Bladder Accumulators

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Bladder Accumulators

Operating and
Maintenance Instructions
For bladder accumulators with a PRESERVATION
permissible operating pressure p If the period of storage up until
Using the charging and testing unit greater than 1 bar and a pressure commissioning is no longer than
FPU–1, hydraulic accumulators capacity p*V > 1000, for three months, it is sufficient for the
can be charged with nitrogen to non–corrosive fluids, a pressure pre–charged accumulator, which is
the pre–charge pressure p0, or test must be carried out by an moistened on the inside with
tested. Firstly, isolate the bladder approval authority every 10 years, hydraulic fluid, to be stored in a
accumulator from the hydraulic otherwise every 5 years. cool, dry place, protected from
system by closing the shut–off An internal inspection must be direct sunlight. The accumulator
valve A and discharge it on the carried out every five years and an can be stored in any position. To
fluid side. Then remove the valve external inspection every two prevent contamination from
protection cap, the cap nut and the years. For further information, entering the accumulator, ensure
O–ring. The charging and testing refer to the (German) Pressure that the hydraulic connection is
unit FPU–1 and the nitrogen bottle Vessels Regulations (DruckbehV). plugged.
can now be connected in If the accumulator is to be stored
accordance with the operating
for longer than three months,
instructions (with adaptor A3). discharge the pre–charge
Ensure that the pressure release pressure down to 2 bar to prevent
valve of the FPU–1 is closed.
the bladder from becoming
Then slowly open the valve of the deformed.
nitrogen bottle so that the nitrogen
is released into the accumulator. When commissioning the
Wait until approximately 1 bar has accumulator allow the hydraulic
been reached before opening the fluid to flow in slowly in order to
shut–off valve of the nitrogen protect the bladder.
bottle further to enable faster If the accumulator is intended to
charging. be stored for longer than one year
Interrupt the charging procedure it is advisable to disassemble it
from time to time and check the and store the accumulator and
pre–charge pressure reached. bladder separately. When storing
When the required pre–charge accumulator bladders, the
pressure has been reached, close DIN Standard 7716 ”Rubber
the shut–off valve of the nitrogen Products, Guidelines for Storage,
bottle. Wait for approx. five Maintenance and Cleaning” must
minutes whilst temperature be followed.
equalisation takes place (a longer
period must be allowed for larger
charging quantities), then
re–check the pre–charge pressure
and adjust if necessary. If the
pressure is too high, it can be
lowered via the pressure release
valve of the FPU–1.
Turn the spindle clockwise to close
the valve. Then discharge the
charging and testing unit via the
pressure release valve and
remove it by loosening the cap
nuts. Then check for leakages on
the accumulator gas valve using a
leak detector spray. Screw on cap
nuts and valve protection cap
(for torque ratings see Table 1,
Point 8.5).
Further details can be found in the
HYDAC brochure “HYDAC
Charging and Testing Unit” and in
the operating instructions for the
On the whole, nitrogen losses on In this case, as shown in the following drawing, a pressure gauge is
bladder accumulators are very connected to a line which is directly connected to the accumulator.
low. However, to prevent the
bladder from becoming too
deformed if there is a drop in the
pre–charge pressure p0, a regular
check of the pre–charge pressure
is recommended. The pre–charge
pressure shown on the adhesive
label or type code label must be
re–adjusted after every new
installation or repair and then
checked at least once during the
first week. If no nitrogen loss is
detected, a further check should
be carried out after approximately
four months.
If after this period no pressure
change is detected, an annual E
check of the nitrogen pressure will
be sufficient.

