FS Syllabus

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Reference No.: OMSC-Form-COL-13 Effectivity date: November 20, 2018 Revision No.


Republic of the Philippines

Rizal Street, San Jose, Occidental Mindoro
Website: www.omsc.edu.ph Email address: omsc_9747@yahoo.com
Tele/Fax: (043) 457-0231 CERTIFIED TO ISO 9001:2015
CERT. NO.: 50500779 QM15

College of Teacher Education

San Jose Campus



Occidental Mindoro State College is envisioned to be an agent of change for the development of the total person responsive to the challenges of globalization.
To train and develop a new breed of highly competitive, innovative, resourceful, and values-oriented graduates through quality instruction, relevant research,
community-based extension, and sustainable production.
The College of Teacher Education is committed to develop future teachers who will help mold students to become enlightened, efficient, and productive citizens.


COURSE DESCRIPTION: Field study courses are intended to provide students with practical learning experiences in which they can observe, verify, reflect on,
and experience the different components of the teaching-learning process in actual school settings.
The BTTE degree program aims to develop highly competent and motivated teachers in technical and vocational education in their area of specialization. The
technical and vocational teacher education curriculum shall impart a body of knowledge, skills, attitudes, values and experiences that will provide prospective
Grade 9-10 TLE Teachers, Senior High School teachers for the Tech-Voc Livelihood track, TVTED Trainers/Instructors and faculty members in higher education
institutions with the necessary competencies essential for the effective teaching. Graduates of BTTE are considered to have satisfied the TESDA requirement for
Trainer’s Methodology.
Reference No.: OMSC-Form-COL-13 Effectivity date: November 20, 2018 Revision No. 01

PROGRAM OUTCOMES: (Adopted from CMO-No-79-s.-2017)

 Articulate and discuss the latest developments in the specific field of practice. (Philippine Qualifications Framework level 6 descriptor);
 Effectively communicate orally and in writing using both English and Filipino;
 Work effectively and independently in multi-disciplinary and multi-cultural teams. (PQF level 6 descriptor);
 Act in recognition of professional, social and ethical responsibility;
 Preserve and promote “Filipino historical and cultural heritage” (based on RA 7722);
 Demonstrate the competencies required of the Philippine TVTED Trainers –Assessors Qualification Framework(PTTQF);
 Demonstrate broad coherent, meaningful knowledge and skills in any of the specific fields in the technical and vocational education;
 Demonstrate higher level literacy, communication, numeracy, critical thinking, learning skills needed for higher learning;
 Manifest a deep and principled understanding of the learning processes and the role of the teacher in facilitating these processes in their students;
 Show a deep and principled understanding of how educational processes relate to larger historical, social, cultural and political processes;
 Apply a wide range of teaching process skills (including curriculum development, lesson planning, materials development, educational assessment, and
teaching approaches); and
 Reflect on the relationships among the teaching process skills, the learning processing in the students, the nature of the content/subject matter, and other
factors affecting educational processes in order to constantly improve their teaching knowledge, skills and practices.

COURSE OUTCOMES: At the end of the course the FS students must be able to:
Field Study 4
 analyze the different meanings of curriculum and summarize the existing types of curricula in school
 define the roles of teacher as curricularist and knower of curriculum
 apply the different approaches about curriculum and describe its processes and models
 describe the different foundations of curriculum and the important roles of teacher as a curriculum designer
 identify different approaches to curriculum design and analyze the different changes in curriculum implementation
 describe the roles of stakeholders in curriculum development and the importance of curriculum evaluation tool.
Field Study 5
 evaluate assessment practices against principles of assessment
 distinguish among the different methods and forms of assessment
 use different assessment methods, tools and tasks to measure learning in the cognitive
 provide with opportunities to learn assessment strategies as they are applied in the teaching learning process and help them observe the application of
principles of assessment in actual classroom teaching.(FS 5), psychomotor and affective domains of learning and in the different levels based on revised
Bloom’s taxonomy, Kendall’s and Marzano’s new taxonomy and DepEd’s KPUP
Reference No.: OMSC-Form-COL-13 Effectivity date: November 20, 2018 Revision No. 01

 practice Outcomes-Based-Education by formulating assessment tasks and items that have content validity with the help of a Table of Specifications
 compute grades using DepEd KPUP framework
 describe the meaning of computed grades in terms of proficiency
 describe how to report students ‘performance meaningfully.
Field Study 6
 identify teacher’s personal qualities and philosophy of education
 describe teacher’s role in creating a conducive learning environment in the school and how the teacher is looked upon in the community
 describe a global teacher and a Filipino professional teacher

