Measurement and Cost of Quality
Measurement and Cost of Quality
Measurement and Cost of Quality
Performance Measurement
Introduction: Performance measurement is a fundamental building block of TQM and a total quality organization. Historically, organizations have always measured performance in some way through the financial performance, be this success by profit or failure through liquidation. However, traditional performance measures, based on cost accounting information, provide little to support organizations on their quality journey, because they do not map process performance and improvements seen by the customer. In a successful total quality organization, performance will be measured by the improvements seen by the customer as well as by the results delivered to other stakeholders, such as the shareholders. This section covers why measuring performance is important. This is followed by a description of cost of quality measurement, which has been used for many years to drive improvement activities and raise awareness of the effect of quality problems in an organization. A simple performance measurement framework is outlined, which includes more than just measuring, but also defining and understanding metrics, collecting and analyzing data, then prioritizing and taking improvement actions. A description of the balanced scorecard approach is also covered. Why Measure Performance? You cannot manage what you cannot measure. Anon This is quoted statements that demonstrate why measurement is important. Yet it is surprising that organizations find the area of measurement so difficult to manage.
It is also important to understand the impact of TQM on improvements in business performance, on sustaining current performance and reducing any possible decline in performance.
Initially, focus on a few key goals that are critical to the success of the organization or business, and ensure they are SMART, i.e.: Specific Measurable Achievable
Resources actually consumed Simple ratios, e.g., tonnes per person-hour, computer output per operator day, are used. Next, design a data collection/reporting process using the following steps: Set up a system for collecting and reporting data Write clear definitions Agree method for establishing current performance (if not already determined) List resources required to support the design