The Sexual Self

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The Sexual self


They say, “Change is inevitable.” that in all courses of human existence change can
never be ignored, everything that is around us now is because of change. Change
happens every single time and those change may not be visible to our own eyes. This
lesson helps us better understand ourselves and its influences through a discussion of
secondary sex characteristics, sexually transmitted diseases, and family planning. It
includes activities that will analyze one’s sexual self, developing social/moral
responsibility on the issues of STI, HIV/AIDS and family planning. It is our goal to battle
ignorance of the youth on sex, sexuality, relationships and sexual health and thus help
you to informed decisions as you grow into sexually healthy adults.

Sexual Self
● Refers to the totality of oneself as a sexual being including negative and
positive concepts and feelings, and process of social information related to
sexuality and directs of sexual behavior. ( & Iranian Red
Crescent Medical Journal)

Development of Sexual Identity

● The most visible change that occurs to a human body.
● It is the time in life when a boy or girl becomes sexually mature.
● It causes physical changes and affects boys and girls differently.
Primary Sexual Characteristics
● development of body structure (ovaries, testes, and external genitalia) that make
sexual reproduction possible.
Secondary Sexual Characteristics

● pertains to the development of non-reproductive sexual characteristics such

as female breasts and hips, male voice quality and body hair.

During Puberty for Female (Starts at the age of 10 or 11 y/o)

● Development of breasts
● Widening of hips
● Hair growth around pubic area and underarms
● Beginning of menstrual cycles
● Having Vaginal discharges
● Having Period pains
● Height

During Puberty for Male (Starts at the age of 12 much visible 13-16 y/o)
● Voice change
● Broadening of shoulder
● Hair growth
● Increase in size of testicles and penis, having unwanted erections
● Development of muscular masses
● Height

Erogenous Zones
• sexually stimulating zones of both sexes, relevant and beneficial not only for
sexual excitement but also for protection against sexual violence.

Male Scale Female Scale

Specific body Level of Specific body Level of
part arousal part arousal
Ears 4.03 Lower back 4.73
Back of the neck 4.53 Ears 5.06
Pubic Hairline 4.80 Back of neck 6.20
Perineum 4.81 Inner thigh 6.70
Nipples 4.89 Nipples 7.35
Nape of neck 5.65 Breast 7.35
Inner thigh 5.84 Nape of neck 7.51
Scrotum 6.50 Mouth/Lips 7.91
Mouth/lips 7.03 Vagina 8.40
Penis 9.00 Clitoris 9.17

Sexual Response Cycle (William Masters and Virginia Johnson) – describes the
physiological responses that take place during the sexual activity.
• Desire/Arousal phase/ Excitement- sexual urges occur in response to sexual cues
or fantasies.
• Plateau phase- brief period before orgasm
• Orgasm phase- In males, feelings of inevitability of ejaculation followed by
ejaculation. In females, contractions of the walls of the lower third of vagina.
• Resolution phase- decrease in arousal occurs after orgasm (particularly men)


Sigmund Freud 
- All human behavior is motivated by the desire to feel pleasure.
- Such motivation is organized and controlled by two instinct: sexuality and
- He theorized that these instincts are driven by a form of internal psychic energy
called libido.
- Human instinct continuously seeks the pleasure of the flesh which can be
satisfied through sex.
- The mind plays an important role in one’s sexuality and sexual behaviors.


Three stage of love (Helen Fisher of Rutgers University – 1948)
1. Lust (libido or sex drive) – the desire for sexual gratification which is inherent to
every living organism.
2. Attraction (passionate or obsessive love, infatuation) – the intense attention
given to a desired partner. It is driven by chemicals and hormones:
a. Adrenaline – released by the body for “fight” or “flight.”
b. Dopamine – ignites an intense rush of pleasure when released.
c. Serotonin – attributed to “falling in love” as this hormone makes a person think
of his or her desired partner at most times.
3. Attachment – (companionate love) desire of couples to stay together. It is
driven by two major hormones namely oxytocin (cuddle hormone) and vasopressin
(anti-diuretic hormone).
1. Masturbation – stimulating one’s own genitals done alone by an individual.
2. Premarital Sex – sexual activities people engage in outside of marriage
3. Marital sex – happen within the bounds of marriage.
4. Extramarital sex – sexual activities that married people engage in with people
they are not married to.
5. Heterosexuality – happens between persons of the opposite sex.
6. Homosexuality – refers to sexual attraction and activities that happen between
two persons of the same sex.
7. Bisexuality – sexual behavior of one who engages in sexual acts with someone
from the opposite or same sex.

