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Venus School Mistress

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Reprinted from the edition of 1788, with a Preface
by MARY WILSON, containing some account
of the late Mrs. BERKELEY


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Copyright © 1968 by Grove Press, Inc.

All Rights Reserved
First Printing
Manufactured in the United States of America



THE CHARM . . . . . . . . . 53
THE NIGHT SCHOOL . . . . . . . 59
the BUtclien's DAUGHTER. . . . . . 80
MORAL REFLECTIONS - - - - - - 89
LADIEs’ whippi NG CLUB . . . . . 140
wow AN's PASSION FOR whippi NG. . . M42
BRANTOM E ON SAM E. . . . . . . . 443
TIIE WHIPPING WIDOW . . . . . . 146
THE schoolMastER's DINNER . . . . M53

The subject of flagellation, in venereal affairs, must

appear altogether ridiculous and unintelligible to
those who have not been initiated into this branch of
the Eleusinian mysteries.
It is, however, a lech, which has existed from time
immemorial, and is so extensively indulged in London
at this day, that no less than twenty splendid estab
lishments are supported entirely by its practice : nor
is there amongst the innumerable temples dedicated
to the Paphian Goddess, which adorn this immense
metropolis, any one, in which the exercise of the rod is
not occasionally required.
All females who piously devote themselves to the
service of the public, ought to be acquainted with the
philosophy of birch discipline; for without that know
ledge, they will lose the patronage of some of the most
liberal slaves to erotic pleasure.
The men who have a propensity for flagellation may
be divided into three classes:
4. Those who like to receive a fustigation, more
or less severe, from the hand of a fine woman, who

is sufficiently robust to wield the rod with vigour and

2. Those who desire themselves to administer
birch discipline on the white and plump buttocks of
a female.
3. Those who wish to be neither passive recipients
nor active administrators of birch discipline, but would
derive a sufficient excitement as mere spectators of
the sport.
Many persons, not sufficiently acquainted with hu
man nature, and the ways of the world, are apt to
imagine that the lech for flagellation must be confined
either to the aged, or to those who are exhausted
through too great a devotion to venery : but such is
not the fact, for there are quite as many young men
and men in the prime and vigour of life, who are in
fluenced by this passion as there are amongst the aged
and debilitated.
It is very true that there are innumerable old gene
rals, admirals, colonels, and captains, as well as bi
shops, judges, barristers, lords, commoners, and phy
sicians, who periodically go to be whipped, merely
because it warms their blood, and keeps up a little
agreeable excitement in their systems long after the
power of enjoying the opposite sex has failed them ;
but it is equally true, that hundreds of young men,
through having been educated at institutions where
the masters were fond of administering birch-disci
pline, and recollecting certain sensations produced by
it, have imbibed a passion for it, and have longed to
receive the same chastisement from the hands of a fine
woman. To the truth of this statement, two of the
most experienced governesses now retired from busi
ness, Mrs. Chalmers and Mrs. Noyeau, can bear

ample testimony, and that the propensity follows such

parties through life, inasmuch, as however vigorous
and capable they may be of sub-agitating a woman to
her heart's content, yet they care little for the act, un
less accompanied by their favourite sauce.
Those women who give most satisfaction to the ama
teurs of discipline, are called governesses, because
they have by experience acquired a tact and a modus
operandi, which the generality do not possess. It is not
the merely keeping a rod, and being willing to flog,
that would cause a woman to be visited by the wor
shippers of birch ; she must have served her time to
some other woman who understood her business, and
be thoroughly accomplished in the art. They must
have a quick and intuitive method of observing the
various aberrations of the human mind, and be ready
and willing to humour and relieve them. Such was
the late Mrs. Jones, of Hertford Street and London
Street, Fitzroy Square; such was the late Mrs. Berk
ley; such is Bessy Burgess, of York Square; and such
is Mrs. Pryce, of Burton Crescent.
The late Mrs. Berkley, of Charlotte Street, Portland
Place, was a woman every way adapted for her pro
fession. She possessed the first grand requisite of a
courtezan, viz, lewdness; for without a woman is posi
tively lecherous, she cannot keep up long the affection
of it, and it will be soon perceived that she only moves
her hands or her buttocks to the tune of pounds,
shillings, and pence. She could assume great urb
anity and good humour; she would study every lech,
whim, caprice, and desire of her customer, and had
the disposition to gratify them, if her avarice was
rewarded in return. Her instruments of torture were
more numerous than those of any other governess.

Her supply of birch was extensive, and kept in water,

so that it was always green and pliant; she had shafts
with a dozen whip-thongs on each of them; a dozen
different sizes of cat-o'-nine tails, some with needle
points worked into them ; various kinds of thin bend
ing canes; leather straps like coach traces ; battle
dores, made of thick sole-leather, with inch nails run
through to docket, and curry-comb tough hides ren
dered callous by many years' flagellation. Holly
bushes, furze brushes, a prickly evergreen, called but
cher's bush ; and during the summer, glass and China
vases, filled with a constant supply of green nettles,
with which she often restored the dead to life. Thus,
at her shop, whoever went with plenty of money,
could be birched, whipped, ſustigated, scourged,
needle-pricked, half-hung, holly-brushed, furze-brus
hed, butcher-brushed, stinging-nettled, curry-comb
ed, phlebotomized, and tortured till he had a belly
For those whose lech it was to ſlog a woman, she
would herself submit to a certain extent; but if they
were gluttons at it, she had women in attendance who
would take any amount of lashes the flogger pleased,
provided he forked out an ad valorem duty. Among
these were Miss Ring, Hannah Jones, Sally Taylor,
One-eyed Peg, Bald-cunted Poll and a black girl, cal
led Ebony Bet.
A machine was invented for Mrs. Berkley to flog
gentlemen upon, in the spring of 1828. It is like
an artist's easel and is capable of being opened
out to a considerable extent. There is a print in
Mrs. Berkley's Memoirs, representing a man upon
it quite naked. A woman is sitting in a chair exactly
under it, with her bosom, belly and bush exposed :

she is manualizing his embolon whilst Mrs. Berkley

is birching his posteriors. The female acting as
frictria, was intended for Fisher, a fine, tall, dark-haired
girl, whom all must remember who visited Char
lotte Street at that day, as well as the good-humoured
blonde Willis ; the plump, tight, frisky, and merry
arsed Thurloe ; Grenville, with the enormous bubbies;
Bentinck, with breadth of hip and splendour of but
tock; Olive, the gypsy, whose brown skin, wicked
black eye, and medicean form would melt an anc
horite ; the mild and amiable Palmer, with luxuriant
and well-fledged mount, from whose tufted honours
many a lord has stolen a sprig; and Pryce, the pleasing
and complaisant, who, if birch was the question, could
both give and take.
When the new flogging machine was invented, the
designer told her it would bring her into notice, and
go by her name, after her death; and it did cause her
to be talked of, and brought her a great deal of bu
siness. She died in September, 1836, having funded
ten thousand pounds during the eight years she had
been a governess. The original horse is among the
models of the Society of Arts at the Adelphi, and was
presented by Dr. Vance, her executor.
It is a great drawback on the business of any gover
ness at this day not to possess a Berkley horse. Mrs.
Brown was the first to have one made, next Mrs. Stew
art, then Mrs. Pryce, and lastly, Mesdames Collet
and Beverley; but there is no doubt in the course of
time they will find their way, not only into the boudoir
of every flogging establishment, but will form a part
of the furniture of every house of accommodation and
entertainment in London : Mrs. Gale, for instance,
ought to supply all her tenants with a Berkley horse,

by way of adding to the custom of her houses, and

let the Fountain and the Brunswick consider their best
interest. Mrs. Berkley had also in her second floor
a hook and pulley attached to the ceiling, by which
she could draw a man up by the hands. This opera
tion is also represented in her memoirs. Many per
sons feel disappointed at her promised memoirs being
so long delayed, but the publication was suspended
at the request of Dr. Vance, of Cork Street, her exe
cutor. His recent death, however, will enable the
firm, who hold the copyright of her autobiography,
speedily to put it to press.
About forty years since a volume of letters was pub
lished in Paris, purporting to be a selection from the
portefeuille of a celebrated bawd, with a view of illus
trating the wants, leches, whims, caprices, and multi
farious debauches of the times. It would, perhaps,
now be difficult to determine whether that volume
was real or fabricated ; but the appendices to the for
thcoming “Berkley Papers ” will give rise to no doubt
as to their genuineness and authenticity, because the
parties being still alive, their language, style and sen
timents will be instantly recognized by their associates
and contemporaries, although no nobleman's or gen
tleman's name will be exposed. These letters will
throw clearer light on the habits of the aristocracy and
gay world in general, than any publication of the day.
As a specimen, one on the subject of flagellation is
selected, from a gentleman who used to bring chains
to fasten his neck, hands, and feet more securely to the
horse. He is a very good-humoured and tolerant Ca
tholic, and will excuse the insertion, because of the
kind it is unique, and proves the strength of the pas

DUBLIN, Jan. 1834.

Dear Madam,

I am a most incorrigible “naughty boy, ” and have

been flogged by the most noted governesses in London, with
out having my vices scourged out of me. The gentleman
who goes by the name of the Brunswick recommended me
to Mrs. Brown, and she had a pretty strong arm. He
they call “Bawdy Blue Eyes, " sent me to Mrs. Wilson,
of Mary-la-bone, and she was no chicken at it. Old Jau
nay, of Leicester Square, the hotel-keeper, proposed
Mrs. Chalmers, and she is a very eacperienced hand.
Mr. Plume invited me to dine with the Stranger, and
Mr. G. at the genteel and elegantly furnished residence of
Madame Noyeau ; but even her tall and robust figure could
not make a sufficient impression on my backside; he they
designate as “Sheep Face, ” wished me to try Jones, of
London Street, but she and all her helps were too drunk to
break a rod on me. Captain Johnson insisted on my vis
iting Betsy Burgess, who is certainly clever, but who has
left the Diable au Corps. Lord A–y sent me to Gordon,
but she had lost Mrs. Potter's address, and was out of
rods. Brookes, the bookseller, of Bond Street, gave me the
card of Mesdames Collet and Beverley, and surely I found
them as knowing dames as any in London ; but even their
united energies have left me unconquered. I have now, my
dear Madam, got a recommendation from your very parti
cular friend, the Eart of G–e, who has made my blood
boil with delight, by describing your horse and charming
apparatus, for tickling the tobys of us naughty boys. I
shall be with you early in February, as the Earl and myself
are coming over together, on our parliamentary duties;
but to prevent any misunderstanding, I send you my termes
beforehand :

1. To be well secured to the horse with the chains I

2. One pound for the first blood drawn.
3. Two pounds if the blood runs down to the heels.
4. Three pounds if it reaches my heels.
5. Four pounds if it flows on the floor.
6. Five pounds if you cause me to ſaint away.
I am, my dear Madam,
Yours most incorrigibly,

To MRs. Theresa BERKLEY,

26, Charlotte Street, Portland Place.

Having given the foregoing letter, which is only one

of some hundreds which will be published in the Berk
ley Papers, at the end of the autobiography, I have
nothing more to say at present, but that little calipiga
Jones, who used to take such a severe flogging at Berk
ley's is now an accomplished governess, and up to
every move on the board, under the name of Grif
M. W.

O VENUs! inspire me with those warm and las

civious thoughts which directed the pen of Manon ;
deign also to direct mine, while describing the ec
static sensations that thou impartest to thy prose
lytes, and particularly to the votaries of Birch Dis
cipline. Assist me in portraying the lovely maid,
or the pretty woman, armed with a bundle of green
birch, flogging with the utmost severity the bum
of a bold boy or wicked girl, and fainting with plea
sure under her exertions.
Ye fair ones, arm yourselves with bundles of new
birch, and whip without mercy the bums of those
proud and imperious beings called men, who have
arrogated to themselves a superiority over us ;
humble them, and make them bow down, to pay
that homage due to us, and force them to fly with
redoubled ardour to sacrifice at the voluptuous
shrine of your queen! And thou, oh, Floral high

priestess of Venus, whose worship has been too

long neglected, come and assist thy lovely sisters
in embellishing their pretty heads and swelling bo
soms; let thy sweet gifts prepare and refine the ex
quisite pleasures which the Goddess of Love be
stows on her faithful votaries'
I was born at Chelsea : my father, whose name
was Birch, was a drawing-master, and attended
occasionally, in his profession, several young la
dies' boarding-schools; he got acquainted with a
young Frenchwoman, who was a teacher in one of
them, and fell violently in love with her; she did
not keep him long in suspense, for finding he was
possessed of a little money, she married him after
two or three months' courtship : she was at that
period not more than seventeen, and my father
about forty-five—elegantly formed and rather pretty;
she had that je ne sais quoi, so captivating in French
women; but my father, from frequent debaucheries,
and self-abuse, would have found some difficulties
in getting her maidenhead (supposing she still re
tained it), had it not been for the assistance of a
good birchen rod, that was forcibly applied to his
Conscious of his inability, he hired a strapping
Welsh girl, about sixteen, tall and far from ugly,
and who, I believe, had eased herself of the burden
of virtue before she came to town; by dint of pre
sents and promises, he prevailed upon her to under

take the birchen operation upon him, when engaged

with his bride in the amorous conflict. Having
easily obtained the consent of my mother, two or
three days after their mariage, the girl came early
one morning to his bedroom, according to his di
rection, armed with a very large bundle of excellent
birch, quite green. She immediately pulled down
the bedclothes, when putting himself in a proper
posture, she rolled his shirt up to his shoulders,
and began flogging him with all her strength, while
he continued stretched upon my mother. After he
had received about fifty lashes, he found himself
able to thrust his machine into her, the other still
whipping him like a fury, whilst he was working
away at such a rate, that he accomplished his wish,
and got his bride with child of me, the only one he
ever had ; so that I am as much indebted to the
birch for my birth, as I am by nature to him. This
story I had from the very girl above-mentioned, as
I happened to meet with her when I resided in
Wales. She further added that she lived with my
mother nearly two years; during which period she
officiated in her flogging capacity two or three
times a week—though my mother would sometimes
relieve her by flogging him herself: so that it is no
wonder that, as I grew up, I have retained such a
propensity for birch discipline, and even carried it
to an excess, as the reader will find in the course
of my narrative. As for my mother, I have strong

reasons to think she had no dislike to it. My father,

however, by his violent and repeated connections
with her, killed himself in about two years after
their marriage, as the girl also informed me.
My mother, who kept a day-school for children
of both sexes, took, after his death, as a partner,
a Miss Smart, who had been a teacher in the same
school where she lived : the latter, without being a
perfect beauty, was what is generally termed a fine
woman; she was of the same age as my mother,
and like her, elegantly shaped, with a beautiful
neck and full bosom. As she was of a very amo
rous constitution, she could not brook any restraint,
and had a decided aversion to marriage; she ne
vertheless contrived to enjoy the pleasures attend
ing it.
They succeeded so well in their scholastic under
taking, that they were soon enabled to hire a small
house, the situation of which was well calculated
for intrigue, as it was in a kind of isolated spot :
they managed matters with such precaution, that I
never had but one opportunity of being privy to
their tricks, as I am going to relate, and which
made such an impression upon me, as I shall never
forget it.
My mother, as well as her sweet partner, were
very great advocates for the use of the rod, never
adopting any other mode of punishment, as the
generality of the children's parents preferred that

kind of correction, indeed by far the best, as no

sort of injury to the child can result from it, parti
cularly when the birch is green, so it has been of
late adopted in many schools for boys or girls in
stead of canes. Though my mother was well versed
in the art of whipping, yet I think Miss Smart was
a greater adept; for when she called out for any
of the bigger girls or boys, she was so captivated
with the birchen operation, that she could scarce
let them out of operation, that she could scarce let
them out of her hands again; and as I was very
idle, I frequently underwent the birch discipline
either by my mother or her, so that I can speak ex
perimentally on the subject.
One day, when my mother was gone out, Miss
Smart suddenly called me to her—l was then about
nine years old; the maid having been sent out upon
some business. She toki me to go and buy a couple
of birch brooms at an oilman's, who did not live
far from us, and who had received that day some
particularly fresh and green. There happened at
this time to be nobody at home but Miss Smart and
myself, with a young girl about thirteen years old,
who had been kept by the express desire of her
aunt, an old pious woman with whom she lived, to
be well whipped for selling her school-books, and
for being in general of a dishonest principle. Re
turning with the brooms, I observed a man closely
muffled up go in at a backdoor, where the children

entered the school, and I overheard Miss Smart

telling him to go softly. Ringing at the front door,
I delivered the brooms to Miss Smart, who imme
diately shut the street-door and took the key with
her; she then went into the kitchen, where she
made out of one of the brooms two rods of a very
large size, and directed me to tell Miss Wilson (the
name of the young delinquent) to go up to her bed
chamber, which was on the second floor, where my
mother and she frequently exercised the birch on
the bigger boys and girls. As the young culprit
did not seem much in a hurry to go, for she was
very obstinate, Miss Smart, tired with waiting, and
foaming with rage, went herself and dragged her
up to the room ; like Manon, my curiosity was quite
alive, and being particularly desirous of knowing
for what purpose this man had made so suspicious
an entry, I crept softly upstairs, and contrived to
get privately into my mother's chamber, which was
contiguous to that of Miss Smart, and had a high
window to admit the light, as it was in a dark part
of the house : —I got quickly upon a chest of draw
ers, where I could easily perceive, without being
discovered, whatever was going on in Miss Smart's
room, when I perceived her very busy in stripping
the girl, and apparently in a great passion, for
severity was pictured in her whole countenance.
When she had got all her clothes off except her shift,
which she rolled up round her, and fastened with

pins, as high as she could, she tied her hands to

one of the bed-posts, and began to whip her unmer
cifully : she had given her, I supposed, about forty
cuts, when l perceived the man, whom I had just
observed before, come quite naked from behind a
folding screen, where he had concealed himself;
and immediately tucking up Miss Smart's muslin
gown, for she had no petticoat on, who bending
herself down as much as she could, discovered a
fine pair of buttocks. I saw him thrust his instru
ment into her by the back avenue, which appeared
to me so big and so thick that I perfectly trembled
with fear for her, and clasping her waist with both
hands, he began pushing and driving with the great
est violence; as for poor Miss Smart, she continued
in a bending posture, grasping with her left hand
the bed-post, to which the girl was fastened, and
with her right whipping her with unremitting fu
ry. It was impossible for the girl to see any of
these proceedings, as the curtains of the bed were
drawn almost close to the post, and Miss Smart
kept herself a little on one side. This lecherous
scene lasted about ten minutes, the man all the
while thrusting his engine as far into her as he
could ; as to her, she was all on fire, her breast
violently heaving, out of breath, and still flogging
away like a nun; at last the rod dropped out of her
hand;—at that moment he pulled her to a chair
that was near the bed, and made her sit on his

knees, where they continued for some time, as if

glued to each other. The rapturous moment being
over, the man retired again behind the folding
screen, when Miss Smart untied the girl, who,
though she had been so severely whipped, had only
some slight scratches on her bottom like those of a
pin, as the rod, which was quite green, had merely
raised the skin, which shows that green birch is
far the best for correcting children. But to return
to the man, as soon as the girl had put on her
things, Miss Smart saw her out, and locked the
street-door as before—she seemed to be too much
engaged with her gallant to think of me; besides,
I could easily have got out of the room without
being seen if she wanted me.
As soon as she returned, the man, who appeared
to be about forty, came out of his hiding-place, and
smothered her with kisses :—he had during her
absence put on his coat, but not his breeches. She
then took out of a closet a bottle of wine, and some
rich cakes, which they partook of together, he
keeping her all the time with her backside bare on
his naked knee. It was with some degree of aston
ishment that I observed that his machine, which
had terrified me so much on Miss Smart’s account,
now appeared not much bigger than one's finger,
and the more I endeavoured to elucidate what I
saw, the more I was at a loss; at last, after having
devoured her beautiful neck and bosom with kisses,

