Assistant Engineer in Kamco
Assistant Engineer in Kamco
Assistant Engineer in Kamco
(CATEGORY NO.502/2019)
Production planning and control: Concepts of industry - Meaning of the term production and productivity
-Methods of increasing productivity - Types of production - Job production batch production, mass production,
continuous production - Explanation of production planning control - Benefits and functions of PPC - Pre-
planning activities - Forecasting, plant location, product planning, design and development, material selection.
Process planning, determination of men, machines, material and tool requirements — Process planning —Choice
of machine in process planning - Break even analysis - Process sheet -Process planning procedure
-Routing - Scheduling - Dispatching - Value Engineering - Plant location and layout - Factors to be considered
in locating industrial plants - Plant layout - Types of layouts - Compare the advantages and disadvantages of
each type - Plant maintenance - Types of maintenance.
Method study: Work study - Advantages and application of work study to increase productivity -Method
study - Therbligs and their symbols - Process chart symbols - Preparation of operation process chart, flow
process chart, man-machine chart, right hand left hand chart, and simo chart - Flow diagram - Principles of
motion economy - Rules concerning human body, work place layout and material handling, tools and equipment
design - Objectives of work measurement - Procedure of stop watch time study - Standard time calculation
-Production study - Work sampling - Steps in work sampling.
Inspection and Quality control: Concept of quality and quality control - Product control - Concepts of
inspection - Types of inspection - First piece inspection, working inspection, sample inspection, operation
inspection, key operation inspection, floor or patrolling inspection , centralized inspection -Advantages and
Fundamental statistical concepts: Explain the term variability in measurements - Explain the terms variable,
attribute, frequency, frequency distribution and frequency plot - Normal distribution curve - Tally sheet -
Explanation of the terms mean, mode, median and standard deviation - Calculation of mean, mode, median and
standard deviation -Statistical quality control ~ Types of control charts - X,R.P,100P,andC
Project analysis: Need and scope for project analysis - Explanation of the constituents elements of project
analysis - Production cost - Market survey - Selling price - Capital investment - Return on investment -
Elements of costing - Classification of costs - Depreciation - Types of depreciation - Obsolescence - Basic
formula for calculation of machining times for the operation such as turning, drilling and shaping - Simple
Metals and alloys: Structure of materials - Structure of solids - Crystal structure - BCC , FCC and HCP —
Ferrous and non ferrous - Cast iron- White, malleable, grey and nodular cast iron -Manufacturing of Pig iron-
Blast Furnace - Manufacturing of Cast iron - Cupola Furnace - Types of steel - Manufacturing of steel -
Bessemer process, LD process, Open hearth and Electric furnace -Steel alloys ~ Non ferrous metals and alloys -
Aluminum, Copper and its alloys - Crucible furnace.
Heat Treatment Processes: Cooling curve for pure iron- iron carbon equilibrium diagram -TTT diagram -
Micro constituents of steel — Heat treatment process, annealing, normalizing, hardening, tempering, mar
tempering, austempering, case hardening (cyaniding, nitriding and carburising), age hardening—induction
hardening - flame hardening — residual stress due to heat treatment
Properties, testing and inspection of materials: Mechanical properties such as strength, hardness,
toughness, brittleness. creep, fatigue, stiffness, ductility, malleability, elasticity and plasticity - Thermal
properties such as specific heat, thermal conductivity, thermal resistance, and thermal diffusivity - Destructive
testing --Tensile and compressive test - Hardness test: - Impact test - fatigue test - Creep test - Non-destructive
testing - Radio graphic - Ultrasonic testing - Inspection -Spark test, magnetic particle, x-ray and dye penetration
Measuring instruments, gauges and comparators: Classification of measuring instruments- Precision and non
precision instruments - Direct reading and indirect measuring instruments — Vernier caliper, micrometer (inside,
outside) - Classifications of gauges - Plug, ring, snap, screw pitch gauge, feeler gauge, standard wire gauge and
indicating gauges -Comparators - Mechanical comparators, Electrical comparators, Optical comparators,
Pneumatic comparators.
Welding, soldering and brazing : Arc welding -Principle of arc welding - Welding positions — Flat,
horizontal, vertical and overhead welding - Welded joints - Butt, lap ,corner, tee ,edge ,V- joints, U-joint —
Selection of welding electrodes - Electrode coatings - Functions of Electrode coating - Gas welding --Type of
flames - Functions and operation of oxy -acetylene cylinders, pressure regulators, welding torch, nozzle
-Explanation of submerged arc welding, tungsten inert gas (TIG) welding, metal inert gas (MIG) welding, Atomic
hydrogen welding and thermit welding - Defects in welding - Causes and remedies of the defects such as
porosity, poor penetration, warping, under cut, distortion crack, poor appearances - Soldering - Brazing.