Isolate the fully–charged bladder accumulator from the hydraulic

system by closing the shut–off valve A. Very slowly discharge the
accumulator on the fluid side via drain valve E. The pressure gauge
must be constantly monitored during this process. A slow, steady
pressure drop is displayed. The pressure only drops abruptly when the
accumulator has been completely discharged. The pressure displayed
before the drop corresponds to the pre–charge pressure of the bladder
accumulator. If this pressure lies below the permissible value, the
charging procedure must be carried out, as described in the following
1. DESCRIPTION 3. INSTALLATION AND – intended function of the
These Operating and Maintenance accumulator.
Instructions apply to HYDAC
bladder accumulators of the series 3.1. MOUNTING POSITION The following pre–charge
SB330 / SB400 / SB550 pressures are recommended:
The accumulators can be mounted
having the following specifications: both vertically and horizontally. for energy storage:
However, the vertical mounting p0,tmax = 0.9 ∗ p1
permiss. operating
pressure: 330 / 400 / 550 bar position with the gas valve at the for shock absorption
top is generally preferred. p0,tmax = 0.6 ... 0.9 ∗ pm
permiss. operating pm = average operating pressure
temperature: –10 / +80 °C Irrespective of the mounting
(standard, with position, the type code label or for pulsation damping:
NBR seal) vessel label must be accessible p0,tmax = 0.6 ... 0.8 ∗ pm
and legible.
max. Examples:
pre–charge Sufficient clearance must be left to
pressure p0: p0,tmax ≤ 0.9 ∗ p1 mount and disconnect the bladder p0,tmax = 0.6 ∗ pm
accumulator. In particular, an area with 1 piston pump
permiss. of at least 150 x 150 x 150 mm p0,tmax = 0.7 ∗ pm
pressure ratio must be left above the gas valve with three or more piston pumps
p2 : p0 ≤4:1 for fitting and operating the p0,tmax = 0.8 ∗ pm
Design, charging and testing unit FPU–1. with operating pressure range
Approval: TRB/AD– Critical value of the gas
Regulations, TÜV 3.2. MOUNTING pre–charge pressure:
where: In accordance with the – p0 ≤ 0.9 ∗ p1
p0 = pre–charge pressure, recommendations of the HYDAC – permiss. pressure ratio of
p1 = minimum operating brochure “Supports for Hydraulic p2 : p0 ≤ 4 : 1
pressure, Accumulators”, HYDAC bladder
p2 = maximum operating pressure Further information on the gas
accumulators must be mounted pre–charge pressures can be
For volumes, dimensions and vibration–free using clamps and found in the HYDAC accumulator
weights (when empty), see consoles. brochure “Bladder Accumulators”
drawing or brochure. NOTE or “Hydraulic Dampers”.
Manufacturer: Mounting elements must never Charging and testing of the
HYDAC Technology GmbH be welded to the bladder pre–charge pressure is described
Geschäftsbereich Speichertechnik accumulator. in Point 6 “Inspection and
Postfach 1251 On request we can build fully Maintenance”.
66273 Sulzbach/Saar assembled and connected
Industriegebiet accumulator stands as standard 5.2. VENTING
66280 Sulzbach/Saar and special models. Prior to commissioning, the
Germany accumulator must be vented via
Tel: 06897 / 509–01 the vent screw (Item 19). As soon
Fax: 06897 / 509–464 4. CONNECTION as oil seeps past the vent screw,
The hydraulic connection on tighten it again. Then apply the
HYDAC bladder accumulators is maximum operating pressure to
2. DELIVERY threaded as standard. the complete hydraulic system and
INSPECTION The connection of the accumulator check for leakages. After
Prior to delivery, HYDAC to the pipe must be stress–free commissioning, tighten the gas
accumulators undergo a careful and torque–free. and oil valve lock nut (for torque
inspection. ratings, see Point 8, Table 1).
It must be possible to isolate the
Upon receipt of the accumulator, accumulator from the pressurised 5.3. SAFETY PRECAUTIONS
check that: hydraulic system. This means that NOTE!
– no damage has been sustained it must be possible to discharge
the vessel on the fluid side. In this Only use nitrogen to charge the
during transport. In particular, accumulator bladder, never
carry out a visual check of the regard the (German) Pressure
Vessel Regulations (DruckbehV) oxygen or compressed air
gas valve and the hydraulic (risk of explosion).
connection for damage, and other relevant regulations
must be observed. If the pressure of the nitrogen
– the details shown on the type
code label correspond to the bottle is higher than the
order details 5. COMMISSIONING AND permissible operating pressure of
the accumulator, a pressure
– the test certificates (if required) SAFETY PRECAUTIONS release valve or gas pressure
are present and correspond to Prior to connecting the valve must be fitted.
the factory number of the accumulator to the pressurised
accumulator, system, the pre–charge pressure
– the protective cap of the gas should be re–checked. If the
valve is tightly closed, accumulator was pre–charged at
– the hydraulic connection has HYDAC the pressure level can be
been closed off with a found on the adhesive label or
protective plug. stamped on the type code label.
The level of the pre–charge
pressure generally depends on the
following criteria:
– type of system,
– expected changes in operating
INSPECTION AND Secure the accumulator to a
horizontal base and disassemble a) Pressure vessel
ASSEMBLY as follows: Carefully clean the inside of the
See Point 9.2 for item numbers – The gas pre–charge pressure pressure vessel with a
must always be released first. non–aggressive, non–abrasive
8.1. DISCONNECTION cleaning agent, then dry with a
