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BSN 3- A1 DATE: 17/10/2021



1. Compute and fill up the table for the total number of respondents, percentage and rank.

10.23 4

23.86 2

10.23 4

38.64 1

5.68 5

11.36 3

2. Compute for the weighted mean.



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1. T Parametric tests are those that make assumptions about the parameters of the population
distribution from which the sample is drawn. This is often the assumption that the population
data are normally distributed.

Researchers use inferential statistics to determine the probability that the null hypothesis is
untrue. Inferential statistics are often used to compare the differences between the
2. F treatment groups. Inferential statistics use measurements from the sample of subjects in the
experiment to compare the treatment groups and make generalizations about the larger
population of subjects.

3. F A "2x3 ANOVA" indicates that there are 3 groups being compared on 2 variables.

A nonparametric test (sometimes called a distribution free test) is used when a researcher
does not assume anything about the underlying distribution (for example, that the data
4. T comes from a normal distribution). The word “non parametric” doesn’t quite mean that you
know nothing about the population. It usually means that you know the population data does
not have a normal distribution. A distribution free-statistics at nominal/ordinal level of

Post hoc (“after this” in Latin) tests are used to uncover specific differences between three
or more group means when an analysis of variance (ANOVA) is significant. Statistical tests
5. F that tell the researcher which means are different. Common post hoc comparisons include
Fisher’s LSD (least-significant difference), Duncan’s new multiple range test, the Newman-
Keuls, Tukey’s test, and the Scheffe’s test. The choice of post hoc test depends on
characteristics of the data sets.

6. F When a researcher rejects the null hypothesis when it is true, it is a type I error. The
probability of making this type of error is equal to the level of significance. A type II error is
made when a researcher accepts the null hypothesis when it is false. As the level of
significance increases, the likelihood of making a Type II error decreases.

7. T Researchers generally look for levels of significance equal to or less than .05. If the desired
level of significance is achieved, the null hypothesis is rejected and we say that there is a
statistically significant difference in the means.

A nonparametric test (sometimes called a distribution free test) is used when a researcher
does not assume anything about the underlying distribution (for example, that the data
8. T comes from a normal distribution). The word “non parametric” doesn’t quite mean that you
know nothing about the population. It usually means that you know the population data does
not have a normal distribution. A distribution-free statistics at nominal/ordinal level of

9. F Spearman rho is a non-parametric test used to measure the strength of association between
two variables, where the value r = 1 means a perfect positive correlation and the value r = -1
means a perfect negative correlation.

10. T Factorial analysis of variance (ANOVA) is a statistical procedure that allows researchers to
explore the influence of two or more independent variables (factors) on a single dependent

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Researcher: Kumusta ang duty?

SN 1: Nakakanerbyos pag umiiyak ang mga nanganganak pero nakaka-excite din (nodding his head).
Napapanaginipan ko na nga po na nagpapa-anak na ako ng walang kasaman CI. Haha.

SN 2: Ang exciting, lalo na pag nakikita mo ang paglabas ng bata sa mundo. Parang isang milagro kasi yung
isang buhay na naman ang lumabas tapos, naging parte ka. Ang galing! Tapos may actual case na ako.

SN 3: Ang ganda! Gustong Gusto ko sa DR. Medyo malansa nga lang pero ok lang. Mabait ang CI, pareho
sila nung isa pang DR nurse. Supportive sila, talagang tinuturuan kami kung san naming hahawakan yung
baby. Tapos, complete ko na ang actual cases ko. (Smiling)

SN 4: Kahit stressful, nakakaenjoy ang DR. pero may fulfilment. Natuto ka at nakita mo ng aktuwal. Yun
nga lang, ang tagal kasi naglabor ni ate at di marunong umere kaya natagalan kami at di na ako nakakain
ng lunch.

SN 5: Ang saya-saya. Enjoy kami magpaanak. Gusto ko na maging DR nurse ngayon. Nakakuha ako ng

SN 6: Ok lang, talagang magandang training at exciting! Gusto ko na rin maging DR nurse.

