Abm W8
Abm W8
Abm W8
ABM - Organization and Management
Grade 11 Module 8: Quarter 1, Week 8
First Edition, 2020
Copyright © 2020
La Union Schools Division
Region I
All rights reserved. No part of this module may be reproduced in any form without
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Management Team:
Organization and
Module 8: Quarter 1 - Week 8
In your previous lesson, you learned about the nature of planning and the
importance of planning concepts as well as the application of tools and techniques
to have a good and wise decision making in business success.
This learning material will provide you with information that will help you
understand the Nature of Organizations and Types of Organization Structure.
After going through this learning material, you are expected to:
Before going on, check how much you know about this topic.
Answer the following pretest in a separate sheet of paper.
There are a lot of questions and concerns that crossed his mind while
thinking of his expansion plans: shall he remain as a single proprietor-owner or
extend the ownership by asking some of his trusted relatives and friends? In
putting up also a new branch, Mr. Pedro needs more capital to buy the necessary
things for his second pharmacy. He has to improve his credit standing and to
prepare enough of his present assets to guarantee him in getting a loan from a
bank or he needs also some investors. What’s the best approach in organizing his
business? He began to have his initial research and it resulted to these three
(a) Single Proprietor / Owner, a single person that holds the entire
operation as his personal property, managing it on a day-to-day basis.
(b) Partnership, a single business with two or more people sharing its
ownership. Each partner contributes to all aspects of the business,
including money, property, labor or skill. Each partner shares in the
profits and losses of the business.
(c) Corporation, a form of business that keeps the dealings, assets, and
bank accounts separate from his/her personal assets.
Directions: Read and analyze the following questions. Choose the letter of
your answer from the given choices. Place your answer in a separate sheet of
1. Which of the following is a single business with two or more persons sharing
its ownership where each partner shares in the profits and losses of the
A. Sole Proprietor C. Corporation
B. Partnership D. Organization
A. Management C. Organization
B. Nature D. Structure
4. Among the choices below, who is responsible for ensuring the procurement
process and the supply base effectively and efficiently?
A. Human Resource Management C. Office Management
Activity 2: Look at me!
Miss Lydia will have a job interview tomorrow in JADG Company. Due to
excitement, she arrived early. As she entered the building, she noticed a bulletin
board with different postings.
While waiting for her call, she roamed the place to take a quick look, and
there she went to the bulletin board and read some announcement, memorandums
and publication. One caught her attention, and out of curiosity, she gazed at the
organizational chart. The organizational chart is composed of different dignitaries
and their respective positions who are working in the said company. The structure
started from the highest rank to the lowest rank. At the back of her mind, she
wants to be listed there someday.
After sometime, Miss Lydia then realized that once she becomes a new employee,
she must learn what an organization is, its management, its operation, its people,
and its strategies. With that in mind, she made a research about the organizational
chart and it goes like this:
3 Major Types of Organization Structure
Directions: Read and analyze the following questions. Choose the letter of
your answer from the given choices. Place your answer in a separate sheet of
B. Matrix D. Divisional
5. Which among the choices below is identified as a broad organizational
structure that is usually represented with organizational charts and with
position descriptions?
A. tall C. formal
B. flat D. informal
Mr. Pedro needs to clarify and at the same time, classify the advantages and
disadvantages of the three (3) options. He called his lawyer to help him and they
discussed the following:
3 Options of an Organization
(1) Single Proprietor / Owner, one person holds the entire operation as his
/ her personal property and managing it on his / her own.
a. Liability – the business owner will be held directly responsible for any
losses, debts or violations coming from the business.
b. Taxes – while there are many tax benefits to sole proprietorships, a main
drawback is that the owner must pay self-employment taxes.
c. Lack of “Continuity” – the business may discontinue if the owner
become deceased or incapacitated.
d. Difficulty in Raising Capital – generating the capital or the initial funds
is usually provided by the owner. Sole proprietorship does not issue
stocks or other money-generating investments unlike corporations.
a. Joint and Individual Liability – partners are also liable for the
business debts and decisions made by other partners. The personal
assets of all partners can be used to satisfy the partnership’s debt.