Sex vs. Gender

- is based from your reproductive organ (vagina or penis) or biological
- is based from your reference to social and cultural differences rather than
biological ones and denotes a range of identities that do not correspond
to the established ideas of being a male and female.

Gender Identity vs. Sexual Orientation

Gender Identity
- refers to one’s sense of being male or female.
- Based from your feelings inside and on how you express those feelings.
- Example the LGBTQIA+
Sexual Orientation
- a person's sexual identity in relation to the gender to which they are
attracted; the fact of being heterosexual, homosexual, or bisexual.
The Basics of STI, HIV and AIDS, STI
It is an infection primarily transmitted through sexual contact but may also be
transmitted through non-sexual means.

Common Signs and Symptoms of STI

● Pain passing urine.
● Sever itchiness
● Pain during sexual intercourse
● Yellowish/abnormal discharge
● Ulcerations
● Abdominal pain

HUMAN- This virus can only infect human beings
IMMUNO-DEFICIENCY - The effect of the virus is to create a deficiency (a failure to
work properly) within the body’s immune system
VIRUS- This organism is a retro virus, which means it can reproduce itself by taking
over the machinery of the human cell

Four Body Fluids Known to Transmit HIV 


ACQUIRED-The infection may be transmitted from one person to another.
IMMUNE - The immune system is compromised.
DEFICIENCY- The body can no longer fight off infections; individual may suffer from
two or more opportunistic infections.
SYNDROME- A person experiences a collection of symptoms which could be fatal.

HIV mode of Transmission

● Sexual transmission of HIV
● Infected Blood and blood products
● Mother to Child
● from an HIV infected mother to child, natural delivery, breastfeeding

ABCDE of HIV Prevention

ABSTINENCE: Do not have sex. In the case of adolescents, delaying sexual debut
(age of first sexual encounter) will help.
BE monogamous: Have ONE sexual partner
Correct and consistent use of CONDOM and safer sex practices
DO NOT inject drugs
Education & Early detection

● It is the practice of controlling the number of children in a family and the
intervals between their births, particularly by means of: Natural Method and
Artificial Contraception

Natural Method of Family Planning

● Known as Fertility Awareness.
● It is a method of birth control that doesn’t use any drugs or devices.

1. Abstinence
● This method involves refraining from sexual intercourse.
● It is 100% effective.
2. Calendar Method
● Known as Rhythm Method means avoiding sex when a woman is most
3. Withdrawal Method
● Known as coitus interruptus, Pull-out method, and Rejected Sexual
● It is a method of birth control in which a man, during sexual
intercourse, withdraws his penis from the woman’s vagina prior to
orgasm, and then direct his semen away from the vagina to avoid

Artificial Method of Family Planning

● It is a method of birth control that involves the use of specific drugs or
● It is the process used to prevent pregnancy and plan for the birth of children
at the most optimum time.
1. Spermicide
● Spermicide contains a chemical that kills sperm.
2. Male Condom
● It prevents sperm from entering the woman's body, protecting
against pregnancy and STDs.
3. Female Condom
● Is a thin plastic pouch that lines the vagina and can be put in place
up to 8 hours before sex.
4. Diaphragm
● Is a rubber dome that is placed over the cervix before sex. It is
used with a spermicide.
5. Cervical Cap
● The FemCap slips into place over the cervix, blocking entry into the
6. Birth Control Pills
● The most common type of birth control pill uses the hormones
estrogen and progestin to prevent ovulation.
7. Vaginal Ring
● The NuvaRing is a soft plastic ring that is worn inside the vagina.
8. Birth Control Shot
● The birth control shot, known as Depo-Provera, is a hormonal
injection that protects against pregnancy for three months.
9. Intrauterine Device
● a T-shaped piece of plastic that is placed inside the uterus by a
10. Tubal Ligation
● A surgeon closes off the fallopian tubes, preventing eggs from
making their journey out of the ovaries.
11. Vasectomy
It involves surgically closing the vas deferens – the tubes that carry sperm from the
testes, through the reproductive system. This prevents the release of sperm but does
not interfere with ejaculation

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