Foundry: tools- rammer, trowel, slick, lifter, strike off bar, bellow, sprue pin, mallet, gate cutter, swab, vent rod,
draw spike, moulding box - Composition of moulding sands - Types of moulding sand - Green sand, dry sand,
parting sand, loom sand, lacing sand and core sand - Properties of molding sand such as porosity, plasticity,
adhesiveness, cohesiveness. refractoriness. Types of patterns- single piece pattern, split pattern, match plate pattern,
gated pattern, loose piece pattern, sweep pattern - Pattern allowances- shrinkage allowance, draft allowance,
machining allowance, distortion or camber allowance, rapping allowance
Bench work and fitting: Fitting operations like chipping. Filing, scraping, grinding, sawing, marking, drilling,
reaming, tapping, dieing - Tools used in fining- vice (bench vice, pipe vice, hand vice), files- various types of
files-specification of files-chisels, hammers, hack saw, scrapers, punches, surface plate, surface gauge. V-block,
angle plate, try square, combination set, steel rule, callipers (outside and inside), divider, scriber, drills, reamer,
tap and tap wrench, die and die stock, goggles.
Metal cutting: Orthogonal cutting and oblique cutting, chip formation, type of chips, cutting speed, feed and
depth of cut —Tool life - Machinability
Lathe and lathe work: Type of lathe -Lathe parts, function of each part - Lathe accessories - Work holing and
tool holding devices.- Speed, feed and depth of cut - Operations - taper turning methods - Lathe specification
Drilling machines: Classification - Work holding devices - Types of drill bits - Tool holding devices
- Operations.
Shaping Machines : General use of a shaper - Parts and their functions.
Slotting Machines: General use of a slotter - Slotter parts and their functions.
Planing machines: General use of a planer - Planner parts and their functions.
Milling machines: General use of milling machines - Parts of milling machines and their functions - Types of
milling machines - Cutter holding devices (a) arbours (b) collets - Milling operations – plain milling, key and
key ways, gang milling , T - slot milling - Milling methods (a) conventional milling (b) climb milling - Types of
Broaching Machines: General use of a broaching machine - Parts and their functions.
Gear manufacture: Method of making gears - Gear hobbling.
Jigs and Fixtures: Definition of jigs and fixtures.
Grinding: Abrasives- natural, artificial - Bonding materials -vitrified, silicate, shellac, rubber - Kind of
abrasives, grain size, grade and structure, kind of bond material, functions of the grinding wheels - Grinding
machines - Cylindrical grinders.-centre type and centre less type grinders.
Capston and turret lathe: Construction and parts - tooling layout
Automatic and copying machines: Automation - definition
Flexible manufacturing system: Flexible automation - flexible manufacturing cell - components of FMS
Robots and robotics: Basic elements of robots - types of joints - robotic arms - robotic hands
Computer Numerical Control (CNC): Machine tools (brief description only)
Properties of Fluids :Density - specific weight - specific volume - specific gravity - problems - viscosity
-kinematics viscosity -Newton's law of viscosity - types of fluids - compressibility - surface tension - capillarity
Fluid pressure and its measurement: Fluid pressure at a point — pressure head - problems - Pascal's law —
absolute, gauge, atmospheric and vacuum pressures - simple problems - measurement of fluid pressure
-Piezometer tube - simple manometer- differential manometer - inverted differential manometer - Bourdon's
tube pressure gauge - total pressure.
Kinematics and Dynamics of fluid flow: Introduction - types of fluid flow - steady and unsteady flow
-uniform and non-uniform flow - laminar and turbulent flow - compressible and incompressible flow - rotational
and ir-rotational flow - rate of flow or discharge - equation of continuity of a liquid flow - simple problems
-energy of a liquid in motion - potential energy - kinetic energy - pressure energy - total energy - total head of
liquid in motion - Bernoulli's equation — practical applications of Bernoulli's equation - venturimeter - Orifice
meter - Pitot tube.
