Contextual Learning

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Saturday, September 24th, 2016

What is Contextual Teaching and Learning?

What is the best way to convey the many concepts that are taught in a particular course so
that all students can use and retain that information? How can the individual lessons be
understood as interconnected pieces that build upon each other? How can a teacher
communicate effectively with students who wonder about the reason for, the meaning of,
and the relevance of what they study? How can we open the minds of a diverse student
population so they can learn concepts and techniques that will open doors of opportunity
for them throughout their lives? These are the challenges teachers face every day, the
challenges that a curriculum and an instructional approach based on contextual learning
can help them face successfully.
The majority of students in our schools are unable to make connections between what they
are learning and how that knowledge will be used. This is because the way they process
information and their motivation for learning are not touched by the traditional methods of
classroom teaching. The students have a difficult time understanding academic concepts
(such as math concepts) as they are commonly taught (that is, using an abstract, lecture
method), but they desperately need to understand the concepts as they relate to the
workplace and to the larger society in which they will live and work. Traditionally, students
have been expected to make these connections on their own, outside the classroom.
According to contextual learning theory, learning occurs only when students (learners)
process new information or knowledge in such a way that it makes sense to them in their
own frames of reference (their own inner worlds of memory, experience, and response).
This approach to learning and teaching assumes that the mind naturally seeks meaning in
contextthat is, in relation to the persons current environmentand that it does so by
searching for relationships that make sense and appear useful.
Building upon this understanding, contextual learning theory focuses on the multiple
aspects of any learning environment, whether a classroom, a laboratory, a computer lab, a
worksite, or a wheat field. It encourages educators to choose and/or design learning
environments that incorporate as many different forms of experience as possiblesocial,
cultural, physical, and psychologicalin working toward the desired learning outcomes.
In such an environment, students discover meaningful relationships between abstract ideas
and practical applications in the context of the real world; concepts are internalized through
the process of discovering, reinforcing, and relating. For example, a physics class studying
thermal conductivity might measure how the quality and amount of building insulation
material affect the amount of energy required to keep the building heated or cooled. Or a
biology or chemistry class might learn basic scientific concepts by studying the spread of
AIDS or the ways in which farmers suffer from and contribute to environmental degradation.
Read more about Contextual Teaching and Learning:

What We Know About the Learning Process

New Modules, 2007-08

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Current Issues in
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National Security
Developmental Mathematics:
Order of Operations
Search Texas Collaborative:


The REACT Strategy

Are You Teaching Contextually Copyright 2007, Texas Collaborative for Teaching Excellence
This project was funded by the Carl D. Perkins Career and Technical Education Act through the Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board.
Fiscal Agent: Del Mar College. Website maintained by CORD.

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