Al Homoud2006
Al Homoud2006
Al Homoud2006
DOI 10.1007/s10706-005-1707-8
Technical Note
Abstract. The study is concerned with the influence of various factors on vibro compaction in
calcareous soils, This include effect of carbonate content, and influence of pore water pressures
in sand, settlements during vibrocompaction, vibroaccelerations during sand column instal-
lation compared to earthquake accelerations and finally the liquefaction design based on
average CPT parameters. Previous experiences with calcareous sands and literature review
confirm the necessity to apply a correlation factor for calcareous material to the raw cone
penetration resistance CPT values obtained in the field. Because of the very fragile grains of
the Dubai calcareous sands the penetration resistance will be influenced by crushing and
grinding. To accommodate for effect of calcareous sands on measured CPT values, a best fit
correlations formula called here ‘‘correlation factor’’ is developed. A parametric dynamic
triaxial liquefaction testing programme has been executed on representative samples with
loose and dense zones. Representative testing parameters for field conditions and earthquake
design accelerations have been applied indicating that ground improvement is necessary. It
was observed during the dynamic triaxial tests that the whole soil mass consisting of dense
columns and looser zones in between behaves jointly, and therefore compaction control using
an average-CPT approach is possible.
Key words. calcareous sand, cone penetration test, design criteria, dynamic triaxial testing,
earthquakes, liquefaction potential, relative density, shells correction factor, UAE, vibro-
Corresponding author: American University of Sharjah, P.O. Box 26666, Sharjah, UAE
<4 m 6
4–8 m 8
>8 m 10
d50/d10/d60 0.4/0.13/0.53 mm
Angle of repose [] at lowest state 35
Maximum void ratio 1.223
Minimum void ratio 0.762
Grain shape Very angular (shell fragments)
Grain hardness Very crushable
Calc content 90%
Fines <0.5%
study, such prescribed CPT profile correspond to the relative density profile shown
in Figure 3, which far above the required relative density value of 60% needed to
avoid liquefaction.
Therefore 6, 8 and 10 MPa criterion yields much higher relative densities (70–
100%) than required for the liquefaction design, see Figure 3 and thus appears to be
too conservative.
These values of settlement upon vibrocompaction for a 12 m high fill with an initial
relative density (in its unimproved state) of less than 30% clearly results in significant
increase in the relative density by far exceeding the 60% threshold value required by
specifications of the compaction work. Considering the initial relative density of the
soil before treatment, it is our view that such settlement indicates clearly that ground
improvement contractor practically is achieving an overall relative densities exceeding
Therefore, it is recommended to adopt the amount of settlement observed in the field
after vibrocompaction as a supportive evidence of achieving required compaction to
the specified level.
Photographs of the site performance and field observations during vibrocom-
paction in this study are given in Figures 4 and 5.
Figure 4. Vibrator above ground with tip water to ease penetration at start of penetration.
Figure 5. Cracks within 4 m distance from the vibrator reflecting large influence radius.
S-vibrator is used in this study in Dubai. Baez and Martin (1992) reported the
following accelerations at different distances from the centre of the column:
1.7 g at 0.91 m distance,
0.9 g at 1.52 m distance,
0.6 g at 2.13 m distance.
Considering a design acceleration due to earthquakes in Dubai to be 0.2 g, the
acceleration during column installation lies well above the design value. Baez and
Martin (1992) stated: ‘‘The above observations clearly demonstrate that one of the
mechanisms of densification was a controlled vibrator induced liquefaction (ratio of
excess pore water pressure to initial effective stress equal to one) in the surrounding
soils. These observations also indicated that in order for a state of liquefaction to be
achieved a second time, the levels of acceleration must be significantly higher.’’
strains, pore water pressure starts to increase and with increasing number of shear
stress cycles, pore water pressure continues to increase, resulting in reduction of
effective stress, soil stiffness and strength. This will result in development of large
strains and degradation in strength.
At a pore pressure equals total stress, effective stress reaches zero and the friction
between particles becomes too small if not zero. Once that happens, the particles
cannot support any loading stresses any more. The soil behaves then for all practical
purposes like a liquid. Therefore this phenomenon received the name ‘‘Soil lique-
It is common practice to evaluate liquefaction potential from a correlation
between liquefaction resistance as determined from field performance of soil deposits
during past earthquake events and in-situ penetration test results. Historically, Seed
and co-workers (Seed, 1979; Seed et al., 1983; Seed et al., 1984) started the corre-
lation with SPT N values. This approach, is described by Youd (2001) and the
NCEER (1998) report. Given also in the NCEER (1998) report is the latest corre-
lation of liquefaction resistance with static cone tip resistance that was started in the
early 80s of the last century.
In Seed’s approach, an extensive database of field performance was established
for soil deposits which did or did not liquefy during past earthquake events. At
each site, the layer with the lowest penetration resistance was considered to be the
critical layer and the average standard penetration test blow count N value was
selected as representative for that layer. The N value for that layer was corrected
for in-situ testing procedure to N60 according to guide lines provided by Seed
et al. (1984). In the NCEER (1998), updated guide lines were given based on
Skempton (1986) and modified by Robertson and Wride (1998). The N60 value
was further corrected for the effect of the effective overburden pressure, r¢vo, by
converting it to a blow count at effective overburden pressure of 100 kPa, (N1)60.
