Pom - QB

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Part B

1Explain about the evolution of management.

2. Explain in detail about Henry Fayol’s contribution towards classical approach towards management.

3. Explain managerial skills and roles.

4. Is management art or science? Discuss.

5. Enlighten the relevance of environmental factors that affects global business.

6. Explain the issues in organizational culture in modern business organizations.

7. Discuss the relative importance of each type of skills to lower level and upper level managers.

8. Discuss the trends and challenges of management in globalized era.

9. Explain the Levels of Management and functions of management.

10. Discuss the scope and nature of management.

Part C

1. "Management is the art of getting work done by through people". Comment on the statement and explain the various
function of management.

2. In a school, you observe that books are kept in office, chalks in the library and office records in staff room.

a. Which principles of management is violated here and why?

b. How will that affect the achievement of school objectives?
c. As a manager, what steps will you take to rectify the short comings?

3. Davinder is a class twelfth commerce student in a reputed school in Punjab. Satinder is his elder brother who is doing
his Masters in Hospital Administration from Delhi after completing his B.Sc. course. During vacations when Satinder comes
home, Davinder shows him the business studies project that he is preparing on the topic ‘Principles of Management’.
Satinder tells him that these principles are also a part of MBA course curriculum at the beginner’s level as they form the
core of management in practice. But he finds these principles different from those of pure science.

In context of the above case:

Outline the concept of principles of management.

a. Why does Satinder find the principles of management different from those of pure science?

b. Why do the principles of management form the core of management in practice? Explain by giving any two points
highlighting the importance of principles of management.

4. Enumerate Fayol’s principles of management. How are they different from Taylor principles? Comment on them in brief.

5. Explain the different types of business organization.


1. Explain the general planning process adopted by the business organizations.

2. Discuss the steps involved in decision making process.

3. Define MBO and explain the various steps involved in it.

4. Write short notes on types of strategies.

5. What is planning? Explain the steps involved in planning. How is operational planning differ from strategic planning?

6. What are the objectives of planning? Explain how you will set objectives for a manufacturing organization.
7. What do you meant by Management By Objectives (MBO)? Discuss its benefits and weakness.

8. Write short notes on the following:

(i) Management by objectives

(ii) Types of strategies.

9. Describe the planning tools and techniques in detail.

10. Classify the types of goals organizations might have and plans they used for accomplishment.

Part C

1. ABC Ltd. has a plan of increasing the profits by 20%. It has devoted the lot of time and money to this plan. But the
competition starts increasing, so it could not change its plan to beat its competitors because huge amount of money had
already been devoted to pre-decided plan. It causes losses to the company.

Explain any two limitations of planning highlighted in the above case. Also quote the lines from it.

2. Fred loves clothes. His favourite activity is to go shopping at the mall and try on new clothes. He looks forward to the day
when he has a job so he can buy all the clothes he wants. Next week is Fred’s birthday and he will receive $75.00 for his
present. He saw a pair of jeans at the mall that were $72.00; however, he also needs new shirts, new shorts, and some swim
trunks for the summer. His $75.00 could purchase all of these things or it could purchase the one pair of designer jeans. All
the kids at school wear these jeans. Fred states, “If only I had a pair of these jeans, I would be popular.”

.” How could Fred make a wise decision? What would you do?

3. Define fore casting. Explain the various forecasting techniques used for decision making process.

4. Define decision making and explain the process of decision-making that affects the efficiency of the business decision.

5. Enumerate the types of planning with a suitable example. What are the advantages of planning for enhancing safety and
security measures in the manufacturing sector.

6. Explain the merits and demerits of decision making under risk and uncertainty. Offer suggestions.

7. A shoe manufacturing company wants to become a market leader. For this a detailed planning is required. The first step
taken by the firm is to set targets for the three months duration for selling maximum number of shoes in the market which
they set as 2, 50,000. The team doesn’t want to make any mistake so they decide to do proper planning. They decide to chalk
out alternative plans so that they can arrive at the best possible plan. However the team is surrounded with doubts. To
remove doubts it goes for judging the plans to get the most profitable one. The plan is taken to the whole organisation and
the concerned persons. Ultimately it is put into action. Without much caring for the results the company starts working on
the other project simultaneously.

Identify the steps in the planning process which have been applied by the organisation in the above case?


1. Explain the process involved in selecting and recruiting a graduate trainee in


2. Explain about performance appraisal.

3. Explain the difference between line and staff organization with an examples. Discuss its merits and demerits.

3. What is departmentation? Bring out the features of departmentation and explain each with suitable example.

4. Compare formal and informal organization.

5. Explain the various sources of Recruitment. Compare their merits and demerits.
6. Explain the difference between centralization and decentralization.

7. Elucidate any four types of organization.

8. Distinguish between training and development .and explain the various methods of training.

9. Discuss the tasks in associating with identifying and selecting competent employees.

Part C

1. Describe a case in which matrix organization structure will be effective. Also Discuss the advantages and limitations of
matrix organization.

2. “Delegation is the ability to get result through others”- Discuss. Explain the steps and guide lines to be followed while
delegating authority.

3. Assume you are posted as HR manager in a leading organization. How will you Conduct the recruitment drive for your
company? Give details.

4. Explain line and functional organizational structures with their advantages and limitations.

5. What is span of Control?

6. Enumerate in detail about the selection process which is widely followed in selecting IT professionals. Also highlight the
different techniques used in selection process.

7. Discuss the factors that affect centralization and decentralization. Also highlight the merits and demerits of centralization
and decentralization with examples.

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