she rose in a seeming passion, and seizing the other

rod, she ordered him with apparent sternness, to
take off his coat, which he immediately did, and
pretending to be her pupil, fell upon his knees, and
asked pardon; but brandishing at him her bundle of
birch, she entirely disregarded his entreaties, and
fastening his shirt up to his shoulders in the same
manner as she had the girl's shift, she began flogging
him at a fine rate, exclaiming every now and then,
I'll teach you, you great idle blockhead, I'll teach
you to play truant with a witness—yes, yes, yes,
yes, I'll whip you as you never was—will you, will
you, will you, will you, will you, will you, ever
absent yourself from school | tell me, tell me, tell
me, tell me, sirrah—take away your hands, for the
birch seemed to pinch him very much, or else I will
tie them, for you shan't save a bit of your skin.
She immediately tied them before him with a ribbon,
and continued whipping him without mercy, con
fining him under her arm like a boy or a girl of
eleven or twelve years old—then she went on with
her lecture, for I never forgot it. Now, my prelty
gentleman, nothing will save your bum; and by
heaven, I'll whip, whip, whip, whip, whip, whip,
whip you to-day, as you never was whipped before,
and make you feel, feel, feel, feel, feel, feel, feel,
feel, feel this new birch. Will you ever provoke me
to take the rod in hand, tell me, lazy fellow—(the
other pretended to ask pardon)—No, no, no, no,

no, no, no, no, I shan't forgive you, and will make
you feel the smart of this green birch as long as I
can hold it—you may plunge and wriggle as much
as you please, you shan't lose a single stroke, believe
me, I'll smart you, I'll, I'll, I'll, I'll, I'll, I'll and lash,
lash, lash, lash, lash, lash, lash your backside in
such a manner, that you will remember this whip
ping for some time—yes, yes, yes, I'll make you
learn your lesson, or else I'll flog, flog, flog, flog,
flog, flog, flog, flog, flog, flog you every day, till
your blood runs to your heels: at last, not being
able to stand out any longer, and the rod being
nearly worn out, for she had kept whipping him for
nearly a quarter of an hour, she gave it up—I then
discovered that his—(what do you call it, help me,
fair reader) which had been concealed until this
moment in the folds of her gown, had assumed a
dreadful appearance as to its size. As soon as she
had untied his hands, he took her by the waist, and
throwing her on the bed, thrust again his weapon
into her, and began working away, as if he would
have forced himself up her body. “Oh Oh! — I
can't bear it—it is too much—I die ' " were Miss
Smart's expressions of ecstacy. As to her gallant,
the excess of pleasure, I believe, had deprived him
of the power of utterance, for he continued upon
her speechless and motionless nearly ten minutes.
I waited until he had put on all his clothes, and then
went downstairs, and began playing with my doll,

as if nothing had happened, though in reality all

my thoughls were absorbed in childish reflections,
but I soon forgot what I had just seen transacted.
This was the only good opportunity I had of wit
nessing any of Miss Smart's numerous tricks : but
as to my mother, I never was present at any of hers,
for as I grew up they became more cautious. I can
just recollect that a woman, who frequently brought
them nosegays, came one evening with two beauti
ful ones of enormous size, accompanied with a letter.
As they were in the habit of going to Ranelagh,
for we lived very near that gay place, and it was the
fashion then for females, particularly young ones,
to appear there with very large nosegays in their
bosoms, I thought they were brought for that pur
pose, which was, indeed, in some measure true. I
had likewise observed for some time that both my
mother and Miss Smart had worn very large nose
gays, even in the school, and particularly the latter,
when she happened to whip any of the grown-up
children. As soon as they had perused the letter,
they went to dress, and came down shortly after
wards in beautiful white muslin gowns with long
trains, and their large bouquets, fixed so high on
the left side of their bosom, that they hid almost
half their face.
There was a girl, about fourteen years old, rather
fat, tall for her age, who resided with us, in the
double capacity of servant and apprentice; she had

been detected one day in eating the remains of an

apple-pie that my mother intended to have for
supper, and being otherwise of a greedy disposition,
and very indolent, had, in addition to her fault,
denied any knowledge of it; in consequence of this
double transgression, Miss Smart undertook to give
her a hearty flogging, and with this view, was tying
a monstrous rod, made with nearly half a birch
broom, when a gentleman knocked at the door : —
My mother opened it herself, and retired with him.
Immediately Miss Smart called the girl, and ordered
her, as usual, to her bed-chamber. As I thought
my mother had gone to show the gentleman the
school-room, I went directly to her chamber, for I
had begun to conceive a strong predilection for the
birchen operation, though I did not relish it on my
own account, I got upon the drawers as before,
and discovered Miss Smart, foaming with rage,
whipping the fat bottom of the girl with all the vio
lence imaginable, having previously stripped her
shift up to her shoulders; she was leaning on a
table opposite the foot of the bed, and holding her
tight under her arm, with her frock turned over her
head—the curtains being drawn all round except
at the bottom, when suddenly they became very
much agitated, and the bedstead shook violently :
from the situation in which I was, I could only per
ceive Miss Smart, who, with her face nearly buried
in her monstrous bouquet, was lecturing and whip

ping the jade like a top; the culprit crying out all
the time, as if her bum had been flayed (for the
upper part of the rod spread so much that it covered
the whole of her backside and the best part of her
thighs), Oh! Miss Smart, Miss Smart, pray, pray,
pray, forgive me—I shall never tell a lie again l—
Oh God! Oh God!—I can't bear it ! (Kicking and
plunging like a little devil.)—You shall, shall, shall,
shall, shall bear it, replied the other, laying on as
hard as she could—yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, I'll
make you smart, and your fat arse shall feel this
birch a little longer, I assure you—will you, will
you, will you, will you, will you, will you, will you
tell a lie again?—She went on in this manner for
a considerable time ; however, having entirely sub
dued her lubricity, and set her buttocks in a gore
of blood, she came down with the girl, and I imper
ceptibly followed them.
My mother soon after came with the gentleman,
who went away as soon as he had given Miss Smart
a burning kiss; when, after partaking of some re
freshment, they both set off for Ranelagh, with their
monstrous brooms in their bosoms, in search of
further adventures. I was foolish enough to think
the shaking of the bed and the rattling of the cur
tains had been occasioned by the violence with
which the girl's correction had been administered
and the struggles she made, and it was not until a
few years'after that Miss Smart told me they had

often gratified that gentleman in that manner, whose

propensity was to enjoy a woman, while another
was engaged in giving a severe whipping to some
wicked young girl, provided he was convinced that
she really deserved the chastisement, and that he
took a singular pleasure in having them dressed in
white, with a very large nosegay in their bosom—
that he had placed my mother on the bed in such a
manner that, while he was upon her, he could see th
her flogging the girl, and that it was he who had
sent these nosegays, which, from the quantity of ſh
moss-roses, carnations, jessamine, myrtle, etc., of ha
which they were composed, must have been very Wh
expensive. Sh
I began already to be very serviceable to my CO)

mother, in hearing the younger scholars read and th:

spell, for I was grown very tall: — as I was allowed sit
to give them a touch of the rod on the hands, when th
they were idle, or made a noise in the school, and it kil
was the only punishment I was allowed to inflict, I ad
made a pretty good use of that power, for I would fift
order them to hold out their hands, and with a good SOI
bundle of fresh birch, twitched them in such a W0
manner, as to leave the marks of the rod both on thi
them and their arms, giving them half-a-dozen hearty the
strokes on each.
Much about this time my mother received a letter 3S
from one of her friends in France, informing her lad
that my grandmother was not expected to live; she ver

immediately made preparations for her journey, and

left Miss Smart in possession of the school. – We
immediately embarked at Brighton for Dieppe,
and from thence went to Rouen, the place where she
was born. At our arrival we found that the old
gentlewoman had just expired, and left what little
property she was possessed of to my mother who
was her only child, and who, after turning every
thing into what money she could make, went to
Paris, pretending to have some business there, but
the fact was, with a view of living with a man she
had got acquainted with during the voyage, and
who had made her some very handsome offers.
She left me with her friend, under the pretence of
completing me in the French language, but rather
that I should not be a spy upon her in her new
situation. This woman kept a kind of free school,
chiefly for the children of officers who had been
killed in the service of their country; they were
admitted at nine years old, and maintained there till
fifteen or sixteen, at least till they either got into
some situation—and some of them who were pretty
would sometimes find husbands at fourteen, nay
thirteen; the trustees, with a view of getting rid of
the incumbrance, being ready at any time to give
their consent. Their education was generally such
as to qualify them for teachers in schools or for
ladies' maids. I was then about fourteen, but being
very tall, could easily have passed for a girl of sixteen

or seventeen; my complexion was very fair, with

fine expressive blue eyes, and a very full bosom; as
to my shape, it could not be more elegant; add to
this, I had naturally, like Manon, a most severe and
haughty look.
My mother left me with her friend as an English
teacher, my predecessor having returned to England.
I not only spoke and wrote the language correctly,
but Miss Smart had taught me the various sorts of
needlework generally in use, and, to do her justice;
had spared no pains in improving my education. It
is true, she was fond of a peep at my bottom, as she
frequently gave me a sound whipping; but I am
greatly indebted to her and my mother for their
chastisement, as I was naturally stubborn, of a very
idle turn, and particularly malicious.
The school-mistress, who was the widow of an
officer, appeared to be about twenty-five, rather
pretty, but corpulent, though nicely formed, posses
sing that dignity of aspect, which captivates while
it awes, and confoundedly fond of whipping her
scholars, in short it was her ruling passion, for
when she flogged the bigger scholars who were
pretty, she, as the Sister Grise mentioned in Manon's
Memoirs, would thrust into her body a monstrous
Dildoe, and then whip the culprit with a large birch
en rod, as hard as she could, squeezing her be
tween her thighs all the time, till a copious spending
cooled her burning lust.

The number of boarders was confined to twenty

five, but we had several day-scholars, among whom
were many boys; notwithstanding this, she never
kept but one English teacher, and always very
young, besides an old woman who acted in the ca
pacity of housekeeper. I had scarcely been a week
in the house, when I had occasion to complain to
the mistress of one of the girls, about twelve years
old, who was learning, but was extremely idle and
inattentive; she told me with a tone of authority to
flog her myself, and for the future, says she, I desire
you will not complain to me any more, but punish
them yourself; I expect my teacher to help me in
correcting the children, as well as in teaching them,
and you are big enough, Miss, added she, and strong
enough for the purpose. She could not have given
me a job I loved better, for like Manon, I had a par
ticular itch for flogging. I learned also from one of
the servants, that my predecessor, who was a young
girl of about seventeen, exercised her flogging ta
lents in such a manner as to give great satisfaction
to the widow, for to gain her approbation in this
respect, it was necessary to do it till you were out
of breath, and the culprit's arse in a gore of blood.
But to return to the mistress's direction, I went
immediately to her closet, where she kept her rods,
and chose one of a tolerable good size, and strip
ping the girl, and tying her hands before her, as the
widow always did, I flogged away for ten minutes at

the least, with all my force, the governess watching

me all the time, as if her eyes would start out of her
head. When I had finished, that's the way, said
she, I would have you flog—you will make in time
an excellent schoolmistress. Indeed she was toler
ably right; for though it was my first attempt, I left
the girl's backside in a sad condition.
I was not a little proud of the liberty she gave me
of whipping, for scarcely a day passed that I did not
exercise the rod upon some delinquent or other. —
There was a man she employed in bringing every
Monday a regular supply of birch brooms for the use
of the school, which he cut fresh from the trees.
Sometimes she whipped the bigger scholars, parti
cularly the boys, for we had several great boys on
account of the English, behind a large folding
screen, which was at the bottom of the schoolroom,
and concealed the closet door, where she usually
deposited her store of birch, and from which a back
staircase led to another part of the house; sometimes
in her bedroom, but more frequently in the school.
I once saw her flogging a great girl, about fifteen
years of age, who had taken some money privately
out of one of her school-fellow's pockets; she gave
it her for near half an hour; and wore out two large
birchen rods, well steeped in vinegar, over her
thighs and buttocks. She had that day more the
appearance of a fury than a rational being; passion,
lust, etc., by turns discovered themselves in her

countenance. She used also a kind of cat-o'-nine

tails, 4 or rather o' sixty tails, for it had about sixty
lashes to it, of the length of the arm. It was made
of thin slips of parchment, which had been first
moistened, and closely twisted, with five knots at
the end, but she only made use of it when she flog
ged the bigger boys or girls, and even then butrarely,
preferring the birch upon most occasions; and it
was but once during my residence with her, that I
saw her apply it to a girl who had been detected in
frequent acts of pilfering.
I had nearly forgot to mention one of the bigger
scholars, who frequently assisted me in hearing the
younger ones in English, and who had permission
to use the rod upon their hands, but nowhere else.
She was very pretty, a great favourite with the
widow, with whom she slept; sometimes she whip
ped the youngest girls, but it was only when she
had particular orders from the mistress for that
purpose. The widow received very often from one
of the trustees of the school, an old friend of hers,
and a consummate libertine, a large bouquet of cost
ly flowers; as she was subject to the headache, she
would sometimes make her favourite girl or myself
wear it, though on certain occasions she would wear

1. These cats are used in some schools, and among a few

mantua-makers, etc., to whip their apprentices, though in
general birch is preferred, canes not being permitted on the
Continent for the correction of children.

it herself. I was, like Manon, passionately fond of

having a large nosegay in my bosom to smell at,
when I exercised the rod, as the fragrance of the
flowers always excited in me the most pleasing sen
sations. One day that she had received a most beau
tiful one, almost as big as a broom, she insisted on
my wearing it, and would tie it herself to my bosom,
which she did so high, that the flowers shaded
almost the left side of my face—that is the way,
said she, a young girl should wear a nosegay. I
flogged that day two grown-up girls, who richly
deserved it, and in such a manner, that the gover
ness was so well pleased that she gave me many
kisses. When the school was over, she ordered me
to flog a beautiful boy about thirteen, who had been
kept for that purpose, and who was learning English,
but of a very idle turn. His mother had desired that
he might be forwarded as much as possible in that
language, and particularly that the rod might not
be spared. I told her I was ashamed to whip so big
a boy; when she told me, with a great deal of non
chalance (for she at least thought me seventeen,
though I was not yet fifteen), not to have that kind
of mock modesty, and to do my duty; and as you
are the English teacher, you are obliged to correct
your scholars; but to tell the truth, I was dying for
a fair opportunity of whipping a big boy; I was
afraid I was not strong enough; but I nevertheless
attempted to unbutton his pantaloons, but I could

not affect it. I called Julie, the girl whom I have

just mentioned, for she frequently helped me in
holding such refractory scholars as I could not ma
nage myself. We soon tied his hands, and as the
mistress was in the school, he did not dare make
any more resistance. I then stripped them down to
his heels, and fastening his shirt up to his shoulders,
began scourging his backside with an excellent rod,
and with a degree of force that lust only could in
spire. Oh I Mademoiselle Miss, cried he, for he
thought that was my name as everybody in the
house called me so, forgive me, pray forgive me, I
will learn my task better for the future, I will indeed.
I paid no attention to his entreaties, but kept flog
ging on, my face buried in my nosegay, till at last
the rod dropped out of my hand. I remained for a
few minutes in a kind of lascivious stupor, and con
fess that I felt that day such sensations as I had
never experienced before – perhaps, too, the luxu
rious fragrance of my bouquet might have contri
buted to excite them, for I kept smelling at it all
the time I scourged him ; I held him under my arm,
resting upon a high table, and kept him closely shut
up between my thighs—I am sure I gave him more
than a hundred lashes, the widow crying out during
the whole time, Don't let him go yet, whip him, etc.
The birch appeared to pinch him very much, for
he plunged and writhed his body in the most wanton
manner. As soon as the boy was gone, the mistress,

who had eyed me with a great deal of attention, and

guessed very well what was passing within me, came
to me—there were only ourselves in the school, as
the children were playing, under Julie's inspection,
in an adjoining court—and giving me burning kisses,
as in the morning, she said, I am going into my
bed-chamber, where I wish you would follow me in
a few minutes, as I have something to say to you.
She then left me, passing through the closet where
the birches were kept. I could not possibly guess
what she meant, but was still determined to go.
Her chamber, I must observe, was on the attic
story—I found her very busy in tying up a great
bundle of birch, and as soon as I entered she locked
the door—I began to be alarmed, thinking that
she meant to give me a flogging; but my fears were
soon dispelled, when she said, My dear girl (sitting
on her bed, and pulling me after her), I have a
favour to ask you : I am very much afflicted at
times with rheumatism in my backside, and suffer a
great deal from it—the physician has prescribed to
me the use of birch —will you do me the favour to
give me a good whipping with this rod? I stood
petrified, and really thought the widow out of her
wits; she perceived my astonishment, but at last
persuaded me to acquiesce. I told her I was ready

1. I have flogged many gentlemen with birch for the same

complaint, who preferred it to flesh brushes.

to do any thing to oblige her, but was afraid I

should hurt her. On the contrary, said she, you will
do me a deal of good. Then she began kissing me
again, and smelling at my nosegay, or rather my
sweet broom, the scent of which seemed to augment
her lust : she passed her hands all over my body,
and in fact acted with me as men do with women
to excite their desire before they enjoy them. After
this little preamble, she tendered me the rod.
Forget, said she, who I am, and whip me as you
whipped the boy just now ; then placing herself
upon her belly across the bed, and stripping herself
as high as she could, she discovered to me a bum
which might vie with that of the Venus of Medicis.
I really think, if I had been a man, that I should
have begun pushing away immediately in it. I took
the rod, however, and began flogging her as if she
had been a child. Harder, said she, harder—fas
ter, faster—and by no means stop, till I say the
word “enough.” I therefore whipped away lustily,
at least as fast and as hard as I could. There was
a large looking-glass opposite her, so that she could
see how I laid on the while. I suppose I was at it a
full quarter of an hour, and her beautiful arse only
discovered red strokes, as the rod was not calculated
to fetch blood, being made of very slender twigs of
birch, quite green. She uttered half-broken expres
sions from time to time, as if sighing or out of
breath, saying very often, Oh! my dear Miss Birch,

forgive me, do, pray, pray, etc. At last she said

the word & enough. I immediately discontinuel,
when turning towards me and stripping me, she
drew me violently to her, and made me lie upon
her with my bum on her private parts; then, grasp
ing me between her thighs, she gave a deep sob,
and continued in this posture for some minutes; —
the reader will easily guess that she had taken care
to fix into her the Dildoe which she made use of,
particularly when she flogged the bigger boys. As
soon as she recovered herself, she got up, thanked
me, and said, I suppose, Miss, it will be totally need
less to advise you to keep this a secret, for you may
depend upon it, if I ever hear it transpires, I shall
find ways to be revenged. I assured her that she
need not be alarmed on this head, and we immedi
ately separated. When I was alone, I reflected upon
the occurrence, and made no difficulty in concluding
in my own mind, that the widow was a most com
plete libertine—it is not that she hated men, on
the contrary, but she found in birch discipline the
gratification of one of those arbitrary tastes, for
which there is no accounting. As for myself, I
acquired from that day a most ungovernable incli
nation for all sorts of sensual indulgencies, and par
ticularly for flogging.
Among the pupils who were learning English,
there was a tall young man, who received lessons
from me about three times a week; he was the son

of the bookseller who supplied us with school

books. I think he was then about eighteen years
old, well made, and rather handsome. I soon found
that I had captivated him, and I was not a little fond
of him, but had taken care to conceal it from him,
for I always took a delight in teazing men; he was,
besides, rather bashful. 1 frequently, instead of
studying his lessons, detected him staring at my
springing bosom, for I had a very full one. Upon
these occasions, I used to give him two or three
gentle boxes on the ear, which pleased him very
much. Whenever I wore a nosegay, he was always
smelling at it, and I discovered that he was passion
ately fond of seeing me with a very large one : he
would frequently bring me one, and then help me
to fasten it to my bosom, taking care to slide his
fingers, as if by chance, over my bubbies. I then
pretended to be very angry, in order to scold him and
give him boxes on the ear; but his touches, far from
displeasing me, procured me the most delightful
sensations. Before we began our lesson, we some
times went, with the widow's permission, to take a
walk on the banks of the Seine, where he would
make love to me, and tell me stories, like most
lovers, that had neither head nor tail. The widow,
who had perceived I had a great partiality for him,
desired me to encourage his addresses, as it was,
she said, an excellent match for me.
One day that he had brought me a remarkably

fine nosegay of a very large size, for it was the cus

tom at that time, and I believe even now, for young
girls of age to be married to wear enormous ones,
always composed of the most odoriferous flowers,
and to have their heads adorned with a wreath of
the same, as I had a most beautiful one just fixed
in my bosom, which the widow had given me, and
had just been gathered, he appeared very much
annoyed, and requested me repeatedly to wear his.
Lovers, like children, fret themselves for nothing,
and this was exactly his case, and their mistresses
would be doing them a great service, when they
grumble for nothing, if they would give them a
good hearty whipping; for since we are the mis
tresses of men, we should use our authority to some
purpose. But to return to my lover; by way of
frolic, I offered to untie my bouquet, and to mix the
flowers of his with it, for mine was stuffed with a
quantity of moss-roses, tuberoses, jonquils, myr
tle, etc., and his chiefly with carnations, jessa
mine, etc., to make one out of the two. This pro
position gave him apparent satisfaction. As soon
as I had arranged it, and tied it up tightly, I attem
pted, or rather both of us tried, to fasten it to my
side, but we could not effect it on account of its
monstrous size; but, however, with the help of two
1. People who have travelled in France and Italy, and
particularly in Portugal, know perfectly well that I am not
stating more than the truth.

or three pieces of strong riband, I at last contrived

to manage it—Here, said I to him looking at myself
in a large glass, for I could not help remarking
what a voluptuous and effeminate air a large bouquet
gives to a woman, here is a nosegay fit for a du
chess—how do you like it?—I hope it is big enough
now, for you see it nearly covers the whole of my
face, for the ladies on the Continent always wear
their bouquets very high on the left side, so as to
have the flowers to play with their cheeks. – Oh I
a pretty girl like you, says he, cannot wear a nose
gay too large.—So, a pretty girl, to please you, said
I, must make herself ridiculous. One thing, how
ver, was true, that I had seen many young girls
with a nosegay in their bosoms as large as the one
I had on, and that I did not think it a bit too
As it was rather early, I requested the widow's
permission to take a little walk with my lover,
which she immediately granted, saying to me with
a smile, you'll be taken for a young bride, with
your great bouquet in your bosom—don't, however,
be late, for I sup in town to-night. I hope, said
she, in jest, your scholar is diligent; and you know
we have plenty of birch in the house for idle

1. The girls on the Continent wear on their wedding-day,

and generally for the subsequent month, an enormously
large nosegay.

