Lecture - Nutrition and Diet Therapy
Lecture - Nutrition and Diet Therapy
Lecture - Nutrition and Diet Therapy
Glucose- use by
the body as Determines what to eat:
1. Hunger – physiological need for
Uses as energy food.
2. Fats (lipids) Provide energy 2. Appetite – psychological desire for
food based on the pleasant
Uses as energy
3. Proteins Build and
Characteristics of Good and Poor
repair body
tissues and
provide energy
Good Poor
Special part in Alert Expression Apathy
our body Shiny Hair Dull, Lifeless Hair
(especially in
healing Hair is made up of
wounds) sulfur, if there is
no sulfur
4. Vitamins Regulate body presented in our
processes hair, there is a big
possibility for it to
Inorganic Nutrients Function be broken.
5. Minerals Regulate body Clear complexion Greasy, blemished
processes complexion with
poor color
6. Water Regulate body Bright, clear eyes Dull, red-rimmed
processes eyes
Pink, firm gums, Red, puffy,
and well- receding gums,
Each nutrient participates in at least one developed teeth and missing or
of the following functions: cavity- prone teeth
1. Providing the body with energy Firm Abdomen Swollen Abdomen
2. Building and repairing body tissue Firm, well- Flaccid, wasted
3. Regulating body processes developed muscle, weakness,
muscles and and diminished
strength handgrip strength
Well- developed Bowel legs, due to poor diet intake and poor
bone structure “Pigeon Chest” utilization.
Normal weight for Overweight, or
height underweight, 3. Nutrient Deficiency – occurs when
recent weight loss the person lacks one or more
Erect posture Slumped posture nutrients over a period of time.
Emotional Easily irritated,
stability depressed, poor
attention span Individual at Risk from Nutritional Intake
Good stamina, Easily fatigue, 1. Individuals of all ages and from all
seldom ill frequently ill walks of life
Healthy appetite Excessive or poor 2. Persons with recent illness,
appetite hospitalization or surgery
Healthy, normal Insomnia at night; 3. Meet or exceeds energy intake but
sleep habits fatigued during consume foods that are low
day nutrient quality
The normal sleep 4. Individuals with budget concerns
should be at least the preclude purchasing
8 hours. nourishing foods
Preferably from 5. Lack access to healthy food due to
9pm to 10pm geographic location
because this is the 6. Individuals living in lower-income
time where our neighborhoods
brain regenerates 7. Teenagers
causing us to have 8. Pregnancy and young mothers to
a healthy sleep. be.
9. Elderly
Normal Constipation and
elimination diarrhea
Anything which when taken and
digested nourishes the body.
Culturally acceptable substances
that supply heat and energy build
and repair body tissues, and
regulate body processes.
Composed of various compounds;
both organic (protein, lipids,
carbohydrates, and vitamins) and
inorganic (water and minerals)
September 12, 2022
Metabolism – broken down food
Derived from the Greek word
“metabolismos”; which means to
“change or alter”
Chemical process of transforming
foods into complex tissue elements
and of transforming complex body
substances into simple ones, along
with the production of heat and
1. Anthropology
2. Communications
3. Economics
4. History
5. Languages
6. Computer Technology
7. Photography
8. Psychiatry
9. Psychology
10. Culinary Arts
11. Occupational Therapy
12. Meal management
13. Food service systems management
Concepts in Nutrition
1. Adequate nutrition is essential to
good health.
2. The nutrients in our body are in
dynamic equilibrium.
3. Dietary intake and nutrient needs
should be individualized.
4. Nutrient content in food is