Week Desired Learning Course Content Textbooks/ References Teaching/Learning Resource Materials Assessment
Outcomes Activities
 Orient students on the updated VMGO of the College and Program Objectives

 Discuss issues on Gender Equality to inculcate the value of respect to each of the four accepted gender.
 Guidelines on conducting School Visit/Class observation

 Preparation of requirements such as : waiver, letter of request and endorsement letter

Field Study 4 –Exploring the Curriculum
 provide students Field Study 4 Borabo, Milagros L. &  Conduct field  FS permits Rubric for assessment of :
with practical Exploring the Borabo, Heide Grace work ( school  FS notebook
learning Curriculum L.(2015). Field Study 4 – visits , interview with date of  Accomplished
experiences in Episodes 1-12 Exploring the with teachers, attendance activities in all
which they can Curriculum. Quezon principal, signed by the episodes of FS 4
observe, verify, City: Lorimar Publishing, administrator, school head or Workbook
reflect on, and Inc. parents and cooperating (compendium of
experience the members of the teacher activities,
different community  FS Workbook integrating theory
components of about  Camera into practice ,
curriculum curriculum) reflection and
development documentary
Reference No.: OMSC-Form-COL-13 Effectivity date: November 20, 2018 Revision No. 01

 Give and analyze The Meaning of Borabo, Milagros L. &  Discussions  PowerPoint Rubric for assessment of :
the meaning of Curriculum Borabo, Heide Grace  Presentations presentation
curriculum from L.(2015). Field Study 4 –  Sharing of  FS Workbook  accomplished
different points of Exploring the insights and  LCD activities in episode
view Curriculum. Quezon ideas projector 1 of FS4 workbook
City: Lorimar Publishing,  Laptop  oral presentation
Inc.  oral recitation

 Summarize the The Types of Borabo, Milagros L. &  Discussions  PowerPoint Rubric for assessment of :
existing types of Curricula in Borabo, Heide Grace  Presentations presentation
curricula in Schools L.(2015). Field Study 4 –  Sharing of  FS Workbook  accomplished
various schools Exploring the experiences and  LCD activities in episode
and reflect on its Curriculum. Quezon insights projector 2 of FS4 workbook
importance City: Lorimar Publishing,  Laptop  oral presentation
Inc.  oral recitation
Short quiz
 Define and discuss The Teacher as Borabo, Milagros L. &  Discussions  PowerPoint Rubric for assessment of :
the roles of a Curricularist Borabo, Heide Grace  Presentations presentation
teachers as L.(2015). Field Study 4 –  Sharing of  FS Workbook  accomplished
curricularist Exploring the experiences and  LCD activities in episode
Curriculum. Quezon insights projector 3 of FS4 workbook
City: Lorimar Publishing,  Laptop  oral presentation
Inc.  oral recitation
 Analyze the The Teacher as Borabo, Milagros L. &  Discussions  PowerPoint Rubric for assessment of :
teacher as a a Knower of Borabo, Heide Grace  Presentations presentation
knower of Curiculum L.(2015). Field Study 4 –  Sharing of  FS Workbook  accomplished
curriculum and Exploring the experiences and  LCD activities in episode
explain some Curriculum. Quezon insights projector 4 of FS4 workbook
viewpoint of other City: Lorimar Publishing,  Laptop  oral presentation
curricularist Inc.  oral recitation

 Describe the Approaches Borabo, Milagros L. &  Discussions  PowerPoint Rubric for assessment of :
guidelines in the about School Borabo, Heide Grace  Presentations presentations
Reference No.: OMSC-Form-COL-13 Effectivity date: November 20, 2018 Revision No. 01

selection of Curriculum L.(2015). Field Study 4 –  Sharing of  FS Workbook  accomplished

