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ISSN (1897-3310)

ARCHIVES Volume 13
Issue 4/2013
49 – 52
Published quarterly as the organ of the Foundry Commission of the Polish Academy of Sciences

Evaluation Criteria of Wax Pattern Strength

Tests and their Role in Forecasting the
Shape Accuracy of Wax Patterns
R. Haratym a, R. Biernacki b, *, J. Lewiński a, J. Kwapisz c
University of Ecology and Management, Wawelska 14, 02-061 Warsaw, Poland
Warsaw University of Technology, Institute of Manufacturing Technologies, Narbutta 85, 02-524 Warsaw, Poland
Instituto Superior Tecnico, MIT Portugal, Av. Rovisco Pais, 1, 1049-001 Lisboa, Portugal
*Corresponding author. E-mail address: r.biernacki@wip.pw.edu.pl

Received 29.06.2013; accepted in revised form 02.09.2013

This research paper will present and analyze selected testing of wax patterns - bending strength test, test of resistance to creep and
penetration hardness test. Evaluation of these tests will be carried out in terms of the shape accuracy of wax patterns.
Additionally, statistical evaluation will be carried out of relationships between selected parameters of previously mentioned tests. Standard
bending tests will be statistically evaluated and compared with two other test methods conducted on corresponding patterns.
Particular attention will be given to creep resistance, which is a very useful test method for assessing changes in the shape of complex
patterns in the function of time and temperature.
At the same time an evaluation of hardness tests of wax patterns will be carried out with usage of appropriate samples or by direct
examination of the production patterns.

Keywords: Pattern strength, Lost wax casting, Pattern tests, Sustainability, Recycling

Strength properties of wax patterns are an essential element

1. Introduction that has to be noted in the foundry. In the manufacturing process
it is possible to carry out appropriate recycling of pattern
For the production of disposable patterns in the lost wax
materials. This causes reduction of production costs and it is
process usually special pattern materials are used, which are
based on adding the appropriate part of fresh mixture (new
mixtures of defined composition determining their properties.
materials) to the mixture used before. In addition, it is necessary
Currently, they are produced by specialized companies. To add
to check the properties of thus obtained pattern material. The
new wax pattern material into production in the precision foundry
main issues concern the study of mechanical properties, especially
it is necessary to compare its properties with the properties of
evaluation of bending strength (the most common method),
mixtures from recognized company. Accuracy of the patterns
evaluation of creep resistance, hardness evaluation and analysis of
generated in the production phase depends mainly on:
pattern material shrinkage in real patterns.
1) wax patterns shape,
All of these tests should be carried out in relation to the
2) strength properties of pattern material,
ambient temperature in the foundry (patterns and ceramic molds
3) shrinkage of the pattern material.
the branch). Simultaneously, the injection pressure of pattern

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material in to form shaping patterns is determined, usually in the
range between 0.5 to 3.0 MPa. The mentioned parameters
influence the properties of the patterns and the possibility of using
solid wax mixtures from companies such as Blayson or Kindt-
Evaluation of bending strength is problematic because of the
need to use the right tools and specialized samples, although
three-point bending test is often used [1, 2]. Less complex tests Fig. 2. Needle for hardness testing of wax patterns compounds
are related to the evaluation of pattern material properties on the
corresponding samples (or the actual wax patterns), which relates Table 1.
to the hardness and creep resistance. Hardness test is usually Conditions of cylindrical samples and industrial patterns hardness
performed by penetration. testing
Assessment of pattern material creep in function of Type of samples and appropriate designation:
temperature is particularly useful for maintaining the appropriate 1.  27 x 20 mm – A (VA = 11.66 cm3)
complex shape and thin patterns. It is important to ensure 2.  27 x 30 mm – B (VB = 17.50 cm3)
minimum deformation, later influencing the accuracy of the
3.  36 x 20 mm – C (VC = 20.70 cm3)
casting [5].
4.  36 x 30 mm – E (VE = 31.10 cm3)

Industrial patterns and their manufacturing conditions:

2. Research methodology of wax pattern Injection pressure: 1.0 MPa
1.5 MPa
properties study 3.0 MPa
5.0 MPa
2.1. Hardness of pattern material The temperature of the injection: 55 C
60 C
Figure 1 shows the measurement station used in the study. 65 C
Hardness penetration method was based on the measurement of Thickness: 7 mm
immersion in the studied of wax pattern compound needle of 12 mm
appropriate shape (Fig. 2) [3]. Load on measuring needle was 160
to 200 grams.
2.2. Creep resistance
The study was based on measuring the deflection curve of
cylindrical samples with about 8 mm diameter which were
deformed during 10 minutes as a result of 30 grams impact stress.
Samples were placed so that the arm of impact load was located in
150 mm. The base of research was deeply discussed in [1, 5]. The
device, on which tests were carried out are shown in Figure 3.