Flow through Orifices, Notches, Pipes and Nozzles: Orifices - types of orifices - Vena contracta - coefficient of
contraction - coefficient of velocity - coefficient of discharge - Notches - types of notches - Flow through pipes -
loss of head in pipes - major energy losses - minor energy losses - loss of energy due to friction - Darcy's
formulae(No derivation) for loss of head in pipes - Chezy's formula (No derivation )for loss of head in pipes -
simple problems - loss of head due to sudden enlargement - loss of head due to sudden contraction (No
derivation) — water hammer — nozzles .
Fluid Power: Introduction - Basic law -Applications of fluid power
Hydraulic system: Basic elements of hydraulic system - Oil reservoir pump unit - Principles of working of
Positive displacement pump - Classifications - Gear pumps, Screw Pump, Vane pumps, Lobe pump, Simple
piston pumps.
Hydraulic control elements and components: Control valves - Functions - classifications - Describe the
working of pressure control valves such as relief valves - poppet valve - Direction control valves- check valves.
Flow control valves - types - gate, globe, butterfly valves, non return valve.
Pneumatic System: Comparison of pneumatic system with hydraulic system - identification of standard
pneumatic symbols - basic pneumatic system - air filter - pressure regulator - lubricator - mufflers
Pneumatic control elements and components: Pneumatic control valves -Air cylinders.
Impact of jets : Force exerted by the jet - stationary - vertical - inclined - curved plate ( symmetrical and
unsymmetrical) - force exerted by the jet on moving plates - simple problems.
Impulse turbines: Development of water Turbines-classification-impulse Turbine-Pelton wheel
Reaction turbines: Components—difference between impulse& Reaction—Classification of
Reaction Turbines—Francis Turbine—Kaplan Turbine -Draft tubes - specific speed.
Centrifugal pump: Types of casing—piping system of CP—work done, manometric head—efficiencies-
discharge—power required to drive —multistage pumps -specific speed of CP— cavitation—priming.
Reciprocating pump: Types -comparison of CP & RP -discharge—slip -air vessels , Hydraulic ram.
Screw Threads: Thread terminology- Forms of screw threads (Square thread. V thread) - Wit worth thread-
British Association thread-American standard thread-Acme thread-ISO metric thread-square thread-single start
and multi start threads-right hand and left hand threads-conventional representation of threads, bolted
connection using standard proportions.Welded joints and piping layout: Classification of welds- Elementary
welding symbols — Types of pipes -Methods of connecting pipes-pipe threads-Representation of pipe threads -
Types of pipe joints – Single and double line orthographic symbols for pipe fittings and valves (flanged,
screwed and welded joints).
Limits, Fits and Tolerances: Definition of limits, fits and tolerances.
Surface Roughness: Surface roughness terminology- surface roughness values, Grades and symbols.
General design considerations: General procedure - Design stress and working stress - factor of safety - kinematic
link - pair - chain - four bar chain - examples and applications - mechanism - inversion
Bolts, Nuts and Key: Designation of screw threads - stresses in screwed fastenings due to static loading – initial
stresses - stresses due to external forces - bolts of uniform strength - types of keys - forces acting on a sunk key -
strength of a sunk key - calculation of key size using empirical proportions.
Shafts: Torsional stresses and strains -strength of solid and hollow shaft - design of shaft considering strength
and rigidity- comparisons - power transmitted by shaft - Compare solid and hollow shaft in terms of their weight,
strength and stiffness.
Couplings: Shaft couplings - requirement - types.
Bearings: Functions of bearings - classification of bearings - Radial bearings - thrust bearings - sliding contact
bearings - rolling contact bearings.
Cams: Classification of followers and cams - motion of the followers - uniform velocity, simple harmonic motion -
uniform acceleration and retardation - cam terminology - displacement diagrams.
Governors and Flywheels: Functions of the governors - types of governors - simple watt governor - porter
governor - flywheels - comparison with governors - coefficient of fluctuation of speed - fluctuation of energy –
maximum fluctuation of energy - coefficient of fluctuation of energy.
Belt Drives: Types of belts - flat belt, circular belt or rope, V-belt - types of flat belt drives - open and crossed
belt drive - compound belt drive - stepped or cone pulley drive - velocity ratio - slip - creep.
