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OBTL Plan Educ 302 Field Study 2 Participation and Teaching Assistantship

Republic of the Philippines

Office of the Vice President for Academic Affairs

College College of Teacher Education

Department Bachelor of Secondary Education

VISION Tarlac State University is envisioned to be a premier university in the Asia – Pacific region.

Tarlac State University commits to promote and sustain the offering of quality and relevant programs in higher and advanced education ensuring
equitable access to education for people empowerment, professional development, and global competitiveness.

Towards this end, TSU shall:

MISSION 1. Provide high quality instruction through qualified, competent and adequately trained faculty members and support staff.
2. Be a premier research institution by enhancing research undertakings in the fields of technology and sciences and strengthening
collaboration with local and international institutions.
3. Be a champion in community development by strengthening partnership with public and private organizations and individuals.

E – xcellence
Q - uality
U - nity
CORE VALUES I - ntegrity
T - rust in God, Transparency & True Commitment
Y - earning for Global Competitiveness

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OBTL Plan Educ 302 Field Study 2 Participation and Teaching Assistantship

Course Name Field Study 2-Participation and Teaching Assistantship

Course Credits 3 units
Course Description This course is a continuation of Field Study 1. It is school based and allows a pre-service student to participate and assist in a limited actual teaching learning activities that relate
to assessment of learning, preparation of instructional materials, preparation of the bulletin boards, and other routines in the classroom. A portfolio which will contain sample
lesson or learning plans and demonstration teaching of at least one subject area will be required. An action research shall be encouraged to start in this course and conclude
during the internship.
Contact Hours/ week 3 hours/week
Prerequisite All professional subjects and major subjects
Course Outcomes At the end of this course, the teacher education students are expected to:
1. Acquire concepts, skills, and attitudes they will need to develop for their forthcoming internship journey.
2. Engage in series of learning experiences which builds interdependently on different levels of experiential task.
3. Share their experiences through varied reflection modalities
4. Participate in activities that will progress to teaching assistantship and guided mentoring.
5. Demonstrate a high level of skills in applying the principles and requirements of writing an action research proposal.
Course Content/Subject Matter
Week 1 A. Orientation, Overview of the Course Outline
Week 2 B. Searching for Instructional Materials
Week 3 C. Preparing Instructional Materials
Week 4 D. Assisting in Preparing Bulletin Board and Learning Station Display
Week 5 E. Assessing Learners’ Performance
Week 6 F. Assisting in Establishing Routines
Week 7 G. Recording Learners’ Assessment Result
Week 8 H. Maintaining Wholesome and Safe Learning Environment
Week 9 I. Participating in Maintaining Instructional Routines
Week 10 J. Participating in Maintaining Management Routines
Week 11 K. Participating in Maintaining Order During Instructional and Co-Curricular Activities
Week 12 L. Participating in Guiding Transition or Group Activities
Week 13 M. Participating in Conducting Intervention Activities
Week 14 N. Participating in Learners in Co-Curricular Activities
Week 15 O. Introduction to Action Research
Week 16 P. Searching Problems for Classroom-Based Action Research
Week 17 Q. Writing a Classroom-Based Action Research
One week (or an equivalent of three hours) R. Mid-Term/Final Term

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OBTL Plan Educ 302 Field Study 2 Participation and Teaching Assistantship

Alignment of Course Outcomes with Summative Assessment Tasks

Course Objectives Summative Assessment Task Details

Acquire concepts, skills, and attitudes they will need to develop for Completing the Learning and Experiential The student teachers are expected to acquire and understand the concepts, skills, and
their forthcoming internship journey. Tasks/Growth Portfolio Entries attitudes they will need to develop for their forthcoming internship journey by means of
participation and teaching assistantship.

Engage in series of learning experiences which builds Completing the Learning and Experiential The student teachers are expected to engage in series of learning experiences which
interdependently on different levels of experiential task. Tasks/Growth Portfolio Entries builds interdependently on different levels of experiential task through participation and
teaching assistantship.

