Power T FTV MS 200 055-050 +1061 - 0743 6000mm
Power T FTV MS 200 055-050 +1061 - 0743 6000mm
Power T FTV MS 200 055-050 +1061 - 0743 6000mm
Order: LEGO LOM2 - Phase 3 Pos.: 6000-SVC Page
SandStat 4.09.006 Licensee: Trimo d.o.o. © 1996-2023 iS-engineering GmbH
1 2
-1,0 -1,0
6,000 m
M = 1 : 50
Sel. panel: Power T FTV MS 200 0,55 0,50 (GA Z-1224) - with k-value (outside-colour RAL 9006 =
Background:Gutachten Z-1224
Holder: Trimo d.d. (Trimoterm Power T)
Design: DIN EN 14509, annex E
The design resistant strengths at the intermediate supports depends on the number of fasteners per metre at this place.
See design of the respective face layers.
Order: LEGO LOM2 - Phase 3 Pos.: 6000-SVC Page
SandStat 4.09.006 Licensee: Trimo d.o.o. © 1996-2023 iS-engineering GmbH
+1,061 +1,061
-0,743 -0,743
Support reactions for multi-span-panels without load factors. The numbers of the load cases correspond with
the numbers under Load.
Load case
support LC 1 LC 2 LC 3 LC 5
- [kN/m] [kN/m] [kN/m] [kN/m]
1 +3,18 -2,23 +0,00 +0,00
2 +3,18 -2,23 +0,00 +0,00
Order: LEGO LOM2 - Phase 3 Pos.: 6000-SVC Page
SandStat 4.09.006 Licensee: Trimo d.o.o. © 1996-2023 iS-engineering GmbH
Load Case
span LC 1 LC 2 LC 3 LC 5
- [cm] [cm] [cm] [cm]
1 +1,649 -1,155 -0,868 +1,085
The abbrevations given in the design calculation have to be understood as "provable stress as a result of load
The ultimate limit state is to be designed assuming for a single-span panel ("wrinkling"-hinges over the
supports). All spans in multi-span panels are treated and tested as single-span panels. Each load combination
is calculated with consideration to the system and load details. The printout shows the relevant place and the
relevant load combination.
Š¤ = šUÎ * ¤wÎ + šES,ULS * ‹0, …‡S,ULS * ¤…‡S,ULS ¬ ¤wËA, > 25°C, spanË? / šÇ = ¤wËA, spanËÎ
Š¤ = 1,50 * -48,9 + 1,50 * 0,60 * 0,0000 = -73,3 N/mm2 < -124,7 N/mm2 / 1,23 = -101,4 N/mm2
Order: LEGO LOM2 - Phase 3 Pos.: 6000-SVC Page
SandStat 4.09.006 Licensee: Trimo d.o.o. © 1996-2023 iS-engineering GmbH
ŠY = 1,50 * 0,0160 + 1,50 * 0,60 * 0,0000 = +0,0240 N/mm2 < 0,0400 N/mm2 / 1,22 = 0,033 N/mm2
The serviceability limit state is to be designed at the entire system in accordance with the standard. The
different partial safety factors according to the technical approval need to be taken into account.
Š¤ = šUÎ * ¤wÎ + šEËS,SLS * ‹0, …‡S,SLS * ¤…‡S,SLS ¬ ¤wËA, > 25°C, spanË? / šÇ = ¤wËA, spanËÎ
Š¤ = 1,0 * -48,9 + 1,0 * 0,60 * 0,0000 = -48,9 N/mm2 < -124,7 N/mm2 / 1,06 = -117,6 N/mm2
ŠY = 1,0 * 0,0160 + 1,0 * 0,60 * 0,0000 = +0,0160 N/mm2 < 0,0400 N/mm2 / 1,05 = 0,038 N/mm2
Order: LEGO LOM2 - Phase 3 Pos.: 6000-SVC Page
SandStat 4.09.006 Licensee: Trimo d.o.o. © 1996-2023 iS-engineering GmbH
The design of the compression stresses at the supports is carried out for each support with the decisive
design procedure (ulitmate limit state, serviceability limit state, constructive demands).
support š * AS1) š * AU2) exist. b3) ASLS¸Î4) AULS¸Î5) req. bS6) req. bU7) req. b?8) req. bdec.9)
[-] [kN/m] [kN/m] [cm] [kN/m] [kN/m] [cm] [cm] [cm] [cm]
1 3,18 4,77 -1,0 4,29 4,77 2,0 6,5 4,0 6,5
2 3,18 4,77 -1,0 4,29 4,77 2,0 6,5 4,0 6,5
Šw = šUÎ * ‹1, wÎ * wwÎ + šEËÉ * ‹0, …‡É * ‹1, …‡É * w…‡É ¬ max w = 600,0 cm / 100 = 6,00 cm
Šw = 1,0 * 0,75 * 1,65 + 1,0 * 0,60 * 1,0 * 1,08 = 1,89 cm < 6,00 cm