Gears and Gear Trains: Functions of gears - friction wheels - advantages and disadvantages of a gear drive -
spur gear nomenclature - simple gear drive - velocity ratio - gear trains - simple gear train - compound gear
Air Standard Cycles: Assumption, Air standard efficiency — explanation with diagrams and
derivation of air standard efficiency of Carnot Cycle, Otto cycle, Diesel cycle, dual combustion cycle
Fuels & Combustion: Classification of fuels-solid, liquid. & gaseous- Merits & demerits of various
types of fuels --Requirements of a good fuel.-- Calorific Value — combustion of fuel
Testing of I.C. Engines: Performance of I.C. Engines - testing- Indicated power, Brake Power, Friction
Power - Mechanical Efficiency - Indicated Thermal efficiency, Brake Thermal efficiency, Relative
efficiency - Total fuel consumption & Specific Fuel Consumption - Morse test for Determination of I.P.
of multi-cylinder engine- Heat balance sheet- problems
Heat Transfer: Heat Transfer- conduction, convection and radiation - Fourier's law – Thermal
conductivity - Conduction through plane wall and composite wall- Black body concept - Stefan -
Boltzman law - Gray body concept - Newton Rikhman equation - free and forced convection
Heat Exchangers: Heat exchangers-Classification- Recuperator type and regenerative type, parallel
flow, counter flow type & cross flow - concept of over all heat transfer coefficient --LMTD
Air Compressors: construction and working of Air compressors- function of an air compressor- uses
of compressed air -Classification of the air compressors- working of reciprocating compressors (single
stage and two stage), rotary compressors - fans and blowers, centrifugal compressors and axial
flow compressors. Mechanical efficiency & volumetric efficiency
Different systems of I C engines: Fuel systems, - components —carburetion - functions of carburetor
- working fuel systems of diesel engine -fuel filter - injector and injection nozzle - ignition system —
cooling system - classification of cooling system - radiators - I C engine lubrication system - forced
system - governing systems- quantity governing - quality governing - hit and miss governing.
Principles of Refrigeration: Definition of refrigeration, concept of C.O.P, unit of Refrigeration,
reversed Carnot cycle- COP, Application of refrigeration,
Vapour Compression Refrigeration systems: Principles and working of a vapour compression
system with the help of flow diagram, C.O.P of vapour compression systems.
Module - I
Primary and secondary tillage operations -mould board plough, disc plough- functional component,
accessories and attachments- chisel plough- subsoiler- horizontal and vertical suction of MB plough
-forces acting on tillage implements- field efficiencies. Draft measurement of tillage implements and
calculation of power requirement for tillage. Sowing, planting and weeding equipment.Seed drills and
planters –types of seed metering mechanisms and furrow openers.Calibration and adjustments of seed
drills and planters. Sprayers and dusters. types of nozzles. Harvesting- methods and technologies:
Reapers (VCR), mowers and chaff cutters. Threshers: types of threshing drums- factors acting thresher
performance. Winnowers. Grain and straw Combines– computation of combine losses.Tractors and
power tillers - engines -power transmission systems: clutch, gearbox, differential and final drives.
Tractor power oulets- p.t.o power and drawbar power. Determination of maximum draw bar pull. Tractor
tyres. Traction aids. Centre of gravity and moment of inertia of tractors. Hitching of implements –
mounted, semi mounted and trailed type implements. Traction mechanics: pull and draft, coefficient of
traction, tractive efficiency and weight transfer.Calculation of field capacity and field efficiency-
Economics of machinery usage, fixed cost, variable costs- estimating the cost of operation and break
even point. Testing of tractors and farm machines: type of tests, test codes and procedure. Ergonomic
considerations in designing farm machines – anthropometry and assessment of energy expenditure.
Vibration and noise levels and its physiological effects. Non-conventional energy sources- solar thermal
energy conversion- flat plate and concentrating collectors - solar constant - photovoltaic electric
production– PV systems –Wind energy conversion- power coefficient- Betx limit -Bio energy: thermo
chemical energy conversion of biomass- biomass gasification- gasifiers – biochemical energyconversion
of biomass: anaerobic digestion process - fixed and floating type bio gas plants-bio mass characteristics.
Gasifier technology- types of gasifiers.
