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Instructional Leaflet IL01301034E Effective August 2009

Disclaimer of warranties
and limitation of liability Effective August 2009
Instructional Leaflet IL01301034E Supersedes March 2008
The information, recommendations, THE ENTIRE OBLIGATION OF EATON.
descriptions, and safety notations in THE CONTENTS OF THIS DOCUMENT
this document are based on Eaton
Corporation’s (“Eaton”) experience
and judgment, and may not cover all
MODIFY ANY CONTRACT BETWEEN Installation instructions for Series NRX
contingencies. If further information is
required, an Eaton sales office should In no event will Eaton be responsible to
the purchaser or user in contract, in tort
Modbus communications adapter
be consulted.
Sale of the product shown in this literature
(including negligence), strict liability, or
otherwise for any special, indirect,
module (MCAM)
is subject to the terms and conditions incidental, or consequential damage or
outlined in appropriate Eaton selling loss whatsoever, including but not limited
policies or other contractual agreement to damage or loss of use of equipment,
between Eaton and the purchaser. plant or power system, cost of capital,
loss of power, additional expenses in the The MCAM communicates to a master
AGREEMENTS, WARRANTIES, use of existing power facilities, or claims  WARNING on a Modbus network using the Modbus
EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING against the purchaser or user by its (1) ONLY QUALIFIED ELECTRICAL PERSONNEL RTU (remote terminal unit) protocol.
WARRANTIES OF FITNESS FOR customers resulting from the use of SHOULD BE PERMITTED TO WORK ON THE Information is exchanged through the
A PARTICULAR PURPOSE OR the information, recommendations, and EQUIPMENT. MCAM between the Modbus master
MERCHANTABILITY, OTHER THAN descriptions contained herein. (2) ALWAYS DE-ENERGIZE PRIMARY AND and the Series NRX trip unit using
THOSE SPECIFICALLY SET OUT IN ANY The information contained in this manual SECONDARY CIRCUITS. assigned registers.

Section 1: General
The Series NRX姠 Modbus姞
communications adapter module
(Figure 1) is an accessory that will
operate as a communicating device in
conjunction with a compatible Series Figure 1. Series NRX Modbus
NRX trip unit/breaker in a master Communications Adapter Module
communications network (Figure 2).
Eaton Corporation
Electrical Sector
The catalog number of this module
1000 Cherrington Parkway is MCAM.
Moon Township, PA 15108
United States
877-ETN-CARE (877-386-2273)

© 2009 Eaton Corporation PowerChain Management is a registered

All Rights Reserved trademark of Eaton Corporation.
Printed in USA
Publication No. IL01301034E / Z8898 All other trademarks are property of their
August 2009 respective owners.
Instructional Leaflet IL01301034E Effective August 2009 Effective August 2009 Instructional Leaflet IL01301034E

Section 2: Installation of Section 8: Troubleshooting

Modbus communications The following are the most common Observation 1—Status LED not flashing
Communications adapter module issues experienced with the installation
Device Action—Verify proper input power to
Network of a Series NRX Modbus communications
The following steps outline the installation module connectors.
adapter module. If you have additional
procedure for a Series NRX Modbus questions or need further information Observation 2—Status LED flashing
MCAM MCAM MCAM communications adapter module in a and/or instructions, please contact green, but module does not change
Module Module Module drawout circuit breaker configuration your local Eaton representative or visit state in response to master
1 2 3 only. For fixed-mounted circuit breakers, command requests
a separate DIN rail mounting configuration
Action—Verify correct module address.
is preferred. Consult the customer support
center for additional information. Action—Verify communication cable
is connected correctly from master
Series Series Series The following tools should be available:
NRX NRX NRX to module.
Breaker Breaker Breaker • #T-15 Torx
• Small flat blade screwdriver
Figure 2. Modbus Communications
Adapter Modules in a Modbus Network For drawout circuit breakers, secondary
terminal blocks as well as the Modbus
The Modbus communications adapter communications adapter module are DIN
module is a slave device and as such rail mounted on the top front portion of
requires a master device for control the drawout cassette. The module is
command initiation. Each Modbus designed to install or replace the four
communications adapter module provides: terminal blocks (eight contacts in total) at
• Circuit breaker open/close/reset control secondary contacts 19–26. Refer to the
master connection diagram that can be
• NRX trip unit source/residual ground found in the breaker instruction manual
selection (if applicable) MN01301001E. For additional information
• Flashing Status LED indicating module relative to secondary terminal block
has power installation and/or removal beyond that
which is presented in this section, refer
• Modbus communication enable/disable to IL01301037E.
selection jumper for remote open/close
control Proceed with the following seven steps:
• DIN rail mounting (11 mm H, 28 mm W Step 1: Using a T-15 Torx, remove the
DIN rail minimum requirement) four mounting screws holding the terminal
block alignment bracket in place.
• Input power for module from 24 Vdc