c. Shared Profits – each partner must share the successes and profits of
their business with the other partners. An unequal contribution of time,
effort, or resources can cause dispute among partners.
a. Separate Legal Personality – A corporation, once registered with the
Securities and Exchange Commission and is issued a certificate, has
acquired a legal personality separate and distinct from its
stakeholders. Shareholders of a corporation are not liable to
obligations of the corporation’s contracts into like debts, negligence or
wrongful acts of the corporation. The maximum loss of money a
shareholder can incur is just the amount of his/her investment in the
corporation the value of his /her stock.
b. Ease of raising funds – it is easy to raise additional funds since it has
the option to sell shares of the corporation.
c. Continuity – it can have a perpetual existence, which means it can
outlive its owner because it is a separate person in the eyes of the law.
This means investors don’t have to worry about the untimely demise
of the owners.
d. Ease of Transfer of Ownership – the board of directors can
authorize the issue of shares of stocks in exchange for investors’
capital infusion into the company.
e. Credibility – a business with an Incorporation or “Inc.” sign after its
name often sounds more credible in the business context. One most
likely attracts more partners, customers, and attention from the
a. More time and money spent in organizing – it will require more time
and money than forming other sole and partnership business type.
d. More costly – there are required number of board meeting and annual
shareholder meetings/ sessions, all of these meetings/sessions will incur
expenses. As well as the services of attorney and accountant with
drafting legal documents and corporate filings.
B. Marketing Management
C. Operations Management
D. Financial Management
- the goal of any finance function is to ensure the set up of effective and
efficient internal process designed to achieve business support service,
lowest costs and effective control of the environment while being vision-
oriented, growth focused, intuitive and risk taking.
F. Office Management
Once a business plan has been established, a manager can begin to organize.
Organizing involves assigning tasks, grouping tasks into departments, delegating
authority and responsibility, and allocating resources across the organization.
Basically, the nature of organization can be viewed in two (2) ways: (1) Organization
as a process and (2) Organization as a structure or framework of relationship.
Organizations can achieve higher sales and other profits by properly matching their
needs with the structure they use to operate.
The basic organization framework is called the Line Structure. It has only
direct, vertical, relationships between different levels in the firm where similar
activities are performed at a particular level. Each group of specialists can therefore
operate independently, with management acting as the point of cross-
communication between functional areas. Line departments are directly involved in
accomplishing the primary goals of the organization. In a line organization,
authority follows the chain of command.
There are two (2) functions that can be used in making the organization
structure. A line function is a position that has a direct chain of command that is
responsible for the achievement of an organization’s goals.
On the other hand, a staff function is intended to provide expertise, advice
and support for the line positions. (example of Staff Functions: HR, Quality
Assurance, and Corporate Planning)
There are several variations of organizational structures and there are three
(3) common types of it.
Figure 4. Sample of Functional Structure. Adapted from Organization and
Management by Payos, Ranulfo P. et al. (2016).
(3) Matrix, this is hybrid of the 2 structures: functional and divisional. It is
typically used in large multinational companies, the matrix structure allows
for the benefits of functional and divisional structure to exist in one
organization. This structure is flexible and balance decision making.
Disadvantage: this can create power struggles because most areas of the
company will have a dual management. It can lead to confusion among
employees due to conflicting orders from multiple sources.
There are two (2) broader organizational structure that can be identify: first
is the formal organization, where it is usually represented with organizational
charts and with position description and there is a clear reporting relationship that
the manager is aware of. Secondly the informal organization, is a set of evolving
relationships and patterns of human interaction within an organization that
actually do exist but are not officially prescribed. There is also the presence of an
informal leaders who sometimes exert influence to organizational behavior.
Here are some enrichment activities for you to work on master and
strengthen the basic concepts you have learned from this lesson.
Assessment 1
4. An organization is basically a group of people who work together
______ according to their role and responsibilities
______ according to authority
______ to achieve different goals and objectives
______ to coordinate their actions while establishing connection
Assessment 2
Directions: Look for the term/s that corresponds to the nature and role of
firm from the box. Write your answer on a separate sheet of paper.
