External - Radixx Go DCS User Guide - Feb-2021
External - Radixx Go DCS User Guide - Feb-2021
External - Radixx Go DCS User Guide - Feb-2021
User Guide
CONFIDENTIAL & PROPRIETARY: This document contains valuable trade secrets and
proprietary information of Radixx International (Radixx). No part of this software or manual
may be reproduced or retransmitted in any form by any means, electronic, mechanical or
otherwise without express written permission from Radixx. All applicable copyright laws
protect this manual and the represented software.
Table of Contents
Revision History ...................................................................................................................................... 1
Introduction ............................................................................................................................................. 2
Login Page .............................................................................................................................................. 2
Navigation ............................................................................................................................................... 2
Start Screen ............................................................................................................................................ 3
Setting the Machine ............................................................................................................................. 3
Mouse ................................................................................................................................................. 5
Equipment ........................................................................................................................................... 5
Session ............................................................................................................................................... 6
Returning to the Start Screen ............................................................................................................... 6
My Profile ............................................................................................................................................ 7
Logging Out ......................................................................................................................................... 7
Departure Control .................................................................................................................................... 8
Flight Search ....................................................................................................................................... 9
Flights................................................................................................................................................ 10
Flight Counters .................................................................................................................................. 11
Flight ..................................................................................................................................................... 12
Itinerary ............................................................................................................................................. 12
Estimated Departure .......................................................................................................................... 12
Operations ......................................................................................................................................... 13
Status ............................................................................................................................................ 13
Crew and Rush .............................................................................................................................. 13
Opening Check-in .......................................................................................................................... 16
Working with Boarding Information ................................................................................................. 20
Entering Flight Operation Information ............................................................................................. 24
Setting a Flight as Flown ................................................................................................................ 27
Final Figures/Ancillaries ................................................................................................................. 31
Cabin................................................................................................................................................. 33
Changing Cabin Configuration ....................................................................................................... 33
Notes and Logs ............................................................................................................................. 37
PNL ....................................................................................................................................................... 38
Passenger List ................................................................................................................................... 38
PNL Search ....................................................................................................................................... 39
PNL Search Options ...................................................................................................................... 39
PNL Table List ................................................................................................................................... 40
Group Action Drop-Down ............................................................................................................... 40
Crew .................................................................................................................................................. 42
Add Passenger (NOREC) .................................................................................................................. 42
PNL/ADL ........................................................................................................................................... 43
PNL Excel Importer............................................................................................................................ 43
Passenger Manifest ........................................................................................................................... 45
Baggage ............................................................................................................................................ 45
Passenger ............................................................................................................................................. 46
Selecting a Passenger ....................................................................................................................... 46
Check-in/Offload ................................................................................................................................ 46
Passenger Details.............................................................................................................................. 47
Change Passenger Name .............................................................................................................. 47
Reprint Boarding Pass ................................................................................................................... 48
Passenger Tags................................................................................................................................. 48
Buy Ancillaries ................................................................................................................................... 50
Buy Ancillary First .............................................................................................................................. 51
External Payment Gateway................................................................................................................ 53
Passenger Notes (SSRs) ................................................................................................................... 55
Itinerary/Audit .................................................................................................................................... 55
Standby ............................................................................................................................................. 57
APIS .................................................................................................................................................. 58
Boarding................................................................................................................................................ 73
Gate Stops ........................................................................................................................................ 74
Passengers with SSR ........................................................................................................................ 74
Bags to Unload .................................................................................................................................. 74
Final Figures...................................................................................................................................... 75
Activity Log ........................................................................................................................................ 75
Boarding Offline ................................................................................................................................. 76
Messages.............................................................................................................................................. 78
Load Message ................................................................................................................................... 79
Movement Messages ......................................................................................................................... 80
Cabin Crew ........................................................................................................................................... 81
Message Templates .............................................................................................................................. 81
Messages Sent/Received ...................................................................................................................... 82
Scheduled Flights .................................................................................................................................. 83
Creating a New Flight ........................................................................................................................ 83
Editing a Flight ................................................................................................................................... 86
US APIS ................................................................................................................................................ 88
Implementation in Departure Control .................................................................................................. 88
Changing Seats ................................................................................................................................. 95
Selectees........................................................................................................................................... 96
Other Gate Stops ............................................................................................................................... 97
US Overflight ..................................................................................................................................... 97
API ........................................................................................................................................................ 98
Interactive API (APP) ......................................................................................................................... 98
Non-Interactive API............................................................................................................................ 98
API Configuration............................................................................................................................... 98
API Information Messages ................................................................................................................. 98
Watchlist Configuration .......................................................................................................................... 99
Creating a New Watchlist Record ..................................................................................................... 100
Watchlist Levels .................................................................................................................................. 101
Watchlist Match Level 1 ................................................................................................................... 101
Watchlist Match Level 2 ................................................................................................................... 102
Watchlist Check-In Process ................................................................................................................. 103
Check-In Prohibited by the Watchlist ................................................................................................ 103
Override Check-In Denial ................................................................................................................. 103
TIMATIC/ICTS ..................................................................................................................................... 105
User Administration ............................................................................................................................. 107
Fleet .................................................................................................................................................... 108
Cabin Configurations ........................................................................................................................... 108
Exit Exceptions ................................................................................................................................ 109
Full legend ....................................................................................................................................... 109
Load SSIMs......................................................................................................................................... 110
Ground Handlers ................................................................................................................................. 111
Creating a New Carrier .................................................................................................................... 111
Creating New Flights........................................................................................................................ 113
Business Rules.................................................................................................................................... 115
Creating Business Rules .................................................................................................................. 115
Passenger List Manifest ................................................................................................................... 116
SSRs Permission................................................................................................................................. 117
Automatic Check-In ............................................................................................................................. 119
Limit Flight Inventory ........................................................................................................................ 120
Carrier Preferences ............................................................................................................................. 121
General Preferences ........................................................................................................................ 121
Starting Sequence ....................................................................................................................... 121
Disable Edit Seq Number ............................................................................................................. 122
Infant User Parent Seq ................................................................................................................ 123
Override Economy Character ....................................................................................................... 123
Override Business Character ....................................................................................................... 123
Override First Character............................................................................................................... 123
Use Carrier Class on 2D String BP............................................................................................... 123
Inhibit Destination = Origin ........................................................................................................... 123
Has Frequent Flyer ...................................................................................................................... 124
Fast Track ................................................................................................................................... 124
Has Lounge ................................................................................................................................. 124
Show Mail .................................................................................................................................... 124
Show Booking Reference on the PNL .......................................................................................... 125
Pending Payments Alert............................................................................................................... 125
Pending Payment Restriction Override ......................................................................................... 125
Seats Preferences ........................................................................................................................... 126
Free Seating ................................................................................................................................ 126
Release Seats Restriction for Checked-In Passengers ................................................................. 126
Enable Infant Seat ....................................................................................................................... 126
Max Infants Per Row.................................................................................................................... 127
Do Not Auto Seat ......................................................................................................................... 127
Avoid Auto Seat in Exit Rows ....................................................................................................... 127
