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Teacher’s Book

Teacher’s Book 2
Welcome to Sunrise – a bright new look at English!

Sunrise is a complete English course written especially for young learners.

Sunrise 2 is the second introductory level, designed to build on Sunrise 1,
reinforcing the preliminary sounds of English and introducing additional sounds
and capital letters. It revises and builds up key vocabulary and communicative language and introduces
children to both reading and writing in English.

Key features
• Sunrise 2 makes learning fun through enjoyable characters including Kitty the loveable kitten
and her friends Aveen, Karwan, Sam and Laura.
• Sunrise 2 has a variety of activities including stories, songs and games. Children are actively
involved in learning.
• Sunrise 2 gives children extensive practice in listening and speaking. There are also beginning
reading and writing activities to develop skills children will need later in the course.
• Sunrise 2 revises the first sounds of the English alphabet and introduces capital letters,
following a carefully researched phonics-based syllabus.

Sunrise 2 materials are:

Student’s Book, Activity Book, Teacher’s Book, Audio CD, Flashcards

I S B N 978-1-4050-9713-0
Property of Ministry
of Education
9 781405 097130
Map of the book

Topic Main language Letters and words

Unit 1 Introducing yourself Hello! I’m … Lower case letters

What’s your name? a–z
My name’s …
Unit 2 Introducing others This is … Lower case letters
Greetings S/he’s my friend. a–z
How are you? Alphabet exemplars
I’m fine, thanks. from Sunrise 1
Unit 3 Asking about objects What’s this? Aa  Bb
and Counting It’s a/an … ant  Aveen
Revision 1 What are these? banana
They’re …s. Lower case letters
Numbers 1–10 a–z
Unit 4 Showing possession I have a/an … Cc  Dd
cap  car
doll  dog
Unit 5 Asking about objects What’s that? Ee  Ff
It’s a/an … elephant
flower  frog
Unit 6 Asking about objects What are those? Gg  Hh
and They’re …s. goat  gate
Revision 2 hat
Unit 7 Asking about actions What are you doing? Ii  Jj
Giving commands I’m …ing. insect
Reading and writing words Open/Close the … jam  jug
Come here.
j – a – m  jam
Unit 8 Asking about actions What are you doing? Kk  Ll
Counting We’re …ing. king  kitten
Reading and writing words Numbers 11–16 Karwan  Kitty
leg  Laura
Unit 9 Asking about objects Is it a/an …? Mm Nn
and Reading and writing words Yes, it is. monkey
Revision 3 No, it isn’t. nose  neck
p – e – n pen

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Map of the book

Topic Main language Letters and words

Unit 10 Counting How many …s are Oo  Pp

Numbers 17–20 there? olive
Reading and writing words There are … …s. parrot  pot
Unit 11 Giving commands Take your …s. Qq  Rr
Reading and writing words quiet! quickly! quickly!  quiet!
s – i – t  sit ruler

Unit 12 Asking about objects What is it? Ss  Tt

and Showing possession It’s a/an … spider  Sam
Revision 4 Talking about colours It has … top
Reading and writing words It’s black/white/
Unit 13 Showing movement up and down Uu  Vv
Reading and writing words t – o – p  top up
Unit 14 Showing possession S/he has a/an … Ww  Xx
Reading and writing words watch
ch  chair
Unit 15 Asking about colours What colour is it? Yy  Zz
and Reading and writing words It’s pink/purple. yo-yo
Revision 5 Is it …? zip
Yes./No. sh  shirt
j – u – g  jug
Unit 16 Saying letter names Aa–Mm Capital and lower
Reading and writing words A is for apple. case letters
Unit 17 Saying letter names Nn–Zz Capital and lower
Spelling children’s names P is for parrot. case letters Nn–Zz
Reading and writing words S – a – m  Sam
Unit 18 Asking about everyday actions What are you doing?
and Greetings I’m combing my hair/
Revision 6 Reading and writing words cleaning my teeth/
washing my face.
Good night.
Sleep well.

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Glossary of terms

alphabetical order \Æœlf´ÆbetIk“´‘l O…d´\
as a class \Æœz ´ kla…s\
ask \A…sk\
at random \´t rœnd´m\
box \bÅks\
capital letter \ÆkœpItl let´\
CD \Æsi… di…\
CD script \Æsi… di… skrIpt\
character \ kœr´kt´\
check \tSek\
choose a pupil \ÆtSu…z ´ pju…p“´‘l\
circle \ sZ…k“´‘l\
colour \ køl´\
coloured pencils \Ækøl´d  pens“´‘lz\
command \k´ mA…nd\
copy \kÅpi\
correct \k´ rekt\
count \kaUnt\
dialogue \ daI´ÆlÅg\
divide the class into pairs \dIÆvaId D´ ÆklA…s Intu…  pe´z\
draw \drO…\
draw in the air \ÆdrO… In Di…  e´\
encourage \In kørIdZ\
explain \Ik spleIn\
feint \feInt\
flashcard \ f lœSkA…d\
follow the same procedure \ÆfÅl´U D´ ÆseIm pr´ si…dZ´\
game \geIm\
gesture \ dZestS´\
give \gIv\
go round the class \Æg´U raUnd D´  kla…s\
hear \hI´\
hold up \Æh´Uld  øp\
if necessary \If  nes´s“´‘ri\
in any order \In Æeni  O…d´\
in the same order \In D´ ÆseIm  O…d´\
individual children \ÆIndIÆvIdZU´l  tSIldr´n\
individually \ÆIndIÆvIdZU´li\
initial \InIS“´‘l\

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Glossary of terms
letter \ let´\
letter name \ let´ ÆneIm\
letter sound \ let´ ÆsaUnd\
line \laIn\
look at \ lUk Æ´et\
lower case letter/small letter \Æl´U´ ÆkeIs  let´\; \smO…l  let´\
match \mœtS\
music \mju…zIk\
note down \Æn´Ut  daUn\
number \ nømb´\
object \ÅbdZekt\
page \peIdZ\
pause the CD \ÆpO…z D´ Æsi… di…\
picture \pIktS´\
play \pleI\
point to \ pOInt Ætu…\
practice \ pr´ektIs\
practise \ pr´ektIs\
presentation \Æprez“´‘n  teIS“´‘n\
put their hands up \ÆpUt De´  hœndz øp\
question \ kwestS“´‘n\
repeat \rI pi…t\
several times \Æsevr´l  t´Imz\
shape \SeIp\
show \S´U\
sing \sIy\
sound \saUnd\
stop the CD \ÆstÅp D´ Æsi… di…\
take it in turns \ÆteIk It In  t‰…nz\
tell \tel\
trace \treIs\
verse \v‰…s\
word \w‰…d\
work in pairs/work with a partner \Æ w‰…k In  pe´z\;\Æ w‰…k wID ´ pA…tn´\
write on the board \ÆraIt Ån D´  bO…d\

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Letter formation
1 2 1

2 2 2
1 1 1

3 2#

1 2

3 1

1 1

" 2 #


1 2 1 2

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Letter formation
1 1

2 1
1 2 1


1 2

1" 2

1 2

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Unit 2
Unit 2  Lesson 1 • Tell children to turn to page 7.
• Point to the four pictures.
Aims: introducing other people; greeting • Ask children questions about the pictures in
other people; recognising and writing Kurdish, e.g. Where are the children? Who do
numbers 1–5 you think these people are?
• Point to the children in the pictures and ask
New language: This is … (name). She’s my Who’s this?
friend. He’s my friend. How are
you? I’m fine, thanks. • Children answer, e.g. It’s Laura.
• Hold up your book.
Revised language: Hello! Numbers: one, two,
three, four, five • Point to the pictures in the order: top left, top
right, bottom left and bottom right.
You need: Student’s Book p7; Activity Book • Tell children that this is the order of the
p5; CD tracks 5–7; pictures from pictures in the story.
Unit 1 Lesson 3 or flashcards from
Book 1 • Tell them they are going to listen to the story
on the CD.
• Tell them to point to the correct picture as
Box 4: Giving simple instructions in English they listen to the CD.
The children have learned instructions in • Say Listen. Play CD track 5.
English, e.g. come here, sit down, listen, look,
stand up, wave your hands, sing. CD script:
(picture 1)
• Make sure that you use these instructions in Karwan: Hello, Mummy and Daddy. This is Sam.
your classroom in English every day. He’s my friend.
• It will help the children to feel that they Daddy: Hello, Sam. How are you?
are learning English. Sam: I’m fine, thanks.
• It will help them to feel that they can (picture 2)
understand English. Karwan: This is Laura. She’s my friend.
Mummy: Hello, Laura.
Laura: Hello.
Starter (picture 3)
• Say Hello! What’s your name? to several Karwan: And this is … Oh no! Kitty! Come back!
children as they enter the classroom. (picture 4)
• Children answer My name’s … Kitty: Miaow!
Karwan: Mummy, this is Kitty!
• Hold up either a flashcard of exemplars from
Book 1 or a picture on page 6 (Unit 1, Lesson • Play the CD again.
3 of the Student’s Book). • Tell children to point to the correct picture.
• Ask individual children What’s this? • Go round the class to check they are pointing
• Children answer It’s a/an … to the correct picture as they listen.
• Ask children in Kurdish who the two older
Look and listen people in the pictures are. (Karwan’s mother
• Hold up your Student’s Book. and father)
• Say Open your books. • Ask children in Kurdish what they think
• Check that children have opened their Karwan is saying to his parents. (He is
Student’s Books. introducing his friends to them.)

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Unit 2
Listen and sing • Check that children are pointing to the correct
numbers as they say them.
• Tell children that they are going to sing a song
to greet each other. • Ask one child to hold up his/her book.
• Tell them to listen to the CD. • Tell him/her to point to each number in the
• Play CD track 6.
• Tell him/her to say the number, e.g. one, two,
CD script: three, four, five.
How are you?
• Do the same with several other children.
How are you?
How are you? • Let children point to the numbers and say
I’m fine, thank you. their names as a class.
How are you? • Stand with your back to the class. Form a big
I’m fine, thank you. number 1 in the air with your finger.
• Play the CD again. • Tell children to form the number in the air in
the same way.
• Tell children to sing with the CD.
• Point to the row of number 1s in the book.
• Play the song several times and tell children to
sing. • Tell children to trace the first number with
their finger.
• Say How are you?
• Go round to check that they are tracing it
• Help a child to reply I’m fine, thank you. correctly.
• Do this with several children. • Tell children to trace the next three number 1s
• Tell children to work with a partner and to with their pencil.
greet each other this way. • Then tell children to copy the number 1
• Go round the class to help them to say the several times along the two lines.
greetings correctly. • Go round to check that they are writing the
number correctly and that the bottom of the
Activity Book number is on the line.
Trace and write • Do the same for the other numbers.
• Hold up your Activity Book. • Ask children to point to the numbers at the
top of the page again and say their names.
• Say Open your books.
• Go round to check that children have opened Listen and write
their Activity Books. • Point to the pictures at the bottom of the
• Tell them to turn to page 5. page.
• Point to the numbers 1 to 5 across the top of • Tell children to look at the character in the
the page. pictures.
• Point to each number and say its name, e.g. • Hold up your book.
point to 1 and say one, etc. • Point to individual characters and ask Who’s
• Tell children to hold up their books. this?
• Point to the number 1 and say one. • Children answer, e.g. It’s Laura.
• Tell children to hold up their books and to • Tell children that they are going to listen to
point to the number 1 and say one. the CD.
• Do the same with the other numbers. • Point to the small box by each character in the

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Unit 2
picture. Listen and say
• Explain that they will hear a number and the • Hold up your Student’s Book.
name of a character.
• Say Open your books. Check children are
• They should find the character mentioned and opening their Student’s Books.
write the number in the box by that character.
• Tell children to turn to page 8.
• Tell children to take their pencils and listen to
• Point to the picture of the four children.
the CD.
• Say Look.
• Say Listen.
• Ask children in Kurdish what they think the
• Play CD track 7.
children are doing (introducing each other).
• Pause it after each character to give children
• Tell them to listen to the CD to see if they are
time to write the number in the correct box.
CD script: • Play CD track 8.
one – This is Laura. (pause)
two – And this is Sam. (pause) CD script:
three – This is Aveen. (pause) This is Karwan.
four – And this is Kitty. (pause) He’s my friend.
five – This is Karwan. (pause) This is Laura.
She’s my friend.
• After each number and character has been
mentioned, go round the class to check that • Play the CD again.
children have written the correct number by • Pause it after each line and tell children to
the correct character in the picture. repeat what they hear.
• Do this several times.
• Ask three children (both boys and girls) to
Unit 2  Lesson 2 come to the front of the class.
• Tell one child to introduce another child to the
Aims: introducing other people; greeting third child in the same way as on the CD.
other people; recognising names of • Tell them to use their own names, e.g. This is
objects already learnt; asking the names Jamal. He’s my friend. This is Shireen. She’s my
of objects friend.
Language used: This is … (name). She’s/He’s • Do the same with several more groups of three
my friend. How are you? I’m children.
fine, thank you. What’s this? • Divide the class into groups of three.
It’s a/an …
• Tell them to introduce one another in the same
You need: Student’s Book p8; Activity Book way.
p6; CD tracks 8–10
Look and say
Starter • Tell children to look at the picture at the
bottom of page 8.
• Greet children Hello! as they enter the
classroom. • Tell children they are going to play a game in
the same way.
• Ask several children How are you? as they
enter. • Ask eight to ten children to come to the front
of the class.
• Help them to answer I’m fine, thank you.

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Unit 2
• Say Come here, please, (name) to each one. • Play CD track 9.
• Tell them to stand in a circle. • Pause the CD after each number to allow
• Ask one child to begin. children to circle the correct object.
• Tell her/him to introduce the child on her/his CD script:
right to the child on her/his left. one – What’s this? It’s an orange. (pause)
• The child says e.g. This is Nazdar. She’s my two – What’s this? It’s a tiger. (pause)
friend or This is Nooriddin. He’s my friend. three – What’s this? It’s a rabbit. (pause)
four – What’s this? It’s an umbrella. (pause)
• Tell the child on the right to greet the child on
the left How are you? • Go round the class to check that children are
• The child on the left replies I’m fine, thank circling the correct object.
you. • Play the CD again and pause it after each
• The child on the left then introduces the first number.
child to the child on his/her left. • Ask children What’s this?
• The two children greet each other. • Children answer, e.g. It’s an orange.
• The game continues in this way until all the • Tell children to hold up their books.
children have introduced someone and greeted • Check that they have circled the correct
someone. object.
• Choose another eight to ten children to come • Help those children who have circled the
to the front of the class to do the same. wrong object.
Activity Book • Do this for each number.

Listen and circle Listen, say and draw

• Hold up your Activity Book. • Point to the dotted outlines of the four objects
at the bottom of the page.
• Say Open your books.
• Tell children that they will hear a question for
• Check that children have opened their Activity each object on the CD.
• Tell them to answer the question themselves.
• Tell them to turn to page 6.
• Play CD track 10.
• Point to the small pictures at the top of the
page. • Pause the CD after the first question to allow
the pupils to answer.
• For each one ask What’s this?
• When they have answered, play the next part
• Children answer It’s a/an … of the track.
• Point to the numbers down the side of the • Children will hear the answer.
• Tell them to repeat the answer.
• Ask individual children to say the numbers.
• Tell them to trace over the picture outline with
• Explain that children will listen to the CD. their pencil.
• They will hear a number and then the name • Repeat this for the other three objects.
of an object, e.g. one – What’s this? It’s an
orange. • When children have traced the outline of all
four objects ask them What’s this? for each
• They circle with their pencil the object that is object.
mentioned for each number.
• Children answer It’s a/an …
• Say Listen.

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Unit 2
CD script: • These children greet each other: How are you?
one What’s this? (pause) I’m fine, thank you.
It’s an egg. (pause) • Do the same with several other groups of three
two What’s this? (pause) children.
It’s a queen. (pause)
three What’s this? (pause) Play
It’s a sock. (pause)
• Hold up your Student’s Book.
four What’s this? (pause)
It’s an apple. (pause) • Say Open your books.
• Tell children to turn to page 9.
• Tell children to work with a partner to ask
• Point to the picture. Say Look.
what each object is.
• Ask children in Kurdish what the child is
• Children point to an object and ask What’s this?
• Their partner answers It’s a/an …
• Ask what is on each card.
• Ask what is on the cards on the table.
Unit 2  Lesson 3 • Tell children they are going to play a game in
the same way, using letters and pictures of
Aims: matching letters with objects beginning
with those letters; joining letters of the • Put flashcards of pictures of objects from Book
alphabet in alphabetical order to form a 1 in random order on your table.
picture • Invite a child to come to the front of the
Language used: letter sounds; names of
objects from Book 1 • Ask the child to choose one of the letter cards.
• The child says the letter sound of the letter on
You need: flashcards of pictures of objects the card, e.g. f f f.
from Book 1; 26 small cards, each
with a letter of the alphabet on it; • Tell the child to choose the picture of the
Student’s Book p9; Activity Book p7 object that begins with that letter.
• The child chooses the picture of a fig.
• The child says the word fig.
Box 5: Alphabetical order
• Invite other children to the front of the class
The English alphabet has 26 letters. When we in the same way.
say the alphabet, we say the letters in the
• Tell them to choose a letter card and then find
following order:
the picture of the object that begins with that
Aa Bb Cc Dd Ee Ff Gg Hh Ii Jj Kk Ll letter.
Mm Nn Oo Pp Qq Rr Ss Tt Uu Vv Ww Xx • They say the letter sound and the name of the
Yy Zz object.

• Ask three children to come to the front of the
• Tell one of the children to introduce another
child to the third one, e.g. This is Bahat. He’s
my friend.

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Unit 2
Activity Book
Join and draw
• Hold up your Activity Book.
• Say Open your books.
• Tell children to open their books at Unit 1
Lesson 2 on page 3.
• Point to each letter of the alphabet.
• Say the letter sound for each letter, e.g. a a a.
• Tell children to repeat it after you.
• Do this in alphabetical order.
• Explain to children that we say the letters of
the alphabet in the order they are written on
the page.
• Children say the letters of the alphabet in
alphabetical order several times.
• Tell children to turn to page 7.
• Point to the dotted outline with the letters of
the alphabet in it.
• Tell children to join the letters of the alphabet
in alphabetical order with their pencils, e.g. a,
b, c, d, etc.
• Tell them that they can look at Unit 1 Lesson
2 on page 3 to help them to join the letters in
the correct order.
• When they have finished drawing, ask them
what they can see in the picture. (Kitty)
• Ask Who’s this?
• Children answer It’s Kitty.


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Unit 3
Unit 3  Lesson 1 Look and listen
• Hold up your Student’s Book.
Aims: asking about objects (both singular and • Say Open your books. Tell children to turn to
plural objects); counting from 1–10; page 10.
learning new words beginning with a • Point to the four pictures.
and b • Ask children in Kurdish what they can see in
New language: What are these? They’re …s.; the picture.
ant, banana, plural s • Ask them questions in Kurdish such as What
Revised language: What’s this? It’s a/an …; are the children doing? Who is in the picture?
numbers 1–10; apple, bag What’s this? etc.
• Tell them they are going to listen to a story on
You need: flashcards of pictures of objects the CD.
from Book 1; Student’s Book p10;
Activity Book p8; CD tracks 11–13 • Point first of all to the top left picture, then
the top right picture, then the bottom left
picture and finally the bottom right picture.
Box 6: a and an • Tell children that they should follow this order
When we are talking about an object: of pictures as they listen to the story.
• we use an before a word that begins with a • Say Listen. Play CD track 11.
vowel (a, e, i, o and u) CD script:
e.g. an apple, an egg, an insect, an orange, (picture 1)
an umbrella Laura: Oh look! Figs and oranges.
• we use a before a word that begins with Aveen: Yes, lovely!
any other letter of the alphabet (picture 2)
e.g. a cat, a vase, a frog Kitty: What’s this?
Aveen: It’s a banana.
(picture 3)
Starter Aveen: Hello! Five apples and ten bananas,
• Greet children as they enter the classroom. please.
• Use Hello! or How are you? Thank you.
• Children answer either Hello! or Fine, thank (picture 4)
you. Kitty: Oh look! What are these?
Aveen: They’re ants. One ant, two ants, three,
• Hold up a picture flashcard. four, five, six, seven, eight ants!
• Ask What’s this?
• Play the CD again.
• Children answer It’s a/an …
• Tell children to point to the pictures as they
• Ask a child to the front of the class.
listen to the story.
• Tell him/her to hold up a flashcard.
• Hold up your own book and point so that they
• Tell him/her to ask the class What’s this? can all follow.
• The class or individual children answer It’s
a/an …
• Do the same with several more children.


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Unit 3
• Play CD track 12.
Box 7: Singular and plural nouns
CD script:
A noun is singular when there is just one one What’s this? It’s an ant. (pause)
object, e.g. an apple, a bag, a tiger. two What’s this? It’s a banana. (pause)
We use a or an before a singular noun to show three What are these? They’re ants. (pause)
that there is just one object. four What are these? They’re bananas. (pause)
A noun is plural when there is more than one • Point to one of the pictures.
object, e.g. pens, apples, lions. • Ask children a question, either What is this? or
We add the letter s at the end of a plural noun What are these?
to show there is more than one object. • Children answer either It’s a/an … or
We do not use a or an before a plural noun. They’re …s.
• Ask individual children to point to a picture
and ask a question.
Listen, point and say • Other children answer.
• Point to the pictures at the bottom of the
page. Activity Book
• For pictures 1 and 2 ask What’s this?
• Help children to answer It’s a/an … Count and write
• Point to pictures 3 and 4. • Hold up your Activity Book.
• Say Look. • Say Open your books. Tell children to turn to
page 8.
• Ask What are these? Help children to answer
They’re …s. • Point to the pictures across the top of the
• Explain to children that if there is just one
object we ask What’s this? and answer It’s • For each picture ask children either What are
a/an … these? or What’s this?
• Explain that if there is more than one object, • Children answer either They’re …s or It’s a/
e.g. three ants, two bananas, we ask What are an …
these? and answer They’re …s. • Point to the small boxes by each picture.
• Point out that if there is more than one object • Explain to children that they should count the
we put an s sound on the end of the word, e.g. number of objects in each picture. They should
ants. then write the number of objects in the small
• Say ants and tell children to repeat it. box, e.g. 5.
• Say bananas and tell children to repeat it. • Point to the first picture. Say Look.
• Tell children that they are going to listen to • Ask children to count the number of objects,
some questions and answers on the CD. e.g. one, two.
• Point to the numbers by each picture. • Tell them to write the number 2 in the box.
• Ask children to point to the numbers and • Tell them to say the number and then the
count 1–4. object, e.g. two bananas.
• Tell them to listen to the number and question • Tell children to work with a partner.
and answer for each picture. • For each of the other pictures they should take
• Children repeat the answer for each question. it in turns to count the number of objects.
• Do this several times.

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Unit 3
• They should then write the number of objects CD script:
in the box. one – What are these? They’re bananas.
• They should then point to each picture and say two – What’s this? It’s a rabbit.
the number and the object, e.g. five figs. three – What are these? They’re girls.
four – What are these? They’re nuts.
• Go round the class to help them. Correct them
five – What’s this? It’s an umbrella.
if necessary.
• Tell children that they are going to correct the • Go round the class to check that children are
exercise. circling the correct pictures.
• For each picture ask a child to count the • Play the CD again so that children can check
number of objects, e.g. one, two, three … their answers.
• Ask another child to write the number of • Correct the children’s answers.
objects on the blackboard. • Say, e.g. one – What are these? or two – What’s
• Children can check their own answers. this?
• They can correct their answers if they are • For each number, ask a child to answer, e.g.
wrong. They’re bananas or It’s a rabbit.
• Finish the activity by pointing to each picture • Children check their own answers.
and asking the class to say the number and • They can change their answers if necessary.
the object, e.g. two bananas, four ants.

Listen and circle

• Point to the small pictures at the bottom of
Unit 3  Lesson 2
the page.
Aims: recognising capital letters for A and
• Point to one of the pictures and ask either B; counting 1–10; tracing and writing
What’s this? or What are these? lower case and capital Aa and Bb;
• Children answer either It’s a/an … or writing lower case initial letters in
They’re …s. names of objects; writing capital
• Point to the numbers down the side of the letter on name of person; asking about
page. objects
• Ask a child to point to the numbers and count Language used: W
 hat are these? They’re …;
from 1 to 5. count, numbers 1–10, ant(s),
• Explain that children should listen to the CD. apple(s), Aveen, banana(s),
• They will hear a number and the name of some bag(s), nuts, eggs, oranges,
object(s). figs
• For each number they should circle the object You need: s ome piles of objects that children
that they hear. already know, e.g. nuts, oranges,
• Say Listen. figs; picture flashcards of ant and
banana; Book 1 flashcards for apple
• Play CD track 13. and bag; flashcards of capital and
• Pause it after each number to allow children lower case Aa and Bb; Student’s
time to circle the object(s). Book p11; Activity Book p9


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Unit 3
• We use a capital letter to begin the names of
Box 8: Capital letters and small (lower people and places, e.g. Karwan, Dohuk.
case) letters
• Hold up the flashcards of capital and lower
In this unit children are learning how to write case Aa. Children say the letter sound for
and when to use capital letters. them.
In this book we talk about capital letters, • Stand with your back to the class and form
e.g. A, B, C, D, E, etc. capital A in the air with your right hand.
We also talk about small letters (the letters • For letter formation see pages 8-9 of the
children have learnt so far in this book and in Teacher’s Book.
Book 1). Sometimes we call these small letters • Tell children to form capital A in the same way.
lower case letters. • Then form lower case (small) a in the air with
Small letters and lower case letters are the your right hand.
same thing, e.g. a, b, c, d, e, etc. • Tell children to form lower case (small) a in
the same way.
• Tell children to trace the forms of both capital
Starter and lower case (small) Aa with their fingers.
• Ask some children What’s your name? as they • Point to the picture of an ant and ask What’s
come in the classroom. this?
• Children reply My name’s … • Children answer It’s an ant.
• When they have told you, say Hello, …(name). • Hold up the flashcard for ant. Say the word
• Ask two children to come to the front of the ant.
class. • Tell children to repeat it several times.
• Ask the first one to ask the other child What’s • Point to the picture of an apple and ask What’s
your name? this? Children answer It’s an apple.
• The second child answers My name’s …(name). • Explain that if a word begins with a we say It’s
• Tell the first child to say Hello, …(name). an …
• Do the same with several more pairs of • Point to the picture of one ant and say one
children. ant. Tell children to repeat this.
• Point to the picture of two ants and say two
Look, point and say ants. Tell children to repeat this.
• Hold up your Student’s Book. • Remind them that we make an s sound after
• Say Open your books. Tell children to turn to the word if there is more than one object.
page 11. • Point to the picture of Aveen and say Aveen.
• Point to the capital and small letter Aa. • Tell children to repeat this.
• Say the letter sound a a a. Tell children to • Point to the capital A at the beginning of
repeat it. Aveen. Remind them that we use a capital
• Tell children that both capital A and lower letter to begin the name of a person.
case a have the same sound. • Ask all children in the class whose names
• Remind children that each letter of the begin with A to come to the front of the class.
alphabet is written in two ways. • Write their names on the board in English,
• We use the small letters (lower case letters) beginning with a capital A.
for objects, e.g. apple, egg. • Tell them to write their name on the outside of

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Unit 3
their exercise book. Activity Book
• Follow the same procedure for the letter Bb:
– Point to the capital and small letter Bb. Box 9: The position of capital and lower
– Say the letter sound b b b and tell children case letters on the line
to repeat it. We write all capital letters on the line, e.g.
– Hold up letter flashcards for Bb and tell

children to say the sound.
– Children write capital and lower case Bb in
the air after you.
– Children trace capital and lower case Bb in
Lower case letters are different:

the book with their fingers.
– Show flashcard of the banana and ask what • We write some lower case letters on the
it is. line, e.g. a, c, o, m, etc.
– Children repeat the word banana several • Some lower case letters have ‘tails’ below
times. the line, e.g. g, j, p, q and y.

X Y Z[ \ ] ^
– Do the same with the word for bag. • Different lower case letters begin at
– Remind them that there is an s sound for a different levels above the line. For example,
plural word. b, d, f, h, kand l begin
 at a higher
– Help children whose names begin with B to than the letter t.
write their names in English.
Look at the following framework to check
Ask, say and count
where each letter is written on the line. Then
 you teach these positions
 to your
• Tell children to look at the picture at the make sure
bottom of page 11. children when you are teaching them to write
the letters.
• For each group of objects ask What are these?
• Children reply They’re …s, e.g. They’re nuts.
• Put some groups of objects that children
already know the names of on the table, e.g. a
f  g h i j k
pile of nuts, some apples, some figs, etc.
• Ask two children to come to the front of the

X Y Z [ \ ] ^
• Say Come here, please, (name) to each of
• Tell one of them to point to one of the piles of
• Tell her/him to ask What are these?
• Tell the other child to answer They’re …s.
• They continue taking it in turns to ask and
_ ` a b c d e
answer questions in the same way.
• Ask several other pairs of children to come to
the front and ask and answer questions in the
same way.
f g h i j k

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Unit 3
Trace and write Unit 3  Lesson 3
• Hold up your Activity Book.
• Say Open your books. Tell children to turn to Aims: s inging a song to practise counting and
page 9. saying the letter sound s at the end
• Point to the big capital and lower case Aa. of plural words; practising writing the
• Tell children to trace with their finger round numbers 6–10; practising writing the
the capital and lower case Aa. letter s on the end of plural nouns
• Point to the line with capital A. Language used: n
 umbers 6–10, banana(s),
• Tell pupils to trace with their finger round the fig(s), apple(s), orange(s)
capital A. You need: s ome objects (single and more than
• Tell them to trace over the two feint capital one) that children already know,
letters with their pencils. e.g. nuts, figs, an apple, a toy
• Then tell them to complete the line by copying rabbit, etc.; Student’s Book p12;
the capital A twice themselves. Activity Book p10; CD track 14
• Go round the class to check they are copying
the letter well. Starter
• Point to the capital and lower case Aa. • Put some single objects and some piles of
• Tell children to trace the first Aa with their objects that children already know on your
fingers. table.
• Tell them to trace over the feint Aa with their • Ask a child to come to the front of the class.
pencils. • Say Come here, please (name).
• Then tell them to complete the line by copying • Point to a single object and ask What’s this?
the capital and lower case Aa themselves. • Children reply It’s a/an …
• Go round the class to check they are writing • Point to a pile of objects and ask What are
the letter well. these?
• Point to the pictures of the apple and the ant. • Children reply They’re …s.
• Tell children to point to them and say the • Ask another child to come to the front of the
letter sound a a a. class.
• Point to the words ant and apple and Aveen. • Tell the first child to point to either one object
• Tell them to write lower case a to complete or a group of objects.
the words _nt and _pple. • Tell him/her to ask either What’s this? or What
• Then tell them to complete the name Aveen by are these?
adding a capital A. • The other child replies either It’s a/an … or
• Follow the same procedure for the letter Bb. They’re …s.
• As you leave the class say Goodbye, children. • Ask several other pairs of children to come to
the front to do the same.


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Unit 3
Listen, sing and point • Play the CD again. Tell children to sing the
song with the CD.
Box 10: Dividing the class into two halves • Pause the CD after every line.
When children sing a song, it is a good idea • Tell children to sing each line after they have
to divide the class into two halves. Half the listened to it.
class can sing one verse and then the other • Play the CD again.
half can sing another verse OR one half can • This time tell children to sing along with the
sing the song and the other half can do the song as they listen to the CD.
• Tell them to point to the correct fruit in the
• Hold up your Student’s Book. picture as they sing each verse.
• Say Open your books. • Play the CD several times more and let children
sing and point.
• Check that children are opening the correct
book. • Sing the song again.
• Tell them to turn to page 12. • This time tell the girls to sing the first and
third verses.
• Point to the picture and to the piles of fruit.
• Tell the boys to sing the second and fourth
• Ask children What are these? verses.
• Children reply They’re …s.
• Write the numbers 1–10 on the board. Activity Book
• Point to each number and tell children to
count with you, e.g. one, two, three … Trace and write
• Tell children that they are going to learn a • Tell children to turn to page 10 in their
song. Activity Book.
• Tell them to listen to the song on the CD. Say • Point to the numbers across the top of the
Listen. page. Say Look.
• Play CD track 14. • Ask children to point to each of the numbers
and say the name of the number, e.g. six,
CD script: seven, eight …
One banana, two bananas, • Point to the number 6 at the side of the page.
Three bananas, four.
Five bananas, six bananas, • Tell children to trace the shape of the number
Seven bananas … more! with their finger.
One fig, two figs, • Tell children to trace over the next three feint
Three figs, four. numbers with their pencil.
Five figs, six figs, • Then tell them to copy the number 6 on the
Seven figs … more! line several times themselves.
One apple, two apples, • Do the same for the other four numbers.
Three apples, four.
Five apples, six apples, Count, match and circle
Seven apples … more!
One orange, two oranges, • Point to the small pictures below.
Three oranges, four. • Point to the three pictures in the first line.
Five oranges, six oranges, • Ask What are these? Children answer They’re
Seven oranges … more! oranges.