Terzaghi et al. (1996) and NCEER (1998) suggested the use of the Liao and
Whitman (1985) equation:
ðN1 Þ60 ¼ N60 where CN ¼
where r¢vo, is in kPa, Pa is about 100 kPa (1 atm). The factor CN should not exceed a
value of 2. In the case of using cone penetration resistance, the qc of the critical layer
is corrected for the influence of effective overburden pressure to qc1N using the
following equation:
qc1N ¼ ðqc =Pa ÞC where CQ ¼
where CQ should not exceed a value of 1.7 and n is an exponent that varies from
0.5 to 1.0 depending on the grain properties of the soil (Olsen, 1997). For clean
sand, n is equal to 0.5. At the other extreme, n is equal to 1.0 in the case of
clayey soils.
where amax is the maximum ground surface acceleration in gals, g is the acceleration
due to gravity (980 gals), rvo is the total overburden pressure at the depth of the
considered layer, and rd is a reduction factor varying from a value of 1 at the ground
surface to a value of 0.9 at a depth of 10 m. Youd (2001) suggested that the
following equation may be used to estimate rd:
With the drainage valves open, initial total vertical and horizontal stresses cor-
responding to site condition were applied, then a back pressure equivalent to 6 m
water height was applied and sample was saturated with the drainage valves still
open. At the end of the saturation stage the valves were closed, and dynamic testing
was conducted at undrained condition. Cylic shear is applied via a cyclic vertical
loading, with the following parameters recorded with time: total confining pressure,
pore pressure, vertical load, and vertical settlement.
In the course of dynamic load application, in case the sample didn’t experience
significant deformations for the 500 cycles of applied shear stress with amplitude that
correspond to a Peak Ground Acceleration of 0.20 g at 3 Hz, the sample is then
subjected to cycles of shear stress with amplitude that correspond to 0.30 g. Once
more, if the samples didnot experience large deformations at such stress up to 500
cycles, then the sample is further subjected to cyclic shear stresses with amplitude
corresponding to a Peak Ground Acceleration of 0.4 g and frequency of 3 Hz, and
so on. This is done in order to understand the dynamic behaviour of the prepared
soil sample at different levels of ground shaking.
Results were analysed and plots prepared for the following parameters as shown in
Figures 6 through 9: Settlement vs. time, pore pressure vs. time, and effective stress
vs. time, respectively.
Results from the time tests (uncompated, treated via vibrocompaction resulting in
a state 35% area of loose sand, and treated via vibrocompaction resulting in a state
50% area of loose sand) showed clearly that soil sample corresponding to a trian-
gular vibrocompaction grid of 3.75 m didnot experience any deformation even at
dynamic shear stresses corresponding to PGA of 0.4 g. However, the soil sample that
Figure 6. Summary of pore water pressure development U (kPa) with time (s) from dynamic triaxial tests.
Figure 7. Summary of effective confining pressure (kPa) vs. time (s) from dynamic triaxial tests.
Figure 8. Summary of vertical displacements (mm) vs. time (s) from dynamic triaxial tests.
Summarizing all above test results and correlation values proposed in the litera-
ture for similar cases to accommodate effect of calcareous sands on measured CPT
values, a best fit correlations formula called here ‘‘correlation factor’’ (fSHELL) is
developed. The study showed that fSHELL ¼ 0:0046 Dr ½% þ 1:3629:
Adopting this correlation formula results in a correlation factor of 1.64 for cal-
careous sands with 60% relative density. This also corresponds very well to the
calibration chamber test results on Dubai calcareous sand.
It is recommended to adopt the amount of settlement observed in the field after
vibrocompaction as a supportive evidence of achieving required compaction to the
specified level.
A parametric dynamic triaxial liquefaction testing programme has been executed
on representative samples with loose and dense zones from the work areas. Repre-
sentative testing parameters for field conditions and earthquake design accelerations
have been applied indicating that ground improvement is necessary and the 3.75
triangular grid represents an optimum spacing to avoid liquefaction occurrence
under the adopted design earthquake peak ground acceleration.
It was observed during the dynamic triaxial tests that the whole soil mass
consisting of dense columns and looser zones in between behaves jointly, and
therefore compaction control using an average-CPT approach is possible. For
quality control and checking compliance with specifications upon compaction, it
is recommended that two testing points for each 1000 m2 compacted area shall be
executed, one in the compacted column and one at the centroid of the grid. Both
values should be averaged and the correlation relation for calcareous material
developed in this study should be applied to evaluate the ‘‘raw’’ CPT values
obtained from the field.
Based on the correlations developed here for corrected CPT field ‘‘raw’’ test results
at the already performed ground improvement works and the results of liquefaction
study, it is highly recommended to adopt a 3.75 m triangular grid.
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