Auto Seat in Boarding .................................................................................................................. 127
Disable Auto Seat ........................................................................................................................ 127
Prevent Seat Changes ................................................................................................................. 127
Allow Different Seats per Sector................................................................................................... 128
Balance Plane by Zone ................................................................................................................ 128
Special Seat Configurations ............................................................................................................. 129
Seating Priority Zones.................................................................................................................. 129
API Avoid Auto Seat in Bulkhead ................................................................................................. 129
API Avoid Auto Seat in Exit Row .................................................................................................. 129
Check-In Exit Row Restriction for Selected SSR .......................................................................... 129
Check-In Exit Row Restriction for PTC ......................................................................................... 130
Range of Ages Not Able to Sit in an Exit Row............................................................................... 130
Block 12 15 YR From Exit ............................................................................................................ 130
SSR With No Exit......................................................................................................................... 130
Extend Exit Row Restrictions to Group ......................................................................................... 130
Exit Row Seat Manual Override ................................................................................................... 131
Baggage Preferences ...................................................................................................................... 132
Minimum Tag Number ................................................................................................................. 132
Maximum Tag Number................................................................................................................. 132
Maximum Tag Weight .................................................................................................................. 132
Print Nominal Tags ...................................................................................................................... 132
Enforce Baggage IATCI Agreements ........................................................................................... 132
First Stop on Tags ....................................................................................................................... 132
Early Bag Stop............................................................................................................................. 133
Early Baggage First Stop by Default............................................................................................. 133
Heavy Bag Kg.............................................................................................................................. 133
Cabin Check-In Bags ................................................................................................................... 133
List of Cabin Check-In Bags ......................................................................................................... 133
Show Crew and Rush Section ...................................................................................................... 133
Show Rush Baggage on Final Figures ......................................................................................... 134
Restrict Duplicated Manual Tag Creation ..................................................................................... 134
Messages/PNL Preferences............................................................................................................. 135
PNL Sent by RBD ........................................................................................................................ 135
Enable PNL Change Cabin .......................................................................................................... 135
Ignore ADL Before PNL ............................................................................................................... 135
ADL Ignore Duplicate Group Code ............................................................................................... 135
Show SSR Description ................................................................................................................. 135
Prevent ASM Change Cabin ........................................................................................................ 135
Use Cabin Name in LDM ............................................................................................................. 135
No Aircraft Version in LDM........................................................................................................... 135
No Subject Email Messages ........................................................................................................ 135
MVT Email Subject Local Time .................................................................................................... 135
Send Figure Options .................................................................................................................... 136
Manifest Email Via Excel.............................................................................................................. 136
Send Daily Manifest ..................................................................................................................... 136
Control on Description of SSRs Shown on PSM ........................................................................... 136
Payments/Ancillaries Preferences .................................................................................................... 137
Form of Payment Configuration.................................................................................................... 137
Ancillary Receipt Send Email ....................................................................................................... 137
Ancillary Receipt Print .................................................................................................................. 137
Unpaid Charges Restrictions........................................................................................................ 137
SSR Preferences ............................................................................................................................. 139
SSR Exclusions ........................................................................................................................... 139
SSR Exclusion Auto Check-In ...................................................................................................... 139
CHKN Note SSR Key................................................................................................................... 139
Priority SSR ................................................................................................................................. 139
Show FOID SSR .......................................................................................................................... 139
ICI Allow Special Handling ........................................................................................................... 139
Kiosk Allow Special Handling ....................................................................................................... 139
Kiosks Preferences .......................................................................................................................... 140
Disable Seat Plan on Kiosk .......................................................................................................... 140
Kiosk No Seat Changes ............................................................................................................... 140
Show Barcode Reader Screen Vertical ........................................................................................ 140
APIS Preferences ............................................................................................................................ 141
Rejected APIS Stop Check-In ...................................................................................................... 141
US APIS Strict BP Print................................................................................................................ 141
Send US Crew Message .............................................................................................................. 141
Operational Preferences .................................................................................................................. 142
Disable Automatic Check-in at Gate ............................................................................................. 142
Has Standby ................................................................................................................................ 142
Ticket Check-in ............................................................................................................................ 142
PNR Check-In.............................................................................................................................. 142
Has eTicket ................................................................................................................................. 142
NoRec eTicket ............................................................................................................................. 142
Hide Delete Passenger ................................................................................................................ 143
Passenger Weights...................................................................................................................... 143
Use Default Registration .............................................................................................................. 143
Autoboard Crew........................................................................................................................... 143
Allow Regular Paxes in Jump Seats ............................................................................................. 143
PSM Update From Check-In ........................................................................................................ 143
Do Not Change Seat Cabin Wizard .............................................................................................. 144
Passenger List Preferences ............................................................................................................. 145
PRL by Fare Codes ..................................................................................................................... 145
Avoid DOCS on PIL ..................................................................................................................... 145
Check-In/Boarding Process Preferences .......................................................................................... 146
Confirmation Open/Close Check-In .............................................................................................. 146
Confirmation Updating ETD ......................................................................................................... 146
Disable Seat on Boarding ............................................................................................................ 146
Boarding Open ............................................................................................................................ 146
Success Boarding Sound ............................................................................................................. 147
Ticket Check-In............................................................................................................................ 147
PNR Check-In.............................................................................................................................. 147
Boarding Sleep ............................................................................................................................ 147
Group Code Search ..................................................................................................................... 147
Check-In Force Timatic Check ..................................................................................................... 147
Check-In Stop Fare Code ............................................................................................................ 147
Change Passenger Name on ID Swipe ........................................................................................ 147
Infant Board with Parent............................................................................................................... 147
Language Preference ...................................................................................................................... 148
Double Byte Support (Passenger Name)...................................................................................... 148
Ancillary Item Prices ............................................................................................................................ 148
Exchange Rates .................................................................................................................................. 149
Reports ............................................................................................................................................... 150
Advanced Passenger Info Report ..................................................................................................... 150
Ancillary Fees Report....................................................................................................................... 150
Ancillary Instant ............................................................................................................................... 150
Bag Drop Report .............................................................................................................................. 150
Baggage Report............................................................................................................................... 150
Boarding Transaction Report ........................................................................................................... 150
Border Control Reports .................................................................................................................... 150
BRS Overview Reports .................................................................................................................... 150
Depot Report ................................................................................................................................... 151
Flight Actual Departures................................................................................................................... 151
Flight Reports .................................................................................................................................. 151
Flight Turnarounds........................................................................................................................... 151
Flight Visualizer ............................................................................................................................... 152
Hotel Check-in Report...................................................................................................................... 152
Passenger Journey Report............................................................................................................... 152
Passenger Reports .......................................................................................................................... 152
Passenger Search ........................................................................................................................... 153
Performance Reports ....................................................................................................................... 153
System Reports ............................................................................................................................... 153
Transfer Report................................................................................................................................ 153
Vouchers ......................................................................................................................................... 153
Web Checkin Report ........................................................................................................................ 153
Revision History
Date Comment
2/2021 Added new instructions under Flight.
9/2020 Added 50 new pages of information from a new Ink version of the guide.
5/2020 Created a Radixx version of the Ink guide.
This guide provides instructions to complete common tasks in Radixx Go Departure Control System
Login Page
At the top of the page there is a navigation bar, this is used to go to other pages. The icons on the right
help to determine if you are on the development, staging, or production server.
Start Screen
When you log in to Radixx Go DCS, the first thing you see is the Start Screen. Before you can proceed,
you must use this screen to set the machine. This associates your location—which is always an airport—
with an actual location in the airport, like check-in or boarding.
Setting the machine does two things:
• It sets the devices that are assigned to that location, such as boarding pass (BP) printers,
boarding gate readers, etc.
• It controls which modules you'll see in the application. For example, if you select the check-in
location, you won't see options for boarding passengers. You'll only have options for checking in
passengers and changing flight statuses.
The information that appears in the drop-down lists is predefined when your airline's environment is set
2. When you select the airport, the next drop-down displays the locations that are available in that
airport, such as back office, boarding, or check-in. Select the location.
Typical locations are:
• CHECKIN - Select this machine if you are on a counter checking in passengers. Note that
when the CHECKIN machine is selected, the Boarding section will not be shown in Departure
• BOARDING - Select this machine if you are performing boarding functions.
• BACKOFFICE - Select this machine if you are on a back-office machine or a computer that is
not running on the airport CUTE platform.
When the machine is set, the selected location appears in the upper, right section of the screen.
Depending on the selected location, you may have the ability to enable and disable the mouse.
When you select Boarding or Checkin as the location and you are using local peripherals connected on
SITA, ULTRA, ARINC, RESA, or INK CUTE, the Equipment section displays the status of any attached
devices along with buttons to test them.