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Unit 3/Revision 1
• Do the same for the objects in the other two • Say Come here, please (name).
lines. • Ask her/him to count the objects on your
• Point to the numbers down the left-hand side table, e.g. one, two, three, four …
of the page. Say Look. • Do the same with several other children.
• Tell children to point to each number and say
its name, e.g. seven, ten. Box 11: The importance of fun in the
• Explain that children should look at the classroom
numbers on the left-hand side of each line and In this book there are many songs and games.
then count the number of objects in each of They create a relaxed atmosphere in the
the three pictures in the line. classroom and allow children to have fun as
• Children circle the picture that has the same they are learning. They are very important
number of objects as the number on the left- because:
hand side. • children are using the language they have
• Tell children to work with a partner and to learned in a natural way
count the objects together. • they motivate the children to enjoy their
• Go round to check that they are counting English learning
correctly and circling the correct picture. • children learn more quickly in a relaxed
atmosphere when they are having fun

Revision 1 • they provide children with a variety of

activities to keep them interested
• they allow children to use their energy for
Aims: matching letters to objects that begin useful activities
with them; saying letter sounds;
counting 1–10; asking about objects
(singular and plural) Play
Language used: letter sounds for all letters • Hold up your Student’s Book.
of the alphabet; words for • Say Open your books. Tell children to turn to
objects learnt in Book 1; page 13.
ant(s), banana(s); numbers • Point to the picture. Ask children in Kurdish
1–10; What are these? what they can see in the picture.
They’re …s
• Point to the letters on the stones.
You need: ten objects, e.g. ten nuts or ten • For several of the letters, point and ask
eggs; dice for each group for game What’s this?
in Student’s Book p13; small piece
• Children say the letter sound.
of paper for each child; Student’s
Book p13; Activity Book pp11–12, • Divide the class into groups of four or five.
CD tracks 15–16 Give each group a dice.
• Tell them to put one Student’s Book open on
page 13 in the middle of the desk so that they
Starter can all see it.
• Greet children Hello, … (name) as they enter • Give each child a small piece of paper.
the classroom.
• Children colour their piece of paper a different
• Put the pile of objects, e.g. ten nuts or ten colour from the rest of their group (or write
oranges, on your table. their own mark on the paper).
• Ask a child to come to the front of the class.

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Revision 1
• Explain that one of the group members throws • Tell the first one to point to a group of objects
the dice and moves along the stones in the in the picture and to ask What are these?
river for the number of dots on the dice. • Tell the second child to answer They’re …s.
• He/She looks at the letter on the stone and • Tell the first child to say to the second child
says the letter sound and then a word that Count.
begins with that sound, e.g. h – hen.
• The second child then counts the number of
• If the child does not say the letter sound and objects in the group, e.g. one, two, three …
the word, they remain where they were before
• Point to the small boxes in the picture by each
throwing the dice.
group of objects.
• Group members take it in turns to throw the
• Tell children that they should write the number
of objects in the small box by the group.
• The winner is the first child to reach the
• Do the same with several pairs of children.
• Divide the class into pairs. Tell pairs to do the
• Go round the class to help them to play the
activity in the same way.
game correctly.
• Go round the class to help the children and
• Check that they are saying the letter sounds
to check that they are counting correctly and
and the words correctly.
writing the correct number in each of the
• Point to the letters Aa and Bb at the bottom boxes.
of the page.
• Ask individual children to say the letter sounds Listen and circle
for the letters. • Tell children to turn to page 12.
• Point to the numbers down the left-hand side
Activity Book of the page.
Count and write • Ask individual children to say the numbers in
the correct order, e.g. one, two, three …
• Tell children to turn to page 11 in their
Activity Book. • Point to a picture of just one object.
• Point to the picture. Ask children in Kurdish • Ask children What’s this?
what they can see in the picture. • Children answer It’s a/an …
• Point to one of the children and ask Who’s • Point to a picture of more than one object.
this? • Ask children What are these?
• Children answer, e.g. It’s Sam. • Children answer They’re …s.
• Do this for all the children and Kitty. • Tell children that they are going to listen to
• Point to the piles of food. the CD.
• Say Look. • For each number they should circle the object
• Ask several children What are these? Children that they hear.
answer They’re …s. • Say Listen.
• Point to a group of objects and say Count. Ask • Play CD track 15.
individual children to count them. • Pause the CD after each number to allow
• Do this for several groups of objects. children time to circle the pictures.
• Ask two children to come to the front of the


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Revision 1
CD script: • Play the CD again.
one What are these? They’re apples. • Pause it after each number and check that
(pause) children have written the correct number by
two What’s this? It’s a banana. the correct character.
three What’s this? It’s an ant. (pause)
four What are these? They’re nuts. (pause)
five What are these? They’re rabbits.
six What’s this? It’s a zebra. (pause)
seven What’s this? It’s an egg. (pause)
eight What are these? They’re pens. (pause)
• Play the CD again to allow children to check
their answers.
• Finally play the CD and pause it after each
• Ask children to show you the picture they have
• Correct them if necessary.

Listen, match and write

• Tell children to look at the pictures at the
bottom of the page.
• For each child in the picture and Kitty, ask
children Who’s this?
• Children answer, e.g. It’s Karwan.
• Tell children they are going to listen to the CD.
• They will hear a number and the name of a
• They should write the number they hear in the
small box by the character they hear.
• Play CD track 16.
• Pause the CD after each number to allow
children time to write the number by the
correct character.
CD script:
one Hello, I’m Karwan. (pause)
two What’s your name?
My name’s Laura. (pause)
three I’m Sam. Hello! (pause)
four What’s your name?
My name’s Aveen. (pause)
five Who’s this?
It’s Kitty! (pause)

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Unit 4
Unit 4  Lesson 1 • Ask them each to count a number from 1 to
• The first child says one, the second child two
Aims: talking about things that belong to and so on up to ten.
you; learning new words that begin
with c and d • Ask another ten children to come to the front
of the class and do the same.
New language: I have a …; car, cap, doll, dog
Revised language: Hello! yes, no; Come here; Look and listen
numbers 1–10 • Hold up your Student’s Book.
You need: Student’s Book p14; Activity Book • Say Open your books.
p13; CD tracks 17–19 • Check that children have all opened their
Student’s Book and not their Activity Book.
Box 12: Making full use of the Student’s • Tell them to turn to page 14.
Book • Point to the four pictures.
Each unit in the Student’s Book contains many • Ask children in Kurdish what they can see in
colourful pictures. These pictures show the the pictures.
main characters of the book and many objects • Tell them to listen to the story on the CD.
children have already learned. They also show • Point to the top left-hand picture, then the
different numbers of objects and different top right-hand picture, then the bottom left-
colours. hand picture and finally the bottom right-hand
It is important to make full use of these picture.
pictures to give children as much practice in • Tell children that they should look at the
speaking English as possible. You can do this pictures in this order as they listen to the
by: story.
• talking about what is in the picture in • Play CD track 17.
Kurdish to make sure children understand CD script:
what is happening in the picture before (picture 1)
they listen to the dialogue on the CD Laura and Aveen: Hello, Karwan. Hello, Sam.
• asking about objects they have learned Karwan and Sam: Hello, girls.
(What’s this? It’s a/an …) (picture 2)
• asking about characters in the book (Who’s Laura: Look. I have a doll.
this? It’s Sam.) Karwan: Oh yes! And I have a car.
• asking children to count the objects (one, (picture 3)
two, three …) Sam: Hello, Kitty!
Kitty: Hello, Sam. I have a cap!
• asking about colours (What colour is it? It’s (picture 4)
blue.) Sam: Oh no! A dog!
Children: Come here, Kitty!
Starter • Play the CD again.
• Greet children Hello as they enter the • Tell children to point to the pictures as they
classroom. listen.
• Ask ten children to come to the front of the


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Unit 4
Listen, point and say • Play CD track 19.
• Tell children to look at the pictures at the • Pause it after each number to allow children
bottom of the page. time to draw a line.
• For each picture ask What’s this? CD script:
• Children answer It’s a … one
Karwan: I have a car. (pause)
• Tell children to listen to the CD.
• They should listen, then point to the picture Laura: I have a doll. (pause)
of the object mentioned, then repeat the three
sentence they hear. Sam: I have a dog. (pause)
• Say Listen. four
• Play CD track 18. Aveen: I have a bag. (pause)
• Pause it after each sentence to give children
Kitty: And I have a cap! (pause)
time to repeat the sentence.
CD script: • Go round the class to check that children are
I have a duck. (pause) drawing lines between the correct characters
I have a car. (pause) and objects.
I have a dog. (pause)
I have a cap. (pause) Match and circle
I have a doll. (pause) • Tell children to look at the rows of small
I have a cat. (pause) pictures at the bottom of the page.
• Point to several of the pictures and ask What’s
Activity Book this?
• Children answer It’s a/an …
Listen and match • Tell children to look at the letters down the
• Tell children to open their Activity Books at left-hand side of the page.
page 13. • Ask them to say the letter sound for the letters
• Point to the picture of the children at the top a, b, c, d.
of the page. • Explain that for each row, children should
• Say Look. look at the letter on the left and then circle
• Point to the numbers beside each character. the object(s) in the row that begin with that
• Ask children to point to a character and then
say the number. • Go round to help them and to correct where
• Point to the pictures of the objects below the
characters. • Ask individual children to say a letter on the
left-hand side and then say the word(s) in the
• Ask What’s this? for each picture.
row that begin with that letter.
• Children answer, e.g. It’s a car.
• Do this for all the letters and rows.
• Tell children to listen to the CD.
• Tell them they will hear a number and then an
• They should draw a line between the number
and the object mentioned.


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Unit 4
Unit 4  Lesson 2 case c have the same sound.
• Explain that they are the same letter. We use
lower case c for ordinary words but we use
Aims: talking about things that belong to capital C to begin the names of people and
you; recognising capital letters C and places.
D; tracing and writing capital and lower
case Cc and Dd; writing lower case c • Hold up the flashcards for capital and lower
and d as the initial letter of words case Cc. Children say the letter sound for C and
beginning with c and d; writing lower c.
case letters in objects that begin with • Stand with your back to the class. Form capital
those letters; writing capital C and D; C in the air with your right hand.
recognising words that begin with a, b, • Tell children to form it in the air in the same
c and d way.
Language used: I have a/an … and a/an …; • Form lower case c in the air with your right
car, cap, cat, doll, dog, duck hand.
You need: flashcards for ant, banana, car, cap, • Tell children to form it in the air in the same
doll and dog; flashcards for capital way.
and lower case Cc and Dd; various • Explain that both capital and lower case Cc
objects that children have already are formed in the same way. Lower case c is
learnt, e.g. apple, bag, banana, toy smaller than capital C.
car; Student’s Book p15; Activity • Point to capital and lower case Cc in the book.
Book p14 • Tell children to trace round the letters with
their fingers.
Starter • Ask several children to write the capital and
• Greet children Hello as they enter the lower case letters Cc on the board.
classroom. • Point to the picture of a car.
• Ask several children What’s your name? • Ask children What’s this? Children reply It’s a
• Children reply My name’s … (name). car.
• Hold up a flashcard of a new object children • Hold up the picture flashcard of a car. Say car.
have learnt. Tell children to repeat car.
• Ask What’s this? • Do the same for the pictures of the cap and
• Children reply It’s a/an …
• Say the letter sound c c c and then the words
• Do this with all the flashcards for the new a,
car, cap and cat. Tell children to repeat.
b, c and d words learnt in this book so far.
• Tell all children whose names begin with C to
Look, point and say come to the front of the class.
• Hold up your Student’s Book. • Write their names on the board, beginning
with a capital C.
• Say Open your books. Tell children to turn to
page 15. • Tell them to write their name on the outside of
their exercise book.
• Point to the capital and lower case Cc.
• Follow the same procedure for the letter Dd:
• Say the letter sound c c c. Tell children to say
– Point to the capital and lower case Dd.
the sound after you.
– Say the letter sound d d d and tell children
• Explain that both the capital C and the lower to repeat it.

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Unit 4
– Hold up the flashcard of capital and lower Activity Book
case Dd and tell children to say the sound.
– Children write capital and lower case Dd in Trace and write
the air after you.
• Hold up your Activity Book.
– Children trace round the letters Dd in the
book with their fingers. • Say Open your books.
– Several children write the capital and lower • Tell children to turn to page 14.
case letters Dd on the board. • Point to the big capital and lower case Cc.
– Point to the picture of a doll and ask
• Tell children to trace with their finger round
children what it is.
the capital and lower case Cc.
– Do the same with the flashcard of the doll
and tell children to repeat doll. • Point to the line with capital C.
– Do the same for the pictures of the dog and • Tell children to trace with their finger round
duck. the capital C.
– Help children whose names begin with D to • Tell them to trace over the two feint capital
write their name in English. letters with their pencils.
• Then tell them to complete the line by copying
Play and say the capital C several times themselves.
• Point to the picture at the bottom of the page.
• Go round to check they are writing capital C
• Point to the objects in the picture. correctly.
• Ask children What’s this? Children answer It’s • Point to the line with capital and lower case
a/an … Cc.
• Put some objects on your table, e.g. a doll, a • Tell children to trace over the two letters with
toy car, a banana, etc. their fingers.
• Tell children they are going to play a game. • Tell them to trace over the feint Cc with their
• Invite five or six children to the front of the pencils.
class. • Then tell them to complete the line by copying
• Tell one child to pick up an object and to say, the capital and lower case Cc twice themselves.
e.g. I have an apple. • Go round to check they are copying lower case
• Tell the child to give the object to another c correctly.
child. • Point to the pictures of the car, cap and cat.
• Tell the second child to hold the first object Point to the words car, cap and cat.
and to pick up another. • Tell them to write lower case c to complete the
• Help the second child to say, e.g. I have an words _ar, _ap and _at.
apple and a car. • Follow the same procedure for the letter Dd.
• The second child then gives the first two
objects to a third child.
• The third child picks up a third object.
• Help the third child to say, e.g. I have an
apple and a car and a doll.
• The game continues in this way until all the
children have made a sentence.
• Do the same with several other groups of five
or six children.

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Unit 4
Unit 4  Lesson 3 • Play CD track 20.
CD script:
Aims: singing a song to practise using I have One, two, three.
a/an …; counting 1–6; practising One, two, three.
saying the new words car, cap, doll I have a car and a cap and a pen.
and dog; listening and matching words Four, five, six.
heard with pictures of objects Four, five, six.
I have a doll and a dog and a hen.
Language used: I have a/an …; car, cap,
doll, dog, pen, hen, orange, • Play the CD again, pausing the song after
banana, apple, egg; numbers each line. Tell children to sing each line in the
1–6 pause.
• Tell them to point to the objects they hear as
You need: Student’s Book p16; Activity Book
they sing.
p15; flashcards for car, cap, doll,
dog, pen, hen; CD tracks 20–21 • Play the CD again. This time tell children to
sing along with the song on the CD.
• Do this several times.
Starter • Ask individual children to sing the song by
• Greet children Hello as they enter the themselves.
classroom. • Remind children of the song learned in Unit 2
• Hold up one of the flashcards. Lesson 1 (see TB page 17). If necessary write
• Say Look. it on the board.
• Ask What’s this? • Tell children they are going to sing it again.
• Children reply It’s a/an … • Play CD track 6.
• Do this with all the flashcards. • Pause the CD after each line. Tell children to
sing each line in the pause.
Listen, sing and point • Play the CD again. Tell children to sing the
• Hold up your Student’s Book. song along with the CD.
• Say Open your books. Tell children to turn to • Play the CD again.
page 16. • Tell children to turn to their partner. As they
• Point to the picture of the juggler. sing the song, they should shake hands with
their partner.
• Ask children in Kurdish who the man is and
what he does (he throws many objects, usually
balls, in the air at the same time and catches
Activity Book
them). Ask them if they have ever seen a
Listen and tick
• Tell children to open their Activity Books at
• Tell children they are going to sing a song
page 15.
about the juggler and the objects he is
throwing in the air. • Point to the picture of the juggler and Kitty.
• Tell children to look at the picture and listen • Point to Kitty.
to the CD. • Ask Who’s this? Children answer It’s Kitty.
• Tell them to point to the objects they hear • For each of the objects ask What’s this?
mentioned in the song. • Children answer It’s a/an …


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Unit 4
• Point to the numbers by Kitty and the juggler.
• Ask children to say the numbers.
• Explain that they are going to listen to the
juggler and Kitty speaking.
• When they hear number 1 on the CD, the
juggler is talking.
• When they hear number 2 on the CD, Kitty is
• Then point to the small boxes by each of the
objects in the picture.
• When they hear an object mentioned, they
should write a tick in the box by the object.
• Play CD track 21.
• Pause the CD after each line to allow children
time to tick the boxes.
CD script:
one (juggler’s voice)
I have a car. (pause)
I have a pen. (pause)
I have an orange. (pause)
I have a doll (pause)
and I have a cap. (pause)
two (Kitty’s voice)
I have a banana (pause)
and a dog. (pause)
I have an apple. (pause)
I have an … egg. Oh no! (pause)
• Go round to check that children are ticking the
correct objects.
• At the end of the lesson say Goodbye children.
• Help children to answer Goodbye …(your


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Unit 5
Unit 5  Lesson 1 the CD.
• Point first of all to the top left picture, then
the top right picture, then the bottom left
Aims: asking about objects that are near picture and finally the bottom right picture.
to the speaker; asking about objects
that are some distance away from the • Tell children that they should follow this order
speaker; learning new words beginning of pictures as they listen to the story.
with e and f • Play CD track 22.
New language: What’s that? It’s a/an … CD script:
(picture 1)
Revised language: What’s this? It’s a/an …; Kitty: What’s this, Laura?
colours: red, yellow, blue, Laura: Red and yellow and blue flowers.
green; lion, zebra, banana; (picture 2)
Listen! Aveen: Ah, what’s this? Oh, it’s a green frog.
You need: various objects that children have (picture 3)
already learnt, some single objects, (Laura points to the elephant)
other groups of objects, e.g. a Laura: What’s that?
banana, two eggs, three nuts, an Aveen: Listen! What’s that? (elephant
orange, etc.; Student’s Book p17; trumpets)
Activity Book p16; CD tracks 22–25; (picture 4)
coloured pencils (elephant turns round)
Aveen: Oh, it’s an elephant.
Kitty: Miaaooow!
• Greet children Hello, (name) as they enter the • Play the CD again.
classroom. • Tell children to point to the pictures as they
• Hold up a single object, e.g. an apple, and ask listen to the story.
children What’s this? • Hold up your own book and point so that they
• Children reply It’s an apple. can all follow the story.
• Hold up more than one of the same object, Listen, point and say
e.g. two eggs, and ask What are these?
• Point to the picture at the bottom of the page.
• Children answer They’re eggs.
• Tell children they are going to listen to the CD.
• Do the same for other single objects and
groups of the same object. • They should point to the object they hear
mentioned on the CD.
Look and listen • They should also repeat the sentence for each
• Tell children to turn to page 17 in their object.
Student’s Books. • Say Listen. Play CD track 23.
• Point to the four pictures. Say Look. • Pause after each question and answer to allow
• Ask children in Kurdish what they can see in children time to point to the correct object in
the pictures. the picture and to repeat the answer.
• Point to the lion and ask What is this? • Explain to children that we use What’s this?
when the object is very close to us or when we
• Children answer It’s a lion. are touching it.
• Tell them they are going to listen to a story on


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Unit 5
• Explain that we use What’s that? when the two
object is a distance away from us. Kitty What’s this?
• Tell children that if they hear What’s this? on Laura It’s a frog. (pause)
the CD, they should touch the picture with three
their finger. Kitty What’s that?
Laura It’s a lion. (pause)
• Tell them that if they hear What’s that? on the
CD, they should point to the picture from a
Kitty And what’s this?
short distance away.
Laura It’s a flower, Kitty. (pause)
CD script: five
Kitty: What’s this? It’s a frog. Kitty What’s that, Laura?
What’s that? It’s an elephant. Laura It’s a zebra. (pause)
What’s that? It’s a fig.
What’s that? It’s an egg. • Play the CD again so that children can check
What’s this? It’s a flower. their answers.
• Go round the class to check that children are
• Go round the class to check that children writing the correct numbers by the correct
are pointing in the correct way to show the objects and animals.
difference between this and that, and that
they are pointing to the correct picture. Trace, listen and colour
• Tell children to look at the dotted outlines of
Activity Book pictures at the bottom of the page.
Listen and write • Tell children to trace the outlines of the
drawings with their pencils.
• Tell children to open their Activity Book at
page 16. • For each one, ask children What’s this?
• Point to the picture at the top of the page. • Children answer, e.g. It’s a car.
• Point to the objects and animals and ask • Tell children that they are going to colour the
What’s this? pictures.
• Children answer, e.g. It’s a lion. • Tell them to take their coloured pencils.
• Tell children they are going to listen to Kitty • Tell them they are going to listen to the CD.
asking Laura some questions. • For each picture they will hear a colour.
• Laura will answer. • They should colour the picture the colour they
• Children should listen to the number and the hear.
animal mentioned in each question. • Play CD track 25.
• They should write the number they hear in the • Pause the CD after each line to allow children
small box by the animal mentioned. time to colour the pictures.
• Say Listen. Play CD track 24. CD script:
• Pause the CD after every question to allow a blue car (pause for colouring)
children time to write the numbers in the a green frog (pause)
small boxes by the objects and animals. a red flower (pause)
a yellow banana (pause)
CD script:
one • Go round the class to check that children are
Kitty What’s this? using the correct colours for each picture.
Laura It’s an elephant. (pause)

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Unit 5
Unit 5  Lesson 2 page 18.
• Point to the capital and lower case Ee. Say
Aims: recognising capital letters for E and
F; tracing and writing lower case and • Say the letter sound e e e. Tell children to
capital Ee and Ff; writing lower case repeat it.
initial letters on names of objects; • Tell children that both capital E and lower case
asking about objects that are some e have the same sound.
distance away; singing a song; • Hold up the flashcards for capital and lower
matching letters to missing initial case Ee.
letters of objects and names of people • Children say the letter sound for E and e.
Language used: elephant, egg, flower, frog, • Remind children that each letter of the
fig, doll, car, ant, Aveen; alphabet is written in two ways.
What’s that? It’s a …; Listen! • Ask them in Kurdish what we use capital
You need: flashcards for capital and lower letters for.
case Ee and Ff; picture flashcards • Children reply that we use them for names of
for elephant, flower and frog; Book people and places.
1 flashcards for egg and fig; various • Stand with your back to the class and form
objects children have already capital E in the air with your right hand.
learnt, e.g. toy animals, orange,
banana, etc.; Student’s Book p18; • Tell children to form capital E in the same way.
Activity Book p17; CD tracks 26–27 • Then form lower case (small) e in the air with
your right hand. Tell children to form lower
case e in the same way.
Starter • Tell children to look again at the capital and
• Greet children Hello, … (name) as they enter lower case Ee on page 18.
the classroom.
• Tell them to trace the forms of both capital
• Ask several children How are you? and lower case Ee with their fingers.
• Children answer I’m fine, thank you. • Point to the picture of the elephant and ask
• Put the objects you have brought on your What’s this?
table. • Children answer It’s an elephant.
• Stand a small distance from the table and • Hold up the picture flashcard of an elephant.
point to one of the objects. Say elephant.
• Ask What’s that? • Tell children to repeat elephant several times.
• Children answer It’s a/an … • Point to the picture of an egg and ask What’s
• Do this with all the objects. this?
• Remind children that we use What’s that? • Children answer It’s an egg.
when we are some distance from an object. • Hold up the picture flashcard for egg. Say egg.
• Remind them that if we are very close to an • Children repeat egg several times.
object or touching it we use What’s this?
• Explain that if a word begins with a or e we
say It’s an …, e.g. It’s an egg, It’s an apple,
Look, point and say It’s an elephant. It’s an ant.
• Hold up your Student’s Book.
• Point to the word elephant below the picture.
• Say Open your books. Tell children to turn to

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Unit 5
• Tell children to trace with their fingers the first • Tell them that they should listen to each
letter of the word. animal noise.
• Do the same with the word egg. • They should then say which animal makes that
• Follow the same procedure with capital and noise, e.g. It’s a lion.
lower case Ff and for the words flower, frog • They should then make the animal noise
and fig. themselves.
• Then ask a child to come to the front of the • Say Listen. Play CD track 26.
class. • Pause the CD after each animal noise to allow
• Write a letter, either E, e, F or f with your children to answer the question and make the
finger on their back. animal noise.
• Tell them to say the letter sound for the letter CD script:
you have written. (lion roars)
• Do this with several other children. Listen! What’s that? (pause)
• Tell children to work with a partner. It’s a lion.
(elephant trumpets)
• Tell them to take it in turns to write one of
What’s that? (pause)
the letters, either capital or lower case, with
It’s an elephant.
their finger on their partner’s back.
(duck quacks)
• Their partner says the letter sound for the What’s that? (pause)
letter they have written. It’s a duck.
• Ask children whose name begins with E to (hen clucks)
come to the front of the class. What’s that? (pause)
• Write their names on the board, beginning It’s a hen.
with a capital E. (cat miaows)
Listen! What’s that? (pause)
• Do the same with children whose names begin
It’s a cat.
with F.
• Play the CD several times and let children
• Tell them to write their name on the outside of
make the noises for each animal.
their exercise book.
• Tell children they are going to sing a song
Listen, point and say about animals.
• Tell children to look at the animals in the • Tell them that the song is about a farmer
picture. called Mam Zorab and the animals he has on
the farm.
• Point to each animal and ask What’s this?
• Play CD track 27 and tell children to listen.
• Children answer, e.g. It’s a hen.
• Ask children what noise each of the animals in CD script:
the picture makes. Mam Zorab has a farm,
e i e i o.
• Children make appropriate animal noises, e.g.
And on his farm he has some hens,
quack quack, miaow.
e i e i o.
• Tell children that they are going to listen to With a cluck, cluck here,
the noises the animals make on the CD. And a cluck, cluck there.
• Explain to children that noises they hear on Here a cluck, there a cluck,
the CD are the noises we use in English for the Everywhere a cluck, cluck.
animal sounds. Mam Zorab has a farm,


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Unit 5
e i e i o. • Then tell them to complete the line by
Mam Zorab has a farm, copying the capital and lower case Ee twice
e i e i o. themselves.
And on his farm he has some ducks, • Go round to check that they are writing the
e i e i o. letters correctly.
With a quack, quack here,
• Point to the pictures of the elephant and the
And a quack, quack there.
Here a quack, there a quack,
Everywhere a quack quack. • Tell children to point to them and say the
Mam Zorab has a farm, letter sound e e e.
e i e i o. • Point to the words elephant and egg.
• Play the CD again, pausing after each line. • Tell them to write lower case e to complete
the words _lephant and _gg.
• Let children sing each line.
• Follow the same procedure for the letter Ff.
• Do this several times.
• Play the CD again. Match and join
• Tell children to sing along with the CD. • Point to the small pictures at the bottom of
the page.
Activity Book • For each one (except the picture of Aveen) ask
What’s this?
Trace and write
• Children answer It’s a/an …
• Hold up your Activity Book.
• Point to the picture of Aveen and ask Who’s
• Say Open your books. Tell children to turn to this?
page 17.
• Children answer It’s Aveen.
• Point to the capital and lower case Ee.
• Point to the letters at the bottom of the page.
• Tell children to trace with their finger round
the capital and lower case Ee. • Tell children to say the letter sounds for each
• Point to the line with capital E.
• Explain that children should match the letter
• Tell pupils to trace with their finger round the to the word beginning with that sound.
first capital E.
• Point to the capital letter A. Ask children when
• Tell them to trace over the two feint capital we use capital letters.
letters with their pencils.
• Children reply that we use them with the
• Then tell them to complete the line by copying names of people and places.
the capital E several times themselves.
• Go round the class to help children.
• Go round to check children are writing the
letter correctly. • Correct where necessary.
• Check that it is the correct size. • Make sure that children join the capital A to
the picture of Aveen.
• Point to the line with capital and lower case
• Tell children to trace the first Ee with their
• Tell them to trace over the feint Ee with their


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Unit 5
Unit 5  Lesson 3 And the elephant
And the tiger, too.
Come to the zoo,
Aims: singing a song to practise words for Come to the zoo.
animals; counting and writing numbers; See the frog
writing s on the end of plural words; And the mouse
matching letters to pictures of animals And the duck, too.
whose names begin with those letters
Come to the zoo,
Language used: zoo, lion, elephant, tiger, Come to the zoo.
frog, mouse, duck, zebra, cat, See the zebra
dog; What’s this? It’s a … And the tiger
You need: Student’s Book p19; Activity Book And the lion, too.
p18; CD track 28 • Play the CD again and pause it after each line.
Tell children to sing each line.
Starter • Do this several times.
• Greet children Hello, …(name) as they enter • Play the CD again. Tell children to sing along
the classroom. with the CD.
• Ask several of them How are you? • Do this several times.
• Children reply I’m fine, thank you. • Tell children to point to the animals in the
• Hold up your Student’s Book. picture as they sing about them.
• Tell children to open it at Unit 5 Lesson 2 on Activity Book
page 18.
• Tell them to look at the pictures of animals at Count and write
the bottom of the page. • Tell children to open their Activity Books at
• For each animal ask an individual child What’s page 18.
this? • Point to the picture at the top of the page.
• The child replies, e.g. It’s a lion. Say Look.
• Tell the child to make the noise for that • For each type of animal ask What are these?
animal. • Children answer, e.g. They’re elephants.
Listen and sing • Point to the boxes at the bottom of the cage,
each containing an animal.
• Tell children to turn to page 19.
• For each one, ask What’s this?
• Point to the picture of animals.
• Children answer, e.g. It’s an elephant.
• For each animal, ask What’s this?
• Remind children that we ask What are these?
• Children reply It’s a/an … and answer They’re …s when there is more
• Tell children that they are going to sing a song than one object.
about animals. • We ask What’s this? and answer It’s a/an …
• Play CD track 28. when there is only one object.
CD script: • Explain that for each animal in the box at the
Come to the zoo, bottom, children should count how many of
Come to the zoo. that animal there are in the picture at the top.
See the lion • For example, for the box with an elephant,

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Unit 5
they count two elephants in the picture at the
top of the page.
• Point to the words with the blank spaces
below each box.
• Tell children to write the number of each
animal that they find in the top picture.
• For example, below the box with the elephant
they would write the number 2.
• Tell them that if there is more than one
elephant they should write an s at the end of
the word for elephant, e.g. elephants.
• Tell children to work with a partner to count
and write the numbers in front of the words
for the animal.
• Go round the class to help them.
• Correct them if necessary.
Answers: 2 elephants; 7 tigers; 5 lions; 1 mouse
(no s because there is only one mouse); 6 zebras

Find and write

• Tell children to look at the small pictures of
animals at the bottom of the page.
• Point to each of the animals and ask What’s
• Children answer It’s a/an …
• Point to the letters and for each one ask
children to say its letter sound.
• Children say the letter sounds.
• Point to the words without the initial letter
under the pictures of each animal.
• Tell children to say the word for the animal.
• Tell them to find the letter that has the same
letter sound as the first letter of the word for
the animal, e.g. l l l – lion.
• Tell them to write in the missing first letter for
each animal.
• Go round the class to help them and to correct
their answers.


