Prelim Exam Purposive Communication

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Name: _________________________________________ Date: ____________

GENERAL DIRECTION: Read the statement carefully. The test items should be answered honestly and
properly. Write the letter of the correct answer on the space provided before the number legibly. Make sure
that before you start answering, you have written your name on the above portion of this test paper

PART 1. MULTIPLE CHOICE. Choose the best answer from the options given.

1. This is referring to the dynamic human capacity.

A. speech B. language C. sounds D. lexicon
2. Known as the system of rules.
A. lexicon B. phonology C. grammar D. linguistic
3. Which is an American English word?
A. acknowledgment B. acknowledgement C. acknowldgement D. acknoledgement
4. Which is a British English word?
A. artefact B. artiffact C. artifact D. artefacts
5. This is the result of language contact.
A. language change B. language learning C. mother tongue D. first language
6. When you tend to communicate slowly learning other’s language, this is the process known as?
A. language change B. language contact C. speech community D. first language
7. When people acquire the language used by those in the community, this process is called.
A. language acquisition B. language change C. mother tongue D. first language
8. These are language needed for various reason.
A. mother tongue B. first language C. second language D. none of the above
9. When people learn their second language in school or on their own, process is called_______.
A. language change B. language learning C. mother tongue D. first language
10. This is the circumstance or environment in which communication takes place.
A. text b. context C. language D. purpose
11. Which is an example of a non-verbal mode?
A. handshake B. smile C. thumbs up D. all of the above
12. This is the use of symbols, diagrams, charts, photos and illustrations to convey information.
A. Verbal Communication C. Visual Communication
B. Non- Verbal Communication D. Intrapersonal Communication
13. The word INTRA means__________.
A. outside B. inside C. above D. under
14. This communication helps in maintaining social relationship and resolves something.
A. Verbal Communication C. Visual Communication
B. Interpersonal Communication D. Intrapersonal Communication
15. This involves the use of electronic media.
A. Interpersonal Communication C. Visual Communication
B. Extended Communication D. Intrapersonal Communication
16. A set of rules or _____________ for communication protocol should be made clear so that interaction patterns
are established.
A. standards B. cultures C. privacy D. policy
17. For Indians, what are their interpretation of waving your hands? means hello B. it means no C. it means come here D. it means nothing
18. To inform, to entertain and to persuade, this is the main objective of what communication?
A. Verbal Communication C. Formal Communication
B. Non- Verbal Communication D. Informal Communication
19. The most important variable in Aristotle’s Communication Model is ____________.
A. speaker B. speech C. audience D. receiver
20. This is referring to the channel in which message will be relayed or sent?
A. receiver B. effect C. medium D. communicator
21. Content, elements, treatment, structure and ode belong to _________________?
A. source B. message C. channel D. receiver
22. The following are principles to be observed to make it effective in both oral or written except
A. Know your purpose in communicating C. Adjust you speech based on your capacity
B. Know your audience D. Know your topic.
23. Be brief by focusing on the main point. This belongs to what C’s of writing?
A. clear B. concise C. correct D. coherent
24. The tone of your writing should be friendly. This belongs to what C’s of writing?
A. correct B. complete C. character D. courteous
25. A code of _______ sets the standards to be observed by a person.
A. standards B. ethics C. law D. culture
26. “Be brave enough to start a conversation that matters” was quoted by __________.
A. Dau Voire B. Margaret Wheatley C. Diana Wheatley D. Franklin Lincoln
27. _________ means transmitted sound.
A. phonology B. audio C. video D. phonics
28. This is the process by which people and goods move easily across borders.
A. globalization B.interculturization C. communication D. integration
29. ______________ leave much of the message unspecified. Countries under this are Central Europe, Latin
America, Africa.
A. High Context Culture B. Low Context Culture
30. When you readily shows emotion when someone speaks, you are ____________.
A. Neutral B. Affective

PART 2. TRUE OR FALSE. Write True if the statement IS correct And False if the statement IS Incorrect .

31. Not all languages have a grammar system.

32. Change happen to all language
33. The first language that a child acquires is called mother tongue
34. All living creatures have the capacity for language
35. Two persons who do not speak the same language will never be able to communicate with each other.
36. Language change is a natural behavior.
37. Verbal mode is more important than Non-verbal mode.
38. Self talk enables you to practice what you ought to say.
39. It is necessary to pay attention to intercultural communication to avoid understanding.
40. A model is often abstract.
41. Disclose vital information adequately and appropriately.
42. The most convenient communication mode is video.
43. Globalization began after the internet was invented.
44. All globalization processes are economic in nature.
45. Because of globalization, modes and forms of communication have changed
46. One effect of globalization is deepening poverty.
47. One effect of globalization is the rising cost of information technologies.
48. The success of intercultural communication depends on the language skills alone
49. Our emotions do not matter whenever we communicate.
50. There is no such thing as a right culture or a Wrong culture.

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