German Writing Skills
German Writing Skills
German Writing Skills
School and university students of German are often required to write an essay (der Aufsatz) on
a topical or literary subject. This section offers some 'skeleton' structures for expressing a
cogent and well-expressed argument. .
It is worth remembering that your essay will be judged on three criteria: relevant and
well-informed content; incisive and well-organized argument; and idiomatic and correct use of
German. On the first two points, the most essential key to success is to read the question
closely, so that you answer it precisely, and then to prepare a balanced and well-constructed
plan. Obviously different types of essays require different approaches, but in all cases your plan
(and essay) should comprise the following stages:
References to broadcasts
Die Sendung QED über Vitamine im Ersten Fernsehprogramm warf die Frage auf, ob Intelligenz
durch die Ernährung beeinflußt wird.
The programme QED on Channel One / BBC 1 about vitamins raised the question whether
intelligence is influenced by what we eat / by our diet.
Ein Dokumentarfilm über die 'Befreiung' von Kuweit veranlaßte mich, über folgende Probleme
A documentary on the 'liberation' of Kuwait made me think about the following problems /
References to newspaper articles
In Der Zeit war vor kurzem zu lesen, daß...
Recently one could read in Die Zeit, that.
Neulich war mir in der Frankfurter Allgemeinen (FAZ) ein Artikel über ... aufgefallen.
Recently I noticed an article about ... in the FAZ.
Letzte Woche berichtete die Bildzeitung über einen Mordfall im Schloß.
Last week the Bildzeitung reported the case of a murder in the castle.
Descriptions of events
Bei einem Flugzeugabsturz über Schottland ware damals vile
Menschen ums Leben gekommen.
In a plane-crash over Scotland many people had died at the time.
Am Jahrestag des Mauerdurchbruchs kam es in den neuen
Bundesländern zu mehreren Demonstrationen. Dabei war auf einem
Spruchband zu lesen, .
On the anniversary of the breakthrough of the Wall several protest marches took place in the
new federal states. One banner read..
Historical surveys and references to current affairs
Die Industrielle Revolution began in England.
The Industrial Revolution started in England.
Wer die erste Nachkriegszeit erlebt hat, weiß noch, wie alles gekommen ist.
People who lived through the immediate post-war period remember how everything came about
/ events fell into place.
Traditionell für die alte vorindustrielle Welt war die ständische
The social structure based on privilege was traditional in the old pre. industrial world.
Alexander von Humboldt legte die Grundlage der modernen
Geographie und gilt unter anderem als der Begründer der Klimalehre.
Alexander von Humboldt laid the foundations of modern geography and is regarded among
other things as the founder of climatology.
Immer dringlicher wird die Reform der beruflichen Bildung.
The reform of professional training is becoming more and more urgent.
Nach Heraklit ist der Krieg der Vater aller Dinge, According to Heraclitus, war is the father of all
Der Verfasser behauptet am Anfang des Artikels, daß die Studenten aus der 'armen Welt' unter
erheblichem Erfolgsdruck von daheim stünden.
The author claims at the beginning of the article that students from the Third World' are under
considerable pressure from home to succeed.
Dieses Zitat aus dem öffentlichen Brief der Freunde der Erde . ..
This quotation from the open / public letter by Friends of the Earth..
Main part
(a) Structure (der Aufbau)
In the main part the important points of the argument are elaborated. The structure has to be
logical. Put the most weighty points at the end.
Before you start, make a list of all the points for and against the argument. For their discussion
you have the choice of two basic structures:
(0) Arguments in favour followed by arguments against (antithetischer
List all the positive points first and then all the negative points (or vice versa), i.e.:
Positive point
Negative points
Obviously, the links between the opposing points are crucial and considerably more are required
for the second model than for the first.