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Unit 6
Unit 6  Lesson 1 • Hold up a flashcard of an animal children have
learnt and ask What’s this?
• Children answer, e.g. It’s a rabbit.
Aims: asking about more than one object
that is some distance away from you; • Do this for all the flashcards mentioned above.
counting from 1 to 8; learning new
words beginning with g and h Look and listen
• Hold up your Student’s Book.
New language: What are those? They’re …s;
hat, goat, gate • Say Open your books. Tell children to turn to
page 20.
Revised language: What are these? They’re … • Point to the four pictures.
s; hen, duck, rabbit, girl,
dog; numbers 1–8; Hello! • Ask children in Kurdish what they can see in
How are you? I’m fine, the pictures.
thank you. Look! yes, no • Tell them that they are going to listen to a
story on the CD.
You need: flashcards from Book 1 for hen,
duck and rabbit; flashcard for dog; • Point first of all to the top left picture, then
Student’s Book p20; Activity Book the top right picture, then the bottom left
p19; CD tracks 29–31 picture and finally the bottom right picture.
• Tell children that they should follow this order
of pictures as they listen to the story.
Box 13: this, that, these, those
• Say Listen. Play CD track 29.
• We use this, that, these and those when we
are pointing to objects and talking about CD script:
them. (picture 1)
• We use this when we are very near to one Children: Hello, Mam Zorab. How are you?
object or when we are touching it, Farmer: Hello, children. I’m fine, thank you.
e.g. What’s this? It’s an apple. Your hat is lovely, Laura.
Laura: Thank you, Mam Zorab.
• We use these when we are very near to more (picture 2)
than one object or when we are touching Kitty: What are these?
them, Aveen: They’re hens. Look, ducks and rabbits,
e.g. What are these? They’re eggs. too.
• We use that when we are pointing to one Sam: And look! One, two, three, four, five, six,
object that is some distance away from us, seven, eight! What are those?
e.g. What’s that? It’s a lion. (picture 3)
• We use those when we are pointing to more Farmer: They’re goats. Open the gate, Sam. Four
than one object some distance away from goats.
us. Sam: Oh, yes!
e.g. What are those? They’re tigers. (picture 4)
Laura: Oh no! My hat!
Karwan: Look at the goat and your hat, Laura!
Starter • Play the CD again.
• Greet children Hello, … (name) as they enter
• Tell children to point to the pictures as they
the classroom.
listen to the story.
• Tell children to greet you in the same way.
• Hold up your own book and point so that they
can all follow.

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Unit 6
Listen, point and say Activity Book
• Tell children to look at the picture at the
bottom of the page. Listen and join
• Point to Kitty and ask Who’s this? • Tell children to open their Activity Books at
page 19.
• Children answer It’s Kitty.
• Point to the picture.
• Ask children in Kurdish what Kitty is doing.
• Ask children in Kurdish who and what they can
• Ask what else they can see in the picture.
see in the picture.
• Point to the hens and hats.
• Tell them that they are going to listen to the CD
• Tell children that they are near to Kitty. and hear Laura, Kitty and Sam asking questions
• Point to the gates and the goats. about the groups of animals in the picture.
• Tell children that they are far away from Kitty. • Point to the numbers by the children and Kitty.
• Tell children that they are going to listen to • Explain that these are the numbers of the
the CD. questions.
• Tell them that they will hear Kitty asking • Tell children that they should listen to
questions. the number and to the group of animals
• They will also hear the answers to Kitty’s mentioned.
questions. • They should then draw a line between the
• Play CD track 30. number they hear and the group of animals
they hear.
• Pause the CD after the question and answer
to allow children time to point to the animals • Ask if the goats, ducks and hens are near to
mentioned and to repeat the answer. Kitty or far away from her.
• Tell children that as they point, if they hear • Children answer that they are near to her.
the question What are these? they should • Ask if the dogs and the rabbits are near or far
touch the picture. away from Sam and Laura.
• Tell them that if they hear the question What • Children answer that they are far away from
are those? they should point at the objects them.
mentioned a few centimetres above the page. • Play CD track 31.
CD script: • Pause the CD after each question and answer
Kitty What are these? They’re hens. to allow children time to draw a line between
(pause for pointing and repeating) the number mentioned and the group of
What are those? They’re gates. animals mentioned.
CD script:
What are those? They’re goats.
Laura What are these? They’re goats. (pause)
What are these? They’re hats.
Kitty What are these? They’re ducks. (pause)
• Go round the class to help children. three
• Check that they are repeating correctly and Kitty What are these? They’re hens. (pause)
that they are pointing to the correct objects. four
Sam What are those? They’re dogs. (pause)
Sam What are those? They’re rabbits. (pause)


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Unit 6
• Go round to help children. Starter
• Check that they are drawing the lines between • Ask some children What’s your name? as they
the correct numbers and the correct group of come into the classroom.
• Children answer My name’s …
Ask and answer • When they have told you their name, ask How
are you, … (name)?
• Tell children to work with a partner.
• Children answer I’m fine, thank you.
• Explain that they are going to ask each other
questions about the groups of animals in the
Look, point and say
• Hold up your Student’s Book.
• If they touch the animals in the picture they
should ask What are these? • Say Open your books. Tell children to turn to
page 21.
• If they point to the animals several
centimetres above the book they should ask • Point to the capital and lower case Gg.
What are those? • Say Look.
• Their partner should answer They’re …s. • Say the letter sound g g g. Tell children to
• Go round the class to help them. repeat it.
• Correct them where necessary. • Tell children that both capital G and lower case
g have the same sound.
• At the end of the lesson say Goodbye children.
• Hold up the flashcards for capital and lower
• Children answer Goodbye … (your name).
case Gg.
• Children repeat the letter sound for G and g.
Unit 6  Lesson 2 • Stand with your back to the class and form
capital G in the air with your right hand.
• Tell children to form capital G in the same way.
Aims: recognising capital letters G and H;
tracing and writing capital and lower • Then form lower case g in the air with your
case Gg and Hh; writing lower case right hand.
initial letters on names of objects; • Tell children to form lower case g in the same
asking about groups of several objects way.
that are some distance away from you; • Tell children to look again at the capital and
matching capital and lower case letters lower case Gg in their books.
for the same letter
• Tell them to trace round both capital and
Language used: gate, goat, girl, hat, hen; lower case Gg with their fingers.
What are those? They’re …s • Ask individual children to write capital and
You need: flashcards for capital and lower lower case Gg on the board.
case Gg and Hh; picture flashcards • Point to the picture of a gate and ask What’s
for goat, gate and hat; Book this?
1 flashcards for girl and hen; • Children answer It’s a gate.
Student’s Book p21; Activity Book
• Hold up the picture flashcard for gate. Say
p20; CD track 32
• Tell them to repeat the word gate several


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Unit 6
• Do the same with the pictures of goat and girl. they are at least repeating the correct answers.
• Ask all children whose name begins with G to
come to the front of the class. Activity Book
• Write their names on the board, beginning
with capital G.
Trace and write
• Tell children to turn to page 20 in their
• Tell them to write their name on the outside of
Activity Books.
their exercise book.
• Point to the big capital and lower case Gg.
• Follow the same procedure for capital and
lower case Hh and for the words hat and hen. • Tell children to trace with their finger round
the capital and lower case Gg.
Look, listen and say • Point to the line with capital G.
• Tell children to look at the picture at the • Tell pupils to trace with their finger round the
bottom of the page. capital G.
• Explain that they are going to listen to the CD. • Tell them to trace over the two feint capital
• The number they hear is the number of the letters with their pencils.
objects in the picture. • Then tell them to complete the line by copying
• They will hear the child in the picture asking the capital G several times themselves.
questions about the objects in that picture. • Go round to check that they are writing the
• There will then be a pause. letter correctly.
• Children will try to guess the answer and say • Point to the line with capital and lower case
it, e.g. They’re hens. Gg.
• They will then hear the correct answer. • Tell children to trace the first Gg with their
• They repeat the correct answer.
• Then tell them to trace over the feint Gg with
• Say Listen. Play CD track 32.
their pencils.
• Pause after each question and after each
• Then tell them to complete the line by
answer to allow children time to answer and to
copying the capital and lower case Gg twice
repeat the correct answer.
CD script: • Go round to check that they are copying the
one letters correctly.
What are these? They’re … (pause)
• Point to the pictures of the goat and the gate.
They’re hens. (pause)
two • Tell children to point to them and say the
What are these? They’re … (pause) letter sound g g g.
They’re bananas. (pause) • Point to the words goat and gate.
three • Tell children to write lower case g to complete
What are those? They’re … (pause) the words _oat and _ate.
They’re umbrellas. (pause)
• Follow the same procedure for the letter Hh.
What are those? They’re … (pause)
They’re zebras. (pause)
• Go round the class to listen to the children’s
• Make sure each child is trying to guess and that

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Unit 6
Match some on several desks some distance away
from you.
• Point to the capital letters outside the circle
at the bottom of the page. • Touch some objects near to you and ask What
are these?
• Point to each one. Ask children to say the
letter sound for each capital letter. • Children answer, e.g. They’re apples.
• Point to the lower case letters inside the • Point to a group of objects some distance from
circle. you and ask What are those?
• For each one, ask children to say the letter • Children answer, e.g. They’re nuts.
sound. • Invite two children to the front of the class to
• Tell children to draw a line between the capital ask and answer questions in the same way.
and the lower case letter with the same sound.
• Go round the class to check that they are
Listen, sing and point
doing this correctly. • Tell children to turn to page 22 in their
Student’s Books.
• Point to the picture.
Unit 6  Lesson 3 • Point to various groups of objects in the
picture and ask What are these?
Aims: singing a song and pointing at objects • Children answer They’re …s.
in a picture to practise the difference • Tell children that they are going to sing a
between the questions What are song.
these? and What are those?; listening • Tell them to point to the groups of objects
and circling the appropriate group of mentioned in the song.
objects; following alphabetical order to
• If they hear the question What are these? they
draw pictures; practising alphabetical
touch the objects that are mentioned.
order of the lower case letters a–h and
capital letters A–H • If they hear the question What are those? they
point to the objects that are mentioned from
Language used: What are these? They’re …s; several centimetres above the page.
What are those? They’re …s;
• Play CD track 33.
cat, hat, pen, hen, apple, fig,
banana, goat, duck, dog, frog; CD script:
Look! What are these?
What are these?
You need: various groups of objects children
They’re cats.
have already learnt, e.g. nuts, eggs,
They’re cats.
oranges, apples, etc; Student’s
And what are these?
Book p22; Activity Book p21; CD
They’re hats.
tracks 33–34
What are those?
What are those?
Starter They’re pens.
• Greet children Hello! or How are you, … They’re pens.
(name)? as they enter the classroom. And what are those?
• Children reply either Hello! or I’m fine, thank They’re hens.
• Place some groups of objects near to you and

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Unit 6/Revision 2
• Play the CD again, pausing after each line. the bottom of the page.
• Children sing each line. • Point to the letters in the outlines.
• Do this several times so that children learn the • Tell children to join the letters a–h and A–H to
lines. draw the pictures.
• Play the CD again. • Explain that they should do this in
• Tell children to sing the whole song along with alphabetical order.
the CD. • Ask individual children to say the letter sounds
• Do this several times. from Aa–Hh in alphabetical order.
• If they are having some trouble doing this,
Activity Book tell them to look at Unit 1 Lesson 2 in the
Activity Book on page 3 to check the correct
Listen and circle alphabetical order.
• Hold up your Activity Book. • Go round the class to check that children are
• Say Open your books. Tell children to turn to joining the letters correctly.
page 21. • When they have finished, hold up your book.
• Point to the picture. • Point to the first picture and ask What’s this?
• Point to Sam and ask Who’s this? Children • Children reply It’s a dog.
answer It’s Sam. • Tell children to say the initial letter sound for
• Do the same for Karwan. the word and also the word, d d d – dog.
• Ask children in Kurdish what they can see in • Do the same for the second picture. (f f f
the picture. – frog)
• Ask them what the boys are doing and what
they are holding or pointing to.
• Tell them to listen to the CD. Revision 2
• They are going to hear several groups of
objects mentioned. Aims: revising use of I have a/an …; What
• They circle each group of objects as it is are these? They’re …s; What are those?
mentioned. They’re …s; What’s this? It’s a/an …;
What’s that? It’s a/an …; new words
• Play CD track 34.
learnt so far in Book 2; lower case
CD script: and capital letters Aa–Hh; colours red,
Sam: Look Karwan, these are apples. (pause) yellow, blue, green
And these are figs (pause)
Language used: W
 hat are these? They’re …s;
And these are bananas. (pause)
What are those? They’re …s;
Karwan: Yes, Sam.
What’s this? It’s a/an …;
Look! What are those? They’re goats.
What’s that? It’s a/an …; I
have a/an …; orange, pen,
What are those? They’re hens. (pause)
banana, car, egg, duck, bag,
What are those? They’re ducks. (pause)
flower, dog, fig, goat, kite,
• Go round to check that children are circling umbrella, cap, doll, frog, hat,
the correct group of objects/animals. gate

Join and trace

• Tell children to look at the dotted outlines at

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Revision 2
distance from you, you point to them and ask
You need: single objects and groups of
What are those?
objects that children have already
learnt, e.g. pens, flowers, bags; • Ask two children to come to the front of the
coloured pencils; Student’s Book class.
p23; Activity Book pp22–23; CD • Say Come here, please, (name) to each of
tracks 35–36 them.
• Tell one of them to stand near to a group of
• Tell her/him to either point to them or touch
• Ask the first child to enter the classroom to them and ask the other child What are these?
stand by the door.
• The other child answers They’re …s.
• Tell her/him to greet everyone who enters the
classroom Hello! • Tell the other child to point to a group of
objects some distance away and ask What are
• Hold up an object. Say I have a/an … those?
• Invite a child to the front of the class. • The first child answers They’re …s.
• Say Come here, please, (name). • Do this with several other pairs of children.
• Tell him/her to pick up an object and to say I • Point to the letters Aa–Hh at the bottom of
have a/an … the page.
• Make sure that they use an before objects • Tell children to say the letter sounds for the
which begin with the letters a, e, i, o or u. eight letters, e.g. a, b, c, etc.
• Do this with several more children.
Activity Book
Point, ask and say
• Hold up your Student’s Book. Listen and write
• Say Open your books. Tell children to turn to • Tell children to open their Activity Books at
page 23. page 22.
• Point to the picture. • Point to the picture at the top of the page.
• Point to some objects in the picture and ask • Point to the objects. Say Look.
What are these? • If it is a single object, ask What’s this?
• Children answer They’re …s. • Children answer It’s a/an …
• Put some groups of objects near you and some • If it is a group of the same object, ask What
a distance from you. are these?
• Touch the objects near you and ask children • Children answer They’re …s.
What are these? • Tell children they are going to listen to the CD.
• Children answer They’re …s. • Point to the letters by each object/group of
• Point to the objects some distance from you objects.
and ask What are those? • Explain that the first letter of the word is
• Children answer They’re …s. missing.
• Remind children that if the objects are near to • Children listen to the CD, find the object/
you or you are touching them, you ask What group of objects mentioned.
are these? • They write in the first letter of the word for
• Remind them that if the objects are some each one.

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Revision 2
• Play CD track 35. • Children answer It’s a/an …
• Pause the CD after each number to allow • Tell children they are going to listen to the CD.
children to find the object(s) and to write in • They will hear the name of one of the objects
the missing letter. and a colour.
CD script: • They colour that object in the colour
one mentioned.
Kitty What are these, Aveen? • Tell them to take their coloured pencils.
Aveen They’re dogs. (pause)
• Say Listen. Play CD track 36.
Kitty What are those? • Pause the CD after every object and colour
Aveen They’re figs. (pause) to allow children time to colour the object
three mentioned in the colour mentioned.
Kitty What’s that? CD script:
Aveen It’s a goat. (pause) I have a car. It is blue. (pause)
four I have an umbrella. It is green. (pause)
Kitty And what are those? I have a bag. It is red. (pause)
Aveen They’re kites. (pause) I have a duck. It is yellow. (pause)
Kitty What’s that? • Go round the class to check that children are
Aveen It’s a car. (pause) colouring the correct objects in the correct
six colours.
Kitty What’s this?
Aveen It’s a flower. (pause) Find and write
• Tell children to turn to page 23 in their
• Go round the class to help children to write
Activity Books.
the correct letters by the correct object(s).
• Point to the objects in the pictures and ask
• Play the CD again.
What’s this?
• Pause it after every number.
• Children answer It’s a/an …
• Ask children to write the missing letter for
• Point to the lower case letters at the bottom
each object/group of objects on the board.
of the page.
• Other children check their answers.
• Tell children to point to each letter and say its
letter sound.
Listen and colour
• Tell children to look at the first picture.
• Hold up a blue pencil.
• Ask What’s this? Children answer, It’s an ant.
• Tell children to say the colour. Children say
blue. • Ask them to find the letter that begins the
word ant.
• Do the same with red, green and yellow
pencils. • Tell them to write the letter three times on the
line below the picture.
• Point to the picture at the bottom of the page.
• Tell children to do the same for the other
• Point to Mam Zorab.
pictures and letters.
• Ask Who’s this? Children answer It’s Mam
• Tell them that there is sometimes more that
one picture for each letter.
• Point to the objects in the picture and ask
• Go round the class to help them.
What’s this?
• Correct them where necessary.

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Unit 7
Unit 7  Lesson 1 • The child asks What’s this? Children answer It’s
a/an …

Aims: asking about actions; giving commands; Look and listen

saying letter sounds to make simple • Hold up your Student’s Book.
words; joining letters to make words;
matching words with pictures • Say Open your books. Tell children to turn to
page 24.
New language: What are you doing? • Point to the four pictures.
I’m playing/I’m reading;
commands: close your …, • Ask children in Kurdish where the children
open the …; insect, jug, jam, and their parents are. Ask them what they
book, lovely, let’s eat, quickly; are doing. Ask them what they can see in the
Mummy, Daddy picture.
• Tell them that they are going to listen to a
Revised language: very good! well done! story on the CD.
nut, fig, juice, yogurt, ice
cream, box • Point to the pictures in the correct order: top
left, top right, bottom left and bottom right.
You need: flashcards of some objects from • Tell children to point at the pictures as they
Book 1: nut, fig, juice, yogurt, ice listen to the story.
cream, box; Student’s Book p24;
Activity Book p24; CD tracks 37–39 • Play CD track 37.
CD script:
Box 14: Letter sounds (picture 1)
Daddy: Aveen, what are you doing?
Each letter has a sound. Aveen: I’m playing, Daddy.
The sound we make when we say the letter Daddy: What are you doing, Karwan?
helps us to read words. Karwan: I’m reading a book. Look, Daddy,
j – a – m, jam, c – a – t, cat.
For example, the sound for h, the sound for e Daddy: Very good, Karwan! Well done!
and the sound for n help us to read the word Kitty: Miaow!
hen. (h – e – n, hen) (picture 2)
Children will learn to say letter sounds to help Mummy: Close your book, Karwan. Let’s eat!
them to read many simple words in this book. Open the box, Aveen.
Aveen: Oh, Mummy! Nuts, figs, yogurt, a jug of
juice, ice cream, jam! Lovely!
Starter (picture 3)
Mummy: Come here, children. Let’s eat!
• Greet children Hello, how are you? as they Aveen: Oh no! Insects!
enter the classroom. (picture 4)
• Children reply I’m fine, thank you. Mummy: Aveen, close the box! Quickly!
• Hold up a flashcard for one of the words from
• Play the CD again.
Book 1 above.
• Check that children are pointing to the correct
• Ask What’s this? Children answer It’s a/an …
picture as they listen.
• Ask a child to the front of the class.
• Tell them to hold up one of the flashcards and
ask the question.


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Unit 7
• Point to the small boxes under each picture.
Box 15: The Present Continuous tense
• Explain that children are going to hear
In this unit we introduce the Present numbers and commands on the CD.
Continuous tense to show actions that are • They write the number they hear in the small
happening, e.g. box under the picture showing the command
What are you doing? they hear.
I’m playing. • Play CD track 39.
• Pause the CD after each number and command
I’m reading. to allow children time to write in the correct
We use this tense to talk about actions that number in the small boxes.
are happening at the moment the speaker is CD script:
speaking. one Close your book, Karwan. (pause)
two Open the box, please. (pause)
Listen, point and say three Close the box, Aveen. (pause)
four Open your book, please. (pause)
• Point to the pictures at the bottom of the page.
• Tell children they are going to listen to the CD. • Go round the class to check children are
• They listen and point to the picture showing writing the correct number under the correct
the command they hear. picture.
• Play CD track 38. Join
• Pause after each command to allow children
time to point and to say the command Box 16: Beginning to read simple words in
themselves. English
CD script: In this book, children begin to learn how to
Open the box. (pause) read simple words that they already know.
Come here. (pause)
All the words they will learn to read have
Close the book. (pause)
three letters: a consonant, a vowel and
Close the box. (pause)
another consonant, e.g. hen, cat, fig.
• Play the CD again and pause it after each Children first of all say the letter sound for all
command. the letters in the word, e.g. h – a – t.
• Ask individual children to hold up their books.
They then join all the letter sounds together
• Tell them to point to the correct picture. to make the word, e.g. hat.
Activity Book • Point to the picture of the bag and the hat on
the right-hand side of the page.
Listen and match • For each one ask children What’s this? Children
• Tell children to open their Activity Books at answer It’s a bag. /It’s a hat.
page 24.
• Point to the three columns of letters: h and b
• Point to the pictures at the top of the page. on the left, a in the middle and g and t on the
• For each picture, ask individual children to try right.
to say the correct command. • Tell children to say the letter sound for each
• Children answer, e.g. Open the box, close the letter, e.g. h h h.
box, etc.

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Unit 7
• Tell them that they are going to join the • Point to the picture of a cap.
letters, one from each column, to make a • Tell him/her to point to the letters that make
word. up the word.
• Say h – a – t and then say the word hat. Tell • For each letter they should say the letter
children to repeat after you. sound, c – a – p.
• Tell them to point to the letters as they say • They should then say the complete word, e.g.
the letter sounds. cap.
• Then tell children to point to the picture of • They point to the picture of the cap.
the word they have just said, i.e. the hat.
• Do the same with another child for the word
• Point to the picture of the bag. cat.
• Say b – a – g and then say the word bag. Tell
children to repeat after you.
• Ask a child to hold up his/her book. Unit 7  Lesson 2
• Tell him/her to point to the letters that make
up the word bag. Aims: recognising capital letters for I and
• Tell her/him to say the letter sound for each J; tracing and writing lower case and
letter as she/he points to it. capital Ii and Jj; writing lower case
• Do this with several individual children. letters on names of objects; joining
letters to make words
• Do the same for the pictures of the hat and
the bag, using individual children. Language used: insect, jam, jug, juice, cat,
• Point to the line drawn between the b, the a cap, bag, hat
and the g for the word bag. You need: a box and a book; flashcards for
• Tell children to take their pencils and to draw capital and lower case Ii and Jj;
a line between the letters that make up the picture flashcards of insect, jam,
word hat, e.g. they draw a line from h to a to jug; Book 1 flashcards for juice;
t. word flashcards for cat, cap, bag,
• Tell them to join the line to the correct hat; Student’s Book p25; Activity
picture. Book p25; CD track 40
• Go round the class to help them to do this
• Point to the two pictures at the bottom of the
page. Starter
• For each one ask children What’s this? Children • Greet children Hello, … (name) as they enter
answer It’s a cap./It’s a cat. the classroom.
• Point to the letters in the three columns. • Put the box and the book on your table.
• Tell them to draw lines between the letters, • Invite a child to come to the front of the
as they did for bag and hat, for the words cap class.
and cat. • Say Open the box. Child opens the box.
• Go round to check that they are doing this • Say Close the box. Child closes the box.
• Ask another child to come to the front of the
• Ask an individual child to hold up his/her class.
• Say Open the book. Child opens the book.

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Unit 7
• Say Close the book. Child closes the book. • Write their names on the board in English,
• Do the same with several other children. beginning with the capital I.
• Tell them to write their name on the outside of
Look, point and say their exercise book.
• Hold up your Student’s Book. • Follow the same procedure for capital and
• Say Open your books. Tell children to turn to lower case Jj and for the words jam, jug and
page 25. juice.
• Point to the capital and small letter Ii.
Listen and point
• Say the letter sound i i i. Tell children to
• Point to the pictures across the page. Say
repeat it.
• Tell children that both capital I and lower case
• Tell children that they are going to make the
i have the same sound.
letter sounds for each letter to make the word.
• Hold up the flashcard for capital and lower Then they are going to say the word.
case Ii.
• Point to the first picture. Say jam.
• Children say the letter sound for I and i.
• Tell children to read the letter sounds, j – a
• Ask children why we use capital letters. – m.
Children reply that we use them to begin
• Tell them to say the word jam.
names of people and places.
• Do the same for the other pictures, letters and
• Stand with your back to the class and form
capital I in the air with your right hand.
• Tell children they are going to listen to the CD.
• Tell children to form capital I in the same way.
• Tell them that they will hear the letter sounds
• Then form lower case (small) i in the air with
of three letters and then the word.
your right hand.
• They point to the picture of the word they
• Tell children to form lower case i in the same
have heard.
• Say Listen. Play CD track 40.
• Tell children to look again at the capital and
lower case Ii on page 25. • Pause the CD after each word to allow children
time to point to the correct picture.
• Tell them to trace the forms of both capital
and lower case Ii with their fingers. CD script:
• Ask individual children to write capital and j – a – m jam
lower case Ii on the board. c – a – p cap
h – a – t hat
• Point to one of the insects in the picture and
c – a – t cat
ask What’s this?
b – a – g bag
• Children answer It’s an insect.
• Hold up the picture flashcard of an insect. Say • Go round the class to check that pupils are
insect. pointing to the correct picture.
• Tell them to repeat the word insect several • Play the CD again.
times. • Finally, point to each picture.
• Explain that if a word begins with i we say It’s • Ask individual children to say the letter sounds
an … for the three letters.
• Ask all children in the class whose names • Children then read the word.
begin with I to come to the front of the class. • Hold up the word flashcard for jam.

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Unit 7
• Ask individual children to read the word.
• Do the same with the word flashcards for cat,
Unit 7  Lesson 3
cap, bag and hat.
Aims: m
 atching words and pictures of objects;
Activity Book playing a game to practise using and
obeying commands; matching and
Trace and write joining letters with words that begin
with those letters; tracing and writing
• Tell children to open their Activity Books on five words containing the vowel a
page 25.
• Point to the big capital I and lower case i. Language used: b ag, hat, cat, cap, jam; open
the box, close the box, open
• Tell children to trace with their finger over the the book, close the book, Kitty
capital and lower case Ii. says …; juice, ice cream, jug,
• Point to the line with capital I. insect
• Tell children to trace with their finger over the You need: p icture flashcards of jam, bag, hat,
capital I. cat and cap; word flashcards of
• Tell them to trace over the two feint capital these five words; a book, a box;
letters with their pencils. Student’s Book p26; Activity Book
• Then tell them to complete the line by copying p26
the capital I several times themselves.
• Go round to help them to form the letter Starter
• Greet children Hello, how are you? as they
• Point to the capital and lower case Ii. enter the classroom.
• Tell children to trace the first Ii with their • Children answer I’m fine, thank you.
• Hold up the picture flashcards for bag, hat,
• Tell them to trace the feint letters with their jam, cap and cat.
• For each flashcard, ask children What’s this?
• Tell them to complete the line by copying Children answer It’s a …
the capital and lower case Ii several times
• Ask a child to come to the front of the class.
• Say Come here, please, (name).
• Go round to check they are writing the letters
correctly. • Tell him/her to hold up a flashcard and to ask
What’s this?
• Point to the pictures of the insect.
• Children answer It’s a …
• Tell children to point to the picture of the
insect and say the letter sound i i i. • Do this with several other children.
• Point to the word insect.
Match and read
• Tell them to write lower case i to complete the
• Hold up your Student’s Book.
word _nsect.
• Say Open your books. Tell children to turn to
• Follow the same procedure for the letter Jj.
page 26.
• Point to the picture.
• Point to the words written on the blackboard.
• Ask individual children to read the words.


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Unit 7
• They first say the letter sounds for each letter the box, stand up, sit down.
in the word. • Children obey the commands.
• They then say the complete word. • Tell children that they are going to play a
• Point to the pictures beneath the words. game. The game is called Kitty says.
• For each one, ask children What’s this? • Explain that you are going to give them
Children answer It’s a … commands.
• Point to the child drawing a line between the • If you say the words Kitty says before the
word and the picture. command, the children obey the command.
• Write the five words on the board (or put the • If you do not say the words Kitty says before
word flashcards for the words on the board or the command, the children do not obey the
on your table). command.
• Place the picture flashcards for the words • If children obey the command when you
beneath the words on the board (or put them do not say Kitty says, they play no further
on your table below the word flashcards), but part in the game. They sit with their arms
not in the same order. folded.
• Ask two children to come to the front of the • The winner of the game is the child who is the
class. last one still playing the game.
• Tell one child to point to (or hold up a • Play the game with the whole class.
flashcard of) a word. • When you have played the game several times,
• Tell the second child to read the word, first ask a child to come to the front of the class.
of all saying the letter sounds and then the • Tell the child to give commands, sometimes
whole word. saying Kitty says before the command and
• If the words and the flashcards are on the sometimes just giving the command.
board, tell the second child to draw a line • Do this with several individual children.
between the picture flashcard and the word.
• If the word and picture flashcards are on the Activity Book
table, tell the second child to hold up the
word flashcard and read it and then to hold up Match and join
the correct picture flashcard for the word. • Hold up your Activity Book.
• Do this with several more pairs of children • Say Open your books. Tell children to turn to
until all the words and picture cards have been page 26.
• Point to the small pictures at the top of the
• Hold up the word flashcards one by one and page.
ask individual children to read the words
• Tell children to say the word for each of the
without saying the letter sounds.
pictures, e.g. juice, jam, yogurt, etc.
• Do the same with the whole class.
• Point to the capital and lower case Ii and Jj in
the middle of the pictures.
• Point to the capital and lower case Ii.
• Point to the picture at the bottom of the page.
• Tell children to say the letter sound, i i i.
• Say Look. Ask children in Kurdish to tell you
what is happening in the picture. • Ask individual children to hold up their books.
• Give the children some commands, e.g. open • Tell them to point to pictures of objects that
the book, close the book, open the box, close begin with this sound.


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Unit 7
• Children point to the picture of the insect. picture and word.
• Do the same for the capital and lower case Jj. • Tell children to trace over the first word with
• Tell children to join the Jj to the pictures of their finger.
objects that begin with the letter sound j. • Then tell them to trace over the feint words
• Tell them to join the Ii to the pictures of with their pencil.
objects that begin with the letter sound i. • Finally, for each word, tell them to complete
• Go round the class to help them and to correct the line by copying and writing the words
them where necessary. themselves.
• When they have finished, point to the pictures • Go round the class to help them to write the
of the yogurt, the ant and the zebra. words correctly.
• Ask them if these objects begin with the • Check that they are forming the letters of the
letters i or j. words correctly.
• Ask children to tell you what letter sound • Ask individual children to read the words on
these words begin with. each line, e.g cat.
• Then ask the whole class to read all the words.
Box 17: Beginning to write words in English
In this unit, children begin to write English
words. They have already had practice in
writing all the lower case letters of the
alphabet. They can now combine letters to
make words. They follow these stages to help
them to write words:
• trace the individual letters of the word that
is written in feint letters on the line
• combine the letters to make the word
When they have written the word, they can
say the letter sound of each letter of the word
to help them to read the word, e.g. h – a – t,
Note: When we write words in English, we
write the letters from left to right. We leave
a space on the line after each word to show
where each new word begins, e.g.
jam  hat  cat

Trace and write

• Point to the pictures down the left-hand side
of the page at the bottom of the page.
• Point to the word by each picture.
• Ask individual children to read the words by
each picture.
• Point to the lines of the words written by each

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Unit 8
Unit 8  Lesson 1 • Say Open your books. Tell children to turn to
page 27.
• Point to the four pictures. Ask children in
Aims: asking about actions; counting from Kurdish what they can see in the pictures.
11–16; learning new words beginning
with k and l • Ask them what they think the kittens are
doing in the different pictures.
New language: What are you doing? We’re • Ask a child to hold up their book so that all
playing. We’re dancing. We’re the children can see it.
falling; king, kitten, leg,
brother, sister; numbers 11–16 • Tell them to point to the pictures to show the
order that they should listen to the story (top
Revised language: What are you doing? I’m left, top right, bottom left, bottom right).
playing. I’m reading; This • Say Listen. Play CD track 41.
is … (name). She’s my
friend; Hello! queen, kite; CD script:
numbers 1–10 (picture 1)
Kitty: Hello, Laura. These are my brothers and
You need: a box, a book; Student’s Book p27; sisters. They’re kittens.
Activity Book p27; CD tracks 41–44 (to kittens) This is Laura. She’s my
Box 18: I and we Kittens: Hello, Laura.
(picture 2)
When one person is doing an action that Laura: Hello, kittens. What are you doing?
person says I, e.g. I am reading. Kittens: Miaow. We’re playing.
When more than one person is doing an Boy kittens: We’re kings.
action, they say we, e.g. We are reading. Girl kittens: And we’re queens.
(picture 3)
Kittens: Look, Laura and Kitty! We’re dancing!
Starter One kitten: Oh no! I’m falling!
• Greet children Hello, how are you? as they (picture 4)
enter the classroom. Laura: Four kittens, two kings, two queens
and … one, two, three, four, five, six,
• Put the box and the book on your table.
seven, eight, nine, ten, eleven, twelve,
• Give individual children commands, e.g. Jamil, thirteen, fourteen, fifteen … sixteen
stand up, please. Nazdar, open the book, legs!
please. Children obey commands.
• Ask a child to come to the front of the class. • Play the CD again.
• Tell her/him to give a command to a child in • Tell children to point to the pictures as they
the class. listen to the story.
• The child names another child and gives a • Go round to check they are pointing to the
command. correct picture.
• The named child obeys the command. Listen and point
• Do the same with several other children. • Tell children to look at the pictures at the
bottom of the page.
Look and listen
• Ask them in Kurdish what the kittens are doing
• Hold up your Student’s Book. in all the pictures.