You can view information about your session by clicking the arrow next to Session. Click the arrow again
to close the session information.
My Profile
To access your profile, click Start Screen > My Profile.
This option lets you manage your profile, modify your contact information, change the default language,
and change your password.
Logging Out
There are three ways to log out of Radixx Go:
• On the Start Screen, click Logout.
• Press ALT+F4.
Departure Control
From the Navigation Bar, click INK DCS > Check-In.
Flight Search
To find a flight, you can select a type of flight, a date period, a destination, and/or enter a flight number.
Click Show Flights to apply filters.
If your ID is associated with multiple airports, you can select a different station (location) and machine by
clicking the down arrow next to the airport.
When you open the Check-in screen, the system displays flights departing today from the airport you
selected on the Start Screen. If there are no outbound flights today, this screen will be empty. If the flight
you want does not appear, use the search fields to find the flight.
Flight Counters
When you select a flight on the left side of the screen, flight counters appear at the top of the screen.
The flight counters provide the following information about the flight for each cabin:
• Booked – The number of passengers booked on the flight
• Not Checked-in – The number of passengers that are not checked in
• Available – The number of seats on the aircraft that are still available for sale
• Standby – The number of standby passengers in each cabin
• Checked-in – The number of passengers checked in
• Boarded – The number of passengers boarded
• Status – The current flight status.
To display the PECTAB that has been set up for this flight, click the printer icon.
To display the message template and sender applied to this flight, click the envelope icon.
When the Flight screen is selected, the full itinerary of the flight selected on the left appears in the
Itinerary section. Clicking the Schedule ##-#### link will redirect you to the details of the flight.
Estimated Departure
If needed, you can enter a new estimated time of departure. Changing the time of departure will change
the On Time status of the flight to either Early or Delayed.
Changing the time of departure will change the status of the flight from On Time to Early or Delayed.
This section displays the current status of the flight. In addition, you can Close Flight, Cancel, or Delete
it. Security Lock will lock the flight for users without special permission. The status of a flight can be
changed in the following sequence:
Ready <-> Closed <-> Flown
Ready -> Canceled -> Ready
3. On the left side of the screen, find select the flight to change.
Information for all tags that you add appears in the list.
The information for the crew and rush bags will also appear on the Final Figures report. The rush will be
added as checked baggage, and crew bags will be added individually in a dedicated crew bag section.
The information for the crew and rush bags will also be available on the baggage manifest.
Opening Check-in
You must open check-in before you can check in passengers. Check-in is usually opened automatically
based on business rules, but there will be times when you need to manually open check-in for a flight.
This topic explains how manually open check-in.
To open check-in, your user ID must be assigned to at least one group that provides access to flight
• Flight Controller (Handler)
• Flight Operations (Handler)
• Ink Touch All
• Load Control Restricted
Opening Check-in
To open check-in for a flight:
3. On the left side of the screen, find and select the flight to modify.
There are boxes in the Departures list for each check-in method. Red boxes indicate the check-in
method is closed. Green boxes indicate the check-in method is open.
4. In the Operations > Open Check-in section, select the box next to the check-in method to open.
Your changes are automatically saved.
5. To allow check-in at the boarding gate, select the Check-in at Gate box.
Check-in opens for the selected methods. Other logged-in users will also see the check-in methods that
are now open.
Working with Boarding Information
This topic explains how to change the scheduled boarding time, and how to open boarding for a flight.
To work with boarding information, your user ID must be assigned to at least one group that provides
access to flight operations:
• Flight Controller (Handler)
• Flight Operations (Handler)
• Ink Touch All
• Load Control Restricted
3. On the left side of the screen, find and select the flight to modify.
4. In the Operations section, enter a new time in the Scheduled Boarding field in HH:MM format.
Opening Boarding
To open boarding for a flight:
3. On the left side of the screen, find and select the flight to modify.
4. In the Operations section, select the boarding gate terminal from the drop-down list. The
terminals that appear in this list are maintained by Radixx for each airport location. Please contact
the Radixx Customer Support team to add any additional airport terminals for your airline.
5. When you select the terminal, the boarding gate drop-down appears. Select the boarding gate.
The gates that appear in this list are maintained by Radixx for each airport location. Please
contact the Radixx Customer Support team to add additional gates for your airline.
6. Click Open Boarding Gate. When you select this box, the Check-in at Gate box is automatically
selected and the flight is open for boarding.
Entering Flight Operation Information
This topic explains how to manually enter flight operation information, such as cabin doors closed, off
block, and actual departure.
To enter operation information, your user ID must be assigned to one of the following groups:
• Flight Controller (Handler)
• Flight Operations (Handler)
• Ink Touch All
• Load Control Restricted
3. On the left side of the screen, find and select the flight to modify.
Cabin Doors Numeric Enter the time the cabin doors were closed.
Closed (Optional)
Off Block Numeric Enter or select the date, then enter the time the parking brake
(Optional) was released on the aircraft.
Actual Numeric Enter or select the date, then enter the time the wheels left the
Departure (Optional) ground and the aircraft became airborne.
5. Press the Tab key, or click anywhere outside of the field, and your changes are automatically
Setting a Flight as Flown
To use the feature within Radixx Go that automatically sends messages for a flight, the flight status must
be set to Flown. The topic explains how to set a flight as flown.
Before you can set a flight as flown:
• The flight must be closed.
• The Cabin Doors Closed, Off Block, and Actual Departure fields must be populated.
If a flight is changed from Flown status back to Ready, you must re-enter the Off Block and Actual
Departure times. Messages will be sent each time the flight is updated to Flown status.
To set a flight as Flown, your user ID must be assigned to one of the following groups:
• Flight Controller (Handler)
• Flight Operations (Handler)
• Ink Touch All
• Load Control Restricted
3. On the left side of the screen, find and select the closed flight you want to set as flown.
4. In the Operations section, ensure the Cabin Doors Closed, Off Block, and Actual Departure
fields are populated.
5. Click the Flown button.
6. To confirm changing the flight status to Flown, enter your password, and click OK.
The flight status indicators show the flight as Flown.
Final Figures/Ancillaries
The Final Figures and Ancillaries sections allow you to run the following reports:
• Final Figures Report
• Baggage Report
• BRS Report
• Ancillary Fees Report
Final Figures displays the total checked-in passengers. While the flight is Open, it will show both
checked-in and boarded passengers. When the flight is set to Flown, it will change and only show
boarded passengers.
When the cabin check-in bags option is enabled for your carrier, an SSR will be used to increment the
allowance and identify that the passenger has a cabin bag. In the following image, EMC is used as an
When used for operational or service reasons, the information will be shown on the manifest and the Final
Figures Report.
If ancillaries are set for your airline, the name will be shown in the Ancillaries section, and the report is
accessible by clicking on the link.
This section shows the selected airplane. You can change the cabin configuration for the current flight by
clicking Change Configuration or Aircraft. You can also set the registration for the aircraft here.
For a flight to have allocated seating, Allocated must be selected. Do Not Auto-seat means when a
passenger is selected, a seat will not be assigned automatically, and the agent will have to select a seat
manually for every passenger.
1. Select the Airplane Model. All available airplanes models configured for your carrier will appear in
the drop-down.
2. Select the Cabin Configuration. Once the airplane model is selected, all configurations for the
selected model will appear in the drop-down.
3. If you select Release RQST Seats, it will remove all the previously assigned seats, including paid
4. Add Gate Stops: If this option is selected, the system will add a gate stop note to all passengers
affected by the configuration change restricting the boarding process for those passengers. This
applies for boarding passes with the status: BOARDING_PASS_STATUS_PRINTED or
5. Reprint BP After Wizard Finishes: This option will reprint all BPs for all passengers affected by
the cabin change.
• Reseat All: This option assigns new seats to all passengers on the flight.
• Keep Original Seating: This option keeps the previously assigned seats as long as they
exist in the new configuration.