Module - II
Soil properties influencing irrigation management- soil- water relations- infiltration characteristics of
soil and equation -water requirement of crops. Mechanics and types of soil erosion- soil loss estimation
-biological and engineering measures to control erosion- water harvesting structures.Estimation of
mean rain fall. Measurement of run off – Cook’s method. Linear, aerial and relief aspects of water
sheds –stream order. Watershed management: factors and measures. Hydrograph- applications and
limitations. Surveying: basic principles and classification. Levelling – rise and fall system,
classification of levelling. Total station and GPS survey. Remote Sensing: basic components,
advantages and limitations. Types of sensors and platforms. GIS: basic components, spatial data, map
projections, data models and its integration. Properties of fluids- hydrostatic pressure and its
measurement-Bernoulli'stheorem-laminarflowinpipes-general equation for head loss-Darcy’s equation-
major and minor losses through pipes and fittings- open channel hydraulics-Chezy’s and Bazin’s
formula- on farm structures for water conveyance- control and distribution-drop structures. Surface and
sub surface drainage – coefficient- design parameters - hydraulic conductivity- drainable porosity -
Hooghoudt’s spacing equations.Hydraulics of flow in wells- centrifugal pumps- total pumping head-
NPSH- maximum suction lift- power requirement - performance curves.Sprinkler and drip irrigation
systems- layout- hydraulic design of lateral sub-main and main pipe line- selection of pump.
Module - III
Engineering properties of biological materials – classification - physical properties – size – shape –
roundness-sphericity- functional properties of agricultural materials: static and kinetic frictions- rolling
resistance- angle of internal friction - angle of repose-aerodynamics of agricultural products: drag
coefficient and terminal velocity. Rheological properties- force deformation- stress- strain- elastic –
plastic- and viscous behavior- drying - theory of grain drying- moisture content and water activity- free,
bound and equilibrium moisture content.Equipment for cleaning and grading. Size reduction: fineness
modulus- principles of communition: laws and procedures, crushing, impact, cutting and shearing.
Principles of processing and preservation: blanching and canning. Thermal processing of food – freezing,
refrigeration and cold storage. Drying: hysteresis effect -EMC determination psychometric chart. Grain
dryers - batch and continuous type -types of grain dryers:deep bed dryer- flat bed, continuous flow and
LSU dryer. Storage of grains - improved storage structures: CAP, hermetic storage,pusabin, RCC ring
Lubrication and cooling system: Lubrication system : Properties of lubricating oil, different
ratings of lubricating oil, types of engine lubrication – wet and dry sump lubrication, splash and
pressure feed systems. Oil pumps – gear type, Vane type, plunger type and lobe type, pressure relief
valve, oil pressure indicator Oil coolers, oil filters, oil seals, Crank case ventilation – dilution Cooling
system : - air and water cooling, thermo-siphon and pump circulation system over cooling, under
cooling and optimum cooling – thermostat radiators – types, pressure cap, types of coolants, pump,
antifreeze solution, cooling fan – types.
Battery: Introduction, Types of battery. Brief description of lead acid and alkaline cell,
Constructional details of lead acid cell, nickel alkaline cell, Active materials of lead acid cell,
Chemical action of lead acid cell, Rating of Battery, Capacity of Battery – ampere hour and watt hour,
Efficiency Battery – ampere hour and watt hour, Effect of discharge rate on voltage and capacity,
Effect of temperature on voltage and capacity, Battery charging, Constant voltage, Constant current.
Defects – Effect of overheating, Effect of overcharging, dislocation of active material, sulphation,
Internal short circuits, Corrosion / sulphation of terminals. Testing of battery – Polarity test, State of
charge, Specific gravity test by hydrometer, high rate discharge test by cell tester, Cadmium test, Lamp
test Care and maintenance of battery – Topping up of Battery & other maintenance schedule, Storage
of lead acid battery (in dry & wet condition), Maintenance free battery.
Generator and Alternator: Constructional details of automobile dynamo – special features of
automobile dynamo, constructional details of alternator – special features of automobile alternator,
charging system – Introduction – necessity, Types of regulators – circuit diagram, Cut out, Voltage
regulator, current regulator – 3 stage, Electronic voltage regulator in alternators, Starter motor & its
drive mechanism, Introduction, Starting of I. C. Engine (Petrol & Diesel) – motor characteristics,
Terms like Engine torque – motor torque – cranking speed – motor locked torque etc, starter switch,
starter motor – constructional features – special features of automobile starters, Starter Motor Drives,
Necessity, Types of starter motor drives – mechanisms of – Bendix drive (inboard & outboard), Over
running Clutch, Axial starter (sliding armature), Pre-engaged type
Spark Ignition System: Introduction, Types of ignition system – coil & magneto – study of coil
ignition, Component study of ignition system – ignition coil, Contact breaker points, Cam angle,
condenser, distributor, Spark plug – types, Spark plug specifications, Spark advance & retard
mechanism (centrifugal & vacuum), Magneto ignition system – Low tension & high tension, Rotating
armature & rotating magnet type, Polar inductor type C. D. ignition system, Electronic ignition
systems, Magnetic pickup type & hall effect sensor type, Transistorized ignition, computer controlled
ignition, Distributor-less ignition system.