The Modbus communications adapter

module is designed to be installed,
operated, and maintained by adequately
trained people. These instructions do
not cover all details or variations of the
equipment for its storage, delivery,
installation, checkout, safe operation,
or maintenance.
If you have any questions or need
additional information or instructions,
please contact your local Eaton
representative or visit

Figure 3. Step 1


Instructional Leaflet IL01301034E Effective August 2009 Effective August 2009 Instructional Leaflet IL01301034E

Table 12. Cause-of-Status Code Definitions Step 2: Carefully slide the alignment
bracket out from between any mounted
Code Definition Code Definition
terminal blocks and put it aside with its
0 Unknown 65 Reverse power mounting hardware for re-installment after
1 Normal operating mode 66 Fixed instantaneous phase overcurrent #2
the communications adapter module is
connected to the DIN rail.
3 Instantaneous phase overcurrent 67 Reverse phase
11 Overvoltage 68 Reverse sequence
12 Undervoltage 69 Phase current loss
15 Underfrequency 71 Alarm active
16 Overfrequency 72 Bad frame
17 Current unbalance 73 Phase currents near pickup
Mounting Screw
18 Voltage unbalance 75 Making current release
Figure 6. Step 4
19 Apparent power factor 76 Fixed instantaneous phase overcurrent #3
26 Power demand 77 Set points error Step 5: Tilt the communications module
27 VA demand 78 Over-temperature Figure 4. Step 2 forward to engage the upper part of the
DIN rail, and then snap it back into the
30 Total harmonic distortion 80 Long delay neutral overcurrent DIN rail for complete engagement.
Step 3: Remove the terminal block
31 Operations count 82 Historical data in location 19/20 by inserting a small
screwdriver in the recessed area in the
33 Control via communications 84 Ground fault (instantaneous or delay)
top front of the terminal block as shown,
37 Coil supervision 85 Earth fault (instantaneous or delay) and gently pry down to release and
39 RAM error 146 Frequency out of range
remove the block from the DIN rail.

43 EEROM error 148 Check auxiliary switch

46 Watchdog 149 Overcurrent
61 Long delay phase overcurrent 153 Maintenance mode
62 Short delay phase overcurrent 154 Breaker mech. fault
63 Fixed instantaneous phase overcurrent #1 156 Disconnect position Figure 7. Step 5
64 Bad/missing rating plug 157 Shunt trip problem
Step 6: Carefully slide the terminal block
alignment bracket back into position.
Before securing the bracket in place,
inspect it from the bottom to ensure
Figure 5. Step 3 that the teeth on the bracket separate
each individual terminal block. One
Step 4: Repeat the same procedure installed terminal block only should
performed in Step 3 to remove terminal be visible between two teeth when
blocks at locations 21/22, 23/24, and the alignment bracket is properly
25/26. positioned. Secure the terminal block
Note: The extra DIN rail mounting screw alignment bracket using the four screws
located in the space where the four terminal previously removed. Hand tighten the four
blocks were mounted may need to be removed mounting screws.
to allow the unit’s pogo pin ground to properly
hit the metal DIN rail.


Instructional Leaflet IL01301034E Effective August 2009 Effective August 2009 Instructional Leaflet IL01301034E