content in the Exploring the experiences and  LCD activities in episode
curriculum and Curriculum. Quezon insights projector 5 of FS4 workbook
apply the different City: Lorimar Publishing,  Laptop  oral presentation
approaches about Inc.  oral recitation
school curriculum
 Explain the Curriculum Borabo, Milagros L. &  Discussions  PowerPoint Rubric for assessment of :
curriculum process Development: Borabo, Heide Grace  Presentations presentation
and models Processes and L.(2015). Field Study 4 –  Sharing of  FS Workbook  accomplished
Models Exploring the experiences and  LCD activities in episode
Curriculum. Quezon insights projector 6 of FS4 workbook
City: Lorimar Publishing,  Laptop  oral presentation
7-8 Inc.  oral recitation
 Describe the Foundations of Borabo, Milagros L. &  Discussions  PowerPoint Rubric for assessment of :
different Curriculum Borabo, Heide Grace  Presentations presentation
foundations of Development L.(2015). Field Study 4 –  Revalida cum  FS Workbook  accomplished
curriculum and Exploring the Culminating  LCD activities in episode
explain how those Curriculum. Quezon Activity (Sharing projector 7 of FS4 workbook
foundations reflect City: Lorimar Publishing, of experiences  Laptop  oral presentation
the development Inc. and insights)  oral recitation
of curriculum in
the 21st century
 Identify the Crafting the Borabo, Milagros L. &  Discussions  PowerPoint Rubric for assessment of :
fundamentals of Curriculum: Borabo, Heide Grace  Presentations presentation
curriculum design The Teacher as L.(2015). Field Study 4 –  Sharing of  FS Workbook  accomplished
and cite the a Designer Exploring the experiences and  LCD activities in episode
importance of Curriculum. Quezon insights projector 8 of FS4 workbook
teachers as City: Lorimar Publishing, Laptop  oral presentation
curriculum Inc.  oral recitation
Reference No.: OMSC-Form-COL-13 Effectivity date: November 20, 2018 Revision No. 01

 Explain the Approaches to Borabo, Milagros L. &  Discussions  PowerPoint Rubric for assessment of :
characteristics of Curriculum Borabo, Heide Grace  Presentations presentation
each curriculum Design L.(2015). Field Study 4 –  Sharing of  FS Workbook  accomplished
design model and Exploring the experiences and  LCD activities in episode
cite situations on Curriculum. Quezon insights projector 9 of FS4 workbook
how these models City: Lorimar Publishing,  Laptop  oral presentation
are used in various Inc.  oral recitation
 Describe and Implementing Borabo, Milagros L. &  Discussions  PowerPoint Rubric for assessment of :
analyze the the Curriculum Borabo, Heide Grace  Presentations presentation
different : The Teacher L.(2015). Field Study 4 –  Sharing of  Workbook  accomplished
categories of as Curriculum Exploring the experiences and  LCD activities in episode
curriculum Implementer Curriculum. Quezon insights projector 10 of FS4
changes. and Manager City: Lorimar Publishing,  Laptop workbook
Inc.  oral presentation
 oral recitation
 Explain the roles Stakeholders in Borabo, Milagros L. &  Discussions  PowerPoint Rubric for assessment of :
of stakeholders in Curriculum Borabo, Heide Grace  Presentations presentation
curriculum Development L.(2015). Field Study 4 –  Sharing of  Workbook  accomplished
development, Exploring the experiences and  LCD activities in episode
implementation Curriculum. Quezon insights projector 11 of FS4
and evaluation City: Lorimar Publishing,  Laptop workbook
Inc.  oral presentation
 oral recitation
 Describe Curriculum Borabo, Milagros L. &  Discussions  PowerPoint Rubric for assessment of :
curriculum Evaluation and Borabo, Heide Grace  Presentations presentation
evaluation process the Teacher L.(2015). Field Study 4 –  Sharing of  Workbook  accomplished
and design a Exploring the experiences and  LCD activities in episode
curriculum Curriculum. Quezon insights projector 12 of FS4
evaluation tool City: Lorimar Publishing,  Laptop workbook
Inc.  oral presentation
 oral recitation
Reference No.: OMSC-Form-COL-13 Effectivity date: November 20, 2018 Revision No. 01