I was highly pleased to have an opportunity of

exhibiting myself with my great nosegay, and my
pride privately gratified in attracting the attention
of the passing crowd, as I frequently heard people
behind me say, Here's the jolie Anglaise—See, she
is as beautiful as an angel. After we had taken a
few turns, and been stared through and through,
particularly by the men, we were returning home,
when passing, by chance, close to the woman's
house, whose son I had so soundly whipped, she
happened to be standing at the door and invited
me in to refresh myself with a glass of wine, it
being the trade in which she dealt, thanking me
repeatedly for the chastisement I had given him.
We accepted her invitation, and made my lover and
myself drink several large glasses of good old Cham
paign, for we were both very thirsty; however, it
tasted to me like small beer, and from not being
accustomed to its strength, it made me more merry
than usual. Then we left her to return to the
school. The children were already in bed, and the
mistress had taken Julie with her. My scholar and
myself betook ourselves to a kind of study, which
was quite on the back part of the house, and where
he and others generally read their lessons to me ;
we rested a little while on a sort of settee, where
the governess sometimes placed the bigger boys or
girls, and fastened them on it, in order to flog them
more at her ease. As he wished to kiss me, and

take other liberties with me, I got up, and we

sat down to a table to read; he performed so
indifferently that I began to scold him, for he could
not take his eyes from my bosom. I had told him
to learn the verb “to love, ’’ and in repeating it,
he said, in the present tense, “I love you ; ” and
when he came to the future, “I shall love you for
ever. " I did not appear to understand him, but
said in a kind of joke, I have a great mind to fol
low the governess's direction, and fetch a good rod
to make you more attentive. He began laughing,
and said, “I’ll wager twenty kisses that you may
whip me as long and as hard as you can, before
I'll tell you to leave off!” Done—let me try, I re
plied, for the wine had so far got into my head,
that I neither knew what I did or said ; besides, I
had grown, since I had whipped the widow, very
bold and wanton. I rose to fetch a rod, and chose
one of the largest and greenest I could select. Du
ring my absence he had pulled off his breeches,
which I did not discover at my entrance, as he had
on a long great-coat, which young men frequently
wear on the Continent in summer—Come, said I,
shaking the bundle of birch at him, come, young
man, down with your breeches, and let me see
what effect this birch will have upon you, I think
it will make you more attentive. He immediately
took off his great coat—I was not a little astonished
at seeing him in his shirt; nevertheless, forgetting

myself entirely, I lost no time in tucking it up to

his shoulders, and took him under my arm, as if
he had been one of our scholars, and leaning
against the table, I began flogging him like one of
the children, with my face buried in the flowers of
my nosegay, which almost overcame me by its odo
riferous exhalations. Though he did not open his
mouth with a complaint, I could see very well the
marks of the birch on his backside ; but who is the
man who would not have liked to be in his situa
tion, and whipped by a pretty girl?—Oh ye male
readers, I think I see you smile—but it is no less
true. I still kept on, that I might win the wager,
but in vain—I had given him I don't know how ma
ny lashes, when I began to feel his weapon, which
was glued as it were to one of my thighs, for I had
on only a thin muslin gown, swelling to a conside
rable size, and so stiff, that I began to reflect on
my frolic, but it was too late; breathless with my
exertions, I was obliged to yield. I then attempted
to escape, but he had taken the precaution to fasten
the door and hide the key. As he had won his wa
ger, he seized me, and smothering me with kisses,
without losing a moment, he threw me on the set
tee, stripped up my shift, and in spite of the resis
tance I made, which only served to inflame his lust,
got the head of his engine into my belly, grasping
me closely all the while in his arms. He soon be
came ungovernable, tearing me without mercy, his

thrusts growing more and more furious, and, after

causing me a great deal of pain, he thrust it at last
up to the very hilt, all the while sucking my neck,
for I had turned my face, and buried it among the
flowers of my sweet broom, that I might not see
him. At last I arrived by degrees at excess of
pleasure, through excess of pain; and so keen was
the sensation I felt, when I received the emission
of his seed, that I scarcely knew if I had any life in
me, and soon expired in the arms of the murderer
of my virginity in an agony of bliss. As soon as
we recovered ourselves, finding I did not speak, and
had the appearance of melancholy, for I was great
ly ashamed of what had just taken place, he broke
the ice, by saying, I have made you a woman, but I
swear by the love I have for you, that I will marry
you as soon as you choose. As I was more to blame
than he, I freely forgave him the outrage, and after
mutually exchanging kisses, we separated like true
lovers; and in order to give me incessant proofs
of his affection, he hired at his laundress's, whom
he bribed for the purpose, a small garret, and
bought a neat bed, etc., where we frequently met
in private to renew our libidinous gambols, which
always terminated in luxurious coition.
Julie and I became very intimate : she told me
in confidence that she often whipped the widow,
with whom she slept, as mentioned before, parti
cularly in the morning before they put their clothes

on, and that after she would turn her upside down,
press her in her arms, and at last die with pleasure
under her. At other times, she would fasten with
belts round her waist a Dildoe, the flat hilt of which
covered her pretty slit ; and that she had taught her
to imitate the motions men make upon women in
the act of coition, and by these means allay the
burning fire within her. One day she was gone
out, and by chance had left the key in the drawer
where she kept it; Julie showed it to me, and I
could not help admiring its contrivance : it was
made of whalebone covered with velvet; the head
had a kind of bladder over it, and in the middle of
it there was a sort of small pipe. The construction
was in such a manner, that in pressing the imita
tive balls that hung to it, she received through it a
bedeving from a shower of warm milk contained
in it. So when she flogged, particularly the bigger
boys, she entwined their legs and thighs between
her own, and the smart of the birch would make
them struggle and writhe in such a manner as to
cause at last the critical moment. I have brought
a few of them from France, which I have often
used, and still do use, whenever I whip the bigger
girls or boys, even men, when I like them, who
sometimes get themselves flogged without touching
WOII en.

One aſternoon, when the widow and I had been

flogging more than usual, a tall awkward girl, who

was remarkably idle, and whom I had flogged that

day most severely, for I believe I had given her more
than a hundred lashes, though in general four or five
dozen strokes, properly applied, were the common
punishment of the school; as we always fastened to
the side of the bigger girls a large bundle of birch,
in lieu of a nosegay, to make them more ashamed,
and as she could not bear this additional punishment,
she got away from me just as I was going to tie to
her bosom the birchen bouquet. I went after her—
and as she had taken refuge on the other side of a
long table which was near the folding screen, I got
upon it in order to take hold of her; but what was
my surprise at seeing, by the elevation at which I
stood, the trustee, who was peeping through a cre
vice which was in the screen, observe what was
going forward in the school. I did not, however,
pretend to have seen him, and brought back the
young slut; to whom I fastened, in spite of her
struggles, her birchen nosegay.
I was some time -after this an observer of a far
more lascivious scene than what I have just des—
cribed. I had been out to make a purchase, and at
my return, as I did not see Julie in the play-ground
with the children, I naturally concluded that she
was in the school. I was going to open the door,
but was prevented by finding it fast, which rather
surprised me, and at the same time distinctly heard
the birch applied with the utmost severity to a boy,

who was bawling out as loud as possible; and in

another part of the school I plainly distinguished a
girl's voice who was undergoing the same chastise
ment. I had not the least doubt that the school
mistress and Julie were both at work at the birchen
business, and with a view of satisfying my curiosity,
I went to the private staircase, which led to the
closet where the birch was kept. The door of this
also happened to be fastened ; but as there was a
small window over it which looked upon the school,
and just admitted light into it, I got upon an old
table that happened to be there; I then saw again,
not without much astonishment, the trustee flat
upon his belly, with a young girl under him, whose
neck he was devouring with kisses, and who was
also almost at full-length upon a table, which ap
peared to have been put there for the express pur
pose. She was stripped to her shoulders, and his
weapon ingulphed as it were in her backside, his
stones resting on her plump buttocks; and he was
peeping every minute through the hole in the screen,
to watch the beautiful Julie, who was flogging a girl
about twelve years old with all her strength, and
the widow who had just whipped a boy about the
same age, who was reading before her with his
pantaloons down to her heels, keeping him between
her thighs, and pressing with one of her hands,
which was round his body, his naked arse upon her
private parts, and holding a most tremendous rod

in the other. This curious scene lasted, I suppose,

half an hour, when observing the trustee retire his
flaggy instrument from its hiding-place, I hastily
withdrew. As soon as I saw Julie, I told her what
I had seen, but we could never discover who the
girl was, but she appeared to me to be very young,
handsome, and with a most beautiful skin.
This last scene I had seen had in a great measure
confused my ideas, for at that time I was not ac
quainted with the different propensities of men, and
I thought that this way of being conducted with
women was perhaps as natural as the other, and
I had even an intention to try it with my lover.
I had observed that the widow sometimes retired
into her bedroom with the trustee, as well as with a
cousin of hers, who was captain of a merchant ship.
I did not suppose that it was merely to enfiler des
perles' (as the French say), as she stopped with them
sometimes for hours together. I had ransacked my
brains to find some way or other to see their sports,
but to no purpose; for there was a kind of passage
which led to the widow's bedchamber, and which
was always fastened up on these occasions, so that
it was impossible either to see or hear what was
going on in her room.
One day I was in my room, which was on the
same floor with hers, musing on some method of

1. Enfiler des perles, to string beads, i. e. to trifle away time.


gratifying my cusiosity, I perceived I could pass

along the gutters from my room to hers, for there
was a kind of parapet, which made it not only prac
ticable but safe—I had also observed, when she
expected a visit from any of these gentlemen, she
would then wear the nosegay, or rather the sweet
broom, which the trustee sent her, almost every day.
One evening I saw her go into her bed-chamber,
with her bouquet up to her ear, by the private stair
case, and the trustee following her on the tiptoe.
I went directly into my room, and getting out of the
window, I placed myself a little on the side of that
of the widow's, who could not form the least idea
that she was overlooked—the trustee was already
before her in a supplicating attitude, and almost
naked—the school-mistress, armed with nearly half
of a birch broom, was fastening his shirt up to his
shoulders—she ordered him to lie across the bed,
before the glass, that he might contemplate her
during the birchen operation; then she began to
whip him like a Russian school-mistress. When
he had received about two hundred strokes, he got
up, kissed her beautiful bosom, folded her in his
arms, and placed her at last on the bed. After
having stripped her, he began to gamahucher” her
1. In Russia birch discipline is carried to an excess—even
husbands there whip their wives, whereas, here it is the
wives that whip their husbands.
2. An expression used by the artistic Gauls, meaning to
lick the private parts of a woman.

for some minutes. I thought he was going to serve

her in the same manner as he had the girl behind
the folding screen, but however I was deceived, for
he got into the right channel, and began to work
away like a Monk.
Another time I discovered by the same means her
cousin, the captain, who was a portly gentleman,
about thirty; she gave him also a severe whipping;
but after she had worn out a famous bundle of
birch upon his bottom, she took the cat o' sixty
tails, and began flogging him with it, sometimes on
the buttocks, sometimes on his back, for he was
quite naked. She would now and then stop for a
few minutes, and rubbis nose with his shirt, saying
to him, You dirty scoundrel, will you piss your
breeches again? will you, will you, etc., flogging
him again as violently as she could. After this
tender preliminary, he placed her upon her belly,
with her shirt stripped up to her shoulders, and
I saw him thrust his Maypole into the widow's back
side up to the very hilt. He continued in that pos
ture for at least twenty minutes, working his arse
up and down with all his force, and pressing his
balls upon her beautiful buttocks.
All these pretty scenes caused the fire of lust to
burn violently in my veins, but, fortunately, my
lover, who was a vigorous young man, appeased in
some degree the heat, or I don't know what I should
have done. We met each other almost every evening

before supper. He had begged me several times to

give him another whipping, for the one I gave him
on the day of my faua, pas had made such an im
pression upon him, that he was longing for another.
With a view of gratifying him, I armed myself one
evening with a very large rod, composed of fresh
and tender twigs of birch, which I knew would
twitch him very much, but could not do the least
injury : he had sent me that evening, for it was my
jéte, a bouquet similar to the one I wore the day
he got my maindenhead—I had on besides, a beau
tiful white muslin gown, almost as light and trans
parent as gauze, and instead of a wreath of flowers
round my head, as I generally wore, as well as Julie,
I had on a cap & la paysanne, which was then very
much in fashion, and which made me look still more
lascivious. I went rather early to our room, and
laid on the bed, waiting for him—the emanations of
the flowers of my beautiful nosegay, for I counted
more than five dozen of moss-roses, and as many
carnations and pinks, and other flowers, intermixed
with a quantity of jessamine and myrtle, invaded
voluptuously my senses—I was as if surrounded by
an atmosphere of perfumes—I felt a sort of self
languor diffusing itself through my body, my heart
as it were expanding, and while I was yielding to
1. On the Saint's day of which the party bears the name,
it is usual for young females on the continent to wear mi
their bosoms an enormous bouquet.

the most delightful sensations, ideas of the most

delightful sensations, ideas of the most pleasing
kind pervaded and filled my soul. Oh! ye lovely
maids, who think a large nosegay spoils your sweet
bosoms, when on the contrary it adorns them with
an irresistible charm, try the experiment when you
are performing any of the rites of Venus, you will
soon find that the sweet perfume exhaling from
your bouquet will not only excite your desires, but
aggravate very much venereal enjoyment, if you take
care to wear it large and high enough to be able to
snuff up its lascivious scent during the performance.
I was in that voluptuous state, when I heard my
lover walking up. As soon as he saw me he smo
thered me with kisses, and without losing a mo
ment, extended me on the bed, and laying himself
upon me, in a few minutes made me swoon with
pleasure under him. He had brought with him a
bottle of Champaign, which we immediately emp
tied, the effects of which made me soon ready for
another engagement : before, however, we began
our sport, by way of a treat, I took up my bundle
of birch, which I had concealed under a table, and
began playing the school-mistress with him with a
vengeance, for I whipped him as hard as I could for
a full quarter of an hour, which wound him up to
such a pitch of lechery, that he was eager for
another touch at me, and throwing me on the bed,
he pushed his dart into me, as if he would have split

me up, all the time devouring my bubbies. I kept

the rod with me, and continued flogging, with my
face, as usual, buried in my lascivious bouquet, till
I was obliged to stop for want of strength—when
on a sudden I felt such ravishing pleasure, diffusing
itself into the innermost recesses of my body, ac
companied with that dear delirium, intimating the
delicious moment of dissolution, in which enjoyment
itself is drowned, that I thought my existence was
upon the point of being dissolved in bliss.
I had passed nearly two years in a continual suc
cession of delight, when my lover's mother came
one morning, overwhelmed with grief, to tell us
that her son was drowned the evening before : he
often went to bathe, and it was supposed the cramp
had suddenly seized him, and being alone, he was
drowned, without the power of receiving any assis
tance. I fainted at the intelligence; and when I
came to myself, I felt all the weight of my situa
tion, for I was then nearly three months gone with
child by him—I remained for a considerable time
swallowed up in grief and despair, but time and
youth, by degrees, moderated the violence of my
Some time had elapsed since I had received any
letter from my mother, when one evening I saw
her enter with a young lady of uncommon beauty—
it was Manon, or rather Mrs. Duverger, who was
going to embark at Havre with her husband for

Philadelphia. My mother had got acquainted with

her on her journey. As the ship was not quite rea
dy to sail, she stopped very near a month at Rouen,
and perhaps it would have been one of the most
agreeable months of my life if it had not been for
the recent death of my lover. As Mrs. Duverger's
time of departure was now arrived, we parted with
regret, for she entertained for me a particular
friendship ; and, to say the truth, some little gam
bols had passed between us, which I shall leave to
the reader to guess. She made me several presents
—among others, nine ostrich feathers of a most
enormous size, and a monstrous winter bouquet of
artificial flowers, which were so exquisitely perfu
med that they retained their respective scents in a
high degree, and when I wore it every one took
them for real ones. She presented Julie with a
similar one. She gave me also her enormous brown
bear muff, as well as a copy of her Memoirs, to
amuse me, she said, when I should have leisure to
read them. As soon as she was gone, my mother
made me a partial confidence of what had hap
pened to her since our separation, adding that the
person with whom she had lived had lost large
sums by gaming, and had left her in great distress
—that she intended to return immediately to En
gland, to continue her school with Miss Smart,
giving me the choice either of remaining at Rouen,
or to accompany her to London. As Rouen, since

my lover's death, had become disagreeable to me, I

preferred returning with her, and we took our leaves
of the widow, who paid me something more than
our agreement, and of the beautiful Julie, whom I
loved like a sister, and who was, perhaps fortunately
for her, of a very cold constitution, for I often whip
ped her for pleasure, and even frigged her, but to no
purpose—scarcely anything affected her. She had,
however, a lover in the son of a writing-master.
who attended our school; she liked him a little, she
would say, but the little proud slut would scarcely
let him kiss her pretty hand. One day the sweet
fellow, for he was very handsome, and not much
more than eighteen, attempted to kiss her sweet
bubbies, and I am sure, if it had not been for
shame, she would have whipped him, and she was
very near doing it, for she took a rod and flogged
his hands and legs with it as hard as she could, for
daring, she said, to take such a shocking liberty
with her.
As soon as we arrived in London, my mother
went, after resting a day or two, to Chelsea, where
she was informed that Miss Smart had parted with
the school, and was gone to Ireland with a gentle
man, as governess to his nephews and nieces, but
rather to himself, as she informed me afterwards,
for she flogged him almost as often as her pupils.
About that time I was brought to bed of a daughter,
the very image of her father ;-never shall I forget

the great care and maternal affection which my

mother showed me at that critical period, and I have
and shall always give her proofs of my gratitude.
We passed a year together, without following any
particular business; but our pecuniary stock begin
ning gradually to decrease, my mother took a small
haberdashery shop at Islington, and I, for the sake
of the country air, went as a teacher to a girls'
school in Wales, where I indulged almost every day
my propensity for administering the birch disci
pline, and even carried it to an excess, leaving my
little girl under my mother's care. After spending
some time in that school, I returned to London, and
took lodgings in Westminster, with an intention to
open a day-school, as my mother wished to continue
in her little shop, and have still the care of my little
girl, and I believe she would at that time have sooner
parted with her life than with the little darling.
I took it into my head one day to go to Ranelagh,
to see if I could meet with some friends; with this
view I dressed myself as elegantly as I could—l
went in the evening to a nursery, where I bought a
quantity of all kinds of odoriferous flowers, in order
to make what is called on the Continent an enor
mous bouquet de luxure, * and for the first time I
wore on my head the nine beautiful white feathers
1. See Manon's Memoirs, p. 82.
2. a Nosegays of lechery); so called on account of their
supposed influence in venereal enjoyments. I have been

Madame Duverger had presented me with at Rouen.

