Play Review

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Let’s Do It!


1. Watch the play entitled, “Macbeth” using the link given.
For easy access, you can also click the link given in our Group Chat.
2. Write a sample review of the play, using the following questions as your guide.

I. A. What was the title of the play?

B. Who were the key personalities in the play? (Include the director and the actors
C. Where was the venue?
D. When did you see it?
E. What was the play about?

II. A. What was the conflict in the story?

B. How was the conflict resolved?
C. What was the highlight of the play?
D. Did you like the story? Why or Why not?

III. A. What were the names of the major characters in the play?
B. Were the actors/actresses convincing in their performance? Why or Why not?
C. Were the lined delivered clearly?
D. Were the actions reflective of true-to-life characters?

IV. A. Did the set show the correct mood and time of the play?
B. Did the lights enhance or compliment the actors’ performance?
C. Were the costumes and makeup appropriate for the characters and the period
they are in?
D.Were the sound effects and music appropriate for the scenes and mood of the

V. A. Who comprised the audience? Do you think they enjoyed the play? Why or
Why not?
B. Generally, how would you rate the play? What is your overall opinion of the play?
Rubric for a Play Review

Criteria (10 pts.) (7pts.) (5pts.) (3pts.)

There is at least There is at least The theme of There is little
one paragraph one paragraph the play is evidence to
Understanding that mentions that mentions partly show
of the Play the theme of the theme of mentioned in understanding
the play and the play and the paragraph of what the
has identified at included two and included play was about.
least three names of the only one
names of the characters and character.
characters and their
their description.
The elements of Certain Mentioned Failed to list or
Elements of the play were elements of the different mention
Play described in play were elements of a elements of a
great detail and described and play (dialogue, play.
critiqued them critiqued scenery, acting,
(dialogue, (dialogue, costumes, etc.)
scenery, acting, scenery, acting, did not critique
costumes, etc.) costumes, etc.)

The work is The work has The work The work has
Conventions free of few grammar needs editing many errors in
grammar and and spelling for many grammar and
spelling errors. errors. grammar and spelling and it
spelling errors. interferes with
It uses the It uses meaning.
active/passive active/passive It uses
construction in construction. incorrect It doesn’t use
the entire active/passive the
presentation. construction. active/passive
There are at There are at There is one There are
Opinion least three least two reason given opinions given
reasons given reasons given why the group but no real
why the group why the group does or does reason.
does or does does or does not like the
not like the play not like the play play using
using using appropriate
appropriate appropriate words.
words. words.
Play Review ( Macbeth )

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