Fig. 1. Computer station for hardness testing using penetration

method (1 – Holed for displacement sensor; 2 – Tested sample;
3 – Displacement sensor Ptx100; 4 – Penetration needle;
5 – Transducer, Amplifier; 6 – Multimeter Sanwa PC5000;
7 – Laptop with installed PC-link plus program)

Tested samples were cylindrical, their dimensions and the

manufacturing method of industrial samples is shown in Table 1.
Fig. 3. The creep test station
In addition, small batch of cylindrical samples  26 x 30 mm was
made. Several samples from each pattern material were examined.

50 ARC HI VE S of F OUN DR Y EN GI NE ER ING V ol u me 1 3 , Iss u e 4 / 2 01 3 , 4 9- 5 2

Measuring station consisted of a special mount to hold
samples, inductive sensor with the extensions meter, and
computer with measurement chart. The measurement time for
each batch of samples (3 pieces) was 10 min. Several sets of
measurements were made for the temperature 18 and 25 ° C.

3. The results
3.1. Evaluation of hardness with usage of
penetration method
A first series of tests was made for samples  26 x 30 mm
using a dial indicator to measure the movement of the penetration
needle. The study was conducted on pattern material Blayson Fig. 5. The creep resistance of various pattern materials in the
A7-FR60, Kindt-Collins KC4017 and blends of paraffin (P) and temperature zones 18 and 25 degrees C
stearin (S) with additions of ceresin and polyethylene or Montana
wax. In addition, a further series of tests at the position shown in Table 2.
figure 1 were made. In this case, several kinds of samples were The results of  8 mm samples bending strength
made (Table 1) at different manufacturing pressures, obtained Average value of bending strength
hardness was compared with the results obtained in the actual Type of pattern Rgavg [MPa]
industrial wax patterns. All results are shown in Figure 4. material
Temp. 21 ºC
Wax A7-FR60
6.5 00..78
Wax KC4017 (Kindt 7.4  1.6
Mixture PSWp (3 3.2  0.4
time used material
frol Polish foundry)

4. Summary of research results

1) The sample size has little effect on the measured hardness
value in units of penetration (for sample volume between
VA = 11.66 cm3 and VE = 31.10 cm3 - see table 1).
2) It is permissible to make hardness tests on actual real
Fig. 4. The hardness of pattern material in different temperature patterns, but the thickness of the pattern should be at least
zones 12 mm.
3) Measurement uncertainty while hardness Tw tested for
3.2. Evaluation of resistance to creep evaluated samples regardless of their size varied from
approximately ± 0.5 to ± 1.3 units of penetration.
Research findings made in the research station shown in 4) For the industrial wax patterns, when the thickness of the
Figure 3 are presented in Figure 5. model was 12 or more than 12 mm, the uncertainty was ±
With the use of the same samples as used in the creep studies 0.6 units of penetration (similar to the result of the smaller
( 8 mm) bending strength was evaluated (three-point samples).
measurements) and the spacing of the supports was 50 mm the 5) Significant influence of temperature on the pattern material
results were achieved and they are shown in Table 2. properties was observed – hardness Tw value and deflection
curve during creep f (Figs. 4 and 5).
6) Because of the fact that the hardness penetration is in
inverse relation to the size of a conventional hardness
results for metals, apparent hardness parameter was
introduced in the wax patterns Twp  and its value
was in an average 0,196 for samples A7-FR60, 0,189 for
KC4017 and 0,068 for a domestic pattern material (with

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paraffin). Therefore, in comparison with the results of 5. Conclusions
bending Rg, the index W was obtained. Index W is 1) Apparent hardness of pattern material Twp (for penetration
Rg testing) should be less than the value of 0.15.
equal to: 2) Hardness of pattern material as compared to bending
a) for a pattern material A7-FR60 - W = 0.030, strength measured by the index W is comparable for the test
b) for a pattern material KC4017 - W = 0.026, compound, and is ranging from 0.021 to 0.030.
c) for a pattern material with paraffin and stearin -
W = 0.021.
7) Study of creep is strongly related to the ambient References
temperature, and it can be used in precision foundry for
comparative evaluation of the analyzed pattern materials
[1] Szklennik, L. & Ozierow, V. (1994). Litje po
(especially in the case of slim patterns with thin walls) with
wypławliajemym modieliam. Maszynostrojenije.
other new pattern materials.
[2] Belley, P.R., Smart, R.F. (1995). Investment Casting.
London: Institute of materials.
[3] Standard PN-EN 1426-2001.
[4] Arendarski, J. (2003). Measurement uncertainty. Warsaw:
WUOT Publishing House.
[5] Collective work edited by Perzyk, M. (1995). Laboratory
casting exercise book. Warsaw: WUOT Publishing House.

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