Field Study 5 –Learning Assessment Strategies

 provide students FS 5 – Learning Borabo, Milagros L. & Conduct field work such  Cooperating Rubric for assessment of :
with practical Assessment Borabo, Heide Grace as: school  Accomplished all
learning Strategies L.(2015). Field Study 4 –  Classroom  Resource episodes of FS 5
experiences in Episodes 1-9 Exploring the observation Teacher Workbook
which they can Curriculum. Quezon  Documentary  FS permits (compendium of
observe, verify, City: Lorimar Publishing, analysis  FS notebook activities,
reflect on, and Inc.  Interview  Observation integrating theory
experience the  Research sheet into practice,
different learning  Accomplishment  FS 5 reflection and
assessment of an observation Workbook documentary
strategies sheet  Bloom’s evidences)
 Analysis of taxonomy
observation  Kendall’s and
 Reflection Marzano’s
 Resource
Lesson Plans
 Interview
 Samples of
 Camera
 Distinguish among Assessment Borabo, Milagros L. &  Discussion  FS Workbook Rubric for assessment of :
assessment for, as FOR, AS, Borabo, Heide Grace  Presentations  PowerPoint
and of learning and OF L.(2015). Field Study 4 –  Sharing of Presentation  accomplished
and draw concrete Learning Exploring the experiences and  LCD activities in episode
examples of these Curriculum. Quezon insights projector 1 of FS5 workbook
forms of City: Lorimar Publishing,  Laptop  oral presentation
assessment Inc.  oral recitation
Short quiz
Reference No.: OMSC-Form-COL-13 Effectivity date: November 20, 2018 Revision No. 01

 Apply the basic Guiding Borabo, Milagros L. &  Discussion  FS Workbook Rubric for assessment of :
assessment Principles in Borabo, Heide Grace  Presentations  PowerPoint
principles in the the L.(2015). Field Study 4 –  Sharing of Presentation  accomplished
teaching learning Assessment Exploring the experiences and  LCD activities in episode
process of Learning Curriculum. Quezon insights projector 2 of FS5 workbook
City: Lorimar Publishing,  Laptop  oral presentation
Inc.  oral recitation

 Identify the Using Borabo, Milagros L. &  Discussion  FS Workbook Rubric for assessment of :
appropriate Different Borabo, Heide Grace  Presentations  PowerPoint
assessment Assessment L.(2015). Field Study 4 –  Sharing of Presentation  accomplished
method/tool/task Methods, Exploring the experiences and  LCD activities in episode
for different Tools and Curriculum. Quezon insights projector 3 of FS5 workbook
domains of Tasks City: Lorimar Publishing,  Laptop  oral presentation
learning and for Inc.  oral recitation
the 9 intelligences
Multiple Intelligences
(MI) Howard Gardner

9 Types of Intelligence
Reference No.: OMSC-Form-COL-13 Effectivity date: November 20, 2018 Revision No. 01

Assessing Borabo, Milagros L. &  Discussion  FS Workbook Rubric for assessment of :

 Classify the level Learning in Borabo, Heide Grace  Presentations  PowerPoint
of learning Different L.(2015). Field Study 4 –  Sharing of Presentation  accomplished
outcomes based on Levels the Exploring the experiences and  LCD activities in episode
Bloom’s revised KPUP Curriculum. Quezon insights projector 4 of FS5 workbook
cognitive City: Lorimar Publishing,  Laptop  oral presentation
taxonomy and Inc.  oral recitation
Kendall’s and
Marzano’s new Corpuz, B.G. Salandanan
taxonomy and (2013) Principles of
DepEd’s KPUP Teaching, 3rd. ed.

Marzano P. & Kendall

J.(2006) The New
Taxonomy of
13-14 Educational Objectives.
2nd ed. SAGE

Magno, C.& Lizada ,

A Guide in Assessing
Knowledge, Process,
Understanding, and
Reference No.: OMSC-Form-COL-13 Effectivity date: November 20, 2018 Revision No. 01

 Construct Table of Table of Borabo, Milagros L. &  Discussion  FS Workbook Rubric for assessment of :
Specifications and Specificatio Borabo, Heide Grace  Presentations  PowerPoint
apply OBE by ns (TOS) L.(2015). Field Study 4 –  Sharing of Presentation  accomplished
formulating test Content Exploring the experiences and  LCD activities in episode
items with content Validity and Curriculum. Quezon insights projector 5 of FS5 workbook
validity Outcomes- City: Lorimar Publishing,  Laptop  oral presentation
Based Inc.  oral recitation
(OBE) Fives, H & Barnes, N.C.
(2013) Classroom Test
Construction: The Power
of a Table of
 Describe the On Portfolio Borabo, Milagros L. &  Discussion  FS Workbook Rubric for assessment of :
various types of Borabo, Heide Grace  Presentations  PowerPoint
portfolios and L.(2015). Field Study 4 –  Sharing of Presentation  accomplished
their functions Exploring the experiences and  LCD activities in episode
Curriculum. Quezon insights projector 6 of FS5 workbook
City: Lorimar Publishing,  Laptop  oral presentation
Inc.  oral recitation

Corpuz, B.G. Salandanan

(2013) Principles of
Teaching, 3rd. ed.