– Carefully clean the area around lint–free cloth.
the connections on the gas and When releasing nitrogen, ventilate
area well, danger of suffocation! Check that the bore on the fluid
fluid side. side is undamaged to ensure that
– Unscrew valve protection cap the O–ring provides a tight seal.
– On back–up type bladder (item 6) and cap nut (item 5).
accumulators the nitrogen feed If any external or internal damage
line must be isolated by means – Release the nitrogen pressure is found, the pressure vessel must
of the shut–off valve. using the charging and testing be submitted immediately to the
unit FPU–1. manufacturer and, if applicable,
– Completely release the
pressure on the fluid side of the – Remove gas valve insert the appropriate inspection
accumulator. (item 3) using a gas valve authority for assessment.
wrench. b) Bladder
– Remove all non–pressurised
lines on the fluid side and – Clamp small accumulators in a Charge the bladder fully with
remove the complete bladder vice and secure large ones on nitrogen, or possibly compressed
accumulator from the system. an assembly bench (clamps, air, and check for damage. The
chains etc.). bladder must be replaced if there
is evidence of even the slightest
– Remove vent screw (item 19). leak. Re–vulcanisation or repair is
– Loosen and unscrew lock nut neither possible nor permissible.
(item 18) with a C–spanner. Possible chafe marks should be
– Remove spacer (item 17). examined for depth. If such chafe
If not easily removable it can be marks exist, it is advisable to
knocked loose using a plastic check the pressure vessel again
hammer. for rough spots. Small grooves in
the elastomer are not significant
– Loosen valve and slide it into and do not impair the function of
the body. the bladder. If the gas valve insert
– Reach into the opening and is leaking, it must be replaced with
remove the O–ring (item 16) a new one. The seat can be
and the washer (item 15) from slightly abraded beforehand using
the oil valve (if fitted, the a special tool. Even bladders
support ring (item 23) should under more operating pressure (in
also be removed). the pressure vessel) must be
absolutely leak–free at the gas
– Strip anti–extrusion ring valve. If this is not the case, the
(item 14) from the oil valve, fold bladder must be replaced.
and remove it.
c) Oil valve
– Remove oil valve. Push down valve plate and turn
– Loosen lock nut (item 4) on the through approximately ninety
gas valve and remove bladder. degrees a few times to ensure that
NOTE! it moves freely. The valve plate
shaft must be free of grooves and
Collect hydraulic fluid draining the self–locking nut must be tight.
from the gas and fluid side in a The valve plate, fitting surfaces
suitable container! and threads must be undamaged.
If a new self–locking nut is to be
fitted, it must be secured with
adhesive. There must be no
damage due to the effect of force.
d) Anti–extrusion ring
The ring must be replaced if the
elastomer is badly cracked or
shows signs of embrittlement or
ageing. (There must be no
grooves or rough areas on the
seat surfaces).
e) Seal kit
The seals should always be
f) Other parts
These should also be checked for
damage and replaced where
8.4. ASSEMBLY – Fold anti–extrusion ring Since the pre–charge pressure
Assembly is carried out as follows: (item 14) slightly and insert it changes proportionally to the gas
into the body. temperature, approximately 5
– Moisten the inside of the Push anti–extrusion ring onto minutes waiting time must be
accumulator with the operating the oil valve. allowed, or in the case of large
medium. quantities of nitrogen and high
– Assembly order:
– Unscrew protective cap pressures, up to approximately 1
(item 6), cap nut (item 5) and Washer Item 15 hour, after the required
lock nut (item 4). O–ring Item 16 accumulator pre–charge pressure
Support ring Item 23 has been reached, to allow the
– Remove gas valve insert Spacer Item 17 temperature to equalise. Then
(item 3) using gas valve Lock nut Item 18 check the pre–charge pressure
wrench. again and adjust if necessary.
– Firstly, push the O–ring into
– Press the bladder to expel all position at four different points. – Screw on the cap nut and the
the air. Larger bladders can be A blunt, rounded screwdriver valve protection cap (use
rolled up to the gas valve. can be used for this purpose. torque ratings given in Table 1,
Spray the bladder with oil or the To protect the O–ring, the oil Point 8.5)
intended operating medium. valve thread can be covered
with adhesive tape. – Tighten retaining nut (item 4),
IMPORTANT! (use torque ratings given in
Do not use pure water as water – Insert the spacer and screw on Table 1, Point 8.5)
alone does not constitute a the lock nut; tighten up lock nut
permanent lubricant. with a C–spanner.
Exception: accumulators that are – Screw in vent screw (item 19)
specially designed for use with with seal ring (item 20).
pure water.
– Remove loosely screwed–on
– Large bladders should be lock nut (item 4), position type
screwed onto a pull rod at the code label and tighten securely
external thread of the valve with lock nut.
Vg 8 and inserted carefully.
– Screw in gas valve insert using
NOTE! a torque wrench.
Do not twist bladder when
inserting it! – Apply pre–charge pressure, as
described in Point 6.2.
– Screw lock nut (item 4) loosely
onto the gas valve.
– Inflate the bladder with air until it
touches the side of the
– Insert oil valve into the body.
Make sure that the bladder has
not folded over.