I had not been long there, when I was accosted by
a gentleman, the same as mentioned in Manon's
Memoirs, who was passionately fond of being whip
ped with green birch by young women elegantly
dressed, and with a most enormous nosegay in
their bosoms : at other times he would make me
dress as a lady of the Court, with a hoop of the
largest size, and a beautiful muslin gown and train
spangled with silver, and drawn up with festoons
of natural flowers, for he had by him several gowns
of the kind, which, with the enormous bouquet and
high plume of white feathers, gave me a most las
civious look : I would then whip him for half an
hour, personating a lady of the first order of beauty
and haughty deportment; this pastime always finish
ing, on his part, in an agony of plaesure. I have
known several gentlemen who had a similar pen
chant. I went out one evening with the monstrous
muff Madame Duverger had also given me, for it
was rather cold, with an intention to scold my shoe
maker, who had neglected to send me a pair of
shoes I had ordered—I had got partly upstairs, as
he lodged at the top of the house, when I heard a
young child crying out, Oh, pray, pray forgive me,
aunt, do forgive me, and I will bind them directly.
Discovering a large trunk in a corner near the door,
told of a lord who used to enjoy his beautiful countess on
her return from Court, before she undressed.

I got gently upon it, and saw through a small win

dow over the door Madam Crispin, a tall, carrotty
termagant, about thirty, rather pretty, with a mons
trous bosom, tying up the best part of a birch
broom, quite green, and a big girl about fourteen,
upon her knees, supplicating for pardon—but in
vain; for as soon as she had tied the rod, she strip
ped the young slut, took her under her arm, and
raising her a little from the ground, with her but
tocks fully exposed, she flogged her till the blood
ran down to her heels : she then locked her up in a
closet, saying, Now go, you lazy hussy, and bind
the shoes as I ordered you. Her husband, a tall
brawny fellow about forty, who had been watching
her all the time, with eyes full of lechery, suddenly
left his work, and throwing her without ceremony
on the bed, soon ingulphed his terrible weapon into
her, for I never saw one of such a monstrous size,
and worked her in such a manner, that she
seemed nearly suffocated with lust and gorged
with pleasure. Not wishing to interrupt them, I re
turned softly downstairs, without saying anything
about my shoes. I had hardly got into the street,
when I met a gentleman rather in years, who ob
serving my great muff, for it was enormously large,
begged my permission to see me home. As soon
as we got into my bed-room, he undressed himself
entirely, and begged me to tickle him with my muff
all over his body, but more particularly about his

private parts; then leaning upon a table, he placed

his tool upon the hollow of my backside, and moving
and pressing his stones upon my buttocks, he soon
discharged, squeezing me with all his force between
his thighs, I standing all the while opposite a large
looking-glass, with my neck exposed, and my hands
in my muff.
Among the capriciosi who wanted “ to rouse the
Venus lurking in their veins, " was a young lad,
not above sixteen, from Westminster College :—I
used to whip him with the utmost severity, with a
very large bundle of fresh birch, for nearly half an
hour, he quite naked, with his hands tied up, and
I leaning on a table, and stripped up to my navel,
and always with an enormous bouquet in my bo
som ; when I felt his young staff threatening me, I
would leave off, and untie his hands; he would then
lay me on the bed, and make me feel unspeakable
emotions. I used also to whip another in the cha
racter and dress of a nun, with a cat o' sixty-nine
tails, till the blood ran down to his heels. A third
took delight in putting his finger into my funda
ment, while I was handling his private parts. I
should fill a volume were I to enumerate and enter
into particulars relating to the various and strange
propensities of some men.
My friend of Brompton had enabled me to pur
chase a boarding and day-school, full of large girls
and boys, in order to indulge with me in a number

of birchen sports—he was particularly fond of en

joying me whilst I was scourging as hard as I could
a big girl, selecting always for that purpose some
grown-up wicked and lazy wench, with a fat arse,
and whom I knew to be too stupid to take notice
of what was going forward, or rather backward.
One day, as I was reading the Morning Adver
tizer, a paper I peruse every day, I saw an adver
tisement to this effect:– “If Miss R. B. (with a star
after the letters) will write a line to J., mentioning
where she can be heard of, etc. " I immediately
recollected I had given Julie that direction, in case
she should come to England, and could not find me;
I answered it, and I had the pleasure of meeting
again the beautiful Julie, who acquainted me she
had married the son of the writing-master I men
tioned, but that he killed himself in less than two
years by his incessant connections with her. She
also informed me that the widow had espoused the
trustee, and some other little particulars. We now
live together and whip like two little devils both
young folks and old ones.
Adieu, readers of all descriptions, to amuse you
with my juvenile gambols has been my object; you
are the best judges if I have succeeded. If I find
that your approve of this little bagatelle, I shall,
perhaps, at a future period, bring forth another bir
chen production, as I have a great deal more to say
upon that subject.



“Your niece, Miss Hetty Hoyden's so improved;

She left her home ill-mannered and unsightly,
Without a torn frock she rarely moved,
And now so neat, and answers so politely
The change has been the talk of the whole town:
My girls are getting wild, I’m all alarm,
Something must soon be done to keep them down.
How do you manage it?”

(throws open a press.)

“Behold the charm l "


“My, what a size and she's full fitfeen. Still
You're right, I have no doubt, tho'some folk doubt it,
But you're so stout and have such strength of will.
Did she resist? Do tell me all about it.
To whip my wild ones were no easy task,
Nor should I tackle them unless I thought I
Could do without a servant. May I ask
Was your niece violent as well as naughty?”

“She would have been, no doubt, had I been weak.

When children see the apparatus near,
And know you mean to whip them, they are meek;
In hopes to get it milder. You shall hear—
That is, directly—Cake and curacoa
Won't hinder, you can hear me while you're sipping.’

“Thank you, that liquor is like velvet. Oh!

How nice to hear of an authentic whipping.
Those stories in the Ladies' Magazines
Are scarcely credible, that is to say,
They may be true, but brought behind the scenes,
The sense of being there they don't convey;
Now your experience I can count upon
To guide me when I'm whipping. Pray go on.”


“I tied those twigs, then thicker by a third,

In the clothes basket, muffled the deposit,
And the next time that Henrietta err'd
I called her coolly to my dressing closet.
Callous to reprimand, she followed there,
Thinking that I, like her mamma, would scold her,
With cool contempt she flopp'd into a chair.”
“Get up !”
I said, and took her by the shoulder.
I drew a stool the right height for correcting.
And stood her by my knee—still unsuspecting.
I said, “to talk to you were vain
While such an evil spirit doth bewitch you.
To get it out will cause you grievous pain,
It must be done, and now I mean to switch you.”
While thus I spoke, I lifted up the lid
And laid upon the floor the bristling branches,
Then quick beneath her dress both hands I shid
And tried to pull the pants from off her haunches.
Whereat, half insolent and half afraid,
She clutch'd my fingers like a greedy glutton;
But when I threatened to call in the maid
She blenched—and suffered me to slip the button,
Down dropt the pants, up flew the skirts and shift,
The plump posterior sprawling on my knee,
I made the birches whistle o'er them swift

paused before I struck her—
for you see,
A word of good advice, tho' always good,
Is more impressive when the rods are ready :-
“The pain,” I said, “I’d spare you, if I could—”
“O Aunt, forgive me, and I'll be so steady.
Boo hoo! I couldn't bear it on the bare—
Those dreadful rods !—I know l’ve been in error—
I'll never be so—
Mercy J Murder! Spare 1 "
Here she grew inarticulate with terror.
“Since you won't listen to my words, " I cried,
“I’ll make you feel the argument of licking.”
With that I swept across the whole backside,
Then such a shriek and cataract of kicking !
Bouncing and bawling, redder than the rose
Grew the fat flanks beneath the flashing switches :
With beam so broad and birches like to those
I seemed to have illimitable riches;
Now pressing heavily upon the clothes,
Now forced to humour the impatient twitches;
Pausing an instant poised upon the toes
To choose the most alluring of the flitches;
Now slashing round, now watching the “exposé”
And sweeping into the unguarded niches.
After a dozen well-directed blows
I let her rise and button up her breeches.
“You ought to have beheld her altered mien

The ruddy romp so riotous before

Death pale and quivering with anguish keen,
Who at my frown essayed to check the roar.
The virtues of the Birch already told
To tame the temper that had been so bold.
When her sobs ceased I bade her bring the rod,
Showed her the press, and lock'd the tool within it;
Now, when she's noisy, if I that way nod,
She's on her good behaviour in a minute,
“This is King Solomons's attested CHARM
To cure the child, not mend its manners merely—
A stout persuader, an uplifted arm,
A full resolve to castigate severely.
Without authority is back'd by pain
The reins of discipline will soon be slipping,
The Scriptures indicate your duty plain,
Besides, my dear— it's pleasant while you're whipping.
The words of the Wise Man are precious pearls— ”

(rising hastily.)
“I’ll go at once and give it to the Girls 1"


DAME Nature, tenderly prolific dam,

Tempers the birch to beat the shorn lamb
Birch—we will follow wheresoe'er they flee
The leadings of the next

Birch, fiery woer that delights to kiss

The shiftless end of master or of miss,
Whose lewd embraces waken wanton strife
While playing round the fount of love and life.
In common cases much must needs depend
On which has got the Rod by the right end.
The precept which the wielder thinks so grand,
The welted would prefer at second-hand,

And scarce appreciates the motive kind

That prompts the delicate appeal behind.
Unlike the vulgar whackings of the cane,
Birch blends artistic excellence with pain,
And by insisting on a liberal show
Combines security with stinging woe,
Howe'er it hurt the feelings 'tis a fact
Mix'd whipping charms, administered with tact,
It stirs a certain something in the pair,
A mutual consciousness of vision rare,
“Louder” to look at than the “ loudest" ball
Revealing more yet properer withal.
Not at Mabille alone are seen the tricks
That ought to be and are avenged in Styx.
The fate of “pandering partners ” who would know
Must hear our spell and dive with us below.
At balls too oft
To music soft
The “pandering partner” flings.
So wide that he
The depths may see
Whence cunning Cupid stings.
And lolling back
Entranced (Alack
That claret cup was rare 1)
Lets the loose hand
At his command
Be guided—anywhere.

Bewitch'd by wine
And twirling twine
To fondle what is there.
Like Lo-ré Ley,
Who hears us play
The consequence must bear.
Keep well in sight the fair seducer's sins
For now the spell has wrought, her punishment

These palming Phrynes in Miss Nox's school

Are all paraded at the whipping stool,
Have you reflected on our meaning? Well,
Conceive yourselves the subjects of the Spell,
Lucky the man whom accidents lets see
One toby tickled on the nurse's knee,
Surely the same must feel as if bewitch'd
With miles of Grownups going to be switch'dſ
By million bread and butter Misses scann'd,
Birch bearing Vestals ready at command,
Teachers innumerous, with one 'twixt two,
Clutch the delinquents, eager to undo.
Steps forth from Chaos, truculent and tall,
A spinster fierce enough to flog them all,
Who, while before her lowering looks they quail,
Thus “points the moral and adorns the tale.”


“Where all of equal turpitude appear

'Tis hard to choose—
Perhaps Miss Chanticleer
Deserves a bad preeminence, her size
Makes her the more offensive to the eyes.
Look at those breasts, their bulk alone's obscene,
And not a particle of lace to screen.
Notice the body, sloped express to show
The middle distance to the depths below.
Take off her bracelets and those strings that twine
Round her fat throat like pearls upon swine
All ornaments, as previously agreed,
To pay the rods, provided that they bleed.
Dame Brownrigg's Ghost, in castigation skill'd,
Is here to see the articles fulfill’d.
(Stands by her side a female fell and foul,
Grinning from graveyard like a greedy ghoul)
Should my arm fail to pray the promised part. **

Hers, world renown'd, will supplement the smart.


“You carn’t well miss it, mum, lick low at fust,

And see the smock's up where they get it wust,
A many of the tortured knows the trick :
Great Proserpine she love to see me lick,
And seldom 'tis she spares me out of hell,
Which there continual I’m bound to dwell

Since the old days when, as the “Noogate" saith,

I flogg'd two female prentices to death.
They hung me for it, him as done it—Lork
I drawed his entrails with a fiery fork.”

“Oh! Oh! the bracelets are but pinchbeck–Zounds !

To 'scape that Shape I'll forfeit fifty pounds.”

“Have you the cash about you?”


“No, but soon—”


“Bah! give an order on the Man i' the Moon.

What is that row 2
Miss Chatterton, Miss Hill,
You two are always talking—backboard drill—
Shut up, no insolenceſ
The strongest lock
Your arms and drag that monster to the block;
Pin up the forepart for the rods to reach.”

(holding down.)
“Ock! Ock before them all! Leave go, I'll screech '"


“Hold hard, ye brimstone b–s, them is there
That critter's cry would start to upper air "

(with dignity.)
“Not that way, ladies, turn her, I beseech.
Have you secured it?
Good, then make her kneel,
Keep down her head, and when I bid you, peel.
Tho', like necessity, birch brooks no laws,
Never expose the person without cause.
Stand further back, this shoving need not be,
'Tis my desire that every one should see,
Which can't be possible while thus you swarm;
Let juniors jump on tables or a form
And watch the whippings o'er the seniors' heads.
Now then, Miss Styx,

The springy one that spreads.”


“The werry wun to do it, mum.— Lorsake!
Don't be too teejus lest them there awake.”


“They won't, the Spell is on them till first flake.”
(Advances and speaks aloud.)
“Be warned, my pupils, from this shocking case
To shun the rod's keen anguish and disgrace.
Two I shall have to whip to-morrow. Hill
And Chatterton refused to go to drill,
Ye did, I heard ye, Hill was pleased to say
She'd see me—something'd. Won't she catch it, hey?
Think ye, because you're in the Senior Class
To 'scape correction? Look at these, alas!
The naked backs and bosoms that you see
Alone deserve this painful task from me;
Far worse the things that wretch was seen to do,
So vile I dare not even hint to you :
Drunken with wine—”


‘‘I wasn't, it's a lie / "


“A what ?
Ah, well we'll settle that by'n by,
Little I thought to see a child I trained
Of such disgusting levity arraigned,
Our sex disgraced before a sex impure—
But stinging stripes shall make repentance sure;

She that could wantonly expose to man

All that she dared, shall show us all she can,
Pull up !”
The shoulders vanish, and they view
Proh, pudor 1 podea. et pudendum—heu !
So big beyond the boldest fancy's flight
The shadowy scourger trembles into–night.
Miss Nox once more—
advancing the right toe
She jigs the twigs, but fails to strike the blow.
The Ghost of Brownrigg with derisive grin
Points the lean paw and gibbers to begin.
Just at the moment when the solar ray
Is dragging the drugg'd sense to upper day
The dreamer by a desperate dive recalls
A monstrous vision of impending squalls.
In weird fantastic attitudes the whole
Retreat around the fast enlarging goal.
The liberal arm rolls out to distance meet,
Back Smack the huge tormentors on the seat,
Followed by such a shrill ear-piercing shock
As starts the Spirites and wakens us—

Eh—Quo me rapis 2 Whither have we been?

O Bacchus, back us to the present scene,
The secrets of the prison house we see
Inopportunely, being full of thee
Ad pipes: as Horace saith so say to you I,
“Quo me, backy, rapis, plenum tuiº”


A Melodrama.


Mrs. SPANKER.—Principal of a Ladies’ Boarding School

Miss Becky ABRAHAMs.--The Beautiful Jewess, a Pupil.
Mrs. HUGGINs.—The Matron.
Miss Monks.—A Junior Teacher.
SMALL GIRL.-And many minute mute personages.


The Schoolroom.—A Juvenile Class breaking up.


Where's Mrs. Spanker, anybody know?

“The butcher begged me give this bill."


“Don’t go.
I think — ”


“What do you think, ma'am 2"


“Well, see here,

There isn't likely to be sweet, I fear.
I think I heard—but promise you won't tell.”

“Oh never fear, not one of us will—Well?

(Here a stout dame, gorgeously attired, sails in and
speaks at, not to the governess.)

“Sarting,” she says to me in private talk,

“That there Miss Monks will take’m out to walk
Di—reckly school is up.”
(Eaceunt all but the Matron.)
Which now, I guess
Miss Oleclo's catching of it for her dress.
She's eighteen off, nigh twenty I'll engage,
But Missis whip 'em most of any age,
And if twere worth my wiles to chance the key
Not being turned too far, I’d like to see.

Of all that's in it, fifty at the least,

I 'ates that Habrams wust, an aughty beast !
Sich rial hairs and graces she put on,
Which arf er air, I knows, is a she-non.
When I cum nigh her, snorting of her nose
And sniggering ever at my tasty clothes!
If 'tain't too late when them blest brats is hout,
I'll try it on, which I've no call to doubt;
No Great Girls goes that way but them she'd send
To meet her in her budder at the hend,
Which that's convenient to the winding stair,
And won't I relish seeing Becky bare


A Lobby. Miss A., holding a door handle, soliliquises.


WHAT demon instigated to deny

The romping match where twenty girls were by?
I needed but confess, and well I wiss
She had not dared to subject me to this;
Me, the head girl, the beauty wit—the fool
I was that might have left last half the school
Nay, had Papa proposed a proper dower,
Might have been safely married at this hour.
And now—
(Her hands slide beneath her dress.)

Too soon it will be rough with scars.

What day is this? All right, clean shift and draw’rs,
And since there's little doubt I must lay bare,
'Tis well no mean surroundings should be there.
But is it—can it be? Whipt like a child!
Perhaps exposing everything when wild.
What scandall me my privy parts to show
At eighteen years l I won't—the servants tho'—
Were I to hesitate she'd promptly call,
And then this infamy be known to all.
The beast ! it may be she's herself ashamed,
First fault might then successfully be claimed—
No—a long course of cruelty and lust
Has seared her conscience till she thinks she's just,
The laws of Medes and Persians—curse her cribs
Were not more certain than the rod for fibs
How can I face her? Her tremendous arm
Alike resolved and competent to harm.
Upon the naked flesh—what awful pain!
And goodness knows! perhaps with whip or cane—
Hardly—save Jones for tickle it in church
All say she uses only simple birch.
Simple—good lack!
(She peeps through the keyhole.)
I see them, long and thin,
And her broad back. Heaven help me ! Tap!


“Come in.”


Mrs. Spanker's Boudoir. That lady is of Herculean

build ; on a table before her are a small bottle and a
big birch rod; in the middle of the floor a school form
is ostentatiously placed. When Miss A. goes in, the
Matron slips up the backstairs and applies her eye to
the keyhole.


“I sent for you, Miss Abrahams, to-day

Wherefore it is superfluous to say,
A glance upon the table shows the cause.
Your slight infraction of scholastic laws
You know would not have set us two at odds,
Had you not lied, necessitating rods.
From any other fault your age would free,
Here whip I must; and soundly whipt you'll be.
'Tis pain to tell you so, nor am I one,
To joy in doing that which must be done.
While I admit your general conduct good,
This crime by promptest means must be withstood.
Mercy were weakness, liars have their part,
Scripture declares, in everlasting smart.
Only the giver absolution grants,
The law I execute.
Let down your pants. "


“I trust you'll pardon. This is my first fault

And shall be last, my general conduct—"

** Halt
Words are but waste of time, be quick, obey,
And bear your punishment as best you may.
Let down to heel, and take off all your skirts,
Stoop on yon settle, stript for your deserts.
Hoist higher yet, lie flat—

A glorious rump I
Full room for whipping, brawny, broad and plump.
Her skin is fine, dark olive in its hue,
When the birch reddens it a charming view.
She keeps her legs fast lock'd thro' shame no doubt,
First touch of these will make her open out.
For all her screwing, half an eye can see
That virgin has attained to puberty.
“Hand up your garters both. ”

“Please, please, don't tie.”

MRs. spa NKER.

“Nonsense | You'll thank me for it by and by.