This can vary according to the preferences set for your carrier. For this specific process, there is a
preference called Do Not Change Seat Cabin Wizard.
If the seat(s) previously assigned are not available If the seat(s) previously assigned are not available
in the new configuration, the system in the new configuration, the system
will NOT assign a new seat. will assign a new seat.
The seat assignment must be done manually. Automated process/Gate Stop Added
Note that when the check box Reprint BP after wizard finishes is selected, Departure Control will print
the changed BP, and only the changed BP, after the process finishes. The reprint of BPs will be started
by Departure Control only for the user that ran the wizard previously.
If the check boxes Release RQST Seats or Seat RQST in Blocked are unselected, a confirmation
message is shown because it could cause some passengers to be unseated.
After selecting the new cabin, the wizard will determine if the number of seats is enough for the already-
checked-in passengers. Blocked seats in the previous configuration are ignored. When the Release
RQST Seats box is not selected, then passenger who are not checked-in with RQST or SEAT SSRs are
included in the count.
If the number of seats is not enough, then the screen below is shown, and you must select the
passengers that will be unseated. The selected passengers are only unseated, not offloaded as they
were in the previous version of the wizard.
After you select the passengers that will be unseated, the wizard saves all the setting and starts the
process in background. The next screen is shown immediately to inform you that the process has started.
If you click the Finish button, you should see a screen similar to the one below. Note that the Cabin
section shows a warning in red informing you that the process of reseating passengers is running. Once
the process finishes, DC will start the printing of changed BPs.
An audit trail shows all actions made to the current flight. This is very useful for the manager to see all
actions with the different users, dates, and times.
Passenger List
This tab shows all passengers that were added by a web service, passenger name list (PNL) or manual
PNL Search
Clicking More Options will expand the following search criteria. Type a name on the Search box or
select any of the criteria and click on the Search button. To clear search criteria, click Reset.
To print the PNL table, click the Print button. It is also possible to send the PNL list to an email address
by clicking the Send button.
PNL Table List
This is the list of all passengers with the following columns: seat number, sequence number, gender,
eTicket, added method, printed bags/bags on the allowance, Itinerary, has SSRs, weight of passenger set
for the company, and passenger status.
The total number of passengers is shown at the bottom of the table.
On the right, there are check boxes that allow you to select passengers and apply a group action to all
selected passengers.
• Offload Selected: When performing this option, the passengers will be offloaded from the flight.
The status will change from Checked-In to Not Checked-In.
• Unboard Selected: This option will unboard the selected passengers and change the status from
Boarded to Checked-In.
• Board Selected: This option boards the selected passengers. The status will change from
Checked-In to Boarded.
• Delete Selected: This option deletes the selected passengers from flights.
• Reacommodate Passengers: This option allows you to select a flight and date to
reaccommodate the selected passengers.
Once the process is complete, the selected passengers will be accommodated on the new flight
• Edit Sequence Numbers: This option allows you to change the sequence number for the
selected passengers.
When selected, the system will enable the Sequence field to be modified.
• Release Seats: This option allows the release of previously assigned seats for the selected
Access crew by clicking Go DCS > Flight Control > Cabin Crew.
From this menu, you can manage the information for the cabin crew.
You can also access cabin crew information directly through the following URLs:
• https://inkcloud.io/crews.php (Production)
• https://staging.inkcloud.io/crews.php (Staging)
If crew details are already added in Radixx Go DCS, cabin crew can be selected from this screen:
This section allows a manual import of PNL or add/delete list (ADL) by clicking the Browse button and
selecting a txt file. Additionally, if a PNL or ADL has been received via email or type B, it will be shown
here. This is important to know if messages are being received for the different files. PNL importer allows
users to import PNLs in a specific Excel format.
To download the Excel file, select one of the Excel templates available in the Select Parser drop-
down, and then click Download Template. Also, select the destination and carrier class of the
passengers that are going to be imported.
Enter the passenger information in the Excel file. When all information is entered, select all fields from the
Excel file and copy the data (Ctrl + C). This data must be pasted on the white box available in the Excel
Paste the data from Excel into the white box, and then click Start Parsing.
After clicking Start Parsing, click Confirm PNL at the bottom, and the passengers will be created.
Passenger Manifest
To print on a document printer, click Print Manifest. You can apply different filters to the information
shown on the table.
Use this section to print a report with live tags for the current flight. User the Order By drop-down to apply
different order filters. To access to a more detailed baggage report, click Baggage Report link located on
the right. A BRS report can be accessed here too.
Select the Gate check box to print tags at the gate.
Selecting a Passenger
To select a passenger, press the F9 key or click in the box located at the upper-left corner of the page.
Passengers can be found by entering the booking reference or surname of the passenger or by scanning
a boarding pass or swiping the MRZ from a document.
When a passenger is selected, this will appear on the left side.
• Thru Check Group performs a through check-in for all passengers selected on the left.
• Thru Check Passenger performs a through check-in for the highlighted passenger on the left.
• Check-In Group or pressing the F2/F12 key will check in all passengers selected on the left.
• Check-In will check in only the passenger highlighted in yellow.
• Offload Group will offload (check out) all passengers selected on the left.
• Offload Passenger will offload only the passenger highlighted in yellow.
• Finish and Search Passengers F8 will deselect all passengers.
• The icon to the right of the Check-In button will reprint the BP when a passenger is in checked-in
Passenger Details
Reprint Boarding Pass
To reprint a BP, click the Print Boarding Pass link located on the right of this screen, or click the
icon located on the left side of the page.
Passenger Tags
If a company has nominal tags enabled, the first row will appear allowing you to print x tags with a
standard weight.
Enter the weight in the active box, and click the print button or press the Enter key twice.
Use the drop-down lists on the right to set special baggage properties.
Select the CB box if the tag is for a cabin bag.
If the passenger does not have a baggage allowance, the screen will appear similar to the one below. To
print more tags, click the Approve more tags check box.
The system will indicate when the passenger has a baggage allowance by showing a bag icon on
the passenger section.
Also, the baggage section will show how many bags are free of charge. In this example, one bag is
To add tags that are already printed, enter the weight tag number. The tag number must be 6 or 10 digits
After the number is added, click Add, and the tag will be added as printed on the system.
Buy Ancillaries
To see the ancillaries available for sale at the airport, click Show Ancillary items, select an ancillary, and
click Add.
After the ancillary is added, the system will show how much the passenger must pay, 80ARS in the
example below. Click Collect or Group Collect if there is more money to be collected for other ancillaries
in the same group.
Radixx can define different payment method types according to your airline's needs. Contact a Radixx
customer support or your account manager to get the right payment types added. Also, as shown in the
following image, currency can be selected from a drop-down in case a specific country/station accepts
more than one currency for payments.
Buy Ancillary First
This is a tool developed by Ink to prevent paid services from being added without having paid for the
service first. The main function is to inhibit processes such as check-in or bag tag printing until the service
is paid.
This example shows a passenger without a baggage allowance and the collection process for a first bag:
Once the payment of the service has been made, the system shows a new allowance for the passenger.
External Payment Gateway
An External Gateway payment is an online option supported by Radixx Go that allows the authorization or
denial of transactions through different payment gateways.
The selling process maintains the same flow. The ancillary is added, and the system displays how much
the passenger has to pay.
If the External Payment Gateway is available and the form of payment chosen is a credit/debit dard, then
process will be as follows:
Once the information is entered, the external payment gateway will display a form with the information of
the service to pay and the amount to pay. This form must be completed with the required information
depending on each gateway. Note that the interface can vary depending on the external payment
gateway in use.
When the information is complete, the external payment gateway will confirm or deny the transaction.
Passenger Notes (SSRs)
To add a passenger note, click Show SSR. Select an SSR code, add a note in the right text box if
needed, and select Gate Stop if the passenger needs to be stopped at boarding. A message will appear
when the BP is scanned or when his sequence number is entered.
In this section, it is also possible to delete SSRs.