Adamchik, C., Jr. (1995).

“A Simple Approach to
Portfolio Design and
Reference No.: OMSC-Form-COL-13 Effectivity date: November 20, 2018 Revision No. 01

 Examine different On Scoring Borabo, Milagros L. &  Discussion  FS Workbook Rubric for assessment of :
types rubrics used Rubrics Borabo, Heide Grace  Presentations  PowerPoint
by a resource L.(2015). Field Study 4 –  Sharing of Presentation  accomplished
teachers and relate Exploring the experiences and  LCD activities in episode
them to Curriculum. Quezon insights projector 7 of FS5 workbook
assessment of City: Lorimar Publishing,  Laptop  oral presentation
student learning Inc.  oral recitation

 Explain the The K to 12 Borabo, Milagros L. &  Discussion  FS Workbook Rubric for assessment of :
meaning of KPUP Grading Borabo, Heide Grace  Presentations  PowerPoint
and compute System L.(2015). Field Study 4 –  Sharing of Presentation  accomplished
students’ grade Exploring the Curriculum. experiences and  LCD activities in episode
based on DepEd’s Quezon City: Lorimar insights projector 8 of FS5 workbook
Publishing, Inc.
grading policy  Laptop  oral presentation
DepEd K to 12 Grading  oral recitation
System Steps for
Computing Grades

2019 DepEd
Transmutation Table

2019 DepEd Guidelines

on Classroom
Reference No.: OMSC-Form-COL-13 Effectivity date: November 20, 2018 Revision No. 01

 State the reason(s) Reporting Borabo, Milagros L. &  Discussion  FS Workbook Rubric for assessment of :
why grades must Students’ Borabo, Heide Grace  Presentations  PowerPoint
be reported to performanc L.(2015). Field Study 4 –  Sharing of Presentation  accomplished
parents and e Exploring the experiences and  LCD activities in episode
describe what Curriculum. Quezon insights projector 9 of FS5 workbook
must be done to City: Lorimar Publishing,  Laptop  oral presentation
make grade Inc.  oral recitation
meaningful Bailey, JM & Mc Tighe,
J. (1996). Reporting
achievement at the
secondary level: What
and how, VA.ASCD
Field Study 6 - On Becoming the 21st Century Teacher
 Provide students Field Study Bilbao, Purita P. (2015). Conduct field work such  Cooperating Rubric for assessment of :
with practical 6 - On Field Study 6 - On as: school
learning Becoming Becoming the 21 st
 Resource  accomplished
experiences in the 21st Century Teacher. Quezon  School visit Teacher activities in all
which they can Century City: Lorimar Publishing,  Classroom  FS permits episodes of FS6
observe, verify, Teacher Inc. observation  FS notebook workbook
reflect on, and  Documentary  FS Workbook (compendium of
experience the analysis  Teacher’s activities,
journey of how to  Interview Class integrating theory
15-16 become a 21st  Survey Program into practice.
century teacher.  Accomplishment  Observation reflection and
of observation sheet documentary
sheet  Community evidences)
 Analysis of Appraisal
observation Form
 Reflection  Checklist
 Interview
Reference No.: OMSC-Form-COL-13 Effectivity date: November 20, 2018 Revision No. 01