Designation Item SB 330/400 SB 550 SB 330/400 H

0.5 – 1 l 2.5 – 5 l 10 – 50 l 1–5l 10 – 50 l

[ Nm ]

Lock nut 18 90 200 440 150 600

Vent screw 19 3 3 30 3 30

Safety nut 12 4 12 25 12 45

Gas valve insert 3 0.3 – 0.5

Lock nut with

7/8 – 14 UNF 4 80

M 50 x 1.5 150

Cap nut 5 30

Table 1: Torque ratings

9. Special tools and spare parts
In addition to the commercially available screwdrivers and torque wrenches, the following tools, which can be
purchased from Hydac, are required.

9.2. SPARE PARTS Tool HYDAC Stock no.

Gas valve wrench 616886
Torque wrench 379354
C–spanner Specialist suppliers

Table 2: Special tools

Designation Item
Gas valve insert 3
Repair kit consisting of:
Bladder 2
Gas valve insert 3
Lock nut 4
Cap nut 5
Valve protection cap 6
O–ring 7
Washer 15
O–ring 16
Seal ring 20
Support ring 23
O–ring 27
Anti–extrusion ring 14
Oil valve, complete, consisting of:
Oil valve body 9
Valve plate 10
Damping sleeve 11
Safety nut 12
Valve spring 13
Anti–extrusion ring 14
Washer 15
O–ring 16
Spacer 17
Lock nut 18
Vent screw 19
Seal ring 20
Support ring 23
Seal kit consisting of
O–ring 7
Washer 15
O–ring 16
Detail X Seal ring 20
SB330/400–0.5–6l Support ring 23
O–ring 27


Customer service, in particular repairs and pressure
repeat tests, can be carried out at our head office:
Detail X HYDAC Technology GmbH
SB330/400 (H)–10–650l Geschäftsbereich Zentraler Kundendienst
SB550–1–5l Postfach 1251
SB600–10–50l 66273 Sulzbach/Saar
66280 Sulzbach/Saar
Tel: 06897 / 509–01
Fax: 06897 / 509–828
or at any national or international HYDAC Sales and
Service branch.

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