The passenger itinerary can be modified in this section. Click Add Onward Flight to add a connecting
flight for the passenger.
In the Audit Trail section, you will see all actions made to a specific passenger with the time and the agent
who performed the action.
When a carrier is configured to accept standby passengers, a Standby check box appears on the
Departure Control Flight tab. By default, it is unchecked. Select this box to perform actions with standby
On the Departure Control Passenger tab, the Type drop-down lists standby priorities. When one of these
is selected, two additional buttons are displayed in the left panel that allow you to print the boarding pass
for a single passenger or a group of standby passengers.
When the passenger is going to be accepted, a seat needs to be assigned and the Check-In button
clicked to print a new BP with the right seat assignment.
The initial passenger list for interactive APIS is sent to the Customs and Border Protection (CBP) 72
hours before departure. If the message has not yet been sent, for example if there were no passengers
on the flight at that time, the screen displays a red notice in the DHS field like the image below.
If the flight departure is within 72 hours, but before 24 hours, the messages are sent in one batch. If flight
departure is within 24 hours, the messages are sent individually by AQQ. The message will be red if
everyone on the flight has been pre-vetted by the airline before sending the PNL into Radixx Go.
The system shows the message in yellow if a response has not yet been received. The CBP can
sometimes take more than one day to respond.
Once the response has been received from the CBP, a confirmation will be displayed in green.
Once a response has been received, the Watchlist and ESTA statuses of passengers are updated.
Passengers who are not precleared are displayed like this.
In addition to the icon for printing the BP being red, the Watchlist and ESTA results are also in red. Click
any of these to show the Advanced Passenger Info subtab that contains more detailed information about
the issue.
The screen below displays the Watchlist and ESTA results, the reason the BP cannot be printed, and an
error description, if provided by CBP.
The Manual Settings section is displayed if you have the APIS_MANUAL_SETTINGS permission. The
section allows you to override decisions, as would be the case if clearances are obtained outside of the
system over the phone.
All passenger status changes related with CBP events can be checked in Itinerary/Audit link next to
Advanced Passenger Info link.
Any changes to the data solicited by CBP requires you to offload the passenger, amend the data as
required, and check in the passenger again. For a few seconds, you will see the following screen while
the system is screening the passenger.
Once the response is received the screen will look like the one below. In this case, the passenger still has
an issue and needs to present a valid US traveler document for ESTA.
The passenger is still able to get a BP, so that can be printed. Once the BP is printed, the icon is shown
on blue.
In our example, the passenger needs to present a valid US travel document, so a gate stop was created.
If the passenger in our example tries to board, a gate stop will appear indicating that the passenger needs
to present a valid US travel document. An attempt to board this passenger will result in a screen like the
one below.
The passengers checked-in via PNL have a valid, printed BP. But that doesn't mean the passenger has a
positive status from the CBP. In cases where the passenger cannot be boarded because of an APIS or
ESTA issue, any attempt to board the passenger will result in a screen like this one.
When a checked-in passenger has incomplete ID data and tries to board the flight, a negative board
response of “APIS problem” occurs and an alert is displayed, “The passenger is going to be selected in
APIS tab to check and reenter APIS data if necessary.”
If you click the OK button, the passenger is selected on the Check-in tab with the APIS subtab selected.
Perform changes on APIS data, and click the Reclear button. A positive response (Ok to Board) is
obtained from APIS. The passenger is automatically redirected to boarding, and a new attempt to board is
automatically started.
Clicking the OK button will return you to boarding and will reclear the passenger automatically. If the
response is cleared, the passenger will be boarded.
After reclear, if the response is negative, it will not return to boarding automatically. You must make the
correct ID data changes and click the Reclear button until it generates a good response. After that, the
passenger must be boarded manually again.
On the other hand, passengers that receive a positive response and no other issues will be displayed like
If CBP responds with a Watchlist status of Advisory Selectee, you will see the following screen when the
passenger is selected.
Notice the Watchlist result and Error description. In this case, SSSS is printed on the BP.
For this passenger, a gate stop will be created as well containing the text code:
Gate stops are created for some CBP responses:
• Additional valid US travel Document: If the passenger gets an ESTA response from CBP of "B” or
"C," this means that the passenger needs to present a valid additional US travel document. In this
case, a gate stop with text code ADDITIONAL_US_DOCUMENT_GATE_STOP is created.
• Selectee and Additional valid US travel Document: This can occur when a passenger gets a
vetting value of "2" and an ESTA value of "B" or "C." In this case, a gate stop with text code
stop is created, so only one action from an agent is needed.
The green box on this screen shows how many passengers have already boarded. The red box shows
how many passengers remain to be boarded. Clicking the red or green square will list the passengers in
each group.
The transiting link shows how many transit passengers boarded and how many remain.
Below each box, the counters by MFCI are shown.
To start boarding passengers, click the Boarding box (or Boarding Paused) on the right and enter the
sequence number or seat number. If there is a boarding gate reader (BGR) connected, start scanning
boarding passes while on this screen.
The table on the bottom right shows the status of the gate readers if there are any connected. Green or
red circles are shown to indicate whether the scanner is online or offine.
Gate Stops
When a passenger with a gate stop is scanned or their sequence number is entered, the gate stop
message appears in yellow followed by a Gate Stop button. To board the passenger, click the Gate Stop
button. This indicates that the gate stop message is accepted and the passenger is okay to be boarded.
Bags to Unload
Click this link to view baggage that needs to be unloaded from the aircraft because a passenger has not
Final Figures
Click this link to display the total checked-in passengers. When the flight is set to Flown, it will change
and display only boarded passengers. While the flight is Open, it will show both checked-in and boarded
Activity Log
Click this link to display a log with all activity done in Boarding. It details which actions were made by
which agent and includes the method of boarding.
Boarding Offline
Radixx Go does boarding offline by taking the decisions locally and sending passengers to the server
every ½ second. When the connection to the server is not stable, Radixx Go Boarding tries to send
passengers in the background to the server. When the passenger is boarded on the server, the
passenger will disappear from the boarding list. In the following screenshot, all passengers were boarded
locally and the approval decision was taken by the browser, but these passengers are not boarded on the
server. You will have to wait for them to disappear from this to know that they are boarded on the server.
When there is no connectivity to the server for a period of 50 seconds, the boarding text area will become
red indicating the loss of connectivity. All boarding pass scans will be rejected with the message, "No
If there are unboarded passengers on the server and the user tries to refresh the page or leave the
Boarding screen, the alert below will be shown. If you click OK, pending passengers will be lost.
This tab shows all generated messages. The text box on this tab allows you to resend a specific
Load Message
The LDM message contains information regarding the load weight distribution.
Click Edit, and make the modifications on the load distribution and crew information fields:
Cockpit Crew/Cabin Enter the quantity regarding the type of crew. This information is
Crew mandatory.
Cargo Only Identify whether the flight is a cargo flight.
Deadloads Enter the weight information per compartment. Once the information is
completed, click Add.
When compartment information is added, the system enables a new
compartment field. It is also possible to add mail or cargo information
weight if needed.
When the LDM is completed, a message will be sent with the desired distribution.
Movement Messages
MVT messages contain information regarding the movement of the aircraft (departure, arrival, delays,
etc). Movement messages can be divided into the following types:
• Departure Message
• Arrival Message
• Delay Message
• Delay takeoff Message
• Return to ramp Message
• Return from Airborne Message
• Revised Estimated time of Arrival Message
• Arrival Taxi Variance Message
This type of message (MVT messages) must be populated with the operational information regarding the
flight and the event to register. To modify the information:
1. Click Edit on the left side menu.
2. Select the event to register.
3. Enter the operational data according to the flight parameters needed.
4. Reload the MVT message.
Cabin Crew
Go to INK DCS > Flight Control > Cabin Crew.
In this option the Cabin Crew can be added to the system.
There are three options:
• Scan Passport: As indicated in the image above, this option allows scanning the document to
add the crew to the list.
