A Multi-Objective Vehicle Routing Problem Using Dominant Rank Method
A Multi-Objective Vehicle Routing Problem Using Dominant Rank Method
A Multi-Objective Vehicle Routing Problem Using Dominant Rank Method
International Conference in Distributed Computing & Internet Technology (ICDCIT-2013)
Proceedings published in International Journal of Computer Applications® (IJCA) (0975 – 8887)
Pareto-optimal solutions as possible in a problem. Thus there k
are two goals in a multi-objective optimization. First goal is to =
find a set of solution as close as possible to the Pareto-optimal i 1 j i 1 k 1
front and the second goal is to find a set of solutions as diverse Where
as possible. i and j are customers in the population.
2.3 Need of Genetic Algorithm to Solve VRP n is the total number of customers in the population(or
population size).
Every good optimization method needs to balance the extent or
exploration on information obtained up until the current m is the total number of vehicles available in the depot.
generation through recombination and mutation operators with vijk indicates number of vehicles (k number of vehicles)
the extent of exploitation through the selection operator. If the required to traverse the arc (i,j).
solutions obtained are exploited too much, premature
convergence is expected. On the other hand, if too much stress The following figure shows a simple graphical model of the
is given on a search, the information obtained thus far has not VRP and its solution. In this figure, fleet of identical vehicles
been used properly. Therefore the solution time may be (number of vehicle four, with each vehicle capacity is 50)
enormous and the search exhibits a similar behavior to that of a available in the depot (d). Number of customers, numbered from
random search. Most classical methods have fixed transition 1 to 10, with demand of each customer is illustrated in the
rules and hence have fixed degrees of exploration and figure. In “Table 1” distance from depot to customer, customer
exploitation. Since these issues can be controlled in a GA by to depot, customer to customer explained. By considering
varying the parameters involved in the genetic operators, GA constraints and objective (minimum distance and minimum
provide an ideal platform for performing a flexible search in number of vehicles), the exact routes explained in “Table 2”.
VRP. Genetic algorithm is widely used to solve optimization Distance of each sub routes, total route distance and total
problems for its characteristic, especially vehicle routing number of vehicles required to traverse each customer
problem [11, 12]. illustrated in “Table 2”. The final route design is explained in
“Figure 2”.
International Conference in Distributed Computing & Internet Technology (ICDCIT-2013)
Proceedings published in International Journal of Computer Applications® (IJCA) (0975 – 8887)
International Conference in Distributed Computing & Internet Technology (ICDCIT-2013)
Proceedings published in International Journal of Computer Applications® (IJCA) (0975 – 8887)
Step 4(c): Apply GA operators (crossover (SMCM) and Now second sub route of offspring 1 is, last node number of
mutation (SEMM)) each sub route in chromosome 2, by satisfying all the
Step 4(d): generation =generation+1 constraints. If the constraints are not satisfied then make a new
route. Same procedure follows for offspring 2.
Offspring 1: 1 7 4 – 2 8 6
3.3.3 Diversity Method
Offspring 2: 2 8 -6 7- 1 5 4
In Pareto approximation, diversity is important because all the
solutions are different. Density information gives us good Delete the visited node number which is second sub route of
metric to increase this diversity. This means probability to select offspring 1 from chromosome 2. Similarly delete the visited
solution decreases the greater density of solutions in its node number which is second sub route of offspring 2 from
neighborhood. So for density information histogram “Figure 4” chromosome 1. So after deletion rest of the nodes in sub routes
method is applied. Histogram is the technique consists of equal are:
dimension grids. According to fitness value different solutions
are located in different grids. Maximum number of solutions in
any particular grid is the density information. Chromosome 1: 3 9
Chromosome 2: 5 - 9 3
Offspring 1: 1 7 4 – 2 8 6 – 5 9 3
Offspring 2: 2 8 -6 7 3- 1 5 4 – 9
The last node number of each sub route of chromosome 1 is the Step 1: The following chromosome are taken for mutation
first sub route in offspring 1 i.e, 1 7 4, by satisfying all the where 1 7 4 are last node numbers of each sub routes.
constraints. If the constraints are not satisfied then make a new
route. Similarly the last node number of each sub route of
chromosome 2 is the first sub route of offspring 2 i.e. 2,8,6,7 by
satisfying all the constraints. Since constraints are not satisfied
so here one sub route is 2 8 and another is 6 7.
Step 2: Suppose randomly two sub routes are selected i.e. 2 5 7
Offspring 1: 1 7 4 and 3 9 1. Then exchange last node number of each sub routes.
Offspring 2: 2 8 -6 7
International Conference in Distributed Computing & Internet Technology (ICDCIT-2013)
Proceedings published in International Journal of Computer Applications® (IJCA) (0975 – 8887)
International Conference in Distributed Computing & Internet Technology (ICDCIT-2013)
Proceedings published in International Journal of Computer Applications® (IJCA) (0975 – 8887)