Within 1 hour of nursing intervention, the patient was able to indicate feeling comfortable when breathing, with vital signs within normal limits. The long-term goal is that within 3 days the patient can carry out activities of daily living independently with normal breathing patterns. The nursing care plan assesses the patient's ineffective breathing pattern related to anxiety, and plans short-term and long-term interventions including monitoring, breathing exercises, positioning, emotional support, activity limitations, oxygen and medication administration, and family education.
Within 1 hour of nursing intervention, the patient was able to indicate feeling comfortable when breathing, with vital signs within normal limits. The long-term goal is that within 3 days the patient can carry out activities of daily living independently with normal breathing patterns. The nursing care plan assesses the patient's ineffective breathing pattern related to anxiety, and plans short-term and long-term interventions including monitoring, breathing exercises, positioning, emotional support, activity limitations, oxygen and medication administration, and family education.
Within 1 hour of nursing intervention, the patient was able to indicate feeling comfortable when breathing, with vital signs within normal limits. The long-term goal is that within 3 days the patient can carry out activities of daily living independently with normal breathing patterns. The nursing care plan assesses the patient's ineffective breathing pattern related to anxiety, and plans short-term and long-term interventions including monitoring, breathing exercises, positioning, emotional support, activity limitations, oxygen and medication administration, and family education.
Within 1 hour of nursing intervention, the patient was able to indicate feeling comfortable when breathing, with vital signs within normal limits. The long-term goal is that within 3 days the patient can carry out activities of daily living independently with normal breathing patterns. The nursing care plan assesses the patient's ineffective breathing pattern related to anxiety, and plans short-term and long-term interventions including monitoring, breathing exercises, positioning, emotional support, activity limitations, oxygen and medication administration, and family education.
breathing “Naglisod na sya og pattern related Within 1 hour of 1. Assess breath sounds and 1. Monitor for changes in lung After 1 hour of ginhawa ma'am to anxiety as nursing other vital signs. sounds, respiratory rate and nursing intervention, the pagsulod ninyo, kay evidenced by intervention, the depth, and oxygen saturation patient was able to: nakaputi man gud mo verbalization of patient will be able closely for worsening or tanan nya nakuyawan feeling of to: improvement. - Indicated siya ba mao na naglisod tension. verbally feeling run og ginhawa." As - Indicates, 2. Instruct patient to perform 2. To promote deep inspiration, of comfortability verbalized by the either deep breaths. which increases oxygenation. when breathing caregiver. verbally or as evidenced by through V/S O2 at 90%. Objective data: behavior, 3. Monitor for anxiety or change 3. Feeling short of breath can feeling in mental status. induce panic which can, in turn, GOAL MET. • Tachypnea comfortable worsen hyperventilation. • Restlessness and when Long-term: anxiety breathing. 4. Monitor oxygen saturation 4. Pulse oximetry is a helpful • Hyperventilation continuously using pulse tool to detect alterations in After 3 days of nursing • Nasal flaring Long-term: oximetry. oxygenation initially; but, for intervention, the patient • Chills CO2 levels, end-tidal CO2 was able to: • V/S: Within 3 days of monitoring or arterial blood RR: 30 bpm nursing gases (ABGs) would require - Carries out O2: 90% intervention, the obtaining. ADLs, breathing patient will be able pattern remains to: 5. Assist the patient sitting up in 5. An upright position allows normal. a semi-Fowler’s or high- for a better lung expansion, - Carries out Fowler’s position. hence more air reaching the ADLs, lungs for gas exchange. October 10, 2022 breathing 2:30 PM pattern remains 6. Provide emotional support 6. A supportive environment normal. during episodes of respiratory can reduce anxiety and oxygen distress. demand. It reduces respiration and therefore slows fatiguing.
7. Instructed patient to avoid 7. To prevent increase oxygen A.CUNANAN,FSUU/SN
unnecessary action. demand.
8. Keep necessary 8. To prevent strenuous activity
materials/things within the that may increase oxygen patient’s reach. demand.
9.Administer O2 and 9. Oxygen administration
paracetamol for fever as corrects hypoxemia. prescribed.
10. Teach the family and 10. In case of an emergency,
caregiver signs and symptoms the family needs to have the of respiratory distress. skills to provide initial care and call for help to prevent care delays and ensure the best possible patient outcome.