Few are so firm in body and in mind

To bear without a baulk Ten Skelps behind.
(After tying, Mrs. S. paws her victim, who thereupon
begins to fidget.)
Patience 'twont hurt you more to be made nice.
Now, ere I whip, a word of good advice.
And not to put it in a form too blunt—
Whate'er you do, don't turn up your front.
Sore are the slashes on the “sacred skin, "
But sorest surely when the ends get in.
While thus advising you, I mean to fix
So that the belly too may get the licks
If you should chance to turn; a twister still
Depending more upon the nerves than will.
I'll pin you presently. ”

“Good heavens ! get on,

Have you no bowels? Half an hour gone
And not begun "

“You fancy I'm severe

And cannot see there's real mercy here.
While seeming to relieve, kicks set adrift
Infallibly the merely upturned shift,
Then in mid anguish culprits have to wait
Till brought once more to a befitting state—
You wish me to begin?
Phisp ! Phisp 1

You see
What madness 'twould have been to leave you free.
Had you been capable, no doubt you'd run
Soon as or sooner than the skelps begun.
In the pursuit I must have called a maid
And haply Huggins also to my aid.
Now, the impending penance may be known,
Unless you shout, but to ourselves alone,
Nor need your nakedness from knee to spine
Be visible to other eyes than mine.
That part the school mistress is bound to know
To her the pupil may, unblushing, show :
The pain's the same, but the alleged disgrace
Depends entirely on time and place. -

Those flicks count naught, mere notice to prepare,

The next will need your utmost pluck to bear,
Look out !—
Whir-r-r. Whisp 1."


“Yarr 1 I can't bear the pain l "


“Whisp I Whisp 1
You must,
Whisp 1. Whispl
don't shout again.
(She now settles to her work, inflicting each cut

slowly with malice prepense, at the full sweep of

her arm.)
Whisp 1. Whisp 1. Whisp / Whisp 1–whisp !!

** Whurra / Whillaloo /
Stop whipping, that's the Tenth 1"

“The rod's in two!

Apparently you want the matter known
To the whole house, shout on, the shame's your
own. ”

“ Ugh, ugh I won't. Ugh ugh I untie me,

please. ”

“Keep as you are—a-psheuch I knew I’d sneeze—

As usual, I hit a thought too high,
Take half a turn to right and show your thigh.
Long cuts, this one—

“Ey! Ey!”


was fairly in ;
About an hour hence you'll have new skin,

At present the whipt parts are raw and wet,

You have not felt the “ crusting over "yet,
When every time you stir–but never mind,
'Tis time you buttoned up your bare behind.
Rise now and dress yourself. Ere you retire
Put all those bits of birch into the fire
(Hands her some Styptic in a phial).
Go to your room, wash lightly where it bled,
Especially in front; then best to bed.
There, while you roll in restlessness and ruth,
Reflect on this irrefragable truth—
Not jetty curls, pink cheeks, nor flashing eyes,
Nor wit to set the table in a roar,
Will save you from the consequence of lies.
You may go now, your punishment is o'er."
(She bows; Miss A. curtseys and retreats, but hear
ing footsteps outside, pauses in the doorway.
Mrs. S. hastily constructs a fresh weapon from the
ruins of the first.)


The Lobby again. The walking party, returning

with wraps on arms, move towards a closet facing
Boudoir : from this latter Mrs. S., birch in hand,
then sallying suddenly, seizes one Small Girl. The
rest scud off unseen, and peep from distant holes,
like rabbits in a warren.


“I KNEw 'twas you peeped thro’ the keyhole, miss.

Swiftly and sweetly shall you pay for this.”

“It warn’t me, ma'am, please to let me go—(a des

perate wrench).
We're just come in, Miss Monks will tell you so. "

“We, who are we ?”

The Small One stares askance,
They all have fled.

“I’ll give another chance.

Where are your walking things, if truth you spoke?”

“Please, m'm, Bell Bolter has my hat and cloak. ”



(Stamps and turns up her eyes.)

“Great heavens, how horrible I'll need full swing
To rightly exorcise this hideous thing.
Hi! Huggins ! Hurry hither, if you please, * >

Tuck up and toss that brat across your knees.

(The Matron chuckling, tumbles up the stairs and
settles herself in the window seat. But instead of
“tossing across, " she smothers in her lap the vic
tim's head, and turns her tail to the spectators.)


“Not room enough, girl growing, pants too small,

Tug tighter till the fat parts let 'em fall."
This being settled to her liking, and having taken ac
curate aim, she commences in slow time, but quickly


(at full sweep).

Swish 1 Swish / Swish 1 Swish /


(from midlap)
“O’ Golly, golly gosh 1 °


(swaying swiftly).
Sha-wash-Shawash shawash shawash shawash 1
(rising a tiptoe)
Sha-wash 1 Sha-wash / Sha-wash /
“There, miss, take that And if you think it tight
You'll get it tighter next.”

“And serve ye right,

Ye snake, a shoving of your snotty snout
In other folks' consarns. G'long ! Get out !”
The Small One shouting, exits in disgrace,
Hiding in pinafore her blubbler'd face;
Her heart is sorer than her rump, no wrong
She's done, but bullies ever are too strong,
While the hubbub brings seekers from all sides
The Beauteous Jewess from the Boudoir glides.
'Tis vain to state—This shan't be shown, no eye
shall see the scar—
Miss Becky's fate is fully known, as such things
always are.

Or did she deserve it 2


MR. MoUNTwhAcKAway her grammar well,

And fain discreeter conduct would have taught her.
Taught whom 2 Miss Agnes Sophonisba Snell.
And who is she 2. Of course the Butcher's Daughter.
Did she deserve it 2 You shall see anon,
Nay, more than see, you'll hear it too. Go on.
The quarterly small smacking match is o'er,
The slaps, the yapps, the yells are heard no more.
Some half a dozen chubby bottom'd brats
Have leapt upon her lap like lively sprats:
'Twas but a what, provocative of switches.
For which Mountwhackaway's interior itches.
She rises ponderous, she glares around,
The BUTcher's DAUGHTER 81

None venturing to bandy glance or sound,

She looks with an impassion'd gaze at Snell,
Licks her lush lips, and snaps the kitchen bell.
A tintinnabulum ! and then in pairs
The tread of trollops tramping up the stairs
While the awed audience wait the change of tunes
The musicmaker with herself communes.
Tho' much I fear Snell's character has been
Long past the power of birches to repair,
It matters not, she's over seventeen,
Plump, healthy, handsome; such a one is rare.
Our butcher's daughter, taken in exchange
For rounds of beef and volovongs of veal,
A vulgar victim, quite beyond the range
Of lady-like forbearance—she shall peel.
Her form so firm, like solid marble blocks,
She'd stand more killing than a wiry fox.
I couldn't kill, however hard l’o strike
With birches. How she'll holloa while I flay !
For once I’ll heat a Big 'Un as I like.
And strip—Oh, won't I strip in such a way !
Both parents begged I'd flog her well, no fear
Of prosecution for assaulting here.
Should critics cavil that I lick for lust,
Plenty can prove the punishment is just.
Such her soliloquy, which please receive
As truth recorded by a prescient pen.
In abstract essences you must “believe,”
The same not being “visible" to men.

And whether abstract or concrete, we swear

This tale is true : it may or mayn't have happ'd
Eacactly in the way recorded there,
Mountwhackaway perhaps may not have slapp'd
The smaller fry, may not have stripp'd so bare
The fairer culprit with the fouller trapp'd,
May not have whipp'd at all the butcher's kid;
But being so recorded, some one did.

Two Kitchenmaids now stand beside the block, ,,

Birches beneath their ruddy elbowed arms;
Thither the gaping governesses flock,
Their eyes expressing more than mere alarms,
Eager to witness, on another's skin,
Purification of so foul a sin.
Miss Fidgett saw the sinning, which, be sure,
Won't make her less observant of the cure.
She, scenting mischief, watched them o'er the wall,
The Mistress fetch'd, and Doctor Fell advised,
Doubtless the schoolboys caught it one and all,
And one for all Miss Snell was well chastised;
But when Mountwhackaway resolved to flog
She should have stopp'd the spokes with earlier cog,
The “Grecians" took it turn and turn to ride,
One down and t'other up, till all had tried :
Twenty in all. of them alone we speak.
We mean the senior lads who learned Greek.
Return we to the Ladies' School to trace

Snell's—undeserved or merited ?–disgrace.

The Mistress taps the nearest kitchen maid,
Whereon the pair look guilty and afraid.
“What brings ye here 2 Where's Pottleton and
Prout 2."
“Please’m, both Blindar and the hother's hout. ”
A blacker shadow o'er her black brows cast,
She mutters to herself, and says at last :—
“So be it then, for once I'll let ye come,
But mind ye do your duty—“Thankee, mum”—
Which is to strip and stoop and hold, she's strong.”
“We axes parding, mum, and won't go wrong.”
One other episode attention needs
Before the proper punishment proceeds,
The pupils, big or little as may be,
Stare open-eyed or hesitate to see.
Ferocious Fidgett, plucking from a child
The veil, cries—Look I Don't tell me such a fib.
But ma'am I did, the urchin answers, riled,
I looked through this—a fissure in her bib.
Fact was, Miss Rosycheeks would watch the show
Without exhibiting her face a glow.
Other two innocents, so quickly spreads
Evil example, hide their curly heads,
“Come forth from corners all,” the Mistress cries.
“Lower your pinafores and use your eyes.
Misplaced is modesty, you're here to view
And shun the chastisements to sinners due.
If some be ignorant why stripes abound,

Yet every—hum ! shall tingle to the sound."

Now—which is Snell?
White muslin sprigg'd with green,
Close fitting jacket, olive velveteen,
French-polished sidesprings; of one scarlet calf
Under loop'd petticoat we see the half.
Her hands, for which the split kid seem too small,
Are somewhat coarse, her stature large and tall;
Her waist is circled with a broad green sash
So long, they must remove it for the lash.
Her flesh is firm, and fair beneath the clothes
As only butchers' daughters can expose.
Braids of the blackest hue define her cheeks,
Erst apple red, now paled to pinky streaks
Like mottled beef, or like the blocks below
Ere stinging stimulant shall make them glow.
Her jetty eyes that wont to flash like spears
All lustreless with overbrimming tears.
Her narrow-bridg’d and straightly-chisell'd nose
Is — how to say it? — snuffly we suppose;
There is a popular and patter word
In good society but seldom heard.
The ruby lips that pouted o'er the teeth,
Now pale and parted, show the pearls beneath.
Tho' palpably the while convulsed with dread,
She strives to snort and toss a scornful head;
Erect one moment, in the next the stoops,
Chokes off a sob and pitifully poops.
“Now, now," the Mistress mutters to the maids,

“Pounce on her while she's stooping, quickyejades 1”

A tip toe tripping lest the tread give note,
Swiggins and Swipes securing waist and throat,
Propel her to the block, where hand on skirt,
They wait till “Missis” has the means to hurt;
Their clumsy fingers' neaſh the linen slipping
Make just the first preparatives to whipping.
The slops slide down so swift no flesh is seen,
The hands then shifting t'other side the screen
Attempt untying—lo! to their surprise,
The broad bow separates in hooks and eyes.
Vainly the “vulgar victim’’ vents abuse,
Wriggles her rear and roars to be let loose.
Vainly she slaps behind her, vainly twists,
Two brawny arms are lock'd across her back;
Fidgett advancing grapples both her wrists,
Saluting first her cheeks with double smack;
Then fixing firm her feet against the block,
She leans in readiness for ruder shock.
Culling the sharpest switches in her reach
The Mistress opens with aggressive speech;
Sure way to aggravate address the third,
As if by them alone your voice were heard.
“Go on, unhook, loose all below the waist,
Pull up behind (Nay, ladies, why that start?
Whipping is whipping, they must be disgraced
Whose sins have destined them to birchen smart)
The front as well, round that the rods are laced,
Strip ye enough, I'll punish every part.

Bend up her bodice, stays she doesn't wear,

And all the better, for we'll flog her fair.
Twist tight the ends together round her neck,
And don't allow'em to descend, d'ye hear?
Her scarlet stockings the low licks will check;
Back, belly, buttocks, see that all be clear.
Down with her now, press on her shoulders stout
And make her give it rightly rounded out.
So hol we women see her shame to-day,
For showing it to men she 'll sweetly pay. ”
“I didn't show it to no men.”
“You lie.
Slocock was sloping in, his brother by
Was—Tut! when lads are up to that, why then
It matters little call 'em boys or men.
Nor was it Slococks only saw your shame,
Dear knows how many mounted ere we came !
Your own words judge you, grammar tells you this,
Two negatives concurring come to yes.
Grammar and chastity you'll find no jokes.
Swiggins, stand back!
Your leg will stop the strokes.
And you, Miss Baggs, leave space for sweeping—so—
Whishwish—Whip / Snick 1
“You'll kill, you'll kill
- me / Oh 1 ''
“Lash / Lash / Lash / Lash /
I'll smash, I'll smash the

Crash / Crash / Crash / Crash /

across your croup,
Crash / Crash / Crash / Crash / [you b–
Your loins’ll like it
Slash / Slash / Slash 1–Snick / / [less,
that's into ye, I guess.
Screech on, I'll screech ye | That one's limp and dead,
(flings the rod from her)
Lend me your waistbelt, Baggs.”
- “ Don't hit her head,
The buck.”
The word is curtly cut in twain,
The swift sweep forcing Baggs to back amain.
“Whack / Whack / Whack / Whack 1
“O gosh, gommercy 1 Cr'roo!”
“Thwack / Thwack / Thwack / Thwack /
- “Liv hor:f 1 Liv horf/ It'rroo!”
“The buckle, ma'am, you'll kill her | Take a rod.”
“Hand up, if this don't crack across 'tis odd.”
Thrash / Thrash / Thrash 1– SMASH ! !
- Ha! What d'ye think o' that?
That lick'ud snick thro’ every fold of fat.
Confound yel
Stop your stamping, hold your noise !
When next you calculate corrected joys
You'll find the summary a trifle hot.
Lower your shift and button up like shot.
Flogging should show but fundamental pain,
Cockchafering so, your—black enough is plain,

'Tis time for decency and darkness now

That all the school has seen—all that the rods allow.”
Amid convulsive throbs, and fitful squalls
By the coarse contact caused,




Who ever would the Missis lick like that ?

Belinda, sweeping, asks with anxious air.
Could it be Snell? I seen the way she sat
All gashly pale, and gashly black her hair;
I seen the Missis look at her—no doubts
'Twas hers I heard, them last and longest shouts.
Had I but guessed! What good is 'if I thought?'
'Tis well beknown what thinking on it wrought.
Me kalky layling on the Smacks alone
To vex her wouldn't go and hold—Ohone !
Which Arrarbellar, led by me, ewades
And leaves it to them lumps of Kitchen maids.
Well, 'tis a lessson I won't soon forget,
And mebbe rue the consequences yet.
“Collops" is big as me and older too—
I wonder what the dickens did she do.

So great a girl to come within the laws—

The Missis must have had sufficient cause—
A beauty too, which, let young ladies quiz,
I won't deny the Butcher's Daughter is—
What could she do? 'Twould be no common fault
Would warrant Missis to make such assault—
Them schoolboys—pheew !
Hard Fidgett whisper soft
Was seen Sunday shinning up the loft–
Collops her petticoats found full of hay–
Begum 'twas her / The werry selfsame day.
Missis and Fidgett looking on—Ay well,
Them two would took at it afore they'd tell.
I'll av young Master Slococks when I see
What way they done it.—Missis won't whip me?
(Strokes her sleek satin sit upon, anon
The flingers feel for—fie for shame I get on.)
I wouldn't put it past her for to try
Some day permiscuous with no one nigh;
Which I'll stand up to her, if fair she fight,
Her fourteen stone, me matching her in height;
While Missis try what weight will bring to pass
I'll have my hand in and stir up—
Alas !
To think such opportunity was mine,
And let it pass, and risk the flog or fine !
“In whoppings "'tisn't merely what I see
When linen's lifted, most amazes me.
'Tis—well, I think 'tis the contrairy will;

The one as likes it least gets larrup'd still.

They fights, up goes, loud roarings rend the air
Of D–it, don't! and Take it there and there !
O'coorse I’d choose a big ’un and a whip,
And liefer see the cocky gender strip.
A Lady School it isn't like a Dame,
Which ourn punish cock or hen the same !
She birch the babbies on their boppies fat,
And scurridge seniors with a sixtail'd cat.
She med us mix too ere she guv the whacks,
Great girls on boys, big boys on great girls' backs.
Sich sight I won't see more, the more my loss,
As cocks astriding of a girl for hoss;
Nor feel, I've felt him fill, contrairy wise
When I've been hossing boys, and rise and rise,
Not all Dame Drubber's whack a backs would check,
Till wet and warm he wobbled on my neck.
They're thicker skinn'd than us, leastways than me,
Which more I wriggle, wusser it would be.
I've tried it fairly, gripping of the jackets,
The lads that highst shoved under us in pockets.
If Drubber axed the reason for to know,
“To highst 'em higher, ma'am, ” they say—“ Jist
[so, "
She'd answer, glowering with sour sweet smile.
A tickling Toby with the whips the while
Us girls knew, the way they used to paw's,
The lads they done it for another cause.
Myself, with nakedness and tickler's tricks,

Would feel like fuddled—till I felt the licks.

On right toe rising, she'd adorn our tails
Till breath—she's fearful fat—to flog us fails,
And while we're thinking, when she carve the skin
Like that, she'd finish, she'd again begin.
Take that I she'd say, a flaking of the flanks,
Which 'tis my dooty and ye owe me thanks.
'Tis little gratitude she'd got, I guess,
From girls was being pinned behind the press;
Tho' well by tickle-kissing 'em the boys
That strup 'em strove to comfort 'mid the noise.
Ow wow ! Her whippings was three-men-jus pain I
And yet I wished it was the Dame again.
Not but in schools ihat birches on the bare
It isn't jolly to be holder there.
Young ladies with their shifts up, screech and kick,
It's worth beholding 'em and holding slick.
For me, the Missis dursn't have it known,
Nor never would attempt it but alone;
When if she lifted, 'tisn't tight she'd whip
So slantingly I’d slope about and slip,
A cut across the belly isn't nice,
Tho' well the fun of it would pay the price;
And if I wrests the rods from her—Gurroo !
I'll pay it into her till all be blue.
When late she threatened like, I didn't speak,
Leastways, I muttered.—Try it for a freak |
But ever more, be’t switches, smacks, or Pandy,
I'll watch the wallopings that makes me randy.


The curtain having fallen, have ye yet

Responded to the query first put here?
That question puzzles us, videlicet,
Did she deserve a flogging so severe?
The Butcher's Daughter suffered twenty boys
With her to revel in forbidden joys;
That lady's lapses did the licking reach 2
She barely got a skelp and half for each,
Unwilling we politer ears to shock,
Will merely ask impartial judge to say
If sixty seconds' switching on the block
Be not more genial, in a general way,
Than purgatory's colder blooded curse I
And mind—“you might go further and fare worse.”
Lex talionis, law of blow for blow,

Is just as durable as sinners' fears.

A great revenge—how great we do not know
May last a score, or might a million years.
Eternity presents such dread expanse
We cloud it with chimeras in advance.
You fleering harlotl I’ll have a horse to leap thee,
and thy base issue shall carry sumpters.-Come, lords,
bring her along : we'll to the prince all, where her
hellhood shall wait his censure ;-and if he spare thee,
she-goat, may he lie with thee again and beside,
mayst thou lay upon him some nasty foul disease,
that hate still follows, and his end a dry ditch ! Lead,
you corrupted whore.
Cupid's Revenge,

I BEGAME acquainted with this lovely girl during

my visit to Cheltenham. She is the daughter of a
rich commoner in the West of England, and we
soon formed an intimacy of the sweetest and most
agreeable kind. She was in her eighteenth year,
with a form and face seldom equalled : her hair was
of a lively brown, her skin perfectly white, and her
face full of ardour and beauty. I discovered her
secrets very soon after my introduction, by the re
cital of a warm and very libidinous story, which I
had read in the French, and which I pretended to
have witnessed. This won her confidence, and she
confessed that she had been seduced by a young
gentleman, a protégé of her father's.
I lent the beautiful creature some luscious prints,
tastily executed, and which made her almost mad,
as she had never seen anything of the kind before.
In return for these, which I afterwards gave her,

she promised me, in writing, a memoir of the cir

cumstances and causes of her seduction, and I can
not do better than give it in her own words :
To Miss WILso N.