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Unit 8
• Tell them they are going to listen to the CD. What are you doing?
• They will hear an action. We’re playing. (pause)two
What are you doing?
• They then point to the picture that shows that
We’re dancing. (pause)
• Play CD track 42. What are you doing?
CD script: We’re falling. (pause)
We’re dancing. (pause) • Play the CD again.
We’re falling. (pause)
We’re playing. (pause) • This time, before each number, name two
children, e.g. Kawa and Tara.
• Play the CD again. • Those two children listen to the CD, do the
• Tell children to hold up their books and point action and repeat the answer, e.g. We’re
to the correct picture as they listen to the CD. playing.
• Check that children are pointing to the correct • Do the same with the other two numbers.
Activity Book
Listen, do and say
• Say We’re playing and tell children to do the Listen and tick
action. • Ask a child to come to the front of the class.
• Point to the picture above for the action • Say Come here, please, (name).
playing. • Tell him/her to dance.
• Say playing. Tell children to repeat playing. • Ask What are you doing? Help child to answer
• Say We’re dancing and tell children to do the I’m dancing.
action. • Do the same with the other actions of playing
• Point to the picture above for the action and falling.
dancing. • Ask two or three children to come to the front
• Say dancing. Tell children to repeat dancing. of the class.
• Say We’re falling and tell children to do the • Tell them to dance.
action (or pretend to fall!) • Ask What are you doing?
• Point to the picture above for the action • Help them to answer We’re dancing.
• Do the same with the other actions of playing
• Say falling. Tell children to repeat falling. and falling.
• Tell children that they will listen to the CD. • Say I’m playing and We’re playing.
• This time they will hear a number then a • Ask the class what the difference is.
question and an answer.
• When do we use I’m playing?
• They then do the action that they hear and
• When do we use We’re playing?
repeat the answer.
• Help them to answer that we say I’m playing if
• Play CD track 43, pausing after each answer
there is just one person.
for children to do the action and repeat the
answer. • Help them to answer that we say We’re playing
if there is more than one person.
CD script:
• Hold up your Activity Book.
• Say Open your books. Tell children to turn to

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Unit 8
page 27. • Go round the class to check that children are
• Point to the pictures on the first line. ticking the correct boxes.
• Ask children how many kittens there are in the
first picture. (one)
Count and circle
• Point to the four pictures at the bottom of the
• Ask them to imagine what the kittens are
saying in the pictures.
• Point to the first picture.
• Ask them whether they should say I’m dancing
or We’re dancing. • Ask What are these? Children answer They’re
• Help them to say that they should say I’m
dancing. • Do the same for the other three pictures.
• Ask children how many kittens there are in the • Point to the first picture again.
second picture. (more than one kitten) • Name a child and say Count. The child counts,
• Ask them whether they should say I’m dancing one, two, three …, etc.
or We’re dancing. • Point to the three numbers under the first
• Help them to say that they should say We’re picture.
dancing. • Ask a child to say the three numbers.
• Do the same for the two pictures on each row. • Ask the child which number is the number of
• Tell them that they are going to listen to the legs in the picture.
CD. • The child answers twelve legs.
• Point to the small boxes next to each picture. • Do the same for the other three pictures.
• Point to the numbers down the side of the • Tell children to take their pencils.
page. • Tell them to count the objects in each picture.
• Ask individual children to point to the • They then circle the correct number below.
numbers from top to bottom and count, one,
• Go round the class to check their answers.
two, three, four.
• Correct them where necessary.
• Explain that they will hear a number and then
a sentence. Answers: twelve (12) legs; four (4) queens; nine
• They listen to the number and the sentence (9) kittens; seven (7) kites
and look at the two pictures opposite the
• They write a tick in the small box by the
picture that they hear.
• Play CD track 44. Pause the CD after each
number to allow children time to tick the
correct box.
CD script:
one Look, I’m dancing. (pause)
two What are you doing? We’re playing.
three Oh no, we’re falling down. (pause)
four What are you doing? I’m reading.


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Unit 8
Unit 8  Lesson 2 • Hold up the sixteen objects you have brought
to the class, e.g. 16 nuts.
• Say Count. Put the objects on your table one
Aims: recognising capital letters for K and by one and count one, two, three … up to 16.
L; counting 11–16; recognising the
numbers 11–16; tracing and writing • Tell children to count with you, one, two,
lower case and capital Kk and Ll; three, etc.
writing lower case initial letters on • Do this several times, using different groups of
names of objects; writing capital 16 objects, e.g. pens, books.
letters on names of people and places • Ask a child to come to the front of the class.
Language used: numbers 11–16: eleven, • Say Come here, please, (name).
twelve, thirteen, fourteen, • Point to a pile of 16 objects and say Count.
fifteen, sixteen; king, kitten, • Help the child to count from one to sixteen.
kite, Karwan, Kitty, Kurdistan,
leg, lion, Laura • Do the same with several other children.

You need: sixteen of the same object, e.g. Look, point and say
16 nuts, 16 pens; flashcards • Hold up your Student’s Book.
for capital and lower case Ll
and Kk; picture flashcards for • Say Open your books.
king, kitten, leg; Book 1 picture • Tell children to turn to page 28.
flashcards for kite and lion; • Point to the capital and small letter Kk.
Student’s Book p28; Activity • Say the letter sound k k k.
Book p28; CD track 45
• Tell children to repeat it.
• Tell children that both capital K and lower case
Box 19: Writing numbers over 10 in English k have the same sound.
• When you read and write words in Kurdish • Hold up the flashcard for capital and lower
you start on the right and move to the case Kk.
• Children say the letter sound for K and k.
• When you read and write words in English
• Stand with your back to the class and form
you start on the left and move to the
capital K in the air with your right hand.
• Tell children to form capital K in the same way.
• When you write numbers in Kurdish, you
start on the right and move to the left. • Then form lower case (small) k in the air with
your right hand.
• When you write numbers over 10 in
English, you start on the left and move to • Tell children to form lower case k in the same
the right. way.
• Tell children to look again at the capital and
e.g. For the number 14, you write the number
lower case Kk on page 28.
1 before the number 4.
• Tell them to trace both capital and lower case
Kk with their fingers.
Starter • Ask several children to come to the front of
• Greet children Hello, … (name) as they enter the class and write both capital and lower case
the classroom. Kk on the board.
• Children answer Hello, … (your name).


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Unit 8
• Check that they are forming the letters • Point to each number in turn and say Count.
correctly. • Count from 11 to 16. Tell children to repeat
• Point to the picture of the king and ask Who’s each number after you.
this? Children answer He’s a king. • Ask individual children to count from 11 to 16.
• Hold up the picture flashcard of a king. Say • Tell children that they are going to listen to
king. the CD.
• Tell children to say the word king several • Play CD track 45. Pause the CD after each
times. number so that children can point to the
• Do the same with the pictures of the kitten correct number and say it.
and the kite. • Say Listen.
• Explain that a kitten is a baby cat; Kitty is a
CD script:
eleven, twelve, thirteen, fourteen, fifteen, sixteen
• Point to the picture of Karwan and say Karwan. twelve
Tell children to repeat this. sixteen
• Point to the capital K at the beginning of the eleven
name Karwan. thirteen
• Remind them that we use a capital letter to fifteen
begin the name of a person. fourteen
• Point to the picture of the person in Kurdish • Play the CD again.
dress. Say Kurdistan. • Check that children are pointing to the correct
• Tell children to repeat this several times. number as they listen.
• Point to the capital K at the beginning of the
name Kurdistan. Activity Book
• Remind them that we use a capital letter to
begin the name of a place. Trace and write
• Ask all children in the class whose names • Hold up your Activity Book.
begin with K to come to the front of the class. • Say Open your books. Tell children to turn to
• Write their names on the board in English, page 28.
beginning with a capital K. • Point to the big capital and lower case Kk.
• Tell them to write their name on the outside of • Tell children to trace with their finger round
their exercise book. the capital and lower case K.
• Follow the same procedure for capital and • Point to the line with capital K.
lower case Ll and for the words leg, lion and • Tell pupils to trace with their finger round the
Laura. first capital K.
• Tell them to trace over the two feint capital
Listen, point and say letters with their pencils.
• Tell children to look at the numbers and the • Then tell them to complete the line by copying
words for the numbers at the bottom of the the capital K several times themselves.
• Go round to check that they are copying the
• Point to each one and say the number, e.g. letter correctly.
• Point to the line with capital and lower case
• Ask a child to write each number on the board Kk.
and to say its number.

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Unit 8
• Tell children to trace the first Kk with their • Write the numbers 1 to 10 on the board.
fingers. • Ask individual children to read the numbers.
• Tell them to trace over the feint Kk with their • Count from 1 to 10 round the class.
• Then tell them to complete the line by Count and play
copying the capital and lower case Kk twice • Point to the picture at the top of page 29.
• Say Look. Tell children that the children in the
• Go round to help them to copy the letters picture are playing a counting game.
• Ask children in Kurdish what the various
• Point to the pictures of the king, the kitten children in the picture are doing.
and the kite.
• Tell children they are going to count from
• Tell children to point to them and say the 1–16 round the class in the same way.
letter sound k k k.
• Point to the first child in the front row of the
• Point to the words king and kitten and kite. class.
• Tell them to write lower case k to complete the • Say Stand up. The child stands up.
words _ing, _itten and _ite.
• Say Count one. The child counts one.
• Then point to the pictures of Kitty, Karwan and
• Say Clap. The child claps.
• Say Sit down. The child sits down.
• Tell them to complete the names by adding a
capital K. • Do the same with the next child for the
number 2.
• Follow the same procedure for the letter Ll.
• Tell children to repeat all these actions for
each number.
Unit 8  Lesson 3 • Tell them to count all the other numbers from
1–16 in this way.
• Then begin again with number 1. Count to 16
Aims: counting from 1–16; playing a number
game to practise recognising numbers
and writing them; tracing and writing • Children do the actions as they say a number:
the numbers 11–16; matching numbers stand up, say the number, clap, sit down.
and words; reading simple words with
the vowel a Play
• Point to the picture of Kitty and the children
Language used: numbers 1–16; words cat,
sitting round the table.
hat, cap, jam and bag
• Tell children that they are playing a game.
You need: word flashcards for the words cat,
• Point to the piece of paper with numbers on it
hat, cap, jam and bag; Student’s
that Aveen has written.
Book p29; Activity Book p29; CD
track 46 • Point to the numbers that Aveen has crossed
• Tell children that they are going to play the
Starter game themselves.
• Greet children Hello, how are you? as they • The name of the game is Bingo!
enter the classroom.
• Children answer I’m fine, thank you.


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Unit 8
• Draw a 3 square by 3 square framework on the Activity Book
blackboard, like this:
Trace and write
• Tell children to open their Activity Books at
page 29.
• Point to the numbers down the left side of the
• Ask individual children to point to the
numbers from top to bottom and say them.
• Point to the row of numbers opposite the
number eleven.
• Tell children to copy this into their exercise • Tell children to trace the first number 11 on
books. the line with their fingers.
• Go round to make sure they are doing this • Tell them to trace the feint numbers on the
correctly and making nine squares. line with their pencils.
• Tell children to write nine different numbers • Then tell them to complete the line by writing
between 1 and 16 in the squares. the numbers themselves.
• They write one number in each square. • Do the same with the other five rows of
• Each square has a different number. numbers.
• Call out any number between 1 and 16, e.g. • Go round to check that children are writing the
nine. numbers well.
• If children have written that number in their • Check that they are forming them correctly.
framework, they cross it out.
Listen, join and write
• Call out other numbers. Note down the
numbers you call so that you can check them • Hold up the word flashcard for bag.
later. • Ask a child to read the word.
• Children cross out the numbers if they have • Ask the class to read the word.
written them in their squares. • Do the same for the other four word flashcards
• The winner of the game is the first child to for hat, car, cat and cap.
cross out all the nine numbers she/he has • Point to the numbers around the circle.
written down. • Ask an individual child to point to the
• When that child has crossed out all the numbers and say them.
numbers in their squares, they shout Bingo! • Then point to the words in the centre of the
• Check that the child has crossed out numbers circle.
that you have called out. • Ask individual children to point to a word and
• Play the game again several times. read it.
• Tell children to draw nine new squares each • Tell children that they are going to listen to
time. the CD.
• Tell them to write different numbers between 1 • They will hear a number and a word.
and 16. • They should draw a line between the number
they hear and the word they hear.
• Play CD track 46.

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Unit 8
• Pause the CD after each number and word to
allow children time to join the two by drawing
a line.
CD script:
Thirteen caps, (pause)
fifteen hats (pause)
and eleven cars. (pause)
Look, twelve cats! (pause)
Look, fourteen bags! (pause)
• Go round the class to check that children have
joined the numbers and words correctly.
• Point to the line next to each word.
• Tell children to work with a partner.
• They should read a word to each other.
• They should then write the word on the line
next to the word.
• Go round the class to make sure they are
writing the words correctly.


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Unit 9
Unit 9  Lesson 1 Asking about actions:
• What are you doing? (Answer: I’m …ing,
Aims: asking about objects; asking about We’re …ing, e.g. playing, writing)
actions; learning new words beginning
Asking about numbers:
with m and n; answering yes or no to
questions • How many …s are there? (Answer: There is
one pen./There are twelve pens.)
New language: Is it a/an … ? No, it isn’t,
Yes, it is; monkey, nose, neck; Asking about colours:
I’m drawing; What are you • What colour is it? (Answer: It’s red/blue/
drawing? green, etc.)
Revised language: What’s that? It’s a/an …;
What are you doing? I’m … Starter
ing; yes, no; girl, tiger,
• Greet children Hello! as they enter the
zebra, cat, mouse, rabbit
You need: picture flashcards of animals • Ask several children What’s your name?
children already know; Student’s Children answer My name’s … (name).
Book p30; Activity Book p30; CD
• Hold up a flashcard of an animal.
tracks 47–49
• Ask children What’s this? Children answer It’s
a/an …
Box 20: Asking questions in English
• Do this for all the animal flashcards.
When you are teaching English you need • Ask a child to come to the front of the class.
to ask the children questions to make sure
• Say Come here, please, (name).
that they understand the new language they
have learned and that they can produce the • Tell him/her to hold up a flashcard and to ask
answers well. You must make sure that you ask What’s this? Other children answer It’s a/an …
questions correctly.
Look and listen
Here are the questions that you will meet in
• Hold up your Student’s Book.
this book:
• Say Open your books. Tell children to turn to
Asking about objects: page 30.
• What’s this?/ What’s that? (Answer: It’s • Point to the four pictures. Ask children in
a/an …) Kurdish what they can see in the pictures.
• What are these?/What are those? (Answer: • Ask them questions about objects they know
They’re …s) in the picture, What’s this?
• Is it a …? (Answer: Yes, it is./No, it isn’t. • Children answer questions.
It’s a …)
• Tell them they are going to listen to a story on
• What is it? (Answer: It’s a/an …) the CD.
Asking about and greeting people: • Remind children of the order of the pictures
• Who’s this? (Answer: It’s …) for the story (top left, top right, bottom left,
bottom right).
• What’s your name? (Answer: My name’s …)
• Tell children to point to the pictures as they
• How are you? (Answer: I’m fine, thanks.)
listen to the CD.


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Unit 9
• Play CD track 47. CD script:
one – Is it a tiger? No, it isn’t. It’s a zebra.
CD script:
(picture 1)
two – Is it a tiger? Yes, it is. (pause)
Karwan: Hello, Sam. What are you doing?
three – Is it a cat? No, it isn’t. It’s a monkey.
Sam: I’m drawing.
Karwan: What are you drawing? What’s that?
four – Is it a cat? Yes, it is. (pause)
Ah, a nose.
Sam: Yes, it’s a nose. • Play the CD again.
(picture 2)
• Check that children are pointing to the correct
Karwan: Is it a girl?
Sam: No, it’s a monkey.
Karwan: Oh, yes! • Check that they are repeating the answers
(picture 3) correctly.
Sam: What’s that, Karwan? Oh, look, a neck. • Correct their pronunciation if necessary.
Is it a tiger?
(picture 4) Activity Book
Karwan: No, it’s a zebra.
Sam: Oh, yes. Listen and circle
• Hold up your Activity Book.
• Play the CD again.
• Say Open your books. Go round to check that
• Check that children are pointing to the correct
children are opening the correct book.
• Tell them to turn to page 30.
Listen and say • Point to the animals/objects in the pictures at
• Point to the pictures at the bottom of the the top of the page.
page. • For each one ask What’s this? Children answer
• For each animal in the pictures ask What’s It’s a/an …
this? • Point to the words yes and no below the
• Children answer It’s a … pictures.
• Help children to answer It’s a monkey. • Point to yes.
• Tell them to repeat the word monkey several • Point to each letter of the word.
times. • Tell children to say the letter sound for each
• Tell children that for each picture they will letter.
hear the number of the picture. • Tell children to read the word.
• They will also hear a question and an answer. • Do the same for no.
• They point to the animal they hear in the • Tell children that they are going to hear a
answer. question and an answer.
• They repeat the answer. • If the answer is yes, they should circle the
• Play CD track 48. word yes below the animal/object mentioned.
• Pause the CD after each question and answer • If the answer is no, they should circle the
to allow children time to point and repeat the word no below the animal/object mentioned.
answer. • Play CD track 49. Pause it after each question
to allow children time to circle the correct


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Unit 9
CD script:
You need: fl
 ashcards of capital M and N;
one – Is it a monkey? (pause) Yes.
picture flashcards of monkey and
two – Is it a neck? (pause) No.
nose; Book 1 flashcards of mouse
three – Is it a rabbit? (pause) No.
and nut; word flashcards of leg,
four – Is it a neck? (pause) Yes.
ten; Student’s Book p31; Activity
five – Is it a tiger? (pause) Yes.
Book p31; CD track 50
six – Is it a tiger? (pause) No.
• Play the CD again so that children can check
their answers. Starter
• Go round the class to check their answers. • Greet children How are you? as they enter the
• Correct them where necessary.
• Children answer I’m fine, thank you.
Trace and write • Hold up the picture flashcard of a mouse.
• Say the word yes. • Ask children Is it a monkey?
• Tell children to repeat it several times. • Help children to answer No, it’s a mouse.
• Do the same for the word no. • Hold up the picture flashcard of a nose.
• Point to the line with yes and the line with no • Ask children Is it a nose?
at the bottom of the page. • Help children to answer Yes, it’s a nose.
• Point to the line with yes. Tell children to • Do this with several other flashcards,
trace round the first word yes with their finger. practising both yes and no.
• Tell them to trace over the feint words with
their pencils. Look, point and say
• Tell them to complete the line by writing the • Hold up your Student’s Book.
word themselves. • Say Open your books. Tell children to turn to
• Do the same for the line with no. page 31.
• Go round to check that children are writing the • Point to the capital and small letter Mm.
words correctly. • Say Look.
• Check that the words are in the correct • Say the letter sound m m m. Tell children to
position on the line. repeat it.
• Tell children that both capital M and lower
case m have the same sound.
Unit 9  Lesson 2 • Hold up the flashcard of the capital and lower
case Mm.
Aims: recognising capital letters for M and • Children say the letter sound for M and m.
N; tracing and writing lower case and • Stand with your back to the class and form
capital Mm and Nn; writing lower case capital M in the air with your right hand.
initial letters on names of objects;
recognising simple words containing the • Tell children to form capital M in the same
vowel e; reading and writing these words way.
• Then form lower case m in the air with your
Language used: monkey, mouse, nose, neck, right hand.
nut; leg, ten
• Tell children to form lower case m in the same

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Unit 9
• Tell children to look again at the capital and Then tell them to read the word.
lower case Mm on page 31. • Explain that when we are reading a word, we
• Tell them to trace the forms of both capital put the letter sound for each letter together to
and lower case Mm with their fingers. make the sound of the word.
• Ask several children to write both capital and • Do the same for the letters and words beneath
lower case Mm on the board. the other pictures.
• Point to the picture of the monkey and ask • Tell children they are going to listen to the CD.
What’s this? • They will hear three letter sounds and then a
• Help children to say It’s a monkey. word.
• Hold up the picture flashcard for monkey. Say • They point to the word and then repeat the
monkey. letter sounds and the word on the CD.
• Tell children to repeat monkey several times. • Say Listen. Play CD track 50.
• Do the same for the mouse. • Pause after each word to allow children time
• Ask all children whose names begin with M to to point and repeat.
come to the front of the class. CD script:
• Write their names on the board in English, p – e – n, pen (pause)
beginning with a capital M. l – e – g, leg (pause)
• Tell them to write their name on the outside of t – e – n, ten (pause)
their exercise book. h – e – n, hen (pause)
• Follow the same procedure for capital and • Go round the class to check that children are
lower case Nn and for the words nose, neck and saying the letter sounds and words correctly.
• Write capital and lower case letters for Aa, Bb, Activity Book
Cc, Dd, Ee, Ff, Gg, Hh, Ii, Jj, Kk, Ll, Mm and Nn
across the top of the board. Trace and write
• Say a letter sound, e.g. h h h. • Tell children to turn to page 31 in their
• Ask a child to point to the correct letter on Activity Books.
the board. • Point to the big capital and lower case Mm.
• Ask the child to write the capital and small • Tell children to trace with their finger round
letters for that sound on the board. the capital and lower case Mm.
• The child writes Hh. • Point to the line with capital M. Tell them to
• Do the same with the other letters. trace with their finger round the first capital
Listen, point and say • Tell them to trace over the feint capital M with
• Point to the pictures at the bottom of page their pencils.
31. • Then tell them to complete the line by copying
• For each one, ask children to say the word. the capital M themselves.
• Children say pen, leg, ten, hen. • Go round the class to check they are copying
the letter well.
• Point to the letters and words below the
pictures. • Point to the line with capital and lower case
• Ask individual children to say the letter sound
for the three letters below the first picture. • Tell children to trace the first Mm with their

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Unit 9
• Tell them to trace over the feint Mm with their
Unit 9  Lesson 3
• Point to the pictures of the monkey and the
mouse. Aims: a sking about an object; answering in
the affirmative or the negative to a
• Tell children to point to them and say the question; tracing and writing words
letter sound m m m. containing the vowel e; matching words
• Point to the words monkey and mouse. and pictures
• Tell them to write lower case m to complete Language used: I s it a/an …? Yes. No, it’s a/
the words _onkey and _ouse. an …; pen, hen, ten, leg; cat,
• Follow the same procedure for the letter Nn. kite, vase, girl, sock, nose,
Trace and write
You need: fl
 ashcards for capital and lower
• Hold up the word flashcard for the word leg. case letters Aa–Mm; word
Tell children to read the word leg. flashcards for the words pen, hen,
• Do the same for the other word flashcard for ten and leg; Student’s Book p32;
ten. Activity Book p32
• Tell children to look at the pictures down the
left side at the bottom of the page.
• For each one, tell children to say the word of
• Greet children Hello, … (name) as they enter
the object they see in the picture, e.g. leg.
the classroom.
• Point to the picture of a leg and then point to
• Children answer Hello, … (your name).
the line with the word leg.
• Place the flashcards for capital and lower case
• Ask a child to say the object he/she can see in
letters Aa–Mm on your table.
the picture.
• Invite a child to come to the front. Tell her/
• Then tell him/her to say the letter sounds of
him to hold up the card.
the three letters in the word, l – e – g.
• Tell children to say the letter sound of the
• Tell him/her to read the complete word leg.
letter on the flashcard.
• Tell children to trace with their finger the
• Do this with all the flashcards.
three letters of the first word leg.
• Invite another child to hold up a flashcard.
• Tell them to trace with their pencil the three
feint words leg. • Tell another child to write the letter on the
card on the board.
• Then tell them to write the word leg several
times themselves to complete the line. • Check that they are forming the letter well.
• Go round to check that they are writing the • Do this for several of the letters.
word correctly.
• Follow the same procedure for the other
picture and line of words. • Hold up your Student’s Book.
• Say Open your books. Tell them to turn to page
• Point to the picture of the two boys.
• For the two characters in the picture, point
and ask Who’s this?


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Unit 9
• Children answer, e.g. It’s Karwan. • Hold up the word flashcard for pen. Ask a child
• Ask them in Kurdish what they think the two to read the word.
boys are doing. • Do the same with the flashcards for ten, hen
• Tell them that they are playing a game. and leg.
• Explain that Karwan is drawing a picture and • Point to the pictures on the right-hand side at
Sam is looking at the picture. the top of the page.
• He is trying to guess what Karwan is drawing. • For each one, ask children to say the word of
the object in the picture, e.g. hen, leg, etc.
• Point to the objects round the edge of the
page. • Divide the class into pairs.
• For each one ask children Is it a /an …? • Tell children to trace over the feint words on
the left-hand side of the page.
• Children answer either Yes or No, it’s a/an …
• They should then join the word they have
• Make sure you ask some questions that are
traced to its picture on the right-hand side of
correct so that children can answer Yes.
the page by drawing a line.
• Make sure you ask some questions that are
• When they have finished tracing the words and
wrong so that children can answer No, it’s
drawing lines between the words and pictures,
a/an …
tell children to take it in turns with their
• Tell children that they are going to play the partner to point to a word and spell it, using
game like Sam and Karwan. letter sounds.
• Ask two children to come to the front of the • They say the word and point to the picture.
• Go round the class to help them. Correct them
• Tell them to bring their exercise books and where necessary.
their pencils.
• Tell one child to draw a picture. Match and write
• She/He can choose one of the pictures to copy • Point to the pictures and words at the bottom
or they can draw a picture of another word of the page. Say Look.
that they have already learnt in English. • For each picture tell children to say the word,
• The other child tries to guess what the picture e.g. leg, ten, etc.
is. • Point to the lists of words under each picture.
• She/He asks Is it a/an …? The first child • Hold up your book and point to a list of words.
answers either Yes or No, it’s a/an … Tell children to read the list.
• Do this with several more pairs of pupils. • Point to the space below the picture.
• Then divide the class into pairs. • Tell children to look at each picture.
• Tell them to play the game in the same way. • They find the word for the object in that
Go round the class to help them. picture in the list under the picture.
• Make sure they are asking and answering the • They then write the word in the space below
questions correctly. the picture.
• Do one picture and word with the whole class
Activity Book as an example.
Trace and match • Then tell children to do the other numbers
• Tell children to open their Activity Book at
page 32. • Go round the class to help children.


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Unit 9/Revision 3
• Then correct the exercise with the whole class. • Put the flashcards for the new words learnt in
• Say one. Ask a child to hold up his/her book Units 7–9 on your table.
and point to the picture. • Hold one of them up and ask What’s this?
• Tell them to say the word. Children answer It’s a/an …
• Tell them to point to the word they have • Do this for all the flashcards.
written below the picture. • Ask a child to come to the front of the class.
• Tell them to spell the word using letter • Tell them to pick up one of the flashcards.
sounds. • Help them to say I have a/an …
• Do the same with the other pictures and • Do the same for the other flashcards using
words. other children.
• Children hold a flashcard and say I have a/
an …
Revision 3
Aims: revising new words learnt in Units • Tell children to open their Student’s Books at
7–9; revising capital and lower case page 33.
letters Aa–Nn; asking questions about • Point to the picture at the top of the page.
objects; giving and responding to
• For each object in the picture, ask children
commands; reading and writing short
What’s this?
words containing the vowels a and e;
matching words and pictures; practising • Children answer It’s a/an …
answering yes and no • Bring several boxes or bags to class. Put
several objects/toys in the bags.
Language used: What’s this? It’s a/an …; I
have a/an …; Is it a/an …? • Close the bags/boxes and put them on the
Yes. No; Open the …, Close table.
the …; come here, goodbye, • Open a bag/box.
sit down, stand up; hat, pen, • Pull an object a short way out of the bag/box.
bag, ten, leg, cap, cat, jam,
• Ask children Is it a/an …?
hen; elephant, monkey, nose,
king • Help children to answer either Yes or No, it’s
a …
You need: picture flashcards for insect, jug,
• Pull out the object completely to show the
king, kitten, leg, monkey, nose,
neck; flashcards for capital and
lower case Aa–Nn; word flashcards • Ask again Is it a …?
for hat, pen, bag, ten, leg, cap, • Ask a child to answer.
cat, jam, hen; Student’s Book p33; • Continue the game in the same way.
Activity Book pp33–34; CD tracks
• Play it several times more.
• Ask a child to come to the front of the class.
Say Open the box/bag.
Starter • Tell the child to pull an object a short way out
• Greet children Hello, how are you? as they of the bag/box.
enter the classroom. • Tell him/her to ask Is it a/an …?
• Children answer I’m fine, thank you. • Children answer Yes or No, it’s a/an …

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Revision 3
• Tell him/her to pull the object all the way out • Point to objects in the picture and ask What’s
of the box/bag. this? Children answer It’s a/an …
• Tell him/her to ask again Is it a/an …? • Point to the words around the edge of the
• Children answer. page.
• Say Close the box/bag. • Ask individual children to read the words.
• Continue the game using another child. • Tell children to look at one of the words and
to find the object for that word in the picture.
Read • Tell them to join them by drawing a line
• Tell children to look at the pictures at the between the word and the object.
bottom of the page. • Then tell them to trace over the word with
• Point to each picture and ask What’s this? their pencils.
• Children answer It’s a … • Tell them to do this for all the words.
• Point to the letters that make the words below • Go round to check that they are joining the
each picture. correct words and pictures.
• Ask individual children to point to a picture
and to say the letter sounds and then read the
Listen and match
word. • Point to the four pictures at the bottom of the
• Do this for all the pictures and words.
• Ask children in Kurdish what the children are
• Tell children to work with a partner.
doing in each picture.
• Tell them to take it in turns to point to a
• Tell children that they are going to hear a
picture and read the word below it.
number and then a command or a word.
• Go round to check that children are doing this
• Point to the small box by each picture.
• Tell children to listen to each number and
• Point to the letters Aa–Nn.
• Tell children to point to each letter in order
• They find the correct picture and write the
from Aa to Nn.
number they hear in the small box by that
• Tell them to say the letter sound for each picture.
• Say Listen. Play CD track 51.
• Hold up one of the letter flashcards at random.
• Pause the CD after each number and command
Ask a child to say the letter sound for that
to allow children time to write the number in
the box.
• Do the same for the other letter flashcards.
CD script:
Activity Book one – Come here, please. (pause)
two – Goodbye, Mam Zorab. (pause)
Find, match and trace three – Sit down, please. (pause)
four – Stand up, Laura. (pause)
• Tell children to open their Activity Books at
page 33. • Play the CD again so that children can check
• Point to the picture at the top of the page. their answers.
• Point to the characters in the picture and ask • Go round to check that they have written the
Who’s this? Children answer It’s … correct numbers by the pictures.


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Revision 3
Circle and write CD script:
one – Is it a lion? (pause)
• Tell children to turn to page 34 in their
two – Is it a monkey? (pause)
Activity Book.
three – Is it a leg? (pause)
• Point to the four pictures and the words at the four – Is it a king? (pause)
top of the page.
• Ask children to say the word for the object in • Play the CD again.
each picture. • Go round to check that children are circling
• Point to the words below each picture. the correct answers.
• Ask children to read the words. • At the end of the lesson say Goodbye, children.
• Tell children to look at each picture. • Children answer Goodbye …(your name).
• Tell them to choose the correct word beneath
the picture.
• Tell them to circle the word.
• Then tell them to write the word in the space
below the picture.
• Go round to check that they have chosen the
correct word.
• Check that they write the words correctly.

Listen and circle

• Point to the four pictures at the bottom of
the page.
• For each one ask What’s this?
• Children answer It’s a/an …
• Point to the number by each picture.
• Ask a child to point to the numbers and count.
• Point to the words yes and no below each
• Ask individual children to read the two words.
• Tell children they are going to hear the number
of the picture and a question about each
• Tell them to circle either yes or no to answer
the question.
• Play CD track 52.
• Pause the CD after each question to allow
children time to circle the answer.