2. The maximum system capacity is Table 9. Diagnostic Table 10. Primary Status
4,000 feet of communications cable Sub-Function Numbers Code Definitions
and 247 devices on the Modbus
Sub-Function Code Definition
RTU network. No. (Decimal) Name
0 Unknown
3. Make sure there is twisted-pair wire 0 Echo query
that is recommended for Modbus RTU 1 Open
network use. Use shielded twisted- 1 Restart communications
2 Closed
pair wire to connect each slave to the 4 Force listen
Modbus RTU network, daisy-chain 3 Tripped
style. The polarity of the twisted pair 10 Clear MCAM/slave product counters
4 Alarmed
Figure 8. Step 6 is CRITICALLY important. 11 Modbus UART bus message count
13 Pickup
12 Modbus UART communication error
Step 7: A mounted communications Section 4: Modbus count
module appears as shown and the communications adapter 13 MCAM exception error count
installation procedure is complete. The Table 11. Secondary Status
module can now be wired in keeping with module connections 14 MCAM message count Code Definitions
the information presented in Section 3. 15 MCAM no response count Code Definition
 WARNING 16 MCAM NAK count 0 Unknown
17 MCAM busy count 3 Test mode
MUST BE STRICTLY ADHERED TO WHEN 18 Modbus UART over run error count 7 Powered up
20 Clear Modbus UART counters 8 Alarm
COULD RESULT IN DEATH, BODILY INJURY, 21 Slave product checksum error count
OR PROPERTY DAMAGE. 22 Slave product over run count

For installation specifics, refer to 23 Modbus UART framing error count

Figure 3 and Figure 4 on page 2 and 24 Modbus UART noise error count
page 3 respectively for wiring diagrams,
Figure 9. Step 7 25 Modbus UART parity error count
as well as pin-out Table 1 (power
connections) and Table 2 (Modbus 26 MCAM firmware version & rev
Section 3: Basic Modbus 27 MCAM firmware month & day
Table 1. Power Connector Pin-Outs 
RS-485 Network Wiring 28 MCAM firmware year
Pin Number Input Signal 29 Reset MCAM block-of-registers
The following simplified rules apply
to a given system consisting of a 1 24 Vdc +
cable link between master and slave
2 24 Vdc –
devices (Figure 2). For more complex
considerations, please refer to standard 3 Control signal common
Modbus RTU wiring specification rules 4 Control open signal
for the RS-485 network.
5 Control close signal
1. The recommended Modbus cable has  Module power uses a 5-pin input connector. Power
twisted-pair wires (24 AWG stranded requirement is 24 Vdc, 10 watts.
7 x 32 conductors with PVC insulation)
having an aluminum/mylar foil shield
with drain wire.


Instructional Leaflet IL01301034E Effective August 2009 Effective August 2009 Instructional Leaflet IL01301034E

Table 7. Control ‘Slave Action Number’ Definitions Table 2. Modbus Connector MicroController LED (Status)
Control Group Definition Byte 2 Byte 1 Byte 0 This indicator will be flashing green
Pin Number Input Signal whenever the module is powered
Reset Reset trip 0 0 2
1 RS-485 Network-B (non-inverting) up and when the microprocessor is
Reset (peak) demand-watts 0 0 4 executing instructions. When the Series
2 RS-485 Network-A (inverting) NRX Modbus communications adapter
Reset (synchronize) demand watts window 0 0 64 (4016)
3 Common module is connected to a Series NRX
Snapshot command 0 0 128 (8016) trip unit for the first time, this LED will
4 Shield alternately flash red and green to signal a
Reset (peak) demand-currents 0 1 1
 This 4-pin connector provides the interface to the learning process between both units. This
Reset all min./max. values 0 1 4 Modbus network. automatic process will take approximately
Unlock waveform buffer (clear upload-in-progress) 0 1 5  Connect shield wire to ground at master device end only. 15 seconds and occurs only once during
Interconnect shielding where devices are daisy-chained. the initial startup. The LED will also flash
Reset min./max. currents 0 1 13 red if the module is not connected to or
Reset min./max. PF-apparent 0 1 16 unable to communicate with a Series NRX
Circuit breaker Open request 1 0 0
Section 5: Jumpers and trip unit.
open-close indicator LEDS Modbus RS-485 network Tx LED
Close request 1 0 1
Refer to Figure 10 to become familiar (Transmit)
Enable Maintenance Mode 1 0 8
with specific jumper and LED locations This LED will be lit whenever the
Disable Maintenance Mode 1 0 9 on the Modbus communications module is transmitting on the Modbus
adapter module. RTU network.

