Nursing Care Plan CAP - MR
Nursing Care Plan CAP - MR
Nursing Care Plan CAP - MR
SUBJECTIVE: Ineffective Breathing SHORT TERM: INDEPENDENT: INDEPENDENT: Short term goals are met as
Pattern secondary to evidenced by:
- "Nabudlayan ako mag Pneumonia as evidenced After 4 hours of nursing 1. Monitor and document 1. To detect early signs of
ginhawa," as verbalized by coughing, dyspnea, and intervention: respiratory rate and depth at respiratory compromise. - Patient exhibited improved
by the client. verbalization of the client, least every 4 hours. breathing pattern.
- Patient will exhibit 2. Unusual breathing
“nagbudlayan ako mag improved breathing pattern. 2. Observe breathing patterns patterns may imply an - Patient demonstrated deep
ginhawa.” underlying disease process breathing exercises to establish
- Patient will demonstrate 3. Auscultate breath sounds at or dysfunction. normal respiration.
deep breathing exercises to least every 4 hours.
establish normal respiration. 3. Is to detect decreased or - Patient obtained respiratory rate
4. Place patient with proper adventitious breath sounds. within established limits.
- Patient will obtain body alignment for maximum
OBJECTIVE: respiratory rate within breathing pattern. 4. A sitting position permits
established limits. maximum lung excursion
- BP: 120/70 5. Perform coughing and deep and chest expansion. Long term goals are met as
breathing exercises. evidenced by:
- T: 36 °C 5. These techniques promote
6. Encourage frequent rest deep inspiration, which - Patient maintains an effective
- RR: 10 periods and teach the patient to breathing pattern, as evidenced by
LONG TERM: increases oxygenation and
pace activity. prevents atelectasis. relaxed breathing at normal rate
- PR: 114
After 2 days of nursing and depth and absence of dyspnea.
- SPO2: 93 intervention: 6. Extra activity can worsen
shortness of breath. - Patient maintains respiratory rate
DEPENDENT: within 12-20 breaths per minute.
- Patient will maintain an
effective breathing pattern, 1. Antibiotics as prescribed. - Patient demonstrate deep
as evidenced by relaxed DEPENDENT: breathing.
breathing at normal rate and 2. Administer oxygen as
Ronchi sounds upon
depth and absence of ordered. 1. It works by stopping
auscultation dyspnea. the growth of
Difficulty of breathing - Patient will maintain COLLABORATIVE: 2. To promote
respiratory rate within 12-20 oxygenation.
Chest pain breaths per minute. 1. Collaborate with the
Respiratory therapist and
-Patient will demonstrate attending physician to address
deep breathing exercises. the ineffective breathing COLLABORATIVE:
Teaching of deep breathing
and coughing exercises, and
prescription of preferred
medication for difficulty of
Nursing Department
SUBJECTIVE: Ineffective Airway SHORT TERM: INDEPENDENT: INDEPENDENT: Short term goals are met as
Clearance secondary to evidenced by:
"Nabudlayan ako mag pneumonia as evidence by After 8 hours of nursing 1. Assess the rate, rhythm, and 1. Tachypnea, shallow
ginhawa" as verbalized. coughing, dyspnea and interventions: depth of respiration, chest respirations and
ronchi sounds upon movement, and use of asymmetric chest
accessory muscles. movement are Respiratory rate is within normal
auscultation range.
Patient will frequently present
identify/demonstrate because of the
behaviors to achieve airway 2. Elevate the head of the bed discomfort of
clearance. and change position frequently. moving the chest Demonstrate behaviors achieving
wall and fluid in the airway clearance.
lung due to a
OBJECTIVE: Patient will display/maintain 3. Teach and assist the patient
response to airway Maintained a patent airway with
a patent airway with breath with proper deep-breathing
obstruction. Altered breath sounds clearing as evidence
- BP: 120/70 sounds clearing; absence of exercises. Demonstrate proper
breathing patterns of absence of dyspnea
dyspnea splinting of the chest and
- T: 36 °C may occur together
effective coughing while in an
with accessory
- RR: 10 upright position. Encourage the
muscles to increase
Patient's respiratory rate patient to do so often.
chest excursion to
- PR: 114
will be in normal range facilitate effective
- SPO2: 93 breathing.
2. To lower the
4.Assist and monitor effects of Long term goal was met as
diaphragm and
Cough nebulizer treatment and other evidenced by:
promote chest
Ronchi sounds upon expansion, aeration
of lung segments,
auscultation LONG TERM: mobilization, and Maintained a patent airway with
expectoration of breathing sounds clearing as
Difficulty of breathing After 2 days of nursing secretions. evidence by absence of dyspnea.
intervention, the patient will:
Chest pain DEPENDENT:
4. Nebulizers humidify
the airway to thin
secretions and
facilitate liquefaction
and expectoration of
1. Mucolytics increase or
liquefy respiratory
Expectorants increase
productive cough to clear
the airways by liquefying
lower respiratory tract
secretions and reducing their
Bronchodilators are
medications used to
facilitate respiration by
dilating the airways.
2. Increasing the
humidity will decrease the
viscosity of secretions. Clean
the humidifier before use to
avoid bacterial growth.
-Provide supplemental - Patients with decreased
oxygen therapy as ordered. activity tolerance may
become short of breath with
activity and require additional
oxygen therapy in order to
maintain appropriate oxygen
saturation levels.
- Treat pain as ordered. - Patients may be limited in
their ability to endure activity
due to pain (i.e. following a
surgery). Ensure patient
receives appropriate pain
medication in advance of
- Provide appropriate - If malnourished, it will be
nutritional supplements when more difficult for patient to
indicated. increase activity level
therefore, ensuring
appropriate nutrition is vital.
- Consult a dietitian to meet - Dietitians can adjust the
the patient’s nutritional needs. nutritional needs to the
patient’s situation. Adequate
intake of nutrients helps with
maintaining skin integrity,
muscle strength, and immune
- Refer the patient to a - A rehab specialist can
rehabilitation specialist for provide additional support
further fatigue management and specialized insights for
strategies. the client to manage their