• Upload an Excel File: This option allows you to upload an Excel file including the cabin crew
information. If your carrier needs the template, click Download and Complete Template to
download the template to be populated.
• Add New: This option allows you to add the cabin crew by manually filling the information
requested on the sheet.
Message Templates
To create a new message template:
1. Go to INK DCS > Flight Control > Message Templates.
2. Click Add New to create a new template.
3. Check the message that needs to be sent by clicking the check box on the left of every message.
4. Select if the message should be sent via Type B or via Email.
5. In the right text box, type either the type B address or email address. Some instructions are
written on the controller for messages that are going to different destinations according to the
flight destination.
6. Click Save when finished.
Messages Sent/Received
Click Modules > Ink Messaging > Messages Sent/Received.
From this option, all messages can be searched and reviewed.
Scheduled Flights
It is recommended that you upload SSIM files by going to INK DCS > Flight Control > Import SSIM or
by sending them via email to the same email address where PNLs/ADLs are sent. However, if a SSIM is
not an option, the manual creation of flights is also possible.
This is all that is necessary in order to implement overflights. Passengers booked in these flights
will be asked for APIS data similar to flights entering/departing from USA. Messages will be sent
in order to get a vetting response. Messages are sent in a similar way as they are for flights
entering and departing the USA.
5. For the Routing section, if the flight is only an A to B flight, only Origin and Destination should
be populated. Type the IATA code or the name of the station on the Search box and choose the
station required from the Station drop down.
8. Click on the days when the flight is going to operate, and then populate the next section that
appears. The STD, STA, and Cabin Configuration fields are mandatory.
10. Click Save, and verify that the flights have been created by examining the Flight section.
Editing a Flight
To edit a flight, Click INK DCS > Flight Control > Schedules.
The Schedules | Search screen displays the scheduled flights available for your airline. Use the filters to
find the flight, and then click Edit.
The Schedules | Edit screen displays the periods available for the scheduled flight and the flights that are
already created for the schedule.
If you want to add a new flight to the schedule, you must add a new period. Click Add new period, and
then populate the fields. Select the Period Starts and Period Ends dates, select the days of operation,
and then enter the STD, STA, and cabin configuration.
Once the information is complete, click Save at the bottom of the page, and the flights should be created
and added to the Flights list.
Implementation in Departure Control
The initial passenger list for interactive APIS is sent to the Customs and Border Protection (CBP) 72
hours before departure. If the message has not yet been sent, for example if there were no passengers
on the flight at that time, the screen displays a red notice in the DHS field like the image below.
If the flight departure is within 72 hours, but before 24 hours, the messages are sent in one batch. If flight
departure is within 24 hours, the messages are sent individually by AQQ. The message will be red if
everyone on the flight has been pre-vetted by the airline before sending the PNL into Radixx Go.
The system shows the message in yellow if a response has not yet been received. The CBP can
sometimes take more than one day to respond.
Once the response has been received from the CBP, a confirmation will be displayed in green.
Once a response has been received, the Watchlist and ESTA statuses of passengers are updated.
Passengers who are not precleared are displayed like this.
Note that the icon for printing the BP is in red along with the words “Watchlist” and “ESTA.”
In addition to the icon for printing the BP being red, the Watchlist and ESTA results are also in red. Click
any of these to show the Advanced Passenger Info subtab that contains more detailed information about
the issue.
In the screen above, you can see the Watchlist and ESTA results, the reason why the BP cannot be
printed, and an error description if provided by CBP.
The Manual Settings section is displayed if you have the APIS_MANUAL_SETTINGS permission. The
section allows you to override decisions, as would be the case if clearances are obtained outside of the
system over the phone.
There is also a Summary section that includes all passenger status changes related to CBP events. Any
changes to the data solicited by the CBP requires you to offload the passenger, amend the data as
required, and check in the passenger again. For a few seconds, you will see the following screen while
the system is screening the passenger:
Once the response is received the screen will look like the one below. In this case, the passenger still has
an issue and needs to present a valid US traveler document for ESTA.
The passenger is still able to get a BP, so that can be printed. Once the BP is printed, the icon is shown
in blue.
In our example, the passenger needs to present a valid US travel document, so a gate stop was created.
If the passenger in our example tries to board, a gate stop will appear indicating that the passenger needs
to present a valid US travel document. An attempt to board this passenger will result in a screen like the
one below.
The passengers checked-in via PNL have a valid, printed BP. But that doesn't mean the passenger has a
positive status from the CBP. In cases where the passenger cannot be boarded because of an APIS or
ESTA issue, any attempt to board the passenger will result in a screen like this one.
On the other hand, passengers that receive a positive response and no other issues will be displayed like
Changing Seats
Changing the seat of a checked-in passenger requires that passenger to be offloaded first.
Pre-cleared passengers are cleared with an allocated seat. Therefore, you cannot just freely move
passengers around without retransmitting AQQ clearance to the US authorities. In order to do this, you
need to offload the passenger, move to a new seat, and check the passenger in again. When the
passenger is checked in the second time, it is that check-in action that re-initiates the AQQ clearance
dialog between Radixx Go and the CBP.
If CBP responds with a Watchlist status of "Advisory Selectee," you will see the following screen
when passenger is selected:
Note the Watchlist result and Error Description. In this case, SSSS will be printed on the BP.
For this passenger, a gate stop will be created that will contain the text code SELECTEE_GATE_STOP.
Other Gate Stops
Gate stops are created for the following CBP responses:
• Additional valid US travel Document: If the passenger gets an ESTA response from CBP of "B" or
"C," this means that the passenger needs to present a valid additional US travel document. In this
case, a gate stop with text code ADDITIONAL_US_DOCUMENT_GATE_STOP is created.
• Selectee and Additional valid US travel Document: This can occur when a passenger receives a
vetting value of "2" and an ESTA value of "B" or "C." In this case, a gate stop with text the code
stop is created, so only one action from agents is needed.
US Overflight
Overflights are flights that transit US airspace but do not have any stops in any of the US stations. The
overflights must transmit MCL and crew manifest. Passenger manifests are not required for flights not
entering or departing the US. However, Radixx Go must submit flight and passenger data to Secure Flight
in order to be compliant.
You must identify that a route is an overflight by selecting the Is US Overflight check box in the
Preferences section of the route edit page at the moment the flights are generated. This option is only
available if the staff member belongs to a group with the permission Overflight Scheduled Flight.
This is the only thing necessary to do in order to implement overflights. Passengers booked on these
flights will be asked for APIS data similar to flights entering and departing from the US. Messages will be
sent in order to get a vetting response. Messages are sent in a similar way as for flights entering and
departing the US.
Interactive API (APP)
All APIS that are interactive work with the same logic (APP). In the case of Interactive APIS, the
information is triggered every time a passenger is checked in, when a change is made in the information
of APIS, and when the flight is set to flown status.
Non-Interactive API
All APIs that are not interactive (Type B) work the same. In this case, the information is triggered once the
flight is set to flown status.
API Configuration
The configuration is made individually for each country. In the case of interactive APIs, each country
requires a certification that is made directly by INK. Once a country is already certified, it does not require
extra certification.
Watchlist Configuration
Radixx Go's passenger watchlist allows your carrier to create a list of individuals or groups that require
special surveillance, typically for legal, political, or documentation reasons. The watchlist can be defined
and managed by the watchlist controller from Setup > Options > Watchlists.
From this menu, the watchlist can be edited or reviewed by applying filters to search for passengers
already included. You can search by:
• First Name
• Surname
• Source
• APIS Name
Once the information is completed, the system will retrieve the passenger profile.
Creating a New Watchlist Record
On the Watchlist menu, click Add New to create a new record.
Complete the profile for the passenger. First Name, Surname, and date of birth are required.
The more information you enter, the more accurate the search results of watchlist passengers will be.
The system will create two types of alerts. There is an alert of level 2 which matches the name and date
of birth.