Verbatim Data Set Participant Initial Analysis Core Concept/Ideas

Nakakanerbyos pag Student nurses’ SN 1 The duty inside the Duties inside the delivery
umiiyak ang mga experiences inside the delivery room provides room can give a lot of
nanganganak pero delivery room (DR). them series or different good learning, good
nakaka-excite din feelings or emotions. experiences, and a sense
(nodding his head). of accomplishment to
SN 4 student nurses.
Kahit stressful,
nakakaenjoy ang DR.
pero may fulfilment.
Natuto ka at nakita mo
ng aktuwal.

Ang saya-saya. Enjoy SN 5

kami magpaanak.

Ang exciting, lalo na pag

nakikita mo ang SN 2
paglabas ng bata sa
mundo. Parang isang
milagro kasi yung isang
buhay na naman ang
lumabas tapos, naging
parte ka. Ang galing!

Ang ganda! Gustong The amount of support

SN 3
Gusto ko sa DR. Medyo and guidance provided
malansa nga lang pero by the Clinical
ok lang. Mabait ang CI, Instructor allows the
pareho sila nung isa student nurses to have
pang DR nurse.

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Supportive sila, talagang a good learning
tinuturuan kami kung experience.
san naming hahawakan
yung baby.

Experiences in the
Gusto ko na maging DR SN 5
nurse ngayon delivery room inspires
the student to become
a DR nurse someday.
SN 6
Ok lang, talagang
magandang training at
exciting! Gusto ko na rin
maging DR nurse.

Theme: Good Experience and a Sense of Accomplishment. The student nurses had a lot of fun, was able
to learn a lot of things, as well as experiences inside the delivery room during their DR duty. It also gave
them a sense of accomplishment and inspired them somehow to become Delivery Room nurses someday.

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With the frequency data below, you are to compute for the mean/average and present all data in a
statistical table followed by a textual presentation. (10 points)


Table 5 is the religion of public health workers

Mormon- 374

Christian- 677

Muslim- 25

Iglesia ni Kristo-9

Iglesia Philadelphia- 7

Table 5. Religion of Public Health Workers

N = 1,058

Religion Frequency Percentage

Mormon 374 34.2

Christian 677 61.9

Muslim 25 2.3

Iglesia Ni Kristo 9 .8

Iglesia Philadelphia 9 .8

Total 1094 100%

Textual Presentation:

The table presented conveys the different religion of public health workers. From the table, we can
conclude that most of the public health workers are Christians with 677 (61.9%) followed by Mormon at
374 (34.2%), Muslim at 25 (2.3%), Iglesia ni Kristo and Iglesia Philadeplphia both with 9 (.8%) participants.

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Study results are presented based on empirical data or facts. Data must be reported in an
objective process and written in the present or past tense. Findings are the results of data
1. B
analysis which include description of samples, analysis and interpretation of the test of
hypotheses. Descriptive statistics is used to present findings, while inferential techniques are
used to predict and generalize results after the hypotheses are tested.

The logical outgrowth of the summary of findings consists of conceptualizations and

generalizations in response to the problems raised in the study. Conclusions focus on the
2. A answers to the major problem, particularly on the results of the test on the null hypotheses
with each corresponding implications and analysis of findings.

Recommendations are addressed to the sectors concerned or the intended beneficiaries of

the research study such as the director of nursing service, the deans of colleges of nursing,
3. D
nurse practitioners, clinical instructors, student nurses, the health care clientele, the general
public, interest groups and government and non-government agencies among others for
their adoption arid or implementation. These are also intended to improve the particular
discipline or field of study.

4. D In general, raw data should not be included in the main text of your paper unless requested
to do so by your professor. Avoid providing data that is not critical to answering the research

5. A, B Inferential statistics are often used to compare the differences between the treatment
groups. Inferential statistics use measurements from the sample of subjects in the
experiment to compare the treatment groups and make generalizations about the larger
population of subjects.