 Identify and The Teacher Bilbao, Purita P. (2015).  Discussion  FS Workbook Rubric for assessment of :
compare own as a Person Field Study 6 - On  Presentations  PowerPoint
personal qualities in Society Becoming the 21st  Sharing of Presentation  accomplished
that will make one Century Teacher. Quezon experiences and  LCD activities in episode
a good teacher and City: Lorimar Publishing, insights projector 1 of FS6 workbook
personal qualities Inc.  Laptop  oral presentation
of an experienced  oral recitation
 Identify ones The Bilbao, Purita P. (2015).  Discussion  FS Workbook Rubric for assessment of :
philosophy of Teacher’s Field Study 6 - On  Presentations  PowerPoint
education and Philosophy Becoming the 21st  Sharing of Presentation  accomplished
clarify how these of Education Century Teacher. Quezon experiences and  LCD activities in episode
philosophies are City: Lorimar Publishing, insights projector 2 of FS6 workbook
being put into Inc.  Laptop  oral presentation
practice.  oral recitation
Short quiz
17-18  Describe the The Teacher in Bilbao, Purita P. (2015).  Discussion  FS Workbook Rubric for assessment of :
teacher’s role in a School Setting Field Study 6 - On  Presentations  PowerPoint
creating a Becoming the 21st  Sharing of Presentation  accomplished
conducive learning Century Teacher. Quezon experiences and  LCD activities in episode
environment in the City: Lorimar Publishing, insights projector 3 of FS6 workbook
school. Inc.  Laptop  oral presentation
 oral recitation

 Observe how The Teacher in Bilbao, Purita P. (2015).  Discussion  FS Workbook Rubric for assessment of :
teachers utilize the Community Field Study 6 - On  Presentations  PowerPoint
community Setting Becoming the 21st  Sharing of Presentation  accomplished
resources in Century Teacher. Quezon experiences and  LCD activities in episode
teaching and how City: Lorimar Publishing, insights projector 4 of FS6 workbook
they are looked Inc.  Laptop  oral presentation
upon in the  oral recitation
Reference No.: OMSC-Form-COL-13 Effectivity date: November 20, 2018 Revision No. 01

 Identify The Global Bilbao, Purita P. (2015).  Discussion  FS Workbook Rubric for assessment of :
competencies of Teacher of the Field Study 6 - On  Presentations  PowerPoint
the global Filipino 21st Century Becoming the 21st  Sharing of Presentation  accomplished
teacher Century Teacher. Quezon experiences and  LCD activities in episode
City: Lorimar Publishing, insights projector 5 of FS6 workbook
Inc.  Laptop  oral presentation
 oral recitation

Describe a The Teacher as Bilbao, Purita P. (2015).  Discussion  FS Workbook Rubric for assessment of :
Filipino teacher a Professional Field Study 6 - On  Presentations  PowerPoint
and identify Becoming the 21st  Sharing of Presentation  accomplished
fundamental laws Century Teacher. Quezon experiences and  LCD activities in episode
that City: Lorimar Publishing, insights projector 6 of FS6 workbook
professionalized Inc.  Laptop  oral presentation
teaching in the  oral recitation

 Douwe, B. et al. (2007). Functions of the learning portfolio in student teachers’ learning process.

 Edmonton, Alberta (2014).The Global Teacher https://georgecouros.ca/blog/archives/4449

 Hafsah, Jan (2017). Teacher of 21st Century: Characteristics and Development file:///C:/Users/ACER/Downloads/teacher21stcentury.pdf

 Marzano, R. J. & Kendall, J. S.(2007).The New taxonomy of Educational Objectives. 2nd ed. Hawker Brownlow Education CO2399

 Thomason, Amy C. (2011).Teacher Personal and Professional Characteristics: Contributions to Emotional Support and Behavior Guidance in Early
Childhood Classrooms. https://libres.uncg.edu/ir/uncg/f/Thomason_uncg_0154D_10586.pdf
Reference No.: OMSC-Form-COL-13 Effectivity date: November 20, 2018 Revision No. 01


 Portfolio/Photo journal
 FS notebook
Workbook ( accomplished worksheets/ activities, reflection paper and documentary analysis) - 70%
Performance Assessment (participation in lecture- discussion/oral recitation, presentation of output, short quiz) -20 %
Portfolio/Photo journal and Attendance (fieldwork and classroom) - 10%
Total 100%
1. Students having seven (7) absences without valid reasons will be dropped from the class. Students are required to
present admit to class slip from the Office of Student Affairs and Services after being absent in the previous meeting.
2. Three (3), not necessarily consecutive, tardiness without further notice is equivalent to one (1) absence.
Incomplete Grade:
1. Students who were not able to take the midterm/final examinations will receive an incomplete grade.
2. Incomplete grade should be complied within one year.
Prepared by: Noted: Approved:


Program Head, BTTE
Asst. Prof. 1

Recommending Approval: ELBERT C. EDANIOL, EdD

Vice President for Academic Affairs
July 25, 2019
Dean, College of Teacher Education _________________
_____________________ Date

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