The other defined level is level 1, which matches the name, date of birth, and ID number or ID expiry
These alerts appear when the PNL/ADL is sent or when a passenger is added to the flight matching a
passenger on the watchlist. This alert will be highlighted in red and available on the PNL list from the DCS
and via email. This email address needs to be supplied by your airline to be configured in the alerts.
Watchlist Levels
Watchlist Match Level 1
When passenger information (name, date of birth, ID number, ID expiry date) matches a profile on the
watchlist, the system will display an alert for the flight on the New Flight Note.
The passenger will also be highlighted in red on the PNL as a Watchlist passenger.
There is also an email notification that will be received by the email of the personnel assigned by you
carrier indicating the level of the matching.
Watchlist Match Level 2
In this case, the alert is made by matching only the name and date of birth. This alert will also appear in
the New Flight Note and on the PNL.
Watchlist Check-In Process
Check-In Prohibited by the Watchlist
When the process of check-in is performed on a passenger on the watchlist, an alert will be generated
prohibiting the check-in.
When the process is performed by an authorized agent, an alert will be displayed to confirm the
Once the process is completed, the passenger will be available for check-in.
The alert color will change to indicating an authorized check-in process was performed.
If clicked, the system will provide information about what was done.
Radixx Go is currently integrated with Timatic and ICTS (Traveldocs). This means you can use either of
these two providers depending on your preference regarding the contracted travel documentation
Despite the selected option, the travel documentation can be reviewed after completing the necessary
information and click Check.
Once the process is complete, the system will show the response and status of the travel documentation.
User Administration
To create a new user:
1. Go to Modules > User Management > Users. All users associated with the current company are
listed on the main screen.
2. Click Add new.
3. Populate all required information to create a new user.
4. To assign permissions to the user, select the group name on the left, and click the -> arrow.
Setup > Airplanes > Fleet
Administer your fleet from this controller. Create new records from here or edit existing records. Having a
fleet recor is mandatory to create and associate cabin configurations with a record.
Cabin Configurations
To create a new cabin:
1. Click Setup > Airplanes > Cabin Configurations.
2. Click Add New.
3. Select the carrier.
4. Select the airplane model.
5. Enter the type and cabin configuration name.
6. Click Save to continue.
Once the process is complete, the system will retrieve the information of the cabin and display it in the
right corner along with all the available registrations for your carrier.
To create the layout of passenger accommodations (LOPA), enter the required information based on the
legend shown next. Once a row of information is loaded, press Enter to create the row.
If the created row information is repeated multiple times, enter the number of rows to be created with the
same information. Once the layout of the seat map is complete, Click Save and Finish.
Exit Exceptions
This option allows you to manually configure each seat map if exceptions are allowed on exit seat rows.
In this case, the exceptions can be added for:
• Infant
• Children
• Wheelchairs
Full legend
Click Click for Full Legend to see the codes to add different types of seats and locations when creating
the seat plan. To add multiple rows, the Add rows column can be added.
Load SSIMs
INK DCS > Flight Control > Import SSIM.
Use this controller to upload a schedule file.
Ground Handlers
Creating a New Carrier
This option allows a ground handler to create new airlines and get them associated with the stations of
where that ground handler operates. This option also allows cloning the preferences from a list of carriers
that are associated with that ground handler on that station.
This option will be available only for ground handlers from the following link:
Carrier Code The ground handler must enter the carrier code to be checked from the active
list of carriers. Once the check is complete, the system will show the rest of the
options as shown on the image.
Stations The station drop-down will have the station information for stations created by
the ground handler.
Carrier Name The ground handler must enter the new airline name.
Master Carrier This drop-down shows all carriers operated by the ground handler. The user
must select one carrier to clone the preferences and business rules.
To clone the rules from the rest of stations, select the carrier code and the station to clone.
Once the process is complete, all business rules and preferences per station will be cloned for that
Creating New Flights
It is recommended to manually upload SSIM files through INKDCS > Flight Control > Import SSIM or by
sending them via email to the same email address where PNLs/ADLs are sent. However, if using SSIM is
not an option, you can also create flights manually.
Go to INK DCS > Flight Control > Schedules. The screen will list the scheduled flights available for your
airline. To create a new flight, use the search filters to find the scheduled flight to use as a template, and
then click Edit from the main table.
The Edit screen will show the periods available for the scheduled flight and also the flights that are
already created for the schedule.
When creating a new flight, a new period is needed. Click the Add new period... link.
Select the Period Starts and Period Ends dates. Select the days on which the flight is going to operate
and populate the information for STD, STA, and cabin configuration.
Once the information is completed, click Save at the bottom of the page. The flights should be created
and added to the Flights list.
Business Rules
Creating Business Rules
A business rule is a configuration on the system parameters according to operational needs.
To create a business rule:
1. Click Setup > Companies > Business Rules. On this screen, you can search for a business
rule by different search criteria.
4. Enter the information needed regarding the business rule, and then click Save and Finish.
To enable this option for a specific user:
1. Click Modules > User Management > Users.
2. Click Edit to open the user profile.
3. Select the Business Rule Editors group.
SSRs Permission
A business rule called "ssrs_permission" can be configured to restrict the use of the listed SSR, allowing
only the members of the selected groups to use the selected SSR.
Click Setup > Companies > Business Rules.
To create a new ítem, click Add New, and select ssrs_permition from the Type of Business Rule
Move group names to the right by selecting the group name and clicking the -> arrow.
To select the SSRs for the desired group, move the not-restricted SSR to the right by selecting the SSR's
name and clicking the -> arrow.
Once the restriction is applied, the select SSRs will be available only for the members of the selected
This image shows the SSRs that appear for a member of the selected group.
The image shows the SSRs that appear for someone who is not a member of the selected group
Automatic Check-In
This tool allows you to perform an automatic passenger check-in once the reservation is made with no
action required from the passengers. This reduces counter congestion, improves passenger satisfaction,
and reduces costs to your airline.
For the automatic check-in process, it is necessary to have at least one email configured on the PNR.
If the automatic check-in process is successful, an email will be sent to the passenger(s) with the PNR,
boarding pass image with the respective barcode, and information regarding the flight. If the automatic
check-in process is denied, an email will be sent to the passenger(s) with information regarding the denial
• Passengers with special SSRs listed as restricted for automatic check-in
• Passengers without intervention or additional government clearance
Audit Trail:
The automatic check-in process saves the historical data of the transactions performed on a specific flight
and for the passengers as well.
Flight Audit Trail
To configure the automatic check-in tool, please contact Radixx or your account manager.
Limit Flight Inventory
Carrier Preferences
Carrier preferences are configurations in the system that can be set according to the needs of your
carrier. Contact Radixx or your account manager for configuration of the carrier preferences.
General Preferences
Starting Sequence
This preference allows you to modify the starting sequence to be used at the check-in process.
This option can be used on a flight when there is a simultaneous check-in process with two systems that
are not connected through web services. Different ranges for the sequence are used for each system
Disable Edit Seq Number
This preference allows you to disable the sequence edition. When active, this option will not be shown as
an eligible option.
Infant User Parent Seq
When active, this option allows using only one sequence number for an adult and an infant. When this
option is not active, the infant will have its own different sequence number.
Has Frequent Flyer
If your carrier has an active frequent flyer program, this option allows you to process the frequent flyer
Fast Track
This preference enables the use of fast track for your carrier. Fare codes that allow the fast track need to
be provided to make the configurations.
Text also needs to be provided to add the information to the boarding pass of the passengers getting the
fast track access.
Has Lounge
This preference enables the use of lounge access for your carrier. Fare codes that allow the lounge
access need to be provided to make the configurations.
Text also needs to be provided to add the information to the boarding pass of the passengers getting the
lounge access.
Show Mail
This option allows the email address field to appear in the passenger UI.
Show Booking Reference on the PNL
When active, this preference shows the booking reference instead of the group code.