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Unit 10
Unit 10  Lesson 1 Look and listen
• Hold up the Student’s Book.
Aims: counting 17–20; asking how many • Say Open your books. Tell children to turn to
objects there are; recognising numbers page 34.
17–20; writing numbers 17–20; • Point to the four pictures.
matching a number to the same number • Ask children in Kurdish what they can see in
of objects the pictures.
New language: How many eggs are there? • Tell them they are going to listen to a story on
There are seventeen eggs.; the CD.
numbers: seventeen, eighteen, • Ask a child to hold up her/his book.
nineteen, twenty; I’m counting;
count the olives; olive, parrot, • Tell her/him to point to the order they will
pot follow the pictures in (top left, top right,
bottom left, bottom right).
Revised language: What are those? • Tell children to point to the correct picture as
They’re …s; one, two, they listen.
three; What are you doing?
I’m …ing; well done! • Play CD track 53.
Mummy; Look!; sock, ant, CD script:
orange, banana, egg, (picture 1)
flower, insect Karwan: What are those, Mummy?
You need: flashcards for capital and lower Mother: They’re pots.
case Oo and Pp; picture flashcards Karwan: One, two, three …
for olive, parrot and pot; Book Mother: What are you doing, Karwan?
1 flashcards for orange and pen; Karwan: I’m counting the pots.
Student’s Book p34; Activity Book (picture 2)
p35; CD tracks 53–55 Mother: How many olives are there? Count the
(picture 3)
Karwan: …fifteen, sixteen, seventeen, eighteen,
Starter nineteen, twenty.
• Ask a child to stand by the classroom door. There are twenty olives, Mummy.
• Tell them to greet other children Hello as they Mummy: Well done, Karwan.
come in. (picture 4)
• Ask children to count from 1 to 16 round the Kitty: Look, a parrot and an olive.
class. Karwan: There are nineteen olives, Mummy.
• One child stands up. • Play the CD again.
• He/She says the first number, one. • Go round to check that children are pointing to
• He/She claps his/her hands. the correct picture.
• He/She sits down.
Listen, point and say
• The next child continues with the number two.
• Tell children to look at the three pictures at
• The counting continues in this way from 1 to the bottom of the page.
• For each picture, say Count.


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Unit 10
• Ask an individual child to count the objects in • Tell them to trace the four feint numbers with
the picture. their pencils.
• Tell children that they will hear a question for • Then tell them to complete the line by writing
each picture. some numbers themselves.
• Tell them to find the correct picture. • Go round to check they are writing the
• Tell them to count the objects in the picture. numbers correctly.
• They then listen to the answer to the question. • Do the same for the other rows of numbers
from 18 to 20.
• They repeat the correct answer.
• Play CD track 54. Listen and join
• Pause the CD after each question to allow • Point to the pictures across the middle of the
children time to find the correct picture and to page.
count the objects.
• Point to the first one and ask What are these?
• Pause the CD after each answer to allow
• Children answer They’re …s.
children time to repeat the correct answer.
• Do the same for the other pictures.
CD script:
• Point to the first picture again and ask a child
How many parrots are there? Count. (pause for
children to count)
There are three parrots. (pause for children to • The child counts, one, two, three, four …
repeat) • Ask the child How many socks are there?
How many pots are there? (pause) • Help the child to answer There are seventeen
There are two pots. (pause) socks.
How many olives are there? (pause)
• Do the same with other children for the other
There are four olives. (pause)
three pictures.
• Play the CD again. • Point to the four numbers below the pictures.
• Go round to listen to the children’s answers. • Ask individual children to say the numbers.
• Help them where necessary. • Ask the whole class to point to the numbers
and say them.
Activity Book • Tell children they will listen to the CD.
Trace and write • They will hear a question and an answer about
each picture.
• Hold up your Activity Book.
• Children listen to the question and hear an
• Say Open your books. Tell children to turn to object mentioned.
page 35.
• They find the picture for that object.
• Point to the numbers down the left side of the
top of the page. • They listen to the answer to find the number
of that object.
• Point to each one and say the number. Tell
children to repeat it. • They join the picture of the object mentioned
to the number mentioned for that object by
• Point to the rows of numbers opposite the drawing a line between them.
numbers on the left.
• Play CD track 55.
• Point to the row with 17.
• Pause the CD to allow children time to draw
• Tell children to trace round the first number 17 the line between the object and the number.
with their finger.


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Unit 10
CD script:
How many olives are there? There are eighteen
Unit 10  Lesson 2
olives. (pause)
How many socks are there? There are seventeen Aims: recognising capital letters O and P;
socks. (pause) tracing and writing lower case and
How many ants are there? Oh look! There are capital Oo and Pp; writing lower case
twenty ants. (pause) initial letters on names of objects;
And how many oranges? There are nineteen listening, matching and counting
oranges. (pause) numbers 17–20; matching words and
pictures that begin with o and p
• Play the CD again.
Language used: o live, orange, parrot, pot,
• Go round to check that children are joining the pen; seventeen, eighteen,
correct numbers to the correct pictures. nineteen, twenty and numbers
for these
Count, say and write
• Point to the pictures across the bottom of the You need: v arious classroom objects, e.g.
page. books, pens; flashcards for capital
and lower case Oo and Pp; picture
• Point to the first picture. flashcards for olive, parrot and pot;
• Name a child and say Count. Book 1 flashcards for orange and
• The child counts the bananas, one, two, pen; Student’s Book p35; Activity
three … seventeen. Seventeen bananas. Book p36; CD track 56
• Tell children to work with a partner.
• Tell them to take it in turns to point to a Starter
picture. • Greet children Hello, … (name). Children
• They count the objects, then say the answer, answer Hello, … (your name).
e.g. seventeen bananas. • Hold up some objects in the classroom, e.g.
• They then write the number of objects in the five books.
space below each picture. • Ask What are these? Children answer They’re
• Invite a child to the front of the class.
• Say Come here, please, (name).
• Say Count. The child counts the books, one,
two, three, four, five. Five books.
• Ask How many books are there?
• Help the child to answer There are five books.
• Put some objects at the other side of the
classroom, e.g. ten pens.
• Point to the pens and ask What are those?
Children answer They’re pens.
• Tell a child to pick up the pens.
• Say Count. The child counts the pens, one,
two, etc.
• Ask How many pens are there?

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Unit 10
• The child answers There are ten pens. • Children answer a, e and i.
• Do the same with other numbers, using other • Ask all children whose names begin with O to
children. come to the front of the class.
• Write their names on the board in English,
Look, point and say beginning with capital O.
• Hold up your Student’s Book. • Tell them to write their name on the outside of
• Say Open your books. Tell children to turn to their exercise book.
page 35. • Follow the same procedure for capital and
• Point to the capital and small letter Oo. lower case Pp and for the words parrot, pot
• Say the letter sound o o o. Tell children to and pen.
repeat it.
• Tell children that both capital O and lower
Listen, match and say
case o have the same sound. • Point to the numbers 17 to 20 and the words
for these numbers.
• Hold up the flashcard of the capital and lower
case Oo. • Point to each number. Ask children to say the
word for this number.
• Children say the letter sound for O and o.
• Do this for all the numbers.
• Stand with your back to the class and form
capital O in the air with your right hand. • Tell children that they are going to hear the
numbers on the CD.
• Tell children to form capital O in the same way.
• Tell them to point to the number they hear.
• Then form lower case o in the air with your
right hand. • They then say the number.
• Tell children that it is the same shape, but • Explain that the numbers will be in the correct
smaller than capital O. order, 17, 18, 19, 20 at first.
• Tell children to form lower case o in the same • They will then hear the numbers in random
way. order.
• Tell children to look again at the capital and • Say Listen. Play CD track 56.
lower case Oo on page 35. • Pause the CD to allow children time to point to
• Tell them to trace the forms of both capital the number and say it.
and lower case Oo with their fingers. CD script:
• Ask several children to write both capital and seventeen (pause)
lower case Oo on the board. eighteen (pause)
• Point to the picture of the olive and ask What’s nineteen (pause)
this? twenty (pause)
nineteen (pause)
• Help children to answer It’s an olive.
seventeen (pause)
• Hold up the picture flashcard of the olive. Say twenty (pause)
olive. eighteen (pause)
• Tell children to repeat olive several times.
• Ask a child to come to the front of the class.
• Do the same for orange.
• Tell him/her to listen to the CD and to point
• Tell children that we say It’s an … when a and say the words they hear.
word begins with the letter o.
• Play the CD again.
• Ask which other letters we use an with.
• Do the same with several other children.


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Unit 10
Activity Book Unit 10  Lesson 3
Trace and write
Aims: c ounting objects from 1–20; joining
• Tell children to turn to page 36 in their numbers to form a picture; listening to
Activity Book. CD and writing numbers 17–20; writing
• Point to the capital and lower case Oo. numbers and words containing the
• Tell children to trace with their finger round vowels a and e
the capital and lower case Oo. Language used: n
 umbers 1–20; sock, orange,
• Point to the line with capital O. fig, ant; very good! Look!
• Tell them to trace with their finger round the plural words: pens, cats, bags,
first capital O. legs
• Tell them to trace over the two feint capital You need: a ball; various picture flashcards
O’s with their pencils. for words learnt in Book 2; word
• Then tell them to complete the line by copying flashcards for pen, leg, bag, cat;
the capital O twice themselves. Student’s Book p36; Activity Book
• Go round the class to check that they are p37; CD tracks 57–58
copying the letter well.
• Point to the line with capital and lower case Starter:
Oo. • Greet children Hello, how are you?
• Tell children to trace the first Oo with their • Children answer I’m fine, thank you.
• Hold up a picture flashcard of a word children
• Tell them to trace over the feint Oo with their have learnt in Book 2.
• Ask What’s this? Children answer It’s a/an …
• Then tell them to complete the line by copying
• Ask a child to come to the front of the class.
the capital and lower case Oo themselves.
• Say Come here, please, (name).
• Go round the class to check they are writing
the letters well. • Tell them to hold up a flashcard and to ask
What’s this?
• Point to the pictures of the olive and the
orange. • Children answer It’s a/an …
• Tell children to point to them and say the • Do the same with several other children.
letter sound o o o.
• Point to the words olive and orange.
Listen and count
• Tell children to open their Student’s Book on
• Tell them to write lower case o to complete
page 36.
the words _live and _range.
• Point to the picture.
• Follow the same procedure for the letter Pp.
• Point to Kitty and ask Who’s this? Children
• Make sure that children write capital P on the
answer It’s Kitty.
line but that they write the tail of lower case
p below the line. • Point to each group of objects in the picture
and ask What are these?
• Children answer They’re …s.
• Ask How many oranges are there?


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Unit 10
• Name a child and say Count. The child counts, • Do the same with the words Count the ants on
one, two, three, four, etc. the CD.
• Tell the child to say the number with the name • Then point to a group of objects.
of the objects, e.g. eighteen oranges. • Say, e.g. Count the socks.
• Remind children that we add an s sound to • Ask a child to do this.
a word if there is more than one of the same
• Do the same with all the groups of objects in
the picture, using individual children.
• Tell children they will hear some objects
mentioned. Play
• Then they will hear counting on the CD. • Point to the picture at the bottom of the page.
• They point to the objects mentioned and count • Ask children to count the children in the
with the CD. picture.
• Play CD track 57 for the counting of the • Children count one, two, three, etc.
oranges and socks.
• Tell children that the children in the picture
CD script: are playing a game.
Eighteen oranges. • Invite eight or ten children to the front of the
Count. class.
One, two, three, four,
• Say Come here, please, (name) for each child.
five, six, seven, eight,
nine, ten, eleven, twelve, • Tell them to stand in a circle.
thirteen, fourteen, fifteen, • Give the ball to one of the children.
sixteen, seventeen, eighteen. • Tell that child to count one.
Eighteen oranges.
• Tell him/her to pass the ball to the next child.
Very good!
Twenty socks. • That child counts two.
Count. • Tell them to continue passing the ball in this
One, two, three, four, way.
five, six, seven, eight, • The child who has the ball says the next
nine, ten, eleven, twelve, number.
thirteen, fourteen, fifteen,
• They count in this way from one to twenty.
sixteen, seventeen, eighteen,
nineteen, twenty. • Do the same with several groups of children at
Twenty socks. the front of the class.
Very good! • You can vary the game by asking children to
Count the figs. (pause) throw the ball to another child.
Count the ants. (pause) • The child catches the ball and says the next
• Play the CD again for the counting of the number.
oranges and socks. • She/he then throws the ball to another child
• Go round the class to make sure all children in the circle.
are counting. • That child says the next number and then
• Then play the words Count the figs on the CD. throws the ball to another child.
• Tell children to point to the picture of the figs. • The game continues in this way.
• Tell them to count them as a class.


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Unit 10
Activity Book • Pause it after every number to allow children
time to write the correct number by the word.
Join and draw CD script:
• Tell children to open their Activity Book at one – Look! twenty cats! (pause)
page 37. two – And seventeen pens. (pause)
• Point to the dotted picture containing the three – There are nineteen bags. (pause)
numbers 1 to 20. four – And eighteen legs! (pause)
• Point to Kitty and ask Who’s this? • Play the CD again.
• Children answer It’s Kitty. • Go round to check that children are writing the
• Tell children that Kitty is drawing a picture. correct numbers by the correct words.
• Tell them to help her to draw the picture. • Point to the lines beside each word.
• They join the numbers in the correct order • Tell children to write the number and the word
from 1 to 20 to draw the picture. several times themselves on the line.
• Go round the class to help them. • Go round to check they are writing these
• Make sure they are joining the numbers in the correctly.
correct order.
• Ask children what they can see in the picture.
Answer: a parrot

Listen and write

• Point to the numbers down the left side of the
• Ask a child to count the numbers 1–4.
• Hold up the word flashcard for cat. Ask a child
to read the word.
• Point to the word cats on the page.
• Ask them to tell you the difference between
the two words.
• Children tell you that the word in the book has
an s on the end.
• Remind children that we add the letter s to a
word when there is more than one of the same
• Do this for all the word flashcards and the
words on the three other lines.
• Tell children that for each number down the
left side of the page they will hear a number
and the name of some objects.
• They should write the number by the word for
the objects, e.g. 20 alongside the word cats.
• Play CD track 58.


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Unit 11
Unit 11  Lesson 1 • Tell her/him to point to the pictures in the
order they will look at them as they listen
to the story (top left, top right, bottom left,
Aims: giving and obeying classroom bottom right).
commands; listening to and recognising • Tell children to point to the pictures as they
commands; learning new words with the listen to the CD.
letters Qq and Rr; matching capital and
lower case letters for the same letter • Play CD2 track 01.

New language: open the window; close the CD script:

window; take your pen; take (picture 1)
your pencil; quiet! quickly! Teacher: Good morning, children.
ruler; Good morning children, Children: Good morning, teacher.
teacher Teacher: Sit down, please.
(picture 2)
Revised language: please, open your books, Teacher: Sam, open the window, please.
close your books, stand Open your books, children, please.
up, sit down; Listen! Look! Voice: Open your books, children, please.
Goodbye! Teacher: Quiet, please! Listen!
You need: Student’s Book p37; Activity Book (picture 3)
p38; CD tracks 59–61 Teacher: Take your pens and rulers, please.
Voice: Take your pens and rulers, please.
Kitty: Oh, teacher, look! A parrot! (children
Starter gasp)
• Ask a child to stand by the door and greet (picture 4)
children as they come in. Teacher: Oh, naughty parrot! Aveen, close the
window, please. Quickly!
• Play a short game of Kitty says with children
Kitty: Goodbye, parrot!
to practise the commands they already know,
e.g. Stand up, sit down, open your books, close • Play the CD again.
your books. • Check that children are pointing to the correct
• Remind children that if they hear the words pictures as they listen.
Kitty says before a command, they obey the
command. Listen, point and do
• If they do not hear the words Kitty says before • Point to the four pictures at the bottom of the
a command, they do not obey the command. page.
• The last child still in the game is the winner. • Ask children in Kurdish what the children are
doing in each picture.
Look and listen • Tell children that they will hear some
• Hold up your Student’s Book. commands.
• Say Open your books. Tell children to turn to • They point to the correct picture.
page 37. • They then obey the command.
• Point to the four pictures. • For example, if they hear the command
• Ask children in Kurdish what they can see in Stand up, they point to the picture of
the pictures. children standing up and then they stand up
• Tell them they are going to listen to a story. themselves.
• Ask a child to hold up her/his book. • Play CD2 track 02.

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Unit 11
• Pause the CD after each command to allow • Play the CD again.
children time to point to the picture and then • Go round the class to check that children are
do the action. writing the correct numbers by the correct
CD script: picture.
Stand up. (pause)
Sit down. (pause) Join
Take your pens and rulers. (pause) • Point to the circle of capital letters. Say Look.
Open your books. (pause) • Hold up your book.
Stand up. (pause)
• Point to one of the capital letters. Tell children
Sit down. (pause)
to say the letter sound for that letter.
• Play the CD several times again. • Do the same for several other capital letters.
• Sometimes before listening to a command, • Follow the same procedure for the lower case
name a child. letters.
• When she/he hears the command, she/he does • Point to a capital letter. Ask a child to say the
the action. letter sound for that letter.
• The other children do not do the action. • Then tell them to find the lower case letter
that has the same sound.
Activity Book • The child points to the correct letter.
Listen and write • Tell children to join the two letters, capital
and lower case, by drawing a line between
• Hold up your Activity Book. them.
• Say Open your books. Tell children to turn to • Tell children to join all capital and lower case
page 38. letters with the same letter sound in the same
• Point to the pictures at the top of the page. way.
• Ask children in Kurdish what the children in • Go round the class to check they are doing this
each picture are doing. correctly.
• Point to the small boxes under each picture.
• Explain that they are going to listen to a
number and then a command.
• They find the picture that shows the command.
• They write the number they have heard in the
small box below the picture.
• Play CD2 track 03.
• Pause after each number and command to
allow children time to write the number in the
box under the correct picture.
CD script:
one – Take your ruler. (pause)
two – Close the window. (pause)
three – Stand up. (pause)
four – Open your books. (pause)
five – Take your pen. (pause)
six – Sit down. (pause)

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Unit 11
Unit 11  Lesson 2 right hand. Tell children to form lower case q
in the same way.
• Tell children to look again at the capital and
Aims: recognising capital letters for Q and lower case Qq on page 38.
R; tracing and writing lower case and
capital Qq and Rr; writing lower case • Tell them to trace the forms of both capital
initial letters on names of objects; and lower case Qq with their fingers.
recognising simple words containing • Ask several children to write both capital and
the vowel i; reading these words lower case Qq on the board.
Language used: quickly! quiet! queen, ruler, • Point to the picture of the action Quickly! Say
rabbit; fig, six, sit Quickly!
• Tell children to say Quickly several times.
You need: flashcards of capital Q and R;
picture flashcards of actions • Hold up the picture flashcard for the action
to show Quickly! and Quiet!; Quickly!
picture flashcard of ruler; Book 1 • Say Quickly! Children repeat this several times.
flashcards of queen and rabbit; • Do the same for the picture flashcard of Quiet!
word flashcards of fig, sit and six; • Tell children to put their finger over their lips
Student’s Book p38; Activity Book before they say it.
p39; CD track 62
• Point to the picture of the queen and ask
What’s this?
Starter • Children answer It’s a queen.
• Greet children Hello as they enter the • Hold up the flashcard of a queen.
classroom. Children answer Hello. • Tell children to say the word queen several
• Then ask several children What’s your name? times.
Children answer My name’s … • Ask all children whose name begins with Q to
• Ask individual children to count from 1 to 20. come to the front of the class.
• Write their names on the board in English,
Look, point and say beginning with the capital Q.
• Tell children to open their Student’s Book at • Tell them to write their name on the outside of
page 38. their exercise book.
• Point to the capital and lower case Qq. • Follow the same procedure for capital and
• Say the letter sound q q q. Tell children to lower case Rr and for the words ruler and
repeat it. rabbit.
• Tell children that both capital Q and lower • Ask two children to come to the front of the
case q have the same sound. class.
• Hold up the flashcard of capital and lower case • Tell one to write a letter, either capital Q or
Qq. R or lower case q or r with their finger on the
• Children say the letter sound for Q and q. other child’s back.
• Stand with your back to the class and form • Ask the second child to say the letter sound
capital Q in the air with your right hand. Tell for the letter the first child has written, e.g. q
children to form capital Q in the same way. q q.
• Then form lower case q in the air with your • Do this with several more children at the front
of the class.


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Unit 11
• Then tell children to work with a partner and • Tell them to trace over the two feint capital
to take it in turns to do the same. letters with their pencils.
• Then tell then to complete the line by copying
Listen and read the capital Q twice themselves.
• Point to the pictures across the page. • Go round the class to check they are copying
• For each picture tell children to say the word, the letter well.
e.g. fig, six, sit. • Point to the line with capital and lower case
• Point to the letters and words under each Qq.
picture. • Tell children to trace the first Qq with their
• Tell children that they are going to read the finger.
words. • Tell them to trace over the feint Qq with their
• Tell children to say the letter sounds of each pencil.
letter to make the word. • Then tell them to complete the line by copying
• Then tell children to read the word. the capital and lower case Qq themselves.
• Tell children they are going to listen to the CD. • Go round the class to check they are writing
They should listen and then repeat what they the letters well.
hear. • Point to the picture of the queen.
• Play CD2 track 04. • Tell children to say the letter sound q q q.
• Pause it after each word to allow children time • Point to the words queen, quickly and quiet.
to point to the picture and repeat the letter
• Tell them to write lower case q to complete
sounds and words.
the words _ueen, _uickly and _uiet.
CD script: • Follow the same procedure for the letter Rr.
f – i – g fig (pause)
s – i – x six (pause)
s – i – t sit (pause)
Unit 11  Lesson 3
• Play the CD again.
• Go round to listen that children are saying the Aims: s inging a song to practise giving
letter sounds and reading the words correctly. commands; doing actions whilst singing
to show understanding of meaning of
Activity Book commands; reading, saying and writing
simple words containing the vowels a,
Trace and write e or i; matching words that begin with
• Tell children to open their Activity Books at letter sounds q and r to the letters Qq
page 39. and Rr
• Point to the capital and lower case Qq at the Language used: t ake your ruler, take your pen,
top of the page. wave your hands, stand up, sit
• Tell children to trace with their finger round down, be quiet, quickly; cap,
the capital and lower case Qq. fig, hen, sit, leg, six; rabbit,
• Point to the line with capital Q. flower, cat, kite, king, mouse
• Tell them to trace with their finger round the
first capital Q.


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Unit 11
each one give them the command.
You need: picture flashcards or objects for bag
and pen; word flashcards for cap, • Tell the children to obey the command, i.e.
fig, hen, sit, leg, six; Student’s Book they wave their hands, they take their pen,
p39; Activity Book p40; CD track 63 etc.
• Tell them that they are going to sing a song
with these commands. They sing the song and
Starter obey the actions for the commands.
• Greet children Good morning, children. Children • Play CD2 track 05.
reply Good morning, teacher.
• Tell children just to listen this time.
• Hold up either a bag or a picture flashcard of a
bag. CD script:
Take your ruler,
• Ask children What’s this? Children reply It’s a
Take your pen
And wave your hands.
• Ask a child to write the word bag on the Stand up, sit down,
board. Be quiet!
• Ask several more children to do the same. Take your ruler,
• Hold up either a pen or a picture flashcard of a Take your pen
pen. And wave your hands.
Stand up, quickly,
• Follow the same procedure as for the bag.
Sit down again!
Listen and sing • Play the CD again and pause it after each line.
• Hold up your Student’s Book. • Tell children to repeat the line and do the
• Say Open your books. Tell children to turn to action.
page 39. • Play the CD again several times until children
• Tell children to look at the picture at the top know the words.
of the page. • Play the CD again but do not pause it.
• Point to the children in the picture. Say Look. • Children sing the song and do the actions.
• For each one, ask children Who’s this?
• Children answer, e.g. It’s Aveen. Activity Book
• Point to objects in the picture and ask children
What’s this?
Say and write
• Tell children to open their Activity Books at
• Children answer It’s a/an …
page 40.
• Point to the pictures at the bottom of the
• Point to the words across the top of the page.
• For each one, ask a child to spell it using the
• Ask children in Kurdish what the children in
letter sounds.
the pictures are doing.
• Then ask children to read each of the words.
• Ask them to give the appropriate command for
each picture in English. • Hold up a word flashcard for one of the words
at random.
• Help them to say Take your ruler, take your
pen, wave your hands, stand up, sit down and • Ask a child to read the word on the flashcard.
be quiet. • Hold up other word flashcards in the same
• Tell them to look at the pictures again. For way.


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Unit 11
• Ask individual children to read them.
• Point to the six pictures below the words.
• For each picture, ask children to say the word,
e.g. cap.
• Tell children to work with a partner.
• They take it in turns to point to a word.
• They spell the word using letter sounds.
• They then read the word.
• They then write the word under the correct
• Go round the class to help them.
• Make sure they are writing the correct words
under each picture.

Match and join

• Point to the two letters Qq and Rr in the
middle of the pictures.
• Tell children to say the letter sounds for these
• Point to the pictures around the letters.
• For each picture ask a child to say the word,
e.g. quiet, rabbit.
• For each word they say, ask the child to say
the letter sound that word begins with.
• Tell children to join each letter with the
pictures of objects beginning with that letter
by drawing a line between them.
• Tell children there are some pictures of objects
that do not begin with either of the letters.
• Go round the class to check they are joining
the correct letters and pictures.


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Unit 12
Unit 12  Lesson 1 • Ask children in Kurdish what they can see in
the pictures.
• Ask them questions in Kurdish about what is
Aims: asking about objects; showing happening in the pictures.
possession; talking about colours;
learning new words beginning with s • Tell them they are going to listen to a story on
and t the CD.
• Tell children to point to the pictures as they
New language: What is it? It’s a/an …; It listen. Say Listen.
has …(number) legs; It’s red
and brown; I’m painting. What • Play CD2 track 06.
are you painting? spider, top; CD script:
white, black, brown, grey; now (picture 1)
Revised language: What are you doing? Karwan: Hello, Sam. What are you doing?
I’m …ing; What’s that? It’s Sam: Hello, Karwan. I’m painting.
a/an …; red, blue, green, Karwan: What are you painting?
yellow; elephant, goat, Sam: I’m painting a top. Red, blue, green and
frog, sock, car; very good! white.
Karwan: It’s lovely!
You need: picture flashcards of various objects (picture 2)
learnt in this book; coloured Sam: Now I’m painting an elephant – a grey
pencils; Student’s Book p40; elephant and a brown goat.
Activity Book p41; CD tracks 64–67 Karwan: Very good, Sam!
(picture 3)
Sam: Oh, Karwan! What’s that?
Starter Karwan: It’s black and it has eight legs. It’s a
• Greet children Good morning, children as they spider!
enter the classroom. Sam: Arrgh!
• Children answer Good morning, teacher. (picture 4)
• Explain to children that this is how teachers Kitty: What is it, Karwan? It’s red and blue
greet children in the classroom in English. and black and white and grey and
brown and it has two legs!
• Hold up a picture flashcard at random and
Karwan: It’s Sam!
ask children What’s this? Children answer It’s
a/an … • Play the CD again.
• Ask a child to come to the front of the • Check that children are pointing to the correct
classroom. Say Come here, please, (name). picture.
• Tell her/him to hold up a flashcard and ask
What’s this? Listen, point and say
• Children answer It’s a/an … • Point to the pictures across the bottom of the
• Do the same with more children until all the page.
flashcards have been used. • For each picture ask What’s this? Children
answer It’s a/an …
Look and listen • Ask children to name the colour(s) of each
• Tell children to turn to page 40 in their object in the pictures.
Student’s Book. • Children answer, e.g. red and blue, black.
• Point to the four pictures. • Tell children they are going to listen to the CD.

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Unit 12
• They will hear a question and then a • Play CD2 track 08.
description of an object. • Pause the CD to allow children time to join the
• Finally they will hear the name of the object. number and the object.
• They listen and point to the correct picture. CD script:
• They then repeat the question, the description Karwan: One. What is it, Sam?
and the answer for each question. Sam: It’s a goat. (pause)
• Play CD2 track 07. Karwan: Two. What is it?
Sam: It’s a spider. (pause)
CD script: Karwan: Three. What is it?
What is it? It’s red and blue. It’s a top. (pause) Sam: It’s a frog. (pause)
What is it? It’s yellow and green. It’s a sock. Karwan: Four. What is it, Sam?
(pause) Sam: It’s a top. (pause)
What is it? It’s black and it has eight legs. It’s a
spider. (pause) • Play the CD again.
What is it? It’s yellow and black and it has four • Check that children are joining the correct
legs. It’s a tiger. (pause) numbers and pictures.
• Play the CD again.
Listen, trace and colour
• Go round to check that they are saying the
• Point to the four dotted outlines at the
questions, descriptions and answers correctly.
bottom of the page.
Activity Book • Point to the numbers next to the outlines.
• Explain that they are going to listen to the CD.
Listen and match • They will hear a number and then the name of
• Hold up your Activity Book. an object and a colour. They find the object
• Say Open your books. Tell children to turn to mentioned.
page 41. • They then trace the outline.
• Point to the four numbers down the left-hand • They then colour it in the colour mentioned.
side of the page. • Explain that you will give them enough time
• Ask a child to say the numbers. Tell the whole to do this.
class to say them. • Tell children to take their coloured pencils.
• Point to Sam and ask Who’s this? Children • Play CD2 track 09.
answer It’s Sam. • Pause the CD for several minutes after each
• Point to the pictures. number.
• Ask children What is it? for each picture. Help CD script:
children to answer, e.g. It’s a frog. (Note: one – a red sock (pause)
We use the question What is it? when we are two – a green frog (pause)
looking at something but we are not sure what three – a black spider (pause)
it is.) four – a blue car (pause)
• Tell children that they are going to listen to
the CD. • Go round the class as children are tracing and
• They will hear a number and the name of an
object. • Check that they are colouring the correct
object. Check that they are using the correct
• They draw a line between the number and the colour.
object to join them.

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Unit 12
• When they have finished, point to the object • Say the letter sound s s s. Tell children to
and ask What’s this? repeat it.
• Children answer, e.g. It’s a green frog. • Tell children that both capital S and lower case
• Do this for all the pictures. s have the same sound.
• Hold up the flashcard of the capital and lower
case Ss.
Unit 12  Lesson 2 • Children say the letter sound for S and s.
• Stand with your back to the class and form
Aims: recognising capital and lower case capital S in the air with your right hand.
letters for Ss and Tt; tracing and • Tell children to form capital S in the same way.
writing lower case and capital Ss and • Then form lower case s in the air with your
Tt; writing lower case initial letters right hand.
on names of objects; writing capital
• Tell children to form lower case s in the same
letters on the names of people; playing
a guessing game to describe animals;
asking questions about an object • Tell children to look again at the capital and
lower case Ss on page 41.
Language used: spider, sock, top, tiger; What
• Tell them to trace the forms of both capital
is it? It’s a …; Is it a/an …?
and lower case Ss with their fingers.
Yes. No.
• Ask several children to write both capital and
You need: various classroom objects of lower case Ss on the board.
different colours; flashcards
• Point to the picture of a spider and ask What’s
of capital S and T; picture
flashcards of spider and top; Book
1 flashcards of sock and tiger; • Help children to say It’s a spider.
Student’s Book p41; Activity Book • Hold up the picture flashcard for spider. Say
p42; CD track 68 spider.
• Tell children to repeat spider several times.
Starter • Do the same for the sock.
• Greet children Good morning, children. • Point to the picture of Sam.
• Children answer Good morning, teacher. • Ask Who’s this? Children answer It’s Sam.
• Hold up a classroom object that is one of the • Point to the capital letter at the beginning of
colours children have learnt, e.g. a red book, a his name.
black pen, a blue pencil, a brown bag. • Remind children that we use capital letters to
• For each object ask children to say the colour begin the names of people.
and the name of the object, e.g. a brown bag. • Ask all children whose names begin with S to
• Do this with all the objects. come to the front of the class.
• Write their names on the board in English,
Look, point and say beginning with the capital S.
• Tell children to open their Student’s Book at • Tell them to write their name on the outside of
page 41. their exercise book.
• Point to the capital and lower case Ss. Say • Follow the same procedure for capital and
Look. lower case Tt and the words top and tiger.


