Alternatives For Formal Schooling
Alternatives For Formal Schooling
Alternatives For Formal Schooling
There is a difference between knowing the right answers and asking the right
We have computers that can do every stage of writing and publishing but we
don’t have an abundance of Shakespeare’s. All our machines for graphics and
music have not helped much in the way of creating Mozart’s, and da Vinci’s. The
current system of education expects you to learn facts and processes
And then tests how well you can recall and apply what you have learnt then
regurgitates you into the world where you compete with others who have learnt
the same but they have also learnt that most of what they learnt has little
application in the real world.
Your ‘real world’ is your work environment, your home environment, your family
environment, and your social environment
All make different demands upon you in time, energy, money, and concern
Education needs to be redefined, re-purposed, restructured, and largely
reconditioned for the new age we have entered.
The best alternative to the current educational system is to make schools and
colleges ‘Resource Centers’ where anyone can learn what they want, when they
want and how they want. This way of education has proven to be a successful one
and is being taken in practice all over the world. In Germany after your basic
High school studies, one can pursue, Ausbildung in any sector you are intrigued
or interested in. The difference, it’s like internship which teaches you by
‘Learning by doing’. Japanese education includes the types of learning that occur
outside the formal educational system. Though still under the oversight of the
Ministry of Education, these forms of learning include supplemental learning
quite unlike what is included in the formal system.
Experiential learning is a philosophy and methodology in which educators
purposefully engage with students in direct experience and focused reflection in
order to increase knowledge, develop skills, and clarify values. Experiential
learning is also referred to as learning through action, learning by doing, learning
through experience, and learning through discovery and exploration.
Tell me and I forget, Teach me and I remember, Involve me and I will learn. ~
Benjamin Franklin, 1750
Through this alternative of formal schooling students will discuss, analyse and
reflect upon the experience. Describing and analysing their experiences allow
students to relate them to future learning experiences. Generalising, students will
connect the experience with real world examples, find trends or common truths
in the experience, and identify “real life” principles that emerged. Now what?
Students will apply what they learned in the experience (and what they learned
from past experiences and practice) to a similar or different situation. So to
summarise formal school do have different and effective alternatives which
would actually help the students to face the real world.