Seats Preferences
Free Seating
When active, all flights for your airline will be available with the free seating option.
Max Infants Per Row
This option enables the maximum of infant passengers allowed per row. This can be defined for the entire
row or the aisle dividing the row can also be taken into consideration, which allows the desired number for
each side of the row. For example:
In this example, two Infants are seated in Row 5, so the seat assignment for a new INF is restricted as
Allow Different Seats per Sector
This preference allows assigning different seats per leg on a multi-leg flight.
Special Seat Configurations
This preference will not allow a passenger to be checked in via API either.
Check-In Exit Row Restriction for PTC
This preference controls the bookings that contain more than one passenger and one of the passengers
is CHD/INF/SOC. When this occurs, no passengers from that booking cannot be seated in an exit row
even when the seat assignment is made individually.
Exit Row Seat Manual Override
This preference overrides the existing preference Extend Exit Row Restrictions. This preference allows
the agent, with the permissions, to seat passengers in the exit row without restrictions that belong to that
Baggage Preferences
Early Bag Stop
This preference allows you to print a tag for an early destination of the passenger. This means the tag
can be printed for an intermediate destination instead of the final destination.
Heavy Bag Kg
This preference defines the weight value for a heavy bag. When a bag has a higher weight than defined,
the word "Heavy" will appear on the bag tag issued for that bag.
Show Rush Baggage on Final Figures
This option allows showing a dedicated area on the Final Figure menu for rush baggage that replaces the
Cargo/Mail field.
Messages/PNL Preferences
Send Figure Options
This option allows the application to send a message with the Final Figures information.
According to your carrier's preference, this message can be sent under the following conditions:
• When check-in and bag drop are closed
• When the flight is closed
• In both of the above cases cases
To configure the mail or type B address for this message, click INK DCS > Flight Control > Message
Once the selected process is complete, the email will be sent with the final figures information.
Payments/Ancillaries Preferences
SSR Preferences
SSR Exclusions
This option is used to exclude SSRs not supported or prohibited by your carrier.
Priority SSR
When active, this preference allows your carrier to define a list with priority order for the desired SSRs.
These priority SSRs will be printed on boarding passes.
Kiosks Preferences
APIS Preferences
Operational Preferences
Has Standby
If the carrier allows standby passengers, this option must be active.
Ticket Check-in
This preference allows an automatic check-in of the passenger when the eTicket number is provided in
the search option. Once the information is entered, the system will match the data performing the
automatic check-in process.
PNR Check-In
This preference allows an automatic check-in of the passenger when the PNR code is provided in the
search option. Once the information matches the passenger data, the automatic checkiin process is
Has eTicket
This preference allows the eTicket to be shown on the passenger UI.
NoRec eTicket
This preference forces users to add the eTicket information when a NoRec passenger is created.
Hide Delete Passenger
This preference hides the Delete Passengers option from the group action drop-down available on the
PNL tab.
Passenger Weights
This option defines the default passenger weights by gender and passenger type.
This configuration applies to all the existing flights.
Autoboard Crew
This preference allows the automatic boarding of the crew members once the check-in process is done.
Do Not Change Seat Cabin Wizard
When active, this preference will not change seats for any passenger when the cabin change process is
completed. This means the system will only keep the previously assigned seats that still exist in the newly
selected equipment.
When this preference is deactivated, the system will reassign seats to those passengers who are affected
or whose seats are not available in new equipment, as long as there are seats available, even when the
option to keep original seating is selected.
For more details, refer to Changing Cabin Configuration.
Passenger List Preferences
Check-In/Boarding Process Preferences
Boarding Open
This value determines the number of minutes before the scheduled departure that boarding will be open.
A value expressed in minutes must be provided for this preference.
Success Boarding Sound
When a passenger is boarded, the system will make a sound for a successful transaction. This
preference applies to the Radixx Go Touch application.
Ticket Check-In
This preference allows an automatic check-in of the passenger when the eTicket number is provided on
the Search option. Once the information is entered, the system will match the data performing the
automatic check-in process.
PNR Check-In
This preference allows an automatic check-in of the passenger when the PNR code is provided on the
Search option. Once the information matches the passenger data, the automatic check-in process is
Boarding Sleep
This preference determines the time to wait on the boarding application after every successful
Language Preference
Exchange Rates
To handle exchange rates, go to SET-UP > Options > Exchange Rates. All exchange rates available for
the current carrier will appear on the list. There must always be one exchange rate of 1.0 that will be the
base of the conversion to other currencies. For example, the company shown in the screenshot below is
defining a base in USD, and from USD, the conversion will be done to the other currencies. This means
that ancillary items and excess baggage fees need to be defined within the DCS in USD so they can be
converted to the other currencies when necessary.
Only one base currency should be used.
Advanced Passenger Info Report
This report is available under INK DCS > Flight Reports > Advance Passenger Info. This report shows
all APIS information collected for the passengers.
Ancillary Instant
The Ancillary Instant report is available by going to INK DCS > Flight Reports > Ancillary Instant. This
report allows you to apply different filters like departure station, agent doing the sales, date range filter,
and flight number. The data on this report is available from the time of the sale until 60 days in advance. If
historical information is needed, the Ancillary Fees Report must be used.
Baggage Report
This report is available under INK DCS > Flight Reports > Baggage Report. This report shows all
baggage tags that were produced for a single flight. The report can be also accessed from Departure
Control. This is useful to see the list of tags produced with the correct status.
Depot Report
This report is available under Modules > Ink MIS > Depot Report. This report shows data for carriers
using the Depot utility available on the mobile application, which allows ground handlers to report
baggage that is stored on the available Depots > Bays for a certain airport. The image below shows two
tag numbers along with the depot and bay name. One is in deport, and the other one was collected by the
Flight Reports
This report is available on Modules > Ink MIS > Flight Reports. According to the criteria selected on the
filters, the report shows all flights split by carrier, station, average passengers per flight, grouped
passengers with baggage, number of active tags by carrier, by station, and, finally, all tag statuses. This
report can be exported to Excel.
Flight Turnarounds
This report is available under Modules > Ink MIS > Flight Turnarounds. This report shows information
for companies using the Turnaround mobile app. You will be able to see the different plans associated
with a specific flight and all the events that were done on time, late, or not done for a specific turnaround
plan. Who did the event and the location of the event are also available.
Flight Visualizer
This report was created to allow airlines to see all flights departing from the different stations in a timeline.
This report is available from Modules > Ink MIS > Flight Visualizer.
Passenger Reports
This report is available under Modules > Ink MIS > Passenger Report. This report shows all passengers
the carrier is moving filtered by the criteria you select. Four graphs are available with an item to download
data into an Excel file. Total passenger by status (checked-in, boarded, no show boarded, no show
check-in). Passengers are split by carrier in case more than one carrier is handled. Passengers are split
by Station - Airline and Passengers at a Single Station.
Passenger Search
This report is available under INK DCS > Flight Reports > Passenger Search. Different filters are
available on this report to look for passenger information. Once a passenger is retrieved on the screen,
different information about the passenger booking, such as status changes, baggage tags printed, and
search data used, are shown on the screen.
Performance Reports
This report is available under Modules > Ink MIS > Performance Reports. According to the criteria
selected on the filters, you can query transaction times by flight, agent, and station, including in the result;
transaction times on check-in, bag drop, boarding and some metrics about average time on check-in, and
bag drop times per passenger.
System Reports
This report is available under Modules > Ink MIS > System Reports. This report shows the number of
check-in transactions spilt by method of check-in (desk, kiosks, SMS, web, through, auto check-in, Radixx
Go Touch), and boarding spit by method. A report showing desk utilization is also available.
Transfer Report
This report is available under INK DCS > Flight Reports > Transfer Report. This report shows all
passengers doing transit from the flight and station selected.
This report is available under INK DCS > Flight Reports > Vouchers. This report lists vouchers
produced from the mobile application for a certain flight on a specific date.