Lighting system & other electrical accessories: Head light – Reflectors, lenses, Bulbs
(constructional features), Dazzle and its avoidance, Focusing of head lamps, Automatic dim & bright
circuit, other lights – parking light, side lamp, tail lamp, roof lamp, fog lamp, brake light, dash board
light, Types of bulbs – vacuum, gas filled, halogen. Introduction, Electrical fuel pump, electric horn,
wind screen wiper – types, constructional features, working, Traffic Indicator – Electrical &
Electronic, gauges like, fuel level indicator, oil pressure gauge, temperature gauge, Electrically
operated – power window, solenoid operated fuel cut off, wind shield washer, constructional features
& working, electronically operated central locking system.
Chassis: Introduction, constructional details, types of frame, frame for two wheeler, three wheelers
and four wheeler, frame sections, bumpers, sub frames, materials used, testing of chassis – Front Axle
– Introduction, types – dead & live axle, construction – material – cross section – checking the
alignment of front axle, stub axle – different arrangements.
Suspension Systems: Types of front suspension for two, three and four wheeler, air suspension,
hydro-elastic suspension, rear suspension system. Types – Introduction to springs and shock absorbing
devices, Types leaf coil, springs & their arrangements, Helper spring, spring shackle – shackle pin,
Telescopic type shock absorber, Hydraulic, gas filled type, twin tube type, Basic suspension
movements – pitching, bouncing, rolling etc.
Wheels & Tyres: Wheels – wire – spoked wheel, disc wheel and alloy cast wheel, composite wheel –
wheel specification – Tyres – Tyre specification – Tyre construction (cross sectional details.) –
Tubeless tyre – Tyre treads patterns – Inflation pressure and its effects (both over & under inflation) –
Factors affecting tyre performance.
Super Charging & Air Conditioning System: Super charging – Effects of super charging.
Methods of supercharging and turbo charging. Lean burn engines – Automobile air conditioning
system – working – components and their location, Refrigerants, their properties, refrigeration controls
Air Standard Cycles: Reversible and irreversible cycle. Available work and energy of a cycle.
Theoretical thermal efficiency and air standard efficiency. Pressure-volume diagram and temperature-
entropy diagram. Derivation of formulae for air standard efficiency of Carnot cycle, Otto cycle, Diesel
cycle – problems to find air standard efficiency.
Servicing of Petrol Engine: Defects in coil ignition system like ‘No spark’, weak spark,
Intermitted spark and spark at some wires. Testing of ignition system components. Setting of ignition
timing. Checking of advancing units. Servicing of spark plug. Trouble shooting of fuel system. Testing
of A. C. mechanical pump. Tuning of carburettor. Causes of excessive fuel consumption and defects of
carburettor. Engine tuning procedure. Servicing of diesel engine – F. I. pump timing and bleeding of
diesel fuel system. Testing of Nozzles. Phasing and calibration of F. I. pump. Defects of F. I. Pump and
Nozzles. Troubles and diagnosis in MPFI and CRDI systems.
Features of M. V. Act: Definition of terms – test for drivers and conductors – registration of
vehicles – duties of drivers and conductors – traffic signs – mode of staffing in a depot – site selection
and facilities in a depot – M. T. O. and functional wings – organization chart – type of co-ordination
and co-coordinating factors.
Part I (a)
DC machines – generator types, construction, emf equation, windings, characteristics armature
reaction, commutation, trouble shooting and application.
DC motor – voltage equation, speed and torque, starting methods speed control, starters.
Transformer – single phase and three phase – equivalent circuits, phasor diagrams, tests, regulation and
efficiency. Connections – parallel operation, autotransformer – principle.
Induction motor – Squirrel cage and slip ring, principle and operation, slip, rotor current frequency and
rotor emf. Torque equation, max torque, characteristics, power stages, equivalent circuits.
Speed control – starting methods, starters and applications.
Synchronous Generator – construction – salient pole & non salient pole, excitation – methods, emf
equation, armature reaction, armature reactance, leakage reactance, Vector diagram, Voltage
regulation, cooling system.
Synchronous Motor – methods of starting, characteristic, application, Phaser, hunting.
Part I (b)
Part I (c)
Part I (d)
Part I (e)