Analysis of Flat Slab Structures in Comparison Wit

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IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science


Analysis of Flat Slab Structures in Comparison with Conventional Slab

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International Conference on Contemporary and Sustainable Infrastructure IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Earth and Environmental Science 822 (2021) 012049 doi:10.1088/1755-1315/822/1/012049

Analysis of Flat Slab Structures in Comparison with

Conventional Slab Structures

Shital Borkar, Kuldeep Dabhekar, Isha Khedikar, Santosh Jaju

1, 2, 3
Departmen Civil Engineering, G H Raisoni College of Engineering Nagpur, Maharashtra, India
Department Mechanical Engineering, G H Raisoni College of Engineering Nagpur, Maharashtra,

Abstract. The main aim of this analysis is to study the seismic behaviour of different types of slab
structures i.e. Flat slab structure, conventional slab structure, flat slab structure with drop under
different earthquake zones. These buildings are multistory building. For our analysis, we have use
G+5 storey building. The analysis used ETAB software. We also analyzed to make a comparison of
behavior of flat bit of material building with old common 2 way bit of material system for different
bands, parts like band, part zone-II, part zone-III, part zone-IV, part zone-V in respect with greatest
point making bent moment.

Keywords: Base shear, Column head, Drop panel, Storey drift, Storey shear.
Abbreviations- RCC (Reinforced Cement Concrete), ETAB (Extended Three-dimensional
Analysis of Building Systems)

1. Introduction
The multistoried building is becoming a necessary part of our living polished and tasteful from with increase
in request for space The feeble amount of space is forcing us to lift the high level of structure as much as
possible to give space to greatest point number of persons in general, and also in harmony with the to do
with buildings design things necessary. The experience of design and building is to support the bits of
material using long supports and hold the rays using columns. These types of structures are called as beam-
slab buildings. Two main groups according to the arrangement of slab, beams and girders, and columns are
framed building and flat slab building. The flat slab structure are the structures in which slab is supported
directly by column. In this, the floor to floor height reduces. As a result the structure becomes cost effective.
The flat bit of material buildings in which bit of material is directly supported using columns, have been
took up in many buildings made in near in times because of, in relation to more chances of made lower,
less floor to floor heights to have meeting with the price working well and to do with buildings design
demands. The long support drop the able to get net clear top high level [1][2].

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International Conference on Contemporary and Sustainable Infrastructure IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Earth and Environmental Science 822 (2021) 012049 doi:10.1088/1755-1315/822/1/012049

A slab held directly using columns without beams is stated as reinforced touchable unappetizing slab,
moreover named as whiz gigging less slab. The slab part which restricted on all sides by Centerline
is called as panel. The slab stiffened to support column. It provide strength in shear and it reduces
negative reinforcement. The unappetizing slab is often stiffened sealed to supporting columns to
unhook unobjectionable strength in shear and to reduce the value of negative reinforcement in the
support regions. The stiffened portion is said to be waif or waif panel [3].

1.1 History of adsorption of flat slab system

Flat slabs have been accessible to structural engineers from the time when the start of reinforced concrete
design. In Europe one of the first of group father of flat bit of material was Robert Millar, a design and
building one building by agreement. He carried out a series of full-scale tests on flat slabs on 1909. These
bits of materials knows as Millar.
The analysis of flat slab were solved with various loads tests on flat slabs, the design rules which have
ensured are also empirical. This different side between design and observations procedures is particularly
serious for flat buildings. Observations of flat bit of materials has slower to have undergone growth because
it has to do with complex three to do with measures behavior, as made a comparison of with two to do with
measures behavior of ray column frame.
1.2 Some terminologies involved in flat slab
1.2.1 Drop flat square bits
The drop cap committee is worked by the nearby thickening of the bit of material in the field, range of the
supporting column. They in addition suggests the moving to a lower level of the steel requirement for the
bad, less than zero short times at the post support [3].
The lawmaking suggests that drops should be rectangular in map, and have measure end to end in every
direction not less than one third of the committee measure end to end measured upright to the with spaces
be taken as one half of the separate direction from side to side of without friend or living place for the
middle part, space committee [4].
1.2.2 Column Capital
The code keeps inside limits the through structure right part of column money to that part which lies within
the larger (up-side down) pyramid or right going round in circles form with a round base and a pointed at
the end which has a top part angle of 90 and can be taken into point to be taken into account with in the
out-lines of the column capital and the column capital head. This is based on the thing taken as certain of a
45 unsuccessful person plan, outside of which making greater of the support is taken into account as having
little effect in getting moved from one position to another get cut to the column [5].

