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Bulacan State University

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Under the New Curriculum

Under the New Normal:

My Lived Study Experiences

Prepared by: Dela Cruc, Joshua, D.


Field Study Student

Prepare for:

Field Study Supervisor

Page 1
I would be proud to dedicate this portfolio to my beloved mother and my father. The two of them

who have given me the encouragement to be where I am today. I will be unable, before the end

of my term, to reciprocate their blessings. All I can do is make every effort to make their dreams

come true by becoming a productive individual for faith and the homeland.

I'd also devote this to: every truthful teacher, every hard-working student. Finally, I wish to

thank my University of Applied Sciences and the Faculty of Education for their contributions on

behalf of their students.

Page 2
Without the encouragement and assistance of many individuals who, in one way or another,

contributed and extended their valuable assistance to the planning and completion of this

portfolio, this project would not have been feasible. First and foremost, my sincere gratitude to

the Professors of Bulacan State University. Mrs. Evangelene Dazo, who gave me the golden

opportunity with her professional guidance and valuable encouragement to do this wonderful

project, in which in the days to come it is very beneficial.

To selected classmates and friends for their help in building ideas, and despite the distance,

they’ve thoroughly e-mailed the information I needed.

And to our cooperating Teacher Mrs. Hermogena Bautista, who imparted a lot to finished this

project, for being a great mentor, and accepting us under her great guidance.

And I like to thank myself for being patient enough to finish this project, for having enough

motivation in facing many circumstances along the way.

Last but not the least, the one above all of us, the omnipresent, omniscient and omnipotent God,

for answering my prayers for giving me strength and wisdom, thank you very much.

Page 3
Table of Contents

age 4
Commission on Higher Education Memorandum Order No. 75 Series of 2017 (CMO

No.75 of 2017). In accordance with the pertinent provisions of Republic Act (RA) No. 7722,

otherwise known as the Higher Education Act of 1994, and in pursuance of the outcomes-based

quality assurance system as advocated under CMO No. 46 s. 2012, and by virtue of Commission

en banc (CEB) Resolution No. 724-2017 dated October 3, 2017, the following policies, standards

and guidelines are hereby adopted and promulgated by the Commission. Centered on the CMO

Implementation Guidelines No. 46 s. In response to the Philippine Teacher Education system of

the 21st century, this PSG introduces the "shift to learning competency-based

standards/outcomes-based education" in 2012. In addition, this PSG is focused on the salient

features of the Philippine Qualification System, k-12 Enhanced Curriculum (RA 10533). (EO 83,

S. 2012) The National Competence-based Teacher Standards (NCBTS) is now the Philippine

Professional Standards for Teachers' Competences expected of Bachelor of Secondary Education

graduates 'regardless of the type of HEI they graduate from.' However, in recognition of the

Spirit of Outcome-based Education and Typology of HEIs, this PSG also provides 'ample space

for HEIs to innovate in the curriculum.

The minimum standards and other requirements and prescriptions set out in this article shall be

followed. The minimum requirements shall be expressed in the form of the minimum collection

of desired program results set out in Article IV Section 6. To achieve such results, CHED built a

curriculum. This curriculum is shown as a sample curriculum in Section 9 of Article V. Under

Section 13 0f of RA 7722, the number of units of this program is hereby prescribed as the

'minimum unit requirement.' CHED used a curriculum map in developing the curriculum that is

seen as a sample curriculum map in Article V section 10. CHED also defined effective

curriculum delivery approaches shown in Article V Section 11 using a

learner-centered/outcomes-based approach.

Page 5

CHED also defined the physical capital specifications for the library, laboratories and other

facilities and the human resource requirements in terms of administration and faculty, depending

on the program and the means of its delivery. In Article VI.

The HEIs are permitted to develop curricula suitable to their own contexts and tasks provided

that they can demonstrate that the same leads, though by a different path, to the achievement of

the required minimum collection of results. Inside the same vein, in terms of human and physical

capital, they have latitude as long as they demonstrate that the achievement of the results of the

program and the fulfillment of the educational goals of the program can be ensured by the

alternative means suggested.

The BSED degree program seeks to cultivate highly motivated and qualified teachers

specializing in secondary education content and pedagogy, and draws programs for various allied

disciplines such as social sciences, astronomy, mathematics, technology, languages, and

humanities to ensure multi-disciplinary content and pedagogy training for graduates.

The minimum standards for the BSED degree program are expressed in the following set of

learning outcomes;

Articulate and discuss the latest developments in the specific field practice.

Effectively communicate in English and Filipino, both orally and writing work effectively and

collaboratively with a substantial degree of independence in multi-disciplinary and multi-cultural


Act in recognition of professional, social, and ethical responsibility, preserve and promote

“Filipino historical and cultural heritage”.

Bachelor of Secondary Education Major in English possess broad knowledge of language in a

multilingual context as it applies to teaching a language and literature, acquire extensive reading

background in language, literature, and allied fields.

Page 6

Demonstrating proficiency in oral and written communication demonstrates expertise in the use

of novel techniques, methodologies, and methods to teach language and literature. Using

technology to facilitate language learning and teaching, encourages students and peers to make

relevant and revolutionary improvements to enhance language and literature learning and


Field studies provide opportunities for first-hand interactions for students that promote critical

thinking, long-term retention, potential for transfer, positive attitudes towards science,

appreciation of nature, and increased scientific interest.

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