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Unit 12
Listen and say not tell the other child which one.
• Point to the pictures of animals. • They should then ask What is it? and describe
the animal they are thinking of.
• For each one, ask What’s this? Children answer
It’s a/an … • The other child guesses which animal it is and
asks Is it a/an …?
• Tell children to say the colour for each animal,
e.g. a black and white zebra, a brown lion. • If they guess correctly, the first child says yes.
• Tell them that they are going to listen to the • If they do not guess correctly, they ask Is it
CD. a/an …? again.
• They will hear two children asking questions • The first child answers either yes or no.
about the animals. • They continue until the second child has
• They will hear the question What is it? guessed correctly.
• Explain that we use this question instead • They then change roles and the second child
of What’s this? or What’s that? when we are thinks of an animal and describes it.
thinking of something and playing a guessing
game about that object. Activity Book
• Tell them that they will hear the other child on
the CD answer.
Trace and write
• Tell children to turn to page 42 in their
• They should repeat what they hear.
Activity Books.
• Play CD2 track 10.
• Point to the capital and lower case Ss.
• Pause it after each line to allow children time
• Tell children to trace with their finger round
to repeat what they hear.
the capital and lower case Ss.
CD script: • Point to the line with capital S.
Child 1: What is it? It’s yellow and black and has
• Tell them to trace with their finger round the
four legs. (pause)
first capital S.
Child 2: Is it a zebra? (pause)
Child 1: No. (pause) • Tell them to trace over the two feint capital
Child 2: Is it a tiger? (pause) letters with their pencils.
Child 1: Yes. (pause) • Then tell them to complete the line by copying
the capital S several times themselves.
• Say Listen. Play the CD again.
• Go round the class to check they are copying
• Then ask two children to have the the letter well.
conversation on the CD without listening to it.
• Point to the line with capital and lower case
• Do the same with several more pairs of Ss.
• Tell children to trace the first Ss with their
Play finger.
• Tell children that they are going to play the • Tell them to trace over the feint Ss with their
guessing game themselves. pencils.
• Divide them into pairs. • Then tell them to complete the line by copying
the capital and lower case Ss twice themselves.
• Tell them that one of them should look at the
picture of the animals. • Go round the class to check they are writing
the letters well.
• They should think of one of the animals but
• Point to the pictures of the spider and the


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Unit 12
sock. have already learnt.
• Tell children to point to them and say the • Ask a child to read the word on the flashcard.
letter sound s s s. • Do the same with other word flashcards.
• Point to the words spider and sock.
• Tell them to write lower case s to complete the Listen and sing
words _pider and _ock. • Tell children to open their Student’s Book at
• Point to the picture of Sam. page 42.
• Tell them to write capital S to complete his • Point to the picture.
name _am. • Point to the objects and tell children to say
• Follow the same procedure for the letter Tt. the colour for each one, e.g. yellow, blue.
• Ask children in Kurdish what they can see in
the picture.
Unit 12  Lesson 3 • Tell them they are going to sing a song about
Aims: singing a song to practise recognising • As they sing, they point to the colours
and saying the names of colours; mentioned.
joining two similar pictures of an • Play CD2 track 11.
object; listening to the CD and
CD script:
colouring objects as instructed;
Let’s paint a picture,
matching words and pictures; writing
A picture for you.
words containing the vowel sounds a, e
Green and white,
and i
Brown and blue,
Language used: green, white, brown, blue, Red and yellow too.
red, yellow, black, grey; fig, Let’s paint a picture,
leg, jam, six, hat, hen; What A picture for you.
are these? They’re …s; How Let’s paint a picture,
many …s are there? There are A picture for you.
four bananas; Look! Black and green,
You need: coloured pencils; word flashcards Grey and blue,
for fig, leg, jam, six, hat, hen; word Brown and yellow too.
flashcards of some of the other Let’s paint a picture,
simple words children have learnt; A picture for you.
Student’s Book p42; Activity Book • Pause the CD after each line. Tell children to
p43; CD tracks 69–70 sing each line.
• Play the CD again several times and pause
after each line until children know the words.
• Tell children to point to the colours as they
• Greet children either Hello, … (name) or sing.
Good morning, … (name) as they enter the
classroom. • Play the CD all the way through.
• Children answer either Hello, … (your name) • Tell children to sing with the CD.
or Good morning, teacher. • Ask children to try to sing the song without
• Hold up a word flashcard of a word children the CD.


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Unit 12
Activity Book • Go round to check that children are colouring
the correct objects in the correct colours.
Box 21: Colouring the pictures in the
Activity Book Match and write
The Activity Book has many pictures. These • Point to the pictures across the bottom of the
pictures are in black and white. Sometimes we page.
ask children to colour the pictures as part of • For each picture ask children to say the word
an activity in the Activity Book. for the object.
We can also tell children to colour the pictures • Children say, e.g. six, jam, etc.
after we have taught a lesson in the Activity • Hold up the word flashcards for one of the
Book. They can do this at the end of the objects in the pictures.
lesson as a reward if they finish the activity • Tell children to read the word on the flashcard.
early or they can colour the pictures at home. • Do this several times for each in random order.
When children colour a picture: • Point to the words above the pictures.
• it helps them to control their pencils well • Again, point to a word at random.
• they can practise naming the different • Ask a child to read the word.
colours (What colour is it? It’s …) • Point to the blank space below each picture.
• it makes the Activity Book more attractive • Tell children to write the correct word below
each picture.
Listen and colour • Check that they are writing the correct word
• Tell children to open their Activity Book at and that they are copying it correctly.
page 43.
• Point to the drawings of the various objects.
• For each one, ask What are these?
• Children answer They’re …s.
• For each one, ask How many …s are there?
• Children answer, e.g. There are four bananas.
• Tell children they are going to listen to the CD.
• They will hear the name of some objects and
then a colour.
• They colour those objects the colour
mentioned on the CD.
• Pause the CD after each one to allow children
time to colour the objects.
• Play CD2 track 12.
CD script:
Colour the bananas yellow. (pause)
Colour the spiders black. (pause)
Colour the tops red and white. (pause)
Colour the goats grey. (pause)
Colour the frogs green. (pause)


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Revision 4
Revision 4 • Point to the pictures in the boxes below the
• For each one, ask What’s this? Children answer
Aims: recognising and saying names of It’s a/an …
objects; counting 1–20; asking about
objects; asking how many objects there • Point to the first picture in the box. Tell
are; asking and answering questions children to find this object in the big picture.
about actions; recognising numbers • Tell them to count the number of this object
1–20; recognising and saying the letter they find, e.g. one, two, three kittens.
sounds for capital and lower case letters • Tell children to work with a partner.
Aa–Tt; reading simple words containing • They take it in turns to point to a picture and
the vowel sound a, e and i to count the number of that object in the big
Language used: What is it? It’s a/an …; picture.
What are these? They’re …s; • Go round to help them and to correct them
Is it a/an …? Yes. No; where necessary.
numbers 1–20; How many • When they have done this, tell them to
…s are there? There are …; continue working with their partner.
What are you doing? I’m
…ing; capital and lower case • Tell them to point to a box at the bottom of
letters Aa–Tt; six, hen, cat, the picture and to ask What is it?
fig, jam, leg; rabbit, egg, • Their partner answers It’s a/an …
ant, kitten, kite, car, sock, • Tell them to ask their partner Is it a/an …? for
mouse, banana, ruler, gate, each picture.
umbrella, bag, tiger, flower, • Their partner answers either yes or no.
olive, top, monkey, parrot,
zebra, pen • Go round to help them to ask and answer
questions correctly.
You need: coloured pencils; word flashcards
for six, hen, cat, fig, jam, leg; Read
Student’s Book p43; Activity Book • Point to the pictures across the bottom of the
p44–45; CD tracks 71–72 page.
• Tell children to say the word for each picture,
Starter e.g. fig, jam, leg …
• Greet the children Good morning, children. • Point to the letters below each picture.
• Children answer Good morning, teacher. • Ask a child to say the letter sound for each
• Ask children to count from 1 to 20 round the letter and then to say the word.
class. • Do this for each group of letters.
• Point to the capital and lower case letters Aa
Find, count and write to Tt at the bottom of the page.
• Tell children to open their Student’s Books at • Ask children to point to them in order and to
page 43. say the letter sound for each letter.
• Point to the picture at the top of the page. • Do this several times.
• Point to various groups of objects and ask
What are these?
• Children answer They’re …s.


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Revision 4
Activity Book the correct number by the correct picture.
• Tell children to take their coloured pencils.
Listen and write • Tell them they can colour the objects any
• Hold up your Activity Book. colour they like.
• Say Open your books. Tell children to turn to
page 44. Listen and write
• Point to the pictures. • Tell children to turn to page 45 in their
Activity Books.
• For each one, ask What’s this?
• Point to the picture at the top of the page.
• Children answer It’s a/an …
• Point to the characters and ask them Who’s
• Tell children they are going to listen to the CD.
• They will hear a number and the name of an
• Children answer It’s … (name).
• Ask children in Kurdish what the characters in
• Point to the small box by each object.
the picture are doing.
• Explain that they find the object mentioned on
• Tell children they are going to listen to a CD.
the CD.
• They will hear a number and then a question
• They then write the number they have heard in
and an answer about an action that the
the small box by the object mentioned.
characters in the picture are doing.
• Play CD2 track 13.
• Point to the small boxes by each action in
• Pause it after each number and object to allow the picture. Tell children to find the correct
children time to write the number in the small action.
box by the correct picture.
• Tell them to write the number they hear in the
CD script: small box by the action.
one – a sock (pause) • Remind them that if only one person is doing
two – a mouse (pause) the action they will hear I’m …ing.
three – a car (pause)
• Remind them that if more than one person is
four – a banana (pause)
doing the action they will hear We’re …ing.
five – a ruler (pause)
six – a gate (pause) • Play CD2 track 14.
seven – an umbrella (pause) • Pause it after each question and answer
eight – a bag (pause) to allow children time to write the number
nine – an ant (pause) mentioned by the correct action.
ten – a tiger (pause)
CD script:
eleven – a rabbit (pause)
Adult: one What are you doing, Laura?
twelve – a flower (pause)
Laura: I’m counting, four, five, six. (pause)
thirteen – a kite (pause)
Adult: two What are you doing?
fourteen – an olive (pause)
Kitty and kittens: We’re playing. (pause)
fifteen – a top (pause)
Adult: three What are you doing?
sixteen – a hen (pause)
Sam and Karwan: We’re reading. (pause)
seventeen – a monkey (pause)
Adult: four What are you doing, Aveen?
eighteen – a parrot (pause)
Aveen: I’m painting. (pause)
nineteen – a zebra (pause)
twenty – a pen (pause) • Go round the class to check that children are
writing the correct number by the correct
• Go round to check that children have written
action in the picture.

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Revision 4
Find and write
• Point to the row of numbers 1 to 20 across the
• Tell children to point to each number and
count from 1 to 20.
• Point to the row of lower case letters a to t
below the row of numbers.
• Tell them they are going to write words by
changing numbers into letters.
• Explain that each number on the page has a
letter below it, e.g. number 1 has the letter a
below it, number 14 has the letter n below it,
• Tell them to look at the numbers 2 1 7 and
the word bag.
• Explain that number 2 has the letter b below
it, number 1 has the letter a below it and
number 7 has the letter g below it: b – a – g
spells bag.
• Tell children to write the letters for each
number in the other examples and then see
what word they have spelt.
• Do another example with children to make sure
they understand what to do. (8 = h, 5 = e,
14 = n. The word they have spelt is h – e – n
= hen.)
• Go round the class to help children to write
the letters for each set of numbers.
Answers: 19 9 20 = s – i – t = sit; 12 5 7 =
l – e – g = leg; 3 1 16 = c – a – p = cap; 6 9 7
= f – i – g = fig; 16 5 14 = p – e – n = pen; 8 1
20 = h – a – t = hat
• When children have written all the words, say
the three numbers and ask a child to say the
word, e.g. 12 5 7 – leg.
• Tell children to work with a partner to point to
a word they have written and read it.
• Go round to listen and to help them where


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Unit 13
Unit 13  Lesson 1 CD script:
(picture 1)
Aveen: Oh look! I’m jumping.
Aims:  showing movement; learning new Laura: Yes, up and down! Up and down!
words beginning with u and v (picture 2)
New language: up, down, I’m jumping, van Aveen: Look at the van! Look at the box!
Laura: Yes, up and down! Up and down!
Revised language: Look! yes, box, orange (picture 3)
You need: Student’s Book p44; Activity Book Aveen: Look at the box. It’s open.
p46; CD tracks 73–75 Laura: And look at the oranges!
Kitty: I like oranges.
(picture 4)
Starter Aveen: Look at Kitty!
• Greet children Good morning, children. Children Laura: Yes, up and down! Up and down!
answer Good morning, teacher. Kitty: Up and down! Up and down!
• Give the command Stand up, children. Children • Play the CD again.
stand up.
• Check that children are pointing to the correct
• Say Sit down. Children sit down. picture.
• Say Come here, …(name). Child obeys.
• Give the child a book. Point and say
• Say Open the book. Child obeys. • Point to the line at the bottom of the page
showing an orange bouncing.
• Say Close the book. Say Sit down. Child closes
the book and sits down. • Point to the arrows showing the directions up
and down.
• Ask two children to the front of the class.
• Tell children to trace along the line with their
• Tell one to give commands to the other.
• The other obeys.
• Children say up when their finger is moving in
an upward direction.
Look and listen
• They say down when their finger is moving in a
• Hold up your Student’s Book.
downward direction.
• Say Open your books. Tell children to turn to
• Do this first with the whole class.
page 44.
• Then tell a child to hold up her/his book.
• Point to the four pictures.
• Tell him/her to trace with a finger along the
• Ask children in Kurdish what they see in the
line and say up and down at the right times.
• Ask them questions in Kurdish about the Activity Book
• Tell them they are going to listen to a story on Listen and circle
the CD. • Tell children to open their Activity Books at
• Tell them to point to the correct picture as page 46.
they listen. • Point to the numbers 1 to 3 down the left side
• Play CD2 track 15. of the page.
• Ask a child to point to the numbers and count.
• Point to the three rows of pictures one, two,

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Unit 13
three. two – down (pause)
• For each picture ask What’s this? three – up (pause)
four – down (pause)
• Children answer It’s a/an …
five – up (pause)
• Tell children that they are going to listen to six – down (pause)
the CD.
• For each row of pictures they will hear a • Go round to check children are drawing the
number and an object mentioned. line between the correct numbers and in the
correct direction.
• Children circle the object mentioned.
• Play CD2 track 16.
• Pause the CD after each number to allow
children time to circle the objects.
Unit 13  Lesson 2
CD script: Aims: recognising capital letters for U and
one Look! A van. Up and down, up and V; tracing and writing lower case and
down. (pause) capital Uu and Vv; writing lower case
two Look at the box. Up and down, up and initial letters on names of objects;
down. (pause) recognising simple words containing
three An orange! Look, an orange! (pause) the vowel o; reading these words
• Play the CD again. Language used: u p, umbrella, van, vase; dog,
• Make sure children are circling the correct pot, top, box
objects. You need: fl
 ashcards of capital U and V;
picture flashcards to show the
Listen and draw direction up and the word van;
• Point to the wavy line at the bottom of the Book 1 flashcards of umbrella and
page. vase; word flashcards of pot, dog,
• Point to the numbers on the wavy line. top, box; other picture flashcards of
objects learnt in the book so far;
• Ask a child to point to each of the numbers
Student’s Book p45; Activity Book
and say them.
p47; CD track 76
• Tell them to take their pencils.
• Tell them they are going to listen to the CD.
• They will hear a number and then a direction,
either up or down. • Greet children Hello, … (name) as they enter
the classroom.
• They draw a line from the number mentioned
to the next number in the direction • Children answer Hello, … (your name).
mentioned. • Hold up a picture flashcard for an object learnt
• For example, if they hear one – up, they draw a in the book so far.
line from number 1 to number 2 in an upward • Ask children What’s this? Children answer It’s
direction. a/an …
• Play CD2 track 17. • Do this for several of the flashcards.
• Pause the CD after each number to allow • Ask a child to come to the front of the class.
children time to draw a line. Say Come here, please, (name).
CD script: • Tell her/him to hold up a flashcard and ask the
one – up (pause) class What’s this?
10 0

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Unit 13
• Children answer It’s a/an … • Write their names on the board in English,
beginning with the capital U.
Look, point and say • Tell them to write their name on the outside of
• Hold up your Student’s Book. Say Open your their exercise book.
books. • Follow the same procedure for capital and
• Tell children to turn to page 45. lower case Vv and the words van and vase.
• Point to the capital and lower case letter Uu.
• Say the letter sound u u u.
Listen and read
• Point to the pictures across the bottom of the
• Tell children to repeat it.
• Tell children that both capital U and lower
• For each one ask What’s this? Children answer
case u have the same sound.
It’s a/an …
• Hold up the flashcard of the capital and lower
• Point to the letters and words below each
case Uu.
• Children say the letter sound for U and u.
• Ask individual children to read the letter sound
• Stand with your back to the class and form of each letter. Then tell them to read the word.
capital U in the air with your right hand.
• Tell them to do this for the letters and words
• Tell children to form capital U in the same below each picture.
• Tell children that they are going to listen to
• Then form lower case u in the air with your the CD.
right hand.
• They should listen and then repeat the letter
• Tell children to form lower case u in the same sounds and the word they hear.
• They should point to the correct picture as
• Tell children to look again at the capital and they repeat.
lower case Uu on page 45.
• Play CD2 track 18.
• Tell them to trace the forms of both capital
• Pause the CD after each word to allow children
and lower case Uu with their fingers
time to repeat the letter sounds and the word.
• Ask several children to write the letters on the
board. CD script:
p–o–t pot (pause)
• Point to the picture showing the direction up.
d–o–g dog (pause)
Say up.
t–o–p top (pause)
• Hold up the flashcard for up. b–o–x box (pause)
• Say up. Tell children to repeat up several
times. Activity Book
• Point to the picture of an umbrella.
• Ask What’s this? Children answer It’s an Trace and write
umbrella. • Tell children to turn to page 47 in their
• Hold up the flashcard for umbrella. Activity Books.
• Say umbrella. Tell children to repeat umbrella • Point to the capital and lower case Uu.
several times. • Tell children to trace with their finger round
• Ask all children whose names begin with U to the capital and lower case Uu.
come to the front of the class. • Point to the line with capital U.


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Unit 13
• Tell them to trace with their finger round the • Help children to do this if necessary.
first capital U. • Check that they are drawing lines between the
• Tell them to trace over the two feint capital letters to make the words and then drawing a
letters with their pencils. line to the picture.
• Then tell them to complete the line by copying • Children then say the letter sounds and the
the capital U several times themselves. word for each word.
• Go round the class to check they are copying
the letter well.
• Point to the line with capital and lower case Unit 13  Lesson 3
• Tell children to trace the first Uu with their Aims: listening to and saying letter sounds
finger. to make simple words; writing simple
• Tell them to trace over the feint Uu with their words; singing a song to practise using
pencils. words showing direction and commands;
matching words and pictures of objects
• Then tell them to complete the line by copying
the capital and lower case Uu themselves. Language used: W
 hat are you writing? I’m
• Go round the class to check they are writing writing/fig/cap/ten/six/top;
the letters well. stand up, sit down, hands
up, hands down, thumbs up,
• Point to the picture of the umbrella.
thumbs down, turn round;
• Tell children to point to it and say the letter top, box, pot, dog
sound u u u.
You need: w
 ord flashcards for fig, cap, ten,
• Point to the words up and umbrella.
six, top, box, pot, dog; Student’s
• Tell them to write lower case u to complete Book p46; Activity Book p48; CD
the words _p and _mbrella. tracks 77–78
• Follow the same procedure for the letter Vv.

Join and match Starter

• Point to the pictures down the right side at • Greet children Good morning, children.
the bottom of the page. • Children answer Good morning, teacher.
• Point to the letters at the bottom of the page. • Draw an arrow pointing upwards and another
• Children use a letter from the left column, the arrow pointing downwards.
letter o in the middle column and a letter from • Point to the upwards arrow and say up. Tell
the right column to form the words for the children to repeat up.
objects in the picture. • Point to the downwards arrow and say down.
• For example, for the picture of a dog, children Tell children to repeat down.
choose the d from the left column, the o from
the middle column and the g from the right Listen, write and read
column to form the word dog. • Tell children to open their Student’s Book at
• Children draw a line between these three page 46.
letters and then a line to the picture of a dog. • Point to the picture at the top of the page.
• Make the correct word for the other pictures • Point to the words written in the picture.
in the same way, e.g. t – o – p, top; • Ask children to read these words.
b – o – x, box.

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Unit 13
• Point to the small pictures above the picture. • Tell children to repeat down. Say Sit down.
• For each one tell children to say the correct • Children sit down. Say Hands down.
word, e.g. top. • Children put their hands down.
• Tell children they are going to listen to the CD. • Say thumbs down. (Note: We do not pronounce
• Tell them to listen to the questions and the letter b in the word thumb. We say it as
answers, the letter sounds and words on the thum.) Children put their thumbs down.
CD. Tell them to repeat them. • Say turn round and round.
• Play CD2 track 19. • Turn round and round yourself. Tell children to
• Pause the CD to allow children time to repeat. turn round and round.
CD script: • Tell children that they are going to listen to
Child 1: What are you writing? (pause) and sing a song using these actions.
Child 2: I’m writing ‘top’. (pause) • They sing the song and do the action they
Child 1: t – o – p, top. (pause) hear as they sing.
Child 2: What are you writing? (pause) • Play CD2 track 20.
Child 1: I’m writing ‘ten’. (pause)
Child 2: t – e – n, ten. (pause) CD script:
Stand up
• Go round to check that children are repeating Sit down
correctly. Hands up
• Ask two children to come to the front of the Hands down
class. Thumbs up
• Tell one to write one of the words from the Thumbs down.
picture on the board. Stand up, stand up
Turn round and round
• Tell the second child to ask What are you Sit down, sit down.
writing? Hands up
• The first child answers I’m writing …(word). Thumbs up
• The second child then says the letter sounds Stand up
for the word and then says the word, Sit down.
e.g. f – i – g, fig.
• Play the CD again.
• Do the same with several other pairs of
• Pause it after each line so that children can
learn the words and do the action.
Listen and sing • Play the CD several times in this way so that
children can learn the song.
• Point to the upwards arrow on the board again
and say up. Tell children to repeat up. • Play the CD through without pausing.
• Then say Stand up. Children stand up. • Tell children to sing with the CD and do the
• Say Hands up.
• Do this several times.
• Motion to children to put their hands up in the
air. • Ask a group of children to come to the front of
the class.
• Say thumbs up and put your thumb up. Tell
children to do the same. • Say Come here, please, (name) for each child.
• Point to the downwards arrow again and say • Tell them to try to sing the song themselves.


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Unit 13
Activity Book
Join and write
• Tell children to turn to page 48 in their
Activity Books.
• Point to the picture of the magician.
• Ask children in Kurdish what they think the
man is and what he is doing.
• Point to the objects coming out of the box.
• For each object ask What’s this? Children
answer It’s a/an …
• Point to the numbers in the picture.
• Ask a child to point to the numbers and say
• Point to the numbers down the side of the
• Point to the words below the picture.
• Ask children to read each word, e.g. dog.
• Tell children to join the number of the object
with the correct word below the picture as in
the example.
• Point to the number 1 and the word box and
the line next to it.
• Point to the other blank lines by the other
• Tell them then to write the word several times
on the line by the number of the object.
• For example, children join the number 2 in the
picture with the word top and then write the
word top several times along the blank line
opposite number 2.
• Go round the class to help children.
• Make sure they are joining the correct numbers
and objects.
• Check that they are writing the words
• At the end of the lesson say Goodbye children.
• Children answer Goodbye …(your name).

10 4

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Unit 14
Unit 14  Lesson 1 • Tell them to point to the pictures as they
• Play CD2 track 21.
Aims:  showing possession; learning new
words with w and x CD script:
(picture 1)
New language: She/Kitty has a/an …; He/ Laura: What’s that?
Foxy has a/an …; chalk, fox, Aveen: It’s chalk.
watch Laura: What are you doing?
Revised language: What’s that? It’s a/an …; Aveen: I’m drawing. I’m drawing a fox.
What are you doing? I’m  (picture 2)
…ing; Look! Open the …; (Foxy appears at the window, waving)
Hello! My name’s …; Who’s Laura: Look, a fox! Who’s this?
this?; I’m …; I have a/ Aveen: Open the window quickly!
an …; box, window, flower, (picture 3)
top, doll, car; please Foxy: Hello. My name’s Foxy.
Laura: My name’s Laura.
You need: picture flashcards of several Aveen: And I’m Aveen.
objects already learnt in this book; (picture 4)
Student’s Book p47; Activity Book Foxy: Look! I have a box.
p49; CD tracks 79–81 Laura: Open the box, please.
Aveen: Look, he has a watch.
Starter • Play the CD again.
• Greet children Hello! as they enter the • Check that children are pointing to the correct
classroom. picture.
• Ask several children What’s your name?
Children answer My name’s …(name). Listen, point and say
• Hold up a picture flashcard and say I have • Point to the picture at the bottom of the page.
a/an … • Point to each character and ask Who’s this?
• Ask a child to come to the front of the class. • Children answer It’s …
• Tell him/her to hold up a picture flashcard and • Point to the objects each of them is holding
say I have a/an … and ask What’s this?
Look and listen • Children answer It’s a/an …
• Tell children to open their Student’s Book on • Tell children they are going to listen to the CD.
page 47. • They listen and then point to the character or
• Point to the four pictures. object they hear.
• Ask children in Kurdish what they can see in • They repeat what they hear.
the four pictures. • Say Listen.
• Point to Foxy and ask Who’s this? • Play CD2 track 22.
• Children answer It’s Foxy. • Pause the CD after each sentence to allow
• Tell them they are going to listen to a story on children time to point and repeat.
the CD. CD script:
• Tell them to follow the correct order of the This is Foxy. (pause)
pictures as they listen. Look, he has a watch. (pause)

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Unit 14
He has a top. (pause) Say Look.
This is Kitty. (pause) • Point to Foxy and Kitty.
She has a flower. (pause)
• For each of them point and ask Who’s this?
She has a box. (pause)
• Children answer It’s …
• Play the CD again. • For each of the objects on the right of the
• Go round to check that children are pointing picture point and ask What’s this?
to the correct picture. • Children answer It’s a/an …
• Check that they are repeating the sentences • Tell children that they are going to listen to
correctly. the CD.
Activity Book • They will hear the name of a character and an
Listen and number • They join the character and the object by
• Tell the children to turn to page 49 in their drawing a line between them.
Activity Books. • Tell them to join just the objects they hear.
• Point to the four pictures at the top of the • They will not hear all the objects.
page. • Play CD2 track 23.
• Explain that they are the same four pictures • Pause the CD to allow children time to join
for the story they have just heard, but that the the character mentioned with the object
pictures are not in the correct order. mentioned.
• Point to the small boxes at the bottom of each CD script:
picture. Look at Kitty. She has a doll. (pause)
• Tell them that they are going to listen to the Look at Foxy. He has a box. (pause)
CD. Kitty has a watch. (pause)
• They will hear the story for the four pictures in And Foxy has a car. (pause)
the correct order.
• Play the CD again.
• For each picture of the story they will hear a
• Go round to check that children are joining the
correct character to the correct objects.
• They write the number in the small box by the
correct picture.
• Play CD track 79 again.
• Pause the CD to allow children time to write
the numbers in the correct boxes.
• Play the CD again so that children can check
their answers.
• Go round to check that children are writing the
numbers in the correct boxes.
• Play the CD again.
• Tell children to listen and to point to the
correct pictures in the order 1, 2, 3, and 4.

Listen and join

• Point to the picture at the bottom of the page.

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Unit 14
Unit 14  Lesson 2 • Tell them to introduce themselves to each
• Then tell the first child to ask How are you?
Aims: recognising capital letters for W and
X; tracing and writing lower case • Tell the second child to answer I’m fine, thank
and capital Ww and Xx; writing lower you.
case initial and final letters on names • Invite several more pairs to the front of the
of objects; making sentences about class.
possession of objects • Tell them to introduce themselves to each
Language used: watch, window, fox, box, other and then to greet each other.
chair, car, top
Look, point and say
You need: flashcards of capital W and X; • Tell children to open their Student’s Book on
picture flashcards of watch, chair page 48.
and fox; Book 1 flashcards of
window and box; Student’s Book • Point to the capital and small letter Ww.
p48; Activity Book p50 • Say the letter sound w w w. Tell children to
repeat it.
• Tell children that both capital W and lower
Box 22: The sounds ch and sh case w have the same sound.
All the letters in the English alphabet have • Hold up the flashcard of the capital and lower
a letter sound. You have already taught the case Ww.
children these letter sounds. • Children say the letter sound for W and w.
There are some other sounds in English that • Stand with your back to the class and form
are made by combining two letters. These capital W in the air with your right hand.
letters are said together to make a new sound. • Tell children to form capital W in the same
In this unit we are introduced to the sound way.
made by saying c and h together (ch). In the
next unit we will learn the sound made by • Then form lower case w in the air with your
saying s and h together (sh). right hand.
• Tell children to form lower case w in the same
We will learn more sounds like this in Book 3. way.
• Tell children to look again at the capital and
Starter lower case Ww on page 48.
• Greet children Good morning, children. • Tell them to trace the forms of both capital
• Children answer Good morning, teacher. and lower case Ww with their fingers.
• Ask children to count from 1 to 20. • Ask several children to write both capital and
lower case Ww on the board.
• Ask individual children to stand up. Say Stand
up. • Point to the picture of the watch and ask
What’s this?
• Tell them to introduce themselves to the class.
• Help children to say It’s a watch. Say watch.
• Tell them to say either Hello, I’m … or Hello.
My name’s … • Tell children to repeat watch several times.
• Ask two children to come to the front of the • Do the same for window.
class. • Ask all children whose names begin with W to


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Unit 14
come to the front of the class. • Trace along the line from Karwan to the
• Write their names on the board in English, object.
beginning with a capital W. • Say He has a watch.
• Tell them to write their name on the outside of • Do the same for Aveen or Kitty. Say This is …
their exercise book. She has a …
• Follow the same procedure for capital and • Ask a child to come to the front of the class.
lower case Xx and for the words box and fox. Say Come here, please, (name).
• Point to the letters ch next to the picture of • Tell her/him to hold up her/his book and point
the chair. Say ch. to a character.
• Tell children to repeat ch in the air several • Help them to say This is …(name).
times. • Then tell them to trace with their finger along
• Stand with your back to the class and form the the line from one of the characters to the
lower case letters ch in the air with your right object. Help them to say either She has a …
hand. Tell children to do the same. or He has a …
• Point to the picture of a chair and ask What’s • Divide the class into pairs.
this? Help children to say It’s a chair. • Tell children to take it in turns to point to a
• Say chair. Tell children to repeat chair several character, to introduce them This is …
times. • They then trace along the line from the
• Ask a child to come to the front of the class. character to the object and say either She has
• Say Come here, please, (name). a … or He has a …
• Write a letter, either capital or lower case Ww • Go round the class to listen to them and to
or Xx or the letters ch on their back with your help them where necessary.
• Tell the child to say the letter sound for the
Activity Book
letter you have written. • Hold up your Activity Book.
• Do this with several more children. • Say Open your books. Tell children to turn to
page 50.
• Divide the class into pairs. Tell children to take
turns to write a letter on their partner’s back • Point to the capital and lower case Ww.
with their finger. • Tell children to trace with their finger round
• Their partner then says the letter sound for the capital and lower case Ww.
that letter or pair of letters. • Point to the line with capital W. Say Look.
• Tell them to trace with their finger round the
Point and say first capital W.
• Point to the picture at the bottom of the page. • Tell them to trace over the feint capital W with
Say Look. their pencils.
• For each character ask Who’s this? • Then tell them to complete the line by copying
• Children answer It’s …(name). the capital W themselves.
• For each of the objects ask What’s this? • Go round the class to check they are copying
• Children answer It’s a/an … the letter well.
• Hold up your book. • Point to the line with capital and lower case
• Point to one of the characters, e.g. Karwan.
Say This is Karwan. • Tell children to trace the first Ww with their


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Unit 14
Language used: T his is …(name); She has
• Tell them to trace over the feint Ww with their a/an …; He has a/an …;
pencils. orange, bag, banana, car,
• Then tell them to copy the capital and lower monkey, flower, kite, doll,
case Ww themselves. watch, van, parrot, hat, top;
• Go round the class to check they are writing pot, leg, fig, dog, jam; Look
the letters well. at …; Here’s …; Look!
• Point to the pictures of the watch and the You need: o bjects that children have already
window. learnt, e.g. orange, bag, banana,
• Tell children to point to them and say the toys of animals, etc; coloured
letter sound w w w. pencils; word flashcards for pot,
leg, hat, fig, dog, jam; Student’s
• Point to the words watch and window.
Book p49; Activity Book p51; CD
• Tell them to write lower case w to complete track 82
the words _atch and _indow.
• Follow the same procedure for the letter Xx.
• Point to the letters ch and to the picture of a Starter
chair. • Greet children Hello! as they enter the
• Say ch ch ch. classroom. Children answer Hello!
• Tell children to repeat ch ch ch. • Place some objects near to you and some a
distance from you.
• Say chair. Tell children to repeat the word chair
several times. • Point to a single object near you and ask
What’s this?
• Point to the line of the letters ch.
• Children answer It’s a/an …
• Tell them to trace round the first ch with their
finger. • Point to a single object some distance from
you and ask What’s that?
• Then tell them to trace the feint letters with
their pencil. • Point to several of the same object near you,
e.g. several pens, and ask What are these?
• Then tell them to complete the line by writing Children answer They’re pens.
the letters ch by themselves several times.
• Point to a group of the same object some
• Tell them to write ch to complete the word distance from you and ask What are those?
• Children answer, e.g. They’re books or They’re

Unit 14  Lesson 3 • Ask individual children to come to the front of

the class.
• Help them to ask questions in the same way.
Aims: playing a game to practise introducing
one another and talking about Play
possessions; matching characters with
objects; colouring objects; asking about • Point to the picture on page 49.
objects; re-arranging letters to write • Point to the objects that the children in the
and read simple words picture are holding.
• Ask What’s this? Children answer It’s a/an …


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Unit 14
• Ask 10 or 12 children to come to the front of • Children say, e.g. k k k.
the class. • Point to the objects in the treasure chest. For
• Say Come here, please, (name) for each one. each one ask What’s this?
• Tell them to stand in a circle. • Children answer, e.g. It’s a monkey.
• Tell one child to stand in the middle of the • Tell children they are going to listen to the CD.
circle. • Tell them to draw a line between the character
• Give several objects to different children in they hear and the objects that are mentioned
the circle, e.g. a banana, an orange, a toy car. for that character.
• Tell children to pass the objects round the • Say Listen. Play CD2 track 24.
circle, from left to right. • Pause the CD to allow children time to draw
• Clap your hands. lines between the characters and the objects.
• Tell children to stop passing the objects. CD script:
• Tell the child in the middle to point to one of Look at Karwan. He has a car and a monkey.
the children holding an object. (pause)
• The child in the middle then introduces the And Kitty has a flower and a kite. (pause)
child holding the object, This is …(name). Here’s Aveen. She has a doll and a watch.
• She/he then says, e.g. He has an orange or She
Oh look! Sam has a van and a parrot. (pause)
has a car.
And Laura has a hat and a top. (pause)
• The child in the middle does the same for
all the children in the circle who are holding • Play the CD again.
objects. • Go round to check children are joining the
• The child in the middle then goes into the correct characters and objects.
circle. • Tell children to take their coloured pencils. Tell
• Choose another child from the circle to go into children to colour the picture as they wish.
the middle of the circle. • When children have coloured the picture, ask
• Continue the game in this way. two children to come to the front of the class
• Ask several groups of 10 to 12 children to with their Activity Books.
come to the front of the class and to play the • Tell the first one to point to an object in the
game in the same way. picture and to ask What’s this?
• Help the second child to answer, e.g. It’s a
Activity Book green car.
• Do the same with several other pairs of
Listen and draw children at the front of the class.
• Tell children to open their Activity Books at • Then tell children to work with a partner.
page 51.
• Tell them to take it in turns to ask and answer
• Point to the picture at the top of the page. questions in the same way.
• Point to each of the characters in the picture • Go round to listen and to help where
and ask Who’s this? necessary.
• Children answer, e.g. It’s Sam.
• Point to the children’s badges. Find and write
• For each badge, ask children to say the letter • Point to the pictures at the bottom of the
sound of the letter on the badge. page.