Table 8. Date and Time Register Definitions Modbus RS-485 network Rx LED
Register Number Register Address Data Range
Definition (Decimal) (Hexadecimal) (Decimal) This LED will be lit whenever the
module is receiving from the Modbus
Month 402921 0B68 1–12 RTU network.
Day 402922 0B69 1–31
Modbus control jumper
Year 402923 0B6A
This jumper provides the user with a
Day of week 402924 0B6B 1=Sunday...7=Saturday
means of enabling or disabling remote
Hour 402925 0B6C 0–23 communication control commands to the
LEDs Series NRX trip unit. With jumper placed
Minute 402926 0B6D 0–59
in the ENABLE position, remote Open
Second 402927 0B6E 0–59 and Close Breaker commands can be
acted upon. With the jumper in the
1/100th second 402928 0B6F 0–99
DISABLE position, these commands
will not be accepted.
Plug for
Source/residual ground
Sensing selection jumper
Jumper Plugs for This jumper selects the protection
Communicaton Control configuration for Series NRX trip units
with ground fault protection or ground
Figure 10. Modbus Communications fault alarm functionality. Consult Series
Adapter Module (Front View Closeup) NRX trip unit instructions (IL 70C1619)
for further information on ground sensing.
This jumper is not applicable and does
not function for non-ground fault style
trip units.


Instructional Leaflet IL01301034E Effective August 2009 Effective August 2009 Instructional Leaflet IL01301034E

Modbus Register Map in Functional Number Order (continued)

24 Vdc Modbus Register Modbus Register Modbus
– TB2-1 Objects (Complete List) Number Address Products
IEEE Point FP Series Series
 IEEE Fixed Float (FP) Scale NRX NRX
 Name Numeric Units Float Point (FP) (Hex) (Hex) Factor 520M 1150
5 4 3 2 1
TB #1 4 3 2 1 TB # Power Real W 404651 406187 122A 182A 1 x
121 Ohms
24 Vdc +

24 Vdc –

NW +

NW –


Reactive VAR 404653 406189 122C 182C 1 x

Apparent VA 404655 406191 122E 182E 1 x
Source Comm
Ground Control 3-phase
Enable Enable Power factor pf  pf 404717 406253 126C 186C 100 x
Disable Disable Apparent pf 404659 406195 1232 1832 100 x
(K) Energy Forward KWh N/A 406259 N/A 1872 1 x
Reverse KWh N/A 406261 N/A 1874 1 x

Total  KWh N/A 406263 N/A 1876 1 x
Apparent KVAh N/A 406271 N/A 187E 1 x
Energy (four Forward Wh N/A 406305 N/A 18A0 1 x
19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 reg. objects)
Reverse Wh N/A 406309 N/A 18A4 1 x
Series NRX Total  Wh N/A 406313 N/A 18A8 1 x
Circuit Digitrip 520M
Breaker Apparent VAh N/A 406329 N/A 18B8 1 x
Note: All objects are two registers in length unless specified otherwise.
 The primary and secondary codes are mapped to the high and low bytes, respectively, of registers 404609 (1200 ) and 406145
(180016). The primary status codes are shown in Table 10. The secondary status codes are shown in Table 11. The cause-of-
 The Series NRX communications module is a separate device that snaps into the DIN rail starting at location 19–26. status codes are mapped to registers 404610 (120116) and 406146 (180116). The cause-of-status codes are shown in Table 12.
The primary/secondary and cause-of-status must be read as a single two register object.
(Removal of the four contact blocks is required.)
 These numeric entries have specific definitions dependent on the particular Eaton product.
 The trip unit auxiliary voltage is 24 Vdc ±10% and should be sourced from a reliable service.
 Ground the shield at the master device and refer to Section 3 on page 4.
 Set the jumper on the module to enable or disable the remote open and close communication control commands, as desired. Table 6. MCAM Configuration Registers
 When the communications module is employed and source ground or zero sequence ground sensing method is required, the
Modbus Register10 Modbus Register
ground fault function is enabled by this jumper. Number Address16
 Connectors are UL姞/CSA姞 rated 300V, VDE rated 250V. Recommended: Weidmuller (BL 3.5/90/5BK) Orientation: 90° lead Number of
exit, but other lead orientations are possible. Wire guage: #18 AWG/0.82 mm. Register Definition R/W Low High Low High Registers10
 The final device in the daisy-chain configuration must have a 121 ohms termination resistor installed across terminals #1 Mapped block of registers configuration R/W 41001 420481 03E8 5000 100
and #2 on TB #2.
Mapped block of registers data R 41201 420737 04B0 5100 4 * 100