My dear friend,
'Tis well that I am alone, for I blush to the
ears in making a confession, even to you, of the
wanton and naughty scenes which led to the first
indulgence of my passions;—passions the most
ardent and glowing; but which, I am happy to
say, have met with a corresponding feeling in those
of my lover;-but to my tale.
A youth had been brought up by my father from
infancy. He was called my brother; and though
we frequently remarked the want of likeness be
tween us, and other circumstances, no suspicion
that he was not my brother ever entered our minds
until a few months since. This youth bore our fa
mily name; was called Tom Thoughtless; was edu
cated by my father liberally, and a midshipman's
berth was obtained for him. In progress of time
he became a lieutenant, and in that capacity, full
of life, full of health and beauty, and at the glowing
and impetuous age of nineteen, returned from a long
station and came to see us.
Whether Tom had had any intimation of our
non-relationship, I know not, but when he took
me in his arms, his embrace was impetuous and

boisterous, though tender : he dwelt upon my lips

with a fervour, that made me thrill all over. He
Sucked my lips, he grasped my form to his, sighed,
breathed short, and seemed full of emotion. Lord
what a tremor and flutter I was in ; so new was
the character of this embrace. “Oh, Betsy, ” said
he, full of agitation, “ you are the first woman I
have held in my arms for five years. "–“ Am I
indeed?” I replied, scarcely knowing what I said.
I fluttered dreadfully and felt quite overpowered.
So new was all this, and so much awakened my
passions. I lay back in his arms: he put my ring
lets away from my forehead, and kissed my brow,
my eyes, and my mouth. Oh what unhallowed
kisses I then thought them ; flames wantoned
through me and seemed to centre in one spot;-
that spot which we keep so sacred, and which had
scarcely been visited by my curious touch. “Oh I
Betsy, " said he, “ that we were not related. Let
me at least for a moment indulge the sweet, the bliss
ful idea. " I knew not what he purposed, but he
thrust his tongue between my lips—it was in my teeth
—upon mytongue. This motion so strange, so unex
pected, almost tookaway my breath. I tried to speak
— to cry out. Alas! I could not, my feelings choked
me. His right hand had been round my waist;.
he dropped it to my posteriors; he felt them three
or four times through my dress, then carried me to
the side of the room, against which he placed me.

His body was now against mine; his knee separa

ted my limbs; he stood between them as far as my
garments would allow, and began heaving by short
tilts his body against mine.
I cannot describe what I felt; I thought I should
faint through excess of delight. This heaving mo
tion continued; it made me mad; I—I—how shall
I confess it?—I followed his example, and met his
bobs with eager activity, sighing and crying out
all the time, “Oh Tom, Tom, my dear fellow,
what are you doing?” But he evidently knew not;
he was completely absorbed, and kept wriggling
the middle of his person against mine, and I intui
tively followed his example—so seductive is pas
sion. In the midst of this I felt him gradually lift
ing up my clothes : a cold shudder communicated
this to me; the next moment a looking-glass, that
stood in a recess opposite to where we stood, re
vealed to me our shaking clothes and agitated per
sons. In this I saw that my legs were uncovered
and part of my thighs!
This alarmed me dreadfully, and I immediately
seized his hands, full of blushes and confusion, and
burning with passion, exclaimed : “Tom, what are
you doing? The servants will come in, we shall be
discovered. ” I slipped from before him, and at the
same moment heard my father's voice, giving some
directions. He very shortly after entered the apart

I will pass over the emotions this interview oc

casioned, though I dreamt that Tom was my husband,
and was happy in my arms. My waking thoughts
were of this dear fellow, and so impassioned were
they, that I kicked down the bed-clothes, and pulling
up my shift, all the lower beauties of my limbs lay
open. I said to myself, “Ah 2 here is a pair of legs
handsome enough, and a couple of round plump
thighs; there is a good sprinkling of curl about
this mount; but what an unmeaning thing is this
slit ! Can this be what the men hunt us poor women
for? I can easily imagine that man has something
divine for us: something delightful to feel, to grasp,
to handle, to look at. Oh I that I had it now—that
it was just dividing these glowing, but opening
lips. Tom, look at me—you want to deflower me—
I know you do. Come then, I am ready to receive
you—put it in—there, I feel it (and I pushed in my
finger). Now it entered—Oh! how delicious—push,
push—Tom, my dear fellow—Oh ! I feel it—there,
there. ” With such expressions as these, and in
working my fingers upon that susceptible spot we
all possess, I soon dissolved in a flood of lascivious
I dressed myself with peculiar care, and was com
plimented by my dear Tom on my good looks and
beauty. After breakfast he proposed a walk, and
I eagerly put on my bonnet, and taking his arm,
proceeded through the park, in which my father's

house stands. We were both in high spirits, and

enjoyed each other's society. In passing a cottage,
which belonged to the estate, we heard bustle and
cries, and through the broken palings discovered
the cottager's wife in pursuit of her daughter, a full
grown girl. She caught her near where we were
peeping, and putting her left foot on a washing tub,
which was reversed, she pulled the girl across her
knee, and drew from under her apron a birch rod; in
a moment the girl's clothes were all gathered up,
and her legs and limbs sprawling in the air. Her
person was beautifully formed, and her skin parti
cularly white, and rendered more so by her having
on black worsted stockings. Not a moment was
lost by the enraged mother, who began to flog away
at the girl's posteriors like a fury, the violence of
which might be seen by the redness which followed
the strokes. The girl twisted and kicked about,
but was obstinately silent, and after having received
about twenty severe strokes, her petticoats were put
down by her mother, who exclaimed, “There, that
will teach you to stay on your errands, and then tell
lies to excuse it.” She left the girl; but chancing
to turn her head before entering the cottage she
observed the girl making faces at her. Roused by
this, she darted at the girl, who was in a moment
on her knee, and her clothes again flung up. The
eagerness of the mother made her drop the rod, and
we had time to inspect the glowing bottom of the

girl, the cheeks of which were red with the recent

punishment. The mother, mad with passion, now
began to switch away at the thighs and buttocks of
the girl; and it was evident that she made more
impression, for the girl began to entreat for forgive
ness; but the mother was inexorable : she kept rat
tling away without mercy, and after whipping her,
for I am sure full a minute, till her bottom was the
colour of crimson, flung her down and quitted her,
saying, “You’ll make faces at your mother again,
you young harlot, I dare say.”
Oh! how this scene affected me; it roused my
passions to a pitch of frenzy, and had we at that
moment been in a place of greater privacy, and I had
been solicited, I should have fallen a victim to the
excitement. I walked with my impassioned com
panion, who, after some artful interrogatives, drew
from me an avowal, that I had not only enjoyed the
whole of the scene we had witnessed together, but
should dearly like to have been the administrator of
the punishment if it had been inflicted on a girl so
pretty as Sally Meadows.
We returned home. My father was out, and Tom
asked me to show him my boudoir, which my father
had praised for its taste the evening before. Ah!
how pleased was I to do anything to give the dear
fellow amusement or delight. He praised my taste
in the disposition of the furniture and general arran
gement; spoke of my drawings, the beautiful shrubs

which adorned the large balcony of the only window

in the room. “How beautiful,” he exclaimed, “how
elegantly planned what ample admirable chairs for
courting, and what a voluptuous sopha." He came
to me, and kneeling close by me, pressed me in his
arms. A voluptuous languor crept over me; he saw
it, and drew down my face to his ; he rapturously
kissed my mouth, and when I least expected it, his
impassioned tongue burst between my lips. What
an electric thrill did this produce I was absolutely
filled with passion; but think, my dear Miss Wilson,
what was my surprise when he produced from under
his coat the identical rod with which the cottager's
wife had whipped Sally Meadows. The sight of it
made me giddy : I knew not what I did : I felt him
lay his body across my thighs, his coat-flaps were
thrown up, his trousers were entirely down, and
nothing covered his naked posteriors but his shirt.
His putting the rod into my hand had brought me to
my senses. “Oh Tom,” said I, “it must not be—
I dare not proceed—do not ask me. ” He canted
up his shirt, so as to leave his naked flesh entirely
exposed to my view. “My dear Betsy,” said he,
“don’t baulk your wishes, you said you should have
been glad to change places with the flogger this
morning—gratify me –indulge yourself—we are
alone-treat me as a truant—think me an idle boy
that deserves chastisement.”—“ Don't look at me
then, " I said. He promised : I took the rod and

began to exercise it gently on his white buttocks.

Oh I the delightful sawing through the air, the
whisking sound as it met his flesh, the knowledge
that his breeches were down, that the secret staff of .
life was lying on my limbs—kept from my naked
flesh only by my garments. All this conspired to fill
me full of the most unchaste wishes.
“Do I hurt you, my sweet fellow 2" said I, in a
voice of extreme tenderness. “No, my love; use
more strength—strike with more nerve—Ah! there
—that's it—that's it, my sweet Betsy.” He now laid
more in front of me, and I felt him falling in between
my opening knees. As my clothes were down I did
not heed this; indeed, my active strokes of the birch
had changed the colour of the flesh cushions, and I
entered fully into the spirit of the adventure. He
kept jolting his person in front of mine, at every
motion of the rod, and I, to hold him more secure,
had worked myself nearer to him, and close to the
edge of the sopha. One of his arms was round my
waist, the other grasped me lower down; my clothes,
by his working gradually, got higher, which he
seemed to be aware of, for his workings increased,
and his long strokes pushed them higher at every
heave of his body. My strokes upon his bottom
continued, and I found myself cutting him without
mercy. Oh! what a delirium I was in : he was now
entirely between my open thighs—they expanded to
admit him—Oh! I shall never forget the moment—

new, intoxicating and delirious. Something hard

pressed against my thighs, then against my belly :
it kept repeatedly bobbing against the most sensitire
part of my body. I thought he was debauching me:
I seemed to feel that he was really entering my —
I had not power to prevent him; indeed, I found
that I was spreading myself out, jutting up my
body, and doing everything that I thought would
facilitate his purpose.
I lost all sense of shame and of propriety: I urged
him not to delay my happiness, that I was ready,
and would bear anything for his sake. This I ac
companied by an eager imitation of his motions. I
met his thrusts : we went on in regular cadence :
the rod fell from my nerveless grasp; my arms intui
tively embraced his naked back: I cried, sighed,
and fell back in a state of insensibility. I recovered:
he was just in the act of getting from off my body.
I now felt confused indeed, and jumped up and made
my escape in the greatest disorderinto my bed-room.
Ignorant as I then was of man, I really believed
that my virginity had been taken, and having bolted
the door, I sat in a chair facing the looking-glass.
I pulled up my clothes, and was surprised to find a
very large portion of my shift completely wetted in
front. This indeed, had saved me. I looked at the
wet—with amazement, and exclaimed, “What a
quantity—I am quite flooded—what an inundation—
Heavens ! if this had been deposited within my
BEtsy Thoughtless 107

person | " This thought, which at first alarmed me,

inflamed me more on consideration; and amid a
thousand extravagancies, I eagerly proceeded to
obtain all the gratification within my own reach.
When my intoxication had ceased, I found it ne
cessary to change my linen, and I accordingly
dressed for dinner, taking as much pains with my
person as possible, for which I was again rewarded
by the extravagant encomiums of the young sailor.
When we were alone, he took occasion to remark
that my father had informed him that he wished to
have a conference with him before dinner on the
morrow, as he had something of importance to com
The morrow arrived; my dear fellow was at my
side, and he again led me blushing and trembling
to the boudoir. I had reassured myself into the
supposition that he would not proceed to extremi
ties with me, from fear of consequence, our fancied
relationship, and from his pausing yesterday on
the very threshold of happiness, and this made me
bold, though excess of passion kept me weak and
trembling. He again produced the rod; I tried to
persuade him not to proceed. He heeded me not,
but put down his trousers. He as kneeling on
the sopha where I was sitting. He brought both
my legs upon the sopha, against which proceeding
I remonstrated, but could not prevent him. He
now drew off his trousers, and kneeling between

my legs, leaned forward to kiss me. It was impos

sible for me not to see his shirt bolstering out in
front of him, and my imagination was instantly at
work. His soul-thrilling kiss set me in a blaze.
He seemed to wish to uncover my neck : the re
moval of my neckerchief and half-a-dozen buttons
undone behind, not only enabled him to lay my bo
som entirely bare, but my shoulders also. He made
the most wanton observations on their whiteness,
size and beauty; called them a most charming pair
of pouting bubbies, and said, he had no doubt my
hidden beauties were equally voluptuous and desir
able; but what could exceed my surprise and ad
miration, when he pulled up his shirt, and dis
covered to me that monstrous thing, about which I
had so often dreamt and agitated myself, of a thick
ness and length perfectly frightful, as it stood in
all its pride and stiffness. I devoured its shape,
head and appendages, as it started in convulsive
throbs before me. He then tumbled me backwards
—I had not the power to resist him, though I felt
that he was lifting up all my garments and exposing
my most secret parts. An exclamation of joyful
surprise broke from him, as he caught a view of my
person. My native modesty had made me close my
limbs, which were now perfectly naked, but his
hands opened them to their fullest extent, in spite
of entreaties. “How can you now, Tom, use me
so 2 It's quite a shame to expose my person in this


way. ”—“I must, my dear, dear sister, " said he.

“What a bright, transparent skin | What beauti
ful legs l what round, white, soft, fleshy and volup
tuous thighs what a rough and hairy concern you
have got here ! ”—“ Really, Tom, you are too bad ;
you make my face burn like scarlet, ” and I put
both my hands over the spot he had named. They
were soon, howeyer, pulled off, and I found his fin
gers busily opening the hot and fiery cell of my
virginity. I could not prevent him—I lay fluttering
like a wounded partridge—the victim of lust. If I
looked up, the truncheon of love was throbbing
before me, and rendered me perfectly reckless of
any consequences. Enjoyment I wanted ; and I
facilitated all his endeavours for that purpose. He
placed a cushion under me—I was completely ex
posed to his touch :-he opened the lips of the vir
gin slit ; he touched the sensitive nerve; he laid
down upon my body, and dividing the lips of my
moss-rose, lodged the head of his capacious instru
ment between them. I still thought he meant to
go no further; he put his arms round me—I clung
eagerly to him, and abandoned myself to the trans
ports of the moment. We kissed each other with
fervour unceasingly. “Have you ever been en
joyed, my sweet girl?” said he. “Oh I never, " said
I. “Why cannot we give each other pleasure ?—
you are ready for the amorous conflict—I am mad
dening for it. My instrument is throbbing against

your eager avenue. Let me enter, my sweet girl—

let me push it in but a short way. ”—“Ah, no, no,”
I exclaimed, “cannot you be satisfied to do as yes
terday?”—“Oh Betsy, ” said he, “can I witness
your impassioned look?—Can I look at these throb
bing breasts heaving with desire, and not feel emo
tion ?–Can I know that I am now standing stiffly,
ready for the encounter, placed at the very entrance
of the portal of love, and that portal a virginity?—
no, no, impossible. I must—I must, by heavens
—I must put it in ” A gentle movement of his
bottom sent the instrument lip deep ; another, and
the head was in ; a third, I found opening the rose
leaves of my pucelage. He was on the high way to
happiness; I felt him every instant making more
way, penetrating by inches. He hurt me, but I
heeded it not—I was maddened, intoxicated, and
felt ready for sacrifice. He had placed me so ad
vantageously for his purposes that his most trifling
movement told. I felt distinctly the fibres of his
instrument as he advanced and drew back. He
kept up a short and steady rocking motion, which
provoked passion, and made me, in spite of myself,
reply to his movements. Oh with what rapture
did I meet his thrusts How loud were my sighs .
how ardent my expressions of delight ! “Oh, hea
vens ! ” I exclaimed, “what pleasure. This is
beyond my hopes—beyond my expectations. Oh
Tom, my dearest Tom, I will ever love you ; do you

love me, are you gratified ?" Kisses long and ar

dent followed these expressions, whilst the mighty
engine kept working its way within me. I felt that
the narrow limit was filled : I felt the head of the
instrument distinctly : I still kept up, working my
loins to meet him, and had flung my head back and
shut my eyes, to enjoy the full swing of the imagi
nation. “Are you fainting, my sweet 2 ” said he,
“are you dissolving?”—“No, my dear Tom, ” I
returned, hiding my face in his shoulder, “ but I
think I soon shall. " He began to move faster—I
kept pace with him—our movements were violent.
I cried, laughed and sighed by turns, as I felt the
intoxicating moment coming with furious haste
upon me. “Oh ” said he, “my love—Betsy—my
queen—sister—love—I am coming—I am coming—
Oh! there ! ” At this instant I found shot into my
very vitals that hot liquid, so maddening to the fe
male—so exquisite in its administration; but so
fatal in its consequences to the unmarried. I
shrieked as the boiling juice was spouted into me;
another followed; but before I had received a third,
I had lost all remembrance of the scene in an hys
terie. -

Upon my recovering, I found myself sitting

upright in the arms of Tom. My clothes were down
certainly, but my bosom was entirely bare, and my
hair, having got loose from the comb, hung over
my naked shoulders, and I was in dreadful disor.

der. I threw my arms round the dear fellow's neck,

and sobbed upon his bosom, for my heart was full
of the tenderest love for him. I wished him to
leave me alone, and he kindly complied, kissing me
with a fervour that re-kindled my desires; had he
pressed it, I should again have yielded—I felt I could
refuse him nothing.

I went to my bedroom, and there found it would

be necessary to change my chemise—lord | lord l
how it was marked—the whole story of my virgi
nity might be read upon its tail.

When I had dressed I went down to dinner, and

learned with sorrow that Tom had been sent by
my father to a neighbouring town, to bring some
papers from his lawyer. This evening I passed in
a feverish impatience, for he came not. He re
turned to breakfast in the morning. We met like
lovers after a long separation. During the morning
I was in my boudoir, when my father entered, lead
ing in my sweet ravisher. I could perceive from
the countenance of each that something of impor
tance had passed between them, and my father un
dertook to explain the cause to me. “My sweet
child, ” said he, “ you are now come to years of
discretion, and I ought to explain a secret which,
for motives not now necessary to give you, I have
kept from your knowledge. Tom is not my son;

but the child of an old college friend, whose fin

ances were exhausted by play. You have hitherto
looked upon him as your brother; perhaps, in a
year or two you could prevail upon yourself to ac
cept him as a husband, for I mean to share my for
tune between you.” I could hear no more—I sunk
into the extended arms of Tom, who kissed me
again to life. When I came to myself, I turned my
eyes on my fascinating seducer, “Did I hear aright?
are we, indeed, strangers in blood?" A long kiss
that half recovered me was the reply. We reeled
to the couch—we both sunk upon it. I drew up my
clothes (think how shocking that was!) to be ready.
He was in the act of unbuttoning his trousers, when
it occurred to me that the door was not fastened,
and that papa might return. I told Tom of it; he
hastened to bolt it, when he luckily heard some one
coming; he gave me the signal; I jumped up, ad
justed my clothes, and with a pair of old scissors
began to trim the flowers in the balcony. My
father entered, and was delighted to see me so com
pletely recovered: the rest of the day he spent with
us. What need I say more, my dear Miss Wilson ?
but during the happy fortnight of his stay, every
moment we could pass in secret was devoted to
passion. He left me only for a short time; he is to
return next month, when I am to be a bride, and
Tom is to go to sea no more. Think, my dear friend,
how my young heart beats for that moment:—think

of my impassioned dreams. I go over repeatedly

all we have done together, and feel that I must love
this dear fellow for ever.
I remain, my dear friend,
Yours very faithfully,
March, 1839.

NATURE makes her own laws—peculiar and parti

cular—without stopping to bother about the idio
syncracies of civilization or the virtues of society.
We are simply animals, with a je ne sais quoi added
that is inexplicable, and that we can only realize in
a weak, helpless, fumbling sort of way. Therefore,
when we meet fellow-creatures with queer ideas of
lubricity or sexual inversions, do not let us get
excited, either with lust or indignation, but try to
look the thing squarely in the face and think the
matter out, wrestling with the monster, all sentiment
thrown aside, and trampling on conventional cant.
We have all been taught that the marriage state
with sober copulation in view of perpetuating the
human race is the real ideal of sexual intercourse
in this world, and that all other systems of voluptuous
indulgence are illicit aud criminal, leading besides
to eternal damnation.

This theory is like the basis of all religions, charm

ing, consoling and too sweet to be true; it means
good-will on earth, virtue and abnegation in both

All sensible people know that our passions prevent

this utopian state ever being attained and are obli
ged to confess that simple coition with a legal mate,
sparing of forbidden caresses, and mysteriously
carried out in darkness, is rarely satisfactory even
to the most pure and ethereal couples.
Whether married or unmarried, the love of crea
tion generally accompanies the Act with a peculiar
set of antics which vary according to taste, age and
climate, Very often these preliminaries and hors
a'oeuvres are preferred by both parties, and in love's
drama the prologue is sometimes more enjoyable
than the dénouement,
To try and catalogue these aids to pleasure would
necessitate alife-time, and although no doubt a uni
versal dictionary of lascivious manias is wanting in
every erotic library, the genius who could compile
such a desirable work has yet to be born. Our task
is merely to glance at a single branch of the prolific
tree bearing the fruit of good and evil and say a few
words about & flagellation ) as a help to enjoyment
when man links his robust body with woman's sculp
tural frame.

