Penitential Rite

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(December 15 - Sunday, 10:30 AM)

Opening Hymn: Bread for the World (BB1̀6 353)

Superior: We come before God today to implore Him in His mercy to heal us and make us a community
of saints bearing fruits in the Church and witnessing to the love of Christ.

ALL: Have mercy, O Lord, have mercy, for we come before you in lowliness and sincerity of
heart. If we would say we have not offended You, we would be lying, and You would turn away
because the truth would not be in us.

Sr. Francesca: It is good for us that you see us as we are, without disguise or pretense.

ALL: If we would say we have not offended You, we would be lying, and You would turn away
because the truth would not be in us.

Sr. Melecia: In every age You have forgiven those who turned to You in sincerity of heart.

ALL: We do not attempt to hide anything from You, since the truth is known to You, before
You hear it from our lips.

Sr. Mary Danielle: Give us faith, hope, and love, O Lord.

ALL: Have mercy on us, for we come to You with trust and love.

Sr. Cherry Marie: Give us discernment, O Lord.

ALL: Have mercy on us, for we come to You with trust and love.

Gospel Reading: (Sr. Pauline May)

A reading from the Letter of St. Paul to the Galatians… (Gal. 2:15-21)

The Word of the Lord.

ALL: Thanks be to God.

Reflection and Adoration (40 min.)

Response: Prayer of St. Francis (BB1̀6 527)

Litany of Forgiveness:

Superior: Father, as we move closer to You, we place our failures as Christians before You and seek Your
forgiveness. After each petition, we say: (R) ”LORD, FORGIVE US”.
Sr. Ninfa: For our failure to listen to the message of Christ,

 For being ignorant and uninformed in matters of faith and doctrine through our own fault, (R)
 For closing our hearts to the promptings of the Spirit, (R)
 For choosing only the convenient parts of your message, (R)
 For the times we have been ashamed to live our religious convictions, (R)

Sr. Mary Danielle: For our failings in our responsibilities to the Christian community,

 For sowing discord instead of love and peace, (R)

 For the times we were unjust in our treatment of others, (R)
 For prejudging the motives of others, (R)
 For the times we speak untruthfully to or about others, (R)

Sr. Jinky: For our failing in service of others,

 For the gifts and talents which we have failed to use in Your service, (R)
 For failing to see you in others, (R)
 For hurting our Sisters and others by our impulsive actions, thoughtless words, and ill-tempered
gestures, (R)
 For the times we have refused our help to others, and not lending our hands and feet to the poor
and afflicted, (R)
 For being negligent and sluggish in fulfilling the duties of our state of life, (R)
 For our apathy (R).

Sr. Cherry: God is indeed a God of mercy and compassion for He always give us opportunities to be like
Him, merciful and compassionate. May I now request each Sister to light a candle. When ready, you may
approach each Sister and exchange candles while saying “I’m sorry” and “Thank you”, or by simply
hugging them. When you are done, you may approach another Sister and do the same until you have
exchanged candles with all of your Sisters.

Sr. Cherry: Altogether, let us say our thanksgiving prayer.


ALL: Blessed are you, Lord God, who heals us with forgiveness.

We rejoice in Your absolution of our failings as You call us to forgive one another daily with
understanding, for in mutual forgiveness, we experience Your divine grace.

We are grateful for the persons in our lives who allowed us to be reconciled after we have
separated from them through selfishness and thoughtlessness.

We are thankful for the numerous experiences of absolution in our past lives, for the lifting of the
burden of guilt.
We are most grateful for the gift of your Son, Jesus Christ, who calls us to lives of compassion,
forgiveness and understanding.

He, by His life, gave us example of how we are to love those who harm us and forgive those who
hurt and injure us when He asked You, His Father, to forgive those who had led him to suffer and
die on the cross.

Teach us Lord, how to forgive ourselves and to be patient with the slowness of our growth in
holiness. Able to forgive ourselves, we shall be more eager and able to forgive others.

Superior: Blessed are You, Lord God, who heals us with forgiveness. We generously offer to you
the gift of ourselves this Advent, to do good in whatever circumstances which would come our
way so that we can prepare a straight path for your coming.

ALL: Amen.





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