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Unit 14
• For each picture ask children to say the word
for the object, e.g. pot, leg.
• Hold up word flashcards for the objects in the
• Ask children to read the words on the
flashcards, first of all as a class and then
• Point to the jumbled words under the pictures.
• Tell them that they are the words for the
objects in the pictures but that they have
been written wrongly.
• Tell them to rearrange the letters to make the
words for the pictures, e.g. gif = fig.
• Tell them to write the word under the correct
picture when they have re-arranged them.
Answers: gif = fig; odg = dog; lge = leg; maj =
jam; top = pot; tha = hat
• Go round to check that children are managing
to rearrange the letters to make words.
• Check that they are writing the correct words
under the correct pictures.
• At the end of the lesson say Goodbye children.
Children answer Goodbye …(your name).


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Unit 15
Unit 15  Lesson 1 • Tell children to follow this order as they listen
to the story on the CD.
• Play CD2 track 25.
Aims: asking what colour an object is;
describing objects according to their CD script:
colour; learning new words with y and (picture 1)
z; matching objects with the letter Laura: Hello, Kitty.
sound they begin with Kitty: Hello, Laura.
Laura: I have a new bag.
New language: What colour is it? It’s … Kitty: What colour is it?
(colour); yo-yo, zip, shirt, new (picture 2)
Revised language: Hello! I have a …; What’s Laura: It’s pink and purple.
that? It’s a …; Look! up Kitty: What’s that?
and down; it’s very nice; I Laura: It’s a zip. Look: up and down, up and
like …s; no; I’m sorry down.
Kitty: It’s lovely, Laura.
You need: word flashcards for words that (picture 3)
contain the vowels a, e, i and o; Sam: Hello, Laura and Kitty. I have a new
Student’s Book p50; Activity Book shirt.
p52; CD tracks 83–85 Laura: It’s very nice, Sam.
Karwan: And I have a yo-yo.
Kitty: I like yo-yos. Lets play!
Starter (picture 4)
Kitty: Oh, no!
• Greet children Good morning, children. Children
Karwan: Oh, my lovely yo-yo!
answer Good morning, teacher.
Kitty: I’m sorry, Karwan!
• Hold up a word flashcard and ask children to
read the word. • Play the CD again.
• Do this for all the flashcards of words children • Check that children are pointing to the correct
have learnt to read so far. picture as they listen.
• Put all the word flashcards on the table.
Listen, point and say
• Ask a child to come to the front of the class.
• Tell children to look at the pictures at the
• Say Come here, please, (name). bottom of the page.
• Tell the child to choose several flashcards and • For each object, ask What’s this? Help children
to hold them up and read the word on them. answer It’s a …
• Do this with several other children. • Tell children they are going to listen to the CD.
Look and listen • They will hear questions about what colour the
objects are.
• Tell children to open their Student’s Book at
page 50. • They will hear the answer to each question.
• Point to the four pictures. Say Look. • They point to the correct picture and repeat
the answer they hear.
• Hold up your book.
• Say Listen. Play CD2 track 26.
• Point to the pictures in the order children
should follow the story (top left, top right, • Pause the CD after each question and answer
bottom left, bottom right). to allow children time to point to the correct
picture and to repeat the answer.

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Unit 15
CD script: box of the correct picture.
I have a new bag. What colour is it? It’s green
CD script:
and purple. (pause)
one – Look, I have a new bag. (pause)
I have a new yo-yo. What colour is it? It’s pink
two – And I have a zip. (pause)
and red. (pause)
three – I have a new cap. (pause)
I have a new shirt. What colour is it? It’s blue
four – And a yo-yo. (pause)
and white. (pause)
five – And I have a new shirt. (pause)
• Play the CD again.
• Play the CD again.
• Go round to check that children are pointing
• Go round to check that children are ticking the
to the correct picture.
correct boxes.
• Check that they are repeating the answers
correctly. Circle and say
• Point to the pictures again. • Point to the letters down the left-hand side at
• For each picture ask What colour is it? the bottom of the page.
• Children answer, e.g. It’s blue and white. • Hold up your book.
• Point to each letter and tell children to say
Activity Book the letter sound for that letter.
• Children say, e.g. y y y.
Listen and tick
• Point to the first row of pictures opposite the
• Tell children to open their Activity Books at
letter y.
page 52.
• For each one ask children to say the name of
• Point to the numbers down the left-hand side
the object, e.g. yo-yo, zip.
at the top of the page.
• Tell them to look at a letter on the left.
• Hold up your book.
• They then look at the row of pictures opposite
• Point to each number and say Count. Children
the letter.
count from 1 to 5.
• They circle any word in the row of pictures
• Point to the rows of pictures on the right-hand
that begins with the letter sound of the letter.
side of the page.
• For example, if the letter on the left is y,
• Point to the first row.
children would circle the pictures of the yo-yo
• For each picture ask What’s this? Children and the yogurt.
answer It’s a …
• They would not circle the pictures of the zip
• Tell children that they are going to listen to and the van because these two words do not
the CD. begin with the letter sound y.
• Explain that for each number they will hear a • Tell children to look at each letter on the left
word of an object. in turn and to circle the pictures of objects
• They look at the row of pictures to the right of opposite the letters that begin with that letter
the number. sound.
• They write a tick in the small box next to the • Go round the class to check that they are
picture of the object they hear. circling the correct words.
• Play CD2 track 27.
• Pause the CD after each number and sentence
to allow children time to write a tick in the


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Unit 15
Unit 15  Lesson 2 • Tell children that both capital Y and lower case
y have the same sound.
• Hold up the flashcard of the capital and lower
Aims: recognising capital letters for Y and case Yy.
Z; recognising the sound made by the
letters sh; tracing and writing lower • Children say the letter sound for Y and y.
case and capital Yy and Zz and sh; • Stand with your back to the class and form
writing lower case initial letters and sh capital Y in the air with your right hand.
on names of objects; recognising simple • Tell children to form capital Y in the same way.
words containing the vowel u; reading • Then form lower case y in the air with your
and writing these words. right hand.
Language used: yo-yo, yogurt, zip, zebra, • Tell children to form lower case y in the same
shirt; jug, nut way.
You need: classroom objects in various • Tell children to look again at the capital and
colours that children have already lower case Yy on page 51.
learnt; flashcards of capital Y and • Tell them to trace the forms of both capital
Z; picture flashcards of yo-yo, and lower case Yy with their fingers.
shirt and zip; Book 1 flashcards of • Ask several children to write both capital and
yogurt and zebra; word flashcards lower case Yy on the board.
of jug and nut; Student’s Book p51;
Activity Book p53; CD track 86 • Point to the picture of the yo-yo and ask
What’s this? Help children to say It’s a yo-yo.
• Hold up the picture flashcard for yo-yo.
Starter • Say yo-yo. Tell children to repeat yo-yo several
• Ask a child to stand at the classroom door. times.
• Tell her/him to greet the other children • Do the same for the yogurt.
Hello, … (name) as they enter the classroom.
• Ask all children whose names begin with Y to
• Hold up an object that children have learnt, come to the front of the class.
e.g. pen, book, chair, bag, ruler, etc. and ask
• Write their names on the board in English,
children What colour is it?
beginning with a capital Y.
• Children answer, e.g. It’s red.
• Tell them to write their name on the outside of
• Do this with various different coloured objects. their exercise book.
• Ask a child to come to the front of the class. • Follow the same procedure for capital and
• Tell him/her to hold up an object and to ask lower case Zz and for the words zip and zebra.
What colour is it? • Point to the letters sh. Say the sound sh.
• Children answer It’s … • Tell children to repeat the sound sh several
Look, point and say • Tell children to trace with their fingers round
• Tell children to turn to page 51 in their the letters sh.
Student’s Books.
• Point to the picture of the shirt and ask What’s
• Point to the capital and lower case Yy. this?
• Say Look. • Help children to say It’s a shirt.
• Say the letter sound y y y. Tell children to • Say shirt. Tell children to repeat shirt several
repeat it. times.

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Unit 15
Listen and read • Tell them to trace with their finger round the
first capital Y.
• Point to the two pictures at the bottom of the
page. • Tell them to trace over the two feint capital
letters with their pencils.
• Point to the first picture and ask What’s this?
Children answer It’s a jug. • Then tell them to complete the line by copying
the capital Y several times themselves.
• Do the same for nut.
• Go round the class to check they are copying
• Point to the letters and the word under each
the letter well.
• Point to the line of capital and lower case Yy.
• Ask a child to say the letter sounds of the
letters for the picture of a jug. • Tell children to trace the first Yy with their
• Then tell the child to say the word jug.
• Tell them to trace over the feint Yy with their
• Do the same for the letters and word for the
picture of a nut.
• Then tell them to complete the line by copying
• Tell children they are going to listen to the CD.
the capital and lower case Yy themselves.
• They will hear letter sounds and words.
• Go round the class to check they are writing
• They should point to the correct letters and the letters well.
words and repeat them.
• Point to the pictures of the yo-yo and the bowl
• Say Listen. Play CD2 track 28. of yogurt.
• Pause the CD to allow children time to repeat • Tell children to point to them and say the
the letter sounds and words. letter sound y y y.
CD script: • Point to the words yo-yo and yogurt.
j – u – g jug (pause) • Tell them to write lower case y to complete the
n – u – t nut (pause) words _o-_o and _ogurt.
nut, jug (pause)
• Follow the same procedure for the letter Zz.
jug, nut (pause)
• Point to the letters sh.
• Play the CD again. • Point to the picture of the shirt.
• Check that children are saying the letter • Tell children to say shirt several times.
sounds and words correctly.
• Point to the row with sh.
• Check that they are pointing to the correct
letters and words. • Tell children to trace over the first sh with
their finger.
Activity Book • Tell them to trace over the feint letters with
their pencil.
Trace and write • Then tell them to complete the row by writing
• Tell children to open their Activity Books on the letters sh several times themselves.
page 53. • Tell them to write sh to complete the word
• Point to the capital and lower case Yy. _irt.
• Tell children to trace with their finger round
the capital and lower case Yy.
• Point to the line with capital Y.


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Unit 15
Unit 15  Lesson 3 CD script:
Magician: Let’s play.
I have a ruler. What colour is it?
Aims: playing a game to practise asking Laura: Is it brown? (pause)
questions about colours; listening to Magician: Yes.
the names of colours and colouring I have a top. What colour is it?
objects in the colours mentioned Laura: Is it red? (pause)
Language used: I have a … ; What colour Magician: No.
is it? Is it …?(colour); yes, Kitty: Is it blue? (pause)
no; numbers 1–4; red, pink, Magician: Yes.
grey, blue, brown, black, grey, • Play the CD again.
white, yellow, green, purple
• Check that children are asking the questions
You need: coloured objects that children have correctly.
learnt and in colours the children • Tell children that they are going to play the
know; a bag, coloured pencils; game themselves.
Student’s Book p52; Activity Book
p54; CD tracks 87–88 • Put some objects in the bag without the
children seeing what they are.
• Choose an object in the bag but do not pull it
Starter out.
• Greet children Good morning, children. Children • Say I have a …(object).
answer Good morning, teacher.
• Then say What colour is it?
• Hold up a coloured object and ask What is it?
• Ask individual children to guess what colour
Children answer It’s a/an …
the object is by asking, e.g. Is it yellow?
• Ask What colour is it? Children answer, e.g. It’s
• Answer either yes or no.
• If you answer no five times, take the object
• Do the same with various other coloured
out of the bag.
• Answer the question yourself, e.g. It is blue.
Listen and play • If a child guesses the answer correctly before
• Tell children to turn to page 52 in their you have said no five times, tell that child to
Student’s Books. come to the front of the class and to take over
from you.
• Point to the picture of a magician.
• Tell them to choose an object in the bag and
• Point to the bag and ask What’s this? Children
play the game as you did.
answer It’s a bag.
• Do the same with the ruler. Activity Book
• Tell children they are going to play a game.
• Tell them they will listen to the CD to find out Listen and colour
how the game is played. • Point to the picture of the juggler. Point to the
• Tell them to repeat the question so that they numbers on the juggler’s clothes and on the
can play the game themselves. balls.
• Play CD2 track 29. • Ask a child to hold up his/her book.
• Tell him/her to point to the numbers and to
count them.


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Unit 15/Revision 5
• Tell children they are going to listen to the CD.
You need: v arious coloured objects that
• They will hear a number and the colour. children already know, in colours
• They find the number in the picture and colour they know; word flashcards for
the item of clothing the number is in the pot, jug, jam, sit, dog, nut; action
colour they hear on the CD. flashcards for the actions I’m
• They colour the ball with that number the drawing, reading, dancing, jumping,
same colour. counting; Student’s Book p53;
Activity Book pp55–56; CD track 89
• Tell children to take their coloured pencils.
• Play CD2 track 30.
• Pause the CD to allow children time to colour Starter
the objects. • Greet children Good morning, children. Children
• Allow several minutes for this. answer Good morning, teacher.
• Hold up an object that the children know.
CD script:
Colour one purple. (pause for colouring) • Ask What’s this? Children answer It’s a/an …
Colour two pink. (pause) • Ask children What colour is it? Children answer
Colour three grey. (pause) It’s …(colour).
Colour four blue. (pause) • Do the same with various other objects.
• Go round the class to check children are • Then hold up an object and say I have a/an …
colouring the correct objects in the correct • Do this for various different objects.
colour. • Put the objects on your table.
• Ask a child to come to the front of the class.
Say Come here, please, (name).
Revision 5 • Tell him/her to choose an object and hold it
Aims: revising asking about objects; talking • Tell him/her to say I have a/an …
about possession; talking about
• Do the same for various other objects, using
colours; counting from 1–20; reading
different children.
and writing simple words containing all
the vowels; revising capital and lower
case letters of the alphabet; talking
about actions • Tell children to open their Student’s Book on
page 53.
Language used: What’s this? It’s a/an …; I
• Point to the picture at the top of the page.
have a/an …; numbers 1–20;
colours: red, yellow, blue, • Tell them that the children are playing a game.
green, black, white, grey, • Point to the car in the picture.
brown, pink, purple; the words: • Ask What’s this? Children answer It’s a car.
pot, jug, jam, sit, dog, nut,
• Ask What colour is it? Children answer It’s red.
hat, leg, six, top; monkey, frog,
banana, car, elephant; What • Tell children they are also going to play a
are you doing? I’m drawing, game.
reading, jumping, falling, • Ask eight or ten children to come to the front
counting, dancing; capital and of the class.
lower case letters Aa–Zz • Tell them to form a circle.


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Revision 5
• Give one of them a coloured object, e.g. a • For each picture ask a child to say the name of
yellow banana, a red apple, a blue bag. the object in the picture, e.g. pot, jug.
• Tell them to pass the coloured object round • Point to the letters under the pictures.
the circle. • Ask a child to say the letter sounds and then
• Clap your hands and tell children to stop the word for the object in the picture.
passing the object. • Hold up a word flashcard for one of the words.
• Tell the child who is holding the object to say • Ask a child to read it.
I have a/an …
• Tell the other children to point to the picture
• Then tell them to say It is …(colour). of the object written on the card.
• Invite a child in the class (i.e. not playing • Tell them to read the word as a class.
the game) to talk about the child who has the
• Do the same for all the flashcards.
• Point to the letters of the alphabet at the
• Help them to say, for example: She has a red
bottom of the page.
apple or He has a blue bag.
• Tell children to say the letter sounds for the
• Change the object, e.g. instead of the red
letters from Aa to Zz.
apple, give the children in the circle a purple
fig. • Remind children that the sound for both
capital and lower case letters is the same.
• Start the game again in the same way.
• Ask an individual child to say the letter sounds
• After a while, ask another group of eight to
for the letters of the alphabet.
ten children to come to the front of the class.
• Do the same with other children.
Count and play • Remind children that there are 26 letters in
• Ask children to count together from 1 to 20. the English alphabet and now they know the
sound that each letter makes.
• Ask another group of eight to ten children to
come to the front of the class. • This will help them to read words.
• Tell them they are going to play a counting • Tell them that we usually list the letters in the
game. order that they appear at the bottom of this
page, reading from left to right in each line.
• Tell them to count from 1 to 20 round the
Activity Book
• Then tell them to count from 1 to 20 again,
but this time, every fifth number, they do not Listen and write
say the number, but instead they say Buzz.
• Tell children to open their Activity Books on
• For example, they count one, two, three, four, page 55.
Buzz! six, seven, eight, nine, Buzz! eleven …,
• Point to the pictures.
• For each picture, ask children to say the action
• If a child makes a mistake in counting, he or
the children in the pictures are doing, e.g.
she drops out of the circle.
drawing, reading.
• The winner is the child who is left after all
• Hold up the flashcards for the actions.
the other children in the circle have made a
mistake. • Children say the word for the action on the
Read • Point to the small box next to the picture.
• Point to the pictures. • Tell children they are going to listen to the CD.

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Revision 5
• They will hear a number and an action for each Circle and write
• Tell children to turn over the page in their
• They listen to the number and the action. Activity Book.
• Then they write the number in the small box • Point to the letters (both capital and lower
next to the picture which shows the action case) by each picture.
• Tell children to say the letter sounds for each
• Play CD2 track 31. letter.
• Pause the CD after each number to allow • Remind children that we use a lower case
children time to write the numbers by the letter if we are talking about an object.
correct pictures.
• We use a capital letter to begin the name of a
CD script: person or place.
one – I’m drawing. (pause) • Point to the pictures.
two – And we’re dancing. (pause)
three – What are you doing? I’m reading. • If the picture is an object, ask What’s this?
(pause) Children answer It’s a/an …
four – Oh help! I’m falling! (pause) • If the picture is a person, ask Who’s this?
five – Hello! We’re jumping. (pause) Children answer It’s …(name)
six – And I’m counting. (pause) • Point to the blank spaces in the word below
each picture.
• Play the CD again to allow children to check
their answers. • When children have answered the question
for each picture, they decide whether to write
• Then play it again. Tell children to point to
a capital or a lower case letter in the blank
the correct picture as they listen.
space by the picture.
• Pause the CD for each picture.
• They then circle the letter they have chosen
• Remind children that we say I’m …ing when and write it in the blank space.
there is just one person speaking.
• Go round the class to check that they are
• Remind them that we say We’re …ing when writing the correct form of the letter in each
more than one person is speaking. blank space.

Circle and write Answers: Aveen monkey Kitty banana Sam

top Laura frog car elephant
• Point to the pictures down the left side at the
bottom of the page.
Find and colour
• For each one, ask children What’s this?
• Point to the letters of the alphabet at the
Children answer It’s a/an …
bottom of the page. Say Look.
• Point to the rows of words on the right-hand
• When children have filled in the blanks in
side alongside the pictures.
the words in the previous exercise with the
• Tell children that for each picture they should appropriate letters, tell them to find each
circle the correct word on the row next to it. letter they have filled in the words above in
• For example, for the picture of a jug, children the alphabet below. Tell them they can colour
should circle the word jug. the letters they have used, in any colour they
• They then write the word they have circled like.
twice to complete the row. • Go round to check that they are colouring the
• Go round to check they are circling the correct correct letters, i.e. A, m, K, b, S, t, L, f, c, e.
words and writing the words correctly.

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Unit 16
Unit 16  Lesson 1 • These sounds help us to read words.
• Hold up one of the word flashcards.
Aims: saying the names of letters of the • Ask a child to say the letter sounds for the
alphabet Aa–Mm letters in the word and then the word, e.g.
h – e – n, hen.
New language: names of letters Aa–Mm, e.g. • Do the same for the other word flashcards.
E is for egg, I is for insect;
I’m saying; the alphabet, the • Explain that there is another way of saying the
alphabet names; hurrah! letters.
• Each letter has a name. We use this name
Revised language: What are you doing?; when we are spelling.
What’s this? It’s …; very
good!; doll, jam, flower, • In this lesson, we will learn the names of the
monkey, ant, leg, goat, letters.
car, banana, king, hat,
elephant, insect Look and listen
• Tell children to open their Student’s Book on
You need: flashcards for letters of the page 54.
alphabet; word flashcards for hat,
jug, fig, dog and hen; picture • Point to the four pictures.
flashcards for apple, bag, cat, doll, • Point to the alphabet bricks.
egg, flower, girl, hen, insect, jam, • Ask children in Kurdish what you think the
leg, kitten, monkey; Student’s Book children are doing with these bricks.
p54; Activity Book p57; CD tracks • Tell them that they are going to listen to the
90–92 CD.
• Remind them of the order in which they
Box 23: Letter names follow the story on the CD (top left, top right,
We already know that each letter has a letter bottom left, bottom right).
sound. • Tell children to point to the pictures as they
listen to the story.
Letter sounds help us to read words, e.g.
n – u – t, nut. • Say Listen. Play CD2 track 32.

Each letter also has a letter name. CD script:

(picture 1)
We use letter names to show how we spell a Sam: What are you doing, Aveen?
word, e.g. A is for apple, E is for egg. Aveen: I’m saying the alphabet.
A is for apple, B is for bag,
C is for cat, D is for doll
Starter and E is for egg.
• Greet children Hello! Children reply Hello, … (picture 2)
(your name). Sam: What’s this?
• Hold up the letter flashcards for the letters Aa Aveen: It’s F. F is for flower.
to Mm. And G is for girl. H is for hen
• For each one ask children to say the letter and I is for insect.
sounds, e.g. a a a, b b b … Sam: That’s very good, Aveen!
(picture 3)
• Tell children these are the sounds the letters Aveen: Look, Kitty. J is for jam and L is for leg.

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Unit 16
Kitty: And K is for kitten. Miaow! Activity Book
Aveen: Very good, Kitty. And M is for monkey.
(picture 4) Join and say
All: A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, J, K, L and M.
• Tell children to open their Activity Books at
page 57.
• Play the CD again. • Point to the pictures in the middle of the
• Tell children to point to the letters on the letters.
alphabet bricks as they hear their names. • For each picture ask What’s this? Children
answer It’s a/an …
Listen and sing • Point to the letters round the pictures.
• Point to the letters Aa to Mm across the • Help children to tell you the name of each
bottom of the page. letter.
• Tell children they are going to learn the names • Tell children to match the letters and the
of the letters (not the letter sounds) so that pictures that begin with those letters.
they can learn to spell words.
• For example, they match j and the picture of
• We spell a word when we want to show what the pot of jam, g and the picture of the goat.
letters make a word (not when we are trying to
read a word). • Tell them to draw a line between each letter
and the picture that begins with that letter.
• Tell children to listen to the names of the
letters on the CD. • Go round to check that they are doing this
• Tell them to sing the song.
• Ask individual children to point to a letter and
• Play CD2 track 33. then the picture of the object that begins with
CD script: that letter.
A and B and C and D • Help them to say, e.g. E is for egg, using the
E and F and G letter name, not the letter sound.
H and I and J • Do this for all the letters and pictures.
K and L and M
These are the names, Listen and circle
The alphabet names.
Let’s sing the names again. • Tell children to look at the numbers down the
left-hand side at the bottom of the page.
• Pause the CD after each line to allow children • Ask a child to count the numbers.
to learn the song.
• Point to the rows of pictures and letters
• Play the CD several times to allow children to alongside each number.
do this.
• Tell children to work with a partner.
• Then play the CD all the way through.
• Tell them to take it in turns to point to a
• Tell children to sing along with this. picture and to ask What’s this?
• Play the CD several more times. • Their partner answers It’s a/an …
• Tell children to sing along. • Go round to listen to them and to help them
• Ask a group of children to say the alphabet where necessary.
names from Aa to Mm by themselves. • Tell children that they are going to listen to
• Then ask individual children to try to say the the CD.
alphabet names from Aa to Mm by themselves. • For each number they will hear a letter name

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Unit 16
and a word that begins with that letter, e.g. F • Ask children to say the letter names from Aa
is for flower. to Mm.
• They look at the number on the left and at the • Ask individual children to say them.
row of pictures and letters on the right of the
number and circle the picture of the object Point and say
they hear, e.g. they circle the picture of the • Tell children to open their Student’s Book at
flower. page 55.
• Play CD2 track 34. • Point to the small pictures at the top of the
• Pause the CD after each number to allow page.
children time to circle the correct words. • Ask a child to come to the front of the class.
CD script: • Say Come here, please, (name).
one – F is for flower (pause) • Tell him/her to hold up their book.
two – and I is for insect (pause)
• For each picture, tell her/him to ask What’s
three – L is for leg (pause)
four – and K is for king (pause)
• Children answer It’s a/an …
• Play the CD again. • Point to the letters below the pictures.
• Go round to check that they have circled the • Stand with your back to the class and form the
correct words. letters A and a in the air with your right hand.
• Tell children to form the letters in the same
Unit 16  Lesson 2 • Do the same for the other letters Bb to Mm.
• Point to the letters again.
Aims: tracing capital and lower case letters
Aa–Mm; saying the letter names • Tell children to point to each picture and say
Aa–Mm; listening to a letter name and the letter sound for the object in the picture,
writing the appropriate letter; saying e.g. a a a, ant, b b b, banana.
what words the letter names spell; • Do this for all the letters and pictures.
matching words and pictures
Say and write
Language used: ant, banana, car, doll,
elephant, frog, goat, hat, • Point to the picture. For each character in the
insect, jar of jam, king, leg, picture, ask Who’s this?
monkey; letters Aa–Mm; six, • Children answer It’s … (name).
top, cap, pen, fig, nut • Ask in Kurdish what the children in the picture
You need: word flashcards for six, top, cap, are doing.
pen, fig, nut; Student’s Book p55; • Ask two children to come to the front of the
Activity Book p58 class.
• Say Come here, please, (name) for both
• Tell the first one to say the name of a letter
• Ask several children to stand at the door and and then write the letter (capital and lower
greet other children Hello, …(name) as they case) on the board.
• Tell the second child to say, e.g. A is for apple
• Children entering reply Hello, …(name).


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Unit 16
and ant, B is for bag and banana. • Go round to listen to the children.
• Tell the two children to change places and to • Make sure they use an before a word that
repeat this with another letter. begins with a, e, i, o or u.
• Do this with several pairs of children. • Point to the rows of letters opposite the
• Then ask individual children to come to the pictures of the objects that begin with that
front of the class. letter.
• Tell them to say the name of a letter and then • Point to the row with Aa.
write it on the board. • Tell children to trace with their finger round
• Individual children in the class then say, e.g. J the first Aa.
is for juice and jam. • Tell them to trace with their pencil round the
• Divide the class into pairs. feint letters.
• Tell children to take their exercise books. • Tell them to complete the line by writing Aa
several times themselves.
• Tell them to take it in turns to say a letter
name and write the letter in their exercise • Ask a child to say the name of the letter.
books and to say, e.g. F is for fig and flower. • Tell the class to repeat the name.
• Go round the class and help children where • Then tell the class to say A is for ant.
necessary. • Follow the same procedure with the other
• Make sure they are saying the letter names and letters.
not the letter sounds.

Read Unit 16  Lesson 3

• Point to the pictures.
• For each picture, ask What’s this? Aims: p ractising the letter names of letters
• Individual children answer It’s a/an … Aa–Mm; saying a letter name and
• Point to the words below the pictures. then an object that begins with
that letter name; joining lower case
• Ask children to read the words.
letters a–m to complete a picture;
• Then ask individual children to read the words. listening to letter names and writing
• Hold up the word flashcards for these words at them to form simple words; reading
random. simple words
• Ask individual children to read the words. Language used: a nt, banana, car, duck,
elephant, frog, goat, hat,
Activity Book insect, juice, king, lion and
mouse; letters a–m; jug, cap,
Trace, write and say leg, pot, six, hat, fig
• Tell children to open their Activity Books at
You need: letter flashcards for Aa–Mm; word
page 58.
flashcards for jug, cap, leg, pot, six,
• Point to the pictures down the left-hand side hat, fig, dog; Student’s Book p56;
of the page. Activity Book p59; CD track 93
• Tell children to work in pairs.
• Tell them to take it in turns to point to a
picture and to ask What’s this? Starter
• The partner answers It’s a/an … • Greet children Good morning, children. Children


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Unit 16
answer Good morning, teacher. in the correct order.
• Hold up a letter flashcard and tell children to • Do this several times.
say the letter name for that letter. • Tell children to join the letters in alphabetical
• Do this for all the letters Aa to Mm. order with their pencils.
• Go round the class to check they are joining
Play the letters in the correct order.
• Point to the picture of the tree with the letters • Ask children what they see in the picture (a
hanging from it on page 56. monkey).
• For each of the letters, tell children to say the • Tell children to say M is for monkey.
letter name for that letter.
• Point to the objects at the bottom of the Listen and write
page. • Tell children to look at the pictures of objects
• Point to several of the objects and ask What’s at the bottom of the page.
this? Children answer It’s a/an … • For each one, tell a child to point to the
• Ask two children to come to the front of the picture and ask What’s this?
class with their Student’s Books. • Tell children to answer It’s a/an …
• Say Come here, please, (name) for each child. • Point to the words with blank spaces below
• Tell them to hold up their books. the pictures.
• Tell the first child to point to a letter and ask • Tell children they are going to listen to the CD.
What’s this? • They will hear a letter name and then the
• Help the second child to answer, e.g. It’s M. name of an object.
• Tell the second child to point to the object • They write the missing letter in the blank
that begins with the letter M and say M is for space in the word for the object.
mouse. • Play CD2 track 35.
• The second child points to the picture of the • Pause the CD to allow children time to write
mouse. the letters in the blank spaces in the words.
• Do the same with several more pairs of
CD script:
J is for jug. (pause)
• Tell children to work with a partner and to play C is for cap. (pause)
the game in the same way. L is for leg. (pause)
• Go round the class to help children. P is for pot. (pause)
S is for six. (pause)
Activity Book H is for hat. (pause)
D is for dog. (pause)
Join and draw F is for fig. (pause)
• Hold up your Activity Book. • Play the CD again so that children can check
• Say Open your books. Tell children to turn to their answers.
page 59. • Go round to check that they have written the
• Point to the dotted picture at the top of the correct letters in the correct words.
page. • Ask individual children to read the words
• Point to the letters a to m. below the pictures.
• Ask children to say the letter names for a to m


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Unit 16
• At the end of the lesson say Goodbye children.
• Children answer Goodbye …(your name).


