DLL PHY-SCI (Aug Week2)
DLL PHY-SCI (Aug Week2)
DLL PHY-SCI (Aug Week2)
Department of Education
Region III – Central Luzon
Schools Division Office Bulacan
PoblacionBaliwag, Bulacan
C. Learning Competencies / Calculate the amount of substances used Calculate present yield of a reaction Calculate present yield of a reaction
Objectives or produced in a chemical reaction S11/12PS-III-h-26 The learners will determine the limiting S11/12PS-III-i-28
Write the LC code for each S11/12PS-IIIf-h-25 Compute present yield of a reaction reactant in a reaction and calculate the Recognize that energy is released or
Identify the reactants and the products in Distinguish reactants and products amount of product formed. S11/12PS- absorbed during a chemical reaction,
chemical reactions Recognize the value of computing IIIh-27 specifically
Compute the amount of reactants used percent yield. Determine if energy is released or
and the amount products produced At the end of the session, students are absorbed in a given sample of chemical
Recognize the importance of chemical expected to: reactions
A. References The Physical Sciences (For Senior High The Physical Sciences(For Senior High The Physical Sciences (For Senior High The Physical Sciences (For Senior High
School) School) School) School)
1. Teacher's Guide Pages
2. Learner's Materials Pages
3. Textbook Pages Pages 20-50
4. Additional Materials
from Learning Resources
(LR) Portal
Andaya (2010). Conceptual Science and Andaya (2010). Conceptual Science and Andaya (2010). Conceptual Science and
B. Other Learning Resources Beyond III: Chemistry. Brilliant Creations Beyond III: Chemistry. Brilliant Creations Beyond III: Chemistry. Brilliant Creations
Publishing, Inc. Publishing, Inc. Publishing, Inc.
These steps should be done across the week. Spread out the activities appropriately so that students will learn well. Always be guided by demonstration of learning by the students which you can infer from formative
IV. PROCEDURES assessment activities. Sustain learning systematically by providing students with multiple ways to learn new things, practice their learning, question their learning processes, and draw conclusions about what they
learned in relation to their life experiences and previous knowledge. Indicate the time allotment for each step.
Definition of Chemical Reaction Ask: The teacher will let the students solve Review:
1. What is solute? for the a percent yield of reaction. Question: Differentiate limiting reactants
2. What is solvent? Practice some actual yield and from excess reactants
A. Reviewing previous lesson Review the process of stoichiometry percentage of the problems below:
or presenting the new For the balance equation shown below,
lesson if the reaction of 40.8 g of C6H6O3
produces a 39.0% yield, how many
grams of H2O would be produced?
C6H6O3 +6O26 6CO2 + 3H2O
B. Establishing a purpose for Giving analogy to reactants and products Video presentation of milling palay to Motivation: With guide questions. Picture analysis with jumbled letters: the
the lesson For example, in cooking: rice. teacher will show a group picture with the
Ingredients (Reactants) Dish (Product) Ask: commonality just like 4 pics 1 word and
1. What is the video about? below given the jumbled letters as clues
2. What is the initial weight of for the tight answer. The students will
palay? guess the word.
Show picture of a store, then let the Picture Analysis Picture analysis: The teacher will connect the word absorb
learners brainstorm about it. This will How many shoes are needed by 25 and release with the topic, then will
lead to the discussion of chemical people if they need two pair of shoes introduce the concepts of Endothermic
reaction. each? Reaction and Exothermic Reaction leading
What if 48 shoes are available how to the discussion.
many shoes will be lacking for 25
C. Presenting examples/ people?
instances of new lesson
Rotational Learning Stations. There will Group Activity: Sieve Analysis a. The teacher will distribute the
be 5 learning stations where in each Materials: 1 pail of gravel and sand activity paper:
group will rotate into. For every learning Question: (Classify Me!)
skill, there will be given example What is the initial weight of 1 pail of Determine the following reactions if it is
chemical reactions. Then, the group will gravel and sand in kg? an endothermic or exothermic reaction.
identify the reactants and the products How much sand (kg) did you get from 1
D. Discuss new concepts and for each learning skill. pail of gravel and sand after sieving?
practicing new skills #1 How much stones (in kg) did you get
after sieving?
Compute the percentage of the following
after sieving:
Discussion about the activity proper, Integrate chemical reaction in the class The teacher will let the students to The teacher will divide the class into 2
guiding the learners on how to compute discussion: Identify reactants and define the limiting factors and identify groups, namely endothermic group and
the amount of substances used and the products the limiting factors from the given exothermic reaction given by the teacher
amount of products formed. Problem solving examples. and post it on the board, finally they will
E. Discuss new concepts and
Let the students compute the percent Then the teacher will present the step explain or defend their answers.
practicing new skills #2
yield of a reaction. Give several problems by step process identifying the limiting
to practice. factors through solving the problem
Pains check Each pair an article about Let the students compute how much Limiting reactants can be applied in Students will make a reflection in their
“Green Energy”. Then they will answer sugar they can get form drinking 1 sakto anaerobic respiration. journal about the importance of energy in
G. Finding practical the following questions: size Coca-cola (Coke Sakto). The chemical equation for this is: chemical reaction or importance of
applications of concepts What must be the properties of a good Glucose (ethanol or lactic acid) + chemical reaction in our daily life.
and skill in daily living alternative to fossil fuels? carbon dioxide + energy
C6H12O6 2C2H5OH + 2CO2 +
Stating the rules on Stoichiometry. Let the students compute how much Give some more examples of limiting Guide Question:
sugar they can get form drinking 1 sakto reactants have you encountered in your Differentiate endothermic from
H. Making generalizations
size Coca-cola (Coke Sakto). life? How does it help you to be a better exothermic reaction
and abstractions about
person? Why energy is important for chemical
the lesson
reaction to take place.
Problem-solving Give 5 reactions. Compute the percent Solve following equations by pair. Students will answer the multiple choice
I. Evaluating learning
yield for each product. quiz.
Make a research about other sources of Give some more problem to practice to Peer teaching in solving. Students will enumerate at least 3
J. Additional activities for energy which can be alternative to fossil be submitted next meeting. endothermic and exothermic reactions
application or remediation fuels. Are they “green” energy resources, occurs in our daily life or found at home.
Reflect on your teaching and assess yourself as a teacher. Think about your students’ progress this week. What works? What else needs to be done to help the students learn? Identify what help your instructional
VI. REFLECTION supervisors can provide for you so when you meet them, you can ask them relevant questions.
Submitted by: __JESSE GABRIEL______ Checked by: _________________________ Noted by: ____Ms.Joanna Marie Baloloy_______
SHS Teacher School Principal