Figure 11. Series NRX Modbus Communication with Digitrip 520M Invalid object access configuration R/W 42001 425345 07D0 6300 1
Floating Pt data word order configuration R/W 42002 425346 07D1 6301 1
Fixed Pt data word order configuration R/W 42003 425347 07D2 6302 1
Supervisory control query R/W 42901 425089 0B54 6200 3
Date and time registers R/W 42921 0B68 8


Instructional Leaflet IL01301034E Effective August 2009 Effective August 2009 Instructional Leaflet IL01301034E

Table 5. Modbus Register Map in Functional Number Order

Modbus Register Modbus Register Modbus External
Objects (Complete List) Number Address Products Contacts
IEEE Point FP Series Series
CS (or PB) CS (or PB) Control
IEEE Fixed Float (FP) Scale NRX NRX
Trip Close Power
Name Numeric Units Float Point (FP) (Hex) (Hex) Factor 520M 1150
Product ID Prod ID 404719 or 406255 126E or 186E x x
Status Primary 404609 or 406145 hi byte 1200 or 1800 hi byte x x
cause  TB1
Secondary 404609 or 406145 lo byte 1200 or 1800 lo byte x x



Cause 404610 or 406146 1201 or 1801 x x
Current IA A 404611 406147 1202 1802 10 x x 

IB A 404613 406149 1204 1804 10 x x  

IC A 404615 406151 1206 1806 10 x x Communications

Module Series NRX Circuit Breaker
IG A 404617 406153 1208 1808 10 x x
IN A 404619 406155 120A 180A 10 x x  Spring release and shunt trip wiring as shown for optional communication close or open capability.
Peak IA A 404641 406177 1220 1820 10 x  Choose spring release coil voltage rating as desired if communications is required.
demand  Choose shunt trip voltage rating to be the same as spring release voltage rating if communication
is required.
Peak IB A 404643 406179 1222 1822 10 x
demand  Control power voltage rating must match ST and SR coil voltage rating.
 Close duration is 2 seconds on communication activation when communication control is enabled.
Peak IC A 404645 406181 1224 1824 10 x
L-L voltage VAB V 404623 406159 120E 180E 10 x Figure 12. Communications Control (SR an ST wiring)
VBC V 404625 406161 1210 1810 10 x
Section 6: Viewing/setting display will then alternate between ‘SP00’
VCA V 404627 406163 1212 1812 10 x
(denoting the address display mode) and
L-N voltage VAN V 404631 406167 1216 1816 10 x
Modbus address the programmed Modbus address value.
VBN V 404633 406169 1218 1818 10 x The Series NRX trip unit is used as To select a new address, depress the
the means to display and modify the trip unit Scroll Display to increment
VCN V 404635 406171 121A 181A 10 x programmed Modbus address setting the address value shown. Users may
Frequency Freq Hz 404661 406197 1234 1834 10 x of the MCAM module. All modules simultaneously depress and hold in the
are shipped with a factory set default Scroll and Reset/Battery Test buttons
Freq Hz 404721 406257 1270 1870 100 x address of 220. The allowable address for fast advance. The next setting will
Power Real W 404715 406251 126A 186A 1 x range is 001–247. be displayed when the Reset/Battery
3-phase A trip unit containing a full display, such Test button is released and then once
(power) as the Series NRX 1150, will provide again depressed.
Peak W 404697 406233 1258 1858 1 x the MCAM settings in menu form. To Once the last setting (SP03) has been
demand set or view MCAM settings on a Series viewed and the Reset/Battery Test button
NRX 520M limited display, the following has been released, the new Modbus
Note: All objects are two registers in length unless specified otherwise.
sequence is used. settings will be saved.
 The primary and secondary codes are mapped to the high and low bytes, respectively, of registers 404609 (1200 ) and 406145
(180016). The primary status codes are shown in Table 10. The secondary status codes are shown in Table 11. The cause-of- To set or view the address, depress and A block diagram of the setting sequence
status codes are mapped to registers 404610 (120116) and 406146 (180116). The cause-of-status codes are shown in Table 12. hold the Reset/Battery Test button located and programming options is shown in
The primary/secondary and cause-of-status must be read as a single two register object. on the front of the Series NRX trip unit for Figure 13. For the Series NRX Modbus
 These numeric entries have specific definitions dependent on the particular Eaton product. approximately 5 seconds until the address communications adapter module, four
information is displayed. This button communication settings are available and
must be held in continuously during can be viewed as shown in Table 3.
the process. The Series NRX trip unit