Textual form consists of statements with numerals or numbers to describe data. It is

supported by direct quotes, summary of findings, meanings and implications of the study
6. A based on theories, related literature and research. Findings can also be reinforced and
justified by previous observations and experiences of the researcher regarding the
phenomenon under study presented objectively, clearly, and concisely in paragraph form.

7.B The significant data should come first with interpretation prior to non-significant data as the
protocol in writing a study finding.

Tables are used to organize data that is too detailed or complicated to be described
adequately in the text, allowing the reader to quickly see the results. They can be used to
8.B highlight trends or patterns in the data and to make a manuscript more readable by removing
numeric data from the text.

In a tabular presentation, data is arranged in columns and rows, and the positioning of data
makes comprehension and understanding of data more accessible. Statistical and logical
9. A
conclusions are derived from its presentation.

The COVID-19 outbreak affects all segments of the population and is particularly detrimental
to members of those social groups in the most vulnerable situations, continues to affect
10. D
populations, including people living in poverty situations, older persons, persons with
disabilities, youth, and indigenous peoples.

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Results of research and other scholarly endeavor should be published in refereed journals, in
books and monographs produced by reputable publishing house and by other means that
1. T
allow for peer review. Publish research findings to audiences of nurse professionals, health
agencies, policy makers and consumers to disseminate new information derived from
research findings.

An abstract is a requirement of a research work for submission to conference organizers for

them to make decisions about the acceptance of the research work for submission to
2. F conference organizers for them to make decisions about the acceptance of the research work
for poster or podium presentation. An abstract contains 250 to 300 words only, generally.

It is through publication that the research, including its scientific and practical contributions,
is disseminated to others in a particular field. This makes scientific researchers and
3. F
practitioners with similar interests aware of new knowledge in their field and it helps to
advance knowledge and its application.

Poster presentation is a research report presented at a conference with a visual display so it

can be read and viewed by large groups of professionals in an informal setting. The author
4. T stands near the poster at specified time to discuss the details of the research and answer
questions as necessary. The poster must be innovative and designed to capture the audience
attention and interest.

5. F The primary author assumes responsibility for the publication, making sure that the data are
accurate, that all deserving authors have been credited, that all authors have given their
approval to the final draft; and handles responses to inquiries after the manuscript is

6. T The researchers should undergone peer review by experts so that these will be scholarly

7. T Research findings helps validate theories and justify nursing actions and decisions.

8. T “IMRaD” format refers to a paper that is structured by four main sections: Introduction,
Methods, Results, and Discussion. This format is often used for lab reports as well as for
reporting any planned, systematic research in the social sciences, natural sciences, or
engineering and computer sciences.

An abstract is a summary of the most important aspects of research. An abstract is a

requirement of a research work for submission to conference organizers for them to make
9. F
decisions about the acceptance of the research work for submission to conference organizers
for them to make decisions about the acceptance of the research work for poster or podium
presentation. An abstract contains 250 to 300 words only.

10. T Research can provide important information about disease trends and risk factors, outcomes
of treatment or public health interventions, functional abilities, patterns of care, and health
care costs and use. The different approaches to research provide complementary insights.

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AL Strategy: CAT 3-2-1 After the lesson, each of you will be asked to write in a one fourth sheet of paper
the following:

Three things student learned:

1. I learned about the different statistical tools for treatment of data such as the percentage, ranking,
weighted mean, measures of central tendency, (arithmetic mean, median, mode). I was able to learn how
to obtain the different measures of central tendency using the different formulas.

2. I was able to learn about the different parametric tools such as the t-test, ANOVA, post hoc test,
ANCOVA, and multivariate analysis. On the other hand, I also somehow learned about the nonparametric
tests such as the chi square, and spearman rho.

3. I learned about the what thematic analysis is, as well the phases of reflexive thematic analysis. I was
much able to learn more about this since the module provided a detailed example about the topic.

Two things student still want to learn more about:

1. I want to learn more on how to write a research report.

2. I want to learn more about the ways to communicate research findings.

One question student still have:

1. What will happen t those researchers who just copied their study from a published research study

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