Share their experiences through varied reflection modalities Completing the Learning and Experiential Student teachers are expected to share their experiences through reflection modalities. As
Tasks/Growth Portfolio Entries they deepened their reflection of their participation and teaching assistantship that may
uncover problems, challenges and teaching dilemmas they have observe or experience.
Participate in activities that will progress to teaching assistantship Completing the Learning and Experiential Student teachers are expected to participate in different activities that will engage them to
and guided mentoring. Tasks/Growth Portfolio Entries a collaborative participation and teaching assistantship that give opportunities for
cooperating teacher to assist the student teacher who are preparing for internship journey.
Demonstrate a high level of skills in applying the principles and Writing an Action Research Proposal These tasks are given to measure and monitor knowledge and understanding of the
requirements of writing an action research proposal. students.

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OBTL Plan Educ 302 Field Study 2 Participation and Teaching Assistantship


Desired Learning Flexible Teaching and Learning Assessment of Resource Time

Course Content/Subject Matter Textbook/ References
Outcomes (DLOs) Activities (FTLAs) Tasks (ATs) Materials Table
Acquire comprehensive 1. History of the COED and Brief Lecture: Laptop 1 hour
understanding of the TSU With the aid of a PowerPoint Hand-outs
mission, goals and 2. Vision, mission, goals and presentation via MS Team,
objectives of the college; objectives the college provide an discussion of the TSU
Internalize the vision, 3. Orientation and discussion History, Vision, Mission and
mission, goals and about the course Objectives
objectives of the college
to achieve excellence in
Acquire concepts, skills, Getting Ready for Field Study 2 Brawner, D.G. & Caubic, R.A. (2019) Field Brief discussions: Completing the Laptop 2 hours
and attitudes they will Study 2 Participation and Teaching With the aid of a power point Learning and Hand-out
need to develop for their Assistantship. Adriana Publishing Co., Inc. presentation and with the use of Experiential Module
forthcoming internship learning modules. Tasks/Growth
journey. Portfolio Entries

Engage in series of Learning Teaching Through Brawner, D.G. & Caubic, R.A. (2019) Field Brief discussions: Completing the Laptop 9 hours
learning experiences Assisting: Study 2 Participation and Teaching With the aid of a power point Learning and Hand-out
which builds a. Searching for Instructional Assistantship. Adriana Publishing Co., Inc. presentation and with the use of Experiential Module
interdependently on Materials learning modules. Tasks/Growth
different levels of b. Preparing Instructional Materials Portfolio Entries
experiential task. c. Assisting in Preparing Bulletin
Board and Learning Station

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OBTL Plan Educ 302 Field Study 2 Participation and Teaching Assistantship

Desired Learning Flexible Teaching and Learning Assessment of Resource Time

Course Content/Subject Matter Textbook/ References
Outcomes (DLOs) Activities (FTLAs) Tasks (ATs) Materials Table
Share their experiences Learning Teaching Through Brawner, D.G. & Caubic, R.A. (2019) Field Brief discussions: Completing the Laptop 12
through varied reflection Assisting: Study 2 Participation and Teaching With the aid of a power point Learning and Hand-out hours
modalities d. Assessing Learners’ Assistantship. Adriana Publishing Co., Inc. presentation and with the use of Experiential Module
Performance learning modules. Tasks/Growth
e. Assisting in Establishing Portfolio Entries
f. Recording Learners’
Assessment Result
g. Maintaining Wholesome and
Safe Learning Environment
Participate in activities Learning Teaching Through Brawner, D.G. & Caubic, R.A. (2019) Field Brief discussions: Completing the Laptop 18
that will progress to Participating Study 2 Participation and Teaching With the aid of a power point Learning and Hand-out hours
teaching assistantship h. Participating in Maintaining Assistantship. Adriana Publishing Co., Inc. presentation and with the use of Experiential Module
and guided mentoring. Instructional Routines learning modules. Tasks/Growth
i. Participating in Maintaining Portfolio Entries
Management Routines
j. Participating in Maintaining
Order During Instructional and
Co-Curricular Activities
k. Participating in Guiding
Transition or Group Activities
l. Participating in Conducting
Intervention Activities
m. Participating in Learners in Co-
Curricular Activities
Demonstrate a high level Learning Teaching Through Brawner, D.G. & Caubic, R.A. (2019) Field Brief discussions: Identifying Classroom Journal 9 hours
of skills in applying the Classroom Based Action Study 2 Participation and Teaching With the aid of a power point Based Problem and Thesis
principles and Research Assistantship. Adriana Publishing Co., Inc. presentation and with the use of Writing an Action Laptop
requirements of writing n. Introduction to Action Research learning modules. Research Proposal
an action research o. Searching Problems for
proposal. Classroom-Based Action
p. Writing a Classroom-Based