Assessment 3
Assessment 4
Great job! You have understood the lesson.
Are you now ready to summarize?
Activity 1
At this point, you have to differentiate the three (options) of the nature
of an organization by completing a table. The scoring rubric on the next
page will be used in assessing your outputs.
2. Complete the table below on how you understood the topic. Use a
separate sheet of paper for your output. See Table 1 for your
and errors per page in use few errors per page throughout in use
Mechanics of Standard English in use of Standard of Standard
rules of grammar, English rules of English rules of
spelling, punctuation, grammar, spelling, grammar, spelling,
capitalization, and punctuation, punctuation,
usage that made the capitalization, and capitalization, and
output unclear or usage but did not usage
difficult to read affect overall clarity
Activity 2
3. Make sure that the lines and arrows are congruent to one another.
Table 2. Business Organization Structure
specific, or specific, accurate,
accurate relevant data
Lacked sense of Adequate sense of Exceptionally clear
unity and order, unity and order, sense of unity and
ineffective / lack of most transitions order, logical
transitions effective transitions
Lacked smooth, Used smooth, clear, Used smooth, clear,
clear, readable readable writing readable writing in a
writing, contains throughout most of superior way
clichés and paper, few clichés, throughout , no
wordiness, occasional clichés or
generally ineffective wordiness, generally wordiness,
word choice appropriate word consistently effective
choice word choice
More than a few Not more than a few Few, if any, errors
errors per page in errors per page in throughout in use of
use of Standard use of Standard Standard English
English rules of English rules of rules of grammar,
grammar, spelling, grammar, spelling, spelling,
punctuation, punctuation, punctuation,
capitalization, and capitalization, and capitalization, and
usage that made usage but did not usage
the output unclear affect overall clarity
or difficult to read
Directions: Read each item carefully. Write the letter of the correct answer.
Use a separate sheet of paper.
5. What management is being referred to when a firm ensures that it
manages the procurement process and the supply base effectively and
efficiently like buying high quality products?
A. Operations Management C. Office Management
B. Material and Procurement Management D. ICT Management
11. What organization structure works very well for small businesses in
which each department can support itself by relying on the talent and
knowledge of its workers?
A. Line C. Functional
B. Matrix D. Divisional
12. Which of the following product brand / companies uses the Matrix
Structure of organization?
A. Nike Apparel C. Glow Dishwashing Liquid
B. Marikina Footwears D. Creamline Ice Cream
15. Therese works in a company where everyone works in units with people
performing similar jobs. For example, Therese’s accounting colleagues
work in one department. The sales and marketing team work in a
separate department and even the production of the company’s apparel
team works in a separate department. What type of organization
structure is Therese working with?
A. Line C. Functional
B. Matrix D. Divisional
Printed Materials:
Activity 1: Activity 2:
1. B 1. B
2. C 2. D
3. A 3. A
4. D 4. C
5. C 5. C
Assessment 1:
1. assets, dealings, ban accounts
2. they are relatively easy to start up, they are entitled to all the profits the sole
proprietorship collects it is less complicated in preparation of documents
3. money, labor, skill, property
4. according to their role and responsibilities according to authority to achieve
goals and objectives to coordinate their actions while establishing
5. president, secretary, treasurer
Assessment 2:
A. Human Resource Management
- management of people
- selection and placement
- compensation and benefits
- training and development
B. Information and Communication Technology Management
- cellphone
- computer
- satellite system
- network hardware and software
C. Office Management
- maintenance of the process of work
D. Marketing Management
- satisfying the consumer
E. Material and Procurement Management
- supply
- buying high quality products
F. Financial Management
- effective control of the environment
- business support service
- lowest cost
Assessment 3:
Assessment 4:
1. organization
2. flat
3. tall
4. line structure
5. staff
6. line
7. functional
8. divisional
9. matrix
10. informal organization
Activity 1 – Answers vary. See rubric for checking
Activity 2 – Answers vary. See rubric for checking
1. A
2. D
3. D
4. C
5. B
6. A
7. C
8. B
9. B
10. D
11. C
12. A
13. C
14. D
15. C