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Unit 17
Unit 17  Lesson 1 Sam:
Look at my kite! P is for
parrot and Q is for queen.
Aims:  saying the names of letters of the (picture 2)
alphabet Nn–Zz Laura: R is for rabbit and S is for
New language: letter names for Nn–Zz; We’re spider.
learning Kitty: T is for tiger. Miaow.
And U is for up! Help!
Revised language: nut, orange, parrot, queen, Laura: Come back, Kitty!
rabbit, spider, tiger, up, (picture 3)
window, vase, yo-yo, zebra, Karwan: W is for window. And V is for
zip, nose, fox, watch, quiet, vase.
olive, top, van, ruler, kite Laura: X X X box. Y is for yo-yo.
You need: letter flashcards for Aa–Zz; Kitty: Z is for zebra.
Student’s Book p57; Activity Book (picture 4)
p60; CD tracks 94–96 All: N, O, P, Q, R, S, T, U, V, W, X, Y
and Z.
The alphabet names!
Kitty: Oh no! I’m falling!
• Greet children Good morning, children. Children • Play the CD again.
answer Good morning, teacher. • Check that children are pointing to the correct
• Hold up the flashcard for the letter Aa. picture.
• Tell children to say the letter name of the • Play the CD again.
letter. • Tell children to point to the correct capital
• Do the same for the letters Bb to Mm. letter in picture 4 as they listen.
• Hold up the letters at random. Children say the
names of the letters. Listen and sing
• Point to the capital and lower case Nn to Zz
Look and listen across the bottom of the page.
• Tell children to open their Student’s Book at • Point to a letter and say its letter name. Tell
page 57. children to repeat the letter name.
• Point to the four pictures. • Do this for all the letters.
• Ask children in Kurdish what they can see in • Tell children they are going to listen to the
the pictures. letter names on the CD.
• Tell them they are going to learn the letter • Play CD2 track 37.
names for the other letters of the alphabet. CD script:
• Tell them to point to the correct picture as A and B and C and D
they listen to the CD. E and F and G
• Play CD2 track 36. H and I and J
K and L and M
CD script: N and O and P and Q
(picture 1) R and S and T
Karwan and Sam: We’re learning alphabet U and V and W
names! X and Y and Z
Karwan: N is for nut and O is for

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Unit 17
These are the names, V is for van
The alphabet names. R is for ruler
Let’s sing the names again. Y is for yo-yo
• Play the CD again. • Play the CD again so that children can check
• Pause the CD after every line to allow children their answers.
to learn each line. • Go round to check that they are writing the
• Do this several times until children know the letters correctly in the correct boxes.
• Play the CD again.
• Tell children to sing the whole song with the Unit 17  Lesson 2
Aims: t racing and writing capital and lower
Activity Book case letters Nn–Zz; saying letter names
and letter sounds for these letters;
Listen, match and write writing children’s names in English;
• Tell children to open their Activity Book on reading simple words containing the
page 60. vowels a, e, i, o and u
• Point to the pictures. Language used: n ose, olive, parrot, quickly,
• Tell children to say the word for each picture, ruler, spider, top, up, van,
e.g. nose, olive, parrot. watch, fox, yo-yo, zip; jug,
pot, ten, leg, hat, hen; What’s
• Point to the small box at the bottom of each
this? It’s S; O is for olive, etc.
• Tell children they are going to listen to the CD. You need: letter flashcards for letters Aa–Zz;
word flashcards for jug, pot, ten,
• They will hear a letter name and an object.
leg, hat, hen; Student’s Book p58;
• They find the picture for the object. Activity Book p61; CD track 97
• They then write the capital and lower case
letters for the letter name they hear in the
small box of the picture. Starter
• Play CD2 track 38. • Greet children Hello, …(name). Children greet
you Hello, …(your name).
• Pause the CD after each letter name and
sentence to allow children time to write the • Hold up the letter flashcards at random.
letters in the box of the correct picture. • Tell children to say the letter name for each
CD script:
P is for parrot • Then hold them up in alphabetical order.
S is for spider • Tell children to say the letter names for the
Z is for zip whole alphabet in order.
U is for up
N is for nose Point and say
X is in fox • Tell children to open their Student’s Book at
W is for watch page 58.
Q is for quiet • Point to the pictures at the top of the page.
O is for olive Say Look.
T is for top

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Unit 17
• For each picture, ask children to say the name • Invite several children to write their names in
of the object. English on the board, copying from the name
• Children say, e.g. nose, olive, etc. they wrote on their exercise book.
• Point to the capital and lower case Nn to Zz • Correct them if they make a mistake.
across the page. • Ask if some of the children have forgotten how
• Point to the letter Nn. to write their names in English.
• Stand with your back to the class. Form capital • Write their names for them on a slip of paper.
N in the air with your right hand. • Tell children to take their exercise books.
• Tell children to do the same. • Tell them to take a new page.
• Form lower case n in the air with your right • Tell them to write their names several times.
hand. • Go round to check they are writing their names
• Tell children to form n in the same way. correctly.
• Point to Nn and ask children What’s this? Help • Make sure they begin their name with a capital
children to answer It’s N (using the letter name). letter.
• Say the letter name N. Tell children to say this. • The other letters of the name are lower case.
• Say N is for nose. Tell children to repeat this.
• Then say the letter sound n n n. Tell children
to repeat this. • Tell children to look at the pictures at the
bottom of the page.
• Say n – u – t, nut.
• For each picture tell them to say the word.
• Remind children that we use the letter name
for spelling. • Then tell them to read the words under the
• Remind them that we use the letter sound to
help us to read the word. • For each word tell them to first of all say the
letter sounds for each letter and then the
• Do the same for all the other letters Oo to Zz.
• Write a letter on the board, either capital or
• Hold up word flashcards for the words at
lower case.
• Ask children What’s this? Children answer, e.g.
• Ask individual children to read the words.
It’s P.
• Tell children to say the letter sound for P. Activity Book
Children say p p p.
Say, trace and write
Write and say • Tell children to open their Activity Books on
• Point to the picture of the children writing page 61.
their names on the blackboard.
• Point to the pictures down the left-hand side
• For each character ask Who’s this? Children of the page.
answer It’s …(name).
• For each picture tell children to say the name
• Point to the names and read them, e.g. Sam, of the object, e.g. nose, olive, parrot, etc.
Aveen, etc.
• Point to the letter Nn opposite the word nose.
• Remind children that you have already shown
• Ask What’s this? Children answer It’s N.
them how to write their names in English.
• Point to the picture and then to the letter
• Ask if any of them can write them on the

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Unit 17
• Say N is for nose. Tell children to repeat.
• Then say n n n nose. Children repeat.
Unit 17  Lesson 3
• Tell children to trace round the first Nn with Aims: s inging a song to practise the letter
their finger. names Aa–Zz; completing the names
• Tell them to trace round the feint Nn with of characters with the correct capital
their pencils. letter; writing their own names in
• Then tell them to complete the row by writing English; writing and reading simple
Nn several times themselves. words
• Go round to check they are writing the letters Language used: letter names Aa–Zz; names of
correctly. characters; pen, nut, pot, six,
• Follow the same procedure for the other hat
pictures and letters. You need: letter flashcards Aa–Zz; word
flashcards for pen, nut, pot, six,
Listen and write hat; Student’s Book p59; Activity
• Point to the numbers and the blank spaces at Book p62; CD track 98
the bottom of the page.
• Ask a child to point to the numbers and say
• Greet children Good morning, children. Children
• Tell children they are going to listen to the CD.
answer Good morning, teacher.
• They will hear a number and then a letter
• Hold up the letter flashcards one by one in
name and a word beginning with that letter
alphabetical order.
• Tell children to say the letter name for each
• They write the letter they hear by the number
they hear, e.g. 1 – Oo.
• Write the alphabet (upper and lower case)
• They write both the capital and lower case
letters on the board in the correct order.
letter for the letter name they hear.
• Ask children to say the letters of the alphabet
• Play CD2 track 39.
in order.
• Pause the CD after each number and letter.
• Ask a child to say the letters in order.
CD script: • For each letter say the letter sound, e.g. a a
one – O is for olive (pause) a.
two – R is for ruler (pause)
• Tell children to repeat the letter sounds for
three – Y is for yo-yo (pause)
each letter after you.
four – V is for van (pause)
five – P is for parrot (pause)
six – T is for top (pause)
Listen and sing
• Tell children to open their Student’s Book at
• Play the CD again so that children can check page 59.
their answers. • Point to the picture of the balls with alphabet
• Go round the class to check they have written letters rolling down the hill.
the correct letters correctly. • Ask them in Kurdish what they can see in the
• Point to the ball that Sam is holding.
• Ask What’s this? Children answer It’s S.

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Unit 17
• Do the same with the ball Laura is holding and each brick.
the ball that is knocking Kitty over. • Remind them that their name should begin
• Tell children they are going to listen to the CD. with a capital letter.
• They are going to sing a song about the • All the other letters should be lower case
alphabet names. letters.
• Play CD2 track 40. • Go round the class to make sure they are
writing their names correctly.
CD script:
A, B, C, D, E, F, G, • Ask individual children to hold up their books.
H, I, J, K, L, M, • Tell them to point to their name and say it.
N, O, P, Q, R, S, T, U,
V, W, X, Y, Z. Find, write and read
These are the names, • Point to the pictures at the bottom of the
The alphabet names, page.
Let’s sing them all again!
• For each picture tell children to say the name
• Play the CD again, pausing after each line so of the object, e.g. pen, nut, etc.
that children can learn the words. • Point to the jumbled words below the pictures.
• Play the CD several times and tell children to • Explain that the child who wrote these words
sing along with the song. could not spell.
• Tell them to help the child to write the words
Activity Book correctly.
Find and write • Tell them that for each word they put the
letters in the correct order to write the words
• Tell children to open their Activity Books at correctly.
page 62.
• When they have found the correct word, they
• Point to the picture. write the word correctly under the correct
• Tell children that the children and Kitty are picture, e.g. the word pen under the picture of
writing their names. the pen.
• Tell them the names are not yet complete. • Go round to check that they are writing the
• Point to the alphabet bricks of the capital words correctly.
letters. • Check that they are writing the words under
• For each letter, ask children to say the letter the correct pictures.
name. • When they have written the words, they read
• Then tell children to complete the names of them.
the characters by writing the correct capital
letter at the beginning of their names.
• Go round to check they are writing the correct
letters in the blank spaces.

Write your name

• Tell children to look at the empty alphabet
bricks in the middle of the page.
• Tell them that they should write their own
name in English in these bricks, one letter in

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Unit 18
Unit 18  Lesson 1 • Say Come here, please, (name) for both of
• Give them books and tell them to read.
Aims: asking and talking about everyday
activities; good night greetings; singing • Ask them What are you doing? Help them to
a song to practise talking about and answer We’re reading.
doing everyday actions; letter names • Hold up the flashcard for reading. Children say
A–F reading.
New language: What are you doing? I’m …ing. • Ask another pair of children to come to the
We’re …ing; combing my hair, front of the class.
cleaning my teeth, washing my • Tell them to write their names on the board.
face; It’s time for bed; Good • Ask them What are you doing? Help them to
night; Sleep well! answer We’re writing.
Revised language: writing, reading; very good! • Hold up the action flashcard for writing.
Mummy, Daddy; thank you Children say writing.
You need: action flashcards for reading, • Remind children that we say I’m …ing when
writing, combing my hair, washing there is just one of us.
my face, cleaning my teeth; • Remind them that we say We’re …ing when
Student’s Book p60; Activity Book there is more than one of us.
p63; CD tracks 99–101
Look and listen
• Tell children to open their Student’s Book at
Starter page 60.
• Greet the class Good morning, children.
• Point to the four pictures.
Children answer Good morning, teacher.
• Ask children in Kurdish what they can see in
• Ask a child to the front of the class. Say Come
the pictures.
here, please, (name).
• Ask them in Kurdish what they think is
• Give the child a book and tell him/her to read.
happening in the pictures.
• Ask the child What are you doing? Help the
• Tell them they are going to listen to the story
child to answer I’m reading.
in the pictures on the CD.
• Hold up the action flashcard for reading. Say
• Remind them of the order they look at the
pictures as they listen (top left, top right,
• Tell children to repeat reading several times. bottom left, bottom right).
• Ask another child to come to the front of the • Tell children to point to the correct picture as
class. they listen.
• Tell the child to write his/her name on the • Play CD2 track 41.
CD script:
• Ask the child What are you doing? Help the
(picture 1)
child to answer I’m writing.
Mummy: What are you doing, children?
• Hold up the action flashcard for writing. Aveen: I’m writing.
• Say writing. Tell children to repeat writing Karwan: And I’m reading.
several times. Mummy: Very good. Now it’s time for bed.
• Ask two children to come to the front of the Children: Yes, Mummy.
class. (picture 2)

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Unit 18
Mummy: What are you doing, Karwan? Activity Book
Karwan: I’m combing my hair.
Mummy: And what are you doing, Aveen? Listen and write
Aveen: I’m cleaning my teeth.
• Tell children to open their Activity Book on
(picture 3)
page 63.
Mummy: Oh look, here’s Kitty.
What are you doing, Kitty? • Point to the pictures on the page.
Kitty: I’m washing my face. • Tell children that they are going to listen to
(picture 4) the CD.
Daddy: Good night, Aveen. • They will hear a child or children saying what
Good night, Karwan and good night, they are doing for each picture.
• They will hear a letter name and then a
Sleep well.
question and an answer.
Children: Thank you, Daddy. Good night!
• Point to the small boxes at the bottom of the
• Play the CD again. pictures.
• Check that children are pointing to the correct • Tell them to write the letter name of the
picture as they listen. action they hear in the small box of the
picture showing that action.
Listen and sing • Play CD2 track 43.
• Tell children they are going to sing a song on • Pause the CD after each letter, question and
the CD. answer to allow children time to write the
• Tell them to do actions as they sing. correct letter by the correct picture.
• Play CD2 track 42. CD script:
CD script: A – What are you doing? I’m cleaning my teeth.
I’m combing my hair, (pause)
I’m cleaning my teeth, B – And I’m washing my face. (pause)
I’m washing my face, C – Good night, Mummy. Good night. Sleep well.
Good night! (pause)
I’m combing my hair, D – What are you doing, children? We’re reading,
I’m cleaning my teeth, Daddy. (pause)
I’m washing my face, E – What are you doing? I’m writing. (pause)
Good night! F – I’m combing my hair, Mummy. (pause)

• Play the CD again. • Play the CD again.

• Pause it after each line so that children can • Check that children are writing the correct
learn the line and do the action. letter by the correct picture.
• Play the CD several times in this way.
• Play the CD again all the way through.
• Children sing with the CD and do the actions
as they sing.
• Ask a group of children to come to the front of
the class.
• Tell them to sing the song and do the actions.


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Unit 18
Unit 18  Lesson 2 • Hold up the action flashcard for dancing.
• Say dancing. Children repeat dancing.
Aims: tracing the letters of the alphabet • Do the same with other actions, e.g. drawing,
(capital and lower case) in the air; writing, jumping, etc.
saying letter names and letter sounds
for each letter; doing an action and Point and say
saying the words for that action; • Tell children to open their Student’s Book at
reading simple words containing the page 61.
vowel sounds a, e, i, o and u; writing • Point to the letters of the alphabet at the top
capital and lower case letters of the of the page.
alphabet; matching words and pictures; • Point to each letter and tell children to say
writing words the letter name.
Language used: What are you doing? I’m … • Do this in alphabetical order.
ing, We’re …ing; writing, • Stand with your back to the class.
combing my hair, cleaning
my teeth, drawing, reading, • Trace each letter (capital and lower case for
washing my face; letters each letter) in the air with your right hand.
Aa–Zz; leg, cap, jug, fig, dog, • Tell children to trace the letters in the air in
sit, bag, hat the same way.
You need: letter flashcards Aa–Zz; word • For each letter, they say the letter name and
flashcards for leg, cap, jug, fig, dog, then the letter sound as they trace it, e.g.
sit, bag, hat; Student’s Book p61; (trace) A (letter name) a a a (letter sound).
Activity Book p64; CD track 102
Listen, point and say
• Point to the pictures of the children doing
Starter different actions.
• Greet children Hello, … (name) as they enter • Tell children they are going to listen to the CD.
the classroom.
• They will hear a number and then the question
• Children answer Hello, …(your name). What are you doing?
• Tell children to read their book. Tell them to • They point to the picture whose number they
say We’re reading. have heard.
• Hold up the action flashcard for reading. • They do the action in the picture.
• Say reading. Children repeat reading. • They then hear the answer to the question.
• Ask an individual child to read a book. Tell • They repeat the answer, still doing the action.
her/him to say I’m reading.
• Play CD2 track 44.
• Invite a child to the front of the class.
• Pause the CD after each number and question
• Tell him/her to dance. Help him/her to say I’m to allow children time to point and do the
dancing. action.
• Invite several children to the front of the • Then play the answer for each question and
class. pause the CD to allow children time to repeat
• Say Come here, please, (name) to all of them. the answer.
• Tell them to dance. Help them to say We’re (Note: in the word combing, the letter b is not
dancing. pronounced.)

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Unit 18
CD script: • For example, if there is a capital letter and
one What are you doing? (pause for then a blank, children should write the lower
pointing to picture and doing action in case letter in the blank.
picture) • If there is a blank and then a lower case letter,
I’m writing. (pause for repeating the children should write the capital letter in the
answer) blank.
two What are you doing? (pause)
• Go round to check that children are writing the
I’m combing my hair. (pause)
letters correctly and that they are writing the
three What are you doing? (pause)
correct letters in the correct place.
I’m cleaning my teeth. (pause)
four What are you doing? (pause)
I’m drawing. (pause)
Join, write and read
five What are you doing? (pause) • Point to the pictures.
I’m reading. (pause) • For each picture ask a child to say the word.
six What are you doing? (pause) • Then the whole class should repeat the correct
I’m washing my face. (pause) word.
• Play the CD again several times. • Point to the words written on each side of the
• Go round to check that children are pointing
to the correct picture and doing the correct • For each word, ask a child to point to the word
action. and read it.
• Then check that they are repeating the answer • Tell children to join the words to the correct
correctly. picture by drawing a line between them.
• Point to the space under each picture.
Read • Tell children to write the word for that picture
• Point to the pictures at the bottom of the in the space.
page. • Go round to check that children are joining the
• For each one, tell children to say the word, pictures and words correctly and that they are
e.g. sit, bag, dog, etc. writing the words correctly.
• Point to the words below the pictures.
• Ask individual children to read the words.

Activity Book
• Tell children to open their Activity Books at
page 64.
• Point to the caterpillar at the top of the page.
• Point to the capital and lower case letters in
each part of the caterpillar.
• Explain that the letters are in alphabetical
order but that some letters (capital or lower
case) are missing.
• They should write in the missing letters by


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Unit 18
Unit 18  Lesson 3 • Tell children they are going to sing a song on
the CD.
• Tell them that as they sing, they do the action
Aims: singing a song and doing actions to they hear.
practise saying the actions; listening to
actions; matching actions heard with • Play CD2 track 45.
pictures; tracing pictures • Tell children to find a space away from their
desk so that they can jump without hurting
Language used: I’m jumping, I’m dancing, I’m themselves.
painting, We’re jumping; We’re
turning around, I’m cleaning CD script:
my teeth, I’m writing, I’m I’m jumping, I’m jumping,
playing, I’m combing my Up and down, up and down.
hair, I’m reading; up and I’m jumping, I’m jumping,
down; one, two, three; parrot, And turning around.
queen; red, yellow, green I’m dancing, I’m dancing,
One, two, three, one, two, three.
You need: Student’s Book p62; Activity Book I’m dancing, I’m dancing,
p65; CD tracks 103–104 Come and dance with me.
I’m painting, I’m painting,
Starter A parrot and a queen,
I’m painting, I’m painting,
• Greet children Good morning, children. Children
Red, yellow and green.
answer Good morning, teacher.
We’re jumping, we’re jumping,
• Ask children to the front of the class, either Up and down, up and down.
singly or in a group of two or more. We’re jumping, we’re jumping
• Say Come here, please, (name) for each child. And turning around.
• Tell them to do the following actions: jumping, • Play the CD again.
dancing, painting, cleaning their teeth,
combing their hair, washing their face, writing, • Pause it after each line to allow children time
reading, drawing, playing, painting. to learn the line and to do the actions.
• After they have done each action, hold up • Do this several times until the children know
the action flashcard and say the action, e.g. the words.
jumping. • Play the CD all the way through.
• Children repeat jumping several times. • Children sing along with the song on the CD
• Tell them to say what they are doing as and do the actions as they sing.
they do the action, e.g. I’m drawing or We’re
dancing. Activity Book

Listen, sing and do Listen and trace

• Tell children to open their Student’s Book at • Tell children to open their Activity Books at
page 62. page 65.
• Point to the pictures of the children and Kitty • Point to the pictures of the living room and
doing actions. the bathroom.
• For each action ask children to say the action, • Point to the dotted pictures of the children.
e.g. jumping, dancing, painting. • Point to each dotted picture.


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Unit 18/Revision 6
• Tell children to say the action they see in the Starter
dotted pictures, e.g. writing, playing.
• Greet children Good morning, children. Children
• Tell them they are going to listen to the CD. answer Good morning, teacher.
• They will hear an action. • Put a bag and several books near you.
• They find the dotted picture of that action. • Put a ruler and several pens some distance
• They then trace round the dotted picture with from you.
their pencils to complete it. • Point to the bag and ask What’s this? Children
• Play CD2 track 46. answer It’s a bag.
• Pause the CD after each action to allow • Point to the books and ask What are these?
children time to trace round the picture with Children answer They’re books.
their pencils. Allow several minutes for each • Point to the ruler and ask What’s that?
picture. Children answer It’s a ruler.
CD script: • Point to the pens and ask What are those?
I’m cleaning my teeth. (pause) Children answer They’re pens.
I’m writing. (pause)
I’m playing. (pause) Listen, point and say
I’m combing my hair. (pause) • Tell children to write the numbers 1–20 in
I’m reading. (pause) their exercise books or on a piece of paper.
• Write the numbers on the board to help them.
• Go round to make sure they are writing the
Revision 6 numbers correctly.
• Point to the numbers at the bottom of the
Aims: revising numbers 1–20; revising colours; page. Say Look.
revising alphabet exemplars; saying • Ask children to say the numbers, pointing to
letter sounds of letters and reading each number as they say them.
simple words • Ask individual children to point and say the
Language used: numbers 1–20; colours: red, numbers.
yellow, blue, green, brown, • Tell children to listen to the CD.
black, white, purple, grey, • Tell them that they will hear numbers.
pink; ant, banana, car, doll,
elephant, flower, goat, hat, • Explain that the numbers will not be in the
insect, jam, king, leg, monkey, correct order.
nose, olive, parrot, quiet, • Tell them to point to each number as they hear
ruler, spider, top, up, van, it and then say it.
watch, fox, yo-yo, zip, chair, • Play CD2 track 47.
shirt; jug, fox, pen, six, fig, • Pause the CD after each number to allow
pot, nut children time to point to the correct number.
You need: classroom objects, e.g ruler, books, CD script:
pens; coloured pencils; Student’s seventeen, nine, three, fifteen, one, six, ten,
Book p63; Activity Book pp66–71; thirteen, eleven, nineteen, two, seven, eighteen,
CD tracks 105–109 eight, twenty, four, twelve, fourteen, five, sixteen
• Play the CD again.


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Revision 6
• Go round to check that children are pointing • Go round to check children are pointing to the
to the correct number. correct colours and pictures.
• Check also that they are repeating the phrases
Box 24: Using adjectives with nouns correctly.
A noun is an object, e.g. a shirt, a bag. An
adjective is a word that describes a noun, Activity Book
e.g. a new shirt. The word new describes the Listen, join and colour
noun shirt. It tells us what the shirt is like
– it is new. • Hold up your Activity Book.
• Say Open your books. Tell children to turn to
Colours are adjectives. When we use a colour page 66.
to describe an object, we use it before the
object, e.g. a white shirt, a green frog, etc. • Point to the pictures of groups of objects
round the page.
• Point to the pictures on page 63. • Hold up your book.
• For each one ask What’s this? • Point to the group of ants. Say Look.
• Children answer It’s a … (Note: do not ask this • Ask children What are these?
question for the words up and quiet. Simply • Children answer They’re ants.
ask them to say the words.) • Do the same for pictures of other groups of
• Point to the colours. objects.
• For each colour ask What colour is it? Children • Point to the numbers in the middle of the
answer, e.g. It’s yellow. page.
• Tell children they are going to listen to the CD. • Ask individual children to hold up their books.
• They will hear a colour and then an object. • Tell them to point to one of the numbers and
• They point to the colour mentioned and then say it, e.g ten.
to the object. • Then ask a child to point to all the numbers
• Then they repeat what they heard on the CD, and say them.
e.g. a green olive. • Tell children that they are going to listen to
• Play CD2 track 48. the CD.
• Pause the CD after each phrase to allow • They will hear a number and then a group of
children time to point and repeat. objects.
CD script: • They draw a line between the number and the
a green olive (pause) group of objects.
a blue parrot (pause) • They will then count the objects.
a black spider (pause) • They will then hear a colour.
a pink doll (pause) • They will colour the objects mentioned in that
a red hat (pause) colour.
a grey ant (pause)
a yellow banana (pause) • Say Listen. Play CD2 track 49.
a red yo-yo (pause) • Pause the CD after each phrase to allow
a white shirt (pause) children time to draw a line between the
a blue top (pause) number and the objects; to count the objects
and to colour the objects.
• Play the CD again.


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Revision 6
• Children can count either individually or as a • They point to the word and read.
class. • Tell children to match the words and pictures
• Make sure you allow children enough time to by drawing a line between them.
do the activities well. • Go round to check they are joining the correct
CD script: words and pictures.
ten oranges (pause for drawing line)
Count the oranges. (pause for counting) Listen and write
Colour the oranges red. (pause for colouring • Point to the pictures.
– several minutes) • For each picture, ask children to say the action
nineteen ants (pause) they can see in the picture, e.g. reading,
Count the ants. (pause) washing my face.
Colour the ants black. (pause)
• Point to the small box by each picture.
two legs (pause)
Count the legs. (pause) • Tell children they are going to listen to the CD.
Colour the legs brown. (pause) • They will hear a number and a sentence
eleven bananas (pause) showing an action.
Count the bananas. (pause) • They write the number they hear in the
Colour the bananas yellow. (pause) small box next to the picture of the action
eight eggs (pause) mentioned.
Count the eggs. (pause)
• Play CD2 track 50.
Colour the eggs blue. (pause)
twenty olives (pause) • Pause the CD to allow children time to write
Count the olives. (pause) the numbers in the boxes.
Colour the olives green. (pause) CD script:
• Go round in the pauses to check children are one – I’m washing my face. (pause)
joining the correct numbers and objects and two – I’m combing my hair. (pause)
that they are colouring the objects in the three – I’m reading. (pause)
correct colour. four – I’m writing. (pause)
• Play the CD again.
Write and read • Go round to check that children are writing the
• Point to the pictures of objects round the edge correct numbers next to the correct pictures.
of page 67.
• For each one, tell children to say the word for Find and write
the object in the picture, e.g. jam, dog. • Ask children to count from 1 to 20 round the
• Point to the words with missing letters in the class.
middle of the page. • Say a number from 1 to 20. Ask a child to
• Write the five vowels on the board, a, e, i, o write the number on the board.
and u. • Do this for several numbers.
• Tell children to complete the words with the • For numbers over 10, check that children are
correct vowel. writing the numbers from left to right.
• Go round the class to help them to complete • Tell children to turn to page 68 in their
the words correctly. Activity Book.
• Ask individual children, then the whole class • Point to the picture of the children and Mam
to read the words. Zorab in the orchard.


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Revision 6
• Point to each character and ask Who’s this? • Tell children to point to the circled words and
Children answer, e.g. It’s Aveen. read them.
• Point to the ladders.
• Point to the numbers that are shown on the
Match and write
ladders. Ask children to say the numbers. • Tell children to turn to page 69 in their
Activity Book.
• Explain that some of the numbers are missing.
• Point to the pictures.
• Point to the fruit on the trees and to the
numbers on the fruit. • For each picture ask What’s this? Children
answer It’s a …
• Point to each number and ask children to say
the number. • Point to the letters below the pictures. Ask
children to say the letter sound for each letter.
• Explain that these are the missing numbers
from the ladders. • Tell children to match each object in the
pictures to the letter which begins the word of
• Tell children to write the missing numbers in
the object.
the correct places on the ladders.
• Point to the letter Pp and ask children to say
• Go round the class to check they are writing
the letter sound.
the numbers in the correct places.
• Then ask children to find the picture of the
• Check that they are writing the numbers 10 to
object that begins with that sound.
20 from left to right.
• Tell children to draw a line between the
• Tell children to point to the numbers on the
picture of the pen and the letters Pp.
ladders in order and to count, e.g. one, two,
three, etc. • Tell children to do the same for the other
pictures and letters.
Find and circle • Tell children to write the word for each object
• Point to the pictures at the bottom of the beside the letter it begins with, e.g. Pp pen.
page. • Go round to help children to write the words
• For each picture ask What’s this? Children correctly.
answer It’s a … • Point to the letters Pp and the word pen and
• Point to the grid below the pictures. say P is for pen.
• Point to some of the letters and ask children • Tell children to repeat this.
to say the letter sound for the letter. • Then help them to do the same for the other
• Explain that the words for the objects in the letters and words, e.g. S is for six.
picture are hidden in the letters in the grid. • Tell children to work with a partner.
• Help a child to write the word for the first • Tell them to take it in turns to point to a
picture on the board. letter and a word and say, e.g. N is for nut.
• Then tell the class to find that word hidden in • Go round to help them to do this correctly.
the grid. Tell them to circle the word.
• Tell children to find the other missing words Write and play
and circle them. • Tell children to look at the grid at the bottom
• Go round the class to help them and to check of the page.
they are circling the words correctly. • Tell them to read the words from the box.
Answers: • Explain that they are going to write six of the
row 1 – leg; row 2 – jug; row 3 – cap; row 4 words in the grid, one word to each square of
– fox; row 5 – six the grid.

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Revision 6
• Tell children to copy any six words from the count from 1 to 20.
box. • Tell the whole class to count in this way.
• Tell them to do this by themselves and not to • Tell children they are going to listen to the CD.
look at their partner’s grid.
• They will hear some letter names.
• They can choose any six words from the box.
• They will hear a colour.
• Tell them they are going to play a game.
• They colour the letter names mentioned in the
• Explain that you are going to say some of the colour mentioned.
words, one by one.
• They will hear some numbers.
• If a child has written one of the words you
• They will hear a colour.
say, they tick the box in the grid containing
the word. • They colour the squares with the numbers
mentioned in the colour mentioned.
• If a child has ticked all the words in her/his
grid because you have said all the words that • Tell children to take their coloured pencils.
are in her/his grid, that child has won the • Play CD2 track 51.
game. • Pause the CD to allow children time to colour
• The child calls out Bingo! the letters and numbers mentioned.
• Pause between every word you say to allow CD script:
children time to tick their words. A B C
• Write every word you call on the board. Colour the letters pink. (pause for colouring)
• When a child calls Bingo! tell him/her to read 1 2 3
all the words in his/her grid. Colour the numbers yellow. (pause for colouring)
• Use the words you have written on the board
Colour the letters grey. (pause)
to check that the child has ticked the correct
8 9 10
Colour the numbers brown. (pause)
• If you want to play this game more than once, O P Q
tell children to copy the six-square grid into Colour the letters blue. (pause)
their exercise books. 13 14 15
• They can then write different words from the Colour the numbers green. (pause)
box and play a new game. X Y Z
Colour the letters red. (pause)
Pages 70 and 71 18 19 20
Colour the numbers black. (pause)
Listen and colour
• Point to the picture on page 70. Ask, read and write
• Point to the letters in the windows. • Point to the cat in the picture on page 71.
• For each letter tell children to say the letter • Ask two children to come to the front of the
name. class.
• Help them to say the names of the letters for • Say Come here, please, (name) to each child.
the whole alphabet in this way. • Tell the first one to point to the cat and to ask
• Point to the numbers on page 71. What’s this?
• Ask a child to hold up her/his book. • Tell the other child to answer It’s a cat.
• Ask them to point to the numbers and to • Tell both children to sit down again.

14 0

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Revision 6
• Tell them to write the word cat in the space
• Then tell them to take it in turns to read the
• Do the same for the hen, the nut, the fig and
the dog.
• Divide the class into pairs.
• Tell them to ask each other the question
What’s this? for each object.
• They answer, then write the word for each
object and then read the word.
• Go round the class to help children.
• Check they are writing and reading the words
• At the end of the lesson say Goodbye children.
• Children answer Goodbye …(your name).


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For Teacher’s Notes

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