1.3 Method of seismic analysis

For seismic analysis purpose, both linear static analysis and linear dynamic analysis is performed and results
are presented separately.

A. Linear static wringer [6,7]

Linear static analysis is preferred for moderate height buildings and dynamic analysis is performed for
multistory building. Since, the models analyzed in this work are both of moderate height and of high rise
buildings, both linear static wringer and linear dynamic wringer is performed so as to put convenience in
studying response. In this method, seismic response of structures is carried out on the principle of horizontal
gravity unsupportable to be respective to the very earthquake loading.

B. Linear dynamic wringer (Response Spectrum Method)

International Conference on Contemporary and Sustainable Infrastructure IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Earth and Environmental Science 822 (2021) 012049 doi:10.1088/1755-1315/822/1/012049

Response spectrum wringer be regarded as resurgence over linear static analysis. The noteworthy difference
between linear static and response spectrum method is lies in the level of gravity and their diffusion withal
the height of the structure stuff analyzed. In response spectrum, the response of Multi Degree is represented
as modal response.

2. Objectives
x To study the effect of seismic level over the intensities of various parameter like displacement, base
shear etc.
x Seismic analysis of flat slab structure by linear static method and response spectrum method.
x A by comparison learning process between different types of flat bits of materials in terms of
parameters like base get cut, storey drift, story drift.
x Analysis of G+5 buildings for all zone factors and there comparative study for various parameters.
x The parametric studies comprise of base shear of structure. Maximum lateral displacement
developed and generation of story drift, axial forces in the column.

3. Methodology

3.1 Methods and procedure adopted [11, 12]

x Selections of 5 variegated types of slab models are considered (conventional slab modal,
unappetizing slab, unappetizing slab with dropcap, unappetizing slab with post heads and
combination of drops and post heads).
x There are two methods of seismic analysis (linear static analysis and linear dynamic analysis) for
different seismic zone factor.
x The 5 slab models are examined for different zone factors.
x Analysis is conducted using ETABS 2015 software.

3.2 Plan and elevation view of models

A plan is designed and is used same for all models i.e. conventional slab structure, flat slab structure, flat
slab with drop cap structure. It consists of slab, columns and beams for conventional building on the other
hand consist of slab with drop cap structure, slab with column head structures and columns for flat slab
building [8, 9, 10].

Figure 1. Plan of structure Figure 2. Elevation of structure

(Total height = 24m)

International Conference on Contemporary and Sustainable Infrastructure IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Earth and Environmental Science 822 (2021) 012049 doi:10.1088/1755-1315/822/1/012049

The plan of Structure is as shown in above figure 1 and Elevation of structure shown in figure 2. Total
height of the structure is 24m. The plan consists of slab, columns and beams. It also consists of slab with
drop and slab with column head.
Table 1. Data Required for Analysis
Preliminary Data Seismic Data

No of stories = G+5 Seismic loading = As per

IS1893 part1
Plan dimension = 30 x 20 m Type of soil = Medium
Type of structure = Commercial Seismic part Zone = 0.10
building II
Floor to Floor = 4m Part Zone III = 0.16
Total height of = 24 m Part Zone IV = 0.24
Size of Column = 400 x 400 mm Part Zone V = 0.36
Size of Beam = 300 x 300 mm Importance factor = 1
Live load = 4 kN/m2 ( IS 875 Response = 3
part2 ) reduction factor
Floor finish load = 0.75 kN/m2 ----
Roof live = 1.5 kN/m2 ----
Grade of Concrete = M25, ----
Grade of Steel = Fe415
The analysis is carried out using software ETABS. The data required for analysis is shown
in above table 1.

Figure 3. Flat Slab Model Figure 4. Flat Slab Without Drop & Cap
The 3-D model of flat slab structure in ETABS is as shown in above figure 3.
The figure 4 represents the 3-D model of flat slab structure without drop as per ETABS.

International Conference on Contemporary and Sustainable Infrastructure IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Earth and Environmental Science 822 (2021) 012049 doi:10.1088/1755-1315/822/1/012049

Figure 5. Conventional slab Model

The 3-D model of conventional slab structure is shown in figure 5 as per ETABS.
As per the input data, as represent in table: Analysis data above, we get the outputs as shown in above figure
(3), (4), and (5). This is the 3-D representation of data. This is done using ETABS software

4. Calculation

4.1 Calculation of parameters for flat slab

This section includes calculation of data that are used in the project and their properties like density. In IS
456-2000, there is a provision for flat slab structure, from this we can know the various terminology used
in flat slab structure. Let’s we are calculating the thickness of slab from given data.
Thickness of flat slab
( By referring IS 456-2000, Clause No- 31.2.1) 6000 / (0. 5 (20+26) = 163.04 mm
Total Thickness = 163.04 + 15 + 16/2 = 186.00 mm
Drop Size (IS 456-2000, clause No- 31.2.2)
1/3 * 6 = 2 .000 m
1/3* 5 = 1.600 m
= 2*2 m
Thickness of Column Drop = 1.25*186 = 233.00 mm