Instructional Leaflet IL01301034E Effective August 2009 Effective August 2009 Instructional Leaflet IL01301034E

Section 7: Network Modbus Register Map in Register Number Order (continued)

communications protocol Modbus Register Modbus Register Modbus
SP00 Objects (Complete List) Number Address Products
Range In order to satisfy the MCAM
001–247 Fixed
communications needs, please refer
Fixed IEEE Point FP Series Series
to the following reference material: IEEE Point Float (FP) Scale NRX NRX
“Modicon Modbus Protocol” Name Numeric Units Float (FP) (Hex) (Hex) Factor 520M 1150 Frequency Freq Hz 404661 406197 1234 1834 10 x
Power Peak demand W 404697 406233 1258 1858 1 x
Baud Rate The contents of Modbus registers
SP01 Real 3-phase W 404715 406251 126A 186A 1 x
00–03 are product objects (for example, IA—
phase A current). The MCAM ensures (power)
that unique objects reside in identical Power pf  pf 404717 406253 126C 186C 100 x
registers independent of Eaton products. factor
Consequently, Eaton products use a
single register map of objects (Table 4 Product ID Prod ID 404719 or 406255 126E or 186E x x
or Table 5). Frequency Freq Hz 404721 406257 1270 1870 100 x
SP02 Parity
Objects occupy two registers except (K) Energy Forward KWh N/A 406259 N/A 1872 1 x
for certain energy (real and reactive)
objects. These energy objects occupy Reverse KWh N/A 406261 N/A 1874 1 x
four registers. The MCAM can support a Total  KWh N/A 406263 N/A 1876 1 x
maximum of 122 registers within a single
Modbus transaction. Apparent KVAh N/A 406271 N/A 187E 1 x

To accommodate Modbus masters that Energy Forward Wh N/A 406305 N/A 18A0 1 x
can only access to register 9999, some (four reg.
SP03 Stop Bit Reverse Wh N/A 406309 N/A 18A4 1 x
00–01 Eaton registers initially assigned above
Total  Wh N/A 406313 N/A 18A8 1 x
9999 have been assigned dual access,
both at the original register (to provide Apparent VAh N/A 406329 N/A 18B8 1 x
compatibility) and at a new register
Figure 13. Setting Sequence Note: Objects are two registers in length unless specified otherwise.
assignment below 9999. The format
Programming Flow Chart for is given as low/high register numbers  The primary and secondary codes are mapped to the high and low bytes, respectively, of registers 404609 (1200 ) and 406145
Series NRX 520M Trip Unit followed by (low16/high16 Modbus register (180016). The primary status codes are shown in Table 10. The secondary status codes are shown in Table 11. The cause-of-
status codes are mapped to registers 404610 (120116) and 406146 (180116). The cause-of-status codes are shown in Table 12.
addresses). An example is: 4xxxx/4yyyyy The primary/secondary and cause-of-status must be read as a single two register object.
Table 3. MCAM Communications (XXXX+116/YYYY+116). Refer to Table 6.  These numeric entries have specific definitions dependent on the particular Eaton product.
Setting Ranges Only the RTU communications mode is
recognized by the MCAM.
Setting Allowable
Number Range
Function codes
Communication SP00 001–247
address The MCAM responds to a limited number
of Modbus function codes. These are
Baud rate SP01 00 = 1200 function codes 03, 04, 06, 08, and 16
01 = 4800 (1016). Function codes 03 and 04 are
02 = 9600 used interchangeably to obtain register
03 = 19200 data. Function code 06 can only be
Parity SP02 00 = None used to set the few single configuration
01 = Odd registers (Section <Register Access
02 = Even Configuration>).
Stop bit SP03 00 = 1 bit
01 = 2 bits


Instructional Leaflet IL01301034E Effective August 2009 Effective August 2009 Instructional Leaflet IL01301034E