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OBTL Plan Educ 302 Field Study 2 Participation and Teaching Assistantship

Action Research
Alloted for the Midterm and the Final 3 hours

Suggested Readings Brawner, D.G. & Caubic, R.A. (2019) Field Study 2 Participation and Teaching Assistantship. Adriana Publishing Co., Inc.
and References

Extended Readings Documents:

Broderick, C. (1956). Research in the use and purpose of instructional materials. Educational Leadership.>pdf>ed-lead
CMO 30, s. 2004. Revised Policies and Standards for Teacher Education Curriculum
CMO 52, s. 2007. Addendum to CMO 30, s. 2004
Experiential Learning Courses Handbook. (2007). A Project of the Teacher Education Council (TEC), Department of Education (DepEd), Commission on Higher Education
Nuñez, D. (2015). Action Research for Teachers, Social Workers, and Practitioners. Quezon City: Adriana Publishing.
Victoria Haughton. Implementing Routines in the Classroom.>blog>imple.
Why instructional routines? The reflective educator.

Course Requirements 1. Growth Portfolio Entries/Compilation of Learning and Experiential Activities

2. Class Active Participation (Group work, Mini-outputs in task, among others) via MS TEAMS
3. Term papers/Research
4. Written Exam (Midterm and Final)


Assignment, Output 20%

(Oral presentation, Reflective Writing, Online Exam, Reflective
Essay etc.)
Portfolio/Compilation of Activities 25%
(Experiential and Learning Tasks)
Attendance and Online Class Participation 15%
(Students response to teacher-posted comprehension
questions. Students reflection on class required readings.)
Term Exam 40%

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OBTL Plan Educ 302 Field Study 2 Participation and Teaching Assistantship

Credit Grade = (Midterm Grade + Final Term Grade)/2 100%

Policies Online/ Flexible Teaching and Learning:

1. Microsoft Teams will be used as the primary platform in every class; thus, all students are advised to download and install the aforementioned application. Just go to and login using your account, choose Teams from the list of applications, from there your enrolled subjects will appear;
2. To uphold delivery of quality instruction, the class may also use added online platforms and applications like Zoom Cloud Meeting, FB Messenger, Viber, WhatsApp
and the like.
3. No Special Examination will be administered unless an excuse letter from parent/ guardian or medical certificate noted by the guidance counsellor and class adviser is
4. Attendance will be checked every meeting. A student must complete 85% of the session in order for him/her be given credit for attendance.
5. Assignments are to be submitted on time. Failure to submit assignments is equivalent to a grade of 5.0.

Course Code: AY/Term of Effectively: Prepared by: Reviewed by:


Area Coordinator, BSED Sciences PROF. ELIZABETH P. BALANQUIT
FIRST SEMESTER Chairperson, BSED Program
Course Title:

Field Study 2 DR. JEANETTE M. BAQUING Recommending Approval:

Participation and Teaching Assistantship
Area Coordinator, BSED Filipino


Unit Head, MAEd Physical Science/ FS Teacher,
BSEd Sciences Approved:



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OBTL Plan Educ 302 Field Study 2 Participation and Teaching Assistantship

Vice President for Academic Affairs

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