Calculation of dead load

Slab Thickness = 186.00 mm
Density of Concrete = 25 kN/m2
Self-wt. of slab = 25*0.186
= 4.63 kN/m2 *30*20
= 2970 kN
Floor finish at floor level = 0.75 kN/m
Total Floor load = 0.75*30*20 = 450kN
Load on beam = 3645 kN
Load on column = 2640 kN

International Conference on Contemporary and Sustainable Infrastructure IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Earth and Environmental Science 822 (2021) 012049 doi:10.1088/1755-1315/822/1/012049

Live load and roof live load calculation

Load intensity specified (50% load is considered) = 4.0 kN/m2
L.L. = 4*0.5*30*20 = 1200 kN
R.L. =1.5*0.5*30*20 = 450 kN

Seismic Loading
Calculated seismic load as mentioned in IS 1893-2002
Calculated seismic parameters as Ta = 0.8132 s
Building is located on medium soil site, Therefore Sa/g = 1.6724
Design horizontal seismic coefficient Ah = 0.02787
Base shear, Vb = 871.63 kN

4.2 Flat slab towers policies under lateral loading

The policies of the unappetizing slab structures for gravity loads is well established. For towers taller than
10 stories, framing whoopee provided by unappetizing slab and post is often insufficient.
IS 1893-2002 says that (Clause.7.11.2) as the lateral load resistance of slab column is small, flat slab are
design only for gravity loads and shear wall resisted the seismic force
The bit of material post connections are subject to weight get cut and unbalance short time during
earth shocks. Giving in law of get cut and unbalance short times is hair-trigger in unappetizing bit of
material behavior, especially for horizontal adding weight, amount which has need of with substance
unbalance short time to get moved from one position to another between bit of material and column. The
touchable will be responsible for a certain and clear level of get cut stopping effect almost the post but this
may lead to be added to by giving blow get cut support massed on concentric edges.

5. Results and Discussions

The observation is done by using an observations software named ETABS 2015software individually and
then comparison is done.
The calculation of variations in base shear, effect of adsorption of drop, column head parameters are
conducted and there trends with load variation is presented graphically and analyzed. The comparison of
various performance parameters between conventional structure and flat slab structure was done.

5.1 Effect of seismic load on base shear in kN

Table 2. Base shear along X-Axis

Base shear in X-Axis Part Part Part Part
Zone II Zone III Zone IV Zone V
Convention structure 871.95 1395.13 2092.70 3139.05
Flat slab 768.80 1230.08 1845.13 2767.70
Flat slab with drop 875.70 1401.12 2101.69 3152.53
Flat slab with column head 799.58 1279.32 1918.95 2878.43
Flat slab with drop and column head 904.86 1447.77 2171.66 3257.49

International Conference on Contemporary and Sustainable Infrastructure IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Earth and Environmental Science 822 (2021) 012049 doi:10.1088/1755-1315/822/1/012049

Table 2 shows variations in base shear for diff zones in X direction. The base shear is an important
parameters considered for evaluation of performance structural system.

Table 3. Base shear in Y-Direction

Base shear in Y-Direction Part Part Part Part
Zone II Zone III Zone IV Zone V
Convention structure 872.50 1396.00 2094.00 3141.00
Flat slab 764.34 1222.94 1834.42 2751.63
Flat slab with drop 874.49 1399.18 2098.77 3148.53
Flat slab with column head 799.56 1279.30 1918.95 2876.2
Flat slab with drop and column head 904.86 1447.77 2167.66 3250.49

And Table 3 shows variations in base shear for diff zones in Y dir. The base shear is an important parameters
considered for evaluation of performance structural system. In structural system, dependency of these
parameters on dead weight of building and Ah factor is observed. Increment in base shear of structure is
noticed with increase in dead weight of building gas as well as with increase in zone factor. There is not
much difference in base shear in X and Y direction [13, 14, 15].

5.2 Effect of story shear

Figure 6. Conventional Slab Story Shear Figure 7. Flat Slab Story Shear

The graphical representation of conventional slab The graphical representation of flat slab structure
structure with story shear is as shown in figure 6. with story shear is as shown in figure 7.

Figure 8. Flat Slab With Drop Cap Story Shear

The graphical representation of flat slab structure with drop cap story shear is as shown in figure 8.

