules/filtering: Big Data Big data is about the processing and analysis of large data repositories, so disproportionately large that it is impossible to treat them with the conventional tools of analytical databases. Big data requires exceptional technologies to efficiently process large quantities of data within a tolerable amount of time. Technologies being applied to big data include massively parallel processing (MPP) databases, data-mining grids, distributed file systems, distributed databases, computing platforms, the Internet, and scalable storage systems. These technologies are linked with many aspects derived from the analysis of natural phenomena such as climate and seismic data to environments such as health, safety or, of course, the business environment. The biggest challenge of the Petabyte Age will not be storing all that data, it will be figuring out how to make sense of it. Big data deals with unconventional, unstructured databases, which can reach petabytes, exabytes or zettabytes, and require specific treatments for their needs, either in terms of storage or processing/display. Semantic Sensor Networks and Semantic Annotation of Data The information collected from the physical world in combination with the existing resources and services on the Web facilitate enhanced methods to obtain business intelligence, enabling the construction of new types of front-end application and services which could revolutionise the way organisations and people use Internet services and applications in their daily activities. Virtual Sensors • A virtual sensor behaves just like a real sensor, emitting time series data from a specified geographic region with newly defined thematic concepts or observations which the real sensors may not have. • A virtual sensor may not have any real sensor’s physical properties such as manufacturer or battery power information, but does have other properties, such as: who created it; what methods are used, and what original sensors it is based on. Security, Privacy & Trust There are a number of specific security, privacy and trust challenges in the IoT, they all share a number of transverse non-functional requirements: • Lightweight and symmetric solutions, Support for resource constrained devices • Scalable to billions of devices/transactions • Heterogeneity and multiplicity of devices and platforms • Intuitively usable solutions, seamlessly integrated into the real world Trust for IoT As IoT-scale applications and services will scale over multiple administrative domains and involve multiple ownership regimes, there is a need for a trust framework to enable the users of the system to have confidence that the information and services being exchanged can indeed be relied upon. The trust framework needs to be able to deal with humans and machines as users, i.e. it needs to convey trust to humans and needs to be robust enough to be used by machines without denial of service. The development of trust frameworks that address this requirement will require advances in areas such as: ✔ Light weight public key infrastructure ✔ Light weight key management systems ✔ Quality of information ✔ Decentralized and self configuring systems ✔ Novel methods for assessing trust in people ✔ Assurance methods for trusted platforms
✔ Access Control to prevent data breaches .
∙ Lightweight Public Key Infrastructures (PKI) as a basis for trust management. Advances are expected in hierarchical and cross certification concepts to enable solutions to address the scalability requirements.
• Lightweight key management systems to enable trust relationships
to be established and the distribution of encryption materials using minimum communications and processing resources, as is consistent with the resource constrained nature of many IoT devices. ∙ Quality of Information is a requirement for many IoT-based systems where metadata can be used to provide an assessment of the reliability of IoT data.
• Decentralised and self-configuring systems as alternatives to
PKI for establishing trust e.g. identity federation, peer to peer.
• Novel methods for assessing trust in people, devices and
data, beyond reputation systems. One example is Trust Negotiation. ∙ Assurance methods for trusted platforms including hardware, software, protocols, etc.
• Access Control to prevent data breaches. One example is
Usage Control, which is the process of ensuring the correct usage of certain information according to a predefined policy after the access to information is granted. Security for IoT As the IoT becomes a key element of the Future Internet and a critical national/international infrastructure, the need to provide adequate security for the IoT infrastructure becomes ever more important. Large-scale applications and services based on the IoT are increasingly vulnerable to disruption from attack or information theft. ∙ Dos and DDOS prevention ∙ General attack detection and recovery ∙ Cyber situation tools and techniques ∙ Variety of access control and associated accounting schemes ∙ Handling virtually all modes of operation • DoS/DDOS attacks are already well understood for the current Internet, but the IoT is also susceptible to such attacks and will require specific techniques and mechanisms to ensure that transport, energy, city infrastructures cannot be disabled or subverted. • General attack detection and recovery/resilience to cope with IoT- specific threats, such as compromised nodes, malicious code hacking attacks. • Cyber situation awareness tools/techniques will need to be developed to enable IoT-based infrastructures to be monitored. Advances are required to enable operators to adapt the protection of the IoT during the lifecycle of the system and assist operators to take the most appropriate protective action during attacks. ∙ The IoT requires a variety of access control and associated account-ing schemes to support the various authorisation and usage models that are required by users. The heterogeneity and diversity of the devices/gateways that require access control will require new lightweight schemes to be developed. • The IoT needs to handle virtually all modes of operation by itself without relying on human control. New techniques and approaches e.g. from machine learning, are required to lead to a self-managed IoT. Privacy for IoT As much of the information in an IoT system may be personal data, there is a requirement to support anonymity and restrictive handling of personal information. Cryptographic techniques Techniques to supports privacy by design concepts Fine-grained and self-configuring access control mechanism Preserving location privacy Prevention of personal information inference Use of soft identities ∙ Cryptographic techniques that enable protected data to be stored processed and shared, without the information content being accessible to other parties. Technologies such as homomorphic and searchable encryption are potential candidates for developing such approaches. • Techniques to support Privacy by Design concepts, including data minimisation, identification, authentication and anonymity. • Fine-grain and self-configuring access control mechanism emulating the real world. ∙ Preserving location privacy, where location can be inferred from things associated with people. • Prevention of personal information inference, that individuals would wish to keep private, through the observation of IoT-related exchanges. • Keeping information as local as possible using decentralised computing and key management. • Use of soft identities, where the real identity of the user can be used to generate various soft identities for specific applications. Each soft identity can be designed for a specific context or application without revealing unnecessary information, which can lead to privacy breaches. Important Questions 1. What is IoT? Explain its cherectrics and what is it Today? 2. Describe the future internet technology. 3. What are the Apllications of IoT? Explain the importance of IoT in Agticuiture, smart cities and E-Health. 4. Explain the role of Secutity, Privacy and Trust in IoT?