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1 Songs
Listening to stories
Telling holiday
Nature walk
2 1 Developing Listening with Differentiates and Listening to Effective Effective Drum Learning
and and using my activity for responds to music and communication communicatio sticks frame
2 language information different sounds. songs e. g Expression n Radio work for
appropriately enjoyment and action Self-esteem Expression early
responding Songs (all the Confidence Self-esteem childhood
appropriately in way we clap Confidence developm
a wide range of together ent pg 51
situation palalala…
3 1 Developing Listening with Differentiates and Naming Listening Effective Real
and and using my activity for responds to classroom Identifying and communicatio class
2 language information different sounds. objects e. g naming class room n objects
appropriately enjoyment and table, chair, objects Expression
responding box, tin, chalk Responding to Self-esteem
appropriately in board, pencil, commands Confidence
a wide range of basin, Matching the same
situation mattress objects by
Commands e. colouring
g come… A rhyme
Show me a…
Point to a..
4 1 Developing Listening with Differentiates and Other Listening to Effective Real Learning
and and using my activity for responds to classroom instructions communicatio class frame
2 language information different sounds. objects e. g Responding to n objects work for
appropriately enjoyment and paper, pen, instructions Expression early
responding paint, ruler, Identifying and Self-esteem childhood
appropriately in bed-sheets, naming objects Confidence developm
a wide range of box, chalk e. Dramatizing a Assertiveness ent pg 51
situation t. c given situation
Following Colouring pictures
two direction Matching the same
instructions e. pictures
g stand up and A rhyme naming
touch the objects
Open the box
and get me a
doll e. t. c
5 1 Developing Listening with Differentiates and Naming the Listening to a given Effective Pupils Learning
and and using my activity for responds to sound sound communicatio A chart frame
2 language information different sounds. And imitating Imitating the sound. n Showing work for
appropriately enjoyment and it e. g sounds Naming the sound Self-esteem actions early
responding of people Naming the source Awareness childhood
appropriately in coughing A rhyme about confidence developm
a wide range of Laughing actions ent pg 51
situation Crying
Whistling e. t.

6 1 Developing Listening with Differentiates and Naming the A rhyme with Effective A hart Learning
and and using my activity for responds to source of the animals e. g sounds. communicatio showing frame
2 language information different sounds. sound and Listening to sounds n animals work for
appropriately enjoyment and imitating it. E. Imitating sounds confidence A DVD early
responding g sounds of Naming the source showing childhood
appropriately in birds, animals of the sound. animals. developm
a wide range of and insects e. Identifying the ent pg 51
situation g cow-moo. picture for the
Dog-bwo source.
Cat- mwe Watching a DVD
Goat- mee about animals.
Bee- zee
ssssssss e. t. c
1 Developing Listening with Differentiates and Answering A rhyme about Effective Pictures Learning
and and using my activity for responds to oral questions animals e. g communicatio of frame
7 2 language information different sounds. in full Listening to n animals work for
appropriately enjoyment and sentences questions Expression colours early
responding about animals Answering Assertiveness childhood
appropriately in e. g which questions in full Creativity developm
a wide range of animal says sentences ent pg 51
situation moo? Picture reading
How many Colouring animals
legs has a Matching the same
cow? animals.
animals say
Why is a dog
a good
8 2 Developing Listening with Differentiates and Answering Listening and Effective pupils Learning
and using my activity for responds to oral questions answering oral communicatio frame
language information different sounds. in full questions n work for
appropriately enjoyment and sentences A rhyme about our Self early
responding about selves. awareness childhood
appropriately in themselves. E. Expression developm
a wide range of g what is your Assertiveness. ent pg 51
situation name?
My name is
Where do you
live? E. t. c
9 1 Developing Listening with Differentiates and Locates the Identifying sounds Listening to Effectiv Learning
and and using my activity for responds to direction of from different sounds e frame
2 language information different sounds. sound directions by Identifying commun work for
appropriately enjoyment and pointing to the direction ication early
responding Walking to of sound by Expressi childhood
appropriately in Running to pointing to on. developm
a wide range of Repeating sounds Walking to e. ent pg 51
situation in the given order e. t. c
g bwo bwo Naming the
Mwe mwe sound
Mee mee
sounds in the
given order.
10 1 Developing Listening with Greeting Greeting using Listening to Effectiv Learning
And and using my activity for Expresses oneself using appropriate sounds e frame
2 language information appropriate language Identifying commun work for
appropriately enjoyment and language. Listening the direction ication early
responding Imitating of sound by Confide childhood
appropriately in Hello children Dramatizing pointing to nce developm
a wide range of Hello teacher greeting in pairs, Walking to e. Assertiv ent pg 51
situation groups e. t. c t. c eness
Good Rhymes that Naming the Inter-
morning involve greeting e. sound personal
Good g hello, hello relations
morning How are you? Imitating hip
teacher sounds in the
given order.
How are you?
I am fine
thank you

Polite words Dramatize polite

e. g words.
May I …..
Thank you
I am sorry
Excuse …….
11 1 Developing Listening with Tells and re tells Creating own Listening Effective Pupils Learning
and and using my activity for stories and news. story telling a Speaking communicatio frame
2 language information short story Forming stories n work for
appropriately enjoyment and according to a Answering oral Creativity early
responding given questions Fluency childhood
appropriately in situation. E. g Confidence developm
a wide range of my home ent pg 51
situation A hen

12 1 Developing Listening with Locates the Recognize Listening and Effective Whistle Learning
and and using my activity for direction of sounds used naming the sound communicatio Drum frame
2 language information sound. to alert us to Identifying the n cock work for
appropriately enjoyment and dangers. E. g source Creativity e. t. c early
responding fire. Dramatizing Fluency childhood
appropriately in (sounds like dangerous Confidence developm
a wide range of yelling, alarm, situations and an ent pg 51
situation drum, whistle, alert sound.
clock, crawl)

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