Table 4. Modbus Register Map in Register Number Order Block of registers Register access configurations
Modbus Register Modbus Register Modbus A block of registers (from the register Non-volatile register 42001/425345
Objects (Complete List) Number Address Products column of Table 4 or Table 5) can be (07D016/630016) is used to configure the
Fixed established in the MCAM to remap the MCAM to respond to a group of data
IEEE Point FP Series Series object registers of an Eaton product. objects, of which some objects are invalid
IEEE Fixed Float (FP) Scale NRX NRX The block of registers list is stored in within that group. When non-zero (factory
Name Numeric Units Float Point (FP) (Hex) (Hex) Factor 520M 1150 non-volatile memory. default value), any attempt to access
Status Primary 404609 or 406145 hi byte 1200 or 1800 hi byte x x Function code 16 (1016) is used to load a group of data objects that contain an
cause  the object assignments for the block of invalid object will result in an illegal data
Secondary 404609 or 406145 lo byte 1200 or 1800 lo byte x x object exception code 02. Refer to a later
registers. The block assignments are
Cause 404610 or 406146 1201 or 1801 x x stored beginning at register 41001/420481 section entitled “Exception codes.”

Current IA A 404611 406147 1202 1802 10 x x

(03E816/500016). Only the first object When register 42001/425345
register address is assigned within the (07D016/630016) is set to zero, however,
IB A 404613 406149 1204 1804 10 x x block of registers. For example, although the MCAM will respond to a group
IC A 404615 406151 1206 1806 10 x x object IA occupies registers 404611 of objects with data contained in the
(120216) and 404612 (120316), only register valid objects of the group along with an
IG A 404617 406153 1208 1808 10 x x address (120216) is loaded into the block illegal value, if available else 000016 data
IN A 404619 406155 120A 180A 10 x x of assignment registers. Verification of contained in the invalid objects.
this block of assignment registers can be Non-volatile register 42002/425346
L-L voltage VAB V 404623 406159 120E 180E 10 x read from the MCAM by a read function (07D116/630116) is used to configure 32-bit
VBC V 404625 406161 1210 1810 10 x code 03 or 04 from these 41001/420481 IEEE姞 floating point word order. When
(03E816/500016) registers. non-zero (factory default), the floating
VCA V 404627 406163 1212 1812 10 x
Data pertaining to the objects configured point low order word is first in the
L-N VAN V 404631 406167 1216 1816 10 x in the block of assignment registers Modbus register space.
voltage is mapped into registers starting at
VBN V 404633 406169 1218 1818 10 x When register 42002/425346
41201/420737 (04B016/510016) and (07D116/630116) is set to zero, however,
VCN V 404635 406171 121A 181A 10 x continuing in successive order for each the floating point high order word is first
Peak Peak IA A 404641 406177 1220 1820 10 x object assigned. The number of objects in the Modbus register space.
current demand and their placement order in this data
block of registers is dependent on the Non-volatile register 42002/425347
Peak IB A 404643 406179 1222 1822 10 x (07D116/630216) is used to configure 32-bit
configuration of the block of assignment
demand fixed point and 64-bit energy word order.
registers. The total number of data block
Peak IC A 404645 406181 1224 1824 10 x of registers is limited to 100. When non-zero (factory default), the fixed
demand point and energy low order word is first in
Note: An object can occupy two or
four registers. the Modbus register space.
Power Real W 404651 406187 122A 182A 1 x
3-phase The data can be obtained from the data When register 42003/425347
(power) block of registers by a read function code (07D216/630216) is set to zero, however,
03 or 04. The address of the starting the fixed point and energy high order
Reactive VAR 404653 406189 122C 182C 1 x
3-phase object must be aligned with a starting word is first in the Modbus register space.
(power) address of an object within the data block Registers not containing a 32-bit or 64-bit
of registers. The number of registers format, such as Status and Product ID
Apparent VA 404655 406191 122E 182E 1 x
to obtain must align with an ending binary encoded objects, and MCAM
(power) address of an object within the data control of product registers are
block of registers. not affected by the word order
Power Apparent pf 404659 406195 1232 1832 100 x configuration registers.
Configuring any or all registers
Note: Objects are two registers in length unless specified otherwise. 42001/425345 through 42003/425347
 The primary and secondary codes are mapped to the high and low bytes, respectively, of registers 404609 (1200 ) and 406145
(07D016/630016 through 07D216/630216) is
(180016). The primary status codes are shown in Table 10. The secondary status codes are shown in Table 11. The cause-of- accomplished using a write function code
status codes are mapped to registers 404610 (120116) and 406146 (180116). The cause-of-status codes are shown in Table 12. 06 or 16 (1016).
The primary/secondary and cause-of-status must be read as a single two register object.
 These numeric entries have specific definitions dependent on the particular Eaton product.