Plunging boldly into the midst of our subject, we

begin by stating the well-known fact that cruelty is

inherent to the human race, but education stops our

natural instincts, which we show as boys by our
ill-treatment of dogs, cats and insects, until it is
thrashed out of us and we are taught to know
better. Enough of this feeling remains in some to
create intense sensual excitement when holding
under physical or moral domination a creature of
the opposite sex.
(.... Tu auras fait le mal à un étre humain et tu
seras aimé du méme étre : c’est le bonheur le plus
grand que l'on puisse concevoir. ) *
It is of course impossible to classify and catalogue
the degrees of violence that cruelty applied to
voluptuous passion contains, but it evidently ranges
from downright horror and murder, as exemplified
in Suetonius, down to the comedy of two lovers
whipping each other in turns for fun. There is no
doubt also that the voluptuary, who gives large
sums to procuresses to ravish virgins, possesses
also this mania, and the pain he inflicts upon his
mistress of a moment lends additional zest to his
Some flagellants will only whip young girls and
the « Mysteries of Werbena House will please all
those who wish to know how boarding-school dis
cipline is carried on.
The flogging desire is generally supposed to flou
1. Les Chants de Maldoror, Paris et Bruxelles, chez tous les
libraires, 1874, in-18.

rish with extraordinary vitality in England and to

be the pet vice of the Anglo-Saxon. Without seeking
to exonerate this robust race, whose strong shoul
ders can well bear the burden, if true, we seriously
think that all over the world the same pleasure of
whipping and being whipped is to be equally found,
and there is not a brothel in any city where rods
and whips are not kept in reserve to use on the
posteriors of the customers, or the delicate charms
of the venal nymphs, according to wishes expressed
and paid for.
References both serious and in jest will be found
in all erotic librairies and “ The Kama-Sutra " +
gives chapters on various modes of striking, biting
and scratching women. In all erotic books in every
language there will be found episodes concerning
all kinds of whipping lubricity.
There are women who like to be ill-treated, rang
ing from the prostitute who takes a black eye from
her bully as a proof of love, to the patrician dame
who begs her perfumed swains to pinch her plump
arms and prick her soft skin with her own golden,
bejewelled bonnet-pins.
Cruelty exists among Lesbians too, either when
jealousy is aroused or as a spur to mutual enjoyment.
Some men experience pleasure in beating or being
beaten and humiliated by their own sex, as shown
1. London and Benares, 1883, 7 parts, 8vo. There are other
editions in English and in French.

by Krafft-Ebing.” Passive sodomites, too, ofttimes

delight to be roughly handled by their partners.
But the commonest form of flagellation and mild
cruelty is the voluntary submission of men to women.
They love to he treated as if they were veritable
slaves, and they generally pay dearly to be thus ill
used and themselves draw up a programme of the
penances they wish to have inflicted. Severe flog
ging is often asked for, stipulating binding or
strapping down, and sometimes they are satisfied
with being insulted and forced (?) to perform repug
nant tasks and obscene acts, such as is mentioned
in “La Corruption Fin-de-Siècle,” where an indi
vidual of this type is delighted to lick the seat of a
water-closet in a Paris house of ill-fame.
The philosopher must not be astonished at any
vagary, however lewd, horrible and repulsive, or
simply grotesque, when venereal passion forms the
We hope these few foregoing words have proved
what we wished to show, namely that there exist all
over the world, a large number of men and women
who delight to practise flagellation and cruelty in
all its forms, as an accompaniment or as an induce
ment to love's paroxysm, and in our own enlightened
times, obeying the fatal necessity of classification,
we place Jack the Pipper at the top of the class and
1. Psycopathia Serualis, Paris, Carré, 1895, 8vo.
1. Paris, Noirot, s. d. in-18.

at the bottom the anonymous voluptuaries who

answer advertisements of this kind in the news
papers of London and Paris :

º Electric Baths et Massage.—Nurse May and six

lady assistants receive patients, 11 to 9, Sundays
included. Rheumatism cured. Discipline treat
ment. (sic !) "
Sporting Times, London, May 8, 1897.
* Jeune femme, très jolie, magnifique chevelure
blonde, Vénitienne, élégante et fine cravache, habi
tuée aux hommages et agissant en maîtresse absolue,
désire union avec monsieur aisé, de préférence âgé,
soumis et sans volonté. Ecrire, Altesse, '' etc.

** Jeune femme, 25 ans, brune, joli type oriental,

connaissant à fond l'éducation anglaise, cherche
union aisée avec personne sérieuse, douce et soumise.
Écrire à, " etc.
Le Journal, Paris, May 22, 1897.
The following is a copy of a reply sent by one of
the above fascinating Parisian lady flagellants to a
would-be client :

Paris, Dimanche.
** Nous verrons ce que valent vos belles protesta
tions d'obéissance et de soumission lorsque vous
viendrez demain, lundi, au rendez-vous que je
daigne vous accorder. J'éprouverai un âpre plaisir à

vous humilier, à vous tenir subjugué, anéanti, sous

mon fouet, dans le collier de chien qui vous attend ;
à satisfaire enfin sur tout votre être devenu * ma
chose ', les fantaisies les plus tyranniques de mon
A genoux, dès votre entrée, vous me remercierez
de l'honneur que je vous fais de vous recevoir comme
esclave, et préparez-vous à subir, sans le moindre
geste ou mot de révolte, toutes les épreuves où
sombrera, sous ma volonté, votre fameuse dignité
d'homme. Donc, à demain, lundi, 4 h. 30 m. précises,
Je vous crois déjà assez obéissant pour être
Votre maîtresse absolue,

(Address, etc.)

We have left to the last a few remarks upon the

medical side of the question, as flagellation is always
to be found quoted as an aphrodisiac in treatises on
impotency and sluggish veneral action. Meibomius
in his well-known pleasantly-written little pamphlet :
* A Treatise on the Use of Flogging in Venereal
Affairs, " of which there are many editions in all
languages, sums up as follows :
* .... Stripes upon the back and loins, as parts
appropriated for the generating of the seed, and
carrying it to the genitals, warm and inflame those

parts, and contribute very much to the irritation of

lechery.” "
In “Aphrodisiaque Externe, ou Traité du Fouet,” ”
the same idea is stated.
We timidly put forth the following theory, as a
personal opinion given for what it is worth and
without pig-headed prejudice. If warmth and irri
tation applied to the back (posteriors 2) and loins are
conducive to copulation, would not more simple
radical means answer the purpose ? Friction with
horsehair gloves and alcohol in mild cases; mustard
plasters and blistering in others, should have the
same effect, without the apparently childish and
humiliating ceremonies which generally form the
concomitants of erotic fustigation.
In “La Génération Humaine, " by G. J. Wit
kowski, * we find :
“Le Dr. Roubaud préconise la flagellation contre
l'atonie des organes génitaux. ll a fait construire,
à cet usage, un balai métallique formé d'une cen
taine de fils flexibles, qui par la diversité de leur
composition (cuivre, laiton, fer, platine, etc.), déga
geraient une certaine quantité d'électricité et dont
l'action stimulante s'ajouterait à celle de la flagel
Until proof of the contrary we think that this me
1. T. C. Hotten's edition, London, 1872.
2. S. l. (Paris?), 1788, in-18, front.
3. Paris, Steinheil, 1884, 8vo. fig.
The Philosophy of Modern FLAGELLATION 125

tallic broom would be most effective in the hands of

a pretty woman. We have never yet heard ofaused-up
husband being secretly treated by a disciple of D. Rou
baud, and then, fresh from the simulating electric ef
fect of the flogging, rushing, a new man, Into the
conjugal alcove, where his devoted wife is peace
fully sleeping, ignorant of the learned preparation
and the surprise in store for her. Such, we take it,
should scientific flagellation be, if such exists at all.
So we venture to think that Meibomius and others
following in his wake, wishing to air their views on
this very fascinating and tabooed subject, in order
to procure publication, were careful to lay stress on
the medical pedal to avoid the rigours of police cen
sorship and reassure the casual reader.
Flagellation, we think, is useless without the
adjuncts of lascivious exposure of the body and sala
cious subjugation ; pain, shame and humiliation
exciting to the highest point the nervous system of
the givers and takers in either sex. This conviction
is, we believe, presented for the first time here in
print; but modestly, dubiously, and “with fear and
trembling," in the face of so many learned authori
ties and members of the medical profession.
Jean Jacques Rousseau, who is always quoted on
this head, says in his “Confessions”:
... “J'avais trouvé dans la douleur, dans la honte
méme, un mélange de sensualité qui m'avait laissé
plus de désirs que de crainte "...

(The italics are ours.)

The same transparent and excusable mockery is
often met with in works bearing upon the vice of
sodomy. The authors all begin by abusing the un
fortunate creatures who are afflicted with the pen
chant pederastic, so as to be able to present their
work without being branded as propagators of im
morality. A little cynical frankness might be ad
vantageous in such instances, and enable us once in
a way to catch an old proverb tripping and touch
pitch without being defiled. But from recent signs,
however, we are pleased to see that these misleading
attacks of false indignation are fast growing out of
fashion, and nowadays we are beginning to write of
vice, because vice exists. Is any other excuse neces
sary? It ought not to be, but as we pen these lines
we are perfectly aware of the fact that we run the
danger of being called “bloodthirsty floggers, "
simply because we gossip about the whipping mania.
We have endeavoured to obtain the views and
opinions of medical men on the subject of castiga
tion in re venerea, but some of our friends were too
busily occupied with their professional duties, and
others wrote stating their interest in the question,
but begged to be excused owing to their inability to
write for the press. This fear of putting the frank,
honest thought to paper for lack of literary practice
troubles precisely those people whose judgment is
most worthy of appeal. The following “ notes "

were sent us by a doctor practising in the “modern

Athens "of the North, and we think they will prove
of some interest to our readers. At first our friend,
like others, declined.

Under date of March 13th, 1897, he wrote : —

“With regard to the proposal mentioned in your
letter that I should write an Article on Flagellation
from a medical point of view, I feel that I must
decline, not but that I would gladly do so if I could;
but I have never written anything in my life except
a letter and am no author, and therefore could not
know how to set about it.
“It must, however, be a very interesting subject,
as indeed is the whole subject of Flogging. It is
much to be regretted that the Practice has so much
gone out of fashion in these days, I believe in this
country (Scotland), the boys will never under any
circumstances get their bottoms birched — More is
the pity.”

Two days later (March 15th) the worthy doctor

wrote us again : —
“I have been thinking over your suggestion and
have succeeded in putting on paper a few crude
ideas which I herewith enclose.
“If they are of any use to you, you are welcome
to them : if not, I should ask you to put them in the
fire and burn them. Anyhow, if you use them or

not, I must ask you to treat it as an anonymous

communication and not to mention my name in
any way.”

We give the notes and the name of our correspon

dent is, as desired, withheld.




“This is a subject which has engaged the atten

tion of mankind from the earliest times. It was
largely practised in ancient Greece and also amongst
the Romans : indeed, it may be said to have culmi
nated to its greatest perfection during the orgies of
Imperial Rome. It has gone on more or less in all
countries to the present day, but notably perhaps in
the 17th and 18th centuries, when in France espe
cially, it was largely indulged in, women in all ranks
of society taking a special delight in flogging the
posteriors of their male admirers.
“It is a well-known fact that flogging the bottom
of a man or a youth excites the most lascivious de
sires, so much so that many men like to be well
whipped before they attempt connubial intercourse;
and it is seen in the Animal World as well, for when

a stallion cannot be got to cover a mare, a few sharp

strokes with a whip across his loins will make him
do his duty at once. Of course, most young lads,
just entering puberty, are bursting with lust and
desire, and have no difficulty, when opportunity
offers, of proving themselves men; but there are
some youths, eager for the fray, and yet all too shy,
timid or modest to make the first attempt. For
them a good sound birching on their bare bottoms
will soon bring them to reason. I remember being
told a rather whimsical story many years ago by a
physician long since dead. One day, sitting in his
consulting-room, a young gentleman was shown in
who said he wished to consult him. He was a very
good-looking and well-dressed young fellow, but
seemed very shy. After a good deal of hesitation
he said that he had been married just a week, and
that he and his wife were staying in a neighbouring
hotel on their wedding tour, but that much to his
mortification, he had never yet been able to have his
wife properly, that he much wanted to, and that he
knew what he ought to do, but that he could not
get an erection. The medical man listened to him
intently and then said that, if he would put himself
entirely in his hands and submit to a drastic remedy,
he throught he eould cure him. The young gentle
man promised implicit obedience to his directions—
whereupon the physician said, ‘I shall call upon you
to-night just before you and your wife go to bed,

and when you are in bed I shall come into your bed
room and then give you the necessary medecine. '—
All this happened, and when the young couple were
quietly in bed the doctor appeared with a ladies'
small riding-whip in his hand. He rapidly pulled
the clothes down and before the young man knew
what was going to be done he found himself quietly
turned over on his face, his night-shirt pulled up
and a quick succession of stinging cuts raining down
on his backside.
“This went on for some time until the doctor
putting his hand underneath him found his patient's
cock stiff and hard, when he said, “ Mount your
wife at once, Sir, and do your duty like a man.'
To his intense delight the patient found that he could
do so, the doctor continuing the flogging all the
time of copulation until the final act came. He then
retired, after saying to the bride, ‘My dear Lady,
whenever you find your husband cannot do his duty,
repeat this medicine, and you will find that it will
never fail; in fact, I should advise you always to
take a whip to bed with you.' Some few years after
wards, he said that he received a letter from his
patient thanking him for his treatment and saying
that he was the father of three children
“Women have been known to take great delight
in whipping the bottoms of both girls and boys,
because it causes such lewd and lascivious feelings,
and what is perhaps more extraordinary, it is a

well-known fact, that many boys of all ages, young

men, and men grown-up, take delight in having
their bottoms well whipped, especially by a woman,
as when a woman whips them it excites a randy feel
ing to a most marked degree.
“ I was told once by a gentleman who kept a
large establishment of servants, grooms and foot
men, that he used to go into their bedrooms of a
morning and call them, which he did in the most
effectual of all ways, by giving them a good flog
ging, and that he invariably found that if their cocks
were not ‘standing ' at the moment he began, a
few stinging cuts with a whip soon made them as
stiff and as hard as possible, very often leading to
the final discharge.
“Just a few words about the portion of the body
so erroneously called “ the private parts. ' Up to
16 or 17 all boys' bottoms are very much the same,
white and soft, round and firm and plump, but after
about 17 they very often change, and seem to take
on an individuality of their own.—Some always
remain white and soft and plump although, of
course, getting bigger; others get red and beefy,
others get hard and almost horny, and some, I have
seen, almost covered with hair; but, I may say that
all feel the influence of being touched up with one
or the other of the different implements in use—the
birch, tawse, cane or whip, and of these four the
last two are certainly the best.

“ It is curious and at the same time very inter

esting to see their cocks gradually stiffen and get
hard under the influence of a whipping, and there
is no doubt that many boys and youths, so far from
disliking it, really get fond of the discipline, and
would ask for it for the sake of the pleasurable
sensations which it causes.—I should be inclined
to say that a lad's virile powers do not always de
pend upon his being strong, hearty and lusty.
Some of the most lascivious youths that I have seen
have been frail effeminate-looking creatures, that
one would scarcely have supposed were capable of
anything, but I think that they are the worst.
When you see a lad with a big large bottom you
may feel pretty certain that he is strong after women,
and even if, as is generally the case, he has got a
small cock, for it is a curious thing that you will
find a large bottom generally associated with a
small cock and vice versá ; and as a rule it is the
large-bottomed lad who soonest gets a woman in
the family way.
“One of the biggest bottoms I ever saw belonged
to a young fellow (now a soldier) who had almost
a tiny cock, and yet he could never touch a wo
man without getting her with child ; I suppose
that it was the powerful muscles behind which did
it. ”



Our doctor's observations on the contour and

formation of that most noble and necessary part

of the human frame, the arse, are hardly original,
while being exceedingly interesting. We quote the
following from Pisanus Fraxi :—
“Mr. Hotten cut out of the “Preliminary Ad
dress " two passages in which prints are men
tioned, and suppressed in toto a curious and facetious
letter (covering, in the original, four pages), in
which a correspondent, “Philopodex, " communi
cates to the editor his opinions and advice respect
ing illustrations for “a very superb work to be
forthcoming very soon, entitled, “An Exhibition of
Female Flagellants. ' " “ In the first place then
(he observes), I hope (a hope the title seems to en
courage me in), it will consist of a display of Female
Backsides, for though I think a Lady's Bum unco
vered an agreeable and diverting object, I would
not give a farthing to see a man's A–, this I be
lieve is only agreeable to persons of a certain
description, too bad to be countenanced. But to
see the representation of an agreeable young Lady
1. Indea: Librorum Prohibitorum (pages 245 et seq.), London,

having her petticoats pulled up, and her pretty

pouting Backside laid bare, and seeming to feel the
tingling stripes of a rod, is amusing enough : such
is that excellent print of yours, the Countess Du
Barry's Whim, which is nearly perfect in its kind—
I would, therefore, have your book contain such
subjects and such descriptions.— Now a word or
two to the engraver. Let him portray the Lady's
Backside, which no doubt will be the principal
figure in the piece, round, plump, and large; ra
ther over than under the size which the usual
proportion of painters and statuaries would allow ;
let him in general present it full and completely
bared to the eye; though in some plates for variety,
he may give it us sidelong, or a little bit of the
Lady's under petticoat or shift shading some part
of it, and let it be remembered, that if he has that
complete knowledge of his subject I imagine he has,
and is a man of genius, a large field is open before
him to display it in. He may show us several dif
ferent sorts of Backsides, all of them natural, and
proper ; all of them elegant, and handsome (for
there is almost as much difference in tails as in
heads), but not all alike; he certainly will not give
the little round firm backside of fifteen to five and
thirty, nor the full mellow bum of the middle-aged
Lady, to the boarding-school Miss. ” “ Philopo
dex " proceeds to give directions as to the imple
ment to be used, not “a great wisp of something

which they suppose will do to represent a rod, "

but a “stinging tickle-tail, the dread of naughty
Miss—a tingling rod, which the admirers of this
diversion might know to be made of their darling
birch, " and he hints: “It is probable that in some
of these prints there will be other figures besides
the principal, the bare a—'d Lady; now, though we
cannot have the satisfaction of seeing the pretty
bums of them all, an ingenious delineator might so
contrive it, to heighten the lusciousness of the
whole piece, that one by some careless posture
might show her legs, another her breasts, and the
dress of others might be so managed, as to give
us the idea of a very large and full backside, con
cealed under the swelling drapery. Thus would
each plate present us with a very beautiful and en
tertaining tout ensemble, and these little circum
stances and adjuncts prove a seasonable relief to the
eye, fatigued and overpowered by the blaze of
beauty, from the naked a-e of the Lady enjoying
the sweets of the Birch, darting full upon us, with
out the least bit of petticoat, or smock interpo
sing, by way of cloud, to ease our scorched sen
ses. " “ Philopodex " concludes in a P. S. : “I
thought it unnecessary to advise you, that all the
figures should be dressed ; every Lady should have
her shift on at least; nakedness must always in these
matters be partial, to give the highest degree of
satisfaction. ”

The second part of the “ Exhibition of Female

Flagellants "is similar to the first—a collection of
anecdotes about birchings administered by female
hands; the use of flowers * in re venerea is dilated
upon : “After she had done (whipping her) she
took Miss N. to the garden, and picked for her a
beautiful nosegay, but so monstrously large that
she was almost ashamed to wear it. However, as
her friend wore one of an equal size, she pinned it
to her bosom. “I see, my dear, 'said she, “you are
not acquainted with the secret influence, of flowers;
know, my dear girl, that their sweet perfume has
an uncommon effect on many men and women; but
to have that effect on men they most adorn a lovely
bosom like yours. ' " (p. 3) — According to the
correct fashion the bouquet should be very large,
and worn on the left side of the breast.