International Conference on Contemporary and Sustainable Infrastructure IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Earth and Environmental Science 822 (2021) 012049 doi:10.1088/1755-1315/822/1/012049

In Story shear, we have view in mind the possible ruling side amount on an unrepeatable floor at a given
direction story get cut is greatest point in flat bit of material system and least in flat slab with drop system
in all the seismic band, the different proposed models of flat slab compared with conventional slab in both
regular and irregular structural condition. The story shear rises with rise in number of story, but in flat slab
structure it is observed to be less than the conventional structure.

5.3 Effect of story drift in X and Y dir. For Zone II

Table 4. Story Drift in X Direction for zone II

Story Conventional Flat Slab Flat Slab Flat Slab with Flat Slab with
No. Structure Structure with Drop cap Column Head Drop cap and
Column Head
6 0.00071 0.00125 0.00071 0.00113 0.000809
5 0.00123 0.00195 0.0012 0.00173 0.001333
4 0.001587 0.00249 0.0016 0.00221 0.00173
3 0.001861 0.00288 0.0018 0.00255 0.00202
2 0.002034 0.00297 0.002 0.00264 0.00217
1 0.001424 0.0017 0.0014 0.00164 0.001451
The story drift along X-axis for 5+G building with no infill are given in Table 4 for zone II. The story
drift represented the highest value that we get when all load combinations are applied.

Table 5. Story Drift in Y Direction For zone II

Story Conventional Flat Slab Flat Slab Flat Slab with Flat Slab with
No. Structure Structure with Drop cap Column Head Drop cap and
Column Head
6 0.00071 0.00125 0.00071 0.00113 0.000809
5 0.00123 0.00195 0.0012 0.00173 0.001333
4 0.001587 0.00249 0.0016 0.00221 0.00173
3 0.001861 0.00288 0.0018 0.00255 0.00202
2 0.002034 0.00297 0.002 0.00264 0.00217
1 0.001424 0.0017 0.0014 0.00164 0.001451
The story drift along Y-axis for 5+G building with no infill are given in Table 5 for zone II. The story
drift represented the highest value that we get when all load combinations are applied.

5.4 Effect on torsional moment on bottom, z = 16m, on top for all different zones

Table 6. Torsional Moment on Bottom Slab

Type of Slab Part Part Part Part
Zone II Zone III Zone IV Zone V
Convention structure 28.452 47.807 79.733 127.62
Flat slab 85.468 136.153 215.036 333.361
Flat slab with drop 37.057 66.383 108.428 170.84
Flat slab with column head 85.188 146.24 227.643 349.74
Flat slab with drop and column head 31.336 51.028 77.282 116.665

Table 6 represents the Torsional Moment on bottom slab for different seismic zones.

International Conference on Contemporary and Sustainable Infrastructure IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Earth and Environmental Science 822 (2021) 012049 doi:10.1088/1755-1315/822/1/012049

Table 7. Torsional Moment at Z=16m

Type of Slab Part Part Part Part
Zone II Zone III Zone IV Zone V
Convention structure 24.531 36.849 55.274 83.954
Flat slab 81.819 108.909 173.283 269.845
Flat slab with drop 30.736 49.178 75.996 121.026
Flat slab with column head 70.142 119.456 186.618 287.36
Flat slab with drop and column head 20.063 36.547 56.048 85.299

Table 7 represents the Torsional moment when the value of Z is taken as 16m for all seismic zones.

Table 8. Torsional Moment on Top

Type of Slab Part Part Part Part
Zone II Zone III Zone IV Zone V
Convention structure 14.995 15.577 16.577 24.835
Flat slab 46.332 57.682 72.815 104.562
Flat slab with drop 15.345 17.627 20.688 30.082
Flat slab with column head 35.349 47.099 73.892 117.37
Flat slab with drop and column head 12.746 13.924 20.081 30.868

Table 8 represents torsional moment on top for all seismic zones.

Table 6, 7, 8 shows effect of torsional moment in KN-m/m on bottom, z=16m, on top for different types of
zone factor. On comparison between bottom, z=16m and at top, the value of torsional moment on bottom
for all zones is more than z=16m and top. This result is because of gravitational load that shows torsional
moment is more on bottom and as the zone factor increases the torsional shear increases.

6. Conclusion
From the above analysis we can conclude that Story displacement is maximum in flat system and least in
conventional slab system in all the seismic zone for both regular and irregular structure. Story shear is
maximum in flat slab system and least in flat slab with drop system in all the seismic zone for both regular
and irregular structure.


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International Conference on Contemporary and Sustainable Infrastructure IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Earth and Environmental Science 822 (2021) 012049 doi:10.1088/1755-1315/822/1/012049

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