Instructional Leaflet IL01301034E Effective August 2009 Effective August 2009 Instructional Leaflet IL01301034E

Control of product If the ‘slave action number’ and it 1’s All products reporting energy (independent Supported diagnostic sub-functions
complement are valid, the MCAM issues of energy units) support the energy
Since a control error could result in the ‘slave action’ control command to objects occupying four registers—Register It is possible to obtain diagnostics from
unwanted actions initiated by a device, the product. If the slave action request 3 through Register 0. Register 3 is the the MCAM or an attached product using
the MCAM requires a specific protocol is successfully acknowledged by the high order register and Register 0 is the function code 08. Refer to Table 9.
by the Modbus master in order to product, the MCAM returns a normal low order register.
perform control-related functions within Exception codes
function code 16 (1016) response to the Register 3 high byte contains a value
the product. Modbus master. The Modbus master Under certain circumstances, the MCAM
corresponding to engineering units (power
A set of registers is reserved for the may further determine if the product of 10 signed exponent). Register 3 low will return an exception code.
control protocol. completed the slave action function byte contains a mantissa multiplier value • If the function in the query is not
They begin at register 42901/425089 successfully by interrogating the product, (power of 2 signed exponent). supported by the MCAM, exception
(0B5416/620016) and extend through for example, by reading its status. code 01 is returned in the response
Register 2 through Register 0 contains
42903/425091 (0B5616/620216). These If the product does not acknowledge a 48-bit energy mantissa in units of • If the data (object) register is illegal,
three registers are written with a ‘slave the slave action request, the MCAM watthours. Net and total energy objects exception code 02 is returned in
action number’ and its 1’s complement returns an exception code 04. If the ‘slave are signed values. All other energy objects the response
using function code 16 (1016). The current action number’ and its 1’s complement are unsigned values.
‘slave action numbers’, their support being are invalid, the MCAM responds to the • If the data in the query is illegal,
product dependent, are listed in Table 7. Modbus master with a data value illegal The data format of these four registers is exception code 03 is returned
The format of the data is shown in exception code 03. Refer to a later section given in Figure 15. • If the attached product fails (usually a
Figure 14. These three registers, and entitled “Exception codes.” Energy = 2Mantissa Multiplier x (48-bit energy value) x 10 Engineering Units timeout), exception code 04 is returned
only these three registers, must be
written in one Modbus transaction. Date and time registers • In certain circumstances, an exception
code 05 (NAK) is returned
Access to date and time registers provide Energy Register 0
Register 42901/425089 (0B5416/620016) the opportunity for a Modbus master 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 • If the MCAM cannot perform the
to set up and/or read real-time clock requested function, exception code 07
15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
information within an Eaton product. Eight (NAK) is returned
Byte 1 of Mantissa Byte 0 of Mantissa
registers, beginning at register number • If only a partial register is used in the
Slave Action Byte 1 Slave Action Byte 0 402921 (i.e., holding register address query, exception code 84 is returned
0B6816), are reserved for this information, Energy Register 1
as defined in Table 8. Registers are read 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
Register 42902/425090 (0B5516/620116)
using function code 03 or 04 and written
15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 using function code 16 (1016).
Byte 3 of Mantissa Byte 2 of Mantissa
Energy format
1’s Complement of Slave Action Byte 2
Slave Action Byte 0 Energy objects in the MCAM are Energy Register 2
supported in two-register fixed point 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
Register 42903/425091 (0B5616/620216) object format and a four-register power/
15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
mantissa format. These objects do not
support IEEE floating point format. Byte 5 of Mantissa Byte 4 of Mantissa

The two-register format is presented

1’s Complement of 1’s Complement of in units of kilowatthours and is valid for
Slave Action Byte 2 Slave Action Byte 1 Energy Register 3
products reporting energy in watthours 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
or kilowatthours only. Products reporting
Figure 14. Control of Product in units greater than kilowatthours
Data Format (for example, megawatthours) could Engineering Units Mantissa Multiplier
not guarantee consistent kilowatthour
resolution up to and through their Energy = 2Mantissa Multiplier x (48-bit energy value) x 10 Engineering Units

rollover values.
Figure 15. Four-Register Energy
Data Format


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