1. Refer on this subject to Mr. J. Davenport's “Aphrodi

siacs and Antiaphrodisiacs” (p. 107), in which he quotes
Cabanis to the following effect: “Odours act powerfully
upon the nervous system, they prepare it for all the plea
surable sensations; they communicate to it that slight distur
bance or commotion which appears as if inseparable from
emotions of delight, all which may be accounted for by their
exercising a special action upon those organs whence origi
nate the most rapturous pleasures of which our nature is
susceptible. In infancy its influence is almost nothing, as
in old age; its true epoch being that of youth, that of love. ”


It should not be forgotten that the fustigation

may be carried to lengths that reason and nature
alike reprove. For grown-up girls troubled with
hysteria, or disobedient wives afflicted with flip
pancy, there is and can be nothing so necessary
as a sound and vigorous smacking on the buttocks.
But children should be treated with more care and
leniency. The following remarks by a French doc
tor illustrate our meaning.


If flagellation, fustigation, palletation (smacking

the face of the hands with a leathern pallel), and
other punishments of the same kind are no longer
inflicted in our schools, there is an infantile cor
rection still employed, not by school-masters, but
by fathers and mothers themselves; we allude to
smacks administered with the flat of the hand on
the buttocks, the lumbar region and the back part
of the thighs of juvenile delinquents. We must
admit that this manner of operating is as injurious
1. Translated from “ l'Onanisme chez l'Homme ", by Dr.
Pouillet. Deuxième édition, Paris, Bataille et Cie.

as were fustigation and palletation. Whether ad

ministered by the naked hand, or by the hand armed
with a pallet, a cane, birches or rods, blows on the
buttocks or on their neighbourhood have the same
effect: they congestion the genital organs, deter
mining in them heat; they excite and erect them
and thus prematurely develop the idea of pleasure
in beings who endeavour to profit by the discove
ry. In children everything may lead to evil, and
parents ought to know it if they do not wish to be
come the iuvoluntary accomplices of the acts of
their offspring.


The following adventure of NED WARD, * is curious

and affords us at the same time a picture of the
brothels in his day. Being one night with his
friend, at the Widows, Coffee-House, in conversation
with the “Airy Ladies” of the establishment:-

“Who should grovel up Stairs, but, seemingly, a

Sober Citizen, in Cloke and Band, about the Age of
Siarty. Upon which the Old Mother of the Maids,
call'd hastily to Priss, and Whispering, ask'd her if
there were any Rods in the House ? I sitting just by,

1. Quoted by Pisanus Fraxi.


Overheard the Question : The Wench answer'd, Yes,

yes, You know I fetch'd sia, penny worth but Yesterday.
Upon the Entrance of this grave Fornicator, our
Ladies withdrew themselves from our Company,
and retir'd like Modest Virgins to their Secret Work
Room of Iniquity; and left the Old Sinner, in the
Winter of his Leachery, to warm his Grey-Hairs with
a Dram of Invigorating Cordial, whilst we pay’d our
Reckoning, were lighted down Stairs, and left the
Lustful Satyr (to the Same of his Age) a Prey to the
two Strumpets; who I believe, found himself in a
much worse Condition than a Breech between two
Stools, or Lot in Sodom, between the Merry Craks
his Buxom Daughters.... I ask’d him what was the
meaning, when the Old Leacher came into the Coffee
Room, that Mother Beelzebub ask'd the Wench whe
ther they had any Rods in the House? He smil'd
at my Question; and told me he believ'd he should
discover a new Vice to me which I Scarce had heard
of. That Sober seeming Saint, says he, is one of that
Classes in the Black School of Sodomy, who are
call'd by Learned Students in the Science of Debau
chery, Flogging Cullies. This Unnatural Beast gives
Money to those Strumpets which you See, and they
down with his Breeches and Scourge his Privities
till they have laid his Leachery. He all the time
begs their Mercy, like an Offender at a Whipping
Post, and beseeches their forbearance; but the more
importunate he seems for their favourable usage.

the severer Wapulation they are to exercise upon

him, till they find by his Beastly Extasy, when to
withhold their Weapons.


These female foederates are chiefly matrons; who,

grown weary of wedlock in its accustomed form,
and possibly impatient of that cold neglect and
indifference which, after a certain term, become
attendant upon Hymen, determined to excite, by
adventitious applications, those extasies which in
the earlier period of marriage they had exper
The respectable society, or club, of which we now
treat, are never less than twelve in number. There
are always six down, or stooping down, and six up.
They cast lots for the choice of station, and after a
lecture which is every evening read or spoken ex
tempore, upon the effects of flagellation, as expe
rienced from the earliest days to the present moment,
in monasteries, nunneries, bagnios, and private
houses, the six patients take their respective situa
tions, and the six agents placing bare those parts
which are not only less visible, but less susceptible
of material injury, and also most exquisite in point
1. By a concealed eye-witness.

of sensation, begin the courses of practice. The

chair-woman for the meeting accommodates each
with a stout engine of duty, and being herself the
fugal-woman in the evolutions, takes the right hand
of line, and pursues the manual exercise in what
manner, and with whatever variety she pleases: the
rest of rank keeping a watchful eye upon her per
formance, and not daring, under a penalty of a
double dose of the same nostrum, which is some
times more than the offenders can endure, either at.
or after the ceremony (sic ).
Agreeably to the fancy of the chair-woman, some
times the operation is begun a little above the
garter, and ascending the pearly inverted cone, is
carried by degrees to the dimpled promontories,
which are vulgarly called buttocks; until the whole,
as Shakespeare says, from a milky white,
“Becomes one red ' ' "

Sometimes the wanton, vagrant fibres are directed

to the more secret sources of painful bliss! sometimes
the curious, curling tendrils bask in the Paphian
grove 1 and sometimes, as the passions of the fair
directress rise, they penetrate even the sacred cave
of Cupid 1
There it is that the submissive patients generally,
with one voice, cry out, “It is too much " and
rising from their stations, express in the most feeling
language their several sensations.

The fair president now resigns her rod, the em

blem and engine of her office, to whom she thinks
the most adroit and capable, and together with the
remaining five, take the several stations of their
The course is recommenced with whatever ad
ditions and improvements the new performer pleases;
sometimes the process is reversed, and beginning
at the grove, and cave already mentioned, with
gentle applications proceeds to the swelling moun
tains, where the strokes growing more fierce and
frequent, the second file of patients cry out in their
turn for mercy


The passion for whipping in women is very great,

and has often been remarked. The following
lines “depict it with some vigour.
“To look at her majestic figure,
“Would make you caper with more vigour !
“The lightning flashing from each eye
“Would lift your soul to ecstacy
“Her milk-white fleshy hand and arm,
“That ev'n an Anchorite would charm,
“Now tucking in your shirt-tail high,
“Now smacking hard each plunging thigh,
1. Mde Birchini's Dance.

“ And those twin orbs that near 'em lie

“They to behold her di’mond rings,
“Ev’n them you'd find delightful things |
“But above all, you'd love that other
“That told you she was your Step-mother
“Then handing you the rod to kiss,
“She'd make you thank her for the bliss :
“No female Busby then you'd find,
“E'er whipt you half so well behind
“Her lovely face, where beauty smiled,
“Now frowning, and now seeming wild !
“Her bubbies o'er their bound'ry broke,
“Quick palpitating at each stroke
“With vigour o'er the bouncing bum
“She'd tell ungovern'd boys who rul’d at home !”


“I have heard itsaid of a great Lady in the world,

but very great, who, not being satisfied with her
natural lasciviousness; for she was versed in har
lotry and having been married had become a widow,
was wont to undress her dames and maids, delight
ing much to see them thus, and would then with
the flat of her hand beat their bottoms with many
hearty smacks and vigorous bangs. Or, when the
girls had done anything wrong, she had them well
birched and her satisfaction was then to see them
jump, moving and twisting their bodies and but
tocks, which according to the strokes they received

were very strange and diverting. At times, without

stripping them, she would make them lift their
garments; and as they wore no drawers, she would
smack or whip them on the bottoms according to
their offence, or to make them laugh, or else cry,
and these visions and contemplations would so shar
pen her appetite, that she would then often with
good intent go and satisfy it with some gallant
fellow both strong and robust.” “


The following experience is extracted from a

letter, dated March 13th, 1859, written by a gent
leman whose name I am not at liberty to divulge,
but whose veracity may be relied upon :-

“In my boyish days it was customary in prepara

tory schools to have boys and girls together under a
woman, and where the rod was used on all occasions
with the utmost severity. We used to be birched
in the presence of each other, the girls across the
knee, or held under the arm, the boys on the back
of a maid-servant. This latter used often to come
to our rooms, and play the school-mistress, so did
most of the girls. I have a vivid recollection of

1. Brantôme, Vies des Dames Galantes.


some extraordinary scenes in this line which have

given me the perfect conviction of numerous women
possessing the taste in question. In the school
mentioned above, the female who always assisted
the mistress was evidently most fond of seeing the
operation, though she liked us all, and was herself a
great favourite with the boys; but it was always with
a giggle and a joke that she told several boys almost
every morning that they were not to get up until
Missus had “paid them a visit,' or after seeing them
in bed, telling them they were to keep awake until
Missus should have had ‘a little conversation with
them, ' that moreover she might be expected every
moment with a couple of tremendous rods. This
girl put us up to a great deal, and I fear developed
our puberty far too precociously; she had a very
large breast, and she arranged her dress so that,
while being horsed, we had our hands completely
slipped into, and feeling her bubbies; and the
rocking and plunging used repeatedly to bring on
emission. Many of the boys used to try to get whip
ped, merely to experience this sensation. Although
40 years have elapsed since all this, yet the remem
brance is as vivid as if it had occurred only yes


“The following passage, " says Pisanus Fraxi,

“ which I extract from the MEMOIRs of John BELL,
a Domestic Servant, London 1797, “is still more to the
point :—

“The next service in which I found myself was

that of a widow lady of fortune, whose family con
sisted of two nieces in their teens and a nephew
twelve years old. She had been a handsome wo
man, and had still a fine person. When she engaged
me, she said she should expect me to assist her in
anything that she required, which I at once promised
to do. What this “anything ' was soon appeared,
for when I brought in breakfast the next morning,
she asked me whether I had ever been servant in a
school, and helped to whip the children? I ans
wered I had not, but had often whipt my brother,
whom I had taught to read. Some half-hour after,
her nephew ran against me when I had a plate in
my hand, which fell to the ground and was broken.
‘Now, John,' said she, “hold that boy fast, while I
get a good rod for his impudent bottom.” Which

1. I have not seen either of these volumes, but use the MS.
extracts made by a gentleman who took a special interest
in all matters connected with the Rod.

she speedily produced out of a press, and handed to

me, adding, “Sit down, and give it him, as you
did your brother.' I lost no time in stripping the
little fellow and administered to him a proper cor
rection, my mistress looking on with evident satis
faction. ‘Very well," she said, “ you see what that
boy wants, and you can give it him whenever he
deserves it, but only in my presence, mind that.'
I now perceived she had a violent passion for seeing
children whipt, but I own my astonishment was
excessive, when, the same evening after tea, she
ordered me to perform the same ceremony on the
two nieces. It was indeed something novel for the
young ladies of a house to be flogged by the foot
man, and to have their white thighs brought into
contact with his red plush breeches. When my
mistress perceived that I hesitated, she looked
sternly at me and cried, ‘ Instantly, on that sofa, or
you leave the place, and pulling up the elder girl's
petticoats, and pinning her shift high up, she pushed
her towards me. I laid her gently across my knees,
and though pretending to use force, tickled her so
lightly that she was soon up again, more frightened
than hurt. Not so the younger sister, who was short
and stout, with a cross ugly face, but magnificent
posteriors, which I am ashamed to say Ilashed vigo
rously with far different feelings from those I ex
perienced in chastising her slim and handsome com
panion. A slight second whipping for the boy

closed the day's entertainment. I need not detail

the various modes in which I executed my new and
unexpected duties. In the morning she generally
liked them whipt, while she sat at her work, count
ing the cuts and her stitches. In the evening she
usually took it over her tea, sipping it out of her
saucer, saying quietly, “Please, John, a little more
on that right buttock — that will do!” This occu
pation, however, took up so much of my time that I
required the assistance of a page to get through
my work. This my mistress at first refused, but
acquiesced when I remarked that he would probably
require a great deal of correction. So I chose a lad
from the workhouse, sturdy and chubby, who, the
master said, ‘ took a deal of hiding.' I made him
sleep in my room, so that I could keep him always
clean, and his backside fit to be exhibited to a lady.
As he was hard to hold, four staples were, at my
suggestion, driven into the drawing-room wall, to
which he was attached like a spread eagle. These
were concealed from notice, the two upper by pic
tures, the two lower by a footstool. You may ima
gine that a stout urchin of fifteen, inured to punish
ment, afforded my mistress more occasions for her
favourite diversion than the three genteel young
people put together.
“But these scenes, as for as I was concerned,
drew rapidly to a close. Notwithstanding this lewd
taste, my mistress was pratically a dragon of virtue,

and, on discovering that a tender relation existed

between her pretty waiting-maid and myself, she
turned us both out of the house at a moment's warn
ing, and at great discomfort to herself. How she
got on afterwards I don't know, as another service
took me into a distant part of the country. I heard,
however, that my two pupils, having considerable
fortunes, made good marriages. I have frequently
seen them in their carriages in London streets, and
thought how little their husbands knew of the part
I had taken in their education.”
Whilst Love Predominate over our Souls,
A Pox on Counsel from tedious Old Fools;
Reproofs of the Church-men but whet us the more,
Whilst liberty Teaches
And appetite Preaches,
No wealth like a Bottle, no joy like a Wh-.
Long Tales of Heav'n to fools are given,
But we put in pleasure to make the Scale even;
Thus Kissing, and Wenching, and Drinking, brave
We drive out Collicks
By nightly Frolicks,
And drown short Life in a Deluge of Joys.

At the time I kept a school in the North Riding of

Yorkshire, I was once invited to a “little dinner, "
at the house of a neighbouring schoolmaster, with
whom I had hitherto had little acquaintance. He
had the reputation of a clever man, of amiable dis
position, but with a decided taste for the birch and
a fancy for using it in the strangest ways. He was
a widower, and his home was kept by a housekeeper
who went by the name of Mother Birch, from her
supposed ability in the fabrication of rods that had
a fine sting in them. When I arrived, I found the
party consisted of two other pedagogues and myself.
The one, whom I will designate as Dr. S., was the
Master of the large Grammar School in the town of
B—t, which he conducted with great ability aud
1. From Pisanus Fraxi, who states that this little piece
has not before appeared.

severity, and which had the peculiarity that all the

assistants had licence to flog as well as the head
master, and were encouraged by his example to
indulge that licence as far as possible. But the
result was generally good, and as the boys were,
many of them, successful at the Universities, nobody
cared for the dunces whose posteriors passed from
usher to usher on to the final arm of the Doctor
himself, which he proudly asserted to be still the
most vigorous in the school. The other guest,
whom I will call Mr. T., was a younger man than
myself, of a most agreeable exterior, but, from the
shortness of his figure, the clearness of his com
plexion, and the curliness of his light hair, wearing
an almost boyish appearance. He had been tutor
in a noble family, who had enabled him to set up a
small genteel school, and had entrusted their own
children to his care. After the usual salutations,
talk about the weather, and an enquiry of the
Doctor, “whether he had had sufficient exercise in
school this damp day; ” to which the sage replied,
“only fifteen, and two of them babies; ” we entered
the dining-room. It was a spacious apartment, and,
looking round, I saw that, besides the lights on the
table, there were four candelabras in the corners of
the room, which appeared to be held up by four
boys, with their faces to the wall, their trousers
down to their heels, and their shirts pinned up to
their shoulders. I never saw four chubbier or

whiter bottoms. On a nearer inspection it was seen

that their hands were so fastened as to give them
the appearance of holding up the candles. As the
master of the house made no remark on these sin
gular pieces of furniture, and the servants took no
notice except pricking them with a fork as they
passed, we guests said nothing, though I observed
the Doctor casting ogrish eyes on one lad who
turned his head round with an expression of mani
fest terror. The conversation turned on ancient
sculpture, and when the first course was removed,
our host said, “I am desirous to colour those statues
of mine bright red, if these gentlemen will help
me, ’’ and the servant presented each of us with a
long springy rod, decked with a hundred buds.
The Doctor rushed at his choice, who reasonably
shrieked at his approach. For some time no sound
was heard but the swishing of the twigs, and the
roaring of the twigged. The backsides consigned
to Mr. F. and myself were only prettily striped;
that of our host was well reddened ; but the Doc
tor's was a mass of gore, and we tore him off from
it with some difficulty. When the lads were let
down, their schoolmaster sent them to bed, saluting
the sore burns with a vigorous kick, telling those
which had come off best that “he would make all
even to-morrow morning.” We certainly sat down
to our partridges with monstrous appetites, and
Dr. S. crunched the bones with his teeth as if they

had been those of the boy he had been flogging.

Nothing remarkable occurred till dessert, when
four small plates were placed at the corners of the
table, which were occupied by four charming boys
of twelve or thirteen, dressed in light-blue jackets
trimmed with silver-braid and very tight white
trousers. These Acolytes or Ganymedes, or what
ever you please, handed round the fruit, cake, and
wine, and cheerfully partook of the portions given
to them. I saw them, however, eye with anxiety a
long pasteboard box at the end of the table, which
our host now opened, saying, “These are the Sweet
meats for which my housekeeper is justly famous, "
and took out four most beautiful small rods, tied-up
with blue riband. He then made over the biggest
lad, his eldest nephew, to the Doctor's tender mer
cies, took the younger nephew to himself, and gave
the other two, his own children, to Mr. T. and my
self. They were across our knees in a trice : we
smacked the tight white trousers for some time in
an Epicurean way, before we untrussed them, while
the salacious Doctor could not stand the covering
for a moment, but got to the nakedness at once,
and, setting to with the rod, had worked it to a
stump, while we were still enjoying the urchins'
struggles. The housekeeper now came to carry off
the little fellows, sobbing and puling, and was
highly commended by the Doctor : “He had never
used a nicer rod; he should never be tired, if he

could always get such rods; ” and so on, till she

offered him a present of a dozen, which he accepted
with gratitude, adding, “ that he should reserve
them for his own children in the holydays.”
The conversation then naturally turned upon
whipping : our host, an old Etonian, taking off the
grotesque manner of Dr. Keate, and Mr. T. imitating
the absurd contortions of a school-fellow at Win
chester, which had the effect of making the master
laugh so much, he could not go on flogging. “Ah!
no wriggling would have stopped old Keate,” said
Dr. S., but said it would be great fun, to act what
Keate would have done in such a case. “I’ve no
objection, " said T., and helped our host to bring
out a horse from behind the curtain. “I should
like you to try that horse,” said he, “a boy is as
comfortable on it as in bed. ” T. was tied on, his
breeches taken down, and the drama begun. His
gestures and grimaces were most ludicrous; but it
was soon evident from the marks on his skin that
there was no fiction in the strokes of Dr. Keate. T.
took a few cuts as part of the play, but as they
became severer and showed no symptome of cessa
tion, he took a serious tone and desired to be let
down. Dr. Keate, however, took all this remon
strance as part of the performance, and Dr. S. and
I., with great laughter, affected to do the same.
“Let me try, " said Dr. S., “whether I can't stop
this fellow's impudence—let him down indeed!

A pretty notionſ won't stand it—won't he 2 we'll see

that; ” and, taking a fresh rod, he laid four or five
dozen into him, without a comma : his handsome
buttocks bled freely.
I now saw that the thing had gone too far. T.
was furious at the pain and the trick : I therefore
pushed the Doctor aside, and, with a new birch
in hand, cried out : “It is my turn now. What
say you, Master T., is this a joke or are you
fool enough to be angry?” “It’s no joke, " said
he, “as you all shall find to your cost. "-" Well,
then, said ſ, “if it's no joke, do your worst, and
I'll cut your arse off." He looked in my face, and
saw I meant what I said. “It is a joke, but a very
bad one; untie me and I will say nothing about it. "
I unfastened his right hand, made him shake hands
with all of us, wiped his buttocks, and covered
them with a napkin to keep his shirt from being
blooded, pulled up his trousers, and set him on his
legs again. As, after this incident, the talk did not
flow very easily, we sat down to whist, and it was
very ludicrous to see poor T. every now and then
putting his hand behind him and then playing the
wrong card. After a rubber or two, the party broke
up, Dr. S. declaring he had never spent a more
charming evening; but said, “ he still hoped to
whip a boy he had left to sit up to do an exercise,
and who boarded in his house, before he betook
himself to his conjugal duties. ” I told T., I hoped
The SchoolMASTER’s Little DINNER 159

his fundamental experiences would make him mer

ciful in his inflictions on others, and that I only
regretted we had not had the Doctor in his place to
complete the diversions of our “little dinner.”


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